New York Clipper (Mar 1866)

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icMitiBaUMArttckmdmiylBMraani fiS^aS puA UMponx^hi fin «aM, Siart M Va^ittSrC^SSSSa yriU, howtai. b. intdt ftjjdTotUj. KliAmnMAvtkrwcrilinKBUutailTWM. Mjatpab' ■MfcWI»»M<«Mlt«IMIMillll»» : ' ^ISmmti' opeu house. „ , OIL m DAN BBTAHT....J... ..m ..-.ji:!: I>«tf«t<» fOU aiiaMR.....1NUiI»tr I USWIt Sim^.-.i-ir-oaea OcamrAOB riepoiiei ror iK>outtu.Do(akMpw .SLBDcauxiH.D.awiiuMB, a uRCBiLL, w, Bioom. 'iwij. -,. ' Th«Oiirtiil W5I4imwwiu* ,, Tit MBe«tli Is lb* Oltj of ))•■ lotk. dfuUii • I«Hi>'«f im J MOB, U wlUioat pnnlait la U* o* '■'''o Ho m^iilmcBt of uur hhAfictar, d^pondlof on Ita ovn it- ' ' htra MtMflTlki^tuu tonUrnKd ntnsin.u Un mm of Itali eamMoj, 4b«lf omma bnuw btta DUltOB KVniKO WITH BtOBLT BSanOtlBUi nn-'in 11 \txs ngmoNABLi Auoiraina, liWllin ■.(nor od p*«ait« UfmDtitd tr uurrani*- MM^iMnlT■nd|J lo KibXL iJJi ttfilBIZIOBS tiBlDcbinctntTamnaM, ' '^1. . ' TnBOOlDAMI I a Mdont TeniUI* oUm of . —TD ms zxPBBinoD ABTian. ■ ef Uu Bopolir eontdlKD, SUTBBtAKT, !W« .>riD BlgbUr ippm In «»al«o» Bofw mt Ktww;"" " ■Bte UOMODB, BAMKHIIBIT. SATIIBKD, a°HHBBrj e. B. VOVUB. J.KBVOBI, ' 8kI.QLdKHD0II, •J.OABBATAQI]!. J. a OOX. <a zuAnon, w. r. oana, m. t abbw, J. laiBBisoii. . I uiTLB UAO, mm xbiast. InS%ilUultiil«trorB«» SinnL Okanm DuuM. faem, BBitailht (MtU^ Optmlo ud MtvMan attam. ■ \UenUiVtaaj,iOtmUiritnl* Bam ti- tu-tt ij'J'iLtVru~LrLririnr i rM~^ i ~ni~ ^ ^ — HOOLETS NEW OPERA HOUSE. MBBKB'Or OOOBT ADD BBMgEN BTBBRBi BBOODilX, .■■.fif-- 'JtSOWowaftatlienuonirllli , ' ' , .'A bBBAX ftAB OOUBIRATIOn 0]^ .. . ' wsemaa AMD rAHioiiiiiisiB. - TsHB MOn OOHVOBTABLE AMD niimi HALL , -T^ 1 m AMB MOA. ' n* OentaBJ comvlHf TWXiTT-IITZ mEqDAUiID PKB> kiMtdtdCroBihtfliitmkaofttiaPmMiloa. THE l ^-bJ W YORK CLIPPER. IM ■■■ Want ou iddna j^anMMLkm.t^et jinn B. K. EOOUR, Solo FnpiV. HOST POWERFUL ORQANIZATION ■■ . • IKBXIBTEROBL TBIBIEmiB AiraOAL RCOOEBSinii lODB. i^v' ' '.«B ABB OOHTNa AflAnr, in)i(U.<Bttn dtnoidliiuT Raw tmannnt. '' . ULSBSI TBODPl IK TSX WOBLD, Uiif tdud Immtrrad Iter Iks uiidii or ItU Aod 'n, , B^taai to Mk-waii, tha Ciitdu, nut HiwOfltui. of IhogitAl . siiniiz AHD BBMBDiaT'a ^ (MlliulKowOiliraiudHiliODOlKu HJKBXBBLB AHD 'BBASB BAHS, AsMUiM la IMt Dirinlltd chuDVlon :~VrTT.. KAMKOTH BtBlOFIAN OOKOCBTtL laoodtelu oa Ikli octutOD ill ib« Uttit rettntu In Reno Htai- BvtolA* itoOovlsg finuu old liioill* Btui of It latn' ■ KDinir M. pashzlse; BUiIiT PBIBlaS. oBOBOsuunN, LBW. BDTDIOT, ' IBAMK'BXRt. J. 0. lATMIB, OALIlA LAVALLE^ JAMBa lOKHL, fi^DBFATB BISBArZ. BBWIXamilK OmSALTO SDHOP, IBED. BBIHUBIOH, m«wliti«imcttlh«laimtdUteMuplo«i tsdcoaltol bl Bt- JBABK XBITZA, OBaB, SUWJIL JIOOBIOUL, ms k BBREDIO£ Pnprltlon, Auaurlr Dapta * Qnen. AD Ik* dKm odtbnbd (ml AilUti wlU *pMr patMlTol/ cub alikt wllb ikli aiMiTtonpo, oa ttnlcntmB oom Ibdt Mnmpk- ^ipl hfilHtat KmI*^ toot.' .aOnOK^f, & afwoi formnlj a partaia tn Ihli oonoami iMOlBooaaciad (tom tba Traoiw Hot. llik, IMI, and ii no* tauMf. connected wltk the OoBpixy whtterer. An;debtiooo- toKMbiblawUlb* on hu own iMponilblUlf. ii, " ~ bla wUl be on hu own niponilblUlT. Ctau. H. Sopm^ biThig bonikt the eotlie lotanat aad wLole dalm of tlie Bid t. R, Onto, and haa latts la pailnefahip Ur. I«wla Bene- dta^'lhanaowBtdTaiibotliilat ana popular Hegio Comedlao; haaaabananecihatnnpeWilli)*known bj lb* naoie «i ru- EBKS k BBREDIOfB HWeTOEbr. . Jor Ion piiileolai* aea Uammolh Poaleia and Pnimmmta. Potta eptt at 7; to oommenca ai B o'dock. flL'R.J)DPIua, Vaaaaat, BAM, PODD, \ .„.,. R, B. KENrs "niMtfloal HolMry, KO. tU BOWBBT, R. 1, FOBHEBLT OABNEB-e BfeTABUBEIDUT, - Wm HinoT*, on Uaj lal, to MO. 309 BOWBBT, V, T„ 4T'Bm* B«twiBnI|lIo*aadB;>lB(ltn*tif THEATRICAL AND MlMSTREL AflENQY. . KAHASBBS IR WAMI.OF XiLIRT, Aal'lUaillowaalof Haaagan^ can bare ihetr wuti mpplled byappHInf «• .. —^' —. . •7 ' VURBIOH ft COBIWKLIk Boi 80, or Ptognnive OfBea, it-V ^ Phlladclpklib VALUABLE OIROUS PROPERTY FOB 8AUL XHIBIX-SIX TABT HSB B0B8ES, , • ■■' iBoladliif BtVBBAL VIBBI.OL aAs PAD ANIHALB. OHI-raa BBSD TIBOIRCA OIB AOT KABB, . Aad*Bunt«rol TALUADLB P0RIB8. IHOLOBEO TBURK, PBOPKBIT ARD BBrBBSHHERX - WAQOHa. BAOaAOa WAOORB. ASTKBIIBBBB' BILL ABO PA«R WAQOHB, 9O0XAWAT8 ARD Boaana ' ° " 3W0 ARD FODB BOBBB HABBISBB& ^ . , OBOAR, AWRINOS, to., Ao.' nrfoiuatiad direct uKoimaUoo,' ,1 Applj to L. B. LBRT,' Hew loik Onnu, Utt HIppoUiealion BaOllan, RoailMnth au**t, Oppoalt* th* AnduBf of Maria CONNER &00.'S ...SBAMAXia, VDBOHABIRa ARO OOeTDlIB AOKROI, V'' 99 Weal UooBlon ei. N. T, RAQMBS *ad PBBPOBUBBi. wten a ddwuliig Ibla Him, will ptinoiilai and addni* It WEBt Hooalon alnet, aa w* of ou lettaia ao lo But Bonaton atnat, .',JAIU8 OOqHBB * CO., SnauUe Utnlt, MHo ' .. UWaatHsutoaaLiR.T, WANTED. ( . A EIDB BHOW IBmLEflB for a OUBIOBRS BBOV for (hi tntellni aeaiea m Utft' Addreaa, etaUu term*, «*-»• Boi 1M, Albanr, R. T, CHARLES DILLON. . AllbBilnen oommnaloaUon* abooll b* iddf*a**d to TiutuBL CDLTl(iJL'Hood a IhMtr*, oi .Utt'-': ".~ iaalRlfcUi BMel^ q*t lott. AMIUOAN tVLlt. _„ r. , . f^iuJipoBD, CORK. AdJolBlbi Aaarloui BolJ, wllb alage^ foot UibK aad aoltabla diiaalai noma, aaala 690 u 1,000, to ml for Oonoartt, Lactone, Piaonmaa, Ulaatieli, eta, : Wkaia aoaoer/ Ii not rstnlnd, lannalow. Addtaea W-tm* 0. a 08B0BK, 4AmetlaanBaw. . REORGANIZED,AND ENLARGED. FOR ISeS. > JOBIRT BOOKEB'I MUSTBCtB am 8ILT1B COBRSr DARK. (^pefidolUITBMIottb*M<(kl<*IL°"'n>dS^S'..%*.^?!? 1 Xle IIHUT gOABtRtTE. meat tBrUIIO IR8TBUIU1ITAL aalBB8TOOMBDIARtladDAROIBiinowItanliDr,aadarlht I launedlat* enpuTtalOD cf tbn vorld-mownad and oriitnal JOBWn BOOHkfl, one of tbe Talarna aad Hoeuia of lUiielnlir. TIB I TIB. , BT.ATBflj^ PRIZE 0 ONOBBI, ^ . To be DnwB *» • OROSBY^ OPERA HOUSE, OHIOAQft, ILLINOIS, lUT 39ZH, Utt. TbU HetnpolMu CombUiiUni bu J"" andarenowremmlntonttnlrBaalanlaorafurabruUaatia* | aoaiofmcoetalntbe wm. „._, raB BUTRB COBHRT BART, B W OOTOBD . UAP a B , an optHad with kfnn art ollh*««e*l HLVKB mSTBOjaHTI *^KUSiS.'!li',SSbXe'A..ohcU/.<llp..««lUi< ^^a5!Si'5fftsr;^P~.c™g»-«- RX rva» 01 TBA or all birds. , All IN UttUmal* aloe ot UaMpcU^ nE<>l*<J°%,_-n nr. JOHrStmSkJB, Sir. lfr>a V. BkBlfAR. llr, 1, 0. EIllllEBLT, 1 ui: HAttfSmiARi)- !K-.'H?'!*{f T?S™*^ I iif.B. w. oifjoBB, _ „ >"?™ B. 0. RRBUiAMV. Hin IARARB; CbiBplon OMDocar. JOB MATBB, ibeMlttmttd Impareonatar at 'unde "nrat BOOKIB BUeJiopilator «B0OUa neaaonc OBAB. ». WAHHE& } *«™"' ■,&_napaMI*aneanltOBedaaalortooatoaBl(a|th*nAmi of lUaMaatabUtbaA troop* wllb the Otbolc* BarkeTi known aa ftttOku** HlnfUali* JOHHRT BOOBEB, Bole Proprietor. ISS.OOO ValuUe 7rlEH.~^alaad at t492,67e.2S, wlU be Frennted to Tloktt Eolden, indoding SIOO.OOO in OiMnbaokB. mXBM 07 TIOKBIS ISSUED. 000,000. FBICE SI EACH, Tbli II lb* tralMt tataeeBeal am oSerad to tba pibllo, one tUkel out of aronr fnr ditwlng a prtae. Tee folk>wlBi| Prliei irea (eir aaosg the ninr to be drawn, (tor tnu tut aee Olreuar.) lOlitm THE WONDER WORKER OF rHE lSlh CENTURY do .do do . do d« d« ,d« do do :x::::; tLMDIUk. iftot** fe::::::::-::: io gfBawbaiTTatraet. Aiitaaa.onTn]tB&.ntarPanllaai— CHyUndb im ea£ iitrael.. . |M,000 . ICCOO . (.000 . 4,000 . 1,000 . 9100O . MkOOO . 10,OM • . 3.000 . 1,000 . 10,00* . 6,000 B.OOO ipop THE BUFFALO COURIER-- OBBAT OimaAL' ' BHOW THiRinia Eoini^ 174 an 171 WaaMMnni Bun ,,<BnwALa Xbli atlabllahmni If mtared, wllb '—tiiti km»m ' nxnnRATBS loerBta- ; Aad aU Unda of raiRTtMa USSD BI BHOWHBR, U „ A BIYia igUAL TO THH BUI, ViiUoslar ittanUon ilTeo to gewag op .iXHoxtsowinxa - Aad WOOD OCTB • : for' " onovsninRAoniEs, BnOOPIAR PEBFOBUAROIBL TABIITr BXHIBIT(ORIl ■ ^*«,BPBo,«2ai£ggr»^» «{&MWo««a^D'^ooiB IRKBLaanaaqsaaedaaaortiaatol l>p«,Bordm0o(iii7a£ Idrtaa o*ra. Addnm aU conuaimlealloaa to ■ JOBBPB WABBKR b 00, M Oooilet Oflaa^ BiMih P.OOO 4,000 lb* QBRAT EHOLIBH StCBOUAMCSB, Icaula lo ibaBlgbl HonenW* tb* Bail of landorlale, tbe Bc«illab Paerl u aow Tlalt. tag tbe prtnctpel clUia or IbeBontbaTD Stua*. All coBusaaloailoBa can be addrwatd lo P. a Bex nn, Uoa. troal, a a* n.. nnktna will lakt dec* nllar tb* Ooncfil, on tbe ilage of the Optra Eoiaa, wbar* UkOOO penoaa eaa wltatu IL A Oemndk. /SZtaiumoaiMD^iliMd. Parttsa boldlaglleketa wlUrotateih«namUatlar tba drawing, ud If liebrnnmberappaan Is Ue Sffm^^^SiUS^SMWfSru* IbSur lloket taaaedlalelr, wUb fall dlmtloaiiaa to Ike A^pylag olgooda or one^ xiek- A£i»f*il*MlhSpi^^ I ''^j:^S^'[^iS!tf^"^'S4X!^«>A Tina,* la th. Okltad BUU^ t, whom gntt ln4noem«>li ..* oBM. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. JOB BOOSE'S BPAB C0S4BIRATI0R, Two Good Comet Haiara, lor OrebeitrB ue, to whom llbenl tatailoa—one week In adnac*—aad fan ou taj, will b* paid. Pipsti alined lor elznioniha or a tim . NOBB BOI f IBbT CLASS PLATEBS MEED APPLT. Addreaa I PBOr. OBO. A. PLOBAHOB, Leader ol Orobealn, 48.31* Can Friak Qokb, Clipper Offleb Bpsolal TeiDU or Olsl) Batei: AarpeilrpneailDgaelnbotaTtorinoitsamea fot Uekela, ud fiHwardlag aa the monej tot theiuae,«lU b*i))«vtd the UOswlag ooaiBlBloi, TH: WE WUL SEHS Bntk4lalao«e*4dj»B l» , • »AM OWEN FAWOETT—Oomedlin, (Ula at the winter Oardea.R.T.,) 4|.U. Ii et tba WALSDt Bl., TBEATBE, PhUad'a, Pa. . 10 90 n 40 10 1100 it do do da do do do do do do do do TO SHOWMEN AND_CIRCUS,MANAQERS. . The aerrtc«a ol • . OOOD BAUD, BBA8II ARD BTBINO. For taiTtUag tku Bamm<r, ou be bad In >d4naiuig O. MoDOMAU), inBT«rTC«i«idlbeo»inBindPo*imoo'addnaa(rfw^ VoVS{?S!AI.o:iSix.avnMi, or In legUteied letlar^ nay be unt at onr rlik. 2] ooaannlaUou iboald b* adlreaaed to "WIGGINS, BRASFORD 133 Dearborn it:, Chioago. HI,, P. 0. Drawer 6813. «.oo 17.40 9a.M •4.00 4«.40 8&<a ^ CO., A OUnia giolig Bonlh preferrtd. ago rnaad alreet, ~ a, llaaa. 4»«l* Boitos, PROFESSOR MOREY, OBBAr AldBIOAN WIZABD, II now naUag a Bprlag aad Bammer toar throogbont tbe Weal Bli eatertalnaient oonilaii ol paiBTICIOlTATIOR,' UAOIO, ETO.'' PntlC. will Inlrcdaceloeieatown blaOoUlo Onol. Bplrllnal Bell aid Boatr, Criilil Oaaket, Otieala] Blar, Buipanaloa Pli> lograpbaadRogaUTt, eto. OBOROE OABB, AillalaaL 4ftlM4m JOBH H. CABB, AgeaL ThanniiletonwilldoiialetolbettaieotaAftd Cosglll Konoiaeu Fnadt9,000; alao,tbuawlU b* 19,000 raKredtton the I penoa dnwlag the tao.COO arm, for lb* aama parpoa^ BBFZBBHOB}—Hon. WIUbi ~ ~ Qoreraoi I v!'iSmSSl;.U^>ri^in£o^:iZi^ ChSigo; UaiaaD, Kbit. ^ 00., Row Orle^ I* CHARLEY GLEASON. BHB HAR, BARfOIST, BORO ARD OAROE, aad OBMBBAL PEBFOBHiEB, CIS be eagiged for lb* Spring aad SamoiB Be*. aoaa bj Maaamn of Uloetrai PuUea or Aral eliaa Ooneart Bella. Addi«aib can I; PirXB, 110 Bsiei ilnet, Lawnaoe, Maaa. P. &-B<itoli«fer«nc«aglTea. 48.B1* PALACE VARIETIES. WARIBD-Ftiat dan SiamaUc Arttala for tbe PALAOB TAUinUa, CIMOIMHAII, OBIO, which eetablliluDont now ccmblnca tbe SranmUo wllb the Ta> rielj EoleitalomioL ALEADUaLADT aad LOWOOHEDT UAR can be permaoeatlr tmployod. BaBaallon Btare Ubenllj trwatcd wllb for t«o or lour weebj. Tbe PALAOB bai Jailcloeed lla eecoad year of anectiafol canCT, aid under lbs prtient manigeme&t blda felrtoeOUpia aaTthlng la Aourlca of tbe kind. The moit liberal uiulea are pronpUy paid to tboae who raa at tka b«M la ibejioAailoB. Addnaa PBTBBSOR AOO, Fetanar Mlb, 18M. <tla OLARRY II REIUY, PBIRTBBB A.R9 BROBATHB, U ARO It SPBUOB BIBBEI, RBW lOBS. IHX LAB0E8I gBOW HUi FBOrnRO ESIAUJaElIEHT la aSB VOBLD. THIB FIBII., Fua iMtlcalB atmUoD to nlttsg np iS Uadi of FAROF SHOW B1L\B FnbiTiltBgaonp*alei,aadhATaoabaad* latga and aplandld . aantnieatof lunaadnun • WOOD OUTB ■ Snthkls ta flbeoaaib. MeaMoiei, Btaloplaa Putorman^ Qjm. pM*. ^ air.jii.uii. , irfL, Aa, wbWi ean b* nilnted U oa* Of Bion eolora^ to anlt eiiklonflr& Adepodlr««nlredoaaawaik ordoed. 4Mt HO FOR THE TENTINQ SEASON] UP WHn XHB 0AR7A8I OLOWM ARD OBRBBAL PABPOBUEB. <Row wllb How* aad Oaitallo'i Oltoaa la Iba Boalh, can be en. j^PlflOr.,KARL^KAHR, n* wm nnarned PkBiltbiaiTATEDB, tte., wllb bU , .„JlAOW,*UltU ANDMI8IBBY, wflh OUli, Uamniaea wi^ new Pnaiaount, and la on a Boalh ■BdSonlbwaatSp-, ^ LookonlfMblwIoolf, s, baa goliODetUnf Bawmdwoad«r(a)si(.ieM,ieti«.iBM,iBa«,ii)6t.* . ,44.V«am , .1 ■■ .1.- J. WTWIIUAMB, Agenl. r^TIIEPHflFSflflON.^ AtoU. aUtakbad tatt altaOOoiBMnT for-i,, .... ..opiBAHOoa»MrwBo3£ti. . . '. I . i HuU aniai^ comiaeaeGV Rene bat aitlita of'aeknaVledgtd abUiii ebont BeoL 10. xqaUHoB need MANAGERS I MANAOERSI 1,400 PIOPUl 1,100 PIOFLBI OaA ciiltr be eeahd la tbe BOW ' KABOHJP HALL, RASBTILLIi TERR,' ' ZaigtftBama tbeSonlb.. Thar* laaodoebtot .potlUTonOi QUI bit* when Ihe astorfaln meai la naliy good. ' SOBUAR A FERTON, LeuMa^ Uialo Store, Ro. 1 Vaaoalo Teigpla, <S4tt* RubTfllCkTana OPERA HOUSE, eOLUBBUBl OBIO. Thli boue win b* tor rant on zeaaonabi* larmi to taapaotabla entartaliuninlaor allklndioBand anarJaaBat7l,UU. II la one of tbi Iiroaat and moat goroeona bonaea In tbe weal. eiB eoiatrr. II Stud nk wllb migfiiflwintaoeBeiT, aad la ftot aTetilblngtbatpetlalBauafliitclauthealt*. IluweUU^Ied with gu and beeuA with attem, aad la oauUa of aaatlag MOO pfraoaa. For futbai pudnilan, eto., applj In A, B. FAXOR, Tteaionr, eto., or , jrOBR SBLZBB, Hualo 8101^ BT-ba* ColombB^ Ohio, BURBES8. PBENDERGA8T. " ^ BOaHES h LA BDt'S lURaiBEia. D. a LA BOB -i—vJJf"!?" S. B. PBZMSBUOABT Tocnl SlrtClor THE OBBAT OORPBDBHATIOR OF ElBIOPlA R AB THTB. ■raS IfSw iSSSot OBOAB12ATI0H IB SXimiloB. KOVELTI OR THE BBADf, ' ' ' TWERTI BBnXIART BTAB8, nader Iba peiMBBl mpenlalon of tba grtateel of an UrlngBlhlo- SioonuStaST ^SjoLBOBOBsS: . ■' il^ lTa.iiWiyamrol emlaaatElbloplantalatttobtfonnd to tbla eitrv)rdlaaiT orgaaUallon, iwi ^^^^ PADLBBBOEi VrSJSS?^ P. Mtiiwa I. I1I4PB0R, ATaSlbRK, DI0R«[^mU^ BABBI FBEROH, OBAB. B, OBIBTI, D, 0. U BRR. . , . 0BA8, a aSIBT^ AAOlt Old HlokoTj Prognauno Joggler, tUa EMPIRE'HALL, PeUn, Vi. WM. P. CHAIN ead > p»»,.i.ta» It BEBOSIBESBBB, J noprieiori Tble new aad comraodlons Ban, eaptbla of aeaUag I,90O pe^ iona, 1* now readj for eunpanj, and la offered lor IbeaM. cat and Opantlo Parftmaaaeee, Conoette, Leauea, bo., on reaaon- able leni*. la one ef tbe beat Bella In tbe Stale, fonUied with water, gaa, and all tb* modeta InpraTaneala, For par^onlan aad eutwvnaala tnooln *t WM. P. OBAIR, 9«-llm«. Empire Block, Pekla, HL TRENOR'S WASHINGTON HALL, . WTTiTiIAMHBOBOH, R. F. Ageat* aad olban lat*re*lad la mb. UoenUrlahuucntawiU dnd IBBROB'S WASBmOTON BA Boalh Serentb and Foartb aineta, WUllamabnigb, deatrtblf adapted, Ihe alage la laria and ww atoekad wllb aew aoeae>r, Ibof llgbl^ieflectoi, Ao, Teima (bToiabla aad ao trioka oi trapa, Appljlo JAMES OOHNEB A CO., ' as Wait Bonttoa et. R. T., or at the HaU. U-Sm* J. B. IBEHOB, Pnp^elor. ANNIE D0UGUS8. Uaaagan wtahlag to engage Ihli lid; for lbe,next aaaaon, to play Fmei CHAMBBBUAID, cm do ao b7 addioalng bat at <« Leannwortb, KaaauL NATIONAL VARIETIES PIT aOLB OITT, PA. UBB BUXIS HmTUlT M. M. VATOfll :• U, B.'LBATRT.. Ro>.oii*awllbtbejoUortigeompeaj: .. ■ ^ Mlaa KAOHI POBTBB, fIB, IL & LBAVin. MIB8 RBLLaBURTLBT, MB. FBARK BOWABD, HOB FBANK'BIVraS, Mies EMMA BOMMBU MI8B MURIB WABBRN, :tAPRr ■. .Proprietteai Boalaaia Ageat Blag* Kaugar MB, OHt& Dfl TKBDIX, MABTBB BDP IB.' FBAROIB BBOIBEBS, MB. BABBI OUFIOR, FBARS AUBIIR. AtUataof ahllllxdealnag pnAiable angaganaala eaa prooar* itMabjaddrmalng . ^ ^ ^^^^^ ^ PltBoleOity, PL ACADEMY OF MUBIO, NnhvUle, Ttiui. TOcHiflOBMARAOEBB. ?-"?ff5P"^ ••;.\;.v;.v;:.v;.'ir:r!.jS^tt? qBAHUn PABUB, I ''tu, r,;4d'MBide'atlIaalo b aow la tbetan tld* of eoceaaa, ^^li^Siiaumpaarot Tetiatne artiela, lai ahead otaai- Ihng srer pnaeated befot* % MaahTlUe aadUDoa la DBAHA, 0PKB4, FABOE, ozifMAsiia pbSfobuargib, SOROS, DARO^ I DOBIB, Bra Parfareun of aokaowlelged l^IUlT wffl alwva be Iteatad wUb oa llbenl tanaaibjadticwaguabOTO, dVBI CINCINNATI INQUIRER OSBAT Wl BHOW PBENTIRa BSTABUBHHSRT. Ifiii.BM. Ill TMwUaa rrWIIif.-- m« ■iiMa.fl tt.t«*U«f^ nmlaning ont eatabuabnant wllh tbeneweat aid maet baantUnl . WOODHNOBATIRa^ . ' ' dealgned eiOTtalrte . . CIBOtiBES. MHRAdlBOS. nBlOPIA R PM FOBMAROia TABIRT EXHIBITIONS, . . _ oTM,MAere,- mauoiars, eot., (Od an ptepind to UtId ntdeia la a able 01 nara ex^ celled In tbia oftmor.' -' •; .■ 7^ • A depoaH rualred etl'AlIwarl oTdartd. .... '' AU orden wUl reqnlr* prompt atteaUos If addniMd la FABEN * MoLEAR, Baqouai Offloe, •Mm* daehiuU, 0, RETURN OF THE FAVORITES TO TBB wm. FiriE TEAS OF , , . „_. ■ ORB OORIIRURD BHAIOI. TBI OABIFB ZODATX IBOUPB ■ . ARD lOORQ FRUALR BBABS BARD nia eilraoTdlaarUf anoceaafnl eompaa/ nrewaide ol twrnlr i. nnmbar) are about to r*lnn to tba me oi ibSf itor^^S ampha^dvuh newaad hiei eaaad alliictidaA laola^ uT wtnuarnil • ■ PBOTBDH (be aaw InTesUoB et Ptot PXPPBB, of Leadoa itBTOte ef lb. (moaa 'lOboal"), of whiah Ue BalUmota Aneileu anSa^^ toUowai in H . •fPMtaa la * gie*tdtc«lT«r, yon can Barer teU.wbn k. il .ba Annpott illuon, or deloalon taUur, waa aaewdMt thing laItawaj, bnlUia Dirapertaan totaUraellseed brib. wnrklnga of Piolena." —»i u. J. HBRBAOB CABIEB, Proprieloi aad Kaaaiar. B. P. KEHDAuTAgaat. SKIFF & GAVLORD'SJIIINSTRELSr TBI HODBL MINBtBSL OBauiZATIOR OF IBB WOBLD. How on their nlnra from the Weal, altar oaa ot Iba . M08I BBILLIART SEASOMB erar tipetlaaced bj any I.aTeUig OomDaaj la tbla ooiabr. Acknowledged by tbe ontln Weatarn Preia to be tbe beet Cob. laaj OTer aaea la ibe Weat The Oompasj la aow anlamd. aai bcladu TWBRTT-Tno PEBFraaffiBSk a-s and tbe beet Qnaital hi the boalnete, Poor Comedlaai, loaelkei wllb Uie Obamploa Olog Denim, IMabaalj aad Ward; Ibe Compaayla now on a tour ibnnun Ihe Eaattts filalM. who* tbay an waU known u wUboni rinla. ^ Sf!f'» OATMBD, PnpilaUm M, I. BUFF, Mauger. L, U. W. BTSBBB, AganL •d-tt CITY HALL, ■ PBOTIDERaE. B. L, Can be rented for Oonnrta, Lecmrea^ ead PobUo AnnMBeabi' The HaU baa been aawly patailed, deonaled. TantUatod. ead olherwiae laniOTed. ,' II la located on tbe Ont Boor, wllh foot Bepaiatadoen: babii lb* I^igei^ mod Bbglble tad OomfOrl^ HaU la th* Ol^r! aaaUag^tOB. Addreaa 944m* ' OBABLBS R. BABBtROTOR, Box (ML • -■ -■ — — —,-| n ng-i no i ijxjmji AMERICAN HOTEL BABiVOBD, OORR. A. A. BAOOR F niutl i lw Managen aad agenla of tnToUag tronpee wlU dad a pleaaaa aad oomfoxtable home hare, and eTarr atteaUon paid to their waata. Being In a central location, lalelj raSttad and famlabet Ihtoagbont, and wllb aeTeral leua' nperlenoa aa ealarar tn Ihe pnifeaaoB, the pioprlelot nu eiarj oonldaao* lba4 ba mm giT* EBi'lUB BAUBFAOTIOR lo aU who may bTor blm wllb their palroaagb lennaalwBjaailovaa the tlmee win admit oL . MISS ALICE PLACIDE. ALL BUgnraSSCOHHOHIOATIORS FOB TBU OBLRBBAXBB TBAOIO and CEABMINa BBN8ATI0RAL A0TBXS8, who la now ready to negotlale with maaagin for all or twain Blgbtj^ mnil beaddreaaed to NO. UWUrHODSIOU BTBRIS, NewTakdty. UNION HALL, Iaokbor, roohioar. Located la tbe ceatn ol Iba dtar, la lb*' F1RB8Z AHD HOST OeHPUtix „ „. n ALL m APiorarviRia ol any la Iba coaalty, . Thla Ban, BOILT BBaABDLBB OT BXFRRBB. la flatly neaooed, lliblad with Oaa, bia Biage, Beeaary, Foo aid Border LIflhta. Ample Snanng Boom aocommodatloai adjolalag Ihe Blaga, la the beat adapted tor —^-—^ OONOBBIS, LB0IDBE8, HIRBtBKL aad DBAHAHO PBBFtnUIAROn at aar la the Weak WlU be natad by tbe Day ot Week on Dbat*] ienaa. Bla g* 84 by44j ABdltoriam,40byM. Beatad wllh aetteea for 1.M0. Ao- ooaatloaperteat USE JACKSON HALI. Ha large eaongb: aad not too large by twla»- ta oeatral Is loouoB, aad laodanla te pilM, /AOKBOR BAUt JAOKBOR, JAOSSOR Oa, IDOB., wllb Btaaik BeenatT, Oarpela, FOolUdila^ Ao. Oaa b* rented at (10 pet algh^ ot(4«paweek. Tbla Bau doea not adToUae la the BenldT^ *7-4m*. W, lAOKSOR. gaged for the oombig tastlBg Baaaon; AddrMa blm oira ol tble oSe*. dt-lOt* MRS, D. P. BOWERS. AD bbilaeaa toDDtmlcatlOBa ebonld be addteiMd la can ol BABHUM'S BOTEL, dA.9m* BalHfflore, Md. NOTICE TO THE EQUESTRIAN PROFESSION ARP OrBEB&—I caaUoB aU peraoaa agalaat aamloylBg Btair OoU, better known br th* aaoie ol B. North, who waa takea from Ibe ALMS HOOBB and bonad to me by Iba pnper aaUurl- Uei. 8B00LD ART ORB employ blm, I aaaU hold them raa- poaatble f or hie letTloea, 48-n* ' . LSn J. ROBTB. SAUL SERTREW. ttLB PopulBPBONG WRITER. 484IO ' ' "■ , ; . 197.AMinBrB»Er. 1 BOBTOM THEATRE, ZDWIR BOOrB,) . Il* jAdeiaadgentlemeBor aokaowlednd talaal dedrloa eagag*. mnta lot tba Beaaon conmMoIng AyanSI 1,1644, An rttoeatad to nek* application by teller, alaUsg bnalaeaf, taenia, eto., to the nnderalgnod. AU uaaniwaied leltan may ba oonaltfared u a aegaUfe, }. B, BOOTH. Sliae Manager isd Sheotot, M Beat Mtaeiaenib ttnit. Row Toik. MoiaiRDTiALir ' . aBEIRVlI£B,-PA. bitla LOOO penoBL Dellotled Febi 94,1444, Thla la Iba Baaal Han oa Uia AUisUe aad Oieat Wealara hallway, batweta New Sotk CllT aad DayloB,.Oblo.. . i >-> «.8l« ''^ ^ .a^L-BERDBIOKBOR, AgtaL BROOKER & CLAYTON'S . ^ OBOBOIA MIRSIBKLa ARD BBiBB BARD, TBI OBBAT BLAVE TBODPB, ' , Rdwori Oelrrrtnra Wael, alte hatUig oompleted oae of Ue Bocl trIBfflObaat toon tbrongb Ike Hew Ruglaad BUIee erer aU tamnUl br Mlaittelay. Onwded bonen aad deUgbted andl. !iuSTaTe RrMledlkni«Tar7wb«. FUlaas Rahiral TUealed i^la. wbo. DioTlona lo April lltb, wen VUraa lo aaonrta, will Tlalltia'nlBolval olllae, iBtiodBcIng to Ibeir palrona Oesnla* PtaaMonBoenti, u ptaattMby no other itonpe of Ibe klad. 9- 5- ffAUP"" I Kaaagen. NEW THEATRE, ' UtiLB BOOK, ABX. BCTOE, ROUS k WILIilAMB... .....Plosilllon WARTBD IHMXDIATBLT-^A flnl elaaa "Old Maa.^aad a good •'BaaTT MBai" ale], two'of'three good •■DtUlly Men." Flntebatabn treated with on Ubtnltarma. Addtaea 47410 L.&PIKEt 1 NOTICE TO OIRCUl MANAGERS. -BIlUBllofi kaated to the BENBLBI BBOS. tor the InTelIng aoaioB, to do Iba Doable Trapcaa aild BorlBonlal Bir. Addreil to X A J. B. BBMBLBT, Weil Fami,>Weal«haelerao, R.I. 4841* I FITZSIMM0N8, ' ' IN BIB pJlDLlB BERBATIOR DBAMAS. BaVlni completed bli nooMafiit eonnmenla la 1 ■ DOFFALO, ALBARIiSD DBTBOrT, Managen oaa aow addien blm lor two or foBi weeki, Btir Bn- memaala, ein of bla Ageak,- *iMl DOPlaaatnalLPkOadatpbla,!!. BUNNYSIDE OONOERT HALL. . . RABSVIUil^ TBBN. Piillrleloi;..,......... 7-*"agg^ BlaaaMaaaaar..,'. ''^ BABBBir TUanoDuar lOaoe of amoataeat la aow la tba foU 114* Bf no. ceMlwKh a taiTul offlemioonpiaf otflnt olaaa AtUita. .Flret tSa ItfiattiMttdwith onUbaaltorma. AdditM aa abon. WANTED. IwlihtoeuanlbeaarrkMa of a Oliu Blower; on* that doea not aal draSkTu todnililoni^ lad a flnl cliu ArUal, eaa kar* a allniuos folfwie je*r, (to ny Mnomm aad •OaTdlag) aad good mUh,: -. ) t MA4. BuBHELl^ TrY Wueom,08Bl, Chitliaitraet,' ■ 1941. . RewOrleaaa La. PHILIP MIUIQAN, J, ., Ton «m ptoiM wilto m* UsiMdlaUlr. MAJ. BmRBlL, •YANKEE" ROBINSON, _ A^l'^k. M LODBVI0i .nqBIKBOR)i .a* O^^l TARUk '1. wllb a rept^loua of meeilonoaa nouaia, Faroes '■ ■^ -a.tfiU eMolaUIyi wUk bUla texoton, large 'ceol Iltboinpba (alter,dnwn* from a» "* b* plawal to aegoUata tot (U oi tweWc . .rt,. W-tf FOR 8Al£.a«ARTElMU9 WARD will tali' for Eu< ma la ManK aad ha offen bla two Tory popoltt Paoonaaaof Obb tadIbaMQrmooifor eale. Oolh an ooareiiellTtapatlor juialsthalt^i^, aad anto eicellint working order. -Tbcy will be aold logeUier, or eopuaUly, cheap for cub. Addrwaa, ean of OADI/IoX rnblliher, «1« Sioldway, New Totk^ il-U. UaWiifii ^-i^^i i j^^n>0'\^^'^'^^^^^r^ ••'AOAOEMY. OF MUSIC, WANTEDW..POR THr NEW AMPHITHEATRE, Knaenm, 41 IL Obtrlea atrnt RiwOtleaaa,!*, d wUNa (be irala Of ear Iheain la the woriL VMenia aiMata *T«rfWMyeaa tbtals tmUTl 'Malatymlylagg^oT*. tfi CIROUS MANAGERS ATTENTION, JtlL JAHba MAOOJ— "" — » BIRQEB, CBKb* eag Mn.,)Atit8 MAd0IBB| Ika ADfflllARLB OIiOWR^I^jDOMia igigrt^rUa^J^^eMam, i-" NEW AMERICAN THEATRE. . ^ , ^, ' \ WatanliU»6l,aJ)aT4Blgbtb,ltaladdpbl*. aFOX....' PK*rW<«*BaitiB*ger JAMB8 PILOBIW., -. if^f lint Otwt teUnlln an braochea wastedTDnnatlo, Opantlo, TMSSeSoK^Sr^inUmlma, i$opl*n, AalObaUo. bo, iCuaeaa I arb olVeaatlblittealia, blit Iba mintgemeni donotpayeatn lYotlbem. *»•« 4»M* Can Ollppor OBoe. in;^ MAMAQERS wliWjJfl to Aeoarji the iirvloea af rfm m I ^ LBOROBA CREED, iiianl. - ' ' ' DARBiinH'ARD AoraEsa, . »^^<.^.#L - . , , BANioi bAmjoV BANJO I Oerteoflj^ tttajnu. ■ . „"'-r"f-r;ii5r».ra,*.Lt.«™«»«.t. Banjo Book, wllh or wttoeni a Maela, mailed 11, alao AHa Oaado aoby t^A'SS-iS"" ^Vr^^uut tadlbt by t, BIVOBI,' (Of Brjuja' l(toft(*l^^)Bng^uat.taXB.-| aTdsna, eoraet ot I*!**^,"^^ J^°i°>|f^>_*''.^. '''' uasiiAmarA'MooBBj ^ ti'iiow trea.. L t64te :8fE.ouu. NgnoE i'*'Ka»2a'Tf"iLifL " ^it?Sfilh47wa»ll>»*4dSE|T'"~ FOUD h 00.. Dnmillo,Mtoelr*l Bid (ma Agtili, OUfpeiOfiaaiRewTotk. I l^-it* lUla01aihik,B«emai,P.9,Boia,tWiObloifOhia 88.11 I. X, RORB^Mtre, Bock, Ark.. JOHN BROUGHAM'S PUYB, TO MARAORBS ARD ABIOm I daaln lo alaU that I ahaa be ebiaal tnm boa* dorlag Ih* greater part ot the Wlotor. Aay partlea wlahlag to aagotiau for aajrof IbijOHRBBOUaHAM'SpIaeiHwlUplweaddreu Uiemb- aerfbo, oiMr.A.T.UTHBB,Hioyt*aUeaofc ' - TMOBBIB, tTWeallenlbilKet, Row Totk Oily. HAMILTON'S NEW HALL FOB! WATRH. IRD., OppoaHeUiaPabUoSiiaanaidPoalOflee. The haU la 190 feet loog by Bl wide, bu two dreaatog nana 9| by IT aad 17 by 18 feel, tailed leala, tool aad border Il4^t% aad oopek Th* Ba- Itaao* la 19 teat wide, 40 etepa high, aad to Ibe oaly olau aad warm kaU la Iba ellr. . TO LR (for tUit elaaa aalorlalamaaU oaly). TbeAbon HaU will leal orer oaa Iboaaaal panoafc to filled with eatlnly aew aad abgaat aeeaerr (Plala). a lb* moal.eeatiallT loeaied bnUdlng In the dly, and ererr wii dt*. FflSr OLABS HXaiBlTIONB: idaptedt^' BaretaaoM.rrMo^ein Bschaaaa, Wood'a'iUBilTeli, Mr. Jik*. H. 0. FBI, ot ATiUae BonH^ and 0.0, Bond, ofFtot Wayaa B. R, WABD.Agtat S2t'. „ FOR SALE. ' TBI PBUADILPHIA UDSBDM' I • Rft 833 MAHERrjmmr PHn.inftlfffll. • OoatfaUag of* aplendld MIImUob M ■. UVnra BEit . »mu 4"»ai4l«, TBUB FIRE LAXOB SlUkaL ' I , : OaUOR.ARD " , .. BunBrmusARis,' ,. . OOWUIOOBaad. •'«gjli)«?u«? fl'snnfrtD fiabt Aaa'eibi'W 'janS^- ^¥"^>*<>^<(in>uoi!tio tad bosMOBAMia ■ ■ ■ ^TEe¥,I)OHOALB,P«^elot. n.SSlSr*,;iI!'^J*«fi!!ltecoiBilof Ihe PiVitatot BhoiUy Ttdttsf toH^ * tut SHOW BILLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. TBEODOBE DDROR. ... Beta (0 tafom bto old frleadi^ Maaagtn and tka pibUs ■•■» ally,lhathetoaawlceatadallha . BMPXBB BIEAM PBIRZIRa EBTABUgHiaBK 19 SPBUOE STBEEi; MEW TOBX, Whan ba wm gly* b to penoaal ettaatlBa I: tba iiiiHI^W nATiURa BiHuu 'iuma . ' QXBUUHX4 MHHA QEBlia' -' BHIOnAS PEBFOBMiRaOL . .. . . ' . BTWlBK>ra g>Iafmat TBAOX OTTB OF ALL iBDnJflL' ' '^T^^^*~TTT • ■■ 'jfownpALcECiiok t, tIL inilt'tiH ui inany yean eipartaac* 11 tba btriBML M TWylaigaeaaiiiluientof Ontoat hto ooamaad, aay of wfeUkM ■ ■— . ^ftiir b*nitoladlBpatatmottoolaitlhaMnlo«*taaB_ aad Eagnren fa aew work, win laeon to bin aeaaUinaaai §■ paat toTon aad a trial by sew palmi, H4m ATHEN^UM THEATRE, SDBOQOi; IOWA. Thla aaw and alogaal Tbeatn wlU op«a tor tba teaaoa oa KOR- DAI) JaD,9»lb. Flntdaai elan WlU pleeaaaddieaa . ALBEBT A. WTAIT, Stage Ifanwer,ot U-tm* OHABUB FLURnR, - NATIONAL HALL TIFFDt, OHIO, wm aeat Iwelre bnadted penoaa, tttag* Ittad np wUb taU tail otScenery, FoolUghto lb BOUDBB fc OABPPJmDL Propilelan, PARMELY'S HAIl, PBODIA, ILL, .1 I ,., nu* HaU: kartog a a«alba«ap*dty 011,900, haibtaBblalFitUi lad. aad to to rent lor Tnaancal or Mlaalnl Oenpaala*, Le» lnna,ela Tka aligi to fitted npwllbaU oaaraaleaMa tor dm. maito pnipoaea. Oood dreulng tooai, n«w aoaaeiy, atog* car. pe^aadauthaappUaacaeieeeaiary. dMa*. ATTENTION. SHOWMEN I B. T. BAIWABD, 908 BBOibWAT, R.T.,- Imaantaolanaad kaapoonalaaUFoabaadafBU aadociBiMa aaiartmeatof'' nWZLBX. 'WAICB OBAINSl ,. HABORIO PIR81 BILTIB WABI^ etoi Oooda aani U> an puU of tb* oonatiy by expreaa, Ihoe* aol oomlng to Row lork oaa hiTa a paokaga e«n^ wllh Iba pitrlkga of.niatalag aaylblpg )kay,may 1)01 WBBt. ' - dS-IT THE WEBB BISTERS. MisaEa mnu ARD asa; Miaagen wliblag to engage ttia eerrloea or Ib4t* *■> MtaaW ArttatLtoSIAB tetanaHBtowUl addreaa BmSIh. WBra,lTRaiaaaab**^I DEAQLE'O VAraETIEB, . SI. lOBlB, . TBU VJUIT POPOLAB ESTASdBDDD^ Liaaas n xa Umas Suim i FULL HDB OF buoobbK IM Om* OAB8 Irealad wllb a aU ttisea. ■oaaotbaai IAMB OONNEB.b 00, AaaalL '• araROBOBDlAllIABA ELLSLER'B ATHCNiEUM, ooldmbob, oHia lUa tITOilto attoblUbmoil eaa ba i«ato«.*» S""***** tntaa,aadteapeetobi*BiblblltoaaofaoyklBd. 'Hblal«aaa». It Palatad, Decotatod, Healed, Ao., and to now CjM of th4 ata dlglbto aad eomltarlabto pliaea of ■ Oohimbaamtti' JOBR a: ELLSUB. '. .' If.| Ac*dBayO>Mulo,01iTtlaaI, 0. Miss KATE FI8HEH.--AU Beslaiii ObnniBlla eaUoai for Ibto lidf to ba addrtatad ean ed ^ w««..«-ox g ^ BEBHABD, Ro. 448 Broadnu'. Caa baanwedwtUiotwllkott bet tnlaad bona, ■ ' , FRANK B.OONVEIIS^'8 addriti U, KS^OBIiAnKBroadwv, Hew Totk. ~ JOHN dlT6BI,4''4KBroedwv>R** Totk. ~ 'iW THE OUIDE TO THE STAGE. , ^ -^ OoaUlalngolearaadfaUdlreetloaaforobMalag TbeahrledED- giiamen&wlUieompletoand Taloabla laitnotlooa for bjWft* omretaUT* to aalarlaa, eolei, mannei of BJlaplbiod^iMHg' PaSto^lm'el o!^»»!s?'?°'iL*S* ^^JS Oatologaeaeeni on waoelol ofa elamp. _Am«rtaB OToontoeicb. Addteee, Boi 81l4, P. 0, R. f. Playi, ANY^WORMATIONoYNAYHAjNlEl^M^: Bi£har, ftoBi Iba Oonal#*>»l^^ o»lMd\)rbtofif«(h«^. AddiaailmiUMOBOTB^BiegJ"*, 0,W, . 1 • . . 8TILL IN THETi laformauon to abOwma ch*aKiUl/ fatBU|W4 by Add"?" lafotmaUon OtanuqJaloOM,