New York Clipper (Oct 1866)

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Bdltor SBd FnprUMr.f NEW YORK, Sj^LTURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1866. f VOL. vma cuva« ON THE ROAD. 'Timff 101 IBS raw lOBS ctmta. ' yta itut ftom bom* tt btnt of diy To tjj onr melUe OS Ui0 iMd; BDl«lw«n "w«," yoa nin vUl Hf— ■'1 fUr whip tiiind, ud nx good t»j," fiat oh I bowtodlouUiliddij Ai o'or Ibe MTement olow ve go, Cnlll the roid bafote u Uj, ntu 'anOi o;ir fMt no gna ilitU grow. Tb« Ant iltp on Uugaod bud tnck, TFbr (botud ««lUU del*/1 Bo DOW, doll town, we IwTa yoa tack, ma fan before ni, "<HI, mj Oh I hiniT be who on rntjor Snch Irre w ben I ahow, Ko eirlhlj on nnM e'er dnlror Hy Jot If elwije I cooJd "go." OB, A BLACK MASK AND A WHITE FACE. CBAFTEB Zni. ISS VimoB TO THE FUODV KXJB0]—nu DKID OF THE PUTI- LEJICI—THZ OLD BAO'B PBICS—THE PEABL IIBOOCB— The door wu opened. "Br ell tbe ailnta, UlelfOM Hotb, I thought yon mnet h*Ta «- elm) of the plignajoonelf, keeping newtlUng like this 1" eeld tsoft, tlohTOlce. "IhiTewhuUedtbteeUnetl" •'Cooein, mjUdjI I'm gettingtUlUe bird of hewing, I'm tireldl I onlj beard 70a whan joo rapped," rtpUid the lug, "laallweUf" ■ "Perfectly wtO, my tady; oooldn't be belter, or I ehooldn't hare aant to joo. Yonr ladythlp haa brought the llltle aeent packet, howerert" "Tonr Cham—ay, tbongh my fdlh In ll'a hot amnlL" And then ftvmhla hiding plaoa Olavde aawataU,gruefiil,ft- male tgm atop Into the hot and aland In the fall blaie of the Ire. .Bluonanot dieaaed In Ibe ftahlon of the llmea, bat waa enTOloped, so to apeak, hi foldaoi black Ttlrat, daaped loasd the throat by a brooeh of mignlhoent dlaaonda. On ner kead ahe won a man'a pinmed hat and her Itcu waa ooDceaM by 1 Tlaor. iM aha atood there, boweTer, lu-tnilng to Ml alnan Heth'a apo- logleo, aha Slug aalde the hat and \taor, and dlicerered a tiee of each eiaolaite beanty that, eran aa ft» lay, Claadt felt hla burt thrill une gaud at It The (Mtnrw were of Ibt aqoalliie type, bnteiQaialfely delicate; theoomplaii A of idaiillng Ikiraca: the oyaa larg^ dark and glowing, uow with a lorf of praod gerceneaa, now wtlh meltug aofmeaa. Bhe waa oolte yoong; bnl, naTeitheleaa, to the face reae an eipreaalon of Indoultable flrmnaoa, and one glance waa aoffldant to ahow that, whoerar. aba waa. aha wia no ordinary chanoter. Caatlngaiieagerglaaca roond the hut, ahe aoddasly atntched out a daiulDgly white arm towirda the corpee'a head, and exclaimed, "Ihit li what yoa bare to eihlUt, Uother Hetb, I preanmel" "If ao It pltace year lidyahip; bnt the eight la ghaitly enongb, and—" "Aj, ghaatly enoogh; bnl not ngUer than many an one theae ■en uTaaeca, melhtnka. Uncorer your bonny ahow, Uother Seth, andbrlagmeafeggot, that we mayaeell toadnnngai nurewaaiomet^iognonlble tobearioeh wonia fion anch lipi, and Olande ablTered. Stm, aa the old bw, taoghhia her hldaosalanah, took a brand tamlho Ireland lad the woto the eoipaa,beobaeiTad.1iatlhe ladypnaaad kai pearly laalh into her neiher Up, and badlated a moment before foUoniu. "Kethinka the elc nnella too foal for yondtr to be a dead eiuay I" the »!d, with ■ alight ihndder. UeanwhUe, Miatma Jeireel Heth had adnand and dnwn aalde the rich mantle which coTcnd the oorpae, and Ihere, onder the cilfflaon Teltel, qipeared thanwfDiconntenaaeeof one newly dead of the peatUence. Llkenllesd,theoldbagbenloTerlL The betsUfnl girl, bow- over, atood at a little dlatance, and contemplated the ■*'ifl^ft*^B obje Aln a kind of illeni lertor. At length ahe hmedawn. "COTerltapl nsgh, Jeireell bow that ghaatly fice will haont mol" Aa aho ipoke, ahe pot op her whl'e band InpaUenllytO'her ojea, u if todear awaj acme honld rlalon, and then, retnmtng to the Are. llung heraelf on the old hu'i low aeet Jeneel Heth replaced the mantle, and, wllh a wild uogb, foUewed her Ttallor to the Diddle of the bat, "Haont ye I Ay, my lady dear. If yca'd aeen the hnndreda of Ihcee dlatorted with the blank olokneaa I bate, yea woold call that one handaome." "Haahl" mid the girl, aleraly; "I'm not too aoneamlah, and my conadence wonid bare alartlcd good lather Setieod not a little, ooDid he aee It clearly; bnt melblnkithla night wOl follow me men tban I can bear patiently. Qaick,andlelmego,Mother Hethi aoaruwarmy queeilonni" . - The old woman cnaod her bony handa In apparent homlUty. "Speak on, ladyl" "When did yon oorpae come boml" *1 know not A muked atranger ordered me to be ready with a Uller yeelrtinon, at the rlrer aide near Wcotmlniter, and from hla bandi I rocelTed tho patient'' "Ueadt" "Ko, my lady, he died thie morning, loat aa (11 the world wu mahing off to aee Claude Might hanged." "At aoon. Then 'twu yonr meaaengar who ceme alter me t" "E^en sol" "And wlut waa your pricel" Thtfn was a moment of alienee, and Olande fancied the green glittering ejee of the plsgnenaree glanced nneaally m tbe direc- non where he lay. The lady, bowoTer, rapeatcd bsr qneatlon ImpaUenlly. "Come, no Ueeor'<eoeU wllh me, old faneell Think yon I know-not yoa have bad yonr price to let yon wretch die t Think you I kndw not that tor erery patient CUM in aecrel yon hare killed two olberet" "Blati biat, my ladyl" "Tot, old hag 1 It'a not a Conrt lady now jon're speaking to, bnt a deaperate woman; so mind yonr ways I I will have an anawer." Aaabeimoka, ahe bent forward, and her besatlfol eyea ahoDO with an eeil light that aeemed to nddenly threw an eiprcaslon of almost lendleh Strcences orer her whole lue, "Ihadaoonpleof bnndred erowna, nr lady,"aBld the big, BnlkUy. •Ttaoallaatl Tbon had'al gold for yon work.' "Aa I Ilea, 1 bad no more money." mandlDgfr for it Slowly nnfksteoing It, the alrenge irirl, ^ aome anxloty, heot down towarda Ibe dn to oiamtae the < ioe.1 , . nut esonih of Ihle. I moat bea'olng. Keep yon shall hare yonr pay, Ae oey I look npon tbal>^ drod, and ^enry Keep np yonr witoh atUl, . money." "Ihen 'Iwaa Jewelry be gare thee. Bhe spoke lleraelT, and the light aeemtd to leap to her eye* like a flaah of llendlih Are. "A aolitary btoooh," mnltared the hagi "and not ralaable.' "Bhowltmel TntI" aha added, u the old wretch nae reln> tanllT. "Ooat feari'm nbont to lob your aoooretd treaaoreT Thlam'sl Ihon, If I wanted the llk^ I would reston hen alone In the hat et lUa bont t" With a kind of dogged aabmiaalon. If Istreaa Heth went to • small aide onpboard neer the eotpee, and brought from thence n little box, whloh she peased to tbe beautlfol kind extended com- .. -t ..•r-r— . . '-.with , -J con- tenia, and then, ntleilng an exclamation of surprise, she drew cat a small paari brooch. "Tbeaalniabeprslaedl This telle me mora Ihen ron lotlh' aome bcocould. Mo wonder youwereloethtoihowltme, Uls- tieseHethl 8odarkauyI«eterwaan>aremployerl Hethoogbt yonfatnnswenot theleelerlypal Now anTlshelrl" "Toor ladyship hstb s keen eye, In good ecotn," old Jeiteel, ■till» Utile snlklly.' "For my pari, Incognlse neither tbe Lester featarea ner Quy's broooh." "Ay I uollber recognised you Unbert'aooipee till Janet Fai- ling awon'twaablK. Yonwonld net tMonlie Claide Might, (onhsaoe^wuo he lying there instead of Benry Lealer { , well, yoi , you know what you might expeoL' Aa she spoke, her bcsntltiu taee grew atein and white, end again the orll aeemed to Aub np like aome Aandlah aplrllpeerlng out of her deep dark eyea. Thai aome dark and texTfblo crime OTsrihsdoved her In some way waa erideni, and eren lhehlghwayman,ube giied upon her peerleaa Ikoe, eonld not help ftOUng a IhrlU of horror mingle with hla idmlrtUoo. BeaaUfal-mysterloaaly beaultfol was ah«; bnt no one oonld look on tha|>oe, and not feel that Its Ikaolnatlon waa somethhig be-, longing to other than men yonlh and Creahne'si BIslsg np nlowly, ab« nanmed her Tleor ind pinmed bat, sn4 Ihen, tossing npnne of gold to the loathsome old woman, and excUlmlsg, "Semanberl" she tnnad, and w« gone with' the same sudden- atta thai ahe had appealed. ' ' OHARZB nr. sopio arrp oAmmiH-nzx owson aid ni cafiob— A snaioi nsnoa. lfoanwhlla,KeliawyBne,tn(hlibed nlmott dnl of her senaes with thanolis oa tbi rlrer and lAe terrible Inrnlsg ahoiea, cnnuhed down besids her oompaalon, utterly bt«dleu or Whllber •hswaabelagtaken. . • To th* cnnge ««■• atoi atmple mhid. the Ud'of an'thlngt waaalbindi and wtlb hit pretty bands clasped, ahe cmly loaal^ nom bet Ata of aemnia aluvarmc to matter noh prtysn ae the oonldBUia|etotantomlad. TtBtab<WBgliitr«i&3nshtDa* ' woabM l ^'^^=^ -™—, —I—i Btllo,''H«r tinof vaalh^lre, Bo«ltagikakjomebUiir^l«(tbeAMiUk«bbih the^ngeibtd 'Aav onThfltidM be* lutith* aiag lad Ante ftom lU Oon sUD seemed MagHala bar eba, sad ftMM taasif MU aaldal the iceMi c< hoirct tad eoBtadm. OHAHLOTTB THOMPSON. Coiiebik.h«. For Biographical Bketoh e«6 hnoltor ooIuibd. man, therefor^ the cloak wia snddcnly liflad from her fkce< and she foond herself In eompanUTO .<Mlm*f and silenoe, Ikr away from the bumhig dty, ahe nlaed heneir In uloniehmrat, and looked eegerly around. "Where am I—whoe hare yon bntiiiiht m(l"ahe excblmed, taming'towarda the atnnger in some alarm. "Clnade Is not here.^' '■I ta«w not. fair one," replied her com(anlon, qnlclly; and aa ho spoke, llghllog a amall Iintem, "I should icarcel; hire bnnght yon hen wen tho hlgbwiymas likely to meet na." And then, holding up the lantern to throw lis light on aome ottJecl a Uttle ahead of them, he dlecomed. lo HelPa frightened eyes, lbs dark fsoe of Benry ClaTortOB—the man who bad ao bnUBr aaaalied her In the morning. 'An InTDlunlary cry rose to her Ups, but she checked It befbn it waa hilf-nltered, for then waa aomeUUng in that handaome bnt pecollar tkce which warned her to bewan of bow ahe acted. That naa waa terribly dangeroaal Bet heart ainh within her aa she again glanced et thoee fottnres, and she felt her rery Telnalo. They wan alone, for the boatmen hid diaappeared immedlile- 1t the boat touched tbe ahore, and as far sa she could mike oat through tbe darkness. In a aoUUrj part of Ibe ooonlry. Vhj had be brought her Ihen then t What conlj be went wllh a poor girl like ber ? ■mien an yon going to tue met" aba aaked, endearorlng to ooDceal much aailelT; "and what do yon wast wllh me?" "I want nottung, Ihlr Nelt, atranieia the anawer mayaeem; but then is a grand lidy who la anxiona for a little conTcrmUon wllh you, and It la to her house I am stMUt lo hare the honor of conducting you." darerton apoke In a tone halt oiUanl, btlf ineerlng, tnd, re- membering the momlng'a encounler, lbs girl shmnk back ftom bin in terror. "Come," at length he aald, olforlng his haad to taalil hir from theboat 'TbsinanalonlsiiotiarheiMe;weahBllaooniiaehlt; and, donbtlaaa, hir ladyablpwOlrwetra yon Joyfully." "Her ladrshlp I But yon told me lonwereihe metaengor of IbeBlackMaakT Tww ha I wu to meet." "Ayi walL no oatler; let oa on," answered OUrartoD. Be did not area take Ihe ttoaUe to keep np the deception he bad practiced, tad oaraleaaly drawing Mell'a hand through hla arm, hekd Ihe way along a aasiow ptih, through a dark wood, atanpldpaca. To attempt to rndalhio, in that dark aolltnde, ■he felt woald be madntaai andao, wllhoat mon parlay, ahe al- lowed him to drag bar oil Bat blHetly did ahe oniae the folly which allowed bar to be ao eaally doped. Afleranpid walk of aome twenty mlnatee, to bar Inlenie re- lief ahe aaw the dark form of aome large building loom tbtougb Ihe dlataaoa. Wed u Kell knew London ud ila enrlrons, she oonld not reooUect thle piece. It wu sppuantly a noblaman'a rtalddnei and, on one aide, waa ■epanled (nm the road by a blah brick wall. olaTerton aeemed well accnatomed to Ibe way, boworer; and, wlUnotaay Inable, he found a amall aad Tcty low door, which be puahed opes, and illll dasptaia Moll's hand, entered. II wu a nllef to And heraelf within reion of olher human l»iiigs, and the Mghtaned girl toUowed wUllngty, , All wu dark and atlU anmnd, bat wlthont ihe aUghleat heilla- Uon daTartcsi lad on and oflt-UO at length Ibey reached a amall, nanrew door on one aide of the houae, and there Ihey paueed. "7onr ttaTola an about lo esd now, fair niatrcas," her com- panion aald. In a lone of mookerr.u be took aamaU keyfrom hie pooket and applied It lo Ibis door; "bnl I would suggest your eoreilng those lieiiaea from onrlou eyce at preaest" Mell drew bar manlle orer her bead, wlthont replybg. Her hamrof thlamanwu erer Inoreailni: and ahe Iclt, lo escape turn, she carad not what new dangeia ue encountered. Almost Joyioily. tbenfcm, ahe followed um up a narrow winding alair. caae, to a salte of rooms. They wen dimly lighted; bnt aun, Vell'a keen eye aoon de- tected tbeabandanterldsaoe of wealth and hnporlanoe; end, to her aaaaftotlOD, Ibeaoundol lolooa In 1 dliUnI chamber wu diallnotly audible. Inatead of approaching them, boworer, to her dluppolnlment, aarerton led her away In anoUier direction, till, at leagth, ooeelng aa apartment at right augloa, be alopped befon a heavy oaken door, and wllb aome dUScnliy opening It, alcod back for Nell to enter. ■ ' It wu a large and particularly gloomy apartment. Ailed np u abedcbamber, Orsrthe maatel shelf knag a maaalTe surer cmolAi, and the walla wen ccTemd with tapestry, Ihe aublecta of whicb wen nnuUaraUy boirtUe, aad, added to the grotesque. neu of the workmanshiii, scarcely to be looked upon wUhoul a ahndder., A maguldceni but beaneUke bed aloodin ona corner of Ihe ohimbar, and on a smin table betide It elood a solitary caadlwtick, alrallar to thoee aaed In CalhoUo cburehef, which shed JoatauAlalenl light sroond loniksthe gloom and horror mon apiannt,. Fohiuag to a cbalr, with a sinlstar aolle, OlaT. siton bade Nell seal hirself aodrett; and then, raahlngahur- ried exit himself, he doeed the door, aad to the lenllled girl's homr, looked and bolted II. She wu a prisoner, She had allowad turaelf to lie doud and captaredl For some Ume eha aal withherboebtiriedlnber handa, too wearied and frigbienod to do taoia than realise that ihe wu In the power of thit dark, aloomy maa, and a pitsoner. Tbe reaaoB of all this—of her depneatlon of libeity tielng a eoes tuyto an^ ona-ahe wu u yea loo pnialed area lo try and Ala- Tin that day aha had nerat bsUerad that she bad aa anMiy la Uia world, ahd how to And heraelf peraaooled by.lUa slisagsi kbaolately ImpelsoaeA^-puled hat bttond any power of beta to eosptahend, Bhe sat aad tismbhl. Bat laatpalanead at tht orange girl waa, aho wia no coward: and u aoon u Ihe Artt snr- prlae won oC e llUle, ebe roused' dstermmedly. It wu s greet effort to merry Mell Owyane to ponder eoythlig aerlonity: but she had nerer befon been so uiioualy olrenmelaneed; end so, with her besuUfnl lacs reeling on her hand,: she eet turself to conilder eU that had taken place. Thli day nad been loaded with adren. lure, but with the exupUOD of her encounter with OUrettou, Ihere wu nothlna whioa betokened her eoy harm. The Black Uaih had tioeted her hlodly—Ihe King, ebe knew, taTored her—and thoggh the Ducheu of Forlamoath had threat- ened her, the dead wueh enraged her wu done, and oonld not IM undone. Iloreover, Uut the Ducbew raelly dealrod Claude'a death aha could not bellcwe: la. Ihe guUtlaaaneu of her own heart, Nell could not yet conprebend Die Aeroe' wlokedone of Ibe women whoee rlral aha wu deiUncd to be. She waa eWI puullng orer the eeenU ottbe day, and alraUiIng to eomprabend tbemyitoy annonsdias bar, when a atep oulalde the door broke Ihe atlUneas of the night, end with a ibaage throbbing of her heart Mell turned uxlouily In thit dlieellon. At aoy rate, Iboogh the danger mlgbt not Iw orer, ahe would know what It wu,andwbyllthretteaedher. •'. • IheboltewerailonlywUhdnwnaudlhe kaylnmed, and then the dooropensd, and Mell alerted up wltb a alight C17. It wsa no lady thit enttred—so grani, hsngbty Dncheaa—no Black Haak, but agaoDl. epectie-hke man, hibfted In tbe garb of a Bomin Catholic priest Why, ahe knew not—tt wu not becsnte be wu a Fsplsl--lint ai ber bhia OTce ten on this Agun, Mell Owynne eUrered u If some arril spirit had auddenly oonis to blul ber with his terrible presence. Btaikrlng beak In ber chair, ahe coiered her eyas wllb her baads, snd felt, mon than HW, thit wllh slow gliding steps, he giadusUy appresobed ber. OBAPTEB XY. TnraiuTain) TaaoiRiTx—nciunn loa m anto—siioia raoH iBz Kxxo's yiToam—nxLL's azsoLvx—nirurtoa —tun aoini—<iu not or ths ooasnaiToas. "Oood eren, dinghter—«r rather good momw, tor tbe day la already at band," aald Ihe epeotr^Uko prtetl, in a tone ao im. earthly and hollow, that Ineolnalarily Nell awyaae let her hand ftll, and gaud ahndlarlnily np In hla face. "What would yont" aha exclaimed. "I am no Paplil I Why do they wad ytni to met Whereemlf Why em I locked up hen lo Ibis ehaotMt t" Tbe priest emiled. "Ion an orer-baity, dinghter, and I fear en not rery charita- ble. Beeauae my creed diinn from Tonn, It Is no rauon that yon ahould at once tun agalnal me.'' The worda were genUy epoken, bnt reiaonable Ihoub they were, then wu ansellilng tVoiit (he rigid, ahuUy tseo that allo- geUier mamd their InleDded effect NoU ibleered, and cut an nneaay gluea aronod. "You would know wbera yon are, and why yon are thai de- talnedt" centlnned the priest, the next Inalant "I would know why 1 hare twen treaeheroualy docelred end bnught ban I" exclaimed tho girl, Indlgiuntly. "Treecbaronalyt Are roa euro, diughler, that yoa use ths termwellt DIdyon notlallthe ctTsllcrthttyoubidansppolnt- menl with the Blati Natlc r NeU started. "An you aeni to me by Ihe Black Jleak t" ahe eiclalmed. For an Inataol tbe apeclre-Ute vricat was sllenl, keeping his small but pleioeing eyea Aied on ner with e gUnce tbst aeemed to scan her rery eoul,' and from which et length she Inraed in horror. • "Listen I" he etid elowly. "I come to demand Ibe caeieo rftip/" Again Ihe onsge gill itarted. . ..... "The ring 1" she began, and then auddenly It luhtd across ber brain tbst Ibis wu bnt a (art of Ihe treachery, Bhe fell con- Tinced that that apeotre-Uke being wis not Ibo masked sUangor who had glnn II to bar, aad protably now It atruok ber eht had bccnbnughltotblaplacelogetlbltrisgtromhar. With a slight Auaerlng at the beari, therefore, tbongh ahe spoke bniely aoongb, aba snswered, "Ibe ring I ebsll return in- to the bsnda from whom I rccelred II, and none other I" "Honeelly apokea, at as* nie, dmghler," ,aald the priest gently, bel with that mma demoDlto gleam la his hollow eyes. r.Bal such an iniwer I cannot cbarge ma wllh to my bdy Ducheuj and I would oounael yon tlao not lo snd It" "My lady Dochea I Then 'Us Ihst nlae. Aeidlih woman who datestutrealmehitblawsyl Tie Lady Porlmouth who—" "Huah, daaghter I—bnih I Ton are erst-bold and acarce wlae. Hnowyoaaol.wallabaTeeant-aadaklng'aliTaill) la a troublaiome enemy," ' "Icannot kUoelalbet1ghtl"aniwared3(SII,holly. ' "BuabrhnabI" And Ibe priest laok«f anapldousT Kound. "Ualen, fooUab girl I 1 would warn you. Ton an In danger, for the Duohasa^in wis la nought milter, and ebe oleatly bisn you a grudge Ibr wbit yon did tbla moinlsg. Ifyooarepra- dentj yon 'Will etrs op this ting, ind go yenrway anloUy." . MnI Bashed sp. sm no Oouludy, snd noFapIs^ Ksaiar Frietli b«t Mali Owyane aerer yet belreted her lOTst ct btoka ber pnmleei ud you nay carry back that answer to my lady Buoiieu u the only one abeH gel ftom me." "Von an laa^, dingblor I" calmly aaawerad lbs Jesuit "Ihe nek'brttt^e wara that duhea Itself agilnsi It Ton are "tlell akiwik' batk) bati asreitheleai, ber hint ayu ipatUed aagrliysmi. . "Uateal" oonUnaed Ihe pritat "Uoleu you alra np ihla itBf, aad mlaalaly dsaorlbe Inn whom yo a ieealt e ttit, ttdonbii me, daughter, that you will tee Ihe blue iky again for many mouth." Be spoke again hi ilmoat melancholy aooenta, but wllh Uioae hollow, ablning eyea Axed on hot omluoualy. Nell clenohed her hand Oeroaly. "WhU mean you. Sir Priest? Uy ladT Ducheu haa not the power to keep me priaonet. Bhe dan not 1" "Dam not 1 I loll you then la no crimo on carib Hentlelta of Foriamonib would net dan do lo farther ber Inlercst or conceal her wrong dolog. Iwamyon, glrli Ityouatlemprtoralather, abewlll cruihioul" But Ihe Englleb oalura of Nell Owynne wu not to be ao on- alaved by feer j wllb fluhing eyes and orlmion chcseks, she nsu Aercely lo ber feet "I will neTereubmlt to her; nerer be frigblened Inlobetrsying my fricnilal Oo, toll her lliat; and if you Eire no belter couskI to giro me. Sir Prieat, I care not how long It may be befon you Rturn." The Joinlt regarded ber tor an Inalant 01 two In a kind cf mel- ancholy alienee; Ihen, smiling in a manner that rendered hla ghully couoteoaace Ion ttanea mon ghaatly, he alowly turned and walked to Ibe olher and of the room. Be wu rery pallont, very prudeot, Ihla nrerend Falber.Qodlral, Amanolaxtenaire leamlug. and cunnlig In Intrigue—a man who, in aplle. of hla apparent humility and rigid abalemlouaneu, wu Aereely em- bluous, and u narcUeu In his nalan u a Aaad. Itaalledbls Sutpoaa now to latter the preud Suchesa of Porlanonth, but his eeu eye deladad that Hesrletla wu no longer tho nlgnlng Idol In Ihe Blag'e heart, and be had no Inlenllon of embarxtng him' aell too far In any alait of hen which mlahl eiolle Chinte' an- ger. Bealdu, be bid beard of Nell'e mission lo the Falaco (bat morning, and her reception by Ihe King; ud be Knew enough of Ibe nytl nature to know that lbs memory of that ranly beaul^ fUl face of the young oreuge girl would not be easily forgollen. Father OodfWI therefore came baek genUr, eflar eilonllytra- TUihig tho loss, dirk room, and aald, "fiaugblar, I grlere Bin- oenly foryoi. I mil bear your meaaage to tha Ducheu, and yon maycaunl 00 my good olAccs; but Ifcar mo much Ihey will be of no arall." "I ask tor no good oOoesI" Aenely nplled NoU awynnei "bnt I demand ny freedom," . ^ , . And Ihon she lung herself buh upon ths chair, aad tha Jeanit Elided quietly out of Ibe raoD. For eome time after he bad left er, Nell renulned In a alale of Bene expectaaey, Uitantaig tot hla ntumlog fooMapt But time sped on, and not a aouad broke Ihe lUUneu of^olghl nlgniag round. nut itinntu wu appalling) and, oomUnid with Ihe gloom of the apartment, and tbe bomn of the taputried walla, Mali aoon found ber anger gin way loan In kind of fear. Bhewudra. penloly wsarr, tooi and what with the leilgue and all the ex- dlement aha had gone Ibrough, her mind began to bare sinnge fhodea. ' ' Slnnie sbslowa Msmed horering nrand beri tbOM gro4eeau^ yet twnl, Agniee oa Ihe will .aeoned dancing about; hoUow gnaoa Ailed bar ean, end II required no amall effort of her will to pnTeni herwolf felling Into delirluni. Wllh no ordlntry self command, ahe ro« ud foade benelt pace np and down the long, gloomy raomi and Ihen, when Ihu tailed lo dispel the ner- Toue horror, iholrlod lolnlereet herwlf In sscntlog ue ring In the pedding of ber bodice, And well It wu she did so, for not 1 qusriar of so hour after txhsusla't oeluM gsre way, and ebe fell, half ileoplng, half lenieleu, 00 Ibe bed. Bow tho Loon aped bf tbon, Mell knew not The eleep waa toe taeary for her lo beer tho sleallbr opening of tbe oaken door, or Ihe foolateps tliat entered—too netry for her lo know that a haad held aome ourlous odor lo bsr nostrils, which.tarned her sleep into ecnseleu stopor, and left her power- leu In the buds of ber enemy. A dark, handsome lidy elood by the heine-Uke bed, and, hold- ing up a email Uper, let llrlight hll on the ainulue, beaullfnl floe. Bhe wu dnned In dark gieen reltet, bnlded wUh gold, and.on her bead awaned auperb diamonds. As aha elood then, holding 00 bIgbUe Ughl, and Iwndlug orer the aleeper, Uen- riella of loctamonUi looked notnnlike aome beantfnl aoto ai aee. maUarlng her apella. flhewunotaloaaionlheoppoellaaldaof tbe bad apnetrtd Ihe dark, handeoma face of Uenry OlarartoD— Ikat man the OnckoM haled ao. yel oonld not Jo wllhout "Talir: be said, wllh a ilaning anlte, u he watebsd Ibe iealooa An riaa alowly la the Ducheu' eyu, aa she beat orer KellOwTune, "well, what Ihlnkrou?" "SbeiifoebuuUfnir' nplledladrFortamoulh, Aereely,and not deigning lo notice the eneer. "I tell you, OUrerton, eren U thla girl ha4lnot rendered honelt In olher wayi obnoiioua, I iboald hila her for her beauty." "Banahlne, eb ri agtiln aneeted the carallar,. The Ducheu wu allont keeping her dark glowing ayu Aied oa Hell Owynne. The handaome face waa a modelofbeauly, but lo watch tho cbangea passing orer It wu simosi pahiful. Teal hidaad, the wu narcDeu, ebe wu ambllloua, ihe wu Aercely urael-ahe wai all that, added lo eilnme bunly, which nnden a womaoDonihlbntabeauUtalAand. OlarerlOBwatohadbarinlal. lenoe, but with a amlle thit wu ataroaly leu demonlao than (he Anln ber datk eyea. ' Well,''al length he tudj"what does yonr meidfal bdytUp delennlne ? Is yotu oonsc(ence teadar tO'iilghl, or-.^' "renderl" shs onlslmsd. "HelUnks my tasaH serar tall ,mora ikim.' .Ho, OaTsstoiii Ihla laiiMlslrauawfBna must ba marked wllh tba lana edo t ad o b i lk ( l a n d e Bight la/; ... "Kilr, nay, HantfelMIMil yonf wamah'a'lttMM aoM a llltle loofer. I can onderstaad your (earing Ihe hlghwiynaa'treMnt- menl lor the Utile otme na played bin Ihla DOBlngi bnt this girl, lhlsoiiiigai<IUr,lnfUaabeilfroaobooaa,banelbarg»." Karerl" larraly teplled the Duchess. "Shs ksowsloo mooh DMldrs, u I hare laid befon, ahe la loo fair: aad then—• 'AndthonwbatI" 'Iie(!lllnot. JsDottbalanaolsnt?" 'And tha conie<iueneei-here yoa ailenkasd thgat Tbu tUr MellOwynne la known amlditber eott Olaode nl^l, yom foimtr lOTer, Is now lurel and—" "Waalcatelt Who knows that ahe wu angbtlomal" "Olasde VIght knowa you had reaaon to lOar her." "Olaudo MlRbt I Ay, but If my plot succeeds. Claude Might rtiaU tell no tilM. IlMldca, old Hunan U akllled in auch caasib ind the peaUlrace la not yet quite OTtt." 1. , ' Aa aba spots. Lady Aiiamonlh nlsed bet dark, jlumlng eyea with onloous meaning lo ber oempenlon'efice, godaikly omlnona wu Ibal meaning, that eren ho turned awar ftom U hi ilmoal honor. It iplle of the cahn smile wllh whloh he mat it tret Wu ebe a Aenil, Uiat buutiful otwhire. He wu aeoua. toned to ber ilarlog aobomn, even to ber merelleaaneeit ml lo Ualen lo her calin, merderoua plolUng, alanding one bet golden. haired Tictiffl. appalled eren htm. "Henrleiu," be uld, quietly, "Ihla appoan lo netmneceasatr. Hy heert la not of tho lendeteat or I ihould not wonhip at your sbiino, kuowlog Tou u I doi but Ihla Idee, or aeheme, of yonre, ihookserenme.*' . "Shooka I" she echoed, scomfnny. "BonryOlaTarton shocked I" "You msy ue«r, u you know i can aland II, but I will not aid you la Ihla." • . "Not aid me I" renraled Lady Portamontb, alowly. "What mean you, OlaTarlon?" . - She ul dews the light u aho apoke, and ralttna ber eyee. Bud them on hll ollr»hued fece wllb an eipreulon of almoet Beadlan lenenrss. "Do yon know Ihil we are Is the eune boat, sad mutt Boat or dak togcltaerr Mkcd tbe. . ., ' - ■'I know wo iro In uch olher'e power." he tepUed, barihiy. . 'Ay," ibi inawesed, with a low, loR, mocilng laughi "and yeiyonwlUiiotald me?" . . . "He turned away Beroely, aad euodeto Ihe other end of the room, but In 1 few seconds be reUrnsA. What wu the nadna. Uon of this wonaa'a wlokednssst Be knew net; but be knew thU he could no mon teelat It no more btask from It thiD If II hsdbeen lene potent speU. Pnnd, hard, adauian.t u wu Ua natnra-4oTlag atUfotlle own sake, u hedld,he.wu alUllbe alara of UUbeautlfnl Bend, who, wUUI the led bim on, ha Ml, In bis mockilg hurt loathed and hilod bIm, loo. "Ton will not aid me V repealed Ibe Ducbeee. "Uenrielta, ton ate 100 moidless." She smiled, bnl berdark eyee Aubed. ^ "TIamymmre-IamatlgreiS Ton know." And Ihen, ^ng op tbe llgbl, ihe egiln held the odor to Nell Owynue's nostrils, and after Halchlsg the effiat tor a moment ot two, tamed away. "Ton wll land Bamon to ma l»ffloiiaw, and coma to Bie younelf, ifur luiuet" shs said, paaalng hit aofi wblu hand Ihnugh Clarerion'a arm, and loading him lo the doot. •■I will," be eniwoted; end Ihen Ibe eanllar and hla beeoUfnl compenlon puaed oot leering their unfortonala capUn petftct- Ijrhelplauin that atony alapor. ■ ' ' w k. 'Bail in hoar aflerwatda aaretton wu oa .hls wiyBMI to limdon, ud Lady Forlsmoulh, perfeoUp saUaled.wlth her nlgbt'e work, layXrutblng solUy {^'^'i^^?^.'.*'*^'''' ** eonndlyulf berposadenoa waa : OHAFIEB IVL LDinD Toonama >r am-rai naa mu, aaoixa-m »ino a LoaDox—Kuan novaa aao ounaxov-Taa aacaar ovr. There wtaunelblng ivellr letrlble Is the ohaiacler of this beauUful wonan. ud yet whiob, la Ila hangh^ bolducas, tOM abore Ike eoamon run of female wloke dn eu. B^awaaoota oom* mon Inhrlgainte, itooping lo the ususl modu of sscrcey ud ■ubtle calinlilloa la the oariylag out of bat dralgnai Indaad, u If ahe dlidalaed tbe feer which ought to bare followed Ihe orimu Ibe daringly committed, iha loaioely eren troubled her- aelf lo coaoeal iWlUi ahneit Aarca careltsnus, the sBowad harbalaaaad lores to be known sround, aad She pttdadharseltio taairowtt o( to epile of all, aleertng safely Ihraugh all danger.' At AnI, aha bid Inulod lo her known Inluenea wllb King Oharlu lo kSep both eacmluandfrlendaat bay; but aisheleeudherown pdifer, ebe gnaiaii/ • in ihii alngn fudnalion which, ahnoal Incomprehenalble to henelf, she loilna ase pai au s m »i> ''nheli'er II wu the magic of ber magnltcanl hoauly, or Ihe eharmofinlnlenaemlad, ibe herself koew not) bnlabefbund thai ennerll man like Uartrton aha could Cuolnale to do her wOl and uae ^a bet toola. She «u, howeror, at tlmu orer-c«nl- dent;ud, u In Ihe pteust cau ot NeU Owynhe, to carry out totne ploi, ebo utod eelutle ptecauuou and » much hula that alia endaogerod ber friends. If not beraeir. The one object of her litowu lo keep tbe tsrotof Ihe King, snd. u she bad ssid boldly onough to Undt NerUle, ebe - hultaled al nolhing which suliled that Balbat than let Uls- ti«uOwjuse loose, thenfore,wllhlhetucnilnherpoeusslon, snd Ihst rarely beeatlful fSce ot hen, ready to win Ourkw' roy- al admliatloo, ihecared not whil aia ebo commllM. or whota aifily tbi ccduigend. Bho wu more bitter agalnal NeU, erea, IhAn agaloal Claude Might, from whou rangaance ahe might retaonaUy ibOi to acreen henelf.. But, though my lady Dncheaa wu ao eiger and daring In her Joiloua Icrceneu, her lUr wu not quite ao loipnidonL Benry Clarerloo, once out of that alrange, bewlldetisg preeenee, had Ml himtelf lo nBeet wllh hla uiui] calQmws. ' - ■ Be wu ullorly eril, that man—porhapa mom lhoronj|talr do- Told of all bitlir feeling than evin lady Forlamoulh. wllb no object for aril doing or Intrlgne—for be wu of good sotlUon ud of ample foiluue—He eeomel lo hate detoled blmielt lo ala, out of nun batnd to Tirtua. Olerer, hinilsome, and of a dlellsgnlshed pnaonco, eren amldalttoH men who were conaldorcd Ihe omamenle of Ihoia celebnted llmea, he pRccnlcd one of thoee alrange moral, or nthet lovoiil. phenomesa which pblloiophen puxile oni wllhoat tn& expabiiag. VMons, aad yet with peifeol oon- mand orer bla paulonf-^lndlffoeat to luauiy, tnd yet peatKliy eplcar<an'hi'UahnUta,HaaryOlaretlOnwu a paradoi, bnl a' reiy dugtioua pirtAot. ■■ Feihapa Iben wu ao one who wu ao IborougbTy aware of Ihla. u Heorlelte of Pottamoalh. sad ptr> hapa It wu tof that-reason that though shs hatsd him IntenMlj, ahe aUllprofciaed to regard bIm aa an ally and lo treat hla u a friend. Thein wu s stnnge conDoxlon. In tbe beghmlng, whan Hen. rieHawu still llTlug In companllra porcity, Benry Olarartoo, illiBCtad mon by her atnoge oharuler than eren her sparkUng boauly, bad pild ber tbe court ot s lorer. In rsla, howerer; bin Clsrerton, unlike meet men, inslesd of being dligustsd, had amik IholnarlalhofilaDd.. As lime went on, ssch hsd foasd Ihe other useful; tnd, when ws preeented Ibam to our rsadarsi aueh wu their lallnate knowledge of euh olhat'a litaa^ that bowsrat much tbsy night luanil, nellhai dared bietk tw - good wllb Ibe other. They ware bonnd logelher by lhat eul-lton link sin I But howerei macs Ihey nught be bound logelhat, II can Ttir eatilt beonderaleodthaf (fee alllaaee' wu not eat of mutual ttuai. OlaTerton Inulad to bit own aenlsnua lo protect falm from Ben- rietta'a trtfohttp, and Banrtatta Inalad to her power of (aadoh Uon to keep darerton client and obedient. Thtt bolh lomelimu OTorreaohed Ihemaelna, howarer, or decelrad the oilier, la act dUBeult lo be comprehended. In ths preaent case, u OlaTerton mtde blawsy lelaiuelr back lo town, be quite diteimlsed that he would bare no hand m Iha Intaaoot plot igilnil the yonna otangegltl, howeTet mneh Itmlght dti. pleunre lady Porlmoath.- Ilwunollbatlhepeorglrl'eUfe anpearodto him ImporlanlL tor could be hare prtTenlad tbit pirdon rpeohlna Claude MIgbl In time by lacrlBouig'll that morning, be would bare bad not Uu allghUat btallallon; but he considered It loo. Impndsnl. (Ila. Tsrtan Use praterred mere Horeey In his B<lhemM tlian ths baugbly Docbeaicondtecended lo. ' ' The idabtNell'a coming to Ferlsmoulh HcnM.jtHAg ksows to Flitlier Oodfrol, wu andolenl to deiemlna 4pa Aram aiding my lady, erep bad he been ao Inolhiodi and nowithaftrthar em- ploymoat of the Jew, Uaman, qulle decided blin.YEa nguded my lady'a demoslao sohouo u limply Ihmale Jealousy, and he uw noreuon wbalsoeterfor deletiung Ibe OTanga-aauer from bar Ubertt. It wu not Ukelr, be argued, that any one would be partlcnkrly aSaotedby Ihe Duobeee'taeachery bui Claude Rigbli and if bis Ktaems aucoeeded, tha highwayman would sooa beoni olthe wayotrerenging hlmaclf. Tbe (a(ta of tbe nty wen already open when he reached Lou- don, aad to hla homt he toundlbat tho Anwu allll tasbg wllb a fury which deled all human meana lo etUsgulih II. A scene of oonfuilou and terror mot his oyce, lhat, lutdssodM be wu, aod callooa to bunau euirariug, eppilled erea Mm. Tbo paste bad reached lurh a iillcb, tbiC eroa Ibe King waa ridlaaabcat, andearorlni, aflet hla own (aahlon, tolosntnaUtUa conadence; out tho letrlled people were thtonglBg tba olmla hi tbelt ulUu despair, wbllat pUlago and ether oruua w«ta gohig on ainoal as In Ihnca ot war. Biding hlafaratga lootttg bca u macb u hv could, for ths notion lhal Ihla lairlble.'Are wu Ibe doing ot Ibo utboUca bad golabout, CkaTtitoasptned blaMabl- ened bone along Ibe lout orewded atmela in tha direction of tut qntrt«r sbemtbeJaw,:IIamta,UTBd.,'■' .' Ubi Inlenllon wu to dtUrer the Ducheu' mesiaaa lo bin, bus tt Uw aane lime to bint lo him the danger of obeylog ber-a but whlohhtkaeweronldbeQttllaiufflclcnl to aikaiitumm, eren l( h< usdettcok the fady'aUtile plu, canr " out agJiMBJ lo bla own noUent of aateiy, Aa, boworer, he P^^J^iJ^l OhutcholSI. Ptul'a-thenVl"'r''^':^T«dS IdSa^SSf tofallatU«mtothedeTonaiaeU|mmt-e "'«^^ ' hlnuind, rdnlDg In bis LoreoTbe Im"*? "«S'V "^u^J^. .The oMie gUl told bUu J5li'*SoJMM? Ibt Cathedisl-conid be by '"^ f**"2,'^'i°iSiSlt^i tata Tba girl wu etldeully ''^Z^^^^^SSnmlSS- Sl^ ssisf {rn?;&s?f»'^ . gSSS syrti'ihfsscssL-Ji^g ■