New York Clipper (Oct 1866)

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TELE NEW YORK CLIPPER. THEATRICAL LAW SUIT. Imporiint to Minageri and Performer*. Laan Kmbs m%mlmU John ■. CUrkCi A>r P«r- femlaf "Oar AbimIcbb Caniln," WELL KNOWN A0TOB8 ON THE STAND. t cuaMX "aui" nt a bib fabi—uv »ooi» lOTfoin nn um, m MB. jAuifl run fScoiiD to oluiu. LAtnu am a vratDicrr of "Oar Ameilcan Covitn" leans to bm bwD ■ troabluone enitomw Id tbg Uw coarti, fof ttlot nriotu dttmlt os Ui*t lUn, he unlB tsnod ap In Uio Soptrlor Coarl In thlr cIIt, on Iht 8U> ultthinit., ttUia lilal lem baton JniIleaJonce, unn K»aa ud John B. Clirka bolng Ua Ull«inls, lha Uii Lun acllng th« nit of plalBUir, Mr. Btnitt, nuugar of lha Wlnlar Oinleo, Joa faffanoD, who diloii to ba at leul In part tho anlhor of the ' pUt In qociHon, Mr. DTOtt, Mr. Fttcre, Mr. CUIk^ ud Mr, Anlreiri veie all prernL Ur. Booth, for lha plilnUlT, optsed the cue, eiplmlnliig Ihit ihottJ/ twfor': last SapUm- ba "Out Amerlas Cosils" wu adTarUied for the Wlntar Otidan, and Mtie laon Eeane, bettlogof ll,imedon Ibam notice Dot to play that comedr, u aha wu tho owner of the ptay. That Ihej dlerenidlng ft, an ution for prohibition bad bau nmmenced, and uut, on the trial of that ciae, It had been deddcd thit the lepetf, on which lha plalnUIT itllei], bad not haanpionrtr anlhenlloled. That the apptalon thai had not yet been aeodcd. That the preaent anlt wu for damigea for the perfomanee of the oonedf tj the dtfendanl; CUike, aomo 34 &me<. Kin Xe»& aome jean ago; pnrchued thia pla/ fhini Tom Tarlor. ahoatljr afier iba pndnoed It tatre Mr. Clarfe pro- dnced It in PhUadolphU, MUi Keene oommeaced an action In ' the United SliteaCoarl at that time agalnat Oaika k Wheatley, wbleh wuftmllj decided b her fator, and a decree waarendered acoonUnglf. Clarke wu the Iiat man who ahonld have TloUted • her rlghu. He had bad a lult Id which hla'copy wu decided to be laperftct. In that ault be had Mt sp the aaoe defence u he doee In tbia. He bad cuetallj' Identllid bU pment with bla '' fbrmir deftnce. On that former defence ho wia defaaled. He, 'liowenr, goea ono atep fijrther, and dalma that lha damagea be mi cranpelled to pay Inihil ault «cr« paid tor a llcesia to pUy - ttanywbete. He nuiheraeti op that the play hu become pobllo - property by abandomncnt by the pUlntUT ' * . It, John Dyott wu then called to ibow lha MenUly of the fl^oea, indtaallfledlhat he knew thi partluwhohadlha play; the fint ttne he played In It wu at WuMc;ton, nndcr MluKeene'a ' BBugement, In 18M, In tho part of Abel Mnrcot He wai fa- miliar with It aa far u hla vm locnei were concerned; he played Itlbraboni three weeke hit ycu at (be Winter Garden; the Igadlng actor at that time wu Mr, Clarke hlmaelf—at leut, be played the pert of Au Treachud; hla (witneu'l part wuthe nme, la ill Intenta and pnnole^ ai at Mua Eeene'a; Ibere were ''aome trifling dUfemcee, The ecenee and Acta were lubftantlally Iheaair--'' ■ ■ ■ ' eolptt theaamc; If reqnlred a reading or two of the defendanl'e mann- t to get op hla part; there wu aomediHennc*; for Initince, , Men bnl net read the whole mannacilpt of Mlsa Eeene'apla norhare I read Ihe whole of Mr. Clarie'i muQMripl; 1 nai_ mra aeen the entire play; I played It at Waibington snder HluKeene'o management; I have never played It except then and under Mr. Clukei. 1 hare icen-porliona played at va- rlona tbeatrea where Ulia Sceoo wu; 1 traveled 'to virl- one. theelrra. with her; there were aome Teiy fUgbt alieit- tlona In. the two playo, bnt very alight In my part; I nerer law' Mr. Jeflcrson play It; X don't reniemlMr who Ere tho part to mo; probably the itipe minagor or call-boy; r. Btnart engaged me. I neVer uw what are ailed the funny, •oene* playedeuctly alike; they were anbitandally alike, bnt ' eometimee there were little emendaUona: ia;h Iblnga are very ' ooniznoD fp playa like the Amorlcan Couain, Ihoaah not In the moet seilou and atudard playe. I think Mr. Andrawi, who -played Lord Dondreary bet^ wu nlher mote conlroUel by the raanageineot, . . ' Ohirira Men non, .(edlSed that be. had often played tho put of "Blooey;" he had plared II two or Ihrve bonilnd timoe:' wu qnlle fkffllUar with hla own part, bnt not with the other paria; he pbyed Itit the Wlnlar Oirdcn la^l year for iboot four weeka; heplaycd Blnney wIQiUP, Clarke; tho pari* with bim' and MUlZeeno were Teiy nnch the aame; lome liUJe dlArace' ' In the bnalneM, bnt the nme dlflaion of acenei lod acts; there might bare been eome omiuloni, bnt very trldlng. Had not aeen the ounnajript of the other parle; bad played It with Mlsa Eeene elaewhcre; Ur. Sluart ma the manager of the Winter Oorden. WlUlam Andrews, who played Lord Dundreary with Mis Eeene! two yean bio lut BcptemVr, leatUcd Ihit he wu familiar with hla own part; bo had alio pliycd tho part at Winter Qanlen; his, part, u he played It at the Winter Uardan, wu very iltnllar to tbatat Ulai Eeene'i; but tho part u given him Icil than thatglTenhtaby SIIuXceio;ll wu ciirlallcd; thudlvlelon of thf apta wu the ume, and Ibcte wu the eamo number of the . uenea, though then may hive been a tnoipoalilon; with regard to the olher parta.lho play li ahorlar—many parti an cut down; aome of the namu are ohanicd-cne of the yonig UdUa, In ono calledOeorglani,lf hLthooiIiar£mUy. ner^r uivMr. Clarke's enUra manas^pt; I have norcr read ou^ftilly Mill Kceno's; I have aeen lhlspji»pl»y«l In Pravldenos, R."!., itihe'PIno Strccl Tbuire; I.lhink In September, ISKI; MUs Eecnehed nothing to do with lbalthutrej.Mr..£dward Barry wuthe nuhOBcr; I Saw 11 played In IIaUrii,;NaTa Hcollo, and In WaiLlnnlon, at Mr. Oro- ver'a; 11 wu played.In Oalllmon while I wu then, but I did not aeolt; luv llailvertlicdtobeplaycd; Imadesomeaddlllonito the port as given to mo by Mr. Btuorl; I bad seen Mr. Jeffemm plqrthaputollAuTrencliard; I bavo artel In the piece with 'mm; 1 don't know whither homado any altenUooa on tho pari u otigbully written, but I know allenlloDa were made. I know Mlaa seeoo did not give permlaolon Ibr Ita acting at Hallfaior Waahlogtin, and think not at TtilHmfim; t Binr"" » ™ Tim 'irlthont hbta«winige;itirtnno mtohl&TlSr allanllona to be 'made daring the refaoanal. Joaepb Jefferson, a comedian by profeialon—Knows the comedy petfeeily w(il;lafluDlliarvrllh all the porta; knowa the original mannaorlptnscd by Miss Eeene. (Dock shown witneu and put In evidence as the nanuacrlpt of the ploy put on the Winter Oar- den stage a year ago). The chancten In uls book are the nme, •the namoa in the aame. Tie loading part, my part, la only In akeleton—that Is, then ore only tho cuea bore. They have got BntUeboro', VL,hore,usn|[guledby me, Ibe orlglnil manui- cript having been Fontlac, Micb. I ihougbl It better to moke tflM chancier an Eaatem man In place of a Weslem man, ss orlglnallT wtltlen, A comedy which Is loosely ind nmbliogly put together la apt to be vulid from nigbt to night I flnt mw the manuacrlpt of this play at Miu Eeene'Bi a profeaicd mrnt of Mr. Tayk>r'a wu ben then. Then wen ilteiatlone made lu U ftom nlBht to night In Ihobuilneas,nntUII wah quilsa dllfertnt nay from Mr, .Taylor'a maanaorlpL I lolrodnced many altera- tlonslnlhopIay.andsLMr.CJarka.andJ wero old profeiilonil friends, I laformed bini of theao thlng^- and navn blm auch Mnia u no doubt be wouU have gireb to ma I never GansferrOd my right In those allentlona or Improrrnents to Mlu Keens. I bad received conrteslea o( the tame hind from Mr. Clarke. I have never aeen tbla nannacrlpt liefore, I knew Mr. BUabee Qulle .welL I don't know, thongb I heard that he had a manuacrlpt of Our Amerlan Ccnilo. I pUyed II at varlona plaeca when Miss Eeene vru not connected wllh the minigement, but In Amirlca I did lonnder sn amngement with Mlu Keene. In Auilnlla and elaewhen tbla araaganuni, of couiu, did not hold. On tha etb mstent Iho cau .waa rcaumed,.whon Mr. Jefferson wuncallod by the plaintiff, and teltllled that tho chief value of B play like the Anciican Coualu wu lla adapUblllly to tho ataae and atttictlvoneu to the public. It would be morn valuable toe peraon if owning It oiclnilvcly. The terms on which Bnt olus setors take itor engiaeniculi In flnt dm Ibcatrei vary wllh the contnct. TUlapbiyieccnildeKdiucceserulal the Olympic. He recogniud.Uiominuicriptihownhlu la tho manuscript of tho American Couain road by him in lew.^ -He recognized It by Ibe handwriting, by peicll marki.and from aeelngil eveiyday at nheoml, Then are many emondiliona both In buelneia and In dlaloine, which wen made by me and communicated by me to Mr, Clarke, that are not in this manusoIpL I wu then In Mlu Keene's employ.. . 'Wm. Staarl, tho minigor of the Winter Otrdcn, produced an ibilnctofhUbooki, by which It appeared that "Our American Couiln" had 93 peiformoncea In beplamber, 18W, Mr. Cluko playing AaaTrtnchord and aharlng In thepnDls, hla ibirebeing l2"i5S S!', ""^elpU.wore »li;70a to, the eiponaea J8.848 Ol. lavlnunbaliuco of »«,M7 33, haltof wtalob wu Mr. Clarke a ibuc. lam.monogor andlcoaco; Mr. Clarkowu em- ployed by mo u au oclor, and this sbiro wu Rcolrcd by him as ""Xfr I put up lUliphiY for acUng u manager. Ur. Clarke bad nolhlnotodowllh pultluguplhlaplay; he certainly hiduolb- lngto<]owllbllBsmauager;Iknow the play bad Ixen slared over the connlry, .and that Mr. Clarke Eolpald bolbpirilcs elslming it, both Mr, Silabee and Miu Keouc; I know that by common noort; I rcoclTed no notln from Mlis Eeene UII oAor the pliy hod been produced. I bfeiunio Mr. Olorko furnished tho copy; Messrs. Jimes * Dunphy were mv counsel: I do not rtmembrancolvlnglbU Icllor; 1 think 1 received s notice on the flrstor second diy alter 11 waa produce<l. (Mr. Jamca ei- Slalncd that that lotler wu anowored tho very day It camo to no; Ir.Btuart la qnlle correct; my aosworappeantouavebeenon tho 3d October, and tho play wu Ont produced on tho 3(Kb.) It was not a pari of the agreement that Mr. Clarke should play Uilaplar a star aotor la nndentood lo have a certain sot of playa In hla re- Sortnln. This waa one of the plays ho had been playing all over 10 oounlry. 'V/^ 'TfilMM the proceedings In the Philadelphia suit, to oitabllih Mlu Boono'a llllo or to eilop »S. OUrke Ham denying her right to it, Mr, James objected |5 It on thegmuiI'lbslthepiMentiollcn wu atcommonlaw, while tho rlgbl bat .eololy an equitable one, and Uial Ibe piymcnt of two nndm lhat decree wu paid for a full license to Ibo dofendant to play it without restriotlon or limlUUon; and Itirtbcr, that the play had ainoa been abandoned by them to the public, Tlio Court held that u snbiUntlilly Ibe aamo defenaea woie eel up Shanulntho present case, he should sdmll II. This of course rS..??' MelMo ttitlmony u to a sulisequont dedication to the Mlaa Keeno to Bakenp Ihemaoaalpt The parfonaanoaat I tared. Tit, J. H, WaUon'sb oDelimre, W. J. Begin'go Bleb- PlovtilcBesmbtbttlaTsr^^adltwllh lUssHerae. I moad, J. W, Weldon's cbeLeeal,K.T.aaedeker'abfUdyDsii wnitimWhatllaT, of Nlhlo's,kalUedlfeltb«ptld|MOtoMln I BiTBiit ud W, Xlnrln'a ch h Cllada). The speealatloo upon leeae; he did ael i«membic whit paassd at ths tune of pay-1 this race wu much heavier than upon uy other daring the diy. aiaH;it wts paid mdat'lhe ianee; the'slay had atacabeen lla Itae poola BIcbmond sold (or ILOOO, DeUwataUM, Local teqaantly played la ihaalrea with which Ulu Keens had no I llig, Ciudal ud Lady Dsn, 1(0 tteb. Lonl got off with lha cnmecllon; Ur, Oaikaindwlliieu'wttela pailnenblp when he I Uad, IMaaart, ladf Din ud Citadel is a ruck, wUb Blchoond paid, th e money. | did not pay the money u Miu Xeene in I awaiting further devtlopmenla la ibe rtu. The qaarter persDBi I tieTcr mw Mlu Eeeaei I hid no Ucensefrom Mlu I pole wureicbed with Loeil aUll In thenn, Deliwin clou op, Eeene eltbar before or aflar the decree; I did not consider It I ud lUchmcnd, who bid cnpt by Citadel sad Lady Du, third. SfceatUT. I did not pliy It from Ibis maaasctipl; Ihli Is a I At Ibe hslf mile no material change had occurred, except that ■ led (ram■ ■ ■■ - ■• akeMoni-tt wu plav« _<4w 11... * M rTT'. . the original I«ndon mannierlpl | they wero doier together ind all ninnlng in a bimch. Citadel with the London coat in 11, and that muaacrlpt wu obtained (ramMfa.811abee, Thla eloeed the teaUmoay, TheOoort—Ido not see whit la to go to the Jnry here, Mr. Jaaei. Mr, Jamea—Nor do I. It Is a nneallon for the Court, and I ahall uk your Honor to dismiss the compUInt noon nearly the aame gnnude u those I have urged, ud also on toe ground that II appean thai Mr. Clarke did net prodnco the play, bat Mr. dropped In Ibe rear on the home stretch, ud Local oomploted hla lint aHetwc leogtba ahead In 1:1IT. The second mllewu iccompllihed much in the ume order, tho chcitaut colt aiaUi- talalag his lead, and the honor of aeoond place wb« divided be- tween Deltwin, Lady Du ud the fiToilte, Citadel having tillen bopeloaali in the rear. Time, 3:8). Delaware had lapped Local at lha pob, bnt itaortly after enleriog the third mile the liUer nccaeded ta shsking mm, ud at the nnirler pole wu one leoglta Mr, Clarke having ao conlrol ud his abare of the pioflta I to the good, Bicbmood three lengtha behind Delawin, ind Lady wu menly by way of auiiy. The Court—I shall overrule In that, but wlB biar you, if yon wlab. In relation to the amount of damages. Ur. fames—That ii one thing to which t ahonld like to call yonr Honor'a attmtion. No damigea hivo been proved, end none can be fixed. The lapoielblUfy of flxing the damegta In nch a caw hu been held npealedly a gronad for grulisg u laJonoUon, Then an ban no data wbatover. The Court—X think the proper meuun of damages la the amount Mr, CUrki oblilned by It, What he has gained, lo my new wrongfblly, he should pay over to the plshitlff, I sh Jl dlract a verdict Ibr ths plalatlff for Ibst smonnt, t3,lll8 H, but u the qnestions are aew ud tntrrestlag, ud I may be mlataken In my Ttawa, tvtUdlrect U subject to exceptions, to bo heard by the Oeoaral Term In tho lint Instuce. Verdict utered acconllDgly. THE rcXTRF. Dan away In the lurch. On lha lackitnlcb tho bay coll mode play for ihe lead igolo, ud bad collared the cheeiont at the half mile, lUchmond haKa dozen lengtha In the rear. The itragglo wu deipenta on the lower turn, linl Iho pace wu loo ainng iW Local, and he gradually dropped awar, leaving Delawan to win by four Iragths, Itlchmond second, Inrea ud a half lengths be- fore Local, I^d^DanudCitadelalODg way behind, Tlme,t;M. THIRD DAT.— Tbubdai, OCT. 11. FnsT Back.- UoBOLi Bace, ahondlap for all agta, two miles, over eight hurdles. (300 to Ibe Bnt hoiee, tlOO lotheMcond. Zlgiag, Oen'l Williams, Nunis Craddcek ud Citadel competed for this, thamoillnterrtllog nee of the day, Ihe lormer being Ihe favorlle sgolnit the Held, Kunle next, wllh Ihe belllhA eren cn Ihe others. ZIgzig wul off wllh the Ind, ud Ihe fliit har- dle, plictd at the end of Ihe club atind, wu cleired Ihiiswlu: .Zlgug, WUUims, Nunle ud Cltodel-lhe loiter duhlna Ihroogb the brash ud sciUerlng things to Ihe four wtudsTVery lllUe altantlon—sad Ibst but momentary—took plico In these pool' tlons until Ihe end of the Unl mile, which wsscompleled In 3:03. Oeni Wllllama took the alith hurdle, Ihe favorlle following doae al hla beela, sevenl lengths In advuce of Nunle, who led CIU- dol half a doiea. It wu nip ud tncfc between Zigzag ud Wl|. llama down the beck atretch, Ibe olhcn virtually out of the iice. The Qenenl wis iHII leading it the faiH mile pole, Nunle cross- ing Ihe hardiest that point nearly a dozen lengths behind Zlg- ug, ClUdil U^lng. The driver of Ihe favorite let him out ind s cn the borne stretch, both taklDg thehnrdle THE PATSB80N FALL UEETINO TBBEE DATS SPLENDID BAOINa. Bad Wutbkb ars a Poob Aitksdaxce. BAtfWATn 'wm TUB n. lxozb, akd xio-ua the stcefle- CHASX A3IB HimOU BACK. The fcutb fall nee meeling of thePaanloCounty Agrlcnllnral I ho coliand W ...swuiuii Society la now amengthe thlnga of Ihe peal, ud wo regret to I at the three^cuarter together; Iho boraea were now pal to their elate that the memonu which duitar around II an act of the I nimoat speed, but Ihe snpcrionly of the on-trtnmphut Ziiug pleaiuteeldeacrtpUon, eithartothemansgen, whowerepccuni-1 manifested Iteelf and ho paaaed Ihe aUnd two lengtha aheal arlly lotereated In Ihe aucceu of Ihe meeting, or Ihatporllon of I Time of lut mile, 9:01x, and of race, i:OSI<. tho general public who Uke delight In Ibe sports of the tnrf. I SiooKs Baoi.— The Seqnel Slakes, a sweepilahe pnmlum of The racea wen held al the track near Pilerson, N. J., commeadng I liOO, for three yeirnlda; 1100 oitruce, half forfelf; two mile on the Mh InsL, ud cantbiulng three days. The attenduca | dish, the winner of the Darby to carry five pounds eitn. Closed of spedston wu meagre—at no lime eiceeding Ave tbonaud, I vilth five entrloa, but only three nme to Ihe poal, tIz'— T. B. while on the cpenhig day not mora Ihu sixteen hundnd poions I Bead's ch f Bidianlieis, D. McDulel'i b c Blpley, and S. J. wenpteeent Thlsriick of pitronagemayproperlybeatiribnted I Carter'ach oDelegate. TheformerwuthecholcelnthebotUng, to aeven] canaae—Inl, from Ibe neglect cn Ihe part of thou I Uttla of which wu done. Delegate got away with Ihe lead, ud having charge of Ihe meelln* to place H properly btfon the pa-1 at Ihe quitter pde wu a length ahead ol Ripley, Enohutress lions of the tort by Jodldoni sad Hmoly advertising; second, I tsking It leiioRly in ths rear. Coming up lha stnleb it Ibe becauH the public ware pnlly well nufelled with such recreo-1 doae of Iho dni mOa. Delecsto dnpped behind, ind BJoley com- lion St Jenme Paik, upon Ihe heels of which Palanon followed I ploled Ihe turn two lengtha ahead In l!a3>i. Iho rtder of Ihe loo eloM; ud lutly, owing to Ihe very dlngReebls weather ex-1 uvorite now touched her up, ud it the qurter pole hid half a perluced each dar, c«ld, blualerlng wlnda, a dimp, penelnling I length Ihe lieat of Ripley. The conleat wu now eettled, and mill and thrtolulag donds deterrtng muyfrem bnvlng the I EnehutreM won eaally by a length In 1:11, Ripley aecond and dangen ud inoccTanluces of a Journey acroas the dnary I Delegate UaL -Tlmeof tvomilea, SMU, nianhea of Jeiaey for the ake of a few honn' amnaemut. This I Tsmo Racb.— This, the principal evsnL (or a pramium of BTOO la a matlar of regnl. u the sport-especiilly on the flnt day- three mUe hesia, for all agn, nnfortnnatcly nsolved ilHU into a wu of a much belter description Ihu that witneaaed at pnvlons I walk over for J, a Walson'a Aldebamn, meetings, and thoss who put In u appeinnce, deaplla the dia-1 FomiBRiaB.-ThemeeHnawasbronghttouendbyaconlest coonglng dioumilances ennmented, wen empty repaid for I between JohnHnnler'aboVMca, B. Ogle'ag eBIcbmond. Col. their Double and Iho diacomforta attendut upon Ihe trtp. We | McDuUel'i b c Lilher, Dr. Weldon'a b ( BMe H., ud c e Local, give below a brie( record of Ihe three daya ndng FIBOT DAT—TuxasAT, OCT. 0, FiBST Racb —Tha InlHiUve evnt wu Ihe Dnderwood Qlfl of $300 for all sges, mile hiala, (or which four enMea werd mide, Tlx:' Mr. Binfonl'e b m Nunle Butler, 0 yean; Coff- for lha ConeoUdatlon Premium of tSOO, for all agei, ono and a quarter mllea; hcreei bnlu once durtog the meeting allowed 71b, Ihoao beaten twice or men, lllb; eutnuce moucy to go to the lecond horse. In Ihe poola Dlrlca aokl for tWD, Lniher 1300, Richmond ud Weldon's pair ITS MCh, This wu uolher pitfall to the beUins fnUrnlty, u Rlcbmend, who Illd back during the ssfjdyff.7i,s°„*.b«'vs»'s?tSe*^sru'«n^s ^{^^^s^'^Xirssir^i^ss'^^ds^ race,wbllo Lother ecld for im, ud Enrghthood ud Nannie iitoM Srio^Sfl;n»lh^^rtSf^ x^'nS'fniSs.eS^tLrans'gete'o'n'^ru^^^^ mneu.toibedlaguil of thosewbo badinreitedtheirlUmpaon '_ ' the (aTorile. It wu looked opon ii a foregone conduslon that rjro Fosrar.—The Telenn nitioni ol Ihe turf who, heedlest OnwirdHoold prove the winner, whereu be did not cvtn allain '"••,'"*to''>nB.«speclof Ihebeavoniudlheblualerlngwhids, second plwe, and «u dlotanced In Ibe third heat, wbllo Nannie, 7™?,™ ""!' ^ Faiblou Coune, L. I., cn the lOih luL, who did'nt become Ihe favorite at ooy time during the nee. I to wttneu the trolling of Iho great three mile match IorW,000 nmooffwith flyiog colon—a result milnly allrthntablo to the "'"doomed lo And them- auperior iookeyahip ol her experionced rider, ths ullnuilcd "'"'onawUd goou chaae. The odds, which were on Shark mok^ "Old Abo/' Four boats wen contested, Nunle taking the J"™* toe early part of the week, changed to tlOO to |M at the flnt ud fourth, Luther Ihe aecond, ud Enloblhood the . 1 SI'. fj" being bnusht lo tho icore. It wai third. Time, 1:11: ItlS; IMH; IMU. I 'ound that bhark wai out of proper fli, ud conicquully bii BxcoiiD Race—Tbz Sr. LuxB.—Nait came the great nee of <'!''>"'"'"''"IteP'T'crfelludwilhdnw, much to tbo disgust Iho meeting-the 81. Leger, a swcepstakca pnmlum of (1000 for ''"> "d bnved Ihe elemcnii In Ihelrjoumey to tho three year olds, tu enttuce, p. p., two and a quarter milea.' """""^ There wero forty-four enbriu, but only 'alx of the number came to Ibe poal. Tic I John Hunter's b f inrlca, B. A. Aloxander'a b c Bayewater, J. W. Weldon'a ch c Local, D, Beady'a rh o Tom Woolfclk, n. A. Alexender.'a eh c Walaon, ud CoL McDinlrla' br f by Lclipae. Alexudor'a stable wu honored with tho lull soiling for tlOOO, whtla Ulrica brought tiOO, Local, tVU, ud the Botmo-wureaehodattwntymlnatea pastnlaa, AbenllOO «( i&nsns, Irad OUret I " Wule, who la at piaaul Ihe Jbndoi ^ity wen awtlfins us, Ind OUtst Iwllhoat his allandul niellita, "Fuggr" White, who la at pnani la Hor Ma- jesty's aervleeb pnased thereto for stlcilag to the npea nd siikea, a month ago), aeon had ths ling in shlp-ahaps, u London "proi" were busy selling ling licketa, Ths MIL s wuoloMluthanllwayatallou, udlfa piaitanitr to iton Saie or Bloodfj) Stocb —Metsra. Leeds A Miner, inclicneeri sold a number of blocded bones, belonging to the eatite of a dcceued grntlemu, cn Ibe lOtb Init The following U a list of Ibo bones ind Ibe pricea they brought: Toronto Clilef, tgooo Blonde, agnnd-daugblerof Abdoilib, I24M; Lady Clifton, gins' - , ^ V ' I ipslrofblackbcises, iJxudievcnyeonold. S3200:LidvBoIle' olher two togclhor. iao. The slott «'u from Iho IhneHioarter $1325; Toronto Chief, Jr., flve yean old, IS bindihirt fiSS. U«SM^S5W;^bM ibeVaMbo l^f^nMVe?krWi't.i^n%Mn5»r^^^ Wootfolk fourth, the Ecllpie Ally flfth, end Locil sixth, tin the' ° ~ upper turn, Watiou went lo tho foro, thejwilUcne of Iho othen remslnhlg imcbugid. Ulrica went put Biyswaler on tho back- publlc ^br Miss Keene, He would further rule that this tSOO wupdd for I license to iiorforiu thli play mcrvly at Clarke & Whee ley'i Thcain it Philidelpbla. The pontiff Su luled. .0. W. Tayleure wu colled Ibr Ihe de/ence, and leaUded that hohidbaua thaauioilueal for ID yemri, aid knew the pl^l 'ilS^V V/Jl ""o"' Pl««» between 16M ud Sopiomber, IBU. neoountoMr.Jamea-Doyon mean to orgnethit IfMlu ull a U.iSS'i'?.'",'^"',''*" othWP«rtlS?ii«uslltfabl? itoi I H? j.™Jilv "•■".'"J" to ■<* If also wllhout tfsr mtmlt- aioni Mr. Jimci—\os, Kihe bu onee soted It In nnblleT I BHreprodDCOdltfrom Ibdr mimorvof whitih«ThijAiiSiri hertbastnas acted there. But If ffl. nwiiilh^^M tSiTiS from lha sqibu or uy inuuMrlpl. TbuWd'ertifon irPbUa" Ibe fp^isdaUon.ofsD lotion .at common law, ud thai av,^ ir u M.c'SM'Si^MiS? '^' ,.5£:iT'J!J°" J^"5«*' *^ ti»U»taowii of lla boica played at Ira touffSI'' "•^ed^ to Mlu KfuoTor pimi" rtJ^^SrS'AJ'f,'*^''?^' Uie fil2,^o^Jf^Ili"'*i J?;'*" " "i">ory. Sevenl of atretch and took second place, 'VVcolfoIk, Local and the ,fllly, aldeud std^, tkne lengthe behind. Oolng around uilower Match ITIO, mile butr, beet a in I, lo wagons. E. L. NorcroN cnltred b g Major Htley J. J. Bowen entered a g John Uortlclt nmo, 9:U>i; 9:39; 3:3!l>;. turn Uiey Ixfgu to atrlag out, Watson rniihing to the front, Diyiwati.r Kcond, half. a Icngtb ahead si Ulrica, Ihe cthcn lag-1 ■^-^ Juit after piaalng Ibe etud lha Ecllpie flUy wu with-1 Walionled onelaigih to the ijnirter pole, UMoaui SPOItXS ABKO-AX). ging. dnvm, _ _ _ ■fiffytP^tf t* ' H! '■y ' ^,. * ^ .'"'»gis'<nlhini'''6f Local, Tom Woodfclk ulh. On Ihe backitntch Bayswatu wont up ud i"* •'Jca with Wolion to pllol him along. Ulrica one length be- hind, Local fourth, four lengtha lo front of Tom Wmlfolk. Ooiug around the lower Inn Bayiwater took the lead and camo on Ihe homealrelch two lengths In front of Walaou, who wu one length ahead of UMca, iho being two lengtha In advuce of Local, four longiha wpanung him and Tom Woolfolk. Baye- water had all bla own way np the homralKlcb, ud a tetriflc i , „ , alruggle between Vatwn, Dlrtca ud Local, brought them homo I ThMy'linHo specimens of Ihe bene and sinew of Erin's Isle isfollowsi-Bayiwiter a bead before Wataon, who wu half a I ""' Pa^ioua Albion, met ud fooght on Tueiday, Seol,3S, leogUi ahead of Urln,. Local lapping, four tragths Ueid of I f°?" v"?.""',?"'""''>*'"8 tolhaHtbetnUnrepreacn' Norfolk, Lonleomo lengtha In the rear. Tlme,4:Sl«. An|tl»*»n, he and hliVeSnda Tbibo Bub.- Premium of tlOO, for all agea, two mile hntf. I '•"If" blood.lhlrsty Nottingham ronahi. md Three enlrlie were made, u followe:—J. S. Walaon' ' OBEAT PRIZE BATTLE betwbex NED O'DALDWIN, THE ntlSB QUNT. AVD ANDY MABSDEN, OPNOTTtNOHAM, Fon £100 A Sue—O'Bauww tbe Wuraxn a lln., Ign. DISOBACBrcn. PBOCKEDIWOa. ..a..- ........ lumuc, x luuu..:—J. D. lYsuou'i ch g Aldc^ I ?,JIE?5i'°J^rnboTOUgh enacted, became a bann, Jno. Hunler'i b h AkoU, and P. a Bnah'a ch h Float- v'?^'*"!!. """^'° Oxt chaaUalng of a "native," ud wlpg. In Ihe belflng, Areola wu the flvorits it odda of B lo S agilnit the Beld. Be look Ihe flnt' ™ ^. ...„„,. „a. o. „ ,o o , ?5S^SS.J15! to' 'X'i , Jl>«" ™ one dUlingniih- -. Jnt heal to flne style, insklng the I fl'^^''**''^W*'-"'erea awiri^^ first fflUe in 9:01k; ths second to 1-JO'i; ud the heat In arilu;! I *^'?^''! ■?*■!*'■<■ deserred II, wheteaa, In Heenu's cue. thai Fleelwhig being dlaluced, the contertRulved itself Intoamatoh I f nt'*'Jada't Ihe norve auffldeni to do Justice. Butio themolch between Areola and Aldobaiu. Tbe apparut eiu with which I'"if?;, ,. , the former wen the flnt beat made him a greatar ftvortte Ihu I ">e >uoy In and around London had longbeeiin amoodr ever, ud odda ol |jOO to tlOO wen offerod on him. They got off 7"7u"J—J* °' ,1°!?,"*?'?''. fnsstionsl In thot line—"drumi" weU together for Ihi aecond hea^ bnt an many atridea had been >b ibe London dlitrlct hid been mnflled, ud thehugenon lakes, Areola ahowed to advance, and al the quarter pole wia I ".nl . "blipar a eecret lo the tone of Cs. However, the lesdlng one length, which he inenased to double the diolince at I »"''>•«"«»,''■e big'nushu caused lome itlr In P. a clnjes. Ihe hiU mile. Be kept Ihe gap open to Ihe end of Ihe flnt mile I "■•".'be iplendid perfonuncn of O'Baldirln wllh Bn In Fcb- whloh he completed lulJOM. Aldebann now forced the pace KS'I',.'""?^ "J" "«1'»dy'a Ups, ud It bad been predicted ud closed npldly upon the favorite, but the latter responded to I S"? "V* Champlcnahlp. Manden Ihe can of hli rider, and letting out a few lengths of reserred Jf** "'','5?='!!,°?,*' ><^<i ttal^ ud laraod hie "dafl" to spied, quhily regalued his former sdTutage, When half way I Ihe groatp Baldwto, which wu nadUy accepted, Ned O'Bald- up Ibe home atretch Aldebann nude a last gnnd effort, ud Ibo ™"™« brought np to the "lud of pnteee," at Watetford, faTotlle being onabb to meet thla imlooked"for bunt of speed, ^^^^'A,?"^^.."' "S'^rtua. udllismonilS Iho cbeilnut gelding ruehod by him ud reached the ftoal a win-1 pn>>*t>>< to*t ue eieatO" was of that "persnulon," for when ner by three ronatbs. mskUig Iho Sle to ifjBvTnd the fi'.f" uiidirgotng'tls prabilion al Lugtim's he^s taoSS beat to B:M, Tbe belling now changed to 100 to W ™ AuSitS! ta*^in'S™''t.^°iP -*'*?»''''';'''.,''".''?.''''•• tt™ "l^ who lock tbe lead frem the tian ou the next beat, and was never r I^odon, ud ho was taken In hand by Tom Cooper, of DhiT »&Soi:di';'Kf\r'^'.''Af?^'''^^^ running again, TIdo, llnl ullo, Founn Rack- Selling nee quarter mile do^; ueuaf tonus; utruco to go lo tho lecond 1 Rr^l".*f."" ■"u-uun, euiiy shaken, ind ipt to bono. IhoenWMwenaafcllows:-E.V. Bnedeker's b f Udy L^j'J'"'••'sS'*''Msrideu did not reqnlra any P'S.nW J*.lS,'<iS CoL McDaulei'a chealnul miri !i?;",?/i.';f'.?Jt,'S°^'l,°'" •■!,"■. "d mer Ibe^t brS^ to bo toldfot lJOO; W.J.Bogura'g c Blobmond,to beeold for ;!'J'Sii'^'''°''''^"i'^'y.,,A»'l"w went In right ind lelt »1,000; UdA.W. STinliaU'i g IiFordhim, to be sold for SMO. ""l;"""" "o*™ dlofaboap. Tho ae"onda thnw S'*''-'.?"'.''?'.'!'"''^"""'* brought $116, Fordbam $100, Lady S?, ?",?"''"'?*?',!.''" "'"d round, Ibo eigggomeni DU »70, ud MoSulel'a flUy IM, This was uolher dUappoln? '",1'""' t*''iml»ula and ahal/i (Pgcmeui itomllT,u Ibe namesake'of the airatjma .MrrtlS ^n,."":?, 'S,'™" 'f.'*' "^' *PPe"mnce In mcntfor tho bottluafratonillj UECODD DAT— Weoxudat, Oct, 10, FmsT Race.-Steefie CniSB, handicap for oil ages, for (TOO, of nalchod Wm wlnat OwrSTlleTfrr tM^^^^^^ to February. Tho bclUng ruled 0 to 1 on Ilea, and lo loife u^. IbnTillirovef rWr'htiTiSi'cJtliiirihlrtV-l^^ I ifcd thov to And j'£Sf ««„!:Si""" """>' ""l "I™* inmce money to go lo the aecond honi For ttSTtbe prlndSl I mwltoV uteew mlMhJZrS'^m" f'.' " mceof Ihsdiy, three Ihmoua aleople choaerTwho hive Sfed S^wSf'a ™t a^^^ to aliowtliit O'Dald- R"Siytsr«KM 'rii^ Sf^iiTzi'^s'i-ir to^iJM'5>:i.b's.''o5» S&3&'SS -^^^^ m'b^^tl^•i2^l;Vt■;.^•;sl^u!i?%^^^^ making lbs pace, wbllo the acnanl look mitten eaiy u li K t\o7neSSiiM ™ He came out of wonttolhocommoacemeutof arice. Tho flnt flve fcnwa were ;Sm„.^;?SJ^»l^^ «'»•'''• Jcsao'i olear«d nk;oWbylbo t,lo,aiwai aUo Iho elxlh by KciS, ud deStlTbTi^ridon Ild iK ui^^^ Zigzag, but hen WllUamstrlppcd, Ihrowlug hU ndwudsquiih- rldm iWh(?^HirS . .hni um^ Ber- inp!lbohope.ofhl.b«,k£S: 'Tbo neS now taJ^uSVeJu "e whMmr^ h^^^^ that condition other two, who began to warm to Ibdr work and the pace wie riudi OfLt^rSd wtShi IMlh So'i". mitcriilly Ineniiod. lie horse took tho water Jump bcfon the I toddto (mWili^^SS SJifL„„ iS,'S;„?? f^""' •'y Mike stud some Iffigth, in idvuer, The second tlm„ ireund™ KMsWSw^aSdbv'blsS^ •coompllahed without Humble or mlihipof uy kind; when lLJ,i£?5fm,RK!^S^Jfm^ keeping himself in on her rivil, ud they rose st iho nme moment, going ever thi walCT-lump In besntim st)le, head ud bud, amid Qio ehouti, i comer. ilnigbt borne tun. Both Jockeys now exerted themielTci to the turnedonl for him tEV nTvT „ ' f"* 'I" ' utmoiltoludlhelrchargiawliner-spurudwhIp wenSSnwSSSraM w^^^ wu a tough Job with Joe pUed, and each hcr» showelln the Sd; ihliiSbl «SS u'ni^thal^lWur u .?n^^^^^ come InUmsoly eiclllog, sud everybody, u It wen, held Ihelr jJS «"d raslhlySSie hta^ jSe hid T'h.'S? i^S'f^ff '^^H brcalhin uiious oipeclucy. They come down the slntoh ho raDSSvX?miniSIJii it?^ t•^I 'nEbn.and toward the kat huittle alaioiriflo pacai Nunle dm llfliS In SS?a «ui?n^ted^Llu^ whlohS^ ^ f" half a length ahead, and daahu away for the atud wllh tenoweJ. k toolf puie iSaiSS ^ ud IheiSS? 'S'lf'J:-»"e;n>lnuU speed; bul Ihe drivur ol Zlgug pulli blm together fora flnil hMtiSTB^JSS^J^Sii^^.tSJfJ'^i ''mplon'r albunpl ud apurtlig gi«dly lie tovbulbir^Zl^ag ruahn MSar™^%^r,S!„^ ft^ put Junle U(l the next mcmut la Haded Ibe viclS^ uolher llllWo{«H™Db? to ihJ £S3. Jr'.'^T*!™' ''^ »'"' Sud fought atrugdo by half a length to 7:38«. to nmin iSSdL lib.?? V^ri^^!"- "l"""'tis likely Sxcoiin BA0B.-Vremlum of $300, for sll ijies. mUo daeh, en- niSle winitoSvir-tlTSTnli.S^ i'"f'- "»•• "d Iranca to.go to second hone, Only two horus wen entJ?!l fw Khl h^5 ch^{l?[riS. f »i» bff'SSfe^'iu^-St^SrvMfi; rs.™A i^TfJo'f^tJJttAMSiois;.^^^^^^^ and the aqaan ^ , , itonf oak trees ud onl-buildlngs gave the "yokela" a good view of the whole aOilr on lha chnp. O'Baldwto wu Ihe nnl loahylnbla cap, (oUos ed by Manden at u Interval of ten minnlea, ud each recalTed an ovalloo. Maisden won Ihe Insa, and placed O'Bald- wto wllh a daxzllngane playing straight on his flee. Whllethelr loUeta wen being altonded to, the belUng commenced by Ibe Londonen offering B to 4, which wu taken eagcriy, ud al ual, a lenl "Avar" wu put down by the combatula. Jem Mace ud Joe Oou aeeonded Maraden, ud Jem Dillon ud Boa Tyler did the needfal for O'Baldwto, AD betog to ludlocai, the men ahook hUda at wtu minutos to len for the nouT. Ronnd L Manden ma ths flnt lo Bnlah his tollelle, and when be put up hb arma to be rubbed he wu loudly cheered. He loosed thbi ud well, with a large amount of muacle about Ibo ehoulden, cheet and arms, appnrlng quite different to what he did In hla lira proTlcna raoonnten Ned O'BaUwln was very ahortly alao In BghUng trim, ud he met with a moaltnthislaaUo reception, hla condition nfleding gnat credit on both himself and batoer. Although he did not ahow iny great increase to muscle or breadth of ihcnlden, stUI, u each put hlmielf to at- titude for the enoouter, they looked like two glidlaton ill—both In size ud condition—to contud for a Ungdom, Aathey look np their poalllona. It wu plainly evtooed by their moUoas thai neither wu u adept to the "noble art," but on the coimtenuce of each beamed a look of deternUnaHon which augured well for a nmi ud eeineit encounter, and Ihe rttnll wu looked forwird u wllh much oigomen by mo assembled epeclitors. O'Baldwin waa tho Int (wllhout lou of time) to commuca bnatoeaa by leading off bla left It the noee. Manden countering him a.'lghUy on the left eyebrow, Manden then mihed wildly to doae qna^ ten, ud thev both hit away madly at half-arm. dlsUnce until Manden ludrd i hilf round bit on Baldwin'i ehib, while he wu In tho act of bmkiog iway, a^d It caused him to stagger down. This dtelled loud sua uproarious cheen from Marede?e corner, and his sdhenota proclaimed that ho would agato achieve a bloodlen victory. Ilils round occupied IT ico. 9. Mirailen wu the flnt to commence cpenUcna by nihing It hie mu. ud lome very wild exchangee took place, each hitting like two Hhoolboyi, wllhout the lUghlnt predilcn or JndgmonL At lenglh they got to the ropei, and altar a Utile weavtog and hnggiog they were both down. While on tbe gnud acrowdmahed ronnd them, ud a cry wia niied that Manden wu blltog. An appeal was made, ud O'Baldwin came to Ihe nferee to ahow htm the marks, but he wu ordered to flght oil Al Mandu wu betog carried to bis cornor, a slight tlcge of blood wu Tialblo from the lip, ud thua O'Baldwto gained the evul of flnt blood. 8. No sooner bsd Ihoy fsced each olher Ihu Manden rushed to his mu, and a few wild but hirmleu exchanges were made. Maraden, not to be denied, bored to, ud gelUng his oppcnenton lbs ropes, endeavored to hold him then, but after a uort atrog- 81e O'Baldwto broke away; Uorsden, however, followed him ito Ihe centn ol Ihe ring, when they again clutched, and, after some half arm exchugea, the Nottingham mu caught O'Bald- wto a round hit with the right on Ihe back of Ihe neck, which staggered him down, ud Maitdu, elated at the fesi, pointed to fill fallen adversozT. O'Baldwin wu carried lo hla coraer bmlhlng tauvlly; and Ihe bicken of Miradon wen In ecitaclea. 4. Tbo KotUngbam party wen vodferoua In their colls of Tlmol dmefudtboEmeralderwaa nthor slow to respond, snd on scntchtog, ipamd to recover himself. Manden at onco dubed to, bn^O'Bladwto fought on the defenalve, ud retreated to ths ropes, when Msnden got close, snd O'Baldirln aeni cut bis left, whichallgbled on Marsden'a left dieek; Ihe teller ecun. tered allgbtly cn ue left eye, ud ruahing to a clon, after aehorl -'rufflle, Manden Ihnw O'Baldwto ud fell by hie side. 5. up to this lime no parttcnlsr damago had been done by ellher, ud on time being called, both obowed eagcriy at Ihe ocntcb. For a moment ttiey eyed each other, when 0 Baldaio dubed out bla left at tho head, which Marsden neatly put on ono aide ud laughed. The "glut" then tried hie left at the mouth, and got homo hnrlly. ud Manden countered blm on Ihe fore- head, bnt then wu no ateam to tho blow, O'Baldwto then aenI hla right In hearily on Ihe ribs, ud the blow left a knuckle mark. ThiT broke ground, and after a few fetola O'BildwIn dubed out hie right on toe noie, dnwlng a coploua aupply of tho fluid. Tbie brought them to a doee, ud Maraden, gelling wen hold of bla mu, crou bnUocked him. Time, 7 mto. I Manden wu agoto the flnltocommencohoaUllticaby aend- iDg bla left atrmlgbl on the month, getting countered to return hearlly by Baldwio'l right cn the forehead. Manden agoln tried hla left, and reached Edward's noae, dnwtog Ihe blood; but O'Baldwto to return crou ccnntereU Andnw heavily on the Jaw with the rlgbl, knocking him deu off bla ptoa. (Flnt knock down blow forO'Baldwio.l 7. Tho fill flghtlog lu tbo previous rounds hid told a tale, ud both men came up puffing, each being willing to apar for wind. For two such heavy men Uiey feinted and broke ground very well. O'Baldwin wu the flnt to offer wllh hli left, but Mondon Jumped bock ud avoided IL At the next einv they got together, and eome flue exchangee took place to O'BaldwIn'a corner, the blood flowtog from the n'osce of both, but O'BaldwIn'a hita ap- peared to bavo tho moat effect Tbla wu conttoued until they fought to Ibe ropes, when to the close both were down. An ap- peal that O'Baldwin wu gouging wu disallowed. Time, I'J min, B. On coming up, Mandi-n ahowed plainly tbe cffecta of O'Baldwln'shudlworkto tbe pnvloue round; bla Mt eye and fonhnd won swollen, hla mouth out of shape, sud ho wu bleeding fTrcIy from the nose, while O'Bddwtn wu compan- lively scalhdeu. Msrsden,howcvir, wu tbe flnt tu begin bud. nen by Irjtog hla lelt, but wu knocked bock by O'Dablwto, who several limes in lucccuion luded hla left heavily ou the mouth, left Bide of Itae head ud forehead, ud flnlihed Iho round by sending Marsden to gnu by a .fluib bit wllh Ihe left cn Ihe moutb. 9. O'Baldwto had now Uken a alrcng lead, and no looaar wia Marsden to front of blm Ihu ho dished out bla left on the month, ud npeated tho doie three limes without a rutura, end flntibed the nund by knochtog Maraden off hie lege, lime, lahf mto. 10. O'Baldwto had it now all hla own way,' and luded two of three atnlght left tunden on tho left cheek ud month, dnwtog Iho blood to alreama ftom Ihe latter. Maradeii tried all he could to Item Iho tido. but wu again aut to mother earth. II wu a very abort one, for O'Baldwin punched bla mu all round tho rtog, dotog u ho liked with him, ud poor Handsn vni sent down all of a heap. Time, 16 min. When time was called (or Ihe next round, O'Baldwin walked from hla aecond's knee to tbe cutn of Ihe ring, but Urrsden wu very slow in following, ud II »u not untllafier betog re- peatedly called by the nforee that ha was lod to tho aciatcb. Mo sooner hid be Uvuced toward hie opponent (who wu quietly walling hla approach) thu a acene of the moil mflluly descrip- tion ensued, for the roughs to Msrsden's corner, scebig that he vru gc4tiog all the wont of Ihe flgbt, broke luto Ibe ring, ud miaallu ot all deecripUona (toclndtog even Ihe lln bowl need (or Manden'ewatarJ.wen thrown at O'Baldwto. They alao got be- tween Ihe men, ud one nilicteent ilruck Jem Dillon a huvy blow with a loaded aUbk, tofllcUng a very Mvere cut over hli le/t eye. During thia dlagraceful acene the referee left the ring aids, ud O'Baldwto alio left the rtog, but Manden for aome mtonlea itir Tbe nfcne, on being applied to for romatoed withto the ropM. ^ his opinion, refused, In Iho (uo of ra'ch'dcinn, to give It, bnt on hie inlTil in town he unhultaHngly give Els decision ln,favor of O'Baldwin, ^ nniAUss. Ihe flgbt Is sBlllclenlly described above, ud the ablr would "??',..'".'''*'' comment wen It not for Ihe diagracefnl scene which took place when Mireden waa oTidcntly bntan; The re- •SJ} b'sp'oved Manden to hive been clearly overmatched, ud O Bildwto hah come onl,of Ihe fray with his repnUUon ocnilder- sbly cnhuced as a duginus msn to lacklo In Ihe 31ft. ring. S^*''!SS',°,?J'''P'""'"'»'''''Tl'"i«l»8 out tremondou blown on aBoMwto's body ud head, ud at Ihe end of the third round a iwlngtog right hiuidar on the back of the neck waa of auch a rtuning nature u to mike Med sisgger, ud a diah of coM water wu thrown oTcr his bead to brtog him to. This midered Ned s headpiece nlher shdy. ud II wu not 1111 tbe sixth round thst be recovered his true fom. ud then hd^dabbcd on Mars, den s fice and dropped his right cn Ihe ribs wllhouluy effeclusl nturni. Hogalned^a knock dcwnblcwwllharightcrosscounter, •"d It wu dl np with Mandu after that; Anibew wu Mecdtog profusrly from two vride guhea on Iho noso snd upper lip, and be wu nearly choked with tho blood running Into hla inouth. Muaden iiadeleroloed flgbter, bnt bla tamper geli over hla Judgment, ud, Inateid of dollverioi; ilnlgbt from Ibo shoulder rf.'". commoncea the round), he aende out right ud lelt wildly ; and O'DnMwln aoon found ont that ho bad nothtog t du but bldo his Umo sud let out hla loft, ud It wu sun to laUL on the dtel aomowlerc. Had not Iho repn ud alakea boon pulled up, we iro of opinion Ibst Manden could not have atocd up mote Uun ten minutea, ud wo mul conflrm Ibo reforee'a do. cislon to favor ol O'Baldwin. Tho duurdly act of umo Notllng. binlto In throwing aomothing llko a brick at O'Bddwln cunol beloomuchcenanrcd,udweangUd to hoar that Bcvenl of uariden i puty bare dolermtoed npon punishing the miscreant at Us own homo. On tho return to town, Marsden, sccomninled Si's ^"^''.^ "* wu made acquotolcd If ?' i>"> «'"«. It which he eipnasod nuprise, sJS. li^.^K'^,""",'! "* '""°» whonovor ho liked, ud flgbt In a 10ft. ring, Iho umo as Mace ud Oou. thViSnlJS'JlSJSJi"', ■«'^'',"<>™ McDonild, wrlllen bcfon ,w^5l2f.? •"".ff'S Jourails won laiuod, cn Ihe evening of Ibe ffi^'iSi"'' lulereat. Jock thua AiIm:- O Baldwin ud Marsden fought ot a place cilled Bcluc, 09 mUes fromUndon, nurPolorborougb, on tho Orcat Northern Ltoa mcyatirledon 8opt9;ih,aie.aoA.M.. and fought u mundi to 10 nilnuUa. In the flnt round wo Ihougbl It was nU ovorTu which, howsTsr, wia' ahoyt, Taylor being men aucceoai. fnl. ludiig one on lha' naek, whn, after a liltia flhu^ j*luJfarm,lheybotbwuttof«a,Pirtttmidar. OnccnSS^S (Of the aecond ronnd, the ney wuebsrrred tadckUng fromnSii Pirtlfa right Jaw-flrtI - blood eliloedud allewej fnTivln The third round wu a merry one, both alogglng awir to iZ!i aamtal, the tesuU being a clerer uoaa-bollMk by Taylor hu advmary lUltog heavily. Al the doM of thla nnni tte £i||„'! nndOTrenlT^ange, (nd B to < bolng tnely offend piri?f thongli very careful^, hla auperior sc enco and aen»>U),i. manffoaUngltaelf. Forlhe uvenlli round, ParflttliL' S^if.l'S seven gaah over tho lefteye, which bled prefueewribcro bi n! sins slight one visible overTsylor's rigil optfc.^'il^.Yl'Jl"' this Umo commenced to aUp down Tory suatfdonslvlniili^S every round. At Ibe eleven^ ronnd even 3S Sis offeSS^i Taylor. Thedlffonnt bouU were ao rimllar to iha!Iri!r^.''S wonU be ledloui to dcacribe them; nfflce it to ut t^'i^L" appeared to Improve with bto work, ud gml confldenJJvrJJ exprtaaed at Ihe twulr.flfth ronnd toit bo would nSrl J?" ccsafol, PortlU through lou of blood falling off aUBhllf^fi?.'" ovldenlly m dlitress. ono of hU eyw fast dAng.nS Li .i.iSiV' ronnd, Patfltt BITS the flnlcleu knock down blow. From fiJ slilT.flfth round, Taylor hid it nearly his own wk n^S,]^' Pirill's damaged eye nearly every round. TblaTtlnd J»i;f conHnncd nntli Ibe ud of Ihe ntoety-thlrd round when Puaii * aetonda threw np Ibe sponge. A gamerbslUohuieldomi>ilJj dlstriit, ud Pvfltl, though he Ua ,?ff^^ nothlnj to be ubsmed oTia ho dUpV,?^* 1? .'?i.'^!^?;*I.!^^»docldIS up3u| Ho was Psrilt's dan 111 wnp Ibe spoi wlbitaaed In that district, bis flnt deleal, bu noth' Goat smount of phick kuu wunt(c, lor n mm a oocidod un.hiri ttls for him from shoni Ibe seventlolh round Bo n verely punished sbont ths head. Taylor not so much twU^! irfilt lacks sbllllT to punish, Ihongh he to as gamo u a Mhhu and wBi qnlle bfind at the dew. Tbe time occnnlod to ik^ ninety-three rounds was 9 houn 1 min. '~-"i"« m tho THE BRinSH.CHAUPIONBSIP. o'niLnwm abxioos xp noBT kacb, wouuu) on haudet Foa FBOU i900'io leOO A Bise, ado the Bilt. From lbs length of lime Ihe Ohimplon'a Bdt hu lain i| im with Ihe trniloes, Ibe trophy must have sccnmulaled some >v« but It Is thought thst now toitthen to a likelihood of a ccnlM.' ths dazzling prospect It used to hold ont will atladi lo Its forner brilliucy ud pnitigt. Mace hu depoalted U to find "a uu? to Bght O'Baldwin for Ibo Belt, ud 1900 a tide, which hu bm covered by Jeaae Hatton, cn Ihe part of O'Baldwto. nw moan bu been placed to the buds of theautooilEOdilabeholderfcr lbs Champlonahlp, ud ibe partlu wen to med to sign arllclta cn Thursday, Oct i. It la doobUnI whether Ihia will reiull hi urthtog, bnt the knowtog ones spish of Joe Womiild ccoiiM outagsto. His sprotoed arm Is now sound, ind Iboro will be loS of money forthcoming to back Joe agatoat O'Baldwto. To ibov how eager toe IrlU Qlut la to fight igito, wo have only to refer to hla three challengea below: Mace ako O'BALinnx,—Jeeu Hatton vrlabea to atite he cog. siden Msce Is mstched with O'Bsldwin, but If Mace wsota to get out of It, thon O'Bsldwin will flgbt uy mu In Ihe world for the CtumpionBhip, ud for <300 np to KM a ald& A depoelt to the stakeboldor, ud artldu sent to O'Baldwto, at Jeaae flilton'i, ud a freih milch fbr tbe Cbimplonihlp cu be entered Into. O'Biuwiii TO WoiiiALD,—Jeiie Ballon, on thepartof O'Bild- wto. Informs Wormild that if Mace will not go- ou with Ui match, then he (Wormald) abill have tbe flnt chance for ihtlhelt, ths slike to be f rom <300 to IdOO, AnuswarscnttoJoaiefiii. ton will be ittendcd to. O'Biuivrm TO Mabuen.— If Marsden la not uttailod with hla late defeat, O'Baldwto will make a fieU malcb, ud atako £300 lo i900 to flght for the champlon'a bell; to come off In the Los- don district, Maudih. TEBCATXiia 10 Bdz.— Big Andnw, who wu k> tboroagbly whipped by tbe Irlah Oiut on tho Ulh of Beptea. ber, la out with a letter toitatenlns to ane thaalakaholder (Fruk S. DowUng) to the match between nloiulf snd O'Baldwto, unkti he 9lten hla dedalon, Pity about him 1 Tho itakebolder, hor. erer. pnbllcly announoea Ihitlhemoney wu to have bau gtrm up to O'Baldwto cn tbe ilb of October—u "omtooua day" la Englud—ride Mace and Cobnm two yean ago. Jioi Booiz UTCBZO WITS PATn Bbaido*.— Tho celobialed Birmingham bruiser, Jsck Rocke, hu covered Ihe Mllnhs, Palsy Raardon'a money, to flgbt to three or tour montba fnn algnlng anleles, to wdgh the day befon lighting, Juk to receivs ID lo light to London, or to give ilO for (he fight to come ot half way between London and Mucheator, fortioh of Ihe race wu vary dose, the rinTe running lappM on ttm tia nti ' ■jMalrTi Jl> Ak,._B.b._> 1 t - a _ _ ■ . -"t _ ' ■ ■* "ff"."!','"* <'»«'«ilo'y of bringing off a fiia back stnlch ud'EndimttiM hivtog~riSil5rburhi(; I JJdVh.n It™I'SSjK,'to^Ji,'^?7?f°']f length at the hiK mils pole. Tlme,l:M«.' . j?i, nfitonTofl?, nf Iilfi^*^^^^ A.^'^«^VhJ?^iortase:,p"p%^L«h£ S R.d.wtog. Moms- P-r wsn"5rs7ori'i^"5-,y6o??i!S |;?«r.?KtoT.?,'s^A Be,WtoB's vinqnIahm»ntatlhreeKiuarlenola mllealFordham A^^^ neil morning, "1 ??f'??p»??.'i!j J«ut,H!ituiSf;\o"R2^^ I«» ro-al. for iT^uiXf^.^li^^'&VtSSS^^'SS^ a hnn Ti hen time na caJted for another round, the rcpM In i J "iiL'""',''*^""'"' '"d all ktods olmlsallea atu^ ud onl a dnadftil gaeb over hla eye, and cleared IherinB Thi on Iho gTouiKl, IhaTcstaco heard that Mace and O'Baldiri^ an malehed for tSOO a side, ud the CbamiTlo ", Kit.'' SLABHINO FIOHT IN TUEYORKBHUIB DIBTMor FOB MO pJfliU^/"^';'?;?'/,!!"' *'JL"?*' '<!.'"«»■'" t"'*"" Tom S?t;p,Mii^?d^.5%'SMo"^^^^^^ J^StlTi, il. n^""''."' Dlrmlnghim, He lui Ygnnd twice Sii 3,^ f'" ooMHons witfiflftogSj" iSB^fi,nH'„'',""''"'''"'''X>*'">''««,whom be defSlSl In nunds, oceupying llmin,. to October UiiTwr, hi< i?<-i,S.^* nineteen romifs. In «mln„ on JuuarrSBd lul. He 7n»l tS?iL^7'^JT"''*''*'^ Ws opponut, ud u Inch S2.^VJii"iS,f il'^' '«*«dSS by'sm Poster," Tf".^ T. Hslly wss ngaged to £5I>H ™» . •'4P!.*?""'' " 'send by many tbat1b?!njr ™ oii!?!j; f'Aa' " eomoBy hSrted Ihil KJtor SThr^JR'S'''?*^ "'•'<Hll'» oo PHdiy M; bowonr.Ibm. my hrouglil htm lo Ibe scale alTright, Tayfcr has flgnrod rtlhin ^i^Ll,'!*"' S" PWiois oooaaons,lboiSrSdy for SSir^SSS'i.'"*'""!*'^*'* TheslarllBrtoebeS mn JL''£J'.? neverthelsei tbete wu a awd ?ir^?lt27' ^'.SlI'?* " nadeifou the Stoi "4 PMdieT al twain ntonluBui stoa «sTi^JSSi h'^JS^ /uie rib* a^ the ait roMd wia conunmoed by ParflU Irying a feder irllh his Itf? OCEAN TAOBT BAOE. HSXaZEITA TS. TeSTI, fOB $1000. Amerlcu yschts have long been celebnied Ibr apeed, that ftd ha%1ng long ainco been eilabllshed by the victory of the Anierld OTcr tho Royal Yacht Squadron of England to 1891, but Ihcre wen those who quostlonod their eca going qualities. Tbeio doobli, however, bavo recdred thdr quietus by tho aucccstfid voyagra acrou tbe Atlutic lately made by Ihe little Bod, White and Blop, end tho Alice, and Uter by the race between tbe yachla Vcsia ud Henrietta, which wu deddod to such wnlber u would sppil I mere freih water uUcr, such is muy of our yacblmtn The Henriotta has long been known u one of tho fiatest ud sbiuncheit yacbta of the Now York Squadron, bariog won lorenl nces, among otben igalnit the Ihlnier ud the Restless. She wss built In 1801, ud since tlist period baa served u a nvenno cuttrr to Ihe serrico of tho Cnlted States. Her tuunago Is 30^, ud she dnws 11 feet of water. The Vcito hi entlRly new. bivtog been Isken off the etocks to Juno orthlsyear. Tbo meunroment of Iho Veetaisoafollows:— tunnage, 301,100 feet 0 tochu water Une, (8 feel keel and 3] feel bcim, onl/ dlffortog a few tocbcs to meunremonl bom tho Hen- rietta. Tho crowa of both vcasda.vore tally pnpaied for Ibo nee, Ibo Henrietu having a complomut of 94 mu, under the charge of Capu H. Dajton. her siuing muter, ud Ibe Tesli hiving a Cttw of 19 men, In commudof Oapt Oeorga Davlcn. Iho ullGig hiit. ter ot Ihe Testa. The ownen of both yachts wan on board of their reapcctiTe Tessela during Ihe nee. Accompuylng Ur. Bennelt on board the Hurietta wen Ur. Lawrence Jerome, Mr, Shepard Enspp ud Mr, Oeorge Lerillatd, lbs Judge, spiwlnled by Ibe owner of the Vests, On board the Testa wen Mr. Fleire LoTinard, Col. Btemri Taylor, ud Mr. Oharlea M. Connolly, Mr. Bennelt'a Judge for the Henrietto. The conrae wu from Budy Hook Light lo Capo May Light ud back, adlitaiceot90«maea. r- ^ TSB Race commenced It 19:98 o'dock on Tuaday, Oct. Olb, when both boata wen out loow from tbe tug, amid the congni- nlatloBa of their (rionda on the tug, tbo Teala iluding off to Ihe southward tmder'donble nefed nulniall, stogie reefed foniall udfullJIb. Tbe wtodwu blowing very fteah, snd a heavy held aca met tho two yubta ao they stripped for the nee. Tho tuff, hcweTor. carried awsy the Testa's jlbboom leach ropea—unn- Icrhinala acddul, which delayed ber for haUan hour to gelUog thajibcntaway, which wu ntarding her ntogreee, dragglDg under ber bow. By tbla aoddnt the Henrislla gained Iho ad- Tuhigs on the start The HenrieUa had vtogle reef milniall, full foresail ud Jib. Vntll near dark the Kenriolla mitotatoid the idvutage ebe had gained at the etart, and both yachto bowled along at a moat torriflo apeed, taking Into accoanl the rouahnra ofthsaea,whlohhtoderedlbeTeala. life-ropeswenpuluptothe Teeli, ud srrugemenia mado for Ihe nighl by dividing two vntchea, by Capt Dayton. At tjf o'dock we mode Abaecom Light, ud the Hmilelta wu Just to be eeen fall down to tbe galherlsg dsrkncM of the night shout two miles sbead of the Vesta. At a90 o'clock the Teeta took tbe bonnet out of ber Jib. Thena wxa verr high, ud the Hurietta was soon lost sight of, u dirt- nees hid decudsd. lud the llahto wen put up to tbe foro-riggisi of Ibe Tests. The slluee of the night waa undlaturbed, mve by lha hiaaing aonnd of Iheangry mten againrt tho aidea of toe Tetia, Uke Ihe roar of a hundred clrenlar uwa, or the atenUirouabmth. tog of dd Father Neptune bimaelf. The ooeu, aa far u the eye could necb, wu oovlred with ptaosphonacent gleame of light, making a very brilllut speotade. At 97 mluntea pssi 0 o'llork we saw three rocketa aacud in quick snecesilon from tho Henri- etta, ass signal that ebe wu nundtog tbo Cape May Ugbtahip, lOiM miles ftom Budy Hook Light. At M mtouies pist 9 Iho Vesta rtached the Capo May Light, and flred one rocket as In- timation that she wu rounding tho ume pctot paaied 17 mlnntei beforo by tbo Henrietbo. The eecood rocket would not explode, ud Iho centn board of Ibo Veeba got foul oo ebo wu rounding tho light lb a perfect gale of wind with a heavy era under hrr how, Havtog rounded tho Light, abook tMnnot ont of itb ud wu compellod to proceed the nmalnder of the Toyope wlthotit It, Kept beating aonthwsrd of Abaecom Light nnlll 10 o'clwk Wedncaday morning, when wo first caught dnbt again of the Uenrlolta, about B mllea aontta of Bamogat beattog well in aahore. and finally run ber out of sight Saw tho itcamcr Mer- cedlla bound lu, ud apoke hor. She bad full nil nd ilcam oo, but the Veato paaaed her with eoao, ud u wo paaaed by hnrd her whIiUo u a nlute to ua. Left the HenrieUa behtod bull- doivn, ud kHt light of her until wo carried away head of fore- aall. which ranaed us to sluken our pace, when she camo to sight ud wo mido her out hoadtog to windward. After wo act our forcaol), wo ru cut of her etoht ber etem betog atink out of view, At 4 o'clock Wednoaday afternoon we parted loader ropo of fonull, ud while puUlng to double nof tho Henrietta camo to eight alx miles north of Bamegit Light but we gndnallr dropped hor out of alaht The atrudi or tho Jib wero alnlned, and at fl.98 o'dock on Wodnesdsy illornooa wa ^oke Bindy Hook Light six miles from Budy Dock boseb, Tbo watchon boird tho Light In anawor to our queallon, aild lhat the Hurietta hid not fiuaed Ibo light ud wo could Juat discern a ull supposed lo bo Uo Bonriolto, about flvo milu astern, crowdlngssll In full chase, Tbo crow of tlio Vcsto took off their hato and clieerod loudly for their vonci from Ibe Sandy Hook Blgnil Ship for Mr, LorUbnl, for Cipt Dayton, ud for everybody In general, ud thus ended Iho greatest ocesn yocht nee ever won by u Amorinn yacht eince the Maria took the cup at Cowee. Tho weather throughout wu of tho roughest nsturo possible lo Imsgtoo, snd tbo en wsi so bolelcnus snd heavy that dl Iho coulen bound cut had to put back Inside of the Hook for safety. luronTAKTBreaixBODLLMATon OnTuosday, Ibr OUi ln;l, John A. Blglln, Biroke car of tbe BlgUn crow, ud John UcOrady, (bolter known as Bam Taller), met ud signed arllcloi lo r.v'J Ave mile nee, for $3M a elde, etarttog from the N. Y. Yce'.il Cl. li Hcuae, at noljcken, N, J„ two mllu ud a half up the river to i ■toke boit, end ntum to the plua of ilorilng, on Bolurday, Nov. Id, alB P, M, Fifty "chuoka'' for each have been placed In the biadiof JackBokencn, mine boat of Iho "Qnat Bistoro," foot of Ohrlslopher street sod Ihe tsmatodsr of the money bu to bo msdc good la followsi $100 a aide, ^niaaday, Cot, Itth, end the balucs on Thnradiy, Not, let DIglto haa long beu noted, not only u Iho alroke of ibo famona "aoorge J, Brown" cnw, but lU a alngle icull oanmiB of consldenblo npulo. Be Is iboul 30 yesn of ige, stands Bfl 0ln„ and hla usual weight la sbout 170IU, walking around. He has defeated MeOndy on two different oo- usions. on tbo Hsrlem river onbo. for s "cuturr," ud once ra the Empln Oily BegsUs. John belongs innnd Third avenue, and hu a posllirn to tbeMelnpolllan I'lnDepsrtmont MoOra- dT la I boat builder by trade, and for aome yean wu ugagcd to bla profession to WesU3d street nou Ibe Ferry: he Is u o d resident of Ihe 33d Ward, allhoUflh al presul In partoonhip with Oeorge Boabr, In the ume builnese, to Weel street ns u sboullS yeanofagcBftgorlOlndiu in height ud icdceW M neighborhood of leoibs, Mao hu beu rowing since'HU Wdl&iAigh Ihe put three or fonryetts dot ta soUve aorvlco. His first Importknt slngls leull milch waa when be rowed sn a dofcitea Denny Leary, to U feet fiihtog boifa.Mao PJJUoB.'il Lady DlackbuTn.DUny, Ihe JohnO, lleenn: It ihonld noi os emitted, howerar, to this cobAebU6n; lhat Leai* had bntanw momenta prtTlonstyiuoped out o( hla hoalto Ihe donbla smu match on the iaiffle day, while UeOrady vrai u fresh u a dalV; Blnee Ihen, he has bulled In seveial ragaitasL ud ones or IwiH •gainst Josh Ward,'bnt not to a malab race, nit t#o snob men klll.nli^eagoodHMrU ihnosta "mbral," snd^lhe stuotlo na- tarnliy'viu look (crwatd to Ihe Sd of NoTomber wllh gie" totoreit.