New York Clipper (Jan 1869)

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January 1S69. TPIE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 8Q9- •nmolUAoofoarpravDce, lomloalhiff *ltb tbo qiialot re- »»ikof:-"Uir, Mr..Klglit,yi»o tre ilmjiWTiTy roBn/. ' The pU«mbto Rtgbt Acioo»lcilK«l His compllin»t by & telllof h<imo«l«ofie. •hw. i«n«ob«lnginmD w« ol wo •niM iflwoiog pr>HntallnB« to EartpCAD eoarti, ife bid rtnwn trDr:nvb forth* IUuinliMU«Do' Duopbuiutud AmfriQiu tbmrf, I reiolTiri ap«o ilUfBiptlnff » Oeptriur. from tho «Qeralr Pf« »»!o ■trfoi«eort»n« witb eoatily fllmul-e. ^IwSmeBCrtb»ei6«llDf » profeoftd n um, tnO lUppfd buk IbrM n»e« to tbe rrtr, • mMfmrnt •bkh • n.a|h'. int Id Snelbwiia wllbonoof thofwjiiului wUh «ob r.>roo UiU h«M (*ii)riTf4 «f bb perpMHilcuIir aoa rte^wndcl upon ibe ihZZim ctrMt In coDBldtnbt* oi ft bf sp. But at 1 m limftl. taHrnmiiDjdUDl';. I oot Id pick opths ptecn, but SotiIdi iBotMT ' nimt«j bteb<in)^lrb on luf. B*^«dMa»«B'f, iimloiadilgliiglo tiblrd orrrorniAiieo, ma'lc, =Jth mfin** lUll Biad rMpeotfullr on Um fiilr bntli*B\ n donbh) Mkb MnroiMat to pUo Uio ptrlor dttnr, UornrliDavIv I mU -«Blaalit04 tb« dlrmlon of cvaroa and oimo upnn Old 8pnD- 4qU« «btt, utoaiHlod ftt iDf frHirllr mineeiiTre-| JumHCd rroin ■DOtti'BUBjnttlDilaie to Av..1d niTapiTmneht Iravfnit bU>o«t idlneU; lo my mr. Ov«rUiOtioofnan4«d (blog I wost vUh k «ub, tad Md4oolf found my kcid Id oonitci wltb tho floor, 4)id b"lb Im ftt nfht iO|itta vtth tbo iUi of mj bicb. . Ki|b( rawoodfrtlrackttthlaeihlbttJoo: lo, atter»lcblns «ptbo fngmeniB of ibo denidlltbod rimihlto nnd foltloff no finnly oa mj piop, be oipblotd (n OIJ Spoo'liUktie that fbod OBca oiido A etato flilt it eooi« Or^ntal <iQef», end hod pmb- ■bljgot coafoied al ibe mijn>lri<cDi ataio ln«hleh*«biil bc«D rrcrlvcd br bb cbamiDg daDghtir. Old 8p<udalUtki wee tiebled ai tbe Mea and iGditcd U|iod gmog loto tbo <Unlog room t4 rrp« I r d« nag*K la Ibe dialog room KIgbl roooroml bU eqnottlmltj, and tho atUlMutro, prldloiblniMiron tbe ■i?ritani bli wlaev&Dlt, lo* 'tfitod upoD ro; odTdIod m to tbo valao nl bb different vlniagn, fer, be added, **T(tu im>lfn koow tbe bf*t ni OT»nt)i<Bg." 1 eeofcn I dlflKeot tl Orai bat, it« KIgbl lemarhed ibu itve^d be pullcT to honor a pillar of ibo Eicbaoge^ I «aa lo* dooodtAHiDpleblt impored M, |«r4c«Url; aemjeAmrado indo'ged la glovloB eommendtiloaaapen uch Ikahl pradiKed, and Bpoodolieka waa tcirlblr aeenDmndkifogwIib bugToPwiL Be *M polled la the «tfl« bBalae» to a pointy lo bo brnuebt «aiCbaabertlo, <Mionio For', 8hcn-» of hlo nan ImportailoD, old 0<urd, Of old a« hlA grafld'atbor, Teaenl^^ |uM Mtl Jubio* irabtrtrr Bad loipenal Tohar. And, noalij, wbm «o hod ■BBBlcd all ihtoo varleilee, tboDiao oi wealth Inolitod umid varuTlBgaehaopBoaepttBoh of bin owa eoococtlcB, Jiui to MbUladlvtdaallas'a. When «o ent ID our eeb It wai wttoderriri lo lemarb bow en* ttialutio RIgbi bid grown undrr (ho lofloeoee of tbe nilUon- «tre*a really good »lBra.oowo rattled along wlita our cal% at a treaendoao paee, EHht lotbllog ibat wo bad oo time to etop bnood a "DOW Id do," ^^ciimpirntnita of ibo maoD." *'8»*d •UaMa«onIng,"ei|dibeliit«rabaiM» ot coDTCDtlADaiphno<a Vo bad redooed tbo caUk^e of "annbo" to aoorlf a qtiarter, tbo"BrBtc)aao beaaea'* to follf eo«*biiir, wllboat TCDtorfog «poD a aoonnd raHiloDalio, daitgoliif, u Ctgbi obovrred, (o tohe •ttaa In a baneb. ■ AtBntlbad fvanaato tbit raBvtta of Eigbl'a bDarltjr, boi MmlrlDgihat, aobbgoM ootvro loerauoO, oocrev morvlo* 4ttBedtoravar^'aaoba*^«lib blapreloaged prcaeaof, eipeclallr «ln ttaeoe boaiM, aetmtDi^f toduremntto bLi TieXalioo, wo Toond botftlcr ««looraoa^ better ehoei aad noro latervitiog ladtcBi iban aDoog th« more preteotiotn clactca; ao I, for my Miii wM willltg to throw Ibe roiUMDoJraa lo ibo dogo aod eon* Boearatteotionstotbo Ihlnl c]iiatDllrel/,aBtbeobBdpiof •OTtnlBgwere about to fall Eight had behawd hlmiclf nuorollr, eoBotderlag tbe lempt- «Uooooi tbe day and tbe llbaltuu we aera compelled to in* -tebo, iott to bamor tbo eoortMj of tbo- Udl^o. At ilmre, it li teaa,uo merrioeat ptrtoob of on ecccotrie chancier, bot lbc*i he oaM, th«o faddiBta vero oaioral lo a NowTear'ahol* rtday. Par Inctance, la bla borry, be ealkd at two or ihr*e vnng h'lOHa, dropped lo to foqoiro ^flor a tal; abo bid be*n ■4ead for jeara, mlitook wMuas lor alveo lad motbtra for daDgfatero. end odoalij propoeod blmnlf la muntan to a bdj be bad oenr areo before But ihoe verr. lo bla opiDlnD, mfre WDtal aberratloni, aecidootU (rllf^ wbleb - could be rettlDed vbn bo oalied agtin uo ibo next Now Year, Bat there w«r< pbjrlcal TBgiii:B Id abkb my friend lodolnd of a Biore otartlioi nature, and ed a> eaiAf neiltled. Id the «albeni of oiutlttl oolbMluid ho tetoolib*d ibeeara of a ploae family by commcBdog *'Cait« Diva" aaddefenoratlDg lBto"Chanpag&e Charlie," whll> be ohoekod tbo omea of tho 4aBHli of another by otlemptlag ba tiempUOealloo ol the «H^n Coo." IntbofeedlDg itepartatDt, however, K'gbt coaDltled bli blondeia, Mo iveetrofd hie nrlTee frvm ibe eilt cbbr, ODd 'adled oot ele«eJ ojsloio IdIo Moeh ilaioco; bo KiedoBtabUhOT for >berr7«lDe, and dellbcntel; carrcd a ed liffboy la puce of nlow pie, bnldn earn log d(T iwu or thre* dagnerrevtvpr caiea,« Ich, lotbo error of ibe inmnnit, he oonildrrcd oo lobtno boira. s-nd a0lo, 1o*atda the e'o»e of oBTTlUtlog, beelearlyeiblblicd Db<rntl»B of m Jid «beD opno -bolof aoiicd bj a laMlnatlnr bnllo •hot ho w.ruM toko, bo gnoioutly-rrouonded, *'4v<ntf dropi of aqni aminunU In bah a fumbtor of water/! evUenily boUoTloi ttlreiel' to br la a dro;* gnt*f otoie, Inquiring f.r on md IMo torlaloilca'i*>D. There woB DO ROUTeiy (cwn thli last bouvle; beoce Sight aod I eime to tbeaag&oonclDaJoB tbit we boi duno our duty leroDO doTOi leut,'BpetlO^ ao at the liitotnppioi p^e ho bad lo^tbUvbiUag lioK and wilbmit Jt bo «ap •btlly at o&l 60 wo enlorrd our C4b,l«ivlo< oim* moro laUilxiUablo 1d< ^tldnali «lthetcircr bt-odo and emptier aiointebt toattcod V' tbo IcToio of tbe neglecicd tDililoooirca, m undoubtedly ihor w^d da. Vrkco 1 readied homo I Ml nty elg&r oad eoDlcnptalcd the ot«Bio( eojmniinl In which I bod pankiloatoil. 1liecrc«llt ode 0 'bo uoci aaa flut^ilog la tho aiinme. oonprlaiog ibe aouBt»)ce of s<4n« hundred and odd ladha, old, ynuagond Blddupg^^bom.Ihad nerer ocen before, ood acwld noTer oco agala, ai boat agallpn ol ntlied Ikantr, aad a qotrier hundred welg^i ol covoilfgtcd onndl 1110DtOfincludlog ainloceple which aoBomUeblcTutu urcbln bai depuilUd In Ibe 00*0 of afauai wblobbadbeeL8abBUlut«d lorn; o«n. Po-OMiIro, tbe luo •f the buUdavhai been damagodtuibeoBieDtoradlBofdem) ou* maeb, aa inelp-eubradacbcandanrxobaogrl bat. AiforBljht, hewBB ant aeeo ipon tbo aimei |gr three daja, during wblcb ■unebebreabfaaleorvtalarlj ai>oBbocb and oodn voter, end floppedBpoD onU-biUuuplllo. StUl, Dotvllhoiandlof tbcootxliul djawbBcka, beaareao vfib no ibat, in view uf tbo gtoeml hU* anip. from Umo Immemorial, aecoDpanilagaaaoal vlalution ollnonda,lt loaaaclol vtodon to oaeoorBgo pleooantmcm* «n«o ol the pnaeat 4ador ibo put b 0 happy Heo Toar*BCaU. BT AN EX,BDITO& lflr-T<ttegary SjHWtnlfltfm.. Tb* mania for MtabHablag Joara lo a.irtBg penopa whoDr ■bw o pfi wi ced Ib JoorBola 0, nblob haa be«i pv^vaJ nl for o«T«aly«at« rwad,a^>od'lnio nooaenlar/rate oneo note than <ODOjoaroal deroted etpedallr lo dloemlaatlon 01 general In* fbroa ton, wblcb, while It Haofliod tbe prater end piper ■BafcefB, failed nri to c dtIoc^ Ifa pmjeeton that the inv^ of annlBg an editorial ooat vaa vaeb mofo cooUy Ihin aiitofaC' •leey. Mooy nea of tolciablo edoemlnn, vftb tbe ncceaiary ■oaplial at ibelr dlapeoal, oeenluglv believed ihomoelT«B compe* teatloranewipapwnaoonneBC, totally obllriooa to th> fact •ttalicorararod ■Hb tbooiher I'beml prefcaslono, tb« edltoriol battmltj aiw tbo moro hmlted lo ovrebera, aa well u tbe msat oretlJabed as to IntaUectoal reqalremenia Oat of the Im. men* congregotlen of oacceotful merehonto to bo found Id tbo bnalaoco part of tbe Iovq, or tbe -formidable onray of banker*, lawrers ood other men of lepoto, Itio eoHmoted tbot not one Id athooaaBdeaneofflpo«eaaordloaiT cdltorlil toucbbg topico ooaaecied with Ibelr dolly aToeatloaa which wood not bo re* Jected b; a piofeaoloBal mrmbor of Ibo preaa; wblo It la 00* iorioB«ibat eron oar moot promlnnt polltlcUai^ when loreol lo appear before tbe public in a Uicrjrj guise, on compelled to Bvall thmoelvea of memben ot ibt lliorary pmfculno Id order to temper, If DotvnoliytocoDpMotbo opullea pabhibodoTer Ihelrnamea. Aperoonrooy writo an esccllcQt rsny, a read* able diacDuraeoronelohnntorenuice, but wheo hsattempia aa editorial article bla locapoclt; la that braoob of Important andprBellcalhlonturo boeeneaiigaally oppircnL TbeleaiBeO asdpenaaaivQorttir, Kdvard Evtrott, \tu tAnpted, tbroogb fktriotle mntkea, to calrlbule 0 aerlio of ortlcles to tho Afw ork U^fT„ and we will rootur» 10 au*rt that they were tBierior Id atjle of a rcillobto editorial oonpuaillon t) tbo cndr*t of oBdar pold cmoaalloni of a Titer trtbed id be wa;o of Jituniollna. Uio popular Cbarlrs Dlckeoa. wlgloaiy 0 nporter, cnoeavorod to enter upootboeditonol manaccmenl of ttie Itai/p AT'ier, 0 tnodoD doll/, ahnie main drpeadenco vao npoD tte o/ed.t of hla n^rae, one atill be voo fouDd laade<ioilo to a tub ao natenally diDerent from bla uatol Llaraiy occupa* ttooa Speaalllealo looravum, loteoded to hi aasltlDid by tbo general pubMo, novo bocD nfieoU'nn oticnp'ed ood Dover at* tended «l(h mMothoo IndllTdrent aaccm. TblBhaaboin pat* Ueutitlr the ouovltb Dub'IcatiaoB dcvotvd to tho culluro nfmu* okand the One orts, vhleb, al'bvash oondooted bv nuoof emi* ncocA Id lUelr re»poetlve pmro«Mlons, compeientand able ert'* lca,enu14 notboroodercd Mablo enterpriui, thilr r>^Jeclnn belog ultimately f'trced to aook a ofaaqnol for their oidnWinB lo the all obwtrllag dn'y prou, If In ibe mualcil worldrucU &tm* EOtcnl crl'Io* aa Stnrr WHHo, M^uxy C. WolfKo C C. Ititooo* ^rff, Cbarlea D Seymiur. C. D Duceliardt ao<l other', cotild not loducothcptibllcto auoliln perMlcale r«p»clally dpvolrJ ta opem'leoodioDilealllienluTO U atlmo vbrnamo'lcnl mooU pertod(dalioluMor*<<»tlr, wbat moxnoblo expntol'nn ef tuc^eu could bo raloitalntd by Ibniii ovcronibli 1 wi tndlvldunla who havnTpnlurnl upon pitrdvarl J'Hiratlfl vhea but a tot; IM" * n-Tilonof thecooiuiunit/tuB culilnledatailo lor^o beaoUfht l.M iiue Ihotaquirl-tlymaROxlaooftbo nnoaTlt,lbo 0»* iiApViton ^rf JonmaL al one nnie Ailalned b baodioniD circu* UtMQ, bill thrn tliot publkaM .n wti hutfiiecftnda'jrnppcDd-gj to n Kl'omo nfUit «llo nbaliou. Id vblob Iho cbacco nr giilnli>)( a valuable iiifauor pruiondcraied ovrr anv Inier'Kt fell In Iho Diofaihin ibioir, Although it w» lioJidionioIx prIoM. nrally cmbAlllidie4 Rii'l raiili>le vltli InUretilng nuiUor. When V,t. ChoiinCi'vL Derby, tlionclunry itrtheCoaiiiopolltoD ArNiicInlliiD, conlriittilotrOcinplojIng UiatlnfJUo'lgaoalhobnil^riiraronitA' nenljDtimal i>f tkn aTlp,aiLa&b3pnpuecca<fiillrOi>uoIn EogLiod bo orcatlv ovor-oillmotcd ilio arll'itc capactlleaol hlip.trooa and undi>r*(BllntaU]d thn en'>nnnutoxpeufao' to budiblo on unilcruklDg. Tlio uo«la^ lezialnlluu nf ihio SUlc. trliloh pio* icriba* the nfleilWlUy of hn Udiom u le;lU.»ale ImUluliu -a, andnf frco nrlgallerlu ai Iho ktieniUnl conopqullD^e^ lioi w farelrcumicrlbedtboiniwoTOnoniurihe nionLi ot largo •Un rcopeotioapproaitloDor the lluoAiti that apn|.uhr oajDm- 'nolmiuilbo rdgjM-'l oJaoblmera. In all Kitnipein captia>A the InhabitanU grow aceostoiiicil to tho inwoctbn nl wMrrfoor blob art UiroDgli ihc cxIUcdco nf frco gollrjIeiS and bclno lu> tore*ietl'iuibooilalnoli.nalurjllj ae^b poa*«*lrtnof thdrrv produdfciDolnafdtrolTlo trf en^rwlnj. WIthuvolncu ll« aupnrctaina of Iho Aneileon and InlcmeUnDsl Art llnli D^ no local gnllory hna been oprn t«i the aiaoral public, aliMarf. Ihorcfjro, allhongli naUirully InoJInod lowanJi* nn oilralroHoii or worko jf h gh arl« deprived of iboio opportanItlca of Inopoct- iDgmutorplecoauf value ood ol oklll, ffbichUbao been tho MlicT nf EurnpcoD pfHommfDls lo throw open gmiulUtnilj for tofpeclloo. WboD thhlraoi-AtUnlioptocouf •iBdaiiiUeinu- laicd, Ifnoteacdlcd, then, aBdnniuDililhen, c*nworall.iD. allf B«ippow our populoilun enmpcloal to luataln iHiblloatlm o dovotrd eielu»lre(r to arloutOcetf, and ombollbbcd with nich engmtlDH aa wrtuld lead in jNtpulailu a schnol of deflgn to wbloh mtr people are, at tbo irteaout moroonl, cemporallvo iliBugera , ^ ... Kr^-u hi iheopeolallyof Proemamnrv.iool^taed aallihouid bo bylboonunleuoDconr en anclenland moil numciouibtHty or moo, cnllo-i by mjallfrbvDib and ceremool^Hintlca, braitlDg a bbiory ruDnlitglntii a rrmolo paat, and exotllog an Imnienio loOu'DCouionooclolpmirfar,itboibcrn dUoiiVWd Imptadl* oabtetocaioblubaperraaneDi i rgan, alihowgb aeveral, cdliod hj tcBtlemeo o( ability omi high la iho order, bare tepended both time and noney to varliiua endeavonn .to d& ro^lbly the moot learned mid Inlolleo ual inaanaia Mrlo<1ka1 ererpub- lUbed la anj cnooiritaDd aasurollyi loBoUfbr taperioir to tho jpyenaoim'iAfopairn t af IfiDdoOirmaBatedaboatetevoa jeofB oloeo troni a pubiublDg bou«o tn tbh olty, undat kbo llUo o* tba ^nrncon Qiorf«rfy Rt'm 1^ ft^nna^nry, «bleh,.altbnogh edited br lliecilebraled naMie Jorbpnideat, Dr. Albeit 0 Hockey, 01 Obal1etV)D, & U,waa, jo reilHf, ihornterpnao ofUr. Bobcrt Mcojr* one of ibA giantl i41eeraor ilib Sltlo. Iip mala . eoalrlbutor vaa'Atbart Flhe, ISe bead of tbe Hcoltbh Hllo ol tho Sooth, aroBi erudltteoi fuiioln»d by poaoculnn nl nno u' Ibc awot Talu^ble llbrarlee In the Uoited ikilce. nDfonunoieiy di»* BMoed during iho loft dvllwir, tvloeed liaelf tn 0 a* ilea of a^ (jeBUBOD tl)eil3it«ile4of An bpiliy aaklndrod tollumaaonlc •clenea. But iheao leaniei) and rlaburalo Toietrcbrs, In Ilea of prDdoelDglbBOd'Oilwid, vltboul evoking tbo cnlruilun of the iBMlligast UMn|tlT*^"''Ti eteited tbo prejudices of IbaaiadhVm^ traKWwjtetarlaa Uiooil, while ilieir DToiandiiyandBroWHfJrtiU ibey dW.a oubjoci un. Ibowb aivt to a **»p8SH l > jlML "J'°^'^ <l"l«»'«>» Koually erbllt* artleb1)(aM oobttttited to tha Qu*iWerfjf by . OiWbF. TaltiloBa b( Ibe.mnol wrnid antlquanei uf ilili Blatfi but. 01 la tba'<<i|lB 0 Pike, weio cootrlbniioao were on* Joiadonlf by agbl<Wy«-»badeoitfB»ngtbeB Deepito agradoal laMeMipM^ «i^a|rMabJo moUerfor tW grn* mTi MgikMSiftiMaMmm of Uweditor eempilloiblia to admit to i'aiuffrt, a«aavnle pablKmllon of 10 Lonlatod a obarooter could never H n nrferwJ pnpobi \il'h the iiiois of t: n order: bcnep, <hio amWitoui peiWlcxl,oftpr eioitlogiheBd* mlrBlloDoftholeareeamiaoole •ilten to Eomiip, pi»BeJ out of aibtance nt Ihe lonntnatlaa of a t«a ymto' trbl. Inilagtbo fleldlDoeeupouonni protlnclalmoDthHfa ..... Dunng Iho titmbletome days of Ffv™*»^*7. H<« «,onrortbo craft «(i dit'iaoted by jh" conicntloao of rtval grand htdiea, there wni pobWab^ fl»Ito a M'* p'. al'owR" Orand Lodge, and eotU»e«l the Jiatn^ B'j'ttntl, avmvedly un' dcrttaordl(arla1anperv(i(loDelliaQtin'IUiatcr, Henry T. AU wood. Alihougi neerrdlUd asibo ergta of SMooilonhU from the npreeedtollfCB ofibe main li'dy of tbo iralrmltyi the AnifaWnbtaloedagnoddrcolall n am»n7oll paiUcRi lualaly oa accooot of tb- admitted iiiotnnle prallcbnry nf vt condue* tor, who, ^ihoogli Leliherapobllidicrora vigorooa writer, »a well vevied In the iradltloDi aud pracllcca 01 Ibo rrnft, bo hBvlog been inrnieled In ibo aoolont wurh, ptrmmpMrclyeua- pen :ei]orTlilttrildur1og thflcontlouance -I iho Uorkian eioite- moBL Uponretilemont of ihaOrandLoige imublaa tho5fH* ifiwi waa allovcd m roll Into abarancr, vnill afitralapae nf -aov^ral yeara, onoD rooorrtiw oi 11 ia<mle lPitib!<p, He ioaikI* taitoa waivaloly olteuiniedby a ynuas printer named l^lo* cheater, wh^ dttrlD(tbelMowAr,waiibloBiaCjpiaIaof Zou- ave* and Mooter nr an army lodge. Tbo Natumal Frtf.nattn, rrblnallv a monthly in tbe elty nf Waahloytnn, olltotl byiUo ItAV. Or. HeMunlv, vu trooila'eJ tnNfv Yoib and convenotllotoa woebly. In tbo hope of ra* lablbblnga eentninrBau OTmnatgamotlnf thn TarmuarUra, amffligwblcb ilio birrirr degrors bad been diatribiitcd. Id «bleh taab Hio reveiODd mllipr noi oialited by John t7. Slranai, on elevAfod dboltiry, lo all tbo nriooa bnnohro. Pmbably Pr. VoUurdyinJhbcnlleagaeeToniuredaiKm 100 enmnrohevlvo a ocope of aott^n. or pero >aooo tho numbers of the ilvol gndea adhered too obaely to thek picallar doamuj but eorialn It la thoi Ihe pro|iri»torB of tho obeot, Oodlog Kreomamnry unpni* ilaWr, If BotuonnpMlar, eeaire-l iboMpedlentof omverliog thtl. nobllcaUtm tntu a Kml*aenutlonal hebdAmlnil end of <ban«lng Ho title tn tbe JToftoia/, adding the words and Prtf, «i0ioalnTer7 Illegible cbaraoteta l. ■■ Ihe dPclUon of nur cItTpnctDtster.asslgnlmr tba publtoaUon ef tbe 11*1 ot BdveitlMl lettrn tn an Ana itnet printer, ar- forded bim no npportunltt of pnblbbing a moonolo paper upoa a corapomUvelywBonilcal scale. CoBrenuFBily Dr. Uvy, who could append nlno^lai many mro'lo bleroilypblcato hlo nimea^ bla clerical rival, camooul vrtth hia IfatT^afl owl ifa- lonic iffrror, devoteJ fqoolly to tbo loteteat ol Uoclr Sim oa lolhoieofiheiralrrnliy. Aa the paper waa l»lb uMlulnpd roonnmlol, for ■ tlmo It attained a pe<id elrcuUUon, until tho rotitem<»nl ?fthepoBtollbtdcprtTe'1ltof In moro useful f.-a* tore In Ibe ejfB of ilio general pubUc Thrown iiiwn I'a ma- oaato r«aoQrces Ibe Jflw appeared o«nl-occaalcnillj,unUI tho 111 heolih of He edU- rneceMliab^ Uoouoinnolun. The OnaLand most vtgoremraUempi lo cttnblbh a purely muOBio ohHt, nomliod with .Hteraurr, commerce or mail b12^ wumideby anasoeUtion of mttooa, cr^utcd by a Ur. Cbarlrs totorr, «hi> veaiarvd'to'aofnnieb«oln*-so maaogeoieat ofibe Uysiie TmpU, Tbo "rralrmsi AsuKbiloo" bn«w notbmr ui jnurnollmn and ollllleifor printing, 00, after tbo pttbil'^Uen of tbetrbaoVlng fnrtbaapaee ot aqoartcrora lear. they dbcovertd tbeir entlrooipllal eiponded, together wilh all reeriplf, and Bot a dollar of onete. Ilteyaa»oscd ibosfocb* boldera aod Arr^eedi d with ihe pobUcaUoD, whicb, by the way, woo aeoep'ed by tbe frotrmlly at laigv as the bcoi piper, not* Klibctaodlogtbo raanl'obl delecU ai to »lu, form and other typogripbicalquiHilcfl, «blehbadaayetbwderol«d to ma- ooory, as 10 lotellec uol aad llteniy propCrUea, boUI tho osoo- claUoo found Ib^mtelvas overobelmed wl-h dobta, generated by Ibelr salaried ofDeers, and threatened wt'li Judgmtnla from every qua'ter. As ihb stile of tbinga eouM net bo mode to pay, the snateursBoebles wbely roocludi^ to rollro from m«* »mie publlabiB?, leaving tho obrriff 10 eloie up tbe door ol tbo Jfyitfe 3VnpJa and to oKiIngubh thagiojteat lljbu of muooiy llo«criBcln oor mldar. Neltbvr have tho Udd Fellows beea moro lae^euful In ans* talaing a opedal Joornal thaa their bro'hren of the myiilotle, for, nutwluutamliDV tbelr oumerteol atreoitb osd Ih4 adrao* taf e of 1 boring undvr nrltber the rvUglous nor political preju- dice* ot any portion of tbe oommunliy, a* la the cate wlin oia* aoarr, they have auOervd a ah>el which once pweaied a wide oiticod drculiUon to Uniuub loto nbitv|(>n- Tme, tbe GoUttn JhUt Ouailshcd IB uiooo day, wh«a ilaperiatcadent Keooedf, Jamaa \t* Hale, ibo llcv. Dr. Cbapla and oibar «ell Kn ivn maaoaJe^, ruled aoth^ tmigiib of Odd Ft lloveblp; when Odd Fellnao^ Uoll wonerrcLcd, in pleolltod* ol brova atnoeglory; when Uu'iory naa obecuicd by a paulogcloud and Odd Fe )u«* ablprecrivodaslis mcrjlauhalitute; atib«t \<ti\tA tho Gotd-yi ISuie, In Itecif, lrTQ>prc'lra ofiia siiecbhy, a rcry bnadsomo and obly cdiid olicct, ot mammoth dinicni^oor, could be found aa the ertcpltblo guvcrnau-nt, aa to litcralun) and ipoiali, of almost every humuicad la tuwo and enuniry, so ■i-lcly dbtcir- Inated bad Been !•■ pmia;;atloii. Out Odd KcUnaoblp wa<at that lime a fiaternal mania, aod, wbto Ita otcrjctiveneu par- tially ejbi'dcJ, aa the xirco ol masonry ieouvale<l, ibe Inairuct* Ivo uuralll.v aQ'1 -niciUilolog lllcriture 0. the GoUten Ati/ewaa ■luoog tbe flial ibloja furg'tu-n. i^eitli r wu the Oollin JluU a solitary eiamplo of deserted enthusuin, fcr, wbtn the Teaipcraoed iiuiTeuent mo at lie bJ/bt, ibo Organ, pullUbnl by I<OicJ. OII*«r, iluca poliileba aod iuper\liur, at alooJ o circuhilua ul noay thounodo, ond KsrWjl, Ibo IKaiAffiffonia*, anolber advocate uf tboGuu^lo lltkatlone. aliDwit eq>ialcil Ita popularity. Nercribelcsa, wliea the cold water eicitvowDl pa*i«d away, people a«OLe (• an op. prccla Ijo of ihe I teniy latemperjneu (i( thoou vbo would per- vecute asocial dcichciluB oa a criminal cnuni-ity, ond benco newipapcra of (o pr«cilp>£vQ 0 clurjoier were either totjily aufpcnded or convened loio cbildbb gatiilca, to tickle tho un- tutored rancKsuf tbo rising gfnprailoo. Thomeoi proltoble eccclOlU 10 Junrnalbm upon amlnnr ocile. Is ondooMcdly to bo Ituod lo ibiiticlitug to cemmercl-il and tioonclal motttiv. In ublcb votaries to Ifiuimon Ond romo eongenlil mcaao ot calODdlog ibclr autortcty 01 their bualneu opeiatlona, 1b«S()*calird capiullsui ol Wall aiicet are imoog tbo mvai ientl'lve of our lubabitanla, Inumucb aa ibeii opera* llunoaiomofily baaed upon creoir, »hl)o ohra«d apecnlatora dread edItorUl aolmoalti, lest the bubbles by tbcm net oSuot otgbt be pnactured by tbe keen pon of a utlilc JouroalbL At tbo aame lime tbe honest trader finds It to uU advantage, whether oilglool impurtir or Jibber, to patconbe aewopopera drvoiod to hu pathway In cummero % as it lanUlatbea bIm with the habits uf doalcn aad with tho value if b^ coomodlilea la .vhle'i be deala Soma elgbleen yean ago the Dty Oooig RtpcrUr, one of tbo meat abb &<mDrrclal obeeia of lu day, buqated anlnfloeace and patronage second to none of the >\all atreet jonrnab, aa well flora tho ability ot thecummerclal utlcleaby it puWiabed, aa from lu aouad and piactlcal edltortab upon tbo U^lct ol the day. Tb* dry goods dealciB coBcelved, Ibomoelvca, acd meat iuatJy, tobeanlBflaeatml dau ot mercbaBti^ and thereioro bestowed apoo the Jnumal placed under tlmr nominal goard' laDsbipaltbeialadvertblogiiatronogiS'bltbeBablod Ittoie* enra ibo moai eompeieat wrllcn apoa iDrreahtilo aubJicti available, and lo ibis way to reader U a s*andard auiborJij 10 tbe AtJaaifoaad Wcaiom dllea nieaouodDeuof rucbapol* icy wu soon oppotenl 10 tbe OHt»poUian Ituportcrjondjoth bora, u Ibelr irmdlng advertbemento prelooeu the adieai of purchaaira irvm th<*H poinu tbe Rtporur %ad icacboJ. Tbo noanclal deportmcat being osder tho obaigo of Tbom^s P. Klitcll, acnoM cvmpelenl money market editor, celablbbed for hluareputa lon bo desired loangment by becoming odltorand proprietor ol tbo obrcl, la wbkb rapaeliy be cbangod the lorra of the poper aod fu UUe to tbot of tbeEcMmaCtL II10 lolly of tbla step aooo became ovUeni.u the dry goods trade, bo Lnger ldentUl«dwlih tbejuomal, vftbdrew tbelr patronoge, and oe> pendent soU-ly upon tho monetary tnicrvsu, It eould no lunger auitalu tbe btavy expeBsesIocarnd In tbo management of tbe other deparimeau. t^oasequeoily. the JBcononO^ despite Ita floaaclol \-aJoe, after a year orio elckeBed and died. laallkemiDoer the yoitrAoi ^ Finan^. Stotklutdtr, In- luponce Monitor^ Hiiiing Jeumai, Skipfiag Lttt aad other Rpvr* of aa npecul diameter, more or leu aoovo to tbe pal • at large, ha 0 bc<o obte to aostala ibemiclrea by adinct appul lo the patruaage of iboiewhote buala u Inter: ate iboy lapreeealandadvocatr. Such moreover la the cau with jour nab adhering lo tno aivsacement of tho mechanloal and In* vcDllve iBleieat, who, howoret, not b«bg local by reauo of tbo coaillaeas of Ibelr euibellahmeot, fareicecd In geDOnl cbcula- tloo ihelrcoalcoporailcalliolitd lotbo loflueocea of trade and commerce, ao tbo gralua uf tho Amoncan people Is decidedly meooooloal, and tho apult of Inveotlun anilned 10 no parilcuiir acctlon of tho couatry, do aib of logankws eoetnvanoca, ea* p.claily Ibow covered by Jetton patent, are greedily devuared By readon In erory | ortl>in of the buniry. It b upoa tbb ac* coaot and an llllniltabli) ibint after aclGoti8o btfoimaiioo, that Iba Scie^ifie AnurtcantaA tbe ilmerfciM i4r uob, boih cbrvB* IdcBof the lovcDtlro irt, have ottaloed a wldeiprrad dlrsem* luatioo wblcb woold bebopclcM Inutberouanlrioa whereknuul* edge of m-cbanire aod tbeir app-'ioiUun to the purpoAa of every uny llfo bw b^en cooAoed to a lew oducatee engineer*. Ibo Ciifaea nrlgloatrd u a aoohly Journal devoteJ to a pollll' cal spedalllj, ihesbvUtlon of uiuniclpal conuiJloa asUiils B to our city gvveramvnt and lb d^adoociea for yean (Mat the CilUinf Aaiwclailva,kretalogly a bvdyof tmpraelloiblolo* lonnon, have eipcBded large buuuais 10 a prrtuwpilro wn* vclrlog ul municipal Irjudi aod raoimlilfa^ unlit nnally ibey came to thaODoeluiloa of •siobll^lDg ob i>T|toB wDiiern their gileranvtr, o:ttailmco Ibe oubjrct of aowipapor Jucularit), could bo lutlonblo due iiionDcr and (orm. Uuilbw Cidtni, uDL'orthb luuagemcBl, found IttJv lantriatbo aljht of too roiJIo^ public. Uean*. upou ihocloso of iho var, It woo die |tuscd uf X*> tiul. Ualuloc, wbo, daring his iitarilal career, od m idf a II eraiy reiHitaiiuu uoilcr ibe aubtlquet uf "I'llrato Ullra U Itiley*' by a surica oi po'lilcAl cfTmbm* uf a scmi*S4tlrlCdl cbor.etcr. Under tbo cdiiorsb<p uf Ur. Uilplue, 0 su]4riur aobola , genial hutuurnt and ulute pullticlaD, nisbtcd by Ucaira. Hubert D. ltu.«orrll aad John IL ^Valuer as edIluiUI u^lcIalr^ tho Cttit€n wu gndutlly ofsuiniog a lading |ki»1* lion in Juurnalltin wht-n ihii auddcn Ocmiau ul ilscbloi dhor, wbo Imd unioriuuaitly fur Ita penuaocnt nvllaro utado IlllSk too much of lU 0|iOCtalty, aiivtied IIa urogiPSilvo oarocr. Did ilonsLS.— live fall l^ondcd Ditrbnm riers were abugh* to od 00 tbo SOih uU., ivr a Fulton Kuriut butcbvr. Ino dimvniloDo uf tbcH luviu^ muni'uia uero rxtionrdliiirr; ul iliQiii wore ilvu)u-iii oUeadt. meASuiliig flio iroi ocruM tbo baca, 23 reel In gtiili eud «> IslJug d,OlH) i»L>iitti»; uoo wai f-ur \carauld, iiicaruiliitf on Iho baca luur ond abili rcil, In girth 10 trot, ond »Hglilu<t U.bOO pnuiil*; ttic too ulhcia nvru ihrju joaratiiiuc m mi lu girtli uud orlghcd Tn>|iictli-uly ii.J.'u 00113,460 irtMbda. tilK iiii^fvd Souiii^uwn ibcvi* kcivoisu klllud ibai awrjgod, Orc^sN, It'Jpunuds each. Uul tho) \niio excelled by tvu \tiiiob webbed, dusj^'t, about 'JQO iiuuiianeacU. Ihutnrgaux, Ucu. itioni, lint aoa un vxblbMvii at U' I'ark Udrdi-n liui «cck, ib OJ4 vcaia uM, wvi^ht ubuul 4,:)00 jriiuuila, bll); rm t Ingdtlf, RuJiuurtwibrt'ft'J. Ua li tuven. dgbiho buihini, uuti MJ* labud lu Lt\lui(aiun Cuuun,K. Y. tlu i*As bunghi by'ho ladluui ibalcoun>y, nud |.n-?iutcd tu ibunuw Vt.rt Sauttury Kdir atimu lour ycjrs ig»; iitop uanl i;ro»onlo«l to Pmitlenl Uticuln, ahu ibm govo hliii 10 the Uubtun b'uldleis* oitJ »j)luii< Kalr. €\au then bo Lu tia%-cled nbuut Iho ciiuntry, and liaa opined Ili.UOO tor uur>)l*abltrd sol* dkn onJ Bailoio. .Ilvb now t iblbucd lur the bcnoUt ul ibo MailuiialtbvicUor Woahlngton, 1). U., iinil will karuborofbr rblladvlpbio, Ualiuuoio ooj WoshiDatuD during tbo tint weak ul Jaauarj. OM R 6AME BA G. aolden Qlcanlugg-SUrr; TbAnffhtB-WlBe ProTcrbs-Fao and Sentlnent. CONUNDRUMS Wnicn of Ihc nptlln It a nuUioiullrlu t Vu Mtt- WsiTpootblrulilbllrriUbgd rorhnrlt;t LosgWIcw. WiiT li Iho IMIcr r hk, dualh t Draxao 11 sukM (II ftU. Did DacthiM crcr tmok, t p<pe of «t» f Wot U a >hlp U:io < Mt<li f DctuM tha htod* is tho t4>p onoroDnoiultciI War It t wr.UiercMli Ilk, a lairer? Bmidm ho b coulaat- If eoiDg reuDd, dolOK Dulhing. War b Ibo lotur E liko > pig'i bll t Boeouo It b tha Utbr ood nl pork. WnT »«l.i7-lo«klDe ,lib ooat aJorol» Decacn lhay m WDtT ploca of roralloio .hnold thoao titdmno) who pnfiM talakKoEti(Oornod< v<iA«ttl pacU*) havo uodrr Ikawn- pMl.lpNlMiuior Ita Joij.boi. WniT brioeh' of cdocftlum di> ;oii hnn chlcDr la jmr •thoolt" "A nlllnabruKh, ilr; tho naolcr huuedalmoaia sholowlllovlm." llAT jou Dot gnthor frare tha hlitorkfll leenDob of tho Tri* ODiiuia •> Uomc thM th> Komuu wcra wril op lo tba ■■Rola of Tbri. t" WnvTU Iho Drat hlitorini mention ot a UlppophafI** !>*■>* nelt ffhtnCmu'igliooloald lo Dniluo:—■'\7o(OiUmnt 2gunat mij-plo I" BREVITIES. iM Ion, Iba heart b Iba pu^H ol tbo ejt, Tdi picUlrat llDlog for a booDcl la o .vcot FuTTiBT h mora daofcroci roukcd ibao bare^faea^ TBiiu trs vido mula ol idIcIImi ;tt ODlMloaod. Muii a theory voD't boar Ike bioid dajllgbt ol faoL Tfli hrldo'a omoio blOHOD ollro hcara UUor fraiL Qunma an Uylug color,, «bicb ma'deos earn heeomlDglj. Tt> I17 a wager li lo fill,- btl la alo it b Btma. ICTSut wu chaui, hat Dbha wa. coinu. A PitmiT lUtDta, not a. a nile, a laolly pklna. A cmiooD ooDlrodletloii—tbo reIga ol mow. UiUuoB al.oya bfglna and .oooUmfa onda lo a '^obIoil'* CnccHSTAifcn Auaa finin pirtkiiit.rlj radocad clrcutn* itucet; PiasiosAaLi Ulln aia hha'aiMaoalle boo«a; thejhara bigii«/4iopi. Ir doDKrtle lortUtltr 'dilna Diaa to aaa, thtf thoold aeak the PictOa ocaio. UnmiTDSa'a a lUlor which aopartlaa alooora fHaad. fim thoKDm. Tea isort ittrllag of all wnpaper aiUaba—tha monaji anicka. Bosniois Nm.—WIna with mtbichol/ ojaa gtnanll; ha.o maboobolj boibaodL Tni m.n wbo Hw hb neighbor dia, and went hooM and djcd blmialf, u adll hrbg. "YOD are a gns," oijaafoptoaTonagladr: "apaM-gaa." "Toe are a koji" wai Ibe raiftr; ''adoD>hoj." iDDEoaiD:! u a decided enl, whether In the ebolc* of • wabt- ■at or a wife. Doa*r rrebon too muth on tha hoiie;mooD; It maf ptora a?l oonoebioa Toi hoait that baeta for so wodiu, b a alcha wllhoat aa Imigf. Da wall uaared thai in the eod, jaur Ufa wID be lh« maBl- fe.Ullun of your prlodplca. Doa*? aUempt 10 ha iiugoll<«|a«nt npoD trlOck Beaarra joor Ihunderpcala fur propotUoDaie oecaal'iDi. It I. doebtiul If u; man coald bj pMolbllllr do hb Boblari^ or iblab lib detpci, ilibout a pnvanillon ol anffcrbg. Ir TOD woold koow the full hlilaioeo of lD|Tm<llude, wait tMI jnu b.To been woundrtlln Ibe houao ol juor frimda. \7dbh tbo health of a ell/ 19 good, tha aoderUker haa a "bcggarij accoeol of empty boxea." Wue-iaman lookaa IllUe pilathoogbbofklckiBgthohoakat natuiallj lugge.t tbroiMlrra. Ut lok>;,"aatheichoolBUler aald whan he luund 11 nailed to lib doik. "Uvin:t If noi olwaja rtreogth," ea tbe au.or uld wbea ha Lw tho paraer intit»g bianim .lib water. It*, a fpvat pbafuro to bo abne, c#peciallj wbcn job bare your aaeetbrirt wltb you. It requlroi Icia merit 10 dbcorer the faulb of otbcra thao to hear the,u. It b e«iy to coneel'a why egntbb Snd tba workleoaglx— they only ace tbemialTea. A Dacbbloc friend nf oom ha. left a boirdlog booia Id which ihero were a nambor or old mildt, oa aceonnt of "Ihe nlaerahle/'dfrHtbefore hliD et tbo table.*' A LiDT'a check la dncilbcd ai tbe poello abode of Ihe nae^ hot *fe are nnt told what kind of rv... When aa ardent brer ■tcab a kba, we auppoao It b a caftbo^rroie. "Yoo woold not take b» for twenty t" laid a nlea girl lo bcr Banner, while dnaaeg, a few ovcBlogn agn; '^bal woald yoa take aie for t" "For heller, woree," repibd he. A TODKO lady waa dbcharged from one ol tbo largeat ptehia maooiactarlee nne day b» week. She wee a« mod that tha Tinegar woaldn't act SfscmiTT, In thb world, b Uka gold amoog IboaaTagea, who barter traiun fur gbaa beadk 'ib a cully quality, ml euiiDt money. 'UmiiongruiDiiio and InattentloD eiaab mora noaaalneaa In tba world ihin deeaptloD asdaiUhca: or,aiIeast, tbaboon- eaqoeacfe ara mora onlreiaa). ' ^ , ^a apaak erU of olben; ood aboald wa netftar the avfl tb^ ouyaaiofaat- Bptalilllor 00 Belgbhor, tf tboBwoaldrtaai bear whit will tronhia Ihtc Ooon ADTUK—It TOO aiw a terar'Aoo'l lore two eirb «t oaca. 1«TB b a good Ihlog, bat li b Uke bottar, U woB*l do to here (00 maeb on hud at one tlin& PoutBHio.—Pobbo'eaa ouy pimat the w.ntof wlt.nd talent irom being ohierTcd; bat wit end labot cannot prvrnt tha dbeoreiy of the want of poHleneaL Wi nay Ibe wrrkaa of foole by Ihe right Ihor lake of I tedlooBly haraognlng lo d.; In Ibe aime way that a tree wb-eb ahellera yoa from a ihower dropa upon yoo loog after It bia Hnfiii credollty b booDdltna and laeibiofllbic: Ortea aa mankind haro beea doped be ocbemee, Ibey an ailll laudy— Day, aailoae to be agtta guU^—eod ibera b ooabeordlty loo gri ai not to flod miny to glee It credeooa in bIm who czpetta eae ebu In eodeij to pneper to tbe blgbrat degiwo, wbU. ibeolhrrearalDdblrw, "Letbin," a. old FoUcr uye, "Irr whether one ddoof hia faoa can eolle while the other b pbched." "IIiaD"Ouii;orOiD SUI1011.-A dliromU concipondoDl tell. ibU .inrj , puKogcron a aieevuiT irou, I'enn. nil III Han niDciKo. «iion ui. ni.u ul travel on that lluo w,ii liniiieDM. »o •era bailly crunoed, end Micie mi ruuio lur cbelrl or l.blc., yoi «u »eio buuud lo ban uiir gouie or •uld ale Jge. A llipiut mInlMcr, with a liui lur guM, bad de- ror.ed bia llook, end aceu|Jed a Blec|.lug p'ece i.n tuo cabin (lour, Ho le. a Urge, cor|nllut ii,au, nud, Ondlug hini i a.oiidekrper, ruun.i uiequaiU'daiouodhiaj end cuuiineoced to play OD bb bn«d MsoieeU, leoilog Ibo pubuol tlioKaiiie onhbbbck\c.t «o (bjcd lor wvenl uoura undleiurlKd, axcaut by on ucojaionai luuni uf ancumtuun Iwco. I bad wuu oiDildeiebie, aud uuo of my oipoacuiL JIni Uuylo bt namr, bceuniing nclkdntuiy tumlni up 'Jack,' bjougbtd.ian net upoa Ibe lu'i r iiin ul ibu |«rMu'a aloueou ulthgioit Kwor, Tilt pliiUi old grntlowaa waa atiabolitd thcnuy, uud Iked op .liii ru'iio .urprbe, bet icebg tho Mate iii Uiu com, qufilly ei;bluicil:—'Uu Ul klib yuiiruaiw, biiyi; butli )i'U aia going to pounl uoio lhatuiuner )uu had buucr lot uie turnor.r,'" TKini Cou> BATsa —nhilo ak.ling, on tbo Itlh all., on Eeau'al'oiid, Kibaboib, N. J., a Ul-a K Hay and tir. Uu.r went ihiuogli Ibu in. tlli>Ua)'abioibor and a Ur. Ufi,a', whn»eiaueilugolo<abauiod,elauirllio. a ladnannnl WI'- Uo Uahle hdI iu >hrlr aultunie, but ho too went id. a buy Denied FOrdlnaod llluer akaicd lu a lonce, and prvourcd a |,i,ie, with wbub Uiu Uiy wta "Uba't" our. I'be oiber paitm ■emnibl'd lu Oiy leo'i. Tbe waitr waa eery dtepat tha Uuit, and It b eeiy turtuniio iliat auMof theni weio btl. I «•» » •Sroiwa wio M*Hi.-"W»ll, Ueei, wbot bib yoa baan dolag wldyoaitdl ell db bleawd dajT" "What b i»lU)jou,y.iu. ■ai.y nigger; a>H I wu la tell )ob dat I hab IMa btblng »- okl' meua, wbli eould dat .Itnliy. tu )oul" niuul Viay ahai uilihl)Ou babboof'apuiini el, <eD,l'llien|ea. llaanetae apio Dieehuui liiDg dl.pUlu "'dpullDg ttldiiiuu aboulT" "Waal, <eD ,— —r -. i • . twelve u'olMk, and uy. to aa-'dem, die b tiat rata gnuad (or atuiah.' 'Sv It U nuaa,' njt i, and «a 'ifaiad abaai It til«tflaiBooa THE 6AIV1E or CHESS, To Correspondents. Oto. B. C<npi.iiTi:n.- ff you will bo tind 01 lo pat all o'f- iTliulii n eorrfprn la unnlioeu lUo ibo ".\orioi." II will aM ue In Kiertlog and .rranglng them; bdiI wo will glen ibeni la a y at conrenl. ni ilnicf. A litu irnccllm «|1l conelnce yoii that I would be loto'ly nbrmlro ot ilio ealuo and Interal of the "NOTCH" to give 1 h^^l In iho "mongrel Uermin" noiatlon, and wo to.nU you lor drclillng lo drop I'. The nrceiMry Iraor- Ution cial. IU much tronbb and nulilplln Ihe chancel of cbrl- •l"™i''"l«'""»lDile«llng .lih Ubck. Curnn tnjn hni Ite-ontor "Cruokod ll..n.Kle4 14..II-U9 17..Q.Kt» K..B-H) 10..U-Ktl4-. U.. I*-{^1110.10. J£'!'r''*"''V"'"'r''i<'^^ for ir7. K lo hb 4; I..K1 lo fyj?.^;'.????;!;''"d IbeiolnUon lata U. Hbok'abeal llrcn,erQloDaq-K'< Bbokpbyaiei ■leimra, cpreiallrlo ile.ling .lih Ubck. •f!???,,''"??,'"'—fredlcicd,tho S''il!l5' .^"','?'«"Ji""»"I" bearinRi. IiakjTwIlb ollhcr Rt or P nn nbek Q 4th. T..KtXKti> + «..<?-Kia + ll..l'Uu«u I..K-Hai )..utQ:A«4 II..II-IH iilh b K lo bb 41k. While'e llthmfrnbat aadBbok'.iMibl'x 11, Out now comei Cho,. porter ond hyaltond them all out, nth tho 'olloeing, alili 0 Pawn na Q 4ili:— 15..BI0RS ld..n-R«l IT..O-Kt> IJ..iI-«BI, . compolltDi ia..QXli7m.Ta. anJtih.KxK If Bliokpbya..K toKltlb; Ublla «..giollni W..a 10 iTl; ll..nioUMt M .IJ loKitliad K .gioDt, lonring U..U v b, mela. All Wblto'a Hkpn^iol Alia u .L^k III. b-^. Jtt ..iLi.*... 11..0-1IK1 >n n T; and — " --- ^O..u lo , , Jg U..Q V '"°*"°"'■"■ "'^K' wohaeoHand limora aoutbn> whioo am mnpiNUTrlr Ubialerce-Inx, 11 tooabofeanaound. "b Wu. U. Lvom-Thonh. for mnawod contrlbatloBi, whbh wo wllluiooaTo-iiusgrnt In Bnlg. Mo. UJ, you hare ran Into lhaoM "lell," not yet batingdHcoeered liaiull andtnio beiu'y. Tha onlnor of "Furrhd" own. to the correoiDeai of your heo* dlwork: but If yoo aill bo good onnugh to aiM a llbck Pawn at K Stgl, wo DO doobi you will ho new depth and beauU- a In II. Thedbplwdpmba. wowmuaaaa"ror hrghiDira" All eberiiht. Yeur "unmnlly" ombtkin, In "A. 7^ H.'a" llllle «-oo\o eilre, le forealalbd by pldclDH a White P ai K Kt aj. A, X II—^Th.nlaroracquleaeooca; Uneaoeptiualiappruved; Iho omlnJpn la oM No. 7, wo Bod wuyoan^ CoiK I'oarsB.—You arotbo oaly onoihu. far to wbiAn il waapew, toamdaeolniion ol Bolg, 663; and ynur oule that "It will 'io* for a mebphyelclin, Mr any other mao,' " wel teeriitd. Pnb. N2,ilgbt aod *TCry prait>,"uyoa ur. You ui4''a [."bno-nia a clou nco on ■■ZaMdl," allh a r e"ftetteahred.'' 0. Raicmoiia,—Our contrlbotor C. P.,uy<i—"lo game No 049, Hr. K. can glee ro.ta Id 8 moeea, Iba.;— I..QioB« Kbono l3..uyH Khonotal a..yxr. Kiiui 7..g-Ba K-bus , AllWblia'e mono lite ekecL IL M. Oooat—Your rmfrw, with tbe olcs lllllo triplet, a worthy nnennr to yonr oibera, b cordially welconed. AiOAXDM.—If iaar"nretatumpt"pmfo aoondweebell be Icoiptad to giro II, on ecoonnt ol the number of eontlngonelca prorMod for, it It aecme a pronbe of lulan eicelbnea. B. B, nooma.—Tbe game b moat welcema. Enlema No. 656. 8T J. a. BiBoaa. ^ i.^ % i i i i alBlai Qi, QKit, QDL KX oodfl, RKt:,aadMh. tvblle to play aoa (Ire malo In four morea, Problem Uo, 696« BT A. a. o. HUCK. m m ^ WU11B. Wkha to play aod ilea mala In Ibne moreft Cam* No. 656. OareootHbaior O. Itelchbelm, itrea Mr. B. lIeDry,of PbUadal. pal),lheeddaol()B. BTAlSOiBatT. Attack, Kr. Bakhbtlm. l..r.uiK4. I..KII-BJ 9..KB-B4, t..p^a9 t..aialba J.'.b'J'xi •..OKI-B. ii..iFkis ,.3-k/( Ur. Ilalallielm. 1S.-.9.1?» K..QV-QS H..F-UB4 i7,.P-i]Ka l«..KJ{IX.Et llt..ll I'XB S::85'?.-'+- U.. IdF U-hleS ltd V-Ki(l}g MEfiRY MOMENTS. CnorBai BKLP-Foeasanox.—It la uld that a OhiBamaB. no natter nben baflndabloioeir, lo nerer pcrpUtied. FrobabI/ tbe rtaaoo to that bealoayi bu bbcur. CATCBno A Tartail— It lo cold that tbe Toitanlorlte b mao to dtinb by genUy puiilo(( hia ear. A nood oiaay of oar peopla wl'l (enenlij "take a pall*' irlthout lalting to uto their can puUed, Birnno EnpLoniiirz.—A nnmber of "elffant and rellBod yooBf goBilemon" lo Mlianurl. ti lo oald, adeeitlao forallualloBa ai ooat'lB'Uw la veoliby fauUleff. JoTBititB LoTB.—llceenUy In Pane a girl eloTon yein old 0*010 B TnceiacbonD ptpefiomaibop •indov, andwiadelraled (n the acL Being aUed «ha*. ahe wanted with aooh an article, ebe replied—bm alohod one. and IdetemiUiod to gralliy bto." A Dad SpitL—A joimg Udy who (oaehea naale In an acad* coyla ffrouin NrvYoek,ient on (rder to apublliber, to* cenilF, lo abkh ihohad opeltibe «ordo very badly. Bbeapfil* ogS'0 by adding a iMa'cripi aa 'ol ov«: ''YoaluuK rxbeao tbb lot er« 001 pla bl noa', but rpell bl rar.'* A SioiotODii DuoB.VTTn—A blielieaitb, haring been olinderedi ^iioadtiaed tiiaiiply lo tbo courio forr^dn^a Ha repikO, «itb true •Udom:—■*! ilull nerer euo an) body tor olrndf r; 1 roa g» Into my ohop and worb nut a better ebarodcr In all mootba tnon I eouid lo a couributiM la a yoor." pRAcnojii rDiLOSorHT.—Soutbeyuyo, looneor bio letleio, "I boTO (old ol tbi ^iiaolarJ, who tiUa)a put oo hlo ipecloclrii ■hvn bo was about to cilebrrrW, ihat Ibi-r ni*y luok bigKcr aod Dioie lemtillng. Jn lUo monner, 1 mobo ut>.il of niy rn> jtiymcnu; and, tbuugb I do not C3il mycorco awij, Ijiack tbcm tn 00 >lit)c cuinpa*oai I can, imu nrry Ihrin oecoii. Teotcn^ly aol .ao forTn>iolf ond nerer letthtinaanoyuihtrn.*! BcoTOU I'PAUirvriiT.—A Soitch mluifier wrnt lain hli pulpit ooec, lo iho i>Mcn ilinr, in a minirwlmi luudd'cd Biarc, aud, Ironlnit ovor tbo meceuioi*i ddk (Mow Ibn pu)|.||),oot•l:— ■■U•l•v•o out tho 260ih I'Mliii," 'TJioro I eaul ro Hiitiiy,'* ie> plledtlio proeont'ir, wlicu Iscod and earai,>e. '-Tbeniiugio inaoy oi Ibcro be I" ViROi.HB'* ii«i r:/.—Tho|>»irnrrniineeor"Laakfo"in 41..U-KKtO 1i..ll-K8-4- 4 X K B «3..(JlCtXQ+ K-h1f OeqCft) 0..qXHftlP+K>^l}lCl ld..(2.1{5-f- K-Sl i»..MXKTt4- K<l,Mdlbo ._ _ AlMok reolgocd. f tl) Vt% arable to taking tbo nook, oa tbo itiatk would tboa bore been orerpowerluf. (c) rorti« X E B wooldbaTe*>eenBtronirr, loriuppoM: S..H>(KB QXKU |&5..Kl(og7+ klOhtifT 5l..l^lCt94- K-bla^oq Ul..gxH> n«fcraoo would prooobly bavft adfa-fccd Kio tj B 7ib. r/) Il waa Bcceeaonr to oierodoauuoo bora. aJ 4eecoadtlDiotbmton>B*iiwto. ) Uo daro not uko Ibe KolibL To Correspondents. IIODSoif, Doffalo, N. y.—Ynur loilor giro ui tuoch pleanoro. 'Ibot'o tbo talk ctiinoa ooj. Tlejio glvoua youraddrru. ai wowUh towrlio t/i «ou. 0. U.,Mo^Yorti.—Hlo root namola Andrew II. Ucicer. inaoy TnD 0 wciiern ihi:atr\', lololy, vrr O'lilOroI) Irjupht (o a otnp by the uianf g>r opiMarlng boriito llio curtain end Inlormlng ilro autllcDCO tnot bu wlic, who »ns lu li.uo i>Uyed noo oi the "viigiD*,' badatllut iDomrnlbo<n lafoly ddllvtrcil o/ a Qoe, iluui boy. TuiOLOCiOAL IXQWHT.—A Froncli Journal reporlB lliodlr* coTOivoi a book ul Ihtiilf^ltal i!liKu»bli-n, wrlUcnbTvumoui ihorariymuniiti, ufioik iuch (jun lone no iheau:—'^Wbol ti* Ihoi'jajrtol tho wiupi of lb3llr.:b.nfol Oobrloi?'* *'Dliri* Into uo« fi>ap when he vmhril i to Iiaiiuh?" **11ov much wloe did thoy dilnk al Ihe luorrlagQ lu Cjnat" "Are there any id* gcia trltb barlluno vi tcnV" inaTEu nr. ALTtncD,—"arnllcrnen," tiM acandldVnln tho fur uiO', uMcr liiving glrm his renilraonioon tho "Can* iiltulKin," 'be "Uoflrjolluciiluo" cnJ ouch llho tuples—"gtu- tluiuen,'* oml be put bli houd <>n the irgii>n qI hu heart, "lime aro my •eotluivDlr—ilio rrtillini i t*, ROnilcuien, ol a Lonrjl man—ore, a li'Drnl p<tlliic1aii~bui, i^nilrmen ond lelltiw* eltli'DO, c/tAry doA'f tuff y«u »Uvj l^n bt alttrtdl** EriORAMonouUdlireien. aolor tfouirfinp the cliorACleia of lUcbatd and lU:buu>ud. "AuunpAr.lloled rnil.i*-V.-|ft/>LtvU(/. Time was nhno ibrio twj |iaru two ocloro QUed, lbi one lo kilUtho uihtr tu bn Uliod; iiut nuw OLO rH»hsi 'nrward. noihlne loUt, Anil brJIIlaoily ■ooofcd«-lu niuiderlDj both. TooHiBTT.—\ reporter re<rnUy Iml a Ortt due It^nby ffiiBk ol icrtf bwghl, Becoming bia Uuton papor. Aynong mttu oUenipii d tu lump rnnn a iroln of un which wao o|f bruoMng il o el v, and the Kolghl oi tbo l*cntll, ollh on rje uibuunou, Impriidcnlly nqutitcd his uomo, ofo. ocoupait«ia and nnideoco lur on obituary lieui. The nuu eoocluded oot to Jump. WniTiIonnWooieO Do—Amolb, for ^hee-ye^ at ihy a iuiHMUil, I'd tear iho ui<>mil Unuitnml into a thouMnd friit- Hieoio—I'd g uhrr tho otara one by ouo oi ihey turn le fnin Uh) regkino el < tjorul luoO', ood p*u Uioiii In iny triinicra' |>cir- I'd pitk .bo tun- tliu uilouioi ol dai that trav- r*rt V eldDOarolioi heaven Iniueh in JculoiiiltDdvr—I'd icar Mm fioBthoikijaBdnteaohl ob^lltbt elTihivDco In ibefuuniilu ut iiiyoiornailuTO lor tboa" '*Uju*t, Uoury. It woold bo ao Tety daik." A LaRmaTitR Poilib.— *'3'r," aild a flrree Uwjer, '*ilo joU| onyoorouleiubOtUt, tloolare tfali lo n>a your handarltioxV^' •■1 KCkwii nut «u ihHoold reply, ■■IXieiltrcaimbloyuurlHHt'' witllbgt" *'Yer, 1 ihloii U dun'i." "1)4 yoa aweirihot It diii'i rtoevbla joor boadwrlllLat" Will, 1 da, eldhri'i." *'yuu tibu yirtiroiil uioiMiailMtihli wiltiD|{'toor nut rou-niho juura Ibb ilnglo leiierf" "Y.eB*o,«lr." Kov, bowdoyuu iouw A" " Hlauio I canU wrlia.'* noiiiai Avo UuiBBBU.>-u«uinlaBd UMerbeerircoUy?4>- ;teeHiede«cbulbtr, Ltito UIuioumL A liUDduBoaaibcdllui- vlnlwbv.hB *ao sol mora tamllar with bto Uermin >l«->>< >-YtfrtblM^beadii.lrai yiiar'dcuir mlJe,' and »Ofoer»flU>U,' ii|iliBjMI'ad«inihBmtiUor bU rA'A d>«on.» ■•Tbat ii qbUanfd4^>l MU n.ioiUil| obtii il«fHiiMr odd leonoolgel •nk<%ttliilf.»--{*<So»niPt" «*Wbr,hial«ata«lUbafe U ibUi^aMgh^toaBtUartfaiaf than Uaeainaf** aad A'taek anaooBeee nale to »li morea, (d)PradeBtlyanldlailoe "Mert imrailoek.** thi Prom ibto loai of uoia tbe DeitaCB oofar reeonra. <r)iri0..1*loqBitbeAttaekwlno By KlXB+,aBd QXKl JdP. " harSd, tbent— ,XQB(S) .O..U-Ve%+,aBdw1aB. (tiI(l4..Qlobar^r' (1) Uod baplaycdn..Qta tS..H X Ktf-i: Ktofifa II..B-2B4- QXQbi , , oO+, and wlai. tt..4loB7 BBdCi.BXViWloa VtalhfS^ofiA&yoittorwBebtilBthe fotlowtof «M1 cooteolod game played reeentty at BnulosoHoCbeM Hoonu, Drooblyo, t» Iwo^noaroMirtcodaaadooo^rlBrilofo, P. Hufoao UreaieOgor and P. iema. BTAIIB OiMBTT. (W|bl mono aa aboeo.) Mr.Perrla. OKI toHd KKt-K8 Oauleo KlCt-MaS m\ atf-Bvl KI-1C4 SB-Ktt Kt-U« XtXUB ■ Kl-tia U U-hbt I'-K Kt!l <(HXR F-UBt Kl-Iiba UXt-Q7 x-Ktr '.KU-bome Mr. Bremlneer. Kr. Porrla. Kti U(d) , Kt l--QBe ■ :+ B-hliltaQ Kug-I- B-bbl s7..y-ic a..u-ii »..u-ic 9a..K-Kig J. - ,U-1C Kt? Sll..llll-ll» UI?-BS F-*|U7 CHEQUERS. Bbek. tj'reer. l..lltol] 1.. i 1.. !l 4.. Id 0..I3 •..19 7.. 4 a.. » I. . I II. . II II..17 Camo No. 38.-.V0I. XVI, *'UIRb i.m blDf." While. I'nitiT. il lo It) tJ 17 1/ It M . II) M M II M 31 U >ll 1) I9IU Buck. Greer. 12.. dlo in 13..II He) II.. 8 li : t li.. 7 17..1:1 \k.. 1 ID.. 0 »..ll II 1I..U U u ai li a >i B 1 III 0 \nille irlna. 11 nj) II 17 0 II Vhlie. rarker. I( lo III a VI t t<! I> I 0 II li i|^aellln|lnlr!o>la. W roo.'ni Ikomoile. U) uoiaioodneTO, Solution ol Position No. 72.-701 XVI. niiok. I..11 10 17 >..'! It l..>t tt <..ll It ar J. uiioi. IVblie. Ilio J4 9i I}. BO 21 <i 7 Bbok. ITblln. 0.. 110 II M 11 21 II..21 It li ID 7..U 9) li U B..SI 26, aad wins. Solution of Position No. 73.~Vol. XVI. n t. oaiau. mile. I Bbek. nil 4 9..IJIOI4 » II I 4..II II, ei Bluk. l..l}|ol« i..U II •7hlla. I. to It AMERICAN FISTIANA. Doings In tho Amsrlean Priz. Ring During 1868' coanirii tirnnnir roa m iiw toai currta. Ayrota,Fred,brolJIm rorlar,Sewoll'e point,Tt., tXO, CIr,, Zi. »in.,Jiin. U Ainni, Uimor, and Jobnoy Onim^e, tom^p, irerbankeo, N. J.. Anrltil. Armor. Jothui, beat Tommy O'.Veal, Okayoano, D. T., IIM^r., 4im., Allf. IL B«D, Jur, bMi ttm Riior, flroir Oreet, 0. T., tJ^OiQ andiilo moooy, i:r.,37n., Ki'b. M Uradlnr, boat itiileH«, nnr Bjlilmore, lid, tlB, Mr.,lh.)Jm, Ko**. U. Beni, Yjunr, t«ai dim IMIeirBy, nnr IToiL Uorli:«o, OL, pane, 5 Y., Ih. I7in., Iloirlill. Bnmr, Ted (ur r.tay(, dim inm nunilrokK, flinelnnell, O., July Id, ■Ireiinrr, bedl .pr,nirr, llelairCommmi, UJ, |iur<e, «r., Auguil I, llrtilllo, Boll, •mrcd, (few Vork, Hod. 7. • i > BbokO)',dolinnrrlonelled|2a|io llant McOnlter, liarlnr Ibrom hi. mtujirvriiiiliii 111 ni walla iniinlni. Obeer, Uoo.,^i»oi IJoowl.r.t., luum aiki, .Vaw Vork, pune, 17r., Okandljr, lommy, erruud lor bb llgbt »;ih Oooaoy Uerria, billed "'°"''tiri!?Aprt?lV'" J.,rnAO, Oarr, Hike, and Bob Ro Icra. iwim Rihl, near rrerlileoee, II. I., !"Mf'.fT!'; l'!'l?5°''^i"'^.'"''! 'o.n;eoniraliled tnjail In iki. uii 101 *3,Ml lull neo. ( iTrbnilnjaliaua wiu re<irnued al New llarcn, Ol, iHli O] ,lii i-MipBilVXnf. 7. Cemo, Kd, beat Hob Cilioui.nif, war hunralk, 01., Ilr.. tlo., April II. Cebum, Joe aod MIko ueOoolo were Vi hiiTe Ibafhl lor tl 1.U6 and lliooeannlDnehlpui.Vmoriei,ncari:gU..tiirMi4 AUlkin luil Nay 17; UeOoolo waa airulrd aia bouu near Li»' ron^iabiir^, about 8 o'ehviR A. B. al llitt lUy, .nd ailed In 97;oJI to appear tho .u-;«onling momtne and a.,%wcr ibii cb.irie or rHmiloflihe laweortimiiuio: iwiiieDiiiit mr iIm OthlloBcroundaBaoolPrcd Ihurlne. unburn n.. an«i«l aboiil two buodrid>.ril. tnito lb« rloi wid cvaruywl ti Uivianceburi. Upou ibo day roliuwi p uu prlii.:i|.-.ti« it^ro ladUlcd bj IM Orund Jury Mr a tIoLIhij ui the law. ol la* duna, towbieb tboy pirtdcd auilti*, i.ud worn ernieocHi w IOrt> daya* Iroprbuiimeol in iliu)«ll.l li wieucetur,!. Tlioy iron ronand July dd. .iid McOiiu r, IAIII04 lu Ixi pnofni. ■ r hare etiy one lo ivpreu'Ot lilni at tliu How aiipwniw by tbo ilakebolder tu uiict and laake ir.tb arrju^uuwui., each party roocired ba«k ilipamuuat 11 tburd.iu.iu sod ooL Uloaion, re:ieooire. Now Vork. Vvlt. X9i — end Plorry Heiminoll. iruouo'rr, New Vork. t^rpt. 1 — '— lelt Kow York lurOallIoniii,uD boanl Iba i.Ulna niar, Kor. IIL Oollloiibiirf, MliandrurirOrwII, nearCueJnitwi, By., purer,dr. lim.. June 7. Oiowwy, llm,beal'*Velloi>"OaTU,Dobb Kllb,!..!, tlM,llllr., lli.4lm., Jonott - Correy, Sam, dM, New York, Jglr ytl ■ OolUne, Tim, .riteed, bow York, Noiember. .„, „ (Joakiin, Mam boattllll Uafo, ii04r rort.'Jorrb, lUJ, nr., Ib. XUin.. Nov. IP. Dwyor,J«inny,attd Bull BIloy, turnup, rjom, Braoklyn, eboul two boom, draw, J.D 4. Durklo, Andy,. '*tbo Browor," died, Virginia- Cliy, KoTaib, Janoaiy. *' DiilTey, Ilea, rvporlfd kUlodla Kow OrleaDa,La.,orToiaisJana' Drair|Sole,Jotany,aad"Oiirly" Tbompioo, lonmp, New Vork, April 11 Ballon. Uio, and an Unknown, near Albor^ulnue, K. kl., MEMB^ lur, lb. 19m-, btal bi ibu laiu*r, Juuu lit TIm acooiinloi Ible A^bl waa lonrardod ui by a ^orieipoudcol, and wu hare eloc. nicalrod eomiburallTo lulenanu. Ounmo, Bill, beat Jobo Uurphy, ooer Kramlogham, klaaa,$Bli ilr.,lb.Sll<n.,Julr U. Bony, Andy, died, H. Ilwker, Kanaal, July. VuaubUF, llajlL beat tfd. NeUrouu, Uu>a'a Polnl, .S. T., 179, lilr,Um..July al. D ly belt I'ollock, oear rhibdrlpbb, porat, Ur, Annel 121 DeTiee,Jobney.allita *'t;hlelen,>* bad bb bit hand eutuu with a knlieloanuunir, riau Kiancbdu, Cel., AUiU.!. Daily, Tub, lelt New Vurfc lur (;aliluriiia, If. Uiamoodt Charley, aao Hockey kluuru, tuni.up, Kow Tork, Kovenber. Oaay, Biroey, erreelcd, UcKocapon, Pa., 00 a abarjeoraiaoo, Noeember. Dwyer, BlUy, beat Arthur Buib. nur Beolcb, Cel., cole moooy, 7r, l;m., veah llnnj la. enwt, uri. vs. Baoo, J., ./fiu "1s»ibbjuliiiiir,"uird, Now York, Peb. Bdwarda. Hilly, boat Ken CuHyL-r, Cupny I'ulbl, .a, BJ,OV*,and Iho Llakt t7ellbll>b*uiplun«.lp, ITr., lb. 14uL, Ao^XMii, Baean, rally, ebot lo ibo laop. eo|)t.'iiibrr. Eilioit, Jimmy, beat UharlpyUalU|bcr, I'eacb libad, IdJOi 23r., lb. ITm., Not. 12. - Baton, Jrny, irled tor llio murder or Tim ITeoiuii, rhlbdclpbla, ■ud wiind lulHy ur uiuidorlnlhoOratdu.roe, O c. d. Farby, 10m, bot Itto Diaoiu, Nun Jerar), (lUJ, iBt., IK lOm., J.n. 11. nlI|l'l■ldondnllrk^ Dale city, D. T., Uoe, IHr, draw, Jan. 1). Kiiy, l'.w>, wahtiod by Tommy fcollttliu., e.11 ri.uciMi^C*.l.,t)<. ccnibrr. KoM.UHM srivMcO, tr.ei, aud ecakucu lutliiil/ day.' ImprliOaulooL Flliscral.', Jbii, died, Nvvr Orlraivs t«.,(romol1^laolalab wouDda IblllrlGilby Woi. Uuey, M.nlibl. Funk, llirry, beat Jobnur tibi-pini.1, Ibbb'e leUnd, Wul Ya, pu.v, ir.t ou., Juun 1. Fiallloy, d>qi, o<«lPna a Uriel, near BilUouro, IIJ,BU, Ilr., lb., Aug. I. Foi, Jimmy, diod, oonadni.lioo. New ^nr^, ajod 21, Aujuit 17. * Galla4hpr,li Jl h lUen, nedr MuifIiiiI-, kid, )r., Juu I. Caiduer, beat I'a^l, Weal Uruuilliolu, BiiA, piuao, 4.r., lb. 48m., Kiul, Keb. b. GlrauHi, l.ufco, .tabbed. New Vurk, April 21 Urauy, ilobuuy, lelt Now Yurk lor t;.ii.M-ul4, Juno 1 UU3I.0II, UiKe, boal Jerry Uyira. aelaii, K. U, Air, Ih. I7m., Julys. Orady, Jiniiny, brat U.ll Donohuo, near IVootiawkra llolcbia, N. V.,B>>, llr.,4'iu, uul. ^r1H. 1. Ollmora.nd llueaiiey, uojr livr, .1. Y., pur.a, 7r., Ibt 12. UibHou, BUI, u/.u< "nuLor,** luuiid de.u, ruJiido.i.biu, vtL 31. lianlo), Jknmr,died, huiv Yuik, iiuiii liijurwa .OMiwiially rut. ulnedvrlilbablxblur, bgoj23, KcU.iL uunud at t^alTary OauMorr, fob. IS. nnko, lo^t Mr Builaad, Fob. II Uardlican, Jerry, eiiarsnl iviUi tuoinurder or Daniel Prl.|, irled and - -jnlupuo lnyiucotManno ul III oiDlj, Ibo oriJiBca tmoi liuuOlelcnt lu niuvici, Apr.L llwoua,DMIf, andJuhnuy Ktatiuf were 10 haro rou8bl,Api lath, wllliin bauillea «r UlnohiiHIl, n., but H'en]..i\.tnllj/ Position Mo. 74.-V0U 16. Position No. 75.-Vol. Ifl. or I. D. J. a. BLAOE. ar t. jorce. OUOR. S© I HI I log ■ B B©1 R«ifl 9I«B ®B©B©a*l watTB, Diaek(0moff«ud«ia. riiiTta D1m'< to oMroaod via. A UitrAii..Obatl(i to ibe altar I'd Ibe loTcly Jaee, and to her fithei'a booif tatumed aaalo, where, to cuotr/ thmion their weddlog tour, alruady itoed a brltliont C'lch ood lour. WbrB, lo I tSa n beilog aheaen at dbco dcwnded, elwdi end wainnt wtoJa eoniBBded i ihli mono bloi poi, but la be baodo tall brbia and feaiibiniioir roraplurtd by her oide| aben lhra,loeh«irtbBiolrono.hQbecBo:-"I hope «• oooBiboM hafoa llit^aaa** Bit abc. to ob«« Iba waatbar goTB no polo, wbtf headBd noi ibo blul or pBttenBc latp, but moai aBotilbirfMBr«Btat« belhutMhl her, itpUed* "U/deir, I'd f«tblfhAHBdAV«ht«.*' ' tbe liOorliTDl Mmhall Co., oo tiiu I7ih; rulMOcd upoa nodioi •urcUni In |3,t)iM ood ti,iM r«>pc«ilrdy. .IreatJotiDoy KOtftib^oM><wl>u Uuuinor GroatMtamI riror, kjr., |>,iMb and tbo i-Miitor*Uiil|bt CtuunpiwBibtp, &r., Uw, UonUui bnnbloi bta Hrui, A|.ril«. Ilaaoer, nni, out BUiy Mot^o, lutu up, rblladolpblot oepaiatad. Hay Vth. — Kbd UoLoeo, room dibl, rbHodilphl*. puree, Ifr., police lo- uriered, draw, Hoy lun. udUtorioliouhrintwm flihl, hew York, puree, Ur., 40m., peltoe.dr*w,Oot.lW Uanley, An-tr, aad Hiio tMBoeUy, near Oolrary Conolory, W-l., pum,in-.,3iin.,JaQeL . Uee&ao.Tiin,aliot,k'tMlail»lpbtB«Juaa U; rooMTod-lo Pmnoylto. Blk-BotptuUtwaaru lio eiplrod otlo'oloQltt». Ml,Juita 1«: tMirled la ttaUtoAral Ueoutery, Juuo If. Uadsoo, Orooy, beet l*auy VtlivB, lorre Uaula neooa knoodr, lad., (WJi Ar, 270^, Juon 3, Ooiao. Jini,bo«tI>uiWLoUu, Bear lAortooee, UOio., puroe^ lllr. J7H)., AuiU'lJ. , Jlyle^^HocbMiDUl KeDy, Bear OlLdohatl, U.,purer, Uoi ,dttty nop4iaa iBd Jacket nar riii:adelphfa, Ur, Ib. 2Dn ,drjw, Aiijuai. Uoeoao, JoboO.,oUlkaivd aimo oioiXMb tu miii lo^«J.^llaMJ olde,lo Virjlola, Uv/iBiul ur Uuwdo; iliAJuolo uiu buiw ceptaKopL IL Dieleo, AOo, ood BuU Blkty, iuni*Uii, hew York, abeat Mm, police iBienrivl aod aiR«<o«i pnaal|4.b*udipoctei'.iB, (kl i4. beat I'oiorlfaittire, iwar i'ern villi-, irvnl Vo.. UtL, bIiOOO ood tbe lUbt weiibt oiuuptoiwhipy Sr., Mai., lice, ii, UarrU,DooBey,and uoorioLaw, t^nl«|l,dMl^.^cw kotk,about li moda, IMt. 8L jorrUiHiUaMt Jooknorao, near PraDtlDKham.Vou., 04r.,tb. Ua.t mna breolLlu(hf«b.tiriB,iiet.</l. Jone^Ud., loll for Bo|laiid, per otaoioorl/lty of DalUntore^ Kor, Colly, roa, arrived In New York, January II. Kearaoy, A«L beat llaok ijutou, ifiuuo Uouie Goto, Hd., fSJO, Mr, IB. 7m,, J«n.Ut«i. Son1|io,Jlm, beatJokBoy MoUlado, room, New York, SltS, Cr., elu,, lUo laiifloioi wbiloyet eouocty oiaiboo, fob. 19. Kelly, Uilly,oonlamxt Ul Hlog »iu| prhuuiur twooiy )eiro, for ttvlai ooMulud one rwooed ■•. a. tiarry, Ngi^ Vurk, M«y IIL Sllpalrick, bttiewt, but I'oio tnor/, Lwr Uioolnuailt u,, about Mr.,oreraa iwur, i«uiiJuly W. tee, 1*01, be«i Jack Wreo. amr Jiiobuiood, Vl, ITr. Juoo ;i Low, JovLand JImUeUnw, Kort Erlc,t;. tv„ purw?, tir., draw, 4Biy, U. *'L«io), i«uuL" beatTom SoeU,Bo»loB,Uoao., etoreeooleoUIH Cr,lb3oL, JuiylL Lyooa, IMry U,, died. Scft York, rrvot a pUlol obol, fired by Mr. llopwHO, HrpL C Lukar, Ulllyi beit Hoi Couk, near OoiibA, Nobraika, tm,1r., aMn.t MPL19, lArkbi, KcllK. kitted lo an aOtay, New Tork, Nrr. tl Corooer'o Jury rrndond o veidki ttut gMtii wj« auoed 0/ olab wuuodo loHiet'dby lluib tf mpbull, Job ■ lljrrl^u an^ Auo Uioc& Huj1«I al UOInry Uuiuotoiy, Atr. ]/. LoO^riy. JofiruyibeoiJim tiaykni, oppAftliomoBlbor U.Ue Miami nrer, Ky., «(M ATr-i ^Vm-. iwc, i J. UcOalioy, Aliif, ^«al f ai«y kituour^o, uoar Jcney Oily, N. J., U)^ nr., hfUL Jou.A. Mirfoirr, j'«wi,*rrlTed from Caliremla, Jin. U. UcAipiiKi, niu, belt Vooiif UuyDo, I'ljbM'Ji inland, nair DolroU, Jlicu.,pur«o,]Mr.,Xu. uai.,ii«yji. >lmtnodbiiuy,uaarL.iu«jii slailou, (od., $10% 79i., lb. IW't IMO. 17. UcOoe. but Utwrgo Dorldoon, Cuir Vcraodab. oeor aolvcoloa, lOKiU^ %tM, Krtr., lu. liMu, May 14. Ulllor, Aooy, boMt I'li'"/ lluwuuuu, Laol Now Yoik, L, I., pone, ir., Imi., Jonoiy Holleii, lUrHP/, boAi Dm Dllloo, ooor rblladolpblOi 4lr., Ite., Holntyio, Jiiu. btot lllll Coottor, blirepobtad Bay, L. I., Sr, 67di., iftOoolol'AK'ke^marTted.fll. Loub^ Mo., Au|.0, McMuiloii, Aody, busiJiuiToyttd), uiur UimhuooII, 0., Ir., foul, McDrld^i^^j^tBodJiok Kol|btworo (o hare lau|bl near UoUI> ' nivru, Ala, but weiu ai reatcU oud )j|aiod uadvr liouda to koup tND pcaor, HepL il. NoAuDUc. Teddy, luibtMd. Kow York, ikU IL Uoaieoiaoiy, i<<ilo aad Ubiiney lltcu, uear OtlUmer*, Md., $100, 10r., lA^Uiber. Morrlovu uou Lyaeb. near 3L Loula, Mo, pane, over 40r., draw, ^oTtfBber 0. He.SouBhtoi^ Dm, boalan Uakoowo, oear Akron, U., puree, tr, h'cUla, VVm., tiled Tor Ibe munlcr of Tim UoeoaD, Pbllodelphia, and uonuUioJ, Dec. 0. h'Oblr, VAn, ornmod upon a obario of olioollo; l'alrlok|Kolly, l)cc. 1. O'Oriou, IXnny, obol by Tom D *loy, Ohleain, 111., Uce. 33,1W. — kuui, UmiIo iMuui), tlu IrfiUta, lio., Aioy. — itiul opiu, oatno pluo*', A iv. 'H, U<Urlon, MUc, IwiUMrjo Ubcu-, £ttU(ut, Uau., pune, aboal an bourji'Hi, May t. Oroto, uuh, IwtJuoii McAidlr, near Helena, M.T., $1,003 and^lo moiia/, Ur., Ih. M-pi. d. 0*l1a*.u'«i^ lAlwartI, aad Ji«t.|Ht Wiinmlil,ailer two pofipeoemcnta onotoouutoi magtaicilaiiiiuT.uieuu'iiiraru Utii,lj.)ii I'uiiU' BjlvauiB,titidOoi.lf, Ji)ruiujr.hrk, hinr Vurfc, ru|Ktiilyt;A>ii Diulat byiindeld, Al^a*., 9i,UJJ aaj Uiiialt«liipluiiiiii|Mll llm wurW, Ir.t loni.i |»u:ico urruirtl luiii uirn HiiuiMivc>odlU<nt iDliyuiti iNuni; to ouiauiiui bjilvAoli, Ibry ftrracotii- tiiiiwd IU await irial iti itiue'aiijiiy term m uiu Km-x mj> pcill* (Jouill l/Uuliiiviii H'co lotuotcO iirvll tiiti niiirifeiu Riirctiua thu aaniv utcuIi% tiuwon oud wuranM trii n-u day ouUarquoUL Iho UaWuuiii(.ci, lAaii ^tblt>, upiKflmvJ uU' oilirr uiy, but Wvruui.ipilti lur.oii ui ilioitilur, tl, afrwitd, to ennuiqutnui u. thu doaib ui hla wiiiunmii, Kcl v l/itkili (wliu wmtltit bnlln^liJAI wliuii ailcit.-O In i un* • tjuMlia Hnd ploicd iinuor b.iijiii lu ktTp uu imulnlli'a hbiio). huvriaber^; ie,tfJu.-Otuiuu<U)', ujivti bjilbclutf tu>iii4j l»y Jvuuuy blumy. , , , , ormpod, Soiv \ orb, ot l ie r«qu**i nf I km^ wbo locooii li a boiidiioou alter bla un tst ni Ltyuolold, Vf^ 6. 1"" n iii:it.i«i.T^ andu'uuMwji cvnvi>od iw ujm, *jj«.,iudirnjn 10.11*1 m f;iS5vJl'lS/»^!Su''rom Tom Allfn.Jonuirr. »«"»'' infl made witiwut Iho laiu-r'a knotTliu^o. UcUinu lUordou.Uonny.oitd foin UoUaitu, ntar.Si.toa^MiItoMcUiou, Jau.13. hlordoooDUmii iNurrtjJiU, 1- cMinlv idi , acntfoced lo oou riwNib'a iiiil*l»<«"«^l " c^^^ llvliovllle.ia.fbr on/nj-ni In v^Htui luuliicftyuuuflJtc- Uaiin Itaibwilio. Felriiiy. . noordim, l oUy.arrlrcd, ^bty luifti'oa, z^ ani.Ddiha Uaueli,»/lm-a;,buaiTaJdy dolij. ^ » iwaoo lao n.u \^L^"^'ni'Am"!v^c!''mni iip, Krw \orb,(»otobor SJS!ki,"Krbiir^;j^^^^^^^ h.U.,pur.e, ib^ml^iili^filS^&f ^^^^ JuBe.loo.Ilt, BbcpiSltfi'li^Jy^"!'-'"^^''?^ t;oddo!:!"uiSS;««' T"-""' **• Ji'itd'w wjiMlni In tin holtlft wlib Kally, oud. tn do oull ^"«ltf]ilrtriwiVi3.liudivriri.iM>d^^ Trooy, r*^. ""^ iu»uuuy wlicd by £nll Bwlagmonn, Tun»{!"Starii\''b'*'i'lon'y I'arkcr, aear ^Vauport, Ky..puree, ftrrk'jM'ti^'^ jJ^Tuurpby, pujof, lb. nm.. draw, Au/. U. aiW, Ct , Ib. «u».,iiiu', Drt 3. iTard. Jk iu. ontrjd, .^ow Yur^, JuOu l\ DEinsn FISTIAIIA. ' v ). )oliigiln the Britte h Prif e Blng ppto| tj|(§ .^xrittB nntaiT ma tA*Wiw nU fU'iimj^^ Allea, mm, aad Joii Ooea wcnia haea ihaitil IMNriBl Mira .Me, Dept.' I| Allni vaa mniCt'iSmitmSS Um aa »(I. !di gpao raaalaalla) iha^«<i« r.^M is !ndaiiia>iMaodi.nierloin ibelr own reeafnlanMlakaep Iho p.^ lor a ynar; lukoi aohaa4iie.iily moread la Ita hMkenoltliomeB. ■ . . I»oi>d|fidji..keailhekbjm, gpar LeodtD; M, Kr., Bailey l«nirlea, war fllmlnibaai, «H, Ilr., Ik. Mm; JMV "Ik-*X«nr7war "eillff. tvain nii,tt,. ,1,. bib's! anyteoka hla Drti.MeiM^ "^mi'ABfli li Xeabolfa Oraaeg'IV.IS&itM- '"""jfc^aSI^'iiSf?'.'" ""i"*'' »ra"»lbAn diatilat, /TO neioajnong, biatO'dy,iMdoB dMiM, Dnrer.'ni. ISmiliilrJr. Ilrrry; Vouar, boal I'alnier iHamJ^trSiTi^i' Soi? iT S nr-KOrtek. Oejrj.', br«l J. Oelbibv, D^St;^Si dlWJ isr.t in. am, popt o. ' . , flilohelor, IL, baallV. Hyde, ra!NlailoD.flL()r.',>h, tfii.(«a.UL l^uaruwy, heal Palmer, near I'laiiiow Marii>M,<|L itrtlkta. Dec. 39, Ufft' ' " CocklM, UKO, kaal Kla(Caller, toodn diurlol, £IM,tlr., Ih.'a>. Cnilcb'ey. IIanr.o"<u"liodnr,'>dle4,lllrain|ham,Pdh.lL ' Curtny, Ted, b-al 7nm BalaB,Vildwoi1b, li>, nr., lb. 'APah. la l^ilMtf, iln,beet Jam lUwliaa, Uouioinnlo CWi Ar.>u.dai, Camot, tedly, bc4l Palty, aillao, Dear tToodleated,' ITr., Ul ttg, Juno le, . * '. Caioyi kady, ikil Jem t'oare (Abe Illabo'a Dlaoki^' taodoa 41a- inn, p«ne,IBr.,4li eum,JOMl7. Cul'Jni, iim,beit hill Ulllam, no" Undla/. oirbaa*,fn, tSr.. &sm,Julr li. ., . ,, Cbamo.n, .<iibnr,boitTtm(ieillerieod, nddlrfarrnTiiAwr- Um.Kepi.Ji.. : Donnid, Ynanj, beat W. traok, louden dUtiM, tU, 7r., IIm., Aiir. 21. ■ 1. ' Fleet, Jjck, bail 0:o'i UefDlra, noofhlon 'ChoBOD, tU, Mr., Deo. .0. FcriUMii, Dill, beat Ed. Qnloa, Uuubea'er dlairlol,f U. I», aearn » .* hwwbclO(ainn(dur.o«iiiaUalbourud.bali,»'.h.ll. acodwin, Uiek, bojt J.ek akon, Naaebaalar dUlrlc^ Itrvlh. 7m., loot, Jan. II. ^ a.ncil, .Milk, bat mil Uonwall, Laadoa dlitrtel,<Mbllr.,Hin- Miinh |7. aoller, Turn, bwt Kal Bowler, LoodoD dWHcl, tO, Sir., Ik, JuBn r9, HieiTtboeiTowBaeod. London diatilol, iUk lie- Um.. Jotr ti. Ullblm,bmtUa»1plIlebrte^V^^lIIlr,'•1ptBo7^r"Ao^°£. unodjay^JMiUuVouoi Obeer, Haadmlar. dairm, iu^ tU^ 'flewlii, I'our, and flea. TornhDU,'beej|tewau'tle.ii3.Ulr..Ih.. ^ulmlnteriered, Jan.ll. i llardyjJilMMl, ocai lY. Otfpor, Va<(,>Milay, £M, J7r, Ita., Uiiehin.w.iPi'weetU, beat Jon (riolaM aHa, "Dardy," BefWa Biuh,m3Irjth9oi., reb.4. -t^' Uirl,!!., beatjoo Ibidooi, London dlelrlel, poraM7r., Ih. an- IWG nan April 7. UamUioa, Jao<.ViraMed open ■ ebarje oraeaBall aad robteiT, hDjUDd.ll.nb. " noy, Jaei, end Oou Oojheo, loeden dliWel, Cnb7)r.,rLllia., dliltlel,fill,tr.,»m.,Aa|. July; lies Ooorje, heal Jatee Dlrkla, 1 Joboaon, J. (klelakrtu, heal J. tviollold (Dardyi, BUmlaihaa dla< Inoi, puree, ldr.,tfm.,Jat/U. RIni, Ueo. (Hiilii 0.010 trauda maoA died, LoodOD, Daa M.. Kia^ rim, wdbula'lain bnkco by b«iuf Ihniwa uo., aloor* .be1er,ltel>t.O. Undeu beat rUrr , near Uampablra, pane, Ilr., Ih. tfeo:, Jeo. lOL una, Jinmy, beat Uaone rwu, Ubeabira, tw, Ilr., iiai., Feb. IL Lye, JiibBoy, beat rommr Uaahall, Loodua dlalrloi, tUiiM., tt. Im., June IV. i Laae, Tub, died, BInnlngbau, aiod 44, 6epL 7. UPlluid, I'eler, heal Poalerraaw tiMot, fiatltt., Ih. fls., Dec 17,1M7. Mara, J, and Urr/ fuber, Brtatol dlairiel, tU, »., th., Uaa, 17, lf.17. ■ J HaiebHi (J. Jobaaon^ heel Enool Bnlila, near Wakall, Utr., ih. Uol, fob. 17. ,be.t.lan»)(cflonaaok, Blrmlofhim dliirM, tULMr.,lb. 4Jm., An4.<A Uolloas Youii;, lual Bob Fone, Lendoa dlalr.ol, pwa, Wr., Ih, Nm,Jetyi7. UeDuMU, Juo.d.-alJomO'Jriaa, Doo|h, Beollaod,aab IU.,lh., wul, July IL Mullody, Uaiuey, beat Veltow, Salloa Ooldleld, porae, Ik.lh. Wui,jBlyi7. MBniD,Jw:k,died, Buibeome, a^ed 71. AoK. li .Vnr/, "ridoirr," teat fatuunoy,HutiondliliMl, tU,:ir., SSm., i«n riniB, Pea 3U and tl, IMff. .Vnrcunili, IJ«t u'.V'ul, lliilbMham,<l^ ll)r., Ih. aaa., FaU II. 1', I'uui, illod. lllnniii^Miu, egtd 37, Hay ti. Itudluy, Fn-il, beat Abo U.wfiHi. dear iiatailouOolllery,purae,tlr., shtL, Jul.. i7. Iloberia, J.r;i, bcairiTd.Jlnke,IMrmln|bam dlatnel, £I^Ur.,lk. tui., ibrjo nuea, Auf. M. buaioii, uoar,-., beat A. Uuod, Loodaa dialrlei, ile, <tr., dka, boat ■Uiirloy" Vlall, nair Loadoo', £11,4»r., Ib. Sm., Aped U liuci, luBi, alio Jubn llnrr, llMindbay, fill, Uai., poUoe lUlarkred and .teal, diaw, li 9eMeiy, baul Uadiiuiar, Loiidun dulrlol, perao, Ilr, Uol, '*eL Kiiii]o.uii. Wn., but IL Jweioa, uoar urerpuul, tU, .dr.. Uul ^or. 1 Tale, JUan.-beat J. Ueialoe, Dear Feoliaffl,£]^ Ih., two rion Dee. il'.liei. Tlemer* lllll, BBd Youni ITadloir, near Uaneboeler, £11, Sr., polleo iBIarlOiOilillci. 19. Tlcmey, iiiii.uui JiinKoi, no3r(Meaii,XS), 17r.,41m.. poUoe letar- lero', dmr, Hof, 1 aMU \ alur, uiudun dlilrlet, £3J| SSr., I h. dOoL, draw. Do ceinberS. , Kti), It r'epr. X. tTonMl<l,J.e, t>rAlled£UtaJoaOoBa,la a malob lbr£M,Jaa- uiry. t\*oniMlu. Ilelly,beal YoHOi llfoolaoo, oear fiarvalcy, £1, about air.,Ote. il, lUr. IVanI alia ivtihrreu, noirMull, £UL jrr.. Urn. feh. a WBlkor, Jobnn.,icuaol Irieillnnl blal u, Loadoo, kliioh II. tVrea beat U.rlay, Londoo diilrfel, £11. air, 4Jia., iiaeo, July. tVail, U.. beat Viuo| Uobday, Ulrmlnibaai dIalilM, SIg, I7r, Mn., .Aua 4. . Wnlleboiiie, Jcp, aod John Uolmos Bndoa, £0, nr., poUoe laleiv itrrd, Auc. a. n'llaoD|^rBak,WoiokCoodwla, nddlefe Ferry, £IJ, »)r.,lh Tooat boil (Kike,' Loadoo diaulet, £M, 44r., Ib. Cm., HayU YaUow bat Haley, near ..uuoo Uoidaeid. £ldbalr., lb. 4li&, UcL d. CUPID'S rOIBLED, FOLLIES AMD FANOOSS. SINGULAR BOYISH ATTACHMENT. } Soma time ago a poofty draaerd boy made hla apM'eaiiea at the faimol Kr.JohDThoiBaa, IitId^ thalannoi Lahok and' Baked lor werh. Ur. Thomaahad oalhlair br Iho hoy code, aBdwaaahootieiialDg himawmy whea adavjfhUk' df.loa fanq. I want to lira IF Hue Ua.y, aa he called Ihe nu| lady, aaa leD from hl|n, and thai he felt eo aad when ana *u away h* , arreau)4 UluB bla biiiilMuyu Mineuderiui hie ban, and ud* prwoed at >alein, Uwa., louwuit Ulal, Uuc. I& ^ i. . ffard, lllll, arilred, ^ow Yulk, topL ill ,l.llllirUalilornU,liei.-.' .,„_._ ■ Halkar, Joanoy, or Kutilu|bjmi anlredi Kow Tarkr D<a —. | Cpoioo I—To milala the eiy ul the aaekoo hu htMiM tilt Uoue lb UjDorer. Taoyiiuntfujipieoilcoavoiora«atlybiaiigbt beiunibeUourtel Appojla uy i»u I'ruaiuu gaBdanwi, auu Muiplalned ul belag luaoited uy lb. nuia m queatlun. Alter a aeiltaol roeal oi|<er1.i.rol/, In whiob kUa Ooavaoluirttaa.tvu paiuoa blob t*rt, Ihe euuxi qiiuheda.peaviai.ol Inpilun- ownt pcosuaneed \>/ aO lafetiw Utbuiil, ood.itt tlla l«o a«eoiadttilbeily '.^i'" ereniroiied thai he ml;{hlbe amoteyed lo doinf' ooihathlow about ibe larip, ebe lablug pity as the hoy'a friesdiraf Iwk and doeitiair coodliuo.. Hr. Iliomaa toldtbebn ha n'ahi lUiy with bliutin ilha eoaidgetaaolherplaea, thahuy,- uciaaoia fiiurieioaiid flfi^o yeara olaae, Imoedmtaly wtat in Mrk, .DdinalawdeyaUwaafuuDdbewaaaouMral ahUittb. tun that he vaa ciopleyed and taboo al onoe loto tba family. Tba boy aald bo lli-fd m Kaw York, ho Iboaght hla pdmla ven dead, but hodM not koiiw, aod that he ud heao aeat Weot with eomo other boy*, end pot towork od o farm. Tho mao b» wje with Iroatvd lilm eo ODklndly that bo rao away, aod comlog to Ullwaukeo bo bad walked onttothelarm, an] foriuoalalr lor falm, ucerodwd lo llodbig a home. Tho aciloo of the farm* er'adaegbter hi appaalloe (or tbo ho/appeared lo aaaheoo loelioaof gTBliiado to the liliie vali*e bean, aod baeoold ook ibow hla tbaakfalaau or atlachmrot fnr the youos lady lo loo great a drgrer. A few weeka ago Hr. Thoiiiu* oaorhtor wao married, and «llh bar haihaod aool Is Chleago to Ilea. Tha boy appealed lo teke Ihe ebaeuco of hla onatrou Terr mueh at bcert end to noon orcr II. laielwcahhowcDtto Chleago, aod fladlag bar. cotrtaled that ho m^ht lira wllbhor and her hBabud; but ible belof Inpoailble money wu glnii . him lo pay bia fata hove, a number of pnaenta weia ina'le him and ho wu aealbaea. He eamo home, hat ihe loaa eeimd lo ujMot hla miad. Ue tried to work, hut coold not and hnalljr cried aod moaned htmaall loin a II of alekneaa. Be waa hLodlj taken care uf by kir. Tbomaa* fjnily, aod on Wefntedoy mora* li>g appalled Id oioeb betier aplrlte; bnt whila tba ath ntlon of the lauilly wu diraeted Imm bim ihe boy gul up from hla hod, and, faaiealniaa aldcomlrnrr abool bla oaee, atieopladto- haeghimaelftulhii hedpoei. Uoue nolle made aUrarb-diha atteniloo of Ufa- Thomae, who went to the non lo Ood bin hanging oad iteaegllng. Be waa taken dean, and-hy careial. atUDlMD Buon leo-ieerad ounidnBanei*. The boy eald be did noi war" * " ' " "' ' " ~ " '' - " ' " ' ' taken I did 001 care whet broime of hin. Yeolerday the lady, lo an- aeer 10 a dlepaich, came frrm Chleago, wheo tho hoy aihlbhed nie Joy In every poa.lbto meooer, glffogberhbiprcmleolhalho would laako no more Bueh attempia upun hie lire. !l leonf of tbo molt ilogular caw of aliaehmnii ibal buerar ooBawliqio uur Doibir.—Jf<(ieau«re IKficoiiifa, Dee. ALAOr SUED FOR BREACH OF PROMISE, A LoadoD paper uyt:- "An Istolry look ptaoa before Iha Court o( Qooau'a Uenoh In Duulls, and a jaiy Ih aaaea* daroanealn aii actloo brought to lecoear conpenutlon Itld at £'i,Uin, for bieaoh ot proiulw of matrtago. Iba pltlsllff, Hr. Th.ioiia Jnokaon Uaihe, Uaednoai uniee tn tfaaoauntjr rf Loutti, and lo IBdU he entoml Into an angagenionl to marry too ronale defeodast, Ura. llowland,-than Mlaa Huiltb, who ilao llrod In Iho county ot Louth., Altar eomo time too oDgasemenl waa brakeo off, and Ih* pla t liit tbon vent to Vtyi kVealiiilnaler, In Lrtitah Colnnola. Wlulu Iheru a correepi Ddenco vu opened beiwceu blm and Hiaa Bmith, vhMhlodto a renewal ol Ibo nuriiaga 00|,agem*aL The letloreibalpaufd war* of thsooet atfeolionale iihancur, aud prvphailod tbo baiiphiera tbo parUot aould enjoy wkeo thouu>ai;enioot«aarailllod. InAugnil, IMf, tho plainliif n< lid off nU fano In Columbhi lo conie homo to get ujBrrlod. Wh-n ho reached Canada a toiler awaited hlni fTuu Hloi Hnillh, alatlug that ahe coulil cot mlly lore Liu, that Iho aiipp,«od uOuclitn vet a uiUlit^aaa Ibat Iho rigannirat niuat bo bnkiD on. Bbe ahoHly alieraanla oirrlcd Ur. Itowhnd, whof rolohilbopbiiniur, aliliog thilhe ladlona |iu>>«l llio ifTi clluua of UiO youlM lady. Tho lotlire hc^ iwceii Ibo inriiea (.oic riau lo Iho jury, end Ibo liiJu>T. lo IlioiilaUiillbytbo biiiy'a iccrtalou from her tDgo«cuieiil. cuiiiiiieiiloJ oo II waa alleicd tNatlbo plalnllli diepoacd iilhii<r.iiiii,awl IMI Curamhia only bcniuoIn oipti'lud lo iiiarry tbo di rmduui 'at lay f""^ ' eotdiu fur tbo I'laiuilO—daiiisgca .L'.OOi" A OiT r^iiiiiniu JUamni to a Lorijia Lu&—Among Iho liieil eripatiriuajiiit ni,» I.. nini.ay aMilr, tiioTouog lady be* l;.i: a I'liib ari'Duo .rliiml plr', aud llio '"gny'* n orcrk III .darn lu.ii b.ier'a iiOce. lle'mni her o'leo, «lih bcr li .il*. and earikd ili.'ni outui p-.lllencee. Their Inilaiocy In llii.wbueie. Inlii lure, and loaiing Ibelrpareoia Mi.uld out ciinri'iii, ibar^rnt In an etrgaut huiut'ncai Ueicn inuarr, and iMiKnil I.I iwllo.Ing Ibo dkiuiloaaol ber teacher, iliu ubejud tii.-lii*tiiiei|pnBorBU K|>laeo|4llio clergiroen. At tlieaecBa* tiiintil iMiur alio Pen lolier bonre, and only eilerien daya, irlien ItorpaieniiulJeclHl Id lUatbliaui Iboyoulbiulbaiila- tr. dill .lie Ihriiiairlagc. Neturally, iCfrMuuia aero InilUiuint. iiml Uien iho wie eniMlly imivud, add .tut aitu lioi boy liuahandtohlilarraia'liouae.' Uer faiber Uu man of gr«it iTealiU, at the licad ol a iiigo wboleulo dry guuda* houio, andaa yotnurteofld:ta>lonhuhirbae^Dipliebea.'- Ltr.P— of Triuiiy Oheicb, aaa applied loio ace IfifaomairiageOinlJook he cinceiltd. hutwlihnut anil. Iho oleriiymanul.that obbrah whouiheliioi] legitally blamed foruDlilngapalrtif chUdrenlD iiiaiiiiiiuuy, vlitKiut ui:inirciilng aoy donhii tu hcalianci oboak■ Iboio'.. ■■ ■ ij'j.,: A Giii, TntD or Dpi.— Anoli T, Qiall,' tSnan'ol'iia, «ho a-ijarlioreildea with her uolharatNoj UiMdbolValieat, Unifklyn, huogbriioll lo iba ■ oorol B'«ieeplDg luio. aillu.',U Ureenoiirtei, vi iheerrulognf iliaigleiglt., hu< aianletvT- .rail ood cut doiDiiefuia dtatb oecarred. Eho'wU'lahaVto Ibo Kiahih I'ireloci 8'Blion Uutiie end locked,In acilil, Boou alter iho dotriuin found ihe' had'hugghaifeU «lih'bcr apron eirlBg and >ai aluiat diad. Agaln-.ibe aM eMidunnaod pUeed lu a cell alUi anotbtr wi>mn. A p|eraagahritk'broe<hl thodooiwgnBgilulnlutUepiliaB, whan ha (uuod .nhloliad lied hrr gari.ra' tighllr aniUttd bafltmL aad aix black la tba lace wllh eiiaBkuIallon,.'ibborily alier thai, ailhoogh cl-44lr wataied, iha aiagagta id. gather Uootiogi'ir, uiL twlnlof II arouoilhet .aaik pvUcd aiih both liaad. uu il the oDIetia loond'livodl'aad'ifoiiped ber. Uerhaodi arwlbea Iniaed ,iBd ihalrngiMilhlakniiiidiitioigtdonroo ber lietind attompled, to, lolluoat* henoif. Sbo lelied Bgaln, aad aoa ■heu iiUced M lut.'ehe cuuld mii n ike pooiher eUHup'.' 8ho la.ia.uiuahvhalitit giil,butlirr lu>erd,e«ned haraalib* dlda'maatl ejler. ■ . ..-i ■i ,r. r ..Jirain a !•! i — , .. .,■ „i A,Wuaiii.r»»Tc.—"May I liiraa aeri^.lB'KlTtl#tl' la- qolRd'ilRitiee'abhi'lcolilBguiiniiiacIerfcak IL« cMia al • i«cante)«tlH>a4ay, "Ceiiaia;, Mr," waa iKc >e^l/; "<Ha(p/ taaa(onBi<.dati7,. • " - "Hay 1 aik jou who kiepa e|«a huuc* iinribbie!(Uliiat|' Haaukioiniad lka>ib«,,aMia hoaa* vr^ld probably be oraa all tWi bhi Ir he Mated Mekia aad oh»mp^^jla b « eooM h^^bhto ii to jjjtf <y ,tl)(^., ■ ' IB- fiolIowaj'aPillinoenta ailit lingeUiriha^ijilnirf I;'. '.'li, 11-u/si i .iV'^ l ' I