New York Clipper (Oct 1866)

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THE NEW YORK CLIGPPER. TJHEATBIOA L R EOORP. tfmaiwnti, B«»<ii<M, and ■fn;'^ QfJuTheaHeal, Orcdt. XiuSeat and UinttrtI Frotettion- Clipper Post Offlot. (A Ikm out fteBip niut tw enolOKd for Met ud oniy leller '^mr^t li"' ncdTcd loHon foi Wm. Aihonfl, O. H. O'Hwn, aTl/owli, Binr Binj W««t pi, O. Obniob, a Toncj, Low. rOh IVIo loo, V. U. Cnoe, 0«o. Uorton, hvt MononJ, I. Konlr, W. B. BuitHS, EdwiD KUat, Joha <Th»U«i»<m, w. VoitMoM, Hlko Co/lo, Wm. Moblo, 0. AUIoioB, J. 8. Bawud, 0. Bloonm (dno 10 do). Junto OnbliM, Ung^fT Soiuhorlr, Ptlct BhoRT, BonrSUnivood, Fnsk Kant, Bun Col*, JobsDr Uin- alM, 0. Dowud, WtlUoo BriUoD, John L. Stntoid, J. V. Bbinr, Hod Slnnoiu, J. O. Bonosdn, Jobn Btttonbj, Wn. Bui, Junoo B. BuiU, Ooi HonnI, i. U. aiOnd, Euiy Wog. Bar (9), J, 0. Bojnokji, Jotao Eeteta, B. Buiiiu. W, V. Oollliu, i. H. Bo^nor, H. 0. Bnut, John Donler. J, B, DoTldwii, 0, Inurr Bnuo, Bury B. Ftuklui, Fenuido FlnuT, 9; Frtnk bllta, J. Txnnoiita*DiD,4<cladnn;FI*D. AduBO,!; 8iUrt<toT- Iota, BriTgCA rrand<n|Mt A Co, Shonr OorbjD, S; O. H. Bonllor. D. U. Lo Boo, John Colo, Fnd Iadkiio*, BI1I7 Borko, 0. B. Blcki, J. HesHfo Cuter, 3; J. H. BuiUgo, Jobs PnrooO, & 8. Pnidj, Tom FDlud, 0. W, Kidder, 0. B. Fomol, Wm. B> Budolpb, H. A. B. WUIItmi, Ur. D*Tta, mndcUs; D. H. BuUoo, W. WolU Fovirr, Ed. O. Ooodlig, Ooow Wllllo, Fnd Ettborl, R. S. Conoligbun, W. W, Fovltr, O. W. Hill, A. 0. Btone, EtUo Bieerott, lln. Om. Com, Oraoa Hidden, Domo IsgcnoU, KltljBlooncr, Aoolo Beigei, Cta«ilotl« BIctawd- •OS, Ilttj Ijrffe, Hiilo Lo Oioi, Vletoiu Howud ud Addlo Onsoll. City Summary. ' UonsAi, Oct \t, IBM. Tbdb n muy %mi ud moonlsgbonotboM t»4 v, (hit wu bt|iy7»i)dbop«ftilnlioBliit wo htldowootc wn 01 00 with onr rood. •a,&r««7*ltlMp«nwudiTlh>tceeaidtaUi«leputiinotmuT ofoarpnftMloiulfilaBda Cottliooiiii]i7ootilU,Uiop*liifiillntoUI- (■aooof tbtlOMgf QiA'knnliif Bte wh bnnfht no, tsd thon wbo Itflu bat tftwdAyiogD full o( hop*, ud llfo, ud h*ppl- Baii,i«Bow*iiiUwd*epbooom o( (ho ooou bvrlcd," Bm- vtim^taoaXowOrleuooomtpoodnioe, ud la ow own cut- fnllT yi^rtd uiloloo, win bo toond (ho umw of our (riendt vbo "wnt down wttb (ho ihip," u woU uUognpbloal •tolcheo of B0S7 o^thoD.' Among Ihooo who uo »a rp e»od to biro per- lobod wm Kton, idrouoo, opom olngsn, olrcni perfonnen, mlutnli. ud peoplo In ilmott ererr department of (bo uiaeo. BUtworld. And we uo (old (bat nsmben of the fnUobler. boodwon among the loot, many *'anfortQXUl«, gone to (heir doalh." wmtean Bow for Maer WUI tkey 1» mimed, loor Tea, dear nedar, though ont of (he palo of whit we call eodot;," IhOTweraboloTadb/rolatlTaaudCrienda whowUlrMdof (h«<t lom with ugolahud pain. The lad record of ono of Ibno loot ooaiaraalabnttboKoordofan, Bball w* toll the tale of "one olthiloetr' LUtm;- BTEU,A: "on or Tn um." Fu ont In the Weat, when (he log taota lay Balhcd In the gloam of a doelDg day, Wllh nonght ber loj to mu, Urod a maiden bir. wlu golden bill, Whooo form did well with ber namo compare— Twaa Stella, the Erenlng 8tir. FU awiT tan the North (he (amplar came. And (ho loghnta told a (aloof aham^ Aiminy nub (hen art— Of affeotimi paat of a maiden caet .AJiifi Id ancomlcr atone lUO'a bliaf: Poor BtelU, thoEranlngStu. FU away to (ho Boat, mldal din ud itrlfe, Bartarlng bw loil for the meani of Ufe, And bearing (he bruded acar Tbat (ho world bealaw*, with (to moera ud blowa, Unanorlngly on the heada of thoea JUSeBlalla, Iho Ironing Btu, Fu away to (he Bonlb, are, ont of (be world, Wllh bar twin-named ablp, that tb« Icmpeat barl'd And ebtipl of meat ud ipu. Went down In ibe deep—abc Ufa uleep, ABd Ibe merdtnl wares nnceailngly weep O'er Blalla, Iho Erenlng Btu. .....How tin amnirmenla ben the while, with etecUone cloeo at hudt Fan (hey 01 or bn Ihey well? Ai jel, (ha curiae ngeano(,nortoRhca10fflo(hoalr;batoooolhemafla«fl In Ibelr lAktwUI moot, and toicbllghli gleam In nob ud creiy itroel. To^ T«f II will be the old tile o'u again: "Who wonM be tno thmoMlrca mnat atrlko Ibe blow," an worda Ihit help mtke np each qieaker'a blow; ud Iboeo who "know (heir righta, ud knowing diro maiwfaiH ibom," aeo Iboaa ilgbia In oflbm fiL ud aedDg,aeektogiln(bcnL And pledgee too. deir,detf, wo (row, na'emmpeonmwaomuy; wholemrdiaropledged,aye, ctttu a'es, an cuiled In one'e pocket, ud pardoned ont to Tom, ud IMck, ud llkewtie unto Banr, with no epum of the coniclenco. '■Ifeaioreo. not mu," the pairlole cry, "the Union, we'll ennport her;" (hen (o (be oeareat urem fly. (Arre'f when they ill aop porter. The nbblo follow In ponnll—we meunnbrt-bed roten —"Hnmh for Bmllb, ud Hike Hullone, three checn for Pat . HiUoy"—Ibe gutlemen who left a while the Union, (0 enp porter. "Alanllowa, well met, me bora, down wllh tyrula, wall bring 'em to thedr blv," thoa apont Ifaeeo patriot treaanreo. "Jn'ale^' (barothigmobreavood, "fSDrna oo^al/ud-'alfmea- acDee." Aiid(hna(bfaepa(ilolBpledgeawayUiellfebloodofana- tlOD,aBdglntbomaklncofoorIawetomulaneueetetatlon. Ah, It li ai good u a pUy lo watch poUllcal leaden aa they pnll the wbra, and wort (he pnppcta, ud do ell Ibe talking foi tbelr Utile obeira. And Ihla mouery, thla bartering away of one'a rlgbta aadprindpleaat lbedlc(alnof the "leading mu"ln Itaebnal- aem, will eoon be In fnll owing, and Ihu onr Ihealree, hiBa, ud abowi of enry Und will perhape eiperitnce a dlght deprttilcn, or, may be, u oppieealonln (bo cheeL In the meantime, "Uuce ^ for (be Rd,-wbl(e and bine" The taflated dnma, u eiaopUAedIn (hoperfotmincea of Blalorl.dragallaelf alongtn a dimnedog ud wearliomo muner; not all of of Onn'a flnu- dil food, nor Beonell'e milk end water, can long aoitaln Italiu th;* la dUei eo MaUmlo. We'll make 1 few renoe In honor of .{^uaaagw ud Ihe man ;-- '■aEOBSIE OBOVZL." "Ooofdla Ororel be aat In bla edllor'i chair, BcnIohInK bla milk whlta pete. When who uonld walk Is but Uinager Bona, Who thai bim did Intonoiate, gift, gaw, Who thui him did Intetngate. "Oh I wbal ir« yon doing, Boee Oeordle t" ha lald, "OhI whatanyondologt" aaldbei f^'iQ indiUng eome flba in pralee of h boUe, Of AdeUdo Blator<c ne, rco. Of Adelaide BMoret." "Ton do It (00 ate»p," the mcebo replied. Ton do It loo ateq>," aild ho— *^ a week or (wo, or (hree or fbnr We ehall ell of na played oat be, be, be, We eball lU of oa played oat bo." "OhI nbblahudfUMi" "Bat (hepnblo ill nub FOMgo biUel girle for to eco." Baya 0., "If Ibal'e Irue, I know what IH do," And he winked mlitartouetee, Ut, te. And he wbikat mlalarloui/te. 80 be wrote and he wrola on hla weilheroook eboet. And amt II all orer Ihe lorn, . ■ BUgmatlaltal Ilea of the nonJarirtlie- 'n, thbiUng to do them all br.>ffn, own, own, ti, thinking to do them lU biown. "rA<i U Htoi U l>e nofCar," bold Ooordle ho lald, "Tbie la what la Iho mattor," cried bo; "TheBnmaladoadI bat reaoidtat/d It ioon bj niKloil itaall be, be, bo, It ioos by nitlotl iblll bo." 80 nightly iho nree by the Drami'i cold coniac, Wlu 1 gntlunl grou end a ovsgle, WhUa her managi-r blci wllh Inn m hit oice To torn up the gilne of Iho alruggle, uggte, ugglo. To nm up the Kilni of the itrajgle. And aeordlefdll blowa, ud from blowing won't etop WhDe be'a ncomponeed for Ihe hlro 01 tale putBng necblno, but ehorlly we wccn Bo won't we 10 mucJI to adntr; Ire, Iro, Ue toon'l ice 10 nuA to admfre / And talking ibonl fonlgn nbjccta brlnge to mind a eub- ieet wblcb le foreign to Iho aubjoct junl aVudrd (0, yet eubjoct loourdomoalloBlyltiofcDalrele; *tla a poifumed uololhitllea bafon ua, ud Unted la the delicate ebrtt now uafolded lo our oriUcalolMemllou; In lotion emell ud neat wltbil,ooi:b line appcan a plclaro, ud u wo "view thla a^'eio ao oharmlng," ud - aucaror to dedpber the arcbllcotonl boauUea thereoa ercolod, behokll'llaeba9cl(«e/kbrlo,udilllaareeklana. Bballwogo ■UbUndt In the political lengnego of the Umoa,"wo will,no . wflL" Hio following note wu Hi oagbt to oa by rqpilu oouno of nilo. Dot fro male, nor block mile, bnt by V, a UilL It ■eemi lo hire rafonnco to ono of tho dlrlnlllu now regaling the loreie of pbyekal obarme with tcrpalcbonu boautlea ol Nlb- lo'i. Ben la tho note, whiob wo lay boforo onr claaelcal rcadon and wllh the adrlce end cooaenl of f-e Bogile," ao we niod (0 lay when wo aroto roto meaaigee for Prcaldont JohBion:— Hn. Editdb— r hire been ipondlng the annmor at Iho "Ilallu Villi" of mj (Hud, Totry do Ryu (tho boxer), nuuioro M Rue de Uolon, Alexandria, Va. While llien I bcnmo conrenut wlUi aercnl furaign lamiaigei, (hie rlallon an ell forolgnon, princl- piUr Oreeki); ud now for a acont—I'm lu loreud youaro puUy tn bleme, for If It bid not bceu for your rlrld dceorliillon of my filr, abort dreaeed—<top ud bottom)—Uirlo Uonfull, It miy bo lUt you would nerer bare bou Ihui appealed lo. Now, ii I aald bororo, I am perfeotly ecqualntad wllh her txanllful lengaagei Ihcrrfon I berewrtlton bor a fowUsee In bad Boallab, good Oitck, belter lUllin, beat UUn, ud npcrlaUre Frinch wUoh Ibopo you will miniito eome way lo bare her ace. By delng 10, yon cu clear younoir of ill blame, ao fU u I am con' '.eeniM. Your truly, Tn Fat Doona. Mad lhaae are Iho worde bo mye unto her—Bo. Our.) kimi—Any yulor niroi, lad I alio know, "belli femlni cfat 'ildemoldlrhnaiohepliiiao." ItalJlaini.thal la aild about roo.wty.yoiliiiuTilTpalllheaUinpi In nine. laupnoioyon Uiliikthii"lBO0l>nallacapldo;" but, jon aeo, Ur.gueen hia mae yon known, at lean aUhok<Uimtf yea, ind 1 imnin oooqili to Ihlak Uul oo.iy oemdan il ee de ore la gutuiibono aoii qol oal y peaaeV io harry op ud Inunlgrate ihu way, for— 'I'm fond of a Jolly glrl'i naat 'JoBI lambe,'" ud tljoy are "detaeoeeaTedenadolollngianir'ud alaouinga 'I'eauos Tlutaliboaoba"—Telia tonL Ooo imon^ LiDooidu, WMUniloD, Oct lOth. Bd of ue fonlgn nbjeot, ud (hla nnlBdi na that we bad ton wllh Dioother ebowaawih ttrthH Muaof theiub- u well aa tho delk*cleio< Ihe'ieupB. nv a llv < • lOO lUaliii '*'^rn FiToain or Foannn," a fonr act play wrIUu by WmI- lead Kuaton f« & A. Botbera, and prodneea by klm In Bog. land, waa Inlndiiced to lha Amerleu pnbUo on tk* 6th loti, at 'ITiDtok'i XheatretwUh IMarlo Ilc',ilnienlBBoUien'a nU of' FrukAanefly. Tbeitoiy, Ihciifhalight In lli natart, la qaile anfflolut for Ihe noriioeei the chuactan an atconal; ladlrunal. Uad, ud aatsmlly u wall u effeoUnly dnwnt aad uw Inddmto u% maaand with eonalditiU* lael, iou to nalala lha InUreit of iba andlaoa, ud to iToia all coBTenilonal tmagameDta ao kmg heU In aljlBkn raraamce br modem plarwfigbla. Xaeh aeteonuiOBlrot oae acane, irraaged In a atylaot elegance nntyaaaoaiUiealHe. The play la rallnly In pioae, ud u well u It waa plaeed upon the lUge, It (aUed to crcale a aenutlon, ud the ittandueeL whu It wii Dreeaatad daring (ha week, wu , not tuga uy ernlng. Wa'rs a eeoret to Impart; reader, woald'et then heu It} And Swhen we come lo think of It, It U uol ont'a, bat "Lady Aud- a Beoret," to ei^oy which we Inrlta yoa to the Winter Oirdrn, in pntty Bewen may be aeeo, and when you may all keep ihady when the duk "BccnL" la roreaVd. ttra. Dowencom- mucea bu cngiRonienl thla erenlng, Oct. IBtb. | Bmoii haa bad an unaitlaftctoir week of It at Ihe French I Theatra, ud tho "dorrowa of Wt rter ' wen plouurea wben com- ' pued to the atrrowa of Ono. "Fb(dn''wu tbecird of lha week, bat It ma bad play, and didn't acorc a point, eiccpt point bluk mwka of dlaapptoballon. I la nu HiiSD Diiiia of the "Black Crook," at NIblo'i, Ibe Im-. Krtad battd glrla nigbtly "crook (bo pregnut hlngea of the knee ; It thzUt may follow" duclng. The play dnwa nearly u well, u erer, ud the moat atlncllvo fcatnrn of thla rara ihow, the . cloalDg acone, la alwaya wltneaacd amldit tbo grtatcal oolhualjain. 1 When (hla •pec(acle wia drat produced here, the prcia altrlbulcd Itaeuooeaa BiUijrnior lo Ib6 dicccn, while Ihe aalhor of Iho play ' rccelrcd no credit wbatevtir for hla ahiro 01 the work. And yet J "Tbo Black Cnok" waa rocenlly produced at (ho UelropollUn ' Tbealn, DaOlo, vilhoui the impoited nudltlee, and lie eocceu baa been of tbo moat marked cbaracler, the bouae being ciowded to rcploUon oreiy erenlng. Will thcea foreign critlca end mana- gen wbo condemn utlre producliona make a note of thla I A WninFiLi Mr. Wallick, of Wnllack'a Theatrr, aonoancei through the public prlnta that he haa Juat recdrcd from big. land ilM,OOU, We congnlulalc bio on bla good fortune. Per- hape it may be aa weD to elate that the "XIOO.OOO" la the name of a new play rccutir produced in Englud, and purcbiaed for Ihe home mukct by ur. Wallack. "OiiB Akzucan Cocan" doea'iit run aa aplriledly aa in daya of yoru, and lie laat nlgbta at Ihe Olympic an ntimbercd. On WedDeeday, Oct 111b, Mr. Jefferaon will appear aa Caleb Plam- mu, lo "Crkkol on tho Bcarth." It la prebable, ilao, that "Rip Vu WInVIo" will be reiuacltated rnd trolled oot agaln- Blthw of Iheae plecee will do better Ihu "Our amoricu Coniin." Ub. Dfp Uaa. Pant mnal feet loneaomo at Irrlng Ball, for few people keep their company, end by St. Paul the rrork goea not bnrely on. Tbo enterulnmonta offored by tbia couplo are not caknlaled lo pleaae u Ameilun audience, howcrer merllortona (bey may be conaldorcd In Kglud. Boouarn, Diwuoii'i udlucaaal IheSladt ue thinning oat, ud the Qermu flnda it neeceaary to appeu In (wo parte on aome eruloga. On tho 16th ho la to appeu In "Hie Ungbreckliaben," If yon an Dalch enough to fcaow what that la. "Nion a Bon.'*—Did yon ercr apeadanlgbt In Dome? No? Mon'a the pilT. Wall, the flnt night In New York of Jnllaa Elehberg'a "Kbht In Borne" laOxedfor W edneadiy, Oct. 1111), at the New York Theatn, where the "Doctor ol Alcuan" baa made each a hit They gin theee Engllah Operaa ray derarly at Ihla eoay eotabllahment , AtoBDoas Bui>wuaiu'a HntarBEZA an located "near Fifth Aranne Bote!," ret wo fail to pcrceira thai Ibey pot on more aln thu other pMpie. On the contrary, they piaaent a pragramme (oimaaeallclaaaeB, ud wo cheerfully bru erldence Ihat Fifth Aruoodlea, Bioadwayden ud Bowery alopen all langb In unl* aon at the findwcrth Jokea. ud harmonlao In expreauon whoa aentiment la olfered fhcm. Thla week wo uo pnmlaed eome beantlfal aoloa, ud ducea, ud fiu, ud ballade of high degne. Thla Flflb Annuo Open Bouae la a picaaut place to rlalt when inlnalrtia make the foa. NoTmTBRUiDHfO they giro rery lugthr performiacea at the Old Bowery, bualneaa of late baa not been llrely. Eren on Ihe eaat aide of town the people are beginning to prefer quality to qoaotity. Had. Bcbellxb conduded her perfoimancca al Ibe Thalia Theatn on the 13lh. She performed (0 "poor, bnt honest" aa- dlcncca. Taoae of our mden wbo bare nerer piucd "Ton Nlgbta In a Bu-room," can eollgbien tbemaelrea on that aubjoct by riaiting Bar-niun'a Huaenm, wbcn the donble-HllallUtd moni drama of (hat name la now offered to the palrona of the ealihllibmuL "Don't take 1 ablngle oif 1 mu'a loof," but apend u erenlng or two wllh Ihe compuy who offlclata for "Ten Nluhta In 1 Bu- room." TBB Hmacm FiioiT, conaliling of eighteen idulli and three children, aail from thla dly on the Wh InaL, for California, under engagemut to UuagorAndnw DIrrcll. of the kletropoll- tu Tbeati^ Bu Frudaco. The kletropolitu It one of Ihe largeat theanca la (he coimtry, and one of the moat complete on the Pidilc. II wu at thla houae that Bate Balemao, the Rarrla, Mr. ud Ura. Baney Wllllama, Anna Blahop, Bate Biyta,OhirIn DlBoo, Julia Deu Bayne ud other popnlu elan played brilllul engagrmenta. It wu there, alao, we an informed, thai the Bala- lay family cleared flfleen Ihonaud doUan. B. N. Pnx, at pnamt In thla oily, aalla far Europe an Ihe ITth inaL, by the Perala. Ha Inlradaapending the winter In Conatu- tinople ud Italy. While then ho pnrpoeea riaiting Ibeiprtndnal open booaea on tho contlnut Dnring hla abauce the Daliduig of bla new open bouae In Ihla dly, aa well w ono In CinolruatC rrill progreaa rlgoronaly. Uaa. F. W. Lahseb, formerly Hlaa J. U. Darenporl, doaed a all Dighia* engagemut at tbo Winter Oudonon the ISlh Inal. Bhe opened m thedrarru of "Adrlenne, the Aclreoa," which kept the boarda all the week. The lady, we in aorry to air, did nol ittnot rery large andiencea,notwlliutudu>g abe liu a doable dilm upon the pabitc; in tho Ant piece, bccaoae ahe la In ercry Buae of the word u ullat; oecondly, ahe haa done her country greit aerrlce. For orer one yeu Uo took tho entln cbargo of the boapltal departmut at Fort Boyal, B. C, daring Ike late n- belUmi, ud rendered good aerrlce In tbo holy caoae of adminia' taring aid ud comfort to the woudcd aoldlcn. And for Ihla gratulloua aerrice, how la ahe nwardod I It la 1 ahame to aee the begguly ittenduce It Ihe theatn when ahe appean,--Mn. ludanarHatlo claim opoa Ihe poblio oonaidention la equal to that of uy member of the blalrlonic profeaaloo now In tho coun- try. Ber natural pan, (bonngbly ooDiiilent conception, Ihe alter abaonoe of eolf-conaolouaeaa, ud hir nnalfecled ut, wblob nSecta u a clear minor each rarring phaao of rage, of grief, of pathoa and of humor, aa well u tno oeuly guumeneaa of her whole atyle, item to hare llfled bu lo tho poolUon, In lome rr- apecta,anperior locrttldam. Ber actlnglaa1wayaqulet,lol«nee ud aympalbeUo. Ererr act ud geaton point to a meaning, and ere oharmderlied by a nituralneaa in atyle wblcb carriea with It the Impreaalon that ihe naoa irt to conceal ut Bbehia u eipreaalTe Iked, ud bw rolce la aa dew aa a allrer belt 8ho ehould meet irllb bettu noonragement thu ahe haa of late met wllh In tbIa city. "TaBllFruAjinLowBBTtatTHODUim" la Ihe tlUe of a new local drama to be produced at Tony Fulor'a Open Houae tUa erenlng, ud during the week. It la Item tho proline pu of Jobn Foole, ud will embrace erary member of the conpuy In the out Newacanetybubcupuntcdeipreadyforlttheplay lUnatraUng aoenea In the great melropolle. Lut week the at tendance at thla calibllihmut rru aa good u any week during tbe awaon. Among the muy altnetlona offered wu the poala- rlng act by Uad. Lopei ud throe childru, two boy a ud a girl. Tbu la the drat timo wa eru aaw • la^T In the act, ud we wan not only ailoniahad, but pteaaed, for (he lady la well np bi her bualneaa. She doea the act raiy woll Indeed, while her Utile childru an rery amart aorabata for tbelr age. Hon AoAXH.—Berual populu Amsricu perfomera arrlred la thla dly, ainoa onr laat, from fonlgn cUmea, amoag whom an Fruk Foator, tbe popolu down, rrko oomea under engagement to Big. Alblin, of Uarua; Jobn B. UcDonoogh, Richard Blren and B Nino Eddie, who came in Ibe Cltr of New York on tho lOth Inet Billy Armatnng alao arrlred by Ibe City of Cork. OBiBLiaDUiLONCloaedtnUemphia, Tenn., on the lOlhlrut, ud will axTtre In Ihla dty durioR Ihe preecntweek, toauterln' tud tho getting op at the BrtMdwtr Theatio of "Elag tear,' "Haebelh," "lUcIiard tbe Thlid," "Loula the IS," etc. Ur. IHIIon'B ugagemut oommencce nor. Btb, for aix wecka, followed by Jobn Onna, Doc ITIb, for foar weeka, wbo lo turn wUl be Bucceedad by LaoUlo Weatam ud Ihe Womll Blalon. Ban Boil—Obuley Whlta lutroduoea to hla palrona ererr ere- nlng thla weeka real ourloalty—a yoang nun named Herr Obrle* Uu Hobn, wbo, we an told, will take u Iron bu, and, trhllo It la ted hol^ place It In bla month and bile a piece of the iron off. Among hla other iUrtling feata uo Ibon of nladng bla ban feel on a red hot plalo of Iron, ud laying a red hot aborol on hla naked arm. Xet'a all go ud ace Ihla Balamuder. Tot Cmnn la ono of tbo inatltnllona of Ihla dty, which cu be pnru by paying a rlalt uy erenlng to the Now York Circua, now In Ihe Am tide of aaoceaa In Fonrteulh alrect, under Ibe eupcrrlalon of L. B. Lent, a gentlemu wbo probably hu bad men uperlenca in the aawduat builneu tbu uy othu mu- igor it preaut In tbe country- With hla expulenco ho knowa exactly what la required to guirutte the auoceu of 1 Ant olua ealabllahuent Tno company now engaaed by btm la ono of Ibe boat orer brought togclher In thla counuy, \Yhen ou wo And 1q tho male deparlment tbe equal of Jamea ItoblnaoB, wbo, In bla line, la admitted to be the groalrat cqucibricn bring. In the female departmut we bare Carlolli Do Dora, who, for qulcknou In daablngaronnd tbe ring ud leaping olijocl«, baa nerer bren excelled lu Ihla country. Tbe oymuaala ud acrobota an all flnt clau. In ikcl, lot ihoae who wiab to aeo 1 rlrooa poxformance that la replete In every department vialt llio rourteonlh alnd eelabliahmtnt. Mr. Jamoa lloblnaon'aoiigagcmcul la dnwlng toa e'xiae. Bewillniniin only tbreo weeka loDgcr, ao all wbo wlab to ace a Bplondld act of horacnianablp alioiud luproro Ibe prcaent opporlunltr. Ur. Robert BUckncy will follow Mr, Robln- acn, alao 0. U. K>llcy, the great Iraper. Miuoix UmuuL nltraclod crowded bounia to the Broadway Theatn crory orenlug lut week. On thn latb loat,. In de- apile of a heary nin and a rerr diaagrccablo night, eri-ry ecal In tbo lower partofthobouaoaDa tbo orvaa circle wu oocupled. Haggle oerlalnly hu a boat of frlenda In Ibia clly, but brfon abe loacB their good opinion ahe abouldgutitlrultwonewpleeea, and not ilepeud uabodooa upoo "Fuobon," "TboPearlof Be* roy," "Lllllo Barefoot," uu one or two othera locany ber through on engagement Thoao plocea wen all rery woll whu flrat produced, but they bare bccomo ao old from conatut npro- ductfon that tho public an BOiJoua to aee her Id aomothbig dae. ''Tbo Pearl of Saroy" waa tho only piece played lut week, uil 'Fanchon" la announced for all thla week, kloggle la ably lup- Krlcd by Jamca Collier, John Jack, Ur. and Ura. Btoddirt and 0 compuy. Onawocn uousea oontlnao to llalrn to tbe wittldama and acn- llmcnIallaDiB of lUo Ban Ftuolaco lUoatrela. Among tbo moat ploulng acta offorrd during the pait week woa that of the "Jill, ton Head InaUlulc," Willi Bomard u tho teacher, UicIa'.i aa tho dunce, and Ibe real of tho eorpa u aoholare. TV'bon iM:jool -poncd, Ihe calling for A. T. BtewBrt, 0. Vuderbllt, Horace IrccI)-, Ihe Mayor of Phlladulpbla, ud muy othu popular fet- aona, orcalcd roaia of hiugbtcr, Uoiare. Cooper aad Flelda did three acta, "Suau'a Bunctay Out," "Clog .Dance," and "Tbo Nerrer," rorr nicely, Tboac young men aro auibltloua Is tbelr bualneaa, arid alrlvo hud to ploaao. Tho burieaqae of "Tbo Black Cook" la u populu u eru. Law Brimmer, banioiat, jolua the Frlaco bora thla week, JOBH BrroBi liu iiecome firmly Idutiflod la Ible clly u a com* Client person lo giro inalrucUoni on tho banjo. Bla noma for aching an on Broadway, u wlU .be seen by conaulUng an ad. rettlaemul alaewhon. A NOHaia or FiarOBUKBa In diflkrut biucbea of tho profes- sion an wuled by Uaaara. Blren h Co., dnmaUo agcnia, of Ihla clly. Fonr ladlea for tbo ballil, capable of duolDg solo, an wanted for Alblau'a Barana Oircua They uo also agenta for Matilda Heron, EmiJIe Uelrlllo, ud a hot I of other popiilu per* formen. A Tabiri ConrAMi aallod last week for China, Bt TIncont ^pe of Qood Hope, Bong Kong, Shanghai, Culon, Bombay, ate. The party conelala of Fruk EnaaeyiK Uenlng, Hink Uudgs, B. Sweeney, Pete BterUng, H. HoDoDild, 0, BcoU, Jobn Felion ud Jobn gnrrage. , niBB BAmi'ooHMBTeipect I4 sal] for Taiu on the 9UI JS."* '•'»''•»• ugaged to 00 am-noruoa Btulay, Mrs. B. B. Dalton, nnnle Pleraon, Aniile 01yd^ Kary Wheeler, Htu 0, K, Mulay, Un, Fllibarbait^ Mary Oeorp, fr. B. Junta, 0. B. Beraolds, J. H. DarenMrt, Wm. Bpenoer, EagueOormu, John Wbltiag, Jamea Ooflbia, Bam Terney, J. w7Motciias,0. M. Dnw ud W. E. Pratnen, lit TowH Mn. Backlud, wUe of XaBiger J. W. BaoUud, of the Theatre Royal, Monttetl, a B,, la muhig a brief aojoom la New York. tIb AOASmr or Fin, located al the comer of Broadway aad Spring atreot, contlnnrs lo Aoarlak nndor the managemenl of J, B. Derrr. Dick MoOoiru, the bujolal ud comedlaii, togilber wllb Ada Jobnaon ud Johnny Forbes, are Iho lalaal attractlona. Da. BpiCLDino, one of the managen of the Academy of Moalo, KewOrleua, la at present In tbia dty Irylngtoengageaocmpuy for bla estabUahmut, to lake the place of the compufloat In Ibe Ermlas Btu, bat be floda II a dUBcuU maltrr to procnn the right kind, owing to the aeardty of Aral cliu perfonnen. Bo hia already lecared Bob Hart at a ulary of |110 a week, ud Johnny Tbompaon at 1100 per weak. Tbb HBiuoiaia u CoMma.—Eimdre prepuaHoiu hare been mido al Bamnm'a Muaeum for tbeiM^Honof IbeuHn collection of irlld ulmale belraglna to Vu Ambnrgh'Bextcndre muagerio. The company, which la now tnreling, will close np daring the prearal' mouth ud open euIy in Norember In the bonding on Ibe aouth of the Mnaenm ud lately added thenlo. The hwm which la now occaplcd by tbe aordoB Uammlnga col- lection hu already a nnmber of cigea bollt, ud ben rrill bo found the Hone, tigerr. ud Ibo moat ferodona of tbe ulmala. In (ho adocB Bbote will alao be found a large colleotlon, u well aa In another room In tbo bnlldlng. Ortunly, rrilb diamadc perfonnancn in the Icctan room, the llrlng ud lha dead curl- oalilea that am now on oihlbltioD, together with Ibe muy other aigbls la addition to tbo menagerte, Damnm'a ongbt lo pro to one of the moat atlnctire placralo tbo dty. CosmiBs of varloua aiylea an adrertlaod lor Bale cheap la uothar colnmn. Bmabcs, aruroadaa, monhin, ud nnmeroas other llrlng ud dead cnrtodiln, ur adrenlHd for eale In Ihla wtek'a Currxii. Haui LnxjB, tbe intr^id aaconalonlat, who la now perform- ing al the New Bowory Theatre, In thla dty, may bo engiged by addnaalBg his agents, Mesan. Conner ft Co., u per idrerllac- mut In uotbtr colnmn. TnoHis Jaobsoii, of the Winter Oardon Theatre, uUa Ibla week for Englud. Haui Lia,iB, Ibe Uaht rope artist, wbo csn do more Iblnga on a ilender rope In mld-alr tbu moat of people on Ibe ground, commenoea a aiM nighu' enpagement at Ibe New Bowery ihli erenlng, ud from hla prerloua pertormucea at thla catabllah- meal bla reception wlU, no doabt be u oration. In addition lo the uaual blalrionic altracUona, on Uonday, (leih inat.), Mr. Ltallo walka Iho rope, manaded with aolld Iron cbobia aaldio weigh llOlba., ud alao doea gymnaaUc fealei Toaaday, docs the three pall act, origlud; Wodoeaday, ImtlatJona of a dmokeo woman, reeling, ataggerlag, Ac, alao original; and the nmalnlng three nighta appean In mel<HlrBina, oomlc danolng, ko. Tbis comblnallon ooghl to prora a nmnnenUn one to all con- cerned. Mr. Laallo waanxnUy the redplml of a rerrchasle and handsome gold medal at the buda of the Waaklnglon Bchntien Society, rained at ITS. On tbe occaaloa of lla preaeo- talioa Fxealdut Jobnaon made a apeeoh compUiaenllng tbe u- llit for hU daring and akUL K1LI.T k Liow'a Mosnna are sow bi Ihe Ibird week of their aeaaon bi thla dty. We rldted them sgiln lut week, and wit- neased a muked Improrament In the performucea, u well u bi Ibe attendanoc. The Arat week, their dlo bualneu wu nlbcr light walatcd, bnt br tbe addition of aeorgacnirlsty, Dick Sanda. and Oeorge ud Willie Our, that part of tbe abow came to tbe excellence of uymlnatreleotertalnmuL Inconaequuce of the death of bla tatber. Flank Monn wu obliged to leare for Fhlladdpbli, andblaendwu keplnp by Oeorge Chrlaly, who nerer aimeued in better splrtts. Oeorge bu bm lakhig can of bimiell lately, u waa manifeat erery erenlng ho appeand, for be wu u witty u be wu yean ago, wben be wu on the ud rritbiboR,?.Obrlstyparty hi thla dty. The Ant partoftho entertainment wu rery good, eapedally the singing of Erug^ line, by Mr. Belly; Bbylle Bawn, by Jackson, ud Bwlas Bong, by Oberiat Tbe inatrumutal muaio la also good. Tbe olio coBomeaced wllb Leon In a fucy duoe, ud now that he hu got acqoalnled with Ibe atyle of Ibe moslo nd bis aadlences, ale teipdchorcu moremenls en more appredaled Ihu Ibey won the opening week. Allen's "Nlcodemna Jobnaon" was ex- cellut, ao waabla "BIp Van Winkle;" Dick Banda ud Otmt Chrlaty did tbe ''Challeniio Dues," ud Ihe Utahffs Ouy dhf a aong ud duce. A burlerqoe called tbe "Doctor of All-cu-lear^ ber" doaed Ihe oreolug'a amuaemeat Thla week, a burieaqae on Bistort and "Medea" la glru. Tbe attenduce last week wu much belter than the openbig week. In flcl, an taicreaae of nearly Ally pu cut. wblcb prorea that the compsjiy Is liked, ud ls> guirulee of fnuin succeaa. Dramatlo. Or DnAVATio ArrAiBS m New Oblukb, onr oorreuoodu ■Lsertca" aonda ue tbe following report, under date of Oct 0th. It rrlB be seen that ho diudea to the eipecled airtnl of Ibe French compuy^nd the compuy for the Acailemy, all of whom. It la feared, were! loet In the "Brtnlng BUr," bnt of which Ibo nem bad not reached New Orieua at the time of our eorreepon- dent'a writing:—He ura:—"The Varletioa Theatre opened for the aeaaon on Ihe tin loat, wllb Bberldu'a eStf i'owrt, the 'Bohool for Bcuda],' u the initial performuoa. The cut wu u excoUut one, oomprlalng Mr. A. D, Bradley, u 8lr Petu Teaile; Jaa. Cardu, u Joaepn Sorfice; W. B.Fk>yd, u Chatlea Surfkce; Barry Feanon, u Sir Ollru Saifaca; kl. W. Flake, u Cnbtree; A. H. Daranport u Sir Benjamin Backblta; T.B-Bad- cllff^ aaUoaes; a T. FaisIoo, u Trip; Chaa. Warwick, u Bow- ley ; Mra. F. & Chantnu, u Ladr Teaile; Un. Nelly Taylor, aa Mra. Cudor; Mlu Lua Pnntice, u Marta; ud Ura. L. E. Seymour, u Lady Bneerwell. Tbe hooae wu llleially dimmed, almcat lo luffocailon, by one of the moat Intelligent ud bshloo- ableaudlucoeeruaaaembledwllhhi lie walla, ud the ccrdlal receptico wbleb greeted the old farorilea, u well u the ucoor- aglng applause bestowed upon tbe new comcra, cunot bat hero bcu exceedlnglT flaltartng to Iho partiea concerned. On the tib, BoadcanU's bnllUnI comedy of 'Loadco Aaaannco' at- Inded uotbw crowded bosae. To-night Ath, Bulwer'a play of the "Lady of Lyona' will ho prodoced^wllh Mrs. Cbanirau aad Mr. Jaa. Cardu in Iho leadlog relet. The laughable Ikroe of tbe ■Fool of the Family,' wbCRln Flake ud Hn. Leighlon ccute a great deal of merriment will be tbe afterplfos. Bulww'a thie plar of'Money'Is In nbonal The St. Chulu opeaa to- night lib, wllb Ihe foUowtng company^-Hlu Alice Flaold^ Mrs. E. V. Etacfa, UlH Ulllle Sackett, Hln late Raymond, Mrs. Powell, Mlu Ada BIcbmond, Ulu Mab l Oaboroe, Mr*. J. Post Mn. Bale Sohabert, UlM Loulae Hall, Htu Mary Luary, Mlu Lllllu Lee, Un. J. Campbell, Meaara. E L. Tllloa, U. B. Pike, 0. B. ColUna, F. B. Pierce, J. Winter, OUrer Wren, J. Oobay, W, B. Donglua, T. B. Douilan, Chu. Webeler, O. O. Bcydm, B. Woodward, 0. H. Muley, H. 0. Dirla, E Mallole, B. Bnddoo, 0. Uuldgro, ud B. M. Steele. Hie performucea will conalstof LoreU's pliyof 'Lore's BicrtAce,'wllb Him AUce lliclde ud Ur. B. L- Tlltoo u Ihe Elmoroa Aid tbe amusing three entlUed'ABnlllniOhlniBhop.' BuDeBu, thelkrorlteeome- diu, will commuce n engageminl oa the 6U> last Tbe Olympic bu dons good bnsbesi during lbs week Jast uded. The comedy of'Who Killed Cock.Bobhi' rru bnught out for Ibe Arat tine In Ihla city on ILe 1st Inat, wllb Hia.Witklaiu Bitanella, of which it la qnlta needleu to uy abenTo a rery pleaalng rendition. The'Shadow Putomlme'wu also saocssa- fuBy panurued on the same erenlng. 'Jenny Und Come at Lut'doaed the ereolog'a uterlalnmut The same blllwupr*- unted on Ibe 9d inat On the 3d, 'PocahonUa' aopemdid 'Jenny Und," ud, together wllb 'Who Silted Cock Bobin' ud <Tha BbidowPutomlme,'dnw a crowded boose. On the lib, 1r^ Undultla'rru performed, introdadag to (he pabllo Ur.T, Connor u Bagged Pat ul ttr, B. L- Dalton u Du O'Caiplu. Yesterday, I iin extrendy aorrr to say, Mn. WttUnawu obllgad to abut op tbo beau lemporarily. In conaeqnence of tbo uren lllneu of Mr. B. WalUna, who requires ber anoeaaliig attend- un. It Is to be hoped (bat it run not laat long, and ttaithawlU aoon be restored to hla frlmds ud Ihe public In complele besllta. Mr. and Ura. Louis Horrlaon (Boee Wood), J. F. Heyea and Hiss Allda Huderllle (Hn. Thome), hare loat what r^utitlon they bad gained In Ibladty by IhemauwIn wblcb (hey bare adod towarda Ura WatUoa. Eogagementa, whu once made, ahonld be obaecrcd lo Ihe lattu. To break Ihem la dlahonoisbto, ud unworthy of anybody who elalma public esteem, lb lberrll^ few worda arc aolllclent' The Orieua lliutn opued for Iho aearau on the dib last, with the Flench compuy newly ar- rlred from Pula. They OMned In Ihe comedy of'La Flamlniia,' which wu eicellenllyperiormed. Had.lArmet,tholudloglady, lain beraelfaboel Cblarlnradiaaadoutbelrengagimut at the Academy on Ibe 71b Inat,, ud aro to be succeeded on the eih IniL by Ibe Variety Compeny. [Lost In Ibe Brening Btar.— Eo. Our.) Tbe l^enBouie la eipecled loopu on 01 about the IMh Inet Tbe compuy pnmlaei to be one of Ibo beat Ihil erer cime to Ible dty. in tho opcnilc departmut we an lo bare; Ueun. Taplau, Bnt loner for giud open, from the Italiu Open, Farla; Chonnt, tenor, from tbe Fioacb Open at Parla; Matthleo, Ant tenor for opon oomlqne, from La Bayo Opon; Cogwaid, second tenor for open eontqae, from Bor- deaux; Cwlland, baritone, mm the Lyric Theabn. Itela; Mary, Ant beeao, from tbo Uego Open Bousei Vila, Ant basso, for open comlque, ftom La Bays; DepoulB,- lubl open comeolan, from Hals; DU Bean, baaao; Gilbert ud Huu, third twon; U'mea Borin D'Biterbecq, leadlag prima doona for gnnd open, mrizo aopruo, from tho Lyona, UaiMlllea, Toulouae ud Nulea Open Houau; Tronln, leading prima donna for open comlqaoud aoprino for giud open, front Toulouae ud Uflan: Sler, Ant eonlrallo, bom Liege ud Bordoaaz; Fancy, A>et duguou, from Atdeoa; Onntf, oecoad donuou; Beltiry, duenna from Amlm^'< Tbe dnmaUotranBairlJI be quite ucflt cleat u Ibe Openllc Ibo followlag la tna compenyi Meesn. Cbu. Aihalta, ludlog sdor. In drdma ud comedy, from (he Oaleli. Thoalre, Parte; Paul Alhalia, loading young ador from tbe Odeon, Paris; Onrlor, leading ulor in ul itylea, from Braa- BcUaud Rouen; Uuldblcd, do., from YenalUea; Cogword, the lover; Vila, leading performer In third olaaa roler; Paul Iloche, flrat low comedian, from Uruucla; Robert flnt comedian, from Nuoy; Soluny Dononli, Fcrchol, and Ollbert; U'mea Elodle Qlrard, leading actress; Lens D'Eetorbocq, leading young lady, from LyoDB ud Consuntlnoplo; Benrictte Denlery, do., from tho Tlioalro Frucala, Parte; Begluo Dunod, ludlng coquittce, ftcm Toulouae; Feniey, chambermaid, from Amleni; Uarila Camp na, young nqaoliea end tnTeatlc, Irom Conatullnonlei Cellna Carol, duenna; Onrler, aerond rouiu lady; anilDorel, aecond cuambermald. Mcnsloar Mircelln Albaln will bo Ihe tnanagor, and Bcreno leader of Iho orcheatn. Bo you ace lhat wo Blull not die of esnul tbla winter." [tllof tlionbovo, eicoiil- Ing Fanl Allialu, are suppoaed (0 bare pulahcd In the Eronlng BUr.-Eo. Our.] CAnouNB HArn will ahortly start out for a atarting lour through tbo country, under tbe muagemcnt of J. W, Oueet, In ordoio elrcnglbcn her performaneea and he aun of a good aupport ahe haa sccuroa tho doru Irish comcdlin and rocalliL Mr. 0.0. Direoport, wbo will accompany her, Ihua making lier doubly allracllreaaaalar. Thla laily'a rtptrloire hi said lo be an ox* IcuBlTaone. Bar wardrobe le alao spoken of u being oomplolo. Mausgnn rrlabing to seoun tbla lady will And her agent's sddnsa in another column. "RoucsALT." wu produced at Iho UobUo, Ala., Thoaln, on Ihl eihlnit, with E T. Blelsonu Elllolt Ony,udtlimo Partington aaltoaaLelnh. Tub Uolhaii Otera TBOvrs bare ben seooiod for a brief lour by Mmsger Ellaler, of tbe Clerolud Academy of Hoilo. Ihoy will appeu it Warren, Ohio, on tbe Olh, for Uueo nisblsi Akron, ilit, three nlghls; Erie, Pa., 38lh, one week, ud Olefclud, Oblo,Hor. tth,foral>nlgkU. SBnnfs New Tobb Tbbatbb, uys our LochpotI, H. T., cor- reipoadent "opw ben for a aeaaon of two weeka, an the Uth Inat, with 'Eailljimef Hn. Jennls OinoU aiLi<yIaabel| J, F, Bbsrryu Archibald, ud J. W. Ctinll u Sir Ftiaals." Ua. BAifCiiikii will coBClnda bla eagagsmnl at Ue Arch, Phil- adelphia, oa the Mb. Next week, tbo ■'nstFimll>"wm bsre- Ttred, Tbohas, Zdwabo abd Fbbdbiiob Hablob la lo opm la oja* olnnatl on the Ud. Bnwur Dotn wu to ban opened al the Wabnt Pblladelphla,' on Ihe lAlb, u lego, to Barton Blll'i Olbello, t, B, Boborts' Ou- ale, ud Sosn Desm's Emilia. unnnBaud"Manppi"sretbepnsaiteaLidaitlhaAaisrU cu, PUIadalphla, Eale suooeedbit Joa, Frodor. wbo cloasd Ul •Biagemsnl oe the lilh. BoraoBT, tbe great brie comedlaa, appeaml belbn a Brooklyn aadlance for (he flnt Ume on Wcdnesdu night Oct lOtb, oa the oocaslOBOf tbeloaagunlalgbtof Has afuotiek's Open Beaaon. Tbla brief unuuaccmul wooIB hare ordlouily sofBced, bnt dr- cnmitueas iller cuea, ud we bare a wrrd or two more toaay Ibis time. Tbe buriibig of Ihe Now York Academy, with the ee- renloeeultulalled on Deuctt'e (riud Max, waoldbatade- lerred uy mu of ordinary uenry and mrsereranoe fltoa agsla ulailng upon u openUe campelgn, NotsowltbMai,bowsTU, habdngoneoflhOMlrKjireadblelellowawbom no dlwtlu u mlafortono cu eruab, Tho Are bad no aoontf done Ita work, tbu wllb YankKMlko pluck ud aiilrit Max bad laku meaanrea torcplBAe, asfuuiionlbl>,bIslostopentlotreasaKa Tbore- aolt b befon us, ud tbongb, by barliig lo depud on otben for nbnildhia Ihe doaboyed temple, he la deprived of u sbldhig plsce In Iho mebropoUs for tho ume being, he did the next best Ihing be could, ud secured Ihe Brooklyn Academy, ud with a flue Troupe, In which Ihe old bmlllir faces of populu srtlsts wsn coupled with now atlracboiu from abroad, Uai once again hcea Ihomualoofoponlfotrialaof mixed successes snd dJuppobt- uula, and Phoinlx-Uke, rising from tbo ubes of the old Four, tecnih sircot temple, ughtcna up Iho musical hemispheio of Biooklyn wllhabilllluey pnrlously unknown bi Iho Clly of Cbarohes. Ths Brooklyn open goon nmembei with pleasun tboartlatlorcnderinrof Criapino by tbe himenled Borero, ud oonuqiwndy on Wcdnoaday night the ordeal Big. BonconI bad lo aotmiU to wu a trying one; but hla aucceas wu all tbe men noteworthy. Aa rcgania hla vocal powua, comment li nueces- sary, for with a bulio the rolce la of aecondsry Impoituco, the polotbelng tho power of comic expression. BonconI Is without doubt the Anett comnlbm on Ibe lyrto stage, ud rrllhoat seeing bim In eny other.chsnctcr tbu that of Criapino, wo ahonld not haro hcaltiled to udoru sacb a repnlation. Io make-ap, lo tale coareplloo of the chancier, and ui hla thoroughly natural nn- dering throughout ho atamps btmielf tho great lyxio Burton he Is. hover bare wo aeu this enjoyable open u adminbly pifr Mated end performed u on Ihiaoccadon. Ulu Kellogg, tbongb not well, aang ud aclod rrith her onial charming effect ud the other rofci of Iho open were adminbly Rudettu by tbe popnlu BrlUnl and the lalcntcd Antonaccl. Blguor Tcala made a very fa- ronblc Impressloa, showing ths poaacseloo of a nmaikaMy doe tenor voice; ud Ulu Stockton, u tho Fairy, asaiated In tbe uo- ccu of the ennlng. A more brilliant audience wu nover befon Ethcicd Mlhin tho walls of Ihe Brooklyn Acsdcmy, ud the m- ariuUe moora tesllAcd to their gnllflcallon. Tbe Aausnoira Diajuhc Coupaht "went up" lad week at BlogbamtoD, N. Y. An excbango aiya:—"The people of Bing- bsulon sppiedale tiloBt, ud will aupport It; othen will And It one of Ibe best places In Ihe coutry to lure Ihdr bsggage." Uakt UiTOBSU, AW JoBH AUAUOB commuce U the Open Houses Colnmbo^ Ohio, on tbo lOtli, for ono week. . TSB BunLAT Favilt, on OcL 8lh, drew 1 belter lUuduco •t the Brooklyn Academy thu their predscesson of the three pnrloue olghla of Ihe Tiyleon leiun, tbe pArfoiminces slldling enibaelutic lFpllUS^ especially Iheextraoidlnary manl- pnlatlre akill dlanlayedDy Mcna. Agonal b> theJuggUngaet An- olhu nlaht'a eiblblllon of the Und would no doubt bare crowded the Academy. TBI BABLOia—Thomu, Edward ud Frederick-Inaiuanted a eerlee of their popalucnlertalnmutalnlndluaon Ibe 8th. They wen to remain then ono week, ud then proceed lo Day- ton, Ohio, opening on the ISth, for one week, thenoe to dacla* nab for two wecki, bcglanlng tbeie on the 33d. A YonTB of nineteen snmmen la dcslroua of attaching blmaelf lo some good nriely or dramatlo company, u a pupil, tbe eqnlr. not being a conaldenUon. See H. J.'s sdrertlMmmt la uolher column. O'Baba k Btu's OMrAHi played al Canton, N. T., darina the week of Ihe 6t Lawieuce County Fair, ud anbaeqnuUy at Ooremaur, thence to Wetertown, N. 7., at which place they hare guerally met wllb aucceaa. FAma BABBalrocallatandutrculand Bailie Benrywenu- nonnccd to lure 8u Frudaco on tbe 1st Inst for this dty. MAOunx's CouTAitr, at the Open Bouae. flu Frudaco, hare been playing, up lo Ustadricea, "Sweetheartsud WIvea," rrith Lady Don aa Laun: "Rural Felicity," "Bob Boy," ud, forl^y Don'a bueAt on Sept ]lat, "Don Cmirde Buin," wUb neuly tbe whole of WiUice'e music brom "BIsrtbui." Cbablxs DiLLOH hu bcu sucd by Aodnw Flynn, miaiger of tbe Nuhrllle Tbeatn, for the sum of 81,000 for non-fnlAunul ofengsaamutofoneweek. Mr. Dillon's tlmstoplaywuwbu tbe choien wu et its bolgbt and nuriy 1 hundred wen dying dally. Not wlabbig lo risk bis life, Mr. Dillon refascd to rldt tbe "Rock City." Man. CUESTK wu innonaoed to open at tbe Open Booae, Su Frudaco, on Bcpt 31tb, In "Tho Womu In Red." Misa v-"^" ELDamoE, we an pleased to learn, hu made qnlta a faronble Impreaelon tn Memphis, wben she Is enjisged at Oreenlaw Open Houm for tho aeaaon, Dorlng l^elle MelrlUe'a engaffementthen Lllllo played tbe part of Captain Jobn Bmllb to ulu Mrlrllle'a Pocabontaa. Both ladles an quite louug, and notunllksIn sppesruce. Hr. Ohulea Dillon aucceeood Emelle, sndrinhls play of Belphegor, Hiss Bdrldge euared the part of Henrt the MounteVuk'a eon, of which the MtmfMt Doiij Appeal says:—"Mr. Dlllanwas sbly snatsbied by MluUlUe Bdridge, and In a munu thai took the audluce by aurpriae. In her put of Henri, abo aoaredfar beyond the hlgbcat uildpattona of hu wumeat frienda. We bare nrely aecn tbe part rendered wllb that feeling ud perfect conception of cturutwlrhiob Ibla young lady erlnced. She fairly dirlded the bonon with Hr. Dillon, iS?'^.."'* T If. J» ^>*"j of OlaolnBaltl. In m«, who Pimhaasd It In u nAniahed slate Aom bSt SS.? Mr. Oeorge Fuller pmcbased It In 18(3, aad nmodaladUlnloA mm mtAsm sMe. In lbs short vSe of two Sdstha be £d EJi '1I •? •'•gu'l.'wntJ Uio Interior underwut alnnstoraifis »qnsl lo the exterior, it wu espsble of holding alaelS?hM drod people, Ono of Ike beat feituna of the hraiTwirila ^5. nngemoalforanpld egren In oaw of An. Three lane daorT emenolng one halfoflhe whole tent oonM belhroSm o^' Last season Leo Hudson wu the muagensa. TbopSSit^S: aon It wu muaged by F. L, KeUuTfor Ihe proprleiM ri one of the beet arrenged thediu bi <he wutcrs ootmuS u «n u ono of tho budaomeat wumey, u wen "Bacoabat. obtbi KsATxa or nx Paos," wu DmM>i«,i Ihe Pilrona of tbe Detnll Athenaium on thaetb loaf f^UiU phulottsAduniu Bucuat .OurcorteapondenI '°M„ ™,SifiS ■Her Impeijonatlon wu only medlooreud mi5it™,,S£ ' lmproTo£ The Boopmbole of N. T, DaruporiTwu wdlV?„ dend, aaddlhoa«bbla resdlngls ollu fsa^. It Kp^JudS; rail thU obsnolor rery woa H. Jobnsoa u Andm. rt iff „? ik knaros. acquitted blmaelf flaely. Tho remdnd Jof th,, r.S When It gara'waVlo 'Fale, or the Broiher'V'iierenTO.''' u^' igorBealey opened on the 81b at Young Men'e Bdl, wiih'iooih'. royed Filrc^ough ud Tlrglnli Bowird u tho llaiiL - idmlnbly autribuled.ud UluUni Wlndeiridudeli,-h? on autu the 13th, Kau. Mth. ho'uica. wbea cMtiulod wllb Ihoii iFtbrwTek bStao, whSS Laun Koene performed, wen raiy meagre. Indeed, TbnT rS 'Sf*-K IS'W,,'^ ,*'"^«'*" 'HamlelT^cheUu ' ioSt,nS'- ■BIcbardUr.'and'Hcrcbutorventce.'" "uieuo. Tat "DucB Cboob" ts tai Ibe third week of 1 brilliant n>n .> the Uetropolllu pentre, Bnflklo N. T. The Co»3?,( dly ura:- "Ibe dealn on Ibe put of the pubHo to wllni>^ {?. Bune'extnordlnuyapeclidetlhe 'Bl«k^s3ck"conn^Sa*fe All (he Ibeitn nightly beyond Ita upadty to accommMlto NoTor within our memory baa any manly dnmatlcd mmi caaecd audi gueral exdiemut amo;ig aU daaaes of amnaemral scehen. Places ooaUnue to be taken a week In adrUM iSd when frienda meet taitead of the oaoal aUrootyped raiarts shout Ibe wrathu, Ihe Inquiry la hare you seen n.o BuS Crook.'" II la probable Ihsl the "Black Aock" will bin t?£ broku offal Ihe clou of tbU, the third week, owtng to usi,^ menis some timo ego entered bito wllh Ur. ud Ura. BiW!!,. Williams, who sn 6 commence on the 93d. "amay MoSxAN DacHANAX will bo al Decatur, ni., rrith a dnmiHn compuy, from tho Ulb to the 30(h Inet "™uauo AuiEax WiATT doaed bla dnmatio aeaun at Taunton xr... on tho 6lh biat Be io si pretut rrith B. F. Lowell's nmuar who Is pisyhig sbn bi Ibe Eutera BUtee, and will be al Hart! ford, Conn., on the 1Mb; New Hsru. lAlh; ud Fnrldraca, 17ih The company coaalata of Albert A. Wratt Harry Oordon; Tom Owena, tioorge Clair, Fruk Eliot E. Hadller, Mlu Bnau Flood ud Ulu Jrnale Klmbdl. "° Tux CoHPAiix Istely pisying "down But," wltb Wyieman Hushall u ths stu, "wut up" st Muchester, K. B., on Ihe lOtb Inat. Ill CncniiiATi, on Uonday night 6th, Hra. Oladstue pndaced the "Corslcu Dnthen," ud repeated It on Tneaday erenlng to slim houses, owing to dwilon.. Our correspondut "Ante" nye:—"3be sustained Ibe dual charactera of Lonla and Fablao, Her parfonnuqit wu not up lo the expectallona of her frienda, uaho waa rery nerroue ud could not remembu heritors wblcb la owing, perhape, to the norelty of Ihe mdo atUre. Oii (he 10(b ahe did 'Peg Wotflngton' to a good houae, ud ber reo- dltlon of Oarrtck'a farorite waa eplendld ud well neelrrd. Mlu Henrietta Oabone, u Mable Tine, rru eicellut ud received many rounda of appliaae. Hr. Forbei did Jimu Triplet rery well; Mr. W. Kcue, ii Eimeet Tue, wu good, u wu ilao Hr, C. Lorediy, In BIrCbulu Pomudcr. To-nlgbt, Ulb, she doea Ihe 'ArUst's Bride.' Ber engigement termlnitn this (laat) week, ud Ihe Womll Slalan follow her At Wood's, Laeflle Wealera run 'Eaat Lynne' all bat week, to crowded houan, tiklag hw bueAt m It ahdrlng It for ■Luontla Borgia' on Satniday. On Uonday, 8tb, she played the ■Child BIcalei' lo igoodbooM which Ml below pu oa Tueidiy, with tho ume piece. She wu idmlnbly ustiined by Ur. Lingbam, Mr. Roys ud Mr. Band, ud MUs Muy Howard. Bhe wul ran tbe place during tho re- mainderoflhorraek. She atayk uotbw vnex." Tax MoarSuooxxnjiDxBOTOf tho aeaaon wu that of Iheifr deahingly young Americu prima doua, Mlu Haaok, at the Brooklyn Academy, on Oct. 13th. She le a natlr'e of New York, ud a protege of Hr. Jerome, of Jerome Puk celebrity. The openwu"Soniiainbals," vrtlblbenew tenor,BaragltloaaalalIn girlng edal to the oceaaton. Mlu Bauck is qaite yoimg, ud lot a first effort ou Ibe stage succeoded adminbly. She la of light form, petite featuna, hu a aweet upruo rolce of high naie and with eipuUmce ud Ihe powu growth will doobllea tin ber, abe will prove a powerful competllor oa Ibe openUo amge. Uln Kellogg will have to look lo ber launls. Bw ruderlng of IhejiBaiewu received rrilb eathaelastio applanu,andIbeulr detuJimre wu called oDt The iMat wu a billliut necou wtlb- cat doubt Tbe new tuor made a rery bronble Impreaalon. Tax BooBUTxa, N. T„ Ofxba BouIe had a good rua ol houau bat week, wllh J. W. Wallack u the alar, who doaed a brilllul two weeka' eogucmei,t oa Ibe lilb loat Ulu Kate BelgnoMn was unounced lo commence uuauiemutof six nights on tho 19th. "sti.iiiui.iri TBI Onr MnsEn Tbxatbx, Pkiladelpbla, Fa., la aoon to be opued. It la unoimced, rrilb a Ant class compuy. Brllliut . sEan in ilso pnmlaed. By u idrcrtlsemut la aoothw column ud we, u u Imnsrtlsl critic, snrd tbem to bw. She wu It wOl be seen that Miugor J. E. Mniphy wula a good alaga especially happy when Ue falls upon Ibo Ueu of hu fathu managw. . 1.^ ....... .. ~ I Jobk E. Owxss la pitpired, Ihroagh his igut Ur. CUflon W. Tayleare, to uegotlale with muigen for etu engagomente. For pirbculan u to Umr, ice idrerttiemut eUevbcre. TiLxn, Inclodlng 1 leiding lidy, ud u igut an wuled for a compuy to mskes tonr or the Eastern Btstw. &igagemea(a cu be made through Messrs. Coimwk Co., of Ibis clly. A QoAiniTT or BcmxiT Is offered for sale by B. A. Auaira, of Oambrldgeport Uiu. For puUculara, au hla adreidsemut la this ud succoedlog laiuea of the CLirrst , , , PoiLuxuWADBAiuncaarelhussdrertedlobyotiroorreapon. dcd. ud many tamed away unable to oblala iludlng deat tbe well koown crilic, "Colley Ctbbw," nodw date n Oo- I. 'Tbe Child of tbe Baglmenf' ud the barlesqae of lol»r 13:—"At the Wshlut Street Theatre, Mr. Backelt's FalaUS —■ - - - — - . I ias been the sttndton daring Ibo week, Tbe fat gmesy, aoctn- ud exclaima, 'Oh, mothu, mother, I will bate you 1' She per- fectly, udng a theatrical pbraae, 'carried the house by elovm.'" Blabchx ue Bab look a ISnwell benefit at the St Joe (Ho.) Tbeatn on the etb Inst. "Usdelslne" wu given, ud tho affair was a glorioua anccen. On Ihe 6tb abe bade edlon to the St Joaephiuis lu Ibe chuactcr of Nell Owyime. Tbla week ehe la at the Uotropolitan Theatn, Indluopolls, Ind. Tnoius MAomBS wu the redplut of a oompUmestaiy bueAt on Sept 17th, at the Open Bouu, 6u Frudaco. Lady Don and tbe whole compuy rolontcered. The houae wu rery crowded, room. ' — — ______ _ __ _ — __ "Peneu ud Andromeda" wen performed, ud John B. soCoI- hnub redted Ttowbridgo'a poem of "The Vagabonda." lI'LLB AaomiA, Ibe farorite rf a nn ia r, la one of the prindpal fntarea lu Mr. Banu* apectiole of "Ibe Black Crook," now nm- nlng rrilb grut raoceU al tbe Hett opoUtan Tbulie, BoffUo. Mr. BaiTU, tbe author of the play, IspeifOrmlDg Ibe part of the , wuywwuBwvu ..ucu iMiwro Ufa giuw aoa ueiioi waiTen's Black Crook. Mile Augusta will nmiln with Hr. B. la BuOilo ' glorioua light Biaa, Ollbert aad Bukelt bare In Ism laanmed until the 33d Inat, wben ahe wlU pracee.i ki Ororu's Theatre, ' the part ud puSM ud blowed away what llHlo bretib Ibsy had Washington, for one week, ud then return to Tbeatn Oomlqna, j In Ibe rain attempt lo MenlUy tbemaelru wllb FalalalL To uy Booton, for the biluce of the auaon. that 1 mu annol enact Ihe durader, or doea not doly compr^ FBAIIEB.CBA1ITBAD buatarted for bla vrlnler'a starring tour. I hud all Ita penllaritlea,lanotladolnct from bis msritsaau of AeU of Shakespesn's growing; Cooper alao esssyed iL hot lmpenoiiatl<m faded mf before the glow and hetl of Wanen's This week be is at Iho Qrlawold Open Boaa^ Tloy. Next wed he la to appur In Washington for six nights, ud goes tbuce to Bocbeeter, Phlladdpbis, ud through the Soalb, EnwDi VABBzr, comodlu, adrertlaea for u ugsgament la uolher coloma. Yx UAOinnoxnT YxarrALi put la u aspeanace al Ihe Na- tional, Waahlagloa, D. C, on the Olh, in "oamea, tbe Hebnw Uotbw." Tbe olght wu atonny, ud oonaeqnuUy th* bouu wu not crowded. Wednesday erenlng TeatraA eau< ^ne nil of Haaearonl in "Ibo Briginds," ud aliboogb tbo ■tbrm of TaesdJy seemed to lucnSM, a flair aadlence wu In attenduce. ardat A leu nu cannot gma (he elamnta which snmund thla monnlain of fleU. In the flnt plaoi, he hu to fuhlon him- self by Sri, and, Uke a atnffed Paddy, la but a burleeqoe of Ibe cbanetcr ud a nflecUonon Ibapalenilty of ibetndlridoalwbom he bitmda lo poitny. Fllaliff la oae of Bbikespeue'e real cbu- icten, dnra udpiinted flam Ufe, ud theoriglnilof thenart in tbe plir wu i/ol row. No olbw ibonld ittempt It for thwe la la Ibe phyalcal, apart Item tbe mraUf, attribntea of a oorpolut Indlridaat a pecuUu ccmbtaiallon of piulra, feeling, Ideaa, su* anal ud opicureu deelns, wblcb an not lo be found In i i«Me- Ur-Hackettdneauudlooka tbe part bnt nellhet Thenwuaodnmitloperforaiuceatlbo National m Ihe Ulb, ', In roioe or iollon does be giro us Ms ohanciw- he luball. the tbeatn harlng bou ruled to tbe dlrectonof tbe Boldlen' | tulea grifflaoe tor nstniil cipiadon, stige tedlouneu foe and Ballon'Orud National Olft Concert arrugemnt On lha Ufa action. HI* aatan la not nndnoua enough to ruder aat- lUh, the "Magnif." bad a beneflt whu Ue wu unoaaoedlo Bill arerymodoo and eentncaofFBlatair;bnoe Ita bUuK.. . . gire u Imporaoaallon of Philip Beaufort In tbe new drama f' At Ibe Arch BtnetTbuIn, Hr. Budmun,a Oerman atudnl! •-Temptation." On Batordsy erenlng Testrall wu to mtkt bw one who hu a propw appreclatlm of the aulbor, ud u utlitlo . conoepUonofdnmatlcaoUcn.lslbeslu, By study and sppkca- Iton he bsi been enabled to step from tbe Qennu stage on to tbe EngUab, ud take hla place amonglllrlna slan. Borne scuei la the aew play of Dutlay,' u glrtn byula geatlemu, eqnil anylblng we bare witaesseo from men exalted aiOsIa, HIalm. last UMinnce u Bel Demonio, J. 0. MRU bu perfected u sngiaement with Wm. E. Ferrta and El BeWairea , for Ibe pnaent aeaaon. The Finuuaoq Orxu Hons CoBPuir, that bars beu play- log Id Fort Wayne, lad., tbe peat two wuka, while tbe Blchuga' , ^./-....B ...Mnwwuviii uvxo waiwa arasiB. 4iaim* Troupe bare oeonnlsd the Open Bona^ luppcaredoo tbolAh, ' pataloai d dedamatloa Is far better thu that bloalmericenes; In Ibe'TloketofLMreMu." 0." "-■ week, opulag oa Ihe IBth hi the "1 Mb. ABD Mas. Flobxrox dosed their t __ burgb. Fa., Tbeatn, on Ibe ISIb lael., ud sn followed (bla week '■ conalllate a aeriea of bannculo notes to cm betweu his mentd byJobnBioogbso, - | ud pbyolcil organlzalton, and Ibis awkmidnen wlB aoon dls- Udbbat axs BLABX'a Dbamatu ConTAin wsn at Union HaD,! sppaar. Tbe drsma of 'Oestini' Is too tedious: much of Iho Jackson, kllcb., on tbe Sib, gtb ud 10th Inst 1 underplot conld nsdlly bs dispeased with. Wby It la called A. B. PBXua commenced u engagement on Sept ISIh, st the | 'Dutiny' Is ccrldnly a myaleiy lo u, for we cannot diacorw theatn, Ball Laks Clly, openbig In "PlisRO"lo a large aadluos. any oonneotlaB exlatlng betweu Ibe erenta of tbe play ud lla Bo wu sunwrted by tbe stock oompur, consisting of J. a Und. UlTe At lbs New Amrriou Thestre, >Ir, Joseph Pnolor, ons say, J, 0. OrUsm, 8. A. Keuer, J. A. tbompson, J. B, Kslly.W. of tbe boat If not Ua beat melo-dramatla ictora the coontry, B.Storena,au. Donelun, J.M.Blnunoiia, J. M,OI | Is_p1aylng an engagement A One commudlng flgon, a .... ^ ). wToonldook Is ths slu this , this, ws think, ulsn ftoD s wut of s mon peifed knowledge "Porter's Kaot" I of Msgs bualaeu, u heappeaniwkwsrdudaBeisy,Bothirtag 1 their engigement at tbe Pills- 1 proper commud of bis legs. Be bu Intellect mind: let bim lor diwicn, T. J. Blerens, JL Usiltaews, P. Uirgetts, Ulu Zlni, Miss Adimi, HluAlexuder, Ura M.Bowrlng, Mlu Firku ud Mrs. U. 0. diwwn. On 8epL 31d, "Bluk Eyed Susu" snd "Niral Engigemeats" wen performea, iritb D. MoKraile u Ad* mirsl EIngalon. Habiu OcinxD'a Coufabi from Eruarllle, Ind., bars bun peifonning at Ibo Paducib, Ey., ntitio, tbe past two weeks. Gout's '^AiA.0 tJOEXM" rAm wu billed for BIddeford. Me,, for tbe leth uo >.Jth. Olli Doderrrood, (Ule with Cotton ud Murphy), ind Ohia. 8. Manlon, iro the adruce agula. JouA Daly wu ptaybig it 8t JamCi' Hill, Bimliton, a W., last week, with a dramatlo compuy under the management of J. 0. Uyera. On the lath luaL for her fuowell bencfll, Un, Daly appeared aa "Onr Female Americu Coualn." Enwni AoAJia cammucod aa eogagemcol on tbe lOtb Inat, In "Bamlot" at tho Heltopolilu Tbutn, ladiuapoUa, Ind. Mn, utD Mu. Babbxi Wiuubs appeared for one night only on Ibe ISth Inst, at the Music Hall, UprlngAeld, Hsu„ln "Tho Iriih Tiger" ud "In snd Out of Pisco.'' . LOTTAWU suouccd to plsyono nlgbtat tbe Open Boose, Bpringflehl, Maw., on tho Itib liiel,,ln "Tbo Qulel Family,'' "Audy Blake" aad "Nu Ibe Good for Nolblog." HOKTU's Ofxba Txoupx opened In Fort Smith, Ark., on Bept 20tb, to a crowded houM. "Conjuoal Leaun," a meluge of Etbloplulimi, indllbo firce of Ibe "Black Statue" were glron, Tbo compaiiT eooalsta of Ur. ud Ura. Harry Huatw, J. H. ud N. ndd, O. H. Berolo, J, Shaw, J. Bart J. B. Malcdoa aad 0. G. Thatcher. Thcylntond nmalnlng darhig tbo whiter, peiformbig Ibruem'eiilngi each week. On Ibe ith inet., Ur. ud kbrs. Hunter bid a complunentUT benofll, ZoB, the Cuban Sylph,'wu Ibe illrullon st Ibe Oriiwold Open Bouse, Tror, ths put week. She oommuced on Ihe etb for ons week, ulecling Ibo "French Spy" u her oponbig piece, followed by tbe "Wild Boy of the Forul." On tho aih, "Child of the Wreck;" lOlh, "Wiiard Skiff." On Ibo Ulb and 13lh, fouridi of "LanngTo" wen proaeutcd, In which ibo suilained a speaking diancter. Our ccmapondent "Uoae," aaya:—"Aa snlnduc^ ment lo sttrsct a crowded bouao,aplclunof M'dUoZoelndoaed, Inaacralodenrolope, wu giren lo euh poraon pnrebulng a llchct On tho opuing night Zoo wu greeted with in ororflow- iug house, sludlBg room bdog st a premltun. Tho temilnderof Ihe week's budneaa waa pretty Ihir. Ur, B. D. Lay, whu played Uohamet, performed In a niauncr thai woii froquent pleudlla. Zoo received u eicellsat enpport from tho aloek company. Mr, F. B. Obrufnn is the star for Bsit Itbls) week." UAnr MircnxLLud J. W, AlUogh are it Iho Open Houae, Columbus, Ohio. Flux ViNoxHi and Mollie Williams ire tbo preiut slan al tbe Oreulaw Open House, Memphis. LOTTA pisys al Ibo Lowdl, Uias., Thnlraneit week, ud goH Iheoee to the Conttatcntsl Tbeitr*, Boslon, oprataig tbsn on tho 33d In Brongbsm's new piece of "Liltis NolUa and Ibo Hu, chioneu," writtu oiproulr for hu by that gutlemu. ?i,BABX«n cloud a four weeks' eiusgemul at (he New MomnbisTbciirs00 thoSIh, appearinguSlr Waller AmyoUin '''.?JtJ'" Socnt" tniarlolls Thompson opmsd on ths Bib, with lbs "Lsdy of Lyonsi" »lh, ••Hnnobbacki" lOlh, "East Lynna," "Suof loe,'^ "Amta Na Poguo," ud Ibe "Jeweu" wen in nhearssl it lut iccoonts. FiBX I—Tlie Loulsrllle, By., Tbesira iru eatlnly destroyed by An st balf-past aloru o'clock on tbo erenlng of Ibe 131b Inat The flre broke out Jail Afleen mlanteailler tbe sudluoe bad left. Tbe Webb Blsten wen In the flnt week of u Agigemul than. They bad two large tmoka contalnbig all tbelr protou wardrobe, pIsoM, mnilo, slags ud peraonallewelry, ud (heir lo« amount* to OTW four Ihouaud doUsn. Au tbe soton ud idnssn loM Ibdr mrdnbes, snd Ibe theatre, which la now a niau of ' "in- , urohM a Ion of 810,000, wbloh Is only Inound fbr 810,000, w* an told, It wu owned by Co). Muady, of lhat dty, Thla (biates wu located al lb* loaUuul oocnsr of Onu ul roorlh neu, he st sll times commuds admlmUon ud elidtaTuat ap, plsuse. Uls new plsy of 'Ambition' shows bim to much sdru- lags. Hr. Prodor's Damon, Mubsib and Othello, which In onr Ume we bare rritnoased, Iou nothing In comparison rrilb tho many emhient sdon our oonatir boasls." BooDmL Dawoov, ths newly Imporlcd asmu tragedlu, Is lo ecaunncesbrlatrnngemenlat tlie Academy ofHnde, Philadel- phia, on Ibe 7lh of Norembw. Bc^m will not flnd to muy ooantrymm In Fhlbidelphia u be hu met bi Haw York. J. W, Wallaob la at the BoUldiy strssl thutre, Bdtbnore, this irsek. Be opens on Ihe IBth tu "Bsmlet" followed by "Blche- UeiL" "Hscbcth," "Olbello" ud "Blchud IlL" Miana. CorniXB b Co., sn the sulbcriied sgenU for Ihe Cain Tbsatre, which la now opu ooder the msnagsment of E. 0. Nor- ton. Stan wlabing nigbt* abould make application to thla Arm. They abo attcad to Ihe baaloeu of Wood^s thestre, LonlsriUei Leo HudsoB, Benorila Cortto, Eathleu O'Ketl, WsU's Ofin Bouse, Wublngton, ud a host of professionals. TirxTHXAm RnxsL, Montreal, a E, U adrsrtlsed to be M by Ihe night or week In udber oohnnn. ScBBoou's Nxw Opxxa Boosa, Bloooilagtan, BI., which Is uloulaled to niik as s flnt olsu Ibestn In lbs wulem country, Islabeppuedlolheiiubllooa or sboni Nor. Ith, under Ibe management of It B. KIchardi, A number of Ant clan people ue wuled for Ible cslabllshmut, for list of which, see sdro^ tisemoot In thla lane. Obables Babboh, lbefsroriloutor,lssbonttoslultlbnagb lbs weal ud soutbwnt In Ibe "Farorils 01 Forlono" ud other •UncUre pieces. Bee sdrortlsament U'LU UABixTrA RArix, tho populu sUr psnlonimlal, bu weeks to apira In Fobruuy, Tbo lsdy hu sddcd to her nperloiri which. In conlnncUon with her Islcat mskw bw sn slincllvo card. Msugen should sddnes h w In care of M. W. Uuley, u pw adrortlaomut In uolher columo, UABTMrTCBXu.Aim J. W, ALsAvoBroappearcdattho Academy, Mllwaukle, Wis, ontboblbiast, ud opened wltb tbo "Btacf Ice." Our correspondent "Olaude" saya:—"In (hli pkcs Iho public wen nromlaed murb, but the reality exceeded tbo ei- Gcctatlone ottbo moat uugulne. Maob crtdit la duo lo Haosgw Ulls for Ibo rosily oxccUenl mannw In which II wu goltoo up. ate scenery bu been most elabonlely pnpond, ud Mr. Mills spsrodno expenu In produdng ths play, Tbo Acadeuiybu been Ailed to rtiptotlon srsiy n^htthls (btlWHk, TboslslM ud orwy arsllabki nook snd conw of tbe hall bu been flilcd, aud many bare gone amy each ulght uoable to bo acoommodatod. Mlu M. ud Mr. A, bare played tola (lut) wook tbe meet suo- ceuful engigement eru played In this dty, Tbo leodbig rillicns bare tendered (0 Mlu Ultchdl a oomplimoulary be- BoAt lo lake place on tho i3th bist Ulu Bwhel Johnson ud B. Maciuloy oommenoo sn engsgcmont on tho ISIli." Tax VicESBbBO TBXATnx opued on Taesdiy, Oct 3d, (01 splu- did houw, It bu been fnmlsbed ud nAtted enUn st greet ex. PUM, ud now Is 1 rery neal place. Tbe compuy li considered ono of the bulvn Ibe rlvw Mlasladppi. Bfsris Bonllsco is quite 1 farorite. Bsrry Ollbert (low coinedlu) ditto. Tho compuy compiieu Mirio Btfoltm, Mlu AUce Tu^ Mn. 0. W. Willan, Mra. F. J. WUdmsn, Mlu Isabel Tufc Mlas Jsmu, Ao^ Messrs. ft. W. Wslter*, Hsrry Qllbsrt F. J. WUdmsn, James Firru, J> F. Jsmlwn, J, Orerton, B, Msrtbi, Somen ud J, Templelon. Bonai commeaoet it thi Boitoo Tbeatn on Ibo 3Mh InaL TBaaxoBimoftbedUrennt pUcesof smuaement UiBoslon fw Ibe moatb ol Beptembw weni Boston Theatn, (AajW 817,371; Boward Athumum, |«,I«8| Boslon Hnseum, 8U3ni Morris Bios., 80,6341 Wblbnu's OOBtlnulal, |13,eM| Theatn Oomlqa^ 811,140. .„ ^ UAniiioBiAuxxn.-On lbs Tib biat, J. A. BOMwaM, Isidor » tbe HolUdajr Street Tbutn, BalUmon, wu manlad bi that dly to Jolle Bolibeig, ftronbly known la Ibe moaksl dnlss of IhM °'&wiB Boon, baring closed bla ngsgtmul at lbs 8«*WA