New York Clipper (Aug 1865)

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ifAUaUST 12, 1865. THE MENKEN. BTnuzi iDumina. 'jU>]nattBftk.a>wbjdld7«Itniu n OMi M to* otfaon » oiduBf nr Sum, To iln iMbn Juw ktnn nfl piliHli, Iiort nn ni I Ta 61f Uiok ai* llibdsg Uuir bMin taito tMm*. Btlk* lotm, IB u* UiMnliigi ■^nl^ ttus*!* btIgM M (In nm u4 kwa u • dtrti Kotei OH duUag, lh«7 lony hin dmo Imnliig BolM ■• u jgt fliht Hghl lalo nu luut lobar talnni To hamtmnplog op lolke • *1U moimtiln goiti a Innilfiil ton w gnctfnllr btodlBSi nltli jtd mtk* Uu heut OT au bp* C m< tlirat J jn Mie on pUx-icttsg, led oiell duhal'i Bock or k bMit BUdt of ftait— Ai(orm*owBbMii,wliTUi mmaUntUat, I hiTe uma ti ID, tgc It! join iD lion*. WmiMi. m* MaBka, I woild act mlad flibUai A toa or jrtr liilmlt^ bad lata to thlm iH: Smart, I ttuk 'tironld b« work anU* daUghUiii, nr BM vitn Booihla bhw 1 uugbto la > •40*11. imh, m* iMtHt, Ui loaf bHn anmlag Or ta ileh pnUat Upt M pbuDp u'10 no, nun Kaakni kaov jet will Boi M blamlag lbs iaaoolat pool Cor nbal be bu mli. BTTBKJa, THE tSIL.OOO£IB{ OB, THE DAUGHTER OF MIONIOHT. A TAU or HTBTSBIU OITT IiOT* OHAFID r.Tn lu foomni MDi vns Hois nuu si zn wat* It wooU bedlfflcnll (tc aaj one oot ttmUuty iltiutad to not In lb* r««llaa of tbeM two poor rananji a* ibapoUeaaiaa drew nair. How could tbej talok othanlaa thin tbat ha waa faUowtBglbamr ab ba draw near Iha wigoa, too, ba aaemad Co pear acmltnliioglr oadar tbe oonr; asd the woman abnni Mok, tfembtlof. Bat the moaentof poll had yatto oomo. Whan ba cane op larel with tha rahlda, be polled op and addreaead the dilTer, "nneda/t" haaald. Tbeia waa nothlaf Ten alamlngln Ihalomol* of thli addiaaa; nt the btaraa wan Irighlaud, aad crept Ikitber and farther Mok to eaoauthe icniDnlilDg glanoa which they kaawba waa tatting mio the Inlarlor. "Tina dajl" aaldthapoUsaman. 'Hlddllngi" granted the wagoner, who appeared not orer aailooa to enta Into oonTcnauon; and aa bo apokabegaTaa ant wtib hia whip at one of iba horaea, aad ouled oat "Oea befl".to nuke the team naod tbetrpioa. How Hair and liinjblaiaed him in ibelr beatlal WtaUlbr Ibair tikea that ba wiebed to aTOld lbs InfOlaUlra pOUcaaua'a aoolatrT Ibat coald bardlr bt, tbongb, fbr ba ooold not know tbat tbej bad any maon for wtahlngtoMooiean. Wbalraaaon bad be, than, (or bla oogdactr Itrtapa Ibay wodid not ban' tboagblfiwtllotbtanhadtbaTkaowa. ^. . . .Kr. fgiwh BtjMa, Ihair woithr drlrar, dnr^ MtUaThU wwos, a roaring bada In amomled Utnor, which bo waa iaiba btbU of titchlng from. Baex aaiabM one* aren waek/tad cABjIngialandlabaoaatomarL It Ma bad. piObabiT at thla Taij moment, ooa or two IlUa kega <tf apliUa Blowad away among the ihtw, aild he might ban Ml albar doobUOl of the poUoeman'a InlasUosa whan ba aldled op In tbe waywabcnaaao. Tbarefon Mr. Joaapb did not raapoad nir baaitlij to the aalataUoo of (be gentleman in Uae. Taa poUo*- Dan, howeYar, waa not niy thln-ahloned. It ba wen not w«l- coma. ba did not knew It. It be had the oold^honldar tfiown blm, he waa none the wlaer. ('Oomafitf f" aaldbe. ••Middling," rtapondad Ur. Blylet. "Itom London f" "Ab!" **ThroaAb Richmond f "Ahl" The pollcoman aeemed la begin lo think by thla Uma tbat ha Waa not galUog on rery npldly. Bat he made another effoci "See any of our mfn on the load t" "No," replied Ur. Joatob. "Good day to }oa," aald (he polioemaa, and rode on. ' When be bad gone the women breathed aliba of nllef. Ur, Btylea, too, wu not aony, It woold apMat; lor he cbaoUed to bunaelt for awhile, then karat oat wnlitllog a popalar melody with Inteoae abrUloeaa, aa (boogh in trlsmpbat the mu'a depar. tan.-* Tbanwta, bowanr. yet cauaa for alarm, altboagh duger bad ridden on aheid. It wu abnd waiting lOr tbrm jwhapa. They had not been able lo make macb oot of what they hiad heard, yet tbe contlaalonB thay dn« Irom (be aoaaly aonpa of tbe dialogaa onrbaaid liy tnem wan of the moat depreaalng oatnro. 'ibey ooold oot help ftaoilng thai the poUea wen oot la large anmeexa, and aoooilog the country. They coold not bOM, than, to eaoape notice for ray,long. CtiiilBij If they took the wuooerlolo tbelr oondlennaocaraatotell him that Ibsy wars ityug lo get Ibrongb the ooantry imobaarred, he might enable Ibem to do ao-nleoldedly not wltbent fiat then It waa Impoaalbia to tell blm, beoaan wonid be not atiatghtway gin them op for the aake ot the nwardT LUty, It la troe, bad •agnalad tbit Iher aoould toll blm aome woodenul tale of their banoff run awiy mm tholr Irienda. who wlabed to force Ibem Into dlataatefol mairlagea; bat, Ibea, woald not their dohig ao draw bla attention mon pariloalaily to Ibelr peraonil appeai- ^oe. and, tnderd, exalte nepldona lo bla mlod wlklob olharwiao ^onld not arlaa t 11 IbeT gan blm the Idea tbat they wan ran- Awiya. what waa mon likely tbin that ha ahould oonneot Ibam wUh Ibe maawaya named In the bandblUat—for they look It tit gnnted Ibat the btndbiila bad prueded (hem, and tbat (hey wAold find a deacrlpUoa of their peraoaal eppearanoo atailng ai than tnm Ibe dud walla of etery rllligo tbey cime to. The foeaHon waa, woald not tbe wagoneraeo oneot Ina bllla hlmaalf, and dlaeom whom be bad got In bla Teblele wlthost their nggeaHoglhaldottoblmt Tutwaelbe ilik therbadtoron. It waa vary otitaln that they moat ran aome flak. Then wu no .way of eeeaplu l^no way of maklsg thbiga aora-lbenforc, (bay pot ibau matin Prondenoe, and bond for the baik They rod* ou Terr alowly, and onpt op and down high bUli ontU noon, when Uuf atopped for a abort time belon a roidald* Inn, whan Ur, Stylu wu eawoua to ban a drink of beer and waler -hlf boiaea. Tha women, who were by Ibia thne feint ftf want of IMd, wan not aorry to obtain aome. Tbey dan not, bowers, daaeend from (he wagon aod mter the Inn, and tbey aant Ur. <Mki\»t Into Ibe Inn to fetoh Ibem waat be cnold. Onmrtnaataly tba landlady waa a aodable booy, and • motherly aool, and aha woold Inaln opon tbam getUng down tv a little wbUa.. '<Wa'r«eaohaoDmrortibl*parlar,mydaanr' Bnt tbey aald tbey woold niber atay when tbey wan. "Il'a qalla nrlnt*T-not a aoni to Inlarfen with yoo 1" . "Hf trlend lan't wall," Lilly aald. "I had talber atay heit, . I^LDk yon kindly." "W(nnd yoo get oot, than, (Or a bU 1" "No, I woald mber not lean ber.". ^AiyooUkt^niydean. Poor ibiagi mut'aIbamatlawith Iba landlady vrew.deeply Intoeated In Uary'a aoppoeed mat. tdy, and woold ban had a bog aad droanalinlUI aoooant of all beraimpton^ only that Ura. Olanrlaj abowad no InellnaUon toUlk. She drew baoktlndeed.aimacb at aheaonld behind Ibe tam of lbowtioD, and UUy Inlaipoaed bar owo nrton b^ ■Iwean the '"I'^lrfly and bar oompanloD, ao-tbal,tba former, ttooab aba bObbtdber head to tbe right and lo the kit, narer aktabaedaaythltgUka a good Tiaw. It waa with tha greataal dUIonlly tbat at length tbey ooold prenll opon tbe good udr to J^^u^w11h_tood_ In Ibo wagonj and when, at lanfilh, ebe Irtlhoot any to aroldadaltenlloiiL _ _ pieaanted Uary u bebig Tory 111, l( waa only raaaonable "(baC die aboold not diaplay loo large an appelltei and abe wai dying of Imnger. Fiaaaolly, a party of raapan Mme tramping op tbe load; and aoppoaing that tbe wagon wu withoni an ocoopanl, aad taneying that li might contain aome article worth appto- prUtlsg, one ot the men oept op to tea openlaji, aad poked In Ui heed. Bat, catoblagalgbtol the two womenTbe atood trana- ued wllb amaaemant, and apparanlly noahlo to witbdnw bla baad again tu teienl momenta. ynta, allaat, be did to, Lilly atld. In a trembling nice, "He win kuow oa again." "Waatdo yoo meant" ; .. "It he ibould tea any deaolpuon o( oi, I mean. Ha aaemed to noboe araiylblng we had on. Ha oould deaerlb* oa *o> cnntely." • ■ ■ , i ^ UaiT pretended to nuke Ugbl of UUy'a (aani bat, nareiliie. leaa,abewu tuy glad when, at length, the wagoner wu raady to pnoeed npoo bla Jooner, They bad datamilned lo lean bla In tha analog, wtaaa It akoald grow dark, In the town wbeie btpnpoeadpnltlnftpfoitbealgbl., AiHtuud onl,bowaTar, tha^laitUmbatintLallma Ibu Ibey bad ttvd npog, oadar idBoonataaoHwbick waa not a 111 tie alarming tan ia the' Ularaoon tb* wagon draw opbafonaDOlbarlllllamadaldelnB, aad, aa baton, Ur. Blylu eouiad the bona*. The women bad nfoted to take any rafteabaMBt ibla ttma^ letiiaa a eoam elmllar tolhaiwhlokbad lakaa plan at tha otbs pabUo bnta. Ibey oat itgnlladlbal tUey bad not at dnl eUgbtad, fOaa. By doing ao, they woold probably lute Uoa:aa It wu, tbey had oonitad It. BaTUgia- f voik xiii«-««.ia. (PBicB Tmrn sum. .>Vf,i . .-..i ,i.:'.' wllhlBthaoottanba gin a lOBi, 10(1. . ■>?^?ffljy^;^^»jaB^^ U» wlBdo»7an4,W«i»a«4at tta aomadaavbiilbMicadudlaaeapt aad oiha tamed bla asu dowjT roond opoa oOai obMr —• ^ ' palatadlba ■mand (h i _ i.ioHwtMlate id-opoaiba blukdralaa gial* aadl aad.oaUlag, Tfbao ha bad Ibu " .'■ndrCa tha wnag plaoa,",t« aataradtoWKiilf -qi mtaiOaibawroagplae^aadySll'ooa'Ibc ■■KtjaMdbMb a«FlHn.'« »>• «^ aaltoaadtob^andlbawaaMdbKM* •pMIV HelH'aallilgbL In'tU?" -r--», Haaddtaaaedtbelut iiiiialliiii In lila iiiiiiiiaiiliiii. ani)|> bbBwHliaatoiilabmenl, wUbonlmiUngaay npiT, •Ka'tHMghtr banpeatad. . -"I doni kaow what yoo mean." "Doaani aba Ura banattur •"»ior- "MKOiawa^io bonni" . . ■.' UDy mad* a'atap baekwird u ba ptoaonnoed >* IlimllUt nam*, wbloh had baan ao ntay yaai* a leant to hat. Ibaa M HimaiandoDli'ldldBotkaewltaOnwtUTadbank math* ladXioadoiiT" •« laa't that one I n«aa U an. Ifabatdato. Too kM* tbitwbUtBoogbr "IkBownotlbigaboatlll laay ldonelud«itBid|Ml" Too dida'loona down beta, Ilia, to gat aUystt <eiIlMte< hart" "K0| I ban aant teta bet beflm," "Kent aaea batt" «Hor "What tbe dnuabroagbl yoo lo tb*ilao*,lluii,lf yoBdflnot coaM oa thai omd ?" Bnt ban UUy itaamarad aad mw eonfoaad. "I-I cite with aoma oa* aealMilaUy." "AeddaolaUyr'sltdBoikehOpmbifblaayaa. ••Wbattiayoi talUagtbonll Too'nplayliitaoma8nelrlok«rtbattbar,lban whatTOo'n dolag. Son'f try 11 oa, lboagb,wllli mk If m don't know anythug of thla party who Htm ban ot oofhl lo nt ben, wan aad good. Too'Il coowln with m*. Ihaub,*adae* btri and UI dnd oot that yoo'Ti told whal'i not tb* Bolh abo«l U, woabaUd* yoo, that'* all I" UnyllateaadtoblawardalnmsteiatoalalmitBi Wlulbanid waiailddlalaber, Bhaooaldnot ludantand blamaaalaiL and yal a atauga naplcloD took poaaeeaVa or bar, Ibalwul ip. p*nad lo b* to ngod lad oalnteUlglbla, Titally eeacetned atii aad thai II aba aoiud only obtain Ibe oloa Ibe waa wlibla laaob oi; Iba tototloo of that myataiy which bid OToahtdowad bar IU*-tba myateiy of ber parontaga-mlgbl bo anited at Borka. laaB. wbUa, tbongb aerer fbr a moment nllatolihing bit bold of bit oompanloo, waatbaoktopetrlnlhiongb Iba wmdow, tad diiag bit eyet opon (he hoe of Iba Old woman lytngoDma bad,!*- gaidad II bmg and aUanllnly. 'II It ber/'uld bcatterawbOa. 'Wia't a good bit obiBitd, bDllftbarnentlbeleaa." ' And than be bealtatad no lonnr, bnl appnaeblng Iba doo, bit U a amtit blow wllb bla knocUea. Than wuaormly, aad alki amomebt't panto banlaad the lilob aodaaiaral Thaa Iba old woman In bad, wtlloa op, tabbed bar aytt, aad atked ta a weak toaei "Who'a then?" "ira only ma^ mom," rapUed Botkai "only a Mtnd oomt ta ""/ngol no frienda," tb* old woiaaa aald, la a whialsii lea*, "Idu'l know what hufarongbl ytm luni trattfyeobanoaa* lorob ma, I ban'nothlng Uallt wctthilaallng." . ' "Wbo'aialklDgofnhbugr'rolanadBiika. "Doalyoqksaw wholamt Poti'lyootamen b arinat" ."Mo." ./g»bt((Bo tbongb." ."Ipn'n ati .;fWhaal" }li)J|)B^jLlA&l^/vfiHtaikir. ■ SggUTion AoraBB.AKB FimiiL Brr. For BlographJosI Bketob Bfl» »not]i*r eolnmn. tat tdanlij. ondar (h* wtgon^onr, wilAig Ibr blm to eome baaLandaailoottogttonlbelrway. Ho wata long wMla gone, andlbeygnwlmpaUeatal laat, and peeped oot Ibrongb a rant Inlbacotoriog. HewiielandlngUlae dear In oompiaiir wllb another man, who aipared to be a carrltr, or lomelblog ot thai aor^ aad betweaa Ibem tbey wen reading a printed paper. A paper wUh a heading of large type. ltooallonlybe*notloaola reward tor Ibelr apprebenalon, Iher tboogbt, and looked on liambUngly at tbe monmenu of the (wo man erldently In eameat oonnraafion. Tbe wagooer wu ^naatloalng tbe otiiar, and peeping onr bli abonlder at tbe paper Inm which be read. Ibea the canis.eTMenUy laiprlaod at aoDtlhlng Ihe wagoner hadaild, alartodnand and aiked a qaeallon eagerly. Bnt tbe wagoner appealed dlilndlDed lo antwer IL Be mombled aomelhlnA and bald oat bla band for Ibe bill, which be pot Into bla pocket, and came book atnlgbl to tha wagon. He took bla teat aUenlly, and drove on (or awbUe, whlalllng aofUy to him. telf; then bait toning, alaied at hit conpanlona tboagktfally, acnpbigblaoblnaabedldao, ThetwofnglUreeonptbiok, and lot faU uelr eye*, dmdlog lo ralte them again. Bnt a roatllig of paper canaed then to do to. He bad taken the bill oot of bla pocket, and wu ipeUlng II oror. BewialntantopenlUpernaal, and did not look op, Ho waa arldentlT an IndiKeranl reader, and wu aptlUng Ibicogh Ibe Una .with laborlooa pemnraaoe. "Ahl" be aald, looking np at laal, and gailog npon Uary't hca wllb a medltatln eiprtuloo, "A taondred ponnda la a deal ot money, laa'l lit" Uaiy ooold acatoelT And Tolce anoagh to nply, bat abe did at laat manage lo alammar onl, '-Tea, It woold be a good oaal fir aome people—not ao mnch tor olhen." '■ItwofUdbeamlghlySnethlogformer* nid tbe wagoner 'amlgbtyanethlngl ItwonldtatmeupforlUer' "W-wo«ldltt" "Tea," npUed Ur. Stylet, iin>bllng at the laab of bla whip, "It woold, andll'a w eaailj earoad." "Obi" The wagoner, by way of nply, tprad open the bill whicb he bad been nadlng,latitDad It oot opon bla knM,and banded II to Uuy ClaTcrlnig. She lo.'k It bilo ber tnmbUng band, and felt that Ibe blood bad Ian bar obeaka and Upa, and Ibat abe wu deadly pale; batabeoonlrind byapoweitol effort toorercome tbe Iscuuatloa to taint which aeemed cneping orer her, and rwd tbe paperilowly tobarult It wu a printed notice deacrlblng ber, and offeilng a nwird ot one hondrtd poonda tor ber appro- bonalon. She wu aomawhat toiprlted Ibat tbe aom aboold be ao email, andwuataloMtoacoonntfortheeIronmatance,nn1en II wu that they nude ao eon otoalchburbarwttboot any ironble. \rhlle ebe ntd, Ur. Btylu atlU ancted Ibe laab of bla wMp. "Il'a eaaUy eaned, mlu, ala't It, fbr thou u ou by Ibelr bandi opon Ibepaity," And u be ipoie ba laid on* of bit iltong handa opon Uiiya arm. Bhaabiink back abaddolng, and looked op Into bla boo wllb a tenldfl glare. "Wu It Blcbiadnd yoo aald yoo came tarn I" lald be. The wordi choked bar when abe brted lo anawar. She mond ber aaby Upa, hot Iron then aoaoond laaned. She fell that ba wu atirlng at ber aoaploloaaly, aliboogb abe did not aao blm. (Ot a klod of aim obacnted bet ttghl, and old Inm bar lU annoand* logobjedi. AllalODoeatodden abook eOmoet thnwher opon herfaca.. She baud Ibe drinr oaUlog "Woal" IsUieboiaeeu be apmog down (torn bla aaat Into Ibe road. Oae ot tbe boiau bed atombled and Ibilen, and pteaenlly then entoid a graal tatmhUng tnd UoUng, and plonilog and rearing, In tbe midtt of which lb* load aboolt olUr. Snlu wen tadlUe ebon all olber nolau. Praaolly ha called U> bla two fellow tanraitni, "I tUnk yon bad bellet get oat for a moment or two, bU I got Ibe man op egaln on bar foot. Then'* no caoae to be aleaio, onlv youmlgbtuweUbaout 01 the weg _ .. Qel oot It the back/' Ther made no antwer, but obeyed film. He wu too boiy with Ihe hoitoe to be able to go nond to atalel Ibem to alight, and (hoy flood for a few momenta upon tha aame epot, oncortala what lo do. Ihe accident bad ocooiied at Ibe bottom ol a bill iloeo lo a amill wood. The road wu bordered by high bedgte^ ffblob bid fnm tight Ibe anrrooDdlDg ooontry, and wu ao olr* collont In lla foroalloD, that the way la front and behind them wu In like (ktbloa oncoaled by tbe boahee and tbnbi. The faUen buta wu not. It tppcared, rerr cully to be got npon lit lege again, and Indeed tbe kicking and plunging wua If anylbtng mon Tloleol than balore. Ur. Btylat alone and nnalded bad aulta enoogh lo oocOpy him, aod be wu hoard abouting loodar lan erar, (boogh appironlly a good deal out of brtaib, gad- denly a tboogbt itrock Mary, and ah* quickly commonlotltd It (0 bar computOD. Thla wu a good opportooitr for them to run away. Tbey mltbt do to uoir. If taay loel so time, wbllo tbey wenoaobtorred. The Idu wu no sooner concelred (ban pot Into eucataoo. They tupped away allenlly, walked on (lp-lo« to (he corner of tbe road, diricd aoddenly roond, and pluiued into the wood. Tbe; tnreraed It npldly, (onlbglbetr way thnagh Ibe bramblu ud boihea, techleu of nob and lean. Wheo theynubed Ita oibar aide of tbe wood they looked icrin a obopla ot Selda al a U(Ue town l)lng down fa Iba hollow. II iirtalednow,u won u Iher coold Judge, abool biltaobonrol twUlgbl, and Itaer alood tu\l healltllna wbelharornotlt woold be tttot 10 wait unlU It. wu iaik bifoia ibay wenl among tbe bootea. Ilat then a plan nggeatad to ibera, which tbey at one* deiemhud toadlnpon. Ilwaa that Lilly, who wu notdeacilbedInlbebaLaadwbollamirad wuooltoepwiad of toeing bi Harr OiaiWag't coapaoy, aboald to down lolo Ihe town and porcutr, II poatlbl*, *ome eeooadjuod appaiel. In which UaiT Olarenag coold dttta beittif, and In aom* meaaon dulioy ber UkeacH to U* printed denalptlon. It waa nUladlben that Uary aboold wall lo the wool, whan no OB* wu Ukelj lo aee bar, and Ibat Lilly aboald orou tbe deUt and enter tha llUla town. 8b* only bnllaitd aboot doUig ao at diet beouue ebe tttrid that the road upon which the wagon wu liaTellng might lead down Into the town aha wu golnff to ants, andtbaf Iher*. In tha BIgb etraet, fate migbl bring ber (toe lo (bo* wllh Ur. Btylu. But, climbing on lo an enunenca wbloh aommaadedanaxlanaln view of tbeaorroandlng country, ah* dlaoorered lobar great delight that tbe nad twiaied away noon tb* other eldeotfiia bill, w Ibe loot of wbloh tbe accident bid occurred, and did not go near the town. Ur. Btylu bad by Ibit time got toe man opon Ita leel, had mlated bla feUow-lnT- ellait, aod wu beard ihoutlng lo Ibam at tha top of bla nice. Ha could not aa*than whenlbey wen, (or the treuentirely bid from bla Tlew Ibe apot when they alood. Do tbertfon ahoated hlmaalf hoarae, went coning haeklo bla wagon, awtarlni h* would wule no mon lime, and want ilowly np the bill. II the troth moatbe (old, they would bare doaemoeh beltor lo ban lamalned with blm, for be bad net the remotait notion Ibat taa Krtondeacnbod opon. tbe placard wu the peraon lowborn h* d lent It lo read, and be wuaoUraly atalotitoaccoonlfct lb* myitarlout dUappeannco of bla (eniile companloor. After ro- fleeilng on tbe inoject for a abort dm^ and acra>obbia bla heed, be oime to the ooaolnalon thit tbty oott ban allpped down In tbat qalet way, and neaked off to u to aiold paying blm any- thing Ibr Ibelr ride. "I didn't want to be paid," cried Stylet^ Indignantly, "tnd I can It a dlity irl^ lhal'B what I do: ud when Icnme aoou them again. If ao be u I erer do, I'll gin 'em a bit of my mhid." Vorthopreaent.bowerer.bewia ooUted to keep bla mind to blmaelf, and plod on gnmbllng, wllboot Ihe adnoUge of a Utlener. Lilly walled (or eome thne, onlll Ibe eoood ol Iba wagoner'aTOloa died away In Ibe dittanoe, and ontUtbarom- bUng of Ihe wheela bad gnwn to be hot TCry talotly aodlble. Tbeo Uary tan bar the nmalnlog oonUnIa o(tbe aoaaly pane, bidJIng bar apand u Utile u poulble: end then anting dotn opon Ibeetompola inennderlboihadaoralaatyalm, teiolted to wali patiently for ber ntom. Bbe did not toppoaa Ihit the. would ban lo wait Very long. Lilly bid pnmlaed to make all. poaalbis bBat^ aad u tbe (own wit al aucb a abotl dialanoe from. Ihe apot wber* abe bad left Uary. Ue bller enppoaed tbat ball, an hour would be taflloleat lo mike Ibe neoetitry putcbaaM and; ntarn,aboold aba be look; moogh to Ind a ibop wbrn aeoond.. band or ntdy.made artlolu wen lo be booght. Ball an honr, bowarer, paaaed away, and an hour, aod an iour ud a-balf, aod yet Lilly did not ntom. Might ael In, and Ibe moon loae, and atiu Uaont walohlng and waittag, and bar btait tank wtlbla ber u Ibe anUdpatlon of aome baab mlaloitane. OHAFTIB LIT. k Dnaeaauau ihrdio. Wbllo bar abaanca wu noting ber companion to moch uilety, Liny wu ana a greater aolbrer. When the leimatyOlaroflogi abanptdlydeaoended Ibe gnety Hope leading lo Ibe town. Al the bobom of lb* Aeld than wu, a itlle, orer wbltta ebe cUmbod Into the high roadTwA few ntaiala' wtli bnogbl ber to tb* Ant boat* In flie town. A quiet, itttalbg almt lay befon bar la the galbtring IwUlgbt, and tb* lobabllanu of Iba bonaea anoed to ban already gone lo aleep. Bat aucb wuBotlbaoaae^lttoon beoame apparent, for abe had hardly let fool la tha town befon tbey cama bniolng out to tbe doore, and peeping oot at lb* wla* dowit u tbe InbabltanU ot cotulry loaoi aUaya will do npoa lb* approach of a ilnoger. men ebe bid pueed half way op tha atraat and obanood To look back, mere wu qnlla a abow of bead* In the dlraoUui Irom wblcb abe had mat, and aba ooold not help rajoldog tbat abe had oome alone. Bbe walked oa aomawhat npldly, anidoua lo eaoip* Ihli aciuUnr, and wlahcd Ibat It bad beanllark befon tha bad coma. BbewainrrdrUgbledatbatto ae* right belbn bar,' at the corner of a alrMt, eiactlr Iba aort ol aeoond-hand clotbu abop wblcb ebe bid dealred, bnl aoiroely hoped to flod. Then wu a JiwUh woman bttblod tbe counter, who abowad ber a nriety of goodt: bnl u Lilly wai annoaa lo get what abe wanted u cheap u poulble, aod u tbe proprietor colertalned a contrary opinion leepeoUng the nine of the artiolu look a long WbUa loaded a Dondiaae. At but It wu done, anI Lilly, with the cbangt In one bud, and a amaU parcel oonlainbig Iba iblnga ebe bad booght In Ihe ether, mad* the bait of her way down Ibe airtat towirdi tbe delJ leadlog to Ibe wood. AnIred at the elU», aba laid tbe pircel down for a moment while ah* put Ibe money In ber pocbM, (taring tbu abe might dnp II wbDe climbing orer. Barhig pal Uie money aafalj away, aba niaed ber eyee end ullered a Tlgbl aooam at aaebig a mtn'a bead upon Ibe otbtr aide of tbe atile, looting at her. H wat almoat dark nowi aod, 'aliboogb abe wu but a rery ebon dUtuoe Oom tbe town, yet It wu a lonalr apot, nobody wu about, tnd abe might ban nloly abtltked lot holp, abe Uiooghl, wIthoni belog eble lo obtain aaaltlanco. Ibe btad looking orer the aide wu decidedly an ugly ooe»ibe peraon of lit ownir wuogly aleo, Ibe loan wee not In rage, but b* wore * jhibby, areaar, oordnroy lull; and unlen yon act blm down ubdoDBlig to Iba umapro- " im,.ll wu diaWl 0 ImigiDe bow UI* genueoun obtabied bla UtUib. Be wuIs. ...IT ...... .... J ,^|^ biT* wlabtdlo« (uilon u tbe lata lamented tir. yim. Sytm,. ■ ■ Uned bla U' oeeo one of tbe lut peraooa one woold bm olgbl la a bnaly apoL LUy bad reaaoni-fcr wlabia* ta anid blm erao mon ibia Ibow which would ban tttoalad tb* g*n. eiaUty or nnnolaeled (boialea Bbe knew thla aiipnauatleiltt IndlTldoaJ. It wu Botka-lba maa whom old Nn, Orowa bad aataOlM u USy'a Aitan bitbaDd. Bh* wu atapUtd at iIm tight of thla halaiai faet apoa whieb tbe bad cona ao aoddaB. ly. . Ibm waa pMi^ c^ dm* (Ot bet to ban tamed aad raa atay, batf ab* only had tufflelant pnaOaaa of mind to ban don* ao, for iba man did not leoogaua hit al dttt tight. 8b* alood, Ihoogbi u If (atoloatad, tad onable to witbdnw hti ayw from Borke't oily coonlaaaaoe. Ha metnwhUe ollmbed tUenUy orer tbe eUle^ and ralaed the bondla (mm tbe gtonnd. Iban, aa be ipprowbed olow to ber, asd wu able to get a bellat flew of bet fie*, wMob Iba darkaeaa had bllbettonarllT co n ouled, be aton a great oath la aalanlabnual^ asd eaUed out hn nam*. "THio tb* danoa would taare thought of metUng yont" he cried. Then a tnlden tboogbl aeemad to orou bla mind, asd ba clutched brr arm. "Wbalbu brongbt yoobent" ha tald. "What new game la tbUI" She ilared it blm, thoogb wlihool nuUng lay reply, tot aba coold not compnbmid bla meaning. "Han yon b*«o then t" be laid. "WbanC "Too know wan aaoogbl" b* npllad. . Bat aa-ab*nada no aaawor, b* Jvkad bar lowitda blm bya wnsob ol bar wrlat "it yoo bin ooina," nld Butkt, "yoo tbiO eome btok wllb —' Yll " ' ■■ 'taa yoo an laoe to Iboi with the old woman, I . Inalbolrothl" "I do not want to go wlUi bttiat know wbalbor or oot yon an taniuB lb* troth I' "Laaragoof Byatml" aba olad. ' JOOl'.' I And aba Btraggled to bt* btn*U (lom bit gratp, bot Bmke only grinned nallaloiuly. "Blopr'aaldbai "yoo'n not going logatawuqoltaaoeaaUyr.' And ba doeed hit airong flagoa tlgbtly roond bar wrlat. "Not qolu oo aaallyl" be npialad, la a too* wbloh wu uraoely playfol, Ilka what might ban bran ibegnwl of a bal^iged llgar unkUig Ita Tloltm'a boma (or Uie (On of the thing. Thao, u aba appeared half IsoUoed Is ttalal bit aniborlty, ha picked tha bnnnl* off the ground, aad, beginning to mount Ibe aula, logged her op af tor him. "Oome onl" ho laid. Bat ahl bang buk, and weakly ation to pull Ihe atrong Bngen apart which griped ber Mil aroL Bhe migbl u weU ban brted to ban tonlcbad tb* brickt ontof a will wllb ber nailr. Qolla qolelly be ilood (at a while, tlmoet imoMd by bet eflma. Be llttd (o bnlly any one weaker tban hlmaalf. Ha uw that abe wu trying her ulmoel, end that her auanitb woold be preianUy axbanatedt and that tbaa II would be nry moillMog to bo obU^td to do what aba wu bid. and ranch mon palnfu Ibeo, when aba knew that abe bad so power lo naitt bit wol. Ha .... -^-'y, ud tb( . blaned color lb oat dItUsoe fnqi looked down upon her, thenfore, amUing grimly, and thought tbit abe lookid pniUer tban unal wllb Ibo heteb' bar uc*. But fooWepe In Ih* lane, at no arwt ( Ihe apot whan thay iiood, wamid blm that be bad belter tany no longer, aad that If be did not get bar ont of the way ol help, help mlibturln aod cnrpowu blm. | "Uoma 0*. nowl" be aald, Is low, fleroe lonui "no nun tudingi?. .r "IwilBotgol Ion ban BO right to liy to torn me I I win aitMmlotbalpI" _ I If ibabadaonamed,mtybeaalilanoewusot(aroft If aba bid tAamtd, Inttiad ot only Ibrealeolog. Bat In another mO- nnl tb* oppcilnnlly wu Icat. Bark* dnw (nm hi* breaat pocket a bsibU pitio], asd Itid II tgalsil ber (oiebead. with k dnp lopieoauon isdalook ao horrible tbit Ibo blood of Iba ahruklog girl tuned ooldwIUi terror. i "Don'l play Ibe (ool with mt, ot by bwreo— i Be bid no Dead lo complata Ihe ball utiend threat' Boma- Ihisgol tbe old onnaaoning dread with wblcb thla lawldta nf- diD't pruinca bid tlwtyilUtd ber, cauiod her now ireaUy tp yield to hla ccmmtnd. Bow o'len In ml life do w* ae* limau uataocw ot women driran ibrougta IbeUr Uru by mendlau bol. lUa, eobmlUlsg to UI mage, peUy tyranolea ud bmlal chuUa*. most, wbobad Ibe meant ol tteape ud dally opportoallM ol gelUog out o( Ibelr petaeoolor'i c'.ulobit, but who yet nmalted, u tbcogb agalnal tbelr wiU, fuolaaltd aod epeU-booad. Tboa wu It that Lilly now weakly labmltlad to lb* Imptrlooe com. mand of her oompaatoo, Bbe ollmbid onr the tlUa, and allowed banell lo be led away, wbllal blip wu oloa* at band, ud within ull. nutke walked npldly along, oinylag the bundle In one hand, and hrepieg tlgbl bold of btr wnil wllb Iba olbar. They Uea aUaaUy Inrened a ooaple o( fleldi, peaalsg sol Tory fat from the tpdlWhere Ully had left MaryOltTailogtowtltber r*. lam, ud ttopped •! latt lo fiont o( a low.roo(M, dilapidated ool- ligOj wllh a amaU girdto lo f'oat ol It, oboked np wlthairag|Usg '"Whenareyoulaklogmerukedldlly. "Yoa know well nonib," be nplled. "Ton kiow who Utm bcro, iiwelluldo, Ireolioa.'' ^ ^ ^ . And wllboot beedlog the look o(blank luiprlae opon tb* gM'a (in, bi ltd the way down Uie giideo nalh, atlU keepbig a Udit bold upoo LUIy'e wtliL It wu oy thla Ume quite dark. ,Thare wa> a ulDl Uibttbialog Uinagb tha.wlsdcw of tbe ooUam atd appR>iebbiglhle,Bnrkaatini>lnlatba mlaeiaUa tooni wtibia In It a dtSlabI*, a ooaple ol ticknr i>nw.bollomed chain, and uoldlaahlos«dohHlotdnwaia,«tnlba.oalylaa|lata. Tbo w>llattmbata,and bi loma plwaalbaplMiarMlillan oflin K'chaitaioUiarpUen tbe damp bad onaatbioiigh. Bennlof peaulo Ibe window wtta.fifdlyaaakld talpUobad wllh paperioihanwrnatoffad w^ lige. It ,wai iltMtUlar aw6e^ begontaaawnlohtd plaoal isdoponaMckadra, which plid oaa eonir ot Uia toon, wit as old ittaut looking. If i U«.nonwntcb*d and«sa* uiinbatdiaiuag. Bbrke lMkadlnatlbltold«oniaa'tlaoth«rhlah wu dimly iwrtaUd by Ihe U|bf of a loag'Wlakad eandl* tiaadlag npoa tha tM», emtag ''loHubanamoslborlwoagOiitong wUh rat , . ,Tba old msuo ralaad bar head aiUiIi,aadlootad at nia eagdriy.' "Ab,Inmimb«isow,"ibaiald. Tbaa added ihnntly.xffbat (toTOBWsit*" • ■ • ' : .ll<'wtn,' doB'l b* too ahiip en no, old lady. Ifroa r'—r Ihtnt Ataotaaalhaartyta lli,ui "Aod ant yoof" '|T*t,ab*taitBia." _ jearwbityoo'dgol louy.I aoppata, ToataUypabtt lomelbbig oft yoor mmd, aod cpolda't dla aaty bttot'MtU tald it" •- .J-. ' "So I did, hot I dlda'l waat to tir U to yob.'.' npUaS iU old womtn, lonbag bs bead InsaUulIy t '~ ' Bork* made ao nnark, boloanfally yoo to oonaVWariMpllad WgMn rTdn, Wkan'aarAtuI"' . . idoooMn'iooma." tha dot*. wbUb bt oolaelatily boUad. Tban be moUooedlo Lull to tH dowa opon onaortboobtlrtbuddnwlsg Ibt oUiertelb*MMldt,artdo*D udiltanllnlywitobidthtold womaa'abioa. - "I don't bltm* yoo," lb* oldwotnaa npettad InaplalaUn lone. "Why didn't Znmaooma to a*a ma whan Hold bet bow Ulwatr 'ItoIdyonahawaiin,"npUedBarkagIoomUy. 'OMdD'lyna bur (" "Ahl ibi tayt tbe la 111, becnue Iba wooldn't cona. Bha didn't wuttobair what I bad lo aay to ber. bh* know That It II waa—abe knew what It WW." •Ko, tbidldn'tl" niorted Borke. "Bat if ll'l lo b*ti .IBJ'. Iblni aba'a heard before, I don't Mama bar te atopplag away." "Ahl aha bu a bad bearl," oostbiaed ike old woman, tdUaf mon lo henelf tbu lo Biske. "Ahaalwaytwuiaibattbawul UTeloragretlt,Ibope. Bha wUlbaponlabedbanorluttallat." "Aad aha woald deeern II, loo,'^ aald Bartt, taonoilag bat, if ah* bad itoppad away wltbont aoia-lf aba badat naDy aanUl" ' .'. • 'Wbal'Blbanullarwllbbar'aftadlh* oldwomaa abaiply, ... . .. . ■■ - (0 baiaill; n ean ab* bin aftitlaadtaig'lbtHI«abe baa ladt I don'l wondttti ka Then wlthonl watttng tor him lo npljiah* nnmblad I what eonttitiiUsa i iK'a bat own (knll, I'n ao doubt, iin aditlaadtaiflhtlllaaba bu ,_ heloglUi bol|t enelu'tUI, It ItraiTenel of bar to elopiway, koowlog H abe mott do, ftom wbailaald, tbill am waDalgbai dnUi'a door." . - "It wu aboot Iba girl yoo wulad to apeak to Iwr, I toppeiat" Jd halt*, attar a abort Inlorral, doting which ba bad pna lb* old woman Ume to nn betiolf out, u be tenaad It. Tib," aba antwered. "I gnw nty oneaty whaa t baud (ba wugoot." " • thai Ibe bad ma away t" ■ ■• '■ ■Thai abe bad bwn drireo oot by my ilalar't' DUtMtiHat o( her. Iksowilwuftomnoptbercaaie. What hat iba doeatn her Ula bnl m-ot* barf Wu It not fbr Ibat potpotatba tha poor thing wu ilolAi (ram Itaoa* who ihoold ban bNalM aataial proteetonC Xharnaa'tmibtlghtantdatlhettwordi. H* irlduUy knew nry UIU« of Ibt real aUte of the tea*, aad waa olnmely tajioot to oa pnt In poaaiialoa of Iba Aota. •TO bo lotal" ba nld boldly, u Iboogb ba kaew an aboot It- tobatonl What other naton had that aad Uiaa badnt'iba eaont*' Tha old wemu lookrd op eagetlyi Uiea ilsUng ba tyta igala, appHndlobeloitlnlhongbl. , , "I dontknow," abe aatd-'I'n aaked mytalf Iba «a«ilMS a toonofUmii, bntl'nntrarbeu ebleto rBtkeDy ialad •aty npon UMioblaoL She bu b*aD onilly wicnged, I kaair aad the man who wroogad bar deaomd ptoubmanl, bol thai iSoald belettlolbehudtorPmTldtnoa.'' , .. ^ ^ . "Un, Orowe bu told me meet of II," aald Botkik tta titg tbat Iba panted agalnt "Uioogb I daiaaay bat tale wtaat toll* the Ina one." ■ • I darieay aol," Bald Ibe old wonia«,lakea ialolba tnp.volah babadtainrber,udwllUiiglotailanabakaawi "Idaiataylt wunolthetrnthi bnt I kaow wlnl wu tha tnib Ihoogbiaadl caa laU you how It wu that my alttar caoa to tl«al I>toaai<kBai> biwa'e onild, ud Iba naaoa whisb prompted bet to cnMUy to Ok elt" ■ "Abal" aald Burke lo blmaelfi "tbat'a aiasUy what I wiril to knowi" ud bt pnoarad binuelf la b*ar lb* eiplaatllon ol a myataiy which bad long putti ed htm bpp eUaaly. TO aa uuaiuuBik Oust or biaaMa Bwy floa of tbs moat oonoUal par. •ost known waa Daniel .lADbert, of Leloaimbln, sag., «b« weighed 789 Ull. At Ualatsa than died, in IBIB, Bamoal Sagait, aged Stly-lwo: aod bit body, wllbailagl«ooaa,wtlgli*d1Mlbc In ITM dl*d Ur, Jacob rowlD, of Blabblsg, Is laaaii bit bady wu aboT^ in yatda la ottenmlbrano*, uS wUgbtd (aoiba., i» Solrlsg Mitten maa to btar Um to hla gntt. In ITTI Mr, poonati olBkUUngton, n*arTamwoilb,w*I|b>d,aabotttlMb (on bla death, edtlba., ud naeiand tit Bin. acnaa tb* aM dira,- layiltr nMntloaa a yooog mao lii LIseobi wim a' Ilea poonda o(b*el dally, uddlid In 1191 in lb* Iw year ol bla age, weighing BW 111. Abakir InPytOMi ilTdlb*.,andfnqneolly eataemailabooldorof innttfinjTMgJt In lilt onn, ud walgbingBIbe i be,bowerer, piitinaaijinityt td Un npoo waler groal and brown bitad, by whUl k* hat SWba. o( bla bolk. MuTer Collecll, muter ot Iba Iraahta'JUadaaiy, welgbad opwardaoftetlbe ; wba Iwdnyttiaoiaba.wtdaaab H larg* u at tbe time ol bla death. At two yMm,'«l aj^ ^ba ta- quired two oureee lo 11(1 bin in ud oot ol' bM* dot al. wluiai, la afllof ugar.boielledlolheltoawMkabuiwMrbla kasd,' At Trenaw, lo Oorawall, there wu a tola knowB by the aame of Ortnt ObUIeol, who nigbed M01bt,i m* of Jilt ataoktaigt ooold conlalnaligallontofwhtil, . , ' Wilt AitwaaaD,—AKabDadihanaka'aatto Oaa^'OrBOga' and itked blm If be p » .t.rTr>..t ..Ja^^s:: lorAndnw Ji' why Kyourt uy mon good thla oooieqoeaet abodt iwusii.—& momm oioiwyman wai to uan. qiaagtt m U be propoad lo.eoBpal tha nb*l cIoM tartar Jobnton. •'jaia»4 |on," wnalbi OuaaTtk^, r snyan dost dp (tta Fnaldanl ot tha Uollad iSSb ittMkMdi kMdooa lao, Dmitk H laaUftteit o( lay way. .■.ll;.v;,'M