New York Clipper (Oct 1866)

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AMTJSBMBNTS. To Adyortta«r*.» W« an Ui« tltantloB of Uiufen •nimfwrfjMto who wlih OumTtbo Tb»«trlc»l OtgiB o« Anuria , to mii» known Uidi blSIt wanti/rtt, to A foDoirtnrilmlBta ol nrtei for H- ^wSS ««nli B« Un« for •»oh inJ to«rtl« ■ IW ajM^^ ■ Ac« (torn olfc p»P«n, IneorpoMlia In mn rem^^ SSrSSfAlttw*! jXrtonwlIUiowonr.lijmfJ* imjdTjitl*. Ba>uwhenp*uforttm^ilinionttulat<ns(a. ptroCrnb- " flSnauteSu to latnra ttliDUon In tbe lira* for Uul WMk, u bj Honda/nonang, U UUrt, or Bitortir, U pot- FBAXK QVEES, ipiTOB WD FionmoB, Ke, n BpiuM itrMl, N. Ti ^WHZ.Tm. dSS op» nt?. -CS«un«ici«U7l<. ETEBT KMHTi W) UHO BBki ATrERHOON, DHPBBOBDDITBD. BUOOESS OF -~ TBB BUCK OBOOK, • ! ABBAT PABialAH BAUiEI TBODPE, - «g(«U»rwlUi -siLmciflOADE ' Am TBZ OBASI) TBASBFOnifA'nON 8CKKE. BmI* an tx Moanl tU ttji In ndnnee. OBAITD' IIATIIIEE KVEBT BATUHOAT, oomSiaiMa AT onb o'olooe, on wUoh ooculon Uu pilow wta bo ., OMBDOLLAB TtfiDptiliOf UieboOM. / no«itscli>ig«<otnHnadMUa,wbU)i can tewcuM taj da^loilngUiownk. . BROADWAY THEATRE. Admlwlon 50 oti, mOOKD VZBX, ud LAST BDT TWO, of Um hlghlr noaatu . «D«ginien« of . 'Hills MAItuIB imOBZLIt wlu^ npwntsd bT . ■ • . ,. Ur.JAIOSW.OOLLlKB u A Ibt full ooips dnntlilne, wlU on KONOAl 001. it, *^."Sf^**BATIIBi)AT MATIBB* TBE OBIOKET, pafuinol br her oiaedlaa 1.0W nlgbto Ihnnihont the prindfil (habtl of u« connlrr, and idffllUed on all mm u A TBIUMPB OF OENiaa AMD AST. FAROBOH, THB OBIOKBI HIBS HAOOIB lOTCHELL LAXI>BT.......r... KB. JABESW: OOLUEB Setia maj bo aemiad aU ii jt In e dwow. ^^.A m ii^iaiiuo»-umiE BABEfoor. A3nqB[piMjByfT'|S.- . CHARLEY WHITE'S OBBAT VABIEir TBODPE, OPEM BVEBI KIOUT, At BBTAltTB' UECUANICa- BAU, 411 BBOASWAT, OootUIng of' A UOKBIBOOB COHPAKT (IF THUITT'nTE TBB8ATILB PEBFOBHEBB, IHTBODUOIMa All EHTIBE OBAKOB OF PEBFOBUAMCE EVBBTWBEE, •jniX. AMHETTA OALLRTI, ~ .' Ami HOR& OiBDELLi. Tha two btat Ducen Is Aatria, AMD PRBBBMTWO IN OME EVEMIMO OBUTBBT VABIETT <H ral fISnUB «Ter ginn la AHEBIOA. TUi Uonilai iDlartiliunail now gtTm al THIS IBHPLE or AUOSEHEHT If pmoaaead bir all th« pai tuellcnoa of the tgt. I UATINKB E\'BBI BATUBDAY ARBBNOOM, aa-It* Cemnendng at Vi o'clock. WINTER QARDEN. W. BTDABT Jtaatgn ^uobdat; oor. TJrMWDTnoMa the week, FInt enngtment h«K In two juio ol - MBS. S. 7. BOWEBS. Who wlUappatr, anppoTtedbT . TailoOSuAM AMD A OBEAT CASTE, In Efonataun'a capital djtmitlntico of . . . LADE ABDLBT'B BEOBET. LAST ADSLET KB8. D. P. BOWEBS . [X biillUDl and tulUew pwwiutlon.1 ACT L—THE FBIOE OF OBIME. ACT. II_ THK.L niB.TBgE WALK. ACT nL —DTTg L' TO TH B DEATH. ACTTT.—TEiB ntCIEMDIAar. , AOTT^TBAOXBD. 'AV'SAF..'' NEW BCBKEBT AMD APPOOTtUEim. ' DoonopeaatTMl beglnalS. 8atea«nindilxla;*lntdnnM. OLYMPIC THEATRE. LEOMIBDOBOTEB. DDEOIOB MOtfDU ETENOiO, OOTOBEB IS, 18M, ' ..,UBTK10HIBOF KB. JOBEPE JEFFEBSOM, . BONDAT ADD TDEBDAT: Oct' U and It." lM\ »l«bt>PcilllrdTot Ur. JgPFB MOS la OCB AUEBIQAM COOBIN. The HTlnl or thli fliiiining Comedx hu b««n attradad wUh alighted tn dtonc a. LAST niaBTB of the rwnetkiWe. neiltoloiu caita, embra- dagim. OBAB. VAMDENHOFF, HaBTOSDABT.llS. OHAa .nTBa&!HB'J..Ti WABO, UB. T. BIMD, HB. W.BABBON, MB. a^80BB& H& aiLLBTT MB BIMOLAIILMB. KEN- WAT, MiaS CABOURiaABMR, HIBB KATE NEWTON, MBS. .BAUin>BB& UBS XHKBISA WOOD. MISS OBOBaiB TEUJlf, MTttfl AJ.Tnfc wabhwui u fctrfla mun tj^n .■■ . ^ WXDNESDAT, Oct IT, MIL JBETKQ80K (a ': . 'OUiFBPLDHMEB, . IN OBIOSSr ON THE HBABTH. BARNUM'8 NEW AMERICAN MUSEUM. BroadnT, Mtween Bpilni ud Prlneo itneta. AMOIBBB OBANOB. BOUErrHmO FOB OLD AND 10;iNO TO SEE, AFRBNOON ATX ' ETEMDia AT 7X, Too IMIIflng and tnlhftl Brama of TEN inaBTS IN A BAB-BOOH, . dmlcUu la ^Blhfhl wemm the HISIOar op TBI INBBBUTB and eihlBllUg'ttia aetoiUtlea of BAB-BOOB LIFE. ELEOAMT DAR0E8—COUO BONO AKD DANOE. INFANT AND FEMALE DBUHUEB. ' . Tobanenalellhonn, OOUXOnON OF TBE LATE OOBDOR ODHMINO. HAMHOTB FAT HAM, WEIOHIMa tig LBB. UBS ANNA 8WA!9K, (HAHTESS, OYEB B FEET HIOB. .XHBEB DWABF8. OLABS BLOWEBa OIBOABBUM OIBL. .. LmMa BIBOS OF BABEST PLDMAOB. A BU>TB. .A VTILTDBE. TBB ADJDTANT. . .. LIVIMa BHAEB8, LIVIMa MONEET& .mnONAL BnONZE POBTBAIT OALLEBT. . US P0BTBAIT8 OF N. A. NDIAN 0HIEF8. TJoanonmai^ Learned Beal, Bepp; Famlljr, Onnd Anuria, 'Wax FIgviMl'and 900,00(1 other CnrUKlUea. Admliilon,' 90 oenti: ohlldien under too. 15 cenla. NEW YORK C IB0U8. FOTIBTEENTH STBEET, oppotlteAadeffirotMulo. L. B. LEMT... : Dlreoior MATINEES HOMDAT AMD BATUBDAY AT 9K P. M. EVEBT NiOBT, AT EIOHT O'OLOOK. /, BODDISON, _^ • • TIis Cbaaplso Bueback nider, with LmtiE OLABENOE. H'LU CABLOTTA DE BERO, The moM deahhig'.tnl CMfiag Eoneetcleone the world hta erer ' . _' pndDeed, anpporud by the full. . MEW nOBKi OIBODS TBODPE. 'Frloea~I>ne(Cli<]leiM) 'c«nti; Chlldiin under ten, is cenlai ' B teu i iiid Bntit weenie; Chlldrtn tinder ten, w canle. . BeeenMBaubi'd TIetoti cen alao be pnxmred at the "Thea- tre Tlcknt OOoe," Moi. lU and lU Bioedwtr. Bvuetztane, Aototaite aod other arttala of acknowltdged abUlty, wlBlung fngagemente, can addreu aa above. OIB0DST^Te.-For tale, a UO fc«l Tent, and a W tat Tent, nstmuoh uaad. Applj to aS-U L. B. LENT, Now Tork OlKiaa. TONY PASTOR'S OPERA HOUSE, Ml BOWBBT, (onalU Bprllg elIWI^ AH the weak, an asUnlrnaw Local Drtat, IHB DPPBB AMD IiOWBB TEN THODSAin). Ell Cotton, Tnr Netui Bob SeoM, O. F. UoDonaldi PoUphar Pettifog, T. O. Bl0n; ApoOo Smign. t. W. Oofller; Bam Ian- ranj, f. Wild; ArthuOibome, 0. Hareslloei S/lreatarOoHon, W. Aimatrang; Alfred Bhup, J. Oaraori Borneo end Johet, HIa F. MoDonald: Eogeoe CoUoa, HUa Canari Marr Appkton, HIa J, Engel! Sallr BInl, Mlai Oia;. Tha piece abouudi la HOTEL EFFEOr. iriBIXIMa BITBATIOHB, OOMid SCENES, BnBBIMO TABLEAUX, BOKOB, DAM0B8, WIT AMD VCMOB. A new ohanolaiMIe ballad, br MOMS. BZOLLOSr, . IBE MODNTEBARK OF aSHNADA. 3t« Mknowledged neat OonleTtoapa bt a aBANDDtVEiaiFIBD TABlBnr PBOOBAHME. HA31NEE ON WBDNBBDAT Aim BATDBDAT, BUOWORTH'S MINSTRELS. FITTB AYEMDE OFEBA EOUBB, 3 and t Wea( 2ith alreel, adjoining the Flflh Arensa BotaL EVEBI ETENINQ TEIB WEEK SBILLUMT AND TABIED PBOOBAMUB. OLOO AMD FAMCr DAKCES. BEADTIFDL SOLOS. THE BITAL8. ' - LOVE AND UEDIOIMB. EOBOB FBOU FATBEBLAND. The erer popular FALL OF FOBT VISHEB. BONO, DANOS AMD BUBLEBqUE. Adinliaton OOo., SSc, and TSe, as-li* A YOgNQ MAN, Nineteen jeen of ear. !• dealraua of Joining a good ■' VABKrr OB SBAMATIO COUf AMY, .(alalloeaiT prtfenad,) to learn the profoulon, Would make a good FetnaTe Imperwiutar, and hai Bid Wme eipeiience u noh In Ughl cotaedx, (una, ele. Waga no (MmL j^nonalMe mmagaie will pleaa addrea 3S-1I* H.J.,])oxiril,SilaD.aolamhlaniOo., OUo. tS5!L2SS?5£^2,?S:„M?''*5''' ««P"«»to hlmaeU to bt eeoaacM.inlh th« SpaulllDn Bioa. Bwla Bell BIsien. and iiSiSsS^i^uhJ?.'^"*-^ H, i.'ffl'iSl BPAUIOWO BBOa AN ■ AGENT ^trfebt dalalla of the bndn«M, and i. _ SV« with anyrapoKilbUpsrt rehS WfMtt. KAlTlHOBiT , Oai«)QBBT-£BOTEXBfl/Attla«UBptuoaBr ... Ihs SAN FRANCISOO MINSTRELS, 885 BfOidway. 'THE FAB FAMED, INIHITABLl! AND ONLY BIBCB, WAHBOLD, BEBNABD k BAOEDB' BAN FBAKCISCO UINSTBELB, Whoa etuoew haa nerm been equalled by any alnllar organlu- ttoa In Ihe world. - MBW AMD OBEEBrOL SCRLEBQUEB FOB THIS WEEK. Ftret appairanca of tha unrlTalled Banjoul, Lew Briuuner. Flnl week of Bpedial Sbtdra. ImltiUona of Actor*. PoUoe Court Scene. HrPoBrAnn. Oparatio Oinna. Oreal auccea of ~ ' Crook and Alrlcan Ballet Trogpc SfcAVER'S.OPERA HOUSE, LATE ODEON, BnOOKLTN, B. D. BE-DECOBATED, NEW aCENEBY and HTA0EAPP0INTMENT8. gf OBAMD OPENDiO. tM Thie BnuHfnl TEHPLSJOF KTEIOnAN HINBTBELST will connence tlie FALL AKDnWINTEB SEASON on HOMDAY EVEMISO, ScpL 8d, ISM, wtthMhe toUewlng %IULLtANT ABBAY 07 TUS8T: EVB BOBN, the ealebrjUd Ethiopian Coundlan, WASB MOBTON.tbe gmt Female liopenoiiator and Oenenl ' Performer, v , JOBNMT ALLEN AND J. E. OAIIFBELL, The FaTO flle Comtdlana. '^^t-. JOBNNT qCEEN, the Cbanplra ClotnlaL J. A. Berau, O. H. tnMtt, fni Barker, B. laatc*. U. Bflay, C. Pannfelt, B. laan, 7. f.'Bk Olalr, O. Mohei1g,__ J. J, Billiard, FndBowtD,end OEO. H.C0E8, I Who wSI appear BighUr In their OBAMD AMD FABBlORABLE ZNXEBTAIMUENT8. ALL THE MEWZBT 60N0L BALLADB^ORUBGB. FABCEB, AOn, JOEXB, BCBLESQIIB OPBBA. TBAOEDT, Ac, Ac., WILL Bt PDODnOED IN BAPID BOCOBSSION.' FIB8T CLASS TALBNT can addroa > T. W. SEATEB, Bole Proprietor. ai4f OEO. B. GOES, Stage Manager, CHARLEY WHITE'S TROUPE. Bryanla' Mtehanlca' Hall, 473 Broadwaj. BEAD I BEBOU>tl AND WONDEBIII A ataitUni norellT etery nlibl Ihle WMk. BEBB OBBimAN HOLM, The Ortat Fir* King of Denmark, and Dating Toolh, who will appear nightly, to the emuiemoit and utlafacuon of all. In a rery Huaonloun Fat of BntNO OFF A PIECE OF A BED BOT IBON BAB, WIFINa HIB NAKED ABH WITH A BED HOT BBOTEL. Pladng hU BABE FEET TO A BED HOT IBON PLATE. PoalllTaljnoflctliin. Dona erery night thla week. iS-lt* HOOLEY'S NEW OPERA HOUSE. OOBNEB OF COURT AND BEH8EM BTBEEI8, BBOOKLIB, la DOW open for tha leaaon with A OBEAT STAB COMBINATION OF . . HINBTBELB AND PANTOHIMISTa : tas HOST C0U70BTABLE AND FINEBT HALL IN AHEBIOA; The Company compriaa TWEMTI-PTTE UNEQUALLED FEB- rOBMZBB, adeeted flom Ihe lint ranka of the Profeulon. lUat cloa Went can addrea t a^EENLANDi.Ag'L . [>-tf] B. M. nOOLET,Bole Fropi't. , KELLY A LEON'S MINSTRELS. I "I 7» BBOADWAT. 1M BBOADWAT. TM BBOADWAT. . oca UHHllfil. OEO. CBBIBTI, OEO. OBBISTT, FKANK'MOBAM', . FBAKX-MOBAN, JOBM ALLEN, JOHN ALLEN, THE WONDEBFUL LEON, '■• EDWIN EELLT, EDWIN KELLY, . DIOK BANDS, DICK BANDS. New Chonan, New Quart ele, New Ballada, New Daneee, New Jokea, ererything new. LEON In hie Baeaming Burleeoot of ME-DEA-B BE-STOBT. 98-11 ME-DEA-B BB4T0BY. A. 0. 0, F. 8. LODGE ROOM, Got. 4th, 1866.- At aatattd mtetlDgof ActotaOrderot Frlmd>hlp,Bhakceptare, held thla dato, the following ofllcare wen laelalled to acre for IwelTO monthatrom date: Prealdent,Bto.JAB.B. B0BEBT8, Treaaurer,Bni. JOHN PAUL, Tloe Free t. Bio. WM. B. BAILEY. Seo'ry, Bn. ALEX. FTSBEB. The following were appolntad ee a committee to reoelra proptv aitlona of memberehip et tlie different thntree to which they are attached:... . Oco. L. Alktn, Wffl. B. Leak John A.Ellalar, L. B. BhewcU, F.Ohlppendau, B. & Byner, T. A'Becket, Lewla Baker, a B. Temey, Ooo. W. OUe, ' D. E. Balller, Wm, Naylor, Joa'ph Barker, J. L. Barrett, F. F. Mtckey. B. L. Beecomb, CTTua Cereon. Travelltig Committee: Joo. Jefferaon, Edwin Adam e, Ttaoa.McXeoD, L. P.Bemtt All Drothera abaaot from the city are reoueated locomiDunl- at« with the Secretary InalaDlly, the leal umo of aklng. Bo- member. The BrothanwUI pleaee take noUeeof thedathot Bro. Oroene. ALEX. FIBBER, Bee A. 0.0. F., B., as-ll American Toutra, Philadelphia. A. 0. 4). F. LODGE ROOM, Cot. 4, 1868. At a etaled mntlila of the Aotora Order of Frlendahlp, Bhakea- peare, held thla dab, the following rooluUonewere nnanlffloully paaaed: Wherea, The Supreme Btiler of the DDlreteo In Bla high wla- dom baa been pleawd to take from tu by eudden dath an eical* lent ma^ our trtily worthy brother, THOUAB 0. QBEENE. Therefttre : - Bea^Ired, Ibat we, tha membare of the A. O. O. F., S., while ncctpjlilng tha ntmleelna and bowing to the wlU of Ood in all things casaot bat deeply faal aad alnearaly lament Ihe loa to our Bodety la the deeeaa of - our brothw, and lake thla ooctalon to expraa our fntemal aimpalby with tha bereared family who hara been ao trrepaiably deprired of thair beat protector, a true hnaband and a Und fhlhar. Uceeltad, Ihallnreepectto our worthy htoUwr, IhU eiprea- alon of the nUatlton In which he WW held by the order been- torod upon Ito raoorda. BeadlTed, That we atlead Ihe tonetal to a body, aad wear Ihe uaual badge of moumlog for thirty dayi. BeaolTed, That a 0017 of thaa reaolutlona be forwarded to Ihe ^'!yC2fA*<'M**!™- ALEE.FISBEB,Fra'l A.O.O,F.,a OIBUB OABBON, Bto7 A. O. 0. F., & TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS ON HIS WB8TEBH TOUB OF THAT KIMO OF nOHT BOPE PEBFOBUEBB, H. JOHN DENIBB, Entirely eollpatog ill other AitliU. - Eto Daihlag aYUNABTIO FEATS hold Ibe audlenu ipall bound. Aldieu OUppar Ctllce,* New York Olty. THE MTTSBUROH AOAD^Y (ilF MU^IO. UieaMletegahL(Dmniodlooa,aidbalTeatllatod .l..t .■■•■>*MaillnthecliT,lfnollntheWaet_ — -- -QTED TO BEUABLB FABHEB aitoOBlr, Ara'lbhgot ihcHlam,' if .'THmdataal,>AMi(h.. . IMI*^' ' ai-it THE PEOPLE ALL HAIL I THE WOBLD'S FAVOBITE TBODPE, Juat rclnnlig from Mew Crltana aad - their late Soulhem Tour. Belom of the OlganUo, Enr Weloomod and Famoua DUPBBE ft' BENEDICT'S (Lui Dmaii k Ouni'a) MINSTBELB AKD BBABB BAND, From the St. OharlMlhalre, New Orleant, CBOWNED WITH NEW lAOBEU AND lUUENBE BDOOEBS. Hartog had tha honor to play to one of the largnl houaa (orer $1,000) aa well a one of tha meal auoceeaful engagemenla arer knownlnlhehliloryof Ihebnmloork profeaalon. CharlaBey- nolda. Law Benedict and OUIr Vat, the three nneqoaled Come- diaaa, will appear In tome olihalrlalat HoTelUa nighlly with thla troupe.. CHAS. B. DUPBEZ, uanager, 0. E. BLOOUH, Agent OALIXA LATALLEB, Uoilcal Director and Leader of 98-U : . ODPfiEzTBENEDIOTB BBABS BAND, MISS CAROLINE HAYES, ' ; THB lOUMO AMD AOOOUPLIBHED ABTISTE, ' . i»o - ' MB. 0. a DATENPOBT, IBEiVEBT FOPULAB IBIBB AMD VBISATILE COMEDIAN, yOOAUar-AHD DAMOEB, Ur/Dareopori, bATtag been etpreadr engaged toaupport Ula ' ~ ' ihtttoerutoigh ue Weal,a mat eitooelTa tnd ..,_.olr«ot pleoa la offered to managar^naetoaledby aay other paitlcaMw trarallng. The undanlgnedlaTeadytone- gottale for tntlhar diigigeineala, to oommenc* alter January laU 1M1, feelli^ taau^uat Ibe combined afforta and peraoual quilKcaUona of lb«a young arUatea, for Ihe rola they eanme, will DMl with thrappiobadoB of Ihe public AH comnuslatloiu tor (be prctent ahoud be addmaed to J. W. OOEST, 9»«m ' tSaWeetFOuthlM. NEW00M8 A ARLINGTON'S MINSTRELS. ' TBE OBEAT BEMBATIOM TUOUPK OF TEE SAT. NOW BETUBKIRa EAST. THE WOMDEBODB BEBNANOEZ, end . „ BILLY EMERSON, COHEDIAM, The greatat Bong and Duca Man In Ibe World. SIX FinST CLASS C0MEDUK8 wUl appear nightly, In conoecUon with the other portion of thla grandentutalDment, which will pioTe tobe of AM ENTIBE MEW AXDOniOINALCBABAOTEn. 94-3m*i THE CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD ABE COMIMO. SEASON OF IMS-n. TBIBO A!(NUAL TOUB or COTTON k HUBPBT-B CALIFOBNU MIMSTBELS AKS BBASa BAND. Eighteen Artlata of Taknl and Ability, under Ihe aole manage- mail of BEN COITON. 3Mf . B. B. PABMELE, Ageok CLARRY & HEILLY, PBIHTEBB AND 'ENORATEBS, 19 AMD H BPBUOE STBEET, NEW YOBK. THE LABOBBT SHOW BUL PBDlTDlO BSTABUSHUEKT IN TBE WOBLD. THIS FIBU fayi particular tUcallon to aalllng op all Mnla of FANOY.aHOW BILLS . For Imellng eompanlea, and hara on hand a large and aplendid aaaortmeni oTlarge and emaU WOOD OUTS SnUahle for CIrcuaei, Menageilei, Ethiopian Performer*, Oym- naata, Hagldana, Ac, Ac, which can ba prtoled In ooe or mon ootor*^ to aolteuatomera. A depalt required on all work ordered. \ 93-tf Rj B. KENT'S Thealrloal Hoilary, x 909 BOWEBY. N. T., FOBUEBLY OABMEB'S EBTABUBBHEMT, an BOWEBY. All kleda of THEATRICAL and CIBCUB CLOTHDia conatantly on hand and mada to order. 3Mm< THE GREAT CARLETON. OABLEION. CABLEION. CnlTeraally acknowled ged b y the Frea of . . .BOTH HEBQSPHEBBS . to In tha only true lepteaentatlTa oi the Wll, Mirth and Melody OF OULD IBELAND, la now playing to crowded honaee at TBDIBLE'S TABIETIEft PUtaburgh, Pa. 91-tt Addreaa Clipper Oftoe. AMES' GREAT SOUTHERN MUSEUM I AND ZOOLOOIOAL INSTTTDTE. > THREE SPAOIOUB HALU, Condatlog of a Rare Collection of LlTlng BMa, Flaha, Hlnoala, Cdna, Pahilln^ Ptotaire*, Balldi of tha BaTotahon, and other CurloatUa fnm all parla of the world, KAZDia ON E OF THE HOST INBtTBDOTIVS AND AMDSINO INBTITUnONB IN TBIS CODNTBY. Urlng curfoaltla wtahlng engagamenta the ooalag eeaan will be treated with on Ihe moit liberal tarma, by addreaalog , C. T, AHES, ■ New O rleaat, La. P.S.—WANTED-A Aral claa OLASS BLOWEB daring Ihe Winter Beaaon. WILLIE WAKE would Inform MiniMrt ind <h« ProfeUon gaeially that he le Bowprepar*d to do dl ihaaha of Ultftly work, DTamaHatog, Soig Wiltiu. ate .Addtea ' 'WILLIBWABB; ' U-ll* . Moaice,Mleh. RQBERT NICKLE, PRESTIDIGITATEUR. Wlth-an ODtlialy new and oitgtnal Bepertolre of SlartUng Won- der*. AU oommnulcatloDa to M addteeaed to 91-am* J. D. aDEMY8B, Agent, Brooklyn,N.Y. P.O. CHAS. B. GRISTE, ADTANOE AOENT, :< Will accept an engagement with a diet elaaa IMrellng (Jompaay or Blar. Addrea u IboTr, cara of I. B. aad F. F. FABWSJ^ Printing OIBce, 119 Waahtonton atraet, Beaton, Mala. ai-lf COLLYER'S VARIETIES, BALnHOBE,HD. BAH COIXYEB Bole Fnorielor WM. BICE Muuaer TBE HODEL CONOEBT BALL OF AHEBIOA. NOW IN TBE FULL IDE OF BUCOES& WANTED IHHEDIATELY—Baalo Player, Song and Dance Man, Coiolo Stoaer, lady Vocallat, and an eaUn Cotpa do Ballet Flrat claatalentmly. Addrea WM.BIOB; IT-tl*' Uanager ColIyer'aTariellea,BaltlBioi«,Hd. SHERRY'S NEW.YORK THEATRE, Now to the alith week of auccea, to Siit, Fa. Wanted, A LEADINa JUVENILE HAM and A 8IM0INO OHAM- BEBUAID, for a aeaaou of ten month*, to commena Immedi- ately. ^ Addra* J. F, BBEBBY, aT-3l* Manager, Erie. Pa. WEBB'S HALLi Blrer Block, Ualn ilrtet Warren, Ohio, will teal SIX BUNDBED PEBSONa Bu two Arcfalmodlaa Tenlllalorai 1* lighted with ga; footllgbto on the atage, and dreaalng rooma adjoining.. . OPra FOB COMOEBTS, PABTIES,'LEOTCBES, Ac A. D, WEED, »7.«l» Propttotor. ANNIE HOWE. Thla popular Commodlaane, haelDg Juat arrlred to Ihia cointry from Europe, le pnjiared to afgoUate with managata tbroughont the Weal and fioulnweat, for brief etar engageoeata. In . thla lady'a lepettolr* will baftnad TBBEE MEW PIECBB oarer yet performed to thla conatiy, ITIIXIAH H. KINO, ■Adurew J7-9t» Care JAUEB OONNEB k CO., CM Broadway. NOTICE TO MANAGERS. Retain of J. E. MoOONOCOU from Enropa, Cot tlh. During hla abaoM he ha added to hia npertoli* T. P. Cooke'a NanBal Pn«* Drama of _ IBUB TO THB OOBI; Ob, DBUTINa TO LEEWABD. Alto, Dion Boaclcanlt'a laal Drama, now being pertomed at the Lyaimi, London, entllled - . THE LONO BTBIEE. Added to which Ihe aole right to E. B. Bona aad Dion Bond, cssira Drama, ABBAH NA'POODE. IT-lf Addrea H. FALUEB, NIblo'a Oardeo, BANJO AND JIG DANCING, CLOa, BONO AMD DAHOE, AND IBIBB JIO DANCINO, langhl by Ihe renowned . J. BOOAN, Ul BAST HOUSTON STBEET, N. T., mar Foraylh it l^rma Id per ooura. Btajoe of a lope- rlor qnalllr alwaya on hand for ttle. N. B.—on teealpi of III will aend three wrlllao leaaona on the BaiOo or Danctog. 91-91* WANTED. By a lior IT year* oftge,aelluaUontoany apaclty enabllag him to learn to perform to a drona, or to lean gymoatto penoni^ AdddreaJ.A.THOMAS, Indiana, InX Co., Pa. 9T-3I* LAFAYETTE NIXON has tddsd 1o hla Estib- Uahmeat,attheaoraerofdiharcoue and UlhilrMi,a tpludld LUNCH CODMTEB, for die latreehmeal of tlaltora Ihronghout the day and ereiUag. Be la alao ready to recelTe and Impart cqueeMaa IntelllgeaM toalltuchMhnorblmwlthacall 10 refereace toprofeaSonal boatoeia, without oMt a7-tf EVANSVILLE THEATRE, ■ EYAMBTILLE, IND. WANTED-^ full Dramttto Oompaay for the eaeoaa of ISM-'tT. Ladleaand geiilleman of acknowledged potlUon to the profeulon, deilrlng angagamenle, will addrta the nndenlgaad, t, O, Box n. New Haimooy, Ind. 91-lm. . UABTIN OOLDEN.Leaee aad Uanager. '"BSCCrSoLDErL ^ Htnagan wiehhig to amagawllh Ihe aboTotiUftforelaran' geaanoato, will pbaM addrea ll-tm F. 0. Boi S, D, ETaaarllle, lad. wanted; METROPOLITAN MUSIC HALL, _ _ .«11 AMD MS CHESTNUT BTBKirr, FHIUDELmA. EABBT ENOCHS. • The aboT» phee of amuaement la "ow opto wllh the toal and moat TeiutUe company to the dly. None but flrat claa ai- tiata engaged at thlaalabUahmeat N. a-Flrat daa arUata (no other*) wiahlag engagementi, aa addrea a abore.) ^JNIOfTHALL,' JACEBON, HICBiaAN, IS THE FINEST BALL IN THE STATE. lT-3m« OEO. B. LATHBOP, Agent WHO GOES SOUTH 7 THE MASONIC BALL, NASHVILLE, TENN., IB THE LABOEST HALL IN TBE STATE, NEWLY FIITEO AND BE8EATED, SEATINO 1,000 PEOPLE. Foot LIghU, Large Stage, SraatogBooma, aod ererythlng de- einbia for i • . TBEATRIOALS, C0NCEBT8, LE0TUBE8, ETC., for real by the night, wak or aaaon^^Ajpgtc^^^j^ Mualo Store, Maaonlo Tttmple. BoleagentoforOhlokertogABona'Flaaa. Chtdertog "Con. pert Orande" alwaya on hand. 3l-Sm* CENTRAL PARK NORMAL MUSICAL CONSER- TATDBY, iU Wat 9<th at, near Bth are. Leaaona itrtolly pri- rata, toima faroi*ble, call or aond atamp tor circular, at the Con- aamtory or Htll'e Uulo Store, 043 Broadway. J. t. WATSON, (tha orlglna) "American Paganlol,") Agent 90^m* SKIFF A GAYLORD'S MINSTRELS im BRASS BAND. Thla model organluUon la now to the foB lenllh of auccea. I oomprlacean UNEQUALLED TBIO OF COMEDIANS, whoea witUdtma proroke unbounded langhtar. A QUABTETTE OF SPLENDID VOOALIBIS, whae Bansonliauon la one of toe fatura of tha perfoimaace A FIBST CLASS OBCBEBTBA, And the LABOEST AND BEST BRASS BAND of aay almllar organization la the country, togather with the BECOOfllZED CBAMPIONS OF AHEBIOA, UESSRa DELEHANTY k WABD, OLOO DANCERS. LOW OAYLORD, Venager. J. B. WABD, Treianrer. H. T. ALLEN, Stage Uanaget. VySm WU. FOOTE, Jr.TAgent BANJO CORRECTLY TAUGHT.-Binlo Book (mailed), II. Beferencta by permlaatoa, BaU k Son, Pond A Co., aad a T. OordoD, mualo pnbuaher*, Broadwaj. 3« J. BIVORI, of Bryania' Mlaatrela,4Tl>i Broadway. TO MANAGERS.--Mr*. J. H. ALLEN and D. H. HABEIHB haling etarted on Ihetr Btarriag Tour, maaagera wlah. tog to oommnnloato wito them caa do ao through their agent, }Mm* CHAa T. PAB8LCE, Mo. MO Broadway. A CARD TO A0EMT8, THEATRICAL AND UntSTBO, MAMAOEBBk aad the liaTellag oommtmi^ to general. We chaofelly reoommend yon to the City Hotel, New Bafan, Conn., hept by Jema Barker, u being one of the bat hotole to atop at eaat of Mew York. A generoua table, poUte, tidy and at- teotive aarranta, dean rooma, nice beda, no btiga or moaqultoa. Ohargea reaionahle, In fact Barker can kap a hotel. BABBY STONB, Menager of Amy Btone'a eenaatlon troupe. 33-tf DAN WOBCESTEB. Agent BY A TENOB BnOEB, Who la well arqualntod with mualo, a altualloo to eoma raipaota. bla company, a iHTaUag ampaay ptafernd. I* at home In all Ihe mnato of la* day, haying had ooiialdeitble eipeitona, and read* dlflnlt mtuto at eight Addraa WIlTEB IBVIHO. ' j ijy : "*j-LW i .-jm r: r^.n .-j -. i - -y-u-j.-L-L^.Tr;r,niirj!!flff DON SANTIAGO QIBBONOISE, KIng'of Confor donUla. Alio, Bope Walker, SrlaL Oymnaatio and Coatotiloa Fata, caa b« cigaged by a Teapenalble parly; to tnrei « aot 38-11* , Addr«a hlmloOOOOTBB,lad. EDWIN VARREY WpiNitletoaratoej^gt^orFlralflVTia wn^^ Coa- ady fnia Not, lit >:■** Of a y., P. 0 HaiTia cr Flrat Jb>w Cog Oluis. T, PABSLOB:. . > BexHlFliilaMdrN,J. J. E. MoDONOUGH, ha anaaged wllh NOW IN LONDON, ENGLAND, DION BOCOICAULT FOB A NEW PLAY BEAUTIFUL EFFECTa Manager* dealioua of HB. HoOONOU. are toformed that ha win airtre here oa or Iboul September 80. CommunlaUona addraaed to Ua agan^ Ihe underalgaed, will rcoelre prompt attanUon. W. F. BBOUOH, 80 WUloaghbyatreet 33-tt . Brooklyn, Hew York. ELLSLER'S ATHEN/EUM, COLUMBUS, OHIO. lUapopnlarThatre, wall atoekad with Bcaery, etc, for BENT by the night week, month or eeaaon, for DramaUo and other fVtt—^'- tddraa JOSI A. EUBLEB, doTeland, Chto, or 98-tf C. A. WAOKEB, Cohunlrai, 0. TO MANAGERS. All eommanioaUoDa lelatlTe to TBE OBAND lUOIOAL SPEOTACLE OF TBE BLACK CBOOK, NOW BUNNINO AT NIBLO-Bl N. Y., Aad creattog a MnuUon lupanllelad In dnmatlo trinmpha, muatbemadeto CBAB H.-BABBAa . Aatoor aad Proprietor, l-lf BniUo, N. Y. TALENT WANTED."An AI Varisty Company wiah to eogaga a me go od talent Addrea, wlia FULL FAR. TICDLABB AMD LOWQT TEBHa' 38-U , ., ^aNDEX," are Clipper onm. MbNTGOMERY THEATRE, MONTOOHBBY, ALA. STARS aad FIBSI OLABS TBOUPBS wlahlBgJaM at Ihe abore ThMire, aow one ol the FINEST IN THE tOuTB, may apply to BOWEBS A DAvfeVi 3Mm Mantgomety, Ala. THE RENOWNED . DUIBLAT FAMILY, Now performing to crowded houeeaat Ihe WINTEB OABOEN, NEW YOBK, WUl be al liberty to aeapt engagemento after tha Ulh of Octo- ber. Manager* wlahtog to aecure thle woaderfol Troupe ehould addtea . BHEBIDAN COBBTN, Uanager, 30.U CUpparOOce.' ■ . W l^.^^ wi. MUSIC HALL, London, 0. W.,ls now for RENT tooonipeala or peraonalv the day, week or month. BlaoStby ti^anda3(WtliIgh; two dteaatog rooma; palmtnaIs ceUtogi fbol.Ughtoi ealTOO: hotalr, eto.) wall Tentllaled; dooraopen oukwarda. Addraa MUBIO HALIk Loadoi. 0. W. »fi' MR. STUART ROBSON, the ainlnant Comedian, Hartc^ ^eoncluded hla aecaad angagemaat thla eeaaon at toe aOAN THEATBE, PBILAD] , formed to crowded honaa hla aucceaatnl Dnrleaaoa of LEAB, The CUBS,and HAMLET, OrWEABOtaOFTEBB haaafew weekaimoocnpled time CommanlcattonaBay be ad. dreaed care of CHAB. IBOB. PABSLOE, 000 Broadway. 'HIA, where ba haa par- ■ BlSo XEBBLAOE, 9T-3I* JOHN P. SUilH, Agent OLYMPIC THEATRE, NEW OBLEANB. TlUa highly popalar Thaire, now uoder|otog allenttoaa, wlU open lor the aeaoa oa or about Sept 9ith. FIBST CLASS STABS UberinybaitodwUh. 31-lt* u. WAIEINB. TO THE PROFESSION. WANTED—AT CHADWIOK'B TABIETY TBEATBB- lU aad 111 Dearborn alreet Chicago, IIL. OOOD AOTOItS, SUtOEBS. DAN- CEBS, HALE AND FEUALB MINBTBEL PEBFOBHraa Ac All good perfoimera wiU dad eagaKementa 1^ applylatf at osa to "MOt* OEO. B. ~— *lfiARNING TO MANAGERS.-Wm. H. Otil, of Baton, adrertlatog hlmielf a a WalUiig Oenlleman; LOUIS CABLANO, of Boalon, a Coatnmer, aod the atiten OLABA AND BALLIE WOREIX, of Naahrllto, all nllclled engaiomento and BIQNED CONTRAOIS for the eeaaon of 1000 end '07 with the nnderdgned. Thae people, recUea of their tumor aad reoard- 1<*8 of toe annoyaau fhar oooaatoa ua, hare not area had the deoeney toglTeaotlcaof thelrtolended breach of cootractbit hare anffered toelr nama to be publlahed u member* of the company engaged, A prompt publlutlon of their alma may perhapa, pnl mpecUble managere on their guard wito Ihoa parUa. We commend our eiample to the coodderaUon of man. •geratoelmlUrcaea. BOIO A UAODOMOBOH. ^IobU^ Ala., Sept 9«th,H0d. ^"^""j^i VARIETIES THEATRE. DETBOIT, HIOB. OHAa H. WELCH SoIePnorlelor HABBY CLIFFORD ;..... /..{U^JmEmS ArUaU of aaknowledgedabUitlaun alwaya prware good en- gagemento by applytog u abore 96«*9m JULIEN THEATRE, Dubuqut, Iowa. Thla BegMtErtbljahmeafla now opea for the aeaaoa, haytoa, beea Bemodeled aad Decorated throiiAhOttI, with eaUieiy Kew Bcoaenaad AppolQimenlL FIBST CLASS GtTABB wtahlng to aeooUale for'nl'gliu 'wiu pleaaaddr«a CHABLmPLUN^IT, " . - M-«P* aCABB(iiLEI0Ka'8to)*Haaag«r, NEW AMERICAN THEATRE,. . .H WAIiNUI BTBEET. PHILiSELPlUA. . . _ OPEN FOB TBB.BALL AMD.WIHIBB BBABON, H. A.'BABHBHAW,i; Bole Leeeaand Uaaatar • . MISS KATB FIBHBB, —--pr Ihtoelebraled BqnaMan Aotaeaa, will oommena t two weika' niJPffil^Si"'"' «>"^0««-»»>.«PPo«»d b] a poweital Dianatto Company, i JAMBS FILOllDi'. THOa B. BAMN DB. CDNNINOIQM-.I.., QBa WDNOmUOH.... .. ■ W-ll •'.AHtogHaoagar ...Stage Maaagv ..MukMniMlot i^<...So«m(|Aillal SHOW BILLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. THEODOBE DOTTON • ' * Bag* tolnlnm hla old.M<ada, .IIuiager( aad the miblla laaer. •iS^lhU ha la now located altte~^ " "oT^wr ': EHFiBE enat pinnNa EfrABLisaiiENT. _ ' 10 SPBUOB BIREET, MEW YOBK. WhenhewfUflTehlaiMnonalatieaUoato the prodnctloa. la any atyle, of a*l Unda of PLAIN, COLOBED, AKD ILLUSTBATED SHOW BUIB. Fartl onlariy adapted tor TBATEUNO EXBDRIOMS, OIBCUSEB, tmrAOEBIEa ETHIOPIAN FEBFOBHANOES, TBAOKOUTBOFALLBINrSl ^ICUl^B. TBOTTINa TO BABHE88 OB WAOCN, DOnSKTOAHSOB BUHNd/o HOEdES FOLITTOAL CLUBS. >«, T,S.tni*to that hi* many yean eipeiiena to the bualnea tha try Urge auortment of euu al hto eomauad, aay of whlch'eu be printed to one or more colorat the •erriea oflle bettDalin era aad EagraTer* for aew #ork, vUl aecure to him a coattoiuSai of pait fkTot* aad a trial by new palnoa. lT-£ SAMIUlX BECK N eIr^^^ OENBBAL COPYIST, la now prnand to eiMi:to ereiy deactlptlon of Chl relating to Thiatrlal maouaoript and Lawyer'a Btlafa, tlonaTCertllcatea, eto., engroated to arery atyle. SAUX. E. BBOKNER, 91- _ 908 Broadway , Boom 10. M^tS^UU^CHToE^A^ THE TALENTED YODNa OOHEDIENNB, HaTiog met with Immanu mooea Weal and Bonlh, recelrlna Oaltuug enoomlnma from prea aod publlo, will comnenoe her ... .1. y^j^ gf igg^if iq Angoat Uaaaian it. will .AiIm*. ^ phy Starring Tour for the leaion < wiahlag to arrange for algbto will addrea B. OCBBI, Agent, 8-Om* Bar'a Opera Houm, St. Lonla. NEW MUSIC HALL, MILWAVKE3; WnOONBIN. ThU new end splendid Ball, built al a coat of One Bondrad Thonaand DoDaie, aad apable of nattog FIFTEEN BUNDBED RBSOMa li now olfered for THEATRICAL AMD OPEBATIC PEBFOBMANCEB, COMOEBTS AMD LZCTOBBS, atareaioiubly low flgure. New aad ipleadid acenery ud itaae eppototmenta. The "accenatlo" of the Ball to perfect For car. tlimlara apply to BENBY M, MENDEL, 3.13m* Treasurer HUwankM Moalcal Bodety. BANJO WITH or WITHOUT A MASTER,-EASY BOOK, mailed II. Addfeaa, 30 J. SIV0BI,d71KBnMdway. NEW THEATRICAL STORE. SHANNON A MILLEB, Ko. 89 Maiden Lane, New Totk, mporlere of aod Wboleeato and Retail Dealera u THEATRICAL OOODS, COSrUXBSS' MATERIALS, and all ktoda of QOLD and SILTEB TBIMMWaa Oooda loai C. 0. D. to aay part of the United Statu or Canada. Very truly your*, I04m* SHANNON A UILLEB. THE WEBB SISTERS, HISSES EMMA AND ADA, Manager* wlahtog to engage the aerrioa Of tbeee Tery talented Artlate. for STAB Ebgage menta . wiBaddrea Eiml B. WEBB, 17 Naaau alreet Breoklya HAMILTON'S NEW HALL, FOBT WAYNE, IMDIANA, Oppoalto the pubUc Square and Peat OtOoe. The hall la 190 feet long brOSwide,tua two dreaataigrooma 31 by 17aad 17byu feat, ralaed eeata, foot aod border Ughta, and carpet The ta. U 13 feet wide, 90 etepa high, and la toe only clean aid nrm hall to the dty, BamlltoB Hall to by tar tha moat popular ball In the dty, and tha ONLY HALL WITHOUT OOINO INTO THB THIBD BIOBY. N. B.-^Hainlllaa BaBowna all the BuUetto Boarda, aad hai eaed aB the dealrable wall* to toe dty fOr poetlag bUla. TO LET (for drat olaa eatortalameala only). The abore BaB will eat orer oae Ihonaod fenoai, la Sited with, entirely new and elegant acenety (Flato). The moat oealrallylociled bunding la the city, aad erary way (daaled for FIB BT OL ASS EXHIBITIONS. lb BENT TO CIBCDBES—Ten aera of land, high aad diy, 100 yarda aouth of the grat work ahop* of Pittaburgh A Chicago ILB. Fronto 00 Calhomi alreet the oeaire etrcet to the dty. lUtfereccea.—MoKcac Buchanan, Wood'a Mhutrela, Mr. Jakfr way, B. a Fox, of ATtUae Honae, and 0, P. Bood, of Fort Wayna Bank 8M9t* B. R. WABD, Agent SCHRODER'S OPERA HOUSE, ' BLOdaNOTON, ILLINOIS, Winbelnlahed by thelOtoof October, 161^ and opea tor drat claaaajnnattnento of allktoda.. It 1* the beat home outalde of Chicago, wUh all modem oonTonlaaca*. Addrea* . 33^* Da B. BOBBCDra. NEW HALL, auoubta. haine. "obanite ball," cobneb wateb stbeet amd mabkei bquaBl lUa Han to 100 feet long, 70 wide, with diwalng loomai ebige, M feat dap, with aide and fooUlght*. The ebon BaU will eat orer 1,800 peteoni, and to dtted wito Beeamy (dato). . It la erery way adapted for Thaatrea, (Jonoarta^ FBaoianun Lectnrea, and all drat daa Eihlbltloaa. 9I*B* ^ B. a OeOOOD, Agent OWEN FAWCETT. COMEDIAN, Walnnt BIreel Ihatre, FhOad'a, Fa. Beaaon ISOO and'07. n-3m WAVERLY HALL, AUOUSTA. MAINE. Lately tmprored, centrally loated,opoae Bight; two endranoe*; eOilODialaqoare; trecooed. Parquet aad dna olrcle, amphl- thuttefotm. ENTIBE BET OF PEBUANENT SCENEBY, SPACIOUS AFIE- BOOHS, STAOB ENTBANCB, TBAia PBOPERIIEa Ac BILL POttTEBB AND B0ABD6 FUBNIBHED., OPFOaiUON PBICB-TEN D0LLAB8 FEB NIOET. 9t.8m* Addrea A. STAPLES, Piopilelor. MASONIC TEMPLE, . LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. The Large Hall to totoipactoul building hartogbeenlmprcred, by mfeUng a new etagc^ ralaing the proHenlnm, aad procurloaa hindaome drop enrtali, with Hto oCaultobto aoenery.palntedhy the calebttled arttat Jima B. Weet Eao., to now open for a- ement Term made ^own by applkatlon to Joaopb T. Da- •D, Soperinttndeut Maaonlo Temple, Lonlailllew Ey. 31.3ffl* gagem TidaOD THEATRICAL BOOTS, SANDALS, OPERA SHOBB AMD OYUNdSTIC BUPPBBS made to older by JOSEPH B0UEB8, ^ I ■ 9» Bowery, New Yoifc Uinageie of Theaira and Qimnaalum Bchoola nppUad on Tciy Uhenltorma. IMm* TO MANAGEBS. My present eeaaon will cloee about toeStthof October. After that Ume I ahiD be prepared to negoUato wito paiUa toltunlah Performing Horeeaaul Fonla of aiky deacrlpdo;;. with earrlca of myaelf and aon. Addreaa, for one month, a«.lf LEVI J. NOBTH, Ereiett Booa^ Bl. Loula^Uo. THE CELEBRATED AND ORIGINAL BCOKLEYB' SEBBNADEBa New and unique eatatalnmenl ftom Boaton. A new aad eoml o oMoln WBCCB AND BLACK FAOEa The BncUey* to character or FBENOHklAH, DUNBMAN, ENaUSBKAN, IBISHMAN, AND .1 IN TBB OKHB OF NEOBO MIMBTBELBY, proaounad by prcasaad puhUc ereiTwhet* to be Ihe fanueat toe mat YeraHle and the mat puaalag anlerialaaiaot to America. Now oa Baalatn Tmi. ■ 3Mt*. MAD. LOUISE TOURNIAIRE and her DauoMor, LA PBHTE ktABIE, ^ . , , Togctoer with a One itud of horaea, haTantaned tnm the teal- IngieaaoD.aadirenowopaifor Fall aad Winter Bigagemnta. Addreu at her Bum. Newtown, L,L 3MI* ^THEATRICAL DRESSMAKING, WABDBOBB AMD JETOLBY, BOUOHT AND FOB BALE. 9»-3m* MBa TILLSON, Ooatnmar, 389 Bowery. INSTRUCTIONS on Ihe Guitar and Plane for $8 par quarter. Addrea J. B„ Station D., New York. 90dm' A GOOD SPEC I A PANOBAMA OF IBELAND. oa 19,000 feet of Otntaea, eoeting |l,00O, FOB BAIJB OB W Togellier with a deaerlpUra lecture andaU the machtoetyaaa Brnuaa for axhlhlUOB. A rare opporluLlty to here offered to a ahowiaan. Addrea J. U. "BABY, Troy, M. Y. 3MI* OEABAoixBU^'^OOlilO TOCALIBT AND BUU0B008 4FortS7ewo&naltoB Troope-tnwjW Ii now with Elllnger Weet, aad paiformliig to oowdad heme*. THEATRICAL HOSIERYt TIOBTB, ■ • CLOWN'S Buns, _^ „ ETC., ETO. ^ A grat aawirimeal conatantly OB baad, aad erery deecnpaw HADE TO OBDEB Firiloolar itteaUon giraa to oidat* by mall. 'IcodafotwuW byoxpreaa. TAKDEBLfr k - • NceSBowegKi MISS RACHEL JOHNSON. ..•,1.1 i„ .1 .. -nupeenltrahd . " ildiaMIle: ueWUMiIidMito, OUear>, nl' .9t-l<: