New York Clipper (Nov 1865)

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THE "NISW YORK CLIPPER. Q53 THE RING. JENNINM' SOAP. THY HAHBV patent, auero ^—h,™ m FLHAfl. Arc, IN DO OS. end an ether An> Sitf- »5>W» -"M, nmraoB, n Portland etreeAn^swm, __ „ .... inrsn?.—Mr. Geo. M. Bdbflrtaon, Agent for the ££,£^r^ 5.* oity mas-Boss, MM wanted, , ' Boxlna «0vm, ixtm, $5 ■ 8at>. FmoIm Pol'*, w^. 01?f«T l»™r^r. Poci.t to II!. Alee and Stfonnr iVi IHO. lias. B^ and* Cricket Equipments, riJai, aoodi, etc.. of etery Und sent by mall or exults*. Bpcrtlni □Doui, oPEOIAL AGENCY, jam* Mount Vernon itreet, Philadelphia, Pt, Kiviniah and Dtokar " B1LL1ABD TABLB MAHTJT10TTJBEB8, No. 388 CANAL, COBNBB ORNIBE BTBRRT.H. Y. D1IPLEI KAVAKAGH hating eatorfated himself with DfCKEB for the manufacture of BILLIARD TABLB8, ud ill trtidei connected then with, the firm are Dow prepared to execute Zriers to any extant The great want-a perfect Billiard (Jushlon Sr.tUrtbeaa ..cured, InKAVANAOHaDBCKRE'SPATBHT, Itii but players pronouncing It the moat perfect jet Introduced. Hie oholceit materials an uied, and no palsi will be spared to nndtr Ibe fullost aalnfacHon to purchasers, A large atoek of Tibet, Owe, Ban*. 4a, constantly on hand, to meat the demands ofueuede? KAYANAOH *DECKER. 30,3m No. 991 Canal, oorner Centre street, New York. Our Home, ... Bonlhweat oorner of Slat and M Avenue, N. T. best wnrss. liquors, and cigars always on band, A COHVKNIEMT BILLIARD BOOM ATTACHED, jasm* JAMBS COBUBN, Proprietor. Tlw OhiriM H. Minhiil Horn ■mrpAgT. sctniT proprietor. B* M FULTON STREET, DEOOliTB. THE CBOIOIST arm, VtTHES, LIQUORS, AND BEGAJBH P TW WHITE HOJWC. A taimllM4 „ No. Ill OBAND STREET,onedeorfromlb^way, 1U HEADQUARTERS OF THE SPORTING WOBLB. w*es7ls?r«rs/A]ee, Chart, and ererylrang oi the beet ojaaBJr. rRTVArt LESMNB SfsPABBING, byHr, Joawph Coburn, aMher at the pupil's residence, _„_.- OB AT THB WHITE HOOtX _ I>Jri— job ooBTJHN, Premsetee, ■wag* Rook OyiUr and Oinlafl Meo"i Alaa.Wtoea, Lienors, and Beaara <!"E»!?i5 I,1 ! , *' % "^SH?" ifll^l^hotufc MOBAZL TRA1NOB, iWrfnetar. 98,«t HUT, ExohinfM, No. 26 Elat Houston it TBJSBRANOH^fior. of Third Are. fc Berenty-dret at, Ire In the fall tide of tnoressful operation. The perewnsi super, iwon of itoProprletor at THB bSwHASQE, a.heretofore, dor- tag™ "eraingTend at THB BRANCH during the eftamoon. «aiantfei Ihe iloelUM pleasure ud enjoyment ol even Tlsmnt an nXaraanr «oerted ailoS but HABBY know, foj ,«U^3ow to KaayaQ oodHotaL" »»»• ^Wllaea." ' ' "E^WfcoG," -tm HO. 18 LZBOT PLAOB, otBtoeekataadOneneata., lU-tf], Xiwtobz. Boiton Houtt, 201 Sooth ttraat, ^OPPOSITEOATHABINE bt. fsbbt. nbw tobk. Alaa. Wlnea, Iionon and Olgara of the nieat qnaUrr. jrOpaa ad night Ohowdar erarj Toaadaj, Thnraday and Bamrjv M. BT ABTOH, ftonrletor, PHILAr^HL, Iha neaUat rarietj of fighting and fanej Doge ta the BWa to WnaTatMcOBIBIAI.'& Utf ADTKBTISESIENT8. OBEAT XASTZBN PACEAQE. BIOHEB THAN THE BIOBIST. IT WILL TANK TOUB TMTfl OUT BT TOR BOOTS AMD MTS TOO THB LOCKJAW rOK A MuBTH. ■ THIS WONDEB CONTAlKB A UDOE LOVE STORY, A LETTEB OF 00NFES8I0N VBOK AIOUHO LADY, WBB B10B TOABTB, FTVB CONDNDBUilll. ONE A0BOB- 110, THBEt AWFDL BK^TOHBl TWO BIPP1M0 BONOS, AND TWO BABE IHQBAYThM. PBICE OM LT 31 OENT8. NSW. fl SALTJBB10DB BONQB, OAlim THAN THB QAYZ:T. WABBANTKD OBIOTMAI. SOTUraa BEZN LIKE IT 9TBCE THE DAT PADDY MTJBFflY LOBT HIS OLOTHES. ALSO, TWO OBEAT ADD CKLBBBATED KROBAVIKGB. PBIOS OP THB WHOLE LOT ONLY 50 CENTS. BEWABB OP BA8B 1MTTATOB8. A WOBK OF ABT, "TBB OABDEN OF EDEN," eoaUlnlng 16 largo esgravngt, whlah br a BIMPLB MECHANICAL PBO- 0188 Oih BE OBAN JED INT9 OYEB M DIFFERENT EE- BIdNB. Theae ptcuirea are done In BBOhZBand GOLD, and are magalseentir tinted, rantoa or rue poatrj aeoompanj the plotaret. THIB MATCHLESS OEM malt be eeento bo appre- ciated. Price |1 THE CHEAPEoT ABTIOLE EVEB (rOTTEaT BP. Addnaa 0HABL13 EDOAB, No. 901 Broadway, 30.U New York. TMOK8 BT THE MILLION! J5 FOB TBE MTIilONI AT PBICES TEAT CABBOT FAIL TO OIYB BATTSFAOTIOrl TO BYBIIY BUYXB. J. B. FABBtLL, No. It ANN BTBEET, (ONE OF THE OLDEST ESTABLUBMISTS LS TUB CUT OFNBWYOBK,) baa the Urgart and beat aaMrtmant of Boo km, and ewrj artlcl* nanaD; tnppLad or the trade. Aar aillol* that can be obtained In anj ttore In the United Butea can be obtained at No, 11 Ann aireaL Don't nui to eall and examine the atoek, aa It aomnriaea ererrthlng In the aportliig line, Catalognea ainDg thi nlltat larnculan at to atila of Book! and ptlota fnrnlahea on eppuoa* Ion. Detleri ahonld g»T« me a call aa I am TflE LABOB8T POBLISBKR OF THBBE BOOKS, Aa, IN TUB ONION. Tboee about to oonuunoe boatneaa can obtain ITR7 loiorma. Uon by applying rn"' 11 ! or ti latter. 0»U or addraaa J, H. FAltBBLL, 30-tf No. II Ann etreet, near Broadwaj. s K ATBB. A. HACMILLAN No. ItS BBOADWAY, N. T„ (Nearly oopoatta the Firth Anew* Hotel,) Bole Agent for MAOkHLLArVa NEW YOBK CLUB.BKATBB, Blherwllh BBASFB PATZHT FABTENTNa OrwUhBtrtpa. .. Solo Agent for the HOPS PATENT BSATE. SMITH'S FINE BOSTON BSAXES. (Maraiirian'a Pattam,) AXD ■OULSON'B ZNOLIBH SKATES (Mwmllhn'i PaUero). A SHNEBAL AS80BTMXKT OF ' AUBBIOAN BXATES, STBAIf 'Either wtth FOGO'S PATENT BTJCXLE Or with Oomman Buckle. SEATIHO BOOTS, at the Ltlert Blgle. BKATTNO OLOTES for LADIES and OENTLEaCEN. OniLETB, BEATS BAOB, an, Ac, Ac THE COMPLEXION AND Editor Clipper : Dear Sir: With your permission, I wish to. sat to the readera of jonr paper that I will send by return mail, to all.who with If (free) a reoipawlth fnll direction! (or naHDg end using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will re> moye In ten itjt Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Fnokles, and all ImporlUes of 'the Skin, leaving the eamo soft, clear, mooth, and beautiful. I will alio mall free to thoae having Bald Headi or Ban Facet, simple directions and . information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Xooilache, In leaf than thirty daji. These reotpee are valuable to both old and young, and aa they are mailed to all who need them free of charge, they are worthy the attention ef all who prize a clear, pars Bids, or a healthy growth of hair. All applications'answered by return mall without charge. Beapectfutly yours, TH06. P. CHAPMAN, 2Mt Chemist aid Perfumer, 8S1 Broadway, N.T. BEPAIBINa AND BHABPENTSa DORS. Price List, with Ontf, ready after Nonmber 1ft, IHn AME FOWL81 OAME FOWLS) FOB BALB. OAMSFOWLSI THE WAIL OF AN AFFLICTED MAIDEN. [Bdna Ott JoUt pnduetUm of Bryant md a BnOtr Pad.) "The melancholy diya are come, the aaddtrt of a year; of wall' Ins wlnda-and Am and tnda npon my akin appear. Heaped la Ihe hoUow of the grm, the wltherad learia Ue dead; and the blung told hie made my raoo and arms qolta raw and red / The wild roaaand the archie died amid the inmaar glow-that aama whlah canard my one* fair cheek to tan taifrtait to I In rays fell from the cl«ar, bright beaten, u falls the ylagne en nun, and bromied my aktn ao mneh I fear twin ne'er be while again t Abl bleated thought I In Broadway a dorter doth reolde, whose UiHtattt Soap wOl boob restore my baaaty'a pildh by remorlng riintu, diaa, eracb, fan and frtclda from my face, and gin me both the whTteneaa of the Ully, and Ita grace 1 Qnlck, Helen, ay abinl and bonnetl" and ihe hurried through the door, nor tar- ried till ahe braathleaa Blood in Doctor (Jonnnd'a alore. S3- The renown which Dr. FELIX OOUBAUD'B Italian Medi- taut Soap haa acquired for 1(1 power In whitening, aaflenlng and cleaning the lain from plmplaa, redneti, nmgbncia, chaps, cxacke, cbafee, and other diaflsnrementi, leares nttle to be eald except to add that Dr. OOUBAUD'B alore la at No. aI9 Broad- way. >1_ I now offer tor eale my entire flock of Oama Fowls, some twenty TarlaUea, among them aoma very choke Fowla of my own Importation daring Oie past year. Erary Fowl warranted Dead aama. I hare brad Oarao Fowla tor the last fifteen yean axpreaaly for my own amusement, and for nine yean hare nerar seen one of them aliow the white feather. They win aland any teat For farther particular! address H. N. THUBBBB, Pomfret Landing, Conn. All letters muat be accompanied with stamp. S0>al* HOLLOWAY'S PILLS.—COUGHS, COLDS, ABTHHA.—The beat remedy enr known for cougha, colds, aathme, and if- frcUenB of the cheat One or two dcaiB will giro Immediaterelnf, and a conUnnanco a parmanent oure by glrlng frer^'.m to the rciplraiory organa, Sold crarywheie. 118 niCHZSI BOOK OCT. 'Ba RICHEST PHOIOOBAPH OUT. *a£» IF YOU WANT TO OBI BOMETHINO TO MAKE YOUB EYES WATKB, BEND FIFTY OENTS AND TWO BED STAMPS, And recarre them by return malL Addnaa 3J.Jl« Box 61, Saneoa FaDi, N. Y. P I ?'J 4 4 4 4 NOTIOE, NOTICE 100 for 98 CU.-J* ou receipt of"S» SJSJJ 2Q eta, x will aasd 100 SPLENDID PICTUBBS OF >■> FEMALE BEADTUS. They aro taken trom life. -ol MT Addrtas J, TATLOR, No. 3 Hides' Court, -%B jprmt* Filbert street, below Mh, Philadelphia, Pm,-ea h h k k i i i i p ? ? ? it •> it t n NEW BOOK. NEW BOOK. OLD MAID, OLD MAID, AND OTHER OHOI0E MOB6ELS* ENTIBELT OBIOINAL, BlOHBflT AND BACTBST YET PTJBLIBBBD, ENCLOSE PTPrT OENTS, AND BBCBTVE BOOK BY BSTUBN MAHj liberal dunount to tke 100. JAS. HATHWAY, - 10-tfk 39 Maiden Lane, R. T. ff^s^ttje^a^ej gta4}i wit* E 10H AND BABE B00I6, ^ OABTES DB VISTTE, BONQB, FLAYING OABDS DO YOU WANT ANYTHING' IN TBB BPOBTINO LINE I We are rare to have It. ao all ro of Ihe sporting rrateraltyaead hi a red stamp and we will lead you our three now circulars, win trerylhlng complete. J, G, OLEGG A 0O„ 33-lt* . No. 3M South Fifth at, Philadelphia, NEW BOOK NEW BOOK. MY FIDDLE-DE-DEE ZNrmBLY OBIGINAL AND THE BA0EB8T WOBK EXTANT, IT IS A WHOPPED, SPOBTB. PBIOE 91 CENTS. TRADE SUPPLIED AT |8 per100 Oopjea. TUB BPOBTBMAN'B GOitPANION, A HABE AND GLOWTNQ WORK OF 100 PAOjES, and NUMBBOUS ILLOBTBATTONB. COLD CHAPB ibould buy this work. Price II only. Addnaa CRAB. E. PARK, 77 Nassau street, New Tork, rjmz BPOBT'B P O 0 X 11 COMPANION. JUST BEOITVED FBOU PABIB, An alagast article containing TWENTY-TWO _ BEAUTIFUL BNOBAVmOB IB TBB BTOHSBT STYLE OF ABT, NOTHING OF THE KIND BTEB IMPORTED. ALL GENTLEMEN OF TASTE „.„ BHOULD HATB A OOPY. BAN BE OABBIBD IN THE PO0EET, AND AFFORDS ' „ MUCH AMTJgBMKHT, Bant, seaita, for |l to any eddiess, with our new catalegue of Books and BporUng Goods, Address -. n, BrmaioN a oo,, n *M M0 Bruedwiy, N. T, T ABOE L OTS OF TTOBT CHI CIS tar sale at PBT58 TOTANB, Turner ind Dealer In Irory. »In>matMat 1 NawTfei», 1TB A RTF-STAVES, BOYS.—This package was got np with the gnateit care and taste, so aa to ault erary Sporting Man and Lover or Fun. II Is BIOH, BABE and BAOY, and beats all creation. jarBaorUden'tfalltoaendforlt Price Ho, Nnffced. Address 2Q_3m» TOM 00LL1N8 At CO., Drawer 800, Detrort, Mloh, WHIBKEBS AND MBSTA0HES FOROBD TO GROW UPON THE BHOOTdEBT FACE In from THBBE TO FIVE WEEKS by using DR. BEVIQNE'B BESTAUBATEUB OAPILLAIBB, THE MOST WONDERFUL DIB' COVEBY IN UODEBN BOIENOE, acUmt upon the Beard and Hair In an almost miraculous manner. It haa been used by the elite of Parla and London with the most Uttering anccaas. Names of all pumhaaera will bs raglslared, and if entire aarlafactlon Is not grronln erary Instance, the money win be cheerfully refunded. Price by mall, eealed aid postpaid, IL Desoriptire olnnlars and teaUmonlala mailed free. Addraaa BBBGEB, BHULTZ A CO., Chamlala. P. O. Drawer 91, Troy, N. Y.. 30-111* Sole Agents for the U.S. rBEAUTIFY THB COMPLEXION, Use "BHULT8' WHUH LIQUID ENAMEL." The "En- amel" will nmore the worat cshb of Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Moth Pstches, or Snsburs, in from four to six days. It wbiions Ho akin permanently, and imparts a freshness and transparencr to Ihe complexion which Is perfectly natural, and wlthoutlnjur t to the akin. No toilet la oomplete without It Price brmal. sealed and post paid, SO cents. Address 3M3l» 0. F. BHTJLTB, 185 Hirer at, Troy, N. Y. TTTONDEBFULLY STBANOE. W MADAME M. H. PHRBEGAULT, Who has astonished Ihe aclentlno ol i sae s of Pariaand London, baa now narmsnentlr located hanalf al Albany, N. T. Madame PEBBEGAULT, by the aid of her wonderful Imminent known as the Horosoope, guarantees to produoe a lifelike picture of the fa tin hutbsad or wife of Ihe patron, together with the date of marriage, leading tnlU of chancier, occupation, etc This Is no humbug, ss thousands of toaUmoolaia can aaeert She will send, when aeaued, a written guarantee that Ihe picture is what U jmrpouU to be. By staling age, height oomplexlon, color of aat-and hair, and induing SO oannaad stamped enrol ope, dressed to yourself, yoa will nodre tht picture by return mslL Adlress MADAMK M. H. PEBBEGAULT, 91.131* : i P. O. Drawer 313, Albany, N. T. ADVUBTISEMENT**. AD V KHTIHEMEN XH HOW XO WIN AT ■ ATOM AMD DICEI mall (Free) a SUBB cetbiu ol auuuug at ALL Uit fenou! gamra; 10-11 ILLUMINATED Inks, s^TEEN emu each, tight for |i, • B uttTllb , on feealpt vfprloe, oy Drawer H, haw Barev Ooso. 5i-llV> N' DP* rjED, "POP GOES TUB WEASEL, 111 - All hands 'oml 11 A Pack at TBANSPAbKNT OABJil rot |1 M. A BuDy Boys' Song Book for (0 csuta, A "Buprrlah" gtory Book for So cenla. a dosen ioraly Photographs, II.M. A Pack of Marked Cards, II.S0. Audi II -A Whacking, Welllcklng, Wldkkuinui Circular Jar NX. no. BUBN8, ag-ttt 71 Beaten aasst. New York. • P ? 9 P 1 t? ^ « XTOV CAN GET TK08B BOOKS" by mall K.," or by X sxpresi, ' 0.0. D„" or at No. M Ann street New Tork. Band your address one stamped enralqp for a Catalogue. 9Um* Cut this ont 0. BLANOHABD, Publisher. k k k k fc i i i aa YOU (UN DAVE 13 COI- PROBED F101UBXS A>D CAT- ALOGUE rOB It 0E3TS. 49- ONE ALBUM CONTA1R1NG 13 PHOTOGRAPHS FOB 11. a- 10 PltOTOORAl'Ha (RICH) fo b 3d nsNrs. MIOBOHrOPIO RING CONTAIN. ING FANCY VIEW (ANY ttlZEJ, H n. Kf OUR NEW OATALOHUE AND PhXTTY PIOTUBb; by Bond. Ing l lamped and addreaasd enrol- ope to J9-8. H. DAVIS ft CO. (7 Nassau street, »:t , New York City. AJD V1SRTIBEME1VTM. pHXLAB's 1MPB0VED B1LLIABD IAB1 AND OOMBINAT10B OUBHIOBA TbeaalumrdTabJoabarewouredtaannouiliJlad sBemal e> _e basa players and most competent mages, wee taniussi- any^moojo»dUiasnMeflusUed>>rgjtiaral asoaOaaotand H , tieren Jiatmcl palenti for mtptvrementa m Bmard Iibles kam toes trtnted to us by the United Bates Patent Ofaee.aaAweMa latch; obtained s patent froze the French (Jorenaen sareas lav aroTauanu la billiard ciahfons. ■e employ. In tie eosstructtea of ear fables, a rarlaaj at sss> ohinee ipodillf made for th' purpoaf, by wkloh maanawsaiaav - ablad to Insara a aotantttto and rnerhtnlosl BCTormcy alOurt sa> known In bUllsrd msnufacr r re. Bulos a long exiierlenot and IIiubimIi kiowledsa ef aQ as* a» obaaoaa <i buliaraa, and constantly oobaad a large Block ef tM beet ud meat lharongbly Masoned matarlala, wa srsprrpand at f^jnlaheieaTUilng retulrad m thahCUard una with unnraealasnsii ■rw^lnti.t French bmiard player, U. Bertsi, haa pttiBskOw ' ttisiojlowlnggplnloni "Nsw You, 3d August Igat ^^(he onof lesrbumaTtaliMgraaM, I am happy ta flliiasw . loaBamatenra of bUharda that, after a tour u aTcrea sseaSu Uuougb the praapal asea, I hare boon enabled to radge ■■■> lafactOT minner of the rerxdiorir> of tie uilllsrd Tswes rsaata> nutated by Phslan fc CoBenda, The aystem of manu.Vtnre II soBiperlor, that I tm sappy u uitmosoa laebr style of ess" tnto France They bare unitel to their manunieture ol Amej Billiard Tables tnal oiihe clench Tables, of ramaraaMa axeeU_ andbeeut). For these reasons I am happy tn n^lt ihi. ^^j.^h^ "BEtlGBU, CLAUDIUB, Profeaaoi oi liuilarda, yarls." Fsrtlos ordcrug.trom us will And our priori n low aicciedwstw Ban poaaibly be msde for, Wt i(Unisl<lamarucleaatawBZiaw and win net make an Interior arttcli at any pnea. Orders by null careftuly and promuily Tfliialiaael Cafslognes and Price Lists aeat by malt "Ira Bruiiss Oat H ajaarualpabllebodmthemterestof nliisrda, andcotitalalaa]ea> talla of all neralrlea, a ooofons racord of billiard nsws, and srerf > thing tntaresJng to asuateara ef blHlards, sent free on apt PHELAM k COLLENDE "TJICn AND BATtH NEW BOOKS." XV >0M NEW OABIES. from life. Sample, He MABXED CARDS. |110 per pa ci BPOBT1MG GOODB/ LATEBT OUT. CARDS, |110 per 13 goodb7u»*« u new books, fast published* Bend stamp tor MAMMOTH CATALOGUE. Address JAS. F, MANOHES, M-tfL m Broadway, New Tork. PBXTTIEBT LASSIB IN TBB WORLD, only ago. 3S-Sm« MASON fc CO., IS North «th at, PhDsdalnUs. fflJlv/.UUU nail for in lastly. Address jf>8m« 7 i. M. BBAUSX, Maxatowny P. 0> Baa samples .thai will aaa Berks CciPs. » *T>nUHHI" ASVENTUBIB of JEFF. DAVIS, a most comlral JT book, leal onti aO ana esgrstlr. . Sent free. Address BUBTBR fc BBO,. Hinsdale, N.H* irlnss, only iBpjiVb for^H^ THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND ONLY RELIABLE AGENCY IN THE UNITED STATES. Arotd oountry mushroom ooneonia and one-horie dry eateb- llahmenti. Band to us only, and aavo yourself from being Rarnumlsed, ALL BOOKS AND OTHER ARTICLES YOU SEE ADVER- TISED WE WILL FURNISH TO ORDER. WE DEAL IN GENUINE ARTICLES ONLY. NEW GOODS. "TUB BEAT, BDHON PUBE." None ol your eld, played ont Tnbbtah, but aomelhlns that win make you "8NICKBB B1QBT OUT." NEW niFOBTAIlONB JUST RfiCETVED FROM OUB AGENT DC PABIB AND LONDON. A PHOTOGRAPHIC! NOVELTY, containing M perfect OUT and OUI Vlawi. for to canta. ITS A BTUNNEB, BOSS. "THE COCKALORUM ALBUM," 11 COLORED ENGRAV- ING B. "BOOT1BUL." Price 11 SO. THE ALBUM DIABOLIQUB, THB OBBATEBT ARTICLE EVEB IMTOBTBD. SIZE 7xt INCHES, COB TAINS 41 OF THE MOBI FAMIABTIO PICTURES THE IMAGINATION CAN CONCEIVE, A BOABOE ABTIOLE. PBIOI It. A MET ALIO BOOK, OPENING WITH A SECRET SPBIHO, DISCLOSING FOUR BABE PIOlURhS IN METAL IBAMBS, PRICE IL CHEAP. TWO IMMENSE BOOKS. NEW. TREMETOIOUB. No. 1.-A GREAT BOOK, "THE COURT OF CHAHLB8 IL" FIVE HsNDBOMR ILLUSTRATIONS. 11.15. No. 9.-A BIOH BOOK IA PERFECT LOVE FEAST), CON- TAINING FOUR EXTRA ILLUSTRAHONS. BUT IT, PRICE | LIS. ECO Otter Curious Works of Art BEBPA STAMPED ENVELOPE FOB OUB ORIGINAL MAM- MOTH ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, ENUMERATING EVERY ARTICLE IN THB TBADB THAT IB GENUINE OB WORTH HAVING, AND FIFTY OTHER ABIIOLES THAT OAlTslOT BE SUPPLIED BY OTHER PARTIES. ggy Wholesale Dealers will consult their own mterest by send- mgfor our Prloe Lilt "•"— 37 Address MOBPBT * 00.. 81 Nassau atreet New fork, ABE. ANT BOOKSELLER OR NEWSDEALER FOB RA*«4f<a| I eTO and hogueries of nbw yobk. UviUI19 Mow ready. leUi ell about Lot. tertss. Policy Deslers, Hatrlmonlal Adrertttemeeu, •■Personals," Fartona Telling, Witches of New York, Gift Oanoefts and Olft Jewelry, Qunblsra and OialxVio- ' Urns, Garrotug, Highway Robbery, Plckpoakeis, Pstset Safe, Pocket Book Tjropplnf.Tnltnble-rtg, Csnoart Saloon and "Pietly Walter Glrlr," Bochu Erl), Pro:ureases, Panel Game. Hackmen, Quscka and Medloal Humbaga, 8. T. 1N0 X, Mustache Fonare and other Bwlndlea, Pitroleum Swindles, Babble Com. Sales, Gold Mines and Mlrilnf Companies, Lore Powders, whst •y are made of, How to Become Inrlalbie, Agrloultural Prophets, ftanamutatton, BibrsUon Agencies, Sewing Machine Swindles, Pereanbulallng firfndJen, Oonfldsaoe Gamea, Profes- sional Beggars, Rain Wanted, CoonWftllcre and Oonntarfeltlnir. ExposesslI Bwlndlas canted on through the MalL Shows up all kinds of Rascality. A meat Interesting book, and one of great rahie. H30 pages, boanUmllylUustratedVrjnlyBFJ cents, ldTToldbyatl Dealers.. J. a BAMEEfc CO., poitpsli aism* PjuUikers, 109 Nssssu it, New York. 1 A1 -BOMBTBING NBW.—Na 101' Is the BEST MARKED XUX OABD erer printed Bent free by mall on receipt of 11 To be had only of J. T. COTmffl fc CO., Chicago, m, Jl-Jl' CBD3BAGB BOABDB, a recevredbyJ.T. uarrtmant sad al all prlcea. Just [0 fc CO., Chicago, ni 81-lt* S75 WILL bus a full sot'of FARO CHECKS of SMt* J. T.CDTTTKQ fc 00., ChlOlto, DX BIOH AND BABB Nsw Book and Carta da Vtslte. Sample 9C cts., ore lor fl, and bylhe 10OIB. nSndturNewOalalogiM DB OABTBO, 77 Hassan at, New Tork. 83-lf NEW BONGS JtrST PUBLTSUn), Called "THE BPOBT'B OWN BOH OB," THEY ABB BEGULAB BMABH BBB. THEY TARE THE HUB OFF YOUB TEETH. BOYS, TEST ABE STUNNERS. Price IB cents each, two for 14 cents, or (en for II, Address TOM COLLINS fc 00., sejin' Drawer 800, Detroit, Mich, rnBANSFOBMATION PHOTOGRAPHS, X 6LXBPING BEAUTY. Three pictures in ana Oomplete only M eta. Address H. B. FOX fc 00.,* Nail Ann street, New fork, £0E HTLLEB, JR. A Book sunned toD at Jokes, Comical Stories, Willy Bay I, Funny Puna, Laushabra Oonisdrumi, Humorous Poetry etc. Price 10 Mots, Address orders to 80-9m* Box 8110, Post Ofloo, New York. MATRIMONY MADB BAST, err Mysteries of Making W _ Lore.^r) Fully explained, «ilh JST 90 speeltnsnV 49" Lore Letters ssntbi' msTl, 900. "P* 3a4nv» F. LAMBBRTa, OOBB fc 00 ,900 Arch st.Fhllild'a, Pa. Si PORTS POCKET BAHDKBBCHTBF.—Presto, Qnlok, Obi age. I Bully for Ihe new Idle. Bent post paid, Tor lit. »W O. B, BAIJ. fc iQO.^130 Brosdwsy, N. I. NOW YOU BEE IT, NOW YOU DON'TI—That curious, tbangeable poiket nandkeroblaf for Bporta. Only 71a, UO-ll' O. B. BALL fc OO, fllBroadiray, N. Y. ANEW THING, a flood Thing, a Big Thing, and Jolt the Thing, thst Bporls Handkerchief. Only 75c Addresi SMI* 0. B. BALL fc CO., 1M Broadway, N. Y. aaOAY BOYS' JEfT BOOK. 40T U Ffianrlngs aid 10 1 ofthesBTFunnlMtSoisagar Mailed for 80 ctnls, Addran " ' 8J-lt» J. TAYLOR, No. 9 Hides Court, ta FUbart Itreet, below Mb, PhUttlslnlus, Fa,<?M QOMBTTHINa NEW IN MABXED OABDS,—We a re now m an, n nfulurlng 13 nsw stylai of Adrsnlage Cards, ENTIBELT DIFFERBTTT from the old ftylH of stamped oard. and cannot bl told trom the snare carta. These are not msde by any other parties, and eaa\» had only of us. to- Send 10 cents for »nyl» andOlrculars. a-Jl» jTt. CUTTINQ fc CO., Chicago, DL WEAT OLOTHB for "Ohuek.a-Lucs," or orcr and under aerei, i can bo had In the West gall of . „ ^, „ U-aie j. f, CUTTING A 00., Chicago, m, s ADVANTAGE 0ARD8 of erm kind and pall band. J, T, CUTTING fc CO., Chicago, DL kind snd patient always as (ftrr f» WILL buys full let of »»»S?. < ?5S^ m « m (j) I 0 81-3t» J. T. CCITIKG A OO., Chicago, rtt, POKSB OHTPS, rsne also, >M 111 Ml, for «*• 110. To be bat only at J. T. OUirrHG fc CO, Olfgo. TO- «Mf 25 TOO CAN HAVE 38 01 IHE PRETTIEST «J)A OAF, OsY.OAY, "NEW IDEA" PlOTURia. t Thus—you see the Picture, ud thai-and so-yen don t. «9- Baal Humeri -*» 31 lor •<> ? iV??'^,i? r u Addiees G, M* HuUiAliir,* No. HI Fulton street. New.York. ■vroncEi NOTioBii Nondin "wieinii vontntnii JM Any parson aendlng us wx, with a atamped enralepe bsar- (ng their addresi, will recarre 4BT19 -mi OF THE MOST 8*™ M £1 IC ™BE8 erer aten la thli oouslry. Tbware laken from Ilie^Jnit im. pegedaudrerych-p. vBaAOSfc cfr GAME FOWLS FOB BALE.—I hare for seta some of the best Game FowUtaUtlsorsnjolr^coun^.brtd bymyse« exnaeslyfor the Bit I hire tajwrted fowls sent me ftom Europe erary year by a brother tmng Ihere, who selects me the beat that can be found la that oonnbry- „ _ giail* . JABBS DEW1TT, Euulrs, N. Y OW TO WIN WITH 0ARD8.-The 'Oonni' «» >• » with common csrdsandJhetaeeot the cfu^a wl 1 beBeen by the dealer, end knowing JUST what your oppoj"!; WJ£ their hands, wni enable yen (o win •TeryUme. ftnt on receipt H yen _ - of 11, with full directions for u»r, LOHQLR fc 00., Calngo, DL rTtHAT axqelsltely Bsey Poem, "THE FTBST FALL," sod a do- X eldedly rich Photo sent oureoelpt of ate. Address JMm« X. THORNTON, Box U0, Brooklyn, N. Y, )rjROHARQ<a AGENOT. , BOOKS, OABDf, Aldreas M-sa* KBIVES, CHARMB, Ac. FBANTZ LEGBAND, 31 John atreet >ew Tork. ATI TAUaH—Ssnt free by man Cor TWELVE CENTS, Twain for ONE DOLLAR, by ■ , DAT fc BOM, It-lit* 76 Oaiirtn street, New sUtw.Ocijb. ROSE SEYMOUR, or the BaBat Ottl's Berenge, 91a, Femsls -Life in New York, aBrei^enaraTliiu 80c. The Beau. Uful French Girl, lDuttreted. 3to. 71. LAkOXBT MOORE fc 00., 3«d Arch street, PhUadelphla, Pa. U-on TTABTMAN.fc CO.. IL Box im New Tork. Fancy Mlcneeoplo Charm•, Pins, Ac Samples sent for 10 ots. Knlres, |1 U> Id. BporUng Oooda. 9t-la« ^BjflCBOSCOPIO GAY P10TUBES, . JUL ■ in CHARMS, PINS. KNIVES, ss. Simple sent for Wets. Xnlrea, fl to Id. Address ■ . - F. LEGBAND, 98.8m* 18 John i treat, New Terk. SPOBTB, ATTENTION I Ityouwnta TIP-TOP SPOBTIMG OABD, send II ots. to TOM COLLINS fc 00., and yoa win reeetro the Richest Oard yen erer gated upon. Addnaa T6M 00IXIB8 fc CS. Drawer BOO, Detroit, Mich, OAT \ QAT1 GAY I -0 *SW - JUST IMPORTED, ■)*}•) JFaT THE BEST 1HINO lflTHBBPOBXWQ f f f LINE. DONT FAIL TO READ IT. It coatl you only 38 cants. It will please you slL It la handsomely bound and neatly printed. ■ A BIOH AND SPICY THING-FOR THE POOKXT. Address TOM COLUNS fc 00. Sg^B* Drawer 800, Detroit, Mich, LESft )N ouL. Th« Or, MAOtO MADE laABT.-i Nit ltatiurti ■Mrtcw|4iMboA cm largiramtini Eucfat trfluni pMtoat KoihlBf llktU. ltHUa bow bnittnu auul put U t TWdCrom bli boi, to ttl' fin i Uusthlpi Ou i Bill tad DBvrlyXQ other f OpdCai parfonDtatts of Lbe lldliHisaUDlaV 94 MH, WllJ _ , _ AND MOUBTAOHXS Dt FORTS-TWO DAYS. DR. BOND'S CELEBRATED BPAB1BH warjiiai Is guannleed to force a toll set of Whlskere Moustaeheslnsutwseka. ; IT CANNOT BE BEAT BT ANT 0*008 , ONGUBNT, FLUID OR ANYTHING EVEB INVENTED. 40s- Birrxricnos Goiruirrais o» Moam BarrnrDin, PBIOE ONE 1H3LLAB, orlpsoangtafartl. Aa^rees sll orders to J, T. CUTTING fc 00* ' M-3m* III Dearborn street, Chicago, IB, TOMPLOYHXHT. Hi ' HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO ALL, A few acflre persQUB, either mala or female, are wauled In each town and atr u Ihe United BlsUe, to engage in an honest, easy and rapectule brjslnese, by which many are making FROM |3 TO 18 PEE DAT. These baring lstiun erenlnga can male , FBOM |1 TOIJ PES BVENING. As this Is no humbug, we think no one will regret baring sent TEN CENTS, for full particulars, to GEO. a MELLEN, . 81-lt* ■ ,' LewUton.Ma, EIOH, BARE AND BAOY. JUST OUT. SOMETHING BIOH, SOMETHING NEW AND BIOH Sent oo receipt of 30 cenla end red stamp. Address H-31* • Box Al, Seneca Falls, N. Y. ITUTE STREETS OF NEW YORK JL BY GAeXISHT. SOMETHING TO LOOK AT. COME AND BEE WBAT'd TO BB SEEN. THE POOXBT Bl'EUEOSCOPE. dot one snd you will know 1— r* Ono Stereoscope sent pots paid, lor Meenli. Address A 8. HABT. Ilit* No. 78 Nastsu ttreat, Nsw York. FOB ll.-RBOIPE FOR SILVER PLATING.-Thlt «.„ w valuable recipe, worth |10o to snypirson, will be _ioo application to TAYLOR fc CO., 11.31* Box tn, Bochular, N, Y. 2^ OBNT SAMPLE SENT FREE, with Catalogue of terms lo stents. Address 8Mb? BATWARD fc CO,, 970 Broadway, New York. BEAUTY.—Auburn, Golden, Flaxen, and BUkin CURLS pro- duced oy the nae of PROF. DB BBEUX'fl FB1BEB LE OHBVEUX, One applloatton warranted to curl the moit straight and stubborn hair of either tex Into wary ringlets or heary mastlra curia. Baa been need by Ihe faablonablee of Paris and Loudon with the most iratlfflng resuler. Does no Injury to the hair, Prleo by mail, •Hied and eoal paid, II. Deacrinllre clrculara mailed free. \T^T BbBGEU, BSiULZ fc CO.. Ohemllls. * 0< ™ P.O. Drawer 91, Troy, N.T., 38-Ul* Sole Agents for the U, 8. TO FARO DEALERS. A FULL BET OF FABO „ „ . TOOLS, consisting of 800 Checks, (Inch and a ha win'bud and ring), Painted Layout on Folding Board, Deal, tats Doi, Card Preaa, Check Rack, Cuti Keeper, and one dot Uaen Desllug Cards, squared. All in ptrfoot order, harina cied bnlten Hjl ria AM AS OOOD AB NEW. h seal! ITuie reason for selling. Win send them 0.0. D., IfptrUea 'erire, Addreaa M. F. M,, Box 033, CbJcago, DJ. sMt" BEE ADVERTISEMENT for a fall set of FABO Ctt r (\ BEE advehth ♦Jl&U. TOOLS for I1M. 11150 BEE ADVABTIAEMEST for a fuILeet of fABe) .TOOLS»«r IH9, 30-01* O, M, 17 snd g| Crosby arrest, N, [ and TM and TM Monlgotnerr street Sen irinoiaro, OaV SOMETOLWO ENTIBELT NEWJ XXQUTSTTEI DEUGHTIULI CHEAP 1 gar The iAlest Parle Benaationi. St PO-CA-HON-TAS ALBUMS. CONIAIBUG FOURTEEN BEAUTIFUL PHOTfataBAPHS, Ts> ken from Life Bound In GUI Morocco, Vary Bsadeona, Sent pottage paid for 80 cents. POCKET MUSEUM <>' ANATOMY. A most Wonderful Ooatrlruee. astonndlng Bmwilsej) Beyond Description I Bant to any addraaa lree for SO oenta, TrtANSFORMINB PICTURES, The QenrBse lm| " new Ptctnreisn casta a ael FBENOH ANATOMICAL FIOUBEB Simple, "soulplureaqur." ln|tuleus and Oarloua Wort cf Art The set nulled free tor 80 csuta. Addreaa 90-tm* W. H. BORD fc 00., 187 Broadwayi N. X*. menried. - rTandeoreely Oolond. all ibareg*-thtyare atautra,^t Pries ee* PLATING CARDS. * And every Artiols HBsd in Osnei of Arnaia- ment or Obinoo, kept oonstantly on ntnd » ' . And for silo! .' f Sample Sheets of Vow Mtxkod Oardt Ani CuovliiB Sent Fret /' Addreii, CRAWFORD & CO^ No. 167 Broadway, Now-YorL aa> QBEAT BU0CXS8, -»S» "■W OVER 3000 COPIES SOLD IN FOUR WXBXB. JEFF. DAVIS IN THB CALABOOSE; OR, THE PLAYED-OUr CONFEDKBACY. 49T It Is the gayest book erer pubUaaed. ^» Prloe 3d cts, Greet Inducements to the trade. Addrtas TOM COLLINS A CO.. Ti-tm* Drawer 800, Detrol* Klcn, s PLAIIIG OABDS. And an ertlclea used In OAUES OF AMUSEMENT AND GHANCH, IrUnufsctartd, and eald si Ihe IowmI nrtwe, by j. st, liaLSOH, . 0-« eft Broome street, It* Ta WO B D B H B OUB B ■ -. _. CORNER OF BOWBBT AND BAYARD n'RUlB, M. 1: Sursls can be aoernnmodated wtth Booms by the day or Wteta wllh or without board. GEO, F. WOBBKN, Proprietor. 3» MiOSi" n'r'AUTII'lll FAIRY ALBUMS. 7JARTICULAB NOTICE TO BPOBTINO MEN! X UOWAUD M, GRAVES haa rsmored from 18 Hal to Noa. U and 87 aama street where can always be found tfcw - LARGEST and BEST stock of Sporting Goods In this dry. aunfc as ADVANTAGE OARDB, FABO BOXB9,.OHEOIB, LAX OtTXaV BOULETTB WUZ&LB, KBNO, DIOE, POKER CHIPS, AC, tsi EVERY article need lo WIN with in any game plsyed for money. A liberal diioounl lo fho trade. Bend for Circular, Alllllaarl answered by return mall. 10-tf Direct HOWARD M. OBAVBS, Id and 87 Naaaau atreet, -' . Nsw York otty. 'HOTOGRaPHB, CARTES DE VISITB-ETO* - BOOKSOP ALL DESOBiraOllB. ' TBZROn ALBUMS, MOTUBBS, WORKS OF ABT, BO, • • rjuculars sent on receipt ot stamp. Addreaf • B. Q. OABSRO, - . 104m* 201X Court street, BostOB. PLEASE TO TAEH SOTIGE—That JOHN ATCBTSON, the Ihe falthinl forwarder of If ------- Duane atreet, N. Y„ must now the falthinl forwarder of Books. Prtnta, Cards, Ac, hue of H , must now be ifldnaesi 9Mm* JOHN ATOHUON,ll7GreeawkhaV > R.T, . fflTHB X Or OLD EgTAEUSHZD B OOB AGENOT. Ofrcular. HRNBF SXaXnXHS, sfNesaaast TAKZE aoODWDT, Oomrausaoa Paper. Dealer, Be, Uf e| JOBS STRMT, near Cart Mew York. News snd PrtnUng payer auoractured to order at Oaf shortest nouoa, . ■ l-tf -TTJaTISBCBS AND MOUSTACHE IN TWENTY-ONE DAYS/- W Do you want rsxurlant Whiaaers and Meustechef If so, my Vcgetablo Compound wID force this. to. grow hearlly in 9 dari upon the smoothest fees, without Injc^r .o the akin. In* only thing that wlU make them grow It ao il.or* a toe, Itai - 'ecu are wondertuL Beat post paid *.c it y t Vreaa lor H. Badafaction guaranteed. Address lUm* reu u, H.U. HjBTCh Unrte», N,T. m m mmm. OF THI LATEST And BIST SUBJB0T8, • AGENTS WANTED In arjry wtj. LABOR PROFITS AND QUICK SALES, S.d ten oanu for sample ""-Wotu^ 4 : No. (80 Broadway, N. T. TTULSE MOUSIAQHES IMPORTED, all eoloni pries II a pakr. _T Marked FUylng Cards, ll.M a pack. Hair Ertdloator, Et a ih., D , juil gtad iiamp for clrcalsr of 40 dlOarent arUeras, ■ KMrnx Address JOSEPH LaUION fc 00, BOWhlU atreet, Not York. 1 r SPLENDID OABD PIOTUBEB, rich and my, tent Inane 10 relopo lot only |1. Address 3»4m« Box 19, Broad lie, 5. H, jog PHOTOGRAPHS OF FEMALH BEAUTIES, 38e.^a\ ioo Amerloan Aotraatet, oolond In aD, 9le. f£a esr> 100 Htm oral Photographs, colored to OIL 3so> a *Ss> la-jm* F. LAMBEBT MOOBn fc 00 M 301 Aran it, PhUsd's, Ps. M E D I 0 A L W 0 B E B. VALUABLE PHYSIOLOGICAL WORKS, By Uie Celebrated DB. HOLLICK. DLLVBTBATED BY OOLORXD PLATES I TEE MABBIAGB OUIDI Should be In the bands of erary married and single ptrson bs the country. The prloe olTlie book l». IL«* THE sUTEOlfB MANUAL OF 1UDWTFBBY. Every mother ahould poesess It Prloe Price... ,|Lt» TBEATDTCON DJBBABBS. a^. M »....|L,sti hrrosd In oloth, and profusely UurrmUd wiUa JaSSt SSS! »the Sa?pubUihed on the marriage rala- uJn!^o?lhe^"t^ StftSrsut end dls.ates et l^tiom. MEDICAL COMMON SENSE, ..I1.5C :7 94-131 78 Church street, New Ham, Com, ^rou CAN MAKE A FORTUNE by sending 80 ctnls for S > zin , BOX 810*. OUTitad, Ohio,