New York Clipper (Nov 1865)

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gum amd Praprl*t*r<| NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1865. irana t*i A RUSTIO 8KET0H. WBiiiu) rot THX VTW T01X currwa, BY FRANK LYNNH, Side bj ddt is toe Tillage choir, Bang they olt Is tie olden time, Never to time did they uolre, Lore I o them wu e golden mice. Two young hearts thai beet with gladness, Loving •• only worth oeo lore, Nothing Ihey knew to enuM them Bduetr, Frixlng etch alhef til else shore. Bide by eite by the nutlo titer. Knelt they then m man tad wife. She with her heart trait never lo hlUr, He to protect her thro' every strife; Jealousy's name never wu tpoken, Loving tad trains*: tber iptnt eteb diy, Thou vows tt tbe tiler niter wen broken, Petoefal tod gentle Ihey puKd ewey. Side by tide In the aburehyard tlttplog, Kernel tnd their nrtasa slmott naknown. Gone to that piece unknown to weeping. In thoee bright spheres erar to nam. done torn the aarrjb, tie eonowe and mourning, Bide bj aide and hand In hand, yjvlng and dying each wicked els ccernlng. Besting In peace in the heavenly lend. P-A-C'E. A Burglar's 8lory. mam mtDU to> m ranr ion ana, p i-o-i. Thou fear le'.len tnd t women made me a burglar, Ion no the "darblee" are dotelj locked. I atart fox tang Bug ooorroff—oo the ronkey told me. Ten yean on the Hudson. liiBoaor hoped I would repent by 1676: be Inched on the few am monlha eo that I ccnld go onf In warm weather. Ten wool J like to heer the itory, would you I Well, Its ill oyer ui ud I may ti well make t olean hreaat of it; but yon ought skirt heard my lawyer make hie oloalng epetch to the Jory. I BahM he'd conTlnce them at o»a time; bat he didn't; fact la rurrlaenco waa too atrong. Olve me a quid at tobacco, If yoo W end then I'll lire ewer. I believe iheytdon't forniah the tariirs »l orsg Blng wlih "Solace." . . Iwia a well-to-do fellow before tola thing happened; tme- aalctobtturo, bntl earned good wagst, I had tarred my aiynre In the amy and came oot with aaergeenl'a warraat,an tanble dlacharge tnd t ballet holt through the fleahy part of Bleu- Ibid picked up eamt book leaning and waa nlher fond of my nihil; my evening! 1 ipent quietly enough, teldom "bum- abg" with my jolly conned ci at work, bnt they liked me well econiMortU IheL I hid Hmeuvmtlve Ingenuity asd had made one or two un- aporlmt improvements In lockr, bnt cane the locks, they )»agfat my woe; and not the looks ao mnoh at tht womes: tvieUii woman) Its i twelvomontb lo-merrow etnee I ttw her flnt I had been lulled lo e llllle getherlng et the honae of the foreman In the stp, with whom I wit a fivorlte. Bt aid got been with na long, tnd I had never chanced to meet Uwlfe. He Introduced me: Hillle, ibis le Ben Lotting; you're hetrd me iptak of Jritiood fellow, but buhful among the girll" Iblubed, for I wai bashful, and Jem Houllon, the foreman, ucned twty to meet lomenowly-tnlved frlendi, leu tlono with tie wife. tf win e nieirnlBcent looting women, ThegrettheaTy braldi iatj bttck titlr wero sot track on In tbe style of the prtaent TiUrlilL" Tier forehead wii low esd broad, and white ta mar- la Her oyen were almond-abeped and large, lud though Tory ark laey wero liquid and loft and dreamy at tlmea; but thore aubedertTs own cunning In them alwsya. Her nolo wii ■"tat eod rather large, denoting great flrmnest ot obtrtoler— sitevhronologlete aay. Her moalb wu beiulllnl, wllh faO red 91 Ihu ji»e it a eort of balf-poallag, btlf-trolling eipreuloo. i fie won, on this first evening a oloiely fitting diet*, that aet off 'cue tdvuiige her eplendtd butt tod plump round acme. Ira uniopbliocated among femilee; I had bad so lore iffiln. •lirqnilntonoe wllh too fair aet wai Ten limited; but I hid a oiol toapect for ibe femlnlno world it urge. Do you much JWfrlhon that I folteyciy peculiar auuuon on taking the hu of iblt bctuilful women I I Stabled slightly end turned red, end then looked hor fall In tt nee. Our eyet met. She colored slightly, tad bant upon ma ■fetofpsulonstoodmlritton. The devil entered my eonl tt Wraomtnt My bubfulneaa waa gone. I reaolred to poteen a woman—body aid tout I knew from the Ont that ihe JWme; not with t pure, HetTen-eent lore, bnt wllh t fierce, ami, OTirotetarlng deelre—a nmethlng Ihtt iwallowt up duty, "Mr, ind ell thing! cite thtt are good on earth. I tipl soar ber all thai evonlog. I felt thtt we understood one «oer. Wo didn't talk much, bnt what we raid waa elgnlDcint. •oo an boor before hid been buhful et a achool-boy, became w u ibo pnollcsd llbirllne. Bnt I ban, aa I told you, the devil "entered my tool, •eon I left, Jem, lo hit good-sttured, genial way, aaked me to tt Ihem often; and aa I gaaed on hie honest manly face, I half poled me; but when I look her baud, and when abe returned HUght preeanre tbet I giro It with eo much terror, the wloked Ma agals eeeertod their mettery, two dtyi later I called at the foreman's home tgtln. Jam wee eot He bed gone to ellend tome pclldcal meeting, for Itwia I before elccbon, and ererybody waa ahonUogthenuelTee tee orer Llscolo or HeClellao. Ire. Uoulton wu lh(^ and ahe rccelred mo with I look of lined eurprlu. TVhy Ur.Xoailngl" eho uld. condaoUng me Into the prelty tit pulor, "you ota't Imatlne how glad I am to tee you I I ■ feirtully lonetome, tnd I wu Jut wtihlug that some one bat—" and ahe dropped her eyoe with aeeumed mod' '- /I icueely dared to hope that It would be you." Ji tola tickled my Tanlly. u you might tappoee. ebeont nearly every orenlng," the went on to tty. ' rVf.S! totuy more tntereetlng oompinloss that he can de- » bnt Utlla time to bit wife." Ihe ilabed gently, and looked the rery plctne ot Injured lnno- roee from my. ehalr- and look t sett bsrlde her as the aefe; ?iSS » *'!, °.' «tmlnlnB a ring on her finger, I took her I while bind tamlnoandutljllfirt . •'"f Qt ' m M'»> effort to withdraw It, ai though the J t UiUe frightened it thU familiarity, bnt Hill ahowed no It of belsg offended.. After a UlUo (he remarked amlllngly t- J*t me uJrlioydu. Mr. Loeilng, never to marry I" 'WbjJ" I takfd. Is tomeaurprlee. !?fllftv !™ d tt< "?"• nu,,a Wo » •** hx>h. "inerlhe Kit lied both men ind woman in ant to find those whom 4 toUht love infinitely bettor than their hub indoor wlra." 3lSff, k ,1.*" J 8, i* ra S*' ^?. t 1 oooldnotfalltoaeotU Impoit; •nm ir I bid, hor throbbing botom and humid eyea told a ■7 thil wu eully Inlorpreled. iBH! ™ lnl E uU »» 8 "*">*> •clh'g to butt and repenfng '■aon-ii've got the ltlture to npfnt now, u his honor said, ^liart end ih 0 odd montha)—eo I didn't hetltate Is this cue. my armi around the waist or Ihtt beautllul. wleked nut), ud lined her rod Upe igtla and again, "jepp'ared overwhelmed wllh tnrpnat, but snbmllted to tiilsegrV 0 '* ,m>aimea> *' U " n dr,w heraelf away Is tp- ,"^1" ibo uld beaghHly, "I thill look for some expltnillon oowarrintablo conduct." f"' 11 'o in ipologtoe, and pleaded that I wu not to blame •ill Won ateerwd their control over mr. yJSi t m 1 not tuoroui, toof'ibe uk»d, "and would Ihe L.,? . 018 Inuocest If I yielded tn tamplatlon even etrosger I-Jkj lo which you ire tunjeolodt" " , tajr™ 'ome nonnnto tbout the afflalty of loala, and I saw 1«"2 ti.gor reploly putlog awiy. wiimL ly 'mpoulblo to reeltt hor beauty, tnd again eelrlne n,n > I drow ber npon mr lap. aho poutod and oailed r^frtnd-ylolded. Ptwit nl " >1 ' NeUlo Mosllon poueued power over me >M,r* n d>epoteverhadcverhiemoftoriogtngsnbjeot. Her la'^c'law. I hive siren yon a leogihy aooonnt ot bow tj^oetoptu that you might Iho bolter nnduitasd what &'™ 1 0ni o' thtt tobacco, If you pleiie.ud then I'll give I^Jeiltrt thnitory. g^wouu, bl(1 , morg povorfl) | a{ai ibtn L After our In- "l( of'",° 8"" dlacontcnled with home, tnd wtnlod to '•lukT ,""• ° r tt least upreaiisl a decided repugnance for ' "" l mM treiinonllj paint la glowing termi too IliJ??' * '»Jege to Eiircoo with me. ^n««\^T>"T.Pleuint fancy, but where wu the money to ^••/bot tM "* T * ,, nv bj bai ""^ - fo V or *** hubdred t^niuilH would btvo mailed sway before our outfit wu SltL2r Muw '. WOTk bti become dlituletat to me, aod I ^oih^'",' 111,0 ^OP ""I I had already reoelvcd in ln- \«ir~ f' ,B !?! tbtn * u » deolded ohtnge for the better '«n'i.i?" lcl <"«Poni»d vrlib. ? |a« n>„ It ' ,be bOTI c *" ,a I" OD o Belordty stUrnooo ^W'l»MnI5? T***" * no drecbirgodme. Jim Bonlton. ll'IOMn^.r-.VTT^'.'""' u-w;usTwoa me. Jim nouuoD.- IjJhowoP " M 80 8 P '" doa m bon *"' bn ' rtt,"'" diy I went to too bank to dnw onsomo of my »"•csablil!of thi'i^i" 4 ? ,u »»•»» •»•«!»oooirred, "kailr!I r ht«h aotod u paying teller ai wall X^mt. ttel I WU "going to the W»eetn«obat good started old gtsUtmu.udl) waa si hit nsgisllon thtt I flnt comraasced sartng my money laatesd of touasdeilsg It away si Ihe groggery. "Ah, Ben," he said, u I presented him my check parable to "self or bearer." for twobandnd dollars, "Ah. Ben, I fear yen an not aa steady •■ yea uwd tabs. IMm* read yoo what 'Poor Blohard' said of s young mas la your tttaetUm In Ufa," Be pulled out a llltle memorandum book and road me some of Fruklin'i wiie prorerba. But I didn't mnoh heed the philoso- phy of thi old sage. I had Men on the fly-leaf of that book tooie fear tetters, F-i-c-a. My carioeHy wu Immediately aroused. Whtt did they mean ? The tooulrle old minhad some object In writing them (they were all Is capital!) In a book that nerer ptsied oat of hit bards. He took my money from the sate, counted It carefully, and banded It tome. He wit anmlou to engage me farther hi caoTenttloo, bat 1 turned moodily twty and left the bans. Bnt I noticed one Ihtsg before 1 left. Its toft kai a partltmlar kind amMnaium 'eoL Yea have seen Inem no doubt They open on certain letlen of the alphabet the combination being each thaau i» tspaeattfla fa the uninitiated to dlroovar it. . That nlsht I lleot mow.' 1'ell Into a Arts once, sod dreamt Ul> t i N %b<n I tea now;wlth Iheae) tame "darblee" for brecr- I«u, I dnsk large horna of poor whisky—(I bad • Jug of It Is my room) bat my brain remained dear—loo clear In fut Before morning load arrived at c**ttlneourae1oni: . 1st That the First Hiaonal Bank asm opened to the letters F-A-O-Z. M. That the letters u I bad seen them on the memorindnB book of the otibier were wrongly emnged. and, Sd. Thtt tbe tree tTrangemant wu Ca-r-a, The nretdeduooon was easily si rived it. aud would bare occurred to slant anybody. The second Is not difficult lo erpltln. Ton tea, the cashier waa a rery methodical man, who liked to hire ererr thing down In bltck end white; but the agent of tbe lock, orhu own eromm suae, had told him that It wis beet lo leave so Iraoaot theleUeri by abler! he opened It dlacorerible, Bui I farther reasoned that he had gone to the bank tome mora- les' sad foaad difficulty in remembering the meglo letters, and hid thereupon resolved to write' them down In seme prtnte Shut. Tbe sight of his memorandum book convlsoed <me that e had done to. My third ooncloalon wu a lllus mora subtle. It occurred to me that be would be apt to transfer the letter!, but why aboard be ehtft the position of the first and third, and leave the second and fourth In their orlglntl placeat Ton ut yon don't know; well neither did I, but I made a mighty good go sis it 11; my guu wu, that, before the traufer, tbe lectin made ioma word, and you'll readily see Ihtt then ire bat two ways In which tbey can be amogad to accomplish toll result; ont, ai I had found them In the nook, 1^1-c-l; and the other, it I concluded they ihoold he, Ol-r-s. I ante m toe morning nerrouatrid slotted. Whit wu sQ this retaoElnglesflegtot wu I coslemplttlng trobbfry? Iihnd. dered at the Idea, and yet for no other purpose had I lain awake an night. - I look t long walk and tried lo shake off Iheterrible temptation. Bui ever and often the gnat fat roua of greenbacks fluted baton my eves, and rlalosi of Iuaury and esae In some foreign land with her I eo loved then, end so bite now, came op and drove me half lo dUtracUon. I wandered tbout until lite In the afternoon, and then returned to my Boon if ttrwtrd i note came for me; I tote off Ihe envelone and nid: "Ut Daama Bs.i:—M. hit*gone to Boston. Be will remain two daya. Come and aee me. Your lorlng Nkxtz." Of course I hutesed to her presince. floe received me wllh all tbe warmth of affeclion thai 1 could desire, and ber Ureci drove errery spark of remaining eoniclenoe from my bosom- forever, I ttougbttoen,butperhanthatasyetnandoddmonlht wilt fct/ih back a Wile of 1L ' 1 raid nothing, but tay motauns waa formed. I aaked her If ah* would be relay to un n ft <^ f—■„ for New York new diy. .■*■"«». (the looked pauled and surprised. I told her thtt now It ever wu the time for nor elooement. That I bad plnoty of money, and ahe eboald be happy If It wie Is my power to make her eo. Then ahe placed her hand oonud* lrglyon my shoulder, end with her dark, elmond-eheped eyre beaming tenderly on me, ebe ouoted (vfJe hypocrite that aae wut that pierage of Scripture: "When yoo go, the n wOl Igoalto.". ItwatmldolgntwbenI left her presence. I returned homo end threw mytelf on the bed. As on the night previous, I fell Into t troubled sleep, and tgiln In my dreamt were the "darbies" on my wriiav But this time I laughed my flout to scorn. When I eroesln the morning I wu, to all appearances it leut, gty u the gtyeet It wu in odd tlmetbtt Ihad ut for the tccompUib- ment of tbe robbery—In bned daylight between the boon of twelve ud one—when iM Ibe workmen were returning to their hornrt, end when the streets wen filled wllh people. You will eay Ihtt such a plan wu rery sudaclout. Rot at IB. It wu very ufe. Tbe bank wis cloiod daring thtt hoar, and left unguKded. At night a watchmen slept there, kforeover, It wu on the second floor of a large bonding occupied by eerertl persons. The door wu etelly opened by meant of a tkeleloo key toll I pot is reed. Nothing wu required but i' little caution andarulflderoyof norVe, Tbe hour otme. I glided noltelrisly Into the building. Tbers wu a glue door to the banHns-roorn. Hooked In; It was empty. I applied my ikeletos key. The lock uotiatened. I entered. Tory quietly I moved to ward i the sate, my hurt thumped to loud that It friahtaned me. Still my hand wu iteady. I earned the circle on wtuoh were ohgravea toe lettere of the alphabet 0—I might be wrong and might be right; there wu no know. Isg 1111 the experiment wu completed. A—I heard t alight nut- ling oonnd below mt. I bent to tho floor tod llilened. All was quiet agtlu. P—Then wu I step on the ittlra. I hastily bid myielf tnd listened. Neater and nearer came the slop. "Tie at thedoornow. Itcetsea, No, It puses on;'Ui some one gone to the floor shore. I've told you my thoughts Jut u they csme to me then, elr. There were greet oeidlot cold sweat on mr brow u I omened from my btding-niaoa and proceeded with my work. E—I olutohed the knob nervously, tnd praised the piston Into let socket And then the hnte door yielded tnd twung open with s dull heavy sound, that to my dotted IrnigtsstloB teemed like the groaning of s tpl rlt damned. There were two huge packages of greenbacks; tlto three rolls ol T-90 Government Bonds I seized them all, ssd stuffed them Isio lbs breut-pxhel of mycoit My eidtemenl wit gone now. The blood Ihtt t moment before courted feverishly through my veins, flowed cold and Haggish I deliberately locked the sale and passed out of the bask without attraellDg observation. I hutesed to my boarding-plica, pud my bill, itoffod s fow arUolet of clothing into • vtliar, end started for the bouse of Hra Moultou. she wu arrayed In s traveling costume, sod tnnousced hersolf tn retdlseu for the trip. She rallied me on my ippurasoe de< curing that I was paler this a ghost and oot nuhea u an expect, ont lover inould be. To avoid rusplolon, I went to the depot flnt lud wu already on the oin when the arrived tbire. Bne wis deeply veiled, and took her teit wlthontbelsg nconlred. The whittle blew, the train itarted, and we wero rumbllogovor the rails on out way to Mow York. Wa arrlnd then and wen driven to one of the principal hotels. Tola wu Thurtdiy. WeresolvtdtolakelhestamahiprbrLlvor. pool oo Stturdiy. I confided to my partmonr the Moret of my mime. Una seemed not tbe leut sorpriied, bat commended my coolness ud foresight HermtgneUclnlatneelsaplredme. AO fear, ill cringing wu gone. I give mytelf up to the dtlllinoe of lore, ud lraaalned (poor fooT) that I wu lupmmely happy. The nut diy I went down tmongtt the bulls and bein of Will threat, ui obliged a portion of my money Into gold, Thi old bauker with whom I dealt war not et all latpletoue. Shoddy ud perroleom hid made big rami or money too common, . I mtde tome nroetury ud miry unbeceutry purohiseet imrrneit Ihe latter, plenty of diamonds tnd boarlt for alidtme. Watoekiheil'imerud In tendiyeirrlvrdtlLiverpool. Once then, I fell perfectly secure. Tor one brief week I garo myself up to all -mincer of guilty excesses tnd pleasures. Bat Midline's mtnner towt'dime wts chuged. She hid mot tome wbliherot foroigner-i Bptoltrd, I believe—tnd lo him ihe seemed lo hire trtotforred her fickle lore, I ptld little hoed to this tact u I wu drunk moil of tho I'mo. I awoke one morning otter in unutaal deouoh to find that mr marly bird had flown, She left s nolo stating that the wu Itrrd or me, and thit ehe could meke heller nee of my money thin I could. I staggered to ray feet half blinded wllh turprlie, tnd opened the box whore I kept my lll-aolten oilne. I found there between three ud four Ihoutiod dollars; too rum tlolon exceeded filly thooaud. I tared, and ton, and cursed myself tnd the guilty woman,but It wu ail In velo. The end bid not come yel. At I pitted down to bniktsit I wu iccottid by a ilnngrr: "BenJiiiln Lotiins, yon arc roy nrl-oner." NirvoTit and prostrated from debiuchory u I then wu, I bid not the cooliM! to "play Inuoceot" J,!* t0 "nieoll loto Ihe hudt of my ctptor, tnd putlvs it ■ child I obeyed his ordere, WotUrted lor New York noxt diy. By trill osmo off ipeodlty. Tho evidence wu nlBcliBt to con- not BuiplolOB, it leems, wu flnt aronaed aaalnat me by the olopc meof Strict search wu IntUluled In New York, ssd some of the bonds knows by their numbers, wen found lo hare been negottitod by a perton aaswerina the deiotlpiloo glres of me. i.t?°.;?'r B iJ?" , !3 , i 15 '. no ,obb " 7 »»<o»l«ed s protousd my*. terr, tnd I bive told It ta noono eiraptlng my liwyer, to yon, ud lo Ihe womio who turned ray thingbtelo arirae. 8ho eicip d to Spils, I hsvo heard. Wo baro'nt ur ixtradl- llou treaty with It-ral courtry. htre wo ? ' That'! Iho whole of the ilory, end arplalni whv I weir tho "dirblei " I hire the honor, tlr, to buf?oVgojJ.bye lor ten yean lad the odd monlhi. 8 ' *.?°Vti?" B S ,, '.P* " ,r, . wl r u oonnlfT It opsonin tout on Ibe globsr •• Don't know, tlr." " Wo l/'iild thenenltied r! "If I wen to bora a bnl. U,rnn.h aSi .LSU^i"" teaaherT ""if i wire to bore I'hol'e thioogh the osrtb^ts'd Jot end, where wtokl yon como oat 1 •• Out of win to ga Is it toll < thhhele.sK," THE ACTRESS AND HER RIVAL A Thrilling Story of th« SUgt. Tax mcldenlawbloblera about to rellte took pltci la the yetr 18—, shortly tttsr I had takes out my diploma In rarlt, li s phyrtelin. sly nsoorctawrnfirtVon ample; indeed, I had often grett dltnoully in tenping together the few trues nrneesiry for my weokly rent ud I have known whit It wu oocsslonallr, ta take a walk rnilead of a dinger, I led a dull lilt; with no imus<- mut no frlendi. This year, however, a petleathad chuetd to Jlvaruaeeucs-tloksl for the theatre sf tht Furls 8t atsrtln. t wu my sole recreation, ud I wut every night AoVoufoncfwu adrartuMd lo tppear In a saw ploy. Author ud actress wan sllke unknown: report spoke vagnaly ud virlouilT of their marlu: the theatrical world wu throws Into a rrruojiutialpau wadfemnt ud I among the rest .51. n * hooaa -wr. on'waea long baton the muiidaoi rasde their appearuoei ud dratsg the longhair hour before the play commuetd, I amused myialf with trying to duv cover the new author, by the uxtons exprettton which must of courae, be risible tn bis face. 1 flxed upon one Isdlrldnit in the nearest ibtie-box, uths oudldtte for drsmatlo fame. He waaapalo young nun, draeud with faultlua Uste, ud was ganng round the home nervously ud appreheotlrely, u one whs dreads sorllls In every spectator. He wu alone; tnd I ob- servrd thtt every now tnd then he wiped his torch aid, or foUcd his arm* resolutely acrou bis chut, is If to keen down the sglte- llon that pouesaed him. When Ike overran begin, he retired behind Ibe dnponM of the box, ud when Ibe curtain rote, I forgot him. , Toe flnt tnd second sous* were decidedly dolL A great actor pltyed the hen. a young Spanlah caruUcro; bat he could prod lice no effeotla it—the hoots was cold urtsOent-the spptanie tea', welcomedblmwHfortasactorantinotthsplrcs. TeaaVrturafr, however, hid not yet mide her eppearuos, and Ihe andlence begin to whisper to etch other that If the ltdy wraanobetter thin the play, and Ibe play no better thu it pretest, Ihe while mutt be a failure, the third soese began; lh« stags mnriiunti i1 the environs of aruada. In the tuns of Boabdll eTCuoo; a party of Moon, iguortnt at the near approach of Ihe Sptslah mviders, ware caronaug mdir some trees, Wine ud fuded serrarlly resdend them Insensible of dinger; fir twty wu heard toe faint echoing tread of the hostllelroopt; In front the song, the wme-eup, ud the duce. On I sudden, i wild ud beautiful form bounded Into Ihecrrete of mailers I Htr trmi exuadtd, hor btU floating on Ihswud, one hud anaptns a luos-ln, a,l ?tl\ •■Phullon In her ere; ao itood Oelette Berun. . A Ihnll of admrrtllos ran through tbe audlenos; Celeste rpoke —words of energy ud reproach. Her rotee filled the theatre, ud rug'upon tht ear like martial music. But pointed to lbs dltbul hflle, ud lo the coming foe: ihe bade Ihera rlee ud tare the dry ot their filbert: the Bputard asd tlerery wu at bud; day waned, end night wis coming rut; back, back to Qranada while yet wu tlmi; to omul to armil to irrail One look, one gesture, one word: of proud commtid-sadihs wu gone I Ihe curtain Instujly fell: U wu the dost ot Iho first tat 1 For s moment then wu a pa use—and tbtn ta orerwhehslsg tempcil of applause. All rata susnlluioaa!}; the honae ihook wllh the sound, ud even the. bud partook if the general en. thnolatm. Her triumph wu complete: at Ihe end oferary lot she was twlc/>(^tedupontooiteie;udwlueTerrr^iherouln power and lubUmlty. Aa toe lloorlrA ducdng girl, who devotet heraelf to the defence of her people—who tnsplree ber countrymen wllh ^"i^JS I K™—T 110 n[m °" *>«»h)g oouran of the indolent Boabdll hlmielf-wbo sacrUcn even her lore lohKpitrioltsm- and who, at Ihe list, benelf lesdsoo the Moon to Ibe lul fatal engagement ud dice by Ibe swold of her lover; Berttu carried' too hopes ud fean of the whole aadlenoo along wllh her. =j-*«m,noblenwi,ud dnotednata, wan ptlatsd by her with Jhe^SSS"„lS« u \;5!«* Jf b ' M on * tltge&ore,, MlosUmu one wu summoned before Ihe our cam at tbs.t«d of ma nlav ^"♦""tf;" 1 J""""*"call to herfrrmSrwaroiaV larii hid never blfate lo rtoturoaaly greeted a deoutotfi, For the ninth tlmo ehe bad bowed asd retired, when tome u.» oitlea for the n'hor. The try wu titan up; tee oartalo moved again, ud—I had rraeieid arlgbtl—the occupant of the ilagt- box stepped forward, ud acknowledged, In a few wortr/toe favora of the pnbllo. He wai msilble, he said, that for hli sue- ceu he waa entirely Indebted to Udlle. B»rHo: he wu proud— 61«d-gratefnl—ho anew not how to expnu all that be felt but e thanked them respectfully tnd elsoerely. Night after night all Ftrit flooked lo the Porta Bt Mertla to worship Ihe dlvioeictrees—I amongitisethrong of her followers. Every glence, every geiiun ud tone of the beinllfal arliiK wu treuared In my memory, ud mr chief delight after leavlog lbs theatre wu to ttudv the pliy attentively, aid tndcavor to notll the enchutmeot of her voln ut eyu In every ptntge. She wu the lubjeet of emy coorenitloD. The ttnogeet i tor lea were tfloat retpecttug her. From the hlabeal gentle- man to the poorer t shopman, ill sad some regno report lo dr- culate. Bnt all agreedu ooo polnt-lbtt the wu betrothed and tenderly Hitched to K Victor, the youg solhor In whose pity ■he bid mtde her flnt tppesruee. Six weeks hed parsed away; the leuos wis it lis height, ssd mahten were Ihe isme el the Forte St Harlio. Bull Celeste Ber- lin row In public eitlmitton vrtth^^erery chanoter that the pe> formed. One night" atjer ihe had nrpiased all her former grandeur, ud taken us by storm m the fWrt of Biolnp, I bad returned home, u usntl, to read toe piece, ud tndnror io repro- duce In my nwmorj the inspired InterjTetatliraof toe.lnuecNcmu., I hid dmwn myobtlr to Ihe Are; rnyree4luumpeloodanjs labia beside rae.iud Iwat becdlog over a volume ot thsgreat dramatto poet, when a sudden ud violent nocking at Ihe outer door etartled me 11 listened—It wis reputed; and it I opined toe window, a voice cried loudly, "For heaven's take! u there a Burgeon in this house r" "lam aphyafclie," I replied. . "Yea, yet, come down—come lsiuviiUyl there It no time to bo loil I" ^ . I selxed my hat ran lo the door, and then found a mu, who, tbe moment that I appeared, beckoned lo me lo follow, ud set off running down the street I had so reaourca but to nn tlto: and ao Ichaard him down two neighboring en eel I, till he stopped before tbe gale ef a mull bouse, ud then paused for me to oo me up. Both gate ud doer wen tusdutg opes, probably u he had left them in his bule; through there he quickly led me opt flight of tlaln ud Into a email beichirabtr, Than were three Eertons In toe room—s female on a bad, u old meo oroaebiDg > a chair by ihe flrealde, weeping bitterly, and • woman tenant, who wtt bathing the lorehead of the starrer. " Bhehu been undergoing great erxuetaeat" raid my guide, pointing hurriedly to Ihe bed; "the hid totroaly reached borne whu ens complained of rtdduiitiudeih«uiaoD;iboui ban" u hoot oro abibecamo euddenlyoonrulted, ud—" Iieteedicudle,udcroaaed rtpldlrtolbenarient Heavenil ItwuCelesteBertln! psle ud ruotlonletti die tied In the gorge- patrobeslnwhlchlbad beheli hcraroapleof boon tince,bill- Itantwtth genius and power, on the botrdtot the toeatre. There she by-her eyu rloiod-her tplendld hair, yet glittering with Jewell, unb rand ud ecaltered is wild dUorder—her bands con- trscted--ber wholt form rigid udeold, BJood-stalai woreonher Hps, ud on her pillow—the hid ruptured ire till on toe lungs. Fcr u Inalint, constoroitJos almoet deprived me of Ihe power of thought. I trembled lo think tut Ibe very life of this wonder lul belBs/dspcndtd on my promptitude end rlia. I turned to my condoctor—ttwu kf. Ylotor, herloror, Tbeerprettlonof agony indenbretty upon his face reatorrd me to mjiell I battened to apply the proper reelorstlves, ud te release the patient from tome of theenenmhranreeof her •healrleal ooeraine. A Her a Ume, I hid too till traction lo And warmth ud coOKtouioets return; aba would have tnokon, but I forbade the eieruon: Ierplaloed to her thitabobadhad a sudden stitch of Ulnae, that ibeutraoatqalet wit oecetesry, asd that I ihould remtln ell night beside her couch. In ordertbit no requliUsitlu lion ihoold be waatlog, I did so. ud dlamlitsd sit bnt Ibe female attendant lor tht night, U. Victor praised my hud gialetally en retiring,, ud thanked me wllh intense eunsatneu. The old mm, whom I took to bo her father, teemed ilapld wllh grief, udKtrnlyientihloor whet wu pusing. During the whole night aha ilept so stilly ud motionteit Out muy times I bent over ber to listen it ehe really breathed. All seamed to ma like a itrenge dream, u I tit boor titer hoar, witch- "■,?. be f D>l ° tBi lovely Face, tnd cootniUug her, »• ihe lay there, wllh tho terrible ud thrilling /ftedr* toil bid, bat i few brief hours elooe, fannslsed me with herepyilllnghrinty. The eor vent tilling it toeothv oltloof Ihe bed fell ultepi the teeblo lamplight ehed • ptltd aim upon Ihe bee of mr pitjenli not a eound in Ibo house, tan tho ticking of my watch; not a whltper in the quiet timet wllhout. Tbe tlle^oo,thtsolllad^ the mootil oxcrtios which I hid gone Ihroatt, til oppretted mei thtngi around me wen begtinlDgto yield teihelnrluinceof et. tremslMsitudosnd touenme ttrtngeudledlitW'Ct tbrmt. My ejes closrd-my breathing became hetvy-1 wu Jut filling Into a deop, calm ateep, when 1 felt my wrlat grasped BghUy, ud heard a movement Is the bed. She wu titling upright runod towarlt me, and looking at mo with a itrtngely mingled oitrrosilon ot uger ud alarm, "Houlenr.tnikel" "For betvin't sake, mtdemoliorie. be atllll" I cried, hiwll. dertdud touted. "Yonmiynot oxerl icufielf; ion know not what yon do." "Eiertroytel/t It It of that I would speak. Dear me. Imut pity lo-mormw night" "Impoaslblel" Iejacnlated. "Impoislblef Imurtl" ibo exolilmed, "Uiitamo." I nid, firmly, "llodown, I will not intwer for your llfo unlets yon obey me In this." " I mutt pity," " Yoo ihtU not kTynpotilion is at tlabr; t nme that, if you do nol value yoor life. 1 ' "1 mmtl It li neceatary — you do nol knew howntoes. ury. Ah, monileor," the went on, wllh i redden ohtnge to EeUesna ud entritty-'ih, montleur, hat thu one ttlghti your utglre me ib^uihud power to play thU ont, only night tnd I cart not If I nerer Uveuolku,' 1 "Hadame, lie down." She obeyed ms, I r^mlntttsred s few drops of cordial, took my nit ud looking steadily Is her tut, west on, "Bauots ud nitnoeare the coadltlons on which yon livt. Oeclaroarlon and excttemut would be your death. If I permit Jou lo lsftlngs the slight ud fragile tenon on which your existence depends-If I assist yon to your destruction, I its, (s effect • murderer. I know of no right by whloli yon dare to oommll self-murder; lilt mrduty to preveor yon, and I wut" A what a narco slum wu mat which shot from bet dark ryu u I slid these words I Impatience,' disdain, almost hi trod, flubed upon me In their 1 nitrons glucr, Bol tho wu illont If not con- quered; ihe turned her flee birttly from me, ud we spoke ne more. ' Osy dawned at test—grey, cold, sonlest day. Heavy clouds ■hot in ibe iky; sott bird sasg; not) a leaf tarred i sots etrey bum made Its ipnearuca. Ihe alept Silently ber father ud lover otme ud wtot; tllenUy the attendant summoned me down to Ihe parlor for refreshment: silently muy thme that day wa steod around her coach In hops Ud fear, ud lUU aha stent on II vw a fortunate ilambor, and daring Us long oontmusnoe we hsdtbennspeakableloyofwltneulng the niunlsg bloom-ot heiring the calm ud rigularbroith; ud from It we hoped ud foretold Rood. The thidcs of erasing felL All day the had rtpoied In that Jlfe-gtvlni. obllvloa, indyolibowtd no sign of waking. I thought toUImlrbtTenrantomyloJglrursfora few moments, to road any letters that might have arrived tor me. Promising lo reluro Is is hour, I wtnt. . A mu wu pacing up and down my apartment when I entered. Hla back wu tursod toward! me j ho wai tali asd well, form id; a hat aod gloves wtra thrown upon the table', ud a large cloak wai cist carelessly upon a ohalr. Iatopped and observed him. 1 Si' "i™ "it he wu a stranger; tnd yet It wan tomewhit fa- miliir tou to lake poeaeaalon of mrrooxna. He elopped—looked out of Ibe window—eo itood for some mlmttei- theu lurrrad, and teeing me, bowed with perfect aelf-poiiesalon ud addreued mt, "M. Hoche, I beUere t" ■ 1 item tad. "Hontlecr It tht medical tdfiaet of Udllc. Berllnt" "I htve Iblt honor." ''Wtumostietirfsror me with hla unterved opinion ot the lady's luseaa-lf It be likely" (hen his rotee altered stlshtirl '<lo -tobaveafataltermlntlloat" , I replied briefly Ihtt ibe symptoms had been highly favorable, ud that I believed rest ud seehuton might is a few weeks, efftct i perfect cure. He took a card from hlipoclet ud wrote earns words on It In t eratlt eonctee band. While he wu doing IUs,'I had Tell on to obttrn hla pale, dirk oeuntenuoa. Me Irm lip, hit eify, trlars- crtuo true. A bruUint of Inteau luibra glittered on hla flnnri Ihe rait of hu tlUri wu tea odiously plain. ' "Obligssy, montleur," htttid, 'tiygtrtrigtolrteyourpttierjt Good erexusg," He lb raw bit olotk ireuxd htm, aetttd his hit, and wll gent. In uolher moment Ihoardthewheeliaf acorrlandrlntolbs Joor, eew Urn Map Is, ud ere a eetSod hod elipted, the nhldt hM turned toe ce«er of too street uadiisppeared. Tkenwtt looronetuponthenntli.: I tuned to toe tehle and took np the cud. It bore Ike name of the Prince de Carigny. A folded paper wu laid hrnetth II, oo wilob wu written a draft for ons tooua- indrranca, piyiblito me. Pride and Poverty hid a hard rbmggto thtt evening, ud Pov- erty conquered. I wu poor—rery poor.• The Pruwa had paid ma for my attendance on hit Mend; I might, on tort ground, reran pcymut from her, ud to balance tbe obligation. My present peed wu greet ud-I put tht draft Is my pocket-book. But to my uimtivr, Time wu flying, tnd I hid pnmltid tt return to mv potletiln in hour. Half till ilme wtt ib-ridy pull I hid tevoral thtngi to amuse, tome ohtnge of iltlrs to effect,! note to write, ud s consultetloa to bold wllh my lutlltdy. With myutmotttpted. Unto occupied mo u hoor beyond the tp- polDlrd tloei tilt it Heft the houie, ud hultned with nervous npldltytatos direction of roy potiett. When I wu more than half-wty, Inmeubtrtd thootrdot Ihe Prince de Oarlgay, ud' wit forced lo torn hack acain, for I had left it on the tacit. Iara sot raperttlllosa, but this reluro ud my d^tey teemed oratnoai' ta me. I IsUInto uunnrual trepldiuon, udwhtmwllhlneyird or \vo of my own door, felt tn aajdoos huts that appeared to summon sne hack again without delaying even thu to gs In. ■ "VST','" * T. •'■"•••s *• ■arileir, "toltTanltre r^oUanieatl" And 1 went in; up autre, tul liking rrJtSrtVa^fttaVa card, observed, tor He nretttme, tost toeTmilngWtn^MahlK back wu cloaely Hoed wu lo cyato. I wiVurnrlaof cuoj cJMeie It, tomewhit cnrlout: boUlrmut It Inte my pocket, raa donataln, tnd nruinfly wu running onoe mora in the tlon or my piUut't ibode. Asd sow. u I ipprosohed It, my aglUIIon returned In Unfold Eower. Ibe nearer I dnw, tbe leu I darrd to go fowtnl; some orrlble Isflsesce wu epos me—«ome vague ud foimlesi drrait that moved my Iswtrd tool wtto apprthtnilon, ud seemed to cleg my fooleleps lo Iho ground* The door itood open. I had not left II so. I went op. The door of hsicblniberrtood opto likewise. I paused upon the threebold, esd then wilked aolwltsaiy la. I had half.oxpeetad tbo shock, she wu goat I Ousel—tad not t tool wu there to ten me wbllherl Irana Ihs hell furlonityi I orltd aloudi I opened every doot ud oicseii I ertared tvery room, from itoo tokUeben.. - . . I Father, lover, eervut. ptUent-rall gonal Xyery plica sUeM ud empty! , She wu gone—gone to the toeatre—to her death. .And the empty houte I Tht test wen gone upon s rtln staroh for her. I Hare knew the fitel elreollon other ttepi I TiJ toll moment I hid never known I loved her. All aarroet- Koned,Ihad auffered my hurt to eherlth and saner ap a opoleu peaalon, I wu paralysed, body ud mind-pmsaed into s dreamy wOdeneu of grief, without the power to think or act. ■ The time, pleoe tn the dreesleg-room ttruok teven.: in uolher htit hoar tho would be again upon the tragi, dtlightlng all bearrrf wi'h the lut IntpinUon or her genlna. I ilarted up. •Perhaps even now I may rwene her tern toe fatal eiclttrnnt of parfonnanoel perhipa era now prevail upon btrlonrarnll' My foot wu siroldy on the threshold, when I fueled, u my' gitncejnit retted on the bed, that I uw a paper lying beside her pillow. 11topped, tamed biok, end drew forth a crumpled loi- ter, all blotted ud blistered over with tiara, Thau words wvre written upon It In a bold, film hud, ud ware, la some places, almost Illegible:— ••Oaxsrrs Branw.—Ton are mlitaken In the PriooedeOarlgny. Be does not meu towed you. He ta engaged to uolher. Tht Xlngudtho Oourt trill be In the theatre to-morrow evening, and sAr will be usosg them. Yon will parcaivs s dirk, hudsomp womu, to whom will ba given t tenet the right hud of thi Queen. That la thelruohtu daQralttno. tn Itarlaa or blrthn( fortunt—your rival. Wt^tohed womu I why win you riot eo>r tut wllh oxe filthfal lover? Victor doei love yoo. The Prmet deCarlgsy Ions you alts—u be would s horse, t hound, or a falooo—for hit amoiementl Watch them narrowly to-momw night Convince yonnelf of tot truth, ud break your heart. It yea will. Colette llerils, how did yos dare to forget that you wsn only u tctrtut" Hue, then, wu the saoetl Hanoi ber ee^ration, her IDneaa. herfruttedeterrroutlestosaiforml An uopjmou aod cruel letter—a secret love afislr kept bidden lrom Sep father, and hat netnthed huibind-areaolote intention to Jndgeforhjraelfud 'now tbt worst! la five mlnulii Iwustthsstigi door of. the Porte Bt Martin Theatre, urging the rrftclals to lit me apeak with hUDe. Bertts, "Impoulhlel luSemoiseDe la In her dreerlng-room." ' 'But I must see h tr— my bulnsss la ot the atmort tmaarttxtot," "At tht enl of the flnt ut I win daBver your reqaut" "It mu«t be now I Oo ta her-uy thtt It U I-V Hoche, ber phyeldtn. I tm run thtt the will tpttt wllh me," The mu hesitated ud wai about to nek her, wbea s well- d reared person stepped from behind s dork end aJdressed me:— "Jd. Hoo^t"—here he rot/erred to a paper In his bud—"afdilo, Bertin dealred particularly that If a genilemu of that hunt should uk to •» ber, be ihould on no account be admitted, I sm very sorry, roonileor.lbat inch wen tfsdemotetUe's earn- mandr," "But I tell yon Iblt I wfll ubr-ahe will die wllhoulyon tdralt met Nay, tbtltdrlagevunowl" I The' smiled, tnd closed the door tn my lace. I know not how I gat there, bnt I aexl found myielf In the toeiUe. it wu crowded: there wutotroe roomier mo lo ttiad; the but notes •f lite overture were thundering from Ihs orchestra—Ihe curtain rose. The play wu one tail hid been written for her by M. Vlctcr, ud tola wu but the tecond or third time of lit performince, Blrugely appropriate in plot It pttetsd thscantrofuaclten beloved by a noblemen, whom she, in return, loves with all her heart and htr genluit This noblemu It tleo loved by a prlocett of the Oourt ud who mortally, detute htr rival in his ifhcUoia The PrlnMu le a mirrled womu; ud II la Ihe doable dticortry of hot lover's Homing Infidelity end the unworthy nature of bis s'techmenlthatgoailalhe actrett In despair. Finally, by a per- fldloot tlriiuem, ahe dies tram Inhaling tht fatal perfume ol a polionrd bouquet al Ihe rsomenl when her lover explalot til and offers her bis bind ud iortute. During the firtl tct I saw ud heard nolbing. She did not teoosd set oomntneed, tsd I welcoming bortt of applause told me Ibit ehe hed appeared opon to; atare. I did not dm to look upon htr. For tome momenta tbers wis illence; then her voice, in ell Its o«P'hu* melody, foil upon my «er, ltd I tornod my eyet towardiiker. Hew beautiful ud pile iho stood; robed til In while gtrraerjti; her bltck ktlr parted on her brow; ber bud grasping a roll of paperi ud a wUd, boding UlamlnaUon tn hcreyot, which f alone In all thithouu could Votarpretl ..... « UurinTtheflrit fowicenu the wuiiibdued ul calm)nveje] Hrlei ibo pruned ber hud taker brcutulf in ptutbulstin she wut on. Then doubt then Jealousy begin to poeieei her, It wu fearful lo witneet the worklogi ot ta wtlnt straggt Im with woou'a genUenou ud womu • fellh-to heat the low euppnteiedI S?of agoiy-to tee tho qnlretlng Un, the blmehad SeeMheTiSw udunwllllng belief of wrongasi tafJdeUty. She eonfronls ber rlvtl-metU her face to taos. and tot aotnM Mdftmrataiwd eachotoefiirate. la• nciltlioa.wUshtht praaches. Coder the nl of a fiction, ahe lan bin toiaullbr love of the high lady, ud trrsmhelrat hrrwltb bainl inilU- dtlo, Hal Oelette. thaa art no langer ecUng-thou takest toll Sanaa to thyself I Thine erei diiala ud burai toy voiot itUtarlu ha sown, wrthtrlng with scoro. nUenairoaam and daoanni wuuher it that terrible lookdlreotedP Totoeroyel .box, where alt toerultrtof Ibe land. Thirasat the Daohata da Oraaarro, Intenated, diUsMsd, unsotplolaui tad lhare, too, aet Ihs Prince of Carigny, p•l^ sviUte,tnBtoUast. —withdrawa Into a corner or the box, coruelont and abuhed, Itwuaoietodparti It wus lift drama-a troe tngeayl The laat act oommoimd. Ber roloe new Heroad wreaar, and htr step faltered; but s aeoUc flush, thai dated evio toaaiarlaa: alage-lsrsps, rarTued htronseirvand fleroar still tlowed too daik fires is ber eyes, A ttrange air of exultetioa imd Wamph. vruspptrut In her volco ud geilaresi her tones had t ».»nii«f.: s penelrtting atgnlncuce laatmadi llnlt tali la ovary bnut ' Tbeiudleooe were breitoletl wllh euinonae. I sat llissl Iwamr ud trtmbllag. The raconcuement came: with what' etqultllt rMd^asss shav loved ud trusted: again—with whit greet ud delleaay nr^r*tl her generoui pardon ud bu gentlo level When was now Ihtr hiMb^acteete, thalajonawomanf ail malted late lore end.'. IkwktdlnvolontortlyatlheFrlnoa, rti Imll lilihuilTlaiiiTtlal "•Jf*" 0 ^ perhips his heart wu louohid-^hu* ha werjt At last tht Inhalot the polton.aad tlowty It begus to tekaetrset. Visible flnt is the;anmulous' tonet, ud toe Uilgmdpoataraar, thu at' the talllna memory, ead"lhs ghastly chsaki bhea 1b tkav wandorlsg mind, the extended haadj, the eoetlag glaaoeUd Iks naaeelngaye. Oould toll bt art) Baiktihsipetka words Ihtt arsnot la lira nit—brceara; weB-- tngwordi of intenae tgeay. 7 with Than la a cry in the royal box—- "Bslnr belpt ahe tedftegl" ItlltoeWBMdoOirfaojy, loeinrj b I error ud convlcti», stretching isrtb hi! kllnl [■ilnllai rrUdtr to the tlage, ngardltrt oTEtog or Caen, or anytoitg nt (aa ttrribterrareoFwhUherriMbeforahlra. '• " <■ ilhbrmrtas;toherhit Btr Isoe wis stiD bejaatlfoi bet poa- ... ^ " with arutlnnl ruriterrat vfrid vrlrhfthe She turned ibAt fioe, tosl loek, toefe klm. raited with psfn, Ut dawn cf Imnrortallry. , Ui to Hood for a few staends; thin Ihs light raded r rreaher eyes, her ,lpe moved, her ami wen tormd wtrdr/ abon-har head—ahe fan. In an ioatutths stags wuoovend; nnaimes frrnteetaroaa. alia, partem,, all orovrdaaV roaad her-la i lllltt latlrrn ml amongtt thsm, nrynlf. I puthad IhNagh tbe rruoVrAgOnnsj siytoglradlythatlwuiphyilclia. Tasymida way fori,.. _ koekt down baddo bar: I orlmson iwatrnwurrabbllag frorat<har llpt; htr baadt wire firmly clrnUed, her syn aloud, gkawt. tend no aoond-a ibadder pasted ihnugh tut trtaw-har hetn beat oo long ex: all wis orer I ' I nevas again bobeld uy of the, letert to this 1 Ufa. HerStoer, fwu told, ir ' • 1L VIelor entered the ohurob, Ibe Prlnet de Carigny left FatisinatuUy tor foreign tarries. m OTHI luy of the, aetort to this tragedy ot ; rul ■ told, torvirad hlsehildbstaow nierUhs. ohurob, ud It now an abba ud a urates. For myielf. Ism u old bachelor, thinng humbly to be ssase- il In Iho world n wealth and good will cu make ml. Iguoltla - Into tool sty, ud nerer into the theilrea I hire ant married, ud I never ihalt Oelette Bertin wu my erttlsra- sad my bat. THE AMATEUrVSMUOQLER. ' K Ltrtien fir WIvO. . , A gtntlenun holding a high oniatal pontla* li'trtrreaarbi at lew la Farii, durlag the leagTaaatloa, weat ba corapasry.wrtarbia wife, oa a tour of pleasure in Belgium.. liter aartna tnrtltdl —" —" itry, ttoy were rerorrdri«:hiTaaby hit mud quite At reitutt * sua blerted with u kntroubled eouclenae, white the lady Mi that noemrorteble eenaaUon which urate from'the reooBnttoW rat eomn imprudence, or dread or umospprOMhlrlg danger.' Wlarn they wan near the frontier, the lady could j|» Ion gat- reerriia her ueuineaa. Leasing towards bar rrosbano, shs wblrpared lo.hlm, "Ibsnlioeta my parunultaa— take It sad o un til sV tote it aSay not be ftstaadT'' .« ^* h £lyA£*SF*?-&>''** i * huhtad, trtsvartjai *-irt—rnr r»T^^Ta aTa l» fr| lih t. .*;• -v—'>-:- 3 r . . m to buu^ WiOT^iXaia^W t^vat roaa^ta, pllad thi U4y. "Wt ate now laltKSt, toa^tovSavBtT' htttea ud ootctal ltr , "11 It Impoeilblo; I cannot do It I" said toe ataUernatj^., ' - "On Ibe contrary II la very euy," wu the reply. "Tht 'Iara would fit fn tot bottom of your hit" "IratdoyourMoUoeV'reJolsed Ihtgerjlemu,,'tbt poalooa losodpy.t" "Bal reeolleot," eald the wtfs, "thatthere It act sulsaamlta bsloel. and Ibis lecehei coil ma ],0r0-fraaca t|8001."' aroring thi canrsrutlon, the trtln rlrddly tpproachsd the dreaded ttatfeo. Imagine toe oonitemrlra or Inewertoyraagia- trals, who baa always been la Ibe hsMI ef ruattdarta] toiiga withotlm ud alow dellbertllon, that utrpeetedly- placed ma potltloa so imbtrrastlng sad so oriUetl. Overeome aad fit* pland by bis drmetutlia, tnd losing sU- pnsrmca of mind, aa al. lowed hla wire te nut tbe lac* In hit hat, ud harms placed la *aZthaaii J kit brad, be forced It down almost to ba ear a, saoVU hlmuU to hla file. At tola itatton toe Invelam ware taritad to osma oot .sf tost oarriige, ud to walk Into the nqm whan lbs cuatoB agmts wire tsaetnbUd. TbesiaUesaiBsonoeatedhlao ti heat hi cotld, asd handed hli r/auport with u air o Isdlffenooe. Whoa bis potllion u t Judire becams known, tht ctSoiils at the custom house immediately battened to tender thekr ntpteto,' sad daolend they eoeildired tt quite oaeerariry rd exaatine the luggage libelled with Ihe name of ons who occupied skua's bight ud tmnerunl eUuaUta In the State. : Meverhadlheraagistrato taon slnctrely ratssd taa rasftet trtaehsdto hte positloa; ind If a senrtt nmone torhmeaxsat dliturbed hit mind, si least he bresibed man freely when b eaUraUd the danger wu past and that the violation of las onus liwi he had comBlttad woold eaaape discovery. , Wllh this coraferiebl* tasuruce, ud while s nven s Uon wu pasting on tht property sf other ptttenglrt, Ibshstal el the custom houu ud Ihe commander of Ibe local gea- darmeriN bavlag htud of the arrival of so dltttaaralabea sjrer- sra, cswe to offer blm their nrpetli,. Rolklng osold be man sncieoi tbu their manner, To- their pro round saMstim taa Judge neaosdtd by immtdlately raising Ms bat with thi uteaoat polltoneaa, OooMaedoMiir But, ilur tobUpobtoebelaiaoa, ao rtpld ud so Isvoisnlery, ha had ftrgitten the osataoto at has hat He had scarcely tilted It from hte head whan s elsad at Uot rushed oat writing hire frem bead to loot u wito storga mirrlagtrtlL . ■ Wbtriugntge. can detoribe the emfotloa at the attested* imagflsr. the detptlr of the wife, the traassmeat of tht rrpeoto- tors, or 1 the ittmillrimerit ot the cutota-hsue samara, a) shea aceaef 'The affraice wu too publio te be overlooked. With miueaprtaatoBSOf nsnt on tht part of thaiataarlttat. the raagtslrato wu' dttalsad fill tht mailer should salanrtV gated. After a short deity be wu altered toratrnatals /eaa> asy to Parte, sad wt can sasUr ballere that tht adialiut Miittrl. i subjsel tot moah get dp ud amasemul la that gty rfttal, THE A0TRE8S AND HER ADMIRER* .. One oflbemoetbtmUfalrwrreaioi ofll»Bnilevard«Iiria | rW wired dally, tor about a month, e llltle pansy booqneaof vjnleaa. ghtlonnd tbe banquet is Ihe box or with too doorkeeper tresw- evening u the pUy wis tbout to begin, and toll ilreplo ccTtraua of tn unknown love UTected ber la tplte or herself. While uttogUt lookedcarerally iroand—it the boxet, the pm.' onet ud even behind Ihe scenee—aul to no purpout she taw oe- ibing by which to recofulie tbo maa ol bonqaete. AndiliareaDsm the give her lmigiaillon free reign, end Uu ImtginaUan of art Ktrest li rery similar to thtt of olhet falkt. Wu ha a foreign prince who withed to ctpUnto her heart' be- ton placing at her feethlt crotanand Ireunrut Or was ha aai irttrt too baahtol lo declare bis pasatonr She Interrogated Ihe boxkeeper, tbe ilrowomtn—tn abort every- body employed In tot ibettm, btt nobody knew snythlagaboaai It. BUI! tbe bouquets cams, " Do tber tell ut that constancy It a chimeret" murmured the. Tbe other evening, u tbo entered Ihe toutre, thereceirvda freih bounaet of violett, ud this Ume the flowen wensctova* puktd by a teller. "At lutr" eald the, ud opulngllby tea light of ircflictor, tberoid ufollowii . " Htdemoliolle: I have loved yoa for • long lime, for It out beholding end 1 iviag yoa Ihs ume thing ? Every diy I conmi e» tdmlre you, to applaud yon, to delight mytelf wilb the bright* sees of your eyes ud Ibe chum ol your voice—" , "He mut be la the hewae," thought ibe Mh^™.*** peeped through thole la the ourtala The andlence btdjutl commenced to aaatmblr. Bhereirmiidherreidmgi . "Ot your voice. Ion in ladled r^tlre^d cbannln* ud hippy tn they who mayipprcachyoo. ^'fSri^Sl £ro to be near yoa alwaysr Would im Ireatoretof tllttewarJal. i worth one of your smiles t No." MM . lk . „_ "Ah, thtt la nleel" the tlgbedi ud tnrnlng ihe nags, sa> ""No""ind yel I dare to love yen-to toll you ihaAJon yoa ittll more. 1 vulun to beg yoa pot lo reject toy homage. "He beglsa lo oxpliln bimtili." atld tbtjtolkeraeft-jndt ahall know"-ud the oo.ttoaeJ-'toy ^.^V 1 ^'!,*?: prettlon ot my love doee Jfol offend »■■••? '?£ZgE? B vlolett la your botom. Oh I tbtn, t than be Ihs Upptost m ^eJt"stld the. •w i ilguston, aoaime gtresibutUlmg ^.^"lf%^carto : aito know whs writes to mtootwa BaarJF dr*PP»4*-«.»«iho^ldttj,