New York Clipper (Aug 1865)

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V— -HWIirOBT-W 0L0U08. -^.^ WntoatlUtaartUiMi" ' CoUtwMest Ui «MH'-L: ^. WooM •""••^ In A foltty **** !• • fl«m> «•* *Uk ^■''OP* OftuMdfet m il iiirtm i Aa» at* bMlly ii AUtonna Iloniabfiuari ' UtttM to bo|bM|-t doits InA I ):. . .. .. I>Ml|M».>eU|Knmba4aMd IB ■ b«st kw lUn n4 ooU, " ''Aiid|iUKnoplo*t.lNHiin* ,'. . ltlB«I»dllUf«ttlWII|«ld, The TMl^TIUOAi MMBLCS ■piin iMuiHti iDi rofBW Auwn ma fwmiMii >»ilda«i»opo«itloottm »»»5ft *Hfc*im»»'Mip«,|W». Tb«i«loi»5«f»«nWi«4 MUd^taO/, wWOct rtuttd on Oi* n«« ilwi «>»?'''i_'5,¥ •nr Mttl MkMmmSb, «b« Oiwim tvt toif itvuUAta^* ma M rt OM eouM la«»Bta»ubrtJ», BjBtnckr, •«« HtamtotnlnA M LondilUt, whew Ui«T nt^^m 0*1" mpni. lIr.arM■^tat11DguTn4lahl<pnpa•ltU)n(>1erMl• am Omtn, hSt bimiltal vKta hio *b« dUi* ii^njl^ tewn,'«lth n» Mljmilw ud fegUUng ipMlflctUosi, tic, »nnt Mai*B*v flm tbmoD, to wbloh »«T "P"J?.t •li»t,"h»ibonM aotnst tbao oow: um»rt»rliH «>«»*'■,"»«? wonU Uto pUe* tb4lwNk,li> rtoolAwtodrw tnm lb" ?"- fc»«WB ud Mtan to lb» ohnrch h* bii UioiigbUfulT •b"- daa«l." T»«kUh Oimm iijif iDti» •olwtr--'>IUi Domua 1 «1B onl/ ttj, '{ooa tndonM.' " ^ to n oojxjiuiDf SFORTtS ABBOAU. Th* Ring. HUDIOir OONTBST nH BiBBT HID TOUXa TINCII, R>l La«b«iii't jtnlj-atMUtui piliitlplt of hiDjl«jiplD» U* tmomtn MiUnt ol iho tnullays kiiooii bm bnn pro- osipm XTiL WnoT Aonw—MluKoiA un> ni Imin-^A lamamt . Hiiini Dnnwi Jioua m ns loiou. 'OhaitaVinod^ttu numolh MloratBiHTa hne^ nd Ho- CMdlA iBMi^ii. rtjdffnly- ilbiBdoiMd tiio dolad loiw, ud dointditilntktMokud bnikiB. IlMomi* nulou eolatt- ItJ bl iBMll till fllllll pnlpHte UwitM*iaib* ofDi. OiBhrali,In tbo B/pocilUi"' - Th* Mlon njojed'ihol^ l(tb« uidlac* did noL BOWDltf«l (mw aoiMtiiuniwblob ul siton will do nftta Ihof OB. Iq ohoootaJula obirtoitf bftlnnltadoOBinuA mm by bli *^ f "■ M ^^y to ton V odivm » tb« pnf 8«on of nllAloQ« bBl to ttt cridit'of Iba fDW<>''<'' ^ Ibo dnin* ba II tiM, ho ''StiSlOT^lS^i^aaiidtollia ilwitogrtebilTiddtdiH^ltoU te tl fUi tlBM too vaitom itaa eonll bout of UiiM ImiaoiiNir wolibtr acton of tboal Uw amidopoli of 9N to UO par BBS I «bo iiiatt«IU(«MwaciDai)lBawd<otdo,biit«)i«7wat«giuti. Ibeia waB(aiadBlg8eott(J.ILSc«tt),naoBiaBdB^Daad. Tba iM^Buntdollhlablglrfo ■ntj fooUthl; comoiUud nialdt.b/ diovnlBi hliBMlL baoaaia'aoma osa laid IbatPinoDa waa a battai ador Ihra ha mi, Boan cfior, Fanraa ammed tha eba- laalarei iba pnaaHet, wUoblan Oa mit waalam dnniuo flild > to'Boon to ttar tba uaabma b pbcaa. TtiX Baymond idronadblffliauftr (hal or aofoUiaroiiuawaa a ni7 Itellak.aet Howafat, lanou' natlua dlapoalUoB waa coattiully iMi anliig batman lha Im ptofataTona; ba agitn Um« off tha pnaon'a hiblL and bacama a atafo alw i(*ln. Fiabablr tha pioBla of hla daitoal poaliion did: not cqoii tha amoT'a^ ortoagnaofngnapooaaa of hit congragalloB wavool ao tdieaaMa aa lha dicqnata of Iba pU and boiaa o( lha lhaaliA Ha ratnina to aq^ata Bla itni IbanL, Wamyaa gtrai a t<it iiBnalBdaoooiiBiMMnoaa .«haB ha ma hla alaga oaaager it nahai|h,lalttS.,.AilbatUiBahawaaatod|ln(Ui«higj, wlla a flaw oToidlnaihm (1 tha minlakcf. \ra gnaaaaorhlj oBolal ^oito tohlaomploycr,! . "HiSwB Wiatat^tba. Shiw'a ngagamani, no ao. Flial Bight tilt: aacondnlchk "Iddrodaona," tlMi Ihlidolgbt, ''MB,''IBO. maldojaa IhUik oflhalt Ihla dIko of Piila- bOfghiaBotwoithlhaattBaUOaataiirmasagar. 1 am dlajofad vlUilt tad sani agahi, In.mj pnftaaloitl ohaca«tar,mil I fUi tt. A niAunahov, at a Dp ahatd, la (qoal to Ihair diaiiriiTatdftiJy adapttd to Umr TnltlartnilUy. ifoiaUbo. joad ll>a|r eotoaptlim, BUit thtml. I am almoal. alck of lha ■Ha ikiaiiigiiiiinii. If nab la to be my iocMaa, and I think jdo-wttanavWiaatoo,. Thanfna, irimanol alreadr en- gagaAJD t9» at Balilmo<& I ahonld, I think, dacllia tha vhola BHOari'tiataalllalwIlldoaU loanto mtkaIhlngagoilgkl,— ToBiim)/. "0, B..FAiaan" Ml, PanoBa anaOad la ladlaa baoaa, aad opa of Ibaaa cha- laMnhahhaaf Ur Ua baaadt Oatbla onaatoa Hi*. Oruaa ^ a^aaw, ofaQoa lalanailn lha pieces At lha doaa of laeaba took off hie waapnm hall, and preeanled II ■ toaliliiiiiilal iif llii plaaann hfr InperapnaUon of the pm^cnahha^ JBkitfnalt aTaraf^r'ta Iha.chanoUraf.Mh- Sglir'iM!?fS>amdii7'whan aha Tlwed Uwl^ A toaBT, aeBpa oounad m ona of lha nlgbta ba ma'pliilna "KAUbn," la lha md. aahmaoka li ataaUad hj a ffuU of Tndlm traliwi , Mahonnra aprinae icon a ootaii^ aid piaaant. iBi hUtrida Ona (q^^bgaidtr ol uaaquav, *• whloh of yoanavaUTadloo loDtfV* Tha two,whowacelojunotadto ad- ' aftptolhagiOBP. wareaTon taUandaTaiyibottonai bolh Bhlaktl- and ware gmUj alald ol Fm- nu'of npcm Walj, lonvtfd came thla Xh^ehort ooaape nflloimiilT dim.iowarda a9m!i,tXfd.h|a wild,andiMialBg ThaabdrtudliiifbaooaUng Mrroda a on hla a'ltmed. fdr nllluoatha attge,. Tha hig aUjodllloohoni^ toUMtSntl, and <r^ oa the llfUa 'on; both gnpplad caoh olhet aa Diaylald on lha'Cacr, and c«taiaienocd a lolj-polej gtma ,tha itiga, whilt forreat.tlood wiih hit nda.orai lha lif'UIMnl|tW, «lvi,iniraanlaeawlibUogh<at, bnt lo Oa'toaMw -aaaaa'aaliherof thom woolngal'op, bal blanlsf tha other, panTifll^ one aaolhar wall, UD at lut lh«r roUad pff Bear lha wtoA/ttd than iltlog, dcd huanhnenlir CndOdwlMkotlbandlBdlaC' - ' -II I* aaldoni Ibit ronaafa iMblaa oan ba eicllad; hit oilnn la atllBila^alto°Maelblewbfnholaoiotaadlo ttage boaaieaathat haa-baaa. wall-idliitauid -bj nheamlt; bai to Uoghlor. bowanr iMlflBJona tha paaeing OTflol ba, before lha pnhUaha doaa DtttobalhaidtaUijatmaobmotcr hau Inrailadwith-which IteCtOBnaaf^ba'aatloBi pbata-i BowaTtr, noraloalihontaD aft^on, John OfaaBo ooce won a bel fnim FortaaL The wiigat.saMhat.Uakliag aoattain etolld,IdloUa, alaald char' letaiilniqBiiat hlApueaa, ha wosU forco blm for ooaa lo a amila or.B-gtala^ whaa moat daapU abeotbad In Iba paaalon of tha bomv-lIMi bat ooonread danng • raheaiat) whnaln Oieeaa had tUaandtagilpI'Mit lo .play, and in whloh Fomatwu giving laaaultonaliaw taplaf ik -I'lll fOUov iou diraitloaa aMoUr, I. than-ninlf r canto jaa ta Uagh u aplla otjonnaif," aiid Ona^i "Ooo'ltnnblorgniaaU tbonl iait Lam aotreirlai* jnatlu^ and t««l Ihe latponalhillly of oj own chartdar loo B«|d|,l« oaia tor. lha tndiaranit> I'll-lake the RapontlbliltT." ■^TailiYaU,'*. inUel Oraeaeh'.th^hlansba onjoDrownhttd.*' orMaaand bit oamnde wen lo.enttr when Fonoel wu In ob« of Ida Bloat hapuilopqd' aneohea; in a whirlwind or paulML nij etateiad at the an^ and to lua qaaaUooa pal to him, Qraana fai;a«d'WUb a laoa ao ladlerooalr atnpid Uut It aeaoed a woedaa nW|iPQ whfeh no nr of loMll^euoo coolo onianale. rORaet ^liB a mii^ta and tamod bta head to recoT,r he grartlf j —IM)>WMhaq,ail?*anionBl of alamneta loooooatlbiehniaH-I ' iJwtn.Va.luj^rqf wain ondeaTored to fua Ue denu bialft, too teBBlauoeeb oa whloh no amlla had dawned, which btpleuo^ltnatook wat anflloiant Tha^irnnietaible ;l)4«riOiuit(ivih| whld^nroTed oonlagloutto Ihaaodl- =-,„rn^H»ml I«tn reaponded tram aU petit: all e»«pt qmstt who WM u.(iiflfX'.ble aa |i muble ttaioo . John won hli ■■---lUj^lapaljL.I . ^ qfMaa.waialwixa a siMt.admirer of aeaani JaokaonJ ^tha.aaatUoB no; ba.aiktd, wllhovt (ear of.ooutrtdlctlODj ■'wkOiUBOlt'.' toi •■o'en bla ftoJ^a did loan to Tlitae'a alde.'f i'lM<*w»4^,«i«« alfong lhe» haltor-t. araii," can oertrTrU Ua noble pilllotlam and deodi from that aoU whore doala Iba •y *!(S5»..<>«JJ?'?»i8'«f»< lUiunln»Ufig Iteedoa a uUI A alar of gftnhlmMfl. Hr, Qr*fnoeDd:aPtrljptnia|idabttaigon an n- oualon of 'piedanro neu the fiunad Heimlitgo, In Tosoea ice - and oal Idtfj Itj.of grallWog t&u Vrti^ Inud; bad ItTorod Ur. Qrecne wlih tp)<;iloarUB aomellme b«(gra,Bo with. X^BuoitbleftUidiQiiil; ala!Mo(44Badi<«U««.tolho.p)rilt _„ odnflhlq'oniliJigforlUpnitolalloo noUl now—Ihe deaind *Ul WM tl oanafeeolTeddpon, «ad lUlhtr lha a aene pertr weal aadwen^ moil aordltllf aal hoapllablr leoaiied bi itiB old ham.«avaald,>lbalalthaOral loiomow with tbeOen^ aral tha part; aeamed ambarraaaed to hlaprtaenca -bal anch waa JdMMTufilnidlx nunnor/a^ aldiplj oonitoout, Ihil tU were at «iuaplued'ttaaaa,aa.lf to a Moad'a honao la famliUr lolor poBTsatoa Aaalf 00 thi.Upioa ol Iba dai, bnt ntror Btoichlag aaf poinieil tnbject Inrolnrg direiallr of oplaloai ol thapHtoKpntent hlot^r, baliawatlod qaealiaat of ihit aott from hll gaeala. Mi. uioeneiToalnrad. to tench apoa anneof H«Adlaa.ciunpil4Ba,tnd hla<«d(r.ibtaaiae«aR«," wbl.blia moa pUaataUr and modaillj taconntad i ralallng oanr loUmtv . If and modaillj taconntad i ralallng many iVWo^ua.notkpown or lafcrrad U by hlatotitu, and aeem- ,. ,_-rao»IUo|(,Uin mlitht bo coatUnM Into poVUnl f?i2i!SIil!!?!rtL'l*''"»^'' ""•"'a toarotoraeof aUlhOae MMnaraUotlUlbolaaaooiun charged to hla atoraohlMiitir. Slf-^JSJ'.ytlS'' r!^'"^ ■» •PPaaSowwi and ^paini).ofi,traina, ibni. then nrt attoaatlidrhlt faaUraa «-A-Md-srii& Aa Oeotral loTtladtha dinner, and lolradaoad Iheni ^JiSS .TOt"*''F(!?'.V'hi. altoniloaa iLWMS-^ iaS' •frtfflUawd to Ibepi —war* i_ Ib&clafiniTTe^'i'Mi'jJ, ikwJ-bol no laiuriont aWompC taa ftS poweitwera aieraod ploOut 'AriWa tiUUUai, MbUskad awilnbanrollonti pow ba wmld appear tMhIt aid piflnnf^ A aacaaeai aod ao aoiapiarea ai ue nmrit/ v, luv luv,^ nanlanbolkpaMdaMndrommonrra, lhal IhwraJI/WoLd tha WltaoB awtr ootartoa whan lha naMwnd la glraa bj OoU Hat tkaUheia la Id be a leanmpltavof Ihe alhMio samea aa in IbasafaiJdaiorjnra. Ihaaboraltta7altm,tha{aaa«aittlon .of wuSidoraawarFttbaiaoxweakaof ttilnmt, esdBOBalhtl an aol to rode galtaW htalih ai« altowad to perform fot Ihe ar. UMntltBnraaoftba V&UhtL- iRetpectlTaofaUlhuga. when moai* fatrlriennnenltd icoordlng to ihetr tfaaetto, a fair and hononUa oonlaal la pnUr certain lo aoe^l^ Alar a rapid Dtp 8r tiaaffl down Ihe Aamea a aafo apot to land on wia tonod, and lha piapartUoaa ware tptidil/ efftcied bj lha Bad Ilabeimtn, to aracdia a good and wtn-formad ring, atoutid which lha Corta- Ihltaa, Ac, look aaau w1lh<rat Ihe allgbltri liar of Inlemptl -n. HaaiarBtrtj hta reached bla Iwenlj-llnl rear; la In aUUnde (Aeto.andwonldwelgb, at actio, aonm B<t lOlb. Uolilhio- Unbedandeklnned. wllb a mlitiabla falltog ol atandlogTcr; wldtk a praltr good htodlMhiper, alack lolna, and all upwaide of Ihalalhr ladlelUon of bdog. Fiom hla own accoonl, ba htl nntmd a ptrllaitoair ballla ahool twalTo oalodai montba ago, whAatAMcraholAhedereaUd Tonng OarJoer, a mtaillloner ol dttfcnO, ftmn Uertte Jalintton, Time, Umln. Ho waa <a- qniied hr l'oaneD> and callagbao. Finch nanclbnghlbrfim. flolaJottrlitogloloaoUoaof Ihe aehoola, hr Mt deurmlned mode of eUcking lo adlra baalnaet, aod reaUrwIlhoaoof hla own calibre^ wonid be bard to aheke off. Ua aitndi hat tbonl BA «Xln: and lha plnaant-looklng bndrllltia fallow looked far? glceaoma at hit approachtog teak. Bto pntnbarani nnada enfflictaollr todtcaltd that be nlgbi hanTeiT advinlaaeontlr ban doing a llUla Baallna lo tednoa mdandtnctfor flein hanging fltbbilr on nerr nmber towaida lhanpper elratnm. Hit ttooadt were Toaog Oollagher tad Dan Uami. Tn naar. Bonad I. Tha ltdt ataijed for tn epantoi, and Ilacb, wllh hie ezbni length of reecb. mUeed two aTallabla cDtacea of oom> menchu opanlkni. Aditnlaga waa toon taken of thlt on Ihe other tide, ta Banj teeinedaa mallleeonie aa a marrowftt botl*d wllh aome qalokalKar, and •eelog hla adTCaaaiT alep awkwtrdir atlda. ba bond anddolud him with tha Ivfl on the TlctnilUsg dapatlmtnl, aapot hemnal hoTa bean told lo enirr fBToi with, aa Itwaanlnkr^wlthhlDilntbat qnartcrap to Iba doaa ot lha bat*. Ua. ■ Baring anca tell hJt mr, Jimmj Banr laodad hla \tH on Ihe dial ■lib aUaglng aatsllr Iwtoa, wllbonllet or hindrance, and than doohad, mltalnga waD-totaaded Titltottoafrom Flach't rlAbC Jtoah, howerer, anccaedad In lha next attompl, plinllng t duller on lha Iroilia, while Bmj waa onca mora oa lha mark, to a aomewhit henj and deutmtoed ilrte. Then followed ehnplng deUrerlea on bolh aldea, Binr rcIIIdr Te-r warm, tndpnfflng, wllh Ua rlba all orer ot a pale ptok Unl, which ebowadlhebandrwO'rkiVtheFtochlta. Uean croaHi-nnlara— Bari^ raaoblBg homa on lha left opUa, whloh gilitniad again lite lha laantalo'a aprar, and rude Flooh aliaoel faliar In hla aim al the bridge ol Ihe noee. Altar a lallr, bolh lada went to mother earth. Time, 7 nUnnl>a 9..Thla wu remtrkiblr thoil: bolh nan wrre pnOng and bloirtog, more eapeclallj Ftoch. ttad he had dcatir recilTtd iba graatar molelf ol dtmaghig blowa. Flnoh at Icsgln began to u- aume the ofEcaalTO, end dropped in a dgniOoaat Interpralar on tha oonlh. Ihla led to aoma briak loegbUng, In ratpoti lo which both wrra on apar, and whila again ccantenag, both man fl-U fHim tbe force of their own btowc 8. Banr'a nob looked aiocedluglrfliftbed, and for teraral mto- al<e II aeened nlltflr laexpUaable to hlio aad hto aaooodt how Htilar Faiqr TIBcb conll gel el hla. ooe, two, torea, to Ihe total derangement of lha oi tmtit, II wu a tpeolaa of hamDopand* toogawork—honeallr and traij meant—lhal Baiij had acTar. dnafail ol hargalnugCor; and nader ihaaa olroiunttanoea bf. locked u' bawildareau a walarman who bad nntblppad bo*-h hltaMni. Otmllr lha Ultlaona wat al lha fore, ho ahol onthla Icit wall from Iba anonlder, and planted Iba, other bnaoh of dna on Ihe breaetwork Of lha eneiOr. Barrr'a rnnm wia a Inngeone' hll with the left on tha capot, which effeoied no dtmtgo u ln> tended, biit'BOlbtttiiittelr ft ptilfod np .Barrr't prindpal waapon of espport,aadthacriaawentond>h«tnlaIe(lwwgoDe. Bona npid and okpiUi aioliaiuaa ware aow made, when Finch drora In a dipper on the nttu promootoir: Ftoen. than darted oot bla itfi wllh allnglng teTerur. Tba blow fell on the rahtpeeoar,. aodlhaCAal/auaJlorwiiiz.apnDout wtln all lha gQihtoa cff«r» veac«nC4 of '^e Dubblra ol BinnnaDa." Thla wu f ftiat blood* tor Ftoch, npon'whom odda wero offered. A Barrr plared with bla lafi, and dropped II lighllr on lha or- gan ot emen. Floch wu ahori to retnm, jet he looked bko wlo- nloi^, aadwoarnllof coofldonce. Heailfallr aleppa^ on Banr'a lelt toea. In order lo hold hla adterttij to work, but B<rTT alng- glad, aod got awar, bat not bebra lha appar 1-ather of blahoott wu all torn off. Ihla mated a dlipnle, and Ihe lade loagbt in tbeir atccklnv-faet Vhenlher came foil again, Ftoch re-opened the toie op the Jell era, aad Call to lha ralreaL B and d-VeiT Bhori, and no dunigadpne^aa bolh lada wen wed wloded, aod onir tjarreJ Ipgato Uma. T, nnob mdeatarrlblaoolbarat witbhltleKbn Ibe neck,bat Darrr ooa4 not retaliate u hla left hand wu now tntlralr power- leaa, and lo all appearance he ma comlog np to ba a mero obop- ping block. Flooh landed hla left again on Iba left era from walcnihuowu'a tenewat of blood, and a tad dlntonttonof Tialon.' Banr -wu carried to hia comer amotbared with Ihe. crlmaoa fluid, and bearing iba llon'a ihate of panlabman^ while game aad itordr Uitlo narlr-borlr looked u.freab and nn- acat9bed br a aolilarr acialch, u II aulcr Jfantftoj had been gliiog him antortgorattog ahowar-balhwhon the earlr Tillage cook,Balntedlhamom, - . ; • 8 and laiL The uttor ut:o|ttupenl of entr one praaeni mar be ittdllr gaeated'at wb'ea we record Ihe lolaUr noaxpeoied lataa of •thoptoccedlugr. Too Bghl wu won momeotarlW, u au4dea aa tha dick and re;oit of a roTolnr. Btny had prldmtr pnton bla oooaldettog cap. for ao oooner had he edftoetd to Iheaeralch than ha took time nr Ihe forelock, and—wdl mtainrtoa bla diet-' aace—awong nnhd hla rlahl hand, llrolr dencbed, on ua nppcr ■and mare prominent portion of tba Jaw. Downdroppel Finch with the laplditr of a Ihuader-bolt; aod 11 nu at once teaa thai .UiahalUe'vaifoTer, aa cnt and ctrred Uaattr Harry had von bla iii)alch oomplelolr ou| of ih^ flto br knocklog Pinch oonplelelr ontotUma. -The old adage tbit "aman abouid narer hollow UU iha'aontof Ihowoad" aeome good both In Ibcoir and pracHce ,'eten'tn thlt rear of grioo. Uad It not been for ihli teottkablr, Itakr "flake'* bit, Burr mnathtra be*n aordr duconfltad'and delealed- ItWadtoiAotlme bttoce Flocb recoreied hit aeneea, .and ma imniadittelr remDTOd on board the tteamer, The lut blow lha alio Ibe "hral koMk-down blow." - < '~niaiyirSiii>t>ift-'KUi3i\'iAt{Wafii la the umariag. for a Bnr, between Wllll^, oUii Ooe Tune, (B4I. Bft tin, 10 retrt of ago), tad Jack Uoolan, (Bft Bin, U ^aiia, gi(); both norloat, gnd. performed >f<« 1 hour and IB mhi, forlr louoda, when the tponge wu ihruwn op bj Boottn, who^ banda went np, and llusowu dcoared the'wtoner of hie maiden bslile. Hoolan gatoed ltl,blood 111 Ihe let round br lha l^.nntler toe right opUc. UotnTBil bUs^'Difiaior. tfA' fW.—On Uondar, Julr IB, one of the l>Bit b44tMt9(l ''hit Ihtt htfe taken p:ica lo Ihle dle- trlal for raie Uint,,umB off at a place called Filir Aeret. a lane tract of moqiland,nIBg^iweon Leedaiud Wakol)dd. The com. bkWSliifeihFi.Outliillnand J. Larlo, bolh hailing mm Dowa- bnrr- On aniTtog'at the eoone of action, Ihe prollaloarlea ware comjaeltd to -thB mldil 'of a palUog radp, and a nfoire btlog appoto(ed(a aaU-knowo aportlog ohaticlar from the aelghber. hood of Oewaburri, OoahUo wai tha'Bitt to throw down tba gaimdel' anceddr followed br hla opponenk B and eren t to 1 ku offaradoB Oottelto. Ooto men were In iplendid coadlUoo, Coa'ello, If aortbtoi, botog a llltle too doahr, bnt 1 arin apaeired larfectlon, attd reflected great credit on hla Iraioer ICarner, of ' Fark). ^ Oa pnlUag IbomialTU into aHltade, 11 wu obrlout Ihtt CoBla9a.wu lha heariar of Ihe two, and lha moat adentlBc. In Iha-flfMi'ioandi-LaTto'landed'a"hot-nn" on the itobi cheek. (Flrat blood for Latto.) Thit tppeared lo notUe Ooelallo,' who now fought rather wtillr, knd oola were off-red on Larto, who beocalocwtcd bad It, all hit own. war, ' Oottillo, bowMer, gaipeli ttced bltmaa, (aklog blahidiniTllhlho moatdelopnined iluob :1b the tweliih round, LaTin guoad iha.,flral knock ddan )loir. aadiUiar. foMiibt,&flT-iiinQ^ounda,-occHprlog'l honr.B? mln., MMii coawlo't aocondi Ibraw np Ibeapong*, Tnatiha beet man won there can be no douht, Ooatelio bartag in adran- lege of aaarlr B alote-in weight. ^ Don BatmB.t]iD Ion Auu n Oomn,—A abort lime beak a Ditch wu made eatwaon Tom Allen aod Dtn-Orolobler, Iboih 01 DlmtoghiDrEag ,| lo flgbt mlove flght M U a_;eMe; a»d ««- poalia .woe dnlr- made lor tha aama 10 Breld , but Allail no! maUog good hla depoalt it Ibo lime ureod apoa. OratUa hinded Itie alalta io .OntobM. Allen, ihereroie, eenod BtelUe wlih a notice for Ibe noon»r of bit depml In the Birmingham Oonatr Ooniti--The beartofhvl been put off aaTarai tlinea, bnt-on -Frt. dar, Jolrllh, lha ceta came on lorheirlog.and AUeitnotmihlog hla apiievaoca when oeUad nppn, Ihe Teidlct wu glren in Bret- Ua'aUror,withcoalt.: .11 ■ ■ .■ Klnewit. I>arkar,idb Oormta, a a Berihoeg, c Hodgia, letb.... Wlll&ait,p Frontr,ir Jamaa, r f Tappea, of Oionto, Bd b -tolv nawoum appear lOToiv wia anaaouj noiuiled—1 niui* wonU IhMiatartaBiaWtWIdllrilib Mald'kiilrbla-phrilaa Kwlnl tkalBdadegataLPBtetltot-ha woBld comDcnVinewVla de«! BdMuiaiurht,-lBhn|lwllhi|inthhnmn' andihiawd potola^ BadidlhahohOBloC.llkHcttwlM arua ind dlislti, laMriii •Jjjttalni >(poh hto lwB«t»A« leui file nitlTa'good bMeTibTlw poMd ao each feeUog, Ibauatka of a Imoaoatleaan. Ua >he>cd ue pirtr through bit diawlag and tnto rooma. wheicln wore manr eurtona ralica. OnaMOidwaa hung with the poiUalia ol M»oOoam,«hooabo'callafflhla chndran. ' Wben tbe virirlelt Oanetd aocompanltd Ih'em to Iboir coaclj, ehak- inffiBUot'themoadlallrbrlhaliiBd. Uoatood at b'aeltcance ^Mvaathardmre dawn Ihe load. nnlU Iberloit tight otaoh •'fn!i'''}.?I*'!!'"*''*"»»'l"WOT»raliW0IdDanUlaa. tiS"?5!"i"™°"°7*'"'""'"n" to^oto Jackion, Ulatoacl. ™_'W»VJ*uatia up of tura, roeuv. mad utora, aoma de- e»MB «.tta paaie irp^ a lieiwuoaoua oute who could Oil a lS?,?'21iJJii. f ''«','«"nM>." M FaUlaff aT,r<. One p(r BWQini l»paejUir< • who pUjto rliuro, .waa. of the taw .'du at 2'^>l*^?J?J'i5 "*,"'"• ararlrdady la horaa- raa«filp»W.I5d»lo:lhrowa fo,e.eptliig o/ahaBkautamerdmlli ,li«nauOTifaAlraloihoMi,u«oii .a iieaidand/aaedbr Ibe fflSSlfS.i^iSSrTiS'J'?**' JeSr^fOlBil'tol awablr.Iha MM ;« wu a compaor 01 much indlrlddalilT, dwiiealrlTtog almiUng arUIn.l poinu aodoXrod ag HwS ,.llr,eh»rl-a B^fWMW. » nau»a of.CoDneoiout.ana TmShtr utorof aomentpotiBda,no* amaJoiwardwith anaw.groleoii ri wu to becdbB ihalrMea of Ibe Oiilknaab ThnlnlSi aimot iha UaUrula honaa, or to U.a of lhal atao.'to boB TnaVone allagalheri he bad antageda rooait inblleet 11 Mm plant for hl(;mBK' Id thlt new enBrprlta 01 building dc ItuwgTlUs lA'p^Tbar don't aeem to be pwtrealar iNiul wbil ihrr 4o;]5yiljlti*«ior.^» !• aei4abou>..lhta. The nUripaper cha% uo, <^n> to htTa a Uoeou to lilk u r«er nicaae, and-abow no'lhd Ifohnoa pnachara lo fanor edioia. Pram the Aiiiy iTditaTaldi, orJnna ITh, pnblUhed tl Qiaal SallLakaair.waaitridBlhafolIowlagedltorUI:- - •' • "Allbe Homon ofellnga htrangneaof- iae nanil beaTr aljle w«re Dober HimbfH •pu^orf ,To«nv»»r.- Borne- bo^r, el id gnu eaae.' Heba/toM ika^alttan how.lbarantht to fiirm brmeaeal uoloni to aOtanM^.O')! (a"ll> °>>"' la life, lo wlt:->Sned bUdail cSTuren? tl|al .toer ab'>ald 'eooc' on their coatom ol adiUf'"! *n>v*t mtrr^ng' hsakr huabanda and rlcr.eern. H«,n>|lowiid.iip:lhe Argamoot ad kmfiKm. poiniing out riimpUtBvin.Uia anioial and,tege|ab|e worlda, wharam.ha admired advlahon Id alaa and lata, gttfh tog, plnltog or iraniplinting. la Ihe ofenlng, atpcaktt'te' hoiiedhli ludllOTi, at Ibo IB.TiTratd,'lo 'behaf«,'IOr Ihe Uuie bilog, lonrda ■Qantllaa'—to gal Ibeir' good will Ind gttnnlck -1 wbllu old WooUff noil anocc'drd, epeeklng out hiamtodbr rileuniealiCaotiarlaNe aod crabb d.'Be lileaed Ibllpttllol ull of peace onto a calmbaforaat atonn. renllodloa-lbemll Waa enr Ibua, aTcn to old Jeaiui lluchanaii'a lima. Dot, ha . ba prepir.d for lialllrbn r'mr condltlon.f.elronld.h'litfoht btaa, Tbil the anldlera liiou>ht 'en Bain la Flftf<UDa,and tber would apeod Ihtlr raonar tree to foHiro, ahonld Iher oome htr^' atim in a 'iiaeaUonahiaehtpe.' - A jtoti«dlifulafli. Uttor Oty aiMnlaeal, aUampiM a ni lutir ffir irmlnij ^tif I~ maAa* tadlaboa that 11 wu a woafjl mna eraalirg'.ianrhow; arldi^ner' iieonlliiurd atrtaa ot hsm'a and! Iia'a, aduVd \fi.a» tirJif ihfttlnnwaal pair nr la>-ga In DtaU; tba ao^alled dergi- man ooab-nfltd brivpeallng that lha marcurr aoa too mllhlr bigHKIhrtahdltoiilnnbiaflowotltngntger'- < a ' piTi iiaa va mowiNa n basb bau- CoBtldarit 1 fucattloahaiheeagologota la bate ball drdet of lata, u to halbN ibi aula of dalTrer jig lha ball ad->nt>d br one of lha pt icn ot Ihe Itnnil Olub le a l-gtiluiaU pitol nr an nodctbad Ittow. Ucaora. Saniod Vaua. ot Ihe latle Ctnb, and F. CWtBioliha Atlantic, boib exoeHoncad ban p1arap,pr«- nooxoalhedeilTerrloquirailon ait^row, and ibe former d»oidad It 10 ea to la Ma math! la ibe ro1« goremtog pltohl«g In baaa ball dmplr rmnlm th>t 'iba ball ahall be p.lched, nelihar thrown noij<ived,"wlthool dadoing a t^lcb, II la o> ooorte left totheIndltldoil optoicnof <tcb amptra to arattohto diflnaIbe ddirerr or Ihepllcbrr. If ha oouaiaa'a It a throw, a'l ha b<a to do la lo aall a aulk on orar; hall he thtoka to thrown, anti Ihe pitobcrwui thai htTO either udellTac tha bdl raiiiT,OT to pea- alir toer<of each plirer uattog hla Brat baaa alll ba aura to te- core hit tun; bta^u wbUb, u orerr thrown bal) to ceilatolr an uBlalr ball, era; ii,rce UUa ao dellTrrod will mlltli lha atrlker ublebeH;eolaatUialn the.power of Ihe nniplre to glraa game againaldia dab honng the pllnh^r *ha tbmr»toalea4 ot pltcbea^ aad ilda newer, loo, can be legilimaldr cxaie eed. For Iniunca^ ihe 4riker coroca to toe bal and the fljil bali hB rc- celaaa la fttnnaa nnderhtad throw; all lha nmpira bu to £0 <a to Aral warn ika iilicbCT ti> p t>'b Ibe ball talib 1 ir ha don not do to, than let Ihramplre call balla on blm nnlll he doea and when toe BirlkVr raadiu nia Oral baw ou btUt, toeu aall baoika nnlO lha ball to utAed lairlr- Thla niaa will of conrta bare ihe effect allhar of'chanato4 Ibe |,l char or almplog lha Ihtowlng. tolhanaitivinrantloiamleoughiube lnitodnoed, M worded u to toflid Ibto pentllr br Ihe Utter ol Ihe rale, ai lican iviw ba done br lit ipiilt, —a BAnTABO ra VILUAUB. . . Ifte Bamrd ntoe, who recentl/ woo the obampioiuhip from tbe liowell Olnb^ of notion plared a matob o 1 Wadiwaaar at icn noon,-Julr Idb, to ffiUlauauan. Uut., and wan akala aacca a- tol.' Tba game wu not u gool aa ii oogbt to ban baa in potol ^f lalllea, but ua accodn of toe unereoneu of t la iNoa 1 andi ta IpaiUcntar. of the aiia rl tbt deld, tha aooia conW Ml ba h-pt' Wilkin reimjabia b laoda. Ik* U rrard nun, br heatr htttita, ,wonld knoek Urn balla amoag Ihi Ireea at t'tt end of the fleJd, .thu leklng amy ear chance lor lha daldera to ebow Ibair akllL At too heolonlng of toe fourlh Innlnge li begin lo rato a lilila, whicblaaoiiiodegraetoak awar from tbe totareatot the matoh, ,aud made it f^^r tba plarira. The Uarrard men ware Tcrr hDeplublr enlcrlatotd br the ffll toina ntoa^ and were much pleusd wllh ueir Tlali to fflUlafflalown, Tbe eeoie It u fodowi;— BiTrna. Jerome. I (. HaaTian. Wrlahl. p Banter, lath Otar, r r. Melton, Bd h Da<la,l f. , Haonerdl, a a.... Abarotombia, o t„ Farker,Mb.... BL. ....3 ....3 ....a .•Si ....] .1 Total.. B a < 3 i t a 1 A .a Miaoham. 9d b., Woodward, a,... Delano, let h..., Dar.Bdb Vanliigcn,aa .. Martin, t f Iiacr, 01 Wbiimin, p TolaL.. ..i ,..B ..8 . 1 ..1 :. B . B ..4 ..i iDVa visa u Bion iiamaa. let 3d 3d alh Bib Bih WOllamt I 3 3 4 Earrard 3 8 3 10 : Fataad baUa—Wofdward, B| lUm, or WilUtmi OoUaga. 8arin-i'. w, Haton t.r Uarrard. B B B. Umpire—O, S. HoirU, DaTia for Wlilama, J. J, Bio Bb B B-8* 1 1-3B THE aoDlaEBN BASE BALL CHAHPrONSHIF- On Ihe lOth Jolj, the hue ball match between Ihe mpraeeato- llTee of Waahtogton, tba MatloBal,-aod lha okampioat ot Hirr- Sod, tha IruUma, of Balbmoie, came off on the gronnda of Ihe mar, aooih of tha Bncndra Manilnn, Vtahtagton, PrompUr tl 1 o'clock lha nuplre called time, and lha gime oommenced FlihtooPaatunHtolhaOeldtad lheN*tI<iBato atthebai Tba Erne Ihrongbnbt wu ehtracteniad br epieodid bailmg and fleld- g oa the aide of the Natloaala, wblitt their opponenia'great firlt wulnlaldiBg ' lliapllcbtogotTrilllaiBa, ofibeMalionalit wu flivl clan, rarr rapla and dlfllcnll to airiae. To hla pltchleg u doe, Inagceat Boaanra, thairTlotorx- The calcbhig of Bei- Ihong, ot1ha aama clnt^ could hardlTbara been aieelled, and elldted rotinda ot applanta from tor Ihonttadt of lidin tad gea- Ucmen prcaant who ware wiineaatog the game. Froetr, Parker, aod Tappen made home mna. - Tne pUrtog ot Ibe Piatlmee wu eo generallr nniltvm that Itwoold betovldiooato pertlenlarlu. Their Beldiag wu Iheir onlr tirong point. The game ended at B o'dock, with the WuhlngtCDlaaa wea'Ing-ha laur la, t> ihait g-allflcallon, ba.aue to their former ooni-ala wllh thi FuUiau uerhtd tovariflblr bean tmadooaaatttl. After tbe game the two 4lnoa adjourned to Ihe Satloaara dob bonae, and partook ot a tumplaoot reptit We append Ihe aeoia :— Bamo. ar. 8 B B B B 3 1 I ....< BeUonil. FaMma. let .. 1 ,.0 ..,'.;«« lUSB D 3d - Bd S 0 t ' 0 FUOMB. Brown, 0 Mallinckrodl.p .... Frcatmaa, Bd b Waidnar, ad b Bammiagton, lit b, O'Connor, If, lUnat,o r Orlfllto.'t a Oregg. r I nL, 4 - S ..-4 ..B ..3 -.3 ..9 -.4 -.3 DoiDlte-IIr. B. F.' BBiarMtla. and Waahborne. Total'.-. IB nr Btoi Dnnvda; 4th Bih dto a 8 i 0 1 B Soorart—Vea Bth «lh 8 T-BB « 1- B UalllaurodI niBIOHB Ta., OLTUPIC.,... The fhHowtogltUe aooi* of the match plared between IhtM dabaoalheOirmplogmaadtoaJulrtlth. Oan WriiblandBar- diar, IW9 waU-knawn a1ck4tarv,plarM 0.1 Iba Olrmpio aide. The ntnltwaaa.Tlctoir.lorUia Earttonea. I tfinroBb B.i. llulbolltad, Ut b S Oopa, p, SIIIoa^ Bd b. Wood,t I.... Diown,rf.... Dick, o,.f, ... Fntler, b Deal, of 4 Ualhbeit,!! 1 Told.... 3 ...4 ...1 S A .B ..IB Totd Bovt MaDB.u una iian.w < let 9d Bd aih Bto Bth Tth Bih Bth Xeittone 2 B .« 4 4 1 H 8 4-39 UlrmMo 0 0 0 4 0 a ft 8 I-IB i Fitted balli-Dlcfc, 0| Ifalone, 3; Wright 9, Foul honad oatcbee—Qeo. WriBht. 8. B^ok oat—dmllli, I; OlilUa, 1; Bar- day. 1. Calchri mlated—Birdar, 3; Oioaadale, 3; Juhnaon, l| iBomilalat, 1; DIok, I: Halona^ I: Woo), 1. tir calahei inada— lOoo. Wriiint, 4; Bmllh, 1; Uroudale, 1; Johoeon. IpBanlaj, 1| Gillian, liBomtlalar,!; tola], Ilii CopNB; Wood, 3) DIok, 3; Ua- lone, li fruior,!; Deal, tl loU1,B. Ful oat on haua—Olrmpto, 14tlaea;'Sertlanfc llUmea. Pntoutontonl hallt-OlrmpIo, 3 llmea;Seralrne,Tllinet, Viiaoiit-OroaadalebrFraalar. Thna of game-3 houca aud (B mmnlct. Umpire—Ur. Bartonl. of toe Alhlttlo Olah. bcoroa—Uetara. Lrndi aod Wharton. Left onbiaea-Smltb, I; Crotadile, 1; OlUlan. 1: Bomelalor, 1| Hal- holland, l;Oope, 1| Wood, l;Fiailcr,l; Deal, l;Culhbtrt,X BASE HlLL at FORT J8BTJB. Tbe flial nine of ihe'VeTeratok dub ot tola place, placed their flnt Inttob <tala rot on w lb the Bloollora, of Qoihou, on iho 19Ui Jsir, ol which Ibo toilowtog te tbe aoore:— Binnto. NirauisK. . Honroa. ao1emtn,p K<nitr,o... Uhamploo,Iatb. Dlll,3<ib..i... . Hewklrk,adh... Dlke<aaa,lt .., lfooie,.of UtUe,rt Itorce. at Total .... B.l. 0 ::;:::} 3 3 ,... 1 3 4 .... 3 4 8 8 1 a 3 1 I a ...90 MoHeatilw, p.. iMnlroauer, 0.... Sirkrata, let b l.emortaa, 3d b. < ..'i ..1 ...0 ..3 Blcbwd«in,'8J b 3 VanEltan.aa.. 8we«nar,.l'f Tan Inwigeu, c f.. Uroocaloh, r 1 lotol Ttvn KASB 19 Eicn myaoa. lit M Bd 4th BU BUi Tlh Uoallor 0 ABBS-. Nereiaink 8 u 9 4 7 Oih .-90 .-IB BASB BALt< >S. ANDOYZB. .UtBa An InlcreaUag Baina ww pitrcd on Julr IBlh be woea toe Bitt nindi ofj ^be $anlor !BB aud, Junior.'Bf cUaaccoii Iba acbooi noiiDdt.. ,Tha,Jan|6ii wjtra rldoilonak ioaniig BV, while ihdr opppDenIa aoorcd lial - IB, JTha, fbiloh wu pti) ad r.-r tha 00am- nlohthiptHrhbli toeoidloglj^'noyr reato wlih 'B7, Iho acorei— ] BtTnnd. At, ^. . iJonou., mt, . .4 .' 1 Oolo, 0 1 BUiOU, EBumll, 0 Uiltaur, p m,Copp, let b.. iitog., 'id'k Bhiw,.^ b Wan^,at,..t SloraDtOBili A. J. Oopp, of U.Blallh,rr • ' l!>lal.,.,.,' .3 I 8. 1 .8 4, 1 .9^ Welltk p . , DtUar.lalb,. W,d,er"^ B .8 . ^.8nlth,3d b ....1 Tea Baaaadier, td b.,8. Tiler.aa d ;,..9 AnKt,ef,,, 3 Huaood.r t .1 8 4: t 4 . 1 4. 4 B .BB Senlon'.. Junlort.. Totol.,, Btm UADB a. avm laaiaai. ]at 3d 8d 4lh Bto . Bth 1th Bth y ......,9 •»,..» 11 » » 4-18 Bl ,a B 7 0 « B S1-3S f i' ATLASnO >A. UtnOE.. ' ' 'ikcteVhiht pitied thehf iliii fnilch'idtelb'erIhU aaa<An at Uoqlanlt, on Uondar;'<>]f^tl>i the'Jdnltbdng a neto^r <br Iba&lanUct. lbeo8h dtfett«d,.the Onlona pUjedaTeirond- lUbIa game, u Ihe ml* tp)»MVed ahMa:- ■ ',. Unfx. nudion, n....'.., O.amlihriel b., Dnnll, jjd b.,.. Blcnigaot a a,.. Iilobolioojedb,. BUntill, p...>.. Eelcham, 0 t..., Fabw,'J<....t.,, "Henry,*,"* T.., TolaJ;..,.. UuI'm .,1 Aliintlo. Uaiplre-.iHr. Iijdi AIUk and IIotUi» Mjctiae|-AU|5io,tt( 1 !tyv, ..I'A A^unra loiSdbX!.'!.!.' (.■bihouis; p BtoYi:ialb' ...... p, O'Biii;;of Bid. Baiitli, tf.. Delii,r,ll ...B ...3 .,.B ...3 ...4 ,..S ...9 ...l ..,1 .IB. iiidV'Wli^ , Toiic; f' Ltb MalMa. ta Ito CU Tth BUBlilh ,. 1,1 0 1 0-U CJob. EoBrera-HeatrB. ^^oi-^I houra and lO mlualcfi , , OAHDIK tb. IBROBB, Tha tollawtog la lha ton uaia ot Oa milebBloiA bttwaaB Iheaa doba at niladdphla oa joliMb.lha laaod Mag awtoiy forlheKaralOBca:— y ■ ' - . Bawina Xnanm. ■ t> a, ICnlbonanff, ItBib a B kSoa, p!','."l',.".i!."B 4 'Woodl,Blb,..)t,..'...l 4 WtIIaea.9ab...> t 4 Dlek,o ,.t B B«,...i...-3 B FItler, ad b a B.Enl|bl,r t.. 8fflUh,«T rFEaUibidb' 4]beTtaon,lf Knnt, p BUica. 0 Lambentoa, lil b. Total.,, ■ k ...9 ...8 ,...B ... 8 ...t ... 4 ...I ....« ,..93 DeaUel Onlhhatl,lt..,.. Total.. A..' ...B ,.,8 Btm luBB sa (ana noima. Ill 3d Bd 4lh Bth Bth Tlh Bth BUi Camdta 3 0 3 8 8 10 8 1-U Keiafoaa..., 8 0 0 d U 9 0 4 B-BB fiMaabaIla-I>lok,t4!BUtol,T. Hom*iaaa-1roodi,l|Fltto^ L BtincA ont-Bnaa, 1: Deat, 3; BallkTli afbaiuai. I. Tlj oitchct nada-BUtaa, 4: Umbailaoo, 8; ntKr, 3| O. H. lalgkl, 9i Smith, I: Albettooni; total, 18: Onthbart, 3; Ma lhoB a nd , li Oopa.I:Halosr,!;Wocda, 1;Dick.liFiuM,litotal,*. Oatohaa Sutd-maler, I:Dick,8;F. EniBht, 1|a.KalghLliKita^It BIKei. 1. Put onl oa buea tUm dlat, a Umasi ke)ilCBt^ B Ihnea! Fnl ant en foal baUa-Oaiadan*. II ttmu j Earatonia. B Umai. Ibnlbonndcalctaca-Dlck.B;Bltlea,8: lima ot gamiK. 8 honia ind 3B mtonlaa. Umplta—Kr. Beaah, ot Ihe AthlaUe ehib. Bootaia-Metan. Flthat and Lmch. Left oa btaaa— Woodt, I: DIok, 1: ratlar, l; Deal, 1; Cnttabai^ 1; 0. Enlght, I| aiUaa,l. ■ • HABTLiNV. OF BAinHOBi; m JIFMfSBOV, OF WABH- DfOXON, I The ■MallnlaRnllBg game erarwlbiaaMd In Vuhtogtoa came 'Off on Jnir 99d. betneB Ihe two ahoroatmed dnba, renlUsg u Cdtowa:— « , I J miB»u # BobtotoB, 11,.-. UiBiuimk Hooper, o WUei, lit b .. Wm.Lilir.0 t,.. Fonplein, a a.... LiUr,» Oonnan, 9d b... Qwran, 1 f lolug, tf. 8baaaaa,3d b... B.L. ...3 ...4 ...4 ...8 . B ...,B ...1 ...I ...1 BaU,adb ... Bi]dto,8db,.. Bloat, c f Sialala,lilb.. ^ae^ a • Burger, p McAaUr.''— TroiAllrt.... B.I,. B. ,.;„s s a 8 4 d 1 a 1 1 8 4 1 a 8 8 ,...8 4 Ibtol «1 Total 44 Bon MADB xt lira mnot. let 3d 8d 4lta Bth BOi m Bih Btti Utnland 19 8 4 4 B . 1 W W 18-88 Jd^ton 0 8 8 4 U S » I B-44 Hatfleli,ir 8 Beadle, let b B Theo.TaaOolt,Bdb..B Barry Wright, of 3 armaodt, r t fi ttaTeni,p 4 aibnar, it b I Cohaa, I a 4 Total 8 3 9 3 1 3 0 1 ..M OOIHAU Ta. BAOLB. The followtoj to Ihe teote of the mttch balwem theaa daba, plared It Hoboken, Jolr IBIh: aainia. aoiHiK. B. L. B. I Eaoix i> ^ Daitoer, 0... 0 7 Talaa,cf B 8 " 4 I DoremiA P 9 8 |8tott,lf • B I Shaffer, i a 4 a I Ooilint, e 9 9 r<>aed,8db .....9 8 |Bowe,9db 9 a I Ooagb, lit b a 8 I Obapu, r f 4 ...» I ToU Biriia KASB 01 laOB movoL lat 9d Bd lib Bth ath 7lh Bth Bill Qolham 19 S 8 » I 9 1 8 4-38 Bigle 80083908 8-18 ' Umplre-Hr.WectarraII;allhaBmpiractaih> Bcortn-Uaaia. Dnpignao and Walhaia. BUPIBE ra. ATLANTIC. On Wedoeadar, Jnlr 3Blh, the itcond alaea ot Ihau daba had a maloh together al Hobokan—latun gaoc-«he AUaalua wot. nlngbraioomot43to SB. Ihe nail dar,'dr BTIh, tha rebirn maloh between Ibe flrat ainea took plaoa at Badfori, L. I.,naalt. lagto lhaorarwbelmtoganooeaaot thaAUaatloabraBcoreotas toS, The champlmahadlhdrtolluaaanliandplaradaliand- aome bailtoggamob while Ihearopponentawantorarahjrlbaad- ed and plared one ol their poomai gatnaa. Waglra tha aocm bo- low:— aaiBBO. AiuHiia H.U B. Saaa. B.I. a. Start. Ittb 1 10 Kdlr.adb 4 0 l>eiraa,3db 4 7 Wllaoa, I f 4 0 aj Hfflith, 0 8 7 iIillar,lUb 4 0 Ohtpmta.lf 4 a ValBrman, Bd b 1 9 Crane; Bd b 1 » Xtitto. p 4 B <hlnn,B.a a 8 Wai^rf. 8 0 Bid.Bmllh,rf 4 7 Brder.ea 4 .0 Piatt, p a B Jawatt, e 3 ' 1 P.O'Brlai,ol B 8 I>uacaii,ct,.,.. 1 0 Total,, ... 8 83 Total Bon MtSB in BtsB laiaaaa, Itl ad Bd Bth Bth Bih llh 8lh Bth Atlantto It 0 B B 10 B B B 7-BB Empire B 1 0 0 1 I 0 0 0—B Umpbn—Oeorge Flanlr, Excalalor Ohib. Beoten—Vaasi. I IIow,am and Odtar. Time ot same—3 honi*. Fir ea t c ha i A t- |Uatlo,IB;Bfflplr«,ta. ■ BAUD BAU1.-COOE AND HOgUAOB. NSW ToiB. Jalr98,l8«B, Bealngacard to Ihelaetlamaot IhaCLtmn Iram Mr Bamer HoQuade to referanoa to.the forldl moaarlncdTed from him oa jau lOlh, Idaamllaaowaarr to lafoto a few at Ihe lemarka to nid card, and glte a plato aUtameat ot (aolL Ur. UcQaade allegea lhal Mr. WU itia Beard, bta haokar, and who nndanook to make lha mitcb, did ao wltooal hit (HoQ'tl tnowledge or oon- eent; thla tanot Ime, aa Ihe malob wu made for 1800 a^toe oa Ihe dar that Hr-WaQnadaaad mraelf plijed Iba nme for (IBO ^ilde, and Blr. UoOaado u wall u mraeir tigned lie arllclra ef agieemaaton Ihtt oar. toplar toe game in hu own haU<oart on Jolr IBib, and idd attldea conlatoed a iUsnla<toa lhal Ihe whole ol the mooer ehould be placed to Ihe haoda ot Ihe alakaholdar al mr Uqnor itoie. No, IBB Heeler atreew on lha lOlh dar of Jolr, betwion Ihe boara ot 4 aad II F.m., the parlr (alllag to make the elake all light to torfell the BBa Conaeqnaallr Mr. McQoada knew all ahoai Ihe mailer, aod oe came dowa tomr ttore at abont 10,90 p.m. oa Ihe night o( the floa] depodt and etitad thai Hr, iBaard would not oome down with him, or woida w that effed, aao he wu alaadtog bra at toe moneat thai Ihe alakaholdar paid methe (BBfortaltmonar; IbODllr. HoQude wanted to male a new match for $301 a-atda, and to make tbe moner good on neit day (and not npoo that r Ight u he allcgeaj, Ihe game to be pbyed oa lha tamn oay u prarloutlr idTattlaed, whloh, offer I deoUoed to accept nnlui ha would play me for Ihe amonat oiV^allr anted np^, t1>., 1900 a-aldo, aad lhal I woold prefer laaklog Ihe alake BlOO •■ald^ whloh omr Mr, UaQotde dedtoid. I im- medlalelr mate him aBolher prapoaiUOB toplar him u aar ball, conrt la Ihla couutrr, eicepttog the cotiria of which Ur Uouaode and myialf ware Ibo raapadlTa oimerf,'aod pill np $000 lo hla lUOi thla off« be alao dacUaed, Al Ihto polnl, by the augnee' Itooa ol mntual trtnidt, a pnpoalUon wu made that we ahonld pUrln hla oonrlfoc |90(>a-alde, aad whether tIr. UcQuide woa or toet that game hewulopter meiamTcoart fo> 1300 Hide more, which I al once agreed to, p orided that be wonld leare (100 of toe moner !• caae be won m the benda ot the atatebolder uafoiMt toaihe wonld playmeln mr conrt, u agiard upon; Ihta haded toed to do, but oINred lo leare (M to cue he won in hla own oonit u aforfUl to euehe did not play me to my court BU olbr of leartng (BO up aa foiteil did not meet Ihe appnba- tioB ot mratU or mr IriendiL'u It wu act tbeogbt lo ba infflalont tecarllr or goanntca to tooaoe blm to plar me ontolde ef bia own bill-court 1 aod ia mr oploit^ 'tbe mottra that prompted Ur UcQuade (not lo leave (IW forlelt np) le qelto obrloua. and conatmed br a majority of Ihe ball plajcra to ba a eeU.ulaieeled on^ and dronmaiancoa, 1 think, warraol the uacrtion. But, BOW, Ur. Editor, I am willing to ceate all aewtptpir coa- troTcrer, aad to overlook ill klnda of BoaiBojI'cBniMadoela, and come lo Iho mala point at once; apdtoto tomr uiitiahiai. Tit,: Ur.kfcqoadebavlagatatadtbathehulell (IBOto year handa, (10 cover mr chaUengej to play me, accordbg to hia own card,. In a bal oonrt to New iork—nalKaoOT-forlMOa'eldaornpwarda, Iwlibto beaUlilemoneiplldt, and remora alldonbia about Ihewordt—oonirfto' Ultclly, buliutByavii, umlnlcdln add cBid of Ur. Udlutde'a. I will play Ur. Bany uAlutde tec ItOO a-alda, to any ball-conrt to the oliy of flaw Toik, or atawbert, to thlt eonnlry, eicapuog th • ball oourl alhia'ed at No. BBS But 13th alreit. Hew Tork, and Iho ball-conrt alluala al No. .174 Tork atreel, Brooklyn. Now.' If thla meeto lha BPProral of Ur. UcQoade, he will flnd SlOB al Ihe Ourptn oflue, and will atao And mo there on Thnraday.'Aogaat Bd, IBBi, ready lo draw np, and dan atUclai, andlf nocaiury pnl upinolboc depoalt of (luO or (300, between too houra ol two and Ihiee P.M. ot uld day. laonu OooB,' No. 171 TcTk atreel, Brooklyn. [(IBO r«celTed.-ED. Our.) AuBaaun n Finmnm.~Tbere wu qnlta a galhering of ball pUyera'and their fnonda at Weat Oommooa, Allegbant O'tr; Fa, on toe llih nit, aaHmbleJ. to wlmaaetbemalcb beiween Ibe o^ubi ebore meatioaid, for the ohamplonahip of Woalara Fonc- nltoLii. After a Tan txCIUag lour aud a btlf hoara oontaat, tba Enierpnw compoaea neariy enllreir otlnronllei, win to a gal- lant manner braicoreol 10 lo 3B. Ur.Phlllipe, o/lheDoquene dab, aelaa 4aumpire. Not latiafled wllh Ibb algnal ddfut Ibe "A'lOBa" challenged the r ODlerprlilag rouag riedi to taoih'er mitoh wltloh wu plared on IheBOIh, aud ended like nolo tha flnt, Sib Alleghany dliladcad brthc Bakiiprta4 a(orlog9B to their . The gamu) u.oLb .wonli sttniallr iuppote, Ucud op qnlta a alir, cwtog to iho del rated party belngold banBa at Ihe bade, wherau Ibe rlatoi* waie looted upon u mere irna. wilbodt Ibe ponduona muadeai 010^ poaaeaaed b; lha "ould" fdtowa but ft liroTU the Ibiioe toM'tale, -lhal whether al lore.mtktoe cirbdl pli;lng,'ronih wiD ba terred nolaru Bitt Btit'TotThhikm, -We hare bal alnoel erery other kind of toumamont but bau baD, but ihla excapUon it appaan, la not lo bo lor long, 4t Ihoie ILUrcalod ,n goluiig up Ibe hllohlgan autoFalclntondgattlDgnpi hue bdl toumimanl u apanot ue allractlona, u Ibe followlog card will aboai- * time jt'tiAe, two bonra and (hliiy^flre Inljaiec: Umpli*— Ha •eo(^ Of hnlokabobktr dab;' BdmbM-M^aaia, Wocdin and Alayff.v* , w ^ . . •* , ' ., a 'Batua rMelved commudoallont 'rom aeTerdbata baD claba of Uie'Biatt, enteaatog a deaire tor a bale hill toumtaaat to ba hddnUInt Ihtf Bllto Fair, m On oobcMdad to aid lhata Id noia uiuiuu ,uB nwM,„i> uBTo wDciuoaa w aia inaip vf iif our poorer,,atad 16 do ar&tl wa «ao to iccomdlah IL At Aditlulg to bo tSB plaOa Of boldlog Ihe Stale Fair, iSo etopoaed MtlAt mabi win be add btre dorlbg ihtl (Ime. InVibUon II coMI>1l> eildnded to eTcty dab In ihie Stale, tn pnlldpale to tha more^ oenL and 11 ta hoped they will cboarmily tuphndi all olabt that toldiidtoenlerlheltaUferlbe chiTBiiloBihTp,to forwardah:or heltir'tho IBlh day of AOsual, IteB, tbett appUo(Uon: wlth'r«- cord of matohea played lo ltBd,anJ dopoalltho inih oftTO l)Ol- laram Ibo banda otWni.D. Bimad II, A. D, 0 0.7AdrliD, t i bo applied In procariug an loaUnU ol cliimptonatilp. Alao, apDoliit acommltleeof ocalrom.aach.plub tomeelat Jackioii, Mich., on Tvoadoy, Ihe33d.i]ar ot tuauai Ipl aicouge prellmlnailea.ot Ibo game, whtib abdi bobladliig nnon eaoh dnb Ibaa rdilra- itntiil. . Wa Btaasuit, Fmldent ' 0. B, WMorono, Bco'r A. D. S. 0, Adtl><>i U'oh., Jul) it, 18U.' , Xwo Uuu Laam-Tka Uepla Laat.Olol^ o< Hei^nion, a %. and lhe c1ii>i of the aama nima orbnJph^PVad a bdtmilcb •n the 1^ Jajr, fol^ lha BanaltoalaBa won by a icoie ot 38 to IB. , WT.;f-,'.'ri • 11- ■ '.• • KiciLaioatTa Imdnaaooiaiu-^tao Baeond ol IhelMrttBof (rfaaflr aadW bobMi brtwm Ba aMtnot of Obm •hla.V ^ Plata oa Ihe Otpltollaagnaada, Badlud, CB TnaadartiJnMlh, tSfuallbrttttlhaneeeaaor IbA Biedtlan byhan^Gto Ahinilanma aalaitataaaal Balthad as Ike afktmaoa'i^i*. ««al*aBa. '», Bia BtlA !■ Bi, lABia.—Tha Bdlla tad Hop*, both Jaalet daba. bad a malob |BU at It Lonla, Me., oa Ike asd alt, whM lha BdtUa waa br aaaoca o( 11 to B. lha BBflia wu Adaai Worth, ot tba Bmplrai, Lna OiB Ta.Iia(Oui.-Tha« AlbaarbillelBbapIiyad a maleii aa lha 90ib July, which tha lonaar woa by a aeon ottl ta IL THXi o-AMXi OS* osxase. ■ To Ocrmpondantk W.B.Hbbbi.— If Ihto meata year aya win yon iMPoad wllh yonraddreut Forihe lmtimetlwwiaoalTtu|onr llatwaan BOB ania to add tba data to aauly ail Ihe ptonltmi ran notod, aad win ohaeetoUy Ibrwtid them whaa wa kanw whan youara, B. B. a, ol H. T,—Kite lo hiad; aaa aceordtog la preate. Wa ahoBld be glad tokaow If lay ot onr iBfcRBittea prora uetBl. A. & HDoam—In No, IB yon anal hare made aoma mithke, ull ataada l..qtoherB.Si glru mau alaaea. Woaldyea Ilka to lailM 11. alto to niggeat a nmedy ica toe double eelutloa ot oar otbcrwlaa praUy pnblara Na an t B. E. OjofWaaklBgloB,—Toiua to head, thinkyno. "lam hen." wa ate happy to haTabeaalhamtaatatlnABganUaaa frtandthlp wa an tan wO b« ao yItaauL EnlgniB No. 492. FitmOiBocktfan WatViOntrm. "DBBAIU." BIB. A WOMMOCI), M, 1 tigXIB, KB, QKIB, QBlq, .QBBb QBB, qB9. QB^ atQBB, Kiq. El, KB8L EBB, QX EElBlh. Whlto to plar and compel Btatk to gtra auto to laa moraa, ProblBm No. 492. at oioiai, a. ouriaui. BLAOE. WBsn Whlto to play and eompd Black to gtra mate to IB Qama N». 492. Oae of Panl Koipln'a gamee wllh IL Anient de BlTiaa, on hit bat ndt to Farlt. "ThuiMrM aihlbitopotoii of Tarrgraalla. lonrt, aad will waU lepar oIom anmlnatMO."—Xaotlkal. arooes noamxa Attid, H, de Binan. Attack, M.daBlTtan. l.:PloK4 1..EBI-B8 8..KB-B4 4..QEt-B B s,.?-5b a..q-2»ai T..gEt-B 4 B,,P.QB8 «..xpy P 10..0aallv(d) li..ull'S8 11 .QKt-B B 18..SIP 1 Et 14. .Q B-boma U..QB-Elea 1B..QPX F^ M..Kly Kl(*) Deftiua, Mr, Uoipby. PIoEV^ QXI-BB KKt-BB KB-Bt P-K&8 Outlea KB-S 9(») P-g4.e) XKt 1- P 2B-Xiaii) -bltUtq KXI y HI P-KBK/I XB-OB P-K B,. Xt-Kiirt (a), Thta ai A loaa.o iB..XtloEtB *■ IB,.El kXB-I- M.KBXB ai,.QBXP J3,.qB-X8 33,.Bx BP ai..QB-Q7 afl,.F-EB8 M..QB-E7 37..QB-Ba B1.,P-XB4 »..BXEF Ba..XBX B 8I..KB-aB 83..P«B8 83..BP P-l- M. da BITtan mneaBait. time. OtCiBce, Mr.Hoiphy, KtoB3 8< E Et py F B ' QBP P-QB4 ES-QB . B-EHO Q-horBBq QXBF P-QB8 K^B KB < B -t- P-ORB K-B eq. aad iBi Tbil retreat ta mil coactlTtd; lha adrtrae El ta lhanby pnl completely OBt atpiiy. Id Ur. Uonby IMM no lima to flMlBg hta plaoaL (d) PtoKBBdappeanto luabaltorauTa. |c) Thla glTai Ihe liafaaea AdecUed adTUtaga. if) Ittaamarkedlealonot Ur.lL'agamatolluownpKBF, tfier eaatUng, wban«Tar aa opnortonlty prtaenu Itaelf. (g) The effect ot Uoiphr elSlbnoTo nowbeoomwappaianl The Attack which he bu oblalatd beoomea from Ihta poul qnlta triealilhle. »- iB) Deaparato oa thta may tppeir, than wu aelblag bettat, [Herr L. glret a nrtalion, whuh we hare not iptoa Is repul, piOTtog F to E B Bd iau pfotrnoilng.) (I) Played with bta ntnaljadgineni; u lha Attack Ihrutoned g Bug 4th. OBOBQITXlXUa. To DrauflM Pliyan. THE ELZHENTB 01 DBAUOBIB; OB, BBOIRRDtg' BOB! jDIDB. By lha Draught Editor of toe Ounrav Thlt book bu been monoanced br the Bdllor of BeU't Life to be 'fTHB BEST CLSmNTABT TbIEATIBI EVEB ?7BinZN OK THE OAHB.^ rrtoled on fina paper, gill Undlng, IDuilnlad wllh dltmam^ andenrlchedhranmaroiuauneaffomlhebealmaataia. Aadai. wa'a eritam of rtccrdtog, bgelher with Fallaraon'e ajatan con- (leto. AdTaaeed plaran will Bad Ihla Inatita well worthy Iheli eoUoe. Seal, poll paid, lo aay ed drueto Ihe United Btaira, Itai BB »nlt. Addnii L D, J. 8WEEI, Curria OmcL tS-tf Ba39 8pmoeaiiaat, Hewlait, Qama No. 2l.~Vol. XIII. The third game In Uta atoond great match batweea W}lle and Martina, Flaycdataiaagow, Bootiind, Augnil,18Bl WyUa. Bitok. 'l.,ll to IB 9.. 8 8.. 9 4..I0 B..1S B.. a 7.. 4 8..13 (.. 8 10,.17 II..18 13 . 9 IB..18 14..17 It.. 7 IB.. 8 17.. B IB..10 1B,',38 II 18 17 18 • 8 17 18 a 17 91 10 10 9 38 83 Ifattua, Whlto. 33 to IB ai 17 IT ai 9B IB 34 38 31 97 98 8!l 99 81 14 3B IB IB 7 14 II 33 IB IB 91 90 II IB 98 3S aa 7 91 18 7 3 Wyha. Stack. W..81 to 37 31.. 1 a 33., 8 IS. .37 M.. B 3B..94 38,. a 37.. B 98.. B, 3a..97 80. ,34 SI. 14 8?..IB B3,,U 84.. 8 88 .34 88 .17 B7..a9 11 M 1> n • 14 .Id 34 38 IB IS 14 17 97 » 3d UailtaB. Whita. 93 lo IB 9 7 7 18 9B 33 IB IB IB 11 lU B IB II IB <"iS 80 IB IB a> IB 11 9 10 IB B t IB IB 10 B 14 99 10) AU Ihe anIhorltiM are ahy 11 aoond. r. DrBwiL(0 of ihlimoTC H e ao nol thlok ii) MarUaiahouldbaTewonkerah»pIa>loB lB tolB. le) In the aeoond match betaram WyUe and Uirtlci, foity-atoa gimetwen playvd. and all wnte drawn; aboat ftirty wan the "Ulatgow." Thlt gamaaad Iba oaa to the latt Ourraa woe lha only ooaa IB which any anon ot plar hare been dUcoraied. Wylle ahonld bare woa one, ud Ibrtlnt oia. Tba game lail week waa lae "Oltiaow," Inalaad ot •■Dndaaalflid." Lolioia ,B| and (c) ihonld baVebaaa tothe White cdnma. Solution «r Position No. 3l.»VoL XIII. Black. , B to B , a 7 . 7 II ai J. n, B, While. I Bluk. Whila. 17 to 13 |'4..IOtolB 34 10 IB 18 a B„ 1 IB,'aBd wins. 8 IS I Solution of Poattlon No. a2»Vol. XIII. Whila, Btact. I White.. Black. l..IB'lo n.' 91tolS 4„ Bto S . IB lo B 3..83 at 18 91 B., B ]a,andw1nt, 8..14 B B lA . Position NeaS3,yol.Xlii. I^odtion Mp .34.,yol.XIIL wiF. a.aUE "■" BI I B. lOBlBaU. ■' BUaU*. mm* :Vlklt)k While to mora mi via. im. ■ WUta t* ttoTB aad win.