New York Clipper (Jun 1864)

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ft SIr.B'lf .tcrku vja.d«.™ from «.ft<«>»PaVv Ft^'mf, MUth. . IKodeigut liompaon, &■{ tholSUi but hni «n cnliro bRO of pn JMI^luL. •vjiR.'jWiii . .. . Tbcn n* way tfrnmom SSfSfimiicr hlB iiianiigjiiijnt nuilDiitnii. bM. OTW mnoa lie look Ito imm, 4od» • iUioo(.ImIi itaugtToatoM to ltio i Td Donnn»« Ola« Diftwrn uc 5fu>l^n0 8l»«f,fojrfJ? *' CoDtniralrluPlilUdolpliU.Mi oJi^OW,^ Mmu. Wood asd ;<A>iin j»Te a .miulciil ud W™;"*;" ' So%«gSS£25SS'«irf?SS^^ irtUi^l»Mtt4fc\»:M»l*ito.lh»'n«lf«m««e- Hm bom to tt I bualuai. , ■ 'O'l i; r 'li l._ ,,, TOM IHOKB ud hli Ut«irtmi|f.»«H«ly were tt Twod(I|) Hill, Aft«||j>4)gl>wM U»toipo Tbb ''Exaa«oa^''i'liV«:u(>bi«»'m<id<M ud dnm^o ontoi- Ktb inat Tho plcet»WI«5?«ow'''-l«" InTfliinpib lift, la I ' ■ Wl^gnl)Nn««flo:erid;81i6w Newfc ' AT TF« mnaaor "lavcaM. Loaa(ni,jyI)»T» Otrri«i"*i •« "twb lISoEDV. London, hM rpimdia fli'o liriTOd'"flurtet," i io Ihottn during tho ^malIlal« of tho bomoii. M. FoeOileri ccUonn of Uio gcnonl poMwrnuioo I* wcogUart by Iho bttllca Tm'vicwma, tonaon, lUi boep d41og nM irtUi M«a«nio £« uS?wi.intjwco«nhy: Nota»ttrtrt«1lbtW.,b6ooiotott»^^^^ UbS"ood "ork, oonftttUj nuMng^aWoni to hli OJP*. of »ttj MM IMUu the ngnln niulo laSi bulneM,h« hu of Ul4 Dtodaeliitf Mituilon dnniM. John F. FoiloV ilt*mum- Sr5^<U?oa^!^Jt«rto5U'erti««ln cepUUrt,lo,jiaa oat 10 Um WU (innglh oftho oomr«>T. 'i™.•» *?? yfl tontd u conia hne been aoae *t eny wgntor <h«»tre,«iia 11 dr.wfrowdi,dhoaee». MtnM«rI«now«nnpnncM»nolhMi«nj ttUoa dimme, vrlUtn bj •weD-tarOwn dnmttlat Ihe chmrtorl m iiU nee ud women of Uw la^rot dey, end weU-hnown pmj MMSO* of-TTMhlDglOD. II'to ciDed •TheBiUhwecken of Ih^ potomic" »na5urt» pieaooed wllh"»» •«°"«^'4"^,^. t^ll •■HiCBEll«IF," Uietolorni», •i7»*oFi»n«>l«, " In Ihn bHghl teilcun of ytatb, Uwie't no enoh wora ju ttlU" md wonltcnU lut lomirlu ad ud Iheco li'ot.. -Thoro la ono ^alaiico Id proof oMhls,tita that liirtlb UuagezBliui, In ihenttoiigonicnl of (lie National, Ctndnnatl. Sinn Hr. BIsn took tho ntuuia1a| Kloa In hand, anteoaa has ninod tilonphant . He haeoonaUDUi hItcd hla paliona all the •Ttflable.ftnt.iuae talent In the obtfutiTl and hl« eoErta toploaoehmTetWoaie d»d to record, bi'en aucccaatali Hla company, at pnaotil, la good, odbiaclng u It don the namol ofMaiuile Ftid, tho aenaatlon utroas, who baa boon porformlnd tho WMk In tho nantlaa dnma or "Tho Beacon of DoaUi; I LItctIo and Nilllo Uowardt to* Auiplon Jig aanccre, who baTi epncaied nlsblly, In a tdendly Mtt, for the proud Uth> of obam Trion. Chancy Oardicr, EigBi ud Edwards make up tbe an i'jtfrifue. Taken allogothn, the company U a good one, and do loncaiheencouiucmentil laRoolrluo. _^ . • . ..: A Nsw CoNCDrUAU. callea (he Oedoto Falao), alluaica on Ih^ comer or Daltlooie add Ught atroeth, BalUmom, «u opoiiea oi the 17th InaL by Meain.^nompBOo, Ulnor k Co,, wiUi aei>rg lUIre *u Btage nuUugcr.' Id tho comrany wo And tho oamoa of Viola DlUlen. KeUyXaylor, Francea Oaidlner.'Ilary frasces, Jak Biiaa',-I>att Howard, ana Joit Cbliaa. . ■ ; Tn E COMPAKT at proaeo t iilaylng at the Now laea, San Franclaco coualala of the foUowlnff pereona:-JulU Morgan, w. a Morgan MaaU7 Frank. 1^ Cotton, J. Do Angella. Jennie la Mont, QUi Dnrbnnk, William Oaniard, Silly Bhopmrd, Fanny auika,>I«itli Biewcf.'X'as'Do 7cre, C. F. Shattuik, Banr ^llUanie, and II. K Oinllner. , . U'lxs ManiBTTA BaTEL, the flonous flpuuab danacnae, is atin cieootlng hcrinlrepid feats on the tlobl lopd at the Canlorburr ' uniio ilall, Woabisgton, D. a TUs lady la a most pleaslnit pto foiTiier/ and her toipslcboraaa abOlttoa are first elato. Her bua^ ■ n(«s manager Is Mr. M. W. Hanl^, whose adareas will be fonna Is our adnrtlaiog departnent.. Wauiu MianM, obareed wHh kUllsg Maggie Baer of tlie Onitlnoolal Unalo Hall, Phlladelphli, some menllu since, will bf calltd up for trial this-ncek. ' ■ i Hiui PvMsai has bean engaged by the managerof the Oaslnd, , ihUadulpbli, to perfons a atsr engaaement of four weeks at thajt bmiga, and be will opco thsis on Monday, Juneafth.'. Wo pta. jume Harry will aowllttle of lhe*'oomlc song" busliisea. .Tbb muuticr has bad to pay • large sdaiy to secure this comedian for hla lialL ■, I ■ Tni Cmhsbdiibt MOac Dau, Hatttabnig, has made a few ad- dilluna to Its kODpany, In the petsou of Andy WUIlama, ban)6lai Uuy Xowlon. vocalist, and Frofeoaor E. W. Olemant, pianist | IIceiuBD roLTOMlu of tho war, was at Hlngham, Uaas.,«p tkcieihlDsL . . F pBor. Kinc RiBB was at St ^ul, ^inn., fn the lUh Inst . \f. D. IIAUBIBOS, Bumorlat, comie vocalist and poet, asalatnl bf Vr.Arcr Stanly, the balladlat and mclodconlat wlD travel the Bbio of Haw Joraey dniing the aum'mer. W. F.'Secker.l^ Ihtlt acmt. Tlinir bill Is a strong one, and Hsnlsuh Is a host Id " • atlf. • . • ■ JcadlM member of- t)ie company, and In Mr. Oicn ford's aAma oT^o Uat Hopo" that lady.bae oppoared In on< Icato as the let ofbcrbestchsnctors. . ^ ni v^^rr^^i Toe OLTMPif, Londoo, hss r^tea "no .mcket«f.I«ajn Man," whioh has no#mched lis SUUi night, and ^lalucdthi monlllyof "Sonaeana'BsiisaHOD."' Tbe AsKLPm, Lopdco, bos retained' HIsh BaWimui, whose en gagemont la ahnotdieed to expirs next week. Dualueas, of uune lavnotbeea so'good aspnvteaslr- . 1 ' J^i2l>..~ Bnua Cous has returned to Lonaoo, and wUlr.ahoniy n-ap poor. It Is ukl. In a new play. . ... , '■ .. A om-LUOED mole bsfletHlanoor Is sldiUy "bringing down the bouse" St tho JosoMslsdUe Theitie, In Vienna. This Is.oolto ■ new aonaaUqn. We recoOent a wooden.legged hornpipe dancer who was cqnoUy succoaaftd, btlnging dovm applauac at one of lh< castK-nd London thoalita sovo ttms ago, but tbis beats all. Oui agUe Mends, tho almost osedwnn coitoitlonlals, and IrepcKffl may now possibly descry ths r«iil nad to loituns In the shape o I he narrow path tiaveiaable only, with ono legj Tboss luiforta Date enough to poaatss twolms, and lacking Iheoonnastoru tbemaclvca of the soporllol^, may now Inaeca bo called "pooi ""u^FEcnn'S'u proaucca "Hamlet" at the LyoeomThsstoe, Lonaon, tn great aMe. Uie "Actress" la for tho/rafffm proper ly repnaeitcd'a bo}-.. The archalogloal dittos ore (mUe.ds Ughlod over (hs Ides. Ona of the fimsy popan; Ihoagni waio humoroua over the bet that the "cost" Inctudaa^ bosUe a French Hamlet, (Fephter), aVorkahlre KinglEmsry), an IrUhFolonlui iGroogbon),spdayankee.Ohoat(Jordan)... ■ ■•r °Mn. PBoite FHiLLiK.a scenic artlstot theT<ondontbsslrcs died In that cl(y Um:'.»lfa, ag«aalxty4wo. year*. For seme yean U^. I!h|lllpa.«is the nrliinpal scoBl«« LycauiSrlhi larmarket, and the Aaalphi ,- In 18(0 pt •ocoapaolcd ths .Qncet tn ber vlaltto Ircltn'd; and, tabaor'bi^speelsliiuionsge, t09^(h( bolMUiR tben known n tho Cblncs* OalW, at llydc-park^onier where hla panoiaiss UlustnllTt of hcf Mf)csiy a touraltractei general adndimtlon.' M. ItocBEnc, the CalUbmla' clown, arrived In England Maj 2Stb. Uc baa pcrformoa .with all tho oUojia companies who bav visited Calironla, and'he'was originally with Messrs^ Howes api Ouihtntf.' His Btjto is aata to bo pecuiurly bovil, and ho ^ gno'e the irltaval ring downs over beard.' , .'■i'.',yi /-THB.'casmon'for'lKIM has dosca at (he Italian Opem.o rails. Lasttaigttom th« Itthof Oe(obci'(o the IlthbrUay;'flv nights each WMk wltbputlntannbnlon, the roaidls It presents, iJ s mirc slatlallcal pofaitof vle^/an aomolhlsg worthy of note During that period U. BoJIer hks bseneo^hled to preaent 138 pa (orniances, snd'these comprised seventeen'opaiaa,,sel«ctaa.froii (he works of five eoiupoaen i .'j 'iV'i ; i- ' MiasBa'iEVAn'sengageoentML6naoat<irmiuunIioiitlieIlll inst Bhewibnotsppearogaln'Oaipilulkll—(khdnabasTDduoe a-new play by .Moieutlia], the aertnin anthor. whlchiuOs ttien tnaalaied for herby John Oxoufoid. .The jpl«!elsenlltilid'"F(f tree," and refcratO'amcaiievslperl^ori(slbnUa(oiT. ] Clr«ui«s. ' . . . ' i; Wibsou's new circus In San Fiandsco opened UaylMh,'(a an agdlooce or 3,700 pcrsoQS. Ths location la on Jackson atrcet, adr JolDluR lira Uilchiatloiial Ilotel. Tho auditorium la Snely Itted ap—(hoacilsj>ro«idea wil)i baoks.and covered, ana a fisa Mvlda mmcmao la coiietruclod ahund the entire tent Tbe horrid, uripplDg " dips " or old are done awsr .with, and numeroos jeto' of gas light up the Immenieclrchi wUa. great brllilaaey. In the Siipeny we and the namca of Bla Zoyara (the. original), SalUs iJmcy (■' Mrs. Ella Zoyaro "I, FiankUu, CarlCkBoas, Oorond, TaliitcT, A)'mar, William^ and FM lli'llson. EUa Zoyara baa created tbe oame cxcltoiueiit thoro that she did on her (his) arri- vil In Uila i-ouutry, oud tbopapers are dlled with'oueriesor "Is Zoyanomuicrawonuni" Ae knowing ones who-haro r^d theCLiiTEii, and follow Bhotr-mailers with a litife attention^'coi>. tend for the niatonllne gender, and curl the Up dorialvely when thoy bear eoy c-oo cxprcsa a doubt'On the suUcct; but, novcfthd. 'kis, ftm aro tbore who, after seeing tbe periormer in tbe rln^ won't bo cooriiiccd or "It" being sngbtaue than a woman, and agood lpoUijgouoatthat A scene ocouned at ths pavilion onb evenfaigTaceuUt. A rich and venlant-looUug spectator waa heard ''.to remark: "Tut not a woman t WOD, If any ona wants to bet on II, ihcnr can lake me for all I'm .wotlh, and break me rigl' here I" He would have been anapped np very quiek had ni soniegood.natnred Mend Interpenod, and prevented the oloelc. of tbe 00^ McanwhOe tbe posllngZoyanfloata'gaily round the arena, apiingrthrongli any number of balloons, and piroaotles, u she aprlugs. with mostbewiMerlng grace, T . SMTaaWs^NraBOL'sOiaonslsadvertlsea at NewbUTPorli 1 al*0L> .Juno 32d,Amabury»a, ana Pertsm6nth,N.H.,M(b. I LEE k BiuKD'SOIBOim oommenoed their Campaign at Sacrd- ■eiih^W., May ISIb, proceeding thenoe to Stockton. ' I OiMum Cminni^ with bis dreus oompsny, nrtved at Teik (mz,UaylClh, aUrlgbtsldeupwilhoaie. Ths company opened i«re,.Mu30lh, and performed one weok to splendldbiidnesit Oo the m of Uay, Maria OUvero. Ih* pdndpsi <owt(iiane<rt Hie^pe,'wasaHackea with yellow (tin and Uaok vomll, and dledthostmadtyat'half.pastoneo'eleokln the anemgoo. Tbe company left for Mexico on the 98th'of May. | TB4^ A NoTEa Oncoi la meeting ,with splendid aneccsa. Ihetr ronto'aheaa la aa taOowa: Washington, Pa., June HMH, 'WsyncsboTougb, ao.„ June 91at: Carmlcnael, do., June 32d: Biovnisvllle, do., Jane 93d! tlolontOTm, do., June Mth; Connella ville, do.,'June 35th; Mount Pleasant, do., June 37th) Monoagl hcis 01ty,.ao„ June 3Slb; UoKeespdrt, ao., June 3Mb, ana opee In Flttsborgh on the 91sl, remaining there over the «th of JuU! SrALnma i nooxsa' OoEUi Cmcce was at Dtlea, N. y., on tSk 18th, and tho rente ahead la aa foDowa: Byraonae, 9Ctb and 31al, Cortland 33d, Blnghaoptco 33d, Owego Mth, and Efanlm 3tlh and 37th. ~ . Van Anmon'* Mbsaoebie win show at (he followtng placn ihfa month:-Olfaiton, Haanehnaetia, 30lh; Ontan Junelbn 3lal: MlUbrd 99a: West aolfslawn 33a; Manohosta 3«th; Naahsg 3IIIM! IanTsnca!nih;LoweU38lh; Concord 30th, and Brighton the JOUi of June, after which (iwlll go Into.Boeton for ono week, com. mondug Friday, July 1st Beeton hss always been a great slanfl lor the nh Amburgh' ahow,.and feom all opneaianoes will at leaat out bll behind formo^ aeaaona IhU year, as It Is^long tlnio alnoa (boy bavo had a mcnagoiio there, and all the advertiaug done Ih Now York laat i?lnter will oeont to lome extent, aaKew Terk ' ppcn aco'eitenalvely olreulatad and read In Beaton, paittsnla^ b'theOtinm, I TuE OBaunow Cncra of Beblnson k Howes la Ouonly lil. sUtuUon thai dia a proflftble buiUieu In Cincinnati but week, asd their c*i^ wis "packed" at every eihlbltton. Itisprd- uunceaonb uf 'thobestcointikhles, si awholo, thatba*evera> paita beiiMth' a canvas, while every boay knows that Janik tUblnHon Is ono of tho grcatoat hoiaomcn that ever mounted the taiebadiof aborao. Onthe90th,thoparty,weretobo.atCoylDg' Kn, Ky.' ' ' •• / Tub Bain, B. Hown BbdwIs hi Ohlctgo this'week, onenUig teaonthoSQUi. •;. •. . . '' ■ ' L. B. Lsn's'ZwiisonBBiaSLm.wUl show thlri week ss follows: Dan'operl 9«lh; HoseatlI^ 31st; Tiptott, 33a; ana lowa'OttI, M. On the 4lh of Joly the party wllllw si Peoria, DL' '' '" i1 Tin BODicahtoa for tho Stone, Hoaston <i Oa's New Tork Olieus ■aa fellowa^HSeDooa palls, IIMI lAubuni, 93d; Jordan, va: meiK, Mth; Baldwin, 38lh! Fulton, 97lh; Oewego, 38th: anD Ota about JiOy^lh. .-.'".' ..^ / ■ luiEEItommoN'sronte abeadis aafOUows:—Msdlsoo, WIsI, <'■<> my stand aSd) Columbus, SSd; Watar(awn,!Uth;Ocomomo. 'v, 9Mii (a way stand 37th) Uotloon, 98tb: Beaver Dam. SOUi; rn Ubo, !nih| Waonun, July Isti Fon.Du Lac, aai O^oeli, Aenira, Otb; Berllo, OUii Blpon, 7th; Kingston, 8lh; Pari lib: Biraboo, 10th; Sauk City, .lllh; (way suna 13th) OodoiA '«>: SUiienl Fotnl, Ulh; ana ao on through tho Losd^U tMlefralrioDuChlcn . , . MItoellaneoui. ullvi'aOuATWasSuowwllhJ. W, WUshU,theLumorisl, va oiblUt at: OoDtlnoBU Hsll FolaMonl H. J., for four days ' n./^o'i oommeoclDg on, the evening of Wednoaday, 9Sd tasL «w«a ll. Oriato Is the sgnnt'IW (his popular show; iii^V"*'"^"- another candldaloror tbebohoraot "Wliaid. oimia Inaovolauaon Uie98lh inat for three nights; he ■m Ujcum (4, cinohmat],'L«ulsvi]lo, St Louis, andChlcago. w. Bvctiu, firstapMand as'a WUoidat Beeton, MaasinNov. fUi ISN. ana aallca for Bulaod hi tho faU of 1801 Ho lias Jua( to tbia country and InUndsglvlnlieihlblUous.' I ijJ2*UsCoLUMaDMbioihlbUng In New Vork Stale. Tboroute ■JJJla as foUo»'a:-Morlb Bangor, 31st; Chalanguy, 99d: Ellens.' SSfffJ^' (^ntrerlUo, 9(th; Moorotown, 3gth; Olwnplalu, 31tlli TwT™''* •^'"1, Mth. ; „^^!* K Dome and .William blyword .won sUll on thnlr laoSK'* ^l"'"""'"'OS,vllIagcB,camps,gnlchea,Sale,etc., vwromii. The penple who Inhabit the places slluded to sn' bar Ik) j""':?'thoyronih'theirdoUsnin llno'styU)!^ .^j^jno Now Bnalanil vAMiiflia v,.m*b Ttf^iiiABn,! irM««r,i: 'Wseuw. ' ™lllo<<a vocalists. MrsaiB. Dodge ana llsrwanl llS-nvSr*",^*' Oat. May lOUi; Bonglaia Cltyri7th: Lowlglod, iS'aSS*?!;',' "3' WeavorvlUo. 9uth; (9a concfrt) Snsl. tato%2i.i^!L'*™''A'''"«"'<l plecea common tWnga.' Their- j^oMtuUnlen a trip through preion,golnHnorihasfaraa l5aa;i.2L1 ""^ •lTrrcia.Oei:,on Ao3iUiot May. &p5ndScw1?i3SS?*-!''-'!^"-^*^'^^^ l?f3?«Hore of wooden 1 fiS'«","«l« who nanul '•IdlinlIrL?"''"''''*''" Manager Carter; and the' !la??b?if,^^"«;'0J;- n- nnan lowit'ortSffBIW 'i^oJlSoeoilii^'^ Ui beagood show (own, for (he ZonaTosnkiV "WKXy^ ..0* tto WJioudaiot £,p5S»"P[ I J.J if NEW 8HEET MUSIC, ' - OABTES DE TISITE; ■ FLAYOAND . I 8ONa'B0!okB. D. C. WCIAKS, having for the past ejgbt.yean been cannecte|l with . I .. . BBTANTB'inNSmO/S,' •' ■ wishes to biforui the public throngbo ut (ho milTED OTATES ' that he bu eslobllshca an agency ibr the sale NEW SHEET MUaUJ," ■ iV .. .. ^ cabtes de 'hsi'te, • pLayb and ■ •' ■ BONO BOOEd, Bent on receipt of markea price, posb^e paid. A Oalaloiiiia baa Jnii been publlstaed oonbdnhifl upwards of TEN TUODBAND NAMES OF THE OUOIOEST BELBOnONi Cartas da VlaUir9d canta aaoh, or aU Ibt {1. AU orders addressed (o I '• ■ D. CWKAKB. I ' - Bryants* Minstrels,' ' ' ITa Broadway; K. V., WlllboproDipllyal(anaea.(a. -< • «7'£noloss Stamp lor CalafiDgna. llOm BROADWAY ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Lata Hope Cbajwl; oppoalte tbo Kew York Hotel 'LAST WEm OF THE SEASON. BEAUTY AND T B BBA8T.' BEAUTY AND THE BEAS7 . WANTED A FAMILY. ' WANTED A FAinLY. i ORAKD MATINEB WEUNUIDAYS ana BATUBDAY& Tickets to MaUneOr-ClUldren. U oenis; Adults, 9S conla. The Acsdemy will be let fiOB the 1st of July to the lat Of Octo- ber. Apply to OEO.HOLMAN, 730 Broadway. ' [y ' yiMt: CARD TO THE PUBLIO.-The (inderalgned.would g(ve notioe (hat be has no cmmection with any Inupe^'i Spring abteX^ Jnno 37th. IMt M. C. OAUFBQJ,, ManSoor and noprietoK IMrana 901 Bowery, M. Y. ' ~ ~ ~-'J'i rw-TTkJTJTJTjijTjTJ THE DEVIL'S DRAWING ROOM, (VUe NewTaik EenU, June 18.) , HELLER'S BEtLEB'B . SALLE DTAB 0 11 Q'U E, 888 BBOADWAY, , , ■ ' ■ Opp ealte theMetropolKsn HotA TENm WEEK OF THE BEABON. BBO(>ND 'WEEK OF SECOND FBOORAIIUI, HOST BEHABKABLE 'SITCCISB ^ • ' op NEW PnoOBAUME; BT BOBEBT Mwv.v.wn THE 6T0BY OF A.BBOEEN PLATE evokes soclamatio ns fro m arowaea honsee. I TBB FAIBY Itma DOVES | Isafbat which issandtteato surpass In Ita features any yet shown upon the suue; sna UELLElTs OHABMED OABINBT OF THE APPABITIOKS rauacrs nugatory all the attempts of the .Davenimria to cany —[lo Into the realms of spiritualism. Nothing- moro wondrous more Inexpl icable has yet been aeviaed. Boon open evoy ovcnlng at 7U: commanca at 6. MATINEE ON BATDBDAY, AT )i TO, 3. 11-lt MISS KATE VANCE. Itie Queen of all Maiepm with Mr. DEAOLE'B champion horat DON JUAN, and Hr.B. DEBB, eoncluaoa herocogageaent st Wlllsrd's Howard Alheniaum, Beaton, Jnna Ulh, aaiSl n>peara at Orover'a Theatre; Weishington, on the 90lh ot June.. Musgem wishing to ugage M I^^^Oft will address —| lUt .. ' ••^^jit^u£ff^S,'?lS^ork. I CANTERBURY: WABHlHo'ioH 'CITY, D. C. '.'.' fil'■•■■" ' ■ ' • ' ,1.11! OEOaOB LEA vWl'4.'0AT*«k(rtt., :i/. ii'iVt • :vi)'." ^ .•■i.'Hio.M . ■■■ iif-.f. " \ \ .vm:i'' .^fiopriolo]r, ,aage^_5^ . • - ' :U'l" ,' THE BIT . MEB^B^SbBT, [ i'/.-T; .'NIOHTLV OBOWOKD- ' MIOUTLY. OBOWDKD - - maUTLT OBOWDBD SIOUIXY OBOWDED . NiaUTLT OBOWDBD - TO OVERFIXtWINO. TOOVEBFLOWINO., TO OVEB FLOWTOa. TO OVERFLOWDtO. TO OTEBFLOWIKa. THEUOmcoeKtEEL, TBB MOST OENTHEL,' THE MOSI.OEHTEEL,. THB MOST OENTEBL, - THE MOST OENTEEL, ■ THE HOflT OOHFOBTABLI^ THE MOST OOMFOBTABLE; THB MOST OOMFOBTABLE THE MOST OOMF0BTABI4 THE MOST OOMFOBTABLE ' . Il im BEST PATBOlhSEI '4in> BgrplTBOKiBEi ' ABD.BOI PAIBONISBI AND'BESI PATB0N16EI , IND BBII PAIVO^OU^ ..' .' •'' t; 1 .ji"" ik VABHIHaiON. IfUBIO UALI ..'UUBIO.HAIJ. . ..'j> .v.i. ■■ • ■ ■• .Ur:, •! ■ IN WABHINOTON, >.I^mWABH]NOTOK.' IN •TABBINOION. .'ti " .raWATOINfnON TEB.PJ THE PI M'LLB.MAB IEITA RATEL; M'LLB MABBTTA RAVEL,' HIiLB ■MAB lgIT A BAVEI> ' U'LLE MABIBRA HAVEL,' U'LLE MASBTTA BAm; ITLLS HABIRTA BAVEL, MXLB MABIEITA: BAVEL, U'LLE HABIETTA^BAVEL,' i-.'j..j;ri' '.'i:i :•> ' 'v'-: •'; . I XBBIPBBBKKI COMFAHT.i 0: .'..ol'.-ur:i PR E8ENT COMPANY. .'.J iV i:: r.l:. ' THB FBBmir:OOMFAHY. COMPANY. T COMPANY. (l*l&'. tEp HUDSON'S '^umpfuouriWsrdPobe^ TcarajBiJ-Lltbogrophs. CMia, »c., all enllrrly new, odglnal, and apimpdatoledui]([u,proiiated wprculy, roKarJlcasof oiponsd *S^^'&^^'"':trF^ boS^iifldoldSUng 0^: SjSS^fc2f'2?Sj'i'i h'"",:.?''?"'"" '■'"""<« unattcmpied, an^ I entttlo lur to the dltUnguUitd poelUon iiotrcnallrnracwied-' "Tb^gwsppatjuccn." Manwcii will plea«. 5SS5vT^ y^™- ■• ■■■■ !• Ci'. r: . -.-J AOENI^ CaiBparolllco. M(i>^>ADDIE ANDEBs6i ;. : ^ ELJSSSSSin'E? ii*?"'«'"' ""^ auceeaaiW 'alar no< SSiSSSLSl'.^.'" «» «ftt(temculs of alx or IWdrcf tilghls .ki'iSS?^!?'''.'' ■™»g«»i «*or about Jnno aoth. MIm A. pbiys S. -'Sij;I^'5?; M««I1»?ioaii orArcThoOdttaw-s Bleeil, jSi^£SZte'2£lSJm'a3K!L^ '"..^^'f^J"!. . ^.■jAs.'coNyBB'*mr.; . 2<,Wes(Eonstoi^sliecttlewYorir. IMt ELLSLEmS/ATH£N/EUM, -,.«1.L-. '-' COLUUBUS, OHIO. WANTED,: taamediitalr, for (he SUMMER SEASON, .'S BUiaCiG CHAMDSBMAID aud UADlNaWN. _ 8TA1IS Uberally treated witU . : ' Those having nights after July 3d, ' J . can addiaas WAL 0. BMYTHE, iM'Vl I- 1 i-i n ■--'-' ■ _■_ Jl^_^;''0' ""^ y*"*^^- AQENOY .WANTED. The tuidenlgnod. Ma agent to Peter and OuollneIUehlagu,de ritta- thopoalilbn of Bnninraa, or Advance Agent, with aome gooi Blary MInaM or ConeartTteupa. ' ' -..Addreas aT B. PENNOYEB, - - 10-31* . ' Mo. 9BlCboeler street Phils. ONE CENT REWARD, and no ohiraes paid, will bs-glveil'fbr'tbt redut or td' IndlttdOsI "colling Uthself lTW UOIIELAND, whorsn away tram my wmnaoy'ltaUngsevcn: articles of wardrobe) oo Tbunday, June lOlh. Buppoaod to U now in tbe vldnlty of South Batton FoUit Five dollars reward will be paid for the lalun of the pnperty; or the aboire anionnl In copp&ftn the Individual. J. a UYESa - IMt* - A OABD;—Mr. Ch»rte»-PopB, will return Irom CalUbmla about the IBtb of July. Managen winhln/i to BsnUato nllb him for Sumner or Whitar cngagtmenia, will please addrcat CHA8. T.PAB8LOB,.orOuvrBBOf1&a. ' 11.81*^ J. K. POWER, First Old. Man; lotoof the DoyalI^eMm,Tottnla., Mansgeta wlshlnt to onjfaga his scnlocs,.wtB'adiln«i H-ll* '.: . ,. BOIIIBO, Detroit— uitMlchlnn. Mil. J. t. MVERS'- SuniAier Seaaon at Portland Old Bangor, Me., will uminenve at Dcirlpg Hall. Portland; on Itbtfda^ iTrcilDiit, Juni 20: Hanger, Koriun>«a Hau, July 8. Stars and artiales of acknewled^'abOlty wlaMng <e oegotlab far the pnaenl or copdugaaiiaMi, 'wID addreaa tho unaenlgncd ai abo vo. ^.'^ '^;j ^ , .T ^ ' i _u-u^^i.-!*L?n.y???'-'Lr n .- 6ui '? ' .- TO ALL WHOM IT MAy jMNCERN. . My naffl^betoa emblstoned do the mils of THREB (8) DlFVElt ENT MraSTBEL OOI^ANIES at IheprewDt time, sfltbtb fiuti thai I aarhniagea with them, Ihls'la to giro notice that not helu) ;.«Wmii(o«s,--t-'am wrfbnnlng-wtth ONBTBOOPJrONl/Ki-tbc ORiaiNAL AND ONLY OAMPBELL'S UnUntBIS,^'! which tsleoMd arniUUMn.wmronen aad> tboroughlj vunUlalad BUVHEB PALAO^/in ana gOl.Bonryon Uouaaj •vsBlBf,tJan«.37lh.../JO.U. ..W..8. JIDOVOiaiT.Oomcdlau,'^ lu MARIE'ZOE. the "Cuban Sylph.'^^Thr* mo»i popular . ' -• ' -; * . ACHtS&'DANBEUSE AND PANTOUIMTST having oondyaed her last engagemeut (during, tho summri nonlbsl at4Be Fnnl' Street Thsaiue, haa retired to' a tavMti watoriDg place.yrlu>a she irltl remahi unUl bar Fall Bngagoraenfa commence.' Hanagaii wisblug to'negetiato fbr ZOG, Ibr tho Fal and Whiter asMon, wlD addiea ' 1 ' V;-., - JAMES (XINHIHl li CO., 11-11 38 WcatUouaton atrcet New York. •AQICTATIC. ■lass JBfSim^v, MDS JENNIE BROLS, .I(IS8nnNIBBI<0I,S, HISS JEMNIBSiniLI, MIBS JENNIE BMOLB. Mma JENNIE HMOLB, MIB8 nNinE-ENau, . loss JENNIE' ENOLB, WONa BAPnSTIN, : HONS. BAFTISTDI, 'MONB. BAPTISTIN, 'MON& BAPllSTDf, 'HONa DAPnSTIN, MONa BAPrlBIlN, ■ ■ .1 • JOHN HUIXIOAN, JOHKHULUOAN;' JOBH'MULLIOAN, JOHN hniLUOAN, JOHN-MULLIOAN, JOHM.HULUaAN,' ,117 i-'iV 1-1 \- ;. :)<. .'.iV'J.M;;! ? i j; J.'B(MK]HEBTY,' J.'J.-OOOOHBBTT;- J. J. DOUOHEBTY, J. J..DOnQHEBTY, f. J. DOUGHBBIY, ,r». . ... / H. W.'WIUJAin, H.' W; WILUAJO,'^ ; a w; wiujamb; : H. w. williamb,- .:H. w. whuamb; A OOAI Race AnoDWD Buawiu/s Isuhd.— A boat race no Utllo interest to the friends of the rtapecdveoonttatastacE oO en the 18lh Inst, starting Oom the foot of Stnntou street an rowing round the nbova-named laland, belwocn John IllUer an John CovclL <)nlta a qnantltyof grmnbackawcra loyested, I favor of Covall before tbo start, but veaiing Tound lo favor of M" 1« aflor Ih* isos was In progroaa. The dlalaiico was oaUmaled be sboul 6H mllM, and (he race resulted dnolly In fbror of Sflll< 'V^.iDwed over the course in ono bonrandsov'cnteon mlnntcs. I" gam' — Snnw.^'iawsllhaowaaBnogtiioboallnw < temlly, efforts have been modo to get a mati^h on helwiaB',thi mon, and as tho mst^ botveen tho ibmer and Wait] Is now flxc^ It Is in place to state that In a reecnt commnnlfaHou from IfanilU ho slalM that he thought Stevens bod bad Urns enough to anairor his Ubersl offer to row one w^ aRsr hla race .wllh Wardst PlUd. buinhi .What-Stevens msyhave tossy in -response, to (his we hnow'Aoli-but we .sn oedlbly InfomM (hot ,Slevans yrlh row BmID for t>00 a aldel anywhere on the UiMson. aud.give Uainlll '109 to ditfuwJUS, eipenifIt Tlu* oflbr luUs.goM. jrhatbtr amOl wlna or loses his race,wlUf Ward. Boat Bacb at ILuaTOBn.—An Inftsr^stlng race came elf (hare OB ths ITlb Inst, of wlddk s eonrspondent "HontanUe," thus writes:^. . ■ -.i - EsnoB Cutbb: Dsab 8iii,-Jt oecnirad to me yaatonlay ovc, nhig, whltobnmy wsy to IheracekUist Imnia let you knowtb4 result and was revolvlnghimyndndhowlBbonldprefiice it It struck Ds'ihst r^f't'ing like this would be about ngbt—Flsi>e4 w(lAti(iery,Itaketneflratlalsnrememontlhavo tohiform yoii of onrgiina snocess ' slssl 'vein thonghta-we got Ihrsabea, bnl notba^,uyonwinsee. Xbechanpion Sag waa heia by tb4 "\ralawab," although it wu never won by her, but by aboat for) moHy owned by the members who now eompose' the ■.■Watavral) OtaV'llromainlnglnlhctrpoasesslonBlniplyftom laekofinlor. eet in boating matteis fbr the paatthrea aeaaona by the otberdubs totakeltflronithettt. TUa year tho "Una" (an old competitor flirth'e das, and at one time the champion,) obsllengea . (ho "Wa; tawah'TuelatteraeoepteJandwllhontthe least tradnlng what. ever (In Iket the crew nevcrgotlntoihe boat befon (oge(aer), ebl) lectuthe'bestlncn (hey C4u]d,'and last avcnlng (he isoo tent oft rlhe"Wk(awBh"wasallnared Mseconds, she betnaa barge and (ha "Dna"alapi<treak,.Thetattorers<rbavopraa(leea(ogolhsf aomathreeweeks^and were in pretty good ooooltlon. '' Tha'fWatawahi.'itook her auowanco orttmo ondieslaii and Mnedalaigegnp, bntlackof pracUeotoiaonhs oew, as tho •\2 J. DE F0RBE8T,, J; DE FOBUBST, • J. DE F0BBE8T, J..nETORltBBT.' J. DE FORBESI^ M'LLf MARIETTA RAVEL, '. . ' LA BELLE ESPAONOIiA. . . -.<. '..iI Is nowpetfonnlng a most anoceaaful engagement,at, Canlerbniv Hall, Waahlngton, D. C Communlcationa ehonld be oiiaraaed 6> MABTIM W. HANIBY, . ,T IMl*.. - -67 Marion street NorifXq4.0|^. uiALLENGE TO T^^^^ BODDtSON AND BOWBSl " . Proprietors ana Managon of (ho - CHAMPION (JiBOUS, ' ^ hereby olbr a ohoUcage for ' TEN THOUSAND DOLLABS OB.UPWABDB, that they have with their eatabllstamont THE anEATBBT BABE BACK HOBSBUAM, THE BESI.OYMNABtS AND AOnODATB,' ■ THE MOST AOCOUPUBBBDSgUESTIUANS, THE BEST yOLTiaUEBB, TAULTEBS ana TUUBI£V^, and. In brief, the . ..^ . . -FINEST OIBOUS COMPANY IN AUBBICA.', .. , Any.'msnBgcr or-Managera wishing to lest the eanacl(y'of (heir troupe canLbe sooommodatedbyaoceptlngthlsehsllenmlhrmigh (he columns of tho OUppar. < nOBINSON 'A U0\7B8,-- 11.31 now (raveling Ihnugh Ohio. I - M'LLE ANNETTA QALLETTI and MOH& TO^UOtF. • : . I Tbe above great artlats will eonclndo their engagement at-'Kis. John Wood'a Theatre, on or about the gflth of June. Uaiagefs wishing to negolhilo Ibr their soTTlceswiUadarssa . JAS-'COMNERftOO., IMt 98 West Uonston street, New York. THE NEW CAIRO THEATRE' , •■-WILL OPEN ON THE lOth of juLT. Lsdhw ana gentlemen wishing ehglganMlla (Of the cblilhg of eight months, wUi:ploase aiUxaaa OROUP k CfX'^^^'ll.Ul MISS LEO. HUDSON; "Ths Mazeppa Quten."- This superb and fheclpsUna arUato, proiionnccd' bV (ho IikW and public the mostmuulBcentaitraetloii nf tbo day, la aowcoii)< .pletlog ber engagcAtnto for Uio onaulng FaU aud winter BctuoQ, Maoafler* deslroua of the sorvlces of tbb tolcuttid tUfd (UtUUve lady will please adflr«u.AOEKT,'OUp|ier .oftlco.^ ilUU*' MISS LEO HUDSON'S Granii •■S«'niatlQnV'--ThB ■obleaCalM On thi) Jmioriiau Slsge^ now iindragolng a Iborongii raiirso of training on yiaf Hivdaoo'a llun„l(ai)a<ir DolUuiOie, 1llll,.»IU Usdiarmlng.mtalirnw roriii _.,...„. Bjnetltrltn ittsiotlon Ouniig Ulu Miaulnii aoaaou evcrwHnessed.' Mauagen will please address AOENT, Clipper ofUce, ll-K* un^.jEinnE fo^iiest, ri«M;irAfli(iJ<jii^^ . -'UIBS SAlijE w^titeB, •; : ■' " MTIiBVIOLAi ' ■W,.&OAVANAan, jW. B. OAVASAOU, w. B. oavaSaou. ■VI. a OAVANAOU. 'W. a OATANAaU, ■ 'i.i '-.:-'. W. F. WABI. W. F. WABI, W. F. WARI W. F. WARD. W. Ft WABlj. ■ . . I T.\l \i '^'1 f..-: A ;~•:,■,Ji^:^^^ui^Y oAuiiipB,. SAUJBNOBION, MISS yicrroBiA i^oBs, ipSS JENN1BSB yt^.-,; . HISB OLABA nENDEDBON, MISS ESraj* FORBEST^, MISS OAnniE OABDHER, MISSMAOOIEWILBON, MIBS r.UniT PABOR, mSS MABIA uoimoE, ' ',' ,ilI8S -UAllY WALEEO, MISS LILLIG BAKE^. WITH NUMERobs' ADIlliTAniFS, FORMIXO IN AU.TEE UIiaiiST AMD U08T TALENTED CO.SORESS OF ABIUriiS. IN ANY SIMILAB INSnTVTlON .OUT OF NEW XOni ICITI. ,Ki a««B8t auis xuENT always WAMXm, <■ . '. . ... . ■ I ; • ,-. -, ill - . -. •< . I- .Xl...\ -,' . I ■ I li-i ..'.< .aiOBaa'UU) Omlarbbiyt'l I Washington, D, C, '1 . 7T .. -The FamoulFour-oared'Boat "Stranger," It fo Sale Ibr-UCO.: IttooneoL lbe best Fonseand Beats aver boll. Adanss ••STBANaEB,"'UumB Oaea,K. Y. "-. - - 11« A BiaixxA tw all AOUng tUflk under lok feet Is to come off o|i thsdverDeUwori^2Eeoalagtob,'6nlhe 97thInat,Iheprlbitp bed'ohatoplonflsji..,' ./^'.J,. . ... I " ANEW BOAT^FOB HAtou'lsbeingbiil^tat (luesta^Ushmsnt Of Ur. Stephen Boberis at Harlemi Be has lnsl«empMsd a no>r four oared boat for Yale, anilluia another of tho ssmosorton tbb slocks for Hsrvard. As both boats wUl'be by tho same buliaei, and.vary nearly or quite of tho scuio modeCthe.iespeotlve merits ottbeHirocren'cinbo mace wnecOyestunatedlnlhclr lutuito 'fl hnw)' ;of.^ , . . _j»lij?(WtB oift)1(;'^,l«Mc«t-J0 nUts. oodblessQiowlvts, Itay.nwnctfHiraocVa,'' , Bn|^-d^'?(fl)V qiend tho money > '■■'I -Whan 1^ are akk ITkayhsal-n«.nnl«t— . . "•{f'»ii'J'??"''ii ^ii2i»Si?ii,Mi™''S';i.'''°' fcrtiofac^JnJStaSiliaa lo.BBnMrfWlonatOionieater,l,ttlIM; ofthaililhi ' >■> .'.oa ■ i: 'It- ■ - - -nI ■. ..!.., ^ .--t i* .if7o<;?sir'-'^' ''i''I A'ndyfct.thdr'iSfT,-' " •" .' - ■ And (atemhMOBr^'«b«y«ai',''' ° rAniH AND tiSif itiik-i'A^tlt&ii Kimi BrAniH and ilSi)i'i'uiM(. A Utile In (he niornUiA Is enoiuhi anoi 'A Udle In (he moving Is enongh) anouglLaI'dlDher bnt a UlUa at-nlfhna:t>o.nneb.!!;'.mii Indian, jihlhiaopber, e«naUy profound, heU that '•Urt ma^ nUn.'ijU Jdatlnongh.:' AanmixncAi.—Tlio f,^wlng qooslion was dlaeiisaod In a Wes. terndobatliig cbibj'afltlakca iwchs aoldtan tetany arUa pit atthonolntatlhahAyanat how large abolerlDthOBiMndcoald Dr. WIndablplUtviUionehandr' ..;',.-f.--: < :;. 'i ;,) A SEAnr RnanT-"Ihavn't another woisttoeiy.-flpj:! never dlaputo wllh frnls 1" sdd a gcntlcmas wbo vrii geOliw-UM worst SlSir?™ *** SOirtaOy.jljoa with ArraoPBura.—A lady well advanced In maUonhood at hsr Bar riage, requealed lha cb«lr to alog the byun commenclnS.^^ d "This Is the way lluig have sought" ' ^^■ - •'^ Ana mouiscd because I Irand It not". Nionr.—Nlgbtla,btaallAil inltaelf.butatUl moie batnUfolln its aaaoolatlons:''Ulsnot linked, aadnla, wtlh ourorai^d ouT.tolts-thobnaUitasandthe UstlennessotHfk. The sunshine mingawKbltaoUon; werlseinthe momhig,anaonrlaaklsba. fore na-and niabt come^ and with It rest Ifwelaavedsat, snd ssk notofdreuna forgelfuineas, onr waking Is hi-sMlaiaa, ond ou f emp loyment la thought ImsgUullOB has ihtawn bar glories mnmd tho midnight: the orbs gfheaTen,-(heailaiinh(Aa •hsdows, -sr*'steeped in poeliT. Even In tho heart of BoiMdsa city, where themocsUghl talis bnt nnonlhapsTrmaatndrpM, thehcartwonUbe ieflened. and (he Bdnd elevsled amid Ills Mre. Uneaa of night's deepest and sUUeat hour*. ' . ■. ~. ■■l ABon.HuKAM Natube.— .. . Ionder.handea aao>4 the nelUc, ' ■■ ..... AndltatihgsyoBfof'yoarpalmi ... i.Cii't aruplthkaamanormattlek., .'I .--. Andltagftassllkramalnsr.. ,: ../, Thualtls withmgarnatnna, '.": I Utelliem'ktiiaiylh9mbal;.':ii-c. ' .rr-''A BnAMiongh oa iin(in(8.giatan, ^ And (he rogiat.ohef yoBXelL AircmiT FipT.—^'Ihs Pariah reglstcr^l Sfamls' foUowlng'eamns'noTi'dalcd 1C7S: "Nae-r^^" Lord's day—themtailsttrbeing at ""tU^lji '.. ... TsAT'e Bo.—fha roam where thedUilttoalal'h^MA kept Is Indeed.wslI'lsrTneaa 'bridle ehambdl'.y,; '"Ij^^J BcBAn,— '.. .-.-j'- '-< .i !. Thecoffl|ireticilBlvo.Bon<y.3yl]sbla>-aoia.I .. r .M, A neDtal rasanoilon Is that wbkh nnaer4ia a statCDent Thsspoc(lngftBtsmtar^aybdtaimea.!«atUanda.!.V ^.rr The worst soli of Inloiatry Is sgotlam. ' -. (,e Aanugbtsmsnnnstlstdaahaeket'aiUk.M: .-In.tha'gaaia ot lUb wasbonld walch fbr (he "las( trump.1Jo Jh«-v(Baaaiarosponslblsft»manf alt-ttnlacky^b)ow.^^%^.w• A broken ongaAemant is slway^ the nreaoaor of a erjMla... Mr. Door has dcoBriM's'cbillent^ BctaJrM'wUl 'itgM on. aor no drcumslancc^J'^ - Bo la'no'l)4l^e:dor& Efieot or PDailltii.^Ura.'GruiiaT aa)B ah^ioan't abear Oai nas(y piiso.lldhlliiff, bocauas U somctiniaa occaalona (h'e amrday- moalofllghfwolgbU.':. :. .... ,., ., Cab Yon Tax why Uis plot ot.a boilat la UktLthe air Hght oes- tune In which snhnorinoeignrslonsaromailnT Bccauselt'stot sdivar>liaiiBiotDt:j: : . i .. '-'. -r .-; Book roB FimEasi.-^bb«'sTUcs: ' ■ -ii-r . .- - I Is the i'.iDikiiAr'IIU:Poe*,i-)i>hn |itBj>bnnl wiia'weti'ilinbiiniilii Ibu Laico dlHlrlctoBan honost, InloUlgent iiiaiilitiHa;ms a tiilol on )k ste'iiniDr nrom'Delrolt'to'Buffalo one aumnnr nniraooDi Atthat'tlme'thos^-sleamere soldoni -ctTrtad bonis. Bmolco.Wa^ scon iuiMin^liie fVi6inv1)elotrriiil'-wo luiUod'iiat,^''SlmpsoD, (0 dovni and'soo.j^JiatthBt Bmokq 18." JlmDton caifae up, vltb.hlg DicepUf'is talUB, 011(1 aal^i VtapWDUbo^bip lii.ob flr«l" .-ThiiDTjl jflf I gradnaliy gained on bar." Both turned the eloka boat well, the "Watawoh"8UU leading: but It wouia aeon pass 1) ■ itaaL was oviacBt that ths "Una' ber, aa she did sbon I a quarto of a ndlo this aide of thastaks'boat. But lhe"*Walanb," nothing dapnted, siruek out manfully, and when within a qoarter of a mile ttom boane lapped on to the "Una," and a verv pretty raae totha Judges' stand enaoed; bnt condition will tall, and aUhongb the "Wal». wah" crow strnaglod with s will. It was ao nas; they were Just flf> teen ooconds bonlnd. Tbo rsoe was two miles, and (ho time made ivns llndn. 8 acea., which, laUngallthlngsbitoeonsiasratlon, waa not baa. There waa s largo erowa present a groat number of whom woe hiaiee, wbosasmsd (o takelively Interaat In the ifbdr.': Althoogb ths race was hardly above what la called a "sarnb," It orcatad oonaldeisble excitement and from present ap- leaianeeait loeksanlf-ihaaayaof '88ana '<S would a>wn agaliv .^olte a number In iho defeated puty srara enthuslaslla over tbb laea of a now boat,' also some tslk or a new boat for Trinity Co). Icga Shouia thcaoiaoaa be carried to any extent, 1 will keep you peeled. , , ■ 1- . UAB^nBD, June 18, iUH. A RxnARA AT COBMWAU.—The eoounltteo (bat lost seasou got up (ho grand Regatta at Cornwall, JoobuaWard'a place of reaiaenco on the Undton, nave It In contoinplatlon to get up a acullcr'a racn on iho combig ttb. There wlU be aomo tine prixca, and no pains wlllbaapamd to have the affialn-aa suoossstal aa tha-tormar and. Furtherpattlgularsincwy next • ■[ ■ i f PDBoABBOot as' TnaM.'—Bobait nooias tnia Qix, of Swatars, Schuylkill Co., Pal, ahot a natch at U'ltgeoua it Tremontontheilhinst, wtththaloUowlttg Ttault:'" I odu:.'. ■....:.:.'<., .„ nuocieoioi-tetsi 7. Thomsa OlOIOOlOCOOO " 8. AaTbetaas eonMa't tla, the malcli waa gtvsn to Ooi.- ■ laoT^Pot' na.TvMa ci'JVia.—M^Bmltb,'OfWdb 1ha "014 Ohlckan," and Ohailay-Aadanon, otSwaian, all _ ._jsylvahlaSUIe, aro matchnlio shoot at 98 birds esoh on (Ih.etJ'uIyday; al Pete Andaison'a brm, for 1900 a aide. ..^Cunii.8aooiTAT-llAHam.Cm,—lanyUaeeroyand Teddy Cook made a match on tbe 4th Inat, to aheot at ten pltnons cscb lor tlOO a sldo on the 9Uh of June at 3 o'clock p. H.. at Blaboney Oily, Pa. John WooBay holds |35 a aide, and (he money was lo l)ayfrbeen mado Inliii IMS side on ths Utn inst ,, A JArA.SE9B. TnEATRa-fA- lady (vrltioR to o frlcrnl from Ja|iAb' tlvoa Ibti fallowlnc dosorintlon orn Jo|i.incso Tbo. atro:—wboro ihb auiUoooo enl, tlio roof iviisiiuiiiiorlod liy elniil po1C8,1111(1 WHS oovaro(l<\Tl(li uinUlnR. Tlio liuxcB woro on «i>iUi8lda,lD two Ucra,oiio Imaiodlulol}: aUo.vp Uio other. lutQ (lie highest .iro moiHitcd bv nxianf^or h Udaofi Uhd-rolned (ho ncrclinnl's tvlfo iinil rnmOy. wlio budengngoii il. fox (ho day. Tho iiorronnnnoo liad lonR oominciicod, ns (ho doors open enrly In the morning and oliieo-»t4->H.Hf.- When wo arrlvwl llio droii^oenewiia dowo.,i',It,w(ui It very cay ono, ro|iro8onllOR Anionbnnous lUer, catiilny iwlntoilln n Junglo of vary bluish oolorod bamboo. Tho pit Is divided Into squnrts, oiloh onpablo of holding trom olplit to (on poranns,' Thoso nre-goncml- ly (iceuprad liy it whole niiiiliy, who ]iRy four llzlbooe mill II hnir (nboiil Oa; for llio d'miiarlmonl. In which tlicy Biiond too cottrc rfiiy, iniikliiii Ita rogulnrliollriiiy, u.sct- \i(nl lirlnglne iln^lr food iil ymolniod hours In olioW' oli'ow, h'r riiod liii.\os. Ai ono 6|^o oC .(lio.'piC wall; Is rorincil liv iilatiks.oinrhli'h Uio'StitorsAndncfrtnaclivonia lu niid Ku.oul. Tho orchcBtm Is at tho sldo, nnd conoLsis or itrd nmUo Iilnyof md ono drummer, bcsldos a cluf. UosMa Uioui sill) ll<u |>r(ini|i(or, a niosl lin|inrliiiii liidlvlit- uol. To suuuds u( kliiolCrlu-Ui,-klaoli.Uiu.curUiln Isdrawli 'iHSklo, luid a Jo:i(iii)8'«irp|lB.df8cloa«d kuoclliii on llio sUgc. Sho Is jHily illUhid|.horl)i)lr qriiniuontod with mi awirotovs pru(u«lop.orpliif(iri(l'l>iii(lBtqnd Ui9 pptvilor en 'ilwr flii^o luoka moro like n thpiaiivarliig.oC.wlnlo luudllji I hiin any powder Icrerenw bowrc. Tliui'irccl iircUiitcil U gliiislly. BuokoU of water were'dastaod upon .tbo ^s, bulio vam. Tliarewere large qnnntltics of rosiD ind-tar-on btwM, and It iros useless lo altenipl to save thd-'Blilpi - The vaa- sebgera ruabed rortrard hnd Inquired of tho' pilot," Bow fur are wo rrom BuSaIoI" "Sovon mllos." " Bow -long before we roaoh Ut"""Three-quirlora>af,.at oar present i^te of speed." . '\le Ot^a any dangettt> " Danger here—see the smoko bursting put I go fonpafd. If you (Touhl save your llTcsl". ..PesMnger8 and orew, mon, women and cbiildren, orowdod (Jio forward part J>r theehlp. John UaynArd Bt<>dd at th'o'helm. The l|anea -burst forlh'ln a aheet'Of Are; olouda' bf anioke arose. Tbe V:a)ilaln cried oiit;'throuch hhi trumpet; V''o(n Vnynard I" " Aro, aye, sir 1" '' Are you at the hehtir' ." Ayo;ayo, slrl',[. '|How does she boadf "Southeftt- Ui-Miast, aJrl".. "Eoad ber sojiUieMl, and, ruD..J)4'r .(n sliure." Nearer, jgoiiror, and rot nearer she iiuproMaed tbs shore. . Again tho o.iptain orled out, fJohn-.-lIay. luirdi" - Tbe responso onme feebly," " Are, ny«;atrl" Oon yog hold on live mlfiDtes longer, Jobnt" "-By God's fielp,-Iwllll"' The old man's , hair scdrAhed (Tom tho scatpiODO. hand dlq]blod;hls knoe bpba-',.Uo Btonoblon, and bis lOelh , eet, with hls :othor bahd 'upi)n tlie wheel, he tliAi flrm as a rock,' He bdaob'ed Iht aup; every man, wpman and ohild waa saved, hs John Ilaynard dropped, and hlsieplrit took ita flight to his fled.. ,.-. .< 0 .... 'Ir Taa DAT'OP BimBS.—Tbe crest battle of Bamat was frtught on Easter Bundsy, April J4tb, 1471.. Tbe bt|tle of Valor laPletd, noacJtfiiosirlcbt, .iroa.fought oaSnndur, tbe 3d or Ju1y,17l7r Tho Peninsular War waa frnilfuTIn Sunday Ogbtlng. Tbe seoond -badle in -P()rtiigairuuit in Timlara. waa fought ou'.Buntbtyi-llst Avguat, 1818, Tbe battle of Pnefatord'Onbryaa isJnod on Sunday, tbe fUi ofHay,181L OnSunddy oTOiuagi.inb ofJanuaryi'lSlS, Wellington Issued ths brief but determined order that "CIdaud Rodrlgo must be oarrled byasaaultthla avenlag ntaoven o'cloiik." Tbe:baUle of Ortheswan fought on Bundar, tba nth of Febmory, ISli; and that of-Toulouse —tho uat general adtlon of tbe PeillnsnlarWar—ooonrred on Easter Bttoday, the Idtb of April following, .Tbe battla .of Waterloo waa aiko doolded on Bundar, tbe Jtme, IRIS. The second Burmose war afforiied two emmpleai E.i8lor Sunday, the lOlh of Aprll,:18(3, the attaolT'on the lines ordofonae atBongoon, and.)^ alVaok'And capture of Peru, oil Sunday, the Slacof NaTombor,lSt2.-- InavtD- lory of lukermannwus aobiered .on Sunday, tbe 6th of November, WU. 'And, to orutm tho whole. It wa^ on Suiidny.tho 10th of Moy, 18S7, that the terrible Indian mutiny broke out at Hocrul. TOE ITNTVEIISAL BOOK OF BONOS AND SINOBB'S COM- PAMION, contalnhig on e^tenslve MlecUon ot PatrleHe^Sen. tluuntal, Irlali, Etbloplaa, Oomic, and Jelly Convivial Boagsi sta. biadngsUthemoatVopuIarVocaiaemBoxlant tvolunMbbaad • aomoly bound tn cloth. TONr PASIOB'S COMPLETE BUDGET OF COMIO SOKaS, containing a eollcoUon of seversl hnndrcd Orlglual Local laya,. Eccentrto Lyiica, Oomle Houga. Uomonms Irish DalladSk PaW> otic Tocsl (Jems, Stump Speeehaai and Ourloequo Ontions, 1 volume, handsomely bound. ' ...->:< THE ENOyOLOPSDIA OF POPULAB SONOa a efaeic* ooOtc- tlon of Sentimental, VatrloUc, Inab, £lliioplAn. and Coinls Saaga, •mbiaahw savsial hundred of the newest ana moat HwWsnaWS Lyrics orlbe aay. 1 volume, hsnaaomoly bound. • :it*a PrIoeSIeecb. Bonttoanysaareupoatpaldon'reraptattbs price, by F. 0. -WAl-SON, FnlillahST, New York.* 771ANNT MIU£RUagroalB<Mk'f<v 'lkney;tDa and"6ollo; to JJ r«adltan4(btMni}eLooklnf (ilasa.tiaiiiaiearwia caas of eulc. . One hak 1 and the other 8 nicely cotorad, nictniaa, • Beth i!9.)M)Unjnc«lpt^t prioa.ln Ohaso's.pmiir Bilitiirea._aiek-iDr Finny MDlcr, snd We. (or the Looking .Olaas, and if yon don't think that that Is cheap then (martop'tts reat niusalt).'. ■> P. JBffiB,-No. a Uvington Bt, IMl* ' dear Itae'Xoweryritew Tork. BRAOTIFIIL FALSE WHIBEBRS ' ADD Whiaker* $81' XOnttkahea l» ot*. and (I, atimp for elteulaia. BneUyn, N. Y. Addrs|tB 0. W. MOraTAOBBS.— . Sveforai'Selid FHIL0,O Pnltonstnst ■ ■ lMt» BHOYBII who innltoftelFhnnny-,nsndfer ths "Petit Olsasn," JustftomPaxla. -EndaaeUeeniih BwaMO, Detroit'Uch. BEAUD OB HdOBTAOBE in alx weeks, euro. No hnmhw. Beoelpt sent tor 80 eesta. Box 1088, Delrolt Mk-b. :u4t* T'lS RIOS, B6yB, send for IT.-A Soolhom Lady's Brsl'ai taonra ot Harrloa Ufa. as described by benrlf to a letter to her Foinalo Friend, taken nom a Scctsh mall bag by isyaeU .1(111 Sen yb^'aropyfor 98 oento. Enclose stamp for luO jartloulan to FRANK V. MBRTON, Now York. . . j UUt* 'nicn PnOTOORAPUB-OAY JIOTDllEa-Tbotaaiairs nins- Xi tratea. BeauUfUl cttbjeot Conipkitcto )9i!anl&rl M. PLAYINO C.VRUS, "l-ronch Designs^" eonlslnhig 89 Splendid Plohucs,tl per pock. Enclose atotg^ drc^.. Addreaa ll^n* ' 84 Nvsau street New Tork. L6ok AT MEI-I lav.-received ««|!?b'!'8_™E»:,'"«bi^^ of BRIAN PIPKS. viUi tlie Andcal Uleioaeopio .TIaM (In thsia) ever aceii. Knrloao 78 o nls, orlf ;ou want a Oner jnallty, tL . Addreaa J. PALUBU, N. Y. PodOOIca^ ..»~.a4(* HERE WE ARB.-ncre Is s Onut-BaolL'ftdior Llkviy) En- siaviiins, forSSornts. Hero ts one o( tbo FuncdeetThlnn outfor ISMnis: both (Or 00 oeiils, Address OBQROE SlUTU, Box lHU Philadelphia, P» . - .' V.-!}? UIJOnsl-Thls book Is biaaedfbr 88 contK It is - tifLaaiiattt,''at -rv,- oumlSo kBKonatR,! 1.'. ll.jl» ..'■.m:-'i'. /!<:i'..-ll.'iI8IDIIrownstreet,PhUs, ■ — i,t nin ,11) I I-- III' iii-.rrnT'—, TUIS IS ITI'.Ons ot-llid'Fanalsst'BeDla (^nlsd h>'Jln*rtca . Hsadaoualy UluatHlcd.' .ltlra«ntlt«a!ef poelage IM'18 o(a OraUINO & DROIBER. 11.9(« M3 Brown (ttttt, tbOt, B'^'ni tilo "Wtatn Ltft-tf