New York Clipper (Jan 1869)

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^08 THIG NEW YORK CLIPPER. January 2, 1869. r4Da4 wf. 81m Mn, iiimviD HI I Ml raipHi, mp. u™ —" "7,'?5 .CT J—iXT aSa tokt all tlKMil Ur. Keooe<l;'"U« "<« I"""""-"' 'iJutfMulaiitniiunaa knnv, / MrnklvlillutlP** "■** ■)'*■■ *°' •l>M| JttMXa'111!b"*"')! imttBlat— Oh,«» M b« ' n« no Ihtl riBi (!>• >>ll>^ M» jrt ih« •w£*f •'»* »,"li3.tai».»<«'^'J"'> ... wHnilJo™ »♦««*' «»•» bwraonlli. I DUbf nil •>!• iiiiil<iil>n>li nAtlMtlnv tmb, 1^ r ilun, Or IMP M lo »Irnun f^ah«Md>l>|bliUi«Bl*BO nab All oH >b> Iran*! thit «blla ilu *lDd( Oa Uul «bl'< eittf Iba illkf n tkdii, Wllb ntf <>"> •)>• biDtt MntB^bnrla KnogrrebllD; Ab< Ii* lloki pmn ilnaji Inc t iM boM 11, p>iM Nuib or Stalh? Oh, DiKn <ltb the tntttX nuolk I QAVESTON'S HEIR; OB, OiUflHT IN TEE TOII1& Bj tfct Anther of "She Would bo u Aotms." CHAPTER XOl QMna a ■ ■ BBtM lMiriUWdldDol tod Nr. OrtUhma; b. «t>l<«MBUBlB|biaoa baana^aod Jtnb nsltaBar- Boom to aaa Hn. Utrailafl, Lor eonpanloo |obir boioa altolntlnUibaeaBM id to Edtbutoa. ItvuDoltb* hMBkaapoi^ paioeai la Mtf aojUuDf fo bar fointar dIs- to««ibaraDltbaban(a«ltkat aba «u icbc to ten onlil diabaiMatllr. 0i4; ibtianlgbt bamrnaatiUla altar all, AhlbaaAt Km Otrttlaa iManc<! bar ttir blitly, botwu ■atk pii^aaA b; bar iiiiaul auoBM tad «Bbapp> lookt, n<aa>iMranawaw aiiiUfT. ao4 ranbon to qoutloB; bat AHaa UnMd tba etsia cf bareondaci, aad njlald bar as ahf mtam* Dnr JtaaliL «b*t la It?" aba ulel ■' Hava jm ttniti •at^aartUsf aknt Hut B||btt la that kjAuj too* to **lhataad«aBr. DiBBaaab ib« oajoialr, BjbalrB, far aiiBaap«aka*Ujit;4laaa fiab jasr oilitei an' It dlher, bat nil: aai ja BO af«ak lU tbat bBBsIa Uaila tbal'a taa naiij btavaad |ir bar «*lt> Sba'U r« it ku tbaando'brrdara 'IcaatlataifanvilhltalbaBrnaR/'Biid Alle*^ BiaatB M^. "Pn loat bar Mndaklo alnadr tbmib it: iha^ bhvd aad baaoUad la bar Ion fur bio, aad nail cuo laa eoa< nwaa tvodtn bafan Xr, Otd ralttrrod, tad befoia tbto JatlabadmtltaHall,tablDf <lth b>r aa^herdoilta, aad artHngallrigbttoBBf *agca doa lo brr. It waa not niacb, forBalph Oftataloo bad al^aji abovn htntailr a Joel naatar. BBdBooaorbli aemala <anld aatr comp:ila that faaowto thta anjtblof. Bha took a haobla lodnaa In Wtrvlth, and ailila valtad oa tba la«7cr; aha fenad bVai Innktog Icmbly a(td aad *on,- aad. to bar aAioatlahmeat, qalto cooTcraaal with the aabjatt of bar taalctr. •• I ballan II la bllllaj ma," ha all, waaiO; piilUke Ua hand ' to bli hfad aa he ipoke. *' I liked bim ao noch, aai aa Qiafa. toBOBl/. botfiT hlB»ir; ba Ij an Hka hia tnnt loUier—tlut il f wdbtaata. I<lan*|ha: w what I am Milor I ballarp.'* "Ea li Ilka him." latamid J.«lla. •■ Likt iS /t)0,tr I Do ItBlBdo'pnItMiUia.1BaaB'tt. Mr. Onlt" ••lllldred-B«uiall,"iapaalcdibt lawjerilorl/, "eullbe foariblat I naatr thoafbt of thai." " Bat I did, lha rafj ouaent Ibal bao> loM raa. II ac- Bovnla for a* tbinja thai .aaam m^iierioua. fiv^ ilr. *bii are vatodof WaminB nalal lUotaniiaosuifaa/wiJI: thara'a pair lUn Onatlar. fa tto." *^ainBft Batni(i7aTlllalB, lira Bartlaf, wa aoitpra- vast tbat; bat I eanaotaaa mr «aj lo nora lo ihla nal'crtJII Mr. Saanad/ rtlaraa, and ha aaroa to bata vaalabcd moat ■ijala*tfflul/. That haialaadad tocomr baeh, laaiaofv, for baaotas'7 aromhadiBf, bnlbalafla ala'tamtof hlau»rl- daaaiBibanandaot iba polk* at Blnnlafb^ai, aad t rjln* Badlatalf eeiBBDBkalad vilh ma aaocaralu IL Thar ainlia valllBf.alaOi" ••AadlathlnioonwI'baTntlnj: M Ihalpnr laatlalln OBhoBiaaaadbaan mlbatbeoablofafutnaahalaBaTai to aa*. Ohl Hr. Did, It^anaai, |fa annul" - ■ntkaJI «aaa da atpiaaaat, Mil. BuUtj,"Mr. Ord bU ■itnlf. ''BcBaBbarjUaBitaad at natal «a bar* BotblBf tofoapBibotMaUlaBneh'aaoid, Mr. Kanaadr It ui brn; Bauhar of lb* man who eaae'iaaUof Hr. Oanatu aa old dl|< |tr tmglnlanea eaa ba Inad, aad Iba. Dala (paortoal, wt oaipdnvtiadbtr paiief tbatiMblino*) baa nliarlr duap- faanl Thar* liaothlaii (orit bnlwaillaf.jpoiiate." "Aadl B*T«kcBa«dli1l bow ho* bai4 llvu to**ll, ana vfaaa raetUaa hot taaoWa eaaooBaoot oi It,** old tba old Udr BdlT. "I *lak I'd Btaar lira lo laa it a'.'' "Sodol, EiBna kaovi," hiiapUad fanrall;,andJeaalo ■UodoL EiBna kaovi,''biiapUad !• dapailid to'aalt'ubataMcaaliliartb* ataa'a >hlah iba laiian.i|o*li aoaa (aha pi esdol thadinnal itaa'a >niaB aa* loiaaair.iioBW aoaa (aha pltoa at Oanaiqa. Kr. Old not* to Uodaa la iba^reai Aon wbti* tbitoU' —aa bad baaa naalTMlr l(r. Uaaadj, aM la npl|W3' Badth>tboAthat tnlHaia ahdMr. OtitiTbadalRd far aaaboid IbaatoaaU^lB 07(nal,OtpltlaFloat oon- Btadcr, aad van bf Ihla <U| faraway oa Ihraaa'-WllhT ikalatlirbannuiad totbbbfla alBiinlaabao,andliMlt jja^owthai ^ila ttadaat, wbo •aamoaad Bt«^^ aad pot it "Wall, Bawta^wbat dorN tblak orihalt" - "I Ihlnkli'aa raplarpliBl air, aad tbat lha B«ali«<a at tba bottea oriL ir h« ht) tot tld of Etaaadj, aad pa^ad him Mto laatralKnahtll hanto laljapon olberaoanu fn totoBdlKa. ncn'a lb* «lri, Hilt and rotamaaL Hr. Ord ban had httttf ar* bar tad ttll bar lo hild bariannailU thr'a *S.''.Wi.°.'»'"'" Bpotlaaaijlbiaj. Tl.ra't Ibatinnkamr'a jifa,tlMt'tlUaftfamatOaTMloBno*. Thtn'aihaMfdhitr RloBthatlin Oidfa«t5iana*adal<>(ba*athaioolto|tlllr. uaaadj a**7,1 rai.e7,aBd fdoa'tihinhha'irna lo Anatralla, vbalaatr tba otbaraur ba). and tbea, lut of all, tuaia'a Uia! Oala and IdBBtoK Jack, lill ha aaprelt; a caia ulanr haBdlad,aadlt>a btftaalnf toaoit-li'a brghmloalowork." uBailbat OantbaDtatl baa nalihad, and aa In Jack aad llwhdr, dUn'ijaa UU najoo'd kat thautnt ObapltUIr I dn'i faUa HO jonr lunr, Rxkia." ba aol, air; b« I'ta l.nind lha a«nt raaln. 1 Ihlak. r>l lalj<aae*Bjht:d,aadfoa'll tay I caa plaj lo via. Wtaaa I wa lo Ulta(o* 1 mtt an old pal ol olat la iba fort* than, Ha'a pibai oH now, and lhar Irok npon hira at paatBBChwoih; hut ba'a'atafoi, U Johonj Arehir, and I Jot pal bha op to ibo laal that ibeif'd ba a Ml of maoar for moat u woald btip bo to Ood Ibou tvo ptapla. WrIL ha'a ^rTJ'*' "bU Bonlni I bad a laibr inio blm. and I thtaik two orihiaa Una In It UBMU <ia pnur ntarlj." Ha foablad la a Una poekal-boak for a biobu or iwo, tad thoB pfvlaoid a nonblj ariiUa aad won* awlltd aplitlo! and nn bU aja oiar lha eoolaoti;-"' raw In Ihi Oallawgaia.' n*lalB-tlt Ob,btiaiiia 1 tblnk I>n rot at aoratlblni anol lha pariiaa jron • aaL Oao ol uormm iu a hrolhrr *bo baaaa a newi(apar ibop la Ptiala/, aad a lama nan, mmetimfa «l<b>bl( black dag, aonHilotB wllhoot, baja Blmtaiglam aad Waraick papan then ngoUr. Narlr all on 'am b> atla, and tbaj ban t<i ba .anltra<rior Wm. Ha don'i hao* w* era ballita,butbadon'ilhInkhtoPalal«7.' TbaCt thalmonna- tJoiLgeallMnen, and lomr oiilunn ll'a aorlh a Joa'ncr to Scnlludlolladotitlbtlnilhol |i." •1iblnkllui,Htwki«, tba bnjing of Vaiwlokibire popeia I*lstoufw>jr,donn'lltr" "ilaacBa to maao, ilr. I think I tblll Uka tton miaalf to 5* Vban iillj to wall 10 bear fmra Hp. Dala, aad I loow bli mild upon ibo miUar. Ue'i lor dulng wbalavor un ba done b; netaa nf monet, and aporini; noUilnp; if. If von tiaaaa, llr, I'll bo oil|ht, and ate aiirr thia Uma iitrlr tl lu inlaicaltdin Wtr<loaiblra alfalrj. I'll l«ilt to >nn and Mr. Ord lo keep all dark ull I tonr Inek acaln. It «,<n'l d<i to baaa tboao VDuian apliiung aadmaklog a mtnol tblDiabc Iota •!• want 'am to." "We'll do onr, Hawkea. Hp. Otd will loo tbohoiiK. kaaper aad lha clrL TCbal If Hr. Dala tutna op actio before joniatbackt Dajrou know whtro ba U(" "Motilghllr.ilP. Bo liiu't rc|Hi:led blinnlf forthelul day or tea I beard Imm blm laat at Ibe Kujat IMal, Edin baiKh. Da laema aa If La ctuld rjil ml aovwkero, poor lei' low, and mt wonder." •uf paoaa. >«* «a b ira to ditoDrar who «a* Iba aollog agaoL Ibouahllhloh iharaeaaballuladvahtllvtalbt'u omd frtond of Iba fonlrr'a Mhobvaia auch an ciiramal/ tiegaal name. t7eaballnaTt tooitch blm now." "Vvt, but hn« T" Hr. Uid aakcd. "In'peet ba allleoBaI>ilbd7 lotnoar clnlehea, Bodau BO* ban* tbat ottaar aeijpi* bara dronrerad the aecia' tbat la to «H'ojl>latobim, and oa will eomo for iiiOTami>oaj aa aotnu ha hu ll"led nvar *hit* rrr bla lafBeal may liaao kton fur hla fneodtyolDc** new. Itotpact, bo««tei, tl'tt Itno /allow tittUaabei la after holJt iba mat Inintflant pnufs jfin Badger iidd i-ne I'f oorinen. Id the moat Inniciil uianoer, all ah.' knnvt ar bad heinl, tbJa niiiralaa." '^Yuuhtra kfi nulhinff undno^, face," Ur. Old nmaikcd aadlj—Iba «uiT7 waa laUlog «n blu, toirlbij. Il aata dreadraltk-ng for blm to ba lo drcetrrd whrr* be bad 10 lored and imiteiC the elOctr ur Ik* feeling wbleb apoka la bit wordi tad ptlkd blm. "It la n*^aarr lo di, arrrrililDf,*' he rrplM qolcklf. "Tba hw anaot c«>onlPntaca a arcer of orioia lila Uila. I can faardl/ enmpnbeod how It bu guaa on ao long." "laaa; Iknowboehoiallyuoicatbara.pild for tba krap. Inyof biaarcrrP. luneraundnow abei* ihi move/ waollo ■hat uiad to raobh ao m/alerlooalf. Llmplog Jack b«a bad bla tliara, yen oaj ha aura, and ibla nlhar man, too. Pitor Roth Omntlej. I am Tried u* the brail fur her, and ja' aolhJog eaa ^''d< oa." ^Thlle aSilm waa tbaj p i uu iea al Bg tt Birmlaghtm Hr. Baoke* vaa poiiuia^ Lu «aj m tlw wflrM, and doing a fOffi ■imkaof boaincHin blaooB Iina BehadMid that Mr. Dila aajwaadtrlog ahoni,BDd be fatdi|A>kin inilr, Pi^rieotle' nten, bactfio.4 aet la 10 aotblag, aad «u aajlibg bit will tad tatigr, la tay sothtog of bla moaer, In a lnilil»a a.-ateh. Ua «ta iHKianlag tu giie up hope, and to lagttd Ralph Otreiton, for all that (tenlleniaa'a appareat Inn^leaoea lo Ire matter, aa tb«caiiaaothlati«ublt& Be bad plenty ofmoaar, botbawat tpeodlag It atelrtalj la wild Joomep to ill tarit of Impoalhla plaori. la. anaaar to nyilrrhauadftrtiaatDeaia, and Inpay- ment to all and roodiy wbom he thnoeht Iika>y lo h« abW to helpblm. Uyailian|acamddnKa,ha mat Hawkeaal(liaa- low, andann Ibaalahd diUetin lalt apaag aa baa* tba llaara of hope wbteb lit at. bla face. "What bilsia yonheit T". ha laked wllh qnlrarlag Upa; "la there any clae? Aitfyon coma to look for barl" Itwub^ todaab Ike bope that had annddaolrtpraai <p: bplto *u bin <« be told, a* Btwta i^M afwhalr.- * '<rqiaBan«|A|1ayin«. Mr. Ib'ita) a/iaah paMr aa may ba I' waBldarimntoalltoooaehlfl writyoo, Mtw^ea it aoaa, aoirowtomaoyaonawliieonewlth II.'* ,} ■ me ahnat.her-nt Uaiy t" "l eaa't tail yoo, Mr. Dale. I'm wnblac a lUtIa la lha dirk "He'll b* Don mhanpy rtlll whon he knnwa tba *hola tralh," Old Mr. Ord; Wt will bo an awful blow in lilm. Il aeemahtnl Ibalan hoaal, lovltg betri like hli aboulj bo lo aoraly Iriod." "D>peo<l upon II, H ■III all eame right," Iho raperlnloodent Bid, unbrilialloily. Wo barm'! area the end or liallyet. I caa'l bu<p Iblnklnt tbal Ihoie tiro peoiile «lll bo hani.j o-ler all. v/hu lilhoaVithalr to Oaiciion after IhoBnuiio, Mr. Orlt" • ' "aoTdon aarcAlon'a danthltr A'loe; ftlllnjr a dirta heir mole It dtfcvUbi In lha fcintlo line; laljing dnughtora opgninii' daoghleit li gi,ca to ibo ooil ol kio, a dltCint eouiln, Mr. Itu pen Uimiiin, a Ijajtr'a clerk, In I/<ooon." "All, aeli, ii.,'ll oi rer obanio 1.0 >lHh rnrthobnil library. Mia nnnaiiiD l< p>onU'nliy tuppind nlih d'ugh'ori In ol»i nf afailurcol'iliomalo ioccr*i:on. Piet y Ulti Uireiton woald mabealevoly inbiicat-f ibuold i>ltcc." "Ah tk-lia'iUiopa ya:,".'tildiUo<ild laajor wllhaalgl, Ind iheie'a muob to happtp. h.-loroeba can inecerd. nirn r>u think nothing aliould be binled to Blr Jobt Orknlley of tblemlitiablu altilrT" "I Iblnk MPhing. Wo matt aateriain m- n nboul Mr. Ken. ■■*d{rh-iir**a doanyihloKtodonnlta;ondaleo aallIiio lauo oiua»Wa' Jiuruey tollio onnb. When webanourpunprit wrlilthind,then woaillpullibealrinna." ■Tben I alll wail oa nu lo.momi>." Ifymi pieaie; and In the main luo I trwt lornn Intro ■aula Drotk tno ibg old Uilf; tnd alto, ii yon irlil bo kind aoonib, lo nil upan lift. UiTcatao tnd Irndunl wbelhoraljo anna or auipea a aoytblnr, I aoed not caothn you lo In hI3^i».*I .'SJ""' '•"•"•^ *>»>' nail; II will not do u nato oor ruifiofooi acan'a I ihete Inti yot." nneh toiiliiWii'S' ^wpllon. I bin not Sd5t^ilr'lM'i«*l''''J°'« ni'illia Oitnlloy'a himcr apeoT[^a''l'uV^V^^?J^^:l'"''' «" InU-nirt. iCLilJInX'^rt^;'^,*"^^^ 0«iddar,H. Ord Mr. OrJbadaK.y.ii„„ rfc'^^ , „ Blrmllahu lictalCda'uiI g.T.'^iV,''*'' ,?«"!" '"•">'' tnlnglleeUllad, p"« i\'i'1|l'V°''i ""J"''. '"»>'l- abroot am^nnerneat Thu hi ,Xi 2"'" J'J }"» tblaribai her demur* li«klo, w«„i VCi,ViJ ^'■''l ^" rod. wu the ttnlia ol t<ii'T.J^'',:SriS?'MlV « pohlle «eil Uililc wu inir. ui ..i,, Zd^if' ."u'l"" rcnlied ul bar itaaidlogillcnct. ^ ' f"'^ M Ua . 'A dar or IWO wanld make no diOenaca," ihi, TiMd aia aei* net ilmetd alia|tlliir. Bha !r?L 1"°' llair, lor lb* atka ol all hledma tboan to hit lodi'i Mra. DiHIey wai in lha ama qnlit mud, wtih ,),,, dll>areae^ that aha IManid niaie eagerly tu Hp. n,di. accanni ol ahal bad patted about Linplag Jack, a,o P*l <*< umriinnltia tboil the lueeeition lliat had been itkad at the polka rfflH. . < 7. . - , ~™ "I'm glad o' iliai," ihe aild, whan ahe wii antwtied. "I tJ:(.lhonpbl K Vit t J>a ai ten, Ob. I wlnea ii«tk oln «r itapptd It Ibt —^-i;--•■ —r— "Tosaie'iote - jdeeanmiwrnil" ■ tfnu,UtMlM tliM ae«v Whllii Ilhtnkfqlaila Mra ilamkin dl I oat aoapaol, Mp. Ord aka fPanklyol l<er bnill " id told all thnit Ur. K( lakat altli ao mneh nndor. . , ••Itwaaaoaiiaapof him •'•b'""'*^**,"'~X,7l"' anlmpn».laadalK*d, aa'KMf;'ah*aild| "ba aorelydi. Bill eapao blm a math diflrr III*i,' j, ...—.h, "OuTmaiiinia, Mrilmnedy na "»'» "•ftf,"*^'" ™ - neif,«t|i»aUeiiiin,w>i ha •'''•,»f''>S.<'2i .lib dllfarrnk "Iih-nthibln f\ mrdeir, bni pejpla aoa wim mirarenl er^' l«^^twvoll|•* «»<«'■' Ottwiooai.petied Boib- Sg-har fali Inbn ••bmHiti"hid yal to ba aliah.a. CBAPTRR XUt. Mofs lldiac* fnm I/iadnn aacjied Ur. Orl lha n*il day at tba pallc* i-lllea. The man aant to maha tlie laqairlear*- tpeoilagMr. EfBBedj'a audJrn depirlon had il'nohlawo ' •ualyen" aall. . Ilaliad aaacrtaliinl erapylhlag ibere waa be laiinid akootHr. Carter, alinbad anircd In aaibnlih mi luagag* only lha niaht bcftire bla irlnd camr, and had gona aniroracnuplaof ftuin, eiimlDabaok aod ordering hrctkfaat fi>r 1*010 tba mnmlor. Ua baa paid well fur erery Iilng. and badgiacnibe landiorl lannilrraUad Ibathawia tlii> brarrrof terrible tldlag* fur the gentlomin ha aipaoied, which wfiulJ BPcanlta'a iholr aiarilng lap Aualralla at onae. A tlilp'a eap- tain bad cnimi to lee Llm, f nd hi hid been faeirl uiolag ■oniC' thing npoB Llm fartairniiglylAirbloh ba arrmed tiiaavaot; II «ai lupf oaail to be about aaltiug a tUa Int iba filrad ha aw aipcdiof. llailnff no Ingfagi* and lecmloy tt thflngh he waa fearful nf helop iiilitrottid. li* bsd gireo tlje nanir* oi llHtira. Talland lad Oeaiy, ol Canaan a iral, City, ahu h> aild taaw botli him tail Ibo len'laman wh<>m ho eiperlcd. Ur. Kennedy, of Uol. bonrne. The lailtllnrd loapecUd nollilny, and It waa not unlll they bad Ten under rary aiimag* ctituuiitanoci tbal ba mtda any Iniialilu reapeoUnz tbam. "What lalreumttam T" aikid Ur. On), lal<rnpling the n rraUra at tha pr-int; "bow did he m J avay T I cannot Ibloh that hn •eni ni hie own (fee will" "It did all look Ilka i^ air; ho wu Mrrlod aaay nolle lncctt< alhle." And then he want I'o to male how Iba peniteoiin bad dolyeome u hraiktut.aBd bo«, whea aeab via oplired, bla Irlend and a waller had carrliO bin down between them aud ilaoed him In |r. Tlie Ikodlord inida liana rtmarb, but Mr. 'nrter only tjld aomalhlDg aboU' bla befog OT«roome. "Panly aglUtloBlBd partly triad;," h* tan). "IloHbaall right loan lioui; bat 1 cannot win any longer." Ua p>.l< enmhipg In a bualaeat like manner, aad it wia an crncarn c thelandloid'a; bul, larall that, bo Ihooghl tl rather queer, aad weat to Mearra lUland and f^aaiy oo tba qokt, to ice «h * they WHuld ay. ■'And what did Ibrf ny T" aikcd tba lawyer In gml cielie- Bent, '*Wbr. llr, tbea itemed to baaa and ibtt Ibay knew bo'Ji gan<t: they gara'Hr. Eanaady iba biiheat ul cba'aelan, and aald taay aer* aura Ur. Carter wouldn't la'ch him oltbnut good reafoD, ao (if cnniaanDlidogBOre wu thoagbt about It, for Hr. K.aaady had pat bla name dewo on the book aod they had aean It do bla tiIIh u wall I'm aflaid ha'a dbpoaed or,' ato; I'm not ao tore about the olber." ■■Whyf" "Uecanaa down amneg tha piloia br th* rierr 1 beard aome- Ibluf about Ibt Cygoat; Iho h>io thai warn ool with bar waa bach, aad be told ua ol a paratoger ibit wal took on bond dfank; ba badnU eoma to klnmcir Ibea, ba aid, and they coaldo t ILad the other ao«htra;fao'd gotoff thaahip at Orara- end. ibaylbongbL" **I aru aora of IL,"tbeaaprriuleBdeat aald; *<l knew ba weald Bot waat to go to thi other aide of lha worU; bla aeoyl la too piodtoble haie. la ihat all T" ''Notqulie, tir," rrpllad lha mao. with Iba took of one who had kept bli mtwl liaportoal plaw of In'elll](cnao till Ihe kaL "Whan Ur. Carter lalt tba betel ba au In aaoh a boiiy. or to eonfnvd Ibat ba lall bla eoai behind him. 1 bruught It iil'b m>, r^allmcn, for 1 llioo|ht it waold laUteal yoo, may ba; and I Bade ao bold aa ta look In the poehHa, tou. there wa«n'l oiuah In torm, bat a liandkercblal and IbU." •Thli" «u a kitar—a tilrlal lltUa nat»—Kblad up and for- gotten, bot Ibe bandoriliog wja Ruih Oranllr>'i^ and it wu ulredad 10 Ralph Oareaiuli, Em|., Uiraaten Hall, wh<M name wu a ampad In gilt laueia oo lha loop in tha oollar of tba a«l. "VeiT altar aatrtabowu the plaoacr nl thIa pre'ty aOalr. I tbloa,'Mhe atiprrlolendcat r^Barked, aUca lha.r bad hiokao al ana aootber aod the vml fur ton or lone mloolei of aman d Trnicn sue i^ofed best. warnn aoa ana aaw roai aurro. 07 r. q. LE.ta "Ml m*. daillaif girl," aiM I, "Rim mn of my •III uDteii; Which of all yMir nitura, new. Tell me, tin yiin liiva the ba4 BAina am rieb, of Bahle birlb. Hoftia am I'ladanmn mrn, i tea; Biima hiva totmi: nitiera, ihlll~*> Biiulihlahalaukcd and imllad en ■*, "Oriclonil" In B<ul', aald I, "A'ter all my hnpeaand lean Omilbelhat/anihlfatr / 'at the rna -1(1 It appean. Can II l<e ihe ehooiea aaa, l/eaalog. In ii>i|ailr, thi ml t Dare / aaknl the II<hI ni Lore Intlie (tntia nfeldra'abtwatt'* "fell me," then arain aald I, "lYrtif, ll'ile lirnihUnf dnre, Which, ol all lhal leek Tonrhand, Doyoii nalr, troir lore f" All aaaillrnt; Ta<i*d h\n haird A pin If II bad cnineed tofalL Slid lilt. In nif walling ear. "0, you Hal—; (oea 'cat all /" CGnCtlSCENCXS OP A MAN ABOUT TOWX. wniraw ma ran new aoaa eurm BT PAUL PRISrO.V, ESa No. 30-Ttao Dnirjr Cas«. When I wu a lli'le bnr the gnailra nf tba Ipirn were went lo dlaeoffi Ih* aid atnry of the miinter nf Vln fianda,-nna of .tbiea mii'erlta In thn crimloil li'col New York by no maana oo* CMiimoo, whinh pnt to itie litnah lha Iruih nl fbe limn hoe. oredadve, "mntdtr will out" l>o erto In tbow aarly data of our rommnnlly II wa« poa-Iblo for a malt'actor to enmnit a h'lnld erima and e'-oak It In aneh a manner aa to prreltida pci- e'bllllyl dtl/etlin, Th» bcdyif Ulaa Binifa waadiamrertil In a well in tin eeiT heiptof tbapiraent El/hth if aid, noi moi> iban tao bloeka to lha rear niibe sr, Kiebnlaa llmel, aad le- lnttebeclonlnaol Ibll crnlaiT ibat location waa ao lap i.ut of men la lo ba rtaohed only by empleymtnt ol a »rhnle, audio rededed atoba ontoi ilybt ol iny orlibbmhooda No wonder lhal our worthy progtaliom wtpn P«r>;l"Ma''b« nnnd!ioo>eiyefamnrdt«r*lib each clitamicrlbad Ballau ""H»r«b'.'d^be"mV;S^ «f nairo Jt«ll, .»"S'tayt. '-KnWtbrsiA' •„M''mraSa^;r. e(eika.ilh;at^'in Ihomuaireji, P™''!''!.'"""?,'"^ aloeallir Idonot ihlok i».» Awlaoi nar-a-dayt «oaMaa- l^„.'^M|iablen>ait itr Hi'ale o> hrrdarma. Her nnr- d«" a. p5m»pll"l»» "Itbud P- IWilomn. BlvfTOOBg mtn irlatad to um oioar llnit lamiliaa, who wu Inad for the crane ud dNiaiad lo ►* in "InioeenI boV And «» peopla bad rwn to wwidtr lhal a ale/ping girl coald ha marderad la !!*r<Fwa bed In a heaat denrely laoantad by ladle* aol afflkud wlihraaularhahHaafonliaarraocltiy, Ihen tame Iba mnrt<n«nadl.appt*nnca ol Harya Rogen, erlmlnalt. :>nainel Dmrr .u a man lo elMllaBtolmraitan'e*. the t>m|irl lop oi Uie Hercbama Raoh at Cinandalgna, a tatliod anar. r, whfi had done a very lar^o and peo^ubla bualae'a He tiKB re Idnl •lib lila family at lha aelihboilag lowo nl ti-rla, upiin a hnndanmo la'alo, iipnn wbleh lined a tppj line wiiniinn, a lednonon inlll for '»rklBg nraoloua meitia, aad aa • Rice fhr iha Innaie'lnn «i bualarai. Re waa a man ol ahiiaot leoitrr and tomtwbit IPiegolai bablla, anpnpular wllh lila nelgi'bnra ltd af a rrpolaite niaantf of a ldraci Ba had haeo oanipiuna'alnaeefden'a'lf loalaraa am fo ao«# maabiaer/ howaierpotinf, lor lie waa alfHid BBCblniltand ohenill. Drory bad a hiwe r«mlly, nf • hen the eldrat no, joung , a hrlghtand lalalllteot yanlh, baring h en mallrtaud, I .. awjy imm br-meand at'ampledln niiha hli living ,lic. a 1*. Iiiihaei.uraool hla aandanagaRam, wllhaaun of a r .ihrr, fell lo with Dae Rfrd Tbainpa''B. who, gleaoiagipim I n theparllenlaiwnl help fllaht, pr»m(ied toaommunica'o . na parrnllkonalei'cenf iheirculMien'twbtrubnola lo* ^.ad, hn.rrrr, nl fnimiing hia f nnihr. ha Mni bulb on wild gnoraoha*tr, nl.Iie ba trd-aanird I" ladnct iba btiya lata Ihe niyfieriM ol "ihnnnr iho queer,*' In wbloh bo eicellod. Re- toralnrtnlhlt elO,Y(>un: BiinXliury tibUtoed emnl'iiiiient wl-b ^nni Dell, the tuelhiner-r, ani «aa in bla etttbllijment wfam Thomiton emptuird lilm lo dellrer Ua torpedo tu-, rep. rt^nilitg that II conioln*d loine pichinaef tba eoonterfalicd Unffil>'r pl'lt, llioi<b]<^"f bl'J'iunoT In the btcb paHnf Ibo Bttto during ilie prt»raitloii i>i wlilcb ho ltd oerldrnlally po- e*>Dn-afed llm rnuog rain, nn-r whom ba aaemed lohaae al* lalted a rrmarbjble atondaeey. On Uie uma day ho aroto to llieeMo Driiry lo call a''ho h*iuaa of Uonot,u tberebe amnid Dn'I Ma ton. Thn otd tenll-man did ao, hot wai dlap- pnnted In Ml ntlnlnn, uhedi'lanlaea htaar>n until lha yoong man. leiriflcd atdlecnaerlngtbanaiur' nf lha boi be bad de- llrered, mluniarllr irloiaed to bla latbar't buuref,radtlee and eun«>U<liiB. Tlion.ptnn inllnved the boy, and alteuipled In tilnrt Alargaaum i-f muney oat of Drvry, v^o had, .-t tVainer'a turctt'hn, pmlonilyemplaiad him ai an aptnt In lawbuilnrii, rrlilloj'n coMnterMu on Dnirr'a bink. I'lNwi 'he ei'ottkn bi Ing rrfnted, TbompMO wvnt diilberately tl anrh out ibo ruin of u lib fattier and am. In Ihe llial plaoaThompauo wrBt to a will known burglar, Rpliinl nill, wliofo real I'lmt war Aillbtton, and pro^-otcd to TTConirenie blm If ba would bieih Int, Drnry'a hoote a'Ajt- lofla, and plaea upon the Herolfta a qoiailty nf imiilcmtnU d by rouoiti'elii'iT, 10 that whtD I^i; the vuhlle mind, thoitl lof."'amael Oiorr aioient- theatringn', faPtlall) lha Biilili^hclty of bidlaMuala ard aide lfio>a eonnrclcd .|lblbemilnft^H',uf,Tim|l'eeKlfmon1loai7deactnp. menia which came lo lithi durU.g tha loqulti'loo, diitded nominally tgiloit Orarr, but In rolilty agaioit agangof mn'.»- faetoir, af which l< app era he waa cmnranaly viuVfetcAto bo Iho ilo>lead-i. The ••nrr of Ibo Oiury oiao Htberototaof prn'onnd InlemI, la llla<lniliig the lattrltir wnrklafja af criminal lile ud toe trcrda of a rrtUtnUy whena deeilt nicly !o Iho light Ooo rroming Iba repera Icemtd with r*BttUona1 reporia ol Ihe attompled marJer uf ao entire tamlly by moanaof a tor. pFd>L nr Inlemai micbloe, tho ei|iluBlno ni which had ahat. tered tba wmdoia 01 Ibe houa\ luckily without bann- ing Ihe ladlaldoaia Intended in ba dealmyod. An eaamlnation Into the imth ol llieiempii gave lof'irmalion to tba elTect that Ur. Thomu Wararr, alltlni: at the dinner labia with hit ion, a yinth, waa lof«mial ly b» *l'e ilui a rackope had tiorn lelt lorhlmdnring bhabvoca In Philadelphia Ur. Warner In- qnlitd why aho bad nni opened li, to .bleh ahe replied ihaili wal Intended Inr bim, and reqocated blm to open Ik In her prvtrnra tbat tha nikhl ice lln cnlenia Warner at'emp'cd in reel pane Ibe npening, but hit alfe irnt It o boy fur the Ml and took her aa4t to wlineai the operalloo. Womai waa ne:v. ouf and oodM the bundtv bnpgllnily, an much ao that bit wife nrilted lo cutting Ibe lungn The wmuper nlf, than) w it ei. pntcil anordintry trjar h-i wlib a tUdlngUd. WLmerdnw ihoalidaand Inaiioily eidalmed, "ran Inr yonr llvral" and aeliingtbe ac'loD fn ibewordihe ruihed ler the rcarofthe iremlwi.ekaelylntlnwtdbybla ana, while bit alfe lingered a bawilderaient anill ahe percelreda Qame laoo irom the boi, when La enorago of dtairrailon abe tnidt a flnil alratgle to rtaeb the door. BcaroaDad ibaepeaied tbe thrvihold, when aa expledon took plaoe, tbe wind canacd by which ahook har (oaa. A man fay tha nine of Drary wan Immediately after airealed u tha perprtraier of tbla act, tha mala polntt of ondcnw igalaatblm halog ibit bla wo, ajonog man, dtllfeiid the Vol, and ba h'jnielf hadbad aqiiairrl with Warner, an law bnalaeo, rifd bad tbiea'eaad "tobe area wiita.blm." Aa a matter of coorae, after a long and dalibento lilal, Droir w*a aeqahitd f I all penielMllon la tha cilne iileitd tgalarf bloi, buMnbWInal did boI, aor waa htteaMto. n'«M tba letl nyreli, bot I doJiallare that yon wire la alTva and took aaie ol, andhtuihadDoiialininaanvana. Boltliatljquii* Oavatoa la a Tlllala,alr, aad lb* nun I'm after eaa ptorv IL You waa good eoautp to pat jinnelf hi my handa oaee, air; will loo do itattlaaaabepaUtntl" ' ■'I wlU try, bat It llvcrj, Ttij iard." 'Ilhougbtynuwooid. Than, air, If I might edrlie, I would ay. gn to ffarwick or BkmiagbaB, glrlng ne year addrtia, and walL In a rriy abort lima itnra Ibla all wUI be made elear, aad yon anil oadi n'and what pnalta yoo to now, aad aea yoar—your wife analn." "I will go. Bawkca," he replltd. "neartn knnea It doea not mneh never when i gc, or what I do now; I'ui ilek of It So are mora I ecold ntmc, ah'- I Ihlofe you win do wall to Blind lea Hr. Old, If ]oo will hn' keep cleer of Garetton ill We don't want any inapldnBi routed than at preaent; onrblrd might fly away and laira ua in the lurch. If ha got wind of nur Initotlioa." 'Aad la Mr Oavrftona 'Aunideiv. Itlaa big chirga, U Itnol, H-. Dalct Tba man I want oin piote Ibat Ibe pieamt '3qoli« of Uaretlon It the mm whn did tbit gbully deed oat In Amirtca; olfaora can rk to Ua having cauaMi, or raihcr haaiened, tho death of baby «hoae place batook lo theeilaie;and thcre'an behind that I caa'l ipeak of yet; bul It will all he oni toon, Mr. Dale wit cumforied crea ky Ihla Iraimeoiary loiellhenoa, and pnniaad to do til Btvkea bade bini and that gentleman ion blm aod went on lo PJlaley! Tha ibop where tha Birnilogham papita were ordered •u aeon found, and bn huught a lltrtu, tnd ucoeeeded to chat Wllh Ihe owarr nl tho eaublUhnrnt, "Builntu good, ebr" ht ukad, wllh lha air of one io- teniely Inlarealed In lb* aale of penny paper* ind cheap liieia- tore. "Ob, ay, middling." "Sctma a good paper, Ihla tlnald. Much eiroula'Jon nowt' "Ay. pietly weel; bot the Oiaigow paiwri coaie doanwel from Ihe preen, and tccala ban namocklo cbince, }e ken. But wha* may >eba Ibat aiatpeerlng about my trade; doea It cao< cera louony wayt" "Nola hit; bull bftvt aeon In II—i bigihep In I/nlon, where tliay dobuilnctaln all itie ntaipaien puMhbtd In'ha wiirld, I du beHare. It would iiiako)oo tiara lo too tba iiuan tlllea lhay iccrlro and lend out dally." "Ah.ldaienay; wedlnnadao niiiel'lo Ipia heiond aiafTiw •nd Bdlnbuigh nipeit. alilleta law lo.ala from ditfcmil ulita III Scotland, nothlDg elie." "Mo Engllah onrrt" Only two or Ibreo of Iho London dalllei aud a foir wejk- ■■lodeedl Nowl ihould have tlinuiiht that umcot Ibe hi towni, like LirrrronI ao'l Uincfacner, anild tend Iheir lua' pifiert aliniil oTrryvhcre—In lijudfin, noiv.'i "At.hut ly-ndm ond I'ainlcy am dltTirtnlj I dinna tell in Engllah local |mr«rin a jear, or I lia« na Ull -In-lail ncek t Iwo. 1 boo a cuilonier nnir aba lake lUrmlnEliiiu aud Wai wch popcia; I reck' D'd he conita Imm llicieaua," "All, Indeed, ho'i a cwiwrymin ol niluo then. I ama Irani lhal mrlol EusliniL Buyougrl llctc roreit I, rlimf "At, tod lir'a acy paitlcubrahoultLtm, und alnnu tl ulo tlirir ooobcloff hvi» lo Iho llmoop gctiliig nili'nlil, oroiii. thing. Ante I mind, ho Hid, «lieo oii, o' tl em waina lo ilio foic. that Uouil{hlicMuuelblog lu lliuo pipcralliulUiicbt niato lili foniiin-," *» ■'Indttd I And ho cenra for tlif m MmiicKt" "/y, tirVcriiiluaa-Pi tegnlnilr in tlnnt'av cnmearounil" Mr IlawLra ^wipcd un nllUlo Inngir, bi.t lio had t-l Iho Infoimailnn lie aanii;,!, and ihoieiullni hli ilili ooailullio etiabllahed lilmirif Inn odjlnp, iho nmilnn nl ahlcli over, luuhrd Uio llllla rlinp, on'l aollrd. Uon<lnv c.lniu In dun coutie, and •lionLlu.png J«rk uluiiii diol'il.oclilinr.'t anh hla wethly portal nluew, Mr. Ila.kra nuiM.iicd lu Ihr nckl compiilDionl, ready to fullaw blm tha uomcut lie train tu>ppod. TO m coMimicB, ClMKUno rzHinmoK—I'ho Anmitl BihlblHon of lha WbiiiloglonOnnuatiloAitorlallooioiikiilareatltio Fptcloua roomiiif the Aeeoolatlon on Lou'tlana tvouuo Wul,Iii,*iori, D. U., Dtrembrr M, Tho bulldlsit ived hy Hie tluclciy la •ell adopted for the purpoae, being lirao and n}.tmy, tnd oc'jvculoolly locttco. The aitick of a pp. jilua It ta coniplolo la can be dottrod, every fltltiro uted bv gjmnttlH boiug cm. hnced In llio tchedulo. In rantcqucncu rf illnctr, Ur. T. 0. I'alvcr, Iho iircfeiior, wiaiiot pteteni j Hr. T. M. Nolo, liuwerer, coiiduolcd Ibn eiero'Bon lo i lery uliffactoryiniL. nor, Iho dlmoiiroof Sr. CaIvaroBljnoo«ttIlailuglhewltb- drawal from tlio jiri>pramne,of oua lot, iho Mukictl IUog<, Hrien. U'arrtD and Piigh a|.peared npon Iba double lra|:cia aod acqulllcd tlicuielvre credlltblf, Hr. ruUlopcif irtiicd Ibe alow revolve icil lo a vtrj gnotltol miDDtr, and Mr, Colgnlu on ihe Qltul Bving ellclid hetrly tpplta>c, Horonl niinbeti ntrtlclpatrd Inftaaoulholwaflil ~ Aldonand Nc gnceltil tctt. tha M»ttT dear air( and tba finding of htr body oa Ihe wave* ol Ihe ni-ain, near the Sybil'a Care, t lino, apnog to. tha <n- deiellirof Hnbokenon iha main pathway to the hlyilaa Flelda, ibeanata'ltraooo raortofall .Vcw Tnrkan lodincd towafda an e«an mieal and nial eteoralan, i<nilog ahieh lover* woned and Ikahlon ahovrd Itielf-a |laco qolle aa jmnno ai Ihe Central Park. Tie un'eaicat over Miry Regem bad toarv ly died away before ae bad the aminnillon of a mm named Cnria by loma ondiaAOTcred bind, afawiirdi from tba eomar of Droad.ay, in Franklin arml, bilaiteplrnm Ibe.Cailton I(ntol,ata few mlanieabefoP'Blii.'clKkin Iheaflemnnn, at n lime whep Ibe atrv^iaan full or pfivntnadri'. And ilnco ibat period weharo had Ihe iqnallv myOerlaui murder of a dnelor in hit oOcr, eeiBtr oi Unad iliaer ard Bnadway; of a pntter in hit a'ore micm the aaina tdnioefhfaie, aad of tba mon rveeot of Dr. fiurdelL In eilof ihra lha iwvpelia'oi* ol the Crimea bin not ontr fnnc unpuniat<e^, but have remalnid undlacnvervd. Bat of all ifaelniorMtlnoeaarpic'IrApej which have ogllaled an^eolarvi^be torpoio acheme, 1 wUrairiatadS vvritabM' Bltior; of Ibt nttl, 'Imply laabaw bow blladly our Bialnivj eao be mlalM and tae pnhUt Jodpncnt pivXu^^cca whta directed by akl'I ol taavn. Thoma* Warner wu what bu becntanntdaTUmbt bi*Ter, hut one of Iba better dan^ to whom thlivaa and arlmlnauaf thebeiiCTclartfeB'.rtedwheBlodlfieiilty. Uebad, mereowr, a blr coUeCtlon ol r.-poiobleellenia, amnntwbom wuDr. Wil- liam B. Uoflait, of Ftasnli Blitera oolonety, nsd Drory. Wa^ Bcr na a ihieitd, cuonlog, uoienpnl-.iuB tad vlndle Ut mtii| as Baiillabman br b rtb, comlof to tbla cooBlry In povfrty. lo Bafltndbtntd bean what lalereitda "iponglDg boiue keeper,"^or attendant tipan tbe abtnlT, atmuhig peiaona for debt aod delalElng them teraporailly. Relog ihaiu tod peiaa- verlagke hid picktd up uime ttnpl of law when,helo|gallty nf a criminal trua:rv«ftlou, ba wu foreee lo deeimptothit conotiy, which he did with inch predpllaicy aa to eibaot all bllflnnnclal refaurttt, Iravlog bla wlo lo tha almibouie. Wam r commenced hit carver lo Maw York aa a rapertar of erimlnal no>*, aod Boally cdecd hit vay into the bar, at wbKh. throogh bla Influence wlih the nnpaptrv, ht coDtiucd tobolld opa pinCtoblelepoltiloa. Thcnho aiarbed anaper of bit own, lha Mfc< OauUr, wlikh hocoaducled on ibe prlo. elplenlpprjadlcloc popular opinion in favor othlaoancllrDtlaod ofeaetcltlog IIfor the coovlellPoof ibvewfaodldno*. Ala ranter ol cooivebe emplc^ed otb'redlinv, whrae nnmii ap- pvped upon the aheel, but he au lha head, Inol and b<.ttOQ ofil. lom Wamar, balwren bu oawiptper tad bit praelire, lann In grow rich, but Ibe nudibery of hla elBca wee eiier.tif a aod the deaianda ol hli alilb>e* were ciorbl-anl. At flit they were cantenled wlih a modeiaia coramlttinn, bul llndlog tba cnanieltor dependent unon them, they augmenird lalo bohi- otM, unlll Ihty ulUmaialy divided bla pnBia. Tom. wai pro. vldonla-'ve In one pariKular, Ibat touchhig Iho falraei, lor, hka moat men nf bla iiamp,fae wu a pnfotcd anuualar, Tha light hkod man af Waraer, whaoiho amployod in all cntlden tal niieraUoni, waa Onc.eyed Thooipmn, a mm like, wlae Balnblnrd ty tbe police tt a "alool plgvon" or lnlti.nHii apy upon hit liUowciInlnali. Ihiimpion, who onilnillthvl been I fnigrr of Ilatllan coin, an IncendUry anibnrgnf .aa amonorpreat Inifrnnliy, conning «nd ugaclly; piiutaiiir ireicberoua and ihorouably tclHth. lilt crdinnty kivlicu n, Ibo labrkallog nod aala uf cnuatiifelt mooey, Ihat la, Ike naklognrnlMngu'noIra ipom a una loa hleher deiiniiilnt. tino, and dlipaolufthno lo Ifarae deilinaied "ihoma," or peraoDi who pined ibeoi upoo Iraderc tabu .ta gentr. It feared br cTiinlonls on arcnuot ol lila pietuiii>d lolloeoce al'ii thepollee, ho •uoficimeofO lertholnbri aloe Ibin lo lha couii.»lliir'i den, ind etiu nhllo thui pwdtaCly . nir.lono ho could not re,Ut bmptollon, tnd ho au niopc thin •.rretlcd upon being riught lo pi»inghlicounliprcli m.., lie waa oliher lekoKd un lUaw ktll, or, being a ruul o| the CMniililntnarhi'lTcd 10 dloa Jadlrljide.t h. * Nolallba'andlng lin oumcpaia drairbacki, llr. Cxiiniellor In. crcjied In wrnhh and htiporlpuce, ao muck ro Ihst hli limo In Ibo lltHo Kngllih slllafo ahcr, hi d.ell lij. UHc, half, drpeoilcnl lor lupion u| im an htnni mcchnulo •h..lii,l intrrled itao Jouchlur nl Iho tnna.Allanilc coonfollop. At Hial [hi y Ui-m Incrcilulniii ri tn i lie Inlci luld u( Thuu.aj' precprti liul nnding thrni coiicborn-cd l.y ihc roporK ,il «vil ravni lattler., tho family annonooed their dcliMnlnoilon nl IMn. ng lln Ir iniar.t iriuHve. Kntr tliln aoa |»pcl»ly lit. rtvrpic .r that condlllun nf mGiil.M nlfilra whicl. iho rliln- lanter "onl«l, flip niirr diuutiling a ct<unloul ii.I>lioi>e, |,7, hifl ,,. ten lahla cmbiire tl;c fair Uau^litcr'ol a aniiomiinuitcdroiml' rilho<Blii!„, In. brUio who i„j l„rw.|h.i ohilil I., loner iJ; honor to ircnni lilm a crminrlnlile, In'ln'int wipiwl. Thi ti. nr»inrn» luodtjiiccdlnjraie, nnilof a iitipih-d dii.jh-cp onio monor. ;co». miinberi ntrtlclpattd Inftaaoulholwaflil Ban, Ucnara, Nolau being parilcuUily good In aocoopbtblDg tMlbongbl It, Vtt t rion ni ann, Qh, I winoi ahb me an', till Ifa a< r.tuad wi | tMBlb had I aOL I coaldna'hk'bald mv loniw.'iAaJhe." flriblak II II qnlit ai «tll >o«loiu» ba taM. juiadvtiimdeeanniiwrteif" - rBt<naa,UtMlM«liM aett Wtllti III,.,,,, A^^M Ite Irjt wlap «« m« a'bibitel k/Ibt Ukaaoi." PioioH BLAt;oniE«,—Four plgcoa malcbra veto ahol on Noveraluh raountilD, noarltcadlng, Fa,, on tho IPtli latt The dret wte between 1^olnal lll ey jnd William Lyler, (en blrdatach, Ibo lai,er hlllliiN clglit to bla opponeoi'a five, Tho aacond wia iKtnrtu Illtoy and William LiuuuimiD, flTO hirdtrauh, tholoimer hilling all of r la aliiro vuO winnlog tlio Fiiko at liaun. The tlilnl irtt between Eyler ud William il>nkhi>0T. Ovo birda carli, tho former hlllli gllvu lo the fonr of bla rival. Tbufourlii todlait in nh troa i-nnioaicd bv Luid<rinin and HI cv, foor doubloblrdtosob, Eyltr killioff b la ttat |«lr and ot:e of Ibo third couple, thereby vilntlaa tut match. PjHimoja Potiinn ni raa fmm Fauiit.— Sli Bmllhr, Enifl"'.*""""'"' Hi"., aud tkciaajouU. hlicd ihdf atvanitinlngaorihe Norlhauipton bretd recently, and mnoJ?!!!?","' *•"> oflho»mtlleei,|.iii llio n«Ik*rl?^i.!L"'.?'*w'° "O-'orfBlncit. ThUi.n,ii!7i nSJTodftlSi^Suft.i'*?!*' fteoopaoieo otihe mr. pir. Bad BIlj of Ua kllh and km ptttook of lili botpliiUty. ali lyiip-ii l,.r ir-.VTtt Tho Cjclnplin rcnnird "il'to "i.'oa «i i|iinilifC'iu.^lKi,ni!ieliMi,o .lieieliy tho kllllnir nihlit |.a pn.»y, 6o .11,,. Wnmer ..,,a'au|lS„u , 5,n« .» he? Iiuabiod a lint^o nod live unil bieaU.o li ., i.irnyVnl oi andiecPBnla^iiorwtunor It„thel,.g,i w on. ,7,"S'; counnllnp. Wonnr llli.l,il Irnlcceinlr conpoiM l,.. ,„ ' nubileMglilo.mnol, n, no..(blr, u"t ii;iUrvT.„7eu 7C« lJcanf lmvinjarerlrabloM.clolrn In liU hntiMM | VlTh!.' minii llmo lie inalnki uc lil< y.iullil.l n™/™ l» i... i ° .U.r, A,P«.ah, ntlumcl'by lr,„,i;i°i!rg "o te'fe ainlilnlnRi.|||ii,er»,aui|«nJLTa and oihor i rnimionlTl-S^ Ihtnju IKP .via? Iiuldl, all "f t-htoh wire JX'j' ih« J«l.,na«Pour Ihn Indlvuant daii,hier. and I 'l?C n, ruihlral, can In .h. rm. It .it an InJrn mei^iJ'"'?f'' luplig tho frinairt In Iho art nf "i coin. i.i„i!i„S ^.T? Whlla tvapiep couiplicrnlly li«°o "he to „ i u/^h'&a prraeoee, Ooo Ii.',l Thwipann .la encavid n a o,t..V- 1"I" »' b" "". In whtchr.. he wt. K„ I'„f .Killed bm>. II,, IVllllim H, Unlfiii, ih,""'f- Ll.| lHla, wniperi.tdcil lliol tliey wre h;iniP,iJ.„.Vi° ' ler'Hiod In upiter Nr. York, n J h, mTiiZV,\,''J:'!': irtiai) agent In erunteraoi and iho n.ui " tallur lecnmmendnl hla iileiilie, .hn atni. (orth r„o,1?°.'"^°* Ibo pill vender, but m rrall.y pi' „no ™m S?ir™l''"{,"^' latlpa..lng tba piper, Mhi, h '™'^'»7^«''f- • lie at hnine, bo atli pna. ami m e,a lor ,l,e hS^^'^.^? ni«lill, when In Iho fcnialo mini, ll.i.nenliw .?. ' mt,Unjeoma.htrelnceiilralNcwY..ik,KaioV.t,';r:Vi' aonentantimin namcil Knirhl, «hnn, |,, "J^'W"*; liomhcphmband. Thelad, hellga,Jr„™'J^'» I"-!* aablaMrrlo. tobimlnlllllnvup lha bin..h,ES hei^Ti?.?i. 1' biolhtTcttinUrftllor* lh<.mp«..i, Uti a ptr rS.p^ „^ andmaleilall uaeu oy rouDier-aiii-rv, lo mat wnrnDrurywu aimled. aaTbOflipinn aad bit niaKtateabad doii^ned blm lo bn, Ihe aearrh and oUiepy n- hit ininMoi coald ba Jot' lied no a erlmlael p'ta. Thohnpglar r*»<nnnlir*d the pranl<ra wllh ananlillcryoandpmn tun-edihi ui*n'mpracUeahle. Thnmp- Ion ihcn requt'lr.! Rill In let I'y that In a coBteiiailon Piarv ailmliled the niatlngef tbe torpedo, the manner of lu being made and ot rr cliriimalanlhl detoila. Dill heallited it eoir- mlHlon of poijopr; ho wiaa buritlap, il wu line, and ao tbiUiil at h i Ipide u to deiy dclec'Iou, but Iili nitore icbolled acaloal fnil-gn min, throogh falM liallinony, lo Ihe Stale I'ria n ThoBpaim had no auch rcriiph-i, for. deaitooa ef compell.nin bla aitodala bi enter Into bla plana, ho hit upon a verr la- lonloiia chom-t Inrhli cnmplcto BuSJagiUoo, Driatol Dill tad i>miilr«aa upoo wbom ha doled, Vargaict O'l^nell. a very prelly woman, avoalM al nor iln.r coB- cert ronmL whoti brother, under lha ariaik ef O Coaaell Ik. lalnoed ejlfor, au well knows > eaii ain from hit eirvulIoB of lDeAewZ*ilbnd ducet. In nidat to render DIH tubicrvient l.> taii.wuhi^ Tbomptoa penoidad Uiijnnt to vkii Doaton to otter eomo coontorlelt mnney he had prvpirad Inr that oor- poee Valnir the pmlrated lhai aba hod never niaad a coua'ar- leuln nerlire:iha»u oi.nred ihat lha work wueuv aad Ibe Wat fuinlabed with a litt of itoret It whieh tbe eonld'uu them with Imi.unil'. Dy tha aima train by whioh Harnret loaeh-d DoaloD on har criminal errand. Information aa to Ibe eiMimce ef a Btw and dangerou eounbifelt wu lorwmid>d by Thomiiapn tolba 'try itorre Icdlcaud on har Hat Ihe eon- roMneowunponprcanlttlun ofthi lliit the vuamatod tnd eommlrlcd. Biiaiol Dill wmU make any acriflcea In teoere the reloaie ef hit wlairtea, hntTbompao bad daUrnlnod lo operate on bo b Ibe bettep to eairy enl kii. echemta. 8o ho perafuled Bill, *li^ * Tia* of obUloIng the money nqnialla for Hlraarvt'i releaae lo»llitBjnvI.le,Tt, andr hihe Unk, which beamndhln! aouklpravaarkhJoN To facllllalo blm, Tbnmpaon nnmlled Ibn eo.operntlon oi a friend who would me-l hImTt the denot and fomlih bin ill inlnrma lun lelilln to tha lacallly au'l other dtalrab o mitleni Tbil maa wat aalranger to Hill, hat couM he mdlly recornlvl imm hit wearing of a pccullir coat indoai. AlihtaaiiiolImoCjclnpi nqucaied aaafaver that be woiikl dellrtr toibia manaaraall package, which he eouhl cariv In hla eoa. pocket and are Ibe coit aTeipma. DUI ArilogloaweBlon hliway, loddl|lng In goMea dreama aa to the proee-da from Ike cnUn'a ol the bank vaull. In which ThoBirtnn wutnihanmolt llbarallv. But. Olll't friend had taken thepirciallonof ad-laloriha nannlla pobce that ib.ra wai to arrive althlt town. Irom New Yuk, hy a certain train theeiritaklMiulcounterf It.1 In the eonntrr; tbat be voull mcvtai ihr dero- Ciirliiian Me:.dn.r, another of Ihe gang, and nir.leuliiily chaiglngt'ieariea' ol the Hew York man:u upon bla peraon were III be found lite cmnt-rfell plolo*. Airreably t'.liin.ln'orni lion In th!a aay nimiihed lliepellce ofDinvlle lorpriKd hi.ih DrI/i ul Hill and Cbllllun lleadnwa, Ihlalaucp notnrl .n» ei the ben ►nsrfctcr elconnlerfrlti in tee cnomiT, anil who fupulihed thrwopl which Thoinpin.i dnpoied 01. Ihr evklenee igalntl Bill oaaiecuced byhlsarlture with the pacliigc ci plalei in hla p^kpt, wlikih ho had neither opeecd noptiimlocd, and u|»n t laivldcnce, and no other, h" ou tr ed, contieled and tm'rnctd lo ten yean imrruon- meni. Frolikuly Bill loid lla it,.i); It wta nor U lhTod, and In de>reratlo<, when trmncrd, ho iHilled Iho diil.lctnt- lomrv with hit manaclo.1 lianita with anch force oa almial ti inflkl (a'al Injorioa Fur Ibb lataull Bill wu icnlcncad f,.r ten additional year*. lie trial aod aconlllal of Dniiy, daplle the prrjadlee and eiciremcnt aealoit hlt«, la a nairer I'f leconl, but ii coal Ifae monthotinndaof eatobiUb hla Innceaoct, alihoush nnl a particle of toiilmnny coaM ba adducoJ u ahow hia parllelpitl-D I-tbe alleged cilnie, lo , repi, lild bad teeo the plot 10 eatrap him. Warner, iba malo witneaa, Oad tbe C'uairy, feaiing ibut the true lac't nf the cite might be developed; Briaiol DMI, although ttrapled by Ibe bnpe of a parloo, ft'ilulel refuaed to give In tbe irqulied falae leill- moey, tnd Htigaret O'Cunoer, btonght nn Irooi the Uaauobo- HIlipilHB b.i her betlater, iroatlogthalhct wominhb I ve coold he impot-d npon to obialo Ibe reluo ol her lmpiltone.1 luver, ibroed end lo the biiiernca of nge laid ban Ihe .deer t and treachery practiced lowaida brr. Tom Warner, altor Bylog predpllalllv fnn tbe city with lbeiellceofhiir>iiiune,ti*valedto Cillfonii, Ihenee tothe Sandwich Tilanda aad from Ihrr* In luaiiaha. where bo ofll- dalid u lloket taker ti a dicuo. la each of Ibate plaeea b* aitnptedtoeelahllah hlmie'tf lathe law, bat hla tarolibed rvpoiatlon pretodad liim ud be fell In abject poreriy. By uma mBuba cnnlriredto aecnre a pataage to bla native hind, 'liaTT, ahorllt a'torbltlaadlnr, becaBlnrit«tauldda.'' One-Bred Ttiom:aon inl h-p wile, who^^ beaaamode) ailiiia la l^. ilmnn't tdupa,'A7OIIO0 opaa >bt ailBpatUce' dfUiapeoptedrBidukliBtliutllea ciUblUhed him inaamrt depot oppetlie tbe Itrk. While ifiu aogagid he, la eemiian/ ^ih hla loiorr nal, Fareham, wllh wboiu he appeared lo have Milted foiroer dIfleu.Ura, irleJ tbelrold adiaieneBt ef pao- lag eouaierfeit hilla. Ibay wen delecud lad aireatod, and ■hlie la Buei Uarlel unanB Thompeon comallted aelf- Boider. Pambam, who loved lire, even lollda a pilioo, wu convicted and aeived oor Btato for lha term of Bra joant. Margaret O'Connor, Ihe moat oniortonata aetitu lii Ihla mmance of leal I le, wat, eentrary lo law, rteooilgned to Iho prlian, beyond whoee jorladieitoe abe bad been volootarilj annled b> lha aothon lea, Ibtro, iborlly alter, todiav her lut bioaib from a prlion houtc dUetUL xiA.nDscnA.iMsi:iE] aAZaX,| OB, Tbe Sportsman Cbcekmalod. vaitim roB wi mw Toaa oirm. "OeallOBan," aald Baaira Tiao'v, fiming ahraptly renad from the .lode* of our club, nhtrehahadbai f<tr nearly an hour loiprohng Iho gaily dn«cd uulUuido u tbay Umtgel out of ihetiptnlloiaitlnM intti iboai>a.|ou iienut—-gan- ilemen,ycu may ity»iMiyea will—uv mbii'a mule up oa one jH'.Bt^I'ni going to llarJtoraltbU lllll uuoo uinpa, aa (ut ni iieani andheeroaaoarp/me. Whai yoa call'the taaoi* la tbla diMirderlv and Ineoognooa oollae*|.u of iiick "nn imTiu ta an ImpoilUan, and ao uiolo oonveji aa ap .nt, rl tie Ida of what the aord elgnlilae than a luii of ckiuat oa aulhir'a itrjtibereinveytike 1 .nii—tiLloh U d<tMii'i mnolL ll'a a iliaai, I tall y,ni • a palliT dndg* which fttualaij lo " aorta ui lubtarfugea to aoatK ih» teatoe, and dligulte* the ( ator't mteat ao elfwiualiy Ihat It puiuea a govii Juugo of luraln inaho head or toll efli. To i-rjiy iboaruonjon auat prffWol youtbrwhaand moitar, let good atout h.iwji and curduro,talU|tpltal your Ooe hnndi btoaddolhl, rachtoge jour waiting abcki fur gone and llihlug miti, learn to eat grooae and vmltoo frem a tbiaale, aad ildoa ema u n>iUin ulandeJandboeipeotttobe; then than 11 aona poailbl liy uf malloguinof jouitaltwaodnlilng ridul thadoeur." "You talk of Bhea^"datltd ouljoung Seiretot KUda who brianca bt Ula tloranib, "u Ir lharo waa n.-lhlng elao worth living for. Han don't wtat to belike wild InleaaL Uva all Umeon ii.aabaek, 'ulnl genteel; aad, bcaldaa, uuujie good taito p'fer hieleif Inraly wniHan—roUoea aad olovatti.'' Kihl"r>i:lai.<diba Squlie;" peu talk utf there wunot. pn lly wonaa eultlde of a draalni roodi or Flllh avoau^ ■here your giil>ara ao ovcidieatlhatyi.uMn'i tee the beauilti nl tho wuror. Wonder tliey uorer llion(ht ol II, lh>i moriei. InvigMt klekabawt ibry put npon tbvlr bacliL the a«i* tueyani thru.n In Ihe abide ly the aplender uf ihalrdra gnoea. Come into the coaiuj wllh me, aod I'll ihowtou lent umplei of ftmale luvellucit thit ihall uitke your eyji tnsp—joa,anap,tirl" And be braught down hit cane wUn a thump lit emphatllo the remark. iJqi Im Tnttj It of tlioie bal>, harty mor, of whom Ihe <eunli7 tide furBhthc* oo«luoil ipoamou, and who, al.hognh TUB OLD STOBTo wimia to* na »w maa ctirrna DV I. D. CLABE. a '—™ * nndtr Ihe waving llndaat, Blineho and btr lover Hand* "°b«PPF-ibl 10 hippy— Lip lu lip nod bind Ib bind. '"r * """" tnd ateepire Would aha eichioie her Id; Wllh.iui him, and a palace f Balher arlib him and a coll • • * ♦ • Iht llndeai wave eiietly Aaihaydldayearaga; <• Blaadia aad htr Virerf Uadcr their taveir Ah, aol '*i?i^V*i'* '""'Bd pmmitea- Falie to bar and to hla Old |^ na Ilghiof her life .enie«,and.hi Uei anderaeatb tbe tod.^ Oaiy lha olVeM atorr, Uve and Palubood and Pain _^|S^'^;p'3i;',""i™oMi-. HEW lEAB'S CAILS. »«iTTiii ni na niw long curna. obligoti In pan their eailler daya t>IUiiB lha matta of bad 1, re- tura to thilr Bin love, tho country, a« toon u lurlunu^iil per. mlilhem, aad theio amid natural teeluthm Itad the Imwof pally pnncea, allhough taking good can aol I., a- paia'a IbtB- ailv.t entliniy fnm thu eaj..)menla lo be luand In uiu m nap- S,'*; l"op"«tor ol a preltr itlreat amoeg lUe Hudion Ulgbbadi, aBd Uillbar, dthough In uoaicHli.B of all the c»Dcemliinlt wbleh could render life a thing to be drilred In town, hi au frequenui lathe habliof roilnnn for a few weekat niaaitlon; lurhiwu aheaityabbonr erfuhlOBabla ibamt, and detaated what townuh paopieeall ellqoeito witlia lunal huly horror. At tbe Irno Ml euaon hid Jul fality at la, bla IManen kneo by tha Bquvo a dltjidniad eultiiiaiiona that Ibere wu tun In pmtpecl, for to be lavHed to thai* Ihe bapIUIIilu ol bli thootlngbaawu Rganled u a.duiraMe privilage even aoiung the riequenlon of loal lavond o'nb Bhoollog hexea, bo u buna 10 mio' vord a»a,on ungntolul ftllonr, unined Fa'nhom aim Xl.i'. clupi wri toying allh UolU, tbiatiatiiUtnl alili Ihe'enl .o «Il IUIInl.ode;f,Tlinglureco'vei .\lcli ha ..a 1,.."J^ to Miw Yoih. leaving Ihn Kniglii lo own eon nl.i w . I' eaa ilirn Ihit Thomfaiin latinlte iba lor odo Kh.'n. .„ ildWarn pnf hli natiinionld il'ianc-, Tlii b.,i bcin, l/oBtlviiIrp HaunMoablnelmakop tho reeenUt r'|^„J Hiate te,vica at BIng BIoi, II wu eoinitied to Tl omtaotT iibiiindaced.iiuogDiurybi deliver IIat t 0 li niedarlVilB abarnceoi tVimer about tlie b.tor of ihMnmllydlinrp i ,!!; lunalrly iht dingbicr'auab'ent at lira lime, o:birwlM'rcmain cnrli4itrwttuldhivecaM»ilbede>lrncilooei al, VVantr on hla eioin, wai foiead to rip ode the Iniipanienlin ihemnner I havi re tied, althou b much agalntl bl< Inallnalwn n, Elan aviBg nlM, Ibe'plot wu laid at the dwir ol Biaiu.l m y, what* an fiid delleei>4 Ihe boa alihoul hnoalidie, f iitcooienii^ andTheopiaB Mt lo nurb to muolie ominoh eildtaea to onann hU eeavloilMi, tbila lha Iflti Ouillt • a I mpl^ed to ptvJadHt IbaJadleiaij andjaty agila.l ih* illifw "IJLlJtillABLE ANCCD0TE80F TUESTAtiE." woiTiKi rok vna »w roaa currxB, BY AN "Acron wiToour" Illt not aecraanry that I thauki glvt the antedoia lu rato- llon DM iher occurmd, ood I thall, toem'ere, aklp to tba "daya beyond,'' which will bilng so 10 lha opening nigbt of Ihe "C|.j Unietira," latelv boinrd (Nov. U), In I'hludalphla, u a "Leylilmale plaeo ot Amn<eBcnl." TbIt wai on the ZSlh Octo- ber, 18G& Ur. Ulliei, who au Induced through "Itnoente lepreaeniatli'tia'' u 10 Ibe nmouit 01 o.oory to be made nut of the enleiprlfo. bal a good ruuBd eun, I like ir. Ue bid oorer prenut 10 thIa beea eoonecled wltli aarlblng ptrtajniogto ihcatrlei.1', and uuiurlunaiely for him he engaged aeveral "Ictebea," aho knew ni llitia ai ho did, but lecoimng to their iccouot, ility hid niinaged llieilrea with gnat auco ta, b.4h In Ibit eountrv and In Euglaod. Thoy might have added "Aala and Alrica," without raltiDg the Icut doubt ai lo Ihdr veradiy, in Ibo mind of "U," ahu lully bad no Ihuught beyond hla "eutia,-* and the narllcular adjuilmeal of hit hat, .hen about to taken walk. Miai AunluU ,aeoounccc u abilght, par. iiculir star Irum tbe "principal thva.itt ef LoDdoo,"uponrd Iho teiatn. 'The Belling Doy'a Career," urfl'oo by an anlhor of iioall Imtginatluu" tn<l''LaigoGremmoUcal and ISpelliog Idua," or oior WTM, wu the u|0nlng pkia 1*1 her engagement, enl I niay add ibo dualng alio, aaii waa anything but a .'i«yln(i ipec" Now Aunio au u "largo" It loeilog u In "body,'' and nn bar I.ut npiMaionce am "farewell hen," It waa an- nounctd tbat Ibe crirbnteit It) aclrral fnu Europe (not Laura Ecto.'t, m UrooUway) would rlug Iba Ititghable long eot.tled lbo":julcIdi1 >*nnillj,"duilogiho loreoufiho "Clock HaVer't UaL" Tbe oK'ett iclnr in ilio pinfcllion new living uould nut hare rccogultel ibo pliy In iboabtcnce of nprugiaoitne. Ihe etor(f}dl-J not hntiwU-n llnea 01 her pan, and lurgutlu iinglbo tung. At the Nil ol ibu cuililii Iho piompier luined uu iho "I'uviligblP," t*hen te-ui "gtid"la the gallery opplaudod. Mite H camo hupildly foitvitid oo'l coaiincncod ucr i/iog lu tho dark, anti nitlwut niufic (lha band "«enl out" .lib the ''loot- l!nhia"l Ihe fllchetl ibo "Jr" ttrfi lil]]l-, and flntllne II Inijitit- tibk'to "keep lip In thai kcr," lln al»|iped abpuplly and lalil In a voice itudlblu to every (icraon In thu bouse, "1 can't ring III" nnd leilriil oiiilJ gman', bluca and applauio ibu wuulj cunrc) Ibe Mai uf 'guilng.'' Sl.urllv ailcrvoidi the iin;to mnnngtr (0 mm nolo>1 In Ibo prufctaluii fiT hlapoughniu uf inauucr, BiiUbulicved by many oka n pcpf.el "J.aall") cun.niviiccd lunning at mo ol hla aicclal I0\" Ooo nlgbl it t>ai ui-ctaaarj thai a iiuu.bcr ol 'aujiuta" ahtiuld bu pruoniod, nnd aa Ibo dcinan-l i;pcuiiy ex- Ibu number ut ''Itcculiia" tu bu had, lliu "Caplntli" uaiobilErdIo tnko a litHnCoP of "llaw handa," ''Ihc Lnmi Itan u' tltu Ocraii" una llio ntlniCiluD. and In Ibe iccno olimc Adiiii Datbtui d ond Jully Jack am on llic abljt, end picalrolcd l.y )vlli;ip ID\er, one ui luo "puih.." uikcd lliuala|;o ii.buu^cp In a nilipi.r, "AVUHl eball ito duV "Ualch nio juu ..'anin li.olt, ood du OM 1 d.t," nnlvercd our not over anilabli. dlrvct. r, Tltu qiira lunepotiitiiiuuknltd llilicun.uiaoU lo Ilia''bin'bcr anlfc*. era" ond iicCKi'lliglj 11 Itan i Lijud 14, Ihn letter.- 'Iho alunijita oflboto 't|uiliilluuagenli" lu ttiillatotho icliri; ol .horiuici* tloHola WAI ludk-ruui in Ibo taiien.e. j.lly Jock would cia.vl rou una tide to tlioollitr, cr-unlni ond vringinglila lionda, ind Ibcn lall bieh n;ulu to hla old "pval^b." Tlicae nin. llHnt were Imllaicd an f.r la nutlbia by lha "aui'a;"" ua Jack tr..uld inovo an oould tbey, Juai oa ii^g. ular u ''clitok nurb," ooly vomcwbat inoru atokwnnlly. InaU-ad ol niidiidng laa died lliuy luiiglnod It auu.d, fu latU mu izKf/y ojipiulle. 1 ha auOlcoco appliuded ami laubrd, or fairly loniam.'d, 1 may lay. Thu itoga umniHCP did eomo "mil lalklug" and Intlcivl ol tie "awfuielfeol" mrieiolly nniduce'l uN.nnn audience at altneasing Ihla tccnt, li l.itooj thowboloairalrlDluahuileiquo, andlhudiitctor itrdolo.1 the "alil ten," .n a very uDpleiUoui vdcc, to moMlAef "ifoai"iceiu dawn 'ifotl"/ , , , ,t , , Bi«ailngof tupcrniimcrariu remlD.lime ef onmnor iiogho- b'oincldotll iliat uccuired at tho old Anipbllhealrc,l'lillaudplilo. liurlng a ,I.Iay, tho "pru|<fiy mau" inrgul ino loi^enaul "niui."'a''aiullid dub." Tbi "heavy" ul the Ijiluiomint n^bu.1 into llis nropetiy room, and out being ablo bi Und a •^biffed dub,'' in Ibe pxcltenicnt cnicqoent upnii ,ho ihort llmo ollolled blin Ij ptoeure 000, tererd uncii' B gmO ilrod neeilin tfu*, aud loigoilug tbnl uTSia '-l "aiulfud," he tMibtil on tbo .la^ n "„ dlliMitr of n hero, and ''la d pboul Mm ' nibl ondluir lo.bouliorcooi'urnillun of tho "luper," who dtbor "fill nr "lied" lioni hjabluM nail moved by Ibo "four," The minaior, i«^h" lappenod lu bo In Iron;, hBaiono.1 amund to ll a aloga door, ni.d cnoinieno d praWng Iho tiago ratnigop for ihet acuUcnl u.onncr in wblcb tb««ipopnuuierarlea Inu bei-n r'ined, nnij a. dod:-"I natrr Bow 'pU|a ia lalUo oaUirilly M btv dil." ' l)y Uwilie I" eicliiroe.luui ' heavy," wlio hid by Ibli llnio dlloo/eru.1 iflal hil t/«i uwi «•« •'•#«'. ''Vou ituuld lure fallen naluraliy tuu, had juu Irtn aubp ctal to Ibo feuiri rum a wooden club." It wni wllh gnral dilllcdijr ibalou/ in mlnd^aroaoi a-dtyi tomctblof mure than tlie nen upUvt, having tmatioi from Uia eoatraeto t dIooailoBa of a hnowr'a lodge, wlih lie aeantr eerertag of board^ lie oar- pellau floor and Ito rude eoeeb of uadrnted ihlna, 11 iha a m pretenlluoe accomBitdillont ol a mlalttare ruiUe himettad, wllh buunekeeper, gamekeeper, lenaait. lodt'urtuua furnliur* and all Iho raoderu bnpruvcuenU. Buoh a retreai *u lha O'tuntry aaaiufSqahaTraay, and aim "Invltj" hi hb name tmpliao "a goud uuio" In ito very hruadett acceptation of ttiat much abuied term, then mu, you may ba tun, no dilDcnlty la furniing a pally olchoin apiiita to giue lla woodland abada fortheipaceofawmik orofortalghL Wa ut oown to bit luintlani board at Bn In tbe afleiaoon, oh on. uf Ihe BneH dtyi nl the hj put eoptambar—a menr party ol au, and ujuvlal a craw u otcr blamed ihcir boon be- neath ageiillvmana mahogany. Ttacei'andgblor and ccad- Jutor In I. Id apo to look lb j loot of lha iible, nUle Tiacey him. aeli, u boat, wu acooraed lha head, lom Itockek lavmlu loatcrib of "our dub." wu at tho ehalrman't tlghi, .bile llitlor Duilut, wheolUo eacapcd Irom ganlauo doijatWert Pum., a lew lullw away, occupied Ibu lelL At Ibe lower end, Uoe ur Ilolua, a fuaay Utile Itllow o.ODoeied wllh tbe iiau, abated lha oorrcapontlUigpcalUuBi.lib Tom lUbat, ol Oun. Oethlii, tbore nn I'eilina and Oawkloa, both piiuu feUo** Iruu, the club, and tevcral ladita, who were very picienuble apcoimcBaui voiinlry beamy In ihdr aav, and whuiu alluulh na prem'Bod ogr.eibly to nlltve Ibo mooulonyo: uur ttar—If auon a aa niuontony wen puaalbia Tho (onieiMUon *u a tunnhig dlacaol.'U of mafxn per- taining tu ibe Uaid, ulo(Iad Wllb Biabea ol wit aud nptrtn, Ibo olattor of kolvia and luika and lha pupping 01 ehuupigne O'.rka, ilia.«l alihuut oeiullua There und thoo I iiuued tbat Uio drnlzcu uf the rural olslrlcia aie aumoliujca u aual- oua to get lo lha c|ly u wo an to leave 11, ond rt-miulac. neea or o/nni Uuffe ami tho lui grau l bilut, lulngled »1 h aaild. ratljna ul tbu | Icaiuica wbhib the winlcr mlgut have to itijr. In Ibu Didtt of Iho coo'Uilun a bone clttten:.! up lu thu dwi; a mu>lcal vo ce wai beard, aiylng~'.,Su, Uiaob you—1 iblok 1 uughiulnuwtbeway;"aod liglil leulwore heard palkiiog up the alept. Then the d.«r ui the dining mim Dew npen, and a y..uiig lady entered, wbu migbl ban lai to puor Elllgl lur her purlnli u Ulaoa, Ilia goddeai ui Ihe cbatc. dho wu clad in a dark green diua, wore a bat uf dark color, IrluimiJ aitb a lalllnt innge af ViJanclanoee lace, end ben a h.Mujua. ud a liitia abl|^ which abe thn* aaide, with tho bit, and plumiwd 'luwn hi Ibe teat by Ibo aide of Squln II iwihurn, va- cated by the doctor, al tho aimo limo Ibruwiog her orn rou-iJ lbt> neck tri the fanner aad kisilog bit cbcek. Tbe "e.Ick," or thu moduUtcd "chnp,obeoal" 01 awuuian'a llpabuao jcthlng about It prov.toatlvu ul aln^ular lodlogi, and when tbal woiuin la very rreity breide^ It eiertt a auujulalinx elfocl which Ibruwt all uiaai acoiatlona In the ehadow. The flret ifaooght which rvietolhembidufToQitock.twv, "Qodal what a ueaulyl" though be tvtuk guod cira nul to ripttta It,'i he cuuM not help gelilag in coownation vlih uer, and very lottn cjue to rcgare Mtaa tiraee lla.tharae, whoa lather aai neit hlu, u tbe lovelleai and uoat dcllghtiul tpri he hod cvar lut with. 'I matt tell you a good Joke," aald Oiaca, who wu alBOit oot of breath; "I aliould not have Uen ben aeconlug to SrumlM It ll liad not been foi aiy cuuahi, Keptrt, who wu eputed lo be my etourt—haeauH, you aee, fathor came over lut eveniDg, In ordir to be on hand to do the amiable. Well, if I moil Ivil Ir, Rape drank a Ulue loo auch oa tbe way, aad, betog ileepy. Ivll off to the road; aol t4M>k Boononr't ntol, aadledhluiln baadamaly, u yon aae. leaving poorltupv to fulluw. And aeivB hlui right, 10 treat a Udy to cavdieily-* dca'lyon ihtokto, Ur. I'aokitl" "Jtoekei, Madim," Bid Tea, bUipoUuaenntcUoa; "hnk, I linn yyn, Ihe ^ktr tnniaitu all jij^taii. I thtok the tfaUoaghttobaaboL"* ABd BeUlila<hitd«Mu'nB»uueh^ Jut hka Ungard la b» Ohampagae Charley epUede. "libot I Or I hope not; U would never nioet By fatnn buibaod," rrnlltd Kale, wlib a laugh. "The heitor'-wae la to allow hlu tohUI bimMll, wbfcb I am tan I bqn ao ohjectloa to liter wa'n manlw." .. . "Ealel" tale Mr, ^awtherB^ npntlegly, "yon will m'lka a itnnga iQpRialna, I am aiial'L" Then added, "Ladlea aod geailemeo, my daqghter, Hla llraee Uawibone, the ckwreal, and, I mighi add, the wlldeitgtri to the conutr.'' Tbe gtaUemen lamcdalely began to ''plea'' Ihemarlrtt op a bit, and Tub Itoatet bad a onubor of iTrda la hla atteutloaa to Mba llaalbome, who appund to b* ".all of lb* danl," u be aftcrwiida eiprcaied It, aad Joat Ibe oieatun tulietl to hki whim. Uu wu laybig hlmtdf out uwell u ha knew bow, when a atenlonan wbu,tp letuunded Ukt in Indian yiU Uiiuugb tha cunldon, baron wblcb the ladlu roie aod died uul uf ue rueni by ailtie door, like a flock of gevto In high ft alher, Juit u tho long, wily Dgun of Couato Iliip* anueand In the mala door- way, air. Ituparl Culpepper wu in bit happlatt mood, llnul hla molt pieteotoole couullion. Ula note *u akhined anil bit fan wu coreicd with mud. bla coat torn up the back, and the right kg 01 bla treaufi aplli to the knee. In blanand hacat^ nad lha thick 01 a whip, and on hu bead be .ore aomelbtog tbat bad ODce been a bat. lie auk tola tho chair vacated by Greco, and, ailcr bvlplng blnMOll to a lull luiublopol pori wiuo, poured It craceiullrlato hUahirt beeuu and lelluteeu, wllh LU -Mo the Jelly dflh. Bdit apeniianani reaidence upon ihU liliad of the iKnl.? l«a,theT,mihe Bnt place, put up Ihe oM bliKk fit ISh it lb, nlddl. of It cnntireehld'ibe govoriS't ftSii'^iy*'! '""m" ""e""." I'^«f IbBbiunbead or ih^DSteh gtltotjo-ao aSlgr of honnl old ut Kicbolu. who had dT n;led their nur.o m the Ne* World-dineUy la fpoot™ u* door, Ihon, to abow their layalty iha hn»l.n » ddnrt It 10 b. the duty ol enprdtiionTn Oi. nViottry?! ,1 but appani, «d BfS. tent himaill la perannbelonthegoninor an.l moeoUuit, gialulale Ibot potooUu wlUi a "Happy New Year.'" Alii Ihla mark of rean-el each bnrgher onaoeivad It lagamtol npen blm to riall In loeceBln tba limlhei ef hU Irlaadt and' aeqoalniaoeea, lor u dl lua male popniallon ware aboot Ue •Inela, the mtniloBt were lureed our to Ihc tote eoaiml of lha lilr lei lor thit day al all evenla. > o» . conimi 01 ue Uko Chilatau to ibe eogiiihman-aad Tban»tglvltg to tb» New Bo,lijiJar. Ihe Haw Yeu'a Day, to wbloh fw hdfcr eoa- Ttolaaw of the eommontly ihe flollanden ihlftod the lott day uf SL NUholar, M Iht patron taint ef Iht 0.1I0B-, beame to the huigltn ol New Amiierdam a naUunal hnlljay, aad ooe which hie anrvlved tba wreck ol other ooIebmUoaa Ibreuh Mag It^ally recogaiied u eao ef tbe Bre dfa of na{ tbe lagalaiure ol .'4ow Yuik ban aceonled to baab dark* and otar worked bomanlty lencnlly. ^•mmai Bv nnr Dulch pregaolton dwdltog la tiled collate*, u> wblcb babllat OBI Ibty wen born, BirrM and diad, adding to ViS oilihul dlmtBibtni an addlth.nal nem u each daubtar nnlied berdeiilny with tome boium buahtnd, the elaemna ofKew Year'ieallawu oiaeled ai a taeiedduly. ladawL Ii wat rwiaidrdMaaljtoal bteicb ef etiquetu leoniloet vUltoc the iidli* tl tvan a paating aequaiotonce, who wen avar m Band OB that anouleinua day, hlooiniog wlihhaollh and binah- 1° ""J." obi-ubenv ttlmoied with enrgreana, and adoraed wlih a large mahogany aldeboud. aoaa Por a week prevloaa lo Hew Yaar't dl Iht booawivH In ton -aianmitdIn etilloirv prtparailooa. ehleflt lo the anklago( BiBoe ple^ for UieUblea la Ihe good old I'mu weneopn?M •lib none bat h. Be made eenfeeUou, dougbunt^ ciafiuT wtOI'r, ud haw Yair'a cookha, which the vlioinr wu ubidS to mr tkc while waahlog ll dowa wlih tpleed nm pJochTa howl of which tmd toinpliogly to lha centre of an lavllhu and heavily ltden dining botld. Dnrlny Ibe hnUdin ilie bakera of New York were eiaeeted to rniure and vend Now Yoai'i rakea, a gigantic, Inianaa ahaoed concoellas, with a itortialt nl Bania Claoa ImpreMdepen Mb middle. Iheu cakn aero nid by Ihedmeo, tthlchcaitam bad bud at Ibhicen, aa a ha^ er't doien, tbe odd ooe bolof tha pan. quhlteof tbei«rfanl or meiacniter making Ihr pnreeaa. 60 nnlvermi waa Ibb practice In counllne that hot one hiknr In aB New Amittrdam waa foood hardy •Bongh to break Ibe meatora, aud hb rat., h.eome a fcorPul tminfoir m oih. n of hla ulllbfr Inu.'oocli u be BU earned oRbedlly by Ihe eoragedSL Nbho- Ita, and hb ourpae found flottlog In the Wallabonl lliy, aabu been duly cbiunicled In tbu nracTnut hbbiry uf Died rick Knlck. erbo*kep. ^en lha Eogliab fccoattto muUn of Ihe la'aod, ibeb flnit aatuf untriica wu the pniiihlngoi the plpem Baloi f^icbotu —a pipe foil twnyarda In trnaili-an lotouily whioli ricned Ibe direiol Ira of Pcler V..u Sloyvrraor, «bo, to rifalbit hlacon- lema'. for in In^irale nee, look nlf hb allvar Irg ond retwtd to rt^ lre calk 'or ibivo lureeoln New Year'a dair. Tben tbe Englah Chuitb, lurbilnit tbat .Vew Year'a wat a boildiy, hebig the leail of the Creumcliloo, piutcnbed ibo iceuihtmedJolllA' of Ibat oeoaih.n, hut the domlnitt of Ihe D.neb eh'unhe* lauebed to tcnre loch a forird eelebnllor, and la levcBie for ilidr latiibarilnillon lha Dntbh a..vetnuient eonrlgnad Iht eOgy ol St Nicbuitt lo a firry grave br employing that veaci*' bbuenlleorntoccukhb'niaadlnnor. Liko all other tn« b"tD Ne* Yorker*, I alwaia aat* etlb npoif Nrvp Teir'a In the legitimate manner, en foot, and aon- lumloglhienllradtyanda'alrahareol the nlib' laparforB- Ing tha optreiion n' vbl atieo. It b laallv Intemtlni 10 ebaae un acquln.ancea onea a yeir. with tba aid of a dircelaey, and bigbly entertaining to notice how jour fuimar frbodirti up IB the aorid, movlog gredua ly fnm idlnw iitmod dowblba to brick dwell nrs in.I llnallv natlog la brewa finil& The bdlu an dwiyt eiceailvdy enidid and to happy 10 Me jeo, making etvry allowance .or the coldmaoflhe weather and Iba deal neopadiy of InibiUogageod ahan ol atlmalaab to h<*p IP ulmailtta. But etmrhov or olhrr, I rola tbe mlao* pla aa 1 apleed nm of tbe daya ef yore, aod I am ma to eoa- fca thai bancd tarhey, bdialer nUd, (dchled ojalera^ be onaa and hoi rolfea, diapoaad lu bycra wi.hin the bemaa itmnadb, and Bualing lo aa Imneaa aea of aoyaai, annlaod, Bonihoa wbukey an', ihampaene punch, prerr, often iIboo, loa beavr a load tor modemto carriage bot than there b a braebg UadeaaT to Ibe dmaphue of the Bnt day of Jaouly, kaeplac a maa epnablibitdelnltoaB appareat (diore to pedal pmpalitea. Lut Kae Teu'aday I Biale ealie wllb myJrltad SbbCwb* b a eoBi ef feibloa, a pmpddof keofcer,.irU.Miad a lUlf ■beet, ^babHaldt^Meio4»a railway hlag; hot ~ filled IB baaoaa twiee, bb aiperuBca In atocka i ; hot u ba OBlf. cka uteaewbal. hBHed. Eight u em.batlcallya ladj'a maa, tad ab^baa an oode whobw heea tanag at tbe pdat oT'dalb hi laealr' odd yon, wl b Eight u Bob heir to hb foduae, he U i«BidaV ".r ''•!?'' •"•Wilator aad aa ant aiaicb fur naay a bellp^Par' - Har.Yau'B eempanloa my Mudiawa revwhuML u ba war' - load ttrjii with Ibe falbat^ bettft with tbI molboi. and. of iH with the daoghtaia, and then, u ha UfoiniadBaL ba oaly vUled Iba veiy Bnt famiUea It wu epon the aboke of noon whea Eight cam* lo bt bonia, whirelB I bad beea walling patleallr aineo btMkfaat. tor. In my Ibne, half Nt* York aru In vbltlng moUon belon Ian, atthalaleai;botKlgbl utund ma tbal none ol tho lab oonoi bbpartlcnbraeiweoldbe able to lecelra before mid- day, atone pitt mrrldUn It, 1b fwblonable laaguaie, tbe dawn of r he mnminr. Eight waclabenielycalumed, and IfeUeomtwbataahamad of my own plain all In, but tben my friend aamnil ma Ibtt lilenry mm wen never etpaeUd le ho gollen up gorgeous to wblcb I aacnied, Riiiarbing that I might tern aa n eealnit t* hrlgb'en hu ladirldual bnilbnor. then we got Into a eak when Klght nulled oot a Ibt of niuea at laut tea fatla begtb, wllh Ine realdenee* marked oppcalle Ibem. ■ ~- .Sr^ d ■■Whal'a tbal Eighlf" I loquliti tciTt" dlinlnf tba direo* rooramda I Family raatenj won to ladnee the raalch—a raatrlago ot cunreolenoe. ebe bclog legal Inbcrltieu ot a hand- tome property oo coodltlunof inaiiylngthb db^iutiog bnite, whuL ilnngely enough, InutlcO urun uu daiu with all tbe AvfiBAPiirrsn.-John L Plaker, of TIIBd, Ohio, white bunllot inlbe atcda of Ottawa Ooiinty,tetebll), Ibengbt be dlivOTtrid etldoncea ol deer, and tlopprd lo wall lor their aiHioannc*. . While on Iba wilcb hi dueoTorMl 1 largo anl- mueriwllngloaardblni. He nrtditltudblawoirApiPoa, If Ib* akin aad Oftta iron III bind leg. It ninued Jo .ag^i ran*, b'ut lall behind II Ibe utcoa of Beth ind thmbMllrj to' atBaUlfta.. OneiamlniUon Lefonad btT*'14eB.«| ptnlbtr, andfoUiwed llbntooald DotgttBsalbailidt^lt' petiultuce ol an amealdevoiec—lum wu a Judge of wtiaan naiure, nnd bo could tee beoeath dl Oraco'a rccklco Uvliy, O'lupu.t, perhapa, u a muh lo her atcrel aomwa, then au* warm, tunablay nalun end nhttit that mliilil bo woilfa the winulng. Tbe wiek acre away al!h I auccvatlon 01 epoiliand puilniea. In which Beld nl enleq.ibi Biiuiie 'rracey w-i lo hu ultmenl. Wbilhrr ll reUled to hunting or Oihtog. or racing, or bunting. In dl tbetc be w^t equally al bome. Many auiui- log Inrldiula occurred, and umny .1 practical Joke wu pbyed, 01 ahlchMiJurlluciui, wbu wu aUayt making a ildlcaluul dbplaiol hit lalliniry, tod Uio amislilt IMrkbu ur the Irui- cibb Doctor Ouba note the viciloia i;ouiln Rope wit almmt 1*4 aeiktut I aubjacl lo pncllce upon, but eien bu did nut al all tinieo laoipe. bo4.cbuw, 'lum lluoccl au cunllouolly in tho aayol Mba Grace, whottualwiya laytog acvore and ciuuo IhlDga to blm, and Ibro proioklngly uking bla arm. by way of euui)onBjU..D. Daring tbo neekn grand p.o-nlo au Iiui ruthed In Ihc atoda—a auH ui barbecue, * ulcb .w attended by all the fulko for mtlcaaruuud. Tho day auhrlik and Intlilng, und by way uf keeping up hla lulllb.rt chancur, Uajur Uuiiui had bruuaht bit gtiu ahior, with wbldi. whllu tho real were rugigcl, ho tallied loptb Into ifae nelgbbuilog gidn UcM to find Hark or a luhiD ur twj. lie liau not gunu lar olicn, Juit iburo thi waving giant, which reached to lib chin, he caught u^lil nl 0 btinnt'l and .eltbtr. Ail Ibo cblvalrt ua liopulica ol the U.-Jur were aruuaed al tho alitbt, nod, Inapeoliug Ibo m.ta- Iriioui ot.Jccli unco more, lio pulled hb holdowo aud gave chare. Aud II <na very funuy to ice tbo U[i)or tiling und falling emnng 11.o furruaa, and tbo iii)llcrloua bat aud ftatbtr btthbliig uji und down botwron ibo ull lanbt of grain, at lla itaoor bcanl lilm ouuiln; and »u trying tu hlin. A'tcron hour't hard chato M..Jur lluilutcainu up Willi tbu of i.urtulL and found ll banging lu quiet iv IHjio upon a pole, when It hud bi un drputliuu by aumo gay dc. ceiver who liutl led Ibo Rallunl UeJ'tr nil tbla tteary iraiii|i ftr noililnv. Il wu only a acatc-;ruv, , horcal tbu UoJ jr ualkcd hulk uuceiulit,.^. , „ In the nioau'luii, I'orklnv wai "lallygaijing" arnund Uln Sal It I'elort, luviug draun hor u far eatbo aithtraltaoLcd to tlio gruuiii'a, an.l »u 8)Tpru-obMig a iiiual tuieicaling poiiil, bavlop aucccouid In gutting bbori.t rounil berwibl, irboo, all ac once, a a.upll arovo ul euoh wun.lruua pnleiio., Ibat tllia I'oieiac.ncMed. nllli lior tinelling tdii to ucr note, that '.aho bad Iwft to go btcb to bcp riioilier," and ainncU on abcolino Inr the cncompinonL I'urklot liilhiwcd. wcndoiinr and lotcliing by luinr, when, (.uttinr hit band Into bla |i«kpi, no drew iurto, lo lib grval ilbguai, a brvkoo botllo ul aau'icldi. lie l..i.ked nl tbo cojl again, by all tbat wu jMinr/ul, bo had tiilen .bu U.'einr*a cimi iiuio lla peg In Iho hall, by uiblBko I Ciuiln Ilurohariorheated Iniigbl al thu otiila, drunk, ot uiuul, the wfitliy i.liyticinu hit ujiuii a ibiOod device luad rid o: liliii, Uo rolM llupo lo him and e^kcd liiui to be a kloil aa to c- nvOT u huttio t f Winn l.t Ibal | art> (polnlloe) on Iho other ddo nl tho vnclitiuio, ilirendiv luppoilog ihuL It bo ibuigbl It lu bo alur, llupo wuuld diluh 11 lilnwir. That booiyiiop. aiiDiao coii^plled a lib tho lotjueil, aod atoitod Inatlgiai for the ni.puillo lido, bul bo bid teen tho doclup "lilna't aoiic- Uilog bnrttrdiand, and ugdyaiajeoluilogihal ho wia lu bollio viclliii of o IrlcM tliat bad been priellced befuitl, bo iiuiitly dio* fr tm lb place tbo buogul acldorbarrri wblcb rupoaod brnentU a Iroe in reidlotta for me, aod enipllod hb bolUe thrrelo. The Eqolio Ihooghl It nowobualtiino; ho look hb plao onihotiuinnBcil ihotne, nnd dier cipau.tlng upon Ihn "„«t ,«calon," Invllod Ibe itiemblcd pcupio to i«r- uhoolddcroDd applet to ibclr bean'a conleol. file bung wu auricU and lojuung tanbatdi aeie peiud around to tie htalib ol tht, Bquire, but In lea Uian m.Wnloutoi tho ground «ii dttrrted, aiid ilierr wat a gtntril ibmpcdo for tho ucireil t'lllomonb. The uiultliudo mutt htn been Jibpned-atbitl Uul wu what Uiipc biunlcd. Sinn tben, I undvruanti thol fom Rnoket, who b wpll olf, fau biena irequcoi vlillur al ibeS.|uln'i, enll fulki do ny, but I don't kn.tiv liow inia it It, Ibat he and Orace Uawthorne are en ibo p<.Int of hclug mimed, i;cualn llupo to Ibo conlmiy nutwllhabudlog. |joo O UomaM. over ler Alt Uo.vrR CusTovu.—An lectdole wniib bughlog 0 ll luld iifn man whn had an Innnnliyuwollalln tppeillr nth. Uoota luitoui lo hcenip hb chtnetot lurbenuty, even ataMu miting a hill wllh hli oeiebant, u the iiory |oe^ nnd abonliii Uoa wat tuinrd iko honril buicr dipped a ood. llth up und. r bli coat tail But the garment wta leo tbort to e..v> r the thrfi. end the meichtni poterivod It "Now," aid tho euitonicr, aoaltot 10 Impruvo all lb* epportunlilea to call alt ntlon to hb vliloel, ''Mr. Uercbani, I havu Irtdtd wiUi t»ii a (treat deal, and have nild tou up promptly aod honeilly, a>en!llt" "Oh, m," antweitd Ibenlerabini, "I bate no 0 Bpbln'," "Well,'' uhl Iho euitoiuot, " I alwa.ia Inilred ibtt ,'boncity au the beil puller, "d Iht bett rule to live anil'idb by." "That't an" lejiired the iiitrebtBi, tad tbe Mt(owcr tjrned lo dtpiiL "Bold on, fibadl" cilad Ihe <bMrebtBi, ' "flpetblBi uf boaitly, I bav* a bit ol tdvln to 'i^teion. Wbeoncr yo*eoffie luifidtaitlo, jeabidbilttr •ur B loigu eeal or Mill a ihettor eodltb.'* "OnlyDf ddllnc lut," lapondtd Ibe brekor, c-.nleaily. "Uolagtocallalalllhauhontotr" aad I aUrad b amaieo lanL "Why noU" reipcnded EIgh', It'i nothing to da when ynn bava a ayilcm to go by. Utn'a a hoBdnd aad Blly hoiaea, dl- tldid lalo ihte« elaiara, inoha, noba, aad mlllioailrcaL allb an averrga of two mlout*a to laaob eacb~lhat makea— ''Five baun," I luygeitcd, "One bnnrii.d and twentt anoba, at Iwo mlnnla eadi—** "Four non bouia," I ealeulaied. "Tweul)-Uia ni'ba, at Ihtte mlnntet each—" "Onaba^randa quartarmnre," I obiarved. .'Fivo mlllloniliet, al Ova minubt cub—" "Onad loitl," I Bgored up, "irn houn and forty miaalaa.'* ,l,"r It mtouia to ipare, and all thnugh bp eleven ^uitlhen Ihe cab rtopped, tni Eight darted lhioi«h Ibe "Yno ni-d net apnid yoonelf here," remirked Eight, "it'i only a lalbr-the fellow aho g<b me up—tbo wife lerea Ibe 'inV'"' "*"'' ("Oav, for we miul be Niw In dl my prior vltllmn I had never deemrd Ihe nr. amooyoftit' indbpeadbb, and, uloow por- ^""I*"''"' bad Ignortd my peraouil aoqulntonca, I tohl him Ibal ho could call me ly any ntmt oomlog hande! No leaner wtt tbe door opened tbin In bulled Eight, drew- log ma afiir biuby mdoIwca and IbniaUng mt bito lb* cenb* 01 the parlxr. "Happy ,\'ew Year, Un. SImpion-mv friend; Ulai Jemima, complnnoBlaof tha leaion, Hniday fop iMIng. Uean to Ibe openly btelj.MlMJemlnaf Uuy call^ Mra. almia^n t Uy fileiid'a lntbo li'cpatr btiein.a.—}'Iiii|iion'a out, nl oo*r*el'> anU tbeIrnni:ido Eight bowed gricrfullv ind pineredcd to hack tot ol tho room, not perceiving lhatba had mUtaken a large ralrnr fir an cnlry way. P^'^.l" w reabmonli, gontleracnf" Inlerpiaed llp»..SIn,piun, whowuaprlin, iroibo:lr>I ptra.tnage, ludlng iBo aav to an odjnlninf parlor, wherein aUiod a long table pmdiBally luden "llh Mm rlcllr idw of iho aeaion. "I'illryan <.vder,"aald KUhl, paironlilnglr, ond Ihe fair ',""!'? """ ""I. a'n or ao wiili a huge uni'iidi .if ham, ' iveiv ''''"I»"d Ute, aiminon, augjoet' KliihtitH, didn't knoiv wlildi to profi p, 'verflhlng nasfodelkinusln goi^l p.^ktr, 10 If |lin Mioa h.ld nn cbjeo tain hu woald indulm In n litllo U.iurbon alralglil, Tbo bdlca hill n' objecln ii, ond KIg'ilt.H.k a picUy illilTiurn. f'inally vo emerged call No. 1, nnd almn wo nme out f romarke.l to ittt coiononlnn Hial tte had c nnunjcd otloaat lira llmm Iho ilotn al:itlio.l 1.1 lib original proenimma. end al Ibat rale wo ahnuM ncv.-rget in tlio iiilillonnlice. "ll'a Dollo.i, iny Ro.fl rol|..w,*' explninoti llto bmkor, ■.butwo't oulthootlieriahnn, and nu m.ira lln'.rbt.n. miko your* Bcir egroonbic—tho nrit houie bamllll.inalpe." Oup Tclilcla turned Inlit n ppnclnoa nvriiue, and atopped bolon I Inrgonlied tnanii'.n, .lioio jmrtili won large enough Inrnlinnrlujiiio lintoi, KI91.I mng llio li-ll allli n norvoul talnijo, forercn Iho man ot tho woiM paled liefuro Ihoahodo ol Hammiai. A pcrvanl In llrciy tillitred na Into Ihn halt way, thenco wo pnaiod InIn a ficiroati parlor, Iho «lado.auf whick weiolioriiia'lotlly pcaled tnill npjiearancct. inr tho recenllon wia In tlio olare nf gainqhia nmhlnr from branohot oot chaodelleit, and In Ihla wlin liirnlng day Into nIghL AveryP'rllr,auato oandiuiboritnliro man waaHr.SooBdo- llcln, prrndcniol a bank, who h iubd Iho pvmit'on'ol Iwo mllltoni udahaL', nllh tcreni toot of polroltuui ttooku bdbi'. All, KIgbl, bipny lo ten you," nId Ihe milllnntin, enade- Bcen.llodyi ''by ilio • ' "' • • ■ - Uoanlt" way, what did Brio dote at Ul Seeend Imltyoan'laay,' rrtponded KIghl, for Ibo Oral tine la hb aiecila'lvo eilronco, itvorewed by the piraeeee of gieat* nen, "hot I'ra beani tell It went heavy; yon re net Fa Iht eomirf" 'No, I'm il*a;» iquBre," tnd Hr. Rpendnllohi tmllid (trlmlTi "by lb* «Vi poui Iriend on ihetlrceit Bo leek* Ike a llnaader,"- ;' Iwaaavtrpawend br Ibll U|tdo«i bit ef nttlcir, and wu about dtntlag the IntlnaiUeK wbia, Elibt laterpoied "Dou Ihn ehimtag Un. BpoDddlttareealvir" ' m" * . - ^ . aad, ■KMndiBa Uay doa Iba hotpltallllet of Ib4 hnnie for her," _jd,aalho U.n.llllondre apnke, be polBled>'Bi^oatlcallTlea rcinido comer of tho mB|ninotnt parlor, in'wbleh wucon- grrgatod I bill I un ol oiq ltUti, n.^llfenlly lonaglng Bioundtntiocanlreor geatn1aiiniot.oo. . "Ur. Elihi, my daughlerl" qaolh tbe Paaaelar vllh dig. allf. . . And ran cnon«li Ihon, honeiUi a hindnme eannpy nt en- Ibnned npon a pedrtltl (ho daughlcr of Ibb ant oen.ia man- alon—a ttairt, aioolj mdden of iwenlv odd tiiia, lltenll/ loadedd'sn wllhbrll'iania and J^wdledimuiiiltnia, tecelvldg wllb ooBceltrd nrlniioeannd linibilon n^iW|[ln.e haulage ol'a oread of aonblprem. Il wu CriulUbufla. lit the lul bhb- lom of qiiienli parvenulim. f ^T(r* '' "I congmiulato ynu, Mba ImduUebai'lbb b ebarralBr. Ynur RiiiipMn bur bin profNM brilllaki inulli," tald Klghl| (lib Ibt gnviiy ef a c^j9Ur .Bad .tl)^^«alluli; of * I eiptobd in le* my oompiBW d|ep dewa daee hb kaaet. Btbe Ihe niildro'a Jtaelid bind .tad ptriefB.Mna nlhtt Int of tbmliy, but our qdnb 'a^ tftiui .met^^Bpand eol