New York Clipper (Feb 1869)

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Fetruary 20, 1869. THE KKW YORK CLIPPER. 863 grtiroul; Mtt\ o« metreixillUii Jliltlctii-Lol of (Id biwrii ud thlBibi, ht«k«4 hi" •onebod/'t bm In Uw flelnlly, laOO; 30 iwaidt atllt, tiKtltd nwi, poekeltd In Iha ihop of 1 friindlr cupnUr, |0.00j en« old rtoiauid pipe, HiBili- Ing Ueklt, tO.M; on< aid door, foind Irlng round Ioom' t«.Oe; ihOTit, do., l«.00i 1 r»l li»p (lo aUh nti ind mla for Irtib •U»»-Bnd« »r Mil), lOlM! 1 oH uucopan, uff« pot, tin pItU, 10.15; 1 bi| eoffn fiom Iho vhwTM (fm of tO.OOi potttOM ud olbor TO tliblo pndneo, ont of ti]tmi gwdm, lOiOO; foil ud ijgi (fnni frlndlr ben- iMili), 10.00; In fiOou vhlibo) (prtMBtod b; • fii»d who did It to |tt tid of him, btlni In the wtj), 10.00; tnnlKoldelo', t>i 1 P— ''»T pfP" (''"'«' '•■>■ •'•"'i ttbMM (prout of > frUnd), 10.00; nilohoi (pnggod on tho tly), 10.00. For d»lle«l«i, two or Ihieo honn of Uboriou »p- pUallon wu uflolint lo piofldo n budMno nppir of Uiudi, bnginndwonni from ondtr olonei nnd dionjod tiM tmnhi, iod now ud Ihen • iliuob or » gophor wonld fiU to hij w»T,wbk:bhoinedu.tHodiib. Hidllonod npon Udo dlot, »d U » hMlihr Ihil b. puMi mort of Ui lte» In iloop. Ing. Onnd of uponw, ioton doUu^ «WMt,.fl». oinli Thuinabofonnd hjiwldenlln lb. •«»••. tbit U.IO IIUl. .lUmpi .t "dwoUlm ""•'.n^.,'", .h« noUiu.,,whll.«r. H.lh» lotaowWiM th»t tho lout "odd pi ion, .p.. for 0.0 whiUr wu Mj »«'•• of olfthlrg id',..p»..t.. Tb. - Wtdod^"U... "i ».T «»" "T "« ^ »«.o«,bntrt.l...l«dl;«.. .ildmd, w< ihonld not nppoio It wiold p»/. ON TOTDfG.»t on rrai.]. populiUon u* to bo dioiod I. boMmo ' b.)l«t ||IiI.-wkilk.r w. iPO U horo . dtrkiy b'lol on our tt- ratchooB—whtthir no. wo u. lo glw rod-dro» to Ih. .boilglnoi ud thm li lo b* 1 ltd roH uiong tho Indliu lo Iho oitool of Iho nEng.—doM notconcun ni mon pullciilirl/ than It dMaUi.nMoroiirlillowb.Iig>. ffe Toto, Ilk. goad mn ud tno ill of na aiaapt "Jim;" ud ha will alio when hli ei ■ti^BO jaolh woua of. Coniaiiuaotlj, w. u« ■ lIlU. eaielw Mat mr'brolhtr nortok. Toting ta nndMblodlj on nnallojcd bleaiing and an Incillmtbl. priTUfga. A du who li. r.Ur eu redact with prid. that, trom th. highlj eoluied tickala which lla aotUnd obont Iho polU, ho mtj oiarclio hli owi diHratlon bTwaug one headed hj tbe nndaontod rooatar of Iha Dmaora(7, or ila nrai, wllh the Repobllun apiead ujla glaring inoelj apon him from tb. top. Out wban It eomea to the ^neoliaB vhather fain, blaeki, ud nda are lo bo e<iaallj bleocd ud priilkgcd with OQiHlrra, wo*d nther leare the leng and dij argument, to otheia more eonpelent, ud alio more In- ehaed that way. Bat u laffrage ll .n eicellrnt InabloUan, we an beneroloot - anongh lo with that all our friaoda coold eojoj It. Wo wlab, toe, that Ihe/ wen all eonpetrnl lo lla prpper eianu. (Ilka all .f ua, .i«p( the afoteaaid "Jim"). Out Ihia la more thu we call raaaenablj rxpeet, for we are well aaare that muj of oor olUteoi now wictdjog the ballot aro far from being aOllcted with erer.|ol«I1lgr.e«. Were we going bj aculeneia, "Our Jib** ahonid rortbollh btcome a clUun. Dot we bare oar genera) lawa—ud extiaocdInuT eaaca like that of our boj mnat jleM to fixed nlea naTiig a<ild about a. much aa we ought to on a anbject ao faralgn to ua, we .111 lo eoocloalon "point a manl" bj adorn- ing tke latter portion of our article with a tale. We moat pre- mlao that It la not onlj new, but boe—both qoalillaa behig aamethbig of rariUea aow-a'daya II ecenried down In Georgia, ud tb. hero wu noni .f yenr carpet-bagger Interlapeia, but a genuine unadoltenled naliTO, innocut of that hamleaa ac- cemplUhment, the alphabet BID H. waa bla name, and earlj In the morning of Iheir Noramber eleollon he alarted to tbe polla. Oo the waj he met a friend ud neighbor coming from them, and the tatter kuded him a receipt for making loma pOU, that had bean alTeclIng wandtrful cnrea of late lo the Ticlnltj, and at Iba aame time farored him with a Bejmour ticket. Ur. R. look both, ud kept en to the polla. Delag a good-nalured, aenable fallow, wllh plenlj of "hall-fellow" friends, be had t. do lundrj "liquoring" baton he Totcd. FInallj he ptrfeiaed Ilia taller Important bailneu, and then remained abont Ihe pella elccttenerriBg, till lale In the arui- nenn, when keaUiled far heme. Kow, Ilia alfa bad been ailing far ureral da;B, end ao, llho a good Jinibind, the Ont ibiug be did wa. lo feel (or the receipt he bad ohiAlned, which bo banded li hla betlw hall, remark, log, ''There, Fol);, Ihere'a the pill receipt Jim Sanfotd gan me fur jtu." Hhe looked at the paper and bunt out laughing u abe replied:—"1Tb;, Dil), jm daned foo),llaa£(ymouraiid Blair Ucitt r Dill glanead al It m conaleraalion. Then hb ejea aandered to Ihe clock. It wulod twentj mbint« of ali, al which boor the polla would eloae. The neat inatut he ■holled out of Ih. koua. hka a nadmu, ud Ion op Ih. road tewaida Ihe rollng pneinet It wu alraoat a mile away, bat he kept on with neaitj unabated pace till he airlnd puling al hla goal Jolt aa Ihe polla were cloalDg. "Bold m, m; bo/a," h. gaapal, "I wul tar T.I&" Ih. Judge, looked at hlio wllh aeren ejea. "Why, BiU," aald one, "ll'a penltnllaiy to rota twic, and jaa*re alreadj voted tbeeleu Demoerelle ItckeL" "DemoenUc h-lll" ahonled Ur. H., "Ifa a duned lla. IfrJ MM Sttffcrd'ipill nctipl, that'a what I did I" Fact. I'ruiuBH fimpiirT.—Mllllona of matche. lo bol are made In Kaw York aanxallr, and the number of alrikea ud blowi an hicalculable. Jauag matcbea la a good bnalaeaa. BASE BALL. RoDaBex RnL-Tbe SIhle 1.11a ua that Roth Irealed her aweetheirtahabbllj, inaanaeh aaahe flnt "polled hla ean,"aDd aflvxarda "lr»l upon hli oon." A "DDU.T Uaw" la not ■o.callad owing to hla auperlor pogll- llsUc attalnmenta, hut rather to hla kind and ehaillabl. ului. Fmittxo Hn,' becauie Ihej ear what thep mean, an derlilralj callnl MatMH. ; I » ■ ■ TBI COMXTHIix Leooi, <S9, P. and A. U., will bold thelraiunalball at the Apiillo Rooma on the lith but. We thuk them for u Inrltattoa la b« prtauL PREPARATIQNS FOR THE COMING SEASON The eitnm. inildneu of the paat few da;a baa gif an qnlla an Imprtua to oii-door apotla Baa. ball, lo pu leular, la aa far adTuead at the preienl time u It uioallr li In April or Hap, Th. luding elnba of lb. countrp, wllh a few eicptlona, bare made up tuelr nlnea for Ihe iMaon, agd one or two clabi hare arrangM for eilendad eienraloni na "UTOLTMO mm. The chugea ainee laat aeaaon to the nmpoalilon of tbe olnei of the prinupal orgulaallona hare baea m/ great. Tb. aialam of "nroUlag," ao mnch lo rogne dnilog tbe paal few aeaaena, la In full blail al the pnaeol hma, and Ih. birnlnlog of plaren frem one club to anntbar la belog carried on In a ahanaitaa and opt a muner. Thli cannot bnl land to Ihe detrlnaat of oi|r noMe game, nnleai It la frowned down bp all who bar. Iho prrreaoenej and good will of baaehsllat btart. Ihere n but one wap lo do Ibb, anl that la for oil nraUlua elnba to refuae mamberablp to pLijera who are known ai pro- feaaionil "tcnlfera." TbeCurran hualwjji adToealad' Ihlog lo cooneclion wilh onr National Oame which wo Ihauiht would beneQl It. At the aime Udi. we tuTedeoouoced anTlbiDD and ereryibing which we ihoogbt would be detrlmen'al lo the ■poit. In regard lo those plajin who leato dubi afier hsTlog made pfomliea'and accepted compenulion for fuini. nnlcaa, w. Intcoil lo punue a uune which will baro lb. clfctt lo brnk "J'.'7?1?!r!'''™"''''°'- '"''I well anlhenUeaUd can. of Iblatlnd It li oui Inienllon lo gin Iha nan. oi iheoSondar and ibr full panlculareof hia ihameleaa undnet. Tbb we ihalldoloeTer; case whote ihe OTUince la plain. In ibia natter we aak the cooperillon of ereri orguliitlon hi tee eonnin, lo the end that we ma; be bettor pnpared to cope with tbe nonatrooi a;tlem which la woiktog m much arIL PBWTOU JJfD TKanTT, Vtr; nalBrallj, all e;u an lomed upon th. half a doaen leadbg oiuba of Ihe eounlr;. What tbey an goint to do, ud >ho an going |« Cornell. Uialrainea, araiba aubjeotaol ab- lorblng InMrail Jgal now. lb. Uainala, aa tb. nominalobam- pii^nclub, are allracling the moat allinllon In thu rlclollr, while Iho Ctoclonaila In th. weal aad tb. Athl.lle. In Ih.aaai, lUnd ntit In Ihe aider of totenat Of tut }ear'a mm Ihe Uuiaa a will onl; ntain three or roir. Woli.n, Bwandell, Ullla and poriiai* f lul.;, are apokra of aa edte 'Id be In tht ntir nina. Iba newaeoeailoni are Mllla.of iho Allanlica, to ateh lor Vollen; Rgglar. of the Echfoida, and HaUcId, of IheCin- cinnitla, lor the Held. Pabor, oftha'Vnlona, la lalbad ef aa a Delder, and aa Cbarle; li one of the heal ool-Oolden In Ih. oouotrp, u well u a Orat-claal pitohar ud halter, II la preba- bte, iheteforc, lhath. will b. aeetlrad, Dieh IJunt, who waa preTenlod b; aorere aielineaa from Uklog part In mu; gamea lut Hamn, will be In Ihe nine thia aaauu, we are aiaared. If Pabor la sMured, HaldeU alll pla; on ibe In-Oeld, where he ia aa moch at home aa anpwhen clae. Now that Otorge Wright la not araUable, that old and at on. lime nn.ppnacn- ecbahl. abort-alop, Tammp Derjr, will prnbablj be to ihealne. The Allantica hare had their nine made out aom. tlm.; with the f iccptlon o( pitcher ud ealoher It .ill nmain ibe ume u last tear. Zeitleto ud UllUretlre. their place, bobg tiled br Tom Pratt ud Fruk Norton. Tbe rw of Ihe nine will bo tSe ainje u laal ;ear, wllh the eieeptlon, pcrbepf, that Crua ud Feisuaon map cbuge placce. Ch'ilc; Bmllti, who In Ma dap, waa the cnck third baaeman of Ibla counlrr, will pla; ibal position Ihia auaon altogether. Aa Chorle; leva oi h. la gulng iQto prectleo aa aoon aa tho weather will pnrmli, we map eapMl to wltnera aome old lima fielding and balling fnm Ibla giwt baacman. The Atlullca bare chani|cd Iheir pla] log ground, ud will Ibla bmuod occup; Ibe Capllollne QrouBO, Ofdiord—a flold. b; the wa;, where Ihepgalntd all tbcir renown. A trip to New Orleina 1« In conteoiiUlioo fur neit moolh b; theac ex-cbaraplona ; In fact, we bellOTe II haa been deHultolr aettled upon, but ol Ibb we know nolhlog tjfflclallT. Aa alread; announced to theio colamiu, llio Union club bu reaolred upon giftog U|i the prnreeilonal huaineaa, hiring 'ound it loo eipeoalre. The; will bare a first clasa amateur nine, bowarer, and, no doubt, will abov a good record al the clOM of Ih. season. Of Iheir laal aeason'a nine, Sbellerand Dtidaall hare gone lo Waahlugton, John Ooldte and nbor are on ibe "fence;" Smith, we un ieraUnd, inlendj to mire from actlTO paillcipatlon in a game In which he baa been lo aucceaa'nl, andi(oa wblcbbe has nllecied ao much credit Th. Acuta dub, hanng loat tbe seiTnea or Chsriay Walker, wUl be abo n ofao much of their strength thet II ii doubtful If Ihe; will put ronh a nine thla aeason. We hope we an wrens In Ibla impieaal>n, for th.AcMrea bare alwa;aao ed an honorsble part In their relallons toward olher clohi. In Ibelr lime the; bare afhUi.edounf brillIutriclori(.,«od to lhehlalor;ortha nation- al game, if tt n erer writton up. llie; witi occnpj a bright page. UI Ihe Eckfonla wo hear rei; Utile. There u aome talk of Ibeir gelling Zei'leln ai a change pllcber (or Uariln. Tbe loaa of EgilerUnlheraoTere upon Ihe dub, but a brother of the crack fielder promlaea well, tt la said. Uost of last joar^a o Ine will be retained, probabi;, and ao endi^ror made to eqns). If mil eical, thetr alctorlea of the post We bare boird nulhing of Ibe numcroua amateur clubs In Nsw York and ndolt;, aoch aa tb. Emptrra, Eagler, Kuickerbock.ra, Orientals, Eicel aluri, Eurehaa, Irrlnytona, Oothims, Uohawks, llarkm and man; othen. We presume, hoserer, the; will all baTS tho aimo nines—or neaiip iho iamo~u ibe; plajed lut seaaoo. rniLADn.rDu cldss. Oalsloe of the ImmcdUte eicinlt; of Ibe melropolif, the aime actlrtt; preralls lo baae ball drolc". 'From erery section ol onr couolr; Ibe din of prepiiation la borae on evoiy wind. The Alhlelica, ol Pblbdelphla, wlio made auch a name for tbem- aelrea b; Ibelr brilliant record ol last vest, are llie centre ol altiaetloit outalde of Ihe ma'.ropolia with tbe ciceptlon of two III three, Ihrtr nine will nmaio the 101110 a. laat seison. Uiller, of the Olympica, I1 tolked of u the soccessorof Rod- elllTe,but II laootknoan foreeitaln whowlU face Dick UoBitde*. pHchln^, If Iladcllffe Aol "dew the conrae." Foiu aod Berry ■ 111 ha nplacetf by p)a;eia whoa* slrrogli will be more to keep, tof with that o( their fe'loea Ilarrop, o( thv Olymplaa, ud Horke. of the Uarylud Club, both pltchen,ua both good genml playen, are talked of aa auccwoia to Iba playen oenlloBed. Tbea. cbangta, It la bellend, will be beoaficlal to th* Alhletlca, and will ^Ire Inereaaed confldeooe to lb. du; aidant fttendaud anpporlera of the club. Anew club room u ID eonlMiplallon on Booth Eighth rreet. onr AL Reich'e new siors. Tbs Keysiones, under the Fnnaobcy of Mr. Theo- dore Bomeisler, Intond to tn and ngain tbelr old prailMe^ The club hu been badly bandied li>r tbe paal law lesjona, and It needs Just such a nisn aa Ur. Uomelaler to bilngllup to Ibe first olaaa atudaid It nccupled yeana^ We bars 001 heard maeb In regard lo aeason'a nine, but preaume lush Bralclaai plaren as Floweia, Owynn, Reach, Gulp, Dechul, UcGtamIn ua Cwell will be retolned. The Cympica aie nak- tog exieoa re prepirettona (or a auccaasrul season, bol we hear aelhlog laid lo regard to the composition of their nine. The Geary Cub, Ills rumored, has cesjed loeilat Oflhenomer- oua aeooDd nte eluba In the city o( firolherly Lore nry btUe la known, u nol so much Inleroat is taken to their alfalra la In thoae of other organlxitiena. OToaa OUT or Town oLvsa. The only weatoro olob that appean u be (blly alira to the Impoituc of the approaching aeaaon Is Ihe ClncIunaU Ctnb. As ther come utier the head of cinhs who ture an eye on the champ.ooabip, their actlona aro watched icon elosely nd com- mented on moie freelT than ihoae of other orgulutlooa. Ac- oordlag to their own ahotrlDg their nine (a ahead; picked ool and waa glren In last week'a Cuma by our Cludnnall cor- napondent Ills pnti; near the same u laal year. They taara slloped up on nsllleld, bowinr, wbo bu johtad the Hula, ala, u alated abore. 0; suuto mcano Ihe CIncInnaUa haTOiac- oeeded tn alionatlog RadcUIIe Iran the Alhlelica, but II larcir donbiful wheibei lie will remain long wllh itie "UediliMt- lags." A more adranlaJOdua offer ma; oatry him still (uilher vest or brlag bim bick to the east agato. Tbe manr rnaiora afioat lo rcgiid to the Ducke;ea ud Iheir Intenllolia Ibla year nndere ll diflkult for na to aa; wllh ccitalnt; what lhaj are gotoatodo. We bear Irom 000 qualtor that, like the Unions, of klorrlianla, Ihcy bare become dljuitod wllh prefeaelonale I ud iQicnd tu return to the imaleur slalua. From olhet uarcoa we leare that the dub Intond to alranglhen their nUie, ud to gin Ihe "Red 9tocblni;s" a lirsUer brash than they did lut I aeaaon- Time only will lell the truth or falsity of these I ramoia. We hear nolbing poalllTa frem the Oblago, St Louie, Inill- anapolla, Hockford, Loulsrllle and other weat.>n and aooth- , ,^ . „ . western eluba. In the sooth the game is now at Ita hslght, A Dmirurin.a Csaaiona, who 11 would do wdl to arold ud we an to receipt of scores of garnet framNew Orleansaoil i. a laneame place, ealla the ladles who toko dp |« mnch reen olher dues erery week. In Waatalnaton ud Baltimore there J. Ik. ik« I la conaldenble going on In baaa hall ardea The NatlODaldob, ■U Ibe can the lutfair aei. ^^1^ ,1,^, p,,,,^, ^^^^ ^^^^^ „ 1 Itng logatbar a nine that vilL It la uld, edipae enD the taooua "Oua Jm" aaya another man told bin that he ksowa a | aina 0! 1810-7. Blidaall ud Bhelly era the acceulona, ud Tm'OioiQi W. Ciioiu Aaaoolatton are lo gin their Ont unual liall at National Aasemblj Rooms, Forly-fonrlh alicel, eo Uonday arcnlag, Feb. 2ad, •Ik tfiMlnuDl 1x0 CiTlQ UllL Is to be glren by the "8. H Eoiil iwslallon," on Ihe lOih toil, at Intog HalL II picm- iMa to'be'at«f)rMli;ibIe palbering. ~*4 bntoher'a wife, up town, who threw, ahoep's eyca al erery i who iiaaica by. .^.-^ eportlnB Sq.ul'bs. with Piuk Notion, Forker, Bcrlhrong, Studio;, Robins n, and othen well kno.n to feme, will make a rrryalrnng loam. The I Olympic^ Uolona and ether Wubmgton eluba are alao on the gu^ vlw, ud Intend lo keep pace with their nelahboiB If pos- sible, the Maijludclub or Dalllmore, by their defeat of the Nalknala laat aeaaon, became the ehamplona of the south, which honor they sItU hold. Then wu solio nndoikud liaosacUons to regard to the laat game of the malch, howsnr, which we commented on al the time, ud until Ibla allgtaa la ramoTod, Ihehononof thechamplooshlpwIIIboralhcrenplT. The Entorprlaa, Paoltme and'olhsr Baltimore eluba will proba- bly be m the Oeld wito Crtt claaa ntota, of which we aball ban more to aay harealter. leakloi of first claM duba wa moat not forjet Ihl famous lakeial'' of Laisluburgh. Thiugh lut, they an by no leaat Thoy bare Juat eloctod their nOltcn lor 1608, and Intend to do aren boiler. If potslblo, than lul season. Their nine will remain the same aa laal aeaaon, with the eicepUoD of Uottoe and Oarla. Thefoimrr will pla; flial bale, and Ihe — The New Toih Stole Agrlcallurel Fair for IMO b to be h.ld al Klmlra. — A pie a piece wu glren to Ibe Inmatea of the Uatoe Blato ^llaon OD Ihe 91al ulL, by D. 0. Doiwy. —130 reloclpedo patenta ban been applied for In thla ooun< tiy, ud 100 careata are on file bealCea. — Rofsh, the klodneu'to-cattlc man, lectured to tbe Assem- bly Chanber, In Albany, en tbe tlh inal. — Tho AUintIa FUhIng Company of Nantooket, R. L, lott mich mono; lut yoir. Fishing u arldenUy a fiscal fallue. _ _ A awopof wires, oiieman |l»loiJ"''"'' I taitori"i;?a"XnkeV"l'MiiUy'sholl ii'p, o'lJIiirto/'he'dllad beet, took plan, al Pubola, Ind., reoontly, it U nald. Dubioua. ,,u, ^ ^umin ol gamea laat huou. Tho "Hay- ■ — Vdoclped. naes on the lee haia token nlace to Fani thla makcn" want a Dial claaa awlfl pllcber, ud are aflec ZetUetn. wintor, andahtghnteolapeedhssbcenalUlned, lato of Ihe Ailutlci. Klbeyget "The Charmer," ihe; will — The yacht llenrlelto anired at Rarua, Cuba, on the llth I ban a nmaiknbly alrauc nine, ud one hard to boat but., with Oon. Van Allen and fiicnda on board. I ,ng cnajirra.tBiiir. — Iho tolleat chimney In Ihe worid U to Otoagow, Bcoltood, ^la nniaUslactoiy tarmlnaUun of lUe champloolhlp mn. .,7,. iL hl.r fiuiokef «««on, led the queellou In luch a mud and IS 4M feet high. BmokcT Wownaren <"'"' <>'«> tt wa. diffleull to lall which club wa. twlly — Englllh sparrows bore Incttased ao " 'tj """> cnUlled 10 tho linnnre Tho SluluaU became champion, by de- 01., that 11 la hoped t'.ial Iho luch worm will disappear. Allantica, but tuclr claim waa only a nominal one, — TliltlydeerhanboenkllleillhtaoeeaonalCauiplon, N. n,, '-"--'^ •■ - ■•• by C. B. Bwain. Uecr Bwalu, liuly, — "Flial couatna nol to marry" u a sobjoci of leglsUtlro dlS' onaalon in Kutuehy. - A large gn; wulf waa aecn near Cambridge, lU., recently, bat net caught aa Ibe club Ihcy dofoalcd had urevlouil; aulmcd defeat m two gamea at the hnuda of the Atblettca. Uu this account, ud alao bccauae Ihc Uulusia and Alhlelica did not CLiaio In a new aeries (or the tllle, wo reiolrod In bold llto Odd Ball which we bad had manulactured for tho cham>ton club In our oorarafton Itll Iblaaeaaim. Wedtd thla In thohopollial the Athio lauo Uuluala wouM be ablo to come to some sailafaclor; uodeiiUnd. THE BAT AND BALL DOWN SOUTH. The hall totslni season mar bo uld to bs now fall; Inanqn- n'«l In the OrroH Huto, and, frem tbtaaaily cominsooenieot, premtae Is glrsn of a length; ud ngonuily eooduclod earn- palgn. We snhjoln Ihe acorea o( ten aamea played between lh> PeilMna and Washlngione, on the Slat nit ud Tlh Inat., rapecllret;!— llsn<lorion,'o!'"*.!! Mnnha,lai b Bablrr.ldb nbort 3d b Dlelrlob, at Vahen.K I(atoilD|a,ar. YeUBf, rf. Wiinimow. Foley, let b Joaea.0 RnrecanL as LaBoT.p lABoae,Mh nilen.r f. Vedreane, If. . .1 ...,t ,...1 ...I ....1 Luekay. of. 0 LoekaTby,ldb 1 n.u a :;3 I TeUl _ larina Wuklnftoo PePcan Uranln-Hr. Faidy, 01 Uepe B. B. 0. and iSlHyninutr' Patiua. Total ..UI Id 8d ....I I 0 I a B TlB.of|am» Iten^eno'tii a ¥absir, Isfb nianebard, 0 ( llaleUntstdb flnwn,lf. «ok,es,. Tonne, r f. llanh<,Mb T0UI Irwiaoa. Palleu Wiahlnatoa l.u 1. ,...t > ,...1 1 ■:J J ....9 s I lal ..J ...1 Wuniwonr. UBof, p Wllgui, a Foley, lal b Tedrean^idb BarkbardtMh Ldlaa, If BcdiHreana,a s,,,, JoBaa,oL Moi,r(..., Tout Id tlh lib tlh 71b I 1 B 1 ] 1 I 0 1 tib Mb 0 a- g 11 u-u -Two honn n.L a. 1 ! - t Vnp're-n. R. UeVor. of Lonn Bur Olnb BaoTBn-P«llMD, Wm. A.Dl«irteh: Wutara|it«D,B OhAiulguogJr. Tli^aeffunfr- Tff* hoan >nd iblrtj'Ooe mrouui. OoTcnnfin Bill QosaiP.—Orono Wriglil iTrlT*4 Id Cln* elODkUItiiweeb, iDd aiaj becobBltlered » Porkit« for thi fa* tnr« HtlBild left ttie CloeiniitU Club ud Joined th« llatanU, ifl^r btTloE oolered liiio awriUei coilrael to plftj ■ lihUnforavr Tbe UatoD tod Unekajft fioiudi mo lo bo thram opto od Iho flret nf Harch for pUj. i Dumbor of Tfloclnedvi will bo kfpt opoa e«cb groanl e« wriift our w rotpoDd'oL THE RING. SKATING. — Ther mu»t hare an ahondanta of neat In Uonlnel, for log m record to lla poaacidon Our plan waa ihii Ihe Iwo ae. II allied that n bono wai recently add Ihere tor 76 oento duba ahould cono tooelher car y Ibla seawu, and play a aertea •'Cheap meat'a" good euoughfor boardon. of ganra forlboOold Dallond thoohamplonahln. Iltlawanid Ti.-i.iuiiih.nJlaVolniulo(Uke3nporioran reported giroecfa( lolhocommcnci:monloflhosoa.on of 1909, and aa boon caught of Wlbawdihl ,,,,, ,,„,k, .„ P«>la of th.coauiiy,,nd iho lotareslin Ihoresullwoeldi.eead — Tadtle rinr, horwicb, Ct, wu 111 od with dead «u«a on pn,ioua meelinn In Ihe annala of tho lamo. ThU la ihe the Olh Inst, ll Ij reported, and nobody knowa what atiieu oiilraolalloulo the championship muddle that we can inc >om, mood, aod the only one that wl>laalla(y all parlies. — The lltal nrinllns iireu In New nampablre wu aal no al Since the abore artide was written and put tn type, Mrenl roriamealh by Samud Fuwle, of Uaalon, to I'M, who then loporUnl rtioioia hare reached ua, which wo wUb to add u ■tolled the y 7/. OoieUe. • sort of addenda. Ueoigo Wriahl, u staled by oar Clrolo- _ A rull.llnni 1... ./»^ ..1.^ . nulla Seller foc "Dood'a elnnlU comipondont, hu condudad lo remain In I'orkopolla, THE SPORT IN TOWN AND OUT OF TOWN. Jiek Prmt hu aoftllf laooainbod to tbo eonbtoed altMki of Jopiterl'lmios tad Old So); Kndforlbo pronnt tbo Ice orntral U at on eod. ThoUitftkatlafflcAlnUiLii tIcIdUj wu esjo/ed od tho oreolog ol Iho 0tb loiL, at tbo Drooklfo Rloks Tbo rain wlilcb Mt Id on that daj luted llll tbo llth, and veakenrtl tb* Ico coniM nhW. Tbo ■arm lao o( tbo folio*- loK two dajicnmplfllrd tho work, ^nd on tbo 141b not a Tosiig« of Icfl lemilned OD tbo lowrr point lo Iho p«rb, nhtlo tho FltUi Areoao Pood wni rimllarly Riinaled. The rioki an atio barrvn of fco and tho proapecta of Uu alutera look nther da- Uoujut oow. ronroxnEirr op tub OTAMnoKsmr matcd. Tbe c/tn-Mi b«l"e«n R T. Ooodrieh ud Fnnk S* tft tttr the diamond and goM modal, and tho ikaltag chaaplonablp of Auif rica, whien bid b^eo amojiiod for llio «reDifl< of tbo Olh Init. at Ihp Brookl) n ntnk, drd doI tako place. Tbe vealher, wlilch Imachin im nnant oioQieot Id tndoor ta well ax out- door iprnti, b»ld gooduu lotho dtjof tbo mnllDg. Anin ■torn, which fot in od lIio nomloi; of Iho 0Ui, rcadcred poit- pontment n^ctnit^, t(u«eTcr, much lo the dlMppololmtnt of the priocfpftfl and ib^Ir irlondi. Tbli fact wu aotgeDeimllr kaovD, and na lororjl hoQdrtd ladles and geDlIcmon flatted the rink, ao rihlbl Ion waa ^tren for ibrlr gratlflcalloa. Good- rich and Salfl.vbo were both preteDt, appeartd In tbelr apeclal- Urtf and after tb'ir pcrformaQCfa wore orer the Ice waa Ihruwn npoo tolheUife nombor of ik^tera prearnt, and for ao hour or two the scone wu totj aolmated. Among the maj enKrfs prcstnt wo nnllced tbo Bmlf Brothers, DoTtard, nioD, NIckeraitn, Wood lod Parker, of tbe Brookl/n (Sob. Tbo New York Club wu notio largelf repntenled u It woold have been If tbs weather bad held lood. The. RofSta wu tberf, howarer, and u wu At. Howard, the vrlodpsde ska'lit, and Jimnr Demorett, thscoolo ebap Apropot of JImmr, on aaailait Ineldeol ocourrvH during theeTsalng, of which be wu the hero. Dem'^teat's ablllUea u n eomlo akaler oomloff to tho can of Ur, II. Qikbti'er, suDerlDteadeDl of Ihe rink, thai grntlemtn piKurrd an old lolt ef dotbei for onr hero, and propoeed Ibat he should go oo the ice u • dnDken man. To carry ool tho Joke, U wu delerBln*d to lei no one la tbs Rcrct, not eren ido pollcemeo who bad b^eo dslalledto pTOMrre order on IhatpirllcuIareTcnlog. Acctrdloglj, Jlnmij rlnedhlmtclflaaprlTaterooro, got oat of ib» window, ind wu 1st loto the nnk by a bsck door. BwUt had Just left the Ice, the Doric bad ceased, when a liltle allr at the lower en^ of thannkanl levernl toIcci In angrj dispute atlnclsd atten- tion lo that direction. Pre>eatt/ a kiaforish looklnr, half tipsy sort of cbsp tombls^ on the Ic^, and oomiDencsd lo nrste (d tho most coTrilcnl naoner. The Rpectston linftbed at Ibe an loi of the stranger, while others cried "Put hlto outi" SnpcrlDteodeot Cblcbester, wbo wu conTonlently at band, ilarid afler the laliqder, but the felluw wu loo luy for bim, and after aoTeril lacfTdCtual attempts to lay bindi on !i1m. which won) proTocjiIfo of much mrrHmeDt, Cblcbester catlod on the polloe ofllcen t) irmore hio. The nietropoIllsnsadTSOced od the chap with on olr which eeemsd tocooTOy the Idea thai thty had an euy Jobonb^nd. Demoreet had. In Ihe meantime, been ''wobbbDg"roaDd, pail ol the tine Id Ins wa^srand agAln trying topreierre bis baitnco. bla more- mcnis all Ihe time being ol the most smuilog ebaiacter. Aa Ibe orer-Tl|1lant guardisnsof the posce aiTiDCed with dnwn dobs, Demnrett dodged thou vctr bucosmIoIit, nocbtotbalf chsgnn. Finally, the farce havlDgbeeD plnyedonl, Jloojlafl the lee, and, moch to the sarpiise nf Ibespectalon eni gicatly to the dlsnflt of Ibe ofBeen, slipped his ooat and hatolTand proeeedea to the geatleinan'a riKm. Af ha passed through the erowd and tbe people began lo lesltie the fact that they had hsSDioId, Demorett was greeted with applause. Lstsrin the OTenlng, wh^n he made nls appsirmnee on the plairorm, our herorecalred msoy oorapllmrnls for iheciedllabw manasr la wbldi he l:sd played his part. It hu not been deOollcly sclUsd whso or whore (ha poatpoeed trial ofsklllvlli lake place. Doslou li talked of. aod os they hare a riok there It Is probsbte Ibat the mslcb will be polled off U tut city. OtTTOPTOWJf OOSttP. The nlld weather liss exiended all oter tbe eonolrj, aod with ihseieap.loD of* few rinks lo Ibe eilreioe west, the sport hataeljod atlll. Ia Doslon, sttbscommeacsmeotof lait week, tbe rtok wu open, Lafayette belax ibe attnoUoo. PhUadr)' phia wu OTSOwora^ offibsD the "Hub," Ibe tumerAos rloks and ponds being closed all tbe week. At tho West Side rink, Chicago, aloarasm'ut wu to huTo commenced on the Ifith, Issllag one week, Tbo OfsTeland rink Is noon for rollir skat- ing and T«teclDedendlag. H'lla Carrtt Eugene, UUiia Llda Deriram and FsDur Loinat". and Ur. W. K noatwortb are tbe Blare, A tonroameotof "Knlgbts lo Armor" Is aaooanco'l at the Hodiwterduk no tbs Iflth. The TIctorIa 3katlng Club, of Montreal, gave a cblldreu'i faooy dreuealertaJnmentst their riokonthelrith. TO BUTORIiL ilir DT TXTtti. Bj tbe ai^nded communlcatlnD it will bo loen that the res- ident! of Ibe ny capita) of La Detle Francs baie net bet-n alto- fsthar alighted by the Ice King, hat tbtt Lo hu at lut sITorded bem the opporiuoUy of gratlrilog Uielr Incllnatlou for aporU npnn the froc^n saifaco of loo skating iwads. Form Jobn- aoo appean to hare cirrled oJ tbo honors durlog the fes* ilTltlea, bis performancoi upon the blades qullo capuvatlag tbe fair speclatora end rllclting the warmeil commendaUuni oi Ihe mascaUae rrogdlsiecteis*— rini», Jsn.XOlh, IVt. PniiWDOurriR.—4t the peopts In Amcrrca ant baTrojttIno time Qowttaii the skailozfeaw^nle at lu belaht.asIbaTsooUcrd br roar pantra. I will wrlle a IllUe about ihe ikaUui In Psrla,wtildi weotre been ettloTlng i»r ilio put lev d*ys. Fortheertdllof Anerlcs, (be New York ■katartiake iKe ptlm away from ill oihera. The weaiher hu raodtratiHi now and loe Ice ihil, from prewiH spiwaraooet, there will bs no otore ■kaUnibere Ibli wlDler. For the pist lour dsra the ortebraled ikatjr.Tsrm JohDioD,orBrooklrD.bu been dellthtiog the people aod nobimy of PariaW blsmaaolflc-nlskallni. and the Fronch pa^-en speak of bimu aelBithBiRalestaDd mosl aeeonpUshcd skater lhai erer waabera. linthetSlh Mr. JotiDsoawulnlrodueedtolbsbmprou br Mr*. Moallan, ol New York, who Ii hereelf a rery floe akaler. and snerdUplarlnf his skill before her, she compHneMed htm Terr hiibtr. Onthbl7tDHr, Johnson care taolhor floe eahlblilon of bis powers beiore the Bmp'ror.Bmpress, rriooe ImperUl sod PripcA Mettsroleb, wbo, by the nsy, hara skaied ersry day, aod aiionlihed all that uwb^m by the grtal numlKr sod rarteir of bU moremenia, ud ine ease aod grace wllh wbkh he eicculed iDsn. ADi»apt the Udr ikilert I may meultoa u the best Ura. Moultsn, of New York, udBlaiCttnlas, of Botioo, sod amonttl tbe fenllnmn], Mr. Wel- mort, a New Vork Club Ualer, Mr. WsTksr and Hr. Bihar, of Kiaieo biulL Bellere meyouri Tcrrtml/, J. U. Oaiio. A DBOiDU nu. Tbo Skallcg pnblle of lloffalo and Rochester were the Tldlrns ora*'ae)l"or uolargestdioeotloos and most thoroogh He- senptloo dorfng the week eodlog Fob. flth—ahnax of w laorha- ble a cbanoter, however, that tbey could nol albw tbelr sogvy Kulons to rise agaloat the peipetntoro. It loroa out tbat Aia Qodboot, the lady fiom New Uraoswick." Initcad of be- log one of the "weaker Tessels" was dods other Iheo tho ac- cooipIiihedweslemBkatI.t,C*ineCttrlii,who Ii i»wa candl- daU forthooharailoosblp. At lbs tonnlQallon ol tbs Udlrs' contest at Ifao BaOalo Htah oo the night oflbo dib tbe manager lemoTtd tbe ToU aod wig from Calire, lo Ihe uloBlahmcDt ol the on-Iookers, the majorlly of whom hearUlyeaJoted the Joy e, though some, wllh oo humor la their souli, seemed dMpos.d to flad7«lt. To siliDce Ue«> grumblers aod set h mMir right betoie Ihe pub'io, Uanager fierrsy puWiahoU the following card la tbe tooaijuumats of tbe6ih:~ The ImuoMlblllty of Rcitln* two ttrst ojau ttdy skilcij to compete lo a Jubl onLlcb ?er «ur wnuwrneui, Induced ms to hare one nt M?fnSuSe prorowoDsUfCaUIe CorlU. lae"durof l^^^ SiwoellioVofroraIsily foriVooouce.and ll was myInunllon le ha« dlrulS«l the Kcn-.l oo ThH.-*laY e«nlD^, but d'i''i»l h« "O; test iSal cwnlag Ike Idea ■>]« tested lu-lf to mo Ibti I o.wld affurJ Touaiwi^ M'"tiln|'s smu«menl.and In the Interim fcaro ho Sm?skitSdIsolsy iboirsdlllDoiir U«h«iernink. Tbisbt na SSop'Isbcd I losl no Ume In rtwalM to jou lho"Blsr of iho ffSi»"wirTdl,laMwla,apttlojli1o(Uiyou lbs lemporary.H. flnlfan MKelTrdSDdcarrirtO^^^ I**™* "I*" "^"^ dtafpp!5iffaKumo"lng»nn»Hh^ to |H»ll«»,«>fo taWiiUcly or to allow Mis* Codboui lo .P,"""".^L.InMi- SuornS oBlucllMllon lo tuu by '»1"J„»Vfc?.%'5r^M I had advcnliod wu an iniunneuotaWeob/ciim lo Ueflr*l w""*"! iud my dSerSlusUon to rer«l iho w»rei, both I?JV/^". Sndlo sddfrrih lesllo ibocnlenalniocal, prcdudod the adoption '*(5?il?lSr%'lratcd a like soil upon ibo jood people of fills, burgh and TlolnUy lut season. TRIAL ANt> CONVICTION OF O'BALDWIN. Thecu) nf Edward O'DiMwla, the "Irish Olsnl," charged riv ."K*fl'"f IQ, A PHu flvht with Jos WoimalJ, at Linn. <I«Wl**s«., on thftSVih of October iMl, came op lor trie! to the Baperlnr Codrt. U Silen, on the BIh lost., betas Chief JosUoe BilBkam. 'fiUtricl Attorney Shannan, of Lswrsneo, sp- peaied for Ihe aeremment sod WUIiam D. Nerthvid, Ew., and A. A. Abbott, F.m, for the prlseoer, Vr. Norlbea^ nade a notion lo qnath the indlclmenl, oo Iha graaad IfaM Ihe 1d- dlelBMotdld not illete Ibal the appointment aod ogmmiia for the n^hx wu mide In 0:e SUIe of HasMrhosilla and withlDlhe perlrtdnf slxjean^ u pneorM bratatot*. The snoment wu lunpnrtod Ivj Mr. AbbolL Tb» MR*, bowtw, nied lhat it did not metier when and wher* tM atree- meat for the flght wu uad^so long u th»Mttook plioe wttbln the lonTlaiiettAo of tho 9Ute, Tbe pob? vu rneried and Ibe liUl prrweJcd, The prieeoar imfwhlt DwUj lrt«se4, and wslched iho cue laleoUr, 52f, « w-.*^'' ^uwe, wbo dspoM^d to being en S ill. IZV^ ^J*'"" "fl tbSTo'dooh on Iht "e-?JS! ^ 'IS"*^ VCftober. Tber hsar^ ond uw a aomber SL^l"Jiwrtlon ofLysDflrtds The? after. 751 V • o">»PS City llajibal SheiAerd, lo UDBtlsId, where they enMsaliK themseWes In a hint. There ihe* WW » CTowd or a» or 400 aalhsr round o nog nboat flfiT or ilxlyysnU'rum the hotel. The crowd cbiersd and halloed, ^ <t»P<.T Intsot on what wu goIn« oo. Inside the nog O'BiWwin ind Wormild wite Oghtlog. They were rlripped te ib» waut sad were lo fighting eoelame. At a signal the ^neerladTsnndupDntheerDWdattb• "doableqnlek," Amon on a hiek appeared tA qire Ihe alarm by crying ''gewns," snd the crowd commenced noolag. The wltoesM described the arrest nf Iho pnnnpala, Afler he wu looked ap In the LTon rollee StslloD, O'lUldwio said he Ihtnght be eonid hare Aisd ols mm lo a roond or two, WormaM also made a simtlu rC' nark. Olher wltneues, ladodlng Alien a Bbepherd, the Cllr Uar- ual or Ijnn, leillllod to tiio earns elTecL When the laklog of thp OTMeoce had been ooDcloded, Ur. AbboU eenUnd^ ttat the JoTT null acquit tbe prlM)ner, Inasmuch u Ibe lodklmfot en«rgM him with ene^Dg lita ughl wllb ▼ormiU, lo purso- MK« of a prerlQUi igrtonml made boI«e*n them. lo the Bnl plate, IkerA was no evldeoeo before the Ooort that the prUnner bed aoT light at Lynofleld wllb Jouph Wormeld. lo all cases the wllo#ssrs had spokeo of the othor prlionir u "Wormald" or M "Jre;" which night mranJoalab or Joespb. There wu no iroofihAthebad fiQght with tits Ideolloal Joiaph Wermsl'l nuotlnthelndidnient Iniheeecood pisoe, iliere wu on proof whstof or that fas foaghl wllh fformald la parvBsnceof soy rfsrinus sgrcenenL If any agreemeot wu made by beckon or outsiders, that wu not, he coDleoded, nfDdeot to legdlyeontkltheprlinner. Ho, Iherolore, sabmllted that he ought. In p -Int of ttw, to be acquitlMl. The Dlilnci Allnmey, In reply, lald Ibal the rery foci Ihit Ihe pnvine*-snt| Wurmsldcnnmsoced a priie Bght lo Massa- choielU was hdd lo Isw s sufRdeot proof^ tbst such l^bt was In pnmano^ of s pmTioos errsDgsment be weeo Iheio ■ A eiw of Ibu kind hsi been decided lo Iho SopreiBe Conrt, where snme pirlH-s cimo from llbode Ts'snd. and oomneneed a priu fight In ibl4 Slslr. Ereo If Ibe prerJans orroagenenls were madr by nlber pullca. iholaw would hold the pnadpils re- spnn^llilo for Ifartn. Tho prcvlnu* arrangsmeotsholween them, howenr, wore prored, ho eonteoded, by th* negoilallou which bad hern entrrH in'n wllh regard lo prorlnus flghts Cue'Justice Tlrlaham, In cbarsiDg the Jury, lald Ihst the prcTioQi ansnicrinent for the Oght muil bo prnred. f, bow- ercr, thejnrr wcrenllided thai tho prerloua enangeroent was made byulhrr p.irt(M wbo acted u the reprfseoU'ives of Ihe principqli, tUt wniiM bo u hrndlng lo hw u If lje amngr- meals were pcrv^n-iUy mndo br the prIndpaU themsolTex. Mr. Abbollsnbinillcd t«n e ceptlons, the subs'snce of which wu that a pretkns arranmitoL made by parlloa other Ihin the E;nclpali.dll not bind iheprlminer, and thai, u tbe witness^ donyipokcn ofa "Joe Wormatd,'' thai did not proTO that ho h^d erer fought wllh Joceph Wormsld. Tlie Jury retired to eODiIder Dicir terdlet, and the court then adjourned. Bhertly oflerOflVlrK-V: the Jury, aflor a deliberation of about ao hoar and a half, icturacd a verdict of guilty against Ihe prisooor. JOE WORMALD'S MOVEMENTS. Al nenllnncd lo nir Uiaeof lutwMh, Joe Wormsld, wbo Isiety cut iMek fioro the Uab of tbe Dnlrerse, leanDw the cm- Ading ofnMiib of lhat locslUr sererally la the lureo, U now ttfely q'lKTtered Id Ibe New Domloloa, where he will doubtleu mniio fnr the presenL The subjniara letters relsllre to his noremtn't rlnce crossing the border will be penusd with la- tereit by our rtaden:— MoffnRAi, 0. B^Feb. I2ib. Epitqn Nsw Tori CLirrsa.—Dain IfiiL'Joe wormild arrlrnl Id tbU nly en llm mora'n^ o< Jan. 7lh, aid, shortly aflAr bto arrl- Tsl, hecim*; tb*' sn«alof tbe narnall Hroine*s, mlnilra'a. Ou Ihe erenlncn-^thpldb of JtnoirT he was Iks rcolplani of antmpll- nnniarj- b^rOi a- Hnbanloi' llsll. It was the lariul affair ofue kind Atfr wlin^vieo In oardty. \Tnrinsld nu aailslrd bysper- tloDot lUmaU'e^rmsdsn and Prof. Lsboiler, a teacher of hoi- lov. SerrrtIsniaieuni pqi on ibemUadarlof theeTmtnf, Hmootil nhftm wtTf flujh Ilaowll bslladlil, and ftor<t. 1>urkln. or Ibe Thlneenih n<trnr«,whQanuM(ed ihemieirfs eradllaMy. Ilamill ptoTlni ttini«Air noi onlr lo do a vood leoor, hul alto quit a pro- flclent ■( Ihe i;inTftQinreUr,Judflng Ir-Hn lboiiunn«rlB whteh be kepi Dirfiin riopitin^BbaiiL TIh) ni*it two lo poilnaDanDeartnce were T. Qutn, of the *Var n>injip," and J. uelllber, iltT which WormiM spp.*arM wllh Pro . lAbotler, who were sr^cM wllh bud Rod pnil-in^rd ebcora, wbkh Joe gralefully ickeowlA'lfed. Tbes*l-loiTa«Bll B03^4ldM aHalr, Joeiumplsa at'out anddntf^ p(a| on bU nppweni preiiy mach whcu and whern he pleased. T errlKl|Mlhofii of Ibe mntnr, however, was Iho wlnd-np be- tween WttrmiM and BIH llimsll, which wu a One dliptay of ihlll Budsintrsy. jMhuI^as^l a lar^ houu InlblicUr, wherehe lnleDd«a[**iitnsa spirrlui nbeoL I alio undenuad tknl tiele ahoqt Wring on a uparrlne tour ilironsb the wreUm part of Csa- ada,lncv)mpaoywliblk6lUffldIa, YoaierupetiifBll^ ^ OriAWi, Oftibio, Feb. lllb, 1B8Q. EorTOB CLirrra.—DoiO BiiL-Joa Wennald. ta eooipany wllb BlINnJ nuMb EamslUof ''Haman'BPer*oader»,»'eaiiiy iiomMeo. ircalBDd isTe a spantugeihiMUon b«eon Wedoestoy e»BDlna, Fck U, al Uer lUlasty's ThMlra. There werw sboul three hua- drtdp*rMna presenl ThebaUwoepeaedbiaBons from Hn*b UaoslLwbi^wuiuoB fwiowed Vyiwo of the fboaTles" of 01- laws, Juk FliuImBoni aad Jack Olaaaoa. wbodouiAl each other torahwmianieipreliyllTolyud were greallTaopIiodfd, Neil wasaelogdsDnbfron Burns, of thlselly, which he dMrvrywalL HewusiMMdedMlwo rrvangnallsowaflhm Uroerlch wwd), named Roieh and Kdlay: Keller was lbs blner maa, but Roscb BTOwdblmsi'iriobeibcbellsrifaraei.hehsdllall bli owe way. A sonf from Uamill rol'ewed.and then came two youni 'ou named Danwil and HcOowtn. wbo wrtrefollowad by Bores to an Iilabjir "Tbe prlndpal feaiumof ihe areBlng wua eel-to helweon Wonnaid and an anuieur ef tblsotly named BeaJemta, who Is about SA. 8^1". In hsl^hi aod wefibs atuui IMlba. Joe opaoedby pIuU Ins onoou Ree.'a pretwaelB, whldi made Joe think he bad li all hie own way, butiuaitempllnf to eeadlo bla right again be waaotai- ]yalonpedbyBea,wbo.lD return, leaded a braTT oae on Joe's DOh, wblsb made bIm siara. They then Indnlfsd lo eonalderable ' 11, wbloh wont bo ihow lhat Heu. wu Ibe beel epemr o^ the Hie anutsur hid to keep swsy from Joe oa aceounl of the Islter'snipartorslreoBih, tnt Daally bentshed to. wbeo Joe seal Inanofoasenswiihbia lefi. wblob wu nianed wllh a iremeo- doussbolfkon Bea.*ir;iht,knoeklaa Vonnaldflatooblsback. A ekser went op for Bca. the like of whkh wu anrsr hurd beiere loildeibe Iheitn, tbe appUoaeUallag abonl three mlnulea. Joe ilokfd blaiself up Id a laiwertos paulon and wool st Bra. rl<hl and ML, reoularsloiiios, which waao'l Deo.'sstyle, so be <)ulrtl/ threw down and St... . . Tbe gods toM blmhebadenonih' Another aoag by Hamsll waa folkwed by tho wlnd-<ip beiwMu leit, regularalogiioq, which waaa'l Deo.'sstyle, so be oulrti/ threw down tbe glomes. Joe then luroed round In ankoio ikesudlenee, indssid:—"Haybeumeroorvoryoiiwould want to>avo a go." Tbe gods toM Blmhebadenonih-B<!a. waa ikebor forhim, elo. Another aoag by Hamsll waa folkwed by tho wlnd-<ip beiwMs WorwiaU andhle pupil, Hill Hamall. which wue UmeafTalr. Thla oDded the show. The audlaace wereenyihiog biituilaAed wllb the acUona of Wormald, and If be e^raee sgilo he won't be oblo lo the prioter. I heir ke Is oo Iho dud beat Ihrsugb Caosda. oua i kaowbeakedaddlcdriomnmckvlllewUboulpaytBS hiiiiuld bill, ne Isnow la Mouuesl glTlof lessoni In sparrJnf. Yosre, Ac, Hroar. ABE HIGKEN ON THE W»NC. WnAT OK Tll£ LIGHT WEIOHT CnAUPIONSRIP. Further dorelopmenln bare prorcn Ibe corrcclncn oflbe rnmor, slloded to in our lut of Ihe sudden oxodui of Abe lllckea for parla anknnwo, durlnc tho week ending tlio flth Inst. From what we hero been able to glean of the feets, It appoare that Abe had Ihia "lorwsrd moToment'* Id contempla- IMD forsome time pnor to putting It Into execalIon,Biid »llb a tIsw Ihoreto he had oblilaed the loan of a coasldenble aun ofmoDsy from dllfereot geatlenipn m Fblladelnhia end New York who reposed confldeoce in and hod taken a llhlog to him. u well u left ansettled ssveral bills for "itoib" and artlolu of dlffrrent hiads, U appears tbat his bookers In Ibe Quaker City know nolhlog of bla propoeed "departare fnr Cillforala" prerlous to hU an- noanceneatof thcume at his eiblbltwD, and then putting Ihl* aod that together titey nmred spredllyat tho eoaclualon that Ebeneur wu endoaTarlng to ''cone tho beat" on them, lo order to block this yania Abe wss collsredln s saloon lo thm city and charged wllb Iho InUniloo monlloned, which ho Btoullv denied: Ibey, hewevor, lailsted upon his reUralng wlihoDl delay to Fill/, which he did, butdeaplUtbeeaplooBge eierdsed, sucoeedeoin mshing gnod bli escape, and It -s geo- emlly beHered that be Is oow sojuumlog Id the Caoadu. h'lokenhu probsbty rtcelredmnre fsrors atthehudi ol the frateraltylDthlsDMiotr/lbao an? of his brathren who hare made tbe TOiyage asma the Atlanlle, aod daring bla solnnro reaped s goodly harrest of greenbaeks by giving iihlbltlona tbronghool the eountry, b^aldei a handsome sum u bla ahare of thewlDolngslo hi* battle with Magolre, wbleh tarmlaaled soforUiaately forblmMlf. ^slde irom tbe bsie logreUtude tbusabown, Hlekenhs>, we think, aolod sieeedtngly foolish, In a pecuniary point nf dew, for he hsd formed many good f rieada here who wooM hare stood by and awlaUd bim u long uhsoeledhonorsUy, sereralof whom h^ Inslellsd him u bonlface of a ulooo la Fhlloddphla, whore he wu, we ooder- aland, dolog a aioebudow, added to conildrnblyby the re- cslpts from sparilag Isisoos. He hu by this oondoot barred himadf snt Irom the farora or tbe dIrtsloB brrcafler, and should he renlure bick egain he'll eer- Uloiy tout with nugh trwtmeant |r he falls Into the hands of seroral parlJee we bare to oar minil's eye. Hti ekedaddle Iravoa tno light weight ohampiiinililn ao npen qoostlon again, n»l as FaUt Sheppsrd aod Tim Colllni have been Indulging in so much Bght talk lately, here Is a ohnnee fnr tbem lo do boltlo frtrlho hnnor, sodng that tbore's IllUe, If eny, prospeolof Iholrgeltlagon wllh EdwsrdL Thn boyi er« wondering why lbi>y tlna't try Itoo themielves, instead of both dlreotlog their cklu uuile tovonU Dlllj. Time I HARRY HILL rt. MIKE COSTELLO. wnowTHP, oaiimoK smNorn' f slMsnent "••»/ «'uo« Dis oevn nieea Detvun 'Wiaoiplea, *ai> I iSliili ikvf^f i J""*' ■ • ad tnTMir w;n«.'s!a'ij.\, biiX'i.''„' Hrnnirks were arplaudcd h. i),il^li"l,.'.'!!?'7? neihlns miro. IHI rrooi Ibe ilaie enUrfl blalad np br Ibeee fh>m w1 n- -"^ ■ H Hzmeuks were applaudrt bMhinHlJv.^^W.I^ buEedopbrlbooe tnm wSoiHe;li5?^t..-"J2;°?'"' lenarkiral I Ihts aueodad b.Be«irA ihP.hJ,,',"i!5^ 'f' heose, who slUiar paid Uielr war or waoT lJiS^jr?."-?/, "lii mfsair. NararlDlbls asporioow . i h£l Jm JSSh'u "7 wiOTi I l»n wiwrore, beih oo aad off ihe SmSti^*" Ueaea. Baspcellell/, AauneriKoranAf WoWiit'i i-artiwn Tttm«^„ Oor leaders will remsmber Uial u ibe line of iha^uM^T^Tr tremialil IVen Doaion, there ilao dlaanM«J oJ^SIl w Oawild, who had prailoiil7 flrirad in IheVhineSSfS SZ^, Joe'a pnaslpal bacbera. He wM one '(thTSJrtUa.h. il fetalT a^reu^lr that Ihajr were poss-ald of re'lusKt^iS^S inaeenriOfrtetelwprTorin«M,u«lalaeeiheahai el Jn^nh lheaolboritta hiTo been taaMaooal, eSil«S^ri« U> tttei k I etptai«, which thsj mant|e4 k> do oi Frid",, i jS naL.athlshoeaeIn Uiarell'siiwiC^whll. nemo, Sin- lloM aarlr departare for Rnrepe. It. ehari. {poo ■hiehhewu amelad, howanr; wu rnnerr ofa dran for I3<0 while elarb for Frucis KoUirUle, latair ttr-v^, DponbelDibnegbtbalore Judfe ChenUrlsIn la the Kenlel. pel CoQit Deal noroinv, he waleed eianinaUoo, and wta held In |I,tM for trial in Ihe Sapeiler Oeart, oo a ebtiae of oar- ■;lo( eeneealed weapons, i e. a leadai) hillr, be also waiTad aiimloillnn aad waa ordered lo fbmlsh tddlllensl snretl), la BOO. Tor trial In Iho Upper Coorl. OBon prorseded to Baleffl oi UielSth lost, Inqsaat or eTMeDoe to anbsUnUau n charaa af periarrinsnsrioKaa aboTe-mrnllonad, It Is ngderstood Ibal dnrlic Ihe absence of the prlaener Itrna Boalon. ha wia l»TsUo( with ¥ermald Id Cauda. oawma Iteoai on nx Ciijraiina.-a«orn Roebs leri thli port hr heateemarwhlohelnred for Sen Praneiacn, Cal., on tbaSih Inst, InalMd of the dar prior, aa he had eriglullr inle^ded, a nuaibcr of Ihe melnnnlllan aporia gilbsnaii al Ihe pier lo Wd him nood-bje and wish hlo a aefe and plraatnl pnesaa, aod good lueb when he reachra the land of ir>« doal, Ha waa much dlaappoinled bwanm Palaj Raardon did nol respond af- flnnatlTClr, or oihprelae. to his propoaiUon—• proeerdinf spm the part of Ilaardon wbleh strwb ererrhodr u Terr atraam, and •inallr dl'oreditable ta him, altar faailoi Indeleed In ao Duch tghtlalh, and dlreeUj ehalleoitlof Hooke, He will de •ell, bomdar, to dlacoTor thoae eho are wUlloi to atsbe tn bIm, before laaulnir aoch honbulle elfealois, Wa underaland thai Rooke'a compey.on du vayage lo Jin Denolaoo, ol Pan ftaoclwo, who came heie sone time since on Ihe qolst, paitlr fi r Ihe porposa of looklni up somobodr to tabs out then snd elTO D 'rer Ihe opnorlnnKj ho haa Iodk bero loebloi for In Inl Ma nowcis, and which be haa barn uoable lo secure wllh Ibe ■'CslKamla Pet," Tommj Ohaod'er, AlHlonh Ifaare la a a bht diararil/ In Uielr welnht, II la Ihourht llitle OIOIcuIIt will be »• perlrnrtd In omcnmlng thla ohalac'e and elTKllnir ibe con- Itmplaled match; If ao, It will hare Ihe elTecl of tnllTonlGi natlsn i^reetlT In lhat aecllon. Tn Hmtt Ifnairr Hiicn.—The eniinmenl be Iween Tom Alleo and Chailcj OalViihcr, for Iwo thpuasnd dnilara, which l> to inbe pirca on Ilia 23J Inal., near III Unls, Mo., eon on all itghl, the third dapoalt of 1300 a aide, hiTloi been denia- lleilatDIII Ilrill'i eiluon, on Tusader ereoinr, Olh lna>,,ln piemce ofa "(oodlsh" aaaenhlaie of aporlv The fourth aod Onal dapoalt, of a like anm. Is lo be tabled at Hlbe He- Coole'a this ITeaadaj) aranlDe, 10th lusL The mrn era report- ed ea lo fine trim ainadr. and aTerrlblnx looha faTeraMn for a alaabin, tneonoler. The aportlai rlarernt In the west ere eon. elderahlj eaelled erer ihe alfalr, aid we hear that niueb laeneT baa alreadj heeu wefsred upon the raeull, at lont oddi upon illtn. Mm MrOnou doee not aeon to And mueh Ihror la the tju ef bia aeighboie who hare made, and whn an new maklnr, Rlreauona alTorla lo prevenl the lananee to bIm of a lleeoee for bla hoslalneal Ko Tlleulh Flfthalrarl, 81.1/>ulaallcglnir Ibatit eooslltoles a nnlaance which demands ahaUo(. In anomtnt la now pending In the courta. BiLlY EowiBDH and IVviner Hania made a T.rr good sel-to ■t Ed- Tnober's lale eahlblUnB In Willlam.huit'i, fhe oilaara- ■ble weather nlllug to deter them fton folllling the pnialae made to a hmlher boier, which la er ditable le them. Ihej will ahorllf glrea Jilot show In Drookljn. Tn Colun Is In noslen this week and annoanCM that be llll riva ao eablbllloD there on MonilaT arenlng, SSd Imi, Ua ll sllll analoea In here a abj al Dill; Rd.arila, wllhln Ihe hemprn circle, but nolbiug has jtl bMOn dona toward cITcellng a meellnjf. JODX Uuiur Tislled Oor. dnrr, at Ifarrlatorg, Pa., laat week, for Ibe luirpnae of Inducing lhat offlaal to commute Ihe neoleoceof death Inposed on (Jarald Kaion tn ImprlaoUf^onl, II doea not appear tbat Ur, Hoooan auoceeded lo bla good once. Wa H&TB Lvmnis for John Uontasey, U. C, John 0, IXie- nan, Johnny Aamn aad Johnny HIckey, AQUATICS. A Now aiioaeR.~Darla| tbe put half eentarr Tsrloes In pmTsroeniB hsre beea taoae by different In-tirldaafs idfUd with sn lOTsaliTe Inm of mlod, apon the old, oaobrDosand nnnla< ly snebor fornterly In nse la the British nsry. The main ob< JeollAoi t« this sDchor were the ■osslreneu ef itsihanhsnd stoob, and tbe llabllltT of a Tossel lo sostaio ssrloos demsgs la groandlef -br coming In oontoet with Ihe prqJeeUnf fluke and sloct Until now, neweTer, Iks InTootlTe faeallles ef Iboie who hire slrireo lo anppi/ the went so lone eipe Isoeed for an sochnr of simpler eonAinetlon. whieh should bs free from the elJecUons meoUoBed,haTe ool beentaooesiflBlly eiperlencrd( for IhoBgb tDodiBeslIooB bare beeo Inlroducd snd nnproTsnenlJ node, IhsyhaTs felled todo awsy with the ptlaelpal coose of eoDplslot—lbeitoek, which, sen Tor tbe parpen of esntlnff the snchnr. Is aselrst, merely oddlDg so maui deed welibL At lut. hftwever, tbedetlred object bu been effeoled by lir. WnA' erlek WlUrsm, a natire of New Terh, thengh Ule>j Irom Cell* forou, who bu oblsloed leMen pstent la the fltatH and Ibrooihont Barope for on BDObor ef a rery norsl dfienpUon, la nowlae resembling the old one, ao^ wbleh Is as effeoiire, spureatly, u ll Is lng*nloiis. It ti sl^Iy s lonj. •qosre pitoe itf Iron wllb a ring at either end, snd hsrlng tmo Hosea within Ibe body of the shsnk, at right aoglu • lib each olher, whtoh rsmsla concealed when the socher Is catted st tbe btwa or stowed awsy, sod wbleh s«lor to either side on large boltj; so thai no Dialler In whit wsy the sachor shoald fill, oos or both will take hold, lesrlog no projeelloos ibore Ibe ihmk to injore the bottom of Ihe resiel end leoderloglt impnvdbleto foul or drag, while It will not damsge tbe bows In wslgbinc or eet'lar. Tss's n'thenev Inreollao, msde at Ban Frudsco sodKiw York Day with s 1,100 pmind sDchor, Is ttid lo faare glveo the ulinoBlsatlirsGtlon, prorlhg Ihsl the ume gnppllog power la sllolned with 33 l>3 per cent, less weight then In tbe cose of the anchor now In genenl ose. We hare been shown a model of tbe Invention, and sn enmloallon hss eonilaced us Ibat It illts^mlrabl' oa'werihe purpose for which ItUdcufned, and In a few yurs entirely iupersede the Adinlnlty onouor, orer wlikh It pnssestee so many adnntsges. The Invention Is one of loiportonce to onr yaobtameD, and 11 Is wllh a tIsw to brbg 11 specially'le Ibelr notice that we hare peaoed Ihli poregraph, Cuiinov Piii-OAiiD niOL—A polr-oered race, wU:h ere* _4d a Tutamoanl of Interest amnog the .Nevrmitle ro< ' fraternity, tonk (rfaceon Jsnusry 2Alh, on the T^dp, Cagl A liORT EaoiMe-Oo Iho 6ib of Jsnnerr. luplls frnm the Ecole MlhlBtre won) skating on the deep maa a lit ef hood winking. — A "painter," wilgblai aboal two hnadivd MimCf, ana i ^^^0 lut week on a tIsIL ineuuring eight fbot l«o laehw, wuaholltM«twn««u«»* FBrkoDollsbsfore him, on ev town, He. UeniBetoDpkwaghls brdab;«mhet ' V!""^... r— ii,. u.. gSTO uic cjtch sod I'Iko ploy cenlro noW for iho Allanlica. "Leonard, J* ..ji who lift the Duchcys lo JMn IheCIncInnaUi, relumed lo Irr- '"j ^ I tiigtoD lut week on a rlill. lie reporU thai HadolltTe lelt nrkopollsbsfore him, on eTlsitlo his mother In Fhiladel- pht^ Tbs Isteit from Iho Uutuats Is that Iboy are after Uer- ' "Ueygsl ' leoond* iteh will naS ;n"j3ran'?r,^ir;™k;'a."Mi,tLT.^ i s^r»ii"«jj^^ p.bor, j!:^s.rf''Ha? tare tn ieUelted to paal a law, Onelenall, and may go IB ine nea Btoehlag nine, lo uai- -TwulirAnMhBnbeeiilalBbytwohnnteiilbUwIntereB I ibe nigt at bUla arptrallng Holyeke and Weal Bprhlgllald, klaaa,aal Henir Pepper, of lb, latter plaea, ean ahow tba bnihaaoteUVsneflhem, . . — Bome lndlanapollsTeloclMdlala liaTe anadged a tilp to RlelinieBd, Ind,, to dine al Uteeolleld, atop at Kniihtauwn OT«r nlgkt, dine nasi dar at Cambndge, and lelotn to nieh mond on Ine leeond day at 01*. V,, — i nendrKtlpl fla^i werry like a wtale,. fnto wbleh nine karnli et hinbher nluadallUt were takeil,'wM caught at Dennis, UaK, meDlly, by. P. A, HtlJL .TUt ll kttlkloi oU to •ome pnrpoM. . 3;' ...i — A leeqmolire tot cmnnon tn miles near Harre recenllr, rahlele itltehld laden wilIi pawu|an,.>iivou, on.; n,,-, neniioruiao,wiuoccupr "™>","V""';:;;i;;T,.jf—ihasn- - A 114 »^ 8 fl. a In , tota.dp«« Up, «. kll.M W^eel- jm, »,V'i«»«''f« ' C"-;r." .n.f jT. W. OumEtimi)in--TlieFalnMnnlJJoh jf Hatlbero, Mui, haia eleelid Iba fallowlog ellcen for the •nialnr latri- P^McmTe. 0. Wlill»71 Tlcet^ldenl, Oeft'T ^niaelli bSj CLifc W, NewUll) Tieasorar. Frank W. ljwlni Mieemi? 11. W, Driaham, O. A, Eodsan, a K. fallm. i.nLiJTr wniiiii Mauichoaells, al Ihalr annual auellaa, lWeffi;".S"n:-i''«';^^^^ Tlea Pi»aldenl. U, H. llordwki Hecnrdlnd Secreury, r, on- I wferSZ^dlngeccnila,,. iJ. S''"^°:,'ior"FowW ali . - '. Wllllaras and Oladain I Treasurer, ll. T, Snow, rowier. laie • a'jOMeiahl tilpbf ff a,YateCouTge Olab,.haaJoined Ihe Woronocoa, anil will hlllT eeoDliy, Ju™l hil JTMsmon^.l lecow^ ,,*"''>; ,..cUi, Aww.wiib WSii«qiA^«i?««'Ar^'li£?»??.!^^ „ih..n. simeraai tisa — A obeaa, ebceqner and domlnoe 4|ah ganlsallw ntder llie niuplcea of the Toudf aeclallo*, ef Morrls^tuie, nt Ihoir roomi'~ Lrl "la/ioul anuatnienla" Oouilsh. Ainmcn, Ihe wall-Kn»"o ««»»'' ,''f'il"'' ^ ciw""m«iftl«3«*ff ll alrcady in IheVieM irlth a Hue aisorlmrnl ol l"™! "'*• Ulsw^bl«^(«lW'«'» laeiei Will" wllh spoil lo, goods ol oTcry ralHl^ ran along by tlio Fori ol Auaoaiie. Aa i t llnick Ufa party priceeded lo lake oS hii akalra. "nio't Ijo- m", morelionll'' crlrd his compaalona, ''•''^ "»!''•"• mnioh el Hi bcaldcl, I am hungry, and wanl my dinner. *.nfVJR.f « oomfade lUo rest conlinucd lo rtsll when Kly Iheici b^ie aid on. and all f.ll 1.1. lha«lMand l»riahid. Tlio young man wbo ao iolrarol=u»ly Si^Jd by gotgoir a few uliuice before waa none olher than Napoleon Donaparle. CHianovMiPOF Onia-Onllie lllhapuMlo ohtllenwUi ' a nSs ehamplensbalcrel Ohio, wulMaJd by Fran Pa^of Mumtaa. olio. Ur. IloberIB llie nasi day publUh»l w, a •••PS the foUoeing reply: Febnarr II, HO., F,ui,.Pio^R,,,Co«..o^-{,.»^^^^ c.ul«.-wl'lh",?u?o?ll.?SiS",3on.i,polOW^^ nol admllolJjyilrtnjan^UmMo < orssM^ I IhenftoratealgnUio el Ihe CInclnnaTi iiua' Oa"l'clai'wid etsr ihTrteen -^iiniivi Tarylni from two to Iwolio I**.,'» Tin Uaion 8i*Ti!io Fmo, "f Cloclonall, under Ibe^conlroj . ; Ihe Cincinnati Daaa Oall Clii sosaon tiekela, al pricea rarylng :;^.fIbShit-iSTrhe™"i'KTbi. 1.0wcsk.ol abaUo; In thalpoibr region, thia waa doing wondciluny »oll. The lloekere greunde were Ihmwo own lo alnglo admlui""'. and aoldbul lew aeaaon li.hcls. rlonwiiiKmly Ibe iboiincsi of Ibe aeiaon wai greatly to tlielrdisadraolagt. nniii.-Tlibi word, of Seolliali origin, la litre wrnnsfoHy bpplM lo arlitldal ponda deroled In iballui'. TLs word proper Ir BitpltM tkal pnrtlon of a sheet or ice oo abich Ihe Hcol'ii no* «r akHllg Is playad, Tia. :_ibt two droits eit«u,and bt laMiWg enures orrr which tbe slonia Irarel., II has no pMslMlHipellon'Willi Iho amuaerocnl of abailag. and Is *iw a|MM to Iho Ice liwlf, or the cocloauia In whl:h Ihe pond iMy,t^ sUaaled, II Ih.ra an) many pUyerr, bsif a dcu-o "ilitl" <W b« la .^tutUan al one*, oo tlis nnie pood. bxua Cniia^ae idi^ttUy trnMed epoo a charge of srdno lion, tTerericitVMttkhMniald atone of the Rotbrslsr, N r,hoIe1«,baltp^ MadtlflUon ije preied Ihe faUlly olUia ebargeand«ui6(olUeA,^ ,- , Tns P«opiiHTO»i»'of Iba MIrat ebaling nink.liaTlng be- comrillihoiMeneilhylliK prnirMlod spell ol wane ncallicr. hire Icawd their w'nMisliinpnlfW Ibo piirpoi. ol buna lilrnwl into a rekidpcd. riding Rbool,' MIKE SHAY CHALLENGES NELT RANDALL AMD Flits OF A VORFBir, A dinenltyreeailly occurred between Ulho Shar and Hell niD'lall, of Uloghamlon, attheialonn of which tno latter Is (tropilelor, In refersnoe to which we are In rcoelpt of a lenilby cenimiuilealloQ, dotalHDg the elltomilancoa Of this our Mm- iind apico will pennit ua to glie hut the aubahinee, wliloh Is lhat llandall, wllhcut any prorocalion, atisnaplcd lo thmsl Shay out of his home, and aflerwaid, nodsr clrcuin< stances wbleh should bay. ileterrnl anj one from doing 10, tried lo pick a qnurel wllh him. On aaeonni of hla faolly Ulka conclu'led to allow Iho mailer to drop, and eonaequenily denied Ibe affair fa felo whan qucatlooad atnut It, Bowai.r, r i Haudall baa shiee, puhllely snd prlfately, boaalod nf whal be didaodwhatbetaupahle ef doing with Ibe New Torber, the lailer haa delemloed lo nakahlm'do aomathing orihul up, and IhMeforo forwards na the appended ehalloge, accompanied by (K, which pmrea lhat he m.ana oitolly what he ears, and "nolhlu'ahoiler." Head It;— _ „ _ Waw Tons, P«b. U IfO. Roiwa N»w Toaa Oorraa-Dua Hia:-r bnrebr cballense Sell llsndell.of Blofhamlon, N. Y,, lo llihl ne a fslr sund dp Dahl, „--',--».--• " - from _ _ llhllouko place Id Canada any Ui — , ,„, . on one day or four weeka Irtm (healinln) of srlleles, and «>■■ lay ikM.''75iii''f.'"" " Tomag-A taitiitm mt n fmrn » STil?^!"."I'll »• P«*J- ■ T«ita. f*. SSk^bSeS'-f^f'"^^^ f!Ti_ ■ ^' 'aefenad biaaeir la Ik* aMlaSr *f Ite p.lloe,.D lke«haipefpeddlinJSK wllUi»«h32 Tn Cm 0PiTlliUioi,-.TbeeenlMi r»■■■■iig •ne at KeM^d,-. Hall, PIIlah."h?p'? /SJSJ'IX^SSS of Jans*raba*alack«n Ih* Sih Inst Ias*!la>elran*rlSZ eleaeol the tonnar, i naleh waamadthetnii AbVoaSu man and BiD Dodda rmch game, Mpotato.far taiIh.!.!. lOTfeeaMaiodda^Ptwenlypelnli Oodds to k^Mrniai^ polnla. They played • teeeidgama npen Uka MdrlH^ which Rin also won bjatorta pola'a, alUteniklk* nae bi3 atoneUnlttoBInfarorofOoodnaa. •-■"i»« i.^"«ff™v"" It^wa-Th* oalah between WU- llam Wicks, th* amattor, aid Frnsk Fil«b, of Tba*, lar 1N0» aide, hai net y«t baea ftillr amonlTw* mtla an, U Ihesnggeallnaar Kn niek, Hr. WIe\s waot k t <*^t*t puea and otbrtd ta oonr Mr, Illek'a m«o*y, kit wia !!• toimad by Ih* alahaholdar thai it wu lot mtotmtr. Vev Mr, FlUh pnhKeh'* a eaid r«|eirlhr Vr. Wbls i* osnr b*- fon ntfallaUnt 'artbar, IrldeBtl^ tkti* la tugltac aeo*- Tn CBiimomiF Toiuinn.—All tb* ■iru|«Mali u* neatly perftcled for the holding of the grand Ipanaaaeal far Ois champtonship of tba push-barTed «■*. IlTi eerlaU tkak Radoiphe, Dion, Peeler, beerr and Ooldthwall wll eoaaprtau and pMsibly Came snd HeSenU also. Vsm PbiUa ul Cellcadar, who glee Ih* psise* aad who will mdaei Ik* loa<' l/ay ' HalWtoB Ika aMb »r April I* A* A Biuuio HiTd ea'naof Peti. 1st at Csmasrl Biniai< n. Vnihlnghsn, ef Benb Boarar; Iwe Ibre* tal ana ■aaaa, IM pelnti up, for 1100 a slif* each gaa*. Fntkhw- ham woa ina Inthe U pelala. In n laalaas aad Iha aaa3t by Uit«e polnla. In fl Innuja? TTT,' pkinahip of Ihia Slate Is no* la pngieas al Fond da Ua fh» ■ O'lntselaati are Usasn. KIranr. OleoH, Tnalon. Lnrta, Hr aaLt Ureiman. The gamea ar* SCO pglita, pash ab*U band, a »>i ueendaltaeonrpuekelUbla. ~ CunnoMuiir or CoinoncsY.—Thir*lat*k*aaelkrrUaw:' ■ununt ler Ikeehamploaship of the land of stody h^Mi, n*' I piah shot la to he done awar Wth. Aaiong the atataK ai- " nooncad aa «oap*tlUia ii* V. a EewlBL O. B. Habk*L"' Blaionda and Baoerofl. • ' BruuiD RaoH Omni*.—Sine* onr lasL Jeha WlUarkas ' opened hla nsw sstabllahmrat on Bretdway. Ob Iba laHki . nlsht Ulcbael Phelan and John Deeir played a lama *f IM ' San'ioj"^ ilMli baned, which Dea^ wen by a lUU* B«ip.', Dioi iffo Foom'i nmnus Oan.—Th* lidleaUau am n *>>•'■be third and deddlDf game beteeea Veltte Fastsr aaT Joiepb Dim will be flayou in Hnntreal aboal Iba mlddl* e£ i> aeit month, Fcsler tetnmed home en Ibe llik lait roam Dunn n Qbibic— At the nhlkltl*n giru I* Qoehee, Fos>ei wu beaten by Dion In d French game, aid ah* '' In a push barred game. < THE TRIGGER. BIRO SLAUGHTERING IN OHIO. The city el Colenbia, Ohio, posaeasae ameag lla rsaldeai npulallon some rery lood trigger artiila, wheaa brtils wllla Ihalr farorile weapon bare bad Ihe elfect of eaialag aenaldar abltlntereatio betaken in tbIsspeclM ef awtlae. Oath* lOth la^L ihree mslebea were eonleeted at Oiaalaacy FmK oear Ibal plac*, between Ueesii. Coreidala, Miles aadlbt^ naiiB, on the one ildo, and Ueesri. Gates, Fiewenaad N*a« Iheolber. Wj giro below the aeorea:— Fian UaTOK-riTa Mrda saeh; IX ea. Vhel; tl yaidi §!■; 80 vnrls boundary; nse nf one barraL Coierdale lllll-d I Qalas e*ni-A nil" 1I8I0-SI Flo.ais,...,.. .. .... ..tSl^ "oiTlson OllU-dl Hell UMlId Tolal u| Total T (lonip Wifci—Three bitda each; mlee ea abem CoieidaU Ill-J QalH ||i-l "Ilea loo-l mowera .talL Honlaoa olt-l Kail Ul-t .1 loiai n ll-t' Tolal Tdtrd If atcs.- nalea Koll flowera Tolal Tolal ■Tw* birda eachj lelra aa abare, 10-11 derardala ....Il-l Momaai , ....00-0 Hllea , 11 lelal Piaioir RaooTTiia Aoinur Twa—We are Infanaed that K H. Falehin, of Atlanta, III, hu wagered lire haadrad. dollin tbat he will produce a maa who will UL 600 birda lo 10 houn and dd minates, nslog a asamli-laadilnf. • gon. load Ilia own gun, use no eartrldsee or coll eapa, and ahe»l. at sbiila bIrda (pigaona) oo the wInR hrm three ground trapL ilaerd about fire yarda apart, 91 yards riae. C4amsaalng at he right head trap, Ihrn shoot Irom centre, tbea Isfl tia^ . snd aga'n fmra same trap before ehooUng al the Orttra, 99- rarda Doondarr, to meunre frem oeotie trap. The trial la l« Uha plao at DeiUr Park, Ohleago, between Ih* lal uldh dan of May nn\ and Iha retoJabona gnearalnt the oeatast lobe nenllen^ In the artlelaa, A forfeit ef llMlanewank 'lla aald, and the bilanw of Ihe money la In be dspoalud al T. It-Balaford'a, lot lAka ilreet, Cblaagh ElliaUaatslobaal- loved to galherthebirds, II aeoaBaiy, but they sa iatk* gaU^ aredipon Ihedayef ahooUog aadla praaeae* ef A* lidasa and reraroe. Mr. Faiobi. ha* also wawarad a alaAes ana tfiaA . ir bla maa don't perform hla leak hi ua lla* aeaUeaad, will lall boon aod It ralnntas, aad is anilaas to aak* aa- ' olbor, (ing lb* time at 19 boon; the sbcollaf t*h* d*u a^ hlida fathered la one day. In eaae he doea ael asoeore hMi lo aab* Ike trial Hr. P. U to forfeit |1M *a the Irel wager. Tuoon PnuKS n Kiw Jiun.—A awabar *f plgu* p*» pars cosgregaled at Ihe Onion UIU, Blladal, IT I, nSt lllh lose, lo wlhieu the decision af three **al*eb M«*ea shala of local repute. The sport eomaanaed with a sw*e^ i'abas for all, and there wan only aennui t>k* IbatrehaaoMt this match waa won by E. a Halghl, hekllU^lstrahklbMa Ihe eecond maleh wu between acaan. Balibl aad WbilK fs . IM, al 10 bIrda each, which wu woa by Iba latter, IfllagalM Mrds lo Halgkl'a eight. The IMrdwasensIb psiakas. iy*etoall. Teaenlaredferlheaumof |M,wblakwuwat* Doulap, u Iha follewloa acore will she*:— " " ■ ....liiilin-a ..llllUW-T .•--•-•flHijti .llllllll»^l Wo. Wffl. Deelap.. Bndenbeoak., n. Shoman... Vm. Haiee.. WD.ahn..., ...lllllllllll-ll mill- g iiiiiiio-r ...miiiiiiio-ig .iiiim-i J. DIel B.B.HBl|hl.... B. arerer H. WhIU B. Qrff IS. CiiiLHiai na $3,000 aji* THi Ouammir—Jekn'lV- lor, of JeiaerCIty, nol beloi uUaltd with Ik* iMall af IM iresat malea betweea Reory Tlober, of -Prorldenee, B, L, and hhnaeir, and bellerlng that sinele bird ahoatlo* aleni d*aa nak afford a nhable l«el of aupeileilly of sbooting' ■kllL'berabr challenge* Hr, Tinker lo ahoot himabeae and beta* lalttb al donWa and aingle blrdi^ for 11,000 a aide aaeh aatdh tti U» ' cbanDlonshIp of America, oae aad a half aaie* shetTeod aal ' traplbreaebolher,orllndaaubeUtnl«. One daleh iebdahoi alFroTidsnoeaadtheotheratJenerOlty. Ifthlalanelacii*-'' able lo Mr, Tinker he will ahoot hlo lb* same *ikke* few |>00 a aide, bat wllhoul the ehampleaahlt, aid If net acaest- ed, Iheae chalUogu are open to any ne k Ih* talUd dlab or Canada CURLIflG. I iiseoeii.oi Bloinamlon, N. r., lo WA ne a rilr suno op ll, cilah welsbt, sooordlag le Ihe new rilea of Iho prlu rial, for n VM to 11,0)0 a aide sod u roucb more se bo ceo lalae. Ike 110lake place lo Canada any Umelo suit Mr. Randtll'a wiskaa, ... Dnoday or four weeka lloo (bealinlnl of arlleles, and »111 lay il.MllotMnif belgbloalna nomellboria n>iw York, Pblla. iolphls or BalUmora. Any reavmable paper Ibal may bo rnwaided lo Ihe Curraa oOee for oy aliaalura win bo sllindol u Immadl- - idy, snd 1 will allow bIm lo nlok any responslbla nian lo bla awn awnforaUbebolder. No mon bar mm buallnt. New la Iha .Ime. A Ihouatnd di>llan Is worth looklos >n<ri aid rapeoulhr trbce 11 aa be made In auab a "f»w rwinds '»d in'rlj^lnio." To show how anilou, lam lo gal on wllh IM; wouM be ,Mser. I will pay all hlo Imnllai eipenaeai hMel bl'la, »o., « " "fJ""/ 1' Dol aoMplad by Raadall, Ibla iliallsnin itmalai omo hr any of his rrleoda of my walgbl; IJJ Iba., on Ihn umo Inrm, (my IMcnds oa. rejiltdi. Mono; does my nlklni, and, a«"n,'i«r9Ml of • ny lolen- lljM.lherewllbdapoali l^jnirrellln reur liands. I"" <'"^^'^^.i° biilaminniTsUkefoUor. ThlscbaUwr.l""""''' !f"Jir all aa leoi u I bare my b«llh| or lo bla IrleoOs for H" ""f Yoniireapertiully,' lima Suay, Don Buin'a Huotiu ililu'ed the "fansell app uptopriotorottbl wall kn.wi, - ., „„ j..,.. Uouaion slnel, of which he bu bceo lh« prjilJlog »•«'"/"• 0T.r alghl lean pad, and a iiglil loua lhln| he haa had of it Hr. Bnilh ha, purehasad an aiUnsTre hol.l and «n>onds al Kul Nee Yoik, when he will aoon bo luilalla^l. und 3mlng the ciMolag summer will afford goo.1 aecommodaibina lii Ibuao wbo are wonllo piaa a petllon of iliclr Umo "on Ih. tuia. SoiAinox, hiollierot ltanior,w«i arrj^ld In O-xlon lul wmW (nr "alJIngind sWcliInK'' In lb. inio roun-l billl. he- InccnO'Ualdaln sod IVvniial . al*d a Tul amount of lotareat among Ihe -Nevrulle rowing fnterelty, took ptaceon January SAlb, on the Tynp, Cngtau, hctweeo lb* High Lerol aod Sootawood Buspuslon BHdgt*, Iho coDpelllora helnr Janiea RsnforJi (the champion) and Jamaa Taylor, and Ualifaaw Beolt, aad Andrew TDoapaen. The affair aroae ont of aome alight diapul* hi eoDneellon wllb the formation of tba Tyoe ebaaldon four-oared cnw, late wbleh Taylor wu aaalou lhat nenlorth sbenid b* adralUad ; bsl Ibis proposlUan belag ohleeM lo by one or Iwo ol tb* olher Biembera, Ihe result wua obslleDge 10 tow a palr-oaied racp, which bolog promptly taken up by Ihe other aide, the present tnaleb wu rallfled, for iAO a aide. Then being an Inlenal ofa fortnight only betweea Ih* tlakhig of the lliit diposit and Ih* day appaiated for tbe race, Ihe men had aeaaiy tloe lor pnpiratlon, hut all four, nenrtbeleas, nam* ta the post IiTeiT fair condition. Then wu a good deal of apeealallpn on the erent, principally ai areni, bnl en the noraing of the race Thonpeon and Boelt bid the call, odds of 11 to 10 being ennenllr offend oa their ebuoa. The eoo pot- Hen eame to the post ahorlly afler oie o'clock, and, afler •aToal fala* alarta, got awv on toUrahly aren Umi, Tnonp- aan and partner hailog, 11 anylhlna, allghlly the keet of it. In Ihe neit few atnhea, howarer, Taylor end HaaforUi draw np larel, and aflera lerenalragile. In thecoone of which a slight foul oconrred, look Ihe ludat Dartdion's HIU, aad ltd by nearly two loo|rlhs off Bhinner'a Bon, From Ibis point ther had the race all Iboir own way, and, atetdlly Inoreatlog their adranlag* with ereir a'.roiie, woa easily by a long dlalanee In n rolnutea and 30 aseonda from the alarL Jamca Wallace olBolatedu sole umpln, Ooiu Bniiamr CoiminoK.—Another iDpronpIn lae*, which la ulcnialed to lul In a ullsfaetniy laainac the merila of two of Iho faalaat nprercnlaliTo alaomeii ef )b* Cuiard sad Inman llnaa, and materlallr affeel' Iha lolofvns of Ihiae riral oompaolet in regard to the sobsldy, wblob tbe Oooeid Una hu heialofoi* rtoelTid lor Innipof llni tbe Bngllah malla lo Ibis oonotry. Is bow In piogreaa, Tlie vauela In iiucatlon are Iha City of Pana, of the Inmao Una. which left bar dock el nr- Uea mlnulea before two o'elnok on Ine aflsrnoon of Wcdors- day, lOlU lusL, and the Rusli, of the Cuoaid line, wbkh fol. lowed futlT-llra mInelM later. It will ho noolleolad lhat Iho race which oocuned between Ihe OUy of I'aria and tboCeba, abonla reualuoa, and In which the former woo, wsadectiroil by Ihe Oiiaard CompaoT nol to l>a a fair teal, u Ine Cuba wu their slowest oall ainmer while the CUy ol Nils was Ibo faa'- ul of the eppcalUon couipany. The at>amahlp biberls, wbleb airired atthllportlsst wuk, reports Ihatiho psaod Iho cnm- pehngToaselionlhelltb lnlL, lU nllrs Irom Bandy n»ik, (he IluasU baring a lud of ahonl one and a half mllrl, Unch Inltreet U malllaaled in Ihe conlret aod a eanaMonble amoiinl of moaey hu, we nidemland, already bean Initelod upon Ibe laan*. PnaimTiiTOis to rai namso Ciri»rio.'r.-On Wodneolay ertning. Jan. 2)lh, J.m-a Henfo Ih, Aqaall. Champion of Eogland, wu pruenlod •rllh a goM "aleh and a maaaln gold ASertcriaIn, worth aboul li f"!"";. •» J"'* *", '"i Naecuilf, Rng. The lollo.log laiaripllon wu on 4i Inner cueTf tho w.l«h:-"l'na.nled lo Jamea nsnforlh, by bU hecken and friends, In commeraoralira of his ttotory orer liMn Heller on the Ilianes, Noramber, leM." Iliechsm- pba^rirflr ifuned fojr the giri, a«l al the uoe time aebnowlodied feallnf y Iba bindoau which bad been shown few^ his by hisVrlonds ud the public The bullh of Jamu Tatlor, ntnfarth's meolor and partner in the pllt- oaredrace of Ihe Mlb, wu also proposed, aid la reply the boat of IhoTrafalgiraaldll wuhls pride lo se* aqoallo apoila pro*- periog aad Ilialy lo pmspsr en the Tyne, and no eiarllon of niaahoold be ipaied which oould aid lo upholding them In Ihe mod and gourlablni condition In which ihiy wen at pnteaL Vauoirsuiio ioiian Tni.-Profesaor Bweet, the well booeo pedaUlan end rone walker, ef Providence, R. I., hu siulotd considerable pnllcleney u a reloelpade propeller, snd aonouuceelhaton the 1st of Jonehe will common.* Ihe fut of uarolini a dlstanoe of thne thau*and ollea isralnil tloe upon an luAmmeal of hla own mannfaotare, tbe olatance to bo Bade In thirty daja, arer,iglng luO miles per day, "for a nuer of 16.000." During Ibo Uln he Is to ride r - ' 1(0 mllH In 34 houn, aoly oaa trial lo be allowed. Hann Aoaon TO Boaom,—Tb* Toi*nta Cnrllaf Olohaat. th* Vaughan Club played a lhr*e link malch at lhalail aaa ' place on the 0th InaL, thetaaolt of which la giraebalew;— ToaoiTO. H. llcoll. ,1. Prtnjie. !apL Oaidaer. J,0.llowaid, aklp.. T, NcCrosaoa. ". flnr, ilapi. rerrr. " Valker, aklp.... A. HoThaiaoB. .. aiddea >. Kellb. D.rorbee, aklp Telal.. Buia No, 1. I ^. R^JoaoOi Tuoaiw. J. Raider. I J, nendeivoi. dl J.anh*m,aklp BiH Na L . I N. Ikanr. W. 81arUng, I D. MeGellna. It. Orahaa*, H. F., aklp.. Biaa No. 1 J. AbaL H. AkaL J, Brew*. JU d. Blalo, aklp ..Ill Total., H^ortly for Torenle, SB ekela ConuaaiT BmiLO.—A matoh betwentb* i abeiiel the Oaledenba jnuh, took plao* at th* Biak aa Han bisiy siiaot; Buffalo, V. T,. en th* Oih Intl. ler the rink Hedai. Tbe fljitganewa* plaiedby E, Balport, & WuUa aadOaa Bonier, .fohn Walla aklp ■ - - 1- - - ■ - Bnwn, Geo, bip, agalut E. w. Cnlg. Ckal Aidenoa HoNoe aklp, aod leanllad u fidlowa: Well's Bide, IT; HcNoe's ilde, 33. Theseeud gsMwuplayad by W, Drown, Obu, Andenen and B, W. Cnlg, SeeL HcNo* aklp, agalnal LoaU KlikoTer, J, A, B. Caabeil ud Alex. Allen. Vaeld Bell skip, Tbe result wu 2t skeU for BrU'a par«r and 17 for UcHoe'a Darld Bell wu than daalamd Ik* ilanw ofthenedaL OTiu-Hon'Iay errnlnt. lHli '""{'i, II appearance" nf >''•"!,*'«''"* ^ySl'^ wall known llonw of Commona, » Weal look place ai tb* But Ubtrly ilock yards, niw PIltalmfilL . .... ...^ . .., B«B«4 BourFli Bomo Uaivi a KaA Eiouooi. Com,—A game, B3 polnla up, for IS a side, b*lw*«i> DetatT Quinn, a rcteren, and Tom duke, look plae* on Uialllkloat Tery lew bet* were made, u It seemed lo b* conceded tut Qnlnh wu themoat esperl plarer; silll Olarke made some esry flue aholi. Qulnn won wv^llt, tJie Heme slanling at Ihe dore--Qalo=, 03; Olirk, 4:1. Pal 'llnliou acted na scorer, and loui Bkollon as I telcrte. A Vtrmsii.—Hr. Thomu DuUoi^ of Belewan ctaatr,' ' Panu., ceKbnlad his hnudre-lih birthday ea Fkbi 1 Heia'' .' ' probably Iho only peiaon llrlog who beard Ike flrlaf *f Iba- euDou lo I'hUadelpnla on lodspendenM Day^TTI, u wbMi llaohewuaeronyaaiaofaga. Ua eoied ler Wuhiaglaa (br- PiealdenI, and hu nlad at areiy aubaeouoal Pnodeatial *!••• tlon. In Nsreobar lul he wuescorlad I* th* polla at Ih* Lil- ian green by a body guard of bit nelghheri, and cast bla Tola' - for Omul aod Colfax. . riunraaauiai.—On Ihe nutbt ol tbelllh mat a raleolped* ' "'' raoa look piece al Clir Hall, Haahna, H. K, fat a illnr aq ' lo be aearJad lo the fuleet iHar, dlelane* 0%\tu ttaSf ■ araood the ball, maklog the wbol* rtlaiannannsiljIhrsi'M quarltraof a nil*. Iherewen Ian antriea^ and tb* b*U'tta6>'^' '^''Jj made wu by Jamea H, Dlake, lelegnph opjiator—Iwe dt lfld ^ ''''' snd liriy seconds,winning theonpi Tbeaaeond baitlHwviiA' -^* /"^ mad* by Piank Barr—Ivo mInnUi aod llfty-oiDeeeeiadt^ ' InomRini orTatoomiDia,—Bimiel Kreler, tt Vu'lM, "V'''\\ 7oik Thnlia, and Hinm Henlln, of ihe Brudway, ii* ''' i';^ ported u hanng rolered Into aa agrreosnt In piopai .nuejU' ' "'. pedu from thli eliy lo Chicago for »l,go0 a aU» . • • V. l-\^-;:ill BniDT m Bm BicimcB.—Saalaalell*, tbeltatlaa btlh''-'"'' dlt, bai a way of tiealuig prieonen which Bttfka-eOMtdfM''^^^'-^" afftelira Thirty ol hla men at onoanlaoi* Milarttlalp |te<'''~" body of Iha iloUm, while another ipllii UoUnoadklbt .i«i4,'-' ' and down the bsickwIUi aa enerneaa hatahtlT^IhAtnaaAr'' frc^uaotly pion fataL ^ ■ ''. Pro T. ^nnt, forneily notbc wrllA fiir Ui* Us. oIiL puipoar* Uklkg a trip to OiUfoida iboiUy, aad ptar la lla dapaitai* will be Ih* iie*tBlat*r a UHIbmUI In Iha ihsMof ajrudball alTtanoVdHall,Balkanaqa, WlwMK ,,, dill aad did Hsveli, oa W*dnMtl7«rpiIa|,lTtkluL i . • * I ; • —— • miOB iiTDim.—A fodr biaded naleh al Hmht, hart ! .': .J ilanmiioalof Blu,r«r|l»'atMe, B.aaad W. FTueM ; : , A. t. anda L. leoK>plHb *t^KtwbBl«^l«. T., oa IhtmhW,,'; , . ,", Ihe Uller eonpta wlaauii. They were ie play afalo ea tb* Iflh ' .." lnil.fotlh«Ba**a«nt • luO nillM per day, "for a IotMWA1*i'Flu>-WnT aai imr aoPamial Btafir'H' p he Is to ride Ih* Telodpadt I btcauttlut in b*ll*r than any etben la eilaltnui tte« ' ll lo be allowed. I aslyanil iillifuUen; ther do all Ibal la tlalaid tatUai'i"^ OS! llctoaio Yiiio* n»Oi.-A spin it one hundred yaidi "VT »•<*»<■ »■"' »''* l'""'' »* »''«?•*■." - i i( Ploroor FoiinLUn —In aa eotfo^. dellyititt it Ika. SlakbTheatre, London, Eng., Inlt01,',6y BIOud.l^atHS thiMoedaired Ibe follewlof acnteneetlj 'r' "A Roten^kldgt Thk " Tbat daj i^jal need a Wbaldatlt7Ittlnieal AaPrtmalbwourAui iWct "Wbaa auk ahaU be, why Ibta tenD aa* ThaldayHwiDbeleaBr^ • . Tbe daioa dewo Ibfeaah teedea town ' ^ Ohall borrow OBdsr gnond.'* nu ll not coma Inc t Dr. Talf laArehUabopafOialttlaiF, and Ihcy tiarel about London ondergnand. . ' ■ . WaitizD -a Ireih coreiinj fcr Ihe [belli^Uiat {Mltll;^.:.!^