New York Clipper (Feb 1869)

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THE NJSrW YOBK OLrPPER. Febraary 20, 1989, J** ii iiii-jiiiM"'^^*"l^' \»». I taw if*™" J. -TZ!^ ikiB ibnw, I'Mt mtma, Uttmmi I lift non ciIdiui, jitnr ekMki ot totUi bu | Hntr ibOw Itoit •jtl>*» . tju ot ntur, awMUi bl w. is4 Iki UuMt otattbb (blUMri MMt hi lU Mtebtai JtSiwW, lb« »»lmnd qoHtton, 'SLSsMwIbMCiuliNtbrti- , ^bUn, lor U>; m«4Mt cu. -Ik mf bait Ibm to > almr WtMla BtT ^ JO" ''<^ buy IIM u4 nor'^•X"* Ib M iblBloi urtic* litet: taBi«|Ui«llb>>i hIrniMaa B !■ I**" Pl" I bi t— . la 11 Utvlu, M niwM ta tbU U efMitblj Vim, p<rb«r« 6«lw »<i^j Mi4Hr,0tbhgnl.«'u lif t* bo«4 u .tr Dlllr ftu tub wilh DtondOL^ .: TIB OUTCABXSOP POO* FllT. uVr JabsOtbkaiiJiabUr, ■l « | tiil Wm h«Bi«l»i<H«t •JI£yMna>Mtili>f«rtk<t««to-ll«MorNoT>mbR, ~" tt Til r*-^ "*' * ohian hi Itt in«nl atnotpbot iMv|f; nil tini n'l^' Tm trlbni'mu, gtniarinf will' ^SS^JS^ oMtd u b< •Mnatb«4, tat «itfaiBf<dilfiUI' SS^'nmnttStbbttb loll In U» ilr, wbleb, hi t ——«i»gttbitb tatiMBcn, loob«4umlsmu l^Mtbuift sin. budunu fm Mtrtjtd imin cosnm Af IkM l>dittUin& Wbitbwbtnaeoiiadoaior iilTpndli- vu (sttbv qaaKloa, "I mkoa tbq'n.slUr S^3i3r!>MR(HM; "llktlx U'«B*.» Htralaiiictllobli ^SiUm bti^bncUtf vlib whkh bi bid bna wblpploi It^tta tti tut 'I T'bv flit ''oa fall mil boiti, md qiliUr *%^tat£i£l^itf(ut»'^''»^^ II bad >5i inrrT' Ibe IM of MT?nl thosiad dollan, Iwo Tilubli riiti.tB4tfniilnalclUBD. Il viauptriadacaiiani ZVmmimIOi qiU* la lavl«a lad alpnniable la ay iflhiatliUiatbu^ntedlt A Motl camBlllaa bid d*- ^ ^Bfaidtartltb* un a'aH'^pxp*'poi^Bi. TUawti '■aii«n««Uy lantudto two wb nbswacalbisbiaf^ • ftSuabaaibiof a«7ai»ra Id Ihi jrolclL aad lan|ion- kaftwlMbaaiBaora«7etBera id uitoica aBaianpon- fOTtalbataafebaiator eiitala other otJecUosibU cbanc- toTlwAlBBTlbitwaioor IbiaiwtnltdlHi lllibol Za<,ikiie£b«nw, W date ibat lhair tmpnprittr wii mtlmimi '-' " na oalj laiodifarihfrtabUibtditaBd- !>Ii7nOlbat Fakar Flat TBlxrad Id alt la Jad(D«Dt ■c (Wbutt na >i|bt IB nppoalB* Ibat lia wai Isehidal Is i^u (tiMT. 1 'aw at Iba eovmltlaa b^d aipd biaglDt kte.m'wAlaaaBpll.aada aamaitlbM of nlnbunlDg ST''—•_Ytrm Ui pwnli of Ibanau b« had-wnInn iqt<i iflB IibUw," laM JlD WbMlir; <*<o M tbli jar roiD( MB Iran BaaiiBi Cupp-aa caUia atnopr—eanr aaif ooi *B!7a oaia mitioiaBl ataqolly mtdia* la Iba biyiiji of ftaaivba bad baia fatuiila aatub to wis Bom Ui. Oai- hintatanaladlblaBUtOTrM local pw)o4l« Kr OUbant ncalnd bli aiaUaoa allh pblloMpbleal cbid- (MiBaaatbika u^lbil bavuiwiraaf IbabnHaUoB aInMna. Ba vu'loa maeh of a pnbkr aal to ampt Mai wiU bha Ur« «i, it baal, in aacntala laBii, aad ba menlaid Ibt anal fa<nU|< in finr of Iba daalar. llodaaf aroid wB tgeoiBpuitd Ibi dtpoitad mcktdaiti at Ms Rat to ItaaooUUila of Iba wUkaraL Btaldta Ui. iObeniabo wii haawn la ba a eooUy deanrata oaiB^iadfor vhaaa bUmldalka iba mid Meat «ia lalaadcd, Iba aipatrl* atid'BailTeoBdilad of a jooaf woman bmUlnlf hnowa ai •m Daenaa:" aaotbtr, wbo bad laiatd tba iBfallcltoaa IlUa ^ Itotbai eUatm," asd "Dsda BDlj," a nipactad iMca nbbaraBd oobubim draataid.' Tbi eankada praroked bo amrnab fntf Ibi apacutoif, aor waa ibt word nltared bj tta woit Oalr vbeB Iba rolih wtakb nirbcd tba nlUnaoal ImKaf Fate nii waa laadud. tba kadtr ipoba briadj aad kttBBalBL IbatillMw«ia(arbUdtato latara,atlbapetU •tikalrlim Allbaateorldlaifpaaiad tbelrpaal-np featlop roood Teal k a fiw bvitcneal lean fnn *lBa Dad»ai,"ioiBa bad liB- aaafa ttvm VoUiar BbJpUni aad • 'TiftbtUa nUaj of aipla* Bna troD Dacia BOIr. Tba pbHoiopble OaUiuat alooa »- aMtaad dant Ba Ualancd calal; to Molbar SblptoB'i dnlia la iombedj^a baart oot, to Iba nptatad nalamfnla ef "I^a Daebaa" tbit iba woald dia In Iba toad, and loiha ibnlBfotthittutinBtd to bt banptdostar DbcIoBIIIt laha nea fofwvd. With Iha 9Uf gaoa bvnor cbaneUiilatu of hlaelui,banialiudapea ticb|LBfllBf bli awaildlBf bona, flra Bpol, fv tba lonj sala wbKb Iha Daehcai not* Dal a?aBiblairtdidBaldnwlha paitjlnloiByelaacrijiDpalbj, Iha poaaf woman nadjaBlad nei aomawbit diagstad piamn, wHb-a faibla,raiid eoqaitij: Uolber ilhlploBaTadUupaa- nanoT rhamalwithaitaTDlaaea,iBdDaclaB!U7lBdadad Ibawbolapamhi obo iwatplag amuiama. Iha laaa to nndj B i f a amp Ibai not hivlni aa rat txpc< ricnoid tha maBHallSff InSoeneei of Tokir TUk, eonit- qaaBlljaMnnioofrBioiBaiBTliaUon to tbaamlonBla—lay arar a Itaap moaaWa tufa. It waa dUtaBt adaj'aMtam 'jaanay In IbatadTaaead laaioBflba pailjioai paaaad oat of lbamaUL,i«Bipaiila Raloni ot Ite foot bma Into Iba dij. aald, hndat air of tba Bftirat. Tha tnll wai biitow ana •UcalL At noon tha Dachiia. coDlnf on! of bar addU npon tta imBd. dMlaiad bar latanuon af aalBf no f aithcr, ind Iba paifl^taiSf Ifjoa TMeaawilltlll Vadall _ tkUte bSdwandaiad fiwD ita aaaip ind had aulianullj ■Ub wild tba aalaibL Ha droniad a warntog u tba Daobaaa !fa RLhTtZs. wba, of aooiia, kn«w tba fiela of Ibfu S£dlt?,lafSSS*baTNIdaToal tbaImlhabootaa aU rtwthaf dad^at aaylbia,," ba addad, iliBiHttaUr, "ani Itaia'a no aood fritbualof imbi now." Tom Bloioa sot oalf pal all bli woildlj aloia at Iba 4lfpooal at Mr. Oakhant, but Mmed to nijoj tha prcaptat of Ibair tn- Unit MclailoD. "ffa'll ban a nod amp lor a weak, aod Uaa tba inow'U mall, aad wa'U all go back lotrtbtr." Tht tbaarhl aaial; o( Ibtfounf man aad Mr. Oabhant'i calm In- Itdadlbaolban. Tha Innooral, wllb the aid of piot boaihik tilanporiaad a Ibitch lor Iba iMdcu cabin, and ihi Ooebari dlKdad Flnar In Iba la-arriaitmant of Ibi Inlailor with a tuta and lact thai opened tba bloi cjta vf that piOTladil maldan to tbalrfallMtcilani. "I nchoD now |eu*ra aaod to daa lhln|i al fobar Flat," lald Plnaj. Tbi Daebeu tointd aanj ihirp^ la eoneail wcnatbhw that reddaned htr abaaki tknaih lii proteinoBil UbI, and Uotber Shiplon iiqniilgd Flnat not to "chatter." But wbea Hr. Oikbant n nntd ftnm twaairaetich toi Iha mil, ha beaid IbaaooBd of bipp; luahlaf edioal IVam tba rocka Ho atoppad In aamo alana, andhli IboBihIa liil nalanll; lOTartad to tba wbnkar—wbleb bihadpndtBllf cacHed "Aad jal It don't aonehow aoaad Ilka wbbtar," Mid Iba faabler. It «u not nnlil ba aao|hl alibtot IbabUdBftraibmihtba itill bUBdlag atorei, and Iba imp anand 11, Ibat ha MtUad to Iha auina lan ibit II vaa "anaia tna.*' WhaOai Ur. Oakbaiat had eodnl bu eaidi allh tbi whiika; Uiomalblnidabamdibalraaaeeetaoriba coiniDanlt;,Iraonol If. Itwiaeaitala that, Ib HalberSblptiD'i worll^ba "dldn'l a» aaida anaa" daitna that annlng. Hapir Iba lima waa ba- nlMhraaaacoideon, pndieed loBaahil oiUnlaiiooalr bj Ton BlBiOB from bli pack. NotwIlbiUadlag Mma dlOcnl- Um BllandlBi tha maBlpabtlon of ibia buUaBiot, FIsar Waeda muagM la plaak aannl nlntlaai malodief from ill ken, to aa aaoompaBlmnt br Tba lanoetnt on a pair of bone (aaUaala. Bat tha oownhig faitMiT of tba (nnlog wai laaahad Ib » roda aamp meaUng bynm, wbleh Iba Iceif^ JoiBlBi haadi, laBg with giail aanmlniaa aad todiinUoa. I rasitutaaaitalBdaliBt loaa aad Coiaaular'a awing to tU cbaraa, lalhar than aa; dnoUoul ooallij, caoMd U to ipaadil; tafictlba olhua, who at lutjohiad Ib ibo nrmn:— ■Tb piaad to Ufa In Ika leiTlai o< Iba Lord, Aad I'm boaad la dla IB bU aimj." TbapiBM roekad, Iba alanB addlid aod whirlod abaaa Ibi Bkarahia anap, aad tba tamiaar their altar laapadbaaTaO' ward, u ItiB lokas af Iba nw. At midnlfbt tba itotm abilcd, tha talUag daada pirlod, and tba ataia gUUaiad kaenlr abora Iba ilnpng camp Hr. Oak- baift, wb<aa nnriaBonal haMla had aathled hia to Ilea ob Iba imallaalpoaaDla asonntofile«)L In dirtdhig lhawatch with Toa Blawn, aoaabow maaagad to liba apoo himalf tha paatar part of that dalj. HaumadbiBualfloTbilinooaat {rBTlnglhathahad ■■oHea baenawaek wlthootaleep." "Oolsg wbait" aiked Ton. "Fokn I" laplled Oakhant, aiaVntloaal;; <'wbaB amaa gala The cuitaJaed h*a Annd'to ehangiL And ll'a flndmg oat ahla It'l going ehaaga that mika jo& Wa'ra had a iticik of bad loch laa wa lin Foker Flat— too eono along and ilap fan gal Into II, lo«L II Ton can bold jonr eaida nihl aJoBg ;oa'n all right. Far," addtd Iba giablar, with ehaatnil InaraiBoa— "I'D piond 10 lira la tba iairtaa of iha Lord, And l*m boaad la dJa la HIa annj." Iblid day oama and the mn, lookhig tbnngb Iha white iif4 Tallej, aw Iba oatcikii dlilda their ilowlj daermlog UoianfpraTlllone for tba noralag DiaaL It wu am of tha peollajillra of that Boootola allmala Ibat ib nj* dlDnied a klndlT winnlh orer Iba wtnirjUndieipa. aa If langntral un- Blwiatlonof ibepiit Bol II raT? dilflon dnnofanow piled high around toe bat; a hopalea^ aacbarled. Iraeklaaa lai ofwhilalyiof bflowiha rooky unna lowbldU lhacailawa;i iUU chuir. Tbroogb Iba marrelloailj eleir air the loo^o oi Ihepaitoral Tllla:a of Foker FUtioae, mllettway. Uolhar Bblptrn] uw II, and from a ramolo ptoaicle of her loekj laat- nae^ burled lo that direcbon a Inal miledlcUin. It waa htr lulTliopinUniliir - —' —■—- •- "■- '- Teatrd wllh i ceitihi prlTBlclr Informed lb , , aBdaaf."SbiibenntbeiMlftolhataakof imoilng'tbiebjd," u Iha and tba Dnebeii wire pleifad to call Finey. Flaey wu no eblckan. hat II wai a aoolblDg and ingcnJoni theory of Iba fair lo Ibm account for tba fict thai aba didn't aaear asd waisH iBpropcr. 1 njgbt en that direcbon a Boa) mueoicuan. it wu ner ial)tmpt,asd perbipafor thai rtaioswiila- ittihi decrta of labllmrty. II did her good, iba Bed ibe UQChm. "Jaityea go oaltheralBdciiu ''nkaipotvHilagnlarlf vlldiBd laprearita. AwaodidaB' phiUMnn^ aanoandad aa thiea ildu bypraelnllaoidU&ol aabadgnLBlia alepadgaBlly toward'.tha enat of aaoUnr pia- d^ltot oTBrlookA-tba nUey- II wu sndonbladly tba ■oat aaUahla not fo a eaan, htd caapiBi bean ad- wtebla- Bat fir. Oibbnit (saw tbaTliucaly half iba Jamr to 8ts4y Bir wu aecdopUdieA asd iba laily «M not aqrippad or pmMoned for .iaiiy. Tbli ■ot ba pdslad oat lo hli wmnanlmii, 'cbitly, wllh maiBtary as - Ike folly of t*thTDwlng ap bbafaathanniawiiplaya^ooL" ^1 tbcr vera fkiBlibad vtlhbffbor, wblcii la ula euergesay flood uaa ta pka offaod,fa«i, leal aod piaaeliner. loipltaofblaremoB- •biBaa^ B wH BOt Idag babiB Ibay van man or lea aadn III ** Daala Bllr paaid rapidly (na ahaDlcaNilala iBtooBaotilaor.Iha Dubni tecame. auadUa, aadHothei ShntoatBonl Mr,.gakhaiit ilam mulBad anal,.ltaalng agalsit a laci, ealalr larraTiBg tbaa, Mr. Oibbvnt did sat drlsb. II lataifend ailh a pmlbealos which faoBliad e»hiii% tmpaajeaBeo aadpn«Boaof mind, Bd,lBhbowBluniga,hi"wn]dB'tiff«4lt" Aahagaidl BtUiiaeBmbantMlov ul]ea,lha loaiUnia bagottaaof Ui faiUh-lfltda, hli bablla af lUa, hli Tuy ileea, for oia tift Umi aptaab o a pna ad him. BabaUnad blnalf-iB duUnghli Ma^ cMBciL waihlBg hla biBdi and faoa, and Mhu Ida ebar- aelarlittoof Us ilndloBi^ mat hihUa, asd for a moment for- gat bli aBaoranea. TIm (hongbt at dtaitlsg bla waakn asd BoiapHlablaeeapanUunaTerpuhapiaocnrtedt^hla. Tel he aoiMaothilp loaUng U|p wastot that aiUlnaant which, dagalatlt enoogh, wu molt coodudra lo Ibat calm eqaanlmity farwUiohewunotortona ^Ha looked at Ibo. glooaiy walu that na athoauBd feet ihaei abora Iba drdbirplBn anand bla; atlbaiky, omlaoaily cloaded; it tha eaUoy below, il- laidy daepasuv Isto ludowj asd dohig ao, nddasly he haaid Ua ows same eallad: A hancmas tlowly cilended the timll In tba frtth, opea fcoo of Iha saKCOBir.-Mr. Oakhant n«ofixl<ad TomBlinMO, athaiwIakBowpaa "Iha laoocest" of Simiy Bir. Behu ■othl^avnapoBtliB bates orer a "llltio game," ind hid, with p*i,<oleoiaslmlly. woatho aoUn fortsoe—aaoastlag lo iDiaafbrtydollaia-^f tsaVl^eleu yoalh. After tha gina waa IsUkad, yii, Oakhant u«v Iha yoalhfal a peculator ba- blsdlha -door aad thaa add^caud bim:—"ToDuny,yoo'n a good UtMaBiBj-bntnncuH^nMa worth a cenL Don't try it onr aciiB."' Ha Ofa baaded him hli money back, paihed bla laaUy troia tha iQom, asd ao made a daroted iIbto of Tom mmaos. . Thin waa a temnahranca 0.' .tbU In hli boylih and enlbul- asIM iiaaltaB ofMr. OikbonL He had ilarttd, ba aid, lo go loPoiarFlaltoaoekblefiirlDBa. "Alonet" No,nwaiactiy aloaaj In fact—a giggle—be had ran away wllh- rlaiy Wooda. DUa'l Hr. Oahbnnt nmeaber Vlaey I Bne ihat nied Is wall an the labia at the Tempensca-Eoao t Tbey bid been lo- nged B long Uaa, bit old Jake Woodi -lud objected, ind ao ihaT had mn away, asd weia ^Isg lo Foier Fut lo oe nar- rlas, asd tin l^y vara. And .Ibay wan Iliad ont, asd bow IuItII tat.thay sad fonad a place loampiscorapiny. All Ihll na IssoetBt diUnrwd jppldly, wblli Plaey—a iloil, iiiiHiTj iliiiailiifflfliiliir aiiii|iil fiiiiii beblBd tfae plsi uaa, wh^^ihah^dbeaBblaaMBg^Baaeii,asd roda talbe ilde or Hr. Oikkaiijald<Ai tronUed hlaialt wllh aaallBent, iliU leuvUhpiopilib'. BalbahBd s rune iln that tha illaa- Has vaa sci fellatoaa. Ha ntalnad, howarcr, hli pnacsa of mlsdaafldeBUylo kick Hscle BlUy, who waa abost lo uy iDBialhlBg, aad Daela BOly waa aobar esongh lo reranlie In Mr, Oikhant'i kick a ispaior power thit would not bar IrK BlBk BatbeacDdiBTarM lo dlmada Tom Bbmoa from de- hyggtoHher, bntlonlb. BeeraB polBlad oalthi Ikelthat UianwuBODroTtiloB.iior aaaaa of maklBg a eaapi Bn^ BBlBokOy,''The Isnoeeat" mat Ihla ettfaetlos byaaiarlsgthe party thai ba wu pnrldcd wllh as aitra mala loaded with pr» aUeBi, and by-tba dbeoniy of a rode itlempt at a log-booje Beailbe.lnU. "FUiay taa ilay wllh Hn. OakhinC" aid ThalssaeeBlipalsUBglslhaDaahea, "aad I eaa ahUt for miea njgbf enpt op agus Ihraogb the gorge*, the reedy notnoflheaccordeonneeand fell In Clfal ipaami and long dnwB (upa \ij the lUckirlng cusp dn. Bnl mndo filled lo to intlnly Iha aching rold felt by iniolBcleBt food, aad a saw dlranion wu propoaed by Piney—iloiy talUng. Neither Hr. Oakhnnt nor bli lemala compisloni carlni to niata their per- anal cnarlincea, Ibli plan would biTi filled, loo, bnl fcr the Insoeaot Somemosthi befonhebad chanced opan a itray copy of Mr. Fopa'a Ingenloui Iranilallon of the lliao. He now pr optBed lo nimla tha nrtsdpal inddalaof tbatpoam—har- ing Ihonngbly mularco the urnmenl lad fairly fonottcn the worda—la the cnmat nmicaUr of Bandy Bar. Andu for Iba net of Ibat lugbt Iha Homerle deat-godi igila wilkedtbe eailh. Trolas Didir aad wily Orcak vratiid is tba wlada, asd the gital pmea In toe aaoB leeaed lo bow to the wrath of the asofPeleoa. Ur-Oikbanl Uitened itib quiet aturaclloo, MoetcapediUy wuhilnUmladhi the file of'Aih Beeli," u the lonocest penlitcd hi denoainiUng the "iwlfl-foolfd Adiniea" Bo, vtlh iBill food isd moch of Homer lad the leordeoo, a veek piiied orer the beadi of tbe ootcuta. Tbi eon agals fonook IbiB, aod Igals from laden akiea the now Qakei wen dhed oTir the lasd. Day M diT dour aiaand them draw the aoowy drcia, onlll at lilt tney looked from tbclr pnion oter drIltM walla of duillog while that towcitd tacntr feet abore their heidi. It became mora and non dlfflcatl (o repleolih tbalr Area, eeen from the fallen tjeel btilde thea, now biU hidden In the drlfla. Asd yet no one eompliloed. 'Ibo loma tented from tha dreary prospect isd looted into each olber'i tjmaaAwMobm ilr. Mkunt aMUid blaiaall to lh< lodBs game befon aim. Tba Doebca, mon ctacaiful this ibi had bean, aanmed the can of Floey. Only Hotber Bblplon— oBcelbeilraBgcitortbe puty—lai-Bied to ilckis ano fade. AlBildBlgbt OB Ihelasth diyihecalkd Oakbaratlobir lUe. "I'a golog," iba aid, iB a rolca of quernlooi weahnea "bnl don't uranylhhig abont II. Dna'l wikei Iba kldi. Take Ibe bnsdIenoB ooder my headend opealL Vr. Oikfaojildidif II conUlned Holher Bblpton'i riUooi for tba last a eek, nntonehid i "Olre'eB lo the coOd,'* the lald, polalu^ to the aleeping Plney, "Ton'n itancd yoonair," aid Ibe gtablir. "Tbit'i wbit Ibey call It," aid IhewomiB, qaenloniiy, uiho liydown igalB, and, tuning ber face to Iha aaU, piued quietly awir. TbeioeordeoB ind boneiwera put idditbat diy,isd Homer -U foraottan. Vbes Ibe bode of Uotber Bhlpios had beta eommlned to the anew Hr. Oikhant took The tosocent ailda end ibowod him a pair ot isow iboea, wblah ba bad fuUoacd from tha eld pack-aaddl^ 'Tban'i ose chisca ib a hasdrcd to anhar yal," be eald, polstlDg to Fiaay; "but il'a then," be edded, polalhig toward Foker Flat. "II too caa reach thara In Iwo dan ehe'eufr."' "ABdyoit" aikeoTom Blnuon. "Ill itay hen," wu Ibe cart Aply. Ihabnanpaitad wllh aloog ambiaee. "Ton inaotgehir toiL" aid the Dnchea, u ihe ttw Hr. Oakhant appaitatlT waUngtoaoeoBpaBybla. "Aa far aa the caaoo," be replica. He taned nddealy asd kUad Ihe Doebea, lanng her pallid face aflame, asd ber trambUsw llmbe rigid with unuereaaL Nl^eue,batBOtHr.Cihhunt. ItbrooghtIbadoimagain asduiawhirusg now. Then tha Doebca, feedlag IhiLn, wnaa na aia n ir BOBIRT DELtMCXr. I gau BibB tbaM Uaa dlaa'd, lena* eyN, 1 aim hbold Ibatdear Ihoagb ladlog ehaek; Hy Ihoogku IM back, m> bent la cBobrd vlih ilgbi; isd taara tbalr ealnsca ibreaih mlu ayaUdi leek. Mr thoBgble Bee beck, yea, la a fer-off day i I aee agiio Ibi aooii-ar af that laoc— Bebaid II Mt allh jouib aad baiaty'a ny, Asd lealed oa It all of gtilhood'a giaa.'. Asd did Ihxaa eyu ib« ipartla wllh Ibe light Of ynotblul mlrlb—of cbildhAed'etboegbUaaglce: Vera Ibey, In a nne'e loeioiible blUbl Asd hwrlocu of can aad aonov, ireef Apia I cue npra that elwrlihrd term, Ibat duUog bud Bnwiibily thi|e<l wtib greyt That bi-ium, wbtra affro i< B ailll glowa aaroi— I yiu; isd fur Owl'i UetilDg oa them pny I Tne ibt aho tbrnagh my iirlio'-, bellar teui, Waiclied, gnldad, BUKd, bita'd, pnyad aad vipt lor me, Tiogbt me Ibe ilgbl—lUtyid my cblldkb lbai% ind Motbid ■! lasdeo aoii •sil alteiy, Aod BOW la Ibli, ay latar, rrekleM life— A ehifol rolary H a wniUir ilntsc— I mil am bVaaed, nidil na txcrlsg tiiU\ Ib bineg ;at e aslhi r'e Ion Mfmt | 0, TiBi aad Can, deal genlly allh bar sow, Uha ber I new mm ibiil know analber,— Oilay, wilbhold Iby fimai fnm her braw; Mot for mjnir I plead, but ipan ay aalhaet CiBicniLi, Pi., Deo. IMi BEKINISCEMCES OF A HIM ABOUT TOWK. waLPrTBB na na awv loai cum^ BT FADL PRESTON, EB% Re. 48.-Tlie Drltlih Fllllbnrten. Allboagboililnally Iba iipreuUs, lUlboilar, wia Hmllad lo Ihebaad ofpaulotileaptd for ihi eileBiloa of tba ana of fnediB, aadtoTibadenloBnestof manifeat deatiay oa ihia conllsentgcnaially. thanllitary eilgndei of Oreat Brllaln afforladaglmooiepportnalty, dnringtha prolonged (Mnaan campilgB, for a kaol of Ibea rMilea woiihm to preHer eeirla of lhalrnoida. dnpllelhelr lebaewMftdiapnblKaaprocUntiea, la IBTM of Her Briiannle Uijeily. That the ilblr lirmhiiled In a ladleraoi Au«o, coBiryisg a coople of blaodiriogTenlosi lo tboTirge of ipeoalueuainiioo, wiasoltbe finlt of Ibi eipe- ilesead aiUbailer eblefi teoderlog their penoui and Urals giMd tilth, hot thledliutrnmnenlioiiqldbeaitrlbuleddiraelly 10 the oblaieaaa aad oailowy of tba ladlag oaolala,ot lanign origin, iHunIng dliK<lon of Ihe tnaa-Atlaolk coBllBgiBllor Ihe legloBiry eipedlUoo. It air be nnembend tbil, siterthe obaluale defisce of Sebwiopol, io freqofs'ly ind gnodiloooeatly aanoanead In tha ParttUs papan lo ban fallen beoraih Ibe allied pnwae, a hrllUiat Idea waa lugnaled lo the Eagtlab aolhotiUrt lo as- liitabodyofmat«enarlH,tobodnwBmahily imgi the petty Oinnenauiee, to hedengna^rduiboFon gn leglis, and or- gaslerd aner Ihe manner ot Ibat faaoni Algeikn corpi, lo ShWUbepoiltlealeagadlyofFnnunmmlti agond ibinof liieitnttrrllorlalwarfin. Tba Fnocb Fanlga Legtos wa>, howanr, eompoeed of fir diffennt Bolerlal then the Tealonio eleBentatlbadlipoulof tba prladpilltlei npon whom the EDtllib rilled to mpply food lor powtfer, imamuoQ ei Iba Le- glooarlu of Alirria wen recnlitd mainly fnm Ihecliaor forelgnen Ihiooglng Ibe French aUei, who, throogh being In a data o' perpetual portray and a coapirallreasnoyaBee lo tha police oOeiali, wen rrer ready to lonntidlu lite laJ Umbto earai good, pqoiin niril, ortoBTCld the wrrtteda of gonm- mealal nrreUlBBea. Iheu nies of the LegioB became and re- niaed aoldlen mm no fne tholor, bat Inroogb aheer Craper- atwB ia drcnmitancea, iccilmating Ihimieirw beneath a foRlgn iludir.i to llTcor die u Ibe hnpeleuncu of their con- dition Imtowd. far away from hoaie, lo them toieTerforfelled IbrAugb Indiicrktioo In ihelr earlier acta. Iheeiptrlmentof enlUlhigGeraiBirB thclrowB loll, al- thougb tha Bomenua reToloilona donog the battle year of IBIS Old fimlliarlicd Ibe nljorlly of Ihe younger popnlalloB ■ lib the uie of ariol,prOTlogallgnal fiUon hi the handl of Enllih enlianei uniccoilcnied to ibe tone md Umper ot thon populatlooi. It wu ioggeated by loma farieaing mortal Ibat tbi dlptoraatlo igenia upon tbli nfmupben could be prof- itably emplo.ied lu iwalllnglninnhi of the ambitjou merce- aanei frvm the vut miTeriil wtlh which polltlcil penecutlosa abnad bad lopplled Ihe Great Repablle. CoBieqaiBllr, the ra- ernltmcBl of ine Irglonirln wu Inuftmd to Ihla dde af the Atlistleimderiupeniilcs of an eneiaeho asd enterprlilng uaa pofaeulig tbe adnnlage of being bom upon Ihla conti- nent aod loeoitoBcd tucoBolsglei triiaeirly yonlb, wllh tha keineatof down eut TiakeeK The Bon. Joeiph Howe, a Men SeotUn, aad regarded hy bli coniHaealiln bli niul locality 11 among Ihe man lynx eyed of Ibonogb-bred blacBoeei, ippeired anosg na ai n lort of lecntconmEuloairloiogmeBttheBimierlcal atnsgth of hli mosarch^ fonign bailailoDa. The boBoimhlB emUuiy, baring pnTlouily nued blmidt to an exalted poeitlon among Iba Acadlim, now iiplied lo loar iboTi the retpalnil fogiob- Kurlogtha political rpfaare of Halifax lad lo aanBe a leading podlloo amoag palilollfl Britou epos the maUier coastry'a nil, wbo, hi commos gnlltaidi tor their ulntlon, vonld bbib- rally riwird bim with a title, wllh a corooet. ptrcbaBce with a baruscley, at Ibe loweit HvuuUai. No fllllbodar, ores the mat dwpenle coBtedant tor Ihe ana ot litedom, conld he emled with a more brllUntTlBlon of glory; ao tanied wiih II lontelga'i lancllon, tbe Hoo. Ur. Howe aanoBoeed biDMit u latborned 10 effect arnngemenU 10 nlH asy amount of baioea, wbo, aponMrnag bcsealh Ihe Big ot Bt aeotge, vonld glean ocaitalobarreit of material gold cols, BBd as Innate* rial aiarlmeslof alorr. Ur. Howe, like iul other gnat iUD,wu aQIcled wllh a per- Hoil weikotu; ''be,'* u be wu anund br a pracUal dlUbos- ter, "bniw too much," aad Ibli orerboruen of knowledge u- auiedly prond Ihe naie ol bU o«a mufurtonei end of the ulbmite dligrma of hll dlpkmallo iswclatel. Dpon bli ar- rlTil lo the eiiy Howe wai walled opon by a commltlee of dla- fauM wluntMta, of Loo« ^ tw dlgBllarlc#, aad *t ff*« iworda Ot iindoobtcd reputatloii, who pllcrcd to lupplyblm wlib any imber ot able bodied emlgnai^ wUllog to ploogh tbe flelu of tbe Crimta, or aay otbirBualan tairlloiy, npon eeiy reuoB' fOBsd that lome om had qoletly pUeil bedde Ihe hot eooo|h fBel to bat a tew dan losgcr. The lean lou to her tjt*, but ihe hid them bomFlsey. Tbe woBis ilept bnt UlUe. In Ihi incninr, looklog Into each olbai'i ficev they nid Ihelr tale. NeHur ipoke, bnt Plsiy.acccpllBg the poutlosot Ihaatnnger, dnwmirand placed her arm around Ibe Docheu* wauL They kept tbli alUtoda for the mt ot Ibe day. Tbat olaht Iba ilorm niched lU Rraateat fbry, isd, tesding aaander Ihi hiTided tha Ten hot Toward morslog they found thunulTei nnibia to feed Ibe fin, whieh aridnallj died away. Aa the esben ilowly black- ened, Iha Duobea enpt clear lo Plsey ind brake Ihe lUinceofminyboun. "Plsey, nail" Volh jfotUsgbql Hr. Oibhont'i idaoolihbig foot and Caele BOlyttwmbanUsglBlaanarot langhttr. Ai II vu, be felt aauaDadlsMlneptbe eaeoB unlil be eoald reoonr hM gmlly.. Iti^ be oonldad theioke to the tail phie lne% wllh aasT dapi «f bli leg, eostartlosi of bla face, asa Ibe mupietanjf. Botwhmbenlnnedtotbepariy. he foand IhefB nqtad by'a fit»—for Ihi air bad itowb itnaply cblU ind the Iky enteaat—a appansUy aaleaUa connrutlon. Phiey . va aelaally talklag la as BBpnldra, girllib fuhlon lo Uie Saihai; vbo wu IMeBlag with as laloiet and animatloB ihi hadBotihonfar maoy dayn Tha laaocenl wu boldlog forth, appaienUy wllh iqul iBbct, to Ur. Oakhnnl and Uotber . lklplaB, wbo«u actullr relaihig late amiability. "Ii Ihli T» ad— dpte-Blot" aid Dsele Blly, wllh nwari aeon, u be anned ihi nlns group, tba jgliseUit Btt-Ughl asd Iha SS'Ti'i!'^ !* Ihi fore inmnf BudJenly an Idea mln- gwwith IbaileobollefaBeiihiidlilntbed bli brila. II wai ■ppanatlyaf ijocalirutnre, for he felt lapellad la alip hli '•■.Hjoaiduvoblillillnlihiamoolb. 0'Ibi ploe-lnev lad moinid tbr^iah Ibilr Bbioto: wen pnbibl, lio itVoT^^o im. l",'™!?!?£'.1 enJesw ot nmplklly, and lo lume4 wiS?rt , Eld to u? hat. Iha Bn wu npleuUbed, tba oin Ui doV, w?f,>™ Si door,asdlaafewmrBOlMweMail»p. ' *"™ "*''>" *• Hr. Oakhant wu a ngblilaper. Towai4not«lniki,.«>w. benambedaadoold. Ai he illned the djl5»,M"!?M> vklch vu DOW bknihig abangty, bnogbt l« bb iS.i which uawd the Wood lo lean it-^ow I DiiUrtad to hli teal wllh Ihe IdIcdIIoo of iwibedaa Um ilHpert, forlhenwuoo timi Jaloia. Bat, luraloi to Uaele Bill; hid bean lylDg,<- ' - taped to bli bralo and a c ,, ajoopnyt" "No, dear," aid Floer, ihnply. Tbe Doehai. without hoowIogaxaeUy why, felt nlloTcd, and pulling ha bead upon Moey*! abooldir, ipokenomora. ABdaoRdlnlng,thcyoBSgerand oarer pil- lowing Iha head of her uiled ueter upon net Tlrgin brcut, thiTtallaileen, Thewisd lulled, II It It feind to waken Ibem. Fulhcry dttfle of anew, ibifcen tram thi long pine booghi. fliv like vhllewtngtdblrdi,endietlledabOBtUiemaa IbeyilepL The moon, thnogh tbe rifled doudi, looked down upon wtut bid bean tha camp. Bat all human italo, all ince ot earthly tnnll, wu bidden bcnuth ibo ipotleu mintla nercifully flung fnm abora. They ilcpt all that day aod Ihe neit. mr did tbiyweken when Toleei and taoiitcpi broki Ibe lUenn ot the umn. And when pllylog flngen bnvhed the mow trom thilr win fuel. yoBconldicarcelrbiTa told, from Ibe equal peace that dwelt upon them, which wia ibe Inal bad ilaoed. Bren the law of Poker Flat nooiBhed Ihli, aad timed away Uarhii them attll looked In ueo other'e iimi. Bnt at the bead ot the gulch, on obi ot Iheluiert pine tren, they found the deneeol dote plnoid to the lark wllh i low la knlta, II hen Ibe followhig, wrIlleB hi pescU, hi a flim hasd*— JODN OAEHOEST, WBO mcca a eraajx op uo locx oBTsaao or noTxaiwi, IA3D, An BiwniD ur BU CBKCKI oa TBB Tro aiaauB, UN. And palaelea tad sold, wllh a Dcrrauer by hli dde asd a ballet Is hli heart, Ihoogh tlOl calm aa hi lire, benulb Ihe eaov, lay he vho vu at OBoe the ilrongut and yet the veaknl el tbe OBtcBrts of PokerTlat,—7*e OwtrtaaJiforilMy. AvlBtunr ox a aim.—Is 81, Lonli a voit aottem exam- IsatloB bu bees held on one ot Ihe umeli that died recently Is that ally, Tba fact avakened Ibi adestlle nrjoa'lr of Dr. LoBia, vha TUiad lb* HoBltaneon boneyan), and whothudt- sailbes hli immatoBi:—"Among other dliconna, I foand that In Ihla asuul, u la othu nmloanla, thin an only four itoaashi^ Isilead ol fire, w aiaaitad by Bofl'on. But I found that is the Istarlorot the lamen then eililed a cosildinbli qwBb^ of oelli, of the srerap daa of a has'i egg, Ml u olae togelha u Ibe e«Us efa hsaeyeoab 'Asd It aeemamneb man likely that Iheae BBaereu calli aboald term Ihe Irae lea- cmlr costalnlDtaB eight days pnrlalos ot wilar than a np- poaednumlrotlheapadlyorlanor Ivdre gallosi, whl^ woald derasp Iha oenln af gmrl^ of Ihe BBbsu aceonUsg la Ila follsna, aoedally whaa he la loaded with a heaiy, toIubIo ous hordes, wHch bu lo remila on hla haek tor wnrd diya' Reeon ia a Tbnioii-xobitoi.—Ubbt yan igo Roidnl Joued a ahoollog party at Ihe late Lord KIsBibd'a, hi Norfolfc AflardhiBer, whes Ihe acre ot ilanghfendnmawu broigbt In, the number wai found deOdint, when Boahil eiddmcd that the renlla of Aft eAorie were enhaiU In bla porlman- two; thai be hid got a Tiry carloui bird, he did not know tbi nime. but II vu one ot tboie c\e wuuipioiio pU uceeUt, Brerybody prtwnt Ihoagbt Hoaloi moat mean abavk, bnt on Ihi portmanlaau being ptodond and Hirch made, tbe thd firered lo be e hen phuunt. Ihe bllllDg of hcna being itrictly arbldden by Ihelr owner. Wllh the ben phiuent wen bani and tibblli, Roalnl, labhig op one ot the taller by the earl, oielalmed. ^'al ru an IcrrfUc con6af ooec rIumil" The EiitmuilelinwuceiUlsly bolter quIIOidlo enjoy nme on iUbleaiBladocrcdlttoa"holutiiei"ii a good iporta- able Urma, Tbe prvjeclon ot the irbeme wen wllUng to bind themalru tbat their emignoti ibouid be fullre Amrilcaof, Doiwlihi*.aDdlng the fact that tbe lympithlci of thil due of ' teople nn at the time itnsily in fam of a Rualan trlnaph. lot Ur. Howe did not want emlgriDta, bnt nldiarf, md, thrauib being a IrglUmila blaa-noae, anierldned a ileddra prejudice epinit eacoongement of Amerieau u a flghbng ell mint In any leeUoa of the world. The fllUbuteri tniinoated that tbe word emigrant la Ihelr Tocabnliiy duigniled aa entirely dilTennt IndiTUni] fnm IbMe peaceful pollenen, whoa aode would ba eountenanced by neutrality laia, wblch they iTowed ihould be babltuiUy n- ■nccled u among the meet hipnloui eontrlnnai of leglila- lln wlidonL But Ur. Bowi cind nothing for sintralllr lawi, eioedaUy ei loterpnted by law aVIdlag fllilbmtan; ha bad tha oplnloni of binm of Ibe Qaean'i Beocb, of the law ofllara of toe crows, aad, abore all, he poaeaud tbe comBlaloa of hla lOTimment lo perform eda which he knew to be perfectly epL HoaoTer, hli wonid be idrtun codd not pernin themielTei ii clolhed with ilmlUr dlplonillc lamuniua ind dItnltle^ ind, u minr ol them bad pnriooaly eiperleoced Ibe bapliilliyol Ihe Eldililp S:nelJiU and eetnUlsednoTCry compUmentary oplobn u lo the ilyle In which tbat reiy ex. lennaa boiel bad ban coodocitd, ibey limply nmuked that lihlihlaw oOcen might be mlitakeb on polsla of AmaricaB conMncUon aad then niy wlial; left Iha Boaonble Jaeoh lo work out hlioan dcflhiy. Then u litila doubt bat had Ibo pnpoilllon ot Ike dli. banded flJllbuMen, a number of whou ban ilnco tconhed menlad nlllunr Rpolalloni, keen met wllh lh•faTorltund^ Blably deeerred, thientln omiolalionof EunpeaoIntutiy reglmmti would bin undergooi a chiop yeim ago Ihe Amerlon battalion, sominally atlacbtd to iheFoitin Legl'jn, prapoKd to bo irmrd wlih bnech loidhw ilOn lad le- leiting imill imu, both it tbe lhae complia nonllln to ionpe, but thonogUy leeled by oar nilira ibup-ihoolen. Ai the nambcn of the battalion woald ban bees necaurllr limited, llipiojwioii ngiiiled thit, though tbe adoption ot lupirlor ind lapldly Birng hnplcnnti, hiodled bi nea rn- Ttoudy trained tolbehuae. 111 elBtiency could be lufmeniid MUlonndcihtbe moat nllabic body ot men wbich^Eotluil could pliu in the lold. Out, u Ihe American Utuliin n- rued lourTc under other than olScoii of ihdr ownebolM beildi nJecUng ill Idea of Ibe Unitlnet dliclplhii of the Bitliih army. In corolnent beam nn impwlblfliy, ilibcoih the orgaaUatloo wia lendeied by pradlcol men, we'l nried la dlr than hta hamlUatad wlf, NotwIibiUadiBg the eommla- rWaa'eaed eiperleate. saiher Ike dlpleaaU at WaeUBfloa _ V r«»«a^aaa lai^aai eiQII 1C pnrloui camulgBlng. In lull candor and good rollh. honorable Ur. Howe, cutUng ndillt fnm Am- i^a The hvuonuiie an oowe, culling nonii rrem Am-itoul co- lenalned no dengn ot leatlng |£, nnki of the L«|loo nt- flllld,eo,UHng uader hli wing a cojpla of Oorman idrUen, ba bioed a maniteilo lo the Teulou ot onr mebooolb^ pnmldog kU loluoicen prerlouily boMlog Euiopnn oom- mlnloni corraponiilni rank la her Uijcily'i eerila Loa- Uig bli nnenl badquarlen at Deloonlm'i, oppodlo tbe nowiiDg Gmn, the ommlaloner lobildiaU wmehiiDdred lapt beer laloone, cUeflr on tbe cut ilde of the town, to icm a"«rultlng depoia. The monmrnt wu a Diateily oge, and prodocUTe ofa lonido of enlkuiiuB, vbkh lulid, uDtitlu- dJS'nt'„2S"l"'°i' .V 'rolb npon Ibo lager, pmnitouly Sh.1, .k *'J'^'.f ??. "",bom reuloeia olflio crown could iSk JiJiiirt"' ?' Hf,' ""!?""» "•J"'r- The anlda^ JiJji^Si'*?. "lonndlDg elleda, hunmuch u the pnmw ofoorrcraonoin, rank hif dose lia duly, and Iha gSadn- crnKer, Vifoie nightfall, found bhaalf In noaeei^ of ^genanli, Iblnyoddcolooeli, u minyBBjJnr^hlap. Ula, lieutnuli, ether imdl fry by lie hunditdi wSo bM-chioben ol Delmoalco'i, In an eiier biat ittir thi SSi^l'.J^I^.u""'. otriloEg Si imBew dESd.i^T'itSS'", '»»"•«'»« groop (Jleu Ihu a doun ^muSSiiuU^Bi!^!!.^': ""''''Ol'od in alliorti appioacbalo hli haproriioi oiidel Tor eninl boMi S. bylbetaj«-|d-cbjeW^^ bad loitered around the houl nllbp for hSinlSv^.,5^, ff.-T If """V, Pl Ihe bitta of Keir iS"K,Si;t^ »' Ilia hullsg loDnouiailheinu lo Ihe dliedten li?i?k;i\.!?i praumplln belriyor, Ibe more elolenl of Sa iiL JZ (enu rutllnicd multaUileu of a dain to i.iuff',"!'? Ian of bu Umponry reUdeoa. Dot i.tSnlfl.™^"™'• monarch of tbat hntllalledomilo. The flnl iet .( *i inhutbU pnperlyUight Ihe iqull, lS35 «llen,'boJenasdbi.ko,»r\m.'e 0MdS?M»J?r'^ il« this thithUlorlul proOt/of Wil«l» Inndlagletlosarin wireiaeVt irom eTen'o?,r,!?'ft ailed iToiMls, and lodged wuSi Ihelr pJi^^iJ',"'']',';- Inli1i1l«nril.«*.1i«„«nt n.AM»l.r e*>a*WCCI 111 UlO Uu Cuiinoiitiirr TiMia Mitch.— A mulch of lennlnnicom- dtydlapneiriL It bnogbt Ur. Oibboial back lotbo leirieg la Ibeinow. Dg. he fooodhiB pne. if iuiSZ r.?.??k°°,'"',""'Tooinkbe' Coart, Drlnblon, Eog., bo- •apeoionuoniaanaanimlobiillpi. Bonnie Uii imI ?t.. l.'*'' ^«'",'''':°'>'*' ""Ibcole, an imalcir, ind whinlhimuleahidhteBlelkendi tbey wen no kinpr thn I Mr n^',','".'°' ""ord. The nitch wu Ihe bail of nlneaii, w., ,_^_L-..i "*'';;;,B«lbcrta lecn.ljj X It. On Ihe 11th, Ur. Tompkini ■lS!i M.k P'V •'o'r'r beulllul onVih ami Ula.-Il,"'" * J'", Pl'Ji Ibe aTin(o time tor the o«UaS?.'tr.'±i?.'t°.'' * hf"- J"" biM iidB Slirr".' V" "aa u on Ihi hial day, Ibinp ai laTSw itt'lS''.'* '•<"». '»* ibe plir bela. equil^ wha Twapbfij S2 iP' .Z^*'."' "™»" omdudM^a S^.I!u > ^"t aidlhig ont, vh£gk aBuaaM a ikupl, „Bl«le4 iBdbriuKaUyiJSU aalob ti The tiaeki vim ilraid y rapldl Tba momeotart eicfleiBaBt Ore with hll ami eilm, Ua did not wiken the alnpera. The lanoeeatilimbendpacefull;, wllhaimlle oa hli good b«- ■eitd, fnekled tan: Ihe tlrgin F^ey ilept buldi ber trailer (WtnuiwMllyulheogh ittinded tit aleiUil (uardiaaa, (ad Ur, OtbhanI, dnwlB| hla blashst arer hli ahoddai*, ■Ii«ke4 bis msilBcbla aad waited fa Ihe laws. It am lievlt la BvhbllagaUtaf now hka ihatdMled aad aes- fMilke«|» TTl-lT—'*tl-1TtHt«ll lli(lBB|l HHBIll mWdleof tbeiUaceot aioroojhfiS.'" '•'"-"» '""lo the If thehoDonble Ur. Uowehad reckoned upon of our Oonnan ralden i, he omlUaO conildeSlon .W'f IliatAncrlcseanboutB Tciydecnl ihcd iioduIiii.» i 5" ddedly Hibernian orlgla, Inlored lo an ircK torn.?.'''- uhimo which might accrue lo the idnoUgo of OrS Bri,..'-? be Ila luerlii u II may. A nomber of tbett cSlito cUl™.^"- eeirtd tfait ihey aw-l«n i anall Kale, li u Irae-S ikJ'.?,':" my'a ducoDaiun, and the defal ot ia enllillnirilk.»"'*" gllmpu of "Inlind'a opportunlly," wLkh iboj J„i?''i,! morapwtlcalirlyrelbai could Uny comp,,, Uio apprrtM.JJi of UiBl rodcHiblable oenonage aou'aecui? bl«""Crnu'o our nalionil Jail fn Ihi illemplod iccon,pi|,i,m!Diu,u deeliB, the lllberolani gesenlly wen mitriblly dded k> ikl einpldlly of one olBcer ot the legion and Uio dowsntbl im.l ory of auoaorot that body, ""lonioi Itnch. Tbe hoDorablo Hr. Howe, barlog boeeno thormibiT m> ' tbat Ibo piaouoal flllllnulera undeiilood Ibo IntirnnTii aw Ihe neamer af Nera Beetle 4Hpeited et alUaala la an ealerpila U whiah thee venloyall; oMIgaUd, aa they at- Idhaied Ihe tdlan of Ibe Iral dope aalefy U Ihe poapally asd nally oi a aoliury Isdlndoal, a eoswlied bIm Bare eokiBlii, wblk ther Iheaaalen wen siUra BnUihen, asd eoaaneBlly aapeUBt Isr ibt Uik requlalle lor ibeir saUoa'a IsUrala, Aa-' hi Ihli daw Ihey wm itteagtbened hy Ibe anieal at Hal- ifax of a bindfol ot Ood-forubiD iceiulla, and abaTr ef eal- gnat ipmliion, prilmUig IbeoMlTra willlog asd able lo uerfoiB anyth'ag asd eniythloK proelded Ihey Mold hassle Ullllih gnl'I Amosglhe rpeenlilon penelrallog Isle Ibe pTrraw'iandi- eeMcbimn riiniillii wuaa a>lienlonr by the Baae of Uwii R. Orant, e lall, aall featured and pliiiuble Indlrldul, alendbly, while a ttiMent herraboui, a drrk ib b larp obolculeeiUUJiliBeBt.boilDreilltyone ot ihue teell af the Didler order, prelerilng lo lire open ihdr wlia niser than todlanclngtbefrdilsly Bisdi wllh miDuil libor- He had peneUaled Into tbe lllliboiler miellriibiou^h npnaniatlos nf hiTlog been an oIIlMr In thi Eait India Cwmpioy'i arrlca, but, open Ila being ducnTend Ibal bii (nde. Ilka ibal nsie Ibe tanit.u Major HoAlplse, wu ot bli ows fabnullon, Llt-oi. Oiiat wu dlaurJcd by tfae Lone Biar <riliniiy, but out biton bibadcoBlilTadtoglaB ea lokllBi ii lo tba miasar Is whKb Ibeia worthinconceitedRia'UaJtipedlUoBi P'a<eaad of Ibli bn wicdp, Orant beheld a bnliiaat eppoduolty In opentlBg npon ihe avdulhy otthe Uritiib ig>'oa. and, thranab iiu laiTliy and egolliUcil demeiapr cmib Bed, pa^ ■oa'led Ihe Uallfai ofidali lo proaiUa bIm a commlulon la tba LeploB, u well u ibe adeaaca i<f aoalei for the lopplylag 01 reemlla. FnnUhad emple ereden'lel', Ihe apecnlailn gant'emiB retoreed to Ihla elly ead pal blnielf In ciamunlei- Uon allh Ibe railoai apnla, wbo coswlTcd tbrmieliei Istar- wted la IbegtMtligli-Buy lehame. Onat bid wnn mUllary gealuilhaB Ibe BrllUh fHilali en- pied in Ihe aame Une of badarai, for Uio Bnt thing be de- ddid epos wu lo aeOBte trasaporuUea, wblch he did throogh charter ot a eoulhii raaal, fa ha wu well awan Ibal once ininpped asd anon the high aaa, s dnpente maa will ac- qomea lo ibscal asy leealble propodlloB. Hli sill Idea wu to atoh Ihe promlied mow, aad, lo aconmpllab ihii parpoa, heblndaBoflleelBaiUa;'aBalldlng, banil'g out a ilgn— "nlgntioo ueot ■ lathbcbaiaeterihe ipecnldiTi (Irut patlestly Wilted aBoalln week befun aa IndlTldul, ilBlcled wllbadHlnloeiralrial«blBa<lt, ume la bli leaee, end erra thai Killiaiy being prorad an Bawelenme Timor. The fdlow chiaced to be a deeerter Itaia thi BrIIbb army, isd benu when (Jnnt eipallated open tbe briUlancy ot a military earear beneath Ibe itisdatd ot BI Reorn, Ibi emlgtaat gnv Indlrnint and thicateoed penoad ohutlameni Tbia Bra rdTaniara laagbl our ipeeolalar a iilaliiy leaoa, and he reeolred tw the luiora la >«peeloeed monU. opoB Ibe iuhjeet ol bli emlgiaBl's Isleaded datlsy. Next, at the lergMtloB of a wiglih triead, b« faiwrtid aa idTanUimest hi Ibi Sun:—"i,W) laboien wasted to work dpon a railroad lad auL" Tbe wa« niMhed the Joke, when, on Ihe mnrfow, be foaod Olla^ 'i balldleg and tha iMe wdk In rrant of Hcrowded Is repletion with itaiwart bborlog mas ot Iba Irm Celile orlgls: h«t Oraot, aollsg the ImpoilUos, naolnd lo take fbll idTiBfap of Ike cooennna Hence, aledlng aomi oenple of baidtef of thoaa wllllag to openle fo; ihe loteiaal iBpnre- ment of Kora Scotia, he qolaily andined them lo cxpeetast lolhoriUa Ib Baiifix la blicoaiter, whOefaein peran Innled allh llgblaiBg ipeed to aallelpata their airlTsl asd lo ptha hi thi boualy money promlied him, Bmnt mad* a tan itnka thraogh hli fsgeneltf, bieoffling a hoa of Ibe pnlioo, wbo am Balnralli IscredaloBi u lo ibe npidliy with which he hid lalheRd bli teanilta The eeael, boaerer, irrTrrd isd Iindrd Iti aalmited cargo npos oae of the l-Uoda Ib Ihe Hdlfix birb^ ualped tor leoeptlon ot tnoa-At. Iinlw leglonirla; Ibe dellihled pTereorlBTlledaiaat to din- ner Ihe next diy, umnd him of hla eommlalon le captain, iod ordcnd the pnmiied bdnaty to be pild orer Immidiilaly. Onnl, u hi dolybouBd, gntelnily iccepted ell three auki of pberalloiUI grilllude, but, hiTlng nrpnt budsea elae> where, he dcpariad onr oighf, taklsg Ihe eols, bat magsisl- mooilyleiTioa the dinner end ammlitlos tor the csjoymest of Mbere. Bat tbli mitniBinilly by lomi might be taken for prodena, Inumuch le on Ihe aocoeeding Boralng, npon ap- peirua of Ibe muilerlng ofllar, Ihe entire body or piTauBed recnili nralled, and, dedilning agaloit Ihe deception pnc- tlccd open them, demanded either employment or re-lranihlp- mfot 10 tbe point wheace Ibey hid been elloied. Hotwihitindlna the abdieallon of the Honorable Howe and the riperlmrni ol UcoL Orant, the prtwnw of lennl European oBwrr. legHlmitely attached lotbe Letlon, indoad tbenlira- tlon otiBill bodiM of ncraltinzitll the atienllon ( Ihe Unlled Btatci lomnment waiolBclally called lo thlair'a rlolallon of Uitenalliiul law, nwlbly it Ihe Inilana of the itonlan am- ban«dor,but raoet probably by tbe ownenota darner, called Ibe AmtrlcB, aiadln a foreign port bT a Brlllih mas of war under pnteow ot being deillned u a prlTateeragdoil Ibe eom- mrice of that coootry. Coot'mplibTe ai the whole aftiir bid pneeB In a mllluiy pdnl ot tIiw. launineh u my populir loMlerwnId hanriind In a lolltary week tbrlce Ihe number ol tour tlmw betler men Ihia bail all the legloBaty com- raandei*, dnrlog a aria of month*, decnred ont of Ihu coun- try, Ihm wu Utile doubt of Ibe Brltlih diplomatic npreunla- lira, ftoB Ibe mlnbierat Wuhington, to the eoniulu errand boy at lliw Tork, girlag aid, annleaosce md muna, to carry on tba labedla enteipilee. Topalih ilmple agente white their oflldal pruidpali eeuld ihleliftbemalTM tram pnaenllon beneath manUei otibilr dlploBUle poallou, waa ao ict of ntifbuUoB our gOTOramint ooold aeTcr uriouly cootempta'e; coneeqaenUT, to obtain erl- dena iBplicatlng the tfiltlib npnanlatini, the eihploymeat otaepybeeame Be w iaey, and- ai tbow arllcia ivereadily puithAHd, om In Ihti Initana wu ipeedlly acand. Amoog the ofBan of tbe legion wu a Folhh count, i pnllemu of coora, end with a penealowieal tree onrabadowhig hilt the nohlll^otEnnpe. An Indlildoal ot Boo ablllUei, a capable A DEW TXBSIOIt OF "MT FBEm JAHE.** wBiim fsB ras asv roax nara, BT 0. D. 80HAHF. lupiii, asd of a nod pnpoewailsg appeirBPce md m^nnen, Iha CoaoL whUe dnwlog Bdllih pay, condeeeended lo aoaept a dipend from oor went arrlce fond. Admitted to the eoan' Tincod mat loo piaouoal miiuulera nnaeiilood Ibo litirniirii tli.D ot Ibo Bouttdlly lawa far nora loundly Ihin Ibi ibe<r.ii oil idTiicn uf a roni cnwo, asd, aliraiid Ibal hi bid nn' Bitted iB fall darllghl a lerlea ot OTirt acli, nadtfn> kZ,' penooilly Uible to pubhment, foand It conTenlaL Z aldog IntlBiiloii of the OelUo ooniplntlon, to Taati bu dtn^ genu eoBBlaioB md lo depart tiom onr Mloro^UlTln* l>pvanr,hli aBlnuhed bulnea lo the bisdiof iMhoTnl •UiagaBla,*t lUU leu kBovladg* (ad lalalMy nan aga. lymtly Jess, my pratly Jiae, what aaka yon el meihi t leel me lo-algbl al Tula's, Asd lip the (Wd old rye. be day a vuisg tail, my lam, Meal Al Tbe elli of Ibe dlploBitto recnilera, md adoally loi*.; 'eg al the mldisaofooaoflbe eoomlar lohordloala, the gaUinl noble- mm iBuad hie lelmn boon by chr sldhig at Ike Blata De* eirtmeat a ddlr blitory ot thoee prucecdiop Is wbicb he par- elpated, dliedly or hidlceellr. Ai Ibe Coual wu a ibrewd obarTcr md a floest writer, Ihe aothorlllei it Wuhington be- ame Ihonngbly appnied or all the bformatloa Ibey coTeled. A half dean penool wen anelled In conwqnence In tbli dty, bnt dter a week'i fncaicemllon in Ibe Ludlow dreet prlan wen dlicbincd fnm coitody. In Phlildelphti eome olheri wen not w lortomU, tor upoD Irlal Ihey wen conrleled, al- thoogh Jodgment wu anb5equcntlr loipended, li ill the poinli ot eddeace dcelnd through i poblle Inal to atiblUh the oom- pUeliy otthe Briilih dlplcmillo ipati wen pradocid to the worii( bad nmaloed nneoDtiOTerlcd. The BntUbgoTemmest, is diw ot mlsliteilal elncldatlou, thought It adrinble to null Ihelr plratpotentluy it Wuhing- ton, but, u It In tadt nbake to onr proeeedhiBi, they ehou to regvd hla eea martyr to bU loyalty ind fldollty. Ur. (?nmp- ton, upon niching home, reilned the brUhmt datlsy hionl- Ing the ImiglnilTon otthe ambiUoor, tboogb mfortonaa, HowB. Ihmogn berax enaled a baronet md tnnilated to Ihe nperior mlalon of Bt Felenbaigh. Attempting a^atnmo- nlil exploit attar bb exaltation, Bir Jobs F. CramptOB did not appear farored with hla ordliury good look, for, nsTlng mar- ried Hla Tlctarla Bdte, Ihe ebarahig Tocallil, iha, after ei- IhielloB of the hoseymoiNi, obtahiada dlroree, oa the graud of berbniband'aimpotency. Taklsg Ihe goTerBmeatUreward for hla fllllbniler rxslolla as a precedist, Oie court ihould ban desled Ihe kdy'a lull and graDled the gieat diplomat powa to ladulp In bigamy. Tba only oBfornifiatB Iseidast comeded vlth IhU tslcma- lloul (arte, u Tieved la the eya of onr cHhaaf, vaa the «m palioiy nilnmest ef Hr. Buelay, Ihe Btltlih nsaol m Ihla dty, long known lo m u a rtatdenCamarehintiBd as amuble aeailemu. The chUdraa of Hr. Banliy wm aU Anarlcmi by birth: hli aldat iob, Delascy, vu at oae period as asgl- Bar IB the Fire Departmisl; at the time of bu death pnil-' dial otthe Nov Tork Cricket Olobi Asother vua ihlpbullder al HobokcB, md eositrnctor of tbe nlebtalad cUppar "Hunl- eme," vhlle a third, who had nildrd for masy yean at Ihe anih, uned, aa I ondentud, u a nionel In Ihe Cosfedenle army. Why the Brltlih pTimmest Ibouid bire nwarded Crampton and conilgned a counlw aabordlaite to obscurity and peaury U a qneilJon which can poaalbly ba uWed ifter readlsg the cout'e lecnt serrlce diary. SHAKESFEABE AT BEEEABSAL. DT 8HIRLET BROOKS, Let me be TCiy realliUe lodeed, and uh a aaedloa wblch bath oft-tlmei occnied to ne, a "blab, gnat and doubtful qun- llon,*' Ilka that prcpoanded nslo Aoim (aecoidmg to Sir wal- ler BcotI) al to bli naaoB fa eillBg the apple without pirlog II. How did Bbiheipean pt oa at nbeanilt Beaua we anaoltoinpnoulhatheait, hlgblrlhroBed, Is a deanleil ilaga box, wiiB a laurel crova open nla head, whllo tbe aw^ itrfcken playen tlaldlv unaht lo uy their wordi to bli con- tent md atroTa lo catcs my vhliper, or geitun, by which lo be gelded, Conld he come back, that mlfhl be hie poiiUon, Ibouflh I do notbehiTatbathe vouM wear Ihe liurel, end 1 think ha would raiy likely moke n agar—Dea Jonan birtng, hi ElyduB, talked to him a good deal about tobacco, "FlU a pips tnU, Jenmy," la the leal Imporlmt ipeeech In the .41- cAcmfti, ButmhlaownUae IbiTeno doobi Ibit W, Sbabe ipean walked op ead dews the front of Iheitip, md attend- ed to Iba bubea u famllUrly u uy other dnoatlrt When nbcamnglho"UenyriTea,"or"AaYoa Like II," be muit biTO been "on" conitantly, u be uwd to play Oeorge Fap and Adam, Let u enppoia "Tha Horry Wlrea ot Wlndior" "called" end cTcrybody tb^n, I am not going to nande an* IhodUee, or lo attempt to he acoon'e u to detaili, becauio tbatUsotthipobt ABamrihls. Did tho ibp maniger, after the Bnt iceoe with Sir Hogh Ermi, come md vhliper to the author that Ihe WeUh waaoTerdose aad that be bid better cut ont a lot ot lit Did FdatalTuome aod uythit bli cs- Infiu waa a eipttal ose. bat tbat he bad nothing to do In Ibe Kene except kiu Hr^ rord once, to whleb did the poet mimly njoht that ha mlahtklu hertwialf hellkedt Did Muter Slender nnlnl,aood-iiainredly,sniBitbelDgBedeiuchacoD- plele tool, md did onr WUllan tell him Ibat hi wu no fool at all, u wu ihcn by hli deiciltlng to Anne hli Talor, hli veallh md hli future honahold—Ihe way to a vomm'i bart t Did Ihey all aine that the aol ended a IllUe flat, "doa't yos fait" md did SbikaipeBn ova that, and aire Un,Qntekly a ilart aadmoolcrylogooffwHht Did Hit, QnicUy, lata ha the play, declan with inndiy itrong expnalona, panfoaabla ha a mm, that he bad oOTa had a belter part hi hla Ufa, bnt It wu bato worb lo get each wordi nghi, Iherveniogoodt And whea Mr, Fep bad to betin, had Ihe anlnor minued to forget baa own worda,and did ho opes with mw onei, Ungh- iniTyuaiUng bli right to ipeak mywoidi hi pleaad, pro. died he worked opto Ihe ennf Iieppoalhatbe mnithaTe bees a mat daUghtfBl aathor lo rahcara with, becanie^ In Ihe flrit place, he knew exactly whatheblauelfmanLmdbeeina, In Ihe eecond plaw, he vu to meneloody able logolde other people to Ihe exprcedon of bli memhig. It ho wen bo gnalactor (aeonlMled point), he carlabily knew minenlouly well what great Mtbg waa Oat I nlhw inipoct that wllh him bailoeu wu huihieia, md that thooib. Hie Iha afonuBed Ben, he eoald ba "nobly wild—not mad," at alt flUlng euMBi, he did sot play at pliy-acllng, or hla woiki would ba leu perfect than Ihey are. In readhig ame of Ibe old dnunaUdi It li fanpw- iible not to fnl thit wak la often icampad, and that awsei an dragged IB tor ume olber naion thin bMaan Iheyaae wiBled, TbliBOTir, IthInk, ocenn la Bbakiipeiie. I din uy Ual be eouldored mil when "cnti" were wanted, and made them, ud we mar ai well nmambir that Ihewlibhabad Molted not a thouimd llnta. It II wan eeer eipreaied, wu Ihe nllenne* ot a mm whme lospomeoen II oRen illicling, I hiTe ilvayi Imiglned Bbabupwra u a Ihoroagh "vorkraaS," md ai one vho, with aU die pnllenen, made othan work In eatnnt tor Ibe good ot tbi tfanln. But he mnal hare ban Jinlilllyllaelf after a play bid gone well, md Ihe Quan bad limliad him tram her incloue prcience. What a night at tbe Ucraald aflcr one of Ur. W. Sbakopeare'i playi bad been iinneunced for npclilion oo certain diyi until furlDcr notice I Ua> nnemia l.<f HoiiTili.\.—A pariy of hnolen are n- porled ai bBThig had a feiiful encounter with a fall grown Arncrlcin lion, neir the Belt lUnge ot monalalna In Uonlana territory, one day lut month. Tbo animal recelTCd aeTonlccn bulleu befon bo luccumbcd, Uo meainrod eight feel from nou to tip ol hill and vaa nearly four feet high, Tho conleit wu oerperelo end protndod, and leTcnl of tho hunlcn le- cdrid ugly woundi. A OniAT Pomn—John Adinie wu nmaikiblo na in «rly titer, nn a gnat nnioker, and na a lorcr ot cider. It wu com men wllh him to rlio at throe or four o'clock In tho mnralng, nnd rend, imoko, md drink dilor for cr two lioun helon thi nit of Ibe firnlly vu dirring. When be wont ont lo dine, he wu nenr at are unlea faeludwltb hlmhlsovb pewter pUto lo Ml from. It wu ble Inreriable oaton lo MM Ihelallerattldewllbhio vhoreTerhe vent . ~' ,''™F™.,T>"if" '"'"iahon, HeaitbBn aad l«« iitti*^ B>a-Wiuan,.tnBmd«ay,Kn.Tnli. ' .. I Vhliper hi yo«r ur— The OTenlsgiooB U walag, lon^ iBfaellsilaalhin. ThOB, pntlyjue, my pnlty Juft 1 beg yon don'l be iby, Bst mat mi Is Ihe eTmng: Asd dp the good old lyer '■V!,*^*> yoa lalah year Bnt gtai^ I'llgiTetheailBriBgi The valUr n bia Jaekerwhila To aaiwar It ihaD ipibg, "•wXr'ff'y'a'.d.-""'' The erenlBg aoes U comlsg, lOTi, Is feel tadBKMt hare; Ibej, pntky Jane, my pnUy Jim, I begyoBdoa'Ibaeby, But meet ae, u I hire propoaed. And lip tbe good dd 5* THE PUBLICAN'S BDSE. A Letf from a BoodBtcr's Dlarr. VBiiuB ivbthi WW roas avraa. Thi bllsdi vera hoved nd tha enrlalaa dnva oloa la Iha dtconled chiraber attichid lo the Bpoilaam'a BeBdeaTsaa, hy vhlch nime I make bold lo duiguto Ihi ddal pabUera. art Ihla aide tba prhiapal nea eoora hi the eeesty ef Queesi. Theglovotthe Are, eraebUng and ipakllagtaiha gnat Bnplau, tbi nflecUoa ef Ihe Ughia and tha elatlw ef Toleea, ven so mnllahla IsdlcaUos of the good ehea to ba enjoyed althha. ItvuBSlgbtdBilBxlhe medaxdUsg laoM otueyarilgBabied by tbe Bnt ecblereaeata af Fatehea, and owmn ofbiooded itock hid plhind fna tar md sou lo flodbeokinud pal»BB,u weUugnlli, formaswaal sam- ber otsama uaRe hiaid of oa the tari; ud aaa vhleh had ballu sol boTe has BMabosed at all vue there. Tha party pthaed aboat Ibe boipllablebeudeeapiladeeT- -mnlolddagei^, DallratsdIolhaiBasBa bon, ooBBlaamen fcmilUr OS mmy a hud foaght Betd, of vhlch Ibe btampha mn dwnye bloodlea aei, oalea, by ran ehmee, isud- dited wllh bnkiB nbaudBoeaa,mdioBegenllemm ridan balde, wbo had riddes racee Uaemalni^ md eenid put a hone Ihrangn hla paca m a mauer to n Beet oadlt npoo Ihe moat experienced of jookla. On laeh occadsnj Ihe ooannatloB li alwayi intereelmg md bialruoUn, md enn eoldden may plher umathhig lo edtiy, u well u lo emea thea. The pnast eecadoB wu no exapllon lo Ihe mle, the dialogu nnntsg npon Ihe Tarlou memoiable Inddenla ef tha tart, fioB Kllpea to Fuhlon md Lady Snlolk, md ao down to Ihe niphig isorougbbiedi of oar men modem lias—all Ihla, m- lenpened wllh • nsalag nlley ot JokH asd vltiT itoriei^ losg md HBtiBist, ot 1 Bitan weU alcalated lo keep the eya of Ibe nreUn open tUt boon tu "aymt Ihe twal'," Ot coniw, u al all inch Umn, thegithenng wu or a aomawhat mlHellueou characler, md poeublT Itsilght not barebeeB weU lo hiqoho too eloaly loto Ihe mtecedasta of men this ose of thoa when Ihe time of thi oeeBdon bad dnwB lo Ihe ipot Bedda the Tenaable lod Jonal Fop Trailov, who rardy aolTeied to eiceps a eiMllenl m opportunllr, md whan lapoilng dgaie, Is ikipe BotssUke the ooUlBe of ose ot hli ows itone "ubiea," vu s miJaUe leecuory lo tbe heed ot the fedlre beard, there at at bit right thit cqaillyJolly asd faa-loring eon ot UomBi, DooBoy Dusbar, coBmonly koown u "The Doctor," wboM title wu a mydery to all exapt hla bllmalei, until omdiyl dbcorered him dlichirvlog the unleoli ot a mnterleaa bottle down tbo throet of a bone la old Trulow'ii daolee, wbea Ihe eecnt vu exploded; OB bu left vaa Sam McCbaoey, a raUrrd nterm, of modente Income, m open, frank md generooe chancier, ef whoa like we cmnol bare loo many, elioer oa Ihe tart or off ir, and whom I cm lUU ae In my miod'a eye u be drore np In hli blue cuabloned lum out, with nhii graaped and whip bal- anced In that pecalUr "knowing" iljle wblch IndJalei the line tram Ibe amateur turfmen; md further down Ibe table •oeh propi end lUyi u Nick Chlfney, Ihe ute, nn bdlor; 81m Doollllle, wbo hinlahed Ihe preii ol thoee daye wllh Ila opcnalrgculp and occalooally took a bmd; Had, Wdtoia, tbe mighty Bihermio ot Loag lalmd, who had aoght enrr. thing in hli trolli fnm a ifarimp to a whall, and a wrtaua BoltwHicSaipp, who, fion hla pIllTmllsg vayi,hla rayi- teriou bablla md hlionllmlted fond of iiiniina, viicom- monly known u "The CbeTilIer;" tbeu termed the nneleaiL lha"IIfemdunl"of Ibepirty. Bolter hid two falllnge,—one u excrulra Ion of tbe aident, Ihe other m exoihilaat lore of himalf, dcTeloped In bli nu- menu eSain of pllaalry with the fenilea. Nick land a Joke and wu alwayi wilUogto aalal la lie torthermce, dtboagb BOt m originator; but tbe''brain," the uhemlng pnlu of the party, WM Doctor Dooniy, who, being m Iruhnin, pee. au«d a fertility ot InrmUoo that, hid be beea a nordlst or a hlilorlm, vonld hare cleTBled bhn to the lolUut plnaAde of gnatseu. Bolter UicBsapp bid two fiHIop, bat I had ncariy omilled mention of anotber: be bad m nnequlled taallly for monlng np bill! If hotela md for alarUig off piymeat asd had lo plaTOSily alDIeted mhie hat In teat war that Ibe Telerm wai rwlTod, el all rlika, to be rid of him. lie coneulted wllh Ihe Dodor, vho pnned Uilo arrla tbe aefol, bnl lomawbat doll Nick, mdwlthtbewudaleote ourBonllia pnpand fa Ibe pnetlcil part ot hli plol. Twdre bid ilreidy drack md Ihe merriment wu Bowleg fid md forioui roond Ibe board. Iba eportlng annala of the put contnry wen ranuehed to fomlah miterial for remlali' eena md eoBparlion. ptraamtly Interminpled wllh long and Jeit In the midat oftnebnbbubawdlerentvadmd wbiiper- ed amclhiog in Trallow'i nr. "Admit bert 0, Mrtalnly, I're no ohlecllon. What do ym uy, boyi, Mlu UicTinhu drlren orer fnm Cutoheegne, md winte to know would her ampaoy be aftreublet'* Admit her—admit her, baTe her ap; ml Ml the old Bhmg- 1" wu bead amid tbe rapphig of knuekla md faiB handlea "MuTlpg?" qneried UaeSnipp, who Ihoogbt he bnev aTeiy- body, but eoald not recall Ihe nime, "Who la ihet" 'Ct nmwkabia cbiracter,''nplled the pnbUcm; "IHIatio- duM you, Bnt look ont for your heart md yonr peekit, fa ibe'i tbe Tory denl it making Ion and plaiylBg eeehre. As cecestrle maldes lady ot vului, wbo addleli handf lo Ihe tnrf, like her father heloie her, eod cflen driree onr ben to look after Iha ncea. Cm dog a Msg or flslah a bottle, md oeTerofleBdthepnprieliei Shew ber (d. Jemmy." Then toUowed a dedded lenntloii. Id the aidit of which, ndierad br halt a doren wsllen, eateied Ihi object ot eulodly, Helindi HioTlgg. The landlord hiitmed to go thioagh the anmonia of fnlradnchoo. Ulu UicTIgg wu pnnt md nv boBed, md vu tlx fat lall. If as loeb, vilh rlagleti esoagh to elUbllih a hubmd Is Ihe vtg hoahiaiL She curt- ayta a lev that It aemed ae It It vonld lake ha an ap to rue to ba proper altitude. Bolter HaeSnipp vu a mm vhe prided hlmair upon hli pllmtiy; he nee asd poUlaty eaoiled the blaahlng daiud to a wat by bla dde. Ae emae of r»- eerra vhlch alvaya pmalli vhea a lady failradea aaosc gea. Uemes quickly von bibt. Hia HicTIgg ipeedlly ecUkllined bitalf OB limi of taBlUuItT with eTeiyhoey. No one eosld ptoffadory hot ihe wu able lo "p bim oaahdlat;" ao ose could BisgaMag bat ahe had mother to match IL She ■ana, to great applaaae, a ampodlloB of ha own, vhleh itU] esricha the albaaof oae other lldesen:- Twu Bacekua tnTiated Ike Jula of the gnpe, Aod Bebi who hiaded II rouadt Thin eech a^Dl thit periook ill ble eonowa tonook, Aad a biln li llavllcbery foand; Bnt It did bhn ookirna, and nadlmmed waelteokara. Tin wits vovm Ihdr vine came lo mli, And the great Jon on bt|b, wiib bla mlacaleTOU eye, Took 10 leadn' Ibe xlda wftb bla tncka. Tbiro'i a muleb 'Ua true, In a nuld'a eya of blae, Aad a wllcheiy dweUa la ber cnrla, B ut I r lenpa you'd lUer clar, Ju t a word la year ear— Don'l be iftcrdealrin* Ibegtrlil While the applauio wie reannding Itlu VaoTIgg leered into the eyei of Bolter UaeSnapp, with a glana a arch lad ao toll otmwnlng ae lo pnmpt that badlTldnal to ninm it, md lo uy tohloMl^ "I'to pther, br aUlhat'airadoul" Cardi wen iDlrodncen, bat Ula HmTlgf wu net m luck. HiTlsg pitied a anriTid hour, the lady pludad a ann heedicbe, asd rae to vilhdraw. "What, net w ioob t" aid Dootor Ooobot, rlelsg eomewhit BBiteidlly to liii fat "And Ihe slgbl not halt ipent ellha." "Aad, nailed," ad4ed Bolter, "ym owe a oar nienge." "0, yon ibaU ban II, Deter fur; I'm booked tor a week at the laTcm, md you'll haTi ample opportmllr." Thea, with mother ouriur, ahe eeeepted Ihe em ot Ihe majcello Tmilow, ud, itter fllnghig a lak ot ludlaou ten* demea at Bolter MocSoapp, wai led from Ibe room, Is whit ~mi UcCbeaney choiolo all a iligbUy "wiTy" coBdltlon, For one week Ihe Ullte party atuck lopther like Blamea Talmhideflnllelymulllpllid; Ulu HioTlgiproeed heralt. In Ihepnenl atlmoUoa, a "ngulu brick," though, pirhipi, lomothtog too forward tor modem conTenlbnallty, Tha time wiled aaay picaunlly vllh ildn md excunloni andwiohed la hetwMn the rica, which took plieo onry day vllb m- fuUsg regnbirily. Id the aflersoou there wen pIc-Dia esd clam-bekee, ud hi Ihe enolaga, cirdi. Uia Ui^Ttg* rode a hone u though, like tbe tilled Centiur, ibe formed pert ot the eoimal, and wu eqully imirt at loiing md Bihlng. Boiler wu ber ibellor Id iTeiytbhig, bnl he ditw thought lo eik ha It ihe Muld boi—the da of her hiBda, which ven fiihlosedUkeipelrofbaen'ihonli, belsg a luHclantan- ■wer to any aueh loleiroptoiy, bad one bees prefeind. In ■hort, he elook to her like wix, u Uie uylsg U, "Delia," eald the Doctor one monhig, ^t'i really too bad, Ton'n hegnUIng the artlea affeeUou otlhat tesda girl with a bitharity totally laeicouble, md erery one koova yon^n tilfllsg," "Teoderl" beasivirod, vllh a chackle; "aU llilBga asd gridle, vllh Booulltnllon ol taon ud a heart Uka Isdla nb- ser. But ihe hu money, my Roman, md that, yon knev, Docin, conn many BbaekiUdlsg, Then aba cosiea—hnihl mam'ithe vordi" ^ , v ^ . . . Ulu MaoTlgi had ama hi learch of Mnahody lo lake a drire, md BolCir, ol conia, tell only loo mnch Bitlend al Ibe pretansee, Ae Ibey rode off, a ksolly piobkm vu rewlrug lUelf hi Boltei'a BOUTe nlsd, Heappeandnot to soUce Ihe cariooi looks that wan eut at bhB bTgroo[« ot Idlen galh. endranndtbedoorlnvbat lamed to blin nnseaaary pre- fulon, TotalllhetroUi, onrOhonllirhad been earning m uenTabls notoriety d Uie; It vu notlad that hie appear. anu InTarUhly loraad the tUa of pUy at thi Ubie ud dieted tbe ohineler ot the |imi, while torinne InTulahly ddid hi hla tiTor, BafMvir* myileriouly nuukid mduffan rifled, iBd erw Ihe pnmla depodla ot Trailov himalf had set eacaped Ttelatlon. Runw vu buy vllh the ume el Heo- Bnapp, md ha knew II. nay bad lift the eiciUoa icene tarln Ihelr rear, ud ven paulag thraogh a vood, vbm Dollar thought It ahont Ume to comnenM openllona. "Tea eunot hare tdled, my dear Ula Tlgg, to hare ooUced toreomedayapul " "(1,1 uv It all along," fhe aniwued, vilh a umlcal IllUe '*%'at I-that II, that my feeUsgf " "0, bother your teolmgi," cat In UioTIgg aphi; "va'ra both too old for podrra. Bovmnchdoyo vmir' Oollor UicSnip wu not In Ihe babit ol being taken ahaek. but Ihll rebuff k dieeonarted him that, fn u inilanlj ha did not knov'hov lo tnrae a reply, ill at ena hla bibllaal t*- laiura amo lo hla old. "(mu nteite alaayi belt" ba aid, ibrupUy, u be leid hk hind on the ihoaldir of Hla Ha^na, "Tou'roBdup giri, UuTiyg, but I'm a malebferyou, VU (ranblo yoa to band onr Ibo lUUe IriSe yon von hit slgbt ud Ibli morning at poker and faro." While he laid Ihu MM HU' Tlgg vu Irombling dolMlly md eridenlly raidjr to drop, . r^Sunly," Ibe iild I "nravouMs'l be harming u hiaeust Tlrgla like me, Captain Bolter," . < I'qolchI" aid Boiler. afnU that iome ess Bight eeoe along to diiluib them. . . . .,, "WeU, then," lald IUaUMnrg,"ImppMe It Inut, I Bisd.'' And at the void, lb*; vlUi lono fumbllni, drav from herpoaei a loaded idi ihooler, vhlch the loteled irdlberatoly it ber eom- puloD'a head, "Tfii pme'a bp, Ulaler Dolter UacBoipp, aod Ifll vOI Jo you uy good to know II, you'n bothered Ibo vlla for aatnlh of one o7 the ibarpat Jeleellna In Iba aomliT, DtlT» on, Uao. my boy-nol that way, bol dovn lbl«'"o'o anr loft lhal Inaili to Ibo court hnuie. 'Croa eul« an iV irlnbut'uyouaiy, a wo'lltalio tlibinne." ,. flia papeia lhal wih wen full of llio partknlan, md Buy 'adAr bid paanod en tho memory of Iheaeupldla had faded fisB the pnbile ncollodion. bat Boiler HuSnapp hu fflrrlnd ihr«eiMnal InMBTinlencMot tbe "Utile iltirr,"aBd»a4va JiUitreBthiballaUm,laallll rigonailypaitdag Iha Behle ndlea on Ihe plu oilfliwlly laid devn by hlmtalf fbr Ui Jslduea, BaiO>0«nia, "STBOHO MEH" AOAIII. HI t orn I BS BB V toll tum% BT EAHILTOV. A tev vMki ego I umBsBltaled (o Ihe Cuma aaa fafai. aitin ab««t "Birasg lfia,"vhMb aema lo kansNnatad eeealdarahle aUasUoB, JndglBg fiea UiesBBber ef paieis Iha kaea eepled H laeme, I am eony to ay, vltheat sredil ta Ihli paper), Thenfen, I Jadge Uial Mmi non uccddn (( msa- islumea vUl aa be imio, I de Bat Teaeh for Ihe tve Uiat tdlev, dmply beeaaa I wis Bet pnast at Ihe Uaa ef idles; hat eaeb one wu laid by t.Vf " "ptad Tutdty, md / limply "tiU Iba Ul« M 'Iwu UIQ W BMa I vu etroUiag iloag Ihe vhirf, aid tha iklpper. vhaa I b»- f.S'^.' J'*5'•"oraimdmgen a comer, vlihaB|btallektaa '"t^ j.J*i.V!.""°..."o«' Afrleas IrtbeawhcaameB an U]l, ilnlgbtmdathUtlotaBd hla teeth, Bled to a pehit fifii'i'iSI'/vStffJ"""??''"' be hS Ml yet leriVtteS the Obi mfFiUda days othUTootb. WeU dnised ud dem he vaa, aad bright and adite looking. J^ theTlhin ama •^•.{^Wk'^Vongh to be mlahlerSIirBd ube peaedlhedarlLleheiBBlehilthiiwItebtnahliliasd. Tie Sign loUowed him aod uked drlUy for tbe itlck; the whia 5,"','I^.i;"' f." "?i Poahled hi k^ demud. nBdIylbeiiUaisipped the cue una hie kna ud Bsaa IlhiUUiettmt •«..«iowuo» iBituUy all tha danla of hli Aihaataa umton aeeaed lo wngreple In Ihe African's eya. He aide a dap fervud, ud vllh one iwlflmol'en etrippei the whole ikls dawn lhafon head of Ihe edlOT wllh hll ihaip oaiU, m that It bug aeer aad hUsded hli eyea.' Jack eildently thought Ihu ha had taakled Ihe arch uemy, diwi lud all, for he bdted lite UghhiaB& holdloi the Ikls out ef hla eya ead blading awfally. The segn caae onr to im, attar pleklsg sp the ftagBesIa of his dioh, ud laid, apdoaeUcally:— "1 4U thlsk M moch of dli,miaa." I foud Ihjt he wuted to ihlp apbi, indoflhitdhla Ihe eeek's hath en my UUIe beet, ud he eecapted It The eeoend day ont I found that the anchor had kasa slaved Inboard, ud, dairing lo get It tomrd, I ailed aU hiala, ex- cept Ihe mm at Ihe whni, to cany It lo Ila pbea. The fbat mes tagged away ud mida hud work of It, ee 1 ima ant to lheeoob,whovurdtllnghlipui In Ibe galley :-"DMlaI" Hie klick Caa appeared A the deor-"8ul» "Baw a hasd with Ihli ucher." ■TeeLBeaa,"udbsileppedroivard. "What yoa want do vid It, maaat<> "I vmt It lo go Uere," aald I, pohiUsg torvard •TM.aisa." To my adulihmiat he alaed that uehn ud laned II, aioBi, Is lu plea, asd thea vest qalelly baek to eahhif. I BOTer av mu » adeaUied u va vtn. We leeM at Mehcthaipeechlaaly; thea Ihe mes vhe bsd bees pBlBsf udhaaUsgatlt looked ihMplihly it each ether; ud tbm, vllh OBO accord, auler ud cnv brake ont ula a nar or Uathler, nobody on board that beat erer quamled viUi Xsaho, ud mmy la Ibe ibbU vaier I han vonoalheilnBglhefbls •tiBiiath. Hi vu certainly u etnng u ur Ibrra etssr men that I bsTe enr imt, ud I don't know bat be vh u itnag u half B doau bub. The aher iklpper^ story vu Ihla :— We ven at dibrdtu, a good maoy jtan aga, rspalilsg Jaaagea. Then vu a UUS gunw'e BstebSaglBgteao buHahBU-ofvarls poit, vhowu aflrd olaa spairw, asd ha^BsadoulgradpaaalBet uTmkeea hevu fenrar plcklsg qumU vtlh aad Ihiaahtaig oar iBlletB. Whataada It man iggiaTithig vti the tut that moatol themube vhlpped ven larger Ihu bUsalf. . .'•"''T.'lotorABericMmBUe audi epa pane lad goto tall, ilalhdded Yuka eeamu lo agree lo Bghl thie ^Uaknu: bal vhan they lael, Uie Yankee'! oeuan aimed tooeee avsy tram bla Ingin* endi. ■■I dent Vint lo flght," he Mid ddatolly, "Why net" wu the tadlgnut demud of the a umot t eii of the Amerieu Eigle. >' 'Cana It I bit him IH kdl hhs," vhlaad the reonvat Thia cnated a rou ef langbter, lodignut ud Inoloal. ud the UtUa EngUibBim, bulflsg up te Um, laid :— "Bo, If yoa bit ml yeall blU me, vlU yen: vdl I deal meu U let yos bllme,"ud wllh IhaiheilsppedlheTubee'e (hb. Tberavuicnublngunnd bard, Uka u axe elrikhig m ox, and Ihe BnglUhaan teH Tbe Tmkeelbuft tala teaia. 'Thuel" be laid, "I kwru I ihonld kill him." Theneind am kmllonrihe EogluhmiD,ud pstUiesi to bli heart. He laked np ud gaiped vllh wolte Ila;— "He'idead." As Amerieu eeeal, which waa Jirt Inrisg port, eanled the Yuka along ai a "dow away," ud u there wu ao itama In port he wu lafe from ponalt One enrgeoD al the corenu'e loqoeal latlBed Ihit Ihe do- eeued'i death wu anted by "eident dldecaUoa af Ihe lannra InteraiUy fnm betora bechwardi." Another medical mu lesUfled that It wu aaied hy "cruihhig In et Ihe vdb of the thoneadly;" but a dmpli euamenc of a ullor vho wu pnunt vu thu "Ihe Tukee lei illrer ud Jut bated In Ui brail hone." An Engliih vriler lately aid :— "Human Ihm doubtfulvbdhrr the next gmerallonviO nsmber la II neb hidlridul predlgia of strugib lad ikUl u did Iha lut Then vlU be maay Bnt mle rlden, hal tearetlf anotha Oabaldalon; maay aen Bnt rale rifle ihele, bnt samly mdher Ceptala Raa; mmy fltd nte aletit playen, rifle ihoti, lunrra, Jnmpen ud epimn, bat Mrlofnty bo om mu vho ibiU cxal Is oU Ihoa fati u did Edastd Bsywaid Budd." Thea three mea md IHanda formed u athlelle IriBBThale, the like ot vhlch wIU prahahly sna be wen egiis. Tba two last samed ahoTe an Uelsi: hjo old nn; 0»- baldeitoo, kaova dl orer Eaglisd u 'Tfai Bqalre^" U Md. like Iheoiher Iwo mes, he aemed mideofcait hoa. Ose diy he bid three good rose it fox hnnltaig, Ihu nde BO mllei lo a bill, dmad ill night, rode bah Ibe next memhig buted ill that day, md rode 14 mlla bona to dlnaer—oew hiTlBg dead bu eya hi two days md oae sight Ba eaa radoUrallee afterdinaaraptanraflowerforakdy towair that night at a bill. TbeaBen, ill three, ieemed to be able to da onvlMsa fa my length ot Ubc. 61 Hr. Dodd. the book fnm whkb I qaola uy* rerr little; becana Ike majority ot Iheueedoliaantnmhlillpe, md "en tbalr Otfn Boriu, modal men an dnab," Bnt we know Uii, Ibat, baldea bU other lecompUtbmenli, hli cricket playfaig waa mrvln-At-thit'i Ihi pnper word tor It Hk pUy, la the lid forty yean of this eeslary, vaapeeriea, iTingiog Iwty-tttu loach Isalapl "IbaBqaliB" vu a iplradld player, md be osa bit thU he ud uolhit am, nth two men to Odd, conld bat uy tea In Bnglind, ud when Ihe mitch ami off ilr. Budd'i teen done, oo Iheoiher dde, eicnded Ihitof Ihe twochallingen Tbeae- apoB "UieBqnln""gotmad"udeiaaedbleBaaefmatheraB ot tbe Maiylebese Cricket Clnb u broadly ud eeapraheodT*- ly that be acntohed oil, wllh hb own aame, lhae ef Ihe oaly otha two memben beglnolBg with 0. Bowerar, he had a itnak et hek Jaat alUiwarda U a dmilar match, Badd aa playing. Ula tonroppoaenle made IT rasa, aU toU, aad "Ihe BqBln,"allermablBg(4rBUo( hIeowB bet, dipped playing, ud prabably pat bla Bame on the dab Uit agahi. OaplBhi R«a waa, I thlsk, Ihi mat wondafal bbb hi this nmakahle trio Llilu to a tala of udaiueB, ya pnfes- alimalwalbenl Be vuulan after dlnser at a trieBd'i bona vben he vu Bwakeaed by Mr. Hay, vho aid "Roa, old tiUov, I wul yon lojampnpmd go, u my naplra, wilh Lord Knnedyle Iotsi- neaa. lhiTamadesbe{ota,eMpoudiBstdeUiBlIgetlhaR ra fast baton bha." Sobeweot with Lad KisBOdr, sarer dopphit lo chup ereBlsgdraa at Ihla boola, to IsTemeei. They valhed aB sight, saxt day and Ua nut alabt (nlnhig tamte aU Ihe vByH-eeioa ihe Oramplm BlUK-aot na a imath raa eamae—ud reached laremea d B A. M., BdaifgeaM w>Ou after dlsser I Eesnedy von by fenr honn. Bli opponent look the eoach nad ud vslked 3d aBa fti^ Iher Ihan Kennedy did, bnt onr good gmud, ot eeana. Bnt u a rile eholCepUlB Boa li daat worM-naewaed. Bevesatsa pUlil ibot too, Be acted u laoad Idvayi, bavenr. la Ihe usee of homultf, ud to nn Ufe) IB Haac Nobody enr made him a prtadpal In a dail beana he seoM hit a dipeaM itnek oa a cud it IB yudi, 23 tlnn sni af SB. Bat IB iIBe ahatlsg his record b Ihla:—Of Ihe three gnat espa BcauUy ibol fain Boglud no peisea ba yet von men Ihu oae, except Cut Bomtio Roa, vbo toa wn sU lAra, Bli MB, Edvard Rcia, vod the Bnt Qoas'i puis at uao- Iks yean otsge, end at Ihe BIgblud RUe AaodiUoB be asd hli father wob eleres pnm eel ot Ibe Ibbleeo, Herenln. Boa, enoiher us, U lbs ehamplm rile ihot of Indli, He did a fell darieg'tfae mnllnyof IbeSepeys that lOtBda Ukaa nmina Ib lelUig, bal It b DiTertbiltu tne. Be rode eighty milea lo a rirer font whin an army of mstlaMri ven expaled lo eroa; dag a rite pit, vlth lennl riSa ud tve or three atleoduU lo lad, ud ulnsUy kept biek anni hu- dred men Buy honra, aoMllng down men ud horsea, md ei- peelally Ihi Dalln ofllcera, vbtD they attempted lo croa; ud by-ud byu EogUib battery came op. So he and Ihe Esg- llah atitloD, where Ihue wen a Urge Bomber otikk ud muy womes aad chlldno. Ai I ban aid, "Ihe Bqnira" la dead. Tba dhii twe of tbe trinmilrete lUII lire hi a grces old ip. Cu uy one pdnt out a trio that orer eqaded tkemt FLATHTti WITH FOBBKT. Not mur yean ap one of Ihe most ineteatnl ud enliii- prldng of ihe pnieni Amerieu mmigcn wu a aeae pslstir ataBoitoBlbMlte. But, Ihoagb appannlly deleted to Uie poBdl asd bruh, be tdl within bIm the asl of Readaa, nUiw tbaa ot Bereriiy, ud auKtly longed toi hlilrlonio tana To tread tha boudi baton appliudlag Ihonuadi—Is appear m traat ot Us ana Isalead of palnfisg Ibem—Ihla wu hla ar- drat bat wnaaled ambition. How h1i ambltlin wad gntifled, aBdwlth wbilmulli,liaitoiytoo loagraemd byHanigv 0 for bit prirate frieadt In the ceniie ut silanhia tear Edwhi Fomd oama lo Beaten " "[bled: ~ . , . J rem.-., _ tortnse gare him the oppnrtsnlly. "Da msonneed, with Ur. ForreU u Dsmon; bat no sib vould mao vu dellghl«r nira vu la lelwl abosldhhe loplay vll&Fomdl In a freak of good '-^ - .... '^Damoa aad Pythlu*' vu Hov ho bsfflor dertake Ihe partot Lncsllns. rerbapiyoDbanaeatheplayf If net, lot me latoimyoo lhal LaeuUni lathe tallhtal ilBTeet DafflOB, who klUiblamadar'ihoia lopnrest bla tnm n- tunhig to die Isrtead of Fyihlai. Whea Dimoo Indi that bli bora b dead he ibnaa Lncdiu ildenUy, md this leese ilwsyi "brisp down the houe." Hr. Forresl la Iha moit mnaenlsr ot tiBgedJaas md leporla ot the maimsr In vhlch be rested hll fair Ib "Oamoa and Pythlu"liad naehed BoitoB md anad the unvd minor adora lo ihlik lbs part et LneeHoi. Thoi came the ohina for which B tiea long and eagerly walled. Ho Tdsntaend his arrlai; and tho great liwedlaa, after eriUedly Inapedlsg Ihe dight, hMh flgure ef B , aceepted Ihe Tolnnlear ud nksaiaed vtlh biB. The nbeatiati all weal imoothly. "Ben I eiiM yon," said Mr. Forrat "OerUhiIy,dr,"nnlledB , cheafanr, "Hera I paih yea off al Inlaalnna," edd Hr. Fofreit "Qdle light, dr," repUed B—, who vu pUIag a cspt- tsllr. "Ton mnit gin yontMlf np lo me," uld Hr. Forrett "Nerer fisr, ilrl" nplledS^ , vlth s truthig smile. TheOTislfslslgbl snlred. fl ^vu hnBUtsByBlUiBd In ipolleB Ughb ud a Romeo taalo. HtohudMBtfsM vu vbllened end rouged. Hla bair bad ban nal beeomlngly dreaed. The whole oompany admired him u hi iloed b a gnnfol aliunde at Ihe vlng. Then hb cne vu gteei' ud bs valked open the dige "alblngof beuly." S* ksilli hs ■poke hk litUe Una wllhjnodat imphula, Badleily lhs mneenlBrtaiigedlin adTuoBd span bIm, like sa (BgrrtlgBr spoD B gnUe bmb] selud Umi ahook him b IhaAbi threw him fnm dde to side I nlesMdUm oily lo pomes .Bpan bin Bgala,llbeBeBtBlaylBgvllhanosse|S«iMad Uidibisvllh him. u If be bed baa a ■oor.dont; held bla st inrsHaglh, amid Ihe eager pisndlls of Ihi gtUery boys, ud'il UgToiBa him ont ot light Uiranghthi dminlruM, ud badedhUla "J^li? ^' Pronpta'i box, a dirly, an, penpliing, dlAtnl ad, hnlad, dlwuled hup ot homulty. "Ah I" Mid a friend, oomloi np lo bhn u he lay psnllac npbn^tbo floor, "I ice that yon ban beea plaJhlg vllkicli^ '•Nol'i groaned poorB ,Irylog'In tain io tHo,"Ptr- ral bu Icenpfoytiip uifA bu / Arid e nice oblecl he's aUe of mel" Tbo neit moralaj B "itipeolfBUy deiUntd" te appear M Lucullue n pln. Oinni FoxoiiiPBtoRiFiiiiNnB.-Hlki. lima deUanki, the reigning llor at Ihe IlBlbn OMra la Faria, poaaae a de- nted companlu ui admh^^Ja Uie penon of a brp Nev. .sivu vuni|«DnHi anu aomiiv tousdland dog samed FIntik ' ni, allendi nheaaal, gaaatt. meat'; ssd "mikaTullelllgaBl' bMlBd, a Farlijnnuttolls . ^ III mlilna "vlUi nilih- meat" asd "mika2hilelllgaBi%nneBU of tbe headUu. MWdsfheijefiKi d'orpw-ha finrtHmtsA horohioaiOl [dJleTl,'! Mon«»er,"iSSie VbM«o exjndhb idrntti- rUoB ln aTirimukedmumr, b3 (la dsgs,and hi a highly ■BsdcBl ud|B>adDg fidiloB. so ibil HU*. de HiakafMls las rUto th* aoil Uetir taSJnuiib''i ■■,