New York Clipper (Nov 1865)

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THE YOEK nwgj organ <rf WfVJ^",! rEVTSS ntet&.to ll*to*r*^ATAw*ue.« ««• wSTS*^- bwraed* Medtortkavi Je^Tfaare ettratlan in tha lane for that want,' !S£2ffMM4 uwaaet,or Betardly, Upav U4towtaUr*« FBANK UUBU _ ■ Knrraa ana Vbviiro% . • .. Ho. M Bptac»icroet,N.l ..ITaBBOADWAT. KB. DATE xwinxi, KB. J0LX8 BnUTTOX, . MB. XLWABBKB. ■ HB. J. H. BITOBV " kb. w. f-oma.\ ; MB, HBO, BBTAXT. • •MMjoCff HALL MoroH.BKPi.ija. iBotaoaotlheoeleiaetal ' BftxinW MntsniLS. , „1Dcpg^«lIi^kyo^gpopouiiltlnti ^'lilOTDlhir-WMb*- ■ : . ; " ■ ■ ' " '• . '•i ...irA-f^JAMimi inOHIBIH AMBlIOi.' - ' tk> gtala en'rupet+fnflr in Armed that -rTT - • -.7. 7 ABTKIfUB WABD • 'T'oOlUfl lLLUBTIAIXD M0BM0R BPBCUHTF MhW attaa oflhe Dolled (Ma, prior to bla departan far ■uocoaf or ran tsxisettxMiMFt . -a ■ ■ ___■ WHOLLY TJNFBXCEDEN'l'BD ■■ HB«>toT«tf »iliiiiii»miitia<ltt»hiiiHli» SIM '. 'lt^mm*m0*****m*m**t M hk . w lo» w «.*i.^..»..,we»M w w *m*i w ^: ; iOHABAOTHMND C0MI0 WIGS, at PAUL of ; M<l««k«i»t.«.».« ' . w . » ■ ■ t ii— ** * ****•.» * > if «. ,. ,. .. . . ' ■ . .Of- . . , ■ 8UILK&'8 GBBAT TBOUPE. ' WheaorMpen raeBembeeaegoalleid. r . OKNTNO NIQBT, *.,: ., ; TrTOBBDAY.AUO. M.IBS8, .'.Of tWaaTerlle afttbUikmmt, with • epUadid company ol ae* ■erde*4B>T0rU»e,bJ which- .•, NOVELTM-WILL BB FBODUCKD Dl ■ . .BANOSnOOIMIOM. T>awomj)»rAVOBiTP«' 'iifU »*. .: i. .1 TWELFTH ■ A-.l . _ ^I.*.ii7u "»T.-.■;"; . i- .r TWELFTH -•.i/.ft.i v ■ ANNUAL TOUB, IHill<ii| iiiiiijUiliininriiii Itmlii In rtm mr iT m nna ■< a*N man aflat neat brlDlant end ineoeoeraT tool through the '•XtWaren«UpBafliaao>vaadtteWott ' -o t .■. i owtmrnoj* Asd dLiatobs outdone, ... bt'|M'bmaa«ud(1nziHo ' ■ : ■ DTJFBQ• OBB&ll'S-UDN8TBa£L *".-.:-.::BOTLMQOTOPKaAIBOOTR- ADD BBASB BIBB, : "OMBMUI troup4 of IktmfUiMBri'ttoi ol tw«ntj4lTa HUP- ' naUtilii linllint ~ r- ^ir^TTT' • • HHlOPlUt BTAB8, : vtiatiM %r ih* jeopU mi (h* pnn to bo the tadtsf, Brill ok —BOODol thapiualtm, tenpattoita •rajrnqnct to tU ttnMttt tmpttli «ilitefaoa;lh« nnlt of twilrt fan w tiiiiiim*. iMliiiiiii'iiil bj ihanuUontBltbtoof IMantbe , SVAdBB.iw.-jt.s fOOlLiSIBBTTOB UADB&-OT BAND.. - IICOOAIi DIBBOTOB....... '•ttaemuriaBB..;.::; i... a H. BUPBBZ BIO. 0. BIOB1UX E. U. PABHELCB J.'T.'BVKHL /. » GSBEH , ...........A. JOKES .-.I 't.nBKAIOfOIH'HBXQBAI.bBDAIIBlKCOMPABABLB, >iwpo:4^)UICrnPD^lMBSlBIIR(HJI8Bn>ABTUT8 : >b «n■'■In Iiimii m» taUn■ nooUnntof 'AMBartc* thli vm<iI .:> —■>i. iMIIIiiii 41 ths|p«IMB*t'elUai tad tOKmt oa Uxlrionla, ■::imBBla>*5Fih« VtM U4itt,t)tiiiAi. toe btaod ot Oabi, H»w . nmn>>. In fmraflnd «n4 MonSootlA; Utroloclig to theli ...alBattTrtBtnmtoiuaf 4BsaiMipl«ulilg'SB4 tataUlnlnf new ..,.»jri(lBdpromiiljn*i«TB^«MinnlMtrel«T.' . , «-~„iTT«.. cDMmaoti'twciNia, C01. .JOB BLABZ5LZE, J 4 ** 1 "^ ISP JHEATB10AI. CURIA *\ PAUL bE m WURPHy 4 SMITH'S •. r-. M L 0l£uOBHU.lin!BTBBtfl, . ■ . Ui-- TBEMOBT; TBEATBB BOHTOM, MAfla. •;.., BtratraouB opiba ibodpband boabs bahd. joi-" !£■■-■■ ■■ BEHOBELTO AMD KHLABOEK. - '/iiiL'. smoorroK!l^^i Anmpairi. . ; Sn.iWX.COIiBBtABB W IBB fBOFIVIOB,. . ■ UrtAtommti throigbool Iho .Nt*' Bod1u< ' B»ntbibknbeeo cw«iTi4>lth. «..BX^OBUWDgD AUB FABHIpPABLB •■i»v : u o/,-- I'.-'AltMBNOIB, ••• , Ana by tlum^r^nnced tob»; ; ■. ■y" Ll, , IBZ'luSrt)tOTBL. ATTBAOlIVB AND OBKHNiLI ' " r'",'iV-—; iBoknolsiMat lo Amtrlcv ■ ' , ^' XMlLTBEiMCElNOtW. HOOLm MEW OKRft HOUSE^ ifm.u ■ OOBBXR Of OOOM^AIU) BBHSBR BIBIBTS, BBOODINj • , li now wa tor th* nnan with ... A 0BB4I BTAB 00MBINAT10N OT . MINBTBXLfl AND PANTOUnUBIB. THB MOR COMFOBTABLB AND UN SSI HAU ■ IN AfttEBIOA. ■ h -b ' la* Oompny tniDDrUH THE nTT-Bin DNBQUALLBD IB- IOBMBBS, nlncM lrom Ihi niat rmi» of lbs P/oiaMom. B.QBIULABD, A|'i. I3S-U1 B. M. HOOtET. Boh Pwif^ 1 RETURN OF THE FAVORITES TO TBS WIST. iipib teab or _ : " ONE CONTINUED SEASON. THB 0AB.1EB ZOUATB TBOUPB „ Di „ AND JOUNO PEHAIE BBA8B BilTO. ntoRtiurtliullrtwoMfalaMgptoj inpwArtioi.iMljp to Bwoba) anaboai u> mm la tbo M» of lb»U £•«•» «• T0 °A«rftil ■••i.: Ik* b*w latatloa of Plot VKFPBB, of t*»4op (ln»«nl« of Ibt niotoni '-Ghat"), o< «bloh tbt BfJUmon Amnios tpMAl of M . . "Motors to • ami ladnr, ion ota sant WU wbataU taj TiWDarnoott Uruooa. or diUikm atbar,wia aa ouatlaot J. BXBEAOjl OABTBB. ! Proprlator aad Maaa(tr. L. at W. BTEEBKi Aiant , BURtf89 1 fRENDERQA8T teoHI8 , Mmim . t MIN STBBLS. ■ PBOBT HBW TOBK AND BBOOXLTN. fa ornrJalu Iba abor* troopa for tb« *~rr» F1TJl u,,, WOITBB OABTPAION, tha KaafarAaatameoaincatad Artata of ZBTlabIa Otlabiltf oolj.' Barlac ■ ■ «BX0ELflIOB" tar (half raotto, (bar titter tbanMrraa that (bar bara aaeaeadal tapraaaatlBi tothamMla a aarlaa orBatarUlanaata • UNEQUAU^n) TN NOVELTY AND MXBJT. WMla <Bt aiabflr eratlana that aterjwhara inat than U tb* barl »TaUac* of tha fraalTardlet of paWla ostaloa ta Ibatt IhaBatof WtBloomwotod with lata aaparbarfaala*- 'arirtfta IbHowla* wall kaom aad onmraplad mr of MB. T. a PBENDBSaiBT. MB. ABCHIB BOOUU, MB. B01XIN DANA; UB. A. 0 BTONB, MB. HBNBT ELLIOTT, MB, u: B. BIN0IA1B, Ma. FBANK 3. OTLLET, . OHABLEB BB7K0LD&. ODOL BDBOB9B, V. B. DONNIEBB, MB. M. AINBUST BOOTT, MB. BAB BY PBENCB, MB. J08IPH BAILET, MB B. TBOHPMN, MB. OBAS. WILSON, MA8TEBS OBOBOX aa« Ta« ar*mQraitCamblutloD will,dartag ihaprannta rialt in tha phadpil elllea ol tha Uoltaa nutaa and Oaaadai. »tt , JOHN A. DUIOBlB, Maaaga.' 4nhJmmmmmmmimmmmmmk)iMinmm MADAME MAOARTE, THB OKLBBBATED BQUBBTBIKRVB, Maj ba aMiaaaad at No. 110 Blaaokar iL, Naw lock Ollj. BANJO AND JIQ DANOING TtugM by PATDDION. Tha nMWuat BANJOTBT aa4 J10 SANCEB, No. Ut Avnraa 0, aontrofMauhitrcat; Naw York, W-U» FREDERICK AND JEROME LUBIN, I BX.OOHfUBTBBANDNBOBOVANTfO ABTIBI8, Uttrafirtuua and Batigrtan oral) klndi ol Mlglo Avpantna and Ilallui Fob. cmlDuririgFI(iir<a Alto, Teaehcra of tha Art Madqaaand TaBtrfloqalim. Far Catalogue, bond etamo to 18J laoreoe llreet.NewTark. . , . . 97 lt«. TRENOR'3 WASHINGTON HALL, . WTLTJAMUBUBOH, N. T. Abasia aad othera latarorlad la nob- bo mtoitalaauali wiU Dad TBBNOB'B WABBINatON flATX, 09nth Baronta aod fourth atnrte. WilJlimalmrgti, ,dailnbl7 adapted. - Tha atagali Una and well atooktd wltb aaw acanarj, loot llahla>iedactora, Aa Ta'mi faTorable and no trlcka or baoa. 37-Smf J. B. TBBNOB, fToprletari - WANTED.—A Flrtt Otatt WENOH'DANOER, al Bneklaj'aaUnatielBBll Boaten. A4dr»aa 1 ■ | VIM ■ ■■ BISHOP BOOKLET, 98 On ton etrett. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. ,. JOB THE QB4HD OTBQOS OHIABUn, Tha foUowiu pombu ol flrat claaa aiUatea for aa a&ng*eaent ol fonr monDulo one )ta: I Dan»uaea,,4 Danaran, t OTarniila, 1. DanaeoaedeCorda.1 Danaancda Corda, IClowBa.Aiarobata,] Hah Bldtri, and a P« iul» Bid era, all of wbloh Bait ba Aral: cbul Tha UdMa and unllamen dealran* of. miklntf an eagiga, meat with U. OBIABINI.wul pl'afeeand Ihelr larau.'ea.-ioa InacattsdeTlaU*, to theCUpjerOffloe, adjraia&aio Ur.CBIA. BtNl or Mr.uOPPIA; tha UUarwIU ba In Nf» To* In Uu conrak ol a few dtja, f or the porpoaa of coatraetlng engaaamraM abaya namod nnmbai of arUatoa; Pint claaa pirforav with the era' will reeeWe high ailirlaa.' The OBAND OIBIJUB ot OKU feel* fjt^mTjJUCgtlQTll 1 faroMJu^ayttfl^wdL^ < >a>«awaw«a*aaMrlbk**« - LOBERZO OUfPlA, ,- Admbilatraaor y Ttjorero do U ! . , . • Cotnpitu^cuallot ■UDIES' AND. •aENT'8,THEATW0AL,WlQ3. IS w. Bonttoa atftet, BTi T,i. ,vi ■ ■ . i 804* AOADEMY OF MUSIC. NEW ObLbANB, LA. BPALDINQ, BOaEBB-fc«IDWBLIn Proprlelon MORS. LA IBOBNB. Slags liaugai Now open lor tha PaB,' Wider and Spring Beaeona ol ISA) and ISM, with tbe larrtat and rooal'Veraillle troope errroaaoenlra tad wllhai ihe Willi of any theatre In the world. -Pint aim arUrta In avarr Tirlrtj eaa obtain horatlTe aagage- nuatab/'appljlogaliOTs; it.u Lei Vr-:: TONY .PASTOR'S . . .. ccl ill rj.'l.t l: i-.'iNBW OOMBBfATION TBOUPB,' ■ 'I . TBX'LlBQBST.TBOUPB TBAVBMNO, . I -.. THK MOST TAB1ED AND .AMUHNO. PEBPOBUANOB. EVBB : WtTNBSSED IN THIS COUNfBT. '. . : WlIlTliitillUiaptlnflpil dllea c ! . . _BAU BHABPLBT, Bnalaeta Uaniget, . ~~ BILLY PABTOB, Slate Muuec. ; I. w, AlllKBoS, Aooat.' ■ . ■ ■ 1 - ,-SB-V 'TON K PAflT QB k 00.. PronrUlora.'. waawaaa*aawaa»waa»Aw^a«aaa^»>»»»»aawag^aw«« MR9. FRANK GRAHAM. IdTaatgerawlanlng lo engage theaerrlcoeof tbli jonagaad b> anteoverUit, for atar angageauaia, will allteaa P. 0. Boi OX), Sbaldaa.IlL...'.. . ., ., .... . ... ar ; »v» ACADEMY OFMUsior^'■ ■ ■ ■'' ' : !"" -•• . PHHOLai 01TI. PA. •! 1 Irrt c!an arllata HberaBr liiaied wtli br adgrcaatng .:. JUBN: WBAVEB, Maaagar; Box Std, or to. "^^AOTBM'rPANTOjllanBT AND DANSEUSB, 1 '■. la daa^pmor.anJMtBg lo an NtabUihed theatfe. lo mike h«r- aalf gaoarall/ nwfct Oan do BjIo Dancing, and la an eicatleal Ballet Mlatraaj-alao on pla; parta-ln piecea end in Pittomlfcie. Ii np In the prlaclpUrolai la the, "Pronot Btj/ 1 "Wepl of line BUCKLEY'S NEW HIN8TREL HALL,' ODBNBBOl" t .. .BUJUNEB AND.OHAUKOY BIBEBXB,; AaWa*(>a a> wa v ^ M awa s wk v wt^(Ba^^ Pattr'a LonlarlHiTliMtre, tho Mow Ui prmalMl Weattrn Theiiree. * , Damb"fao]r/ 1 '"Broken 'TlflM Dutchman/.' And rt»f abreogagementkal einphti Tboilrc, and otbaf ill ut Ih. l.»* n.k.. !>h.. i Theiiree. . ll a pnpil of the Lite Oabu,]iht' uj^gTeatDanaaaaoanaPanlomUnlal, Aadreaa ■»■■ - -, V il .' - r M yjfjWtV. '. ■■ ' .gLt»>t,wBa, CUpparjoaoa. BAtUOiTAUOHT.- THB 05LXI00BBB3I^b(ETB0D, BANJO MADE EA8Y« 1 ANTB1DT CAN LEABN UNION _ -II WTLUAMSBUBOB, L. L, JonoUoa of DrrlaloI Arenna and Glrner etreeL la tha Urgeal .w^ tinqtitt ^liyp^ilg rti.liMt .fl.plrf g.ll nn T/inff T.Wt^a .*>|, - OON0KBTe,.LBOtDBtB, . ) '-. ' ,„.-f t :v ■ :..MTNbTBEL AND 1 I.v,;,.'.,.:■!.: '.DBAMATIO PEBPOBVIANOBS. ' ' ."It ta fitted op In tbe'moat. complete order. Large aUga, fall lot of aoraery. fllia, reflkolorl, Cook Ugtata. etc. Will: be ranttd to the" profeafUi • on liberal term*. Applf al the oBca on the flrernlau, or bj mall to Boi 199 Brooairn.B. D.,lala WOllama- nirga'PlO. .' ':■ ■' (97-lSia •. ■ . WfLLBT A BHOTHER. 1 ».i»nTMi«iii./i.iaiii BOOK MIILBO, - »l| " m made to order and aeoLto aop part of the oooatrr. > t^euiaiHtclonoe lntoacblng.;' Bight jmiannoiber Bobt from IOjA/M, to 0 P, M. JOI BQcctaaor lo ..ATtKBroadwpf. ,1 WANTED.--A: First Olsn Troup* of Mln.trsls, or aoroa BiUblUon tbat oan fumlas aa entoitalnmrnt otob nlahl oa« makj commencing Norembar SO, at Ibe Acadamf of llorlr, Barelud. Opu, Addiaaa IV4I . i . ■,, ■ . . JOBN BLLSLBB. ' THEATI PAUL DB'Ul v WIGS !'■' : THEATRICAL WIOS I itW.HoaaloaitnetiJIrXi,. •■ • ao-li* . BANJO AraD ETHIOPIAN'J|G AND BURLESQUE DANOTNaiitihtbr' > <•■ ■• >".'JMm imrni ■ DANOnaiihthtbT .HSMntt.: ■ . Plra^O^-^tri . ..JOBN. BOOAN, UI rUatbrnfiiob elnel, N. T: , Uiitndma to t'llt Aatinlli, can .negotiate OEOllOB OOPPIN,. Tbaalrloal Agent, .Melbonrne, Victoria. Analralia. .^^JSkwimXM OF HALLS IN THE WEST. , PBOr. J. U. MiOALLIBtBB . . &i!e?!i«%rf!L.S !5t!^ olUaa and lowna or the S nifnu '""^ •* bU agent, . ■ fr.n „!7 ■ m^W V. ™p«>fa"r reqaealod not to aUiibanSBlUian^nima wltbihitot Ibe to alilod.wrj. MolUlatet, who la mora gannlly koowa throaob Now Enalend and Canada t^ciafWaJiJildloaiitl, aUMlfletonNiWr. .,.,,« t M*v. JAB. B. JARWAT. Agent for 1 ' J0I:I»«« ■ ■ ■ ■• - J. u, HAOALLlSfEB. |a«arawra»rB/^a*waraa '^ a r- a a -a^^ I j ajri ,-, ,-. r , ■ - TQJ^^OERS^ ^vi-^awtit •ui. 1 ... iafljai..aAI- lajhA Wnfifja^nd aiall. d>Ter«iaed ot mjCdjoow VBarpnm'i Hottum, " Uoibtoa alreeL —'.; ' Ap^oTbSh^'Valajtonllr; * J a-iri.rijunj^i.Vi-ijlri-hrLrirr>-|— J ~* , A "W TJATE VjOMN PLAYER Wlehll tb^rV . ■ ^wlea^^pAt «t flnt cleat kfmatral Oompkir.' Adifreat iiL'.-i ..jojtjJj.\7i.i«.r! .J ' _ B. 1 raaUalA^cirreof . "^•"OLOWNT WaatHw»oaajlra>», *1 PAUL DE SCdttE 1 *, It • wit* TONY PASTOR'S OPERAJHOUSE. opxb! xVebt nioWanS'batobdat AITEBNOON, . :•' -THX OBXAT PAWLT BBBOBT. ,., THE MODEL TBhtPLB OP AMUgBKENr. . , .. LABCIB AND OOkfPLBtB OOMPANT, andtrtluUfaoteB of the renowned '' TONPPABfOB, greeted aValr/'bT hrowded and faabJonabU tndlKBraa. ' db^ BioAaBknirn always open fob aOOD'fiBrOBMEHS In any "-* Tftimellr; Opmtto, TuaatcbontB, Paatomlmlc, Aaobatlo, or BlMopie. AppW petaouaflr orlif tailarto ., SAMUEL at BHABPLBT. IMf fioiMiaa atinagtr. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~'~ i junj'Ln,~i » ~ i r i n ~ i r » n n ~ i n r.1 rMir* » ~ i ~ i WTY HALL, „ m „„ -„ , - ■': ■■ pBOVOlENflB. B. I, Oan be ranted for Ooaearta, Let rone, aud rabUe Amuamasta. The Ball tea .beta aowlj pals (ad, d Minted, reatLaled, aad otbaraiaa tmprvMl. II u Voealae, oa tha nrrl fioor, with tow aapante deorai batag taw largaaa, moat EUaible and OaiBautabki Hall la the City, CBABLES H. HinsmOTON, BoxSM. . THE RAINFORTH TROUPE Are parforalag la Uu ^( , ' B °^ , ^ 1 ^^ l ' v! Q** 0 ' Tha oelebrated Olaarlod Aetor, Daaaar, BeTei Maatw, Paata- rxunbrt ant Trlek'Olon, from Baraaa'aMnaaaavNaw Totk WIT, wm appear n ■ THE MABfC BOX, _ . ^ y - Introdn^gUaloTbiwlMatlaalablMMeka: THX M1BTXBIOBB OBXST, < THE QOBMAND1Z1NQ MONK, THE MAHIO TABLE OLOTO, SBOOOlNa TBB OLOWN TO PIEOEB AND BX9T0B1NQ HIM TO LVE. MB. JOHN HOLLTNCB, LA PETITE HATTfS BATNPOBTH ... Al tha HaoPT Old Womaa ■USB MtLfJPA BAUEOBTU, Paatanrouet, Actraaa A Dtaaanea BlLLTBAlNrOBTB... TJUIaagBabt* Oaade Baagar CBABLET BAlNFdBTH, Emm trio Comedlu aad Pantoaatailit JOHNNY HALE, the Amtrlcaa TloUaltt, aa Maatoal DUanaor andLaidarofOrehaatra. ., . Tkfcala, Sf otntai ouldren, U oaalav Doora opes alTK o'clock. To oommenoe at t% predaelj. ■ l»U F. MABSHALL, Agaat. aaVajalaiga^rBawaaBFbip^ «»Ungij,(0P, Addreaj, Mea*.' SKIFF <t QAYLORD'S MINSTRELS, THE OBUT EASTIBN TBOCfB, now refocabM tram tha PAB WEST, wbera ihay have been par- fOrmlog for t£a pan BET AN IIONIHS with tha pwlul anooen erar known ih lEe hletorf ol mlnatrahr/. harlai nude a toot IkioogB Mlaaoorl, Xanaia, Oolondo Tarrlt.rr, Mbaaaota, aod —" gnatad with the roott crowded and rblnnatMUa Ooi eomnanr la now enlarged, and toctodea at FSB- fTwrjwbcre i with a ^lcndiA QUABTET, HAMHOIB OBOBBS- J OOMBDIaNS, together with the Campion Clog TMscara, SBLBHANTi andWABD.who chaDeue tha world to oompelt with tbam. Oar BBAB8 BAND la the lwgeat and boat DOW ttaTtllna, toapoaed of P1PTEBN BOLO ABfloTB of known POBMBBB. with a apl THA, FOOB cOafBDl THE ORIGINAL BAINOB'B OBBlBTrs MIN8TBKLS bbabs^Sand. J. W. BATNOB 1 ..: £ ;.aole Proarlator aad j<»agar THE ONLY PBBS0N BATING'TBB ' B10HT TO THB TITLE OP CBBlBrfS M1NBTBILS, Al dacMad brlk* Hob. Jadga Dark, of tha Court at Apprali, Hew York. Thla Troope, ooapwarl ot Twraij aokaowMgcd irkUta, an now on than* Second Tonr auca laelr ntara fiom Europe. Thar will appear InaD the principal elUii In tha Union pra- tioaato tba OPXNTNQ OF THETB OPEBA HOU2=, NEW TOBK. »tf H. A. HANCXEB, Agaat onapeta antk (baa. abUltr. .ThuTronpawUlBakaatoarallhaBABTBBN STATES tha coming an. balm retaining Went ta the aceaea of their mracrtrnnahi.' ...... LOOK OUT FOB US. BIJFP * QATLQBD. ProprlataiB. M* T. 8ETTF. Manager. C-Srn 0. B.' BIOHABDSON, igant. AMERIOAN HOTEL, . . . HABTPOBD, OONN. A A.BA0OX Proprietor Maaaganaadaganlaol tratallog tmopetwiU nadaplaaaaa and comfortable noma bare, aod erarj altaitioa pud to their ita. Beat la a onlral locaUon, latalf lagrtad and famlehtd nghoat, aad with arraral Teara* eiptrleaoa aa catarar fat d»r*«a»aB, tt*BiopiletoT hii erery mnflilaBf« that be eta gtta ■ ' XNTlfiB SATIS PAQT10H to all who map tarar him with their pairoaega. Tama alwara aa low aa the Umee wUl admit of. M4f CiNOINNATi ENQliiRER^", OBBAI WE8TEBN BIOW PBINTOIO ESTABLISHMENT. Manager! of TrtTellag EakiblUoaa are notmed thatwa are ra-fnr- ^aim —»ttttWrh~r" "*'*■ "■* > "d °°»t tutUiii WOOD BNOBAVWQB, *** l r > ** 1 ']'*«»■ ornouaxa, mtkaoibies. BIHIOPIAN PEBPOBHANOBB. TABIBTY IXHlBrnONB, _ . OlaWASTa M4.0I01ASB, At, At., anil are irepered to nil all e:ajrt ta a iijla of elogtnoa aerir ei- celled In tma oonnbT. . .., ■ . BaT* A dopoaU roaalrad oa afl work ordered, gar AH ordan wul raoalre prompt alUBttoa U aldreaed to PA BAN A AULBAN, , TafabmOaua, 1Mb* CadaBlU, 0. MISS JENNIE MIGHT. ' TBB VBB0AT1LB COmBDTrBtNB, la Darmpprt Iowa, Oct, i; OlndoailL Odi 58; Lomlrrllle, Not. 1; NabTtD^ Daa. A; Memphla. Jaa. 8; Booaeelar, Jin. M; Troj, Pab. 8;Boatoa,PabJ9. Addrata aa abora, or to M-Sm* BOBEBI JOSEi, Howard Atheoaaa, Boi Ion. NEW AMERIOAN THEATRE, WALNUT BT. ABOVE BIGHT H, PHILADELPHIA. ' OPEN FOB THB SEASON. Acknowledged by both the pnblic and the preae to be one of tha moat rplmdld Theetiea In America. Ftawt CUM Sara wlablag ntghta, addrean P..O. Box Wo. . JL POX, Proprietor and Manager. U ' ' JAHia fILOBleL Stage Managar. NED F. OAMPBEIL. VOCAL'AND lfiSIBUMEATAL PEBPOBMEB, eta be aagaged bp addreaalngaa. Vol 110 Waleilown, N. Y, JbMob* NEWARK THEATRE. ' .... The abora Thatn la now open for Ibe. Pall and Wlata Beuoa,' with a foil aad Brat clue DruuUa Company, aider laa auniga-' montof . • MBSBBS. JAB. M, WABD AND XDWABD PABXEB. Flrat olaea BUra are Inrlled lo negoaale, to whom liberal term! wUl be offend. Addraa Ihefr Buauaaa Agent, A.D.PrTOH. Newark Tnaatre, Kowart, N. J. P. B. WANTED—A Aral claaa Old Womaa. Addraa Imme- diately u ebOTe. 30-3me NEW MUSIO HALL. MILWAUKEE, WD300K8IN. Thla aaw, apleadld aad commodloae HaU, capable of earing era two < ^rer* t n1 rfrnmi, li now ready for.ooropaner, and la oflerad lor Inealrleal and Opmtto Performance!. ConoartiJ^ctora, Ac tc.,at raort.Uieral taenia. The l «conrUo"of the Hall la perfect ; Tor partloulan apply to OHaBLBB XUrPaB, - TraanrarMUwaoleehlnalcala^datT, UNION MALL, ^JAOXBOX, MICHIGAN, rata Ban, buDt regeidlea or expeate, b*i ataga, aotBery, foot Ugbta, bo, aad ta the nneat and moat oomplrte m an Ita appoint- aenta oteny la the conn try. Can be lenltd by the day, week, or monlb, forenternanmentaof aaeinda. geaieuOO. Addraa MM* : OBO. H.LATHBOP, Agent SUNNY SIDE CONCERT HAI tlABBVrLXB, TENN. Tkli ettabHahmaDt la now lo the roll tide or ea:ceae. Pirrlclaaa performtra treated with at allttmea. Addreaa VII* ■ ''Boxlas,XaraTOu,Tana. WANTED '■' " ByanrttcUa LADTVOOALTBt(Soprano), <0oodDreaaat"and"Bljla,"a ' . WALKJBO LADY'S BTTUATION, ' Addretf,withUmaaadlcrma, . .:...'..'. ' B. AND B., a«4-tr ■VERY LANTY. now pUylna Id the NswEnalind atee, will beat liberty to amagawRh maaana arter Aagaet lUh. AB oommnnlcalloDa addraaaed lo H. HAMMOND, lMg|e Saratoga Bprlngi, nnttl rnrlher notloe. Bot 11% Button A,' " Boaten,Hiaa. * ^ 0*****0***ye*ef^*jf*f** t NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION.-MsMMfa <A. Theatrta, Concert HaTL^wTnrelligTTObpet.wfilrmdUtstllelr adianuge to mor niillh order'i ror aoTtbiA*'that Ithey niey need m tbeproretttqo, ia we bite arall tlmea aome of iha Ttry baatlalebtlnthe eonntrTitilrteredon onrbooW TbOeewUh- engageaanta mttu nmuwiim itaee of toaiaiea mul f ocloee gramma andaatelo^rrjA'aalarT. 'V lagengagei programml wtafbowi , r W* Went pone trot thoie of .„known ablllr/J' Wo wintaHlru alallttmaalntbe roilewlng Imee Mbntmew:—TJeadlsg Men, Jntenlle atee. Low Comedian*, Old Men! Walking Oenla, UUHr/ Hen, Lading 'Ladla, Jorenlle Ladle*','Old Womra, Walklna LadlM, Bulging Onambormelda, and rUngovend Daooera ror Ooneert'nalla. Bngigemttta gtren Im- mediately. N. TJ.—Wanlod Immedlalely, a Boprino and Alio BlDger; alto a grod VloUnlet - Tula li a nrat nte engagement tar good artlata. Apply In pert on, or addreaa, wllh l lamp eoeloecd, DATIB A 00., Theatrical AgenU, 118 Booth Clark atreet, Boom 11; P. O. Drawer 89M, Chicago, Bt. awp >T-U*: FBANK EDWABUB, AgnlU ' SAJBrtadway, N. T. 'at^rl BOSTOP. WANTED, IMMEO'ATEtY.-~Fell' .'.';> I ..'.SpPBBS A 0BBBNVUUNS2BXLB, One good Middle Man, and an .extia. End . Man to pliroalhe DojeEod|»lB<>,a^o»d Alio Singer., . ', lowrrt lormt and abinUet', lo Detroit otllQCUJbof Jl.aru^lhUdaletoBanalo.obUlNoT.'A .. SB»« '. . ' 0HA3..H.,DCPBEZ, Manager. rrr LEVI J. NORTH, wllh his Slu< of Trained HOBSEB and POSIEB, will be In 'Philadelphia In tha eonne of tendejei AriyicraonwUbln|toneg«Uat«miyaldroitioObat. rjat'BlrenlHonae^'.'. ." • iota >;' ; ■; . , - •; . LEVI J. NOBIS, BaywatVaFaawtawayaaaweawaawi • V ^^. H ^PlBAiso. D ro. Harlng the enure oonbvl of the new Valparalto Han for Are Tean,l'u)T«,Jgit tbrown Itopea to the publlo for Ooncerta, Xhcilrlcaiaanlollerentaililomtnta. VilpumlaSrttili la 40,mUae Horn, Chlugo, on the PlUarargb,' Port wayno eipd Qhlcago Ball way, and hae a popnliUon or B.OOtl. berldoa a.spjajlaPA.oonnlry on ell eldea. The Ball will leal 1,(00 perana, and la a beioUfal end well rentUated atroeloM..; A iw.ulnrenled ullb the HaU, V doilred, or Band and String Hailo tarn lined H mtuni. M-'.t ' W. a PABEBB. MILE. AUHIOL,' .: ■ PBEHTTJi DANBBUBB. All eoauaanlaitrona araat ba addraaaed to TONY DENTER, bow palormlng at Boole/aNew Opera Hoa m, Brooklyn, L L ■ tg.Sm* !.UUw< r . SMITH, NIXON! «V DITSON'S HALL, Btaldeitiilbglha'ni aodlenoeroomi in' IHIOAOO. ILL.. ,ln Cblago, ana one of Ibe loeat, oaowirtT.MeiboTe Hill the eon terrton of Bryan Ball lo baglnMi' sarpoiee, on Deo. iatbeeome tba qnlT Conom and LeotortBom la Chicago. ; ; TbenewTealllillng arrangamenla aowoomolellajt 'wni glte eneheatl^opnUolo7thattn\paHtnnoi.theHeU,lbaiBTe'min.. nla wul at any tjtae anffloa tb.Hduoo It to aboal that ot tha oat* aide air. '..".' .'," ■ ' . rarenMkni'olaadSmi.' ' . ■ Ml*. . . 61»lTHkrnxON,Obl9t«o.IJ. PLUNKETTS ATHEN/tUM, • ifJAMlLTON'BiHBW'HALU -^1. ■ -j,,- .• '' ■ ' ■' " ■ ' FOBT WAYrjB. IND„ •WlUopan for lha aeuon oa MONDAY, Oee. 9, wllh a rail Braaa- «k).Ooaataar.•Mr.PLUNBBTT'BBeaaonal -to '.■< , POBI WAIHE, TOLE1X), AND LAFAYBttl toatrailealaaaiilaeBoalha, Pint olaa ataia plaaee apply al Emma Waller la enpged for ili'r^le, oommraclng OoLlt, etadama MethaaBohener cemmnaeion Hot, lib SC-Sn THE ALLEQHANIANS, VOOALIBIS AND SWISS BELL FLAYEB3, MR, I. M. BOULABD, . MB. QBOBOB OALLOWAY, . MB. K B. PEBNALD, . .MIBB CABBIE BIPFEBT, ... MISS AMY JEN NEB, daring their European tonr, dalre that all Man to them (bual neee or friendly) enonld be addrvtaed to the care ol . CBAITEB, BEALB A OBAPPELL, Malta Fabllabaii; SOI Begent atreet Loadan, England. J. M. BOULABD. Manager. ga,jgte . D. 0. WALPBOM, Agent, ahteaawaaahwawakaaaarHeweaa^ APOLLO THEATRE. „ _ ^ ' LEXINGTON, KT. MBS. NELSON KNEABS Leneeand Managarea Tbie Ihoalre la nor open lor lha ' •'^ r .' r ^' FALL AND WINIEB 8BA80N. Ladle* aid lenUcmen ol the piofeatlon dealrli nuyappl/U,'. • . q£q ( 0dbt, . . . . Acting Hanager. Liberal arringamsnla made with' ■ '.'lATTrlACTTVE STABS.. ' WANTED IUMEDIATELT—Ah expaleaccd Waving Oenlle. man'and two good Utility Mea'who hite aome knowledge bf the bnalnaia).Notaai need.nolapplt:. , , . . awl*. HOWARD'S THEATRE, Pdorls III. LeaWahd'aentlernen of acknowledged ability wlihlng ngiga- menu for the FaU and Winter Beiion.wltladdnii aa abora, Bill, lag lowoit nlarr. Bendnoatamp. : Silence a negative. Addreu HOWABD k OWENS, jS-tf ' ' P.O. Boi 107, Peoria, BX awewapweawaVaaaaarBAjweawe^^ NEW PRIOE LIST OF THEATRICAL. WIGS, PAUL DE BPOTia 18 W. noniton it.N. Y. U : ll* THE CROWNING CLIMAX OF ALL I ■ AND TBB AOENOWLEDOEP BfASTEB OF TBB " AMUBESdBNI WOBLDI The Popular and WeJl Ebown CBlBLEt BBAY'S QUIROUPLEXAL A CELESTIAL TBOUPEt ■ Tba Largut Moat Norel and AUragtrre OrgaolaaHon la the World, ooroprllfonlbe Only Tronpe of Beal ■ OBJNESB JOGGLEttS, B0B0EIIEB8 AND ErtlPB TBBOWZBB . . In thla Country, THE Bl.rOD CHALLENGE TAN TEBRIBB PANNYI JAMBS WATIBBB' MASTODON BBASg BAND, Togetner wllh NED MAYCB VAHOOB BTBtNO BAND I JOHN B. FOBBED, THE CHAMPION TBIOK DBUMHEB OP TBB WOBLD ^ - PBANK WILBON'd '■' BBIOADB'OPBTHIOPIAN OOUEDIANBI '. Mm OABRtE AVEBY AND. UISB ADDIE JONHBONH ' tWBPB OF'tADY VO0ALT8T8 AND DANBlUSkBI ' JOHN BT WATnVrtlVN A. DUOEMAH, JOBN B. ANDB083 SI PHIL. WATSON'S BegUnenkbr Doorkeeper!,Ticket BeUen, 11 Poileri aad 'fence Decnratsrt, tba wbeie ruder tba com- mend of T ' OHABLEY BiIAr, f jj.^ie Major QenaraL THE NEW lOASlNO, - .,, batImobb, md. W,.B. OATANAGH AcUna Hanagar, THE-FINEST OONCEBT HaLL IN AHPJUOA. TmqW IN A FULL TTDB OP BDCUES8. . CROWDED. N1GBTLY WITH THE BUTE OF THE CITY. BBaPEOTiBLB OlTIEBNB WBO WEBB NBVED It A' 00N- ™^ tnSlTHALL ABB NIOBTLY BEEN IN THIS . ■ ., T ^MQPBL TBHPLE OP ABT. THB kioBT TATHNTBD COMPANY IN THE WOBLD. . ™* A MAONIFICBNT BALLET. O0MP0BED.OF I1BEAU1IPDL YOUNO LADDS, mj NiBD-aEUBOPEBFOBMEBo. * A PULL DBAHATIOTBOUPB and.. A COMPLETE PANTOUrUB OOUPANP. BENBAIiON N0TBLT1ES AND BPEOTACULAB PLATS 0ONT1NDALLY PBODCOBD. Pextoratn of amMiy peaae i i l ng virlaty aod draaullo talent, adftSr ":TT Vrr^HOSCOa A CO., caamo,- - 3M|.> .,; • - . Baltimore, Md. WANTED A' rood tela to AdrerllM QHABLBf BBAT0 QTJTNCUFLXXaXf TBOUPB. Aiteadyrltpillonforawnker. Ant w« laaadlalelr, 1 QHABLBf SHAYj-M oj ife rt W. % .Aho aa Alto Hor» player, 'Bay * iraLt&&jAOB^^ 9T-It i B. LXITT, Kaaagrr, Sta^nai^ THE BUFFALO COURIER ./ OBXAT crtniUL •raow PBiNiuo Botrgx, lffl kb ITt WAwanoxoa Braarz, BUPFAXO. ' Xhlg ejabaarmvral ia p eitmiid, .wUk Hifatal fcadlUaa, a rUiUaTRATBD POBTXBB v Aadall'kmdaot. panrnxa used by showmen, A BIYLB B0.UAL TO THB BBBT. I *^' to n5 l NOr1r!owms Aad WOOD^OUTJ ^WPU^pSfOBllANCEg, YABTJTY XXHIBITIOXB, 0TMNA8TS, MAOIOLUU. Ac 1. A 00 BPS OF F1BBT CUitei ABTMlS~°* , ^li hihaale?oVoOOIl aloalrTm, aO^D^PAJrBB^oOD INA^aarmefluaQadaeeottrnentol Tjpe, B4i«ar*,0nta aadOr. ■tamentt, togeilier wUk ant daa workmen of great axBarkuT „ m ^rJaeTicgaemtaea«»artkm. a^ exaaraaa, lattmaaa cheermlly and pronrpUr gtrn for Xagnrlae a PrBjttngiDjtbmg.fiamtteUra^elelietti poalarlo tneamiSlM addnaa can. Aoltaa an commontetbona to 1 JOSEPH WABBEN * 00- Oonrler OOea, BoSala. Maaagan wl ablag ta BJOUBSTHBTI HEBYICB3 0TTTH3S ARBAOTTfl LADX STAB XNGAGIMXNTS OF TWO WXEXS, Oaa by addrarlng her la oua ol New York dipper. J0-Ja» M. B. RICHMOND, Bill Postor and Dtttrlbailor. No a NOBTB TbJbD BTBEBT, SC. LOUIS, MO. * Bat an el tea prladpal coroare noted by the pear, aad twaihr bm boarda from arty to one bandied aad arty bat lent aad t*e>e feet mgl. ell In eoniploioaa plicae through the eHjT BUJa wllh ordsra aant by erpna will tu prompUy attaodid a. fiojme TO MANAGERS. M1S8 BLANOH SB BAB, Thli mag and talented artlata la prepired to aegollalawla rennaalbla maaagan for Iwehre^or mon algbla to ear aagar*. meali far Ibe enaalag aaaoa. Time ailed aalll Ike tVTof Marsh. Addnaa H. OOBBL Ajraat lp-ta BL LooU Tbeaba, Bt. Loali, Ki, ^, m 0* 0w * * *mf*******jP»*******************< ALL LETTERS FOR THE Duaagolabed Tragedian,. MB LAWBENOX BABBBIT, (ga-Sm*] Moat ba addraaaed to - LOBATNE BOGEBB. MISS MAJOR PAULINE CU3HMANV THE QBBiT SENSATION A9TBEA9 AND PEDES AL SPY, aartlted brJAMEl M. WaBO, thopjpnbtrlilih Ooraedlaa and Tocallitan nrtpered to rtcelTe engagementp for the Pall and Winter Beam, flielr reperloln coneuta of all the lataat and molt popolar asneatloDtl aqd Paroat' Manageri artihlog lo r^godile wfli addreia their iole barlnett tgiit, A. D. FITOB. Benrp Boaee, N, Y., to Sept let; after thai Nenrk Theatre, NCTAtk.lN^J.;,. " , .' .■/__ nj1 '" m ' ■ luke'riVers. :" j " _ 7 OBNEBAL XQUESTBIAN PKBPOBMBB, la open lo encage tor Ih: whaler aeuon. Addreu, 883 North 10th atntt, Pblladolpbla, or to Curraa ouloe. 50-at* WANTED IMMEDIATELY, for tha ' HOLktAN OPEBA TBOUPB, A SINGING WALKING LADY. LOW COMEDIAN. .. ' AND BALLET UABTEB, ana who an get np Panuaumre, Engagement lor one Tear. State loweatalary, and addreu • . 0*0. HOLMAN, »7 Broad it., JMt ' ■ ' Urjca,_N. Y. j' Waxaxtxd.W. Va, Oot13,1885. OARD TO AGENTS AND MANAGER! VlalT- INO PirrSBUBOn—Xa roata from PIHaborgh to thla city I war attacked wltb lDfitmmatory rhmnnalbmi opon .mr antral wu akaa to my room, mtaaa tba naa of my pedal exlnnilUea, where, •t preaenl willing, 1 remain In "atataciao." .No Knightoflhe Biaeh eonld be obtained, u Iboy wore eojoylng the aporaol the annual Hone Fair, on lit Inland. I teltgnpned JAB. THAOK- BBAY, of putitmrah, to come tomyanlauncai with bit oaoal premptneaa, althoogb crowded with bla, al borne, Whaling wat allied the wag THAOEEBAS only can do II, tnaldo ol JO boon al- tar the telegram left here. JAS. B. JAOKWAY, 28 eA* Agent lor J. M. MAOALLIBTBB THE NEW THEATRE, NASHVILLE, TENN., hiV lug beta nfitted throngbonl, la bow opto.' ■ Stan wlahlng time aflat Jana iry let '88, wfll addreai Mtf ..I..' WIGHT AND PULLBB, Managew. USE JACKSON HALU 'Ba Urge enougb, and not loo large by twice— la oenlial la local'oa. aid moderale la price. . . - JACKSON HALL, JAOKBONi JA0K8ON CO., MIOH,, .. wuh Btue, Bcaetr. Oarpeta, PooUlgbia, Ax. uaflntolan HaU, 108 by fl feet located la tho centre of tho dry, end cm be rented at the low.Brtoe.Qr. |10, per night, orttO P »ear> ■ .. . • . - . • '• W. JAOHBON'. MARY OUDSTANE.—Msngflir» Wlihlnj to trt> gaga tha eerrlosa or the abore Kpnlai.Artjato ror al« engage., meata,orlu addraa bar,danef O.T.PABSLOX,P.O.Hoi JUI 'Nawterk. • • U- awAwatwaaaaMaaaaatalaa^ MURPHY'S OPERA HOUSE, , . PIT HOLE, PA. . HUBPHY A BBOTHEB Pnpiiatori. a H. XBW1N Manager. OPEN FOA THB FALL AND WHITES SEASON, WIPB A FULI DBAMATIO OOMPAMY OF THB MOST. GLITIBBING ,. .BTABBflPTBX PBOPES4I0N. ' Farforman'ef acknowledged ability. In any Una of batuMi can aeoon g»4 engagemanre byaddnealni Ike Maaager, ant» baaibi twin aiamajatoi• Box IM, Pit Hole, Pa. FORRESTER'S GRAND CONSTELLATION. Wanted a good ateadyjoong min lo play WALKINQ GENTEB MAN. iBtaaon' tbla ytu »III not cloieataU. Add weelm ma dlaleirr. eatugaalarr,- 1 "'K C.F0BBE9PXB, gp-lt ' : Montpell«r, VerxnoiH, A FEATURE FOR CONCERT HALL MANAGERS, • '.' FOB'BALE, ' Ooplea oflhe moot eaoceafal eenallon drama erar written,: TBB IBMALE CLLBKB OF WASBINaiONI ' . . EARLY'S LAST BATD, . Beplete wllh Inlenet, hnmorona looldenti, rirUdng allaitlosa, aad cfleotlTe oblwria. '. '! Filled In BALHUOBB for A8 oonieimtlre ntghta to crowded booaea, aad will 'Iboriit M.prodaoed at the OANIEBBUltY. WASBINOrON, D, O. Bnllaw for. any city or town tarougnonl the Urilted Biaiee, Copyrigol aecuied. Ajdreu the aathor, • - . . ' . ; ' '. W.B. OATANAGH, I7-U .'. Oulno, Baltimore, Hd. ^% m f*****i*j**j*********»***f*»*********f*M » THE AMERIOAN i THEATRE. (LA1B BALUMOBB MUSBUkt,) How being tbOTonghlyMBtted, painted, papered, dtooiaUd and upholatcred In Ibe . .'. ''MOST BUMPTC0U8 AND aOBGEOUB MANXES, ' AT AN OUTLAY OP 18.0:0, will be optnef on or about Oot 8Mb, ror . LEGITIMATE DBAMATIO BEPBEBBNTATIONB - And ... - FIBBT OLASd -YABIBTY. BALLET, FANT0M1MB AND A0B0BATI0 BINflATIOSP. . A Pint Clue Dnmatlo Tronpe waatid, and Ferrormen of abUlry win addreu B0B0OB * 00.,, • - >. NewAmertoanThatro, J SB-It . ... .BaWmara, Ut, aa»iaa»wew»aa**»*Ja«»ap»aaaA^ MISS KATHLEEN O'NEIL, . \ THB aBXAIXei-.IBIBS OOUXDDZNNE AND YOOALUr IN THE WOBLD, la bow Barano'i Gnat Maaenm, New York. Her nerformancea an loidly epplanded by ibe mtat fuhlona- ble aad eTowMandlneeiaTariaaembled. Mimgen can adareet ■ . . ' ■ •■ . Iflaa KATBLEBN O'HEIL. ' • •■■IK.. , , no Mulberry atreet, Blew York. "THE CLA88I0 AND BEAUTIFUL 8U8AN DENIN wm ragotlat* with fiat okWaaugin toy algbli arter Deo. O h. ... . '.;.., ■ PpbrtoaoB (JrWfttlCiaVoot lub, HOTICB.-I hereby .caUrTlbtlJUSS BPS IK cloMOVthi taoaj roeooatTnl ingagemenl Blayt--^ )»m,>At aban In two wake AaranUiB w r3.1WW,.. ' ' ANNIE EBBBLTB. Le»aea and Maoagrrttv LiHan to bt additietd to Clipper omot, IMm* IN haajotl thli city for MISS SUSAN DENIN. MISS ALIOE PLAOIDE. ALL BTJHTNKSS OOatMUrTCCATIONB FOB THTS OELKBBATB TBAOIO aad CHAHkUNG 8KH8A1IONAL AOTBEBB, who la now leady loaegotlila wllh managan ror ax or rnlti rJgbov araat be adrlnaiiil to NO. M WBSf HODBIOI BTBXPf, New Ton dry. Wlf' SHOW BILLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. TBZODOBX BUTTON, Begi to afora all old frleadt, Muugtn andtaapoMegaaa IllT. thai he la now located a l the XVPIBB BTEAM PBTNTtNG KSTABUankfBXTL IB BPBUCX 8TBXBT, NXW YOBE, When he wttl fire Ma penoaal atteaUoe tothepTedattail any atyla, ol an Bnda of ■ . PLAIN, mi/nXED, AND ILLUBTBATBS SXOW BXLLfl, _PirHra1uty adasted Bar XXAtTUNG wTTTTnrrrnwa, CrBCUSBB, ktENAOEBIEB, FTBI0P1AN PEBPOB1CAN0BB. aiaVArTiaTaaaidTiai TXAOK OUTS OP ALL KINDS, TBornna to babhess ob wagon, DOUBLE TBAMB OB BUNcTTJIS BOKSBk POLITICAL CLUBS. T. D. train that bla many yean erperleaoa bt tha batata, ta vary large aaaortment of Crrta al all command, any of wklnkoai ^ led la one or more colore, Ibe acrncee ef thebeet Deelgxea Engnnii far new work, willaecaretoBlaaooaunuaateti pill arm ante Mil by new pebrooa. IT^a THE LARGEST show btiii PKnmso establibbmert n ma woelb OLAHBX k BBILLEY, (Bacoaaon to John X. BacaaJ FBINTXBB AND ENOBAVBBB, U and II Bpraoe atreet New Yak. Pay farUcalar attention to a^tttag_ap.aD klnda al . FANCY SHOW HILLS ror krarellng ecapaalei, end hire on bind i Urge and ankadB ■ aattrbsent of large and aaaB . ' ,- WOOD CUTB . Bnltable far qrauea, Menagarlet, Ethiopian Parrarmere, Or* Beeta, Magtciina, Ac.' ko., wuob caa aa nrtated la one a mai colon, lo anil cnatoBcra. B9» A doporli nonlrod on aB work or&ved. An oidenaddreaaodto' CLABBY A BETLLBT," Bacon Pitt tag aad Engartag eatahllahmeni, 13 and 1A Bpraoe atreet. Net York, wm be promptly encoded to. 38-11 A CARD.—IRVING HALL, EAST SAGINAW, MICH. The abore HaU le oiUrely new, aod la eentratri located tn em of tba moat flmrtahloa <3Ut» la the elate, 100 mlla rram Detnl by rail toad. Bate 700; Stage filled np ngardlta of ' with New Scenery, Drop Curtain, ton and border Bghtaf eemplai wllh dreaUng rooma itUcbrd. Ctabe rented by tha day, wad or month, npon reaaoDable tame, for Theatrical Operatic Oa> art or Loctnm parpoeee, on appUcaUon to 0, B. MOTT, AO-lJm* Xmat Saginaw, Mick. THE WEBB SISTERS. MUSES EMMA AND ADA, Managua wahbng to engage the aarlaa of taeaa vary otlaM ArUataTtarBIABi' 87-tf Ball lwUI addreu EBB, UNaaaaatraitBTaakba, NEW ORLEANS. ST. 0HABLB9 OPEBA HOUiB TO BENT,' By the Btenlng or Week. Beate 600 pereona. Aim ntuln, Ou, Stage Eoenary, etc Laov Uonbeatln Ihedty, Addreu 31-Sm* Box 811, New Orleani Poet Ofltoe. DEAGLE'S VARIETIES. . 8T. lOUTS, THD9 TEXT POPULAB B8TAE£DHDfXrTX. Aas zbx L^aoxrr a zaa vtrro Btitxb, ta low n xa FULL TIDE OF SUCCESS. BlntOaaSTABB treated wu« It aB tlaea. Nona etkanneal apply. . JAMBB OSNHEB A CO,, Agenle, I8 U , OT OBOBQX DuOLK, St LonlA PROF. KARL KAHR.I -■ • ■ ItTE PBESTTDiaiTATBUB, ■ late of Brace A Co.', out Tronpe, la now open to aagetlalt with atme lint daa ktanager. Addraa ■■ • ' PBOP/XABL KABB, ITU" * 'In'ranJndMnHonle,Loekpatt,N,Y, TOWAR'3 NEW 'HALL,' Thla new and elegant Fablln Bau, elabonlelr fracoed ul jmplete In all of Ut appointment!, capable of aaaUna SOU peneu wmrorttbly.TacompJeW and open lor (feicorav Loefam Aj, It U welt-Ugbtad wllh gaa, ate aarage.ol good langlh and bnedlk, and la rarn-alizd wltb conTcnlent dieaiug-rooma, Ac AddrM WownrtNewBAryrLjonB/N.Y. W'_ ELLSLER'S ATH^N/EUM, COLUMBUS, OHIO. ^_ ,^ Tbla farorlla eattbllabmeat caa bo noted for Oancertt, we- Inna, end rapeoablePxbrbllloneof any kind. IlhaabagneT; ly Painted. Becontod, Bated, Ac end It now one of the moa eligible and oomfartablo placu of amaaenent In lha OUT. . Annly to 0. A. WAOBEB, .■ Oolombaa, Ohio, JOHN A. XLLBLXB, , „ ;j.|f Academy of Mnalo, OleTelud, u. FOR RENT. THE PnOVrDENOE ATeDBMY OP Thla eplendll and popnlar eeUbllibment, aeallng 3,008 pMpa, complete with dnmaUo loenory, dreaalng noma, eta, etc., la raw one ot the mart tnperb Ihealroa In the eoaairy.,oanneja rented by the nlgbi or week lor Oral daa dnmaUo enlanau- JligU menle, concerta, leoloree, etc, eto. A| aw.., iw ao-ioi* ^vlrL^.ngABKEB, . PnTldenae, V- COLUMBUS OPERA HOUSE. KENT At MtBBSN Uaaageri, UPBN FOB THE FALL AND WlNTEB 8BABON. 8TAB8 TBXATED WITH ON LTBBBAL TEBkO. *° iuu i r t r,f.r. . r . '-r . ■ ■ ■---'."■■■" m m m m ********** MISS FANNY J. PRIOE, n ' (8UPP0BTBD BY UN. D. HANOHBTD, Iiaow plailagaaerleior MOST BBOJ.1ANT IMOAOEhirNPl ^Iu^Iy&TmMUNIOATIOBB MUST be tddnawed lo bar «,d»rt>ad lg»t A. 8.PXNN01EB, ^ Igo-Bt : : ' ■ BM Chatter it, Philadelphia COOPER INSTITUTE. k _ • kUttlB. iUBirlAro MTBTERY. EXTBAOBDINAY WTHBTAINAIXHTS. ' » /ABTONISBINO FEATS. '. ILTBACDIOUS THANBFOBMATION. ' .". HE HAS OOUEI _ ' THB GBXAT'OBTErlXAL BKEB AND MAGICIAN, . . PBOPB380B WIBEHAN, K ' The meet rmorntd and accompllihil neoromuMr andliio*-- lat of ir^ert Uniaai cacolled^nonolntbi Wdl appear aaabOTt, ta buf iKWolgllitorUl ftarJ oflcfaxaf main tor one week only. coomano:ng on MONDAY E7PNIN0, NOT. S, 1888, ^ y, ha win ban the honor ol preeenllng to thl pnbW and elagial annMment," AntlUed when chute and elagial entnlemtnt," XVKNIN&B OP MYBIBBY, Aarabd by. MAD AVE WIBHI OBVISIOM ra0M ""L'ftll raHMAN, la tha phaaomaaoaof Beoa* "Baa-rw^-^^ M.allnaUoaiandht«a.aBdwin iab^nn amiTarwij 2dmlatoBT8Cehnl. , . ., '. .' . ^BS 1 OPMAT 1, PEBTOBxlAHOB WWm&fif S O'CLOCK,