New York Clipper (Jun 1864)

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'^■Kol^hbnls tboniaUer, ^■Th«tt WD7 aro you ao'' '■1UD grieved al tbe aol ■UBWerod. , . Alice gbook ber oorls In (i{ "No, no,"8he said; "yoi looked tho door when you oi e«r abroad." .,• *'AUae,"be answered, r^l Un, "I fear tbere ii daoM ■honid trouble you unnocer <'Kay,Bamiy]do',I:nn8t . irell as 70urJoyg, Toiihap*. '•WeU,perbap8 It Will |io rtllsbcllo&t < not udRoilruiB*. »•- ''Isod ^rlo^'IroiumodhorloTOr. iiw^lftftmlsod mo thnt.' ISfore, I J»» «?opOii?ii°o"^Si -Sir ratJor&4 watob,' one of tho "yV"„oVUfl"»e *tffr*na Wood. HowiiB»80ldlor4hoiii "f' !^.*'J'i5!L'' Tn OBoeef UmNev To: AiiBitrMttoI(o.aBpniM kipp7 to tee onr Moods tiant4tfi' TCDDd ast ?!.. .nSred a street somewhat -more desenod «kin thn ™l ? walked buck ; ho did the bmdo. I *i«lkod ^i^h^ ho rmRluci Btatlonary. Annoyod by't .ls. Md «Slng ihat bo wm ovldonUy In Joubt, I nccoBlca him Annoyoil by'this, ibt,In ="?'3vlffio'Sd''TwWi 'what is'll you WMil V 41 <i iront you,' ho anaworod. l'.'ir.]SiVwanted mo 'jail ^hls Umc,' I said, 'why Old you ■■otepoak to mot' r""«Iwas not quits sure It was Tou,'ho ropliodwith a «al)e,at,the same time fumbling in bis coiil pockut; •now ''■l»m certain.'' ■ «Ai'l\b''wltlidrew bis bond, I caught tho gleam of a pl> . loI'kM t^d'bls arm. .... ' «''Oom«; come, my Mohd I' cried 1, 'telr play I If you ''tMg o.lit.&teatms, I shall break your head for you I' : '■. ■. •«eW»s sthggeredfbr a moment. "~TbSv his'rald, 1 kn6wyou well; you atti Damtyldo, Olpay I Five hundred pounds Is oforoid'lbr your enp- Inre, and I moan to kobp you now' I've got; you I' ■' ■ •!THeto waa no use In attempting to parley with n man "tik«tbls. Inafewmlnntcs mo'nthe street might hiivc "tweb foil of people: whereas Itwas then, «fl I havo said, ojUoit deserted. Before, therrforo, he could conoolvo iter-lntsnttan.'I struck him a blow upon tho head whioli, ('IbTTed blm to the earth, and fled hurriedly dowh a side <'«fci»'et, and here I am." ■ . ;' j, ,u k, »■ POr a fewmortenlsAIlco ronalnedwrappod In thought. ' Iter s^osieot she said, ''And what do you proposo dO' Beehoikbtohead. ' lui'do hot know; I fear to Ihlnk." "' Alicebniat'lntotears. , "Poor—poor Baml^ldol"fllio cried. •"Always In Ror;; fitiow—always-perseouted-alwayB hontod downl :Wb»ti liataflwe dot 'Wbat-oao /do for youT*' c' >Be smiled and'tpok her hand, , iMiiuHy dear Allcejyen oiuKdo nothing." ,.Mi <<T2BjyniBam(yldo,I can. I can advise. Let ua leave lihlfl cOmMytogethbr; let usOyto unmo'foreign Innd, Shero no one will knoir us, and - where, theroforo, wc itll'nolDe porsoontsd. 'What Is there In Eoglund t<) <lo- Bijjtnoj!" ' I ' I ■ • • '■• Ji: wA'groat doal Is hore/mydoar on(i,"sald BamfyldA, --'*nere'ls(a forluno and a bright fature for you, whut- .'«ver there may be for ao." She was BobuInK violently. ■ < ','you> ue. cruel—most cruel I" sbo murmured. "Ynu llave taught mo to love you, and now you spoak to mo e(S(A'(bluf)e'Wllhout you l" He rose and paced tho room, Uln heart woe torn wlUi •onfllotlng omotlons. Wbnt If, nftur nil, ho were to at.'' Kwpl the proposition et his'cousin', and fly to Amorlon^ n|, Would U not,, however, be dooming her to tbb obance; .«f a ))(b'of misery and prlvatloiiH; wbllo, on the uthor .,11444, «<llttlcipatloroe would certainly end Inroaturlng Isr to ber funlly and ber fortune t r ■ ,f'AUoe," be said with a:flrnine8s that: almost nmnuntodj SH slemnoss, "vou nu^loonsont to bo guided by me." V)-She t(emblod.'(flbe rsared whatwas oomlng, i,. '^oiir. preaenco:«lth me," he continued, "la ttuugbt i-wlui dangor -to- both of us. Ton must oome wlthno tn hlondoDatonce., I will send yoo to Dorow House; Iwlll .4oman4 jproleoUon for yap; and I wlll search tho world rliiit I win And prool^ of your hlentlty. Waste further 'time r will not; nor will I oonssntany longer lo.aubmlt r^ou, to conslsot bumlllaUana and alaram. Foro limol must separate myself from you, for whoro I am ^u are. iln danger always!" - I Jf he .had omitted tho latter words, Hho might have! '3ists°iied'aalmly to .wluit ho liiil to say. But tlwy rouiodi ,1ier to a sense of all bis eneeehimplied. - She russi flungi Aer I armia ar9und hlsneql, and looked up Into bis faoe ' With her large,'tearful eyes. "No, no, Damiyide I" alio said; "this shall never bo. 1 - /wiU-wrtjloMrivou lo tho hour of..nprll. .Wo will go to I<ondon,'lt you nloaaoi nuy bu ytui vrIII uo ablo to penuudo Ihetn of my Idontlly. If so, my safety shall be your 'ety—where. I am you must lie. Uo who Is my tcltni istto.youi^aJso.". , .89s paused'o qiomonL . Theaa deep blush manUed over 'iMryaM cheeks. ,,, "BaBiiyidOiV 'Shes^ld In a Jew, swoet murmur; "you «noe,askod mo to bcoomo your wlfo." I "Tea, doarest, that hope la my only one—the ono single 'Jlossed point oo .whiehmy future happiness depondii." ' 'If I wore your wife now," she oonUnued, "iind you «p|iUl Dtpvo ray. Identity, theywwould protect my huebnnd, 'iMen.'though,00 railed to prove that bo wasBnmfyldo arooro Carew, tho hoir to their title and fortune." A flush of manly pride ovompread Bamfyldo's features aa ahs spoko^aml, pressing hor to his breast, be klsaod l)er waisili'. , ,. • 1 . •■Pebr ono 1" ho onod; "you are worthy of a liotter 3bte. Jfp, J|..will.not ask yea to beebmo the wife of one irh'o' ls an outlaw—a proscribed felon—for such. In (lio eyes, I am. Lot mo prove my Innocenoo, and J will dlalmi ypi^fs n)y brido. Till then you ore f^eel" 'this.moment there-was aloud knock at tho door. 'Bettinied deadly pale. ' -. .'HBiiBh 1" ,hfl eried; ".what nolso Is thntt" " AVca dJaengsg^dherself boinhU embraoe, and rushing 10 , tW.,Window, oponod it and looked ouL Beluiw were . wot tnen<.',Bhe orew baok into tho room. '' "Ldok but," she whispered; "and see If you recognise ~thom.'' ..I. . ■ '. Se ppanod out oautlously, .Thou bo withdrew bis hioud •ad stood as one paralyiod, <. "Qne'of .thom.''.ho answered, "Is tho nljihti Tbo villain has trucked mo hither, Ob, heavens I Mhat.'ls dooot .1,shall bo seized and yoursiifoty ?etiWpro,vUsdf6rl" ' r.'.',Xho .imffllnenoo' of l»6f&U'0KfttUqn. me' of somo snat.wluiro In tbo dead of niKht I cnn inMt,youiVfibe brloa. "Then esonpo by yoursoll, and I dome to you." ' 'JUusiyide prossod hor hand. ,.,,"You are wise,' my child," ho siild, "If I urn taken BOW all wlU bo loaL But tUore Is not u roomeut to lose, JSqw am I to escape T" .,A<J>4.Wl'''0^0'0 .was a second summons, louder llum ^'|]nVMthe49or, .. .-1 v'tT* OorroBpondonte. '''I ijn 'A 'I y — ,■' '■' -1 'elUuc'LoiAmls or BUbop Bucikv. udiwJWMtte]^ ' SutaA to thorn u f on taviioui, lad onrrodljirlt one or Iho otbSSiS Rlwm OD. -yoa'iJd bolter bo nlOi* -taed bud thu SiUor% tat tine wu 9:31 ujubv nuldlo, oslho t-uhlon Couno, •^Inat OVJtgt N. Tktdian. UAfuoK.—IBT Tjkonm tnt bora Fob. V, imi: flihllng mighl, 12s ]b«.; bat a tolcertcnhlto msn tor • sum', •»,mf>''«»' ""JP «, 1834 toilm by Bill AttV*?''t""?S'^iiJ.'wAll^ it 1S31- bat LoTV. lOS mlnutaa, Vgf V, JW*: ™" Alim, iv •lA wMf^b Ana 1,01 IfBA* %Mt Snmodtf tMDO, flO DlinOU<l, J4 iSalZl&.^?i*8n?bi2rbTSSrSwin, 13« mlnuloi, IIS rounds, Juno 1, U37. Hitiai. OolSBbos, 0.-1. Isns's <iulc»crt Umo In one inllo ™tttS|JjSo.*OT.vw,doln«htomlk.lD4Bloutei»S^ dofontliig BtaplolOD, sndiniBiig Ihonnlrtcsl mUo on "f^ f- Wo Breproifi • trtstlBO on U»liilB», bul csnnol uudcrtsKo to itf down Iho mloi niUl we get It J. It L.. BntluBtlil, O.-l. Wo 'don't un<lor«Ui»l whsyfcn ■u>d Hift Tfinnlo it Handnsly, O., look rU* ou'^o inib»' OotoUtr, 18M-Aoy ircpc not. nor noTcr bsvo l»»n>9^"} l"* ""J nnuman. 3. Tbonttldratpsdna-tiinoinslmlloidaoilii. Hj, sees, by Poabnitu. 4. We Uiiok ko will. / Stom, Koifoa, Vs.-!. II iss not boen robllAcd, uid wc biro aoublstSutllorerwillbo. 1 A>»''tf'«J2°^"K£^''i5,?2S • Uno Is Ned Junes tt this oSto. 8. Negroes worth »MOiro nsUUod 10 Totosi Umoomliig decUon.tho ssmo as Ihoj TOe bofors. 4. Peoplo would hsvo UtUo eoijdcnai in Uooisn if bo did coin tho ring nnUl ho dcsra np the Wsdhunt mjBUaj. L. Baoo, O. a NsiT—1. Bmn bt Clslr msdoher flntsp- nsnacooD lliusUuo lnlS43ss sdnc<TSt Iho Uusodid, BslU no™^": ChsilSrM.Dsnss Is Mr husbsnd. 1 Thodsjloi tho msldi to coroo off bolwocn Cobqfn snd Ms« bu nol yot been Diad. you will And sU Uio pistlciilus ss 1st as oomo U> band In tho Blnn depsrtmool, / N. 8.T., ToUenTlDe.—"I. Wbat la the quickest ilmo msdobj Kthan Allen and mate anlnal Flon Temple, and 00 what couno 7 3. How nanr mslclioa baro Ua^l and Ward nwod, and who waa tho Tlolarr 1. 9:1tM on the faaldon Couno, L. L 3. Four times; HsmlU waa, Ulrica Inlondcd to get ns "on a attlDi it ball. If not, got aomo ono wl Cum, ZaneavlUo, 0.—If yn you sliotild have used dlffoeii- _ undentanda bUUarda tu wrlfe Tonr quosUon more eipUolUy. by your handwrlllDg, wo imlhcr Uilnh, bowoTcr, that out Judgbig I. . finlguoasfaristat A Niw YoBK niT.—1. II ddta spoil tbo staape of a woU-fonned alut to liavo pnpa. 3. Dtiw QIawa do not add to the beauty of a doa, but do not neceanrltyahowbbn to Iw an imsrlor anlmaL 3. Uan UrjanL i. Dy Banaleror, at Newmarkel, Bngland, 1 mile lu 1 mlu. 403.3 Mjc«. Bat xm Baix, BroaUin.—1. Ibe MowToikCrlekot Qobbas sola iitionH Usui, aa you will ponolTo by lha report of their lalo nialcli sfialiiBt Newark in anouaeohmm. 3. Oilehetnubulills eUnosl wholly l^)portl^d flr.iD ftiglandi TEnictan, Fordham.—Xdwln Booth waa bom in Haiford County near OalUnioie, Ud., InNovembsr, USS. Hewinplajane ment at Iho Winter Uaidco et the opoalngor the tall and scMion, sumo Unto in Beptoml^. T. E. ][.—1 Jem Uaos. 3. Cudck, the one who tanlned snd seconded Ilceiian wbcu he fought Bayoi^ did sail in tbe.same stcanter aa Joo Oobum wbon bo went to England, and win be Jot'a right hand ■ J. BcoLUH, SL Johna.—Tour paper baa been atntlo jonieon- laily every week, and bo mlatako. U jooJiaTS not nodvea H; r the danger rpuaod Alico's mind to ' With'thefd'words bd opened tho door, flow down the jltin,. darted into tho baok yard, and then all w»a still. .AUod.TeMined to (be flro and sat down, t«king up a book And pretenaug ffl road. AAor a few moments a lap was jtesTdattho'door.'. . ' ; ."Oome In,'", gold Alicq In * volco whloti .she In vala jnuunoTOdtojvnderflnn, .i ' I, ,po')an«Iadf'onteiod. ',' ' . ,^|j^'80nuci>an,mls«; has cftllqd !to seo Ur. Bursl,^'ebe •c'JJ'ISl''*"''"''" "amo bywhloh Bn'miyide was kuown; ?)5Jl^"«? WMMPPosed to bo hi/) sister. •iil2St'frli''t'''','"»°" roidled Alloo; "blit I will see Ibfi - 'VSfjSVili ""y. ;,folurned the bHidlady. . iij2?v'' . ..¥1'' s*!* the young girl, quietly. \,|ltaejeon8labloontored, <• . lifSKJJS'i'!!?"'?}''"'ovldonUy trying loop- CSy-tf^JS""'?"'' " slKiwl filluro. No ono couJd ISftStf 4iiS^S,'?.ii''^'\=!^ liiomaSmffikfor -^H'^ moUoncd hbn to a chnlr. uuon tho ed^o aC iplolvM flatna be mtebl have saLuMii n nln |flSlaol(nybUo,Vonm(«lUnpnrluiabusliioBi,'' ■ ...JUJed.smllod. '. ^0 niis«!or«d, I her kocniy. TUnlls very uuturtunato. MOT''' Tho mano;, , Then an Idea struck hor. Bo sha addod," Ho wont out lliln ,-\ftcriin(>ii ciirlv niul ' lias not since roturiiod." - ' M' '' The oflloor woe dollgliled. ■■■ "([."Iwlllwnlllllllic relunif." jn^ movb, Wlint wns tn liu done d of tho man al any V.ilc, uvon 11 ' jrigiit.BCoiil, IbAn keep lionoir a 1>p|t. .'Ttid' huidlady came up ul phaVjid; ItnrM ■,"1 rung to know If you'opu d.tflll'jlib where Mr, "Bleuyours9ul,'no,'Mlaif.l">hDinil^unod., liyHpry, though)ha8 |jlvon meaucA.o tur|i,7-i I ■ i, i ,■ ' ribolnri's shd'SRW^tr.tti iS(iM0AlI8INLPBp0N.-i|y jm toTTght for Lets than JMOITB Side. IboVkult I'lea with the offlco In yonr dtv, Howover, ws ban sent you two ooplos of the Cuma this wool. a. n. p.. Now YoiL-Floia's ftstot'tlnw wu tM)tl it baa noTor been beaten. She la aUll Uflig. Oeo. N. Fatelun died at Uniuu Couno, !• L, alz weeks agn. ^ ^ K. C. B., Mew YorlL—Then ansa many good slaeea,Uial in oould not anawer your query aatlsftolonly,.diner to you or onnolvoa, Claoti Hiuiom, Ohlcago.—1. Tbo lady la past 33 joata of igo, 1. Un. BlddoUB waa ill bor day ooqaldorod^the beat 3. luchol waa ban Is Iho Bwlsa vUage of Hunt, Uatth 3llh, 1S30, u, B. a —Yrm nan order Jeinr Tbonuu' book on "Uow lo Mli Dnnka" of any booaacfier. k Mlsgorald uo u«o |,viaurti«, priconoo. T Buia AisoL, Boalon.—L Wo an nnahls lol answer your flii^ qooiT. X BlrohBraamowontwooutofUiolhnMiaaiaheatartcd for aa a I vo jcar old. Staoi Bmocx. Beaton,—Commpnce In tho piofeMlon at tho fool of Iho ladder and work your way up. Euh'r nurno good Unt claw theatre u odl'boy, or else u "super." JiooB OomoiuiT, Now Haiei, Ct—TOm Hyer and Vsnhoo BalUnn fought on Ihe 7Ui of Felminiy, 1810. Tho foriuur won In IB rounds and le mlnutoa, Q, W. B., 'Vine almt, Fhiladelphbk—Aa yon an a atianier lo UBwe annol glrooredlL Our adrerUalog lorma you wulBnd plainly stated in another oolnnm. 'AanailiT, Cdifonla.—A good geneni edoeaUon la nocetaary'i jtit Is nol necesssty that a > .i.. ttirough" college. I young man diooldbava "paaaed RuBD, Allooaa^L Wa never tfn advlo) In mgaid to betUng on any snorting cmnt' X Tho olhar Infeimatlon you eoek yon win And Inaeawtr to Marion above. g P., BroflUyni Tanlr laonard bsa EUeU'scsse lnhsnd,'and wiilgo lo ear blm sarly this week for lostnullons u lo getUn^ np a beselt to hta mother and her taUiy. A niLLia or *. Fnxow.—I. Bdler la not an Asnrloan, a. BiDunonalafFomiAuatnliL 3, Tbo gmtkman dou not tsaoh Iheart. •Sama VMMtnu—im Uaoe nanr Angbt Tom Sayen In Iho prtu thig. Ooxnuir Bnio^ UysUe BIra, Conn.—D cannot go alone against A. MiTOCi Taeonf, Olsreland.-Ton will And onr adrcitiabig niaa in anolhar eoluna. ' B.B. ia,iThUadelBbla,—Shmnonswaalntown lBal'waok,bnlot Us tulun movements we an not advised. pATir HaiuT am> Bex Hooix,—A ktler tor oseh of you is at Ihisonice, ^ K Fuunrr, V. B, Iran Oad, Atlanta-Lotlar and money renlved. INVALID,-We know of no traaUao publlabod in thla city on tiSlyIng or the uoo of Indian dutw, a. Wmoii, .Foit HoUoury, Ud,—Your aubwrlpUon monoy never canio to hand, . aoMVTAKT RSAUU, Albany,-4uuiot Inform you of Ihe height oflL Eddy, u wouover "look hia nouuro," W, F.' 8,, IiSWistoo, Ha,—Thank yoo, but wo do nolcan lo iueal lu thai manuec at pnasnt Yotmo AUEnoiif, UarUtod.—We knew no men of the partlea Uian ,you do, riospt Uial Ibolr advoUaeoont waa paid for. ym, Mew Vork~-Aa you accnd Jnat (0 poinlt, you eannot be aatd to bare "tunod Ihe comafi" andlherofonyon lose your boi Setucaiasii, N. T.—Deduct 147 from IDS and you havoyoor IiOci, 'Oonbord.—A'ten 'dollar bill npnaenta bm doDars, sup- poaUig it (ami a oonnlorAill or on a broken bank, and B i^on, WMitfi FBBin,'—The goranunoht claims his scrvloca during the continuance of Ibe'wit. ' 'VineBT.'Mnrburgb, m! T.- Ed. iriliion wis bom In Mow York dtylnlMt. • Joa NapouoX, Oolnmblui, b,—Your ■ ilh. . 'sdvcr." win' come to $8 permonf FoUavUle, Ta,—We gnsss you an liyihg to "guy" us; wo nercr lieard of tho itenQomaa being Inaano. Al il. IL, ?ffuUlsgtnii.-A.h>Uiir addnassd lo "All tho.Year Beuddi** London, Eng., vOl reach Ur, Biokons. Atutnn. Plrilsdelphla,-The Boolhuiian DnmaUo Aaaootallon otl'hlladcl(iblaargaalsadinl8>A. ., Ho* HiuratXAin; Otll's Cdicasnm Yonr'loUerwsa sent to NorUi Baigqrc Behdiool— 1, F waa onllUod to Ihe nait bog. 1 The highest deals lo ttet.otso. Bon Bor.—The botlsdimwn usleaaitwas spedslly msde pisy crpayatUia Umei , . . J, S.I Msw Orloana,—Then Is no eerlain nniedy for dialemper, Adnilniaiar castor oil flino limts a week to tiie young pnia. Cuno, OhleagO,—Bob Bart is tranlBngwlth tbeaenandoi Oombiiiatton TVonpe down Beat' ' I, A. tb, Portland, Ue.—1. Flon Temple sUU Urea; abe la about IB yaaie eld; ahe nbm raiaad a colL 3. WocannoL, BIOMA, Anbum.—Lidy Suflblk'a best Umo wu !l;30, on tbo Cimbililge Ttiok, Botiea £. v. NeWBaven.-Oan'iiindoivtand your query, , C. Atioav'dsiiai,—Yfur loiter waa Ijirwiided loSyiaouac, llanvKBH.—Ws do not know bila addrem HconA, I'ortsaionth Oiove, B. I,H-Ionanilghli lllsO'Flsherty, W, H. U,-\vai lookit Orar,'4n4, If an rigbtl give It a'plscc, | fronv—The New Bbw^ty,. . ' V , Cutni Ai>Aia._\vohavs'na lelUn fOr yon. Onuoai c-yhoto's ncaived.' Tbinka. . im ABOUT A hepbbm, 'vi?-^ ' ' 'J '•' ■,./ ' ^AOB WAinMnjq^LOyVN TVAXtJUtBOijil^Kn. ObSIOK DHnMBS OODDBN'8 FOSntbt'.' ■■■ ■'■ :' '.V ,' .1 We liavo offlolal advices frem Cobum .^nd'^ls party In LoDoen up to Jnno tho 3d, by which wo lonrn thnt al- though artloles, of agfeeneni bud not been signed at tho ditto mentlonedi It was pretty certain that thoy would be long bofOTa lihe'Iotter reached us. Wc nronll^llo sur- prised thatUace should be so very oxacUng on ccrlnin points, when It has all along liccn given cut thnt ho wiu so onxloas foraniatch witli sumo rcprcsontatlvo man from America. Wo aro Klod to Icnm that our friends were pundtUKI ^^o, for they were ovon nhead of th^* day upon'wmoh l^oy promlscil to'moctMiice nt tlio omco of Ile(Ps.l<^e,vlz: Hay 31. An appointment was thou made to moot on tbo let of June, on which day tho two men and their fHonds came logcllior, and ondonvnrod to soltto upon terms of agreemcnl;. but Mace would not make a, match for loss Uian tUOO n sldci refusing oven tho 1600 he had promised forCobum's oxpciitos. unless tho stake money wns flicd at 12900, As Cobum hfis to raise his money In the Unltod Sbitos, nt the mto of pro'- mlum now ourrent he would be sinking tfOOO to tUOO, Rather than net havo a mnlcli, Coliurn ncrccd to make It for tho $2200; but there wus ellll another slumlillng block In the way, the British champion ivlsliliig Ur. Dowlliig lo name a refe'reo, whllfCobum's parly preferred thnt llic roforee should be mutually sgrecil upon In Dublin ii day or two bofire the light. The rollowiiig letter will let our renders see how the ease stood al Inst nccounls. It wus written >y.l^.'^Mlok, and Is theroforo authentic: ; . ipi^Pi'^S- ' _IOT)0«, June 3d, I8r4. FlBDi^ipisii^jUoordlng toinalM^ I send yOB alMer nolo ""'" '^ '"" ■■^''iWt'isafe anivi-InUveipod oi l|u Jeihnlu, ' niiD toUowing day.' Tbe day cdebeedbig onr . , dty, we eaiad'oii ilr. DowUag,bptbe wu Umo, snd wo Icfl wort that we wonltlasalllace on ',S^'jUt of June. Th> OT0lntm«lit .7ps Inpl, and "' ' come lo tarns aboot the'wilposed/iislili, H» ggbt for len than idOO (tMO).-^ifotbebig pn^iiredi.althetline, to meke'^e atake so laigiy we,offered to Dght (M fSOO, that la, £300 of our own money, and tiie ^CUM Uaoe hadytaniaodtogtnnaroreipeoaes; botke ianaei toytvieany udaBButo tghttor^fMO-and eowc parted. 'W«.ins( again on Friday, Oils day, Sd, ani agnuil to aceomDodata illBieifAriSOO, he tocdveuCUIUj^eiponian, Thla point a«l>lea, (iiatbar dlffl. colly veee- We ^^ioilghi, bul claim that the nteeeahaU bo chosen on the gnanO. The Usee party obleol^anielalm that Ur. BowUng ehall name the referee—once mon we a^parate, with thla dUBonlty ■"-tM'V They follow ns, wo gel logsUier again, and ve nrgeforbiA psitteslo meet m Dublin Ihe day befonths Ogbl, aadthaniand Ihitai settle the msttorbychqshigaretsma; bnt Ihey wlDi#enalhlng but tir. DowUng, bt, sbme one of his oboice from liendoi, wblohl stronglyoiipose'sndnftlM tosooede to, Ttae^intlstoameto terms on UiispolBiKeadtD^'totherales Ihey bare Boada thsmae^Tsa. * • * * Then is not Ihe least doubt thst the mshih^irajbe nulle long baton 1^ reaebee yon. Ur, Dowhng tells iheaLihst' w> sisk tor nothing' bnt whst 'ois rights enllUe OS to, ^^V-''' I wlD wtltoMajy n^-andkeep yon''posU)d, • '•^S^^f/flli Tours ttuly,' y*m» Conca. Ulstei'Mhopcd'thai.Coburn's rights will not be Inter XiiW^imi\\'ii\*^.^^^^.'^^^'f^^'^^<'^ a day or . twb beft^e, or on the day of the light, and we can see no good reason why Uaco should wish to have It otherwise; stirely.lto has advantages enough over tho stranger ns it Ii, vrlthout nltomptlng to force n rofbroo upon blm of whom ho (Coburn) knows nothing at all. Cobum goes n liiiiB diauinoo If n^mf^oditto Unco,' and wo trust that Uace/wlll ovinoo a like aooommodatlng spirit now tl)Bt .the Hiah-Amurlciin bus shown beyond dispute that''ho motinsflght and nothing eldo. Tho following oxtrncis from tho Loqdon'Bporllng Jour- nals toughing th'o'eroat lDatch 'are' not without Intorost, as thoy will help to make, oomplete the hhitory of. one.of the monl iinporbint events thatovor trunsplrod in tho an- nuls of pugilism: WUAT BZU'S un BATB, Joo Cobum arrlTOd In England on Friday evening, Uay 37th, and caOod st our offloe on'galurday to* glTO noUce tut he wonld attend on Tueeday, |f ay-tlat, the dagr tae oiighiaUy Used tor meet- ing Uaco, to aelUe pietiminsrlaL On Tneaday, aeoordlngly, he again sbowod et our. eilloe, aoeoopaalod by Cuilck, bis mantor, when wo bsd an opportanllT of laUng slock of liim. Bo la a flnely-builtmsateUsm,wlUi a good, quick eye, but his mug olhemsolstherevorseotpngUlsUeL Hia noae la of Ihe Roman order, aflar tho fUhlon of Hany Broome, ahd preaenta a vary tqmpUnRmack He is aa near u poasiblethe same height u Usoe.andlnhladothaaglveanatlielaeaorablggar'baiaed man, ailboiigh be slalea Ihal bis miUlng wdght wilrnoteueodlOst laib. He complsliadat tkodlHlmilfr he had axperlenoedin get- Una Uie money U> go on with Ihe match, attfng that every eov< ereign bad cost him ZIlOe, and etpresssd a fur Ihst be oould not make tho inaU:h lor men than iSOO a aide, adding that even If bo fosgbt for this ■nm.'be ahonld stUi eipect tlOO from Uaos to- wtids bis eipenses. As Hsca wu not pieasnl on this occadon, noihing dsGnlls eonld be amaged, and another appointment wu made for Wedncaday.wlienUieAien aid their (nanda atlaaded, and a lenj diacuadon look nlaoe^ wUob unltntnnately came lo not^L OudoksndCobumDOth stated that no man than jUOO ooola be found, sod enlalned Iho reaaonio Uaoe,u thoy bad U) US on tho prOvloua day. Usee said the amount for which ho fought did not matter; nut be must dcdlne glTing £100 for ei- penses, nnUm the msleb wont on upon tho lomia orlglndly aoreod upon. Til,, for £M0 adde. He also euraeslod tho proba- bility of Iho light net being gel olf in Irdsnd. wbon, in nply, sdd ha could not help himaeltu to tho money; It ww unci era to make a matoh fcff man than bo had got, and u to flghllng In Ire- land, unloa Uara ajfrcod lo fight there tie abouid not go on. A huw ooulhbna* tuck place between Usee and bis friondsyand tho litt^T msdo tlirro other propodtlona to Cobum: tho flnt wu to dght In Eoglsnd, for Uio belt sud £300 a ddc; ttio seaood wu to tight for 2300 a ddo, leaWng the match open for £1100, and pnmldoff to give Cobum the £100 It the larnor sum was reached; snd, thirdly, lo fight for £400 a dde, In wUoh case Jem sdd he would giro cMfor eipenses, Ndlherofthotopropodtlons suited Oobum; he did not wish tolbiblfor thebdt, uid be dedsrad ids InleuUonolBllcklngU) his proposition of Tueeday. Usossaldhe wu not 111 a podllon to oouaeot lo lliis^ andmodoonauU his friends boforo he could offor any oUier lenis. It wu then inu* tudly agreed thil dl further yroc).'Cdlngs should bo sdjoumed UU Friday, on which day Uscn's friend snd npresenlatlve in London met Oobum and Ouslck, who. on thla eocadou, had tho advloo of Matlangbsm. Bloce btmsolf, bstlog an apitotntmcnl in Waiea, oould ni4 ahow. Bla agent, however, on l>la behalt offored sow to stako £000 lo Cobura's £400, and In Iho evoni of Iho latter lasUig or of Ihe battle eadlog In a dnw, he wu lo teodn £100 out of tho alalia; or In. the crept of his winning ho wu, of couno, to tske dL This Uberd ipnpoalticvi met .Uu approval of the Amerluan narty, and u Nat Langbam eipteased a belief that among hia menda thero wcUd be' no dlfflculty In obtaining plenty of money to OHbio-Oobtrm lo'^t'uji" the whob of bbi'£300-espcdoUy wh4n theylmsV bow he wu eltotted-^tbeyat onoe agmcdlolho terms. NowoamoUieaU.lmportanloeroinonyordnwlnRartldes, lbs benec, which, uter i .ns sgroed to; whdl th< oOlce of referee wu^aiool 1 sn further proccedlni bdng cbuscn stBnUIn >rdanca with tils bill It St least two dear dij to Ihe day of battle. In Iho afternoon, ai J hgcntand Cobum'a lustier. a)*wlieaWw5ollSt/w^^^ In tbS'sftw- uaoni8fitflat oo3Bt^?a5<milftlah«d u>wda. arranging Iho malchrwaa an appdhtafl^ io meet ncil Fridsy to. If jKwaibto, suoces^db get over thd sefUnis dllBcnlly. Ihe choice of rderw. I'he spptttuco of Joe Cotrani baa Ukin those amongst our e-p. BOjcm/iwhobsTo seen liUn by surprise, cililblUng, sj ho docs. monofltaiqidlUcJOfonslhlicllisnwaiiiipmled. Metaqulot snd unssaumlndlD Ulsdtmcaito.Bulswalisaudaelawlttaw- Mdenco Ihal licspeaks s knowltjge cf Us omnobfcia; jHo JjM Resent slaying dNnOonlon'aKew VjnkirolrCl*fc^«5«l*'2. 'irtth J.CudckaidhU Wend.Mr. JalosD«nn, Pr«n«*hsto« €sglanoac«aatbdd^lt appcanthit both Usee snd^bwn tMsweellon ttadr Job, snd when once thet grest bugbesr, the relScenjpKiete, Im setUod, each wlU Irdn with a will, end do his very best lo cnkra a good mlU, nud wUi If ho csn.-.>'j>or(inj TBB STORTINO MFWh' TlUMoy. Tbo men willed upon tho Oiid stakeboldcr un Tborsdny slier- noon, Msec being stlondcd by Mcesn. llerr)' Montagm- ond Fred NIcholls: and Ihe American ro]ircsenlativo by Mi-Bsrs. Ouslck and Dunn. The stakeholder read Ihe original chdimge, and the rc- eiwnso thereto, and th,:n cdled upou both dioUonger and chd- Jenged to ulile.non.deanlUvoly the amnccuLnu of tlioron- ixuL This ^dgurshnrd method of brtUKlng them to book, npldly brought on business, and natunlly clldted e round of argument on the subjed. Eventuslly, Cobum dIsgracetuUy etul- Uflcd bhnself, by point bisnk nfusmg lo sdben to bis own so- crpted terms. Uorry UonUgue proposed Uiat Ihey should Ogbl for £300 s dde, oixn to £W0, or Ir they fougbl for the foil amount originally agnied upon, Uaco wonld still keep Us word, and allow £100 for eipensea. Cobum, however, seemed oTidently nndous to bsck cnUraly out of 11 Ue would dono light lor£30ii, snd ercn then dslmed £100 for eipensee, Ibne wishing U> compel Msec, 'rlrtuaUy si>eafclig, to stsko £400 to £300,—/H. fji. Kcwi, Juntt. hdishoiW W^c-'^'^-'- iViro^'our fe'ttibiaf ihiils?%im ^rijit'8thopt;p6^j6,^I(o.£ Thby irfi&ity^V<od'hor', ',',;,,;': .:ri!/jll . 'nk AwjurAK lliuuno cAuHnomBir.-^Tho present Incum- bciit nf St Ouo's etislr, ffndlej Kavanagb, is net lo bo diowud lb »n)c» hit eMun n„ ilo tn a pntruSd'perIdd, II would feert, n» 10 csiry oa aU the himori and 'clnSumeaU of tbo uoalUon wlUlool;a oonlcdi fur, hudly Lad Ua vieten ovsT'OoMlhwdl beeu asuonnnd t« the luldc, whea FhUllp Tleniao; i«. Oliudo- .nau, a brnier ojipoutut, ssiui ihnw down, the gaanlleti and ao- .dhu niatdiior (loCO aSi tlioVoUui^olj now ou'C^en Jbem.' Thl. msttb, whldi will hc'^T,^o"vS'Vn>i'^WZ Pll 'S'"" bi Bciiteniber. —— .^-m dsto mil be dul^ annoiincidiwbra U la '"flljipo," IrrlngllUI.'Ar mme'dlier nHi 'edd lie ii»ciu««. ■ H «v' • «•■""— — .ter.'bllljiid canptlgo, I preolse dijf 'and laaseerained when Iho i^.ILl!'!" * ^*'J"I tSuTng'o^lht Su5nd*|5d! AMErirdAN iiSP ytf lNO CHAMPS! ONSHIP. '^^ . .\trAMUmJii£&jdrp josnvA ward, ■ dlAiirasfi »^ itt-ciuunoM, uatoiibo. Disfaicc, niiuius.'-tol^ Jcit ll>m. AT'to||glh \ri tlml ffete two') THE LATE RACING AT PATERSON. _ i Uiat wu u to tbo ippointmonl of a refereo. Uaoe'a party would have no one unleu he wu appointed by us—an onua wo' bid no dealie lo inenr—while Uobum '""'i'^* on that olBolal being cbbernonlhogroondon Ihoday. Invalnwu lturgod,t]utthla wonld bo on buuitcrablo bar to gottiiig Iho Bgbt oiL Joe had ro- cdTal his orden firom hcadquarloTB, and must abide by thorn. Tho coufcmice IsMtcd uosrly sn hour, and wu ovoutuslly od- Juumnl lo Nit Langham'a,wbena.ao1oninconelavo wu hdd, and ihu pna and euiu wore ahmod at sOmo longth, A impossl, Huggutod by us, that the two principal bachon of lbs men ahodd moot the day bdon llie llghl and agree on a ro- foree wu (reoly auvaasod, and d one Ilmo it wu boUevod would be sgnod lo by Usee's friend, but olllmstoly that gi'nllofflan aald bo could nol do m wttbont ecdng Uace, and so uo coufoionco wusdjeuraed for tiutnntlotts from neadquaVton, Wo havo now plared lbs whoki caae lielbn onr readen, and hare only, to cen- dndoii, to requat ihit Iho men win mod d our OBlce on l:°rlday, Jnno imb, al twdro o'clock, when we hope asch nlU bato proper InalmcUoos from bis govummsnl, snd that amlcabb arrangiv menia wiu bo oouio lo,, If no^ilng ia done by that Urns, wo fosr noUitng will bu Ion for us lo do but to proouUn a perpolud a^ misticobetween tho nion. Fendlngiha consultsUon: Joe Cobum Is to bo hoard of al Mil Langhau^iv Mlln, Upper SL Uardn'a Une. wuAT ri^ fpoiimo ui* uil Asenbounccd In our'Wounosday'a iuipresdon, Jem..Usee and Joe Cobum md St the aluohoUia'a on Uist day,, Tlio proceed- ings wise oiwncd liy thst fUfteUmstr reading over the orlglnd chaHsnge and Uio correspoddsnet'Ihd essued. He than addsed both Msoe andCobnn to well ooodder niattan beloro they Wgned nrtldta, as Iha pn«uil gnat match, if ntUsd, wuuld iSai the memben et tlie P, II. another ehaooo of rcdoilng to the Blng Ihe popularity It oiijoyed hi the oldan tinua oniongal Ihe gonlloman patrons of tho sinrt Wo.onrulru aro confident thd If bsUlo an conducted on aiiythlna likoiatr leros, both In and out of Uu Ting, Ihe oM nbtms of Ibo P: n. wni not only again give Uiolr eimioit, but their ranks will be stRngthenod by now blopd H weu. Alter some convenoUen^ Usee uked Oobum wbst be was wtning lo do, wbon Iho laller sUled that Wi wu prepared lo flghl for £1100 a dde, proiMed £100 wen fllven fur hia eipenses. TTils Maee .wouhl nol agree to, bul atalod bla wllUnguoia to dlow £100 |or, eigeuaei If they loughl for i«M a-tlde. Asndlker mnid gin way, aooUiet nuebng wu cdjed for isdenUy al Ihoattkeholdor'si JoolMburn, NdldnghspL and-Oualok lUeudod, and metUsoels M4ut,^ lU: Whlldiead^ooUUud CMittt), irbo add Usnia ■Vueminwf^hyyoioMseelo.glvc tbo £100 lo fight for £MOa. vllA and Wu willing to dnw rfb aftlclcs to. Ihd direct. Tho'Iay Iter Ul* fight lo'take place wat ■the ttett '^poiMen, and Cdbtan \ T")re BCCOESS of the recent rnco mooting nt Pntorson, N, J„ shoi^ whiil cm lie done when men of charnctcr take hold (if tbyllnloresls Instead of pLiycd out speculators, thlmblo risers, and mountcbniiks. Tho nnmes of tho gcnilemon undor whose nusplccs this meeting wns held were II suinciont gunrnnlcc that they had the true In- torcsUi of tlio liRf at lionrt. Instead of the Of late years wo hnvo iind all sorls of mnnogcmcnt In racing mailers, good mcimnd bad men, mon und dlsunlen- Ists, iirofcssloniil gomblere and New Orleans pettifogging faro swindlers—butNncnrly nil their speculations havo proved Inllurcs because of had mnnagcnieiil and Uio had chiiriclor of many ofvthoso put fonvanl ns the lenders. These fulluros have occurred In I'lill.ideliilila, In New York, III Dosloii, und whorcvor the Jonahs of tho turf woro known, and whenever llicy nttcniptcd their racing swindles. Wo did nil ln| our power to put tho public on tholr guard against tlio'"pnti'nn saints" of tho thlmhlo- rlgglng, turf swindling fratvrnlty who uero alu'nys likely to assemble wherever the "saints" put up lliclr posters, and wo are happy to say thai un cllort lo suppress the "little games" proved qutto successful, In so far thnt the "patron sAlnts" were obliged lo liriii;i their "meetings" to an abraptconoluslon, and leave iiur vicinity for dlsL^nl "pastures newi" where (hey might practice their gamli- blbig oporatlons without fcnr of Immcdlnlc dolvctlon. The doeant portion of tlfosc who owned fusl stock bocnnio convinced that the notoriously bad chnrnctor of somo of the "managerial salnd" was likely In Injure them and their stock in public' esllmntien, and tlicy at once cul aloof from the "speculating managers.'' Tho cITccl was soon apparent: for where sulisoquent meetings wore bold, and the same'turlbien and breeders entered their etables under the mnnogemont of honest men—of gentle- men who weuldyotlond themselves to fraud and decep- tion as some'of/tliolr predecessors had done—the public turned out iq' Rupport of the now order of things, und racing Interests at once manifested an upward tendency, Tho Spring Mooting of the Passaic County Association was n grpat succcs-s, both In tho racing and in tho number und cliaVactor of tlio u|ioctntors. In our Inst wc gave full ropuyfs ottho onllro week's racing, having senl a special rcpbrtor lo ntteiul the mooting, knowing it to lie under (he ronlrol of gcnllomon of standing, and thnt whatever thoy promised thoy would use every hoiical endeavor to fuim. Keep out tlio "patron saint managers," who carry In their tniin thimble ringers, thrcc-card inontc pinyors, and cracksmen, and racing will soon iissumc lis proper position nmong our |iopulnr amusements. STOPPING THE GAME. Gaming cstabllshmcnU linvo prnlltcd enormously by the war, some of their best customers liclni; army pa)'- masters, who have risked the funds entrusted to their care on tho turn of a onrd, and In seme Instances hdVo lost every dqllar In tbeir possession, tl)iis. not only do-' priving tbb soldier of his bprd-earnod wages, but bis fam- ily at homo of the common neeessnrles of life. Ton; twenty, thirty, and fprty thousaiid'dellArs havo.cbungpd hands iii'iislogib (|Vonlng at tho boiisolof Faro, the fas- ciDation of jilay cresitlh'g a species of insanity; as it woro, tho dreadful oflbels of which aro not valued.until the pinyor liofl put down his last dollar, and finds .himsol^ a rubied and idegrad(|i) man. A few days since, a govern- mont disbursing o'gsnt .was arrested In Fhlladelphiai charged wltli using the mbjioy ''entrusted to his kcoping |n gamos of ohanco.,. ile admitted the faot, stating that be had iostniiio Chouaund dollars atpUy. An order was atonoo issued, directing the gambling houses lb wbleb thomunoyhnd been lost to be vlsliod, and Iho propria tors tn tako tho oholee of handing over, the money lostiit tholr csUibilshmont; or lojiete Fort Lafsyettb; all hut one compliDd4ho wus thoroupen placpi^ under arrest, his house laken ji'bsspssiou of, nnd he uliout to bo slitrted for the Pon,.whon ho agrood to.d|sgorgD,'and ;WiiS'thon released, , We bollove It. la tho intontloh 6t tho gcrorn mcnt to foiluif up this plan, anil close all piaoc^- whore agents play tho poor soldiers' money awhy,: Willie they are at it, we hope they will direct thblr nt^ Icntlou to tho gamblers on'WallstrooU^goxiiiilars.ln gold, who aro doing the opuptry ns much.ii^jury as the aimed rebels aro doing It These iseld bugs are rebels In dis- guise, a eufse io thb Interests oftbo elty ahd tllo.oo.untr'y nt largo.' iV'ohepo.thb govbrnmcntmny dovlse some phin by whlob lAtfr gombUng operations may bo sqiiolohedl AilpthDf'bloipd-thlrsty s'etaro tho provision siic.btjiaib'i'sj dry goods gnmblOrS, rind others of lliut sirlpa, wlio, under the golso ef business, are onrlohing tbemsolvbs by buy- Ipg up lioof, bullor, and .every tiling .of tho klnd.' clqaj'Jpg tho' diarkot, aifd thus adva'tiolng the prlpes,;Whof ^ey sellout llioir nccumiilatcd stock. Such ghouls aro.ten times woiso than profotslonhl gnmhieiv, Stir' 'pni'at liji, while you h'to at It, Ur. abvoramonl man, A LiTrLuDmsn,-!! really looks ns though tho recoipis of Uio riilladolphia Central Fair will s'uriiass Iho nmbunt roall/eil by the Metropolltnn FuIrlnNow York.. Bliouhl this sunnlto prove to be oorrool, 11 will bo n big thing to^ that "Inland village," as Now Yorkers safbastiealiy'de- light In calling tho elty of ,rhllndolpliia. .Ono tiling Is corbUn, and Uiat is,ua an ozhlbitlon, tho Fair In Phllu' dolphin Is OS nirahoad of^thd jfciv York Fair as tho yiieht America irns ahead of the Urlllsli yapht|ng lleui, al Cowos, In 18SI, That's a fhel-beyond cavil; "we've boon Uiore;" and If.ilny of our Now Turk friends nrb'nt all disposed to rioubt'our ipse 'diiif, I'ci iiiom run on to tiio l)unkor City,'and Judge for tlibmseivcs, Lost week Uie receipts wore naid to bo In eicera ofbne ttufffon ttfddUari, and slll| going nhohd, ; lOooo. Wini Aim Lioeoas.iata very, marketable attld'ea iii Denver Ollj, ft T., and Iho minenju that Nglon know how (0 appreetato them ,*hon Ihey get them of Ihe finl bi qusllly sSid a« wflUng to pay a good prto for ae atnie,. Knewlug this lb be so, Uo»sn.''J..H.,Eainrs 4 Co,,llio wl^s and ilbcni paleMtS ban pniduaed a.laite sleek .of tbs sane Haa ibabelebnttd vanlts carno ol BosdaliootandUrosdway, in lhladiy, efwlllili Ihe wen'knevii )leak>r; Ur. Oremiy Rijdiiota,'whos<)*s^'gives ehirseler to.ihoTsrleiis ,bnnjsbe plackln lhil.,tiiarkot^ls.tbs propriclor, i Dor Ocnvor fVlends wll] now knew nbqte'lli giMm Imvoogoi, sii0 knowUig, ^rill noi'bo.dllstory la tsApllBg ttip'lalb bnporiatl4hsby uesars. CsoesACo,' .' > ■< J i-: J>| < 2::> r .'"i J— i "■ V. il 1'''' ■' i'" '' ■ ■' T«l Fum to be «m for by the ■nrilodeUihU 'Itlio OHll'W lhi»lit tndjMhikt; sio'ijB'tihlblitoa ai lbki(rttiiW5eir!"'''"' Btases. 11,000. ,^tbl)f|«kuro of slating liy nutiiorliy djiitVcbllers of.AmerIca, Jiiuios Hnmin' C)i)ttniilonpbf,Pmsbur|h, Pn., and Joshua Word, of l¥j^,TN. hii^ox-chiimplon, aro again matohed.aiKi llial tho'niiu^ens'. of FlUsborgh and all those who may Tisll the Iron Clty.onthatdf^'will h.-ivo tbo great gnu. flcalloii nr soclnj; them ugaM (Contend for the Champlog. ej^lp^f Amcria(in waters Ibolrto of Ihose exoiting scdIIUii )dici,ntet^ls,|'' stiit'.'d In our last Issue, tbo articles of |bfiiyimestaBth(npubli6l(ailwci-o drawn ujinnd Signed by '^>4r4jnilEci|tnn lo HumlO for his signature; which were- in duo tiido roti)mod wlUt'tho clause In regard to accom- panying boats , erased; and the paragraph in regard to tlic turn amended, allowing Ward tho choice If the couttt wns 11x0(1 below the briilgo only. To Iho orasure In re- gard lo the beats. Ward consented, bul licid out in regard to the choleo of turn, ss lie consldbred that th'e'basla''^ which lie was willing to irow oo ithe MonoilgabelK at all. Wc nt once communlcatcdwlth' HaiMii,''giTln(ctht'^it' of nfTairs, nud In respongo, received a loltor ttem him dated Pittsburgh, june_17thj In which ho says:— •The uidch hsTlng pnigtesaed Ibnj IQ, II ahan not be ilopud by mc. Mr. Ward can have his mode of lumloga'' ho ehall selctL I agree to tiim bom right lo left to please Ur, Wsid, thongh lib nol Ihe usud wit ot himlng sdo^tod st Jnat mA. Beplig |hk wUi eeltle nil dUfcrcnccs between ns, I sm yours respectfnliy, Jum r»>iit| FminimoH, June IT, IBM. . ' ■■ '<'' Thus, liy mutual concession, this match: has boon ar- ranged In a friendly manner, and we sineerely hope Uut Uiat Hue of conduct may clinrnolorize the proc.eMiogt durlng'thb tailorvonlng Ume, the race, and up to Its ceg- clusion, to the end that wc may have n fbir test of 'whe is the best man in Ihe ilrstcbaniploiishipsculllng m.'Uelier 'H Beth men arc known ns flrst^lass experts In -sculilDg oxcroise, and have contcnilod against oacb.ibtlibr b'ofoit, twice on the Bohuylklii, Pa., both ofwhicb BatoH) woo, and twice nt'Poughkcopslo, of which ejioh' wi^ ooe, Hamill being the victor. In tho last, since when' ho'.'hssof course held tho proud Utlo of champion §cullor.o(./lmer lean waters. What the result of the forlhcoalns contest on July 19 wljl be It is Impossible and useless to prlj^hety, bul thai num'in Is Uie favorite it is usoloas'to' dony, his victory pn the last ocoaslon nt Poughkccpsie l^avhig given him Imdlo'nfiq prbsUgo, not only In Pittsh'urg)), bit in Now York and nil other places where fast seuUIng ij taken cogntmjibo o'f.. The.tvlJaio bf ^amlll!i>.iiio'noy Is ip nnd half of .Ward's, and the other half will hax-b- to b« placed in our hondif bn or bofdrt.July SUi:' llbciiiycseDl match will privo'.tb bo a briilbmt opening for tli»Jecull- ingc'impfllgh ori^M, and'wo.trb]^e, )t'wlll,prorc oi inlercstibg h'nd'cxblling'yOt hmicdblc'a'coiile'sl' as Ibg most sangninc nnd interested con wish. The CLipri will, ns &m.att$r'4>f oouise; klvo'aU'ofintinist'.lu'.'reitnl lo this match cacii week up .Ip nnd ancr the flnale. Were it posslble ivc would wish success to. bolh men, hut u there .idust be a loser, Wemust porlbfcj^fali.b.tcireifU old motto of'|miij' tlio best nia'h iv(n." .,, ^ McCLELLAN AND GRANT. TnosB who have tjccn laboring so li^rd to ruin and ridicule "Llllle Mae" fur his rail uro to capture Rlf^mpid, don't have eomuehto say nboiitthat OeaorAl, now that they have discovered that taking Ulchmoiid Is nOi such an easy job as Uioy nnUolpaled,,ovnh, wlUi',1^ here of t^lcksburg lo lead our ormy on to the rebel 'capital. UcGioiluii fought n series of haUlos, aluOl lA sight of nicbmond, and InOicted ,lcrrlh16 pOnlshmeu upon the enemy, while sulForlng grcuUy himsolf;:,w rebel ranks werefllled ns fastns our ^irUilory moMd them down, while our own men had tb light Dii wliht^ rblnforcements and without the oo-oporuUen of dlylslp^ wbleb had been promised them. Who doubts .thd UcClc(lan nnd his army would have entered Rlchme'ridli he had roccivod the suppurlthatGon.Grant has received! Nol only has pen. Grant's army rcoelved relnforcomenti from tho menicntit oiftbrod upon the campaign, buteUier armies have' boon oporaUng against thb rebel eppltal iVoni nUicr positions than that ocnupcd'by the Army .el tho I'otupiHO, mid yet, up to.thls.wrlUng,'Gen, Orantli no nearer nicbmond then Gen, HcClellan wa?; .ilthougb, witb.the monbb has uhdbr blm/and'dlvorsions in bis favei going On olsowbcrc, wo have hopes that lie may yet ie> cure tbo prize for whioh he Is olmin'g. Wo havo eveix bonlldence In Gen, Grant, as wo had, abd.sUli bave'lii Gjin. UcOIellaii, and have net tho elightost intigsUon to endeavor to disparage his elforlB In his oampalgn egolMi lUehmend; all we desire Is, to show tho piihllo Ibst.irilh equal fiiclllUos, and'the same support from Uu adinlok* traUon that Oos. Grant has bad);-Gen. HodoDsiili peninsular campaign would bnvo ' ended succ(i$^\\|]L \7e unrcBsonably oipectod more from Gen, HcClo|liil and his single army than we expect from 'Graut, Bntlef; Smith, and their varlotis armies combined, llio poopls now bogin to see this aspect of the caso In . Its true jlpti and that Is one reason why the abuso.of Geo. UoCiellm Is not so persistent or bitter as It formerly Was. Wboi UcClellan attempted the capture of lUchineiid wo gre^, undo'rralod tho abilitlos and resources of the rebels; :m havbslnce learned that thoy aro a "chip oIT tho old blaet|f ond light Jasl as hard as our own brave men havo fooikii Broanuza'i Clod CoxvtHnoii,—The itxlb onnud coavnlta of the Bporlsmon's Oiub of Hew York Stdo was held in thb d<r on Iho 14Ui, icth and icth InsL Tbo prcgnumo of preeeedle^ comprised dlle and pislol ahooUog on the flnt day; casting iM fiy snd bsu lino on the second day, with slngh) Inp sbooqsi,' And doable Inp ihooUng on Iho tlilid day, Cenlrevine Oftx** T,,'!.; was tho appoUited spot fur tbo memben to compote far Its various piiies. As Ihe only tertiss preseni lo oompelo for . Ike pistol sbooUng prlie beloogedto tbo Mow \t>A 8porlsmea'4l3>k It did not come oC Thopiizolortherlilo shooting wu woo to Ur. James Ueyor, Jr„ of Mow Tork, hie eompetltors bdng Cloa Bradford, Dslnil: R<vdFhnlps, New York.snda E.Whll4Hi<t Now York. The dislsnee wu one hundred nrds,'Olf-Iisnd.' epa sights, ride and ammunition unroatrlcled,, Tbo conlod fOr.'ari* lug Ihg fiy endbus Ibie csme oilst Ihe Biooklyn. Twht HouscaUnobomgdrDlebodtroma.lloat to the ahon, beutt masked Hosts for sscerUining Iho messunment Tad Jadf wen Uestn. W, 0, BsrreH, Judge Deebo and Frank gldwup the oonlestsala la fly cutbig Ucsirs. Roysl Fholps, vos Ueysn, Boetevdt and 0. W. Huleblnson, Ur, nielnl, vW* isn. rod and Ofk Une, Uinw 10yds; Ur, Meyers, wlUi Ibe'abs red. out Ityda 3JiR,; Ur, HutaUnson, with s l3os, red, csat< fiy 10)'dS| and ^r, Itoosoidl, wiUi a 12ft. rod, SMft, ioog, odW fly 31yds. Tho prize wu cossenuently swarded ilo' Ur. BW>1 veil.. The oonlostsnts for Iho prlea for taus.lhie thnwlsgsf* ^cSsrs.'aenloa.Bcatt,ItoosoTdtiuidnoyslThelpsl AnuadW ssme'Md snd Uns; Ur. Reottfrolt cut lOafL 0 mebes; BIr, ddl^ 0, Scott 10411. lOloehcs, and Ur. Plidpe IMft Bbidie>.'lf Srizo waa awarded to tIr. BoetL Ur. Fnnk Bldway'won Iht de- le tnp aheoling (estnconted), Mr,"It. Meweli^of BoflUtt I" eublv.Inn ebooUng leitn conted). Ur; W, F. Jloore ilep! Uypshoolibg, and tIr. Bail the double Inp ahooUng, Ur,Balit- liiion wu awarded the medd tor Iho l>eai invqntfon preseoM" tbOidub, Tbo Couvonlloii meots Boit year d NIaganmis. ' ' AHoinau Ciuiumoi nnii OouiTHwaiT.—The How HiBT ahiro biUlud .iihonomonon, WiUIsm OoldlhwdL tar tcom ben satisfied with bis dofes^ by Dudley Kannogti, ohallsogea O^^Sl nor of the torUieoming lualcb betwoen TIemtn and the pi*S|f bolder of Ihe entblimaUo golden cno to k tenbMllpr." far Iho American Champlonabip. and one ibousud dolliiv,,.?'" fuUowiogls bisdcfl: New Tiiii, June ieth, lM^ I hmbyobaDengo Ibo winner of Uie fottbeottiblil nislarw- tween Mcssn. Kavsuaub and lleman to eompsto with me o ' mstob for ihe obomplonidilp sod tCOO a ddo. In aoBonlueedu Uioltulesot Iho Binianl Oongrtss, I bavo dopodted r'iWdv Ucssrs. F^ielsq snd C«l)s;idsr: tho lime snd plise to be herMnB uutuaily ogn|eflupon. |WjLuait,QoLprin^tfr' - BnjJABDi-iTHB TBnEAir.-iie Wends of >1{'J!?2I HoOlTltl. every fine bUUsrd .profossloild bdongbig to INwr auoUs, eStUiaiulngUiq bliitieafaeUmdo 6t his solcnco sM.*!^ ?iUon,'blM eipressbd their rcsdltaollk' lo mstdi bIm'sgSlul w. nrofeasiand or smslourplayer in Ancrlcs, Pbll. Tlonao, etiAaU, dtno^MiMni, for teOO or I>1,000 a sTdo. 'HdrlnlWV' of Ibis dty, is prnnrod to niiko a msleb for tho former ■p<T,2 aadwlDlpU^blidrdlberon Ihoevenbig immedlatdypn>il<a'w, •olaoqnenlfto.'tho great mattbibelnoen EaTanneb and for Ibe cbamplaneEin, on the ssmo labio and In the seme'[Jr Uisl Iks lattar.ptsldi is playsd. irbat say Ur.. UuDirlll's bii>»> to.Uils?; ;.; 1 • . • . ■ iniLUAiist AT.Fo'aunii,-rQulls some eioltomenl was erdw" SiSI^CtJi'rte'ru,^!,'!?.^^ l(UulDal,,byi uiaicu jor too ixu^uwimQ.ifuwMi'iv»»--. ^ ^^fl«axMa■s«»^^K3f;^^^ te'b.a%«&"a»W£^^^ add b. *eI»nr/.wM phyoAMO pdaUup^^eo/Weta^^ four jwcld Ublos, II wu a dose canlert^ndo*a,iWelto U"J{ wUiiiluu by 10 polnla ouly. This Is th<ee<0B4.litns lUJ ntiov^ llemsu bu won II,