New York Clipper (Jan 1869)

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January 2, 1869. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 307 THE mm. ABE HICKBN AND FETI XAGUIRE, For 01tOOO a Bldo AID m LIGHT VI/EICHT CHAMPIONSHIP, Foaght Nmt P«tTyvllla> Md„ DsMmbar 23,186B. Hiain n> Wmm ii 1 Ropie*, Ooourmo to Kn. TWiraillMK «B(wnual, M looglookt^ rornri fai b; lb* fmlrnltr, Ulwm Ibi Blottn, sow of PhUidatahIt, ud riUrlftfalit. or FUitlU, N. T., for |l«00u'( iuilutor Llfht W«i(kl Cktmplm, taobplM*B»rr«rmina,CMll Ca, Ml., oalh* Bonlmvl Walawdir, 931 luL dAi* «IU ba food * Ml nports- m an. Ab*BI<kttw ubtfcd loin ailiUtu otUwinini of Vol- Tochuploo, lot., 00 Ntw Ytu'i Dij, IMI, ittnlo Rio tttt wna Inebn la w Wtlllo|ton< (wbra m wura 'em), ood iooM IMK rnodi tho oRoikoi pnnou tn nttriai tk< rhi^ Bo ooiIt dinlnpod * tuto hr boilof, ood k7 eouiut olUDUnco M Ui« cAiblUou ilToa 67 tbe foior, HlQkeo, nbto jot o boj, MA«lnd taora IhlD tbe oTtnit uioni or toltieo, ud wboo bo opproocb- od b(i ■^Jorltj b^gtn to coot hlf ojti oboai bin la fuott of mtVxIj upon wbom to eloitlH bU poillltlla tbIU- MoOiUdtelbi ntlifocUonor bImKKiiwtll 10 Uutof bU MoaA^ ften ijt pruUrtl tMt «bot Irlad o( oiolT bi wio ■tdo of Hio wonh waa nwirdtd In tlio pcnoa of 1 joong r<lk» umid Hiko Famll, whom bo 'ought ood boot for £1 o ■do, IB U mlaolao, Jtaoir;, IMl, wboo Ahe wu but ilgbtnn jMn of M«i Thu litUtif eliteil Ulcluo lo mooi, uiil tbt oblltrho dl»Uitd loapnod hiiftltDdiwIUi omiiieb eo Mcoeo tkat ihcr daoind 10 let bim "p<rr<irm" o|0|d, aod to ttall end bwkod blm 0 Ilka ouMODt :igolii>t Deo Blownir, «tr •bom Iba Hond uolkot Tloint7, titer tgbilDg > loiiniU lo IT mloulo^ obooi Minb, lomo yanr, Uia ibira tppeoiiiKO wol lo 0 tuoieb lor rnrpoiBibwIlhGaugoCirTlto'iadra* being declored ol the npinllon of 9 heon U'l U mlnolw, Julj, lome r«r. Tbe lerall KM vBUIbledorj lo bolta ineo, oud ihoj Ter/'lllbittlr onl.nd lolo t ittond ntteli. In otaieh Tieloir agnin Ml to ibe portion -I ibo.orior llghilD(lbnuraod30uinulo, nolHiborap- io;i, Nor. O b, IMI, ■■tklog foer engogonifDti lo one j<«r- pnitr (ool hr > o^wimicomanL lie win ihfn ratiched ogalntt TowawHool^, o libel/follow, of e iuldoriblo locil npulo, lor the Wine niomiot; tbor mat m Ibo Dirmlagliaiii d.itncl, toil Iro. ood rougnt 19 rouoJa 10 miouioa, la oppoofuoa of tho cooaUbuUiy eon. il; OB the daf following Ibe/ itonmed kTaUeri TToreeotenblre, wbvBSronnda tllorkoRllii(OBOboiir>Bdlll/->l|lbl nnntol Ibo tpooge woi IfemwB no lor Howler, ond Uiiia Bleben obuhicdbla loiiih Irianph Jilr IT, llH Abt't Oftb oalogonlot wu ibe biab Uopefed MIek Uonn, nion jteamUf bBowo 00 UIck tba Oroeion, the mitoh being for CM a aide; tbe/ bettered owt? neiTil/ lor tbe aplco of two bonia and M mloutt^ dullog wblcb 44 mnodiwere mtrtcd down lo Iwoifagr, wben. In counucnee tt tbo usonul rigllooeo eirrclied br tbo "Cbtriitt,"^ tbe; wtroeonalralnedlomekeodnwollt Dec. 30ood31, 'tl Tbo ant omtonor for eur bero wu Tad Nopper, wbo hid made Jack Bortle/ VJ eneugb, tod fought 0 draw with B«b Furo; the/ net la the Loodao dlitrlot foi t36 0 aide, wbeo Hlakoo woo nhllgtd l« lower bit colon for the Int tine, ot the end of Ike tSlh mood, wbaa tbor bad booa at It 3 boura and 40 mio- Btei, ApMI 0.1U4. Dob ruu BOil tried Abf'a ealibir, for£23 o<lilr,ttIUIb«,wheB,otleracoBUatofn roondt,hil hour U alouleo, tbe bohtiae ahovad lo elionir fnroe, ond a draw wu tgml apoo, AtMlt. Joa. 2t, IMl. For Ibe alalb ticae Hlotao abled hie caator lni« the orlbo- dat olrele la a oitteh for a taoner a ildr, catch watgkl, wiU DIek Holrnw, ollut "Roofb;"lbe/ optaed boaiUMea ai call Hatlh, gtafordeblro. ond fought It rouaJt lo 39 miauloa. Be* 1»,wbeo the polled a poaipoataooi eanailoai at gelk/Oik tdditlenal wen fo |ht In 1 bonl 39 Dinuloa, wbaa a d'tw wu egnod apoD. Re neat eocoaatored the faffloaa Jea Oalttgher, lor £M a aide, la tbe etne fla t olta Hoce ood Ooaa, wUoo after, oraltllag Bill of flrooodr, acoapilagdi DiBoUa, Ibe police pal a atop lo it, and a draw «aa aubaoqacntly agreod to. Jack weeten, a fellow towaiDta of Abe'a, wat now tpotta of ta a match far the latter, aad artldca were rptwdll/ drawa an for a meeting upon the torf, Hlcken ataklog fH to £40; Vatua wat eomo t or P Ibt. the beoTler maa aoea tbe dar, bat Hicbea gol a«ar wilh him la Mroanda, 9 bean T n>laol<t,Walfr Orion, Midland Dlllrlet,Nor. I, 'U. nia Onal coganincnt opoo the eld toll wu wllb Dlc^c Fellowea, £A0 a aida, AM acoilnir another rlctArr In 40 ronadt, I beur and 3T mlaolaa, London dUlrlcl, llaj 98, IMT|ni>- hlngtwtlTO btUlH In all, olae el which 010 recordtd In Flttl- tna. The glowing ooooontt rrc' Ired from Ihrao of bit broth- er aufra wha bad eraaced ibe blue o{aan ti tbe land of the free, inoaocd Abe la loJIow their fooittopa, and acconllosl/. rarl/ la the fall of fT, bo took bit depoilttro from old Et^nd, ac- cooipaaled b/ hit boliar half ond bla Tonnror bntbcr, Han/, tad the tele antred ol thlt perl OcL 2L After liarellog lbroa,(hlhe New Eailaad, kllddio aad Wottora 3t>ui<, bo fooad aame good Iriende In Phlladeipble, who luUlled bIm ao aodlord of the Laaib Torero, on South attcet, where bo atlll Ihra aad doea a nice llitlobuaiaca. Pcraa Maootbi, u hU cowaontn lodlcaloe, halla from Iho I<ud of the Bbiioreak and Sblllalob, btTlng been bnra lo th^ loaristo, bal oolr rtntlned then aonio (Ira/tan, wben bla paremi tmlinlail to thlt cocnlr/ and icltled down in tbe rlolnllj of Hie loelnipotUL where Pete continued to realdr, wben n^t olUicd la oot; blue, uald tbe /ear IBOl when be de- lannio«| *a tr/hU fortonca In the El Durado State. Bebg poaacawl of eeaaiderah'e iclaace and btTlng Inherent In bla nature tktt oouibattro aplrit peculiar to pemrtoe of bla ea- tl903lll/. Paler, ere Ieng,procblm«dhlma«Ilitad/toti/abaoh wllb aa/ buer ob Ibo FaoIBc Slop*. Be aoa not long kept wtlllnp forteuatoncr, forToinm/ Cbaadler, whohadjuatpol labed eg Dam,/ Falle/, the "Wooneocktl Do/," lad wtntad lo ti7 hit band OB a^meoo-Jr elto, tgrctd to eecomnodale bun, and a maieh «u arrao^ tnr $1,000 a aide; the/ met at Lake- Tllle, CiL, Jaa. II, IMd, aad fcugbt Ot raundo la 1 bear and 3 ninutos, wbeo dttkBcae r^mo en rad 0 poelpooemeot waa noaoasltaled, Iba releiaa nrderint them lo meet agala the foi. lowing mofalag. Piem tbo puhlltbed roperit of tbo bottle II anpeon that Cbaadlar wta at the oloeocomnvatlrat/ unhurt, wfaUa Uanha'a bead aad face looked a aood deal like a plcoe of ton oooC Peter ciaieateo blmaeir u ooofld'nt that he eiaald harp wen the battle upon tbe Ant da/had he not beea improperir !iaadl*d b/ bla ■llendtnta At.Ihe line appololed Ikr tbe lamaptlen or hooUUIleo Cbtadler and bit acoonde mtda flielr tapeoiaooe, htTtag with then the inplemealj of war, bBl dlacoteiad Ikat, darloglbe atlll ' ealil dUpoud peraea or pefteaa had cot Ike npee ianled off Ike alakeiL The/ leimedlaulr eel l« wort 10 en a aew rfaf, aad after Ike etoaeo had been orawa Uanlro eai apon Iho greuad with bit eeeoad*. BUI Ladd, one 0I Tunm/'a boekcn, m'eraed tbeo el what had occaned. aod propoaed ^at theraheald dcfraj an ooual abare of tho eip^uca Inoorred la boDdtoalheeocondarena.ihejnlterlrnfu8edtodo8o,whcn- Bpea Ur. 1»| dctemlaed lo leare nolbloit uodoaeto bring the light dt anaaetlled for (be raatcrlal himt-lf. Punctual lo lime fhan-ller enUred Iho endnaure, bat Ifagulre waanen rax, bar. big left tbtf ground aometlme prerloual/. A reaaonable lime wu wilted an«r the call ef "tuff,'' and nobodr rrapoadin; oa bebalr of Peur, tbe lelerce earo bla dodolea la feror of fbandler. Tbb wu Magelre'l dnl and onl/ appeartnca wlihlo Ibe ropra up to (be pnaeot meelinw. He conilnurd to BtkehlabtMUIIenaDdhume In Ibe Oeldea Suie until the annnor of laat rear, when he roturiKd to New York, anIrlBg hero Id Jantai/, 1M^ tad Ukug up hit home al Flthkill, when he la now located. Shorll/a'lorhlaorrlTal nickea alaolAed bio willlBgnrfo to Pght on)bod/ of hit wetgbl ond Inchea, or ea/lblog new II, and bo and Raa Cell/erOi Dealtedaccntur/apiece for omatob. lerte cimh and ahortl/aflor followlnw It wUh anolbor Irjm the eanomawIe/oatboWllonintBa a Uilrd oa the rigl''o/a nirkeii giro a receipt la full b; a right haadod ahot ehliA look «ireclui«B feU'tlefieti, aafclag a aKghl Inelam; ibo re- Eiiled Ibe do«i on tba chla, aad paaped ajelwn on the bod/, antra t«alB lareaud Wllb Ue lalt cB Ike aide nf tbo bead, agiUB on ftobifoitaad t fcnith tbotoo the Boalh, Abo UrtngoBlhelelle/oheaTll/. PaU lennlnatcd iBolher ipj ring boat, alUr a oonple of nlatoi, b/a waplliMBl fmm *• ngtt en Ihe bod/, wWn the/ aialB look a ml, krwirioi Ikelr haoda Blokrn wu two/ laagblag, when Ua|ulre Irled lo le- inme boitlllilM, bat ho net wTih neectt In 0 teeood itlMpi. landlH bit loll na Iho breait, ud folkwloi II np with adtht haadarea Abe'a eiaaNok Aflor a fslta ob BkheaU part IEit eonBlerodheaallianr,bolhTlriliB| Iho nick. Polar aew ad- nbiltloied Uiodoobio, laaJiBg rtaMoUTol/ ea Ihe ftao aad ar. Ibo tried to rent/lhete,M aw baulked IB an aU lal al Uo head, aadeaagktatpankinghltlail kelowlho loflUBBtafreaPaln't right Tbo loiter wu iherl 4a ta ef- fort la fellow with hU len,bnl ptheme ImnedMeIr tfter- «trd hotnl/ oa ihe o/e. Thlt noaed Abo, tad be doilrona twtaencldlT«BtkeBoeoaad Biealh, Polar lalalMlBg with a •taaaar ni Che ilba with bla flgtal,leaTlng Ihe laaprinl of bit haatkler. nakea ploalod hit light agtia oa FeloN led tlaaal eina aod agala oa tba dieek, for which Vegafn waa oeedlted wfiheaa oalho foiohood aadtaolberoB the lefta/o, Iho lal- UokaockUgAbe of hie plai, iraldetlheoaullaal diouta of ihaadbertoupftheltd frea Ihe Imerald Ma. Pliwl blood wu awarded u HMkea, and But kaook-deva la Hefalie. Time efiwind, llilaeamlnnlce. X The nneipoclodi/ Hoe eiklbltloB atde b/ lb- How Tocket an tbo opening round ntlnrall/ tud Ihe olfoel of alliiing Ibo odda oaduraaof hlaaoreenlhutlullo Ineade wira diapciad to go It at ereae, while the oppoello aide wen ool 00 load la IMr offaro ol long oddt. Ao the m«B la'td each other ot tho callofilaetheelrecU of Ihe bard hlllhg «u rlalblo upoa both, Blckea bleeding prolaaal/ from tbo aaaal organ, ood bla left e/e being KOIIen, while aonral himpa eppoaied upon hli Ilba; Uagulre'e leftc/e wu loa bad eond Hon, an abiaalon waa rialble upon bla fonhead, and the ciraloe fluid trukltd tlowir Iron the cut In hit left ear, which wat aomawhat enlarged. Tbeie wat en erldODt dee ire upoa llie peit of both lo Id- dio for *lnd, and conaMuonllT another tedleui bout of tparring In order bef.ire ellher made en effoit to re- aume boallllilrt. Al leet, liowerer, Htgulia bre<e the loe, olchbi Abeagood 'on on tba bod/with tho left ond Jomp. Ing awt/ cUreil/ Irom Ihe relora. Hloteo nade aTCral at leupltlA draw Pete, but uniucc-oafoll/. tbe latter wnlehmj hia iiuj more Mr/ cloaeir, an'1 al.««/e keeping nlm'elf readr lor at'ock or defeneo. Iho Krw Tork bn/ nRtbi |tnl home wllb Iba left on Ibe facial nromonlor/, a nr/ fnrclble argu ment, ehlcb cau<ed tbe claret lo flow mm copinoti/ than ■ *• .a ._at_^_1a Jak... .IkAaMlaL ^B^aW^aAK 0 botoro, Hfl tbortlj followed Uiu imniher with anotbor od tbt b'>dr, ud upped t hfhTj nlore from Ebenrter'i rigbl on the fonhoad, Pcu rt*r<<o<lIng vltb » RilOHing rFght<hflDdcd blow UMB Ihe rlbH. AHer uother ip«H of ipirrlDg and dodglsg niekn tri«d «Uta bit l«rt, bot Pottr eiught ibe bloir vpon hU um aod pUolod a rolun on tbe riffhi uptlo: Abi vu ivaj rron a atcnnd well-la(Md«d liog**, oat eaola net «iwpe a third, vhleh took (ITect on his loft eje. Now ciuned aooihtr long interral orspirri&f,wbleb I'oto ti oioal brought to a elew: bat the tIcIoqi blow he aluK^ wu avoided bj Blcbeo; ita fort« oaoted Ifagulre to ilambla forward, boi Abe failed to pereeire or wu not qaleb rooutb <o take adraatage of the ei* cflleot optMrtnoUj for adaliiUtdriiiK pootahmcnt thoa pn- aeoted. KeeoTerloff blmialf, Pttv duoed to clouqiianatt, and terriUe ba r-arm igbtiog ocntred at ibe ropaa, both utog right aod left affeetu-illf, naiolj on tbt faca ud head. la tbe dcMA tfagalit got Hlcken apoD th4> ropea In a rftther crilleal fnriUon, bat Am maugtd to rtttaathlnatir and gel down. Ime, itimlDotM. 8. Both weie quick lo reepond to the eall, bal wen sore le* Ittctant than be''i)re to domneeo* optrttloiia, a itrrj long bme b*iDgip«tit la apantBg, dutoc which tbt/, for«few momiDlff, ■toed looklDg at ttoh eiber with handi dnra. Abe at leaglh opened flrr, landing twiea with tOeet oDon tht Itft eje and breaat, Joaping but from tbe ratora. Ifmire wu not lo be dtnicd, howem, but bor«d la aoi laecetdedla adnloUitrlog a torrifie anaah belwfcn the o/ea, which eaoaeO Ihe flow ef blood fron Hlckaa'a noae U>e»ue. Both nowoffitred ttmnl' taneoeilr, bat ntllher btowrwehed Hi dniinatfon; Abe In a Mcoad iff met with belier awecia, rvoplog Polo on tbe right aide of the bead, bat gelllei u good at no nnt lo tb^ ifaape of a right bander tm the cbeik. Abe. aHer a lUtle 'ciTlnj, dt- llTtnd on Uagalffl'a bad tja, ind br var ol getting honk fer ft HckdologCT'on the bodr, dtllTdred bearfjjeD themoalhajid chin ; thli wu locceedea b/ warm work at bairana dWaoee, aid In tbo ellaeb which enauid both eaaeto grltf, Blehta undvrotatb. rimt, ftiortMB oloatoa. 1 The flghUog ao far bad bwn deddedl/ In faw of Ha- gQti«, whoae frloDda were JabitiDt aad nnw «ecned foil/u auredof bli trinnph, whMe the fHtndi of Bickfo were In* Ermed with the belief that he «Bi not euctljtfae man the/ ad Imaglatd him. Tbe'aceaof tbe men were now >treogtj marlted, Pele't Itft t/e belog la deep moum4sg, aod gradtanr elotlor, while boib of Abe'a lampi were con«ldenbtf damigeo, u WM u bb BOM. which wu nueb enlarged ind ont of vhtpe. Aflrr tht moat amoaot of Iddllng, Ha^lra made pla/ ■lib bUdiiterDawIe/, which fooad a ruHeg piac« ou Abe'a nba; In an endetTor to itptat th* rlilialloa he wu foiled bT Hlcken, who now tnieefdtd In landtag twice wllh Ihe Uft and once Mih tht right In anocewon. all no the het4. Mom tnirrioff lernlnated bj Fete tapping Abe 'Ilghtl/ od the chin, Dlciea parrjug a blow airaad at tie rItM and reiorolng with ihe right oa the left for which Haguin oteonBodaicd him with a power* fu' Mow OB tbe forehead, which ilarted Abo on ft imt around thd riog. Tbr/ got together anlo, when Abr, cartfult/ meaa- nrfnr Eta man, planted beatllj upon tbe hodj aad eUrerly avolrtd tbt rttum; Hele followed nim np, howenr, an>l tht neit lime oaoght bIm oo the left Kidc of the head, A^t (ttflDg a receipt on the left ear, and napping aooUipr on tbt ume apot —all right bandera. Thla Ud lo a warm nllj at Iht ntptf.both pamneilaX awaj merrrll/ with both haoda, and Am flnaU/ •Upping down on h|p kneea time. IwrfTemina'ea. 6tb and lut—Tbor won now theioofhlr weond op. and both maalfetied ft dupoalllon to aet about tli*lr worx without dclit. Abt look tli« IniUalarj with fj(a le't, dlrectad at tbe lieaii, bat Migulre wan't Ihcro aad itj force wu erprndad on Ibeilr. Abe got back out of harm't way, bat ICanlre foi* lowed him up and a rattling rally rwnad in HtcVen'a caner, bit for hit being oichanged «ltb great raptdUj, Abe Bnally de* llTorlng wllb gmt forooin the point of Ui^lro'ijiw and Immtdlattly drupj^ng tn bla amrrow bonta. Oo being carried lo bit oner It wa> found thai tbe laat blow hftd brebtB Peur't Jaw lo two plaott, and hh aiooadi aleraltd the apoage, noeh to the utooUhmente' HlektB and tbeoe at Ibe lugroa, who were onawart ol tht damige dona. The dnratloD oftbeflgfal wu prcotael/ fifty mtnutea, the final roond ocoopylag but three miDotta. it li nonecetuty for na to eommeoi opon tbla battle, which wu ooo of the bett cAoteited and moil BdniHflo wblcb hu ever taken pla«» In tbla couatry; we leave oor leadeii to Judge forthomaelreaafUr a neroiat of ibe ronndi. Aa far u It wool tbt Bflbllnf wudeddtdlyln faTOf of yaflalr«,and many btllere thai bad not tht aoforinnaw ■cddeot aUudcd to ocenned be woulJ hare pniTta Ttetor;thla, howerer, labotamatUrof opinJoo. andu Iho nra vtreau evenly mated, it would be foohab to predict what Ibe rtnit would hart boto bad tht balllo been luugbl out titUladorily; certain It la, bowerer, thai Hlcken wu T<ry fortoaate In Mear* Ing the TlcTory v he did. During the return trip Abt went aruonil amooglbe tpectaton and collected In InoBelshbor* hojd of tlTfl lorhla rawjoubed and mnrllQtd, though ttjao muna diagraccd. antagon>at. The train arrlred In the elt/ of Brotherly LOTo Qorlng ibf crenln^ wltboulany at'emptatmo* leiutlon, and alt who Irak the affair In were eniblea to retire 10 (heir Tlrtoont couchtt at the aecuslontd hour, ihowtng wllb what eau a mill cnn be brought off wllblB conreoleDl dla* tanee when proper hctcij u obterred by Ihoio baring tbe man* agemeoL Titm Chafftncftlled npnn ua on tbeaneraooa of tht 2wh alt., and inforiDed u that Peter wei getting along very nietly, and would aooo be able to be wbout agiln and mutUaie hli railou with utoal caw ud relbh, which we ilncerely bopo mar provo llrocau Thora It aume lalk ot maklog tnotber 6ILUAR0S. MoDEVITT AND COLDTHWAirS MATCH FOR $1,000. A CU>3E AND EXCniMO BntnOOLK lODITITT iOCCtOODL ■ Followlog cloae upon the heiU of Iheoonieet belwrea Rhlaee aad TorOBulea came Ibat for tbo cbamplanihip of Amenoa and ILOOO, la which ngurrd Ihoae weU f aown vU/en, Jeba KcDrrltl, ol Chicago, and William OMihwtil, of WUIItaiBbnif. nalwala had aliaad/ ontiod «ut Bra Uiaea la pabUfr-on foar occttlona for a aiato and oaea for a puiaa Tba dnlaa- caanUr look place la Clacbiaall la Ha/, IMi, wbaa XcOeeUI, pla/lna la a maaaar wblsh ba bae nercr einee tarpetiod, aioi- peoted"/oipl'iiwlthe$1000ala*Oi Ibe aeoooil encoaatejtook fUaalnlhfdl/ la mA, for a pareo ol fUO, aad MAnlU agala won iltlaria the aamo /ear, and for a itakdof««>a aClo, the/ pU/ad la Boatoai aeal, tleo la itU, Ihe/ otood Uo lelon gine lo IhU dl/, tho notar, if rlctoi/ at eould boalM, rooilag with QoMthwui; tat Jatli/, hi Jaoojrr of Utt /aor, Iho/onlaaoatntedaliaaglhrorattakovf US* o ddo, Hc- DoTittwfnalagbrlattoacThU '^Jaelag"thebiUatad ranalag IM- The piaatat malob, wblch u tba Oitl betwiea Ihen la- Tolrlaf Ibo ao4lM oboaiuanehlp, wu catered lata aboal fonr nSmtbt in, alaeo whleb time, tad up to tbe t2d alt, bolb moo btd becala aellee pnatiea. KcDcTiH'e headquiitara wti OB Doaibonatfo«l,Oblugo, ebereboploiedwiib Pole/, Rhlaoe tndothoik (MdillwtltpiaollfadillheOdeOB,Wlllltmtbniw— etuall/ Wllb aoalaan, but once or twice •lib Melria FoaSr. Anlrad In tnilcM*, for which ell/ ho attrlad 00 IbolTlhult, ho pla/ed with Fetor 8n/der and other., wlanlag einlt ana eiblblllog tbiU el a rare order. Nrrcrtbeloei, iho ndde la bellmg wat tgalnlt him Iberr, wblle hen few Indulge in tbe hope tntt he wmid win, oltbough ICcDotIII wao not n-gordod to the alronacot opponent he could Und. It wai eokuitt d tbtt erea If he onccaeded In obtaining a coaaanding lead to- warda Ihe cloee o** the contcat, be would giro Ibo eame awa/, eltber Irom abeor olcllNblllt', or b/ a mUctn or nucr caielcu almke And thuta abo tboi^ltl tbla nnipl; argued that what bad almoai alwa/a le-n thi' caac would bo tgain. It would ap- pear now that Ibe arjnment rat eound. Croabr'a U) era nmue. in abkli, ua llie SU ulL, the conlcat occurrcu. wu well llllad, a number of ladlci being ipcctatoia. tvbentlioplajererntcrtd the/ were wami/ frcclcd,and ibo aodlenco niao rcprcaacd appnlMll'in when it wii tononncod ttut PhilipTlemM, orClocinoall, bad been -hceao re:'cno. Ac bit umpire, UoMlhnllecloolrdJ.ihn fnwky, while UcOiollc nnmlnatcd If. McDcrnioti, of OetroIL tbo raark> r wat Jamca Cmlob, andlfocAc of Kol(/*a rooou, Fule/hlntelf being dliie- tor ol alTaira. TBI OiHB. Up to Ihe 8th Innlnge nobiog nolowollb/ ocanred. Ilrra MoDorlit. wllb bla monotiuoua poih, nul!i,paabj lutde 80, maklog hit Wal acme 191, agaluit Oiildlhwtll'e H. Bbortlr ancrwtrda McDerlti added 10, and U bit 12tb Innlngi Quid- thnll, btrloii "lell him Ihe btllL" be na 188 aloag llie upper cutblon, tn nbont Ibe lame poaliloobe bad the Irorlea when hd mlird op 1,188 rgiioit Non. Thou whohad laid Ihe oddi of $100 lo $80 thuu|bt bo waa aboot lo repeal tbal notable ei- plolt, but a draw abot pot an end lo the anilctpotloo, ond he elaa«dwltb 190, and left the ipberea well lor nil tategeaitt. wbo put up 164, the onluckr buling of UcDorltt'l ball necoul. tailag I doling ehot for ttrtlw. Oa top or thie, UcDerlll bar' log In tbe raetnihne filled toacoreoDtbeaafelr-pla/, Ootdio piled UA, and iMn ifloiwaid 10, wblch plicod him in hit Allh Biit tVf vaatvat |rm>wai uiua au (Mi uiMa btodred, al^bily. ahead, rbe 33i Inologa wu algnallud by^ mo ol 168, madtbyHcDerlll noailyoffibt redia OoHUhwalt wu BOW neariy iwe hundred bthlnd. A run of Mod UcDentl'a part, In tho Mih Innlogaj^jncreutd tbt gag, hit total being 7VL I go* u 221 Tb't pp wu now elow'd, Qnldtbwaa was tltrtoabeail; aod Ooldihwalt'a 617a Blow work up to t&t 33d lonlngt, 1 OoMibwaltt M Hltlo ranrod by the fieUo goddua, got u high yitaU'l the od'diwere two lo one, nlth (tw lak*n. Tht mo wuendedbra ml»cue.which Ultihofaalloiothai llcDevltl wu enabled to bring thorn together lailly, nad make IIL Tbe lead be tbu reeaJoed, with oln«iy-#li over aod ftboTC. Ooldtbwftit followed with M. frtedov wbtn tbt pmNpect wu motl promltlBg. Tbe 3Tth Inologa thowi a run of MbyOoldlhwaJle, and In iho91Hh be midt 67, which would harobeoaltigel/addtdtohadootthtUgtat red t«ll taktn ft nobun U>poeh«t hfelfand noU Iba *'bruk." McDevlU wu - IfoUarltt now 071, ind Ooldthwalt 1.000, a dlffeiwoefl of TP. ntw bad (be ubfortune to 'meia," altor BODriogbo. id lue 411b unlogi, the whito ball ualn hid llwlf oo aoldthwallt who failed to "iiring" all the etbtra. lIcDeritt plantig In hand, eounled and bunched Ihe balla. He kept tbeo bnncfacd, nilO be bad consted 200, and thra madeSfiuoroaronnd tbe table, the ran amouotlogio 298, nblcb proTcd tht larantof Ibenma. Tbli aodden change of bate, pladne, u It did, UcDtntt at 1,809, while Ooldthwalt wu bot 1,128, wu not al bU agrecnblt to tbe laiter; nor wu fat at all pleued when, ft ft* lonlngt later. McDerltt ran lU, itopplng only btoauat of a ''freeca." Tho bnlSOpolnti logo. WhftIna^iematten Ctakagoaa had now worae. bt wuZOt aheau. ouii, loe piay lua doi oeen ■noeaau osl of tbi hlndensoft man; for, gelling tbt baCa along tbe oih percujhJoo, bo ooontod oo, DCTeratoppIng notil be butoored 200, an^ then only loritfrnhoteoL Pertiapa it wonhl bare been btlicr for bin If bt had not alopped enn for that, at, upon taking up hit cut again and reaumfng, ht failed to count, al* thungn the balla wtrt all together. Tbe nin of 200 had erllentlr oaaarrcd kfcDerlit, for be too mlascd an «uy carom. Bu own Din btd u:oundod Ooldthwalt, and bo allpped op a'ter making S. Again and atain eftcb player nlited the ilmptefi of ahota. Goldlbwalt mado another mlai cue, learing IhobalU well.'orbii upnoncnt.wbo counted, bat waot Into the pocket. Alloapllog to ''itHng*' Iba balla, GoMlh- welt again foiled, laivlof thu lUat red ou<. McDerlll did not oiont, howeror: lUadrhii hlmieU a llllle, OnldtUwait now ran thirty. He nad bui ajreoleen to get, bnl bo mlaaedftn euy ahot, and McDerlti got a cbanoo lor and made ibetU* >een A'needed. The ciulenent. It mill rcidlly be Imaabied, wu beyond dttcripilon; and wbtn tho game wBt won, IfeDerltl, II la needlcat lo My, waa oTontbtlmcd with eoagiatnlatloue Tbeieore:— cDoTiiL-t. s, a. I. 0.8, n 3,», 7,40, MM, 0, a s,« 17. m ta, 10,». M, i, 7, iro, HI, i, & ,19,9, Id, 0, Z»i IS, li. IS, 6, \ tf, I, lift, 11^ i i), ^ 0. dTlC-l.Sli. (loldlbwalL-*, 7, iJL 11. V. 2, U,i, 6. i. lit, 118, It, 713 », II 0.3. i^I 7, l\ M, 8, lt^ iK). BoHHiRT.-CiOttT'a Muaic Hall, Cniciao, Dca. UL-Vatah fbr •UOaaMe. tietwaeo Joh i HeDorlii, oi Cblcait^ aed W9lUm Oold- ibwalt, of wllUamabnrf, N.r. PourbMll oiroa game, 1,900 potota, path (hot atl'iwM, pUM with 19£ tnoh btUi, oa w •aeood-altod foV' peokat eiaodard imarloae table t^oora-AloDenil, IMi, OeM- IhwVli, 1,4a;. ATeirngBa-lfcDentl, B: Qoldibwall, U IMa Ra- rarwa—fbUlp TlamaiL Tlm« of gam^-Fow btu^ but they hiledloagrM wW Ihey mil, perappolnUuent, lo match uanon u be recoran for $3,000a ride, u Uagolre haa talh Ihe maUsr erer, ai d tbo affair fell thresh. Abe wat nn- aloce thU eogageioent found good fntndt wbo an willing to I'ullnliU eoduTnntAgcionftnatcb nnUl nfUr the bick bin (rcelr wllb their dacata forafnab match wlih hta ■ • ■ lait opponent. We atiftll tct what will come of iL jDniTCLUorrToCiuBLarUaLt.AonB.—The talk over the reoenl encounter ttetween Oallagber and BHlotl hat biouitht the tobJulnodcoBmunieallon from the laltor, t« which we call aUenlion:— OrniLtiro, Dee. 14, IfdS. RDrTORCurrBB.-! uodeniud Obtrlty Uallagkcr la trylo~ baild up a name on bla flflii witb me, tuilo: Ihtt be wit rol . . ^ . _ . rtlr- - ' ■ rallretneBt nf Billy Rdwarda (tubfcqiient to bla dtfrat of Oolljer), whtBHnkeo challenged tnyhody lo the eouolry lo fight at from lU to 134 Ibi, for the Ught weigh' hoonra nod two Ihonund doilan. Ai reply wji made no behalf of Ed ToBbcy, ond there anpfarH a l-tlr pmepoel or a match hclog uraaged bttweon thani lor fire huadrtd dollaiia aide, wh*B Hagalreatt 'ptd In and aarercd the flilr dollar bill whleb ae- eompcBled Am> nrigtnal chftllenge, anq a maieb wu ariaogtd en iepiomber 38ih, the nrolncul itlpatatmR Ibit tht men wen In light In tbt 81ale of Virglnia on the 23d oa; of Dectnb^. Thepnocirali eniertd upon the work nf prcpirft'ion a few w?,*ki aft^ward. Uagulie latilna bla brcatblnga la the vlclaliy of hli home, wllb Ton CQiObre u mentor, darins the laUer portion, and iHcken making hla headquarltnal nla nwa hotttlry. In Phlladelfihla. Tbo maL-h nrogruied all right, the drnralU bebig regularl; potted la thlt offlco. and tht toai for (boiet bf grcund, wblab took plate al the lut dipoaii. wu won hy Ub* gnbt, who garo tht oppotHe party tto dtTt' ootlco of tho plate eUoun lor Iho lAltle. For prudeotUl rounu It wia mn< inallr agn^ lhal, luttad of tbt Qght NiBg conltaltd In the Old DoBilotoo, lltboald bt decided upon Iht toil of Oelawau; b«t tbla alleiailoD of the original rtrnrt wuatudlouly htpt lo up _ otti ol It br a oot-ildtd tbal bo It IB Louli, Iron tbo kooaltdgt of the public, and, eict>pUa( thoto who had the minagement of ofTaln, Terr r*w knew anTlhlng of 11 kiTtly. Thou who nbtftloed Ibe "oiloe" rendanpowed in I leloTte. I act by tbe H. Louli U/puWem . ^ aod aj I lotcnd to be ibero (o ae« ibo Daria- .VDcn ilfbt, I wlab to uy tbal I will fi^ht Oftlltgbnr in the aamo ring for 8jU0, er a purtt, to aaliafy hta irieoda wliciher I beat bIm to ulamerltaornoL YourWf JiBU Btuorr. QEoaBiaUiH T& COLiBRT'a Jlaifa—Aftar the return Irom the Hlchen<Uaguireoltlonibtereologof the23^ ulL. a Dumber ol apor l0i( inon gaiber«d la a well kqown aaloiia or tbe Qua* ktr CUyand laduigtd iBftdiacuralon rtganllnv the marltt of tho principals iuoog those pretent war* Jin Coltrcn tad Owaty Oeogb^an, wbo bapptnod to onttrtaln oppoilto opin- ion*, and tbo warm argument wblth entued termloated, ^t untlentind, In a fifty doQar nolo btltig placed by each In tbe hudtof Florry Scamiaell u forleh fu for 0 match, the coodl- llont of which wrre that Colbert abould find ft man « li^rn 'i* d'r"br"^.s" I is.'a''.e^.»".bSi'i s^'VSi i."ur d*.?^ iJ'^i^!? "° ""Sfaj nighl and Toeeda/, jiooOar, Mlh ull, bei.eea a and 4 o'eloeb, f. U.,wbeaonad- balna the ccn'raer ettracUoa. A eneclal tiilo bad bow cbor- j_ . „. A. a,biioUkoplaoo la Ibnomonttat' tlm7 Oeogbe- at 8 o'clock i.lI.,Mtindollara per hoU W^ altar the er j r . ii.r^».t hill It ..a Ill IjUIC UlCiaon ino oiafiw, oaiaiwr woiuog Buui .iwr wia ra- c^rai'^iii'wTJ.'tSrn/'tii'tS'. ViKi^iiwtrfbe'Sc I* si?s'rreVrr.;i^.ro*.»'»:ra difflni, oecMlonil linblWBg, a »tue Iwtuai aad fatlle ti- | „„„ h^, ,^„dlUone. Tbiii tb. matter ilandi at freih match upon UkecondlUoai. Tbuitbe natter llandl it 1, but tonetblot Bir/el come of IL Allm-Batii liana.—Aoceaaultam the weitconeon' thete heafz-welghio ire farorablo In ohiraelor, ood Ibat '■ * ' ballleoa Ibe 131b la oieeioaa loon aitiaaea iroB i« lauioM umoe. ..■yinjiiDa.uu m.hiw.iwii/. .ulimen ire hard at Terr little tlmowu cotlowarta la getUageior/lbugiblp- *o'k,aBd werefeellotTCi/well whoa lt>theirdrnD,iolbit, ' - " 'the comfort po"<ogtccldial,lheie lino natoa U fear that ellher will be •i — —, —-, .ipooiaoco of fooad wtnUag ■ileilallr la r«lal of oiadlUen wbaa tbe da/ the eaUriiBta. whs catered Iheeoelaanie ilmoal aiBullaae- of bolUe airlrea. Oo wedacida/, ISd alL, SherllT Nicola a^ Molrwu ballad wllb grailBcatloa b/ Ue lookon on, wbo netod Allea la dcTcIand, at tbo laiunco of rnieeullnjt At- taad Ihoaaelree u aeailcitabl/ ot peariUo to witaioao wbit wio <one/ Jeaea, aad loch bIm befoiathe Court of Commeo neti. lempla upon tbe Ibetrilawai'-- lld.,indlbo, aweicomoitialeb ■coll/a Mllable plane afaaloie't caipel wat faind aad Big Mcelod a ihort dlilaaoa from Iba riUroad track. mmtiiti la ba a anHiaoI'd lagaanmaat A referoo wu ehoeea when a charge wia made ottliil bIm of rlolttlBg Ibe law le- wlSeut mkoh dMooll/ In the ponoa of Ur. Tork, aad then uUre lo prfaadghbar. Tbo arldaaeo adduced prorad Ibat ho ^ aaMtU Wamar Aarea aad Fatop Kalllor for SIckaa, aad nadera ooane ef tralalag. neb to men prtpulog for a •wBWfleoibfiaaud Hike Cobniaier Magalia-proeeoded to "iklntatU/nadaigo, aod he eipoded lo pioeeelte flllnoli Smi tow augii, a oiramoo/,oloU/performed. VbUe uort^/If cemaeacoaadn lialoW Judge Foeie bold SlTwai ntaroBTlSo poibiani of Abi ware Todranai tad hotamnob u lhaflgbt la aal UUio pUcS In Ublo,ud enjla7tblSu oir«coonddaot|lMlo llOoadthereabert^ of lialalag U ael a cilao, Adeo conW not b •000 him, whlobwere now tad Uia aeoeftad,lhoo»blhoor - wKoH?l?*lo. Myl« P^hm^ I entlod/. Hopping boob ofila lai f rant. Itona t-Blchea adrinoid to Ihe lonloh lo aa caa;, care- -..KtIZ.! S* o>e»topeUa aad fireobl/n. Pit McOowas wUl IV-il ^t f-"to<l opthe ieaatlta of Ihe an iuw..i--=i....~.-~.--7,."v-w-^-^-/.„ lj.iHlf. ' •"'loilrale* b/the beaHiitr/aod Todd/McAo- laa maaner, Ue lell aiUi'ed nlle wbiib pU/ed nier bla Hire. oinagtud pk/rieg pltlol/ oilaeing Ibo eilreai'> eonlldanei at rim Baianoa to Boaia a» Oraaaa —«. u. l. •ttM<,^ fiuro hUlblllJ/la'poll Ihe "llllle lob" cl wllbou dlBcelfer .f anolhar oballeag^ wlcm^i^S^'mmt^HSf ormaleibl pemalliOu?: *^•»<»''• »" .?«*"'"' ••»'*o la wimng"rffh"(lwSy'RiSS aU^ bald bla basZ rtr/ lew d«D -ad epea. Ma»iilrj, oa the olbet hba, or an/ weight he llkea, for* H,«S a lldi!« |!J « IbiJe head, walked ainlabl awl qulokl/to the '•'oloo, ana .oog ?l"'ff.K:°.VL'!»J'»J.«f ".«o«lioianol oireMblo PaUr will SJ. M. ^8117, i;. 0,»,S7,l»,e, 0 a 81, It 1, II,», a 8l0. li, «.*,>, ^ Verraeaeo-17. ft 3I^C£l, >, 17711, U i 0, II, i. «. 17, 0,U,0,9,At,J, ll,},Ij^r,7. ine.8, H,I'll8.<i 78. ILldiM J8, Jd,!..!..?' "i iVJ.17.i), il Cd. ixSp.COl'), a. SI,«, iK r,i,4 J 1,1 II,il,l7,ir/7.»,1i7tl,is?i,bASiUiT.ii Jj8, ""■#fIr'^'."!"""'«H»"iO"i"oo. Seo.ll.'ltJt.-Maick or bnilarda, l,3a)eolnla, paab barrel, for Ibe loolaaiul lliUaeii^,b(iween Jeaopb Venieol eBioHAtt, Oaioioo, .'itSi-^Malcb ninta, paaa barral for tbe cbamploaibfp -vT nr—^-'T. ^ baweoB Jeaepb Veraieolea aod Bear/ Hbboa. Woo br Vermeolen. Hcore, l,8Jli Rble.a,l,l7J. Wlaaort irengMo^j^looer-eirerMatolA lime ol guac-riee bean MATCH FOR tl.OOO BETWEEN FOLEY AND FRAWLEY. ns LATTEn BEATIK iU FOINTB. AmiDa Ham na |18000 a 8n». Tboflatleoploilor IheCblctgoiorletwoi hctweaa Iho or abimmea ef llUaolo, Tboeiu role/, aad tho ei-ebiaploo of Ohio, JebaJnwli/. Oa Ihi Id of December Ueeo etperU pla/odlbo ani game ef a hocaoaad-boma malob, tt aimU'e Ball, CIcteUnd, tbe cute being 1800 a ilda. foil/ won b/ tH, la I itrlai ol 1,800. Tbe »ub ebot wti numlllod on Ibil ocooaloB. la Iba mtiehwbl&we baei nowtoncori II waa mrablblled. Hat rer/liiila Inloraalwu mialfailad In It, aa relof waa looked upon aa Ibo aore wiener. Tho odda wen 180 Is U, otd Ibe ran of 78 wllb wblob Fcler opened Ibe game wu act oilailtled to enhance the clock of bla CWraland oppunont B/ Uw oeore il will be aeea Ibat tbe Chicago pla/er aofor lell Ue lead, aod that the rlctor/w<a a rer/hollow one Indeel. Alloc the game waa nror, aooUier match, 1,880 pointa up, paab abet alloeod. for tl.OOt a aide, 'aa made belweee FoUf aadPiawIe;. It la lo be pla/cd In Chicago about Ihe 2U of Pebraarr. A match ef an eqoal nemborof pdatj, al Iho aano fclndofqanio. bulfuigSOO a aide, wu alao cataled Into br- Iweoa Fiawie/ ea<l Henr. Ilhlneo. ThIe b t> Uke placa lo Cloreltnd on l!ip Zld nf Jannar/. Fmale/ la deiermlned lo bare pla hioda fuIi. nic acor^ PeloT-U r,), ], 2, II, 8, ti, u, 3, IS, a, 31,0, a T. 41, SI, 0. s, I. o,8,(ks,s,iviiiii(, n,7,i5, iriJ,iK i 7, j?jI,i'-7,», w.8?ri», a, a, f 11,8,77, J, )8, d, <, Ir, i>, J,«, 8, >, u. i, I, d, d,a 3d, li, a, a, Si.iit.7\i.o,3,j,,i,ii;a,i. tIoioi, i.oiT '"^^ ^ Fnwley-I, I, D. 1,110,7, J, Hi), A J, Z 8.8.10,1,18, 10, J, 8.0, », 8, la, J, fi, 8.11,70, i It JI, I.V iMva),'3,2, n i, i,lcri,^ 8,4, ll,.Ml,J,ll,j(,o,Ti),i' foialiHr HoaaAMr.-Ciunor'aMmto IIu.i.,unicino, III., Dar.31—Match for, iiolnta, nuahee baxreil, oo a aundard Amerinn aeconililu lour pjckol uuc belwiwi Joha Frawl-y, or uieve<aed, aod Tbomaa Fule/, of Cblciri. l^oom-Ffile/, 1,I10I; Prawler, 8Uk Aicrawa-rola/, II 31-88; Frawie/, 7 UM. Beat runa-Frawla/, at; Folej,7'. Time—fhraahoitniand fert/-I1re nilDuua. Ilert—- reler Sejdar. Umpin- - Jcha W. Coon. coraM neit with •100,000; aod Boadnau fosrlb wilb $0),tMl Toung Uilboorao, mnatl/ br Ibo iM of by Bigallcaat aon. The Eirl, won $S<,M<>i aad Kahbl ef Bt. ratilob>iu U ibink Voalcm lad TmeiloolerlbogiaaUrpartor Ibe IU.UO bote -Per Folf/, Jofao UcOarlli; for Fiawie/, THE CHAMPIONSHIP OF ILLINOIS. CONTBSTBBrWIKN HFNRrRHtNKS AND J03BPBTBR- UEDLB.O. na bittaa wm bt 27 foim a» m on OBjnan aijiBo. Tho eecood conleel for llie cbamplonlhip of Illlnou, ondar tho BOW order or thln0 which prehlblletbe pnab, thai a'role 10 repugnant to nlno-l/ntba of lao billiard pla/lng commnoIlT, look plaoe alCroab/'a Hoilo Hall. Chicago, en tbe night of the Sd nlL The alleadaace etc larife aoi tbe ananiemanti tdmlrable. The gtmi coealaled of 1,800 piilntj, tnd wu pta/ed ■lib SKIo halU, oa a Kaadaid Amerlcaa fO'irpocket table, of the aecond ilie. When BIcbarl Fnle/, ef Delnit, bad bna eelecied u refeire, Al. Smith u llhlnea' omplre, and Peler Bn/der u Venneufen'a, II waa Iwetil/ dre mioutca tftor eight o'clock; tnd thoa the/ opened TUB oam. Rblnee won the lead and choice of balla Vemeolen wu flret to count, making flltfen on ilie two redl, IrtTlogtbaok for Ithlnea, which the laitcr failed to make, end bl- oppeneot rot in a run of twT«ni/-elihi, and went tn pocket off a conaL SelaoflfiO andflOOnn Rblnea bot no laheir. nblnea left a blllout at hlaneil cnitctror lo elTrcl a "alilai," and Termeu- Icn arailrd himaell of the opening to tbo eitral nf lbirt/4li, falling on an oil/ ehot, and learln^ Ibe btlle In a lino for Rblnee, wbo made a neat bank ahnt aod ecorod T. Bmxlo iiflnnl iltendod the rlToitt of nch In the tvo following Innlngr, Termeolen broaklntr llicepell b/aap'ondldmacaebor, followeo b/ an noripecled lalluic. Both Ibrn ehol to pocket for rafel/, Veimculcn being tho Oral lo gat lo work, patting In a run of 17, ami taming bla dnl ben- dred 28 aboad. OITrn nl tlOO lo tIS oo Rbloee and no tokeni After a ancoearul "auini" b/ llblnaa, Ibe other eiecnled another mac* abot, and fnllowed'wllb a etoro oflo, gi'lng to pocket off a eeiinl. Ilhlneo failed to "atrlogj* end Teriaetilen went awtr with 12, mlating t illfflciill maw. Thrre- op^n nblnea aeorcd 81, Koing 1*1 pockat Jndldooal/. IHanha lur each, Vormculen llrlhlag nut wllh II, tnd ihnn helng kloed onl of a count Tilfllnp renil'a for nch bi tbe three autaa. auent Innlnp, an nnliick/ Liu for Ilhlnri tearing tbo reda In no po«llinn for tho otbe-, who met wllb a mliccc after o nn of 17. Rhinrifollowidwilh 20. mlBlaaailmiileiliot. After a eenei ol mill nnl hv rich, Vcrmmlen tnrard hit aocand hundred, wlih a lead nf TO, A bel of IIOO to $10 on nblnea found I labrr. Poor pllelog wu tbo rule, until an iojudleloiit ibot b/ Vermeolon left Rblnci a fla* opening, which, bnworer, be abandoned, a:ter a mn of 23L No notcwortb/ bllllaitli up to tbe tblrlr-aorenth Inelngr, in which 7iimeiikn arc-upllilied a mn of 83, turalnit lili fourib buodrrd, and bemg 180 polof a ahead. Then Rlilnce eenrrd 29, leirlDg Ibe billi lor bli o|Y>n- ncnt, who profllrd br It to Iho exicnt ef 10. Rhlnn now let eitl wllh 38, which Vornenleo call Into Ibo abide b/1 icnn of 78. which carried him ever bla flfib hundred, ud placed hire 188 lo Ibe lend—tbe game aUndlog, hi Iho fort/-flnl lonlaico, Vemeiileni d&l: Itbtirte, 2S1 Both pla/erl now began tore, do^m Ihe oinie In o mtatura. Tennonlen wllh BO, and Itblnee wllh 63. Ou Iba Blllotb Innings Rbinea had crept un to wllhin a hundred of bin onpooeal, and bit neil euar Olmlolebed Ibe diaparit/ b/ lwrol/-fear. At Ibe cloee of tbe ellli-lblrd in. nlnga Rihineo bad paMcd lo tho frnnt with a run of 01, which carried bin to hit irvcnib hundred end pitced hlu tbetd, Ihe ecoro itindblg—Rhlnee, 838; Vernienlen, tit. From Ibli polal oowiid Rhlnn gained ilowlr, taming bil nlnlbbmidred M polelx ibitd, Uioucb doing but lltUoaniige pla/lng. Dhtnu now tiealed blmaeir la a benell ol 82, nlu- lag tn cat/ abet, tad Termenlen fnllowtd wllb 94, lllo flllmg wheribeuouldbiTOcodnled. At ibeone bnadred aadSrit Inalngi Rbinu hid lamed hit ilernth budrtd ud wta 181 thau, Ibi Hon itaiding—Rbliea, 1,018; Fermenlen, Ml Thitlotdbobicreiicd br M, nlogtopockataffa eouni, bat Tomooleo, b/ alow and neiililenl Hbrta, hid Rdueed tbo dlgeiencaloMaltbo one iugdied lad ocreotb laalaao, aad BOW beU of 110010 tM oa Rhlnto met vllb taken. Bui Ike lalUrpiwdecad, lo quMk ncceiolen, oi|iet>lM ot 40 tod («, and made tbe mattoraabad ubefarea tantngble tweinh bna- dred lU abeid. A kria cl fulam m Rhlnea' port, iid ol imtll mai aa Tenaailoa'o, again braoiht tba lead Is bnl aitr; aadlbiait wu laoiatied once men t/o icoroofSthf toe former. On Ibo o» bundled ond Iweaii-aocoad Innlngi Ttr laenlea made aron ef 88, whleb carried aim to Ibe front onca awn, ud hrongblnpbli ilaok ao thithetior Iwolo one i|iinil h|pi fond read/ ukera. A aerlee of downright "Kialcbic" ontbled bIm to iceasiulalo 40 tad to Inn bit tonrlecnlh ban' dred 60 petnia ibeid, Ihe oeore eluding—Tlmteulco, 1.308; Rhinm 1,230. In Ibe one haadmd ud Ihlrlleth lanlaga Bhlaei mide 07, aad derelepeil, In t nmtrkiblo decrte, hu apleadid aerre ud relltblUIr, and brmght down thebouia with thonden of applanie. dama—nbloeo, 1,331; Temeulao, 1,317. Rhlau left elt bit mn br ilrlnglng Ihe balb, aad Ter- meuleo counKd handeemel/ wiifa a mtoe bank ibot, which ev In lam warmlr applinded b; hli adnilmn. Re went to pocket for aafe'/, afler a run of 11 ud a fbilan of Rblora to firlog 'ho balla lilt him another cbinoe, which hi —- prond b^ fonrlMn, mbdi^ oo aooooot of - Tb« Die,i iwa FOnaa Uatmi.—Noit week we ehtll hiTc a detailed Tcpurt of Ibe DIoa.Foitcr much, whieh bu for tome tlmebcca the ill-eagrmiing topic In blillirJ circlet erorr- wheriL ud wblob It In progrem at the Aoadem/ of Hullo la thUclt/Hwegotopreu drnoa tba Slat ul^ OInnand Foaior beee beenpracUcfngallarnaiot/at Pbaiaa A Odlleader't law vtrereomi. The/here t>la/ed alone rooelof the time. Bath, bowerer, bu hid John Deer/ for in iipponont on three dlf- fenatecoMooi Deei/ defetted Dion twice lo three gimu, bat lavtrlabl/bad to aucnnmb to Foliar. Tbe boat inowa laaa war. 87 and 38 b Dloo, and 84, 33, S3, 40, 42, 44, 83 ead 63 b/ fnler. The lll'.ar, to fu u II koowo, mido (bi ' arofige In a long game—li wm8. Tbb ntooitn TooaaiBun.—Lal II act bo fergolteB thai OB tbeaoih December, la ihearlemoan aad alio In the ere< Blog, all the great pla/eM, nch u Dloa, Fnalor, aoldthvill, Deei7, TIemin tnd Pbelan, are lo pla/at tho tJltr Aeiembl/ Roomi^ DreokJ/D. In aid of Ibe IForhlagwomeaUtfo-operallre Vnloa. THE TUHF. THE AMERICAN TURF Trotting on tho Faihlon Count, L I. An ATTun TO Sontnmi Airomait Dosai a a Hake DaruTn ItrarclrhappeoBthat*earooallo<1npon to rtoordatrotlinf match on a Rwular tfaeh al ao latoft peflodof the jcnr ftalho ndof DKtmwr, huiiiueh la the oiio In the prH«ntlnitaae«. The male • lo qucailAo wu anDoniioed lo hh hcivaen tw« Weat< cbfttcr County hDne^ Ur? Pnrdy'a dintout m^n nod Ur. Ultoa'broaoDiare, for tMO a ildc, rati; heala, bfal three la Bre.lowacoB. The romtr waa Iraincdaod dilr„nb7 Alack Pat* lanon, aoi tbo laitcr bj ITlltUn OoraL Tbe attvndaoc« wft« eonflocd (o tho IrameJIate Tneodi of the pnoel|.Qli in the match, ■nd a to* of the Irreprawlblo kiAUtut of tho Imt Hog Inch, like Uriara. Tultle, Jonaa. tfcCarly nn-l Holt, oho cannot be krpt awaj wben a raoe'a golnif on b/lhattArmkal ol wetlher. The Inch waa a ibcet of toe and fratvn nod, which, when paiUally Ihaw^ by the lun and worklog nn It In acorloK, brcama awfoHr hoaTr and hoMlnr. Afier the ilakti were put ap and thrf jodgea eroolnicrl, the owner or the Ford; mm objected to tho anloal thai Bont waa drtrloj afuut him. oo the gmond that It waa Dol tbo aamo nare lliat wu named lo Ihe match, aod which wu eipraaily dt^rad lo be "Ur. JdHoi brown marr," and lhal Ibe ooo oo the trick wu a hay nut* bfloowloe Hra FellQva. of IhU cilr, wblcb II wu auamptod lo "noB In" lostead of tlt» one onglDally mxtohod. Thli chniie, Ur Bomuieff, who h«d nalehrd iho browa raarr, met br fnyTnc that Ibe luare lo qaeaflnn wia rc.illj ow6rd by Mr. Ullce, «bo hod Tiurcba*(d hrr of Ur. Fcllowi overi reomhago. Thr Jud|M rwiulredUr. Ulka tn produce hU bill ofulp, which he declared hr bad Rcalrtd, but It vu Touud that ho di J nnt haTo It In hla poaoMuo at the lime. Tbo JuOiei thiretoro deuOt'U that lite race abould be trailed nader [trn(Ml,aod that 'lipy would after' waxda rKOlro evldeocn a« lo tho bmaji^t chnxaclrr ol tbo ptir> diaae of tbe mere lo qucalloo from Mr. Fellowa,whom aBdtTit of hemic would be luOdPot and laiuficiurr. Tho Ulln pirtyi-TUoD'lyOldnoteourtlnTcatigalloo loto the aJTaIr, and u arold hf they anDooooed thnl they would pay lorlelt la tbe ma'ch, vhlch wu accHdlagly done^ The owner of the Puidy tnan then oOered t* tmt a matah for $2Ua Ilda, a|imilth» mam tbo Ulka party bad hcwght opoo tbt trmeh, nlle heati, beat threw In ftfe, to wagon, lo u to proTeot (ba partlap pitaant from iMhit dlitppolnted Id a laoa. Tbu olfer wu at unea aoeeptad by Ur. Robert UaniUln, ea behalf of the Fellowa mac«, and tho mnnry put op la the itihihoUer'a handa. Tbebettlttg wuallihUr in CaTorof the chretnat mare (Fordy'i), but oonparfttiroly ISUU bualooa^ wu dasft Vlatr HiAT.—Aleck Paltenon had Ihe pnlo with tha cbcihiBt maiT, aod had allghtly ibe bfatorilioaroduff. QolDf reand tbt torn the broke, and Bont look lha lead, nod waf two dear leaf the ahead ftt tho quartarpolr. Ai aooa u the chut* nnt man got Milled to a equan trot, ahe ebowed a flaa tars af tpaad, cioelncnpldly on Borai, and collaring blm u they KBied tha old alaad. Here again abe broke and fell olT, Bont log fteoupleni Iragtba ehaad of her ea Ute/paawd tttebalf mile pole. Oo the FTueblnt atraicfa, the chrainut afuo abowed agTeatbontorap*ed, eTlaentlyont^lntKogthebay man, bui anahlato actiUidy la thaheaTT mod, for wnleb hor loi greub lagitrldewaa nut adapted, leriue madoanoihar brtak noir tba Ihrcc-quarter pole, and again In comlog op Uie atrrtch, which enabled the bay raatCg wbo tr.jt ed verr alpadlly, to cotoe home a wlonor orIhehntbj sU loneiba Id 2:M)4. SlcojiD OiAT.—Tbe belting wu aUllorou ombf rurdymare, fori! wu thought ahe would act bettor In theaecAnd liralthu ahe bad dona. Uany who had laid oddi on ber U-fore tbe etart now bed|rd, for tliey eaw lhal abo could not trut In Ihe heary ground, which Jut tuliad the llKle biy maro, wllh borihort, quick atrldf. Bortt goiaway llrat, hul tbe obfHlout waiBrrn Wllb bin befort ibaywot lo the lun, whereiUie brokoanbe'ure and fell oir mihlog a double break before the get to tbe quar- ter pole, where Ihe bay man led tbrao loogiha. Ai aooti u the Purdy mara alrnek a trot, ahe went up to 0 int In a lurpjlalog manner, butJuatuahD got to Ul'whvet, ihe leit h«ric«tlna auoceatioo or brcihi, which alio kept ap all Ihe way hnmr, de^ ■plU Aluck Pattcrvon'aorrAri* tnhrep hor eUudy, mid ihu bay mare won the beit b; twn tpn|tbi Iti i;MJ£. iman Hdat.— Be ting |A0 lo llOonBonl, who M through* oat, ibe chealnut maro aetlog u bidlyai In the IwopreTlooa beata. having out ber qoancr andtwiated off a ibee. Borvt won the beat by tlx l^ogtha, thua taking tbe race and oionvy: Umo. 3:M. Tha obeolnnt mare U trldentlr icry lut on a B<K>a track, but nnable lo Irot but In mud. lot whlcli her loog, iwcfip- ln|ritrldoIanntadap!ed. She v a very bandiome dark cliofll- nut, wllb Inns (lowlni tall, aboot tf leeohanda threo Indtn high, and onlr ix yean old. She la fired by'Now Jeraey, a ion of Oeorge H. Patcbeo, lod will dntibtlaad be loeo lo gnoler adran* laiethanonthIioceaHoiL Sunmiry: — PieaioifConRic, ur.Tueday, DeaU-UaUb 9I,IU9, fUOrt; mile beau, boat tbtoo In fiTt, to wa^oo. Hr. t^rdr'a eboeinut nare lUcJred IL UraUllu^ brown nare nidrv biwaDAT.—UaichlMO, playorpaj; uitlefauli, tbrve IoOto, le wajoiL Ur.Hllea* bay morn I 1 I Ur.Pordy'aotiutauimtni i I I 1lmo,i:W>j;3:MK;t:H. crrdited with. Bt. Albana, Ttaennnnby, Italapiaa. WIU Daynll, Bhlrmiiher, Nawau(l«,Tmnpet«r,C«rBinl, Tedetle, Unhtnn and Wralberhlt raokln tbe order DABied al wlaatflf alno. Of the abore Int. NawmrniUr. altbeogb nnw dtad, baa tbe Urgeii number of wtDoeri, ftlibongb ba noki bdlov Baec«ae«r and Bioekwellaa rar u the peenniarrftmooat won li eoDe«Md; bU own filling fM^OOO below that of tbe pnTlona yatr. Tbe UelropollUQ Steeple Obaae IfHUiif, at Elflfibniy, eoB< meDcedoo Dee. 8lh. aad conllBDid three da/'. There were Ihlrtoeneteeplecbaatfand fleehanUe nm on the can, and one hundred aad Iwanir horaea took part fa tbe dlffntnt eoa- Ueta. The meat InpoTtanl evint wu tht XetfowUtaa Steeple Cbue Handleap, thne tr-llu, (nwhich alerao bonet ftartad.lft* etedlttf TfaaUah aad Alefbude, both wlaoen of the Unr- pooiamnd MaUoaal StMple Obue; Tbe Nna.irtaaar ef the Birmlnahan BUeple Choaa; Peoalooer aod OloMe. A dofw- laroeearrenealaeaoaecUonwllb The Nao look pUee, vUoli cftnaed - ' ■■- - - —^ ***'J?5f ^ *^^n hone, but, bring moit DIrar. Bar wratefa^ty riddea, ahe wu hwUa hy hair a leagib br Pearl pirar. Bar perfmmuee wuee good ibat ebe wu anin baaTlly backed for the nen In ooaiUoD nH orer the hiagdon, whee, the day before It waa mn. tbe daMy popau rb.) eportlag loinala onntalned tbe aoDooncemant. leoeircd and eodoreed by Ibe RlfOtite Telegnph Coupany^a agfnt, that ahe had been Klniek ont a' all her eDfl:ag«iD»ott al KlaiiiharT. Thou who bad backed hrr ImnedlaUiW truirerred ibdr la> Tcitaento to ether borfw ther furled la the race, but to ibew aaloolabmeDt The Nun bed not only not bcca eoraUb*d, bnl abe ran and wen the nee. The reU'i Inlelllfenre erigl* nated oat of a mlauka ef the haodlcapper'a dirk, who had la- formel lha telrgr.t»U c«mpan;'a o^rnl that The Non wu itraea ont nf all hrr Elngehoi? eo^^agementa, Initead ol, u waa really tbe oiur, all bui pnf, the nee iho won- The betilng at the ilart wae A lo 3 aAlnal Tbe Lanb - 3 to 1 t^lnit Tho Nun and fi to 1 agaloat 'Peoitnnor; Tho Nun, Afier a aplendld race, winning by a ihtvrt bead only from Tho Lamb. A groat many of Iho boohiiiakora, on tbeatrenftthoribo telfgminof Tho Nun hol-ig atnick nut, bad b t heavily agafnit her. all lit, ocmtobed or not, and tlioy miden troinpndoiiaourcry nllcrthe ncp, but few felt any e>mpelhy fer them. The alfulr ii likely to do good, hr i»dlBg to A mora rrgiilar and lyito alio w^y of " reraiohlng*'faorari, wblch In fnlurewill hafo lobe done In writing, and net, ai la now unally the eaae, by a vfea voce dpclaratlen, Tho new eoune on Epeem D >wni. cooilruclcd by Ihe Grand Stand proprMora, tearoid altogoUtor ninotng otm thenar Mwairlpof lend owned by Hr. Blndd. the now lorU of thu manor, and thtii eTade i he payment or the eiorhlLaat rent uka for allowlDg them that prlrllear. fajs Juil bcrn loipeoted by the Ihike ol neaufort and Adninl Roua, In (heir capecliy aiRtawardJor the Jookey Club, uid ri-e^cto atowanlaof R(k enm neea. and ther hare riprHaed Ifaeir approral of tt Ur: CLarh, of Hewmtrket, the ra«e Judge, bai abo eeilldtd that he hu eiiiulncd tho race onnne orer wUoh ttia piopoaed to mn (be Rponm SprJog Heeling of 1!09, and thai he lode It ymj llltle dllTeceot la (om from the ooe prerlonaly and, and eqnally aa gond for laelng purpcau; (ho propoactd new (ore at Tatt^noaaeorDtrbdngadeeraedlmpmnmenL Tnconamnrnoe of Ihh^ the raoea at the Bpeom Bpiing Hu'ing will L< ran oTor it, Tbe dUpnle bftweon Ur, Sludd and the mnd eland pnmrleiort. relalUe lo the Derby eonrea, nnalna in ffo/tt qa0. an^ tbe uncertainty that eifaia whelbor tbe freat Rpeoni oTonf of 1609will be mnjuaierlally ebcoka all ipecula* lion on that momentoua rao*. The only b'oru that bu been Inqetred arter, aodmppnrted, li Uarlyrdom, a Bon ofSt Al banc, and Eeloty. beloaglng lo Capt. Vaohell, the racing eon- fidermto of Ur. Chaplin when Iho laMrr'e horae Herailt ion Ihe Derby. Thli bono wu btekod at 29 to 1 fur all the money tbet could be got, and ultUoaialy 1,000 lo 4fi wu token. At New- narkei,where the bone la tfalned,lbehlghv«l oploloD li enUr* talnedol him;Ji being IhoreMngalnely anticipated that be eUi emitlaie Uteacblerenenl ofblaalablc companion, BenniL Bla two ycaroMpeirorminceidoDotwArrantatiohbopoa, for he only won fonr ont ol the tea racea ha itarted Id. At a rneot pnblio aale of ruebomea at Tallarttirf,tLadr Ffllaiboih and The Duke, formerly owned by tbe Late Harquu ol HuHnga, won eold, and the apnearaace of the once ramooa and now Dolortona BUy caued the greaUat acnaatjen. The crowd aavmbled to lee h*' wu lo great Ibat 11 wu a mailer ol the ;c«aloat dlOculi) to get ber out. She looked groally id* proicd Riooa her laat appcaianu In public, bailog fllleu out aodthlcbeDed eondderably-^o nueboo IhatUTeial eminent trolnerB were, wllb dlStulty, penuaded that the waa lha aamo aoinal lhal lUrled lor tbo Derb^ After a fow hide, abe wu knoeked down to John Day ror 6O0 guineaa Tberd wu ft gen* enl feeling of narel thai abe bad not fallon mto other hand/, u In that oTenlU might have hern aacertalaed wbalher abe had ftor nal obiooe for tbe Derby or otlrerwiae, and thua c<ib> ildrrwUla light nig hi hare hern thrown oo ooo of the moat recant of larrocnndalft Uiidoobledly Udy Blloabelh baa at onea bean thi ranat aenaatfonil and notorioua anloal or modem Umea, bardly enepiiaf RuDDlog HclBa He one can doubt, when eon templollDg bAr aplendld atrfeaof two rear old parformanoe^ thatdlir wu, (nit e'en eicaptfog her Immediate prefloeeaior, Achlaremcnl), probably the meet wooderfbl youageler of her aei that enrappwred on tho tnrr. The | cobahlUty U, that her hurt wu brokeo by ber woBdirfol two year old naleta with JoUw, wbe waa ao eitnerdlnary bnVao when In lorn, and whom ibe beat In a mile al a dlfTetenee of onir BIba. for tha ywr'a difference of over age b>t«rin th»m. She will now Iw pat to the breeding atud, and ber name alak Into obUiloo, Her alabie eonpaeloo, tho Earl, who conld bare t*on (he Darby (be larai year, bnl wia not allowed l« ilart for 1(, bu tMD pur- chaord. It It d aild, br-tba AnilrUn UoTumm»nt, and will ge nuiiojidil tho eipaiclaled Buecaeeer, ebouTalee aa a lUI* Hon hu lliU yur been eoovlaolof ly proTod by tbe iptendld peirormanc^i of bla oRjprlng. DEW TfAB'S DOHE BBOfWHt How Tw« rut Itii Clot oi la« War raa Ma ' Robbed lh« Dar* ' Talborb4llda;al YeamaTntkoa tdraalafM ant Mead hem ' ' > nakoB ap la tta'plaaiua aaff a ila,taMttiL ,altba«ia • b aa4 Ht* Taat'a win-ilioaaM law tad mehlpli 'am bw Ittb i — aa IiU a Ml, raMinl, aai, akit'a atof*, n't ea* if laa aaktta aeaa af rearhajaeladkaabv; tot tiIle?nr-Sai!at aol naalkeiuiaearaUablo It— - - - - hMm -.-Tv-iT-rL »r»«IH»aia«l4ap^m«ae»le«wh«»l« . loiaiabft haellk, aat \an em bm tewpmUto Ml* Ihna to eiaek Uitl ttarvrt Q hdUlaii en eC ae«H(dw aM. IhelreoBTealaaeei batlElt alhlr bela, of ih. thieaiiluM m 4*r, aad a aeii af ap^aadli la ChrMaai poa a ebiaaafW aeehtaUaftarareeUnalihtatlke Ohh), eta eab be aq^if ttaalatadllma^ lad a«(laelad oal^ulkt raiMalalaalm moalhi'blalw, aad «hif,t nppoit, U Ihe leaaaa ta pal» iamBeh"*la"Iaii laah af aabaara* laUmiiaaaqatlataaeawkamwaenl* Ihehtblloratlaallaf tokeaant eoauiaarti laabbmee tM batriporHMoribarmuMlllrlbreuelaa. I alwa^a eelta* n/ beam Maa], Tom Jonaar nVri baatatt be «aa eltad m lo hi. ro44ar Ilka t man: ttaendl/, beeana ba la fnbl nttaiai tnd food or a Jobe; aal lUiflr btoiaat ha lut aleatr nt M* tad doa'l care wbtt baooaaa ef 11 4l<a, betaata h* u pottad. la maele tnd eaa Ilka a Ua btWc When MewTenr'a ttne%ean4, It foml Tea aad Ida^ armed and aqolpped lor lha Itbara Ibti were re dtwoira apaa • ne tt Ibe Danim and F>IUat ef oar a«L Ve had a£bieeaA beforehand Iba eooiiiotiUiWof t "card" embiaelnf ibt oaO* we wareionabe—llhlnb tanaeneon.Iwehaadrjd ar at tho on'eeU bat at, In the Hint of the dae, wo ,nl I aomewhai miirl with Iho llaia of elbera. on Ihet polal I a lie aiallailcal. We were up bitlmei, tnd bj lea A. M. ' renall; eetlod behind a taam wbkh. br aaj one not ap la lb*- driilt-, nitgbl hare been mituhco lor thejiriralo lira oot af • Vinli anniie nabob, .la we drove ulT, Tom wta guilty of* n<telei.erablepea. "Caa you lell me." bo aaked. ''whjibak Utile man jooder. In Ihe dtierwaf of tbo iboalre,» libe oaa wbo celebialaa a perpetual Ne« 7rar*af" ''QIto It npl" "Vhj, becanae ba ptaieeell bia Ume iii aieUwpeol'a O'ltaff'* Anil we were olT wltb a Jomp that had nctrl/ opart aa ItwaaoneoftboeemoreuieneTer to be rorxoltee—brlfU. aiiiiahinj. coM—and eeorjbMy atMr acemed t<< bo la kryplof — - cild and tooahlDy too. We llr^l atopped at the oaw tbraa- eiory titkb wllh browo faelof, Jiiit bQlU b/ nor maUei frlea^ Ham Pe'en, who eomblaea la hit proper peraea tbe olgnlllM •radrjgoode laercliaalaad lie luociloot el tgenenl la Iba mllltlo. Fire jonnc ladlea loianonalf got np ta tn bnrU ew cocKine. MAIN BETWEEN UNION HILL AND NEWARK, NEW JERSEY, tea Fim DOLUBS EACH FIOBT AIID THnEE HDNDRIO THE UAIM. wa«iu norouata. Tho eecoid mtla of tha aaaoa la Ibli lecalltj eame eff ea Wedneailar erenlajr. Ibe 33d oIL, at tbe ntati eoeae of eport, between tae fanclaro of Kewark tnd ITnion BUI, K. J. Ttim wtJ t large tMnhltAt of tbe Beet promlaeal tad dlti|a- EiTehed palraoa oflbe eport fion New fork, Breotljn, Jreaep llj, Newark, ela, prearot to wllaeu the nroeeedlofa aad apeealate epot Ihe Tarloui eealeil^ aa Ihelr faaej, Jodgment or fcellage nrenpled Iheia. The eeaallinaa of Ihe niaia weie loahew lllaaa fowla on atah aU^ eight wngblng froni four poaada la See pooada, and aerta eocke, welghlni frooiipounda4oa,lo Ipoende toL, aad Ogbi all that Tall la for |M alatllc aod t3Mlhe main. When Ihe latt auteh wat tfimpialed It wna foond that nine nalebaa had beea nr- ranted, to that Ihi winner of dra baUlet woold etny off the ISM n greenbtelia depeadent ea Iba Itiue of Iho aula. Tbe Newark fowla weio prlneloally ofa cmoe ttrain if Irlahtnd Rnnlleh breeda, while tbe Uolm Hill fowlt were maaUr of tha BeriKn and D*Tbj atxaloa, eroiaed with Dernnthlre, wblob It to mueli raoeled In Uiat localUr, aad wbkh ifao Ludlowi bare ao arvfiiltj'pr^aerred and ealllrated. KiauT iiiTTLa —Aa le cotlomtrr, the light wolfUt ehlebrnt wore Ihn flret to enter tbe pit, two four-poaadeit opeoing Ihe bill. Newtrk ebewed a lino bitcb nd, wltb a while liaeblr, ead Union 11III a pile whilh raa erMrotIr not op lollie mark In condlllon. The Newark wee tbe faTonla at |10 lo IT. and hn commeoced n^bUog In a alrle that apnarenlle would glee him a apeedj rkler/, Lltllnw the Union lllll binl repeat- edtT In the ttroai and Irtaal, a. lhal offrranfllO le|9wera loudly and currentlj olfrred no bla wlaalng. Juttwhenvlelory eeemod cerlulo, Iho (Inlun UIU bird mtde one laet deeporate fly, and Ilia tpiir IrnnAHilnjr tbo throat of bit oppooeni, laid hliii di*nd nn llie ap-il. In llm aatootahmeni of Ine laeeraof tbe oilda, anij ttio cotrrapondlog oxultatlen of Iho laiera. Tbla flaht laaled four oiiautea. Sccom PiQDT.—Ihe hearj weight chkkeoe, 6 poanda eaeb, won neal Inlrodueed. Nevtrk aliewod a brown red, wllb blncb hactli a. and UdIod lllll one of Iheaame bind; In fact tbne aero own bmlheie. The Newark bird hid Iho call In tlie. liotiing at 110 to |0. aod eprcelatlon Be h^aey and brlek. U wait uinat tee ere and nunltblng flaht, alihou|h a abort one, onlr tnallof one niloate; tbe Newark rerireei>otatlre laying tbe other ileadln bit Ineba, with a braio bit, and winning lb. bet- Ue TUiRn Pfonr.—Newark eenl lo a flne brown rod ehlobon, diba Dot, anil Unain Hill a blaek red, with ginger backlo, of oiaclly tliQ aamo wol^bt. Tbn belling waa |10 to J|0 oD^Newarh, wheee reprrai-ulsllTe look elart, aIlliou|h the 1 aiely. A'ler a qolok, iliamla,ln aUob nalare would net. note mal to the aaargebey; hU poalllon wu coaakiiiaej, bolb^tadt belu bald llfik, far ndnoted aad ellaokad tlibdri Ie|t aide aetiC nd tatleetUeBof UiltdtheoUertadlatbatUia ef Oie lital ta Ibe uoa dinaUoD, «hl<k gaia bin ta awkwud ip- natiaaee. toaideiiMt tt» mt iteat la ftaUag lor atah elbtr, aetlhtr ae«ataw latVned la Uka the TolUa- allet, bot lalaaHy wilaklag lE. metameala of lb. alher, aad allatBMetra^etai'af *•< latiattaaf. Fatally, wbn eereml Blaalaibidbdaaoul away thu,Pela, Ihtahiag he pereelnd I uio« •""it^J^.rr^'Sl^n" «'," »«P»nl«(» SSi akaata, eodMTOred lo bake adttnlaat ef ll eatarlni wllb Oblotaeea Ibt altbt efOea Mib, after wbioh be waala relarn • lMMtitlbthea.1, bat waa eat of dSTaaee; Abe (Wei wHb tnjnjl^'l'^'j^ ,» i"* /" *r<^ •* tta *■» bant boi Uia blow wat aeelly pal laide by Htgalie, "WblU Honia" "»»."*»»■ *art «pa bit rtOa • i!2b4 a taoipt at Aba't be£plece, wti anin at pmeteduirnag laor Ihiengb "'•J"* hear ttl ihe Hmatnnil aeMlflo eunlng tttied, tad latiili la- HeapanU eealenplaUt^^l^ • bettehie h Iba Otrdtn Oil; Dai Dam AM«iLtiB._A Ulegnai frea Bi. loab, Ifa, lUletthit a »*l oeeniradlathrttleonat whioh Bill'liiSi wu "WW °1'!'?1'V •'"'fi ••«■■ <an«« wfaloh Hike Ryta bed hit tkall fiwnnd taif Joe Iirell'a frealal bone wu orathidla, hit Jaw biakea aad eneofkit art* btdlygeaged. Tbe affiu appttji ta baet origlaalad la an uuulk raal': apea Dtett b; louror flit nofhi: h. niltlaed a aUaht eat upon thu wiltL Dial BouiWMt wta aaaoeaetd t« alta a aptnlai tbew In BtelJHk .•Tlbrbe » — — mlaftho '^tl at'liMTa^'uSnubir! tad ibeTrieodt l.tiaCng,prandtai hefla'dkaplaoatniaUbta. itwUt,while aniyoae at Uie rla/^e I i(uu,eioiiHinBT.—WeharaiaeUfadtMtaBaBloalloa had glrta bha aitdlt for Iho Mttaslon I Oeoma Oaiey, af torlngfliia, lUlael^ wlanln Iba trrl- 1 he «obM btllla Qlekea, aa he I ta laii that ba wUI flfbl Tim Sotiay, al iMah valibL tor a Itftabelaaad a podopeamii, I panaiiDlbauaaiUiiiillh illaaaM Sail^oratartloi eaigbt retaaalhelellopllo, l^^ooetl. ' ' ' ~V, ''^r.'iaW.RuigXnV^^^ wu- farliO-Btldrt., Md^ XUalK^ — Oa'SwU^irerSlJa.aWi!?^^ THE ENGLISH TURF. Tha RaoIng Ssaion of IS6B-lts Prinolpat Winning Ownara and Winning Hortdi. taranamia rvar traTUTMn or wna patr Ttia—rna aamo- nurax aniru oiiia atinto at inoituBT-anoiua BiTiaa atODT toe Mtamuixa or m wuna or ma raiaariL aioe—rat Ktv bacb ooobab at traoa air: na . omcuL arraoTiL or tub jociit cuib— atu or laat ■uuaaTa utoTOa aaaL The umeaaa nugaltude of raelog operaUona la la^tand aad lha tuI amouat of pnblie money. In poiaaa and ateikea, that a really flret elate race boiaa can win Air hla owner on the Inrf Uiara, may ba tatlmaiad from Iht tobjelned ttaUitiM of Ibe paatBotteo, wblob hare Jott appeared In Maaia. Wealb- erhy'e aanoal laelag calaader. Tbe atme of Blr Jotapb Haw- Ity beadt Iht lltl el greU wlnaen. be bela| eredliad with tbt earn of •104,000, woa by bit natU but mtgnUlcaal itabia of rietre durlai (be put year. Of thia Itraa amaani line (Iowa woa |M,0«0, bielig been taoeeiilSl la elabl set of lha aleTea taeea for which bo tiaited, aanoei wblob wu the "Bine Mbbea of tba Terf," Ibe Buota' Detl»^ Hitoiheralaoeia wore Fenljeinei, (190,00011 Uoraa. fM.i(ni HdTbePalmer, IM,M01, aUof IbTm^lKVBlUaS^'.W; bla eaa hoiae, fai^^ wlUi wboai ba wen. IhT Derby li IS!?- .}*'iSS "'•J'*^'" »to«Bn, U tbe fkmoaa win die- woa, wllh the liulgalletattiatnUoa of 10,000. brbUienoiaad Ihieeyear oM Ulr, roimoae, mlo dlnded half At tube In Ihe TwoT*oyiBpdaalaaaa^dwbteqneatlyw»BtbeOaeThoo.aad, Oaktandlt lagar. The. Daka of Niweaille ranka tblid In tmeiinl ol wlaniagt, bli borau harlng onledoiritLIM; ao S,'fjSiflLi*"f*f f'""'i'iP- Bpeeulom (the belropoU. '"jSt''!"'"*' I>«ar olit, AbtUninee and Teatdoa, tra Ibe aalntlt ibtt btTa doae hlolbit coed tef iTi!: aSr*!!l?°S"v"?'.''J!'»«*' Scottlah larfmaa, 11?. Utnr, •"^■L'?. '■J* •>' "''I* hli bi/lUantly per- ff.T^?o;!'J'^"^S!j?"'^r"?'»»l"»"''» 'aadingfaVor. ItaforUieeeBlnjDerby.whofauwon Ian oat of hia iwelee w. tn/ again paiaing ?la opponent Iben eought poekita fer ttfeir, tad t oilaaby nblnu lefl tU Uie btlu oat, M Ibat Tenneolea eet away eatllr wllh a raa of forlr-lhrae, enjoylog two or three bite ol wool lock la brtagiag It aUil and al lenrlb ahoeUng lo pooVat Again Bbioet milted a hud ooail,loaTla» all Uie balla o«l. and agt^aTe^ mewlea ateumtlalid tweoly.flTe, loralnr ou hit flfieen b boa- died aanatr-tbree polnit ahead. RhlnM now mliee^l a gilt, weal lopocbol aod fillrd en hla labaaouent bink. ne wu naaMe to orercom* aeerlee or bad braaha, while Vemeoieo, en IbeeontiaiT, t«Bedtobare lha acklBgoddeeeoolruclly ittkeindofhltlnrrt, bot owulaly al Uie llp.ef bla cue, aahlarlaganaol t«»nly-»li by ber eld la Iwa or ibree In- naaeee. 1 fkllnie at leajih, thmah arer ""Men". 1«" Rkiaet bit OrtI ebtaee lor aeetitl laoTngiL tad he linpiort<1 I by a btauUlnl raa ol nieely-flra by the aM of hit eeammmtle !T!'^''"»«ll'««n»'il«n,anl onlrfoihoia byt hta'am'"; bat lell a baaeh for Tennrnlen, who by no mwoi pla;ed wiui theoeaMeacebabad ahowa hefort, aad lalief wlik aeren, afler barlag peebitad bla eppeaeat'ebtlltadilnag Ibe olbera, tllereuevllaga inlndid £aiu, tooght ibe pwkelfor iafety,lurln,ta lapraalblttbet for bit oppcaett lie then nanlM, iad oeaaijilentblT weaM bare done noebbelUr, uyi the OblUfn^aM^ bui fer tbe dlagnaetal yelling ael np by kit IHeadi, wbiab ladaead bin lotlltrblaDiod eoaeem- laa aabelableh ba wlabed lo make. Bit tbaneet wan ei' aNlanlferwlaauu Ibataaata KwMibtlta anloobrhhtsa -aMnd-iba^tMarikitMibebdltlMVenaealea, wte. to Iht lOMllMredtad rorty^earth leatoit, raa fltUrt ttd eloaed '•ljpta^«|taaia|byoa|ylwaai/4(iltpaUa nafellenla« TV ■■*•"» »■ "a Iwelee ^1.. vm"-!*"'*?""' "f- Padaakk. Ibe aSS aSfii?.?,'"*""". """r-toiiilw, b letemedwllb WT.UO, bnl UUa tiBoaot eomprlaee all la. mener won br The ?JfI* »""'•'moneyadrtncel Ur. ChepllJ Sll?Uj'IS!.°.^S"Ji."'»^T'«'''"" Prartontyear'aDerbV li SS? e« lift $?•'••'' *>'il "d "f- SaHlU Mi iixSi^' V^'V^ "7 BI"aekln,ai:d hla twoyear !i:i.?jS'J^ "li"'<'»»"'«ll'«nkTaboarel.SaB. R!f«?i!if!''fl'' Webled toKlof Alfred and ll«.Ula>ioa foe ha|»,MOb.huwoa. Oaplala ■aeh.llandthoDuk'afUaa. '.«°/2?'' "i'S" i^OO'i "T. Biayley and Ur. Cra.furt over 130,000; aad Mr. Llatala, Hr. Mer aad Sir Fredeilok John- ".CVlf''. »'^'» •"at eam. Or Ihe wloalog two year oldt Baltadruoa altadt bighetl, alUi IIT.OOO: Tenedu aeii. —-7oigoeai, «iui foi.wji iraeafwaeas 0«>>aa UM, with iu.tM, ud Rith- C *^ Ulna jaar oldt Foroioea nnU hlibeal, with lO^MOitad jBUattBOng Ibe four rearolda^ wllb |U,inO -WaBV* .HUOVOOlODg tUO 1WW wwwumvm, mtta aiO,W' I 11,000, tad Ihe Olen, 11,000, are Ihe bubal iiepB|lba Iretndaliyearulda irtpeollrely,whllaltlt nol a lllllt tamarktbit thlt of IhoHbrlUltntpenbraiere ef lartata- toa, iUUtreaiaal, Bmi, Vtnkaa, Hirkmian, Onan BKere and BaHoraelu, wUebeomprUee tbe llldd.erwk, Darby, Two Tboaaad, Oae Thootaad and Bt. Le(er| net oaa hu woaa tlBgle nee lb It year. Tht aamber of rtoei thai hire beea i«a on the iai Ibtt aeaeoa U I,1M| of bonea 3,tt», la- elndlailMlwo year oMei OS Ihiee iruolfa; CU fearyeu oldt, iadOir,f Ore aad apeirdi. abort dliltaae tuea ate ItpMlyoa lhalac»aaa.lharahatli!f ben dlthtir alledtihia aad Oder lut rear la 90 m 1N9| no orer hall anUt and nader BinlalatMlalMti IWof IwemUuaad eadtrlhieaioIlB hi |Mt|tBdlraauolfearmlletlolitlhildlalaaa<lallW. Oflbe •aataafnl etallaac Ihe bllhent aaprtma naebwab hu beea ■ipaatd ^ Ibe earatilital yeata tlft, eaeaiaeer, wbete iloek hat* waa IlldiMria MaekaeU^ |Ut.M HawBlaHec lui Doiiing wu eiu to aooo nowarB,wneee lb a alront lead lo ihe OghUng from the s Uoinn mil bird fought nmely and duper- . , lok, will fought biitlCiofdnln. M tee., the Union mil bird eu wl'bdrtwn, rttiiaiabed tod drlog, froco Ibo pit. Tbe Newtrk party won ptrlleultrly Juhllinl it Uie tppeirtnce of ellaln, and teagulne of nloolng lha mala. FoDain Dama.—Newark ahowed t four puund pUe, ud Union mil 1 abowy loeklag brown rad, with blaok heokle, Det- tlnir waierco between tbe pair, hot the Uoloa mil fowl waa a duli.r, aad, after recaMog a eoupUot ouia, Qew the pit, aad waa declared beatea In 1 fflUi. 40 aeo. Firrn Datilb.— Daloo Hill wu lapreaenlad br i dlba Ont. pile, tnd Newark by a 41b. Sea black rad. The heltina wu |10 lo 10 on tbe latter, and the Bgbt wat perbtpt the netl and moat obillnita of Ibe ereBlng. Al Ibe Ont fly, tha Newark bird loat aa eye; bnl be eoatinatd flghiiag dcapaialaly; * "" 'ylnfi tad bit prerlout backeia . . _ at Bay price, he rallied aad fooght taUanUy. A Hcond Ume ho wu nroeliated oa tbe pit floor, bnl oaea aaore be arMo aBd renewed the ennlMl. aad at lut bit ebatinaU ^meaeu triampbed, for ha ool the Union Hill ehleken, a ihoreogh game one, lata rlbboar, killed bin lad won Iba battle; turn, Ian talaalu tweaty-tbiae oada Barn BiTna.—Niwuk thawed i black tad nd, aad Ualon BUI one of tbe ume eeltr, both 4lba 4ca Ibo betUng vu now liOtolOoa Ntvirk wmalig lbs mala, w they bad aliaady won foor b^tllet lo Ibeir eppeaeatt' one, not Ibaia vu ao bet- Hag, u Ihe nelorr of ine Nevukera BBaned a eerlalnty. liter a lalUIng good Oihl Uie Union BUI bird laid hU fee dead la Ibt pit Bntm Bima—Union Hill produced another black red, and Neverk a blue red, bolh fliba. Ooa. Thlt wu a meet u- cWng flgbl, Dolon Dill agala wlnalni and their aloek loohltg np, u they bad now ecortd three flgbla to their rlrtlt' four. EiOBra BiTTLa-BoUi tiduahewed t«a bliek reda. 4lbt Pot. each. Thlt wu a ihoK, tbaip tad deeltire tghl; tbe Union Ull blid quickly laying oot bit opponent The learo now tioed ereo and the eiettemett wu Inlenee. Nnna Dinta-Thlt deelled the miln, and belUni wii Uoloa Hill abowtd I grey, ud Newark i Hot red, both 4*1 Tot. ThIa wte one of Ibe brat (Ightt of the eeriee, tnd remlUd In Uie Dolon Hill fowl tlllliig hL'"'•«''?"!•{!" t long tnd aeeeiaalraggla Tbilltbl decided Uio lotlnin farar nf lolon Ulll, l« 111!'hagrlB ai heary peeuola^ lou of Ihe Newark parly. ^ ^ aaAXo HAia DirwtaK rat Mutra i«» tub Booin FJati- tT AaaarotOL-Arierprrtrteted aegetiatloaa, mnoh talk ud more uofauaded reiarti, «o are aow enabled aulherlUllrely ta uanniicallulV oraod oaeliing loumameBl beteeea the gal- uS^n? of lS.N«themand Uie8oulh!ra Sbb/ku at lent'b beea anaaged. The hIghoonlraollB* olJnJa «ra Meoil NeDaniele fer Ibe Senib, aad IbewelT K?." N . T^k"p«tl.( miB, yr. JamH liorphy, for lb. Narih Tbo eooxlnoni, whlob were oolr floally trruged aa the il'ih ulLi were lo Ighl two maloa, Ibe flni lo tab e pltee tt twall koeen ratinglooallly In the rlolnltr of thlt oily on the JSih ef Jenutry, ud the teeoad il Ibe eime elaet on Ibe 9ith ur Jaouaiy. In eaeb oala bolb paitlee hare la th ow ear- »iha, tad flgbl aU Ibtt fiU In for 1900 ewb htltle, •o4 |l,O00 tbe main I to Igbt ceordlag to the rnlu of Ibo New York pit The welafau le rup from foar pea ndl two ouaeee lo 0re pnundt Iwtira oaocee ; tad u Interral of oalr twtnty ralnnitt tllowed belirten luh billlt. Thlt n iieb wtu bepriMacUreofgrMleielUBieal BBoag the faadtrtot tblt apart. AiBiKT rw. TtoT.—A main betvtaa Albuy aad Tin oaat offoalbt> tbt lut nimid place, for |H etab balD. and 1900 Iba Diln. Tht eoadllloBB ware to ibev taraa- teenbMt.naglnarfea4lbttollhaloa,|aad Igbt alt that ftU la at Uiaivrittit. FIRaat blida ea aaah ilda fell la, aad IbabttlUgwuMikonbolbeldea llbtar wee lea tat of tha flilten fifnlt, and eoaieqiBaUy etnttd off toe mtla aad Boaej. ribbon^ niebod preclplta'ely l>eok Imm the parlor olodow. bb we reined up; ud one elout toailemaa la ola ehirt aleara^ with a Utbored bee and a ntnr la lib hud, ainnk back frou - an upper window cotfuaedlr. We feoad arm and tboMltBta Prlert eutrd In aBem|.<lrc]e, u Ibnogb they bad biearlvalMl to their aaatt for a roflnlgbl, lnelBdlng.Baadtyi,JoolilBgTai7 prallybolileepy,bBnar, totelt Uia treib, oalrakltlebetoBa amiad from a pirty. fteeeired Ot^lally, drau a Utile eor- ditl, (wllb u tir of btthnil pmlatj, ud wan eC altar Iba , oompllaealj of Ihe aetaon. Tba reeepUuBltiB wbo were Itroni . wltb etrly oallt wore mncli a/tar Iht auit Bttten, hot lhav gel lo their work by Iwetff, when 11 vu picataat to Mm , I glauof wine ud nibble i ludwleh with tha pntUeat ilrl or yotrtcqnalnlaaoe. A be.rlr grteUng awtllad^ at tl lot boa- ■ fliable minilon ef Aldtmtn Blebb^ wheat parlbr retcmbM . ho drawlog moia of Ibe White Hooee oa a roceptl'n da;.. Hla ; clrc:e tnbraced a doeea of thamottehannleaerblawffe'aladr tcquiloLanoe—not I ipeckled tpMe tnong tbeia, being p>cl|aa., for tbe Moation, like t atmpk buket of frail. gorae'At^,; geoilemen war. ratklnglibauou al the ahrtaj ol Ibtte deities ud the conraniUoB wu litely and hiaplrlag. Tba Aldtrmaap wlUi bla ruddy, good liamored eouteoaace wweiad abore Iba ■ enembltge like t eolntaut Bertrtl, blmttlf laeladed. riaoked .* clgtrt, ud Ihe waller who preeldcd at Iba table bad ua look. . ef aa acUre barkeeper oppret^wltb eoitoB. Tha nlielel ' aeemad on the beit of teroi elth the people, udTem whlapera< "Lotd help Ibe old fellow If hu aotlodothabaBonroraK - bit conatltoeDcyl" We pBrHrertd At ear telf-atiBBed lath with Ibt berolem of nurtiia. It wu not aatil the tan baA ■ pttaed the meitdlaa,-howerer, thai tba day enold be ooealdtnA' u laucuraled. By that time Uie latk of going fro • houu t» hoaaa wu fonaO ta be ao agreeable, aad there wu u ranch twm la tbe thlag, Ibat reoat people, I fonad, ware dltpoeed to tak» their farotiie pabUc raaoria la Ihclr way, where naacb aad toddy were capital tlilnga in aattl' the wine. The Inl emlra- leeipi I nolleed wu tt Tiiddle'i, whera wi foud Ctptiln Mac Bnillar, of "Onre," ful ultep with bit hud bailed deep la tba window cnrtilna, whkb he had probably Dlalaken fee Iht Up of hit boelett, tod tome frtceleu frmale, aeeiag that he tUll held hit btt In bit hud, u If for offoringL had Iliad It viik flnral ud eagaltblt Iribatca from the ceorerlloaaiy ud frolk. dlabea Not lo be entdooe, Tom ploB<>d a rarr tall mallo to bla eoal front, ud we left, la the mldttof ebtt I tboagbl lob*, rather nprearlou laoghter on the part of Ihe ladl'a Dr2P. B. we foaid Ihe work ao fatigoinw thai wa dabbed oor feicea with oae frknd tiler uoUier, unUI at lut we anabtied ^la t rupcctable party. Tha bcllet of Jinaleadem ractlnd dat aMuUea. l\ Wm Oulpare't i meny drcie wu galhired. Eiar;bedy kaewi Iba llreiy llllle mUheer of lijbloa wbo goat by that otme. 'Tea nualbd InUoduced,"aibl Tom; -'1110*1 a regwiar Up-Upper^ geet to til tht balla and new operu of tbe eeaaoa, ahi0l like aa Intel, la pielly u 7enuj^ dueee UUe Torpaehorr, henelf, ud Ellohea loin eremhleg, irom the lanoere to lha caaton, with a early lalleh. Nalare dulgned ber for u aeiraaa, bat deallar made kH 1 mllllaer." Aad we were oukmc onr boea to bar la . tba ceelr. of ber luiuiloia Preach dnwiot-reem before he bad.' uoae epublng. Imagloe a portrait by wattau, aefoiu hu ahepeid'a ereob, iraaapluted to a goraeoat Badeta lecepUoa mom—fomllnn, ttyle of Uiik (Inalone, AiralntUi caipelh lulai, oUomtot, loaaget, pUtuiat, rtaff4rft, ud 1 gieat beaBfei oa oae eldr, heaped with oakee aid ooafoeUnia aad wiau 9t tha rartat—that wu Ulaa Ouipura'a Here tbe eoapur aa- aomed lomnlible dlmrmaoaa and wu eheeh full of aalnalloa, wbkh wu kept at (ant polnl by Uie ireb lolee of Biu Oolpaia, rlaglng Ineeauatly abore all the olbere, like a elew neulala atraamlat aipullog oTorallnry ledna. It wu really diageiwua - toiewialn Inner pieeence, and eo liemukedto Too, wboealy.i' uivaied by aepeatlag lha Ibua of 01r Joba laekUai:* "I kaow amaldea fair to aoa,—bewicei gbe hu iboeom white u aoow—Take e«a' 1 Traatberuti abeltlOellDgibeel'* Here we fooid Ihtt lotortrabit boi^ Oiwlbnpe, wbe (u> alee he memblet Dutdreary—and date. "lawl My ditr , Uulport—how aageliol Nuhit tnd larlh In btutlful Jaa- - lapualUoa. II It aol eprltg, and behold, the iovara are bod- diBg—bawl Compllm».utuaei, lluaeilatf abafalogfR»' veader the—the wbaldt^'eaall 'ea-^/eamad Bach—what da yoo oall Uien t aw (looblog al a fooutool la realad biaBMl/H— ohi oltomtnt by Joftl" Aad dowa wool Ike HntetleL tnd ho tklpned elT lite bla pialalypt, la pay homtft al lha BUlaa eftnoibtrbiaat/. At the nomeof Juh Borahlower, Ike eaatUtt, lo wbaa ' home ef the aaut aad tralar ol nflaemaat I had pllole* Tom io Iota, wo feuad enotber arawd. The oharaeter a>id% EedileeUooa el tbe heel hid Mu t ed aU Ihe knowing onu ta ' in out elnng, aad leeoidlngly wo foud Iht prtftaaona aalU reprHento'l—vecalltia, aelorr, edlton, utkore, artlila, dw- tort, lawyon, inUed np la glorlent eonlttw 1, aad eUqaatta eenl Into eilierur thlt oeeulon. Dotulee Ihe eieature ooea- forte—for thlt wu a tert of bachelor eoaee''tuleiit—we .bad muiio, anil llie rmfvaaor Tolualeered to gire ui that One ataa tolo fnui ibe "Oubemua Oirl," a la Stapll. Thea he took, up Ihe bora, ud, baring Itlled hit capaoluut luaga wllh wbld^. madtimlgliiyelTort Tue rauito ellolled wu of lollure rtrr dllfercni iroin that ha btil oooiewpliatod, for at Ibe dm blatt I ilmll "hi—1" ktued Irom the ton, ud a peodit Itaped forth tt llie DiemenI Ihitlbe Fcoruior, la UiuloiUhBeot..- fell iiTorncliilr, lo the lou ot bu latwoki. lot the tilok ■ wttTeryiiiiiualui ud we all laughed, uddrub, tadagaw paaaod the coiapMmente of thlBeaaoa. ■■Wa miiat norer omit oor faah'nabla fraaci* aald Tom, wba woa gi iiiii'.' iiinllow, like myielf; aad by Ihli time.he It lemtoa- lieru'i, ». iiniC'iUeathioughhair our llet (cloarlagawiy tha- nbblah, Vum called It—olaaring tha deoka lor actus a>7 aimlle). "I lUnk we'd beiler call upon Iba UaahnaBa—voitB a aquare mlllkn, to begin with." 1 o HeahRMo't wt weat We found there the utual aeml-clrel. ef dlrlalilaa^ ud I eontdn't help wondering wbo tauRbt tbcm all Uniteaue allt- tade. lien Btewart waeerldeoUy labia glory—luob a Mtamaa. 000 doct not Bott II CTtry turning. And ben the fuhlonabla . eelJT'ur'bad erlduUy laU hbnaalf out Buoh aamntof fu- v fuwrd biokt of tbe puiatguld tint—eueh caunelhigl Madania lliohel would hare died in deinilr tt the tight, tnd natea tmooibed ftoH more. Mow one longed hot la ilu Uia Oogeu ; Ibtt tubed wll'i auoh brllllutl—how— flat hare elb|aaUa w^ uUnenid, aadcoorteay vu tbo thfaic le eider. Tho ireeiing dvillty, blent vlthiheeoBBcioatdlgaikn ■ of wiattb, which prerided erery look ud wt ol bo h Mr. and lira Uuthneaa, forbade Ihe Inftiagemni of the mlu ol de- coruro. The hud ot the family had miiely ■Iropped le In laka aglauof vlaaathliown lablt,ind looked ren auak Ilka a tthoutof wttar, for he regarded Uilt ua plebelu oeouloo,. tt nrltoea wllh the inUaoT Hrlet pnptlBty, ThIa rlalt waa- ullrutd by an nteipeetad oeonrrenot. TuungOrpiallo, vba- WMtomarrythayounfierUleakluBbrooas, (lilt laiherla worth 1 nilllloB, too), bad likea Uita opportanity lo laike a piatut cC a euket to bla be nUied; hut, uarortaaalaly, oa lha way fma - Tlbnr'a Tuang aiafullo bad wet hit wbli'lo aomaay tamee Ihed be had almealTeigollaB the nalaaa of hit errud. Br. Uaah- mom aald, "Hey, wbati what I" and looked bulb urero aaa dignUedaihaMldovnhUglBu; tbeladka Uilared—Ihocoa- puy wattid lordevelneaiiata ^ Nov, Temmy," tali Ure. Uuihreom," do my 11 uquiokaa poailble, ud doa'l be atupld before toaptay. Tbe uutl ibptrklt . . fMlloa 'neomprahlt - - .„- whiebbe UiewUie beaaUfully lalal< beautiab ■aahpfieill btel." ' Id boEatU youar lady for wloa 11 wu lateaded, ud Bloakltd hiad fota- meetlBleberlapi ,1, • 1., ThlaoitiaocdloeiydemoailrallM put uaUlalighl,aater cemplluient to Uie feellnga of Ihe parUaa laWaetM, ud v* reanmed Uit piateeutlon of oor duQee wlUi ledoaMed tidoc 1 tbiah that By thIe time I auat bare bulloaed udtr BtT- walttooet Are cold turbeye, about tweaty ham eudwlohea^. urerel qutila of JeUr, t dotu taiti, a boa oftlaioadt. raltlB^. aod mlied oonieoilenii ud of wine ud railna llqaldt a mlnlilare rlrer.'. One of nt bad, I ua ttte^bal rapttllac wblob, Byaemon It aenewbit ladltllBet Neat,woiteei«dbol4lrfor tha Birbiry ooati, weal aide af Ihe Dowoty, when arenthlag vu boning wItbraulltaieBi. Idon'tttmenberdlillacUybowBiuyplteu ta rliliedhan, u ws bad leal onrcaidi aad wul It babd. I'm eerttla, lev- aeer, we not muy "InUmite frieada" whomwehadntnr. teu btfeie, ud who, II Ibiy net ut lo-n»mw, voold'ak know at Inm Adtm. Hr nolu gara eat at the pokak wben our Mend Oranklelaorpe, la LUe Bimmlatai' par-, lor, ftU aalarp wlUi hla bead, which la flu ud ebaay.. on that lady'a oenln labia, where It wu nlitakta, Omlj hy Hlu daddy Jupoa. ta Uie gathariag IvlUght, fer a piacuibloo. Into wbleh eheatuek ill her plauu thadltnhed hcrtell of her ehael, iflori luolng vltit Iq 1 nai^hoi*t; BBd, aecnndlr, by tha hotleu henelf, vha, thlaUag.Ilda, bta pet lap dog, Bid gat on the table, kitaedand feadudtba va^. •IgbUy nim of tow, "ealltd It pet nmu, lort," tad tbea gar* . Iluawiurboila^Mcaate tl.aiughty ihloa waa]dB*l wiiO'- ap, It did wake np, teunwbil to hH attimlaaQent, and, ta^ - log a hat ni lha floor, ud mItlihlBa li foi afplttoou, direeted npunllarellty tfeoaiflbaUoBB galbeied tnoi Ttneoaeooreea In honor el IhsooeaBlaa* Oaz ptitrhinnc newlBoieuBdta abeni Iweaty, laeladlaf Bwipey TIguiadnilBary Jiokt, ud OBtor two aoteof ibelf alaa, «i Bitittd oB on 1 pnimlteaoaa cild among the bath eatUeiaaahi Aboat two ut tba maiaiag,u aatru lou Jfrlgebynp tlDipltae, vbloh vu not golag, another malaal frieou, vooea BIBB ve forbear taaniloiiIag^Ueomed lee perauat, eiudlag - al lha eonar at Bovtiy end Otud elreet, Mat lo bub. Uka lha laat ferlcn hope ot a ruqulibid reglaut aaalUag Uia - oatlaaghl aad ttlaatuaad lo nil thrlr Uiea dearly. "And hu II oome la Uilir'>he aAld,ubetamyad«v oaavatld lappue yen'd Juat foraMd a pfraatld,Uke tha • iei«bal!.aal wen nlUng for tome oae Is get aa lap for lha 1 ipa& lUpnt»feu'dfoebtnUae.relel'' tftua-lUUe hni raw old, teddlag aibaH itattaea ItaM tha dty, vas aaylag lha Loid'l Fiayn, aad allai he bad flaithadltba melbar atld}-"Nov, had/, aikOadlomaka leaaaood bey." ThatbUd lalMd hlBaMlaUa ■olher'a laaa m a lav, noaula, aa If ta leap uaoiht, aad Ihaa atailledhaavilh Uh (eUevtag tadyi—"Ifa Mwaaia. Ha ,v«e>ld«H l<reMk«dhlaah«a|r3lllMI. Bagbnnimioi oa Noaa*! daf - Poitbad, Ha, heeemlBg'batnaBtT' vntldtoaoee w barIttM b/a whale piepeity IMOOO) U Ibi Tha boil vSl bTil feet |-' B^aaia ilaaili laaadbowa,. ■i^iiif Q. It jaU alUBBff aa eoeSpleUd, la'fanfih 11 ailh avaOlla iWaioCIha