New York Clipper (Nov 1865)

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TM*a»*t to *u Ik* mill gnu or«rtnghag . In *»erp nook nl eoraark hill mi aal*,' As! know thai each enooudtog day I* btxogtes (he glad*ome Baamar neater, wllhocl ML TH iwett to hatr the feathered wublao ilnglng _ Their aotu fnm oopu, aod bnka, and woodland nl* I 5* a diipatrlng mind ho* iw«t I* hop*, at iwMt«r Or to rah with Oovunrt nip. D la nilly a rniory lo ran with OOCfiATJD'B dellelcru ITAL- IAN MEDICATED BOAFi Inflepenlwll orit* aalonlinln* proper- tiulanmoTtogtan, ptmplu, ntckle*, »a)townae* rap^bnrna, radaoa, longhute, and other dleSgunHoae /rem lot inn, It u ■neb a delightral emollient ibil no moUier abonld think o< natai any othnr wp tbtaUUllorah Ih*lender bodyol her beloyed tafaal. OOUBAUD'S Miglcal FOUDBES BUOTILEB will poev Italy endlceu tU npertnoni hair Mm any put o( the bnmu DR.-FELTX OOUBAUD'S srepanllone cu> be bad it hli new and ipludld utabllahment, 161 Broadway, lhl« dton below Grand at, removed tnmhla old depot, 17 Waller *t BetabUibtd a qaarUr of a eeatarr ago. Alio or Mtei, 119 Wiihlniton at, Beaton; Oellinoer,Philadelphia; eeth 8. nance, Baltimore; John, aoc Detroit, and otheia wbo ohoooe lo aesd caah order*. For- warded by aipnaa, and clronlara itnl flea. SMI NEW BOOH £ NSW BOOK. MY FIDDLE-DE-DEE anrr rnwr.T OBIOfHAX AND THB BAOfBST WOBK EXTANT. 17 IS A WHOPPSB, 8F0&TB* PBIGE 19 CENTS. TBADB SUPPLIED AT (8 per 100 Copies. Maato Oarda, with Diuolrmg Viewa, roalalnlag mora than la flntaaas. Bint with key of eipt mallon f or W cent*. JOST BBOHVED. THE PA B137AN FUZZ LB, '•THB OHOFFXD UP MONKEY." Aaraalarncla, Plica it centa. Addrau • CHAS. E.PABK. . _jl TINeeaaaatmi Sow lork. SPOSTS' POCKET HArTDKBBOHTHF.—P««to, Qotak, Okiaga. Bally for Iba new Idea, Bant,_po«t paid, for _ *>«l* 0. B. BALL * 00., IM Broadway. K. f. OW TOT BR IT, ROW 10U DON'TI-Thal onrieoj, ihaagaablapojkethaadaarohlafforBporte. Oalyfle. ■Ml* O. B. BALL *j CO., lit Broadraj, *. 7. m TH1HO, a Oood Total, a Big Thing, and jolt th* Ttdag.UitSporUBandkerenleC Only Tad, Addraaa tl* O. & BALL * 00., MS Broadway, N. T. XTBBB BHB O0EJI Jt SMI* AND THSBB EBB O0E6I THAT HABUEBB0BJEF. WTLLbnrafiMtelof OTFABO OBIOXB of »lt« j. t. ounnia * co, cue***, n. -CUBO CHHJIS, m Mta of dOO-BKwblh). 108 red, 100bl»»- -JJwBh '" I rpUta, fir ~sr %n. To be bad onr) of i, t, ourruto a co., cuomo, m, VBALma B0UB, all kbida andprlen, made and for aal* kj tO-tt* I. T. OtrltlHO « CO., CblaiO, Dl STOW TO wm WITH 0ABBB.-Tha "Oonfai" aaUant I viib common ouda and Iba face of tow earda willbaaaaa lb* dealer, and knowlsi JOBTwhatjonropponanla bold a -ttalr banda,wma»ablajnito wtnitarjUnfc Btntoaiaodnt of il.wlln full dliacUeaa for oaf. _ _ : till* LOSOLIT A 00,, ChUafO, m. ■ X AfiSX LOTS OP IVOUt OBME8 for tal* at I • PAJBS TOT AN B, Tuxr a and Deal tr tn Irorr, Td-Ut* ntaUsa atnaVHewTak, aTtcT/VBABB BBOWIS.-Oo=tilnitaforinaUoonotfooi>dta Vol) uiTolbarpnbUcatlon. BantfraebrmaUoniecalpta Meaa Addnri BUTOHUOB k 00^ PnbBanera, a»™*»* l|9 Broadraj, Hew Turk. ,rj<EB SBKAT HOBIS ADD BOOTH PACKAGE. 1TDXLI BBCTJRDUB, OOHDIKAT10N tt. rj WABBAnTED TO SPLIT TOUB MOUTH PBOM BAB ' SO BAB, AMD OITB TOU THE BHETJatAilSal • * FOB BIX MOITBB, Tb* Oombmatlen Faakaga U loadad wllh II Srnnnls* Hew - m**mm- 1 Bbarp Cosnodnma, 8 Bed Hoi Sketch'* and Anaadoloi, I Jttk Bioqbp* Qoiktr.S Fanej Photograph*, 1 New Poralo fbrd Pistole. and 1 Oolorad BngnTtsg that . ™ BEATS OBBAtXOM ago TIHES. T^p^toaofttUHamnwihPaokiaaUonlja'icenta, a* t^tii arm don not advenae la the Herald." G«Btiihurild oa\ tblaoat*nde*idfor*packag(. • .-^^ ■ laUOBTAB r HOTIOB. - OorzntxT Cnu cms b*npplle4fbt taa nreaent at SO erata per .p*kM t Adore- ;r .. 0 ^ H0LLUn> —■Ml* 'Bo. Ill Fnlloa *MV Hew Tork. $1 orr *q AM BBBK." • • • ISO I0V OAK HA'VB IS OF THB PBBTTRST OAS, OAT, OAT, "NEW IDEA" P10TUBXB. Tboa—Ton *** the Ploinr*, and Ihna—and ao-jvn don't SrB«141unn«ri-W W for 91, or fir* timplea forlDoula. JlSa O. M. HOLLAND, nJS,* No. Ill Fulton alraal, Hew Tork. COUSIN LIZZIE'Sn= T fji Iltw lork Tradea Adroeata tail oi tala bandiome and lnt«r- aaUna periodical: "We call ellanUoa lo tbl* pabllcallon wllh rdeaanra. It la on* oftt* moil entertaining Ihlogi wearer cam* ■aoaaiand w* know ol nothing In which lb* aamaanonntof raoner eonld be Inrealed to better advantage. Tba faotlhat oooaia Llrala" li a dedaulr prettr girl, we prcrame will not In- ran bar ohraoca of aio .tn in bar Hum/ nnderlaking." A rare obanea la aSerded to «ol aood read Inaatalrlfllog price bj atlBB LIZZIE'S offer to Had her AIONrDXY alx month* on trial lor V cant*. Tbonaanda bare araltad tbemie.Taa of tbia offer, and we adrla* ill to do to wlthont aoj delaj. BpaolTana 10 ola.—no In* coplea. Addreu OOOoW L1ZZIB. U« Naann ilreat, New Tork, Aak aarnendaa'ar fn a copy. Trade aopplled bjeajwhol*. aalar. -» "*'' eOTIOBI flOnOEII HOnOBIII NOTISBIIII KonOBIIII Anr piraoa ending aa SOo., with a atampad anTelap* beai' Ihetraddnaa, wHlreoalrs U-EtOI THE MOST SPLENDID PI0TUBE8 rpHB obzat babtbbn paobaob, BIOBEB THAN THB BIOHtBT. TT WILL TAKE TOUB TEETH OUf bt TOE HOOTS ASD OITB TOD THB LOCKJAW rOB A MOUTH. THIS WONDBB CONTAUiB A BUOB LOVE BTOBT, A LBTTEB OF CONFESSION FBOH A TOUSQ LADT, NINE B10U TOASTS, FITS CONUNDBUHfl. ONE AOBOS- TIO, THBEB AWFUL BKITODE9, TWO BIVPINO BONOS. AND TWO BABE BNQUAT1NG6. PBIOB OrTLT 11 0ENT8. N B W II BALUBHI0U8 BONOS, OATVB THAN THB QATB T. WAHBANTBD OBI01NAL, NOTHTKO BEEN L1BB IT SINCE TUB DAT PADDT MUBPHT LOST HIS CLOTHES. ALSO, TWO 011 EAT AND OELBBBATED ENQBAVXNGB* PBIOB OF THB WHOLE LOT ONLT (0 OBMTS. BEWABB OF BASE lCTTATOBB. A WOBK OF ABT, ••THB OADDED OF EDEN," contanbg It large agrarian, which br a SIMPLE KB0HAN1CAL PBO- OIBI OAJi BE OkANiED I NTS OVBB U DIFFBOKNI DkV BIONa The** plcinraa are dose In BBOhZE and OOLD, and ar* nagnUoantrj tinted. Cintoa of ran poatrj 10101001117 tba plateral. THIS A1AT0DLEBS OEM man be keen lo bt *ppr*- olaaaL Prl£* SI 1 aE CHKAPEoT ABU OLE EYKB OOTTAN HP. Addrea* 6HABLBS EDOAB, No, Md Broadway. NawTork, s KATB8. A. MAOHILLAN No. ltd BBOADWAT, H. T., ■ : (Fartj oppoflt* lha FlAh AraBa* HoM,) Sol* Agent for MAOMTLLAH'S NEW 10BI OLUB.SIATIS, EUhuwllb BBADT8 PATEBT VASTBRJNO Or wHk Strap*, Sola igaat for lb* HOPE PATENT SKATE. atUTH/B FIS1 BOSTON SKATES, (MaemlllaB'a PaltoaJ 1B> ■OULBON'S KNOLISB SKATES "(ttaaBOIaa'aPilton). k QDEBAli AB80BTMXNT OF AMBBIOAII lEATtS, BTBin BUharwllh FOOO'B PATENT BUOKLB OrwUhOammoaBaeUa. BKATIHa BOOTS, of Ibt LiUtt Btjfe. SKAina GLOVES for LADIES ul aBJTTJJtllSB. anCLZTS, SKATE BAQS, A a, Aa, Ac BBFAJBINO AND SHABPBNIHS DONE, Price Lbt, wllh Catt, raadj aflsr Nonmber lav f0-3m GAME FOWLS) OAUB FOWLS I OAHB FOWLS I FOB SALB. I now offer far aal* mr entire flock of Oam* Fowl*, acme twenty TartaUfli, among them *oa* rarr eboloa Fowl* of mr own laportattcn daring lb* put jeer. Erarj Fori warmted I hare bred Game Fowl* for tbo latt nftooa jnr* eifrml; for my own amuement, and for nine jean bare neror *ten one of tbam abow tha while lealhar. Thep will eland anr teet For further partuslan addrea H, V. THUBBXB, Pomfret Landing, Conn. AUIeUarimaatbaaeeompanJadTlihatamp. tMl* rr8 A BIP-3TAVEB, B0TB.-Thli packtge hi tot ap wllh the gntleit care anl tail*, *o u to raft erarj Sporting Kan and LoTorofFan. It li BIOH, BABE aid BAOT, aad bvila *TI creaUoa, *9*Bfoiladen'iraOlo*eadforlL Price6O0. NaSced. Atdrtii SMm* TOM OOLLLHB A CO., Drawer 800, Detroit, Mloh. erar t**a In Ihii eonnlry. ported and TaTJ cheap. ^gLsm* Theyar* lakan from Ilia. Jut lnv I TTNtlAOB A CO.. Imparl en, Shirley Village, llau. T, THOSE THAT LIKE SINGING —Tbra* beaaUfal Bongl lent free oleapanaaror 10 cant*. Addre** O. L. OUBBniO, tl.ll* AT. W. ait. Thtid and Arch eta„ Phlladtlphll, Fa. bob OAT BOYS earJEST BOOK. *np«0 IN3BAVTRQS.-*ni ■» Hjiitd for lib Addrea* 1. TATLOB, No. a Hldee Oonrt, ■ Fflball at, balow It In In, Phlladalphli, Pi. UU< ((rrlOkLHAVB TOU BBKN THAT NATT BOOK, JUST PUB. J. LISBBOf'-Hontrcdi ar* mailed dally. BaaaUnBj Ulaalntod. bant, poat paid, for Id cent*. AddraH -gl.U» . P,O.Boi80,Plalnfl»ld,K.J. f\ AXE FOWLS FOB BALE.—I hare for tale *om* of the beat It oam* FowUI«tAUor»nyolbarooantry,bnd bymyialf oprcaili lor tb* rot I bar* imported fowl* lent m* from Bonpamnr year by a brother Urmg than, whoulcet* me In* but that can be fonnd In that ooanliy. U.iit* - JAMES DBWITT, Elmln, N. I. ■BtnjBi nfOTIQEi HOTIOB. 1 9 receipt 0 _ NOTIom iOTTOB. 100foiSlot*.fa on re ceipt of 1 IS ot*. I Wl4 ***d 100 SPLENDID FIOTUHBS OFn •Br FBMALB BBAUTUS. They ar* taken mm Uxa. 1 S> Addraaa *. TATLOB, No, 1 Hldaa* Oonrt, -1 ABT •Mt* A I - FHbcrt (tma, balow Oth, pbHadalphla, PM atora JEST BOOK.* JST TJhutrand wlm joy M Kn -S» JV*nwr graTtnaa, Only Me. M9~ M 1£i of tba Foanleal Bonga 1 MM- rrar M*n malud tnafo. gEp> That New Book, or lUai ^a mt anted with ay tt« EngraTlnn -S» icnl on receipt ym fjB**cdtae.^S Addnn I. TATLOB, No.» Hldea Oonrt, 3> U-lta FUaat at., balow Mlnth, Philadelphia, Fa. i* ■ • _ f TTOLLOWtrS FILIB AND OINTACErTT.-BHEUMATISIf. rl ■ Mallltadeaof rbtamalla rlcUai In oonilant agony wllh Souaetad ijolnl* aienow luplnt to tba greyo-a auli larger nambd an aaffirlog tbi narneliUog tartsiea of nmmlgla, lorn, baco, and acttllca, Who conld b* promptly and ailaly oared by thawinnedle*. l»T —BOStBTBINQ HEW.-No. 101 U the BEST MABEBD _'OABi> anr prilled Sent fie* by mill on receipt of tt had only of J. I. OUrHNU fe CO., Ohlago, m, 81-11* CBTHBAOB BOAHDS, a Urge aatorrai«ot aid at aO prior*, hut raoatfed by*. T. ODTTIhO • CO., Obloago, III. Sl-ll* loft'hi **>7 g WILL bay a fall aet of FABO OHBOKS of ftoiD tMl* J. T.ouniNo a 00.,Chicago,DL CjOancTBIrtO NEW IN kTABIUD OAHDSL—W* an now ni» S afaeianog II new atylai of Adnaara Oarda, BNTIOELl DIIPIMIBXT fnm lha old itjbi or atampad oard, and canaol tn told from the aoniie card*. Thee* an not mad* ky any olna parti**, and oan m bad only of a*, 4M- rand 10 oanli for ample* tod Olreakr*. ai.tte .. : • )■ T. OU1T1NO A co, Chicago, D, SWEAT OLOISB for <Olraci.i.Lac«," ar ottt aid anduinai, .o*n>be had la la* Waat ocly of* " »t ocly of . J, T, OUTTINa k 00., OAlcafa. HL A DTANIAOB OABD8 of rrfry kind tad palters, alriya m A hand. «VT. OUTTIBllI Aj CO,, Oblcago, UL tl'li* >75- WILL bay a fan aet of 000 FABO ORCX8 of Sl-ll* • V • 1. 1. CUTT1NO t CO, Chicago, n,. POKIB OHIPS, km ilia, MO <n Ml, for APF- IUL Jo he hat «nly*f;.T.OUTmq*tOO. l Obltig*,Dl. IHl* 1-Oanta, aaad ytrir tdtna ant alaap to DBAWEBPFIt, lOAOO. I^^ anoiaoeJtabyretoTn mall **mliking .thai pleanywS. 4VII ooataytm nothing. rwi* WmSKEBS AND MVtTAOHBS FORCED TO OBOW UPON THE SMOOTHEST FACE tn from THBBB TO FIVE WEEKS bynalsg D& SEFiaME'B BBBTAUBATEUB OAPILLATBF, THE MOST WOMDEBFUL DIB OOVBBT IN MODEON BOIENOB, acting upon Ibe Beard and Hair la an almoat mitacaloaa mannoT. ItbaabaennaiidbylbcelU* of Parla and London wlU> the moat flittering aaocot*. Nmne* of all pnrchiaan will be roglitend, and I' entire aabaracilon li not gtronla etery Inituce, Ih* money wlllboohaermllynlBiided. Prlc* by mall, aaaled aad poatpald, IL P uu I u Ut* alraalire aad tetnaoalal* mailed free. Addreta BBBUBB, bHOLTZ k 00., Chemlit*, P. O. Drawer 11, Troy, N. T, IS-Ul* Sole A|*nta for ih* U.S. rnv> BEAUTEFT TOB OOUFLEXION, 1 Ull "SBULTB'WHIPB LIQUID ENAMfL," Tba "En- amat" win mon tb* worn ca*ei of Tan, Fnehl**, Plmplaa, Moth Palckai, or Saabnrn, In fnm four to Hi day*. It wbitana ibaakmparmiaenUy, aadlmpan* afteihneaiand Iraanamoy to Iba complexion wblob la parfeaUy ntloriL aad wlthont Injur tatbeakln. No toilet la oomplel* wlthont It Price by mall, tealid aad poat paid, DO oeala. Addnu 1MU* 0. F. BHULTS, ttt Hirer at, Troy, N. T* WOHDEBFULLF STBANOB. MADAMB M. B. PBBBEOAULT, Who haa aatonlibed the wienllno olaaiei of Pirle aid London, baa new permanently located hiraalf at Albany, N. T. Midune PBBBEOAULT, by the aid of hei wonderlal mttnment known aa ih* HOTOKopa, goanateea to prod ace a Hftllke plotan of the taUn haiband or win of Ibe palm, together wllh the dale of 3ea and hair, and' lndoalng'to' canfaaad atamped anralopa, dretaed lo yoniaatf, yoa will reenre the platan by nun nuu. AalieM MADAMS V. H. PEBBSOAULT, M-Mt* P. O. Drawer 101, Albany. N. T. FBENOH ktSOHANIOAL FiaUBBa-Woadaral foaanally- dodoedlj ProKOh. Oiy, fanny, Interfiling. Fall aet only « oeou Catalogue* £rtc Addreu H. a FOX k CO., SS-df Ho. It Ann ureet. Mew Tork Oily. u4 *>» ik* ioo H. bead tor Raw Oilelogni I. DB 0A8IBO, 17 Haaara it, Ntr lork. 811r> SUSHI HNIQHri or, TktTroo Hlitory of » Prellr Walter OlrL A BIOH and BAOT Poem. fBpigai, hindaomely Ulaiiralad. Only Id ola. Addreu P. 0. Box l( Hlntdale, N. U. IMm> HEW BOIOB JUST FUBLT8HED, OaOod "THB SPOFrs OWN BONOS." TBBT A TIE BBOOLAH BUASHBBR. THBT TARE TBB HAIB OFF TOUB TEETH. HOTS, THBT ABB BTUNHEHa Prle* II coal* *ach, two for 10 uat*. or lea for tl. — TOM 0OLL1NB k CO., HAddrot* aSJm» Drawer MS, Detroit, Mick, TBAHKFOBktATIflN PHATOQBAPBB, . m BLEBPfHO BIAUTT. Tare a pjctnrt* In on* Oomplaleonly60cl*. Addrea* BLD-FuXAOO, SMI* Hall Aim Ureal, New fart JOB ItTLLEB, JB.,_ „ A Book ettmnwd fall of Jokee, Comical Starlet, Willy Say Inge, funny Pan*, Laaabibl* Ooowndrama, Humonni Pealri eta. PrloalOjam*. Addreuordereto »!»'■ ' Boa QUO, Port Office, Hiw Ilri. MATBIHONI MADE EAST, orMyttarlnof Miklng-CS PEF" Lote.-** Ful T enUlaed, wllh 4aT M apeanuS-sa Lor* Lel>or< tonlb: mill, Wo. «g tt-ta* F.LAMDIUITI QOBB A 00,10J Arab *t^ PhlUd 1 !, Pal FBO LAIOUTS, bill klndi mifla, e lwaya on bead al tMl* I. T. OOTTmO k CO.U -- ' OMofgo,!!, DBALTNO OABDS, cat for any aim* tad fa •Bed, by.. J.T. OblllNr ■ — ThlfUthi ONLTbouelnllu Wi •fwoik, j^and^an/minae irttt^i'an'doT&i 1 n. t»Si* THE NEW" ^OIBK GLTPPEB. BOOKS BI THB MILLTONI FOB THB MILLION I AT PBIOB) THAT CANNOT FAIL TO 01VS FATISFAOTIOH No. It ANN BTBXET, (ONI OF TBB OLDEST ESTABLISH U SN Is IN THE OTTT OF NEW IOBK,l hutholcrgtttand beet aewrimant of Booka,aad ertry artlde aaaaDy roppliad by the trad*. Any ailltla that can b* oMimtd In any Hon m lh*Cnll*d Stair* can be obtained at Ho. It Ana atreet Don't fall to call and 1 limine the aiock, m II eompruw* ererylhlng la (he iportlngllne, Calalegsea giTlag the faDial paracnUn u to atyla of Book* and price* fornlahadon applloa. lion. Dealan ehonldglTeneaonlLiitim TBB LABQB&T P0BLI8HEB Of THKJE BOOKS. IN IBB ONION. ^ . Thota abont lo commenea bnabiiaa can obtain arsry Inform*. Uaaby ipplyingparaonally or byleUcr. Oill or atdnaa J. H. FADBELL, SO-tf HO. If Aaa etreet, aearBrondway. THE COMPLEXION IlAIlla Edttoe OuprEii: Dear Sir: Wllh yonr DtrmUtloD, I with to sir to lbs read em of your paper that I will send by retnrn mall, to all wbo with It (free) a teolpo with foil directions for mailog and ualDg ■ ilmpl* Vegetable Balm, that will re> BtoTS In ten days Pimpled, Blotcbet, Tan, FnoUeii, and •U'lnporlUes si the SUnj leavbg the tamo toft, clear, smooth, and beautiful . I will alio mall free to those haying Bald Hetdt or Bare Faces, simple dlreetadns and Information that will enable them to start • lull growth of Lniurlant Hair, Whlaxera, or a Mouilaohe, In lets than thirty days. These reel pee are vol cable to both old and young, and si they are mallod to all who need them free of eharr>e, they are worthy Ibe attention of all who prlxe »' olear, pore SUs, or s healthy growth of hair. All applications answered by return mail without charge, Respectfully yourt, THOa F. CHAPMAN, 29-at Chemist and Perfumer, 831 Broadway, N. T. 17BA1 r uia Walk A: NX OONTBESrS BABdO WITHOUT a MASTKHll*"*- loai of Banjo Sotoa, JlrJ, Sanaa, Beala, ^ . eaplaJaed. Frloa, to oral*. THB OOHPLBTB B0B4B TAMSB AND FABR1EB, a* pne talnlng a ahotora e Aroond*. AHatamly* Hi ad by R*ny and Knowlaon] ronUlnlng many Tahubla leoipu. PrlnlOouta. ; BICHaBSBON'S MONTTOB ANDBirUAL 0FFBEEMaBON> BY) U dtgr«*i illaatrawd with nameroaa eagraTlnga, Fapar coTart, prle* M otaui boand In alow, prto* SL OOUfcTdHIP MADE BASTi Or,Th*MyiUrluol LmMaknlg Folly Bsplalrwdi containing naraarona ipodmen Lore Laltara. PrloslSonte. BOOK OP tot PUZZLES. IDaatnbd. Price SO centa PAIILOH TtUOHB WITH 0ABD8, Beraaty Engrartnga, Frio* Meeahe. OAMBLE&'S TB10KB WITH OABDS, Orarlot Trlcka, Frio* 80 oan t*. LVktAHOHAND'8 FOBTUNB TELLER, and Sreamar'a Dlo> llonary, if Mtta 'n'ng Lucky Nnaban; To Know who roar Fauua Haiband or wile will bet I* Know whole tr your Sweetheart lorn yew, bo. Boand In Board*. Prlc* 40 cant*. CHESTKBFTELD'S LElTHB-WBIlEB md OOaTPLETE BOOK OF XTIQTJETTSJ OT, OonclM, ByaUmallo DlncUoni for Amng- lng and Writing Lallan. Al*o, Modal CorreapondeaceIn Fnead. abip and Bnilnel*, and a gnu TUlaty of Modal Lore LaUara. Boand In Boardr. Prle* 10 oral*. HOW TO MIX DBINBA Omlatnlag B*dpea for Mixing Ame- rican, EngUab, French, Qarman, Italian, Bpinlab, and Haaalao Dilnka-mcb aa Jalepf, Ponoh**. CobblMe, SUaaa, Oocktaua, Ac By Jerri Tnoma*. Prlc* S3.50, THB ILLUdTHATPD HAND-BOOK OF - BlXLIABDa, By MIohialPbalanatdO'aadlaaBaiiTr. Prle* It eenla. TUB PAALOB MAOIOIAN, Oontamins orar 100 Trlcka wllh Die*, Domlnou, Oardi, Bibbona, Har^iBrohlefa, Oota, Ac, ei- Stained wllh On* Hoxdnd and Tw*arj.O&* Eognrlnf*, price I cant*. On recti pi of the prle*, either la Oaab orBtampa, toplei of'*ay or th* abo«*-nimad Book* will be uat to any tan of the United Stale* or Canada*, either by mall er upre**, aeoenlyaad ■aatty packed, naatfald, BEOuLLIK/tl any Book yoa waat rai *aa bar* el U* *dy*r- thMdprle*. Addreii ■ \- DIOX * ITTZOZHALD, pvbllahara. I ■ akHawTi ISSm* NcUAnBltrati,! TXLUtnHATBD JL Talea,aniTEENe«nt**aohl eigblfartL caraoHpl cf pilo*, by Driver M, kt* Harta, Oona. lt*UI* •POP OOEB THB WIASBLl 11"—All baada •eud II A Pack of TBANBFABENT OiHi>8 lor |1 tt. A BaDy Boya* Song Book for 10 otnta, A •finapplah" Story Book lor St oaalA, A deaaa Voraly notoanpba, ll.tO, A Peek of Marked Carda, $I.SX Aadlll — A Whacking, Wahlcklnt, Wldlcknimi areolar tar NIX JNO. BUBNB, 9ft tl TtHia*aaatn*t,H*wTork. CM® AND ■>> TOU OAN HATE 11 0OL> » OBEO FI01UBEB ASD 0AT> ALOOUX FOB It CENTS. JET ONE ALBUM OONTAIIOHO} II PHOTOOBAPHS FOB SL SBT IS FUOTOQBAPHS (BIOH) FOB It OEM IB. MIOBOaOO PIO BTH OT OOHIAIB. wo pANor thw ianz size;, tl 00. S3- OUB NEW OATALOaUB AND PbETTT PIOrUBE by aand. tng ■ tamped and addnuod enval* ope to AW S. H. DAVIS k 00. tTNaaaraatrMt, J«-'f New Ink fflty. THB OLDEST EHTABXTBDED AND ONLT BKLIABLB AOENOI IN THE UNITED STATES. Arafd country mnibroom concern! and trae-hoiee dry eetab- ihnKnl*. Send 10 n* only, and uve yoontlf from being Banromlatd. ALL BOOKS AND OTHER ABTICLES TOO ED ADTEB* TISED WB WILL FU8NISH 10 OB DBB. WB DEAL 1 M OBW UTjni AHtinT.FB ONLT. . ' mtm aocm.1 I UAL SIMON PUBS." •'THB H*rMc4ycn*M,Ptay*d outiqbblab,batmmeUlIng Ihatwm make yon ••SNIOaXttBiaaT OUT." ' NSW IMPOBTA110NB JTJ&T BB(JETTED FBOH OUB AOENT TN PARIS AND LONDON. A FBOTOOBAPHIO NOTELTF, oontanalnK It parleet OUT and OUt Ttow*. for 10 eenla. ITS A BTUNbEB, B07A •THB 00OKALOBUM ALBUM," U COLO RED ENOBAT* THOS. "BOOTIVUU" PrloaSlW. TBB ALBUM DIABOUQUE, THE OBEATEST ABTIOLE EFSB IMPOBTED, SIZE lit DICBES, CONTAINS tl OF TBB UOSI FAKTASTIO PICIUBBS TBB UaOlNATION OAS CONOBIVB. A BOABOE ABTIOLE. PBIOS U. A HETALIO BOOE, OPtNINO WITH A 8BOBBT SPBTNI?, DIS0L08IN0 FODB BABE PIOlTJBhB IN METAL 1BAMBB. PhlQBSl. OHEtP. TWO IMMENSE BOOKS. NEW. TBXU2*DT0U8. No. l.-A OBSAT BODE, "THB COUBI UP OHASLBB H." FITS HaNDSOBE ILLUBTSiTlONS. tl.ll No. i-A BIOH BOOK lA PBfitBOT LOVE FSAST), CON* TAINlrlO FOUB EXTBA lLLUSIUArlOHa BUT Tt. PBIOB ILIt. tTOOlher Oarion* Work* of Art. SBRD A STAMPED ENVELOPE FOB OUB OBIOINAL MAM- MOTH ILLUBIBATBD OATALOOUE, ENUMERATING EVBBT ABTIOLE IS 1HE TBADE THAT 18 OBNU1NE OB WOBIB BAVINO, AND F1FTTOIBBB ABIIOLES THAT CANNOT BE BUf PLIED BT OTHER PARTIES, A3" Wholeiala Dial in will conmll their own In tare*! bp rad*' Lng for onr Prlc* Lit*. Addreu MOBPHT k CO., IT SlNimaatrnt,NewiIorfc, R 1 ICS I BABEII AND BAOTIII BOOEB1 BOOSBII NSW BOOKS Ml SPOBTINO OOODil AND PANOT AbTIOLEB OF BVEBT DBWBiPIIOM. THB LABOS8T AND AlOST VARIED STOCK IN TBB OTTT BOnEIBINO NEW, aTaT A BPLEMDID ALBUM, with 18 fro* Idthogmphlo plotaru, baaaUfaUy oolored and aaaab boand. Prlc* |X . J ait nuanfictnxed aad eliboratiiy flitihed, aV INDIA BOSSeS 41NQER BTH08, with Mloroacspto Plotaru Inienad. tSMCb. Aln. a NEW BTILB OF MARKED PLATINQ CABD8 Incje rlorl, S3 par paek. . , AW THE VBBT BEST CARTES DB TISITB AV AND BTBUKOSCOPIO VIEWS IN THE MABKET. •OT ALL ORDERS FBOHFILT FILLBD. -GS My object aad lateral li to itcnnth* oonoaaooe and patros age of to* pabUe by honorable aod fair dealing. *w GIVE ME A'TBIAL, **haj S*T* BATIBFAOrlON OUARAHTEED TO ALL, TB Send a t east etamp (or my : obeat new oibculib, and land all order* to lha OLD EaXABLUHZD AND BEL TABLE FIRM OF JAMES 8. DBXTEB, Sl-ll* No. ltd Broadway, Bew lork CUP. ASK ANT BOOKSELLER, OB NEWSD1ALKB FOB Rf\g%» I gffO' AND 80OUEBH8 OF NEW TORE. UUUC9 Now ready. Telle ell abont Lot. terlaa. Polity Daalen, Malrlmoalil AdnrHarmoale, «**T*on*l*,' Fortnoe Telling, ffitobaa of< Now Fork, GtAOonoartaaad OirUewalrr, aimcleraand tbtlrVIc- ' lima, OarroUng, Highway Boobery, Plckpoateta, Patent Sam, Pocket Book Dropping, T^lmkUerij, atari in Saloon and ••Pietty Walla Oliii." S^Ttll,.»to^I«aae*, Panel Cam*, Htokmeo, Qnacki aod MAdlcal namiagt, 8. T. ISM X, Huahiobo. Forotn and other awlndlea, Pelroleom Swlndl**, Babble Oonv paolea, Qold Mine*end Mining*Conrpanlea. Lor* Fowden, what uaey an made of, How to Deoom* Iorlafbla,. Agrlsallaral Propbela, Tranamamtlon, SltnaUoa Aiaodei; Betrlng Maeblnt Swindle*, Panmbnlallng Swindler*, Uontdaoo* Otmee, Prof**. atonal Begnn, Holn Wanted, coiattrfellar* and Oonbiariitin*, Expoaw all Swindle* carried oo Ihroagh the HaiL. f3o«*ap<*ll klodaof Bucality. A anoat lolarutiDg book, and on* of ureal M0 ^^r^* , ^o?HS^Efe: at, • PMbHakor*. lOtNauan ah, Baw.Vojk, •aloe. ISO p*l wtjaldTgoldby 1 DE AU^V.-Aabdn, Ooldan, Flaxen. aidV El'ktn CUBLS> pro, daotd by tni oie of PROF. DB BBECX'8 FBIBER LETBSVEOX. On* tppiloiUen wimolaJ >o cml lha moil itiugbi and imboorn halrortlthu itilnloaaryrloilel* or beary nOwalTe carl*. Ilueeiq .. and by the fuhtooavlf a 01 Fafli and London with' iba tnott anttrilog ramll*. Dooa no Injury lo IbrW,, Mc*wbrau|,. Addnir d *™ ^i^F^m'A^"*^ .<•*•• is-in* u, • 1 1 utacnpjive oroojen BBIUH feai BUiaBB, BUULZA CO.. Ohtmlit*, . P. u. Drawir 11, Tnt.M. T., ' V /»l»Agintaforlfe- 0.8. db-1 KA TO FABO IBtLEUII. AFDIL.SBT I «DleJV» I OOL9,co*ilel'i'noteoo Ctteka, (Iteh 1 wllh batd ind liaglb Pagtled Layoni on Folding Bo or faIo and* ha —.„ —. Boird. Deal log Boa, Oard Pre**, Cheek BVk, Cue Beeper, an*.one do* Linen Dealing Olrd*. igoiiti. All In pirreoterdlr. hartal been nied bat ten diyC aad AlIB AS OOOD ASHAB, jilTeaJlI 11 the reuon fartilMngk' •"HI '«"d ifJjn 0. U.TJ,, iTrjanlai OuUa, Atan**^«tHCble*lo7l|t S^tV $150 > .^ooL, A £ t ys7■'■ M^, «s w « HOW fO WDI AT a ABD4 AND DICE I Band yonr uOtrta* la HOWABD M. OBATEB, SI amSrST Ntaaaa tare*), New lork ally, and ha will aend yon by M' mail ^Fru) 1 SORB raathod of vmnlng al ALL Ike rarloni ' *jTtA»'»' !«■»?'■». BILLIASB tAJU ArTD COMBINATION OUSUIOHS, Tb^rnllhrriiabMraToiwadTtduenno^ab^ apnronJ ■ hi best pUyeri and moat competent jndgea, wntfraTe anlrart »^pior«niBo»d them «neo.nilled Ajr geairil axoaSancaranJ as rl*TeaSlatractr«leBUrorlBr*^ bar* ■o* ■ranlod lo a* by Ih* Uallad Btatt* Pliant Odlo*, end. We hare hUaly obnused a palest rrom the FrtBnh Os)rar&m*a tUBp yroramenij In bdaard cnihlOQa, ' ■'' We (hi cDnarracUon ol onr bblaa, a Variety, fl m*> chine* ipecUDy mad* far th* rynrpo^ r/ywl^ n>*awaMttlM> anlod to Iruare e adentlQo and mccnuikal aconraoy kliharl B» known In WUIardrnannfact'ra, Hirtna a long experience and thorough knowladfe of aD tba a*- ahaoce* of bill tarda, and conrtanlly on hand e largo itook at tt* beet and moat thoronaUy kmohm mUartila, we ira p i a parad Is *"nlili iTinllilnfliiplraflai Iliillllliiillliii illliiiaiiaialitkH dlnatch. Tm enseal French blTilerd nlajer, M. Barter, baa j lha mllowlng opunoai . . Haw Ton, td Aaa^ lSal. "en Qnara of karmg tb* United Statu, Iambi wallamatran of MDJardi that, altar a toot «1 through ■'•t principal an**, 1 bar* boaa —•* to lalactoryrnannuottbeanpexiorltjof th* ihlhard Taiaai aaainv ractaradliyFhelaaal Oonender, The eyrom of rninnjkctan la w nuator, thall em akpow eo lAbocroo* their ttyio* of 0 ' uto Franc*. They nan united to their laermfictora or.r Biniardlabia uat 01 ih* nanehTablta, of remarcaole* anSbouli, *~<*>*—~*"—' 1 t.j- T »f, r ..a.iKl^apj,^,^ <«EB0HB, CLAUDIUS, Prafatakr of BOlarda, Parla,- FarUu ordering tram n* wrfl lad*ar niton u low ugo*Bwars *i for. w* iintr^Tauirtlclu aanhj aittt •naa«aaa,.iaai. » happy to dealt u *loToa moaraa Itoradganfaaaw apoufUr , and win net makt aa Inferior article at any. prlc*. Order* by man earerdily and promptly exwated. Caaalorne* infl Prloe litlj aent by malL •^rm PTM'T- Otm," aloaisalnbllahMmthamianelot truuarda, aiucoaaMaBaS* w* of all nwrelnea, a oodona rroerd ct bUlnud Mw» *r4 anry, Bill HWIIllt to laaatoBW 1 btfnarta, wntWeWpwjx3Sav PHELAN at qOVUBfOWL ■ , tS,St,«tad«OxoAy*tr*akrLb AM4 TJt arrt TN klontgomcry tlrott, BoFranaboeTOaa, Seal fru by mad OFF BOOKS" by man •VJ.K.," ot by __ a . •O.O.D.," oral No. M Ana ■treaLHaw Tork. B*ndyci*ddreuoaa»tamp«danTe^fuaOatilojaa.-, ll^m* CatUuaoaL 0, pxAHQHABD, rDJauabar. , I. i M k i i i i V'OV OAN OR "THOSE BOOKS'* by null "0. K.," X axprrai. •O.O.D.," oralNo.18 Ann etrut,Nn <»T>IOH AND BABB NEW BOOKS." K aXB NEW OABItS, from Ilia, ItAHKED OABDS, |1 to par _ BPOBTOia OOODB, LATEBT OUT, U NEW BOOKS, Joat pshUahed. Send itarap for Addreu Mtfb mammoth oataloou ks 1 jab, f. mahohzs, . tee Broadway, Hew Fork,. 1 PBETTIBEl LASSIB IN TBB WORLD, only Mo. , , „ SftSm* ..Ma t r»EAiOa.«tMexaSt>*\ ,^ll»d»l IS Set*' ,000'. * J, M. I TKAB.-S«nd t*.tO for S •aaralaa that trtB retail lor tSO taiOj. Add reel BBAUBlt, Maxatawny P. 0. Bar la Co,, Fa, PHUNN1" ADVENTUBFB of JEFF. DAVIS, a mod eomlrd book,lailoali *0 one engnrlnra. only loo.; 10 for tl Sent free. Addreu HUJITBB k BBO., Blnidaia, N.B. 9»am* mHAT iiqelaltaly Bacy Poem, "THE FITIST FALL," and a da. J. cldedlyrie* Photo ml on receipt of tie. AdAran 154m* ' K, THOBNTON, B01 ttt, BfOoUya, H, T, PUEOBABINO AOENOT. BOOKfl, OABDS, Addrea* USm* KNIVES, OOABMB, *e. FBANTZ LBOBAND, tt John ilrcet, Ntw Tork. RATE VAUfJH.-Benl fru by mall for TWELVE OKNTfl, TwalT* for ONE DOLLAH. by . DAI A BON. It-Ill* It Ohorch rtrtet, New Ham, Oona. Urai OBE BETHOUB, or the Billet 01/.'* Berenga. ltd. Female _ _ _ JW,< LHe In New Tork, SB* tt •» anmytau.»«, Tb* Bun. - - F. IiAMBESI 1IOOB2 k Utm* u,u Fran oh Olrl, lUoalntad. ate , 00., lot Arch Mraat, Philadelphia, Pa, SoMEiaiHo KarmEti newi BxquontBi . DKLI0HT1ULI gar ThtLalulPirlafieTmniia oobapi PO-CA-HON-TAS ALBUMS. OOHIAJNUa FOURTEEN BSATTTITUL PHOTOO BATHS, Ta- kan trom Lira Bound In OUt Uaroccc Very Hacda^ra*,' Sent coategipald brtOoesla, * 1 PdOKET MUSEUM « A matt Wondarml Oaabrhranca, Aftoandlat nrtidlliaat B*ycodr>**crlpilost Sasl to any eddrem tru toe M casta. ' TRANSFORMINB PICTURES. Th* Oaacria* ImDortad. Oudaoinely OotandV aa*Theu rrtw^Plctarea are all the rage—Uteyan atammfAB Prioa tt FEMOH ANATOMICAL naUEES Simple, "SeaMar*ia,ar," Ingwlent and Owteoa Watts et The ut milled fre* lor Mo—- Art at-tm* Addrau W. H. FORD k 00., UT BrotdVaF, NT. T. PLAYING CARDS, And every Attiole used tn Gamei of Amnio ment or Ohtaoe, kopt oonttantly on hud And fop isle. Sample flheeta of New Barked CardJ AndOironlus Sent Ffte! Addnu, CRAWFORD oV CO., No.. 187 Broadway, • Niw«Yorlt OBEAT 8U0OESKJB' OVEB SON OOPIErTBOLD Dl F0UB WFHKB, • JEFF, DAVIS IH THB OALABOOSBl OB, SHit FLATED-OtJI OOhyZDIOAOI. JSP* It I* Ih* ga^lbobk *rer nvbllabtoX'fiai Prlc* at era. OiutlndaoaaMtolafnttikdVai^ ' ' Addnu:, TOIIOOILIII upOJi u .. 9-nt IiAlIB a OABD s : .•■ : ' Ana in irlklummd tn OF AMUSE31ENT AND (THAI OS, . •ad told a the lowul jp^gl ru'lirMA Jtow 1 atAanxittarad,1 wt rrramu,nn*AJ TT- wlioTii^at board. »' ■ ■ at o 0 .ft t i^,. ~ OF BOWsST AND BAVabtTI >diaal_wllhIIoe<na trjtb WORD EN, Fnyriitoaet. SO ruiJSL OEAUTIFUI. RAIRY ALBUMS. RABTMAN k CO., Box Sets, H*w Tork, Fancy Mlcroioopio Oharmi, Plna, AA Hamplu aaal for 00 eta, Knlie*, |l to It, Bpmttng Oooda, IS-km* MiCBOBoono oat norunts, . la OHABHS, PISsrHNlVEJ, 'Au Sunpla rant for 60 ola. Ealvu, |1 to |0. Adarau F. LEO BAND, 28.1m* ' 99 John itroei, New Tork, QPOBTB, ATTENTION 1 O • Ifymwanta TIP-TOP BPO&TINd OABD, •rad It eta. lo TOM 0OLUS8 k 00., end yoa wfO nealn th* Blcheai Oard yea arar gaud opto. Addreu TOMOOLUNS AOS, IS4B* Dnwer tot), Detroit, Mlth. ajt^OAZI OAT I OAXI Sk _ Twl _ ri EaEy just iHFonTED, m m H joy THl BEST IH WO lli TES UPOBTIKO ,9 f f L1NB, DONT FAIL TO BEAD IT. It coata, yon only 3d caatc*. It wfll pleau you an. II It hindjoaalp, bonnd and neatlr printed. ^Jt BMH ANO SHOT THINO FOB THE POOEET, A,mux £Sutm TOM OOLUNS k 00.. ■•■ : jaimi Drawer MO, Detroit, Mlcai'I ,1m* -II7BIBXEBB AND MOUSTACHES Dl FOBTT-SWD ^D^BOND-rl _'„ CELEB RATED aPANISH BALSAM U gwaranhMd to ton* a full ut or Whlatan or' MonataahMln*Un*k%.i, ■ '■ ' IX OANNOT BB BliTIT ANTODOB, ON OUBHT, FLUID OB ABTTTI1LNO EVIB INVE H'XIKU. jVHazuiioiioa auaaumao oa fcfonrt Bjapttwjyjaea, ^pjt FBIOB ONE iX'LLAU, ii .'' ■ or t paoilgufar td. Addreu all order* to ■ ■ ■ 1, ■ J, T, OUTTDJO Aj 00, , M4m* lit IMarbora' attM rjlueaga, DL NEW BOOK. NEW HOOK.. MY FIJ)DLE-OE-D^ BICHB4T AW» urnELT oa^raut:;.; BAfjinti' ENCLOBB F1FIT DIB If, AND . itjtt PUEjCDBED. *EO|^1^'BO0K-W',B«I0BH MAIL Ubtfli Aaoraltota*fjtolv '.i^, • ' ** ■ • ■ * Wvj.-i'ii',. 1 . - •• - . * . 4 : #19. rurtWAT, » . * U4& * •. % '■ • ' MMaldaaLane,**. i i i i t i'i i t i J SrABTIOULAB NOIIOB TO SPODTINO MEN I 110WABD M, OBAVE8 bai remoicd liom It Biwan rbrul No*, tt and 07 ume elreet, whan can ilwin b* foond the LABOESI and BEST itock of Sporrln* Ooode In ltd* city, moa u ADVAMTAOE OABDS, FARO BOXifi,' OBBOKS, LAF OUTB. BODLBTTE WHEELS, RENO, DICK, POKED CHIPS, Ac, aad EVEBY artlcl* and to WIN with la auyoama played for mosay. AUbaral duooant to Ibe trad*. Send forOlroollr. AUkaawS euwored by raram null. Direct HOWABD M. OBAVE8, 01 and 07 Naaaan rtnst,,' to-tt . How tork city. aawTBOTOOBAPHS, OABTBS DB VIBrTB. ETO, S» . . BOOHBOF AIX DESOIlimoSS. FBENOH ALBUMS, HOTUBBS, WOBIB OF AST, BO. ' *«* Olroalara aant cm aacalpt cl ilarop, Addnu . B. Q, OABBKOl ' 10-tm* ■ ■•: ■ ' 1 '■ '•" J01X Oo^rtmLBoatoa, T>LEABB .TO tiSH NQIlCtrVThal JOHN ATOhLW', tb* X thafClhrnl fonrardat if Bool*. Prtnla, Oarda, aa.. U(* oi It Dneni *tr^ H. T_ matt no^w b*addruud IMtn* ''.,: ■ 7 J0Dfl ATOHU0^|lT0r»eaw|obit,H,X 0TJ : BPrfiBLlBHtD BOOK AflSNCt. Oaf. 1 , p mfmXttBfB. tt RuuM . MWwn, •omm^W^pjflAt, Daalat, ,■«, IU H*wa^dnfrSl«*p»»*i wSauawii '1* ctim'M'tt aaoi^ScHita)",^^ ' . , Let _.. AND UOUBTAOaETH IVYBNTS-ONB DAlC jonwantlnittrUnl WhliieriuodMoiul*chef i If to, Jolt 'Componnd alU foice theu u grow heirliyln 11 tbo nnbotlierl (100, wltholil lnjc.7 th* akin. To* rthtad uAlletU mako loom grow It ao ii.ui* 1 tec, I!*> • • ar* wopdexfol Boot, poat paid !c 1: y / .*?iau lot SL 'ettri*f*WoBmixaaieed. Addreu . li0.HJUTC'.I Un.laaa, H.f.i IME Cl) fflflTDllAM. OF THE LATEST. •P. :• AaVr , It:' DB8T SOBJE0X8, ' AOENTB WANTED In ererr town, ' , LAUOE PB0F1W AXD QUIOK BALES, g*ndUncjrJatn^*amr^*hda»alogii*,tj- M-irt, rEULSH M0U8TA0HD jatFOBTKD,'*U odtani Meal JC MatkodPlaycggOUdf, IttNapttk. Hair paekage, by mall. Send atamp for ' t jlaroltOdWennta JOSEPH LATJTOr) A 00., MWblU*tr^n*TofK, 1 g SPLENDID OABD nOTUlTBtLilaB asd itcj, aaal la an e \0 Ttlapefopanrpft, Aa^ruit" _ _ lt-tra * ■ *' Box It, DJotdal*, N, H. awgpya, 100 PHOTOOSAPHB OF PBMlTB BBIOTIES, Va^B 10O Aqwrleaa Actiiuta, oolored in ell, Me. aar IN BmU^FkatoFTinka/ielarrd lo nl, tl Stt rn* F.LAMBB BTMI a s. i,o M A L. ICO.,«IArok«ti ■W O B I I PhlUd'a,*iP >• VALUABLE JTrntOLOOIOAL WORKS, ..••.,V I .t..-.i:.-n ByuaOelibreud ..,,... . . , tt .;- . i;..'i-. . IB, HOLLIOK. , ,,t, EvXTJaTTUrED 01 OOLOBAD. nitfMi , u„.. - : I,-, -rf - I• •■ .' ■' ' THE MtBRIAOE OUttatV' " ". -v-i- 1 tt&Mbetath. hand, of •r^?f^«C'.»«aU;-a^{* ;la*oomtr7. TheprloaalUiob^rt,., t .,,,u.i,,,;,tLU . ' , . .THB MATnOBV MUTUAL OF MTDWQ1BT, irtrrmolluriboald poMeuJb vFitot^i ,»tl» raKATIBB OH DfflltSES, Tl.t.jj „i,,i»>"'""*'"«*l««t«»H" •••••|LiV nou boore an boood la tlilb, tad prolaialy Dnurrratad wlHi colond'nlite*, aat ar* th» birVpabllAed 00 tie inarnegaral*. Sm, udlhi myilerlit of It* Orgi»« aad dlieue* *r gaaavattav not' Fbot* Prlo*'.;;,.T...,7^.".... ...........klitS "'.?t.. .v_.7I^»_ —' —p,u, by mall, b». : • mehWaloomhow n nas, ' 'abj af "lh*a»ctt bukl '•aatVr^iaie'iiiii*7' ■ JASIBS DAY k SON, 71 Ohnrob atfirat New ~— ' TirajrANTTHB aDDBFSS *l atrrr'STOaTlNO MAN alike W wfCk. wtfm wlwUt trad ear crrealan ol goodl maaoAW tared end *0)« bye* dddreaa wllh ei aaa, — tt-ta* f, X, OUXTUia k 00* W»F» B. 3z