New York Clipper (Apr 1866)

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. : -.f.J).W.- • - THIB NEW ^6Wt GMDE^H aJ::lS T AlSiVIQBTISBUICBninnB. lutsid « U to 10, la to 38, bitttOr (, Jl ■» M f,.lt It •,.]« . 11 T..U I ITtoM M 9* » M a 1 ' OttOTUlMloiuinilnawlUlltonnUt, ynuf Bkik. B,.9«kAM 80to9« lO-.f) 17 91 SS SAv -11 • a) 19 ..II la T 9 II..It a 11 u Dnn, 8(lulln pTPMltron Ho. lOOkrVel. XIIL y nMHunuanm. BiMk. I BltcL 4 to 11 8..M lo IT « 10 JO 1..9« >lt 1 « <■■» SS,uilwls>. -1..U to a _PWHIM NeblOI,VoLXia PMMen No.l02,Vol.xltt /Bi i. J.». nj. SBinaion), ■ BLIOB. WUl'Ui WMiU, mtotomnsuf Anwttwiuu. White to mors udwla, THE Kmo. JENNINQ8, 'iram, actt Tks Nobto iM tf Mr>Dellino».' ' Boiniaiuisi . VitT. with una- sMa lUoiuI of vlelC.SetMot i . cl<al/ nvUlo- t Mud Iitiuin' t«d la * HTlii ' tl Majleumt, taf«lbe vlth ( MBi Importul UbIi on WKft- ■.Mat. Tbabwt ' .muor the kind 4ni fDbUikad. ' Mm It ctDlii ,.' Mtai ordtn !• *' Ma* Boi atlO, Poet OfflM, Htw lark. ^ J^."**.'! Twrian.»tlO FIttehir hii Jiitt Noalvad i Itou of TOT ■mall tenluo from biglul. AmoDiat them ho bu ■ UlUo blie lonte sel^tag 9 IKK, nd one 3 jnn oM. mighlsg *>iSi*- i I?' ""nl otliat ttoat tko wna wal«ht If the oU iuoltn «ut • tMtt,lal thorn call,iii<l Jadoa for ..tMOioalvaa. r.; I.wni ahoy fnur or Iha imalleal fa an piopaitlei of the tanter ■ ■>5B?!!'J?''?*'r^^"" *<«• '"T goo* "4 'jnU tokaptfor atock. I win alao abow Ibe Uitlo dog, Puub, aid ..Itebntbtr, nMlii«tmoiuieea,aad two Inobea In laDglh) and ■ .tlt*nil>.dog,Dia(on,aidasiiab«roftbeOtDlBanw. .t^Pataalvajateptonhaod, and oood aooommodaUon tor Doga. „;jlMaMaaiad, andtraatadfOralldliaana. ain But» o^aad toe Iha lapnTemant In hia Fletnra Oallerr. i ' S»tr Ihlttaenlh atrial and auard an, PhUadtlphla. t-/0()iM md Mt Siffl Tarmr, m QBUT CANINE KKDICO, at Iha UNION Wmm, U rOBILANS BTBIBT, boston, when obolMVInra .. ad Idqnora can be had, and Ball'a Ut» In losdoa taken In aran ■ in«L Mr. TDBNEB haa now the bindaomeet Italian ataok dog liABarIa, lobe Been at Iha bar, with Iht pueit blooded bou ■f^ttmt that ca Ik «nnl. AH klada'ot chUoa hioada of doaa bosght 'i Mni ' mil l ni l I n ' I' i j. m t« ttSaaSiaTu^SS*a^Jll'maiij jean In allMnda of lateo- ^lou dlatiMa of do«a, and wlU aow gnaraaloe to eve Iha manga ".-to lime dtjiwilh nia wondatftil treatmanl, at |l per poti 1I|b- ' .wlMhla Slatampef mil, aaldnDIalltaltaonl^ (orwardcdon !»■ f.mgivttl. iy Poxlns CHovM for 8il«.<«Th« Yttono Maibr of .rlhraaonI(*,OLDBILLTOTEB,wai aaad,onreo<.'lptol It, par Opna^ anperlaraet of BOXIMQ OLOTiS to any Blata. In the I'HaltB. Ohmaclaaiudaiidrepalied. ' ' .. TBI ABIOV SILF-DIRiroi laoght \>j Ut. rom, althn .li kla *W9 a Iha poplU'a ithtdtau, on leaaonabla tanoa. WILLIAM TOTEI, Untie Annna Planh Boad, Buhwlck, BmUjB, L, L' : V.O.Addi«aB,Baiai«,Bio<Aljn. I Xha Da Kilb Anna Oan, ffoUao Ferrf, lake 7«a to the oU ..paUcmaa'ataaldanoa.' r- I I S llm D. K«hot, _ lOimW BTBIBT, nw TOBK. '•, • . DBS KBHOB'd OLUBB, i'VOa BIBBiaiHINnia AND DBTBIiOPUia IRB iinioi}-^ LABeiBRH. ' 0Mba,««8Iba..taparpalr; 10 to U tka., ft to IT par AO odan (coeampuled wllh the aasM) ahaald,*- l»tr B.O.Ua^0E, Ra, laS Bio ttnal, Haw Tork. Ita CiMriM K Mmkdl HouMb ^ . T Mi mnnT. HRtBT IMnWaa, > , is, t» VDLTOB aiBBR(BB0OILnr'°' . THBOHOIOlBfl ' AlJHb Wm UQD0B4 AHS neAM ai .m.HBADQDABIBBB OF IHB gCOBIINe WOBEDL ^r?^.??=r«..„ '•-ui^udataiTthlagollhabaalaaBUt}, BPABBmO) br Br. Joaafh Ootaia, f^akto at th« iBpU'a lealdaua. I H OB AT IHB WHTCB HOUBIi JOB OOBOBB, ^nplatai. 301 Sootti itrNi It, IKBBT, mw TOBI. __aollhaanaalqnaMli. 'I M>Oii<a aO iilfhti Ohowte rmj Tua4tr>Ihnndar t^oarmitfMi., ~ OFMaSaabrBABnn ra. |Kbbt, mbw tobi. IUi^Wlnea,UnonaBid01nno' " K. nAHTOn, PiOfriite. ' .a«yiuf Hill, 8M Miln SInil, Mimphli, Tinn,, r BiVliil«aMlDaabonHall, IhanopeBad IhaBmafbra Btl M OoiikMt Thia Ban U one of tha beet In tha Mmtry, h*T. ' M bMn^aitad np for the Uta BUlliid loiimamahl, and eapabla ; VaiaahdlOOperaoin, I HhjbtlloaB. The Hall la alM «eU adapted to tpnrlng [0«.7t*] wniaAH OOOraB, •CdWlMHi" ; :.%amtl BItieka tBdOnautU, KlWTOU. ' '^tLl-^^aiHhwealoaAatofllitalrealaBdMATajM,^.!. joa mxB MjqO Ba ahd oiaus alwais or xadb^ <' AOQltDnBHIBUUUaBOOil ATTAOHBD. . ^^*^wail^ OOBOBN, Projriatat, ' \'>liiibllorit''Oiiiir mdDMnflSatoMb |, . uii)HntoiarrBnr,eofn«ofPaBi W-tt; BOAT St&D AND iroOll OAB HilXB. I ' > MUar of aU Hamlll'a boaU, alao WM'a ealabialad fosi-oand ' ^ iMkilaoBirfaidBidTeleUplteialtfboiU. Bad. Vlihlngml. •^.ilMku*MailInlitloOlder. a«4B««ie.lOtlhit, ; . ;; -,df«l» . . -, - ^. < ■ \ BlitBmr.AT.j ■ ilMn Bstito Bunt to liriigh Oni to Hm Fo'oL lOwa'DttheltlaatlnpnTad Bijla. to tiBewl kisdi o( k«Maa.-nieMa1tla Oollaaa, Ward BrolA^i,ud HamllTa jViiaMUlAt'lklaihop. Wa era pnptfM^to beak onrliM CatwaleaihiaomelbliigBTarTdax-alttjiolftoat" "" 1 ieea tC Ullh atnat aad Hailnn BItar, New Art. BOOK So. h IBIOl Ue. TBB DBAD BOXIB, Or gBOBBT BMW. iOIBBBlMODiTHBBAHJrOnWBITXHOB. 9<0. . rum "'W^'" WHB BOOS No. t !S55SftJS*J?'.2£jJP»" Frioe lOe. CUBA Bt. JOBN, Or UnrSBI BOIiVBD. 3ta l.o»TiS«S2??.i'"* No. 1. PBIOB lOe. ra| BBLLE OP OBMTa*t PABK. Ue^ |*DJUIJ>B,orOADaaTIB!)IltBr. 9to. UONOUKOrHIOHWATKAlCaBiiIDB. ite. RHfAH801iaerBBaNoa.laed9. l£auh: "JSfL""'™'''* *'ME BOOK No 9, mLDBBD.OrtOBBIDDBNlOVE. lOo. i-itt'^Kj;'IL^*2*'" J»«»eoprof BDf or the thora hooka, U1lot,aaldp^oaudr«oalnon^ta ■ BILTON* 00., '»■"* IWHaaiaoetraat,HewToik, 9 9 p ? M 4 n I lOHl BABEII BaCTfli ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 4WNBW BOOEa-VI NEW OOODI. NEW OIBOULABS. W lour saw |9 Boota, cr.Jnit out. -Gt V BooU aid Janor Artielu of neiy deioripUoi, Laigeat and moat ratled aaaottment in ihe dij. Br AU oidet»proDp|]; lUcd.^i Bend one thiea cent ttamp far .. a«- HI OBEAT SEW OIB!JIU.>B. •«| ..1**"' h- DBUBB, ■I'll* . 3M Bnadmj, New lotk. k k i i ■ - .«wiw«/( MOW Avca* i i i THE CONVEX Oan be need wllh common cardi, and the face of the eatda win S».^''}>T!^'itf^','H'kuowliig3Xlsi wkat Tonr opponenU hold lo loelr handi will aoabla yoa lo «In erarr Una. Sat on receipt of II, Wllh fnUdlrecllona for nie. diietlpllon of ITABKID OABBB, PABO 0BEOE8, SENO 8BT18, DSALUla BOXEj AND OABOl DIO& piOE IJP8, BIMOEBS, and erarjihuig vied bj iporUna meZ Said alampa for dieoltr. IiONQLET A 00., "1 4, Chicago, lU. E°"'5i5"*' Aawtaorallj. 1,000 Agania winlad for lla aila. Paj |TI a monlb. Samplea an7 loD pullcnlaraforlOcIa, Adtieaa H. 0. EBLLBI & CO., W»t* a Waler itreet, Boilon, Uaa. rpBB OAT SP0BT8' OWN PACKAOE. J. It oonlalse Oa; Phologmpbi. O-A OAt BOOK'V With Bleh and Sploj reading, Ihatiporlir*! Gem, aio. It u»tlp^alarer for gij b«;a, and beata all oroadon. Bj mall, tOcla. _. , R. W. TOWNtESD k CO.,'PnbUkhera, 19.11* IM B. Blghlh It, PhOadtlphla, Pa, BaSBND UB (Ocla., AND BBOBIVE ICO BPLBaDIDV ' JVPICTDBUS 01 Pamela BeaoUei, 40 FonnrBoiga,^ <r the Oar Boje* Jeat Book, and Ibtt Book wllh 20 BpedmairVA VLoTaLaUeia; aUforMola,^ Addrtaa t»It* TAVLOB * CO., Box 9M7, Philadelphia, Pa, |0> NEW BOOK. NBW BOOK. NBW BOOK. •« WKBW XOBK APTBB DABK.-«a „ > . . W"""* lOBK BY OAEUaBT.'CI WMalled^t paid, on ito«l£tol ateU'W I9.1t« /. TAttOB, No. 9 HUa'e Ooort, nibeital.,below'«lh, Philadelphia, Pa, |0» BaSB, TBB BEADTIPDL BILLET OIBL tOohL'tt ^ ff PBIIALE Lias IN H. I., 44 EIiaBATINS8,««ela.-m VPANNT, TBB BEADIirUL BULL!, Dhiatiatad, aOela.^ VQAY 8P0BIS' PUOBKI OOUPAMIOB, IOet«.-a W 19 OF THOaZ PBEhOB PEOIOOBAPBS, 11.^ BAHILTON, LUBHAN h CO., . 99-11* 903 and 90t Arch it i Philadelphia, Pi. Q(r WON I £1 TUB NBW OABD TBIOE. aO^O A SBI Or-CABOS, WIIB DIBEOTIONB, 67 mall, foe 90 oaola. Addtaia t, 0. ADAMS, 1911* 109 0he>lBatiL,PhlladelpUa,Pa. ^SWABE OF IMITATIONS. AMSBIOAR POOEBT TniB.SEEPEB. FIFIT OENIS EACH. The moat noTol and laafDl inranUea of Ihaag^ (}o>almoM on the moti apptortd aeltnlUle pilnolplce, and wantnlsd lo da. noloaolir time wllh gtaaiar acciuacj than Iha moit axpaoaiTa gold or enter lepaatar, while the lew pilca at whleh It la aold I >lac«a It wllhlD the reich of araTT one. II la ampbitlcmUj TBI TIME-PIBOE FOB IBB HILUOK,. Neil, cheap, and wuianlad parItollr aocnnta; cm nerir get oit o( order.. No me ahonld he wllhonl lb P/loa, wllh white enameled dial Inqoll oiinTtt dILM cesiL Sant bj mall, ralpald. to asj Wd.qjPjty'MtJSAIBlQJt-jya lyajU MiJi Jhaitfa propartt ^ntirni^A afl^.w^ tmTinf Or ftffirlng fcr ttlt enf imwint^^r^ dar no mailer what aitatallon of name. Addrsaa AMEBIOAN MANDrAOIDBUa COUFANT, 8141* P, O. Dnwor it, Albasr, N. T. THE WXLCOHB (»B3r. mm BERD.ALL VOOB OBOBBB FOB BOOES and FANOT ' > ABTIOLBSof ereirdeaonplloi tothe Oreat and Old Balahllabed JB-BBOADWAT tDBUSBIXa HODSG •«» of ^ . JAHE8 B. DBXTEB, Itroa wlah tobefalrli lod bononblTleall with. Addreaa ' ' . -. JAMBB B. DKrrSB, Pabliaber, 19-11*'. 98tBroadWNr,NawTotk, SOHSIHINa WOBIH BAVINO, BSND9tOENT8 For a book which aTaiT jonsg man ihoold baTa. Atdreaa 81-at* H, 0.0, H., New BaTan, Oom, Boxma OLOVBS, It a ieU;Fanolng Folia, Miaka, Oloraa, |l a nalr; Biding Leggtsga. |0; SrlTlngOamiUela, |A80 per ' r, Fool Balla, 19:5^ Belli, «0 cenuTPMket Plitoli, Hi Bl- _ ud Shot Oona, IM to llOa ' BiH Ban, Cricket, Oioqnet and BbooUng Efslpmenti and Ipoitlni Oooda^ 010.^01 enrr kind asub;man or cipreaa, PBDITBD ll)8IBbonONBtOcenlaiach,poatfrea|"Boilnr, Training and Qjmnaatlca;" "The Oamt of (Mckel," "Oema ol OoaoaC" •■Amancen Flatlanai" "DeadBoiir," aoeesla; "Ait of Boibg," 18 casta. Agenia, Cannaaen^ Oopntir Oaalar^ elOH land lor tonni. Addnaa dlaUnoll;, XCXBtOm BPSOtAL AQBIOT, Mognt Tenan ainet, . tl.UI* . PHIT.ADET.PHIA, PA. OHB or lEB OBlATEn BOOES ON BIOOBD -« r FOBLADim. B^ BeBtloellpuliofUieeoaaUTonioeelptottOeesli. ^B r Alao, three baanlltal Soigi rot It oanft, and 1 tMaaU.^ r folJeelBook, Moanta. ASdiaea Q. L. ODSBIHa, N, W. eomit el Third and Aioh aliaeta, IMt* '' Philadelphia, h, rVaTJOTIII TUBT OUTI ' HIBWBOOmi . 4 NEW BOOH ' Pile* Il.t0 eadi. Send for theib Ihalr namea ani THE THBILUNQ ADfBNIUfilB OF A PBBRY OIBL. APSWBBBIND TBB OUBTAIN, TBB OONrBoSIONS OF A BBAUTT. IBABBL MARION. ' ' IhiT win ba east on leoelpl of price, to man or e im aM, NEW MAktHOIBOATAtAQin FOB IMi; Imsasaa Rdaotton In the price ot Iportlac Oooda. Bkhasd Bate Bookt,Photoaiiphi^TtanapanstPtirIn|Oaida, alo. Bend rod ilaap and ncalta brrelnnmaS onr throe new Clroolaia. wllh eniTlhlsg ooaplate. WahiraanarUcloferli. dl« which win aiTa them 1 gnat deal of Bonn. 1.0. mta 13.11* \a k 00., 104 idalh FUlh alretK ruiUalpUi, Vi.; TBB WBLOOMl aOUT. fL^m^ FARBFUIf AIID:TBIIRW01ITH1k^ .tkacld <Mhr, IMr lUhed Puchuing Agaaej 01 OBHSBTh 00. allU W, ^nbrwirda Book* and Fans Artlolu with Ih* oUnoel deapalch 1 nerla of the eonntty. B»lng minnfartntata of all artlolaa ^lea bf ]h» apoila, w* en aeU dieapir aad aend tsloktt Ihu larosalnlhaboanaaa. Band atamp lor oalalogaa. OBMBBife: co.,BoI^eo^K.T.P.o. ta-ii* GBMBBI B CO.. MANDFAOHniKBS AND IMPpBTElS OT gpoiUng aad. laser Ooota. Jut lualrad, l.OM doi, M» ohanloalorMotlsg Plclniaai pricebr nail, poel paid, |1 r-- OoafflOi, 01 folding Ptclar«a,|leiish,^l paid, SandlOra l;ignet wllh alamp, Box 1801B. V.: U* f 9 9 9 ' ^ ^ \ A L— {bat TBII II YOn aai.-a' Oa neUpt at Ho. I ^ win aeod 100 iplendldplcmneol Female BMStlaik 9 ,_T Ibll II lOn OAK.—17 On nealpt at win nod 100 iplendid picmne ol Female BMStlak gf 10 of the lannleai BoDga,«- and The litUa ftkar, 0. ~ lumted wllhav98BogiBtlaga.. S AdSitM J.TAnOD,Ita.lBldtaqiruL ^ Bill* nbaitat..h«tow>lh,PhlladipUi,h. -n fr.'i9-ii* MtBaUdUg iTTT, now lark. ' < BIBPHBR BnBEBTS.; '' Bi>,.II ttit BOnBIOIt SIBCEI, DBW TOOK oWf, , 1UHAH BBOifaBns 1. >.PM|iiatoh ^^^-tofAlei,Wlo«i,Llano«aandOlgaii. ' ■< - ■' ' |lWMUwaDidAAetkaBpoiUiiudolb^ Bailfi|B««B. ■"4<S'' /nBB OAT BOT'8 JB8T BOOK. WreHjajJ T BMBATIHOS. AND TBAT BOOK W1«M BPEOOON LOTS IKIBBa BEflT FOB tO OBBIB. J* or«iuuw udrbaa, TA?H)B ft 00, 35 ^>>X IIW, PHlLA£EtfBlA,'rA. ^ twtift aBl-. isC eoewiilwJly. Oma onoaiad/fva ir* »U* T, ma. in viai iiA atdk era wawoHi ov»t. % ,19.11* ., BaiHfr.PhliilH|kl»P«. XXiiu^m^ OBMBBI >g9,.B»iBai,.H..T.P, 0,T»W ; »»J-Z**" R oXm^ na^ *.«. J.. Boom* IHB eU>BR EBTABLISHI P ABP ONLT BXLUBLE AOENOT IN THK mnriD miEs. Ami oonntrj mnihtoom ootcemi ud en^hoiao oltr eetib. uhmenta. Bend lo na onlr.lind ute jeinaatf liom being Baraualiod. \ . ALL BOOKS AND OTHEBIAMIOLM IOD BKB ADVKB- HSKD WE WILL FDBR16H ^ WE DEAL IR OBM] _ BEW SEND A BTAUPED ENTE MOTH ILLCBTBATED OATi ABTIOLB IN IBB TBASE OBDEB. -HE ABnOLES OMLT. 00D8. >BFOB OTIB OBiaiNAIr HAM- IDE, EMDHEBATINa EVBBI >T 18 OEHUINE OB WOBIB EATINO, AND FUTI OIBBnlZBTlaLEB IBAT CANNOT. BB BOPPIjlD B7 OTHBB PABI^ II their own Inleteat bj lend- Wholeaalo Dealan wUl lig (Or onr Phoe Llat 48 UOBPHT A CO^ 81 Raaiao atnat. New fork. IBB WELCOME QDEST. 8)-ll* man's EMPORIUM. THTJB !^ ^.-^^^^.^^tf^WITB OCB PATBONB. OOOD FArrn a dibpatob. dEBniTT M. EVANS k OO.'a KBIT TOBK FOaWABDUO ' AQBNOT, Ho. 93 Ubertr atnalj New Tork Olljr. BEND FOB ODB OATALOaUB-TOBWABDED OBATO. Wa ban on hand, and wUl forward at the ehorteat notloa, an aiU- claanaelbT IHE SPOBTINa MAN, 1 IHE mab of LEDUBB. . TBB HAD OF IA0IH, IBBtdBOBSI AND Mora TABIBB ABSOBTMBNT n IHB Oin AI IHE TEBT LOWffll PBI0B8. WBOOMI BOOiSI B00K8I TBE NEWEST AND OATESd OUTI 1 THBEB NBW BONO BOOBB, fOa,,IAOH: IBB lEBEB FOB |L BDEBKB OOODS OF IBB BUI QDAlJTI Pocket ABnmL Pletnni,BtandacepIo TIaii,Owlai diTUlUt Mlomiconlo XnlToi, Welch Okuma, Plaa, Cigar Oiaai, labaooo Boiee, Finger Blnn Poite llos. ulaa, Matoh Baua, to., kt. Sno BEITS, FABO BOXB^ AND TOOLS, TBDODBa BHSABS, DIOB, PB0F8, DICE-TOPS. FABO OHBCKB, OABD BACIS, PBB91I8, POKBB CHIPS; CTKBT KIND OF TOOL OB OABD UBID BT BFOBTOra MEN, We claim to Iit orar eraiT ealihllahiae&t la the Vnloa la onr gnat ipedaltj of The gnilatt Tirlety, lattit itrlea, bait matiiii) and lowiat piloei. BAMPLBSBEBIudPUtlB LISIfannrded FBBBIo U71ddiiu. CABDB CDTTOWIR AI XTEBT OAUE OF OBAN0H,-« gpOBTDia MSH, BUT lODB GOODS OF A EFOBIIlia MAN, aad TOO win ha dealt with - , "OBTHBeqUABa" WB OAH BHABU TOD I« WIN AI IVIBT OAMl, 6o«di t* Ihe imonit or tl ud mwuda mt b7 eipraiai PATABLB OR SKLIVEBT. 8adnBr 'iddreaa,ud jonwin reoelt* onr hudlome ud onpletaOalilogaeFBEB OF BXPBNSB. All letlen aaaweiad, and an oidin flUed Imoedlalelj <■ their lecalpt, Addnu OBBBIIT M. E7AMB fe 00„ 81-tt No.9tLlben7iti«et,RewIotkait|. ABKBD CABOSt beat inalllT, uy. il;la, 110 per dn, 8l( (taa. (or 10) aUigle packa, br mall, ILW. - BAMPLB O.kLKrANSftOO^ , M Liberty itreet. Haw Totk. j08Moar:i.nB. jcair bbadiifdi, sraooair or naocn tale'udlogunllrCTarlnTntad. A gnat nrletjof KI^ QCIBIIB TIEWBi aach u large at lOOmmoD latter enr^opi, jat the whoU ocnipTlsgao man apaoa. If ren wmt aomalhlij LOVELY, aeod for lb Price 11.00, poet paid. n.U ,p.K.'BVAHSftOO.,99Llbert;at,KawYoik. BOOKS BI TBB MIUIONI ' I . rOBTBEHnUORt * AT. PBIOBB THAT CANNOT Fill. TO OIVB 0ATIBFAOIIOR ' a TO BTART BDrm. t. B. FARBlilt . >• ■ JIft 11 ANN BIBECT, (ONI or IHB OLDEST BSTABUBHHHNn IS THB OTTT •*0F NBW YOBE,) ■ hia Iha largeet aad heel amartmini of Book>,'ul erety uttd* nnaDy anpplled bf Ihe Inda.' Any ullda that cu be oblalneC. ta ■>} iton In theVidled Stalee can be obtained at No. It Aaa Blieet Don't fill to oili ud txamlne Iha atooLu II compiliea eranthlng in Ihe apoitlBg line, Oatilognea oVlaa the ranMl eriunlan aa (d aljle ef Bwki aid pitoea flmuahedon appUoi. in. Deelan ihonld give me a tall, aa I am TAB LABODT PDBUBHEB^P TBBBB BOOKSl Ac' DtlBBqtllON.* — Thoaa abont to cemmince bailooee cu Obtain avaiTinforms tien bj appl;tsg panoaiUr or bj letter, Can or addreee J. H. VABBBLL, 81.11 ' • Bo. 18 Aan atioe^ aaat Bnidwtx. |a» p UB RBW CAfALOQVB,' ga- WB SELL 19 IPaila) OOMBKD nOIDBES tor tO but a. 4V SAUBTBINO fFlalai, 10 oattU, jtf le f Boioaiulngs ittiek), 40 aula, S- 18 mnxT sorob riu saw), to ouu. isr K 8ONOB (aU dUranal), 80 ctnli, go BONOS OAR'I BB BUT, 11.00, 49-1 NBW BOOKS Out onl) lul too lor 98 conn etch 49- « BEW BOOKS (laigti alia) for eo oenti each. Ibe French TnnaformiUon Paokel (esUiilx saw and original) 1180. BV An the abore daUroad fbkb osTCoalnlofpiloa. gr" All btdera ftir Booke, Oarlaa da Villi*, alo, ttrwardat Ixmtdlile- 1t OB Tooelpt or Older. RBW OAXALOODH and FBETII PIOTDBB by landing jn^aesta In Ulllaid cuhMU, «a empMr, la Ihe omatnuOoa M m aapmja w uiv iwuatraottoa fli OQr tttllAiR MdalF V MBi ekbei apeclally Olid* tor Ih'pnipoMV t^whlab OMnfitWAM a» ibM <>TMjjre indenMifuJtnafhanlctf'Uwiur .Hfcut' » jbled •luamlicleslUirg knowntabiittafd'ttuBMTi& '1 .v ,^ HtTlill mi eiparlanca ud thonoili KanMM'ef lO ■• i» UHacilorbll]lirdi,andconitull7a9bBdalai|a iiedtltfM leal ud moH thoioagMracaaoaed wialaileK we Lnpnpand || fimlah miythlDg n^Bind In Iha hOttud Una wllh oapncdaH' dlnatcfe. ■..,.>> The emIneBl Flinch bOUatdplajai, M. Bergari hia pahlUM IhiloUowInf eplnloni *9av- YotMt Id Awu( im •SnlhaeTaet laafl^lhaUalladBlataa, ImhanFti ' toaUaaalonra of hlUlaida. lhai, afl« 1 bm pfifrrea Uiion|h the prlnclMl oUef, I hate hem ' IfflctoiTin] hctuedbjr ncln ir die npenoilnof the BlQatd' ikOoUendar. the qnaai of Blampad ud addiauad nrslopi to 4IU ITBa •S.B.DAVIS A 00. aan atnai. New loik OU;. rlUiaRAIlD IBAIBPABERI OABDB.-BatlrilF new ud npitlor to all olhora In the eonntir. tbii in 1 fine ani' bar ludi, 19 la cioh pack. Bt mall, 80 aula. OABI^llAVIS A CO., 19 Buhuie PIae^ 48.19ta HearCheatnBtitrsat,PhlIad*lphla,PiL rpo THB TBASK BEDVOTION OF 80 PEB CENT n THB J, PBICB OF PLITIRQ 0ABD8. Alio, ror Bale, all aniolee Sled la gamia of AmoHmul aa( Chuoe, 8ud (or OlKoiar. M. BBLBON, No, 414 Bnoma et, N.Y.atJ. , 4»ir THB AHBBIOAN BrOBTINQ OOODS AOBROT. ZflABUBBBD 1818. Wo bito Iha beet aaaotuout of BOOKS, PIOIUBBJ, PLAIUta CABD8, OUIIS DB Tttirn, Aad BporUag Ooodi ol eitii diaiwIpUen. STBBBOSOOPIO VUWS SBT m PINBl Baas, KRITBB, WAIOH OBABMB. IHB LAR NBW BOOK, t Steal Bagntlngi. ParfeetBAsllai. PuUganldfarlL A HANDBOHB AlBDIt eenulnlng 19 hudaoailf ooloied plotoraa. Betroaaoa. PrlcalL Upon teeelpt of II, wa wui aad louathlng Balinlr Raw. It la oaefnl aa waU ai otannulaL' No 8^1 aSoald do wllhonl It Bend ted elamp (or «r Olitnlt/for litd. KBLLOOS * CO., 89 Cedar Bl, 4t.Bia* Mmeilr IB Beekmu at 0 IL OOLOBID PHOIOOBAPHB, FBOM LIK tOoala nch. 41-lf . O. H. SVANS k CO., 93 Ltbeitj E, New York. 1 D D B HOW TO WIN AT CABDa DIOB, EIO. . Bud joor addnu lo W. K CBAWFOBD, No. ts AND 91 BA8- BAV BIBltBr, NEiV YOBE CITY, ud. ha wOl Inform pon of 1 BUBB malhod of WlkMIRQ at aU Iha TUlona Qimea, free, br latonmiU. IBYIT, 4111 60c. ^^lisaw^ Zheie Petite oharmlng MIOBOBOOnO.TIBWS, Bsl In Waloh Chaim>, Boart Pina, elc 11 will und }o« one iimple (or tOota, or 18 80 per dctan. EnlTaa, Btaiga end flna ehetina. |l^ ^ H toll. Bodoea price and BtaopedBnTelope, trllh addieaai lo F, LBOBAJNO, 98 Johnaneel. New korkOltr. OAT OUIDB for OuUdnn, atola. or II 80 pet doaan. FBBNOH PLATIMaOABDB, |1 per pack, Ao.V*^ .Mm* IMIOBOIOOPIO ALBUMS. |L . MIOBOBCOPIO PIHS IS aula. MIOBOaoOHO CHABMB iOcula. Addnaa A.DCBOSQ, 41-3m* Its BrotdWBj, Nawlatk, A PAMB- "JEWS HASP I" That JoUr llltia book, craalfnU of fib, aul ai ii iwh ir «L poilnld.teF«TaOaali. Addnaa ^* OBAWED MIOk Chlcaio, m. IBB WBLOOMl QDEST.' 89.11* RBHCMkmpMe laii of KBNO for |tO, MO ud 1100, .Wir, _ naladu^oduu7joldjjrolimi<|ra^ 81*4t 1U80N * MEtZOBD, < AMPLB8 OFiMABKBD OABDB ant u appUdUoa. ti aia MA^N fe MBIzaiD, Chicago, m. JUBO DBALOta-BOXIB, aB Madi udpitam, 81.91* ■ MASON k MHTZaBB, Chicago, U, M ABEBD BACK PiATtKO OABDB, onr Kit dUTarutUndA 81-91* ' MASON k MXtZara, Ohlttgo, DL CABDS KABKID TO OBDBBjuip kind, ud marked onbaol BOU to read. 8HI« MASON fe MBtZqBB, Chicago, m. CABD BAOKB AND PBSeSBS aluapa on hiad, 81.91* '. MASON fc MIXZOBB, Ohiaago, Dl, LAT Oim AHD FOIDIHO BOABDS, all gildu and nricu, 81.9t* MASON fe MlTZaBB, ahldgoTlI. rnBiuma BBBABaBti9o,i98ud ua MASON » I X* MBtZQKB, OUaage, DL WANTED—The addhu (wllh ihunpl of ifodtag bmb, '11-91* lUBOR fe MBTEdBBTAl^HOk in. H ABT'S LIRHH DBAURd 0ABD8, hjr aUgla pUkiga, data otgtoaa. 1191* MASON felutelEBi^hlagSklU. 1DB I*APBB, ta lugt ud amaU ouaUllaa,' ~ 1 I" J II-91*. ■ HASOHVMBIZaXB,OhlcigMn. SUUrruna BOABD^ahaap. , _^:. i 81.91* MAdOR fe ltnZ0BS,Ohlai|o,I]l, _>> TO OORBDMPIim.-YoS wfll |Bl the Badpa Iht^ •V nn cnn ror Ooiihi, Oolda. OonnmplloD, and all Z^ag' OoapUals, bp audHgle D, ADBB, Ro. 181 PaatI Btteet, Hi T, BaandBttfree, Wiltahra IthaionradihovMada. Bl4l* AH) BDMOBi" • ',; ■ 61. ' ,.; : ., '"CDDB AND BRDB," I- 1 baliig aHecUone rnm Ue wilUigl ol Artamna %aid, <>iphrat a Kor, Petiolaos T. JtaAr, lomavj Brick, Tha puhudtd Tot; nalear, MaAl«n^ Elgin, Milk Twain, Mn.'Paitlngtoa, aad a hbatofothBtPopnlultisiotUtB. ; ^ Ibll Dolfna VoHia* elU alao oaalala Ihe oolahnul .1 OOfDBNBID ROVnS, - |'1 Br"BiBrr,"otiheOiiUbniiB. Oamlo BoBucra br wlosa wrllaik ud I maltag* at Bonlbi aaala,JokeiLaoonadmaa,Dirke7Wlt udi BomeioaaJ)(njail> cnUad (nm Ihe moe; popolar aoniMi, In o« ,lhlok Vf bitne. Price In Oloih, Il.tOi laffter, IL .MuIm toaVSS?***? »" I. J, a BDIBBBLAND fe oO.,- -- , ' JPnbUihara, nuladilp^ Pa, ; oelpt or pricBt bj «1-9I EICO, BABB ud BAOt,-Sand lOo. (ari cwr cl tha hBW pa- ^SanaL^dKi a P. 0. Boi.t>l,Ttlcito, ttU llfii* .IBB WBLOOMl edBR. nnHOLDSBB It^vvK vismrm).t^: v\i^ i ra' ' IT'ncaliadi fiam Pim a iitlniF PaahcMm vUih *u ata fel^?te5»"5im"heMaiJh^.rt25^ "H** itaMa aMcl* (at giBllaan.'<llalM B»* M U-.,: ■mrABOD BACK FUTII()OtSD%-baal«idlli,nan^ri^ ^»AIH IH THB FIELD. , ' ■ OBMIBTfeCO,, .. * QBNBBAL PCBOHASUia AeHNTI, Winimill ardetafcr BPOBtlHaud FARCY ABHOLBS, asM aa Baokf, Oaida, Watch Ohanni, Atftutaga Oardii alo,, with proaptnaia ud diepatch. Bend roT 1 Oalalogne lo ' OBMSBYfeOO.,i«llhitinsO IB-lll* ' Box 8808, New Ier£S,0,. BBADHTDL false MOCBrAOHBa that oaaaot he told bom aalualoaaa,iUoolMa,milladrar|lparpili. Addnu 4«4m* a. BIiAOKlB fe 00„ Til Oioidwip, N. T. ATBRT FAraBBEBB FOB LADOB AND OKRIB, 90 018. „ GOOD BOOKS, IB cull each-OosilahIp Made Baar, Bridal ■UiaalK Bow to Wis ud Woo, Bow lo BihaTa, Mlsd lou Blspa, How lo DehaU, Hard Wotdi Made Baa/, Ohilimu ud Bpeakifi Onldek Bow to WiUa LtUare.OorrecUr, Bair-deieaee Ilad*EBn,aafflae(Whttl ••LIBBABTOFLOTBL"8T0hinieaL for 11 Mali. TBI IWELVB OEIIB FHOM LIVlRa MODEIA OoBUIatag 48 BeanUfnl French Dancing Oltia In ohaiaotar, |X BOOKS or BUUarda with Bolea, Fancj Bhote, fee, Aa, Bt ota.| Parlet nuliUala, 80 oU.i Flnalte aamia, 80 ota.i Lara Onde, aOeibi OoBle BaoHer, aJlota.i I«*a or Lon, atotl.i Bow lo eoancH OoireoUr, at ela.|Onlda to Buslj, 38 ota.i Parlor Fistmlmca, wllh diracUona, motlooa, alo., oomplala Mb (Or 11) DnmiiforBo}e,40cu.| Dnmiafor Ladlaa, 40 cla.| BnriuoBa Onmu, 40 cU 1 Bbakcipaire'a PnTetba, 40 cla. 1 Mammoth llit. ilognea, oulaislsg Ihonauda or Booki^ Pldaraa, Plaps, School, COuiga us Home Amnaameali. wnt wllh ur «l the abora. Bandjont oidm to W^ 0. WEHISB, tT8 BioUwa j, New Yak, 4«^« S'tjUABB DBALINGI FAIBPBOFITI ' ABD BBSIOFaOODSI A FBBRCH INVKNTIOR,—A Mlcroacoplo^sm, Uad wllb the rioheel ud gapait ol Piotuee; Uia beat ud bobI ouiona thlaa in Ihe Mlaioacoyu Use jet niada, Prioa-1110, ud worth thenosojl MlvMOcplo wilch ohairni eo'olsi kilnan 80 to IBi gold tlagi la to lU, pUled IB to It: mnUon lhakind ofplclan pan wu*. LlkaeaaealaiMladtn aopot thiaa artlolu at Iha addlllonil prioa o( 11 K, In which pitpcaa eud carta da Tlalla for oapj. Itaiwwocple pldniM on alaoat ur nhjrcb plain 10 ati aiu, 0114 par dni colored to cla iich, IB per doai aplaUld Fnnoh Ud UurinU 18 oil aeohiCOloted II, Olrlu de Tlalla,plala,90 cla. ulotMl 98 Ola each I Fteaoh 80 OU) plain 40 ota 1 oaIot*l,«Rt flnet nMauUoleawlJl biptoinptlpaankb2^mail apos teoilptol ud Older, W. OABFBRIBB, TT Haaau limjt, H. T., Boom 98, nu. HTHB POBH OF PUXKB, '^BB FinR FAIL," aid 1 ptolnre X <( IhahndaoiaaetwoBU la Eatcpa oallad (« at&ud Map. Addnaa DAVID aoaiBB,8litlOBD, P.O., N.T, tfta* AD. BOBRBMAR, Da;tOB,lbDtBOnialTOo., 0., L.B.n,' ' FBOn AND OBRAHBRTAL IBEEit * ' A LABOB ABSOBIIfaNT OF OBAPE BOOia BBBDB8, EVBEOBEBNB, BOIBIL . FLOWBB AHD VgCBTABLB SBBDI, * ODIOH FLOWEB PULBS, AS BrTclHiaSb fDUn tn. All OtdanfonraidBd With can inddlapilob. ; FLOWISBEBDS BY MAIL, ■ ; - For Iha aooommodallon of finoaa who are looaM 'whan wa hare no iffala, wa wld uad br nill, poit pild, (o'ujr Utnta In Ihi DsUed BlUaa, intai t.m miU, up nrldiu ihtil^ otter, It Iha aueildpriceAi' ' Ihoaa who lailde bepcnd 8,000 D<lea are nanaaUd to tamil flllan cula. In iddlHon le Iht amoail named, for eraty dcllir'B wotth Ofdaiad. ' ''' t Ponhuan raBilltlsg |1, na; aaleot acedt el .gatalogna prioee inooDtlof to II lOi lenltUng |% map aeleBtrsMda u oaialOgBr pricee imonliag lo 19 98| ramiUng A ntj. aalaoi' aeeda at oilalogaa pitoea amoOnlisg to tt 8O1 laattttofll, ma; lalect aaed«atoBlalo|B« nriculmOiindDg 16 II Tt|,rimlluiw It, Inar aelld aeeda at oalalogaa pncaaibaaitlBB to Wi ramutlog |lO^ na; ulaot laedtil calalognaprloei aoouUal lo |l9 80) rttnlt. Usg |10, ma; lelacl aeedi at calalcgna priou amounting to |Mr raollUag l|0, ne; aelicl Mda lil ciMltgiia piloM aa^Ung '**/irwaadi*ltlaenalomae IhellL tileeUont, me; hi; itl onr anting onli ihcae which ire raiU; ibow; anA hlidMil ud aiar tocaititale. Wa beUira thlt onr. eipiilanca wareO' ahle.u lo make MeoUooa that cunol ttU lo/gtra ntlreMlM'>o.' Ilea lo up lad; or geAUanuA itbo Bu; M dlipotid Jltf'o' •hem, ■ .X AU otten aboold be atdretted (»l|h iaotmt AnSf^ !■ <u 01 poilage Blaapa), ii (oUowl- . ' 'A. BqanMAIii >pai1sr;ihillamaapp7ia mlnosg* ihatr Btpla of slalriM taiuFn&e«. The;hateiMtodlothaUsm&uutModuMaa Biniaid TaUaa laal oiihe mnch TI M b l of naaitule tBtfasM odbant;. FortheiereaaonaIamhipwtoanakaIhlilialawitM ••BBBOSO, OLADDICS, PioHeor Of VOIaiU, ftfk." firuuardailng Iron na wOl Ondontprioea u towunMwM anpo«rin;b*inadelbr. WaaeDlnthlauatlklaBMBBlllttr ud win sol Biake u hirerioi article it up prio*. Oldanbp mall canfoilj Oatalognee aad Price LWa a JouBilnbllihed aihe UK taUa otiiD BngUja^a ooalou r and pfomptv aiacnWl DMMItl Bent tn mill, •mBOUUDOBV' uianaf ol DiUpada^ aad i—ttfBlnISi 8181^ at ud 08 OiliaUf aiiaaj 1^ Aad T31 ud 191 Mealgoffarr atrMt, Bn fttulB)i(i|M UT 0BDBa_^.0 0fta, ■ '■" W OOBNEB OF BOWmi AND BAYiSsB flBBBB^-l, fl Oiaila cn be aoccmoodalad wllh Boomab; tha dap <i,wtA <Uh or wUhrat board. Ola F. WOBDBi; Piopriaaoa, ■* J-AIOB. aooDWIH, (>mmlB«n_ Papal vHm, . . gOBN SIBBET, sau CUB, New loik. , ,1 - prtsUog tna auBMona la tidt^^JM ihoilait sollOBk PBOTOaBAIH OABDB FOB aRRILBMKR. BAI2FLB, 98 OBNIB, TBANBPABENI OABDS 181 VrCWI). II,9B per pioki 110 per doaal. ALSO, MIBEHD BAOE UlATlIla OABDfl^ ILR nS lAlB AU bp mall on racelpl c( price.. Addteaa FOBWABDni& AQENOi;' r.\ IS. UK B8 Ubert; atmt, law TmB, glBARGEI • , .. i I . HADAKB LE GBARD, OUlrtOTUL.b; thl.ttt at IM TOBOHOIBOtE, 1 nawlp iBTenUd ftnuk liiilillilal bI latuaa power, cu prodnca 1 patfeot Uknui al ilblitotl . hBihua or wlf% with (all vama, oonpillon, paoBaiii;.«li«B» ^ alueae, end dale or muriige. * ' ' & Ihe wUI alio laB pon whelh« ponr quAiid UM WOl Mr happpoT olbetwlBe, ud aimani*: eiha IIIM'M lilttulJI poa. .1 ,...,1..^,. fVi Btala riot age, color ot haliandipaai isdUdaiTia mM( rtth^Nvild UTalope,plalolptddt«uaitapOnsalt ' ' HAltAHB LI «AID, OTD fe CO., FDBOBAnNd AaBHII,dlaal BnpntaM Pholoprephi, Mnatc, Jewebp, Ptiaal AiBclai. fei rta,, BS ye for OltcttlM. BOYD fe Oo", P, 0. ^xSU, fiS»»^ , pnaa oBiATEn oOBioarrr #tBi J. JutPitnlad, "IBB NOVBtiBBWrao lUmiRa" BaMM bla for dl flghlwoik. BiDplaimilled oanenlor aOcMi' No hnmbng. Addreu IHB own IjllT,^^ GHAffiURV a. SIDTHi Bhl*»r ATBIMOBI KADI BAR, or MntsMoLiMlUtTt'Km . toUp npUlsid, with Bpaelmu Late Vattiri, Priai laeli ordetiloBoiWCk Pon OOce, Raw Toil, • 4Mn* ' FAROIBBS OF OAIIB FOWLS >' ' ^r^ AND DUALknS OEREBALLT. hiTO (iri hand rot Bala tha flaaat lot of TwoTlB 01^ tttOva " la.fci" ^ lino.-'r All la. ^UdleeB Bad HERB, of Ihe chchuet Inporied ttnlaa.'' Alw lAXU RAa ^jjjj aadPDU.Bnallhltpeaia'nlalng.'"AUwiitutad Ifen ud Ihotoogta tame. Addieei ,.<>'. HU wm a ABHFOBD,807Otf«>tfllit.,yjlli,jBi. . rpBAT eumMtttr snpPOlB.'^'IBB' FUMr fATL^nud 1 dii l.'«iaetv^ncb phekL aaot 00 nulpi.ef ate and alaap, A4. - ■KTBOBRIOM, BoB0t8,.O;potIirniN. Y,^ AiSte* ■a B O Tjg, F« TOBNKB AND t5EALEB IH .lY^Bj^ BfttlABD'Ala PIRei Faro aad BAGATELLB BAUA TER PIN SALL8 PokeaCbacIa, Kuo Betia, lOk OrdanbpaallproiDptlptltuUdto.-' . > 4(Mn* ', •n^llon'tlrtol.Bawl'odb' FOB'AByrEUOJOD.WAm 0BMBBYfeCO.;.Bp^< I. Raw'teiiifcfc' SBND STAMP tlB one orihaga;aelCaiilcnu.6aliiU-' ' warn* .. .OBHSBY100,IlCTtsoatllawTaliPjO^, - i GAME FOWLS FOB SAIjE.-rhanf«giila«nt of lUlaat ' Game Fowla(nlhlacru;othateonii|pT,'b(ed brShBi'<'>*'v uprualpfor nil. I hare bipoiMlEw& •eal^tlrS" .' ' Eonpe eratpnar bp 1 brother Imng lUrtk lihoaMtotl'dtIM '' beat (hat eu £a found la that eounfir. ' 5 7Z T , JAMBS i>Hwip^apiii,i(, t : 81-911* Bo nrt ud*|el ue Lotd Ba»ttt$fif^';i\Sjnng i -I (18 J PltliuM.) Ud iDB wUl be michi; >ieiaed^lh Ihimi- Fi 81 98, elM Fuop Oaria da Vlall<t,'MaiB'1l »b 1 ai»n%«Is il a intta. Af aul bp maO, okiaelp eoJad 0. -KT^-'r ^ , AdJtata n W. BOWABS fe |)K; VlEVa BBOWnii m. LUa In (fee Ooaoert Baloonl of Hew York. A Blah ud Bpio; SooF, '/oefePoNlihadt Baadi iome]rIllBitriladr-0nIr9lcoaGiriIalU«6ee.T^ 4t-MI» Addrma P^LIBBEBf O^nfj, Mi Oa,T,T, 1 PaSlOaf AP^OF FBItiS,B raADElM. Ml,'siS' L\}\J sei(L(or9to.i loophatoanphao(4eta(oi9M|lM -itagnptai ofnalon Oeocnla (or 9|& 1 to Phototnoha 0! MM eentoilto, Addt«aiUIMODB'fe(]Oi,EcIlud,ll,T, iHoi* IMO FOB A OATALOODIL aocloam^ttamp W • . Ifrlm* , OBHBfitliOO„Boi4B08,7(ewIo>k^,a ffllO,000» miUas. 'feddiaaaJ.&V.BJU AND,oyBBmada ^ai; It pont bdiai' (Raidg e«at;i . oitnTaQag, HiI«ON,wr^ Bu8 lOo, HUhllOIk " tL tf-lm*. JDII onii . Mip of the' ••OOLPW QATB.' card (or aO cull, or irithBoak 40 e«nta..«a#boek 1 .T. B KBUtlT, > . «'8m» . . ■ - Bof iM npoM^F'O.' >kU$i anil tnt. rpSB NEW YOBB PAOEAGB FOB GAT BOti 1 eo BOHOB, 1 PHOTOGBAPB KfOlIIRG BOBRIfl IN TBI USfi etc Sabpoltpalt, itrlBoala/. .. 484m* . . Addnu Boi B GAT BOtf^Mitalat'oTti rioi ilaai^A 04 wSi( ' EROLIBB BAUIOWI4 BialamaaBdIufchlti. art*. -T, A^dlU»'Boi: 8418, y. 0., Haw Tat) _ imABUBtaKb PXATIHO'OABSB, ARB Kip ■ T HT^BTIOLEg' OSBD Dl BPOifflNOwHTOWIB WDB umirtoraAHB. «. DVARlklaB OABp£ II PBH P(OK fSW 'BB DOigR. FA" - .■ -■ ■ ■ 1 ■ H (. I- . 1 til,: A lf.ll« 'tUi OABD PUinSB^it TO ua! cat KBBPEDBl 118, iu, 16 ml sarFFURo. b6aiH>j"i<» "go obeokb, lia"m.ioii. POIBB OBin. VKB 100: TBBTIIUtf, |l,«0| lb BZMb ~B, 111 THE dIpLWT,!!, feo., feo, , • ■ OBHlttliB'^l'I'KPIRO MOM, MB WUl'FINP MI PBIOBna/oir AB GOOD ABTIUIBB OIM POaUBLX BB MAD&K^ BELL FlBSr CLASS ABTICLEB AX J FAm sm^tfSfD WBJi BOX MAEB AM INIBUOir AAobl AT AN1_fi90K. ' ■ A ■■ •'^•I- /iiV,' 'AdriN WART OF THIS OTAIS OF aOODS ABB iBTim ' «ALh OB DEsoBiPTiva oinooiiAB^ IHI) fSBM.anBt [J, la 8BRI TO ARTADEBUB, FBBB, DPOB APniGE • , ^ _ W. It OBAWFORT), . . ', ' * ll-tt ' to, 88 ARD tT RABBAO.WBBg*, REW^OBH Ollf lOB ARD nuia SOOSI, Oattaa de Vlilla, mr riebujplai I Oulfy m.MBti, Dt leten (Or II, Mlcroaeeplo ctamai AiutU, ILigi ud opin Olaiiea.'BlenOnapIoHan «M Baa.' AlMmi, cMalnl«g,ll Uiai plelona 8 bf W l8,VeT Hoh. IMamppljed, Oideta|r«aetnillTaltnde4ito.''iNo •IIMon.}.. UdUlklhdlof FUopBperUngGMU (ha^ teuUt ud (n'OiMiftu tg tUi old ahaUIUaa | KHI/MqBtttU-rdl fl.*2.*!5 »>»^oraBia.-Ba«««Bimiiinrtii»ao»