New York Clipper (Jan 1869)

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/ Si! ' Bow aiDT la tbtt ton tbtro be ^fho iMljr woald ezebiago vllb mo. Uthmt wu (all o(rtellDf• kind For ■llhintallj— Th« mr, tUiloti tbe Una, tt« bUoiX All iuBidnir mibilb;— Wbutol ft.TQioartUOD iDjtm, 4' tniB))Uof ToIe4 end low. Uko lb*t or ODO wbo cliacki tbe ttin TbM —fkfa onrllo*. I nlMdjmy.fyai ud uw « b. _ WltkttaiMdbuviubiiid rlttgona; a>ld h*. "KUdilrrUoio balp, I pnj, Mo r«M bu jiuudnr llpi Maj." I dtd Bbi ibrlnk m hefIU*e, Bql wHW* right lood «UI, tt hlo-wba did oiMeUiit nil, r |tT« ■ doiur un. Ho giMd knoueotoblhaBtft So l>f«l> tt'lddvil tilm. tb^p ^ ty^ 1 Mw bra Lfl— TboHl «nf wllb tun mv dim— «0b Uiuk.'Ba sDl, oit Iriasd," uld I, "FoT neb '> uutr wu|t/; Unto mf booikla oDorlOf Too'ra woleonoutbtdowtnof iprio^** So ahook mr baDd| o&d npldlj FnBD me I ia» blm |0. Vbaa MBO atnnn lopalae prompted Bie To eee wb«t ba would da ■ Aa down the alnotho qnloklr w«dI I followed la bia bmaV; Be. aot ea^ettiDf lataot, NaW Ihositator IsoUiifbuk. Be bid aot Innled let ee^ Be bilked at a tavern door, - Abd, to aaj graatuatoalabnent, loalde tbabooaebaqQioklj-weaL The logTj feallDga of or faaazl Ukj not Id Tana be told— II pureed ma Uka an livn dart Tokiioi^Uiat I wu loU- For' la I poabed the doer ajar, Aad broaabt blm Into.Tlaw,. Bo called aCa mea op la the bar Aad Mtlbepanf thnuh, KoNi U I oa tba atrtat lioald be D e a aoght afaia for diaittr, ril Inat It aa a nleaSd JeL% Aai keep mj modar la mf poka. LONDON AFTER DARK. 4)n this Tale li Founded tht Popular Dranua CHA?TE11 TTT . nv oBBtaoLai to bi aocKoo5TB»—Taa aaaaOT op oain. UUIington vai verr aoiloas to know ti07 nttlata vera prouedlDg at "Tbo LanrtlB." He had prqmjied lUchard Brandon not ogain to go (bilber wliboutoDy iBleDtloD of keeping bin word, bccisao It was o<c»- aaif that Walter ahould be allowed no ojiporlDollr to sirerva (roin that marriage, whioh he irbo had nht ilaaned It vas sllll determined ahould take eOeot. tlobard DraodoQ would not erco ntipact him of going thiuicr, bolleving that oil motlvo for aiich n atop bud bean romoTcd. About to cot fiirlli on hie way to the «lUa, on Ibo aame evening that occurred thero the aranta related iDlholaat preceding cbiinler, he was Terr agncablyenrnrliad b< tbo uncxnected appearanoa be- fore him of Bhirkey Uorrle. HIMIngion had epoken Inily 01 tho tnrero when paying I hat bis ucsoculo la crime was nil then In London. Tbo assertion, however, that Uonls bad In his possession the document which Illlllngtoa woa engaging to surrender wu a complete (alsabood. That Imporunt document bad never lelt HllIingtOD's own keeping, and was Ijing inugly In lha hraast pooket of bis coal at tht very timo of hu loter- vl«w with the nan to whom he hod promised to deliver lU UUIInAlon'a troa reason for that delay nf three daja whicn he bad demanded was, that without Bhaikey Horila the tarrlhle purposa on i hlob he had resolved eonld not ha aocempllahed. "Hera I an again, yousae," sold tiarrls. "And befois ;aartjme," aald .UllUngton, "ror Iwaa not to eipsot your return ontll to-monow.'' "No, bnt the ohap as wa wii-solng to nab shtlleil ont, paid up Ilka a mao-, and aavad all bother." "Well, Snarkev, old boy, I can only say that 1 was naver nore dallgbted to ace yon In all mr life.". "Vy, ry t" anklouely Inqnlr^d Uotrfi; "anylhiog goas wrong wUla 1 bare beei^ away I" "Tea, bff nolhrhg thatT cafiiat nntrlg^it again." "For iraolons goodntaa lakOi wnathas.tiappantdr' "In the fiiat place, Rlohaid IlragdoB,.tlw rcalBbnoa Pora,Ialn LoiMon,andibaa.dlacovarad all about the Ultia game wa have had In proiresa.'i - - **rben we are done for I" cried Uorrls, In a great fright, "and alltbe money tbati bava'b6;(a fool goongb to advanoo Is lost and gone. Oh, vhat a fool I was I ( might have knowed bow It would be,!'.' '^I don't oae how,"' qulftly, r^poadtd. UUIington, "ilnte I, wbo an for moro kaowlDg tkan yaut naiver dieonad ofaaoh an Intonaptlon to our .proceedings,"-. "Tell, ll'a all over, so thero la no nao In talkhig any mora aboat It." ' "All ever," ainlled UUIington; "no, Indeed, It la only Jnst beginning." ' "Tat do you mean t" "Well, In the drat place, Itlcljard Dmndon la pre- pared to givo a thousand, pounds for that partlonlar paper wbloh nh brother algned." "Come, now, thsl'd something," criod Uorrls, oom- forted and conioled, "Tes," retnroed UUIington, "oorlalnly It Is loma- ttlng, bat not enough." '^Datir wo oan'inevo more t" "Bat we will have more, Bhirkey; wo will have all vhloh we promised oursclvea when we determined on that marriage." "I don't sea how." , , "I«m not surprised at that. Listen, Sharkey." "Ooon.I'mallalenlng." „, , , „ , "I am to deliver up that paper to Ittcbard IlniDdon, and to receive the thousand pounds he la to p^y for It at yonr Mnalo Hall." ''Well T" "Well I don't you see T boven'l you noderstood t" ••Underatood whati" _^ , Wlllogton whispered a fow words to Sharkey, who ttmsdverr pale and shook oil over. "No, no, nol that—It's too ding»rou»-l dare not," "Oowori 1 hear all I have- to say and yon will les that wo run not the slightest riik of detection." "Ah 1 If 1 wan only sure of that, aooner than lose all that money, vy, porhape " "Come along; we mnat go now and see how anairs on at the vllia, and, by the way, I will make youac- qaalnted with my whole scheme,and ooovlnoe yea that yonr neek will bo In no danger of a holler." "DonH talk liko that, UUIington, pray don't, for I am •baking nil over like a lump of Jelly," The oonversatlon that patsad between thaio two men aether wanded their naytowAtde Ur. Sumner- ford'i reslJenoa we need nol pva outBoIves the troable to relate, since all that was to result from It will sool bo known to ub. Ther had reached in within about Bfly yards of "The Loariila" when to their surprise they encobntat^ Wel- ter Drandon, rapidly-making hla way front tb« hpoia to, which thoae two had been proooeding, .\ . . ... . "Slap, atop, ray Ane follow,!' HOlingtOD otooited Walter; "do von uinslly walk atraah a devil of a rate T If 10, yon should jglva anlat padeitilanajwamlng of yonr aoming, that fo( tbolc own saf«t{ they may leave j«o a alenr pith," , "Perhaps the house, la on itp and he Is going for the •aglne," lald Sharker, making a poor attempt to be foattloas, forhia laina mlsgavs blm that he wot obont toheirionsmomnnpleaaant tldlnga. "What li th* matter with von t What has happened t Why donUjou ipeok t" UUIington aald lopitleiitlT to yoang Brtudon, whose agitation, Inoreiaid by hla nntxptetad'iiie'elliig then with tboie two men, had for • few Bomenta deprlfe.d him of the power to nttar a alogle woT^ti'''•>'. Bull wloiiValteiqpVUig .t^Jteik, Walter nad* an ' ~' Oioi«.two',.Uta were, bleoking the 'M on hfra with a strong liand bh8r and vain atlsnpl^ftea VELOCIPEDE RACE AT ST. CLOUD, MAY 31, 18C8. oaid "I shall lose ereiy farthing of my money, I can see that,' Ihwatdl} noonedHorru. "Heartless rljlalnl I that could for yonr own vile ends eo torlnra ne, so rack my suiil with the agony of remo'rte." "Eiplain this to me, my friend," said UUIington, "for may I perlih this moment If I know what you are talking about,'' "And I wish Imay die, if It ain't a pnuler to me." (aid Ebnikoy. "'V'oa told me that Ellia was dead" "Andeo aha la,'.' replied UJlllogloo. "Tee, of course al^'a dead, drown-ded,' Sharkey. "Dare you repeat to me that detostoblo lie t" "Curb your tongue, yonng fellow, o: " "A lie, I nay again, a lie, for I— " "Well, what!" "I have seen hor." "■k'ou ore mad I" "Perhaps her ghost baa oppeared to blm," onttored .Morris. "I tell you. I have seen and spoken to her." "Impossible," cried Uillinglon, considerably eltg- gered. "Even now she Is render. In that boose, to whloh no lore shall I return." Hlllbigton and hla friend wore oonfonnded with as- tonishment. "I tald yob," aald the former, "hat that which I be- lieved to be the trnth, apd If year senses have not plarad yon false. If the be Indee'd living—" ''Ob, when I beheld ter there, my Drain leeled, my heart stooditlll, and I " " . "Fairly unbosomed' youraelf, I snppose, and con- fessed everything to the old mercboot," laiefullr cried UlllInitoB.* .V., ■* . • "Yes, yes, It's all np," npanedflhsrhey Uonls. "No," said Wallet, "he, knows! n'othlnii nor Is It needed now that I shbnld len.^n} hoir s))amernUy bis generons, trusting nalartlUa,1ieen^d4ed."'. . "Yon arerigbt;, not 'thf. leaat.booaslon for such a rldionlona and ala^btevdua prbbe'edlhg," sold UUIington, libhlsh saUofaclion. ' ' ^ ° . "No, for ho will never see. mo. mote; 1 will fly now, at oncfe, far from I^doil, ondbeyopd your reaeo." "Yon will and that dtfloDU, 1 fancy." "Come the worst, I.can bat die, and heaven knows that I am weary of my life. " Slobd aside, let me go, let: me go." - "Yes, certainlv," returned UllUngton, "go by all means. If you deslralL Good nigbt-l": He left the path free to Walter, who, without another word, doihed peat the two men and fled away.' - "There," oiied Sharkey Uorrls, atimplng ahent the pavement, "now It Is all over. 'Vhat did yon let blm go for; he'll take hJnvielf out of the way, ther»wlll bo an exposure and we shall ha. the only victims." '■What a short sighted Idiot you are, Sharkey I" ''Yes. I knew I am an. Idiot to be done ont of ray money In aooh an easy way. And his brother will heat of what his hsppenod, and then he won't care about the paper and we shan't get even -that thousand ponnda." "Ceaae your howling; Walter fs stin as seenrely onis sa though nothing of all that be has told us had occurred." "How do yon make that ont T" 'Are yea so stupid as to Imagine that Walter Dran- don will be able to make np his mind to quit London "'"'oa.t lis dear Eliza I" J'VlI.,*'.'»*-8''»»key, brightening np, '"pen my vord Ithlnk.yonaroiSiit." Wlien am I wrong T'^ smilod Ullllagton. 'But now I think of it," raid Uorrfi, all his former oaeulnesa rolanllng, "that doesn't mend our case," "0" Is Ibatt" A.ui h " Ellen to London wllh him, '\',,"?;''i»d7«nanghtodoIt." "wfa. '"S' '■""•ror, that she does not" «inirt1o di woysgslnatlL Bnl UWbMmtk mod Waller,lf(er.'°< himself, asai^.(M "Whatkal'Ami.„ Hllllngtss; .<'WblMl|' "Any«btM;itt'>IM>i now dutnAlidly.eriedJ ''WhtfOtLbtlie I roL-ptn," angrily demkn&ed robldyongot" ■, tm'i enlf-^ntof th« *<»ld >> llgrf'' analoulj laqotitd Hill shall that shall ?Sin tZdJ 1.j'.T ""•"lly to be bslHeJln aoghl vol take nik??''.?? T.*.?'*' I •■«"> P""""'* "■-» ■"veil U 1^1 l?J'iVK°?V'» "« "•"«>•" .n.ihlnff ,n.'.J?.'i.* »onceyos bivo bogon ' ■^Yaa ^i/d r Jif.'S' 8° with It,"* I do^JJi he'slLralXi?.?"" "And I ain't pertlokler nyaolf, eo long as I do not ran no danger of being fooni ontl'' * <niST^ f»Ilii°f,'?'' P»lf »onrey, Sharkey." i.HJii',?.!.'"^ " ' ^ubim wl&i anervopsoon ttltuUoo nol "And after all It doesn'l'nneh raatiiiT for ,1 help hut follow as I shSubo?!?. t^fesdV him other oddjohi." "Then If I go stnlgbt away to yonr eslablUh- aent—" "Yon are ante to oiten him; he la always book soon after dark." • "Tory good." "Bnt what did yon want fne tp glv* Mo wnHc for r" "Well, I have a partlcollr reuon tor toUiltaa in- terest la the old fellow." " I'^f' "Tell, Ull us t" "No," shbrtly and shorplr answered UnnDgtoD, "There If a'jseorat cafuieotM wllh lhat whTob'moat rsmaiii lookM wltUIn Inv own hrtast," . , .'•Then/' thoDghl Jlonii, "I shifl Uj lo Sod It ont for a,TMll "• "I-wUl tell. yon. only that I bare kept old Bootey irithlD mrfsaeh for as oooasioiv—'* ' "IttV-: "Whloh'bai this eraalng praaented Itself; WhHe I go <nHdr«h of' him, do rod remain bore and await the coiaUIr forth ol KUia, who Is not at til llki ly to be locg before she leaves the villa, and sa she bos never seen yon^on must aocostber, and " "Tell, bnt," cried Sharker, his uneoslnesa, aa ha' called It, ntomlng again, "I have Just tbonght if Wolterhossald nothing, ahe may not have Icllowedhla ejample." "Saa. copld not tell of the cheat wo ore proellslng oa Sommerford, for she knotts Dothlnjg about (U 1 look care that Walter ahotald not be fnlly Informed till I had got him aafely out of her elnlohes. All that ehe could tell, aa I ahould manage wllh old Sommer- ford, woold have no power In breaking olf the mar- riaie." "Toll, I hope BO. Bolwhatam I to aay to the gal when ahe comes out I" "Draw nearer, Bhorkoy, and listen. And mark wall my words, for tbo aligliteat mistake would frostralo evarylhlag." CHAPTER .^IL TiLTsa AND IIB laHriass—HO. ammapORDs iSTAOiamfBirT ur A VEav uoanvLBo stito. Hurrying from the villa, Walter, in the hall, ran full bntt against the retired merchant and sent blm rolling till be was stopped by his back bumping against the hull door. For goodiless' sake, what Is the matter 1" cried Bnmmerford, cbaerving the yonns mao'a wild and scsred looks. Walter spoke no word In reply, bnt, not nrgently, drew the.merohant from the door, opened It and darted forth. Sammerford, In great alarm, basllir raclnsed the door, and rolled up stairs aafaat as he could lo search of his dstighter. "Has semelhlng draadfnl happened f he demanded of Louisa^' "Hare yon-done aometblng to drive him mad t what la Il-oh I what la It r'. - Bat Xoolsa.wea almost as maoh In the dark as-her father, AUshe oouhl do was to tell Ur. Bnpunerford of Ellsa'a arrival; qnd of that yonng.glrl'a stqnge ,wprds and mystelltius oonduet daring the few honra that ehe had been In the bonas. Than she related how she had found Bloa and Un supposed Richard Brandon together In.that. room:and tolq how:atm<gely tbay both had aoled. ..'All that.oooapled:a consldorable llme lntbe telling, for Louisa .was too sstounded-and bewildered by what bad oodnrredto be anything like oonclee In hernarMttve, to lay nothing of the many interruptions she reoelvedfrom her fyther,'who rolled about the rogm, groaning- and gestlcnlatlng In a msnner not to be dc- uribed, .. Isit, wbetr be bod heotd all that Loulsa conldeaydnlhe aobjeet;— .' "f am Jntt oo wise new' about It all as I waa before," nid Bhmn)eVfdrd. ''Why did lUchard go out of the hou>e In thateort. of way, sendlhg pit bump against the door and knocking alltbe breath-oat of my body I And where la ho gone ? lan't ho coming hack to marry yoii, m; child I'.! "He mavAome haok,' If he pleases," thonght Louisa, but If, after this, my father still espcola uie to onlor- tsln an Idea of becoming the gentlounn's vifo, there Is averrgi'eatdliappnlBtraontln store (or him." "what ore we to do, Loniia V petutuutly cried Bom- mortord; "why don't yon say ivhat.we are to do r" "I don.'tase, father^ that wo oou do anylbbg." "Tbon more ahoms for you." "Except, perhaps '! ■"Ah,yesT» "Qoeatlon the poor girl who has been the cause of " "Trael To be sure I" "Though I doubt If we shall bo any tho wiser for what she will say." "Uh,'bnt 1 will mako her ipesk—she shall—If she doeen't ni look her np." ' "Leek her op. Indeed," lanthed Lonlts. "What for T—she hun't slglen anyihlngt" "No, but she hss turned my hooss and everrhody about It, topay-tarvy-has driven mo oat ol mv wlui." "(om afraid, ftlher," said Louisa, atlll langhlng, that those are charges upon wbldh no polloeraan wnuld take her Into custodr. But, come along, let's go to hor." Ur. Bummeriord and Ills daughter ptsind through several roomf without seeing anjrtblng of Rllza, und reached at length that one to which the poor giri bad been eonduoted, in order that she nlgbt don the attire In which Louisa hnd so greatly Odmlrtd h'or. And no sooner was ibtl apartment gained than— "She ia gone I—ahe la gono I" eiclalmed Ul.^a Bum- merford. • ., "Hilw, do you know I how do yon know f! haatlly cried Ibe reerobant, . Louisa polntbd to a white dress lying across o ohair, and had no dlfflcnUy In divining what was Indeed the foot. EIlu had rotnned to that room' lo cost from her the while dress In whloh Hiss Hnrameiford had loaUted on olothing her, hod .resnmed her own poor appsrel and "Ah, well," said the butler, endeavoring to teach ktmaelf reslgnc'Jon, "It can't be helped now, and vre ooJi't say It wes our fault." "Our fault," broke forth the cook; no, "bntlt.was yonr fault, Ur. Bailer, and yen ouibt to be oahomed to •how yonr face anywhere alter thli I" • "Orod gndoua, Betsy I" cried the fltbbergatted bntler, "WDi)t^c;tn yon mean t" "Dos't Betsy nw, sir. t see now bow I have been deluded, and what a fool I was to let them .peraoade ma that what I had been told before about yea and that girl waa only a Joke ; It wua all true enoogh : that was aba, and It was yiiur attfol contrivance to bring her Into tba house, aud to hnodnlok me. Oh, you ebomeleas villain I I wcnldn't mind taking a long Journey to go aod see you hanged, that I wouldn't I" "Come, come, Elicabeih," chafed the butler, "lean put np with a good deal from a woman " "A woman I who do you call a woman t" "Unt when you come to talk to me. In thls-sort of way, lowei log my dignity belore all the serrantf, and teaching them to treat roe wllh diarespact, li'a more . "Ton ore a pair of vfllelus, and I don't know .whlpii Is the worst of the two. Kf ver y«o,dar<) .to .eame liesr ms agaln, Ur. Beller.. If tut again rdn eohtt sneSH- la| and trying to Msa ma wheajlaal oooklhg my'dln- ner, hangme Ifldontknook jondoim with thedrlp^ plof pan I" ... - . . Away floinced Delay Qreesby and the two nsn.were left to themselviis. In a atats of failnd not tt all to be' envied. ^ ' .•'«". Uoth were silent for a white, neither of. then In ftot knowing what to say. Ban tlrovcr was the llrsi to apeak. "Well, thiH ia a rum est out, loo't It, Ur. Sailor t And I don't know now what It all neana. You don't know old Dooser—butit was he aaked me to apeak a good word for that giri, whoever the was, for I don't now and I really ihooght Dnl,' I say, Ur. Bailer, what baa ahe done f 'vhat'a all the row been about t" The bntler began to cry, and draw forth hla poeket hondkerchlef to inop, away hia teara, , "Uetay Is lost to mf,''he whimpered; "and that - — public house would have bean suoh a bargain." than mortal man could put np with," raged the butler, "Lvslt Konaenie," Bath oonldently said; "yon glancing rpnnd upon thu llatoning domestics, and foei- will be all right again, and >o' thai! I. They'll oool Ing out to the eoul hshe saw thst the kitcbenmald down again aud oome to their teases and then, you hsd a broad grin on her grlmr eonotenanoo. toparrvltaffln tbat way," said Betsy, wllh a uysge sneer; ''L nnderttsnd U all well enough, ■fod ctoaped from the hontei , , "Poorglrll''pltyloslymnrmgred Lonltt. "Don't dare to pity her," angrily cried Summerford. "Who la she r How' dare the come bore to ruin til uy hopcvaod eand ms rtnng mnd I" .'"Itit a mott nytteriona bualness altogether," raid LotllJa. '.'snd 1 am dying with curiosity to kaow whst It all mesnt." ^ ' " "And I dm dying with exhtostlon," reiponded the nerohapt, "snob dtttdnil tbocka tre too' nnoh for a man tt my time of Ufei an, so—come along, Loo, lot's Soiodlnaeri It'aaowmoiethlin sn hoar past onruausl me ind I am ready to drop." The oonfittlon andtiolleiiienllhit had reigned ahnva stslia soon brcsmo Jmpirn lo ths hoosehold bcluw, though var^ Inperfaot and Inoorroot wos the Inforwn-, >tlon that bad traveled down stairs reipeoting the com- aolUn^ to thei higher fehlem. And soon tho hubbnii trevailTS"**'^ whloh, at lU very wont, bed "Oh,.V4-in(tti«es hqtv, to come here ind make l»»jlV elormed netvO;oc*by.. "Mv flntl nt flght, when I nitda npmy nlnu thit fto;4hd ff I ^rasn'lifgoodnttorcdrool and toetsyiM^Mr, all this litendtfl Enslneaa wouldo'l have bappeitdl and I eboaldn't htvfhtd-lo keep Iho dinner wtlting abont Ull>averylbl(g waa as dry as qhlpi.."; . • and yon and that Impadcnt Ur. Orover understood one another; It wot aU settled between you ; yon told him to write that letter to blind oe—yes, yet, Ilutow I But yon tee, I em not to stupid at you thought I was.'.' "It's aB your ootulo's fault, thst^s the trath of the asller,"hhaulad the butler ;"snd she onght to have knownbftter.tbanflve aoharaoterto aglrl.Uk'ettat." "I doit't. believe ahe did; it'j ny opinion that'aha knoi a nothing about It, and that It waa a pjot of.youm andol that fellow Orover's, who la Jttt at bad at'yon are." "Yon oeemod to think a good deal' of blm though when he .woa. here the otbtrolghl," tpilefolly.erled Ur. Seller. ■■ "I didn't look at blm ai yon did at my eonsin Core- line," retorted' Betsy Oreesby. "Bnt don't talk to rae sbont snob nbblsh: I wish thsrs wasn't a man In the worid.thatldol" One of the servants had gone to the door to answer. ths bell, sod Just OS the little dllference between the buUor opd the cook had reached this interciUog point. In walked UttaCarollae Cook and Bam Grovcr. "How d're do, Uelsy, dear! how d'fo do, Ur. Seller V oommineed Oomllne 'Oook, end nodding Ih a oondeioaoding aort of way to tho rest of theaervanis. "Yon know I promised you,. Belay, that I would give yono pall again toon, and as. I had tn . coma nan of your road to-day on a little haaloe», I thought I might as well go.on a Utile farther and l/ut I bad a deol-of ttouble to get Ilr, Orover as far; ho kept on wanting to turn hack every nilnute, making oil aorta of ridlonloua ezoutco, ond aevcrai limes. If 1 had'nt held, him fast, I dv btllavo ha would have ran away from pie;" HaVlug.dabblod on thus far, Ulas Cook at lost stop^ pad, Inlly ezpoollng that lomebcdy else would aay something;'buf, to her snrprlie, when sho left off speaking, thero ensued u perleot silenee, and looldng Drtl at Uer cousin aud than at the butler, ahe taw very plainly thataomulkluK wot nmlsa.with tbem. ' "For goodneu' sake,'whot Is the'matter with b.oilr of yonr Carolinennilously Inquired. And Sain Orover, too, wondered; tnd, remembering his reoommondatlon of RIlea, ot which be had nol, reotared to say a word to bis betrothed, felt very., uncomlorlablo, and wai oppreeiod with laaoOJiable' nlsglvlnga, " ',, "Csreilne," began Betsy Grcesby, struggling htrd to ippanr oalm and oollooted, "It't not tnmy:qatBra to wear two ftcat. with anybody—I am a plain womin^" "I dob'tthlnk io," aald B^in, with a-weak attempt to 111- Joodlor; "uiiu I am sute Ur. Bellci'does'nt." ' Keep yonr observation^ to rOnrself, sir," etemi; cried tho oook. While tlie bntler fltihed on Bam a look that onght to bovu HnnlldlalQil bim. , ' "Did you," demanded the oook, "recommend a yontg woman toua,andai>knt to '■ " "He T" hottlly interrupted Caroline; "uevor 1—'llin'l likcl VI ahould do tuoh a thing as that." "There," ttluinphinlly exclaimed Deity Oreeaby, "ddn't I say to I Ur. Orover, howover, tent a young woiBtn liore,wlth a letter—a dreadful, wicked oreatnra; Oh I I.o^i^'t UU yon what thu has dono." And Indeed Of Uy eonid not, for the ult'n't know. " did tir, did yod I" cried Ultt Cook, timing flercoly on Ban. • ■ "Yes,'.' told tht oookj "a crealnre that Ur, Beller for- nerlv mode, love to and wlahed to provide for.' "No, nq,"orttd.Carollno, "that't uol It; I uiidentand It well enough; that girl ih one of llio pretty acquain* tnncos tlill Ur. Ofovur hiis lUHile aluce he has beenJn Louden, and bblng too poor hlmaolf to assist her, ht' wrote to wn In the hope that' '> "But Ihuven't—I never.'wrot* any letter," daolarod Sam, who.oQulA see nu other way by which be might hivo a chbnct of geUloi ont of tie ecrapc. "Uut I Uavd teen tho hU«r," stid " your signattre to It." Uetay, "tnd If^s got ' "Then It's t "forgery," boldly aaserted Bam, wlti a algninoaat sign to flie bntler. "There,it pxolslmed Belay. "I saw him wink at'Ur. Seller; If l oould have had any donbl heforo, I am oalls- (li-d how." - '. ■ "Mr. Orover," orloi Caroline, "I have done with yon forevi-r. I ta going off home tills moment —good- bye, Betty, dear—tnd I thtit go tloiit, and If joo liro- aume to It-will be worao for you. "Oh I" sho grcnneii,at tht mibedontof tht houw, 'twhatt iuoky atctpe I hart hid—what a muntler I waa (Oing, to marry I!" ' ■ - "Ur. Beller," ttld'the oook, raorohing up to tht bnt- ler. "yon needn't take snv faore InqnIriOB about that uobllo honta, " - ■ . -i - -» •■ for j than b "I atture lk^?'IaBll „ • -'Yet, Ulas Ot«eaby," Umorootlr rentored Bam, "wt are both lunocont and'Ton aud Oarolhe tra laborng nndsr.'a dreldful error.'' Just trutt to me, tnd http year heirtop, and don't cry, old man I" Ur, Beller, hanlthlng ill his wetkneit, drew hinaelf tobli full hi4ght,andlnaholdly anlhorllaUva looe,tald, while pointing majestloally lo the door ■■ "Oetoutl leave the bouse dlraetly; and If aver von dtre to thow your nose hero tgtin, I with I may be amolhered If I don't aet the dog at yoo." cuAPTEit. xxni. in nviavnw unwaiot luaa an> aoiaui ■ oain tna aRaaa aratio. When UlllingtoB wof gone and Bljorkey Koirlt waa left alone to watch and Walt for HJa, Jaw ta(d to lilmsclf:- "Whit (lid Ullllnilon mem by nylng thatilf'the gal consented'to take herself out of theway,he tbonid, be eared the trouble of ttuilog hsr to be put ont of the way 1 Out I. needn't ask myself that, oonslderbf how well I know him. And I oant'help myielf now, butmnttgoilungwlllihlDiwhetherlllke Itorno. A'ndl don't like It; I'm getting frightened ont of nr IIfe,'iud iiogin to with I bod kept oletr of the bntloeu alto- gether." I'lllza come flying nrom the villa tnd towards the nan, who woa trolling to acootl her. I - "I beg. your pardon,, mlta," kald Sharkey, planting hlmteirin her pith tnd tmttlng her ftept,"bat, D you'nleaat, ireyotl'UlitBIInr' " "£IISa It my aami,!' she OntweTed: "wboan yon thii ". . • . . . "I^vo beenwalUng horo to apeak with yon, at the requcotof " '^Or.whomT" "Uy friend. Whiter Brandon." Eliianllered ab eiolamatlon of delight "Oh'.l It that indeed troa I"' "Why ihouM yon doubtIt.t. Yea know ot oouiio that he bas'qDitted yonder honta V "l.belteved 10." "Dh,Tet,'qulth htlfan hour ago, and doesn't mean lerM^tbdre aiy more,- yon may tie inre'of that." . v^DeirWslter.". inaudlbly whispered Ellia, "Bnt the min who urged him tgolnil hit will to thit naiTlage—"' ' •;ThovllIilnUllllngtonT" "Yes, 'that's him—veil, he kdraocad money to ay friend Walter—." "I know, I know I" "To a large amount; and made him algn to osrtaln dooumentt—and now, ny poor friend Walttr in In don ger of being irreated and thrown Into prlton." "Oh,heaven 1" . ; . -. "Spheli obliged to oonoeal hlmiolf till ho oan es- cape from London." "oonoeal himself r "Yes, bnt not for long, beoansoism trriogmg every, thing to get him out of tLo vtv, inJ be vlil soou he off wllhout a soul knowing tnylhlng about it." "How good of you I" . m„ j "There, there, V) ron'tUlk oboot Oitt-^ijt" »oi IWOTO friends In bit prosperous dsys, tnd If I htdn't bien oolled ebrotd, ho ehouldnl have vanled for help to keep him out of the aorioui soiapo Into which be has now got.blraself." cii.. mt. "Generous man I" grslelullyciclnlmedEUia. "Ab, wlXfwil'lJ.CS." Jo^ig ladr, there's no den Ing l7 Dull w«',o>g to aay tSat-Waller wishes youVo elortoir directly for Woroeiter; to wait there UllbeooraMloyoof torthfVi the pisee he meant to go to end ospeola to be there olmoal as soon at you '"•'boparl without him," resolutely orled EUzt; "no, "".■wiirhit^wlionltellyoa—" "Now lAit he it In danger. It It oy duty to be netr himi 1 oogut not, and I *fll nol have London withont Wriltflft" * ' "But If that oou'dn't be anyhow-lf It wu neottury for hi'safety Ihsl he ihcnid go alona 1" ■•I'ray pardon mt, tirt but I have to greiUy nflhred Ultt my heart boi lo^t all oonlldenae, tod Lsee around nt bol tiioret and treaobery.' Do I not know that on endeavor hu bdon ihtde lo tepsttte me Tor dver ftoBt- Walter,'that It hat he(n tenght U nako hlm>mitTf wllh another, and:what If no« aa.effort-Jo reoore tt* were being made la, order lo brltg.ahopt tht ««o«m* pllshinent of that inarrisge—- . . . ' ' "Hy desr yonng lidjr "' "Say thtV I ant dJUutt, Ibtl I ta nid, bnt I .fill not lUi' a lltp hntll rtn oerUlo thll WtlUr will belk*' ooolo the linibtnd of tnotbe'r." ' ' ." ■tWell, bntldon'tieehowyon—>■ < S'^' ri -will retom. V> thi boaii:lhtk. I bdl, no»: have qnlftod."' ' ^» "The devil I" Bhirkey motlthd to htmilir, . "IoUluB:mriie'Vrord..-Who.pouwietagphl« heart— I irlirdSsulosolhe-iltt by,i«hl6l| r tib'Bimilwaiter and he to me. ' 1 Will telt-hrt tllal •li»<nl«r'iToiltf Ibtt WtUer. Iovts,fof now > ammit ittaltA tt-^btt-vii v/u. ifr/' lageklr' dried E|lu, "Ifyon wfllMM do tbtt' I' Lot mf bnt iee end tpetk to hlife; tad Mr wtrdaItltllbaraobnfoito.indfeefgsatfon:'*. '' < "f^cll then, ken than tedUm." ''Bnt where fV . :. ' i _, "He It goneto cpnoetl blnislffoahoqieal.lntt- mlnater, netr the pirk: you nnst go to Sieiay't w> '—^f you dth't' know It, aayhody^ will Ull na t It, hardly ailopi'i threw frtom Big Ben'.'* ■■■ 'And you ore nro that I thfll ffnft nlo thfrti* ; "No, mist, yon .wbn't And Um 'ther^Int; Aa< in- ,ilde Ih* path, rba^wnljlld'. riu.wtnU«:tti|i%B take von Uny.mend,, Waller," ■.' "Okt thook.yon, thank you V'' "Bat; yob tee, Dht,'we tr« obliged to ba rttr « ao thtt he'Dtyn't be tirektdd uidolkp^U "Oh,yoi,7el,"f*««fed.'Ell«t," ' ', "Bo wt htri'^gteed en a! tort of 'PM'i'di 'thior rnysttrlou, thtrnohodj elae It^elf^l "Andtbttji " "ItnMoryFrUehariiUI" Elltaftlttiy tettamsd. "Oh. hetren," sh«tald,"whrthoi« ttnlbl* vtMtl* "Ajo'yod'alkaldtiotirthemr' • 1^',' "Afnid r kl>-«lnhe-^on'ttu me that wtlttr-IM ehooeil them." "Oartalnly ;-II wit he, and nobody eltq;" "Xhen I beiltaU no longer/' lald EUia^'r' her own Bind to learn f^on'Waltei hewiBt wordl. • .'.I Uihtl ooe«,"teilM, led to employ tboietlngnlar wordi, "rtrtwiii, iirt rwurgo to - and wai merlli>tirtr' Blay," Bhdrfty Ubtria oslled lo htr. "What more ratktd Ellia. "Jott ona word, .thtl't tD." .. "Yai." :. • . ., "It It tht only wty by whloh yon eon l«| to letrt Leaden alone PT '•Motlwrtaliilr," ■ ||Tirrvrell, du^ then-good night,", ,' "^yAnitfuii to .hluttif, lipiUg lOiHiK.'^ InflSStilBk fiti,Wore I|'< oytr,/p!,'lffl«5J{KUt lilgttforyou.mygalr .. -.. . ■ ,■• I-l ■ ■'i " TO'tB OOMIItUID, » a l N ai' i ' TELoct^bit uidHiTi - -. " r. . . .'I I, Teloolpedooaaia tathe'iditlady of'tliedaj^lBiFtMee, and eren In thit eonntry It It btipaBinf .ta/ki Jill. Btirf eifo whe'detlrtfb to f«noW,«he'fttfiip'<i«,Paih hti'ut veloolpede oad Woonti tb OadntrfMsotiwIk* valpolpefe ahoaind, . U. Fta,.^lr*et«r.«(tt|r'Mad 'Oymnaidnnt; Fkrta, wu tanf to lie netghbeflni IM*** to' ttady the 'prognit 'of ths velodbdde, ufl )m, n- tamed la df iptlr,excltlmlng>'r-"l«t.Cqatiim^'e«ol Pitnoe lalnferloi toQermaoy la 'T*lMtbtdta<!'J,nai It nol'all'i'la'l^me.tiltoti 11 thiulan»;b d^reMilh* hottvc BootsfVequently takeplae»;aal'St;OltMwa B<lt<MirilBdt'tha.teta« of a rarTlataMthir ladh, • tkttilk ofiWUoh U.flven onlto In^ pM ot tUa'iMk'a Oitrrinl A'oUiVespondenl thdi deserlba a rtlMlMdi race i^llbh'rieapUj took pltoe there;-^' " T "Tbo tUrtln/. point It Indlciled br Ulf fftty^tkflk. ud u etoh rtoo 1^ oallid, the dompetlum emergoione by one from tho Avenue d* Olrardia and take-op.wielr fiotltlon obreost of enoh other, bat hardly till elear eit apart, at prescribed by the otBalar rtgnltUbat. They are all mnicolor looking yonng met—not iteaked ont, IS U generally'the cue at Iheie conipetlllnq, 1b oolcrtdjoakey rips andjtoketi, bdt wetriiiy loM ot^ dlntry cottt tnd ttU boois. Into which the e^dtef aeir Irowien are thmit. The eoone, which It l,8Wll«tna In length (tbout t mile and t fnrlbn^) h In ptit aw n ttone ptved rood. Bdll;the dliUnoe wts uooBitUwd by the'winner'of the priie' for veloolpodsi wflWIwo wheels In four oinntet end twenty-flre ttoondt, or at tht rile of upward* of lllteea npct ah heht, tllf'felo- elpedwwlth tkret wbeeli hehig half u .bn« Win, ntmelr. tlx m|nntat tnd' twen^y-elgVt MOh^dtu-tn te- eopipiUilng.lht umed|iltpo«. The lUil^ VidAI*r|> fltg whiob lie irounded u a tignt), andlhi'Jndft wor* Ihtirihbon of ibe Leglon of Honor. Th«rBo<Mt, ivUok wu virr btdly kept by the nnrntront^ gefadaiMi^'«er- 8tiota do villa ana. "gardea da lao," ' ^ te ditttnoe Bjr «row4Vor p»ep>, ifhi the rlolorfont'ohiriottrer ta he pautd 1 No afoner had he dlamonnted thaii.B'fwnH beijr vks Jianded to him |)7 lome atlaManll after quafflnti whkib be- wot ittdy to r gntolatlou ef Ui friindi.'' i . ,.<-. .'TKt vthlolinowtinacUngiamuoh attonlloalkinol, tt the mtjorily of ponoot Imagine, sn edilrelf l«# lo- rebtlon, but wu bronght before the pnbllO mui^n*" tgO; it'Wlll be observed h/'the followlnlt' iXttVel «oi> the .VmbtgUm QtutUt ef Nor.9ttt,!lB]$Z^"|iua upoaa new tort of relpolptde atlnoled<'a miniNr of people together tt the ETephint tnd CuUe,.MMta, reeenlly, to witnetthls ictlvUfind thiawUlntM wilh whloh. he. trtvelr. He It t.iboemtket by ttndtvand flndlng Iho trade bad atNewuk-on-Tlenr, fk''II^ hainlblte,' of uhleh place 'he'U aiiatl^,-)MfV' oftebanloilholrtel'ukettrintiL It li oit 'it't plan from, th* jot)ion.' .Ittt'iroikid,l>7.l«o.'h which tf t tifO'vrtieelt la niotlon.tndctiigeiltrbi' ftonl to bo put In moUoni which Mlitht mow at at |eut alx mUaa an boa.. ■ Itil»lkl eom- Eleteit machine ef the kind that baa yel twetrlaMlled. [ehii tnreltd In flue weither ilxly mlltt •'dtA He hat two Iron lUtnipa In whloh ha plteeh his fbel:''lhey ti«p him tieid} on'the tldk." The an1j'diA>W0« be- twein the vtl9elpede ot thtt periodoi^ tht ^neh ndW In use, tppiari to be In the istanM' of bropoltlen, the lotler havlsg for lti:notlve power tht feet (pttetd of the hinds, in Improvement which looiotatt lljl vo- loolty whilt.tntalUnd lest phytloil exeiUon.-: Thcn|^ In eomo porilont er Frtnoe, OerfflaDrand'ii>tkei<ptia Of the oontlnint, the voloelpede hu loi/('been knewa tnd may be said to hsva acme Inio gpifirw ti>*r.>> >*• been only within tbo pest few moniht w the loaova- tlon boa been brought prominently to Ihe ttl^allda or tho Ameriotn public. Our people irt pi«wU|Uy of a ao-ihoidtllve ohartoler, ond torthing In Ihithap* of novelty. In ke plog with the splrftof the aMtUra}* excites their Interest, tnd if found to oomblnf pHanre with profit seldom falls to meet widi etleh ttbeHi^u n msy inorll; IhereTore, judging from tM Ittelrsll wUeh hss alieady been mnnlfasttdln tbe'TWOolpM^jDy enr olUzent, and the foot that It preteAia i'^t^tw, aad agreeable mesne of reoreallon, while tllhrdlnf tp lhoaa who retldo some miles awty from' their plietp of. hnal- aoaa achinoe to go'and ratnn qulokly, at the ttao timo ta It enablea them lo lake beaeflclel extroM piv- oinded by the ordlnaty modei of transit. It la'teaaoD- ablo to predict that the veloolpodominla will hjul e f until tho Invention beoomei netrly ii mooh Ih nit heio u In France. To our tportltlg. friendl It fUrilihta another ipiclei of pistlme, tnd wa doubt not that ore long we loill btve an opporluBlty of wltneiilni • oos- teet between experts slmllir to thst rapnientel t^ ear Uluilralion In this nombir; mob in avMit-woold oar- talnly tttraol a lirge asiemb'sgo of Int^rttteA Mtelo- ton, Thero tre st'preieat'tireral ibahnhowpeaof tho relOC'""!*^ '** nnnnl»» «nrt"MM4''tk*>'.dWlAn alrotdy i oome qnL- llihtd In thli olty, whtre eosipttiMVi l-, Instruetlon toIhiee whovlth le-naittT.thuaaoaia*, and here may bt obacrnd'tletlat ef tbo-tualai'ln tiM lu phaiii, ■ : ; ,,h .ii .if . ' — ■■ — —.. Dm Fiui IK ENOLAitp.—Th'a only'pttiofiagltad In whlob wild red deer. ti« fooadln.tny oostldarakl* number and regularly hnnttd tt • ditlrlot of tketnetlh of Devon tnd BomiTut, The btrda-«f ted dter whloh 1. Thero tre at preieat tirerai naimfaoltpea oi I reloolpeded In thu oonnir/, nd';(rtuk!'l^l(,'<M*n otdy received the hnilneu proulMt atpjuiivto bo- ne qnile exiepslvt. A tcho'o|.l^ilkfiUo-|upMlab- onoe roamed oyer Devon tpd BoBinet tnd pari* tf OomwtU grtdnilly ftdddtd befote Ibe tdrueepf tnl- oiltniv, Uti; Uilrlrdt' the end of Ihelut cenlti^.ua rimiahitoaBa.a oonptMIvely leeute rettait & tto wUditcUBefUaoor. Bad deer Ilngertdln. OornwiU utll atMeai period, tnd one or two are still ocotrioa- •Ilr teen la tht extonolreooverla on the eaiun bolder of tho oonnty.bnt the Iirge horde have lOM^dlaap- pitawdi' PIflj yesteegoiod dcerrotmed artVtAhtnta ^ta of Bagshoi. The new forcit oosUlB^ lliigt