New York Clipper (Aug 1865)

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JS£3W YQKK QLIPPEK. 0- w< liiTa lottm to BumHl B- "^TT. itilUr, Ur De- uu, Hon. LtTbofM ((), K. V. (9), "A Wud." C3udi HunUlon. Olty Summiry. turn nm Ui» "ttmi wauaa moiiOi, U>« »•"«• »» *?• aouon. Aliioogh tMinliiglT qui*!.«« "f* ""'^ MDI^ jet m'a w«w muagtn mm btu/i"«'« •nldr ttaauilnMnputiaa •hadwllta mon >Uerit7i Rir O* coming tun win mioln tte mui««i to lute bl« wtu itoat Wa. to law tall b«aM la oMm, lad lo wot* with mm Uun «nl ■'tim" to •ecu* lh« pubbo'i p»troni«», ma UtawUe their igODMIi; Unn win to bl« oompetiBoii. m opui*. In Ui« •««» ag« coming Oub udb* vboepawlib lomtlUig (ood. Out kUi'a tairi il flnt, wm tarn gilnrf ■ eommudliiR poUdon Is ran, pnbapo fcoU llM kid iH Ikrangti. HontT Ubmllr aSjodldoQ^titmlMon Uu InlUil ebov win nothin toon rntuOti In nln; » tod toiUming taqnontlj UJoilouU >ffecti 4ko <nlln Muoo. Ou m>nt(«n u* wUUog lo Ketda to Ui* ^]lc'',d«mInd/^•n4 wtatllhe pntaUo mod eodoiM that win J— ba gnhM bj, u4 ihap* thoir eomM MiiadloglT. nuIIIlLO CM tlfllll llT* T ffif, ~ wD entutiln the IbWaii br bote Hub mailtoriou pl>7 m f nnHi' poette lingiAg* dolhed. IkOlng iboat "IhiUUng •ome*," then win to » "toilbl/ thiUUoR jome" iome nIgU In Wi dtj U muigen pailil Is lllln( Ihe puiige wtji In the Mdltoilam with etoole ud Mtli crwlooi lladi. Tbu etrlj do WD nUe ou Tolea igiluttUi pnhUo wrong. At KIbto'e, ohtim ' airieloolim cRmdMlnnaiT tTtUtblaepol, wlhtllt Itwilh ^Mt dJSciiltr ts isdlenee an get onl when the petformuee If OfBi eomsbedj mi)r to heird end eeea InmbUng oret Iheio ■too'.e In ill puto of the horn*. If Itleio dlficalltocmplrthe «MU!otlnm when peopl* eu tike their ttmo, whit nuj w» look sihonldidTOflntonliedr A "thillUag wuis" In nolltr, -wtlh boRlbl^ d<idlT cffeoli. BtttaloMthaprlnotthOMtuli, ■r. MiDigs, thin iMilAce hnmia tlT<s In the erent ol flie or aecUcsl, 10 whlohill thntni m putlcnlitlj Uible. Dorlig AaiunofthavKMStpleoait Hlblo'i, thin li notinantipol NWtMn 1 amp itool U not iqoMied In, to ths dlKomfott of thoio B the ImmedlitiTlolalljtii wall uthoeoplinted In nch etoole. Ika 'fflsler Oudan ud WtllHk'i, wa bellata, ua tha onlj pIwM -Alt do not pnt Sum Ufa daebojen ind Umb bniken In their Mtlm. AH of whiih ii nepetUmiy nbmltted bafoca tha o*lu- npha amiutea. A (ew thooghttnl Unai In lagud Ihaiato:— Jony Jesnp ind wlia wal tn the thailn to ua A plij whiaa Ihlj'd hcaio lail wu ti^ vrat-tj; Zba hooM U wu fall when Jomt got to It, tIThleh aa.ed him lo woodn woj Paopla wonld do 11; .'A pallia btlla uher, with minner d—n oool, Wedged euh of 'am down In • COIT cimp itool. Tha plai It want on, u pliji wOl de, jon lio», Asdloaar ud Baltj anjoitd much the ehcir; Whu nldan iraa 11 olu ud nptoar, Vide b7 hnndiat • of TOloei—perhipi li ni man— f Joaar tned to eicipa Cram tha homa all a.flra, fint ha eouldn't get onl, and woi/eraed to apm I ' Now, people, take wining Cram Una tnnbu itorr. And don't get In 1 camp ilool If 7on'dnol goto gloi7; . Tor li yon got lo 'on, ud a fire ihoold preraU, Tonr wan naated coipoi joni filanda will liatiU. Wa will now apeak a piece about aganle for atua, alo, J^anli—of whom then an muj to the dty at praaut—ard kopllhy utaia. ai i due, ud tika no iiu off umbti or other al^ people offaitaf neponidbljlty In hotali, for whloh they are to •tacommandad. Agmuaiaaiippoaadtofcahird'WOfkmapaoDK vlikh laa'l fonodad on fact, euept in certim (raiwa lilri ill ol «w>. thej wUi loaf 1 bit whan nobody la by to oiga tham on io ■ttonaidfUtpeifonnincaof thalrardaoutatlaa,^ Thaagml ti ■ qncar lort of chanotar, yat ha li man Binned agtlnit, pr> •babty, Ihu alanlog. Sbonld the etir do i flrttnta bnilnaai, of aonna It li the ilar hlmaalf who tecompU^ea thla dlflonlt feat, Ua talenta aloae thai brlsg the people ont; la that cue then la not a paitlcio ol a\dlt given to the a^teaL Bat let a alar go Into « town, ud do a bad tmtlueaa. Jfmt/ The En^tlabluguaaa deal not ambiioa auough ot the proper Undent woidiwUh wbloh to damn tha poor agentt bo u iccaud ol a denUcUon of daly, or Iflnonnce ot hla Dualneae.' In Ibct, he 'la uytlilng bat • hookey boy. Be la aoppoaed lo make fricndi wllh all nava- •papar wrllan the very moment he entan a town, ud mm that ■-nnapldona moment nntll be leiTea to ia aipectad to lo Indaeao^ • aeaa aiMtUad orlUca u to aeonn almoat uy kind or apaflba dealru In the "free and Independent" 3pan which tha lioruald -viltataanpraaamadlocontroL - Of ooona all thau Independent ■ cBlticlima in utoaght; they only coit a few oyiter anppori^ a ^Cbw totuea of wlna, a few ooiea of legara. when tha way la <hna nicely piTaa by lha "IndefatliBhle agul," and the "oainnl • aodnary" of ito town onamrnted with ^frtataa' Ink," then comae tha brlUUnt atar npon tha Kone,To lake the plate by •l4(B,or"goncder"lnlheTalnatlampt Iben an aU aorta of agent! In tha boalnan—a fdwihtrp ua aleeltnp, afewlnelnnit> lag ud aibbla, oih( n "Ubenl wllh thepreaa," while muy wonld ■inake bettor ahoe miken thin agenta. Mot one who raida theaa taider llnu will ooont hlmaalf In tho lailar cataaoiy, whkh 0)eB to ahow Ihit lo aoma Inaluou tgnorucv i* bllia. It la OS nncetlaln Hfe, that of tha agent, 10 to a taally good agent, m nun moat toTO • good adncation, to active, eoaitaoni, wall vaatad lo men, minnm, ud the wiya of tha norld—and oho^ JodlctDatly oiad; won't eat hlo back uy, Alul how ■aany tnon aro who tore aatlnly loo much of thla latter ei- aocUil, ud by cheeking tha Ihiog loo fir, loln tho pnapecta of chamaalvaa ud ilir. The pxofoielan le a "big thing,''but to ih&roavhly nodnatand all ila liiUa workinga would puisia the ftfilu of Ueamlib HcCooL .TBKranB BruHtinnat NIblo'a "aathan tbem In" In crowda, '•aata bcluit almiiet at a pnmlam by tha time tha oortain la oalaedoathallntaoeaeof"AmhKaFogno," Bondcaolthua kippT knack of Ratling hia chanetan out of dlOonlty ahonld • Chayoa ao unrortuoaia u to gat Into trouble; thla-lut effort of DIon'a la not u aioeptlon to ihe rulp; Hotvllhatudlng Bhaun 4a dqmloUad tohlnd tolta and ban In hta draaiy prlaon cell, . notwTthaiudlng hale uylhlag tot a aboogman,yatthnogb :'SoadGiult'a oonnlTUoa, the uafortonaie pruocar, by a yaj 'faobla aiaitlon of ainual force, unnchca off the htaTylnn Sntlog of hla window, ud onoe mora—like the Inmpoa— nathea "lha air again ot hla frealud, ud hla on brioiod and then he goea "cioaplug, oreatlog where no flower ud by tto ud of that "ran old plant, the ITT gnaa." in Ondahftiaalf on the bitUemrnla of toe pilaon, worn by a 1 loittdtoni couu of friendly droumataaooa^ be flnda hla ladylove, no;' •■■aan,' UHla world of pupU, ato., trto work o» the ""^J; i^mhi.-iiiM a head affair, and an omamant tu that pert oi tbidti7eVouldthanpoit(dparchaiatofimndadonfaet. Bmn'a Amimai Tmani, whieb u now hi Ihatoodaoi daeoralon, pamtan^ unbben, uphoUtatan. »4 geMnily,dnftnglto abaanoa ot tie conpuiy In Boiium,wU] coamaoea opriaUoni tot tto comloa a«M?» " ,PI"T?j Aognai ITIh. In lha eonpany wlU be Included aU the oM bTorit<a,udtMlecUonolnewcoman. „ AT TBI reoint beBalt u toe Academy for tto Unuqm aui- laran, li wu asoonncad from Iha-auge ttoi "ihe Haoioa Brothan, who had Juil airlTod In ttodty," bad TOlunliaitd to parftitiauact,aod a couple of gymnuln did aPP"' derer ud dlflloulta<rlea ot fraU on the Inpeia; but IheT,""" M(ttoHanlona,ltopnndpBl mambtn ol that family bdog at pnaut la tha wcatam couliy, wUb the "ipa^lng, Bf>«eri ud Haaloi Show." We wan alao glten to nodnatud at tto lime that tto Bulona hadarrlrad nircbut thla mnetjia« been In. wrreot u ngarda tto anUn dmUy; II inUlht tare ooDplioftto yonngarbcottianbid laaibid tow •«tnd to aoma prltaia affaire, hot ol thla, area, wo an not «riam. we deem b but pnpar to makothia corracUoo, lo that oar raconi may not load olhenutmy, ' _ „_ Baanui'aMDRiuudoledIhtlraaaaan lotto Bowery, on tto 9Mi inly. The wind-up entanalnmenta weia In'ano' tbcMof IheopaDlng week, owing to mUoaoagementand loattu- tiontolhdrantl«ibyaomom«mbanoflhatnupo. «2s;!'p&''ffi,isr H-^i s^rtiii;. r "yoUBi Irlih comedian." Thla weak a obaaia of piogramme ti ai^noad. Boodauli'a "Coliaan Bawn" tolno the p.>ay. -tU: u Ocirliu: Ulai lona Butk* u the Ooflaen Bawn; Mn. wwngan, him then, « tore Iwojof our my yaany—whom be audi to ponllahby aTlKoraoa ibon . srartoud—ud aoos la come aTerybody In tho oHti all moat on «oa common fooUog on tha top of the honaa; Bliaun la pardooad, * wrug la righted, virtue lewardod, and ererTlhlng goal merry lo an aucthia DcU—all owing lo Bhuu'a leal ol alnoglh In paihlag «nt till toired window, ird hie gymnutlo performioca of . aliiobllog lha "pea polo" lo tho aluo root Bad dhaun, In eicip. Inir, gone cm tho down grado, dropped Into the lake, ud floiiid nir to aoma "lona laland m the B«a," everybody would hive lieen thm to meet blm, tj* parJon blm, to raalore to him hli aonllinatwl Jtfe ud proparty, Nolblng la impoulbia to Uoool. . eaoll-lt'irliecauie ha nukea hli oharaclan accompliih each Impoulbia thingi,that hla jplaya beoojne ao popolu. L*t aU ao to aeo Ihla lenuuon, and obiarra what large aoditncua cu to attnetad by a mediocre play aith iiapoulble (ffecla. loHT Piexoi'aOnuBooiB, Ko. 301 Bowery, lalalj occupied ■a a mlnalial hall, will to Inaiigaralad u nok thio evulog, with a very full aad ■ lalaoted company, leeluding Erou' ttaade Falbar, a great IMorlle In Ihli ol^i U'lle Bertha, aiwAaeUa'WaiU,l[ui BDu OoUen^ Hlia durle Auailo, ud . '.Uuira. Wdta Oaldwell, Jaou Uaynor, Johnny Wild, Baton BuUar^ WUlla Atmilnng, Soty Daly, ud Hbaildu and Mack, wtHia fall onheatn and mlUluT tond led by J. Bnham,. The Inlnxltibla comlo elngar after whom thu bow la namad. 'iCao r Paalor, wu alia to bo ihoe, ud hli plpei^ u tha opealog IM i Vlaca on Ihe avanUig of the day of our aolig le pn-a, we are nniDla lo diUle UD<in the perforouace, but we mar vulun to ' ,«>y th>t,Uiotalenthancongranalod ooghtto tova dnn a big ■•■„ . Mltd. X-Szwii, of Ihe Z>a(rcllalloap^ arrived in toim lutweak, - an bailneia ooUneoted with Iho luuiro ol tho Zanbetiaa. I i.IUu Ufn Faimoioit, a doniniK not unknown to New Tort ' i hea lr ea, faul who hoe torn abaeni t(Dm Ihe dty lor a few ywra, ia In tofn again, ud purpuea renewing tto datlu of her ptofca. -alon at'an uriy day. A LIST offer! her Mrvlcea to tkoie who with to adopt thi otage aa a profeaalOQ. Blcoutlon, drunallc ud plain pirtor reading taughL gooidvartlumentol "blocullOD," Tin Olthto ramilua, '|Uke tolf tto world la ulemn dirknen ■ ' AanA" aoif-tboaby huog a ta'a whloh hu eaaped our locolleo- Hon. Whu Kn, Wood Inumdi to legale ui with tbe coming aoaaon, oar. bath not beard; whelhar ihe will reawaken the >'91oepuijrBaanty,".or mike ao Dold u to Iry a bit of the Itglti- ^ male, li Uaa'a matter of doubt Tben ate rumen that Ito aon 4 0) hla tatbiff, jouph JefTanon, wOl go In doable hancu wllh Mn. Wood; Iheg^ make > high eld team, and would dnw Ilka a free ihow of flraworka. A ttoiigtfl atrihea na:—t7by would inch an alliance be like oar national debit Beoanao It wou'.d oiuta nUQb laloreil, ' _ , WooD'a Unaiuu an golara do "Shi Old Hildi" thli weak, wllh "Uatidv Andy," •■Ittal Faol Jakik" end "Tho Dounty Jnmp<ra:"ifierwhliih they will aitempt "BnoolngtheDlockide'' . Co aaoipo tho pooiUy duo Iho onormlty of Ihdr offoocoL Bare jou bom at Vfood'i fitely 7 Dnp in aome lima, ud enjoy your- dalf In wllnoadng Iho ihow. Ila a oomfoctablehill, tha udlonoce <' an raapcclable. and Iho onleiulnmaala aaHLdsitly varied to lult dha difnrenl tiolta. ICiiia Kits Dbiomoim baa apncurd in aevani fnih ottane'-en alnoeourlut, uilitsd by Mr. \T. U. Sodley Snllh, who wu favota- AlyncelTad. TbUoreulog iho dno of atari will paiform in 'Xam TatMr'a oomedy ol "Peg WaOlnglijn," new varalas lllu nelgaolda irlll pnbibly ooaoludo her cngigamont on the * latki the ikfflmor eouon will tormlmto on or atoni the Ulht ««the fail tarm irlil bMIn on tho IBIh, Aaormn oDBiomt la to tovo poaioulon of Ibe dta lately oiv copied by tto Uuaeaa, Jamu aordoo Boouell la repoztM lo k(W> pnmbiaod Ito eilaUng loaica u well ai tho ground fo( Ihe Mim of 1610,000, of whloh ram Baraum loooivca |2A0 000 for hll Isaia. Besnott la m an a curloiliy In Mt way ai nimum li lo Ug, tad the furmar«*aU ptora a very aitnollvo oaid for a ihoH aauOhllidoanlipartaadilmt It la sol Iba lalenMon of the , Aomett lo make a aha* ol hlmialf on tto l^uwam mlaa, but to --^fcct a munipnant t»miMuyat fir tto aecoumodatloa of tha Vanu. u Mia. OMU, eta. Hoe. uen» uSdSlhcfiSSSSgBoadoaairelrlih inmM ln ^nrjlw r {SSSuiUmTor thi IM playi we pnlor tto " Uolleen Bawn" to ^•SiSarotu." laniltablioddlhitlbeaadicnceaolour ■•fiSuitteaIra''atoold a!i Uveur tbeItiih drama ulhay are nowdoCigf A(Uiael,leglitmila comedy, weU cai^ "A,^,'} pUy£wouldnStiilncltilfaoesdleace now itditor inUo'i Snraliack-a; yet night altar night, ud weak all»r wiet, tto au- aatMnl and Iilah dmmi conUnuei to cnwd tolh plaoM. Have tto realana. or tha "Weulng of Ihe Orecn" uylhlngio do wllh Ihliel alaofaB iltat Whoknowit ..._uiooatlookiBRia Onio^n2]^^Vdaai'trleaI'''Toa wUl aea them aiound ttSrauu of the Uueum, loiAtog tmulleiable woe: they bive haaoBoaccuatomeduependadaywlth Bunumevtiy ttina thij vlallad the melnpoUa, tuat tbey cu aoircely reallu tha paUfol tmlh that they will never egalo im the laniUlar old tlaoa, never again nik through lie halla, never monwoadrr at Ihe thonnnda 01 cnrloilllu awaUowad up lo the guani ruin. ' Cone ye dia- "**n*^litf| irhere'er ye langulah," come op Iheelmia 'waya, ud leaaflsyonrangnlih; forfiamum hu poaaeaiion ol tha Winter (HrdeD, whanneglvwaflamoooaud eveiilBgentertalomenta of putomlme. alnglDg,'^dudng, gymnuUca, eto. And Ibere, t'>o, beloved cotulry couilna, you may nnew your acqoalnUnce with the TW Woman, (wto wu aof luweied onl of the burning Unuim by meui of a demok); the Olut Olil; lod other carloai ipcd- mena ot *«imar<Mi nainn MIra CarrN A Uoore^ the lady akaier, la cntllog S'a ud other akatob <lldoee, thla week. If yon iM Mlu OiRle once, you vnU not ■<<• Oime If you try to aee Hln Oarrla Moon. "Children under leu, 18 otniL" WaLUM BnoB—bettor known u Billy—li to appear, Ibla week at the 8u Frudieo Minatrd HilL ii tuann the Poet, In' Airib na Fogue," new vcrdcn, wllh about Ave Imu not wrllten by Bouu; Charley Backua li to do the Amh Ueellih bnilncM. nought to make u aailc climber, but whether ae wlB go up iwn, Ihe paperadon't aiy. Wegufiiiton'llbelotiorfun In "Amh na ^t|U&" . Vtr don't know bow Tim Eiyea itondt It Ihla hot weather In dsudng hla clog danoei. but ha ntlka them off wjttt gi«at fluftiv-r 10 Ito minlleat delight of maoy warm Mandi.'...-.illtblgit 'blabotue. Una Ekut kULvnu, who ao raoenllr lucceeded lo pleaalng tha audleucea aiBarsum'a Kuaeum, In loll dty, ud who la now peflcnnlngln the prlnalpal dtl'a of Iho Eaat, li to oommenee a one waH'a engagement al tha Broadway Tbea'n, on Auiuit lltb, wa an Informed. Tto lady la toth a eongilreu ud ulrcea, aod her wlona Impenonatlona an decidedly pleailna. Uuagera wlihlaa lo angue her, ihonld addmia her agent, W. H, B. Jud- Una, accmdlilg lo advaitlaamant la theaa colomni. Tn Hiw Bowiai openid the campaign on the tul aide on Batordayevenlns, July mh, wllh tto Iilah drama of "Ealhleen llavotimeu;" then wu a good atteDduce,ud the playud play, ra wen well ncalred. The compuy le pnlty mueb the eame u lut year, lodudlng Mia. W, U. Joo'ea ud Ur. Walter Orlidale for the leading bavlneaf. A number of other new pliya will to produced, ud occailonany elan lotiodaoed. Thi Osma Boudoioi vrlll to occapied by Bantun and hla Uviog ourlodtlea Jaal u aeon u the place cu bo prepared for their ncepUon. II wu a good ilroke in Bimum to aeoun Ibla property, for U la an exteoalva bulldlog, aid well located. Had Baranm bcu leu quirk upon the trigger. It li pnbabla that the 8u nandno Uliuirela would have taken it Cor apermioent haD of mioalnliy, for Iher tova no luting bold on the DlatoUqoa places whloh Fndailcaa taku poaieulon of neit Ua*. OuB out nsMKD Bolon Bhlngle wu Imeled n^her icurvtly In London. ThaypnferaucbmonatroiltlwoTerlhanuDundrean, Brother 8am, ud our own 'fitaige 7ankee." Bolon wu a trme too naloral fbr tham to oompi^ead. Oiuiiii'i IfraiBiLa an atOl ddog wen al Ihe Old Bowery. Pnvlou lo Ito Isalde ahow, every evening a biau bind perforna a number ot pleailog compodtloni In fron^ without money ud wlthoat uy aharg& "Japuew Tommy," a Tiorltabla colored dirarf, crcata quite a aenaatton whan he appean on the itreeL Tommy la certainly a greater naloral cnrloilty thu hla "friend ud biolber," Ihomu Thumb. Jip'a pertonnucw with the troupe an vary amnelrg. Tu VuitTua, In the Bowery, la olooed, by way ot variety, while Ila company u on lha tramp. Tana au ntmou thU Bdwln BoolbwUI come befbn the pnb- lio again, next eouon, et tbe Winter Oar Im. We oaimot lein wbrljber thou romon tovo any foudatlon In truth. Tbohs wun ooungaooa people who, duplte the tearlnl heat, thronged two or three theatru ud mlnatral tolla lut week. Al< thoogn our plaon of amuaemut ua among tha "ooolut In the dty,'^nevtrtheleu they warm up magnillnally u the tloMluei pour In. UBma- OOBUS A Oa, Ito new Tork DnmaHa Agenli, of No. 9t Weat Hcurton afreet. Mew fork, Blve a number of idvertlae- mantilnthlalanieofltoOrjmi,iateinne to all eoita of biul- nau In thelrbna. TheyanagenlefbrtbeHetropollluThwtTr, DaTcnpori, Iowa; Porter k Beckor'e DtamaUc Ooopuy; M'lla OdetC H'to BmeiUne, Hln Sale Flahar ud Mlu L. Creed. They alio have tto loulng of Hope Otopel, wUob they wlU let for ooneeit^ lectom, puonmu, e*Q. The (sofeaalon aboold not fldl to read Mean. Oonaer H Oo'a advarllaomant. Mna AuoB PLiciDi, tto aeniaUon aotreaa, may to iddnued on builneu, can ol Na 9t Weat Uouaton ilieal, Maw Xork. B. B. UAoraLiT arrived m Hue dty on the lOlh July, afler an extended tonr Weat and Bonihweat, He la here to leoua othtr talut for the already talented Zanfntia Troupe, and to perfect hla amogamania lor Ibe coming aeaaon for that orgulzatlon, of which be aod Ur. Dewey an the muagen. tfaa U. L. BuBKUi arrived hen on Wedncedaylu^ from Qivannah. ^ A. H. DavaKFOiiT ud Iloience LiFond aftlved fnm Hilton Bead on Bunday, Mb. BiTiiuii arrived In New tork on the 301h July, from Znglud. OnmiUo. ImtA, who hii already played a good ngigerceDtlo Buffalo, commenou uolhar thla week, opeaUig oa tto Slat July. Meit weak, we believe, Ito appaara In Trar. : TBI Zunixru Tioon la one of the moit aUracHvo oomblna- tlona of artlata now tolon tto publlo in Ibelr apeclalltlei, laoh ii f uicmlme, billel, gymnaillca, etc, ud tbojan woU palnnlaed, lavtug oone a vary prafltible buloeu Indeed. They an lo ex. Iilbll their agilityjmd eoqnliemonta in thilr aarerel ula atPlke'a Opera Houu, CIndnnatI, BepL lib; tcom thence they go lo Oroa- ' ''a Open Houoa, Obloago, to open on tha Mth. Thr altobtion menagen li oaUed to the advorUMOieut of thla troupe In ano* ther column. Mb. aho Mm UoSr>H Bdcbabait succeeded In pleaalng the people of New Bedford, Uaaa., lait waek In thdc laveial Im. parHoallona. On 37tb tbey appeared la "The Moon of Spain," nlerrlng. to whloh the Mow Bedford 6'landaniof tie SESIn ult., uye:-^^evar hu a play been rendered vrlth better effect In thla oily, tbu wu the tragedy of 'The Moon of Spain,' lut ovonlng, Ur. ud UUa Buobanu wan called ool at tto dou of tho fourth act ud alao at ihe oonolailon ol the piece, ud the Inipreulon Ibey made will donbUauiecun good honica forlho abort aeaaon tbey an la to wllh ua." Ui. BiBDHin am Hid. Boaiun appaued togolber at the Academy of Muelo, Uilwauhae,lut week. In "Hamloi,"' Olhello," and "Nirdaae." Ur. Budmaou wlU invd over the plalni to 8u fnnelioo for the nke of hla health. "Anun na Foodb" conilnaeB to atlnct large andlencea to tho ObaatiiUt titreel Theatre, FhUadelphlt, and the play gou on more amoothly thu during the flnt wiek of lie porforuiaDoe lbor& A autfMe la glvu every aaturday\t Ihli tonia, whloh la dwaja largely altraded. Ihe maJurlty ol lha ludleocaa being ladlea. TbeM ndffaeii at tto Onoeaol tore tooome qnlle a (ealun In thei'ricdi lo Philadelphia. Tub BaTamiAB Tbbitbi, Qeo., la to to under tho muigement of Meiin. Baymoiid and Bamllton daring tha fortboomlog leiaou, Ttoy offer good laduconeuli to tolh alock udatir piiformua to go Boutb, Ihe oompuy new under their iAu». maul hu beaa ddng a good buduue at Oumberiand, Hd., durfn too put BivaB weeiB, ud opued at WbeeUng, T^, oiLthe 9) ult. See Ueaaia. Baymond ud Uimlllon'B lilverllaemut In uolhar ooliunn. J. U. UoTioin, manager ot UoTlcker'i Theatre, Chicago, had u laeoma ot|U,tll In UM. "IniiB wi FooiB."—Ihla popular ibaina, with mochuleal effeda, and aU tha neeouary pannharaalla (BI machinery, will to jcoduoed at all Ihe prlsolpal dllH ol the Weat by J. K. UoBonough, whoeo adreraaemeut to that effect wdl to fuu^ In uothcr oommu. Bnwn Fouui'e Income during the >«r INt amounted lo twenty-nine luouaind, aaran bnndnd and elghty.four dollara, A( "DiiULuiLa" nowT.—An aitlde tovlng apnearrd In the cotamoi 01 our "unnllable*' nelgbtor to tha effect that the hu* bud ol Ui& Bophle Ulmber Kuhn hid obtained a dlvona fnm that lady, Ur. K. hu thought proper to nail tho Blinder al onoe, which be doci lo tbe lOjIowlng note lo tha Fhlladelphli Jngulrer. Ura. Bophle Klmtor Kihn la Ibe fkvoilte actnu now ugaged al the Ohoalnul Btrui Theatre:—"Fhiladelpbia, Jaly M, 1809.—Bay- ing undentood ttottbero la a wldalrdiculalod report Is thla d'y tolhe effect Ihitmy wife had ugaraiedfnmm^ and having uon la the Mew lork Amday dfercBry aatalemeiitw the otfict that a divorce bad boon obtdaed by me In th^ court bore, you would greatly obUge me by denying Ihrangh your oolumni lo 6e<« a Ki and lioRdrr. My duly to my wife ud nuadf oompeli me to Aoltoo Iho Tile nport, ihe tolog In the thultleal profeulon. Very truly youn, W. Euba." Couilderlog ttii aourca from whence the nnort orlglaalcd, Mr. Eabn nood Dot hive taku the Irouble to deny II, Tbb'Newuiuib (M, 0.) nnATU baa toes open for Iho lut nlua woeka with I>. & lOwonnd u louea and muiger, ud W, B. (}olomin, itage manager. A ooriaapoodent nya:—"Baalnua wu qalto lonrlahlni;nDlll lha appeaiuceof Nlion'a Olrcua acme few weeke alno^ wucb, nmalulailn town two weoka, comnloldy broke np tbo Ihutn, but ainoe lie dipartore, naalnou nu re. lumad 111 old etudanl. The oompaor aUwhodto tfalatheaira 11 oompoaed of tha pilodpd momboil of Iho Wllmlagtpn eorjw dmwMjm, with a few addllloua." ' . HoVniBm'i iBUTii, Obloago, dutlni the neatlon, hai had .Importul altenllona and Impravementa nido. Tho tneldo hu ton re.deomled ud fumlahed wllh addlUoual^niaie toiu, ud a saw aepantua Inlnduead fbr waimlag and veolUiling in bnUdlng. IheB'ooBlatobemoTedhitothebuamanl,lhetnt ilory oocopled to ttotu, IM Moosd for offlcea, ud the upper ilsryrara/^j^nOB. SiBD.—Uwifd Thomneon, (or lormal jeiia *DII»ctod with 3IHh, Kedtf Tamr>oriivaial yunpul ha bad been luSertBg yulSSKladTuyirilb U>' ""Ji^JX^^, bedib, made t ajto'ijkuai: growiog wot*ha »" K" by hli Ibmlly, tot lied eoon in*f»«'''"ti5^i^'?; MB. UicuT.'ol UoTlcker'a Tbea'n, Ohleage, U engaged (or the Arnh Street Ihaalvs FhiUdelpbla. next aeuan. MB. W, I. OOLiMA>; Ito pioopler ud old man ol U>e Tf»- mlnglonlbuln to the peat two yeaif.ioea toOluneOpen Bouie, Reifolk, Vi., eon lolkoB ei proingj, • IBB BuBHOBn Tbbitib opened for e brief nouns Baaioa on July ^>^Si^tSi^?^^»'iOc«^ri^(b, fdlow. log cut:—Ail Tienchiid, A 0 lufoid; Dandrury, B. D. o/dan; Abd uSSra U. Edward Itenetoid, W. E. Odemin: Blnny, I. Morton; Mary Keiedllh, Bdlle Paningion: Flortnoo. ".fS'^J.. .Si Mounlcheadngtm, HriTDe Bar; Oeorgtoa, Jeule Warner; ud Auguata, Mary Jdion. _ _ . Hbwi ibom tbb AnnroMii-TBl M»w lo«B Guam hu llareadanud comipondonla In inpuli of thi world. The foUowlng latter gNeiuiiamo loformitron concunlng the move- menu of Amirfcu ud olber pnfeealonala In Apalralla, and other aeetloua of thu kroff eoantty. It la bom Waah. Morion, well known In Ihla dty u a miiitKL. The letter U dated Geelong, Uth AdbH. 1860:— FaiBBD QtiBD-EuowIng that Ihe patnniol yonrrapar an dwaya plaaaed to hmr of fonln emuiemoDla, I take thla opportunity of wnuns yea Iiee by jour paper of December 3<at, '61, Is "Wide Awaka'a" London correipondanoe, Itot Mlah'a Obilatia wen mpastad In EogUnd lut Mow Year't I np- ooae the company that our filud "Wide Awake" dhidcatola Heean. Slab, Morton, Hdvyn, ud Bomfoid. We in at pnaut pbying In Qealong, and Ikom ben we go to QuauiUnd. We opu at tto Fiinca of Wdea, In Bydnoy, ther Ijeter'a Open Com. puy, whloh will to atout tbe lit of July. lyds'aOpen Oompany condudtd a anoceaafOl eagigement at tto Iheatrt Boyu, Mdbonmt, TheyopenbiBjdsay,atttoPilnaaof Walai, on the let of Kay. Bmllh, Bnwn, ud CoUlni* oompuy concluded tbelr ngigemant at the Haymarket Theatre, Mel. bourne, tto Ud of April. Abecco Joued thla oompaay wbOe they wen Is Bydaay..'... BUly O'Hen, Ihe Irlih oomedlu, openi at Ihe Tldorla Itauira, lo Ada:dd^ m Ito lit of May. Be hia met with a Ttgy good roeepllon in Ihli country......'. kir. J.iH. ABu, Iho Anfencu tngwiu, condudad al the Thntn BoyaL Uelboune, on tto Ulb of April.... YSjTT'i l" U Z^:^ toopuattbeBoyai,oB«beJllbofi^l.lB'^e8tringer" SliiClevala><o, ^ Mr. Q. TiDcaot, an it the Biyinirket luntie, uDMT tto management of W. Boakmi The Lan. caihlra BeU BIngen an playing around tto laburto of MeV tonne Tto Lentu tnupa annor playing at Ihe Prince of Wdei,Bydniv Vulrwln, better known la thla countryu Pul Uaxey, u wllh the Luton tnupe. lady Don, ud Ihi UluM Howaen, an in Hobut Town, Tumult Ur. ud Urn. Fred. loung aall for Eoglud, by lha BoOolk, on the 31lh of AgrlL Hoping youan''qdte well, u tblaleavei me udthe toya, I nmalo yoan, Wuboutob Nobioii. Obrlato-a iUnslrdi, Aulnlia. Tenoa IkMlrlcal In Tort Wayne, Ind., an uld to to lively. Plonketl'a compuy opened then at Coleric Hall a oouple ol weeka ago, ud nave done welL Ur. ud Un. Henry undu wm tha elan laat week. On July It they produced tne "Ooto. noil" to I large aodluce, wllh Hlja K. J. Phllllpa u Don Sunnydde Bar/y Ltodea u Peto, Mm. Undea u Zoe, ud Harry B. Hidaou u Oaorn Peyton. Ito compuy ooodiia ol Ura. Boniy llndm, HIial. J. PblUlM, Ula Bluohe Uonvia, Kellle uUhoUand, Mlu FrankUn, Hn. Obarlea Plankett, ud UiA Oawge Bulchinaon; Heaira. H«ory Usden, Ctoi. Fyffe, Hany B. Hudaoa, Chaa. Plunholt, B. K, Tenon, 8. W, Aihley, H. H. Wood, Oeorge Hutchlilin, J. 0. Lamtort, D. OaBiaren, Hilton Ralnfoid, L. Olddlng*, A. M. Ltwia, and Uuk Cturley Plunkett, Tht-y Iran to to ncoeedrd by the Holmu Open Troupe. Tm ibuin In Bt. John'e, N.B., doicd on Ihe 99Uiof July, afler a good aeaaon; t-'at la, good Cor Bt Joto'a. Ur. Flike, Iho comedlu, hu taku Ihe SL John oompuy to Halifu for a ihort uaaon, whan they opu et the Theacm Boya], Spring Oarden, on Thunday, the 8d hiat. In the "neket«.'.LeaTa Hu," Flake ■Umng It u Bob BrleHv. iDooia BBTUsn—The fonoftog glvea tto ntona c< Income made by tha nrloua placei of amuiement In cindnnitL Tho exhibit ihowi Ihe gnu recelpta of Plka'a Opera-houie, Wood'i Ihaitre, Natlond Theatre, Palace Tirl dn, the Oermu Theatre, and the Wutem Unaeom, to a period souly covering the lut theatrical teuon. Ttolnooma of Moiart Ball la from ruta, ud the amount reallxed firom utartalnmenti glru in Hearing Iho Ume opedded. la not npreimted:— Wood's Ibatn, from Joly, 18M, to May 30,1819 t 00,311 Plke'a Open houie, from July, 1841, lo May 80, IBM Ut,Me Nallonal Thulr^ fnm Joly, 18M, to Bipiamtor 30^ ISdl, Palace Tarletlea, from July, IBM, to Uay 30,1B89 Uourt Han, from July, 1881, to Febniuy 18, ledS Oermu Tomer HaU, from Scptamtor, IMI- to March 31. leet Oermu City Iheaire, Inm September, IIM, to AprU SO, 1889 Olimpic Thntro, Inm July, 1884, to Febraary 38.1S8S.,. Wwlem Uuienm, from JiUjr, 1881, to Hay 30,1880 TBI CuiranL i Cunm Bkoliih Onii Tioun will give opentio itiaoaa u foUowa:—Open Monday, July SI, al Dubuque, town, for one week; Aaguvt 0th, at Bt. Pul, Mlnneaota, for one week; Augoat Ilih, al Mlnnupalia, mnneaoti, to three days: Aoguit ITIh, 18th. and 191b, ai La Oioeu, Wlaocasln; Angual aiat, at Uidlion, WlHomln, for one weak; thence to ZneevUle ud Hllwaakeei ^Bi FBaim Egmninmn," MIee Adih Montdsln, ad. vnnlauln thla and aucceedlaalasuu ol IheCurrBi to the effect thatato wlihulo niarlntou aniageoiaal with aomegutle- mu who hu a well.lnlned hone, for tha prodacUon of equal, triu drama, sneh u "Muappa" ud places of ttot Hk. Aa this olau of diamatlo amuumenm hu attdned a wide apned popu- larity, the lady ahould not to long hi aecurlng tto oppoitunl^ Ibe oeek& Her addrru will to found In hai adreitlaemenL B of the Winter Gicden comtanr, now en an.inAP- vellng lour, opanad a« Undo Hal], New HavuToonn., on tto >7th July, to a moat CToallanl hooaa. *'Fuohon" wu wllhHluBaalle IIe1vlUeuranahon,Hr.&K.Charier y, and W. P. Soiroagto u DIdlac. Tbey remained the baluee of the week, ud open at Hanford on tto Slat July. UanuiB BoBBLLBB li making her mark In the Slate of Wlacon. Bin. She opened at Madlaon for a ataort aeaaon wllh Mr. MIda. Tha town la toll ot uldlan, ud these toidy vetenni of Qrut ud Bheimu llitu 10 tho dneat aendmeata aho utters with Inlenu delight A oomepondalt njs Ihe theatn la crowded every night; every body In fact goto to lee tor. MiLUB and Olabi Fowub, In whom m combined beauty of face and figure^ ud wtoie graoefal tetpaleboreu dliplaya an ao enthualutlcally eneond when and wherivar ther appau, tore twu Itymg no In clover during the inmmer eota'jce, bat wlU emerge (ran udr ebidy retreet on Augoat I, ud commence the flnt of Urelr atu eigagamula al Fotd'a Holllday BIreet Thuire, Bdtlmore, Theae yoting ladlea toveuuohuUog atage pru- uce, an among tto brat In their profeadon. ud no doubt prove paying ud attractive wrda wbenver ttoy uliplay their oharmi ud talut on tto light Ikntulle toe. Manager Oeo. Lea. ol Wuhlngton, conliela Ibelr aenloae, through whom engagemeuia may be made for long or ibori perioda. Aa IheIr time wlll doubt- leu aoon to lUled up, managan ahould to on the alert to accura Itom. Fob TBI BiBAODiE CncDir, people an rcqoeated to nport In thegreaa room, al Witertown, M.X., on Auguat 3d, by muoger & H. Hungeriord, In anolher part of thla piper. Bee adveiUae- ment Aboibbb DiAAUiOAiiov Or "Abiab iia Poodb" la in pro- greu, for Mr, T, U Ocnnor, A Bt Lonla paper aays of II: -"Mr. T. L. Connor, at present al the Tariedai, ud for yean a Bt Louli fivorile, wa undentud, ii tovlng tho novd 'Amh na Pogne' dramaUied by Blmey Manhil, ud we tova no doubt Inm the lllenry abinuu of Mr. Minhal, ttot II will folly eqaal the doublfrbeadod pieduetlon of Dion Boudciult We oen- gralnlate Ur, Connor, ud predict ttot In '8toni-lbe.Poel' he wlU achieve a euocen that will be gnllfyiog to hlmaalf ud hla numeroua ttiendi. We have loog looked upon Mr. 0. u one of the toll ud Iruut delbieaton of Irlihmen on the itago, ud In fact a heed ud thouldar atove moal ol theatottlou who attempt Irlah cbanCler>-a auUemu that dou not need la appear on the atage with a pipe In hla monib. Is ragged tobUunenti, with a ailck ud bundle to (dl the udionce that bo la portraying u Iriihinan. Baaghl We long ago dckuad of'auoh Uoela native Iiub wll ud pecoUulhea.'^ Tbb floLMia OruA Taoura cenduded a brUllul ugue- mentof two waeto at the Uelropolitu Thealje, ladlanapoila, on July Ud. On the occailon of Mlu BalUe Holmu'i buefll, Iho youngAmorlcu prima donna wu the toppy reclpleat of a coolly Sid Wilibim waubud aitachmeaia; a preunt from her muy enda- The preuntttlon wu nude at the condualon ot Oln- denlla by Ur. W. H. KIley, tho able ud popular manager of tlia MvtropoUtu, acoomputeo with tho following very approprlata Rmirki:-**My aweel little alaler arliate, anamberof our dtueui, hoii:toIon aliugen to yoti, whom your two weeki engagement hu tnnaformedlo warm ud ardut idffliren, appredatlng your abllltv u u artiato ud regarding you for year worth In your privile and domeiUc clrd^ daain to preaent yon wllh a tangible tohuof Ihdreateem; tha dia.'inguiihed compUmoot of beiog Ihe medium thnngh which ttolr wlihei m to beaapreiiedtoa tou conferred upon me, ud I accept tbe comiillment wllh Ihuke ud p.eaaura—ihanto for tto tonor done me—pleaaun it being eelacted u the Inilmmut to confer Ibla topplneu upon you. You wlll find among tbe donon the namea of many ola- linntlahed oflloan of our army who tova ao euooaaafoliy pre- unmd deal to our uemlaa, ud an oqniliy u enoouaral In pruuting a mm pndoua mstal to our deaarvmg IHonda, whou motive la elncarlly, whMO beoedlcilon la pmaperlty. Per. mil me to pnaut you iriih thla bwotlful louvealr. In the hope Itot year fature, which thli iwut llllla nmambruoer ibail aeira to mark, miy ever bi'u foU of Joy and topplneaa, and u uneloudid u lour preoei4 u lonloioaa ud 1ml of triumph. But my awMt lltUe auter artlata, old age will come, ud now will aoon to tha pul. Day by day Ihli Inexorable little preaul with 19.134 38,179 0,(09 3,181 tost 1,730 9,701 OaoioB PAoacBroiT oomBaeCdfaeingement at Uiguln'i Opera Uonie, 8u Fm>claoo,an Jahjf Mm, appearing la Henry Juper, Is "Buhdor ol Ana," uA Oloodeaiey, la "A Praetlod II la aald'lhat he met with ofu 0f Ihe DOM eoldial ractp- lu "tick, dot, tick," la alowly, almoitillully, but lilrely, eltos<. log ua loto Ito fuion: but Ito ncoUiotlon of your fdendi ud thdr kIndnaaaM wUlin a great meann wllhaUnd tbe ravaau of xldage. In Iho pleuloghopeol bidding yon good byeanaOod ipcea, ud truaiing ttol Ihla aouvinU, raludeu u It moat bi to you for Ita lotrloalo worth, maj, wbu tuoy ud memory are ill Itot lemalna of Ito put recaU to year mind Ibe many Iraa kind aud genenui haarta yon tova left behind you In Indlanapollk" Klu BalUe, with much feeling, reipcDded ae followa:-"elr. Is reMrlig thla apleadid ud doUa nneipeoled preunt I oould not eiprea my IbiUnge by dmply uying I thank yon. BeUevo me, air, I aball to ever proud or 11, ud anill tr<aaare II av a rich and pncloua gift fkom (Honda moat dear, Twu on then very toardi I flnt ippearM In opim 'f au u IndlinapoUaaudlenoe encouraged me ud cheanume on ny path ofduty,udu Ilook apoatbebce of thla token of their aataam. I aball avor to Inoltod to ruewed profoulooal elbrls to merit tbilr vduad friendahip, Ihdr apdauae and upnbillon. Wllh heulfilt oxprcidona ol a dup ud baling gituioda, I bid yoa flrewelL" Amito.-Tbo oompuy engaged for Iho Howard AthUBum, Beaton, to the uiuhig aeuon, an noHfled to mut (n the Qnen Boom of Ihe theatn m tha leth laal. Bee alaga manager Jonea' card lu anolber column. O. W. Mitoniuj..|oe|to the Albinf.AUdemy of UualonaU ■eaion, to pliy tmiid old mm ud obiriolar buimwa. A Catabu LgADiao Uab .la wuted by Uuagor John A. Ellilor, Jun., of iheAoadamy of Mule, ^aveland, U. Fob tAb Miw Tbutbi, MuhvlUh lann., now under Ito Ciagemont of Heaan. Wight ud ronor, uint le wulod for tolhoomlog Maaon. For addniii to., lae idvartlaemonl In anolber column. > U)tn>viu.B iBBATui la lo open on oit atonI Beplamber let lor Ibe fdl ud wlntor Bouoo, under the'muigamont of Lao Uudaon. F. L, Keller, tue itase muagar, adveitliu in th( OtirriB for people ^ Mb, AnotTB uiAonKBT, formirly muigar^f the Bu Fiuolioo Qarmu Ihull^ u4 btolhir<.Maw of Ma£ jobillar, wUI be tha dlnotor of iheBUilmonOooooidia, Ms of Ihe grudoa itraolniu In Ito eoutiy, bmiad by Ihe aealthlut uermu diiaisaof Bdllmoie, -. ,. a tlona thuhu ban gtvmi to ur aet«> wBe hli apsetred than fo aoma time. He la pnsonniad a Ihcweoghly.fliiuuad and arillllc actor, degui In flgun, ulmalid and pollatod in mansar ud •tyto, la a flna dooutloiilM, and poaiaeaaa a good volos, whiob h« knowstow to tue to idvuligft Mr. Panneafort wu oaOidto fan lha oartdn lo receive tto plaodlta ot Ito udlucs'al Ito udofttoflntictacdigdaattiu endof tha place, whes In a few aloqwnt and wdl-IUnedftouea, to eipresaad hla gialafol appndatlon of Iho klndnen of hla meptlon. Blue thmto bu appuied In "SUU Watan Ban Deep," "Idvaler,""Bambooillog," ud "The Conlcu Brothcra." Last Do* la lald to to undet u engagemnt with Uagulia^ of Bu Fnnoiaco, ud wiU iborlly appeu at ihe Open Honae. OBiana TazATBiOAUk—Ibe alinoDd.eyad mnlpnlaton ol Celeatial chop«tloka and tarreiMal elilckai, km llttad up a thuire on tho flnt floor of lha Oloto UotaL comer of DoponI and Jackaon aineta, Bu Frunlaco, which wu to to opened on JolySlh. Any whlto mu wlU to permitted to go In ud enjoy Ibe "divine rukel" ud inhda tto heavuly cdoia of the uie:. Iilnmint fcrfonr bill. Tub OBanuiio tove to the nreani abandoned thdr Intontlea of inpalng itovarUod to tho AQuUoBUIee, ud tore concltulad, In lieulharcoC to opu tto AuatlA Thutn. -. t twB KxAXe, who played aoch a vvnriufnl engagemul with MoVlcker, Ittaly, In Ohlcago, have mide udtor engagement with that geuUemu of Iwdve nlghla, oommenclng on the 33d of October. Mr. E>u will then vidl Detad^ Bt Louie, Uemphlib ndopen at ttoSt Charles Theatre, MiwOduu, (orthree weeke, on tto 8lh of Juuary, 1808. Mb. ABO Hla. Cbabb Sbab, Ulia Cbspmu, Heaan Bventl, Ohibciit, ud CopTin, commenced a dx nlghto* ugagemut al Buffalo, m the tilh July. Va. Oorm, the Aughillu manager ud comedlu, hu vldled Ihe prtodpil dUw In thiUnlled Btitra,iudet uamngemut with Mr.O.Kau,ud whUitattendlogto tto buameaiofhls puty, hu been looking around blm for noTiltlu to rettm to the ooloo- leowlth. Be hu already effected aevard engigementi, indwlU take bla departure ftom America on the IBIh of Ocutor next Tbla enteipldnff apecnlator Introduced Mr. aad Mn. 0. Eau, Ur. OiT. flrobke, FrofisioT Andnaon, the Wliardof ItoKorth, Pnfeaaor Jicobs, and SO olber orftitn to the Analiillaoa. Ihli la Ilia gift vi«H ta Arnirlci, and we ih«n irta bk i hjpi i H uii Hj of announcing bla ugigemenla pnvtoua to bla oepartan. DABSncBBLX.termlBatrd u engigemut of levu weeki at Magnln'i UponHoaae, Bu Frucuoo, on June 34th, on which OJ'cailon he appeued In "Id OU' Parle Frinealae^" "A Begolar Fix," aad '-Toodlea." On June Ulh he produced a comlo dnma, written expreiily for him by T. B. UeDonoagh, and Fred Maeder of Ihla dty, ud odird "Aitemoi ward, Bhowmu," wllh the fol. lowing call of charactan: Ailemna Wud. Mr. Du Selchall; Ar- temoa Ward, Jr., 0. B.Tborne, Jr.; Mr Offering Stock, Lonla Aldrlch;B BnorPlattoBngllul.PltrpentItoyer; Malor Shirk, D. 0. Andanon; Ur Olendvon Fake, F. Peroy; Patrick, J. H. Buby; Ura. Artamua Ward, Ura. 0. R Sanodora; BarvlelBeed, Un. Bophle Edwin; Un Spukle, Mlu Bene Lud; Slgnnn Bngllanl, Mlu Billle Hinckley, Itlaoomprliedin three acta; Ito middle one li luppoaed to be tbo "Stowmu'i" dnim, during which bo openo hie "rireat moral ahow" at Silt Lake City. Al- though provocibve of u oocailontl "eaiy laugh," Ihe pUca lo eald to be niher of the fllmiy order. Tbe flrn tour weeka of bla eogagomut wenbrllliut, Inil the liat two feU offoonelderably, At tbo termmadon ot bla angagamenl Seloiel look a trip to Lake Bigler, to ncrolt for a couple of week*, ud wu to commenoe aneogagemaol at Uagnln'a Open Uonae, Virginia City, on July CBAiiia WHBATUioB'a experiment of managing the Eunto Ttoatn, Bu nuclaco, bai, up to lut advlcu, proved sncceufuL On Jime31it be modncod for tbe flnt time In uitdty, "Ikmlnga Butterfly," irlih Wbeatlelgb u BeiuJdau; Fanny Uorgin Phelpa, ujadnta; andMn. JndU,uMnoile. Tha"OdnooB''toduao been produced, ud altracted good hooaee for leveral nlghta. "Ihe OoUmo Bawn" wu on tha bllla fbr Joly lit, with Whwl- Idgh u Duny Mann, hla orliilnd cbirwier, wtoa the piece wu flrat produced In thla conotry. TBI BuKcarOpBBATBOon, lately performlog at tha Metre. poUtu Tneatn, Ban Fnndeco, hid a revolt m Ihe nnka on Jane 13, reenlHng In the dlamemtoimeot of the company, and the cea- ntlon of aU farther ilnlna for awhile. A nulority united art-h Uagulre'a Open Troupe, end performed lo good houaei. Big. UorcUl, birllone; Big. Uorley, tonor; ud Big. Birni, tou; wen thoadrtlllona. Such aoomblutloil enlaili upooMr. Uagulre, we hear, a weakly aalaiy of liOUO. "11 Barblcn dl SavigUa" wu glvai on June 3Cth; "Nabuco,"on Ito latb; '-Fault" ivu to hive beu performed on tho 3d; with Bcooda, PbUltppa, HoioUl, BtrlgUa,udOrludlnl, Inlhecut BbrigUi took i benefit on tto 0th, whu to appeiredu BIcaido, in '-Do Sella In Uaichen," Biogoim Bltiba Bbahbilla, of open renown, wii the red- pUnt of a oompllmenury tontflt on June Vlh, at the HetropoU- tao, Bu Fruduc TBI CoLDiaue (Obloi OniiA Homi li now under the leaaee- ■blp of Heean Kut & Harden, Ur. Wuvor tovlng withdnwn. iMleo ud genllemu, both atock ud itu, cu lecon engage, mull lor tbe lail ud winter aeaaoni, by addreailcg u per ad- vertlaemont lo uolhar column. Ihe above muagrmut, irith Ih'ir oompaay, ud UoUle wnilama and Tiarenl u the elan, opened at ZuuviUe, Ohio, on the 81it ult, for three weeto; they then tdie a reoeu for two weelm, ud opu at Columbua daring Ihe Bate filr, on Sept lib. OLxm'B TBaATnB, Morkf^Ut Va., under tha management ol I. B. Dead, Im doing a good aummer'a budoaaa. Co the 94th, 'Luorvsla Borgia" wu peifnrmed, ud on the loth, W. H. Baku took a buoDt appeartog u Haetoth. with Un. Fled. Meek u tody Mwtolh. FBAitB DiBw eommenced an engagamant at Ihe Thutre Boyal, UontrealiO. E.,on Jaly94lh, andwutavoiulyreodved. Onthe aeth, the "Iriah Emigrut" and the bnrleaque of "U luppa" were performed. Tr> KBDia commuced u engagemut at the Meir jpolitu, Buffalo, on July 2ilh, opening In "Uaoxy ihe Vnitn" udthe **#«aloua Wile.'' Altbongb ihepil^oaol Mlulailoa were doubled, the houM wu crowded. The "Merobut of Vulaa" wu p«- formed on the 9Btb. Ua. J. A. HoDou wu Ihereclpentofabueflion July 24111, at tbo Melnpolltan, Indlanapollf. Ibe "Honey Uoon" wu per- farme.1, ud Hlu Eate Fletcher made her appearuca u Jullaiina to the VloUnto of tho tomlcigfrr. Eim Blabobabo, Ihe Star ol tto West u ihe la oaned ont West tovlng tormloaied hir atu esgagommt Is LoniavUla, cu M ugaged to brief engigementa oy managers Bha vrill ibortly commenoe u engigamanlat New Albany, Ind., for two weda, aad on Sept. 9tth, oommuou d Devuport, Iowa, for two weeka. Bee Ihe lady'a card m Ihla ud anoceeolng Urate of lbeOLxrpx& Foao'e WuBDioTOit Tbiatib It Is now uld that the Bnre- bkiT ol War, tovbig ooraplod Focd'i tbuoe, hu Informed the latter'a conned Itot be ncognUee lili right lo compenutlon, ud dtar a canfol Inveitlgalioa o( tbe valao of the butdtng. toa reited It uutll the lit of Febraary aixt for IIBOO per montli, wlls lha prlvlloae of pnrchadng It for 1100,000, tbe price agreed upon with the Obriitlan tlommuilon. If Coogreu aooi proper to do ao; if not, to ntum It In good oondibon. Babaiooa.— One of the CtirriB cor^ mrlllng ftom Ibla gay ud restive watering pUceouJalyaotli,uya: "(f Bhakeipeannad known of auoh a place u Ihla be lurily would not tove aiked 'Whil'e In a namer Tbo very monUon of luob a place luggeria vMonaofhopi, bauty ud Qlitailon. Certainly ihla la one or the most popular of all nmmer reiorta of wealihy AmaricuA Ila walka—liadrlves—itatnagnlflcentholala-ltadollghtfnlly-hullhful wilen,udadiaculacmery, naderallnnrlviled. Allhoughtto Unltid SlilM ud Uarvin Uolala wen totally dutroyod by In on janelBih Ihe Tillage wu never hnoivntonaveaomanyTlaltm atone timouallbe preunt and there aeema to to ample aocom- mtdiilooe for dL The Clanndon hu beu enlargea to e flnt- clau honae. Oongrcu Bin Hold hu beu enlarged ona-foorlh, and Ihe Union, elwaya flnt dua, ii now Ooloead In Ita pnpcr- tlona, ud hu within lu grounda d the oxlnme ud u open houK, which for btaaly wlll rivd uj one In thla cotmtry. The andltorlumledlvldedIntoparquddrclaudupperdrde. Then ta a One plazxa, eighteen leal wld^ which mna along Ihe front ud oo either aide or toth dioloa. Ito pnninng tlota of the Inleilor an crlmaon ud bine, relleied by while, buff end gUt Ibire ue four piivde boiea, ud their omamula- lion birmooliu offecLvdy wlih the reel of the houie. All tbe Bcato In the honae are cue-tollomed um cbaln, fadcncd to the floor. An oiceUut view of tbe atage can be had fnm aU piru o( tbe touu, then toing no heavy plllan In uy duecUon. Ita acouatlc qualltlei an unaurpaaaeu-the moral whieper on tho alege om bo hoaid far back la the parquet circle. Tikui dtogolhar. It ta one of the flnoit operA-bouau lu ttda coun- try. Ita eaatlug capad^ta u followi: Private toxu, 34; Pu- quet 908; Piiqnet Oirde, 494; Odliir, S94—totaL OtU. Then la aiudlug-room for 900 men, ud, wits extra Hata In the aulw, win bold over 130O persona, Mr. Leonard Qraver la the Inaee, ud Burr (Jnver la the mueger. Than li a dnmatlo oompuy hero It proient, among whom in Bllxa Mewton, Lisle Price, Fanny Uorut Uri. W. A. Cbipmao, Un. O, Jordan, May Fret- too, Aoalo Wood, Moaan. Oca Ctark, D. B. Uedty, E. Lamb, Fnnk Lawlor, W. A. Otopman, a P SeOroat J. D. Uobbe, 0. H. llockwelU 1>. Uarrlnn aod Fruk Baraa. Tbe "lonaen Bawn" wuparrdrmedun the 97th ud 98th, ud la glvu thla evening for toe lui ttuie. Ihe piece wupiacadoathe atage In excellent atyle, ud very wbU performed in every parUonlu.. V. Lawlor wu the Daiuy Hans; be la a very olaTor didootldu, ud hta miko-op fur the charaotor excellent B. Lamb, u HUu, wu very good. Kllu Mewton u Blly w>a very w —- i^lakeulAwn ud The Pntly Utrl diteiTidlr applaaded. On Ihe 2StB Om. (Irani wu preaeat ud occupied a front aul In the paiquet drde twhlch wu oyer* hong with fligii accampuled or all wife and four ohildrrai Un. Blgdow, wUo or Iho Amirlou Mlnlalrr to Fiuoa, ud Oola. Baboock, Porter, Daduu ud Puker, ot hla atalL .They utared tho theatn during tto flnt aat whu Oorrlgu ud Myles are on tbe atage. They wan uthniluliodiy cheered by the aodiinee, ud tne onhealn, led by 0. Soppla, almok up Ihe Matlond Bin. He and hla pirly loll it the don ol the aeoosd act. Jaal u he bad got out ol Ine theatn thm ma an alarm of fin from Coojirtn HaU, Immedlatdy op^ilte, ud aneh an eg. mala airugeminll to Ito sipenaMU al lb. ud Htb Charlu Seutoonanlghtonlr,/a)y8i,'*h«i»ltoy wm to psriorm Is the "Merehut of Tealca" Tib Mbwui, N, t., iHuoa Is to eoumiin tha leuon ca Bept dih, ondir tha mtnagameat at J. H. WddL <. For the pnaut month It can be nated for concetti lecturo^ aUI>M IVaAeitlu, ment In uolbet column, kiOLT UBLviLLinat wllh 1 dedded neom la Ito Mule HaU, Mew Haven, Conn., July 3T, 98, ud 99; her rtDohon, on the opaiilDg nlgnt, wu npluoaily ippliodid, md hlgh;.< gpoku ofbythak>eal ptpan. Mai LuBU WOOD oloKd her equoatrlu drmHo perforaiOM at Ibe Newuk, N. J., Tbealn on lha 9iib ol July, un lha erenlag of tha 9iih, whUa playing Jack Bhappard on honebact, Hlu Wood, Boated on tto back of bar horia. made a lup from a table to Ito ilaga, Ihe dlituce duied by horn ud rider—Iho table being nine fett In tolgbt—tolog 91 loci, it ta repottad. Mlu Wood li now making arraDgomenu Cot tha ippnacbiog ssuon, ud maoagen daelrooa of Boourlni bar aerrloea ue nrarred to Ibe lady'a card ki our adv«rliiliig department Tbb DaaiiAsa leuon or 1889 -88, it Furd'a Holllday Street Tbaiiie, Baltunor^ commenced on Moojay areolng, Joly Slit wllh a iMtlmonlal Dooeilt to Manager Fuid. Ihe opening piece wu **lIow Hto boTu BlaL" Xu lollowlng Im i Hot of tha com. Xaay ugaged al tho UoUlday:—Mluu Bluohe Ony, Loutaa An- enoD.U. B. Bdley; Haadamu Haila Wlihlna,a B.BIanop. D. B. Buchatt; UfBin. J. C. UcCoUam. a B. Blahop, I. A. Ball, W. E. Bokea, gdwln Bmenoo, V. 8. Andrawa, etc. Thoa. A. HaU la aiage manager, ud Oeorge Uardlnar, |iromp;er. B. W, atBiH, ot Ito HoriolB Opera Mouaa, la add to tove made, Btu aagagemenu wllh the foltowlna pertonam for next aeaaon, via.: LucLle Westan, Mn. John Wood, Mr. aod .wn. W. J.Fla- rac^ Mlu Maggie Mllchdl, u, a Ohartaa, eta. ABiiu Wain la to play Amh Heihahu slaoa otMn. Euhs, In Ito drama of "," u the Maw ObeaBut, Phll^ ddphla. Allhongh a dever pecfOnnerlsaome ohuaoiers, Mlia fiuoa iru not "eqaal to Ihe emergency" u the Heellah glcL Fox'a AMUiOAit VABarrSaAiiB. PUIadolnhla, wu danaely crowded on toturday evulng, JuIt 39ih, that bilng the opantng night under tbe saw repiiia. The home hu baea entlnly etooged In ila appoaruce, ud now looto u blight ud cheerful u eoma of our leading Ihmtra. Wa ebatt apeak mm u length Inrefeiuce to the Amorioaa and Ita perfOrmucea at anotimt lima. Hie opening wu a great saocesa Tbb UBraoroUTAR, Boonnler,dDiedlto seaaon on Ibe 90tholi u«aai* Bnrin aad Itaymond an wall apoien of by iba pnu to their managamoot of the thutn; they baTO alao wu the good tnllof ttooltlbni. OiovBB'e WAABiBong IBBATIB doied for the »uon en lha 99th Joly, with tbe "Flying Dnlrhman" annonaced. Ibe new oompuy adveitlaad to opu tail wMk did not appear. A oomepondcnt uya: "I heu thU Mr, Orover'a leau explru aoont lae lal of October, whu Mr. Ford taku pcouidonoilto building, he havlog leaied It fnm Mr. Spaaldlng." Batboud ud UAJuuroit'Bcoapuytaio niniln et Wheeling, T^, tin Aug, 7, ud thu proceed to MArlella, O., to one weik. The loUoadng pingnph we take from tto WheeUng InUIUfamr. "Ur. Himiliim hu appean-d In levml of hta tavorlte oidlnM itoui duriug tho weaL Hla nndltlona of 'Ulobdleo,' 'Sir Bar. oouri Ojurtly' ud *H.ohard* give convlnoing avidanoe of tha hlgbeat Older ol talent Poaaaadog great power, exodlut Judg- ment With youth and a floe petiou, wo isow of no young mu auperior to elm In tnuedy." DicB UoOowAB'a VAiUTiza Tbbatib, Llllle Book, Ark., bu bem flltirdop "cegardlMof uxpaLaa,"udUnowpnnauncadto to one of tbo moat conveuieni, oomforublo ud beat amnged placoa of amuaeuienl In ttot aectlon or tbe SunttL It wu to to opued on Aug. lat iviih a gooi cnupuy,which Manager UcOowu Intuda addlog to-tolh in uumbm ud Ulaut Bee hia edve^ ttaemeut for peopie In uototr odums. Jacob Elbob, "one of your dni<liu dnmitlc actors," bu not torn heard Irom of late. When an yoo, Jacob 7 Ua.. Da Tbu wu up tor a buefll at lbs tfelropolltu, fit Loola, on Ihe 9llta nIL, whu liio "Ilckel^f-Leavs Han," wlta De Tm u BobeM Brlerlv, ud -Mlu Molly MorthoeruBam WU. lougbby, wu produced, ud tbi affilr tamed out a bumper. Among tho olhen who ua:aied vven Uon Murphy, Tom Oedduga, M. Bnu, ud Leon Berger. Bonsa'a compuy, from 44< Maw Totk, continues to meet with Ihe moat liberal rapport at the rfoatoo Houum. ' UnaaiDATiaua Ca, ihaCt.cigolhaatrtcal BBenle,mln want of a number of paople In Iho va: i cue brucha of the dnmatlo art Paitica wlihiBg to oonmnnlnto with thus wUI llud their adlnu la uolher oolumo. Tae WALim BiBXZi Thxatbi, PbUadelphla, whloh li nadir- going 1 thorough uveriiauliijy, li to to opentd for the leaaou on atunliT erenijig, Adguit lOtn, with "London Auurucai" Our young friend, 0. S. fawcett whole cngagid for the aeuon, win perform the part of Dolly Bpaiiker In tbo opening p'eoe, Thtata an euller opulog than we looked for, conddtriug the work to to done In the nfltting of the houie. TnB DovTon MmBuic will enter upon 111 fdl and winter dn- matlo aeuon on the Ulb Inat Hi. r. J. Lavgdoi, a young actor of merit after u abeuoe from tbo Itage of three yem, bu rvtoracd lo tbe boaida. He made hta hnt appearance u Wahinglon Ball, Brooklyn, &D, on the 38ln olL u elude Ueliuilto In the ■ -Lady ol Ljona," rei^ deitag Iho part capllally. Uia playing wu effecUva and natural, aud received tbo ptaudlta of the audience pniut Ur. Leogdon wu well BUiiportod by Ueaan. Wmtm and Sutton, aud Mra. Otaaaford, aU of the New Bowery Thutre. Her alnj lw J of Negro Mliiitr«l«y. Ddtibi aid Oiiu's UoauBs tarmliated ttoir three weeks puformiuou In flltaburgh. Pa., on the 3tth Julr. U ww tae moot nooBoafnl ugagemut they tove played elnce Ihe bud wu cnuiaed, which la now twelve yaaia. Baron luring tne Bmoky Oilr, tto bud will to n oigutaid, and uvml ctongu to made, Erepmtory to uterlug npu the campaign ol 180^8. Signer li:ux will laavo Ihe troupe thIo week, to aevea or eight WMka, for the purpow or taking a trip to Buropo, partly for pleaanra, aiKI partly lo look up novddH for the Dupna ud (}reu IM0P& Big. BIdaux wUl alao vlalt Parte wbUe abroad. AT UAOoxu'a OruA Hooaa. Virginia 01>y, tha Wonel Blitain, Waller Bray, Flan Bray, Un. Bam Wella, Curie Obapmu, Btephemon, woodhull. Blnolair, ud P. B. Uuoa trm tto atln^ Uou at lut advlcia. Tbe par9 give a fuB mioalrel emlerialn- But Miwooiu'i Unsnni wm to to it LoireU, Man., on July 90th. Bad Pxo.— tow Battler reubed 8u Fnncii09, Oil, on June 3Blh,aUar.atoarlhiough Idaho with a minalnlpuly. LewtaUi tora atorfu about ttot apconutxy ootulry. Be aayi that it ta Ito moat Ood-fomhu region a wandertog mtoalrd ever amok; and rather Ihu ettlke ont mthatdliuUu again, he would break into Ban ^uesin. It wu "AarvaUon or oata" with the compeny fcv aomo lima. Oata wore pnteircd, ud conatltuted the reeulu gmb to levdnl daya. Wbu oat lime oame round, not a mlnatnl had the heart to Bay "nelglt" Lew nporta lha tolance of the oompuy on Ibe rood to Bu Fruoiico, each member with a bag unog over hla ahouldtr coutdning a peek ol oeu for nydde luUn- anoa. Their arrival win to u oetorioui erut Conog ABB Uuann'i Hinamii, liter ■ vary proeperoui cam- pdgn, m a pnaut taking a mat to m-orgaulie m Beptemtor, in PrvTlduoe, 3. L, wllh e new rood ud loatrumutd party, ud wlll give their flrat nerformuce thm on Bept 2d. They ex- pect to tove one of Ibe beafbuda on Iba road next aeaaoo. IHB IxoouB of J. L. Camaoat (ot Ouncou ud Dlxey'a MIn- atrda, Philadelphia,) for tbe yeu IBM, ta ut down at t3,08d; lha Inoome of Z. F. DIxey wu 13,311 BiXABn' Mnnraua wm at Ortawold 0pm Houl^ Troy, M.r., July 3Sth ud 981h: ttoy dtaaeled large udleucea. Dave Bead ana Frank Uoiu are oa the enda. The town ma wall blUed, ud Ihe tnope axludvely advarUaed; lo Ihla In a mil meum ta itlrtbuted the anooui of Iho tond among lha Ittyani, who m txlteme'.y fond of nUnitnlay. OABHCBoa AMD DxxBi'B UmeiBiu put ta u appcannoe at Schenectady, M.T., on July 97; the) wm atnngaii to that torn, bet their parformuce made many frluda to then. Dluy and Slmmoei m Ihe tinmp cardi, with Blocum u tatartoculor, Sohaneolady lie good plaoe lor e good ahaw to vldl. DABOigo la not only u accooDpllahmut but a very badlbfol exerelae. Tim Hayea, whoM/nfa ta od Ihe Terpeiohoreao ilyle, ta now rudy lo teach the art of dancing to all who may seed kii urvlcH; ho teacbw olog, iMOt aud pump dancing, aud guuu- teea to Inalmot any pupU wto ou to Inalncted, to dance a complete duoa In one monlk. See Ur. Hiyu' card la our adver- tiring department Nbwooub'i UmaiaiLS win to In Fltobburg, Uaaa., on Ihe 9d Inat; Eeene. M. B., 3d: ud Bnllletoro, VI., on the 41b. MouD BioxHiBi' Pell k Tnebildge'e Mlnalxda wUl zunme thelr'ulerlatamesla ta Ueeton on Ibe 7lh mat Wa leim tnm Bolton that Lon Uorria hu ooacluded i bargain for the luac of Apollo 6 irdea. In ttot elly, u a dta for b ttoatn lor oomedy ud nadevtOo; II u alio uiartcd that Meim. B, U Davoi port and J. W, Wallaek an to to uaocUted wiih blm la the apeoulatlos. Tartly, minatrd managm an oa tha ilaa Dncixn'a HonnzLa nopu In Beaton, Julv 3lBt Tbe troupe, u reorgulxed. ooniiita or BL B. Buckley, O. Bwalno Daokl«y, Hugh Songbuty, J. B. OUffoid, Peto Leo, A. O. Btone, J. ). Boberia, Bnuell ud Bt John—acoprdeon pliyera, H. WullaDO, E dawln, B. Uoop, M. Lewla, T. Wltaon, J, U. Uucpby, B. W. fHllln, T. Owui, 0. Lonadde, M. Btudnun, T. Walon, & Por- klna, B. Turner, ud Uraoger. Admladon, 90 euta; nnrvod suls,tOoenta. BootBT'e Moiiruu, at tha Arch BIreet Thutre, Philadelphia, m perfbrmlog a bnrleaque calkid "Anah no Bnaue," by A. Dy- ing Boadoo^tEaq. BtTnwoBTB'a kliMinBU bavA bad five weato of nUiCutoiT bnilueaa al the Academy of Mulo, Ohingo, IlL, whm Itoy ap- pear to ton aeoared tto good win bolh of pre u and duiBo. u conoladlng u aalogy on one ot ttolr performucu, Ibe Ctiloago Mbana of July 98 nya of themi "It bu been uld toal negn mlulnlay ta a peoulluly Ameriou ent«rtalnmut, ud certainly if all our traopu wm egud to Budworlh'a we would tove raa- BOB to to ratherpioad that It II aa" citamut la eeldom witnaiaed In a theun at aery of file. Sot* eialladloi fllnted ud many wm hart dating the itaapeda. T.eraauof the alarm wu a window enrlaln In the hold tuuig fln, but It wu eoon pul oat Tblnga wm Urdy at Ihe Doagim far aUiita while. Oea, Orut la eTldmlly avene to diaplay. He toafowof tha advufaun Is peiiona] prneboeeojoycdbyiome Im duUngulihed mUllary ebanctara. Be U nlher bdow mi. dino height, ta not itonlly, bntcompiotly built ud utterly to void of any pnluoe of nperiority. The dramatfo oompanr a> pear it Teeddle Hall, Altony, on July SOlh lad Slat udAttgM lit norman, the dight ol hud fihlr, appean al the 0pm HouuhmIhoMthru nlghla. Admladon to parqael anoclr- olo|9i9acltolo,»0oenu.'^ ' moieuucu- TIE DiAiutia OoHTAin tuds Ihe muigomul of T. B. Unia, oloaed a aeaaon of three moniha at tbe Milwaukee Theatn on Ihe alelulL, and proceedid to Uidlioo, Wla., whm they opued at Tuner'a Btll, oa the 9llh, under lha moal favonbla auplcoi, tovlng beu palnnlaed by fuU anil ippteoUttve udluoee. "Ihe Paul of Savoy" wai performed on. tne 34lb, irilh Madame II» Ihua BehoUer u UaM^ upportod by T. E, llllla, u Lonitaloi, and a full oompuy, taoludug Uoaira. H. LoreU, U. Fruklls, J. F. Brier, U. L, BtaUn, J. w. UowuUi, U, loohay, J, Botorta, Qeo. Boblnaoa, T, Bdwaida, tho Ulaiu Wllmot Wdlare, May, ud Brown, ud Uadimo HonteUo. Uanigcr MUta will opu tto HUnokwInuIro for the fdl and vrlnler aoaaoa oa Siplamber 11th,uduadrartlaoffluttaanotbar oolumn eitudi ulnvlta- lion to Arit-olua alara. Ma. B, BrBUTOBii, formerly ol the Dalllmoie and Boitoa Ibwlni,hu beu engaged u prompter for tho Wdnat atieel Theatn, Phlladdphla, for Ihe onaning aouoi. bWABD eotn, tovlng flnlibed u eagigement of deres alghli al ZuenUlo, Onio, comuonoed a term of alx olghta al Haufleld, on July 3ith, Un Joly 81 ha wai to open it Ihe Oom Boui, lo Duton, IvxBT LAHTT,whohu>aaxtandi«,udllwaouJudgebilha tlUu, an InlentUng nparloire, laeki eatagammta ot six o> tirdveBlghla, bytdniUilngInIbliwuk'gOurrBk Mtnagen^ If f oa tove a Tici|oy let Ivaiy tovi a ebuci to spread talmsdf, MB, Hamwailti^ aaaici* t«g jt* MtKopoUlu, BookNier, "^•^ . . Muilo Hillk kLuAOBa OBeaai Lba, of WaaUngtaa, D.O,, . igai over a gduy of talut la almect every vtrli . amaaemenla, ud u ta dwayi prepeAd M mgage men al good •darlea. igum, v.u, atin Utu ud t every virlely of thutrictl .^Mugige men at good He toe now os Ua pay nU the Utaiu Laun Barnard, Jowphins Parker, HUUeudoWra Fowler i Joe WoodLBltlne Bddu, Holllgu ud Leivllt tto Mtaoo Brothan, BUly Bmenon. J. W. Ihompion, Jotony Baddoo, and Ohutay Su», dl of thm (laia In Ibelr aeveial apedaUUu, aad aU of Ibem Iwlnklo fnm Ume to time at hla beadqoailm, the Canterbury IIqbIo Hall, wben Iholr perrormanoie m applindcd to Ihe echo by admiring ■id appreolallve audlencea, nrforman of merit, aol engaged, •honid report forthwith to Muagar Ceo. Lea, TKi FowLxa Btalm, Millie ind OIui, an to oommuoe a itar- rbg mm on the 1th Init, at tho Holllday Blrtet Iheatnt Daldmoro. Tbey m atlractlvo oanla for aa; managar. Moid Esdii, the little perfarmar on the iuht.ropeb ta the cud thli week it Fox'i Ametlou Ibeilre, Philiddphlv Mine ta truly a wondtff nl child. JOBB nuonoH, dog dincer, 0. B. Oray, oomlc dngor ud lolor, ud Ju. Bhdlon, commmoed u engagomentattbe MewOulao, Bdtlmore, on the Slat ult, under irai. B. Oavuagh't maaiga- mut TBI Haw OAimo, Ddllmort, lld.,ta evlduUy a thriving la- aUluUon, ohlofly tttrtbntaUe, no doubt, to the ullve ading mnagar, Ur. W, B. Oavanagk, wto bu otgantaed a fuB asl ifflclmloompr—' .. . .. . piogramme to bo a very __ lommer houn away," It tovlng beenfiltodap In tto aoilornita style Among Ibe people now performing Inm ue Ibi Hlaiea EdBmeiilild, ElUmyor, Uoblnaon, Howard, Oirdnar, LeaUa^ jTlmnee, ud Blmorei Uona. DoMyi Uenre. Buihtoo, Thomp- OOD, BhelloD, any, Horry, Bold, Wny, Qtiit ud Ihe Empire BoyA Tho BalUmoraua are llbeni pilrona of Ibla Inilllullon, and the female portloa of Ihe oompuy have of Uta bid ntoUn- tial prooU thereof lo thi atopo of Jewelry. Among Ibe fair ndpluU ol taiUfflontalB an Miu Bade Bummtrftdd, a diapioad flag of tha vahie ol 1100, a ngalu ipatklar, toi bti gmoktul duitoii Mlu KOlmyor, a diamond eloatar, worth isoo. or her MUlui ohlblttoas ot ta^iu^oMta Ut) UlM IlUy f otMt; « ipuy lhat la competui to give a flnl olan vartaly rnaflnl4lau manner. The Oadnotaalio npnled oool, oomrortable and allraollva plioa to "while Ihe ■'A