New York Clipper (Nov 1865)

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THB NW YOBK OLIPPEB. flWIWllnl Organ «f AmrtaL to kn^^,l|,ltt Mowlaa •&!**>• germu, atfbcreldednrHim*. a*atewh*a raid far three or r **"" *!o*M twk a* by Monday mere** •» * **■*»»• u »•* m + m f% m * u '* ,A 88S QUE** I*»BpOM'»t|tBCS.T' win BARNUM°8't^M^'Offl.W^tf*;, ^ T „ BBOADWAI. ZOTWXtX BTHTHO ABD PBJHOB BTMK8. luTMUkkMi <«■ Ao>*jtto» In the Few lark Benld. ^O THPJI.TO ! -TmUnl ADD SPJIBAXWHALI Evaer xv*iii«q, an d '■ • • • ttX ABD SATDBDAT APTBBH00H8. * . wmatk, . CZAHIXA OT IBB BlnOSBUU, r to lb* Eouertnen Bpeelecotxr Drama, ■ paxHoa bpti or. to fill ofZlqisbsl m wkkh wm be latrodoced th* _ THUH1D BOBBB "tWrtAB." IMni to OuDiaaa, lb* Mooter Faroe of untD rabb, MOFJUT, TUIBDAT, THUMDAT AHD FBLDAT ATIKBOOHB, Th* Feaiaj Aratrtar, Actor,' MS. 0. W. CLABIf. l»th«nMnai»iiai*tpo f UX THAT aLIXTOQ IS HOT GOLD. v. b. ■ t mnviii , »n « i i n»»ui wM suarer, BBS Ala ELUA LUC, baa wUbomt ami, areehete. Braid* Barf, BabtoMM, etc XBBO OF XBX XAIXKt UUHT8 IB 1KB WOBLS. Aaarnratoct ... (JlaQlSSUa eiBLB mtlta ABB. OBAHT. A.. UKemiM Dnif IraXlUbtML - BOHXMIAB OLABS BL0WX» . . ■ TWO BTBAM QXASfl EHQIHEB IHMOTIOH., •■ FroLH TJTOBIB aa IMtatetai Otl • 1HflBEHO r-tiBft BULL. Btemeepaen, Learned Sal. Happy Family, SOeenta; oaDdrea ante to, Ueasa, BRYANTS'. WBgHHIfW BALL ,....411 BBOiDWAT MOBDAT.SIrT.lA, . l*f Oueefehnted ' BBTANTB" MDIBTBILS. ,_ > wm ecmprloe the rbOowIn* popular arltotol hfBVDAH BBIA— MB. BPtt. H0L_. It* fttJBI BtUfOM>) . DATB BFXD, 1 " DJD. BMMBTT, MB. JULES STBATTOH, mb. jjj^Monranx, . MB. K-WUU>. ■ mb. a & fowled. Ma j. h. moat. MB. J. aOOXV-. MB. W. P. OBJXB, MB. B. W. OOULD, MB.IHLBBIABT. For aaxtjaan *a* Htpna of tat day. AaTEMTJB 'WARD'S • FABHWXLL VBJSm IB AMEBTOA. . .. lABTBMUS WABD ■ wmazipa*rnBteT*rpp*?xd*r . . .. , ^ COMIC lTirjsfBATED MOBM0H RFBOUXtTT, Ilkbtttrwd t>ri ffa> . ... ■ ■ . : BVOOBB OF THIS BBIBBTinkURZ to • ■ WHOLET UBHiBCDBBTBD In lb» Mrtay «tf»tMl'»Mi«iiwr« t» Mm bmtltjm. Ktt ■Am AHEMOAN THEATRE. tU BB01HWAT. . Mm— HF im u ie dit .:.BOBm w. srmn BUXH ABITVAL SBiilOH Of BVZLIB'S QBXAT XBODFB. Wb«* nmn banmbiu tqiullxL OFSNINO BIOHX. THUBSOAT. ADO. IT, UW, OttttoflBwrtloiatiWIiliiiMi^wUtiittoadM wafojot mtw ni aid ftTtnlaa, by whtoh Bovnaie will bb fbodvobd lv 2t-u • BAfip suoaisaioN. HOOUETS NIW.0K1A HOUSE, OOBBBB OF Minx 41D> BltUBS RBOIB, BBO0BLIB, . IlMf MlhllktWMlItt 4 0BJU3 TTAB OOMBIBtTlOH 0» _„_^ . - MIBBTBBLS ABD FAWTOMTIimB. TEt MOtt OOKFOBTABLB ABO IUBST HALL . 15 AMBBIOA. Ik* OanMjr eacnriM TWBaTT-nVB UITCQVALLID FXB- FOBMBU^tMattd Item th« At tt itsbi of th* FroMMPa. & M. HOOLBT, BstoFwjrt. FMdta Mai cu tldnn LOBBSaLAHD, At*l. [SVI RETUKN OF THE FAVORITES : TO IBB WIST. FIFTH TBAB OF ___ OlfB OORTIHUXD BBABOF. TBB OABTKB ZOf/ATB TBOUPB ,_„_ ABD T00KO FFMALBBBABSBiTO. Dunbtt)uatkMtia nton lo tlx ma* of «A«U {ym»f W- anpBj;u«*UB Mwud ba«M« attncUOBij nMtadlaf Un FB0TKU8L ibi b«v BBTtBUoaaf FnC FBFFBB»of LBdOB(tartttoro(4bi Omonl •■ahatrvof volea too BtBtBHt* Anvlon tpMki of h tollonl ■■■ """" ■ I* » m»l(toMlm.hB »»«»biiji. ■noft imb, or dtloaloa nikar, waa aa axeallant tkta* h(Ba«t7. taltba DtTaspoita an wtalb: aallfaaa 07U10 wittlktaaa-rtgtaa*.'' L. Mj W< mm, Ataat /. BBRB10B OABTBB, Fioprlatar aoj lr a iia iat. BURtESS, PRENDERQAST^^ fc MI K 8 T B B LBt^ FBOM HBW TOBX AKD BBOOXLTB. UanimbtBf tt* abort tmpafor tta .„.„_ FALL ABD WniTBB OAMFAIOB, BM MkM|awMas bar* oosgragataaV AxUati of BsrlAtUa Oalabilly 1* "BXOBLflOB" hr fbatt aoata, Oj«y latter tbanuama tbal fhrj bira mceaoded ttt awlii to U» pttbUa a aa rlaa of Baterlalnmanta . TJflBQUALXID 1R BOTTLTT AKD MBBTT. !TbS»tbamltaUTOf»Uonitkat trarrwhtr* «t»m tbaalatha baat arldaw of tba inaiTardlot of isoUa optalra In Ibali AnMutbaBalaf tikntoomMotod wllk Ihla tnperb arfanlta- Uon ara'lka BflovUf wall kaown aad rniaramnlod array of MB. T. & PBBirDKBOABT, MB. ABC Ell StiaUBM, MB. BOLLIB DAK At MB. A. 0. BTOBa MB. BBNBT ELLIOTT, MB. 0. H. 8IH0LA1B, MB. FBAHK B. OILLKT, OHABLBfl BBIBOLDS. Th* abor* Oraat OoaUaatloa will, daring tba promt aeann, Tlatt an Iba prlndpil otUaa of the United Butaa and Oaaadat, " - JOHM A. DIBOBtB, Manager. MB, OOOL BtnUlBSB, MB. J. K DOBITIIZB, ■ MB. Mi AIWB LTT B OOTr, MB, KABBT PBBBCB, MB, JC4BPH BAILBT, MB. B. TBOHFSOF. MB. 0 BAB. WILSON, MABTBBS 0B0B6B III MADAME MAOARTE. TBB OELBBBATBD BjnBTBTXrTMB, Kay ba addiaaatd al Ho. 110 Btoiekar at, Haw lo* Olty. FREOERIOIC AND JEHOME LUBIN, BLOOHIDBIBS ABDHBOBOMABTIO ABTOTJ; MaaaXaotarm andlmportati o(*n ktnda of Magto Appanma and UaHn Panto- onilDanenvFlglia*. AhnToaonora of Iba AR Mariana and Taabrlloqaana. Tot Oatalogoa, atid ttamp to Uf Lawaia atntt, Maw Tori. ««• TRENOR'S WASHINGTON HALL, WILLIAhtSBUBQB, H. T. Atantaandotbanlnlarettadl* pnb- UotswatanTkiatiwiU And TBBROB'B WASaiSaiOH HALL, Boaai bmB and 'earth atrarta, WlUlunabargb, dailraUp adapiad. Tba ataga la lana and wall ausktd with naw acanarp, foof Ugnla, ranotlan, to. Toinu fararabla and no trlcia or trap*. !**■• ' J. H.TBXHOB, froprlator. wamWImmwww WANTED.—A Flrit Oliu WEN OH DANGER, at BTuW^'altoatralHattBoaUro. Addrrta »-U : BIBHOP BDOXLBT, M Oanlsn atnat AOADEMY OF MU3I0. , ' HTW OBLBAHS, LA. BPALDIR9, BO0BB8 * BUI WELL Ptop i le tii tt MOHa LA THOBNB.. Stage Managa How open far ttu Fan, WIclarandBpnngBaaunaol UMaad UM,wlBath* largntand moat Yarawla troop* erareonoaalr*. tad wflnln Iba waut of anr Uuatra In the world. FlratolaatinirttniaTatTTarlatj can obtain raerallra angaga- manta bp appl/lag abor*. llu SAN FHANOi800 RHN8TRELB. SB BBOADWAT. OOMBBHOIHa AT M 10 9. BIBQBL WAMBOLD, BVBHABIr k BAOBTJB* HAH FBAHOiaOO MIMSTBBL8. THE BB FLUB ULTRA OP BEdDO MUIBTBKST. Imnunaa aoaoaaa of tba na w and oiglnal Trlplo Clog Duo*, bp BAHD9,000PBB and TTBLDS. Phil to. t of Fat and dnuj. brBtLLT BinOB. WAMBOLD'B Bcantimt Ballala. Amlnldab Qnutalta. OBABLBt BAOKUS' Filing Trapcia. TbaHarfoa, BEBHABIVbVlawaof Iba Flnsndil OrliU, Tba BrcackHack Act Andr Jobnaon'* PnoUmatlon. Wild IrUb Jig. 8Ml» ■ MRS. FRANK GRAHAM. Managarawlabbg to angaga lb* aarrloaaaf thlf mag and n> lalMaitUt, for alar angtganunta, will aldnaa P. 0. Boil 10. Bnaldon.lU Jl8l» BUOKLEVS NEW MINSTREL HALL, COBNXB OF ~_" BTJIIHEB AHD OHAUHOT BTBEBIB, 814m; COTTON, MURPHY & SMITH'S OBIOTNAL OALIPOBHU UrPBTBKLS, ,., BUBLESQPB OPBBVTBOUPB ' m • • 1." ■• •■■BBAB8 BAHP. ' ' Twnrn tiTiKBTidfdbfobmbbb. .. ■ : ■. . , -■' TBB O&AMPrOHTBQUFB OF AMKBlOA, . WIOaamBenca thalr TBIBD TOUB . . Tniwagb th* Haw Bngland BUUa. rltlttni , HATBBBILL, eiS; UNION HALL, WILLIAHSBUBQH, !>. L, Junction of Tdrlfloa Afennn and Omar atnat, la tba ltrgut and onqnairlonablr Iba boat adapted Hall on Long Inland for O0H0BBTS, IZOIUBBB. MTAbTBEL AHD DBAMATIO FIBFOBMAHOBfl. IllaflttAdnp In the moat complete order. Lara* etaga. fun •at of eoanarr, tlaa, KflMloii, toot Uahta.«tc, Wul be ranted to lb* pnfeailon on Ubeial tenia, Applp at tbs oBoa on tba rmmleV or bp nun to Bn 193 Brooilrn,B. S., lata WUlla m*. iarghP<0/ P7131* LTHB, Hot. tlbt BmfiEFOBo.mii; • BAHOOB, UiVlM, LUbl DKNVXB. Utbi jidi FOBTLAHB, 10ta,l)lb| FomMounrTaoth; : MABBLBHEAD. lid; ■' BALBbL Stau ini mMBimnnn, wi FOXJOBOTOrLfllh; FALL BITBB, Ulh:, FBOWMOAinb, 981b, SOtby 80tb,'tad Decg^ber lit and Id; WANTED.—A First Olits Troup* or Mlnttreli, or torn* ExblMUon tbat can famtah as *ntoiulnmenl eaob night lot t waek, ranuntnetng HoTambtr 30, at the Aoademp of Motlr, raeielinil Otiln Addnaa IMt JOHH FXLSLBB, HOBWIOHrMhtdttii MDDLBT0WH,8Ui; BBIDOBPOBT, Hint ■ ' wnriiBLD,iBaii BPBniaPUtLO.Utb, }8lh, 10th; MAHOBBBTEB, pi; Vtt ,,,V7 'HABTFOBDTdlb, lib) HBW HAVOrTplh: - WATBBBUBT, 13ui HOBTHAMPTOH. Ittn, Ulb; W0BOB6TBB. 90th, Jut; ... LOWELL, W. : W. B. SMITH,' BaMneai Managez, WANTED. IMMEDIATELY.—For DUPBBZ A OBBBrTB MTHBTBBLS, On* good Ulldle Man, and an extia Bad Man to play on lb* Bone Bad: alao, a good Alio Blnger. 'Oood aalan pali Applp bj letter, elating lowaat tamuand abllltint, to Dataott itfl Ootuar Jl, after tbat date to BoOalo nntfl Hor. 4. ISBle OSAS. H. DUPBB&j Manager. THE WORLD'S FAVORITE'S* inXLTTH . , _ ' ' AHHUAL TOUB. Bweepmg aTirpthrngbafon tbea In the waj of tacotaa. fflitHiminafTTiTirnntt tiriniint t»i1 minawfiil toor through the Lower and Upper Oahadaa. and the Wert. OOltFBIXDOH 'iHD miXATOBS OUTDOXZ, ■ b ythatanonaaadataantlo DUFSBB « OBBBh'B MIHaTBBLbV BUBLBBQUB OPKBA TBOUFB, AHD'BBAGB B'BD, . IboBudel t ronp^of tb»wi»^o»nalattng M tweatj4Ta tup ' BTHXOFIAH BTABB,*' acbnme4bytl«peoTle»iidthepM«tobotVl«a41n*rn»delor. (anlaaopof tbeprceantagn, far ropeilor la ererp reaped to an other tnrellng tmpaaln etlateno*, th* neoll of twalre jean ol axperlenea, patrnalied bp Iba faabloi and aBt* of theeaUn oonhnenL MASAOER , a B7. DUPBBZ VOOAL D1BEOT0B BIO. 0. BIOBAUZ LEADID OP BBABS SAHD B. H. FABMELEB MC3ICAL DIBS0T03 P. T. BVEHL BT1GE UAHAUBB.... I. E, OBEEH THEABUfiEB A. JONES THIS UAVnjQTH bHEQUALLBD AHD 1NC0UPABABLB 000P8 OP POPOLAB AHD DIBTIHOulBHBD ABTIBTB wm again tnrono tba entln conllnant of -America thla r .eient naion, rUlthu aU tho prlnelpal dllaa and tawai on their root*, will abn rlalt tlio Weal India. Otnadt. tba lalaad of Onbe, Hew Bruawlcr, Do« Fonndlaad and Hon Soolla, lntrodadng to their aitmalTe palnni one of the moatsleulng end entertaining new adglail ptogramnue erer ogerM In mlnirrelaj. AOMIBSIOH M OBHia „„ BAB. POND, M-U 00L. JOB BLAEBSLBB, / Ajan". LEVI X NORTH, wlfh hi* Stual of Tralntd HOBBlfland FOHnawUl'b* m Fbfladalpbli In the eoane of ton daja. 'Ahp peraon wlahlng to negotlat* map aodnat to Obert-' noJBtreelHooaa. 9T.10I* LEVI P. HOBTBY VALPARAISO HALL, .. - ■ ■ • talpIbaibo, nro. Baring Iba raUre control of the new Telparalaa HaD for Bra . sua; I bar* Jnft thrown It open to tba pablla for Oonoerla, : :beatrlotla and *lbar anlerlalnmento. 'Tarparalto, lod., la 10 mllea 110m OMctgo.on the Pitubnrgh, Fort rVaTna and Oblcago Ball war, and bui popalatton of 8,00a, beatdoa * popolona coontrpoa all aldea, The Hall will aeat ' ,600 penona, and li a buallfnl and well Ttntllated e limjlur a. A _ lano win be rented with the Ball, If daalrad, or Band and String Mario farnlthed if preferred. 3841* W. 0. FABKEn. TONY PASTOR S •no H ? W ,,22H? BUTI OH TBOUPB, ^ '^S^^feHO. BTBB _, „ lv WirHB88BD W HUB OOUHTBT. WmrMtaathaptladpaleltlea.- *. . BAM BBABPLET, Bnaueaa Manager, BIUT PABTOB. Blaga Maiuu. - PABTOn A 00.. a^oialtloi*; , ^ BANJO TAUGHT. BANJO MADE EASY. THE OHLT OOBBEOT METHOD, - ™ nUC eA * 1 " OBEAI BELF-TBAOHTHO Banjoa made to OlBrrir^l52ttr«l., mnwiinS? 961 ">U LBAHH. BaHJO BOOK MAILED, |C inI taflfimi! ei»m v.. *i*M petniinambai Hoirt from,' inn. JOBS BTTOBI, ro^otaiot lo DAH0iH^ U b , tlrH ' 0P,AN J,Q A rK D "UH.E8QUE .... .JOHH BOO AN, ■ UtEutHoattonitn*t,H.T. HARRY BEYMOUn '"■' - '"■ " ■ " ■i»---"-> nth bit nnmiATX" n < I'^o^^jUUM THE FEHIAB OBliF.wbleb Drama* em piodacio tSViS^™ 1 ! •? •>* one o». lie finiat addraaa hit ague, *»«ag«r* wlabtaglo engage will .."if.*fcVrSS XTSSSSs* Vanlr'nVquiai Wlnlir. :" r??'-? 0 * Ohlcam. nL. ior ihi (at, Chicago, DJ., lor lb* 81.Il« CORINTHIAN ■ HALL, Ht^mtr^iryr^^^^' a..«ft«n^K BosTop AlltTJaOTlJCElPrrS.. W/LLBT k BBOTHBB. MULE. AURI0L_ . „ PBEMTBD DAH6EUBB. Anoommonieatlanamaatbeaddneatdto TOHT DENIBB, now perlormlngalHoolep'a Hew Opera Houie,BmklTn,LL 2Mb* SMITH, NIXON k DITSON'8 HALL, OHIOAQO, ILL, Bieldeabdagtbenewaat Hall la Ohloago, and one of the flnoit aadlonoo rooma In lb* oonnirp, the abora Hell will, bp the oon- rerrtcm of Brraa Hall to butoaat porpoiea, on Deo. let, beoome the onhj Oonool and Leotoie BOsm In Ooleago. ThenewTanUlaUnB azrahgementa now oompletlag wfll glre aooh entire wntroloTthe tempeiatue of the Hall, thai fin mln. slee win at anr time toffloe to nduoa It l» about that of the out- aide air. Far engtatnwnla addreta |«.gi* ' BOTH ferTIXOH, Ohloago, 111. TONY PASTOR'S OPERA HOUSE, ^IMBOWBBtj^ OFXH BTBBT BtO^n% ( D a BAT0BDAT AFTEBIOOF. TBB OBBAT FAMTLT BB90BT, . THE MODEL TEMPLE OP AMOBBMBHT. LABOB AHD OOMPLltB OOMFABT, andar th* dinette* of the renowned TOHIPAStOB. BOp b* enwead and avklonabl* ndtaaen. KID EBOAOBMEKTS ALWATB OPBB FOB OOOD F1BPOBMBBB la tap mat—Draraarto. Opnatlo, Ttrje lub ei iaa , Aiiobii^orathtepte, Applr pereoaafl/ •* bp tea ""HaffiETM. BHABP1 It-tf . BBABPLET, Bnalnaaa Maaagtr. OITY HALL, FBOTIDEHCE. B. L, Pan ba tented for Ooaoetta, Leorar**, and Pabtte tnniaemtnta. Tba Hall hat been newly painted, deomtad, TaaUatad, and otberwtae laprored. It It axatu on th* ant door, with four tenant* doom being the Larg***, Boat EUgtb]* and OomlortasU Hall la lb* OUp, aeallng XJOO, ABdrwaa OEABLE9 H. HIBBIHOTOH, Mta* BoxtU. SKIFF k QAYLORD'S MINSTRELS, THE OBEAT EAR8BH TBOUPB. nowntornmg from th* FAB WEST, when tbep ban beta per* foemtef for the peat BETBH MODIB8 with the greitett taooen •nr knowa la Iba blatory of ralnttnlay, rorlni mad* a tear tarongb Mlaaown, Xanana, Oolonde TerHlirr, Ml * " wuh the moat crowded greeted Oar oun F0BMBB8. with TEA, FOUB 001 . Dueen, DELEBAHTa arid WaBD. who ehaDeaf e the world to eampttawlthlhenv Oar BBA88 BAHD la lb* luiteet and beat now rnrallng, ujuiymed of FIPTEEH SOLO ABPIBTB of knowa abSUj. ThteTnapewiaBunaloarotlheBABTBBH 8TATB8 the coming fell, bete* retaining Wee* to th* eeeaae of their Carmfr arlnmpba. LOOK-OUT FOB UB, BPJFP A OATLOBD, Froprltttn, M. *. HUPP. Muiuer. B-tm & t BIOBABDSOlG Agent AMERICAN HOTEL, HABTPOBD, OOHH. A. A. BAOOH.. kunagen aad agaat* of tnnUeg troapee win and a pfeeaan tad eoafottabla home here, and mn attention paid to their waato, Betagla a centnl tocattos, lately leaned and farnlahed tbiangaoat, aad wuh amnl nere* eiperlaaoe aa caterer foe th* profamlos, the proprietor hu trery oonnilnoe U»t ha eaa gir* EBTIBB SATHPA0TI0R to aU who may faraT bJoa with their pattoaege. Tana al*waau*aarb*tlmM win admit ol SA-tf MISS JENNIE HIQHT. THE VBBBATTLB COUXDHRfrE, IaDerenport, Iowa, Oct, 8: Olndnnau, Oct Si Lonunflle, Hot. to HaehnUe, Dec I; Mempbla, Jul. I; Booheetor, Jan. ad) Troy, Feb.g;Bo*tea,Feb IS. Addraaa aa abora, or to re-fee* BOBBBI JOHBfl, Ho ward Albamaom, Bottom. NED F. CAMPBELL. TOOAL AHD LN8TBUMBATAL FBBFOBKEB, oaa ba engaged byaddreaalngnjn. BoieuWatartowa,H.I. »im* NEWARK THEATRE. The abere Theetn le now open far the Fan end Winter , with a fan and ant cleat Dnmatle Company, nnder the manage. meat of MESSnB. JAB. M. WABD AHD EDWABD FABXHB, Pint clu* BUre en lnrlted to wfotUU, to whom liberal tarma wDlbe OEsnd. Addreai their BuatBen Agent, A. D. PITCH, Hewark Theatre, Hewark, N. J. P. B. WANTED—A ant cava Old Woman. Addraaa Imme- diately aa abora. *t-3m* SUNNY 8IDE 00N0ERT HALL, HA8HTTLLB, TDQt, nie uabllihmanlli now m lite toil tMaefanc«»r, Pint diet pertormen trealad with a ell ttmea, Addnaa 38-tt* Box 1*3, HeebrOle, Teaa. N0TI0E TO THE PR0FE88I0N.-Mtn*tjw» or Tbnrna, On cart Halle, or Tarellng Tronpei, wilt find Tt lo their a4rmnta** to taror oa with arden for eoythuig that they may needmlheprofeeetoo, u we hare et ell time* tome of the Tory beat talent In tba country Kglttered on oar book*. Too** with- Ing engagemenle In the following line* of bnnnen moat endoae progTemma and atate lowett aalary. We want none bat Qlom of wellkaown abiUip. We weal artltte at all time* In the following llnea of battneu.-—Leading Men, Jarcnllo Mtn, Low Oomsdlana, Old Men, WeWag Oentt, Utility Hen, Leading Ladle*, Jarenlle Led Lee, Old Women, Weltlne- Ladlee, Binding Chambennalde, and Slogan and Dasoan far Ooncert Hello. Engegtmenta glren tn> rnoaletely. H. B.—Wanted Immediately. * Soprano aad Alio Stoger; alao a gcod TtoUnltt Tola It a nret nte engagement for flood utiala. Apply In penon, or eddrae, wUa etamp eooloaad, DAYI8 * 00.. Thaetrloal Aganb), 118 Booth Clark atnat, Boom ll;P.O.DnwereSW.OhIctgo.sL ffi-tt» PLUNKETT'S ATHENAEUM, HAMHTOH'fl HBW HALL, ... . *~— lOBT WATHB. DTD.. WfU open for the ataaon on MOHDA1, Oct t, with a full Dnma- tto Company. Mr. FLUHEBTTB Beaaon at POET WATHB, TOLEDO, AHD UFATETTB U aero leaa than ala* moatba.. Ilral olan ataia nktaa apply at tbOTO. Emaawallar I* engaged to elxnlghle, aommiaalng OoLlt, Hadama Uethoa Bohauar oommeaoaa on Hot. (lb 1Mb,' ■ -.- i 1 . 1 . - i.n n — ' YORK (Pa.) M&ODEON - OPBB FOB TBB WIRTES BIASOH, : WHha . ' FIB8T CLASS 00 MP ABT, Ooed pariormot conittally engaged, Addwn,- 7757 ' 8041 TBOP. J.VfldOALLtflrBB I* now talking etmu or lie prlaoitltl elllaa and lowni of the Wae^ doe notiee ot which will b* gtrea bp hi* agent, . The raeden ef the Clipper an ratpcetmilr reqaeated not to eonfoond Uananuwluthatot then etyled W. J.MoiUletsr, who la mora genenlly known thnngb Haw England aad Oaaada a* Wm, J. MalUaid, allu Lneien Hepoleoa. JAB. a JAKWAT. Agent tot 1. M. MAOALLISrEB. FetOprialiOla^^ >»*-»» , a^^^^-»*»«»*»'A^g««^^ TO MANAOEHS OpT HALLS IN THE WEST. THE ALLEOHANIANS. TO0AL1BTB AND BWTSS BELL PLATES i MB. 1. M. BOOLABD, ktB. OEOBOB OALLOWAT, MB a. 0. FEBHALD, MISS naainiB rngpEBT. MJBB AMI JEHHEB, darmg their European tour, down that en letlen to^hem (botl. ~ aa or friendly) ahonld be •ddretaed to the oan ol:.: OBAMBB, BBALB fc OHAFPELL, Muek) Fibllabera, 301 Bagent *tr*ot. Louden, pagUnd. . J. M. BOULABD. Manager. J9-1JI* D. Q. WALDBOH, Agent. HOWARD'S THEATRE, Pdorl*. III. Ladle* aad Oenllemen of aoknowtedged ability wlahlng engegt. mania for the FaU and Winter Beaton,win addreta aa abor*. elat- ing lowe rt eatery. Bend no ttamp. Silence anew Bra. Addnaa HOWABD k OWERbV 9841 - P. O. Box en, Pearta, THE NEW CASINO. ._ BAIOIOBB, MD. W. a OATARAOH Acting Manager. THE FINEST OONCEBT HALL IN AMEBIOA. HOW IH A FULL TTDB OF BD0CB88. CEO WD ED HIOHTLT WITH THE BUTE OF THE OITT. BB&PBOTABLB OXTIZBH8 WHO WEBB HEVEB IB A OOH- OBEX BALL ABB BIQHTLT BEEN TH TUB MODEL TEMPLE OF ABT. THE MOST TALENTED 00 MP AH T IH TBB WOBLU A MAQHWCHNT BALLET. O0MPO8ED OP It BBAU1IF0L 10UH0 LADLBS. TALENTED HBOBO FBBF0BMEB8, A FULL DBAMATIO TBOUPB A COMPUTE FAHTOMTMB OOMPAHT. BXHSAXIOH HOTELTIBS AHD BFEOTAOOLAB FLATS • ■ OOHTIHUALLT FBODUOBD. Fermrman of abUUypaaiaaalnpTartety »ad dnmetto talent, addreta " BOBOOB A 00., oaalno, jMf . BalUmon, Md. CIRCUS. 0IR0U8. OIROUS. BJUBSIBLUD, AOBOBATBV OIHHASTS, ba, DMLteaaofa' WBTXEB KHOAOiMHHT IH THE.' cm OF NIW I0BK, wDI addntt the nnderalpned, at the Hew Fork Clmu, Fos> .trenfh etreet, eppoalto Academp of Moato. Haw lork. PT-tt L B, LENT. Manager. WANTED IMMEDIATELY I-A Leading Man, a Pint aad Second Low Comedian, aad aa Old Mao. Apply Imme- diately in peraon, or addnaa, itoUog tarma, with Blimp end pro- gramme endoeed, DAVIS A CO., Theatrical Areata, 118 Booth 5aik at, Boom U, Diawer 6390. P. 0., ColetgoTlLL 80.31* EMPIRE HALL, PekJn, III. WM. F. OHAIR and 1 I PmnUfana a BBBQBTBESSBa 1 V ...iiwprieaon. Thla new end commodious BattV oapabjaaf aeatlag 1.M0 per eou, to now ready for eoeapanyi aad la offered for Theilri- eeitndOperaileP^rlormancea, Ooaoeitt, Leotaree, Aconnaaon. ablalerma. la one el tbo beat Bella la the, Bkto, turntehed with water, gee, aad all the modem urp'ortmente, For pattloalan and engagement* aaoaln tf ' , '- ''*. WM. P. OBATH, 384t*-l!la Bmplre Block, Fekln, ILL NOW RETURNINO VVESTti^m WABBJJOtOH, BALIIMOBB, FHtLADELTBIA And FTXTSBUBXIH, FITZ SIMMONS. J THE riAINFORTH TlTOUPE An parttwlM la the Steiaa of MteUntadOate. SAM BalPFOtTH, Th* oelehfated Oteatloal Actor, Deaoar, Ballet Matter, Faate- aaalat aad Tttsk Clown, from Barnaaa't Miianin Xew Tack Olty, wfll appear La TBB MAOIO BOX. latrodnoltg the f^wtog tttoalaaixw Trlokat TBB MTSTBB10U8 OHEBT, THE OABMAHDIZIHa MOBX, TBB MAOIO TABLE CLOTH, ■BOOrrHO TBB CLOWN TO FDioEB ABD BEBTOBIHO HIM TO UFX M a JOHH BOLLTHOB. LA PBTTTE HATTTB BATHPOBTH.... A* the Happy Old Womaa MTB8 MBLIB8A BAIHFDBTH,Faatamtmltt, Actnaa k Danann BILLIBA1HP0BTH Th* I«aahabla Oamle Beeetr OHABLBT BA1HF8BTB, Eceeatrte ComedLuand panteediatot JOHHHT HALF, lb* American VlaUalaL at Maakal Director asdLeidarofOrchatin. TVketa. 0 eenbii Ohildren, otnia. Doon open elTJi o'clock. Xo ooDimtnoe al <M pndaaly. 18-tf F. Mamnrtr.T AftaL nia THE ORIGINAL BAIHOB'S CrHEBrTTS MIHBTBELB AD BBA88 BAHD, I. W. BATHOB aetePromLetor an THB OHLT PBBSOH HATfHO) TB B BM BT TO THE TITLE OF CHBIBTf'B MIHBTBaLS, A* ewekted bpth* Bon. Judge Derli, of la* Ooart of Appeala, Haw lark. Thla TreapA, c ue i p oeed of Twenty aekaowltdgtd artteta, an ■ow on Utuir Beoond Tour dao* their rwmra fjoee Kurooe. They wCl appear in aU the principal dlluLalb* Union pn- TlfiW t* th* OPBiriHO OF THBTB OPXBA HOUffT, HEW TOBE. t»tf H. A. HAHOEEB, Agent w*r>BBW*awasw« a ««^pf^ TW ABS ltt Wi BUFFALO, le pnpar*d.^wlP* nXTJMTRATBD POBTBI* And AU kind* of FJOHTIHO USED BI 8B0WMBH, la A STTLE EQUAL TO THB " a glT*B lo getting np pXhoi seowMoa And WOOD OUTS tot tfWIiaa W, ME HAOIBTEB. BTHIOFUH FEBPOBMAHOEB, TABTATT EZBlBmOirS, . , OIMHA8TS, MAOICIAHB, aX, Aj A COBPB OF F1BSC OLAU ABTISTB BUmuHy amploytd on nn dMtene ot ererr dMKwtorlom. Wllhlheeid of OOOD MiOHlfllBT, OOOD FAPBftVBOTJD we an enabled to gn arantta aarlilartlnu JOSEPH WaBBEH At 00, OaartaOntet.Baaaka, NEW AMERIOAN THEATRE, WALHUT ST. ABOVE EIOHTR, FBTIJlDELFHIA, OPBH FOB THE SEASON. AcknoTtedfed by both the public aad the preen to be one of th* moat entendld Theatre* InAJaanoa. Pint oteee Btan wUhiag nlghla, addrtee P. 0. Box MO. a FOX, Froprlelnr aad hfltlgai. H JAMiS prLOBIIf. eUgt Manager, MISS SUSAN DENIN. Manage** w tohlng ta BBOUBB THB BEBTI0B8 OF THDJ ATTHAOTTTB LADY STAB XHOAOEMEHTS OF TWO WBIBB. OeadotoDyaddxeeimgbAtecinotHewTorkOllpper. 8Mai* MLLE. MARIETTA RAVEL, (Nltn of Ibe renowned Stroll) The nnexoalted FAITOUUDST, DABBEUn*\^^ ■ — Ana i _ ; , _, TIOUT BOTE ARTTBTB, Howdnwlngo'oededhcmiet attheApoUo TbtaIN, Uxlaaloa, By. Maoeten deolnuo ot eeeorlng 'hie poong arllate fur aur angagtmtsu ol tlx or men nlgate will addrete ■ ■ M. W. DAHLBT, 80-H Apan*Thtitra,L<xlMlo*,Br. AUSTRALIA. Pint Olaai Btert talanenu to r'eai Anrtrtlle, dmmtb aBOSOB OOPPM, Thaalrloal Agent. M-lOt* "-■■ •egetLBto ant. Melbotne, Tietetla, it al< aU*> Appearing In ell hie somlar BentalLon Dnnut, wUdb baTO dnwn orowded booaae daring nary engagement Mutagen of Thealrea daalron* of engaging him for tlx or •wain niAbto, wiu eulrtat bio earl of 8Wf ■ IMPu*aUMt,FJinadalp1ite,Fa. iIlM fux e juw 0 HARRA k BLAKE'S NEW THEATRE, OIL OITT. FA, OPSR FOB THE PALL AMD WIN THB 8EA8OH. O'OaBBA k DLAEJ tBole Proprleton aad Maaagen OBCAB HOBTOH Leader of Onheoti■ Tale Theetn will oomfortibly eeil about 1,000 people, aad the price, make 11 one ot the mow prodlebl* Thatlraa for Btan In the oooatry. Start (oficruoiledeedeblUtyonlyJmayapBly(oren- NEW MUSIO HALL, MTLWAUETJB, WniOOHSIH. Tall new, opleadld and commodloae Kell, oapebla of Mtfageter two thooaand penona, la now reedy far occuptnay, end to oflrnd for Thtelrlfl end ClperettePerfornunoea. Oonoeroi Jactttnt, to. 4&,at xoaat ttbeial toma. Tba l, *£c^o , 'crfthe IUU Icptrtaot Pot r*****' 1 '^ apply lo OHaBLBS BUPPaB, »4m* IteaaTOMUwaakMMaalcalatoelaty. OH, MIOBUIAlt, ef expenta, baa itage, i wa ej y , loot. UNION HALL, Tato HaTJ, bant recti Ughte, to, end to the flneet end motl complete n an IteeppMnl moil of enyLn the country. Can ba rented by th* day, weak, or mentt.fttrmtertalnavmtaofaUtlnda. SeataUOO. Addrea* Mtt* OEO. H. LATHBOP, Agent ALL LETTERS FOR THE OteUngntohed Tragedian, Ma LAWBBHCB BABBBTT, [9>lm*] Moatbeaddreaaedta LOBAIHB BOOEBa BBSS MAJOR PAULINE OUSHMAN. • TBB OBEAT BEH8ATIOH AOTBESS AHO lEDEBAX BFt, aaatoted by JAMES M. WABD, the popular Irlab Comedian and TotaBaL en prepared to recetn engagementa for tba Fall aad WbxtarBetaoa. Their repertoire oonaitaef aU the toteat aad meat popular aeaaaUonal Dnmaa aad Farce*. Maiiegtn wtthLng tettigodatowni addretathefraolebrialnoatageat. A.D.FTTOH, Beren Hooaa, H. I., to Sept ltt; attar that Hawack Theatre, Hewark, H. J. l»8m« Wasxuro, W. Ta, Out It, 1*1*. CARD TO AGENTS AND MANAGER. VISIT- THO FrrTSBUBOlL—En route fmn FlUahargh to Ihla dtp I waa attacked with lsftunmatotp itKuoillem: upon ay arrlrel waa tatenu>myroom,mLuua tbeottof my pedal extremlUaa, where, at pretent writing, I remain In "atatnqao." Ko Knight ot the Biuih ooold be obtained, a* they were eojoying ue oporto of the annual Bona Fair, oa tat Ialand, I telegraphed JAB THAOK- BBAT, of FUlaborgb, to come to ay aealaauue; with bla hanal pnnptBti*, el though crowded with bit. at home. Wheeling waa billed Ibe way THA&EEBAI only " " ter th* telegram left hen. 3S«l* do It, tnalde ef 90 boon el* JAB. & JAOEWAI, Agaatfbr J. M. kUOALLISTEB. THE NEW THEATRE, NASHVILLE, TENN^hav* Log hem refitted throughout, to now open. Blare wtahlag time after January ltt, 'so, wm addrea Mtf WIGHT AHD PUIXEB, Manager*. USE JA0K80N HALL - 'Tie Large enough, and not too large by twice— Te oentral In location, axd moderalo In price.. JAOXSOH HALL, JAOESOH, JAOXBOH CO., MXOH., wllh Stage, Scenery, Oarpete, FootUghla, Ac I*afintcl*M Hall, 100by 10 reel, located In the centre of the city, aad can be rented at the low price of $10 per night, or 8*0 per week. 18dm* W. JAOXSOH. MARY eLA03TANE.—* wUhlno to att* ga th* aerrlneaef the abor* popular Arttjta for iter engage' ante, will addnaa as.eanat 67 iTPABrTLO* P. O. BoxWt HewTork, 18- ulatara. MURPHY'S OPERA HOUSE, PIT H OLE, PA. MTJBFHT k B BOTHBB FrOptlt 0. a EBWTN.; .....Haneger. OPZH FOB THB FALL AHD WIRTBB SBABOH. WITH A FUU pnAMATIO OOMPAHT OF THB MOST OUTIXBIHa STABS OP TBE FPAPXSSIOH. Prrformen ef acknowledged ability, In any Una of buzmeia can eeoore good eagagernfime by edareexLug the Manager, JJ-61' Box HatTPilHole, Pa. FORRESTER'S GRAND 00N8TELLATI0N. Wanted a good etaady young nun to play WALEXHB OEKTDB. MAW. Beaton thla year will not cue* at alL dlateiy. *tatlug aalary, PMI* Addmalnua*. H, C. I0BBS9TEB, Montpelltr, Termonb A FEATURE FOR OONCERT HALL MANAGERS, POBBALB, Ooplee of the moat noceearal aenatlen drama arer wilUen, TBB PEMALB OLBBBS OF WAflBJKQTOH; Or, ' EABLT*8 LAST BATD. Beplate with tntareet, hnmoroot laojdenlt, atrlklng attaattona, aad cneotin tableaa*. FLtyed la BALIIMOBB for <8 ooneeiratlTe nlrhbl to crowded boajee. end will ihoniy be prodaoed at Ihe QAHTEBBUBI, WABBIHOtOH, D. 0. Bailable for any cdry or town IhrooghoaJ the United Stelee. Oopynahl aecaiefl. Addreti the anlbor, W.aOATAHAQB, Oaatno, Baltlmon, Md. THE OLA88IO AND BEAUTIFUL SUSAN DENIN WIU ntgoLULe with flrat elite aunagin (or alghla altar Dte. 8th. FrzmDaaa Opxxa aouea, Oct lOlh. Honox.—I hereby cerUrr that MI8S 8UdaH DENIN baa J net eloaed the motl raooaaifai eagegemcnt pleyod la tbl* dtp far yean, bar ahire la two wteta amounting b ll.l9e.J0. AHHTB BBBBLlB. Lee Me and Hanagenta. Latteralobtaddreiaed toOUc^ofBoa. 3»-8me OAYETY MUSIO HALL, Albany, N. Y. THB OnSAT BIAS OOMPAHT. Immenee tuooeta of ail the artlete. Ooneiant ebang* of perform, en le our motto, WAHT8D—Ferfarmen of ablllly In the Oym. naallo, Acrobatic Hagro, Panlomlmet, Fareee, Daaoera, and In fact any Baa of bnalneaa. AU eommonloarlon* eddnieod lo J. P. MADDEN, Etaga Manager, soat* Box Pta, p. 0„ Albany, N.T. AMERIOAN HALL, _ HABTPOBD, OOHH. Adlolnlag't- 1 " Hotel, with alage, fool llghta and taltabl* dneelng noma, *eato 800 to 1,000, to not for Coaotrto, Ladan*, Faaonma*, MLoatnl*, alt. Where' actuary la not retailed. term* low, 8o-8m Adureee 0.0.08B0BHB, A American Bow. 8EATON HALL, wlSHIHOTOH, D. a. On Ibe earner of Hinth end D. one banana feet from Fetntyk rani* arcane. The nnett and moat elegant Hell tor Pudea. Ooneerta.MhutnlandQaaenlExldblUon BooDtob* fooadia the Car. ' ■ ■ For farther mformatua addraa . »tm 0. UBEOEELB, it the Han. 1 r i . i 1 n n r,~ i ~ - - — - — FOR 8ALE.-A Lot of Anaoonda* and 8naktt. ALeo, Show Btook of erery detsrltllon. Addreai " S0-9V* »'«'eBow(8u, n u>l), geaemtat* of ill and twelraalgbir. 0'BABBA*lBLAaJLkt*nig*r*,OnOlly.Pa, HOWARD ATHEN/€UM. Bosrov.. Harlag leued Ibe abore Theetn for a term of yam, I will opaa ttr a Spring and Summer Beeioa. MOHDAT, kUT T, ISM. Burn deelrug alehu will alien addnlt th* Ltnee. * ISAAC d man, 80-81* lM'Wuhbgloneueel.Boeloij.klaei. HOWARD ATHEN/EUM. Bottd*. WaHTBD, ferlha tbore eeUbllelnent, a fall And tmolrnl Mock Oompeny lot Ibe Bering and Hammer *eaaoa, oemneenolng May Tib, 1311. AdOftM _ TSAAO & BtOH. Lee lee, Ml* ' tn Wwbugteurtree^Bnlc^Mara, SAVANNAH THEATRE. FIBBT CLASS BTABS detlnua of pUjtng la Sennneh, aa., betireaa For. 31d aad Dee, 38, or after Jan, If, can addnaa _ iwi* BAIMOND k HAbCLTOH, Stnnnah, Oa. ii r u rn— i~i ~ - -«----■■■■ — ----— ' l aaj i iu i -, n , -, , NOTIOE TO THE PROFESSION. OEHEBAL THEATBIOAL AHD HIItBTBEL AQEH07. BHOAOEHBHTS EFPEOTED, HALLS BBNTED, FBTBUHa AHD ADVBBTWTHQ^TTBHDED TO WITH DIB. Tbotewlthlag engagementa mmt tend ptogremm* aadatctt loweat *eUiy. Wa want none hot Iboae of well known ability. The *UenHon of Tnre]^Tnnpei, Eihlbiuont, he, la oalledio tna abora. Addnaa FUNSTOH ft OOBNWBLL, Froemmma Oflce, All Chettnal at, or Box HO, Fhllad. P. U. Im!™ * " " " ' " I " ' li *. . . Il l wwu. NEW VARIETY THEATRE, Tllutvllle. Pi. Will eptn with Ihe fOlloiLng anleta on MOHDAT, Hor. 8. Ua BILLTALIBH, hies LAUBA DABHABD, MB. BOB BDWABD8, MIeS U80BOIA LAHOLIT, K1L iS55,^VP?i™ MTtlE LAHOLBT, Ma lOrl WILLIAMS, Ultjtj JDLU EDWABDB, Ha OHaBLBB HtJaiT. MlaB Ltnat LB OLAIB, Ma OILL. PUr.LMAH, MIA8 HOHOHA BNORL, MB. W «. WABB. Hits MOLLIS B dlTH, Ma BANK PULLatAH, M188 MINNIB MAT. Arlliu of ability doelrLag prolllabla engegameato oau procure ttaabyaddrawueg ' BH0DE8 k PULLftUW, BropHitora. Tiiaerina, *r WM. FOOTB. Jr., Aamt, Borm Home, Hiw Tort, THE BUFFALO OOUNEti OBBAT OarrrBAL ■how panmad house. . M. B. RIOHMOND, Bill Postar and DMribMiar. Ho. 18 HOBTH THIbD BTBltT. St. LOUTB, MO^T BiaaDwf In* principal oarcen rented by the year, and twenty tan baerda from arty lo oaa hundred and any teat long twlr* teat high, all m eonapltaoaa placea Ibreejghgb* erty. BOla with orden amt by expreea wltt be promptly anxeTatod la. [kMae TO MANAGERS. MJSS BLAH OH DB BAB. Thla yenng aad talented artlete to pnpand to negoliate etth napgaxibia maaagen for twetrejer man alghto far ear engage. Dent* for th* eutulag araMB. Tito* lilted anlfl lb* Ultg Maroh. Addrtaa B. COBBL Aetnt, 104a St Louie ne^nTSLLrato, Me, MISS ALICE PLACIDE. ALL BUB1HESS CX>kTlfUIII0ATIOHB FOB THTB OBLBBBATEB TBAOIO lad OHABMTHB SBHSATIDBAL AOIBBBS, who I* now leady lo negoliete with meiiegeie for alx or twetre atebte, naat be tiHrtaafl la HO. 88 WEST BOOBTOB BTBEXZ, Hew lark dly. lt-lf 8H0W BILLS OF EVERY DESC RIPTION. TBEODOBB DUTTOH, UMiteliiliiiaklinlil hlaili Mineiaiaial llwptaliaawl l»,lha he teaow located at the XMFTBB STEAM FBIHTHfO XBTABLTaBMBTA 18 BPBUOB aTTBEBT, HBW TOBE, Wkenbewfflgln ale penona] tlnMillia to the pneaitlal ■ leJlklndeal OaTOBFO, ABD IIXUbTBATBD aBOW BaMJt ParH ralBrtT adapted lot TBAFZUHO EXETBTTIOHa, CHBOUBB9, MP^RAOPSraa, BTBtDFIAB FSBFOBXAHOEf, GTMKASTUMABlOXABBj 7BA0E CUTS BP ALL XTWDS, 1 IBOTTlNa TO BABIttSB OB WAOOW, DOUBLBTBAMBOBBeTBiaM MOBBBBt POLITICAL CLUBS. -~—m T. D, treat! that ha many yean expert-see UO»kwnntaaB,aM rery Lejwe eeeortmcnt ef Cute at bit command, any of which ana be printed In one 01 men colore, Ihe aanteaa ef IhebenDoalgaaa' aad I^gnT-aia^newworr, wOaec-interJmaoaa^aAaoett pa** faron and a trial by new perron*. TT4a THE LARGEST SHOW BILL FBIRTIHO FOTABLTSHMERT IB TBI OLABBX ft BBILLEI, (Bnccatton to Joba a. FBIRTEBS AHD ENOBAV1B8. 13 end 11 Spraoe etreet. Hew lark. Ftp patjeakw attention to getting np an Unda m FAHOI SBOW BILLS . For waralmg oq-r-penlee, and bare on hand a Luge tat apieadM taanliiuut of large aad aaaaO WOOD CUTS MtabtoteOtaaaa, atenigerle*. Whloplaa Pertoiinar*, Br» r^ Magldana, ftc, Ac,, which can be printed ta oa* a laon celara, lo tall n-tomart. S- A depo-it required on aD won co-dared, oiden tddreteed lo '"OLARBT ft BBTLLET,' Baeaa Prat*, tag and Pdgravlng ewtohUebment,' 11 and l| Banc* etreet. Hew Iota, win be prompUy altmdnd to. -aej A OARD.--IRVINQ HALL EAST BAOIHAW, MICH. The abore Han la entirely qew, and le rreitnlrr Inraled In *o* ef theaaoet aoorteutea aoee In the eute, loo mQee rrot* ItetreM by nllraad. Baala TOO; Stag* fitted np regardlen of expesea, with Hew Been627, Drop Curtain, foe t anil border Ugbto oenapteta, wlttc^eaug room* attached. Oan be ranted by ihe day, week or month, upon reiaoaable term*, for TbieMcal, Opuanc, Oe» e^o(I>ctanparpoeae,aaappnoatloato 0. a MOTT, AO-Um* Beat Sagiaaw, Mich. THE WEBB 8I8TER8, MD^Bta EMMA ARD ADA. p/joam wlehmg to engage Ibe eer-tm of IhtM T*rp ariaihi* Artiata. tor STAB pagu-emento, wffladdmi m tf EMMA EL WXBB, 17 Nuau tt-eat, BreoAiya. NEW ORLEANS. ST. OBABLE8 OPEBA BOU8B TO BEHT, By tba Brenlng or Week. Beabi 800 penona. Aim Chain, Oaa, Stag* boaaery, etc Hon beat In the dtp. Addnaa ai-an* ' Box Mi, Few Oriaaua Pon Offlee. ~~ — — ~ — — — — — — — — — —w*-- » f--- - |~i i^i~LrTj~"*-j"\^T_raj^j Tj-^x/*-ai DEAGLE'S VARIETIES, ST. Luc IB. TED VEBI FOPULAB ESTABUoBMXWI, An Tjca LAae arr a Txa unxaa Sraiw*. a xow n an FULL TTDB OF BTI00X88, fb-tt Oaa BTABB treated withal ell ttmee. Hone etkena*** JAMBS OOHHEB ft 00., Agento, or OBOBOB DBAoLe, 81 Lewie, PROF. KARL KAHR, THB PHESTIDiarTATBUB, , Lite of Brace ft Co.'a out Troupe, to bow open to nig ilim wllh teme flrat clan Manager. Addrea FBOF. EABL KABa 1T.K tacan JodreoBo^LeekxiotiB. T, TOWAR'S NEW HALL, LTOHB, H. T. Thla new and elegant PobUc Ban, eli implai* In all of It* appointment*, capable of a comntably, wcemnlded aad open for Ooaoarta, It u welMlghted wllh gat, baa aaagaof good leuguand breadth, and to toraiahed with oonrenlent dnaang-rooma, Ac I il iT 1 a— •Towu'*HewHin,"LyOBa,H. I. 11,8a* ELLSLER'S ATHFNCUM, COLUMBUS, OHIO. Tail farorlla ettabllahmont can be noted for Canoe-re, Lee- tarto, and rmpeetahleExhQrlllouaof any ktnd. II hie been new* ly Punted. Decanled, Beeled, Ac, and la now one of the bow) eligible and comfortable place* of am-ueaeul in Ihe dtp. Apply to 0. A. WAOBEB, Oolumbue, Okie. JOHH A. BXLSLEa ;*4f Academy ot Marie, OJareUad, O. FOR RENT. .■ THB PBOvTDBHOE AQADEHT OF MUSIS. Tall apltndld and pomlareatobllibment, ttallag 1,008 pewpk. complete wllh dnu-atfo eoanery, dnatdng roome, ale,, eli. In not one of tbt moat aoperb tbeMn* to ue ooaairy.'ean bow b* rented by th* alght or weak for ftnt clut dramatto enlartala- It, ooneerta, tecluret, eta.,jtc_ ' Apply to WM, 0, BABBBa Box 819. Pnrldea**, EX COLUMBUS OPERA HOUSE. ' XBHT ft HABDBH Ml OPBH FOB-TBE FALL AHD WiHTHB BI STABS TBEATED WITH 0H.L1BEBAL tBuM"- BMf M199 FANNY B. PfllOE, : (BUPFOBTBD Bt «U D. EAXOEBtD, II Bow. pkylng a MIIM of MOST BBLLL1AHT BHOAdEMXRI Ihraaghoat the country. Alt BU8L5E«J OOHMUHIOATIOHB MUST be adlitwMd to hat lalhttliea agent, A. a FBHHOTEB, _ . . . UlCbtltereti Philadelpbte,Pa. CALEDONIA HALL^- ; OATXSBUBa. ILL. TtKenewead elegeat pauUe haU.laedeeet lalbtWetteteb*- ittely Crteooed end oomilele ta til II* ippolnanento, oeieble og 1 eel Log 1,100 penona, wllh ample atege and* drop ourtUu. PoraltUoa of ol» 8,00a DlelaooafnmFMM aD/Bntllngtoaitimllei.auil Qolnoy 108 mllae, on the Oaiaaga, Borllngtoa and Ouleoyaa Pot rent apple ta the pnpiieioa, INHE8. MUBDOOB ft 00,. Halaebarg. m. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. -A Oomlo Slngaj. Apply In penon or addnie, ilaUn* termt, wllh ittmp iBewno, DATIdft CO.,Tuettrlcet Awnte, 118 Baath. Olerlta*, pA.11* Boom al, Dnwer«IIO. Oaiaaga, la WANTED I .LADIE8.. 8everal good Danaaai|B» « . a.11- ,1.. uhmimuitm da Bt*any*agag» menu all Ibe year. Apply In peraon. wllh itemo and nholoaraph eneioae J Agenle, us B. Ulaik et, Bovm Jl, Die ,D, oreddiai, eteUnf UrmJ. ml DAVlS*O0.S*»lr"ce; iwereaei'. Ublrago, 1U '10-M* 0HARLR9 LORAIN. _ ■ : Ibjnte t toller far pea a* WlaffVi OUy, ^jagy g, giwR