New York Clipper (Oct 1866)

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THE JSnSW YORK CLIPPER. THE RING. . TBI AHIBIOAM OBAUFIONBHIP. Oath Oma to naR'UcOoou Aoin. I* MJOHlXt DlCtmH. Vo'cSASOE FOB OTHXBS TO OEI TH&T BELT. BXXlOZT'lOBU.LCIfOI TWAKIWXUO. Tn Bio Oum tn a Bun or "Srin Quo." inHur a ilorai InfwInblT followi i aim," uaon will tell jon .1 J> uid m cut l*U vou U» nme on di7 Uiid-*t lewt u fir a KilM auau* ooacmeJ. U It tlwijt Uiiu. Od« big BgbL Shim trfdohiTOone, wblcJi li »l)ont BTuy Um jan, will IrfS! ml mow "cWii noHo" tn* "bcllM taliw' from tbo hraodMlfuM Pn«, •Rex Ibtt niT*Ddeal opart, PiiflU, f^t^S InSteonoof Lbwe'obig taUooniindItaoFrofcMor SSiXudlTbop-''' goWoB bJlmoulof OU.rt w. b.T.lo iSl bindi ond tto cool» cbiaoe U> im** Mcotdlng to Ibtlr ^iinilieftlstboUef Uultwo mm ostof tbo vboleof Uino nniuid aiatciulTciTllorioo migbt •cotdcsUllj or oUurwlu •JSooontbepolnl *l Utm mi com« lo » mwtlDg. Webwe Snstod IbU ril»ll««» omco Ibo Ciam wu lb* Cut™, Sums of oor leului wbo biTO retcntlTO memorleo ot btck ^<iiuBM llbo UU«r tn the moit leUible,) miut tdmll, ooil so bick oa It tt tbU Ulo d*T. Alter Hrer wblpped Sul- S^1»/MJiSl.eT defeated eafllTin ta'ia itaur wltb ^ce In 'M, Horrluej natnlabcd Hcenu In 'M, H»nMSe«Siier.ln 'M, Cobam arnqnemd MeCoole In 'Mj downlo ICcCoolo'i reiwit tIcIoij o« r Dmrte, Ibue hii been the unulunoantor nenMper eonUorerw. "ilu; were cboeen, tml few at," to borrow • cluelo rbrwo, (we meto fonght. It id»j £a necoaiUT lo tu) uid If >ll tbo paper boion were minhiDed out to itj, «o ebooU biro w Duj u Ihoie ere citda In the peak '^'n?^'te'conteal'narBl.Lonla, wtlcb waa lo all Inlenlaand nniDOoea for tbe ohamploniblp, nroHded tboie baring Ibe Hiwarliid made that belt tranafetible, broogbt tn men Into pnbUo note, any one of wbom baa tbo make and bnlld lo eland ualnat Ibo biggeil kind of game, bnt bow It la Ibal aome one. or ti^ would be more proper, cunol be Induced to oome to tetna la a problem rex/ dUBcuIt ot ulntloo, epeaklng ebeta- mllr onleat all want to hare Iblnga their own war- One cu't >t Mokcd onlj firom > certain place and tnalata on the Hgbl com- la oS nor ttiat apot—anolber pnia Ihe Hanree ao hlgb that Ibe it can't we It, aren wllh a Bpjr^glaai: a tmrd don't know where SI la look for fnnda: * fourtb la oppoaed U> (langa; and tbe man wbom all are picking at comea^ul fll^rooted and eaya bo*ll fight no more. That*! the waj matten aland Dow--and tbcee tblnga being ao, we are verj uucb Inclined lo Ihe belief thai tbere'U ' fiolblog done among Ihe lumloailea for eome time to oomo. It maj not tw geneimllj known that Darla baa aieit«d ererr lefTetogolonttreahmalchwlIb McCoole, but It'e ae, boneat Inline, or Indian la perbapa the tight word. Dart* la mote anilona to figbt UcOoole now than bo erer wae, certain oUcmn* ilnDcea bATUig opeimlcd lo derogatoryagtlnat him when been* tatd that ring thai, now be'a nght again, bo woold co bald- beaded to hara another trial wltb the lack/ twiatinani But Uc< Coote aaja no, and fartheraoro we an Informed that be baa bought tbe belt and paid for it In round cub, tberebydolng awij wllh taj chance for eoma other body gettlDg It, u ba hu retired from the ring, vlth hla hoDOra fnlT upon him, TbU ft^taeta aaldo all bcpa of a niatcbhi anjr oDaiter. Wedon'tknowwbethar Darla woum fight Jonee, or wbelner he conld itlaetha "needful" therefor, but we do know that either Darla or Jooea would have accommodated Elliott condlttona^r, tiad Ibe made anjthlns like a fUr piopceltlon, and wllh Ihla --bigblj Impoilanl information" wo bung our reoirka to a oloae nnlll further derelopmenta are made. In the meantime adrlalng oor paglliBtic Menda lo caat tbelr ejea towaida the Eatlem Bemlaphne and content Ihem- Mlree wllb reading of Iriab glania, Koltlngbam roogha **aod all that aort of thing, jon know." Terbnm eap, u OM Horace (not Orealey) woold ooMrro. BBXrea BETWEEN A COUPLE OF BOUNDEBS. "BLia Um" EMOcn Bron out or CiiULEf OamioH. Charley Cannon of the Fonitb, and Mike Brown, of Ihe Eighth Warda, baring "collided" at a recent Democntlo prlmair eleo> tloD. and coming to blowa, were etoppcd, agreed to aec woo waa tbe beat hitler and fanubcr of the two. lo meet eome other day and fight It out a ta nooc, or according to the lawi laid down by FlggTBtonghton, a al, which tbey did on Wedneiday afternoon, OcV nth, wltb a fow trlenda, alMnt a mile or ao from UcComb'e Dam Bridge, and aetUed It eaUafadoiUy, from thia ont to be iwom Menda and to go la dooblo hatneae together. Brewuhaa eeea atwut twenty apriage, to Cannon'a thirty, Brown la Irleh to Cannon'e Engllah; Brown atood Sit 6 inchej to Oaanon'e lit Sin; Brown weighed abont Ibe tame aa Cannon, and in Ihle reiqpect only wen tbey alike. Brown'e prlnolpal eecond waa Joe AiUlgb: Cannon'a, BUI Ackcrman, (not the late Bill Poole'e left bower and tbe preaent Jack Poole'a tlgbl). Browo bat the call In betting—Cannon no calL Brown won (be choice of conore, and placed Cannon on tbe lowlanda, low. At abont I P. IL, Ihe apeotalor*, wbo had taken nrlona dircc- Hone to arold Eennedlao interference, bad all galhend togelber on tbe choaen apot, lo tbo numlMr of a couple of handled, indu* ding many Boweiy Boya. m noar. Boond I. The two men came op each watching Ihe other care- fnlly. Cannon made a drlre at tua opponent'a left peeper with hla tight, which wu well parried by Brown with hla left, when he let drire hie right lint etnlghi for Cannon'i mouth. The latter. In attempUna to parrr, allpped a little, rauaing bla adrer- aaiy'a fiat la atrlka full on hla forehead, knoofcing bun dean off bla pine. 1. Cannon waa on bla feet In an Inetaut, and came np aa If nothing had happened, a red mark on bla forehead akowlog, bowerer, that the blow he had recalred waa a aeren one. Both men apuTcd conalderafily for a eecond or two.>wbeD Brown cauflhtOannon under the clUn wllh bla left, while with hla tight lie touched him on Ihe note, eending tba blood In all dlrec- Uont, Pint blood for Brown. B, Qannon waa aponged off and came to Ibe adttlch tgaln, looking aomewbtt fh Maatd, whila hla opponent waa eUU nn- touched.. Bpaning again commenced, when Cannon dellrexe^t "tfannderer" with hla left tMtween Bmwn'e two peepen, making the latter reel to hit comer. #1o 19. Thia and the final ronoda oonalated of men epairlng and counter apartiog, with no great ahow of edeocc by ellhtr of At the twelfth, bowerer, Caonoa waa Ituown hearUy, thet and from that time opto the doeo of the foniteeDth Brown bad ererythlog hla own way. In tbe fltleenth, aliteenlh, eerrateenlh and eighteenth both men nflered eeretely, but Ihe almgile waa too much for Cannon'a powera, and la Ibe nineteenth ha wu Bommelad - nnmerclfully and ao hearlly thiowa at the end of la round that bla ecconda tbnw up Ihe eponge and declared Brown the victor. The two man looked very bad at the cloeo of tbe oonteat Brown'e note and forehead and left peeper being ao awoDen that eren hla frlondc conld aoarcejy recognue him. Cannon'a two ejee wen about half cloaed, owing to Ibe blow between Ibe peepera he had received in the third round, which waa dnpUeaud In the twelfth. COK OBEK AND BILLT DWTEE nan a OLort nan Wnn BuoDim) GiAm^ a La CLamn ajiD COBUur, The propoeed match between Oon Onm and BUly Dwyer haa ended m the two man agiselng lo aelUe It wllb elorea, probably for the gala money and |W0 a aide, u we bars ]ait leaned by our oonwpondesl, Mike MoO., wilting ftom Tlritnla Olty, N. T., Sept 93d. He tan:—"Thoe baa tteen to mnci bilking ben ot lata among figlMen that It la next to impoealbia for a mm to get he^ed tor any amonnt woiUi figbllag for, aa good mm who would pnl np tn t&ald to Inreet It wu not Dnar'a tell that tbemauhdldnotgoon—heoonld notaet beokeo, to the match ended in a gtoTO conteat at tbe Feopla'a Theain, which wu thont half filled by honeet mountahieeta. At tbiae o'clock on the aflatnoon ot ami 3Sd, the cotlaln wu holated, ahowlngBUiy Dwyer attoidea by Bcotty, and Oon Oram attmded l>y Johnny Eeenan, wllh Joe HcOte u nferee, and a oonple ot "ddegtUe ' totetuicoren. Time wu called at Bflam mlnnlca put Itatee, whan both mm wmt np to the tctatch, ahook hmda, aflarwbich Ihey'out np their pmpe tot the tny, Dwyei wu tbe Ant to lead OIL which Oram tupped; Billy again led off, getting InloCon't upper ttoiy, leating i good tiled mark; Con alto geHlng Into Bluy't Itft peeper. One mark claimed ud allowed for etch of Ihem. OnlbeieoouA rormd bolb mencameupQnlokly, whm OcB led cff thoit, and got away: Billy followed blm op, and got in right md Ml, when Orem followed him, hitting nun on (he knowledge boi; two mtrki wen ttien olilmed lUr BUly, end one for Oon. Tbe tafene illowed two forDwyer ud none for Oram, Then wan fin loonda fought in tU, wbm tba icon ttood teren rot Dwyer and fire for Orem, At Ihe condutlon ot the fifth nnmd. Oon thnw off Ihe lloret, tccotlng the lefarca ot partiality. At the teoooet'ot the andieooe, ptoduead, and Ihe aOalr terBlnalad in a lieely torlnuntge which tppeated to uUiiy til haudi, Dwyer thlnka of ntumlsg home inortly. Aajow Jona an Cobcbm ik BaoonTW —The tthlela Aann Jonw, In conJunctlOD wltb Joe Cobntn, will repeat hla lata no- ceaaful mnacoUr md mualoal fwUral at PlKenla Ball, Court itreet, betwem Dem md Bergm, Brooklyn, on Wcdnredty ere- nlng, Oct M, when a nrled progismme, to ault all claiaee, will be produced. Barry Bill, In nia monttn doable club tct, to. gelhir with the woudetful protcfe. Heater BIchtrd BUI, to new md cbtrtcterlttio tonga tnd danou, go Irom thia aide of the rlTor, ud BeeoherriUe will be npratentod by good ud true eoni of Heroul w. The ulerlalnmul to eondnda wllh a Mpliuiilin dl» play between Ihe nptetulattru ot tbe Old 'World ud Ihe Mow, Aaron Jonu ud Joe Cobara. Jn Tnox'i Mion Ur Tdwf.— Thit eronlng (Oct It) it thonld be nmembered, Jem Tyeon, the Pocket Hercnlu, who hu mtda a name ud Itme at a boier on the olberendol the Cable, bu bla fiiil benefit lu America, at Dramatic Hall, tn Weet Stth ainel, betwem Rib and «th armuce, andwe adrUe^ to^o, DlUy Kellj ud Jem glre Iht wind up, which wUI draw EoUy'i Mradi, at tbo Ihoto ot HcAullB. Mcmla will boy a Uoket JaOB Rooiz m HiBBT Alum Uatobid.— Theu apeclmon puglUello biloka of the Bardwan Town bare money up (o fight allMlb, tor Md a tide. Artlolct won to bo Ilgoed on ue 3f of October, Uol roB TSi ElDouooI— Barney Sotomont, ecu of "tbtt Bam," tailed on Uio 191b inat, for Anatralla, rta Lirerpool, from PlorM. A large number were on hud lo tto blm cff md bid him good tpeod. Jfion Ellioit on ron New OaizaM.—^7e hara rectired t communlciUon ftom that wtll 'la»wn ud popular eport, Kom HcOluonia, of Delioll, in which he alaloa Uiet, u no one hu te- iponded to Elllott'e challmge, he hu gone to New Orloane, bit by what nulc or what dale wo an not Informed. Tlio llOO left . In our hude by MoQulnnla tor EUlott, will be forwarded to bit addnu U oooe. JoBini Ainow will be the ledplent of a compllmestaiy tt in early day, of which due i|,ollce will be glnn, THE OBAND lUTOH FOB TBZ OBAUFIONBHIP, PaiusBLFau Tt, BBOOiLni, ATBUnO Tt. lILlRtO. Befon beginning to report the pneecdinge of the grud match betwem the Atlutlo ud Athletlo Oloht, on the loih of October, at Brooklyn, wo pnpoea taking a ntnepecbTe glance al all the nrarloua mecllnge of the two cinba aluca tba PbUidel- SUant ptld Ibdr Ont rltlt to Kew Tork, Thia Tiall occucrtd In une, Uti, the picked nine of PhUadalphla Indudlng Pratt, Tniklne, Uoon, Loughery and Paul, ot the AthleUeClub. Dot' ing thU trip they played three gemee, one with a nliettNewtrk, which tbey lott; one with t nine of the Wutem Dlitilct, In which Smith, P. O'Orlen, Crue ud Chtumm, ot tbo AUtntio— the latter then of the Enlerprlae—played, Orelghton pllohlng, the aeon being in ftror of Brooklyn by 9' to 10. Of ttali 10, the Phlladelphlut toored 6 off Onfgblon In the flnl S Innlnga, and the nmtlnder offOhtrler Bmllh'i tlowa In the litt font Innlnge, wltb thciTtnge In ttrorot Bmllh'e dcllrery. The Tlaltwuntumed by Ihe Brooklyn pityerelu July of the atine year, Ihe two ulnee playing in phUidelphla on July let ud 9d, el Cimtc't Woodi, 'Ihe Dnt mttch rteulUJ in fieor of tbe PhlUdelpblui by t icon of la to 10, Pratt, Filler, McBitde, Berlonatock, Smith and Longbcry, of tho AUUoUca, plailnn on the winning tide, ud Bmith, Petrce, H. O'Brien, Ohtpfflto, due ud Joe Ollrer, ot the Atlulica, on the loting tide. In tho tecoud gtme Ihe timonltyera of Ibe Allutlca Icui pari, but only Ihno AthloUce, tIi. : Paul, Ouklll ud WUklna, tbo Brook- lyn nine winning by a icore of 18 lo 15 only. It wte hi thli lut nme that UcBrlde wu fint bnngbl Into notice it t pltcbtr. lIcBtlde pityed u thort ilop, ud In the latin pait ot Ibo nne took Pitti'i place u pluhor, Pntl burling bla bud. UcDrlde'a accuracy ot ddlrery, aod bit effccllTe pitching were tpcdally commented upon at the time in our rrpoit, ud n«m that diy he henn hie career u a pitcher. On the 18(h day ot June, lets, the Athletic club proper tM led New Tork for the flivt time, playlsg four gamee, tho Eckfonle beollng them 10 to n, the Untuala IT to 11, and tbe Atlulica 91 lo 13; the only rlelory they oblalned wu Ihtl orer Ihe Exctlelor dab, IS to IT. The fcllowiog la tbe acora of Ihe Athletic end At- Unltc match. It bdng the fint tho two club nlnu ever played together. Tola gtme wu played Join IBtb, 1603, at Bzorono, L. I. ATBLETIOi RIelntelder, o.... Moore, c f Loughery, It.... MrBride, t a.... Paul 9d b Prmlt, p 6aillb,3db Wilklnt,rf. , Betkeulock, lit b H.L. 1 9 3 1 3 3 I Atlahho. Smith, ed b Petrce, c Cbepmu, 1 f Ciue, ad b Blarl, latb Tlcknor,ot J. Smith, r f P. O'Brien, a a.... A. Bmith, p n.L. ...i ...9 ...I ...9 .. 4 ...9 ...3 ...9 ...9 Total 13 Total .-. 91 iKinroa. lat 3d Sd ith tth 0th 7lh 8lh »th Athletlo SOlltO 90 9-13 AUuUo 3 1 1 7 1 8 0 4 1-31 Umplra—Mr, Bkaata, ot the Btar dnb. Time of gime—Three honn md twenty minalet. In Angual, I8M, the Atlutlo OInb vlalted PhOaddphla, tod on (he lltb of Auguet pityed their eecond gtme with the Atbletlc. Pntlwu tho pitcher of the AtluUoa on thia ooculon,ud Ho* Bride that of (he AthleUca. Tbe foUowlag la the aeon of the game, which proved to bo a dedded victory for the Atlulica;— Aoouar, ItM, at Pwn.irrirau. ATLaima. h.l. Petrca,o S 4 amllh,3db 3 0 Start, let b 0 8 P. O'Brien, of 3 4 Oalvin.aa 4 4 Crue, 2d b 3 0 Chapman, If 3 0 Pratt, p 4 4 aid Bmith, r t S 3 AiBLmc. B.L. B. Derkcnalock.lAb 0 3 Ouklll, r f t Elelnfelder, o 9 Ontz, 3d b 3 1 Malona,9db 9 3 Wilklne.aa 9 9 UcBrlde^ p 9 3 Heybant,ef 1 9 Bmltb, If 4 1 Tottl 49 Total 10 iMintaa lat 9d Sd 41b Sth Olh Tib Sth Sth Allutic 4 0 9 7 g 3 4 3 14-43 Athletlo 00010193 0-lt nmplr»-D.Batton, ofBnterprlMClnb. Tloeofgame—9houn ud SO mlnnlca. In June, ISM, the Alhletica again Tliiled New Tork, ud r«- laraed home with all Inphlea, won firom Brooklyn ud New Tork duba, bnt It wu nof nntii Ibe SOtb of October ot that year that tbey encountered tlie Atlulica again, on which occaelon tbey wen egtln defeated In Phlltdolpbla, u will be teen by the appended ecore;— OOTOBZB 30, less, IT PBIUDILPHU. AiLatmo. Pettoe, ea Smith, 8db Korum, 0 Pntt, p Ciua, 9d b Sid. Bmltb, r t Stttt, lltb Gtlvlo, of 3 Chapmu, It 4 I.L. B. ..3 ..I ..4 ..4 ..9 ..8 4 B.I. ..4 i t AiBLxno. Slelnfeldet, o.., UcBrld^ p Beach, 3dl>.... WIlkloNea S Borkenitock, let b 3 Lneogeoe, 3d b 3 Ed. OukUl, r r 3 Smith, If 3 Potter, of 3 Total Jl Total IS Imniioa lat 9d 8d ith BIh Sth Tth Sth Mh AttuUc 8 9 0 3 3 1 4 9 4-31 AtbleUc... 4 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 1-lS Ompln-Ur. F. C. Enlght, of tbe Cemdeu Club. Bcorere— Urun. Lynch ud Benaon. Time of Otmo—Tbire boun. Fly Oilcbee—4;hapnuD, S; Bmltb, 8; Oalvln, 3; Norton, li Pnll, I; total 13; E. Ouklll, 3; WUMnt, 3; Raub, 1; Elelnfelder, 1; Bmltb, 1; Luragme, 1; total S. Oula on Fonl BiUa—Atlutlo 0 Umu; AthletU 4 timet. The tetnn game of Ihta match wu played at Brooklyn on Ihe Sth of Morember, ISSS, ud for the fOnrth time tbe Alhletica ireaanted a trophy to the AUuUet, the icon ot the melch atud- ng u foBowt. NavxHnn 0, ISSS, at Bboobltiv. Atubtio. Prtroe, 11 4 Bltrt, lltb Cnn^ 9d b Pialt, p Chtpmu, If Morton, o Odvin, of Sid. Bmltb,rt.... BmlUi,3db BooiiB VI. Jnnuiiaa—FntAL Pnoiotmoir laou Hiur.-Hir- ing nad ud Inwirdiv dtaeeled JakeRoome'i lut culno "billet doni," Ike wide twiie Boilon dog dealer npliea In language ttbloh gow to thaw Ibtl he It ud mnit be etger for Ihe tny, ud he evIdmUy tblake thit he can "mtka Borne howl" w ntbermtkoRoome'ittablebowl. whIchlttlllheatmelnFreneb. We preinme thit "Itota eit ilea,'' or the die la oail, ud nolhlag farther camalni, If Iblt card pnrea aocepltble to Jtke, bnt U> igteaupcn a nakebolder wbm Janninat comu onorBooma goaiaway, whlobirar way tbey fiEIt Hen'aBiiiy'i "deraltr "I will fight my three yellow aod whlU dogt, tIi., BUly, ISi Badger, 13| ud Joey, 30 ponnda—the fonnet two tot isoo, at tkehtlarfor H.OOOor mon a tide. I will do better thujdw Booma ofltra to do. IwOlglTt |100tofightinNawBniIud,or I wlB Itka 1100 lo fight an Ihraa malahea hi or neat New lork olljr. Bay It'a • go, and I wUtendona olinahartoraathiaa malehta. HabbiJibbdm ■T. a.—If I coma on to Iliw ToA tolUht Ihau mtlohea, I wm fight two dtuhlin ot "Old Bmi, nn ud 19&, a dtaghtat of Du HoMA loini Jiai Bmdie, U of Wlb, nd a Boalar alat nib^lBy or in oflSiM I W(D auob (ot Iff «r l>(N • E.1. B. 3 s .4 8 8 3 8 e a .1 ...3 ...8 ...4 ...3 ...8 ...8 ...4 ATBLTIICI. B.I. B. Eldofeldet,c 4 3 MoBrldcp. Beicb, 3db WUkliia, ee Beikuitcck, lath.. Luengme, 8db OuhOl, rf Bmllb,lf Patten, ot .3 .8 ....1 ....1 ....S ....B 3 ....3 Total 3T Total 34 Imiiiioa. Ut 9d M 4th DIh Sth lib 0th Sth AlUntIC « 8 7 1 0 8 9 1 1-9T AlhleUo S 0 S 1 0 0 4 B 0-34 ITmplre-Hr. Omm, of the Ecktotd Olnb. Bcoren—tintn. Hoalem ud Benaon. Time of game—Two boun md 40 mln- alca. Fly catcheet Peatca 8, Norton 3, Ohamnao 3, Start 1, Oal- via ],Orue 1.—Total II. Bmith 3, UcBrlde 1—Total 8. OaU on foal baBa, AUmUca 9 timei, AtUioca S Umet. That for tht eecond time wen tkt AttanUctvlctorlouiona lid ot home ud home gemei, (he loltl of tho latlee being 113 losa Buly'lhta aeaaon, the AthleUca having got logelher a very etnng team, challenged the AUutlce to play ellbe^ in Brooklyn or PhUadelphia, but the Atlulica having been tanporaiUy dla- orgulied Dyihe aeccta(on of prominul pityen Irom their xtnkt, wen In no trim for champion mttcbet, u two important defnle over In Hew Jeney fully pnied; but u icon u Uiey got Ihelr nine (cge(her tgaln ud In utlnlrg tor pity, (hey teepond- ed to the ohtllmge of the AthleUca, aid on the latofOcuber, less, viiiled PhlltdelphU to piv the Int ot tbe third lailu of home and home gtmci betwem Ihe twodnbeLWhmthagtjoe proved to be aftllnia, owing to tho Immente crowd ot people who were piatut on the ocaitton. We now come to the pteemt con* teit, tnd thta wa proceed to deutibe in fall. At ettly u S A. H. tho fidd begu lo be lumnnded ant ell the lute occupied. Tbe urugemmta tot iffordlng ill a view of the lime wen eudlent Btok ot the oilchor'e podUon, end tuf. idenlly ont of tbe way wen nwa of plank lean, ud In ttont ol md on etch tide of the tegular, ttandt for ladiei^ uite van laid down. Tbo delegtUon from Fhlladdphta had aeata neonred for them. 111 the oUien, euept IhoM tor bdlu, being ftee totbefint occupying them. At 11 A. M. Ihe police took pceteealou of the giouda, platoon aftat platoon marching on Ihe gxoand under commud of Ita ngnlar ofllcar In military etyle, ud icon otdat telgnod In Wtniw, (he efildra( txiugemmto nude by Bnperln. (udent Folk being luchu to preclude (lUnn. TheweKheiwu 111 (bit could have been dealied, with Ihe oicapUon of too eltong I broeie, parbipt; but the tun ibone out brigblly tnd the breoie wu not nnpleuut. Thoea ptrtica who came early wlicly bioaght nllona wllb Ihem, ud, lakmg pouwilon of choloe tetta, located Ihemaelvta for the day hi tcgnur boalneu aMe. Tbe ladlea' elude wen occupied by tho Ihlr eex u early u ten o'dock, ud by 19 o'clock not a teat waa to be had. The large ball over tbe dub nome, too, wae filled wlUi t boanUful ddcgtUon of the feir trlenda ot Ihe three dnbe occupying tbe ground!, tbe view ftom Ihli potlUon pro- tenUng the meet itbacUvo ud novel ecme imaginable. The oxin can beau ninnlng on (ho arrival ot overy ferry boat at 10 A. 11., ud from that hour nnlll alter 8 o'dock every cir wu loaded, tU (tareo nulee to the giound doing Ibo biggeel kind of bnelnou. Fntldeotfitboockwuemongthefintonthosround. ud wu tmoug (be butleat of the buty In tinnglng mtUan lo u to make tho evut a tueoeu tt fkr u outddt maugoment could do. The ipace at (he lower end of (he Hold waa rcned cff ao u to allow tbo crowd aoceu to tho aidoe, t cordon of polite keeping the mlin field deer of Inlmdeta. A oommitlee of (be AtluUo Club went ovor to tho Uercbut'e Hold, in Conrlludt tuaet, to bring the A(hleUce over, two tpeclel cm bdng provided tor tbo vliltore, and ecata w«o elao reierved for tbo ofllcen ud momben ot the club, PrceUleul Uoon hiving a lott on tht field. Tbo gmeni cbtncter of the tttemblage wu dectdodly tbe molt mpeotablo wo hive ovor teon on a field, tho rough icuff boyt who generally cauac all tho dliturbuco at laigii latom* blagoa being alffioet geoordly oiclodcd by Ihetarlffofedmlt- tlon during tho day. Tho ouUldo detrgtUon, however, eve'led themedree of evory nook end cruny in tho fence eniroundaig tho grounde to obtain a free view of ibe proceedliigi. From befon 11 o'clock, until itur Ihe time for conmouclug pity, tbe Ude of vltlton flowed iloedlly, the utnott good order provtlling, tbo flue weaUior ud the antlolpDllon of u eicltiog ud well played game puUIng til In good humor. AnUdpttion, by tho way, U half Ibe cqjoyment of Iheu evcnlfhl oocurTenon, u the raalily tridom teacbot tho point utielptted. Tht ddegaUont from outdde dube aiceeded in number uythlngot tho kmd befon known. PotUud, Hot- ton, Pcovldonce, Hailford ud New Uavu on Iht oitl; DuiTilo, Boobeeler, Albeoy, Ao„ on the north; Obloago, Bl. Lonlt, Olon- lud ud rittaburgb on the weet, end Blehmond,Wuhlng(onud BalUmon on tho toulh, wen dl tepreeenled; udufor Phlladol- Bhla, Newark, ud pitcu nitnt town, the enwded taiint on [ondiy proved how much Uioae kMdIUee aided to Intreato tbe vut gtihirlng ot people titembled to wllneu thta oelebnied con tut Bboilly belon Ihe hour tppolnlad tor calling tba game, tbe astin field wu eumnnded by tpeoUlon.noneoooaylngUie field nrooer, eioepl Uie police, Ihe epMtal npotten, md a few of Ue Ere. the utter pauing the ball round, the eome ptMentcd b^ oeworthaday't Jonmoy to wltaeae. By oto o'clock the U« won dteaaed ud In the field ready tot play, when ihey DiacUcedfortullaoaaTlerofanhoar baton Ihe AtltnUca wan nadrTind ittar thai wen detained In having Uidrpldane takin for Htmer't lUuilnlcd piper, libelna nearly 3 P. H, before ill thepnlil^nailu••n.utugrf. _Th.«"« »tP»~rffod*^^ Umu a vrtT novel eight wu pnaeBltd by the waving of thout thteo or four Uiounnd hudbenblafk, thoae on ooe elde waring flnl, ud then the oUien' oppodte. Never befon wu then rach a highly leapoctabla ud at tho eame time lonnmeroni i gaHioriog laaembled to dtnui eny outdoor ■port in tlila ccnntry. AfUio lownl ealimata fnUy IS.OOO people oconplcd poaltloni within Ibo cnclonre, ud aomo two or three thouand wen ouuldo. The epice btck of Ihe len field, wu oc- ooeled by carriiget, ud Iho row of luta marred for Ibe Pbllt- ddphUni wtt crowded to Ita fount ulul, tU Ibe itxugcn be- ing imply provided tot, TBB OAin. „Flay commrnced at 3 P. hi., the Attanlla golue to Uiobat; peo. Ftanly, of the Eiceldor dob having pnriouily been choten loflUthelmporitnt poit of nforee. Hetca wu tbo flnl baU- mtn, followed by gmlth, both victlme of Betkeniloek il lit bwe. WUklna md Reach fiddtag tbe bdit, Chapmu, third hud out, bdoa caught on tbe fiy byneioh.lhna acoriog a blank for Uie AUmUca. For tho FhUadelphUni, Iltlnfi4«tr opened pUy with a good hit to Uilrd beec, but Charioy Bmltb wu at band, ud ho paaecd tho bdl nnldly lo fint but, when II eelUed In Slan'a bindi, UcBrldo rcltrlng directly iflrrwardi on t foul ly ctngbl by tuilt; Beach, however, eeoured ble btio by • fino bit to right field, bnt befon bo could taonn hit third Wllklu Knt a btll lo Smith which again retched Start befon tho ttrikcr, Uie AUiletlca, like their opponrnbs gdUog dectod lo a btaiik for Uielr flnt Innlngt, For tho AUuUca' tecoHd Innlngi Cnne led off wlUi t bit to Pike, by which bo ought lo Gtvu nut htm cot It flnt hue, but Pike tbnw the beU wlhlly to Bcrkmilock, *hloh he filled lo hold, u It went over bla beid, Cnno gelling home by theie erron. Btartibonid tin htvo been pliced^criilu comlal at lat bale, ba( WUklna favored blm bv lu- dulgtag in wUd throwing, lo that Blart aanaged to reach hta Id hue ibtough ble error u well u (hit ot Dociney'i high Uirow. Start mchrd bta 3d by t iitiiod ball, and a bit or Ferguion't lent blm home. Pnll bid ntind on t fonl bound taken by Dockney, Fergiiion tctehlog hit but by uother wild tlirow of Pue'e, tho bell bavlng been wdl atoppad by Berkenatock. A caued UD by Dockney cent Fergueon to hie 3d, and Oalvin'e briUUnt hit lent him Lome, the taller eecuring hla buee by a high throw by MoBridr. Oalvln faiobing bli third on a wild ihnw otMcBridcud home on Pearca^ibll, Mllh pnvlonily nUringcnahIgh fonl by Dockney. Pearco being on hU Ihhu, Smith on bta icccnd, ud ohtiimtn on bta flttt which buei hid beeneecund oblcfly byetron ot Pike ud Dockney—wbm Dock. neyctughtoutCnuoweUon t foul bound, tho Inuluga cloelni tot 4 runi, wllh Ihne men on the buea. Beikmttoch led off on tie AlhbfUc tide lo thta Innlngt, bnt wu ctplued by Start, Dockney foUowing with a good bit oa which he tecuxcd bit 3d, Chtpmu not htndHng the ball u lively u he did othen. SeoMndorfer waa neit udnUmd at let from Ibe flne fielding of Smith to Start—two oata and no rune. Flaler fol- lowed, ud eecurod tUabeae by good batilDg, lending Dockney home. Pike eecuring bta baio through a mliaed catch by Crue, but be wu left on bta 9d, Elelnfelder being e vicllm of Pnit tod Start, Uie Innlnge cloilDg with Iho totdecI4to9 In llivorof Uie AtlanUct. In the 3d innlnga the AUanttca wen ditpoud of for a tingle ran, (bough flve men went lo Iho bit, Pntl beloa a victim of Berhenelock'e, w'jo atoppeil a wildly thrown baU by Wllkino wdl, PIko ud Beach canturfiu Fergueon at 3d, afler he bed taken Ue let on three belli, Odvinbdng left on bla Sd, when be wu when UiUa, after ibr(hln8 twice, tiUed lo ebrike tt i good btll, tnd Uit third atrlko wu celled on blm. In Ihle laiuiiga Iho Atbtallce ballad flndy tor 8 tune, thereby Ueing the econ of their op- ponenta, Dockney gelUng a deu home tun from i fine hit orer Udvln'e heed al centn field, Odvm pnvlcudy rapturlug two Ov bdIt In tpludid tlyle, Soniendeifer being ought luppuig it Idhy Cnne from a good throw ot UUIa, Ihe totaU now bdug 0 to S. In the Ith Innlnge the champlone opened In llvdy tlylo, ecor- Ing 4 moe wltb bnt one out Pntt being on ble 3d when Forgu- ■on ud (hlrin tlcped out Tho Alhletica alio followed np wnU wllb, 9 runt the fln»<fielding ot CtuatoStatt ud two pntUly tahm foul bound catchu by Mllli ud Bmllh marking the Atlu- Uo fielding, (he totda of Uie Innlnge being 9 to 8 Infavot of the AtUnUca. Tbe fifth Innlnge uw Uie peitlM equal hi Uie icon, 11 to 11, the AUuUcea<ld(ng bnt two to their icon, while the AthleUca pnt In three woU, a miu catch by Ftalet ud two by Dockney aa- ataUng the AtluUo aeon, good batUog giving their opponenta ttadr ruQi. The roault of the pley thua fhr apoke wall tor Ibe Eluck of the Alhletica, for tbey undoubtedly pUjod nervonely In 10 flnt two Innlnga, oomo very looee play being ohown, u oar nportdeactlbea. Their pull up aflarwarda waa creditable, ud led to a degree of coufldonco In Iholr abUlly to win which wu abienl In the early part of the game. . The SIh Innlnga lermlnatad In a ecore of 1 to 0 in favor of the cbamploni, a apimdid fly-calch of DAicb't muhlog the AtbleUo fielding, ud flne calchu by (hue ud Hllla that of Ihe AUu- ttc, tho taller once mon gaining tbe lead, (ho (otala otandiog 19 to II hi Ihdr ttvor at tbo dote of tho SUi huUngi. Tbe Importut Tth Innlnge wu now commenced.. In the Sth Innlnga Berkenelock bad bu finger naU knocked off, and went to right odd In place of Elelnfelder, Ihe tattar pUylng tt lit but. Thta Injury weakened tho ploy of Betkey, bnt he plackUy kept hla piece In (be nine end did bta duty, the crowd en^iidlog ble pluck. The AtluUce got (nto t "otreik" of batUng In tbu in. utagt, ud befon (hey wore dlipoeed of xu np a aeon ot 9, a paaaed ball by Dockney, which be went afler too leiannly, bdp- lug them to (wo runo, Fitlor miklog a fine fly ct(cb, ud Sloln- folder ud UcBrlde putUog Chapmu oat at lat buo if tor bo had once tecnted It Thta lead wu tbe turning pohit In the game, ud though tho AthleUca ralUed well for3,ltwuappanat lothe knowing once that Ihe victory had bem beepokeo for Uie AUeotlra. IMmilte tbo teed obtabicd in thia Innlnga—30 to 14—Ihe Athlellct pityed up abarply to tho dote, but they anpanntly felt that Ihdt pooto had tieen cooked In thta Innlnge. In the lut two Innlnga the AtUn. tin Bcond T lo tbe Alhletica 3, Uint coning In Ibe victon by t toon of 37 to 17 In a game of thteo honta* dunUon. Wo ippend (be econ:— Axuimo Ctnn. b.u n, Peiece, ee 4 3 BmlUi,9db 3 4 Chtpmu, If 8 8 C>ue,lldb 9 4 Start. lt( b 1 e Pntt p 4 a Ferguton, rf 0 3 Odvln.ot 3 8 Umi,o 4 1 Total.. mend ondir Uita nnaeceutry Mil of adr .patlenoa, the deain toMIhinmtmakhiiUembilcleiutot alTdeluforUia Uae MM ue^gama^mtimt wm^ „,T,,B,enta otOut.porVB of „ __,ih1aia oaSylng loir Nil*, for tt lha oonolBriop ot aiet Imfwaa lit Id 3d 4Ui Btb Sth 7Ui SUi OUi AUuUo 0 4 1 4 3 1 8 3 4—9T AUileUc 0 3 3 3 3 0 0 9 1-17 Umpire—Ur. Oeo. Fluly, of Uie Eioaltlor (tab. Scotera— Ueaara. Ucnk ud Benton. Fly catohea-AUuUe, 8; Athletic, 8. Home Buna—Start, 1; Dockney, 1. Foul bound ritrbiw Mllli, 3i Dockney, S; tfit, L Onta on beau MltnUo. 10 Umu: Ath. leUo, IS Umeo. Onta on foul balla-AlluUo, » timet; AUdeUo, S Umoa. Stmck out—Ullta, 1. Utatcd ntnhnt Mllln. 1; (}hap- mu, 3; Dookaey, 3; Benauderfer, 3; Flaler, 1, The game ovor, the uumbltgo quleUy adjoutned, not the dIahlMl dtatntbance mirklng (be occulon from beginning (o end. Tbe ntmoat good feeling wumulfoeted betwem the two cinbe, Ihe AthleUca bearicg Ihdr dafeat gneefoUy, ud nUrlng from the gniudt in tbe hope of a mon lueceeatnl luue on Uon- dty next, Oct 93d, on whloh occaalon Ihey wlU ptay tbe return game on the AtbleUo gnunde, Ihe ohatge for adniiulon to which w1Ube|l,Uiettoketa^ohigUmltadto«(n. A high fence bu bem eteciad aiound Ihe field ud a tall (otca of police will be pteamt llita time to enfotca otder. EciroBO va. UoTDiL,—The home ud home game between theae dube, poetponed ftom teat year, look ptaca at Hoboku on Oct Ulh, and it ptoved to ba qnlte u lotateiUng conical, the Uuluata wbinlng^nt givtag them Uie two gtmca ont ot the three of the aetlu. Thta wu the firat meeUng ol the two clubt dnet the oon tut in whloh Ihe "tailing" prooui wu mgiged In by three of the Ihmmemben of Ihe Untud dnb. Ibe Eckfordt bad out a ttroog nUie, Indndlng that fine ptayer, Wooda, wbo oc- cupied hta regnlat podUon in the nine for tba flrol time in two yean, and he stayed tight up to hta old mirfc, Bwudd pitched, mdweU, too, btabiltatroobllng the Hutnda to panlih them. Umoll otrried off Ibe pilm In fielding, the - valeru doing viTu- eble Mtvloe on the ooculoni Indeed, the fleldlng otthe Eckfordt ta tU podlloni wu eiceUent Hid they biUad u they Added, It.would have gone bard with the Uutnala, The laltar, howevet, pikyed a fine game, UttUn'i pitching proving u effective, with good inpporl; ulthudoneuroughonttheeeaios. DIekyUont led Ibe econ on the Uutual aide, md Brown on behalf of the Ecklordt. Tho aoote ttood:—Untnali, IS: Eekford, 10. The Eckforde ptay the Unlona, at Uonliula, on OotolMr 18th. AiuKTio ve. Umiok.— In plica of tho mtlch announced for Ihe IBIh Inel,, at Korrlunlt, a game wu played between the TInleni ud afield nUio, tho reeult ot whloh ta eppended. Tho fkllun b' Ibe AUuUca (o meet their engegemml draw down tbe ceDeurci of eomj two or three (houtina peopla, wbo bid been Induced (o vldt Horrtaaota lu tbo hopca ct wlheailog a oloae conlut Tho field nloo Induded eiorlleutplayen ftom (be Uutual and AUanUc dubi, ud the milority pltred well. At the eloao the count wu fot the Union, 91; Held Nloo, 14. SriB va. ATLuma—The following It the icon of the match plirod between tbete olubt tt Bedford on October llUi, neither club pitying up to their mirk, whUe bdh wen mlnua of tho eer. vicuof vdnabloptayera: AUuUo, 48; Star, 18. Atblbtio abd Eubbiu Uatcu The Eunku, ot Nowirk, went to Philadelphia on tbo 11th to pliy t nluxn gtme wllh tbo Athteltca, but owing lo vtrioot deUye it wu lata before ptay commenced; the conoeiinence wu, that at the oloae of Uioilh in- nlnge dtrkneu put u md to (be gimo. The icon ttood— Eureka, 19; AtbleUc, S. Tbe AUilelIre pleycd bekiw Ihdr avenge, while toe Eunku mado a caplld dtaplay, Eobbu va. Cbioii.— Tbo gtonnd of the Btar Olnb, at Jency Oily, wu (be acme of a game pityed between the tbovo clubi, who btU from Uudion ORy, on (ho ll(b Intt, tho niult being a victory for Ihe Ennku, who made 89 lo the IS of Ihoit opponenta. Tdb Natiobai, Ooiko Soma About the fint week In No- vembet thu NiUonil Club go to lUobmond to ptay the Union Olnb, of Iblt oily, tnd inch ctbor clubi u tn dedroui of enter- log lue mm igtlnit them. Front Ilkbmood Uie Medoiult will go to Stanton, ud m mle home will nop il Ohirldtaovlllo (o pliy Uit Montlcello Club tt tho Unlrenlly. A grett dnl depmdi upon tho neult ot thit vtalt, for ihould ill go well, u we uUd- Vielc, tomo ot our flnt-chut duba will vtalt the Boulh neit turn- moi-. DmoB, or WAioiKaroM vi. EKxitraitB, or DALmoBi.— I'huo olubt hid • etirmlih In tbe lionumenlal Clly on Ihe Olh init, wbu tbe DdUmoretnt ctmo off Iriumphut by a icon of 44 to 83. Tho belt ptaylng wu done by Ueten. Elnaley and aoldimllb,ot UioEnurprue,ud Uxlllud Wooda, of iho Unloni, '.Taoi va, AUABT.—Tbe Uottial Olnb, ct Albuy, paid dearly for tuelr vtalt to modem Troy on Oel. Sth, u tho Haunt Ida boytdla- poaod of Ihem in good atyle, by a aeon of 10 to a I UKtrBo va. ILuuaaB.—Ao InlerulUg game waaptaved between the above olube at Uoboken m Oct IStb, which rattuled In a vlo- tory for the Uadlioni by a score of 39 to 9S, Tni aooownx (Jn.) Ct,m ulonlthed the Uneolnt on Ibe SUi, by doroallDg them 38 to 13, A BszuBB OaMB.—Tho teoond aunt of a home ud home mtlch betwem the Eeanaiwn. of Hoboku, ud tba Unlona, ot nudecn Clly, wu oonlutod tt tht fonner puce on ihe 4Ui Uiit, the S'e coming ont thead by a tally of 8S to 91 In a gams ot Mven innlnga. Omonman Biti Datx.—An aicdlng gtme of baU wat playtd In oinolnBaU en the 8lh, batwees Iho CudnnaU and Covlnglca clabi. AlUiaoloeaotUiesbMblntUogelhaaoanaloo&T^lnotau naU, 37; OoTlaglos, aL Ewa Om n, EiaxLauia.—Thaaa Etta OUf, Pb, dabi playad a match on the SIh IniW tot a pieBloBcf |8^ olbtalDyUia OaontyAgtlaaltatatloaMy, Aiconot (3 to fi gtv* Uia flo, taiT lo the Ms, na PAnuif Ou» oUa 10 nmi (t» «t 'mllM (Me bv|h,Vt,M(|(tMlM(i TBI Oahb m Sra»anxL>, tbia.—The amploytts of Ihe lowet tegloea ainolng by a tooia of 40 lo 3S Tba Ameian BUyed a muOo gune on Uio tame day, Ihe oorih tbop nlnabeaU lag Uw eouUi thop nine 89 to 9T The Lookouta Qunlor) (rot tway wlu the L. B. Stan, In a gtme of Hvn Innlnga, on Uie 3«th. Scota—SS (0 0. Anuno, or Habuh vs. Aibuhc, or Btatbw Iilibd.— Tho tbon Junior dnbi etayod a very clow ud eielUng mtlch oa (bo ]0(h, on (be Red Uonto gronnot, reaulUBR ta tbe anrcen 01 the Harlem nine. Afler Ihe game the Statu lilud ehib wu hudaomely enlartilned by the boapltablo Kariom dnb. Tho aeon wat:—AUileUc, Etrlim, 38| AlhltUo, Statan lilud, 9S. TBI Rmroiic Clob ox a Toob.— The Eeyetone Club left Phil' adolpkia on tbe litb, for Wubtngton, wbon (hey an ragigMl (o play mKcbn wllh the National, Union and Jofforaoo duba, and wllb Uie UuyUnd ud Eitaiprue, of Bdllmon, on their tcturn home. All OH OXB E SB.—The UonUcdlo ud Wnriiboro' duba Etayodtroturugimoon Ibogroondaot (he former on tbe Stb itL, when (be H'a wen igtUi vlclorloni, marking down B9 lo99 I'm AonvBt, ot Boaloo, boU tho Pluoiia, 30 to 19, on tho SUi Uiat CoucauKa vo. Cmcm—A miloh wupliyed on tho 10th luel, between the Blolude, ot Ibtt pltoo, tnd lue Cltn of 10, ot Ytle CoUego, wlUi Iba foUowIng Rnilt:-Otatt of '70,38; Uuluala, IS. Tabobt Bboot AMD "DAKaABiB."—Tht "Andy Johnun Muake- (eete," t newly formed eoctal otganluUon of np-lown liddlri- ^ on their flnt unuil target oicnnlon lo Pollock'!, Weehiw, :u, N. J., on Tbutadiy tho 18th Init, tftct which Uie umo eve- ning Uio boya win ptrllclnitc in tho muy duco at Joon' Ai- HffiOly Roomi, OM Dnadway, DucnAnoBO.—Tbe men amtled on ouipldon of being con- cerned lu Ibe murder of Ur, Wdker, tbo bone tnlner, htvo been dltdiargcd, the cvldciKO adduced tt tbe Coronet'e Intiueit being deemed Intufilolut to wtrxut their detmllon. A F(VB Uiu Bacb, for 1100 a ebl^ took place on Uie Connoo- (Icutrtver, al ttoilngflcUI, on Monday, Oct ISUi, botwnn tho da oaied tbolla J. F. Taploy ud H. S. Baker, of Bpringfidd. It i t good nee, Uie Ttpley whinbig in SS:SO; Btket'i Umo, 9*:98. -A.QTJ.A.'rxOS. Jamss MoKay, BOAT BUILDER AND SPOON OAB UAEER. Baudot of aU BamlU't botta, ilio Wtrd't cdibntod fonroared boale, tlao Harvard ud Ytle Unlvenlty boata. Bdl, Flahing ud PleaninboatabuUt to order. Bed Hoan, lOSlh it, 30*ne ButBlvar, N. T, A.'nftiAL RioATTA or TRB ATALABrA OtDB.—The (klid unuil tegtlta of Ihe Ataluta Boat Olnb, ot New Tork, oama off on Uon- day afternoon, Oct. 10th, on Ihe umal two mUe oouno on the Uudion Blvcr off the Eljelu FIdda, at Hobokon. Tba meo wu rowed (n tingle eoull working botta, and (he priM wu the cham- pion belt of Ihe club, wblcb It contended for unuallv, Tbo onlrloo wen (ha David Bmka, Jr., rowed by R. WKhen; the Ida, rowed by W. 0. Ualnland; Ihe Ueteor rowed by R. Parker; the Dnckihot rowed by J, Ogden, ud the Fannie, 0. Buatell, rowed by L. Probet. The etartwu nude It 8.90, Utlnlud taking Iht laid, doedy following by Wllhen end Probet, ^tbe uppai ttakt wu teaehed flnt bv Uilnland, who turned two Lnigtbi ahead of WIthaia, the latter being doedy followed by Probit while the olhon wen ftr utorn. kialolud came in a budjomo wlnnar of Iho bdl In 80:90; Ftobal vru aecood.ln 33;0O, Wllben oomlng Inlhlrriln 33:40. The nee wu witaea*ed bye tair number Mtneutalora, ■nd peeaed off in (he moot ploeaut munet. Beferee—Ut. Alden S. Bwu. Biiuna Rkoatta.- A mod mllng tegtlta,gotiunpnnder (ha luiplcei of the Qnebeo (0. E.) Tecbt Club, took place on the Slh Inet The whole dietance aaUed over wu twmty-two mUu, ud the naull wu u foUowa: ff. Jr. Faloon 4:34 Tom Sajon 4:9tK Aunra, No. 3, (a N.)... .i-MH Tom Spring 4:30 Namolcu lut B.K. UUonlta 8:07 Ht Laurent 4:0eK Freak 4:1S Ataluli *M>i Aaron, No. I, (B. N.)....4:1TX JacquM Ctriler 4:10 BuATTA Ai PouanBEniB.—There lo lo bo t gnnd tegtlU on the Hndton Rivet, oppoallo Pougbkeepele, en Tneaitay, Oct 39, for ilngle eboU boata, for wblcb (farce prlzn an offered, vta:— Flnt prlie, SITS; eecond, ITS; (bird, ISO. Open (o all. All Jiolriee mua( b« mado on or befon Oct 39, which tn tno, ud it cut four ibdli mutt eulcr ud ttart to htvo (bt iffair oomo off. It It pnlly tun Ihit'Jotb. ud OU. Wird, it wull ii UoKlol, tnd perbtpa John DIgllnud McOndywIllgo for tboprliee. In cue enough money can be raited between now ud Chen, then will dec be i four ctred nee. Eoltlc* to ba nude with P. Amur, Eicbugo Hotel, Pougbkeepele, M. Y. ItiKtaaovA DoatBoildeb.— Wo tegnt lo learn that our old fricDd fnei Uie tand of cakoi ud porridge, Jtmn UoEay, the' relebnied boat bnUder, hu been leJd up wllh a uvero attack of dyoentcry, brought OD, ao doubt by (oo conitant attutlon (o builooia. La(cat idvlcM, however, tn to tho offoot thil t U(Uo ret( ud can wlU bring oat Uoc, like hta botta, "tighl dde up wllb can." CociLi Baboe.— Conncilnun Btaphen Bobetta reoenUy ahlnped a apludid eight oiied barge, for tbe "J. Pdnter Olnb"^ lo PllUburgh, Pa., which coet 1900 In Ibe coin of the Republic. The length of thta coatly plttaun boat It 09 feel, ud the wldlh ta 34 (nuu; tbo matatiii ta Bpulah cadtt, tilghly pollibed tnd varntabed. Tolnaonlta tub deUvety, the oouDcUmu Maia mu with it It fit tt PbUtdelphta, tnd tlio tffocted u liuuxtnot on the btxgo, lo (hit oonneoUon it mty be u wdl to mmUon (hat Roberta bu openad a d«w thop tt SOS Sonlh ttnet for tbe conelrncUon of inn u weU u woodu Dotu. TBB AUEBtOAN OBAUPIONSBIP. DiOE't Next OnonUR. Louta Foi, of Roeheder, bavlng tome monlbi ainca liaaed a obdlooge fot (he obtmplontbtp, wlU be the next opponnt of tho tkllfol Ointdtan ptajtr, Jot.Dion. Tbefotfeltaanup, ud Ittaex* peetad Iblt tbe conteat wiU take place ibout Uie latter piiiot DecembetsoEl, either ta Uonlreal or Queboo. John UoDaviU, Dlm'a lut opponut, ntaroed from Uontretl on tht Mh (nit, niher dUbotrlmed it hla defeat, bat elUl confldent ot hta abUI^ to give the ""''■"*" a Eotand for Ihe Oliver he blmulf had been feioed to accept, ud ditarmliud to make the effort at (ha earUoat poidbtamommt TtaeDlgbtafl«rlitateliimhewHlakmaoBi» what aback, while being the cntnl flgnn ot a uleot company of imtlemm who bad anembltd In (he upper ballot hta eilab- lahmul, at bedng formally Invealed with a maulve riog ct amethytt upon which, in tovpheroC dltmonda, an hta laldtlt. The pnaentatton wia parUcipaled In by uveral weU known amatenn, the malorlty of whom badoontributad toward the valuable gift, which wie tudered In tcknowledgment ot the im- eioepUonablo betriog ud gmeral worth of the young exnett In pnrtomce ot hta oipretaei naolve to win tnecbamploti ooa otinonraUittddefealln Uie attampt, UoDevlU hu tanedtha appended ohaUmge:— 188 Bon AVBBDB, New TbBE, Oot 9, leiSL UESoa. Pbelab k Oollbbde^ Btakeholden for the OhimplcB- ehlp:—Indoaed find (tSO, by way ot miklug good Uita, my ohd- luge for Ihe Amerlcu Ohamnlonthlp. The mtloh to be rot the niual amonnt, and Ihe game to ba 1,600 polnta, tceoidtau to tula. Beapectfnlly yonia, jobb UoOBviTr. Obauebob to UoOabtbt, or Fobt WAvn.-T.KeOittby.tha Indluaoliaaipiou, who. It wlD ba nmembered, won the Inltd ud homo matoh tor S2Sb or 1800 a aide each nnu, one to be played In Cbicago uu the other lu Fort Wayne, Ind. Tho dly in wblob the flnt game la to be ptayed to be delatvloed by (cm. toonbalnapoalUon to bout of two bUltanI champlsBB, A* however, Iho Lnlag(OB-made obamplon will have (ha endo i B f mmlof tuch plnen u Tiaou, dmnlter. Pholu, UoDavlU, Foe, Dion ud Nrlmt, ud (he enUra "Americu DllUtrd Ptaytxa* AtaooUlloo," organlied at nochcater ISSS, ud of which Oenhon B. Hnbbdlta chairman, he WlU havaloataUUla (be bealofUia argnmnnl Thn Eoledin MlllanI room, In UUa dly, hal obuged huda. John Uontgomcry, Ito proprietor blUietto, Is In 111 hoallh, ud pnpoaca lo tujnvenato t&iougk a tour al (ha Weit end BoaUiwait Thomu UoElbboo, anUl taomUy with Elldaff, u barkeeper, bu opened a bUltard toom on Btoadwar. cor. lOUi atreet Phelu, Otnne ud oUien vlayed at the open. lnii....,J)r. Hoyt tadow the lole proprietor ot Conceit HaU bllltatd toom, Phltadelphla, Ut. Leech bavlog ntlted, K /. Plunkeltudhta priae Itblo tn it thta bouae Bywayot pcuince, fot not having won i prixe in the State chimpiont toot- ■lament Thomu Foley, tbe nibiota npttarataUve, It taid to hxra wiUetl home to Chicago Oenbom B. Hubball, ex-MUtaid chamo on of Connectlont and grul beddu In ben ball, eama on J™?, "•rtford, THlontay, (Uonday), to aee ellbet Uie AUuUcs " P"" ■''o champlonohip obulnut out ot Uia fln„ "'up TIemin, whole good ntlun taprovetbltL bid no eo nturacd to qindnniU, Uim be wu provoked fnto adopting Uia oryunniliin tccelliini. Indirect cauto-avetbilebillangt,wUch Tlemi swhowunoverknowntodlowaddonment ot Uiehlndlo pan hIrn.pnmpUyiccopted. Dlnctctuw-uexdled individual, °L'^.lf>'?'"J*^''"'«'' '"•tod of in Uie Book of Eiodua, in. Ii™'!? J?"'!!'foot, a penodologtot-in fkmlUai '.L''!V"',."'.' • •'•'"Ip- » forbearuoa whlcbao<> gelled (hat be bid not driceniloj In • dinct line from Uioaa im' pulilrc hnlgbte who In tbo eleventh century "nllied round Ja- niultm," quIeUy entered Uito a brief dlaouubm ot the marlta ot (lie cue, which diecuulon condudvelv oitabltabed hta ehtiaotat for vtrtdty, ind tbeu—tnd Uien-he emnhulcdly ud impna, ilvrly Idd tho pdm of bta unrhenmiUo hind upon Uio Uniiy mrmben, eltulfled by pbyalologltta u Iho ml of amnUon in cuu where tbe tetet enter Into Ihtl bUuful cohulon niulUng froin tbe ddlgtalful procau cdlcd by onphemltta, ud other ptiidepeopla, oacntaUon. AaulUi tbovernacutar,Phlllpdtppad tomobody'i monUi, whereil thero wu gtadneu In Uia tand of Uia ClndnniUl Btmuel Key, of Tonuto, wu In thta dtylaat week. Ur, Uty olBctatod u Dlon't nnnln In Ihe match at HoB' (real, UeDevlu'i bdng Henry OrlfllB, ol UUca Ohatlia !>»■ vli, now of NuhvUta,It Ibout getting up a lotirnimmt for tba RtatootTmnetaee. Davta ta the ptayet whom John Fnwiay, tboaghtnnnlngni, but by two potato for the Ohio Obaaplon- ehip Phelan k CoUmder't addlUouil nunrtotory, located on the weet dde, tnd covortog four toll lota, wmt toto opctatloii lut week. Thta flmi ban aow three tactoriu in ute in Ibtadly, uweaeabyihepioot theeta ot tbe BlUlard Ciu tot OctObar, md heioe bUllerd tablu have eoma down to (SSO aplaoa, Thta ought to ba good nnwa to the pnrehiaett, It to nobody du uondenr Feynud, who bu been tatonlibing the Engllah ptcr^ by hta bllltard pitying, U coming to thta country, to rumor bu It If to, whleb la doublftU, tome oontldente IMud wouU do weU to idvlu him to takt wtinlng by Roberta, UieEngllib Oham', plon. If he ta lo reelltv Uio gtnl pliyor he It npiatuted, ht cm do well hen, provided he comu btton the Amerlcu peopla upon hie own merita Chrle. O'Connor conUmptalea, it 1b add, opmlng mother bUllard toom in thit dly, u i btineh ot the Onion Bquon Putheoo, which U crowded day ud nighk Walter Brown, the great touUot, la going to anito Napnc* DIUIatdlna, and open a toom ot bit own, wlUi elE (ablu, in Pott- tand Ohtit. Bird, ot Phllidelphta, ta about opening a big* toomon Wahiatatnot He will nave twelve lables Banry HewH, of tbe time rity, ta ilto going to htvo a now room John Seeteller, Uiefimoua "Dnich Hut,"taigiln in lhabllllaid buatoeu to Detroit Utah., ud ta doing a Uvdr liada Tldct Bdepha, It le reported, Intoudi to make matorul ohangu la hta room ud (ahlea, tt tho cornet ot Eighth ud Ohnlnut atnatoi PhUiddphta. ^ Bllllirdi, ' Tba tttmllon of the public la retncitnUy called to Ihe fbct Ihtl we an now prepttcd to futntab dhjjabD TABLES, with our niw ud Improved Pitmt Cuthion, (098 etch. It having eome to Ihe knowledge ot Ihe nndetdgned that car- tain BUUara Tibto Uuuthctunn have bem pubUtblng pttoa llilt tot BlUltid Tabkt ud fiitant at ona priea ud eelllng at • dlffenntoBa,wehavaniolvodtodot]| In our power to remedy It, and In taking Iblt meut of teantlnling the public with our REDUOEOTBIOM, will elae lake Ihta opporUnlty of ttaUng Ibit we wID aUU ooB' tinue to nunufactorc a firat elite article In every retpeot aod hopebytlrlct ittonUon to builocu to merita continuanoaof Ihe pnbllu ptlnnago to llboiaUy bettowtd on ua htntofon. SPECIALITY I In conKononn ot tooond die (or Jtf I lUlea having laid* eoBM toto gouenl nao, we an pnpated to ont down tuU died tablea to oecmd elae for (ho enm ot ONE HUNDRED DOLLABB (tlOO), FULL SIZED TABLES TAKEN m izaHANai, Olden by mdl pnmpUy attended to. PRIClS OF Ali ARTIOLEH CONNBOTCS WITH TBI TBADB BEDUOED IN PROPOBTIOH. SATANAOH k DBOKU, Ooraer Cmin ud Oand i(Tcata, 9T-(f New Tork, . Th« Stindard Amarloan Blllltrd Tiblei AND OOUBINATION OUSUIONB. " Tbeu BUUaiA Ttbtea ban lacetaod the nnqnaUfiad appioval at Ihe but ptayen ud moat oompatonl lodgae, wbo have nnim* itUy ptononncad them unetntlled fot guei«l aiaeDan t t tad dunbOl^. Savu dIaUnot patanto tot Improvemmta to DIUlaid IBbiM haya ne« grauced to oa u< irniidflutu PutontOfllce, ud wt hart lately obtained a patent item tbe Fnnoh Oorexnmmt tox ooff (a* provemuto In biOlard cuahlooa. Wa emploT, In the cooatniotioo ot our lable^ a vatlaly of ra^ otiluM apenilly nude for the puipou, by which meana wa ti« enabled to Inaan a tdmttflo ud mechanical aoonnoy hiUieitB uuknown In bIDlaxd muotaotura. AHEBIOAN CUE OEUENT.-Pfloe tbt largo bolUet, lOoesta. WatfUted the but In nte. Ftlca Ltata ud tnll IntetnuUon tent bv atX<, Kll ■ — >»4f PBBLAM k OOLLEEDSB, OS, OS, ST ud 09 Oroaby ttxeet. Mew Yoifc, Oonoert Hill Blllltrd Room. Not. U17, 1310 and 1331 Otaeatantttrut PHILADELPHIA. 90 Tibial, Fhttan k Oollandei make. ThalaigaatBUUaidHall In lha Dolled Btalai. Vlalton Istored prompt aOeoUon. IMm Qeiry's Bllllird Tibial. O. D. COLLINS, UANDFAOTUBBB, PAOTOBT FOB TBB PBE8BNT, 3S-8m* M UONBOB RBER. "ManohBstar BobV SklHIe Qreund. BlgnoflheRabMtWaRen,0*roUetteetBoalhBKnUyn., , EnUnly Be-oenttmelad, Newly Secotttad ud lOnmtottod. Oapabto of holding SOO people, ud nnmtatakabty lha flnetl Otound In the OonntiyrAlao, a eapaoloae qoon OBOUHD iUaahed, . OanandtMtOryouMU. lafl^ltl BOBEBT OALTIN. Bklltlsa. SfclttlM. SkltUei. The lovan of thta fine old game wlD no doubt be plaaaad to lam Ihtl (ban It t fine, tnctont gtoimd, woU Ughted ud venUlited, at Ktog'a Bnweiy BhidiklST W. Slelelreel, belwun SUi udBm avuoae, N. Y, ilto, Engllib bagalalla (ahlea, Bnropeu papetK —' ta (he placa whan you cu raloy yomaair Each gime to be tcoordlng to the ttudatd rulet. and oKbtt 1,000 or 1,600 potota up; (ho flitt to be ptayed Ihlxty daya aftoi tcocpt- uooofobdlcDge.iodlbeeacondUilitydiytafterthtfinl. The mi(cb to be btUfortdt Obahfioxuip or Uuudbi— A WaoLxaom OuEaB of Re- PBEtEBTATivit.—Tho conteat for the ohamplonihip of Hitaenri, tho nault ot which wu it fint givm ua by Idtorapb, teemt to bive been a very creditable uur, though tt tunu, u the Bt LouleJournaU tdmll, a little tadlont. Couddorabla OEdtemmt ud darm wu cntted abortly after Iht gtme bed opened by the giving WIT of t pert ot the ptalfoim on whloh tht euta wen erected. Some flny tpeetaton fdl froa their higk utatea, but fortuiutely, no llmba wan brokra, Tbe ptayen were A, U. Bar> riaon, who acquired tbe title of obamplon at (he tournament held In Bt Loult lut June, ud PhUlp J. Plerca. well known to thta cHy under the ludleroua uatrUiutt of "Hink Undga," bellowed on blm whUa ho wu niperinleodenl of Ohrlt. O'Oonnor't upper room, by qululcd Ndl Baut who to Iht tountmmt had chiied Hirrlton vety httd np to tht flalab, lha Uttot bavlng to avenge ality In the dwldlng or Ua game of BOO polnta to order to catty off tbo ou^ Plaiee, having Inmedtately obillengcd bta conqueror, on the 4th intt thepltyenouittogtUier,ttBt Louta, ta a game of l,SOO, wbtoh ratnlCed to tivor ct Uit cnaSenget by 88 polnta. The avenge ot Uia wlnnet wet 10 l-fl; thit of the loeer, 10. The belt ram were.-BtniioB, 08; PItroe, 89. Uatii- ton. It ta Hid, WlU cbillengo tbe newly dtoled chimplun, FoLXT ABD Buoua—TUB ILUKOD OuAunoHBniT.-At (he CLirPBB goei to proii, (he mtlch for (he llllnota ohtmnloiiMhIp, btlweon xbomu Foley, (he prcicn( luoumbut uu llenry llhtoei, who bopu to ouil him, ta m prognu it Crotby'i Open Bouto Uoilo Btll, Chlomo, of which olir boUi contntanta tn ruldento. Wo tbill htvo a fall icconul of tbo gtmt to our neat, CoAMMOHinitf or UAttAouuum.—Edwtrd Danleli, Obamplon of Uie Dty Htato, hu to ptay WilUira A. TOUn, on Wednoadey niglit ITtu toot, e( Bnmtlul UaU, Dodon, Ui/cu Diuunoi.—A ptngnph bu been gotog the toundt,to (bi ofled (hat Frank A. Uardlog, wbo wu me of (be uniu;-. courul conlritanltin (ho UitucbuHlIt Toumiment held.In Ueroh, 18SS, ud doca that Umo hot bem employed In the Now Yoik noma ot P. D. Klldnff, with whom, however, he It apt ^m eonneded, hu been doing ume luglbir bllllarda out Wcit, It Uie atatemwt la lo ba belloTod, Ur. Uardlng nn 1900 aiid odd polnta "althoul dopplng," tba ballt ntver bdng In Iho ''Jaw," udAc(^(t«iko(a vereiaoitibacUantfat/ Perbapa II wte til done It (bo thrce-btll ganat Tboreli bulontttory about'blllludt iblt cu comptn wllh thta, ud tbtt ta Jorry llergu't loconnt ot bli xnitcb with the proprietor of thit ailmtiro inbtemneu utatallihmrat, populirly believed to be M upcomfoitable pltoo to dwell to, except pctalbly In Uio winter Ume, Horgin'i opponut alio playt^ oeohbtndod, ud, Ini(oadc>t utlogacue, punched tho balla •■with the hairy md of a bnth." TBB UutAcnnBTn billubd CBAmoEtBir.—The mdoh for Ihta honorable UUe to the bllUatd world,,end (be goldra cue, b» (wean E, Duleta, Iho niMont ohimplon, ihd W, A, Toblo, ta to ttke placa it Bumatead Hall, Botton (t^ (ho tvautog of Wedntfr day, toa IIUi tott Udlw ud ganllsqiw ate alike toviled, and a good gtme U uUdpatad FiaBoiai.—P1amaarme(alsNawOtliu^ whlUierba ««Bi on Ihe SUi tool, ud where h*. toundt to day for a ftw weeks..., BdphBenJiminbuMdadliiatobilUudau abnitiuta, tad ta aowulnniuoa igml In Ihla dty Ueoin, Pimy and ' " n Looto- Ittadsrknd long plMt, Ao. Thit ritlontllyi ' comt tgaln, ud eoonomlcdly. Come onoo and yon tn bound to T. BINO, IS7 Wut 4lal attoet lar-gtej rOUB SPLENDII>> BONOS WITH CHOBUBIB.-Sead lo anr mualo boute or bubltahet for Ihtm.' OABLINO UTTld ULLY, 80 cenit, LKTB BIT DOWtlAMD TALK TOOrTHZB, 80 omto. LITTLE BABEroOTj 80 cm(a. FOOLS ABB Ndn ALL DEAD YKrsOcenta. J. B. UBRBILL * CO., PublUbtll, 38-41 01 WuhlngicB ittati, Chicago, III TUB OBATTV^ UIOBOBOOPE. The but bvnu, mtgnUttog imtll objecta (00 Umeai ta end. leu lonrce ot amnaemeiit Tblttv-tlE Fnuch PlototM and otbtr objeota amt Vrloa II, or Uuee tot IX Addteu &n* J, 0. ORATIAN, Uaibat at, LoweO. I MACOY'aUAaTEBWOBEUAN, Omialnlni ElnddaUooi.ot (baStaihalloDegTeuotFtecmitooty, lUatltatad by two bnndied ainvlngt, 83 mo. mutUn, gUt edgoa. But .bpmtU for SOota.^ddieai J. H. UILLB, lUwIay, Ft. 'i^ue /' 100l(Er BALL ROOU OUIPB. Tha mott eompMa Bdl ^ B<toniQuidopnbUtbed. Coolatologiil IheNewuaFBihim- eblo Ducot, by Prof. O. Brooka. Prloo so ouIil tuS by mail Int. ' Addnu F, O. ADAMS, 98,U* <03 Ohutout fit., FhlladX Pb. H~ OW TO UIZ DDINEB, Ptalnud Vincy, Hot. tad.Cold. Funcboe, Julepa, CobUera, Bouibee, Hephuta Ullk, Tom ud Jerry, The IHoepv. Oocklalla, Fllpi, Flxee^ Bklna, Tod* 4lce, Soura,eto., to endiiu variety. Aleo BlUan^Coxdtalt, Byw rupi, Itaipberryido, Cuncca, ko. Bent by mdl fot II. ■ " D.aWEdT, PhoesUvlJIa.PB. Secrete of Ihe LiquonTndetodnded, II 80. as-lt* INQER WINE, (UILY 40 0T8. A GALLON. But by l fot3Scmta. 98-11* D. 0. WEST, VhoanUvllto, I ADVENTURES. OF A OAY AND FEflnva YOUTH, lome- (hlng Now, Udled everywhan foi 3S cahla, dddrtaa 'iS-K* iTuTLEB OLLBWINB; 111 Jtffatua^ Dftnlli Utah, MOUSTAgnBS on wire, so otai o« U<«, 7Scto| Ooalcea, 7S otai lupertalt, SO eta; FnU Bwidt, IKIOl Wlgi.«Sto 10, tUoolon. AddicatBLiaEU400.,UIBi«ldway,N;Y.I8«n4 IPOQTINa UKN BEAD AND B|l OOMTINOED. . IbavtogJuitratantdtMaKafopewllhl80,oooPbetogiwpbe. ti>tn from UM, aad ot lha (oatUut' Womm of Parit, wU^ undiampiaconoalplotaiola. Bmdud beaaUafiedto BOX 399, 98-31* Wtteifbrd, X, ^ SICH AND BABI B00S8.Oattu da Yldta^VMytloblint* Oiittt, iO omta, or term tht |L Uteroicopto (Mfia> naLBIncaandOptnOtataai. Btataoampto Ttowa^vaate. ADrami, emttinlag^l_lt>8e P'*jjwj^'~ "~" nacyfl ' nMM'iiniV>wrtett.