New York Clipper (Nov 1865)

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THE NEW' YORK CLIPPER. .end bndan but Hu fnnnd nMfJ,!! j,^. mslttd b y the , 4arjr*tta1btB*awi>t ^»'SSftSSS!»™ «~* •» 4.. : JtwMBtttiewcnmmtiaoefl. ™;JI,b^rrti being kulor-Qen- AMnl Id JobaHleh.1, W£&£Z!o<i. talz.0H.1U. •xtl Ih* He* /■ UmO uy, CfJ. iJP";oirL M*q.niy. E.S, Joseph •S&SJ 1 !^'I K A»«*>«.» Sorgtonftwler ""S?^ L^^^AWt^-A tWeeplUkll Of U» WlOl SlS X of aftir hultog country, Slfi^^lsrn never run a hurdlt not or ateepl* ehiee. ~' S*Sb!»B»r>'»"T Mi dorlnflht pnnnl mmo with ' 1 S?ffiff to honndti to be ridden bj gtnUemen Humbert ^: rl^sCJSut wtn lb. rerldson't ch» •TOtSn.iiire,* igef lOit nib,fM4iB byH. Hollow, h>«..,.crlBjina body, bltnk iWtm sadcso, fat Mr. Dtvidibr m tlild ef Ollns, 6 ir*. lOillllb, . illlliiitTTTirt Tr-r "*- "TT Hr. Daley 1 S^iie^ good on^tbTialaofbu»w.•t once oWdslof • alight lee* which Ibt hi>d t* th* Crit Imp, "bleb wu1 • kton* ina M Oa, JeialBI Into the line. Hefe rrjnln bsnlled tvto, ' Vkkfceubbd the Meld to leiiglb«B»er4litac»»»t«ilinT. Tbe ■mlnndtd upnilaip tlltrerird*. foUflwlBg lb* leel df lb* lltldIneipiulatyle, both lOH»« the tape In thi moel jdnrtri. felt annuo/ Ihe pace continued ebonl final round the flrtt tarn, meW tbe second hurdle ftem tbe winning pott, whin the '• Jh uh e look np the rnnnlog. end tepidly mtntng oa tbe Held, • JelssndlbllnTirdletjItthefeJrnort dmrdlueously. Ih*rln>rt - «tcw*1l*A*a*VBryii*r«»ehtoiBie Ibe legend at th* lest ' wetrasrlk* tautro hid u ahnorl Imperceptible sdnatlle.' The -■> - : MhMw n uMbHkm of admirable Jookljlhtp, Ibe arj. ■Beb top serine about unally matihed, leaving the lee* to be de- •'• giaiiT Ihi tWII iiriVorfi- Each piled Ifctl ind oet-gu.1 to 49»aknott extant, mdChltun homo ni e hud ttragilr,the , hornet ironing ebawt neck and neck. Howtver. The 8ojulre pi sets the winning pott eboni hil/ • length la ednnce oi the -' 'JlDal n* peWif wu In brat of the Mild of OUn*; long odd* Ha-iUlfi iiiliit Tim n inl 11 mil Ilia mil of lot nrnmi '-•aoiptlMtelkentiJoittjoftheepMUton. Tna riding wu ttrj ± ■■ , «t*«Ub)e, 111. B. *il>wai>JoduTiUpeUdUng loudenoomlnmt ' tnna the lUifnvn pteienL .'. ;i -Om* iflWav Ons,-Aewetpitakeor tit p p. with a rep ntn; atfUU. Orel ebont two mllu of the pieenMo^^open^tteU i'^ae^LTk^la^Iooa *>A Oopeek hilling the aeld. BllTCT aMlffl^ililnittrii'i OenrOaen third. In Una a5»<M meaad lie Aid iufi "ben Ihl llllrT bwHtd, tb* ,^Sfee»»M*t*Mtlmlone.ell the letpe being huleomelj 'etaeret. Oopeek bttu atlll la the no. Towitdi the lut hnrdle ■tear H«l ikorleoed thedutenos eauldenblj, bat on the home atretek Onpsck took vp the tannine, winning bj.etthi kngui. kJoptaVa ride/ wie Oeptela Kdol 3111, colon bni; SIlTtr HMU fluoOaBonnecm. white, Wick bell ud up; airr/Omn, Kr.. BbbbTJ, bib* Brigade, ceur/ and blink belL Tbe epon wu enoueit, ihonth the antilai wot few, a le>ge Buber of •pfcUlan being oolhegrmnd, altogether tbbi win "I^Haof lb* ben iteepl* ehatai wllniued for Tom. OBKAT TBOrnKO FEAT* Twxitt Hob n Iana Taua On HodbI II TUae.HiU, Iki Funpa on Bworit ii firloaj Uaua wltbtn the hlttor/ or Iho tntUng Inif la Ataer- lea, the feat ot trotting twenty mllee wlihtn the aonr kubeea attampted, bat Mldon uenmpUahrd, while In enme initancei fa* detth oith* nobleboris ildden ordrirenbu bern the own -eesoa***. Bswweueiarelnitweeuaotbetllteeduionglhe — -enue' geld In their own opinion, bat we onet aey tbit we do not app r u i* of theee'pro*reoted effaru, end thmk they oome pioper)/ vnaer tb* heed of "crqtllj to enlmtli," whelher tncanilnl or emnueMfoL In our srortnce.of •pottrecorden, howerer. It m oat doty to pnbUih an uonnt of * raanetMl iffon t» th the twenty mile few on lhg IllTerildePukCoatte,'Bo». MiakooTaeidey, Oetobor slet The terms of the trot j that Mr. Banratl Bmenan'i bone Oipteln UcOowin ikonld In e wiger of M.OW to Il.tOO, (the oddi <jf eonree being igilnii tt* hone,) trot 19 allei wilnln the hoar, wIUlU a month of the Itnuefsokliaihereoe, endei a eoaaeqaenee tbe date ebore aanud wts ittteted. Ouub Bfoaowaw'i Pznaan. Oeprtla kTodomD. the nime by whloh the esJaul li known, 1* -a^aeVoagh-bnd geidtng, bred In Eannckr, htrtng been loeltS IllW, gotbylnporUd Borerelgn ont ef Belly KUirr, aha by aUlna* oa* «•;• rail Uoodedmere baring the repnte of being irneelly PtoeeweJ war iwarded la* heet tad net. We lopeod the *waeaetrytv naat I la g, ta aat>*av . . . waamtAiSawarwanhatMa ...» J > \ • «aua*4 ran lady jea«..„ 1 1 > • >.MK ,.«H .1 Bclf. l:lo 1:10 1:10 1 e nay jut* 1 aLnVMaun^rBlady/eae, Hi* heat. ^ , t J , « r • SeooadhoM. Third beet., Toiitli heel. _ ....„ Ibe Use wu not taken la the Ilk and fin hnta, Bosnia Oona, H. t„ ntoodvy, Oct 10—kbtch 1*50, P- P- nlMbaeli, bni three In ftre. tn aeraeee, ... lieu e/oodmnTnamtd b m Kilty Oload \ \ \ Jee. Ludlow aaned roen bone 131 Tuw, t-MH: >:»; 5i"«l 9iMK. ACon'iDxetrr.-blr. Oierrea Bur, of "uebeetir.H.H, lithe owner of e on silling roll Hred by foong AedilUt. "nd ibonl a month ctace be made a much Hut Mid cell could do nil mfle ln«We of foor nlontei The trlel of ipeed came off on Ino BlratMe Perk Oonree, Doe ton, on the 111 met, end notwiln- aamdhu the brery ibue of the track on tooonnt of ihe lain Ibet had fur», the mile wu don* In SX mlnnlii naif, with only okm Hip, txa It 11 iteled that lb* colt could bite oontiluiU ' leee time. iraxno T». ATuana—The milch between the** erabaon Hondey, Ostob<rt01b,ihetolilfl|nmof whlrh we geee la onr lut Uine, prorrd to be * fer t'eetr conleet Ibtn1 wu eipecied1 by the pliyeritalbU lonelily, lb* oooi* ihowi the! Ike Athlebci hid the but of II np to the <lh Innings, bni afterward! the Atlen- UancoTeKdlbelrloitgronaf. Hot hieing been lalonned or the mitnh In ttne wi wire nneble to repctt Ihe (eme, ud oca- ecanenlli bin nolblngtonyebont tbemttbtr. A comipondent writing to ne iboat the milch, enc who wu not esllillii with the dedilooiof tk* nmplr*, wtehu to know whet the rale le In re- gard to bettlni on melob genua Bedlon 8)of Ihe rnl» leade: "No perioi ugsged ta a m»|0b, eltbsr u ampin, uaer or ibtjer shell be either directly or Indirectly Interfiled la any bet npon • gems." In ugaid to this finding fmlt with ampin*, wi hire to sly Ihet It 1* * custom more henand tn the breech thin mIts obseiruaA sedatewniahhutucnkxi tn^aut InlbUs- delpbls. Tb* following If |h* fall won of the melon In qnee> tlos, for which •• in Indebted to the gentlemanly scorir of ihe AthlsrJo club. Ur. Senion:-r ATLswna Peerne,** Bmilh.Sdb... Norton, o Prill, p '^feubfrf.'.' Bunt. 1st b OilrlB, of Ohipmm, 1 f.. v aim x ....2 I .'.'.'.* ....a ...a ...e ,...1 ...I Total., tbBK«e,p. Kiaeb, bbd wrrkinf, 1 * Perieuloch. latb.. Laengtn*, gdb,,.. Ed.Otskill.rf...... Smith, If Potter, of BU ....< ....1 ....« ...1 ...3 ...» ...a ...a Xoul., Mrfari Cs,M being 'gnit bottom." artng U o^wof greeteldnxulce, or In turf psrlsnre, lb* Oiptaln bad only ippeired one* befon In pnblle this . tarh^beaB kepi otf tire treik boos nso ol hta r coord on that 00-' canton aatng nnseUelutory. - WotwlthlUDdint the lowering upecl of Ihe sky la the ftrenetm ef tbe lut nlL, riln threalanlng st sny moment, a lirge. number at Boston tens end clUirni of the nnoundlng ntlghnorhoodj . eeatmslid ee biiog h high u fin 1 en thrtneend, motlly tn cir- '* ruges'or other Tsnlrlca, eoagregitad on the track, aad many . van tostpnlildo for went of eofunleot, mom, Thewamioe- ' Best Ihet such 1 trlsl'of rpoed end bottom wu to take . 'pteoe, hid or oonns swutned most lntrate tnleretiniallid- mtrcnof epoedy eqntnee, end many wem then whohidaiTor Clnaboruisoebraaylrlnd. Owing to thelhreetantnR weelheT bBiaerenooniiclndedto gtaitaomo mlnotn •uUttthsnbed - '*Jlneni Hi* soblt Inl mil wisbrou^lil ant to oammeBea hit ar- 4aou tetk, he wu of coins th* 'ebf srred or iD bbiirrrrs, bad' wulbo idmlnuanorell, far h* ippeared to be In the rcry acme o^rWDUan) thtr* arai rtotsnrmrfotornneinnonbtlrihon blm, and nil east bid tho eoptinnce of 1 close-Attmgetlhui ntolt Be wis drtna by Ur. i. I. Bowtm, end- tba leault of ■ Ins trot (Ibe hone winning ti!M:M) shorn with whit excellent Jsdgaenthe . fassdled klm, for when thereat wu ooompUeked a prominent ' terf min onered to bet I1O0O OTen'thet ho could go soother nre' - miles ualdo of flfaen Tnirnitri,' bnt his ownel deoUned lo allow nlmtocaiitlnae, not from any fasr of tbe wot of bottom of the ,i>Bra*,bnl thsl hehsl wall dona the work for which be wu ..,-r**par*d, Tsa leans on tho track, at the noieeifal mult] of. the trot wu •xrillng indeed.' nrrf one apeonilojj dsllghled tbit lha old eojtoebearer hid been defeated, notirltbitindtng tbst miny oi uronhid lo*l money, and on oomlng down tb* homo itrstch on ~" thelnlnilfDUeiTer/Tolame of rodraroue cheers mid* the welkin ring sgtinj omd both hone tad rider wen hetruly ud' loudly onngntaUtcd. . , TVM '9VB0n ' _^|hBera.. D. Bobbins,, HsnhiU and A. P.Morrlra werethe Jnirie, end they ell perforqtd thtlr duties tj fha perftet aids. xsctonof tht greet unmbisge. Tbe trolling of tho hone was .eBeeeanthattOnthitheid, then could be no complaint, tad ; .. the Urns wu so perfectly kept the! iron Uioee who bet on It wtm titlilled, Ur. Emenona reeolre la entlolpite flu lime en* aoaneed loritirUngehowea bu good Jadgment, for thatralhid hardly bean oooolumd ana Ihe noble snlmil stabled, whin the ralnutcendedcopIouilT, oiaslng a grand tkodiddle tonhlesu aad olherinilib'a ehslbir, ud the tid ol pullet wu by nd mine itm luse re nica nana*, ut M H 4th eih Wh Tib 8th «lk Atluiu 1 a 0 a J 1 * • *-5l Alhlelia 4 9 t 0 P 0 5 0 1-11 Umpire-Mr. 1". 0. anight, of tht Osmdin Oub. Heortn— afestrl. Ljnch tad Benetra. Uai af game— Hum houii. PTly astchtt- chtpmin, 6; Bmllk, Oelrln ii Hnrton, It Vntt, 1; tolil, 19; B. auktll. Si Wlktu J: Beach, 1| Xblnfelter, 1| Bmlih, liLurngene. 1; totsl. A, Vonl bound catchea—Hoiton, 1; Oil Tin. 1; Xleuftldir, 1. ■ LtttAa taitw n Smith, I; Morton, 1; Putt, 1; Orsne, li Bid. tmllb, 1; KoBndo, t; Bach, 1; Wliilni, 1; lUrkeBJtnck, 1. Outi on btt u Atlmlli, 18 tlmeii Athletic, loiunrt, Ontiontoalbtlhi ttliTflo,»ilaee;Athl«tlo,ltlmei, Struck cut-Potter. % Mlascd osteins-OslTtn, a; Smith, 1; Fetroe, li Norton, 1; Potter, 1; Smith, 1; Ouklll, t Wild thru wi —BoBrlde, 1| Orsne, 9| Bbui, li Ohipmrn, 1; Puree, L Btlli piiche* wloe-Pntt, i (sited ballt-Kotlon, 9; Elelnfeldtr, T. ... ArrttWOTiHiiiiLTOa.—The match bttwetn thtto PhOidil- phis dobs for the choice of two illrer bsDt, ths ptoceedi to go to the Frtrof Ibe Soldier'* Borne, which took plsn on Ihe Athlef 0 Gronndi, on Wednetdsy Kot. lit, resulted In tbe tuoeett of Iht Athletics. .Tba BimllUm Olab but not taken lottr* part ta match games for tht put four yean, the war hiring drawn off mort of their material. They wen rcorginlerd Ibu lummtr, hoirmr, tnd nrrt teuon will com* out etnas;, ss Ihsy now bar* plenty ol flat materiel tn tbelr club, Tbe game on Wednesday tiiU many rerpteti flaallT pleysd, etpeenuty on the put of Ihe Hsmlluni In liking fly baUf. Tht idrent of Docknty u otleher In Iht Alhlttlo nine wu a promising one. He pat ont noleulbentnlTa plsyen In tbe game, allowed bat three belli to pus him, end made tight aitonw on foul balls. W* tppond the icon u followi:— 1 UTXOfO. UPOBTS ABROAD. BUlDXTOI Feel, td b Palmer, e ■Inlay, if. alexin, p.... M tu un, Mb... Beikley, at.... Bchwue, If 8 Woolman, of 4 Decn*ii.lil b 8 Total B.L. < • 1 8 9 ATBuna ni Klstafelder, Sd b A McBrlde, p 5 Oockney, 0 f Wllifn*,** 4 Berksnitnck, 1st b .1 lAragest^Sklb 1 Bejhorsi r f. a a B.Qusill,lf g Tot* 1 following time, both in tbt aggcegatt .and for. (son mile, dad on the Judge'* table end •ndorsod by them u current, tent Iht ttnry of this gnat twenty mUa tnt better Uiin words '. .... ^ 1..9A4 9aM ■ tl..ine M.;lr»' ir.ilrklK :Ta..iin . -H..lir»K' ^*r it..imx U..IU* •JO..UM , " .if: 8.ittUK tilt .*<•'. lldl« liflMX 6 .SleSJtf »:W: T..9lU» 1-1:U« 9.,9tiiK 1Q..1IU 90 i ll> i Uica; Minx aimx Bait man. 91..1:M14 ai..iii8x JI..1:1B 98,.l:]g ,' M..1:U aioiisix iii.iisax so..ii3i: 81..1JS. m..iiai 83..11B 84,.lrl7X ,8i..lKjTH Ad.,liloj< M.JU8 M..U77X»3 1I..9:MX M:33J, 1J..911T ' JTpOJ, 11..8:M iO:WX 1».'.«:09« a9;»X •M. ; «iMX M:|| " 17..a^MX l«:3!« io..9aTtX MUl«x «:«« ■ ■ . v • • 90„9uT)>( U:M . Mfi!urWUi, l £ a .$?'*^ hw completed his ttek. Ur. Xmenon wu iSSSrZSf™;?.^ 80 10 ««»•'». wh/eKennited;™ * ^ Ul iS^SS 0 fv b l Ul,M P»»)r»"'» »«tarinary nrgtnuitwu ?i , ^. h( ?.^« hone wu Son to bis aUhle hTs^ubl III Uonbj threeproi t V *—- v aa soul . » 1>««t« higher thin whoa he wu Men Ibe trie* S ^^£Sdsir• , "^^^^ : ilSnSShS^4vw^ wai yet made,'-l I hat only been donb 1mm Mai! on Oa 90; 1*18, on Onion Ooir," U L?b^r Tono?i , n U .iIl i nhrmeer.lQWrrJr,. B3«s«a., andb, Laj, Li?.^„ ip^ft . *«mln.'sodlOaeo.' SbAibeon elt>mptc4tij mt^ Sh..iSJ* It anltoall, .mooTlhiBlinort T*mp^ t bu, B i, , ; ooi , 0 S, , ^ m , B y ■ latburnaof laocen. . ml ' awn ausi n axca mnai 1st >d Sd 4th Oth Slh "Tth 8th' tlh ..9 1 0 0 8 1 4 3 a-17 Alhlltlc),... 4 7 1 1 8 la 0 9 8-41 Umpire—Mr. Melon*, of the Eeyatone Club. Scoren—tdeitri' Btkln ud Benson, Tim* of game—Two boon tnd 18 minutes. Fly otttbM-'Woermn, 4; Schwin, 3; West, 1; Palmer, 9; alas.' tin. 1| Beoberti 1) Beoklty, 1| total, II; Biyhnrtt, 9; Dookaey, li Wllkln*\l| .krnr>nde,li ratter, 1; Larngene, 1; lots), 7. Paul .hound ilohu-nontBiy. 7; Berkemtooe, 1; Palmer, 8; htorUa, 1. left on hues—Zlelnrelder, J; Hlyburit, 11 Poller, 1; OsjIIU, 9; Wist, li Palmer, li Uniltn, 1; Deekley, 4; Bchewrt, 1; Wool, man, 2. Onit on bieee— Btmllton, t tlmit; Athlella 8 ttmei, Dull on Cinl btlli-Eimllton, 9 tune*: Alhlsll;, 7 una, Ban out— Hlelnfelder' by Siohert and Westi Weit by Luenaine, 8brack out— r>chert, a.' Hissed ottcnee—Woolmsn, 9i £*sJn, 1 HSjtmrA 1; Wllklns, 1; Docknsy, L Fused halU-Dockney, 9j WATBSBUfll TS. TALI. Tht to but blll.olubr, ot Mew Baren. Conn, p'jyed a msloh on Bamlllon Park on Ibt 1st Init, wblth the Isle jouthiwontya icon of 3d to SO, u pet Iht following icon: urma. WiTnsuiT, Terry, p^ Commttfcxa, 11.. Onunun, 0 Baldwin, litb..,. Foster,Mb .. .. .Oatevrf Adsmi/ef -JlrihX.flK;.'.,.. ; 'Total Wltejbury. iPirn.Mii . lsi 3d . Js. .. 8 ..4 ..a .. a .. 4 .. a .. 1 .. 4 .. 8 ...80 TlXB, Bdwirda, p BaeTe, 0 Newell, of Tstntor, Ulb.... Jt well, 11 b Oondlot, 11 Brown, If sfoUae. 84 b.,.. - 1 ~ 1,rr Toll],. , a .11 nisi n uira Drimos. Sd lib 6th 8th 7th 8th B 8 8 0 0 1 1 8 0 1 1 a 8 10 91h o-ao 0-99 nVMTCTi^alntira, 1 Bill and Bogen. Umpire—Mr. Kcenli, 1 ,, .'. BAJSI BALL AT NBWTONVUXE, MAS?. A mltrb was played on Ibe 58th ult, between tho Llghtrool Oubi Of Keooniet, and the Oontiaental Olnb, or HewlonrlUe, on ■he gnaddi of the Utter dab. Both club* were la good prsc Ilea. Ibe'Oontlnentill'dllplijInii erxellent fielding, aad the -., . .rjgnlfoots ( fa thtlr ton, unilent bitting throutboat: ud con. Butt. Jggrtgotu* ele^rlmirbll Urbrwie thetr first sppesnooe in Ihe "KjwTork Qsmi," lh*y may well reel proud or their tear*. Tie following 1* ths loan; Laru^p..,.,..... Temp^l* Uwtn, lath... VJnaorVMb -jf^8d.p.„..... ; iMttnin, e f. TJeHym flij y; f, ,,, , ,, ...9 ...A ...8 ...8 ...I .,.». ...4 ...8 ...1 ■ - Otl ll l glW it. Qerter, 0 Lam but, p Onrlla,!* Ben ni son. lit b.. Deals, 9d b .Beaton. Sd b au>cl*tr,o BuAh,rf., n.t> ..0 ..9 ..8 .9 ..9 4 9 9 8 ' Tana;., u Si<rru*^sfe*»k'!reil and ,WlO*». Ihe Uwefl (Sab, ' ' ' TatAl; __ TJmnln r ktr, esUlrin, of .'". '' BABB BALTi Ut BALIIHOBB. Tbe'Hututl Bias BaD Ombiof Baltimore, Hd„ played two jniuhe* leel.wrifk. Ihe flrtt qn.Oit 98th, again** in* suuaai, and tht aeeoid en tht .lib, tgalnit the Enterprise, both Baltimore olnb*. Tht Hatful* won both, UpertheMoBlngaconii • nio^ao, . . r , Birawax 1 ■ • ■w.r.' _ OUtke,p..,.....9 " 9 Pttori.o .-.i.i...a 1 B9ie.iitb 0 4 Tuobluon, Sdb 8 1 Uturt»,ldb .......1 . 9 Btrlull,! 1 .>...\ 9 B«Hir •..T.-.'.'.T.V.t ' 1 Ward, of 0 8 (hub, rf :.i..t : 9 .' TBOTT1HO ON TU8J P4BniOM OOUBBB. The monlh or NoTembor wi* Idingunltd In a llnls n.n.i. ■by Ihe tntUng tnotU 00 the shore Irsck, as two flrs" aef.'JS V. cemeoff on the dial tntr, tht nnt tit U00O, the seconder a?no 1 In rrur Mitch wu bttwetn 0. Johnton'i br g dTii, .?3 , Saierson'sbtown mete, mllohut*, but 9 lu 8, to i n ' .^ng.BIOiwuadtoldadrtrorlte, 100 to 40 bills it,. anJt ' *!^ u . l >lWul8ifln'h<biil.wilnthofiitthiit. ThokSt,7r -Ibtrecelibri-fly lotd, for owlng'to Billy'* Inotsble dlsnoslliBn **?.F° ,4 . n ! d, " ni > ""I Iht obiUopirousneuorihi mare.whS .: •a^triidajMjdp.optnallyfor bietklng np, wan e»S, i5. , ^".V. , ^J l « ,1 i. blB1, • Iheilmtw*in6iliit;iJwllIbtiornbJ .:»atu?t-t^,. t u•/i.T^ al, • ^ » M0O ' mU ' - • » nime<lbr*Bliy i ) saaiodB:o*naIan lii... yrvtjfaji.,...,, III. |,jS 'Bcnndbtti 13 J,^j .'...l.'„a i a .Third baat..,, ■■ 'tht tmpnti belwren ». Hao»'* b.l StoniwVn Jutionsndsf.BoOin'trmlti, jan fl wbtoh nsSltid"0*1^ »ntspott,tbenoelo, no leu ittiain'huSnIrotledTtniJtUli. kinslUeeirUt OldBl)b«Al*llr*d Id too.t, Trie flreiurlsee. •oi JtaU wen wo* tf Lady Janr, then BtomH licujiTe tl»L»Wnpi«WlB^jMU^ MU|rt ^ WnW***!*? •tBhlnJ AH Iht way, oanitT /'■.::,):■■! ' »i; II llM Mllu 9:49 ' 1 1 ;||81 Tola] Umpire—Hr, Harldan. ...19 'daii W. Luoai, i Orore, 3d b B rendu, gdb.... Good e. of Bhlen, it Bail, If... Buntbury, ■ *.,. Allan, 1*1 b '' Total...... .0 9 1 9 1 1 9 9 8 Esnaniin, Ford,a Himerlaht.lilb., off -j, il:.:...' HcDontlO, Id b.., Ulndicrf. , Boul, of Baity, p Price, 11 Lindoy,8db..... Abi ...0-* ...a 1 1 Toll! UmnUa-Jemu WUaon, ILL. ,.9 ,.0 .3 1 Hdiuu. Ooldsmitb, o... a Allen rf.... O.Lilly, litb.. Lamb, If »• W. Lilly, p 1 Bowdto, 11 1 lloff.3db .....0. .Whltt, Mb... J. Lacu,of,. .r.. Tttal.. , 18 niVlS" 11 f™ 5* 1L &ra -A new olnb hu bean formed In But Boitoo,eatled.Ih«OritntBueBeUOlnb. ltwworsanlitd^ rSi ""to*"*, joang men rrom 18 to 30 yean ot eg*.' Wh1i r" l !, , i"^'.!. , ' mc,,,! - N - 8. Oibltlsb, FiuldiBii'7. a: B. AT. Oiosbj. w. 0. Dyer sad F, Johntoo. Dlrfftoii. Ileal kid. arc lU'DojaianMiMniali ilsy ef srerr ottTtr irnn. inTlfil bl tg^^tiflwS^ .1 ■ prtpirilloo. the totail 1 i;mpeAiuc^y,s^U*ji|U^ < tn BBRIBB P. B, 0HAkfFIOh*BlUP, HoondldtU (ot thtt Hlle, li oppoalUoa lafem Hue, ku u yet •Ppeered. Uj* Xb» nLB/trtliit Htm, tfOtUbirn*, "*TeheTe twUmg new ta sdl to tbsi wblcb w* wiets lut wwk. Ho chal- lengtr ku ippeared to duputr J, m Hect't claim lotht Jlniifratei operteay Ifmm belt, or Ihetof which iheedllor or Jtrfn lift lithe eastodlsn. If tnenbeeMtowmld>ofniislyrraiI wbosefkisn opafcgtolsme,nowliMstlm*. H* has only to but JetnMso* to becoaie the faremoet m in le tho puglHrtlc circle, tnd to enjoy * nry prosperous end usi cstcer trer titer. It the tub so dlr- ncull that all Iht world quikec it ltf We can ecuce bring our- eenee tobelurrslt, tnd yet, etnoag the nnmbtrlcu lelten we conttno* to reerlT* ineel the cbimplonshtp. we cannot ttamble tenet one which innm'.et that then la likely to be a customer fur Jem Usee.'" ' .A BRIEF BBBBB AT "BBDUHAQBU." Charley Bemmtng. ofrai Yellow, tod Hick Fo'oy mtt on Hon- day, Ool. 16tb, to contend at catch weight for t pvrae, subscribed bye number of supporters of tb* legitimate P. B. la Birming- ham. Hick Folry, a gem of tb* Emenld Isle, as Ihe avilor per- former, claim flist nntlce. lie le wiry built, ind stiudi 1ft. Bin., tnd weUbed tbout 8 stone: he hu performed on serml oeca- •Ions with cmtldenbli inonu, hit lut two battles being with Himnrer Barli end Jenk Patriol; tht manner In which he pol- Ithed off thou deter llnbt weight! ittaped blm u ■ tngflltt of ao mean pntanilon*. ntmmlog li a compact little feDow of Iho CoOlnun school. Bs studs 6I». iHla, ud hit nghtlog weight let little nnder 7 ttooe. He leabio well known In Ih* msglo circle, ID* lut engagement preTtoui to the present wu la Jalr Let, whin he rough! a brilliant bitlle wllh Jsck Boberta, wbloh Umlostad la his ftior In consequence ol BoberU refailog to enter a second ring. At sn early hoar on Hondiy morning. Pa- lilliUo Brum wu on Ibe elerl en m/i for tie Fin Ambee, sbonl ill mllee cm 1 well beaten track from Ibe lTirdwjioOioliil, whan • ring wu quickly pitched oa u nlc* e piece of nitun's carpal- log u oonla be Imeglnid, snd ill being In readiness at 10 A. af,, they commanoBd baslneia On tbelr ihoalog la the buff then wei s greet ddpirlty In lire, Foley being much tiner, end the minnsr la wbloh tbey conuneDced showed Ihey wen well up to thetr bairnets, the tsctlci thty dliphvytd iffordtog a high treat to the bystander*. Brand L Toltew Ink Ibe ltllletlre tnd planted hu loll on the cheek and hli right on the rlbt of bu oppor ont, Foley nlnrnlng on tbt obest, tome dne hsl( arm flbblcg toaclcae, snd oomlng to grief together, elds try tide. 9. Bolh came np eeger end went it It it once la t style quite nrresblog. If not lo tbe combitanle it least to lha rptentori, Foley pliylog for the rlbt and tht little one idmlnUlerlng pen. per fall oa the nml nalaue, which nowhtd become eueedlngry flaihid, tud II wu trlfntlhtl Tsllow't blow wu much men efluetto then HleVi, who, howtrer, wu not to be ttalled off, u ho returned to ihe*IUok,ind fought mrrrllylo a dote, when bolh inula wm down. 8. After loot* brilliant achingoi of* rery mutual description, TcOow got Mick's hold In chincerr, end after oraimenllog all frontlrplsoe. gate him tb* lack heel and drterlf threw him. A Both, thoroughly game, want to work with hearty good win, Yellow linelngeterrlnolecer full on lbs monlh of hi* opponent, tnd dnwlng tbe rubr prof only. FlrstblooddilmedandiBowed for Yellow. They nee fought nil tbey oame together la ta iffee- tlonil* imbrtoe, when 1 an* struggle for Iht fall ensued, the llltle one hiring li at (he flnlib. BL Wunlhtratim< , s(hlr, ulbtj doted nd it osn sought prateorlon of their kindred duet. 8. Wu of a vary duhln* nature, bolh lighting nut ud fatlona, but it moil btaflmltted that the Utile one held tb* tramp card. Tht bent wu flnliaed by Foley belcg fought down amctdugly dent called ra ■JtMeuan . ate iwrtntal Tbe phyrl. „ _ . . keukaniraMoraand kh) nmenllt HuwtO. waUkerka wucondn^edrettardsy. Tn*«Mt»fpoor Hirttnbanrf *nlca*,ssdli 1 t^iBMjarmrnttlon la nhal wutarnatd^tP««i<*c<nmnli.-^ T ^r>/v,rj << , - , Oetocerl*. IBB OAJSrXXl To 04>tT««B«rrdentf. 7. Motwllhittndnw tbt nmoailrtnui of hit leormdl, Foley would ban suother thy, trot only cunt np to be metre! general, tnd In . Bontii 8. Be wn compelled from sheer ejhinitlon end want of condition ta'iuocumb, ibe bttlle hiring lsrted tnnty-on* mtr- nits, end t mere rpWed ont could not biT* been wltneited whlltlllluM. Tag Bjio in) Ancrutia.—On lloncty, Aut. 7.1 mm betwua Jut Oaln and Frank Ooptland, for a pane, look place without tny Interruption whatever. Coin wis stlenltd by hli brother and BUI Becleton, and Prank by BUI OJeghom and Tom Dodda. Very Utile time wu occupied In sparring, far when Oila led off bo wu mil with t hury lunge from hit oppinent't right, widen, though It tipped tht dint, railed to still Urn off, and bolh want at It nimmrr and tonga, Cain's blowa being the lln'shur, bnt lacking ibe ptedilon neeemty to be completely effeorrre, A very long rally wis ended by both going down. Thlt ttylt of fighting contlnaed for three reunls, and Ihe contributors to tht pone were satisfied that they hid 10ms fun for thetr money, from iho fourth round Oopslud wu leu "eager for Ihe fnyi" Gala's Intrant shower of blows, when ht did l oommonn open* tJoni, teeming to btBlIdei'hlm, tnd, u tht fight pnoeedea, to knock all the irteace onl of him. Although the fight luted 48 mlnu'e*. la which 91 rounds wen fought, Oaln took Iht lead from tht third round, and ntver govt hit opponent t momont't niplU; indeed, hut for the nntol nsrtlog ol Cleghom, lbs fight would hivt been over In half tn hour. At tho condufkm 01 the bailie a liberal nbscrlpllon wtimidt for tbt lour, tnd tht combatant* neelved every tlttnllon at .the hands or their napicilvt eecdnds. Before scpinllng, the pitron* or the tfftlr npntted tbemierret perfectly eitlifled that tbey hid teen 1 good, hon .at light, without tht trouble of t voyigt down the Bay. BOULLINO BAOB FOB £100, A tenners' na for £80 a aide, cam* offonr tbe ureal metro- polian coarse, on Oct,' 17lh, between Edward Bamrt, of Hu- Chester, and Frank Klltby, of Old Birgt House, ud resulted In tb* victory of Ibo oountnmao, to the no email aurprlio of th* talent, who htdboekel tie affair le a certainly for the Thame* npreeeatitlre; Bar/art u a eompemtrrely unknown man, albeit he hu figured saeaserally In eivers] minor mitchea on the Irvtll. and la tba^a-prlng of ths ptesent year rowed third to Belief and 'Cooper, el Xing'* Lynn. He le 33 yom of sge, en, fin In height, sndon the day of ihe pre sen Its counter, for which be trained under Bsrty Kelley, jutt turned tbe lent at lost. 01b. Klltby It 93 7ears ol tat, nd, during a thort bnt very rucoeafai oner, bu debited urenl well known men. Including Wis*. Biffin, Mar, and Ppenttr. hit I111 tppetnnce heron tht pubJo being tgilnitT<udsloWUton,or iJowc-jUe, on tht diy befon tht gnat nee for tbt Cnamplouhlp,. whom ho Also defeated tomiwbat osHly. In sdoltlon to Iht ohove, he, with Rudolph Cook, won tht pair out at tho lilt Thimet Degalle, ud form'd one of the winning crew for the Ohtmpion Four-oarod But oa on Ihe tarn* occielon. nt bid, hoverer, to tnocomb twice list yeertoyoang Dirld Coembot, once In the rice for Iht Coat ud rU4gr,udsgiIn1n*m*<cbfrumPulneytoUartliko. Bemdu- went hli pRpintton lor the anient nee andir the om of Kr. Wilcox at tho While Hart, Barnes, bnt hit mining wu con- ilderably Interfered wllh by a gathering In tbo hud, which nre. vento.1 Dim taking hie uiual breathings on Iht water, ud he coniequenUycimotothiwataUllleorerhuniriilnwlng weight Ihe start waa fired to take plica thortlr bolon two, bat u lna tile ehowtd symptomi ot ri'.llng, cipcdltlon became tho order ot Ibo diy, tnd tbe men took np their stations tbout ten mlnntet past one, Bamlt being.on the UlCdletoi dir. the sltrtlook plic* it 1.99. ind in iht nret two or throe tenia Klltby tbowed with* alight lead, but bit opponent letting down to hit work ipeidlly drew level, tnd it tho London Boilhnot* wu leadlna br a third of 1 boat's length. Bolh men now beau moiluaac- conotibly to thcer over 10 the Borrey aide, eo that it Iht nDMr tnd of Plrob't ground Klltby wu right under tho bank, ud hli opponent In ihe centre of tho slrcim. At the point Bamit edged still for her over to tho Surrey tide, ud 1 foul scorned Imminent, but Klliby. In obedience 10 tho signals or hit pilot, kept In shore, and tbe alincheiler man, proHUog by toll piece or bid genets?- ship, came ont wltb • lead of a clear lengta. At Iho Orab Tree he bio Improved bit sdvulago to two lengths, ud it llsramennulh Bridge wu leading by about tho titne-dlllance. Thertwua detd ht*d wind In rornoy Bctoh. u d Kuiby onoo or twice turned to gain neon Lit opponent, bnt tht litter, though teulllna In a Tory ink-wild ttjlo, hidillll plenty lift In him, asd ujllmalely rowed In' a winner by lomtthlng nnder tno lengtha, amid ihe vociferous cheering ot hu parlliint, who won wondorfollr cook- t-boop tt their vleicry. Bl tby ippeired lo be considerably dlr- Ireaetd towudi the flnlib, whloh must donblleu be attributed In a great meuun to tho accloont we htvo referred toj lndeod the rune la which the whole dlilicoo wu tccompUthtd, clots upon twenty.nlno mloatot ud t half, tflordt conduilve tvldenot Ihtt bt wu far below his otnal form. Tn curirOTaitSDti Btih*.— Tho net for tht tbore-nimed tttkis, wbleh It contldend one or tbt chief British tarf evaolt wu ttt down for Tuesday, Oct 94. Tho horses John Davis, Be? gtllt, ot lb* Doke, ue eonildered fivorlte*, tlihough tht French bona Oliduuut would dlitueo them all In thlt respect, woe it not tbit he bu been to betvfly weighted; via., Oat ij]b, Thlt looks 11 Itlle like snolber rpoolmea of the Bntlih sporting "a Mr Bald," tto. Says the tarf Hiker of thai ntw tnd excellent BngUah sporilng paper, T»s Sjmrlmm, of Oct, 91, on thlt tnb* Jicii— Milt tlmotl ridiculous, at flrtt tight, to iced—aiidliUur ■in, tit 111b. Of count, I pretnmt him to bt three nut old, but whether be is of not. If he wins, the Cambridgeshire, I thill contldtr blm tbo bolt hone Ihtt ever rin—no matter lfb* It tlx Jeirs old, for I do not believe there over wu t bono of onv on 1 thlt conn try that could hivo won tho Otmbrldgrthlre sny ont Jeer also* lit commencement In 1833 wllh inch s weight u 9,1 91b. Below-WUI we ronbd * list of the winners, tht weights they nave carried, ud, u far u I oonla ueeilun, bow they hivt won. Jott look npon the list, ud Ihratblnkof ttVw year old wllh fitat atone rwefoe/' 1 But lust to show how tht monoy mttktt It, we bin give the latest bolting on the Oimbndgosblre:—8 lo 1 sgtt Olsdfiunr (off), 100 to 8 Agrt Provliorjoffi, 1Q0 to 8 agst Bal- Sincut (off;, 90 to j tgat Obttsrd OuUt 3II to 1 aiit'Oilroger (1), I to 1 tin <Jontnn (li, 9B ir>l sgitlht Dnkn (0,80 to licet John D*vl* (to to 1), 88 to 1 sgtt Onntudt (off), lb fnl igst Mu it BO to It, 48 to 1 tgtt Mrienrn U), «to 1 egit. Merry r vf(r» (ti, jeiio to 100 tgtt DietdsDiiBe, with 1 itirt.(t) 800 tvtn on Broadilbut sgil (Judlateor, with s start, " • ; '.' L , i FooTBiu, at BTJotrr, E*Q.—The toholin of Ihtt (amcms lobMl pliiadlaclrtliluuiuh it foolbiU, one qt tnaatosl important ot the teuon, on, the 7lhi 01b tnd lOlh nit, Iht flrtt day wee nl. E- ntly hot ud daily, the second unpleitully wet' Oil no*.' ■nt uiuol, won prennt la force, tad bom thorn both tide},, hool atptdallj, dulRd much tnlituce. For tba Bltlh, Itghtm and rborold pltycd msgolflcenily, and on Ih* am* lido' BeneoU, Collier, tb. B,l H, Dirt, (a B.I \Y. Itarl. [O. ai BtlnrA' (>. It.) tel Warner, 10. HlJIoborlaon, 10, Rl Ho>oley,8elfh(0.. B.l Blirhoff, (O. II) ud Tiniblot dullngulitud ihomnlna. On .the Bchoolalde, II. Tjikyni'.bsir-bick ploy wu dropctd both fjoilr, tod to him la grut mctturo mail bt ttlrl. hattd the monitor, hit petty, Oa the tamttldo tbtplty of Cook, (0. Tt.) Begley, 10. lb) B. Dikynt, tO, B.I B. Smoport, 10. n.) Ucndtrmn, u. A.) Oluion, Falmen, 10. B.) ul U, Vt|. tilt wu vtry contiiloaona A Doimto Uatcb for £101 side, wss played on Oct ISIh at Blr- . ,.ngbtui,, betweee Bishop, (tbo bund obtoplon plsyerl snd. John, iho Wcod Turner ot Blrmlngbini, for <10 * tide. Toe fin* was lldnrnlnoet, 91 ebslh* ap, and the blind man won by chalks., DliUopmllplay any fhen who will botjWo to 440. cr will beck himself ag.lnal any blind nun it £81 lo 410. An ZzoiTmo Bonn ow\ TUon Coutm —At Ibo Leek Bloc I, on Tutidiy ihirgoon Octonor 17ib eoout ten ulnntit proviont to tbt s'utlBjet toe flrtt ran*, snd wbllo tbt peoplt wtrt nailing on lha grand iland, a nolle wu baud ind nl of a tuddm tbe nwietpul or.he edifice aim* down with a Innoodout crub, eirrjln* wltb It a number of gentlemen, entl butrjlng In iho Mint sexrsliidtii who win htvintrtinibminl in Ibt cnnin-, tunbineiib. Ore aetllomin^td his upper leo:b all loot oiled, ■nd bu bine itveraly enL The laditt wen got out sfler tornt U latmbls. A Itrg* quanUly «1 crytkd, Itquois, *a, wu* atttrojia. fi Oons Oiitt.-QeoTjl Martin, tht wellknown rnpporttror P*dM:faulsu>natntly iHiref fiomapilvlu ttylnmai Buxton and mitt hit way le London, wban for soms dsn ht baa tlvtA greMuieulnejs tohla frlinda, On Friday hit, ht dlspllrld annnjualtitkitalttiBpinof at tauliTiearnUta tsuilAvit Oto. & Cairigiia.—Honsy rate!red ud suwsr farwardod by mail. Yon an the fail u with t solullau 01 blsmi Ho. 809. Tery final Is II not? Th* pnblem von request from the Caen Pltytfi Cftroaicfa, ToL L w* will ley befon onl leaden, O10. Oaovn, Br, Cathirtnis, 0. W —We forwarded wear er> nnd 10 M. H, Bailer A Oa,, PhUidelnhla.aad nphed to yon by milL W. W. IL, 5. T.—Wt never heard ol neb a piper as you In qtin sbout, ud do not think nth t ont exist*. By all meui tnbtcrlb* for ImwoUai't Jfa t «uiMuioanHWtumoana*tn* American igent. 9. a lloitxnf.—Tour lut noelvsd: • Okea Indndtr far. wsrded. Han Lowwarain.—WlUyuuhtvt Ihe kmdneuforepeat In the £ra Ihe glel of tbe following Hsu to your el.eUen! com- nwndent, X. Smith, Esq.: Th* Chen Id,lor of tht Hnr You Omna rcquuti a* to forward hi* eompilmenU lor pooxviry entertaining itratagun Bo. 1 (Bautdtl 0. P. H.), which ht hu repeit*d for th* gnrlneitlon of Amtrloan tnuttaiii ud bt would be vary proud to reealve tornt original oontribuUxms from your fertile and Ingenious laboratory. CaaaaBiina.—Ton sired us for a prebltmitswweek* ago, of wbleh wt hivt Jott found 1 copy. Il contains mora fore* thin wt like to tnlgmitlis, but w* win give it In Ito or tan* watka. Tn Crass TorssuritrajH it Dublin, Ireland:—Thlt plntut pus age or chess still continue*, ud excite* Iht grrstert Intentl ■moDg filth ehtn nltytra. Tbt flrtt prut'hst been flntOy swarded to Bleinlta, the aeooad to tht Bar. Hr. H BonneU, wor- thy raecauor In noma of the gnU Alexander M'Bannall. Ih* flrtt g*m* between Btelniti and KHonneU was a diaw, hot the latter anally necumaed to hU antagonist Wt announced list week tbt great dUplty of blindfold chest by Stemlll pitying three garnu it once ; bat ht hit since performed the rnirveltou* feet of pitying blindfold fin game* tt once against flvt ot th* but Play on present, winning four ud drawing tht fifth game. Thlt bnli.trlal listed uvtn houre, tnd to shew the prrfeol memory ofBUlnlfaiutotho position ot each game, one of hit admlrem eased blm In tbe ruddle of toe game to go out for u boor to dine. To this Stelnlli Inatantly acceded, end when the ehsentee returned tho euriotlly of th* drel* wu much excited In watching whether Stelnlli would be at null u lo th* all tub* on of the pieces, tht gtm* hnvlng bean hung np midway. To tht unrrer- tal aattalscllan of sll the speetstors, etelnllshad theposltlans In hit Bind pre sent with mithemifcel iririricy, ud Stftaled hi* oppoaent In dot course. Throughout tbt fin garnet Btalnllt nerer one* committed an error u to Ih* illusion of lha pteou: ud as tk* pendant to this great fast wt matt tdd Ihtt h* hid hircTly *rsr pnvlonily itUmpted playtag blladfold,—BrtTt Lift, Oct 9L EnJflmi No, BOB. ■Vn* ronseafAsTl Jftyisfm n t. ana, aso. ltf,B9,liq. fJKtl, KBA, Kill KB9, Qsq. QXtf, , tndlWhlte f aqltlth: ttgBI, KBtq.KKI9,XKtr,QB4, Kit8, QBX 1)11, and t Black P at Q 4th. WUu to plly ud compel Brack ta giTS mate tn II mom. Probrtm No. BOB. An tmuded vtnJon of our Problem Ho. 100. tixaxaat fiaowa ixs ecu, a niaam BLAOX ■/■'"■a vMa r?T t i <i>.,.,y/, White to play and compel Blank to gtv* mite tn flvt move*, flam* No. BOB. Ftnt gttno played In Paris during tba great Boalu't lut rlxlt Attack, Amitrur. l..PU>K4 B..P-KB4 9..KKI-B9 4..F-KB4 8..KKI-K8 B..SB-B4 7..KF X ' B..P-Q 4 8..B.3-Kt5 + lf..QKt-B> ll..iH-Ktsq 19..Q bt-K9 18..QPXB Daftnet, EMnff. PtoX4 KPXF F-K Bl 4 F-K Kt 8 KIt-B* t-Q4(t| . XB-qs KKC-B4 X-btt B tq XXt-hlit <£-KB8 BXKt g-htrKtt thtDefoaotwlu. (a; A fine, free defence ta this sinnlt Atttek, Arctleur,' 14..QKtloQ4 lt.,FXFc*pan 18..XBXXI 17..0BXF 18..QKI-S9 19..XB-I Defence, Ftlnff. P to Q B 4 QRtXF KIFXB KBUBA B-XBsq QB-l -A-.Q-heiBsq 91..X- ^ .hit B9 99..K-hu B9 38..KXOB 9l.,QB-K8 ettt • K'^QID'tl 9*..X-hlll QB-B 9 QB-QK I1B8 Ql lit Kl- S-KiaO. BXKI + -K8-t- i-qsj- Xt> BP + O.XP-t»«>4 OHKQTJERJS. To Draught Playara. ITJB KLXMXBTB OF DBAUQHTBi OB, BM IN ft CHS" STJBJ flUIDB. By the Dnught Editor ef IhiOunu. Thlt hook hu tea pranoanotd by the Editor of Bell's Lift t o bt "IHB BBST ■XrB&rTZABY TBBAT1BB KVBB WBITTFJf OB THIQ AHB." Printed an flue paper, gill binding, tilwjtriltd with dltgrams, And enrtohe* by numerous game* from Iht but miaten. Index. in'* system of recording, together with Pitternon'i rrrban com. plela. Advueed plsyen will and thlt Initial well worthy then wrUta, Bent, pott ptld, to sny addreasln tht United 8UUt, far » unl*. Irldrtu I> D. J. BWEET, Olitrb OmOx, Ma HasaBr^tlrtet.Hewfori, The Metrapolllan Driucjht Club holdt Id nett- legs at th* B&tmoni Hotel, 1U Fulton it, near Broadwiy. (3i^t To Oprnapondantt. Bin,—Your opponent It correct—yon matt Jump him. Qiim No. 89,-Vol. XIII. at i. tKowm. niatk. l..lllalf 9. .18 ,99 9., 8 I.. A B.vlle 0..IO t-.iB.. 8.. T 1.1 »l itl'l*. 19..14 19..10 14.. 3 U 8 IB 18 19 . 10 14 : ' 14 1 I 19* : : 17 Whit*. 99 to 19 98 : : 18 10 17 99 98 94 :ai 1.11 97 : 18 94 . 98 83 99 99 99 . 19 80 98 18 99 90 17 18 M . -9 19 19 98 94 18 19 « 91 91 IB.. 1 tt S 18.. g 17. .17 1I..14 19..17 . 90..19 91;.19 33..38 98.. 8 91..10 98..89 98.. 9 3I..97 14 98 '99 19 98 . 81 10 17 V • 9A, ul draws. • '' While. is to a M M 91 99 91 18 19 IB IB 8 IB 14 a -a 99 18 . 8 10 10 8 18 a <«L. 33..17 31.. 9 91.. 10 (0) Bee Bod-Otm* tbla week. 91 91 17 18 17 14 II 19 18(6) Blukdnwt, rotMon No. 89, Vol. XUI, Poaltlon No. 60, VoLXia n j, no o.—was oun. BLAOX n t, r, Dnn, or aotxait, BLAOX, tt PMlBof. No. 87«w.VoL XBB Witt*. 1..89 to 97 9. .11 14 8-4 8 «.. a a 0..U a 99 99 89 a la U 4 90 11 1 .10 Whltt. 8.. 9 to T . 114,, T..I1 8 4 jj. 8.. 9 . a 9 » 9.. 8 Mud win*. ? WhOTB. Dhvskttnwn.aaddri*. WBJ1A While UBOvt tnd vrln, . Wick. to 98 9..17 99 Mtrtfoti of PoiMJon No. BS-VoL XHL ' ~ ' ' 1 bi'f. t. While. , I BUok. |J>»» I 8.. I loll «,. 9 10, . watts, _ 18 ta 1 vTBlnwllit, OUR DHAMATIO PORTRAIT QALUfty. W. B. GATAHAOB. Wit ban IMermker lllb, 1818, tn tht town of Yonghin. Cert ' Inland. Bit fathtr wu a protestor of ltngoite* u kjlaen. College, Inltai, ud whin )onng Caranigh wu two reus i tgt bit fttbtt aunt to thlt country, leaving htm behind wllh kb methsr, wko took np thtlr ruldinot wllh a reltilve In Waba. ford. At 11 yeen of lie he btcimo a mldshipmiu onH. B.H. Id-gas brig Btpbof. fit ttllid for tht tut rout of Africa* Koumblqn* Obunel, vitlUog China led HufUi, Wblie n * .T"'* thres amngglui were ciptortd in the Ohlner* Bos. uduty also tmuhtd to plica tVtliy pirate. BeteMthevort •jn^wu complttcd ht cangbl cold and bioamt totally bUni. Bttlgasd hit pociUyn udwu tent h*me, when, after a iheri ' lime, ha noovena hit tyeilght in London, nd Immedlitstr . tailed for Amerliaal Ihirtqueilof hie ftlher, who wu thai thriving flour merchant In this city, at 39 ud 91 Horn (treat . Bon after bl* arrival la tbls country bt ran swiy from hit ft tt ?'r™£"A dtagB '^' ul fl>* a ha UwB.B iteemrr Bibb, - Lltut, Davis, Comnuder, now Commodon Divil, of Hlisliilpi) notoiloty. Being eipertu a araman, and btvmg tornt kno.l. tdit of nivlgilliB, h* wu riled QuirtennarUr tt iht tg* of 18, ull rudend Tthishl* urlitance to tht Borviy Hutir la thi oout turrey of lha Hutucket fihoils. in rli montkf tame hi ntnmed homt allh rerommendttleni from the Lieutenant ana olhsr otcari, lo tht Secretary of tht Navy for the erjuonlmenl of Hlddey to Ihe frigate Conilltnllon, but be did not pment his ' pipers, as joit ti that time ht wu itiaed with t mama for plav toting, tnd aeoordlngtj mtdt bit Aral sppcarun on sny sun it tht Walnut Street Theatre, PbUideipble, under tht rtasa mutgemtnlof Petrr Bichtaga From the Walnni, bs proneded to Boston, ud plsytd ueond low comedy el thoAttentma' Fnm thm bt went to iho LoweD falui.) Hatenm, under W jl' '-'leg's nsntgtment, for nnl low comedy. Ia t abort linn ir, wt find blm starring in Irish comedy through theNiw Bnglud towua. Ht ntil took utngigtmul Blth/. O. rjsri. Utah, it tht Cttvelind Atheitiam, tnd ihtnce to Mswuk, K J For one eulln **a*tn he Invalid wllh W, B. XaigUih'* eomiuv through the Eastern Butts, supporting Lucille ud Beta Wert, em. After thtt bt wu pitying Irish part* it Btraom'i Ha- tenm la this city, ud leaving there prooeeded to Hobtle, New Orliut, tnd other Southern thetrre*. Fnycd ShikespnrlB down wllh Sptuldlng ud Bogert'flircn* on thetr floating pallet for eighteen month*, He vnt lien engajed u clown fcr Bsylav ui Anstln'i; lelrtng Iht uw doit burlneu wisea. gtged by George Lea ss manager of bit Bune Ball, lu which capacity hi remained for three years. Be la at present aout* manager of tbe Osalno, Baltimore, tlto tbt Bew Amerlna TttZ tr*lnlhe use diy. Bt Itagood low,uweO uIrishoia&i. dun, udon* of lha bill Irish Tocalltti In ut buaueta. THX1 BXXtGr. DUDLEY KAVANAQH, ui AKD ALL THI OHalfPlOFS AJTO OYKRABTB, TJ8B EIHOB*8 0LOB8 FOB BrBaVOTBERZHQr AND IMYiaOBATlKa THS MWIDUB B18TIH. . 0tabt,ato 8 Iba, 88 par pair; 0hlht,Ut*ltIbi.. Mto flints pair, Orders tddrsewed to ' fc D. XKBOB, Box 4810, Feat Offlot, Btw Tetk, win reeern immediate attention. . ; Allorden auttid* of Hew lark City rrmtlb* tiaenUBtidbj Ike money. • MVIA TRY HARRY JENNJN8S' tjT Wav.v.vtBr.w UASU] Fa th* atttmdltm at FLBtB, Ant, pi SOaS, Bi t4 tatls. Bold uy thi Fslentee at FUry osaU per Boa, or 14 l*r tan Dragguu tad tBuppan tuppl led,jr^ ^ nPraSanasteeeteWto*. Rf YOBLK Aan0T,-lb. 0*0. K BibtrUan, Agent far tht Belf-Operating Sawlai Hlobine, H9Bro*dei;, It alt* 'tanhatr agent to tupply Hrw Sort diy with th* Aubu tjotp. Boxing Qf«wa. $BB0i Sat*. FmoIm FalTf, Hails, Oloru, enh tit pair. Pock't Pistols, |a,7Tto 810 a pair. Biftseud Shot Guar, 918 to 9100. Bporttng Oooda of every kind nnt by msD ortrpntt. KBZsTONI BFECIAL AOtMOY, 19-191* HonalYtrnanilrit*,Fhlh4iluUa,Ft. Our Houas, IVralhwftil corner of But snd 3d Avenue, N. Y. BUTT WTNB8. LIQTJOB8. AMD 0IQABS ALWA1B OM HAXD, A OONVAUIUulI BDLUABD BOOH ATTAOBKD. 994m* ' JAHBS OOBDBhT, FnprMaj. TTio Oharlot H. Manhall Hoim*. bQobael hkmby TiiitaitiiB Mo, 89 BOLTON BTBBBT, BBOOKLIkl THE OBOIOXnTr . . i ALIS, WIBX8, UQU0BB, AXTJ BHABtt, 88 staxlrrfl efovso ftf' fale^—Tha Vtbna Ihtttf of Oeremtmtte, OLD BILL TOVBf. will tend, oa receipt of 10, pa rsprets, a superior tat of BOXQta QLOYBfl, ta any stale new tt Ut Union, olorii cltued ud repaired. TUB ABT OF BKLF-DBf KNOIUught by Hr. Tovee, ttoatl tk Uf on at tk* pupil'i neidnnce, on nuonible terms. . W1LL1AH TOTKB,. Hyrtll Avanu* Flank Bold, Bruhwlck, Bmklya, L. L P. O. Addreas, Box 3BA, Brooklro Post Offlot. Tbt De Halo Avtnn* Out, Fulton Ftrry, uxt yon to Ih* oM lutlenun't rtatdenoa, THE WHITE HOUSE. ' He, us OBAKD STBEBTj one door fictn Broadway, IBB BBAXXjUABTEBS OF TUB SPOBTQtd WOBLDL vTkuea, Liquon, ales, Olgirt^udovtnlhinBOItntbt^ont^tw, pnrVAIE LE330HB InBPABBlrlQa by Mr. xottph " tllher ti tk* pntil't resldmca, OB AX TUB WHITE BOTJgX. 90 JOB OOBBBH, Badds Rook Orntar ind Dlnlno Baloon. 199 OllATflAH BTBEET, corner of PearL ale*, Wtaea, Lltnon, snd Besars of raterlox quality. sjsnU st 111 hown. HI0HABX TBATftOB, enfimot. HDPa Exoharmo, No. 21 East Houaton at, THE BB 4H0H. Oor. of Third Am. At B*Ttnty4iit it, An In ths full tide of tuocwatful operation.' The ptraonal npar. vunon of lb* Proprietor ll IBB HMHAN0B, u htntofon, ear. lag lha tveaung, .and- si mi BBAM0H darinf ih* iButrest, preteenrtaadenjoymenlal inry Tlsttanl, guana n*slh*T poeitrn being an unrreraatly ret fell "How to Ktap aoood m UWon,' Ha llUBOTFLAOX ' Ocrntr of Keecker ud Oreene tu^ (184>I Hxw Yotm Hotlia of OommofrB, It WBBZ nOUBTOH BTBBBT. Mew York; tad HTBIL8 AVBNTJB HOTEL, ernerHyTll*indBuihwirAaTOnts,Br«klro. B0BKQT BlillH, l>ronr1sior. lonorrlt u anal, tvtry Hondiy, widtaaAiy anA.Mnrity evinbu*, it the House of Oommona, Orana fAc^rder stery Sunday it tht MyrlitATtnueHoUL . ...UAn* OOflM Bird 8t*) ■ ." ekiV-O BAH TTJBrTZB, XBB QBBAT OAlllira HTOB», tiltr»»>i • Th* Union Houie, ti PenUnd street, Boiln, When docs o' ill kind! an bought nd told. I bin now Ibt kudromul Italian itoek dog in Amtrlct, wbloh it now to bt loan It Ih* bar. Drfll forwarded lo til pari! ot Am trice te order. Sent treated lor ill kinds of dlietau by Hr, TTJBMBB hlmaelf, .where ereryaltenUon will b* paid. 1MB* Boaton Houio, 20( 8onih 9traat, OPPOaTTH OATHABINB BT. FSBBY, NlW Y0BK. Altt,Wlau, Ltqaon udGlgan of Ihefuutqualliy, aarOpn all night, Onowaar irtry Tu»A*y,Thttndtyind Baturdsy evening*, 3S41 ■ H. BT AMTOBf, Proprutor. ■ Jaok MoOryrtal't Sporilng Mouat, .^.y-^.. N. \7. OOR. OF BBAOH AND POPLAI 8T*\ PmLADBPBIA. Tbt gnatf it variety of flghtltg ud lanoy Dogt in lb* Stall to borwnttHoOBYBrAL'a ' THB BPOBTD FOOEBI COUPABION.-Jatl received' ryot* Fins, u e'egint snkls containing 19 btinlUul Eturtvipgl tn the hlihiat style of trl. nothugtf the kind ever! befon Im- ported. AUgttUimtn otluUihouldhtvtaoalpy, rltd In Iht pookit. ud iflurdi BBth amuiiatni. lor I) lo uy idlnt*. wllh our nan citiloint SnorUNjgQoodi. A4ditu py. Ounacar- . Stlt,M*l*d. i of BooU tnn H,Bl.VlNlilO»kU(i; . , 8M Bread W.rl.T. 0f» OtHT BAHPLB HAal ITu* •llh'fiAla^eni'ot taitu 10 aSO tgutaTAaarttt „,.„.„_ , ^ . :