New York Clipper (Nov 1865)

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t iiE ^o«c^rioHnr. , ' Bt mujuujix- 'tHlMlm jhtawi»«owd*nli ' i ti-— . Ju „». tab aMuoblo •s**"** Yloh takeepluiun In Ibe •? Bulbil )i»nljhtr'lwith''If' <MC/.- *0t U>t«b7 .be« d endetcalad, ^9 v. 'Uatentoabojaaetor? r HofBOTparl'ee » l » ^iMl-t n (Vl* trapi they eel" » 'f*"*'» . ai.'fi "itei'.ii. iik uMddi.ueaxeoxenae* M,'b wimmUI almttbn giilimt Hta arombet Jlxnn*yBh*w'»- visa Ua Beax u tnl epnvd Forprrptfaliy reek* bontreaveo. (Sot itinera enfildai cawa) ■ Tod the Qmoi'i bona Rdd'a perwerUd Vor 10 bnke kt> ttMbMlonl Horrumarer, lbw*'lhay gathered, Oreepio' bp aexWand otero, That (*»»eti«*TBUB««l, WUyJIrnmjfodptepere; Tn a nomb tb'a el are conducted, ■■I tajolma •xika Vthti<> the «> *u tieu ollr*. ,>.aM i ' Irenly ooxeee forthtwo rnfltoat, , Oldineacbof Ibemabegp. Bepenlri which two cot dradoioe, (foe uother maul to tcregt; TldtlwabW they ■">« »' YUetfbay way* ihim JJttt rtJtj, lad liiipafl'" tpur* P*™! 4 "* . ASlbofl their nalenl aallel , Then Iber enllpao u »' 1 "J"".* 0 * UU * °"* pftii iSa la^ooek-nitebtre iTIob ItI* » P*a°" ovolL. ' naabad wlui bud! utlt •40m). Tha their UtUa red eyu n*ibt*, lMiUMDr taetrtbHen Mb, Boffthej goal and Mood end faalkatt LlttlnLj emu by puki I One'a t broken wing, the efhar li a gaahed ud dhmIS •»•«»' Choked with blood andwU dtf giipln, qmtola bon tha ajown*.theyjto I ••BraroFiOBtbT' tniaobiaee^e^eida nolle* "OolWD"!* 1 " other* Obont TIM U» poor btrda Matin MOT TBey ewualtato-booka aboutl Bat la vain tht fOat^awlJ iBuaabne to perloog the apt), Couts bout 40 file lb* Spooler Ban oomo teejut notion night: Laorened la a dyla «•«■ Lta) U» UHto Una to bold I • fllaud eaob at 111 lit with pala tum , Bud ttob tUry butaun oaldl "Deadl" 'OartVaTtuotter eupalei" I«m It Citroln BmtlajUiaa, (Vita bo toted — Ibo aitlnua) TeioIMIbelbWpani • . . And bmxi fttobod blrdi la laitcbud, And tbatuUai want* aida Gnttaaaa tbelr wnliu wUlan ., ,a/ltb»|)nt of blood and paial Taa, ml baoka, bat boo tad gambol. Bet ud RUnboI Tilt jem ma;, - far a boaaUWa aaoa'gM 7°n> HoflbaaaP.0.1.i* . Band Uyta would UD a ralaaood) Ho* a awat biatumal and, looaaadboaljraiBiatba pfonib. Tlab aaaaitt that to»o la band J Eat ball la lae aboat laa. Bind It twig {tag too bt bori, Boacb eintlghtad onul Tltaaja ■ BaanllMliltiDtiidljbjofa. Baddnl bat aaotiai morder . imtUioln toboglo, SaiUUwdoail udJoDr pltaauaan T/ltb a nub coma uunbuo b I Bl taaeelbacbaTirdiooklll Boat 0' vtadira, bon tbe Itala- Boa tbo room baf aajburta1 booar/- Bip tba ddamajaj aoalb (ba badda I Baaiwbana to top* a oaptua— Jtaunj 8b»w noald naa ailat 6a<ro|, "Ibaia J or nonba ta print I" Ira uaj foaati la gams e'aUat,' Tot tba ataata took • aad M Hoi Ihlt lot ol uaakta aaoba <Tlob loalla Ibam ana tba loan to Bocoa turn woa bon for aobbtj, Band to Ut. Noi Ikaj btongbl 'on iBI bsabooldaMtiktba mad«), Ticb loaUIboto Btraat ba aoraaa, Sot ta AldaM iltwmb; abadt, Ibm U» prtaatn, br a taznn, BlfalnUaajaa vept aadwlaeo, OpugtoRatboir apof tian Holwottbe^brlorwoalmd. . Bat IbatBMk lb«> conlda aoliaa (E voa mach too tbaip a hard). Lodatoal!* tbnt ba floand 'on ''(Yiebue Hoi tba; got woa bald I) "tbam," aim. (Tlab admlatloi .. w "at look Ibe nonoj" , iloainaian bob/, •'it'tboj mtdo a (oodub tblng can . ■ 'ford a f i»or bom Ike Jobb— . lad iDaokadtalan, 1 oonaldar, At eoald paj taa bob to toe, Ota afford to par a Font; . Intoilcort»h«nand bjmt!". 80 bo) find 'em beaob a Fitu (Tlob wta ntar tOO ponad), lad It rtallj naa anaala • Tltb Tot beau tba oaab waa fonno I TlobIhtuabMH«i*Mta' ' - To tsli nmbl» poll, aa> Baa a aobla lord etood tammj. . Fartaaeadlaaaeouldanpijt ' Mbaj lot ball tbaie ttmca aa pondut, PlUilsg Iboatpoor aiardend coi, ; VlIt» iWi Wr. Low applordmg,. . J QlVt > aa«r tat Mi. Noi, . . . Than eabtaribt lo lie Btalthtr^ . Tlab dam lalaau partes, Baralnk tbnt taa nipprlbufctm EoTtbcnuwlTejaM - . IIUIBUI X. THE NEW YOBK OL,IPPEIl> «f the dip. aattl Webb got wall boat ea Daokcm't nnlb, than 1 looed ead threw ala man beartlr. T j. connttii with the Uft U raw of Diokem, who la braaUag grenidtllppeddewa. .In appeal of fool waa not allowed. 4. Bli to four offered on Dackem. Conaten wtlb Ibe left on the bead and race; Dackem doted, tad titer boring Webb to the Ti both wtr« down tide bp tide,. ., ^ .., 1 good round wet loaght on both aldtt, gin and lake balag tbt oxdrr of tbe mill. Dadun'a condition and bli1 bloji1 now bagta to tell In bit ftTor, wbUo Webb ••« both dnabed aod blow- tag. ; Daekaai loraad tbt AgbUng, tmi dipped down wbea at doaeqaaitan. Time, lfwrtn Mt ... I 8. liter fparrteg lor aaopeatog »ackimJampjdlnwllhlbo en,UTta|lM bearllpon tbe rlpSt arobrow, oaWag it bjtte MM, aadat tell on to Ida biek from the force or tbt1 111 1 from Iblt lime at«dl)j but enrtlr Increaaed hla^r«»U|onp w tbe Mtb ronad.wban Ibe police again ""J^S'I™ "AS! olttiaoe, ud the nferee crdewd Ibe men oat or ibe ring altar Uwi bad ban at It tmnt;. el«ht mliratM. *^fTjl»J'™? wAandorlUeB.and another ringaosnforme*itbomenreaew. jag lot battla at 1:10 P. If., when £reofiit rounda wejrol iuanabl raektm more than tin ^laplapuur ala aapenonr/. wan anolber Woe ooat pot in "'"^fflJW^Sj laefaawtaaloppid for •h»^^.^\? n ?! D A 0 i h ^^?i tbbti-Blne mujalta. Dickem. brpond a tbgbt ttnae of black naSertbt Wt w, wii anmaritd; while WaBb wucnl nuthe tiabl ere. ud the left opUo wit In datp mmrning. m wtll aa bla rUbl aa bilos HJtirr/ Ita releree ordaredtoe aa to meet it>encburcb tirtti a Itn mlnntta 10 elgbt on WcdacadtT mom. ill ud on bla arrtnl Tebb bid left Ibe place, potting In a claim to Iho monar, on tht groao J tb» tbe Drat lira bad gone, ud that Sickrm waa abaeot. It acema Ibire waa a train at a owirter before d|bt ud Webb ud bit Muda took It far grut- <^ that Ibe rrlane bad Intends tbe men to go bj that train at btlng the ant. Tbe ordara, boxorer, bad been dlldocllj ten mlealot to elghl. ud the rtltne, who wu at bla pott at that bear, afdrrcd tbe men to go by tbe «:M A- it. t<aln, ud told Baldook bla dtctaum, Tbe latlor, bowoTcr, for tome ream beat known to hlmarlf, did not prodnoe Webb, ud Dackem going down ud entering the ring wte awarded ibe etakoi. There la no doubt that Wtbb aerrr loiendol to enler too rlnr. onWodnetdap, udlbe olaim to Iheatakct waaalait leeonrco to tnilch a rer- dlotlabltftTor. _ TWO NOT10ES IN TBE FIELD. 1. Caret aid H. U-Kittrlck, two hotum, mot on Incadar, Oct 91th, at Flddler'a Ferrr, aaar LlTtrpool, at oatch weight, for £10 a aide. Bolb ball from Touch Park, la which locelllraTaat am-tmt of lnltiert waa cenlicd In the milch, optcnlatlon bolog Ten rire at evtaa, ll'Eilblck (boiler known under tbe cognomen oiTJtlbtlbefcgmoitfucled. TbebdllgerentaapotartdaaUiongh thej baa taken eenedtl care ol themvltea. al'KltUlck It about iU etuda abont Uk ein., ud on Tueadar weighed aboat (ft. 81b. Bewti backed from Ur. Ctr/oll'e. Bedford etreet, ud bad (or aionda Jack BmUh (the Wolh ud Yeu Brut, tern Earet li abont the tune agfcetanJa SR. 4m.v.d weighed Oat lib. For hlaateoada Blln Bonn and Toung UUIa were wpedallp re- tained, gad he wit baikod from Ut J. BoDand'a Taulla, Upper Bairlagton atrett The? mttat Lima alreet atattoa at aorta o'clock on TDiadajmoroma to bo coaiejed tolheaotne of action. Feaketb waa necked at 0.16 A. M., at which atailoa the btlliger- utt ud thetr friudi dliembtrked. The repel and tlakia were toon ferried acrow tbe rlrer. and plUbed with commendablo dltpalcn. Tbe toiietaof tbe men barlag been complated, tber 1 maaaatl lunula, aiifl atSdmlonba ptal tea o'clock etood op for inarioar. Boond I. On facing each other there wu a moat perceptible dlapeailj la aiK, M'Kiltruk bariM a deddM adruligela height and length of raicbi tbeae adranuget, howerer, wore cenntar balanced bj the atordr, reeslule'frtme of ble ulagootat No tuno waaloatlnajanlnr.Eireiit cmretrrlnBihoUftatBerhl'i nob, which wu aeallj atopptd bp- the latter. In tbe accoad attempt, howertr, be waa more noceaafol, ud atipplagback trotded the retnro. Earu again tiled the name game, bntwaa d l t ap po late d, udtome tart ngbtlng tumlnalcd In M'Eltnick ItetrUeld ipp«n.g lo hare bat "'*<™™ T»rtS aSft,' Drake. Mo, Banter Blchard. Girderumri. BiaaMbtn,_Mnty -'ibarmbig, ud "nlliode. wbilat on tho £5ndu£. Oelreier, Begalla, Bed Karl So"iuIarb«^d Outer. ProrHor. «d Helen wore con hMtogburatabloodreeatl. &^*J™^AmiMSe£ who dlaaDsaarad Into the rear ol The Duke and «!™ , 'f"'_J!S; Ser^do™" (he nrat l.w tmga* ^.^"S rajldlj Joined the leadlag lot .Caleb an Aiire,^ rfSEr/t SwmaxdUdr EgWIa »eio tbe three wnratoH wbeSr^wrSreredaporllOB <^ •>«J^^Atan^ TajTof the Undo. «nd wu oanipjlBga tni^u^ '^'"JJ tber tareulad the bin boron d- The Date bera galnod 1igooo 1^ aaXoppVgroSS. aod along tide, Moldant- M tber ap. prSbad^elSSnbeold Dake'e rteiej tbe Jong ^e wubroku Into etraggUng ealobea of ma baatan ot, »bo omo tolling on >a Ike raaTuJu ihiT entered the railed porUonof uecZmbrldgeahlredoareeMoldarUjratdlaaiaiedof. lbocolr aonea bow left with a ohaaoe woe The holt. Bo, aod Bitter to Drake; whereupoB Nu (wboaeoplora were nUttakoa for(Tladlatear'a). withOtrderliiireialbarleMooka «««'«»* and the Iwo oullbag BLater lo Drake and The Date tt oroi; atrilo.aeataillmDMaae eiclieneut br tunntiia brao a doae rice, QirdetUure, tUuen cuefollj. and wllhthe cool Jol«?» Bt ol a Tderu lockep, had endenlly tbe beat of tbe raoe frog_lbe dletuohaadtbeUiiT lad Carter Jadloloualj welling OB Rnto within a dona atrldw of the goal, IhtB made bit effort, and won olertrlj, It miiht tloort ba mid eullj, bj t aeok, B^Un lour lenglba from Ku.Blatu to Tbe Drake —* n " 1 " nearlr theaime dlttuce behind air. fonrtb. UotaiTla waa Aftb, aod a long lengtha from Ku, Blatu to Tbe Drake wu third, ud The Duke. _ ». .. '.. . — pm,', allp,wu plaxd g dliluoe eeparaled air. Bsdgmu'a'nllr from'tluter Blchard, who wu aixta, ud lb en To CorTwOpofidetTta. due. 0. Biana.—Wo btUere the matterlp porlllon which lonaa oar preaent gnlgma 10 be tbe one jou iniulred lor. Bow did poo Uke tho curiam t W. A. B.—Tonrre-appeanaoeon Ibe CLlTPan's deck aflorda na elncere pltaaaro; now on often. Yourfrienda' problem*, bear- lag pour nV, are very welcome, and tbe contrlbotMn would bare been perfect bad It contained a couple of joar own eonpoellleu, Job* B. Btmirr—Tour neat poeltloa ehall bare earlp mm. Hon; telnotpournratbeaoarlutcoBtrlbullon.bpmup. Fua (htm through the aame erltlcal and eicellent bande, ud Ihep 111 be doubly welcome. N., N. T.-Tonr otharwlte elegul problem (which we regret) huaaeooad loluUon. 1..QI0 her BB-f ; l.-QtoherBT-t; P lo B.6,aadt..QmateaatKT, or her B 61b, B. M. WiTata —The flnt letter yon mention aerer came to bud, tad the aeooad contalnsd no f 1. BoluUoa correct; prob- lemt aheU bo eiamlnwl and reported on. Oao. Oaora—Tbaakt for the ptpert; F. H. Butler 1 Oo, In- form at that "louraof a Chou Et" bta been teal lo your ad- drew. 1.0. BoatzTN The amount teat It amply tufflolent. Tbe Cut. PaoB. Totrairn" we aend, poet paid, for tl. Weareoon. fldent there u ae Obeaa oolumn In Ibe country you do not know. Enigma No. 506. 'McmortaJotejAi J, Potttr dtdtooliiwL Art lonpa act, Vita eren'r..' SI a. LOTD. xuaamu a ouy rrom Haaier aticiura, woo «um>. •«» -— ami BesalU aotcaih, Kir « Oharmlngel|htb, followed by Zephyr, Ualreger, Ltdr Esldlaaod Bolttem eltoaether, behind whom la a olaaltr came a batch ol tome (on or a dozen of tbe compolilort, heeded by Oladliteur end Bmdilbur. The teat Ibreo ware atch 'em Allre, Prorlior aod Bicchut, the two Utter walllns In, FrorUor baring buret a blood reewLand Bacchua pulled up lime. Tbe Duke, who hit bla leg Juat at tbe limo bla chance ap- peared moat promltlng, waa alao found to be rery lame alter the rice. NeUralueortbealakee£3,U0, BAIX PLAY. aUppUg^down. 'Tfae Bortl Botlety far tbt PrrraoUon of Oraalty IsAntnala. jSTPOBTB ABROAD. The Wag. THE BtUTIBB F. B. 0HAHF10NBH1P. jam Utoe la etui looking for a cuilomer, and tbe cry It atlll tier don't came, ud from preaent appeanncea Jen la likely lo aaoD'iar aaght, He nu laraed blaalumeram bowarer, in wblcb baaaya tatt"be la prepared to ngnl nymaa for the Champion'e Belt and tW> a aide, tad If tattle not accepted within ten weeki, be will then retire from the Blog. Mioabu abaken the metrop- •ttimratlma, and la to locale et LiTtrpoot to giro leaeona In the uta of tho ntwwy't, ud beoomo a Prorteoerlo the Oym- aaalumtbaTC He Intend* alao lo open a "gin mul" In that burgh. ATotot fB0nt Touro Eanr.-Blnce the aboro wu In type, tbe ja-siort Hem hucome to band, from which wt dip the u. neuavaraCrtpa;'- Bn,—I'b«g to ubrorflM nynlf u a ctadldale for tbe Mow TMt I will agbt Mr. Mace a mlr oiaad up tight, ud give blin Ida choice of around within SOmtlea of DobUn, ud u bo wu drJippotnled bore tome time ago with regard to tbe naming ol a alatearibould be be aatlaied. I btgto name youreelf, u your eonduel la grrlng away a new belt lo be contetlad for, la a proof ttei you appreciate manhood and fair play, udlbat you will awara it lo the belter tnu, wUoblhopato proremyoelf lobe. Oubeheardotettbe BetuiKll Torero, alter Ibe 1Mb or MoT., U order to make anugemeoB. ■ 1 remain, 81r, your obedient aerrut, louno lazunn. Dahlia. Ulh Oct lBW. Tbe editor ol tho Newt doea not giro much weight lo Young Ireland'a effoalon, u II lacked authentication. A UEBBT HILL FOB tV>. OaTueadaj October lllb, B. Dackem udJ. Webb met In Ibe ' ~l.dlaMcttoughtat0atl01b,ror<10aalde. Bolb bare fought loamy, and eaeb bai prored rlctortou*. ,Wabb, who It 9] a Of ago, atuditil 7lo, tnd weighed on lueaday tit Olb, Be. jtt oaalha tlbce fought aiS beat JtrrySoairraa la li ia0 mlnotee;be, trained with Baldoek of Bbalford, wjre^i^derarj potalble attention tobrua him well to Iho ■oMtk' KBackemttMyouiofue, 6li8):Ei ta balgbt, ud v+mWto- ■«»««b» i a»d.derSlod Ali. Bymo'Xutlil. yean ataoalafler aigood mluol 8barum; be wu under tbe aire JHimMf BbawdurlnB bla t«min(t, uhlch he took alone. Tbo «HelamlBt «oo» plaoe et ttejpartaman, CimboraeU. on Monday, betanoab eingfoa ad tobe iw.ii ,n MB u, 0 ,upuuitd 0*1016: AaiHieaieula a.aiti madei tti lean the ea»c:n ndol London by . aldiiy train, and a W.Ukninrn .pot t™, Ttulea, amallboatt Mai ma mode ol trenail. A* aoon u Ibe ropn and itakea were iltoSed tad tbo men in Ibe rlag, the wlhorlfiea aboeed m,;and a nattl Wll lmptrittre. 'No UmewulMtm chanaina thamui URMaSsSSlMa Ibrejpm. th.y oommmSpl^effigl; bonbarmguooerrWtofeiWBlotenda. witen they .toco «« forth* Irrl round lb*T or^ired toerenly mttobea tareunited alao and weight, ImfDaokem wu br lar In tie beat caadMoa, he belag at lean aa a gfMbouna, wbue Wtbb anpeared tobeBeabr ud toft Doth etood W Tory good Million*, and a**wtd 4 mlr notion ef tbotrtof oelldolenco. WAb opened tbe tofflwilh the left, bat fell rery abort t Ub accoad tuempt he g>t borne onlbelaw, when Dackem daabedia tnl foroed exchangee, ■etttag *>Q seme on tbe moulta A good bout at half-am bilUBg wu ooneludiotby both being d im eMe by wide. Bound a. Dackem, aaaoob taTlber got toretber, planted bla left em the boa*, unwng 'tha ooik. Firtt blood allowed lor Sukem. Webb attempted to aiall off Daokem'i nab, but the latin bead lo dote quanera, and good exchange* patted at the f^opeaumu Dick got a hold and ecrewed Webb down. I naktm forced Ihefiahiliig, and allppeddoiro, but renewed tfja^mttfi tad both ware down after tomo good rallying at dote f. A ratUtsg and etTttttte roaafl, gtre ud take being the order dllttlck dltplayad a mouae trader tbe left rye. Botb tried tba left, bat were abort. Bomerudom eichngeo followed, ud M'ElUnek allpped down. 8. Bant rlalltJM'Ilttrick'a damaged optic; the teller belag ahorlwlib blaretura nodred* trameudoua bot-na under tho kit Jit from Earu't right, Ibe latter following up hit adrutaga. Battling two-band ad eiobugee enaned, until M'EJtvtek waa fought down. Firtt blood for Earea. 4. Olro ud take wu the order of Ike day. Earet ddlrmd wtlb moat prvotaloa, ud a good round wu Butebod by U'Eltblck bebig knookod down. Tbo* Epret won the nnt Iwo erent*. a, Earea led off with bla tatortte left, but waa abort Oounlara wtM.eicnanged, and both broke grouad. On getting within - rick dellrered the left on the rlbt wtlb great led lb* nturo, El'aa eetUngwlthla dlttasce, ambbtd M'Elltnok on the irorlee, drawing nore claret. Eeru again got well on tbenoto and left eye, and fought hit opponent down at the ropea, Il'Slltrlok belag erldently weak. ft Mao'a lelt eye wat almott doted ud ble good humored phial of waa greatly out of .bap-. Borne aparrlag ud tainting took puce, until Eat so tried bla hit, but wu a lopped. Mu wu wild with bit dellrirlee, ud wu continually propped by hit op- ponent; ud nlttauttly knocked clean off hi* pin*. 7. Mu got well on bl* opponoot'o left optic, recelrlag on the Jaw la return, Oroie-oonnlare lad lo a dote, wben klu wu thrown heertlj. 8. Sparring look place for wind. Etna tried ate left (wblcb, from repeated rial tail on* to bla opponent'a Irorlee and bud, wu In n.rery bad ovale, ud elm oat UMleulbut wu atopptd, Mae setting well on tbe mark with bla right. Some rattling eubugea followed, uslll Mao dipped down rery weak. 0. Mu came up amJUIng. Eeree, rery eajer to commonee boa. tillltea, deahed In ud got well on the pbla. with both haul*. Mao ddlnrlng on the rlba, but bla blowa lacked ateam, ud tt the clooe he wu fouabtdown. 10. Mu tried to tako tbe laltlallTe, hot Earn wu away from danger. Oouatan followed, ud Mao dipped down, 1L BarudaUnreaaaUnger on the rat with ibe left flood exchange* foDoered to a oloae, wben Barea threw Mao h eerily. 11 Mw dow lo the call of time. On putting up their mew- ley!, the Wolf Indited upon examlnlog Earet' band*, and, nud- tag all light Ihty again commenced trietneaa. Earn wont to work with right good will, fought Mac Into bla own comer, ud threw him by too back bed. It. Bbort Etna, ruining lo clou quart era, bond hit mu down tn bla own corner. ■ 11. ItwunoweTldenttbatEaru hold tbe (rump oard, bar«c- ddent Mo aoonor did they face each other than Earu got on Ibe n6ee and eyo without a return, rutbed to a oloae ud threw hla opponent Four more rounda were fought, when Bmllb declared bla mu abould Bgut no longer, and Eeroo wu declared Ibe winner In armla. luce. A FiosT ins * Fool—On October 33d, a gdlut mm took Slaca betwten J. Bmlth (allat Muck) of Derby ud T. Dlnney of alpor, alBroomhlll, near Darndoy. for £10. Tho ttobt wae u- nounced to take plaoe at eight o'clock, but nearly two houre wno loat la ohooling a referee. At ton o'clock the men got lo work, They fought well up lo the elitb round, when Smith .truck bit ppoaent foul. Dlnney, Uonevor, continued the debt until Iho oloae of tbo round, ud then hie (rlcndi appealed lo tbe releree; that ofutold admitted ibe foul, but u Dlnney bad renewed the fight uid tho btnlo mutt go on. Dlnney end bit backer*, how- erer, refuted to fill In with thla declalon, ud tbat gentleman gare them ten miastre to oonatder, Bmllb remaining in the ring ready toptocwd with tbo Ooht At the oiplratlou of the aboro period. Dinner having failed lo put in u appearance, Ibe referee gare bla declalon In rarer of Smith, ud arderod tto etekea lo be gtru up Ip him. Tbo referee alao budtd a number of bete to raalth't partlaua, a rory proper declalon. AFmi Mdiitr Flour.—A fljbt took plaoe between Toung FUnn ud Jack Haodonald, for tto a aide, at cetch weight, on October 39d,ln Ibe wed or England, when, after ashling rery nut for Donlnalet. during which M rounda were oonteated, Fltnn waa declared the winner, Bwaddy Beeoe and Toung Burke being bit aeconda. ThaTurf, BBWMABKET HOTJOHtON MEETrKa. ' tub CiamafTKitanraa null.- t.k aaoaox * wnuna. Tbe aboro meetbig, wbloh la the lad of prime lateral for 16o! oa the Brtuab Turf, wu well alluded, ud tbe aport, aa a rule, wu good. Ten Broeck, tbe American, won Iwo note with hla hoiau Contract end Dawdle, and bla Ceeriae ran aecondlau optional adllng race. Tho chief raoe, howerer, wai that for Ike Oambrtdguhlro Btikei, of which we bore giro (be nummary ud oriel detail!:— MoMsaT, Oct. H.—The Cambrldgwbire Btakea of U tort each, 10 ft, tnd only I If declared, with 100 aova added; wlaaera extra; the owner of the tocond hone to reoeiro SO tort out of the aiakee. ud Iho wiener to pay 80 aora lo tbe Judgr. Cambrldgeahlre Comae (1 mDe MO yarda). 201 tubt, 13 ol whom pay 0 aora each- Mr, & Bntton'a or f Qarderteure, by Todette—Para- digm, S» re, Oat alb t. Outer ■ Mr. W. flood eln'a b f Mu.S yra, Set 71b T. Goodwin Mr. Fayne'e b o Slatoi to Tbe Drake, i yrt, Oat 10*.. Huilablo Muqnla of Btlllogt't b o The Duke, 3 rre. Sat Jib. .Fordham Oount F. do Legnnge'a b o Qladialcur, 3 yre. Oat lllb (lae lllb «) B. (irimehaw 001. Dalllio'abro John Darla, 4 yre, Sat Tib (lae lib eil Cuitenco Col, DalUle'a cb o Madrr Blchard, 4 yra, Bat olb Cannon Mr. W. Qnbam'a ch o Ptegalw, B yrt, git Olb line Clb ex) Carroll CiptMiohell'oboBartbui, lyre, Set lib Lynch Ur, B. Cuapllu'e cb c Breadalbuo, 8 yra, Bat 81b (Inn O0NTENTI0H OF BASE BALL PLATEB& 1 ooTrTutlon of delegalu from aome of tbe rrlndpal olube of Hew Bngbmd, including the Eureka, Dictator, Hanaro, IdacUe, Howard, Orient, Orulte, Trl-Uountlln. LlghUoot, Lowell ud Elog Philip, wu bdd at Ibe Hancock Houae, Boaiot, Nor. 7th. The committee tppofcted it tprertont meeting to frame aeon- ailtntroa for Iho goranment ot the propoeed organiulion, nb- mlttad tbe remit of their deUbtrauoni. The eoaiUmtlon.whlch wu untaimoady adopted, prorldea thai tbe new toclety ebdl be know* u Ibe "Hew England Aetoclatlonof Duo Ball Oluba,' Ibe trowed object of which dull be the perpetuation ol thli manly ud tongonring putlme, and tbe foiteiug of ktodly fed' Inge between the member* ol tbe rarlooa olube. Any dub bar Ing u attire memberahlp of eighteen will be entitled to rem- aenUtlon by Iwo delegate*, ud the relet of Iht game adopted by the Hetlona] luwtatlon wUl gorem thla one. The tegular mo it- mga win be held uaually, oo tbe aecond WedBOtday of March, la Ibe city of Boeton. Tie following ofneen were elooled for tbe ennlog year i-Prealdut, O, Wedlelgb, of tbe Fly Away Club, or Bait Boeton; Tlce Prealdeat, J. A. Lowell, ot tbo Lowell Club, of Boaton; Beoordlag StareUry, I. Ldud, of tbe Orulte Club, ol HoUaton; Corrtapondlng Secretary, F. V. Scott, ottbeTrl-Hoaa. tela Olub, of Bodoo; Treaaunr, tt B. Smith, of the Dictator Club, of Newton Corner; Committee*—oa Billet ud Begulallonl, Temple, of Ibe Llghtroot, of Hewn .el, Cobleub, of the Orient, of Eaat Boaton, ud Mewmu, or the Bank*, or Eul Cambridge: on Homlnanona, gray, ofElngFbDlp, of Abmaton. Blcbardac the Orulte, of Boilutoa, and Merrill, of the Ply Away of Botton; the Judiciary Committee condtl* of the board of officer*. Tbe allver bell recendr giren to tbe New England Clnba u a to- traoftbeChamplonihlp was then glren to Ibe eaaoclauon, ud Ibe following oommlrtee wu appointed lo make new rule* ud regulation! rot trains Ibe play for the aame:—F. Wright ol the Barrard CIud; J. .A. Lowell, of " the Orient. BABE BALL AT LODIHTILLE, ET. AppendolU the acoreol tbe return gtrna of bete ball clayed by ibe Dolrerrityud Independent CIubeoi thatdty, onFrlcay, jdloatul: uirnti D.U ..1 ..1 ..1 ..1 .4 Darmnrr. liidorion,o... Crdk.lttb Cnwford, p Cnlcker,8d b... BaJI*id,rf Bell, 2d b 0 Parte, If 3 Clark, of. 3 W. Andereon, a a 1 Total Umpire—Mr. Bullngt. BABE BALL AT CHATTANOOGA. Wo are glad lo turn that Ibe ball of friendly baae ballon hu taken tbe plane of the leaden mteeUe of our contending armlea of Cbaitinooga, Tenn. Tbe Lookout Bete Ball Club, of Chatta- nooga, wu crauiied Bept 23,18H, wtlb M membera. Tbe fat lowing wire dotted omoere ol tbe olub: Preddut J, 0. Oru- dell; Tic* Preeldent 0. a Bdaftled; Secretary, D. B. Wharton| Treaaunr, M. I. Bamage; Dlrooioie, J. F. Oarltly, B. A. Sey- mour ud M. I. Berg. The olub la organized under tbe rulu of Ibe National Bue Ball Aiaoolatlon, ud application hu been made lor memberahlp In that body. The field la one mile mm the city, on the Lookout Mountain Boad, and Tueediyi ud Frl* daya arolbe ndd daya. The foUoalng Uthettoreof tbe ltd game played by Ibe dub: BATTllfOi Bawioe'b Srsi. b.l. a. W.J. Hamago, p a g Welch, e 9 4 Bou.bdb 8 4 8. lumage, r f 4 3 Smith, Id b 4 9 Clear;, a a 3 t D.B. Waal ton, If 9 9 Poklna.ldb 0 8 Dilly.of 9 1 71b ex J. Daley W. Boblaaon'o b m Oratitude, I yra, 7tt 101b A Edwtrde W. Dty'a br b Caleb 'em Allre, < yn. 7H U B. Adama Lord Cortntrr'acb hExchequer, t yrt, 7tt Olb....Maldmut Count F. do Laoruga'a b o 1* Mudarla, 8 yra, Tat 810, .Lottet Major Frldonn't ch o G on Iran, a yra, 7at Bib 0. Prdt Baron BotbachlM'ab f Zephyr, 3 yrt, 7d Mb i!ooUb«i|..Feeke 1. QUby'a ch o Count Carour, B jre, 7at 41b Tweed M*. Beitet'a b o Tucrode, 8 yra, Td lib (Ino 31b ei)... .Monla W. Day'a b o Out and Outer, 9 yra, 7tt J. Orlmtbiw Sir J. Htwley'i DI Merry Wile, I yrt. Oil 181b Blbbnrd Ctpt Mtchall'i cb o Belr at Lew, 8 yrt, oat 1 lib Barker Major Hlipylton'a cb o Itcd Earl, 8 yre, Oat lllb (Ino Ob exj B. Moreen Mr. Darber'a b f Helen, 4 jre, ut Olb Ward Mr. Jackaon'ab o Elland, 8yra, Bit tlb (Inc 8Tb ex).B. Ooallonex Coonl Datlbyuy'e b e ElngObarmlng, 3 yra. Oat 81b.. 1. Smith B. Braylty'e b f Eadalelgb, tf yra, Bat 71b Murray Mr. Bakrelfe b o Edlaburgh, 3 yrt, Otl 71b. Corey Lord Bilemu'i cb g Dun Swift, 4 yn, Bat Olb (Ino Olb eitrai Boxttl Lord Oorectry'a br g Tennytoa, 8 yn, Bat lib H, Clarke Mr. Oamtron't oh o Moldarta, 3 yn. Oat lib DetrtBcld W. 0, Oraron'a b o Prorlior, B yn, Oat Ken yon W, BerUl'a b c Oilreger. 8 Tie, cat Elpblok lord Corentry'a b o Ohlmaty Sweep, B yn, eat Feruling I. Wood'* ob o Outard Oaatle, 4 na, oat lUb Jerri* Ur. Jobaatoae't b c Boletds, 8 yrt, ott Bib Cameron Marqalt of Huunga'ab f Lady Egillla, a yre. Sat 71b. .J, Pbllipa . BetUBg: 0 lo LagtlOladtetear, 7 to 1 agat Molilalia, g loteglt FtonaorTlOtolagat Ottreger, lOOtoBigit OraUtude, 100 to 7 ag.t Oat aod Outer, 20 lo 1 each agat dolileln, Bitter to The Drake, ud Qoutran, IS to I each agd Tba Dnkfc John Darla, taa neiu, low w at ewen ■*« bwwywi. w Zephyr, ud 100 to 1 each agat Lady Egtdla, Tucndo. Muter Itlcberd, ud Edinburgh. Although tbe lbirly.dx competitor* arrlredattbeitarlloB-poit ehorilT alter the appotnlod time for tbe raoe to tie ion, nimdy, 1:1', three-qoartcra ol an hour were cut lo wulo are the field oould be fairly aald to be nnder tbo command of Mr. McUeorgo. Tho principal offenden aereHelen, Exchequer, Prorlior, Holret Law.udCuaurd ClaUfc tho Jockey* or each of whoa wero aabatqnently euipended for dliobtdlonce or the elarler, Anotber oauei of delay wae tbe continued break- ing tway of MoMar|e,who thrie or four timet bolted, joaog Lowell, of the LoweB; ud N. 8. Coblelgh, ot 3 3 4 8 I 8 9 1 8 ...23 ijuiAruiiXBrr. BoblnaoB, o Haatinga, p Shtppud, lit b.... John eon, Id b WlxotaU.Bdb Monroe, if Hlcbolaa, Booth,! I Monaban, c f Total.. XL 1 1 ....0 ....8 ....1 ....8 . ..3 ....1 ....3 21 Scorara—Meaara, Speed ud Brewiter. Total.. .33 BUIta HADE XN EAOB rKHXMOI. lit 3d 3d lib Olb Sib 71b 8th Otb Btmtge'l 4 1 3 4 4 B 2 1 0-28 Selgfrod'a 4 9 0 8 0 IT 0 1 1-38 Paeted balli on ahlcb baae* were made—G. Knott, 1; Graham, I. Borne rune—Welch, 1. Struck out—Cletry, 1; 8. Besiege, Thurmu, 1. Oatcnu mlaaed on tbt Ay—W. J. Bamage. Bmttl.l, Flyballacaught—Hick*,!; Selgfreld, 1; B.Enou,i; 0 Knott, 3; Welch, 1; DUlr. 1, Left on buet Church, 1; Bdg< fried, 1; Bou, 1; Orebam, 1| Bmllb, 1; Wharton, 3; 8. Ramlge,'. W, 3, Bamage, 1; Welch, 1; Duly, 1. Time of game—Two hourt and 30 Dtautca. ■■ ' ' BASE BAXL IT WxLmTMQTON, DHL Below liaacoreoiamatobofbue ball played on Nor, Olb, be- tween the Pawtuxet and Wawaaett Oluba, of that dry Birrrao. Fawtuxxt. BIddle.p Bhaw.o .... Bradford, lalb,. Cot,3db... Vieib. 3d b Ohaadler, a a.. Bb a. McCorkle,! f 8 Walling, o f.. Boab, rf..., Total.. Pawtuxet..., Wawaaett..., 0 1 3 1 0 3 1 '1 1 Wawubtt. Perhlaa, p WOgon, o Glbeon, ldb OonneTJ, 3d b Balemu,3db.... Katet, a a., H.L. B 4 1 4 1 ,8 Bright, If 0 Wright, o f.. Toung, rf.. Total anna Masa tn UCB untEtoa. lat 3d 3d lib Slh 6th 9 3 9 8 0 0 :....B d IS 0 B 4 TUB tS-ABCSl OjF CTBTSSS. POBlUtm NObei.Vol.XIU. Potrtrofi No.t2, VoUk* it >. b, nptiiHiK, tjx J. i., or aoeroj. .nuvt^ Bsmotil— Tbe Metropotltaa Dnagbl Club hare eabhiki^, theirbeadquirtera at the Belmont Houae, In Pultunawaiiii. tween D road way ud Nauto. Tolenea or the same «ji hTlT wdomno, ud may expect to wttauo a blgb itKe, KBB, KKtaq, KBB, QKI4, QKIB, QB3, QB3d, ud a While Pawn at K Kt otb, ail, II, QB4, QK17, QB3, QHl, 01, ud Black Fame at Q Kt 3, Q B 8, While to play ud glre mate in three morea. 0.01b, K Kt 3d. Problma No. 606. An old PodUon of Oodo Improred. HUll'S. White to play and giro mate in four morea. Qgwtw No. 606. Fine ud free game In tbe Philadelphia C, 0. between H. p. Montgomery, Eeq., and Mr. 0, Belchhelrn.— Stating Bulletin. tcorca oajmrr. Attack, Montgomery. 1..P&K4 3..KKI-B3 3..P-Q 4 4..KB-43 B..F-QB8 6..0tatlea T..P-KS 8..BXBP + «..KKt-btaS-f. K-KtB 10..Q-berB+ KKt-B 4 U..F-KKt4 P-QB IL.KtrcKKt t|BXF 13..Q-Kt3(b) K-B4CC) 14..QEIXP P-KBS 15..(jHt-K4(dl BPXKt 10..BXKt2dP yKaq (o) Played without reflection'. Defence, Belchhelrn. PtoKI 2Kt-B 8 P EB-B4 QSdPXP KKl-K3(a) Cattle* IV KB Attach, Montgomery. 17..EtX KB IB..K-blaBtej 1B..P-KB4 30 .K-Ktta J1..KB-B4 M..Q-KB8 + 23..Q-KS + 24..QBXB(7) 2B..K-hllBlt 30..KB-K3 17..E-home 9B..B-KB3 18..KB-K3 80..K-Q tq 31..B-Klq Defence, Bdchhelm. QPXBI QXKP QB-KB-f- Q-bnB-r- Kt-K4(e| K-Kt3 KB-B8 Kt-BB-f- Q-borB-e- EtxBP-f Q-Kt8 + S-K0 + UB« + Q-Kt8 + QXKB,ud BLACK. UUiJE, ' WHITE. While to more tad win. WHRB, White to axora ia| wfc. gameadiaaa,? ■derofjlay. 1 To Draufht Piiyart. m HLEM*3TTfl OF DBATJOHTB; OB, BMIBITIBr ana atTTDB. By h,* Draught Edttor of tbo Outran. Tli*bai2 been uniaou u ued by tbo Edi tor of BeB' t Life t o be ■TBBliS gt.gawMTtnT TBBATIBB BTBB WB1XTEN OM TEBQAjraa printed oa fine paper, gilt binding, uluatnted will tanau and enriched by nomerou* nmeafrom tbe beat rnaaieiuTfiS ton't tytten of reoordlng, Knelber with Faltenon't rrateaTa*! pie lew Adruced pleyen will find thla IreaHec well worthy S noi toe. Bent, pott paid, to uyiddreMla tbe Doited BtalaT SS lent*. Addieu L D. J. SWEET, Curraa Ornci. 30-tt Mu, 33 Spruce clrert, Sew f»j, The MBtropoiltan Drauoht Club hold* Id a>u- Inga it tht Belmont Bote), 113 Fulton it, near Broadway, THE XTTBJF. BIO TBOT TO WAGONS For IMOO. •> Gxoxoi Wnua re. Oontonoax TAXDunni, A mora than ordinarily Intonating trot came off on lie ivi™ larger, no doubt, but that to tuny iporti of nigh ud lew danZ were dtracted to tbe CapitohUe hall ground to whrnentbanZ baae nail match between tbe Atlmtto and itmetlo ohm. nam who were there, howerer, wen amply npdd for any ttaeareu, ence tnourred. for the trot wu well eonteated, and errand ten f*tt burata of apeed wen witnetted. Tho betxtat f*ortotf to Iho alart for the firtt belt wu at the long odd* In faror ofWUkea. Aebe had won the pole oa tto M btt^ IIMbIO glree checkmate, .P lo Q 3d lelbe proper more. (bj The geme of Ibe Attack now appean irreelttlble. Id Marching tbe K out tbua boldly wu tho only way of orat- ing Inalut defeat (d| IB.. E Kt to B 3d waa prefenblo, we beUere. (ei The attack now cbugee nude, if) IT34..Q lake Kt, tho Defenoe, after Ibe axonugot, would remain with t piece thud. [We recommend our ttudenta lo Improre tbelr knowledge of end-gemo playing by ascertaining rrom what point, ud bow, tho Defence can mate by foato.—En. Clip.I CHEQUEKS. ....38 Tib 1-11 1-36 A BXLTBB BALL MATOB, A baae ban match of oonddeteble Inttnet wu played on Ibe Alhlallo groundo, Pnlladalpbla, on the 7th lnal„ for the benefit of tbe Baldlera and Ballon' Fair, now being bdd la tbe Quaker Oily. The competing dube were the Gymnaat ud Philadelphia, and tbe prUo a eilrer ball, waloh la to be proton led to the win- ning olub by aenenl Meade at tho Academy of Mutlo, but when, our informant dou not any. Whtob olub wu rlolorlouaud la thenfon entitled to the pi lie la luily tot forth In the untied table:— tumxta, Putt, inn p m, Lelili, lit b BlDuoont, e e BUt, p Keycr, e Mittblu, 3d b.... Kcrln, c f Spoontr, Id b.... McDonald, r I.... 8inu, I f B.L. 1 1 3 0 3 1 3 3 4 Total., QlMlfUT. MoLeod, of... Ctnlrdl,a a.... MoBlenco, If.... Bmllb, r f Jonea, o Ollehrltt, p .... Byu, 2d b Allen, lit b Boney, 3d b... B.L. ....9 ,...1 ....4 ....S ....0 ....0 ....0 a Total., Buin tuna w auoa nnrmo*. lit td 3d 4th Slh nililtlpllt 33 33 4 It o-SO Uymaut • B B » 2-13 Home runt-BlmmoBi, 1; Blnua, 1| Oulrdl,3; Byu 1. Scorer*-lioeiri. H. K. Fox tor Philadelphia ud W. B. Browne forOymoirt. Umpire—Mr. Ddl of the AthteUo Club, DABI BALL If ALLEGHENY, PA, AneiceUent match cam* off oo the afternoon of Nor ember 4th between the Senior Olub of Jaffera on Ooilega, Cuoniburg, and tbo Bnltrprtao Olub ol ADegbney, on the Wa.t Common*, re- tailing In a victory for tbe taller. Tba following I. Ibe ecore:— aurrao, EwToraia. Drotket, p Login, o TIBcrd, If Inner, Utb.... Eawer, at Jeoclnoa, of..,. MoEnlglit,8db... Bo*rdrun, ldb.. Grahtm, lr Total.. XL ..:..•» i 8 . ....3 4 4 .8 A 4 ..8 4 ..8 8 40 Samoa. Alexander, o Dana, If Slaynaker, latb Motion, rf Paiton.Mb Miller, a a Donnan, p Donaldioo, o f Marker, adb Told., B.L. ...a ,..J ...8' ...3 ...8 ...1 ...t ...3 ...3 .IB BUM atann nt xua nnrnoa. it! ■ 3d 8d 4u Mb Bib 7u Bib Mb nlarprtat 1 8 B 0 IB 1 B 3 1—10: Senior 1 9 10 114 1 0-lfi BTy catchct-Enterprlje, 10| Bealor, 10. Homo rust—Enter- pnee, 1, ^^^^^^^ TnUTuaai, Data Ball OLpn.—ThioiacAeiof Iht New Cheat. nut Btieetlhuiro, FbutdelpbK bare orgiaiitd a bue ball dub, ol which Iho following are Ibe offlcerai Preddut Mr. Fliheri vico Preeldent, Mr, Ftiteri Secretary, Mr. Bradford; Treaturer, Ur, Eberlc. To Oorretpondenti. Hocrjt, Albany, N. Y.—Friend Hocui, your potlUoa, If In- tended ta a Joke, le not without It* point*, but lo uy other eeote It la "hocui." Try again. Daauotm, Dtlca, N.T.—Ton are mldakou; laatead of charging our comapondepte for iaurtlng their commnnlcaUona, we In- vite tbem to glrb ui their rtowt, which will be placed beforo our readtn in all cuei where tber are Important; ud whether Im- portant or olherwiae, all contributor! will bo replied lo with Courtney. A, 0. D., Adrian, Mich.—Obtain u elementary Ireadae on the game ol Draught*, ud "ground younelt" thoroughly. Thla la the only oertain nttbod or besoming a fine player, and, beeldu, tho atudy la replete wtlb beautte*. N. K. Waimn, Portland, Me.—Beplled to by mail. TD Coatnto OaacTaiOB.--Aa tba long Winter erulnga ap- proach, tbe lutereat In Dnughta Inereuea, ud u "thla cruel war" It now orer, we may confidently predict a "return to their alleclanoo'' or Iho atray oorrewpudanta of tbo Oupria. Not a fear of our oontribulon "morod" it tbdr oountry'a odl, ud •'won." Other* ere daeplng In eoldler'e greree—but their deed*, ud their memorlee, ehall be bold aaerod fonrtr. The oft re- pealed eseertto* thai tbo Ourna la tbo leading Draught Organ of '(ait country ataodt u unrefutable fut; It u alto beyond dlt- Glt that it will continue to lo be, for rery many cogent rettona, tbo ant plaoe, tt* gnat atrsulatloa done would in euro Ua me- oua, oru were lit eonlrlbutor* only medlocni but when lie Uat ouatalai auoh nimM u Mercer, Dryadtle, Sptytho, Hull, Jurler, Magrldg^ Brooke, Bold, Hlnu, Burr, Thompton, McLeu, ud a boat of olb en, the quotttou la placed at not. We dull con- tinue to make toll department of tbe Gurra lnatruclire. We eee no caute lo change our former courte, ud tberefon both gamM ud podtlona will bo gtru for the puruote of latlrucUng tht Tyro ** wall u thou worthy or Ibe hlgbcet admiration of mtrteii of tbo game. Being conducted for the benefit of dl sradet of player*, 11 will be the tool of no clique, nor the ptrlteu of any piriy. Htuoat, manly critidtm I* courted, for tola tend* lo enforce energy ud carefulneta. In tbort, wo may conolnde InlbewordiofthoPoeti ■ " A little learning la a dangerout thing, Drink dee*, or ratio not tbe Pierian aprlng; To etc ahallow Draught* Intoxlcalo the brain, But drinking Urgely eoben u* again," Qano No. 40.-Vol. XIIL Fnm Svtt't BlemenU of* Droup*li. Conleeted In a match between Muni. Andenon ud Wylle, played at Salnburgb, Bootlud, In 1M7, ud communicated to the author by A. H, Mercer, Eaq., who wit preaent at tbo match, axooitD corjBLZ coniran. Black. Black. White. Wylle. 34 10 10 3B 33 IB » 18 13 38 80 37 81 8) 31 38 IB 18 T 34 17 No Andenon. 18.. 7 to 10(d) 10 14, IB, 10 17.. 3 18..18 19..IT 90.. T 31..13 33..10 18.. B IB 8 7 IT 19 II 18 98 White, Wylle. IB to 11 IB II 33 11 8 3 IB 8 10 IT »</) 28, Ud wini. (a) Thla form* Anderaoa'a "Seoood Double Corner." (0) White hu no bettor more, ici 11 IT or 89 38 loan immedtatdy, Id) Quiet, (•) Why not make a King at once f (/)Muatdoltnow. be waa adjudged tobeentltltd to It on the day ft oaaanea! and la darting for the flnt but ht got coadtemUt aerta* Ugt, ud left the Oommodor* well to the nar alanand to tht ball mile pole, on paeetng wMtk both drfraa add In tbdr haraea, Mtce holding up beoiuttBtan tbuOara- modore could not win the heel, ud bit opponem beonatneiai wu not Juat then neceaaary. WUket erumaBy woa,Mh all milt going orer ibe eooreat an eaaygdt Barn|ahttmktaL eent WOkw further up In the odd* to betting, 100 to 90 bemTta* quotation. After the uaud rerpile, both borau ware agiai itarted for tbe aecond belt with an eru aend off, when waa an- nealed one of the preUleit mile* of trotting orer aam. WTJaa. secured an adruced pool lion In tbe former 'part of tbo ban, pualna the half mile pole aome half doten leagtba ahead ta I dl; after wblcb VanderhDl put on more alum, and bogu toeloa the gap at a rattling gall, la which he exhibited bli loeoaotlw Ciwera to perfection, ud flrtlly, amid the applauae of tbe ataa. tora.orerhauled hla competitor udpaaiedmeaumdflr*thy«h ahead. The cloee of ible beat wit rery exoitiDg. and tbelart ad waarerytutbeugdonelnl'.U. TbeCommoton'tacuoabaat eulogiced, Buam woodruff meatnred aome of hla etrldee, wbka were f6und to bare been 16ftBio, ud were conddired team been extraordinary. They were now heal and beat, wblebaat the Commodore'e etock up to etity egtintt a hundred. Far at third heat another good aend off resulted, ud for tbe firtt pari c the heat Ihinge I >oied "about wblcb ud t'other," or "nlpol tack;" lo fact, aB around to lha three cmarter polo neither hem gelned uy conaldenble adrantage, dthough tba paoo wu ipeab, ud the tlruggle taxing to both. At thla point, howerer, the pai. carried WUku off bit fut while the Commodore kept dowel hi* work Uke a Trojan. WUku aoon mad* up forhl* littleaxb. howerer, and with frequent application* of the thong, niniad to emu the eoore aoerealy with bla competitor a* to caute afc be adjudged a deed belt For the fourth heat a cbaan rt drlTer* took place, Hlnm Woodruff tooling WlikM in the pun ofOrooka, aod apecuiatlon wu eren. Three beat* appeared la hare bom about enough for tho Commodore, for notwilbatasi- lng tbat they ant a good wnd off, and wen neck ud neck to Da Sorter pole, VanderbUI broke at tbat pelnl, and out up to btdy it Wllkfa got to tar ahead u to renoer Venderbill'e chanced winning bopeloti, ud Ibe oontequence wu hi ma WUket won tbe beat ud net u abown In the aanexei Ba- rn arr:— Union Churn, L. I., Monday, Xm. 6.-Match 13,000; mDt beau, beet three in fire, to wagon*. Jobn Crook* named br. a. George Wllku 1 10 1 D. Mac* named b. a. Commodore VanderbUt 3 1 oda) Quarter. 80X MX 88 ST 1:14 1:14 MOr. i* 1:BK 2:31X Ftralbeat Second heat Third but Fourth heat .. Saint Dep.—Bweepitakea $3(0; mile be*la, bed three lo fin, tuharneu. Dr. Ogle entered bL g. Black Diamond .*V.....S 13 11 Into Woodruff entered bt m. — .....2 3 13! BL BoUn entered br. g. Cain own 1 8 dr. TTaDt. Quarter. JTaV. MUl Flnt beat 41 1:31* 3.I1K Second beat 41 1:3J« 1:I8K Third beat tlx li«K 3:IB>i Fourth beat 41« 1:3J 3:11),- FUlnbmt 43 1:34 3J1 r^raxriXiaxa oa Tax FiamovCoirBrz, A awupatakaia' $2*0 wu trotted for on the 7lh lnat, on-the aboro coum by Lady Evelyn, Bam Rowley ud Black Jack. The Conaf wu the faronte In the belling, ud the result JnaUned ta confidence repoied lo her, for after a conical of fire beat In which alio found Sam Bowleyber atrongeit competitor, aa finally gained tbe rtctory. 8am paaaed the acoro fintbtai third heat, but did to much pacing to secure tbe lead that ti Judge! care the beatlo LadyErelyn. The time ud other o> idle will bo found In tho appended nunnery:— ihtMon Courw, Z. /., TUcrday, Not. 7.—BweeptUkel (tt mile btita, beet three In fire. In baraeat. B. Wdkir entered cb. n. Lady Brejyn... 1 a ill O N. Ferguaon named Ur. g. 8am Boaley 3 1111 D. Mace uteredbl.g. Black Jack a 8 8)1 Flnt heal.... Second bed.. Third hat.... Fourth beat.. Fifth boat.... (tarter. ....•OX ....40 ....40 .,..40 ....40 fSf- 1:31- 1:10 1:91 1:31 1* Mi aii 3JJ 7M TBOnTNQ ON THE FASHION COUBSE, L. L A nn lnlentllng trot came off at the aboro courte a Ba Otb lnat, for a puree ot IStO, mile beat*, beaiSia S, tie co»- BUtore being Mr. Oakley'e b g Lightning and Mr.Brleld'ibl onert John, lo wagon, ud Ur. Wnllaon'abm MayQueea,* baraeat. Previous ta the race, Ibe hone* told In Ibe poola f« nearly equil figures, Ligbmlog riarlug' the otB at vary Mfilnc odd*. The flnt beat wu won by May Queen, who came in a length ahead In 3:BI. Tbe leoond heat an* iplrttedlyeoateited between MayOaeea ud Boned John,'tbe man reaohlag the dud a bead In advance, In 3 JS. The Ouet«I wu nowfbe farorlleln the bdtlng at long oddf, »1C0 to $80 bdni free* offered on her winning the race. At the dote of the next beat lu market underwent o rorolurlon, occtdonod by Honett job manlfettlngadedded auperlorlty, winning by tlx loariuwni ei^ In 2:01 Tbelworomalnlng hetUwerewcnby J 000 !™ the moot extravagant odde wore offered upon arm without liken. Annexed la the inmmin:— • , _. Jul*ton Count, L. I., ITmridiip, Iter. 9, lBM.-Pnxae ud twtrp ttake tasO; milehealt,3In0. ■* Mr. Brlatol named b g Bonul Jobn, to wagon. ... Mr. Wbllaon named b m HayQueenlnhirnoae... Mr. Oakley named b g Lightning, to wagon Ttme,Vs4; JJ3;3*1| t-M; MS. .9 I I i'\ .1 1 1 J J .a » > > » CRICKET. Crlokat CrlokaL Ortokti JAB. PABKEB, OEBMANTOWN, near PbriadetebA^ Hu Jo*t arrived from Englud, with a large etock of laptnc' Bala, Bella, Glove*, While Funnel, etc List of Price* eent free by mall. 9" 0BI0KET IN WABB1MQTON, D. O. The return match between tbe Wuhlngton Orleket OM 1 *? tho Monnmutd, of Bdtlmore, was pUjcd at Witalarawj" Oat 38th, ud reaalted la u orerwbdmlns victory for Ibe nf' Wo tpptnd the tcore :B MONDMEHTALS. Fintlnnlngt. Second Unul*. BartlettbJ. Hoyt a eHaUb A. Woodley...- brown bBaokt 1 bBanka J. BewlU b J. Hoyt B o Barlow b A. Wotdkf . O. Hewitt o Barlow b Bank*. O not oot toMfofl «f PobMIoii No. BB-YoI. Xin. xr i. ut. Qaroo*. Black. 1..M to 3d 1..9B 81 8..81 38 4..38 39 S..33 38 White. IB to 8 30 II 21 10 IB 18 IB 10 BUck, B..38 to 81 7..81 38 B..M 38 0..13 IB 10..18 While. 98 to IB 18 14 IB 14 11, and drawl. Solution of Position No. 60^>VoL XDT. Wbltei 1..80 to 38 1..3T 31 B..18 IB I..10 IB at t, t, Black. 31 lo 81 30 37 13 96 It 23 IB White. Black S..l»t*3S 2110 80 B..10 B 9 9 7.. 8 21, and Hint, KunberlvbJ. Hoyt.. Quartly b Buki,... Bmlthb Bankt SterentOBBOt out... Bbamburg b Dank*.. Stone h Bute ArthurbJ.Bo/t.... Byet3, no ball 1 Total.. , O , o . 0 . 0 ...« ... 4 ... 0 ... 8 ...33 runout.. b A. Woodier oYoungb Bank*.. bBanka runout.... b A. Woodley b Bank* Byu 8, no ball 1*. Total WISHINGTON-Flnt Innl* W. Hoyt run out... 0 J. Herri bj. Hewitt 89 Young b O.Hewitt 8 AldenbO. Hewitt....; 10 H. SjlreiUrb I. Htwltt 19 I. WoodleyoudbJ.Hewltl. 4 K. Woodley b J. Hewitt 30 Barlow b J.Hewitt.., TJaaka o Arthur b J. BWJ;- 1 Tirl()roBarUettb/.Htwlii 1( Hall not out ' | Byu 7, wide 1. ^ Total...'. •""'* 8 iityS*| "National DltetM." StaUatica pjore abil the cawdUu" 1 * 1 number la « ratio with the woaimputo of Ui W*»Wv. 3r Anuucute, oOO^an non «'J^t to of IheJr own acocrrd, for l^^.nifil harmlue fetellble tor^ HMrBIi*J, Or mil atriuoii or AannucaRi, SOO.CW eremoro^ peptic But they are agreeable, pure ud BTOMAOH BIITEBS,