New York Clipper (Feb 1869)

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THE NEW YORK OLIPl?ER. February. SO,. 1869. ■.rrHTTiy j! . ^.i" :-t »i ' t—rr-^ ^ „,]i fW , , - 'SSSitmlMt^'^ JUL Mtldm, itmm iMaVt .MiS. Iivis, Oelto mo, ■MVlirwttr, Sir5rii.«5«. Ciiiar, :bin, BahlUa Rfto, Itxtm OUtka, 0. B. lAiu. OiuUTa BUmk, T. n. Jalana^ buriaher, JMU Canodar, UUr BlaiHkaitf, Jalk RaMaaoa, XaateMTncj, flelm Oafvoo, T. B. JalTinea, Ita iriUian, \rill af fw. JobnUlkild,,^ , Pi«f. kaa*>uM-i, Oliii. nlaaa mi - j , N. D. mbtm-1, Obu. ^*rr, yr, 1. Urnll nanr wallj BdJIa roi, Laon Obaitl, Jotao firran* Edvtn llolBaa, Uao. Dtranporlt viiaonaiidOiarka, Jamea RMtmu. /oboar Havara. K*d lllniht, T. n. ftbanott. a k S.ToualM, aee. Qaalao, JanrCo^co* JabB T Rayisalldi JobaT. aiMt, Mn. Oaa Qnj, Bnllr PIU, Anola Brraa, JaoalaDlIta, BallK Vaouaaa, Ml& D. r. Bawaiv, Eal« PanDoTcr, MuA. . ■AColCaoliuik'lB LecMOanMor, HIaH lleaav JauMDtTlai Xattt, Dank Ballao, Anolt niDdl*. HuDtS Van, AoalAAIUot, OvTtoMwn, Baiu Boflth, DtB'IMtuw, Bist kMd In ttelr lATon befon 0 •'cloak OB Meaii^ f& M rnSaoa bail bnl |M4 ipWu." Brfltbif f«njoi» Jim. » l« r.'!!i«Ma. ll«»ir« UK Uli TJaw 0 , va CAD nddll; acMuat Tor awl tfaa CltF Buinin>ry« MmiT, m. M, diik aad alAiiBf■ monlof, lU in th« monlli af F«b- ^rm^fWf^ *" <*•• biadraii of nat-Unttd uliloM- ■ aoBiad iliute anolanna, all dona ap la clcgaatlj eaiboa^ <aiBlapM^ aad all brealUaf woidi af ^i!anvfl aad Iatv (aMont I* fin > badf t ap^ of Uu "7>ll«* judiia." Jut ia ttta> of it—laileid af opealnf ItHfia with' itaa aiaal lo- yaataataBBaoaanrnt;—"Pleaaoflndancland taO| ortwratj, ■ ar If^ dol'am-aa Uia eua n%j b»—to pa; for taoloaed adre^ •11tniBin\'' **—* — ""^ nrfhtny iiQt TwleaUMi^ larorainf na af fta' forlaro eoa6UoD of tk» vrllan, of Ibalr Jalnlloa lo aoHiatt nldda U wt doaU acapt them aH for anr Talen- aad UirctlsBlaf mgaanca dtio la beaatiral rena If we .aaak* «w tStcUnf aol tUrp oa aajM; alin Il'a a mat ;aala, ta't lit Lon'a all <air ilea, aad wj pntty, and niy .cBkiBllaf mtta ilaea,whn jaoeaa eaBcaatnta70Uaffee* • 4(au oa oaa eoBcnial iplii^ and tow to Uto [Or bar alooVi or A; wbeslloama m liaan^oMoU^** >oa bafora as Baw,lolbaahapa*ttaait« aad 4u1i, and ikawtn, aad maat .aaH,aadaaeklhlan wagrt Hgbtaoed at Il^aBd wtihooneir vvaDoalor allnthlan ioipi*. wiak thartuditeooia t|»daf;tha7Pp8atoarBniUlakaiatiOBj,aBdlhoi]ftiwe caa* aol p baok oa tb«a IotbI/ nleBtlBe% wa eaoaot apue Uia tiaat»4t;tB aanartkamalL Ahl "Jlm"ia||<ala a plan; ha ajB that k< win (risd oat a eaopio or Bua Ttnta, that Tykr caa iai *fin op for os hi typo, lhal wa can paint off thooanda •t'Miln aJISr, udUulaocuidbpalchUuB to onrmplad .•rhmala(rl>ada,BotoBoar ibon «IU be Uia arlwr for Ihla ■ doplldt/. JiBBix,|naiehtfatitll8,aBdbur7Dp lbeeakaa:~ ..LIMB8 TO MAET, OS itSt, OB SALLT, IS TBE OkXt ■AT BE. maiden filr, wllb pala bine for red, orbiora, an}- IhlBl, u Ibe oecaiHM nqnlnsl balr, Jtad ttm ot azare bB^ 'On beadad koFc, I awtar to then foaeier lo be Uoa. ' Too 01b of B\]hL wboaaaUnn Udil SUBftoonu lor«'«7Quni or^atn, •^tr wai and wAaf, and come aaAlo, ' tcKiUlbou'llboiniilieju. .InnlkJana for Jrmilia or Pbabe, «r fal, ahaterer Itblw^lhUialowliamiDa, KVer luTcd 1 aaldbu tbM; Tblabaatiornloe b«lllniolo Iblno. MrM2btdlTinll7. ■ BBS, lun aad nuuo imf flda roll won, And ahaoB oima afila. Bn 1 laare. or Ibaa decatrp, MrowBBveettdol, JineloT iBiert aaabnaueaa BiliancTor Uieaua Daynqmia). Vow, Jlaaf, taralAfa and und *aoi olf of qniok aa pe» tAla. TbasoBdatb oar Irmi Inana, u oor ptonabraUutn are wont to 017 OB Babbalh, noraloa. Uany, boi wa Nov Tiaketa aia Ihe farand or (he goda I Tvaa Dot a oonoe aco that w% 1b bUafal ifnorance, vera eoB^ent lo ttka onr b«t .^nmalla itaff rnai aneb aa Boudcan'L nalD an aotcrpriilai ■aaof Oohia nofdM boldl/aoBl out rot hla coaotirUnod! aad hall witli jo; bar taihan; tbeo wan wa rarond nth fiiml ^aad banlB(bot»,aodothenor MiatUk, aad Si uiVfiS57d:;i ndTi. Cooki, Kaaa, C«.p.r, AmV. R?^i.t au?^ Demiiloi U>ilr Iwdlni r*ki In aiUtoc iS5Vtotffli^»ri!M.noft~i~'?»l»«i«t«. "I'.i. knaanMeUonidlBlbiiornDiiloo, whilbei Boo>baeaa aiw- ^Eilaprtntugdarlafcln, aiwol; beeanaa 0 will panHiio Sablatba acctaUlaUM or |ralna aod doln liaarlj wbar. aaBtrrtoallMUblUtprtatdaBt, wllchdominda that a abaod ba fmnaollr 'ladlapoaH,* and enn oeeaihaally pot Iiaair lo aawnrorIknor. SoltbtoaH drfoaorat dajal iMkInback onto tha pait, I ban ncollee onlj two iBjIaaoaa or dapuokar tnrn tba itiadifd nla-than, I Dead aidl; aar, waa Sbalea •ad the LIUlo OiMk, oo wai at tbe top 0 tka protiha aa ror aa Kbrlet; want, bat BaroitBjiklalj fda't anylhlBkelaa lonaka bap far IL Ablltwima mo warrr wlula wban I tbink ow ■■Utile Jahnn;" wiloh a wu tba oHdnl amk—010 lo |ot off Ij rasiona 1u ectai la lUebtrd; II wu Unlock—ao olhar word kladetrribali:- "K 'onl a 'ooal Ml klaidon rora 'oul 1 hiroaukemr liroarooa onaotak. _ Aad I'll make^a din ibnell 'en baAne I diel" Thatwaalalbepamnjdajaolbt Ultle FraskUBiThralie, »ta Kllbywai "m uiat la HoDie"aBd Oil Dlnnofonl wai inaaarar, and each Klor waa Uninaballj In theabjee' cnndubn deuilbed br tba ranla poll. Ibem wu da;a, loo, waa then wu aooh a thlac aa acllB—wen too emM ear a roller a roica herond lha [oollliea aad pMpIo dMo^t m oat enrj Ire nln^ BiCilsUhaaiom or lo aaier Ibi Ireball; and won it took Innnai well u nouelto b*anaebir. Sir, joumaj noibo leete m, hot In a rao-weo Kliby plajad a rowod o Shakca- nientn karukleiw, a wu ao oibioiiad that II bMaDaarai- iair la nmora'Im lo the eitroiplilo erar; nlla ror intddlbia tietooant, on Ihe ralllon or the eor!lo», and II wu anrly re- enalllna alon e oimeiownd ««rn. The Iblu wu m eipenitr, altha Ul oimwa* largeand ealhooilattlc, tbe manldiar ad lo ehoko Id of c Shikeepltr, tod alior that e wu obHgiUd lo allek to the ■■Carplator or Boh," lie "Sll Defte* or Crhae," aad other like prodoe'iooo, wllcb, tho' loe, an 'ardlj fonjro. laitta Shikanler. Tha pan dJ FraBkUnfl-ilea'oleiale aioianow.andlaMTelerkadUenii lha neri!! ol Iho WiHon tbe fpol nudr aacrld be Ihe wolc* 0' BUI BefUo ant the motbl- lareaVFiTo'Waleal , T""""-. Cm! TioT and Nn. E, T. noinu are at prewnt oofated at the Old Bowai7 Tbutrr, thia dtj. DoDwonn li adreiUied to rent 01 Kaia ror a ttnn or TBI OBjmp Ona^ Hodu opeaa andrr lha Tayleare maa- aianenl on Hticb KIb, wllh Ibe "Tempeat'^ Dj a letlor n- olred In Ibla city 00 the Illh from Nr. TayleniT—who wu then la Pub—we learn lhathe hu focured manr ooTolllea foi hla eolarpilu, and that ke illlaiiira baniaUU In Febmaiy, NlUB Smioca had a crowded houae at hie beBeu on Ihe aftamoOBeriholltbUiil., at BnaiU'Uiutiel Hall He wu pnUBled OB tbe alage bj BenryDobaon with ooe or hla hand, aoae, patent baajoa, heaillrallrarinounted, andTalaed at IdO. .He wae alao Iba rcclptrnt of a larfo fcouqnet fiom hU lateodcd, Eovm SxtlT amrod Id thIa aly from tba wcat on tb* 9lh laiL Heeallathll we»h rarl^ndon, to niafce the BKeaurr.u- ren^mtDte ror the tarlj appearance or the SeDy and laoo Mbalrtla Id thalr borliaqoa operea. J. H. Catboibt airlTtd lo tbia clly rrom Eoglaod oa the SIh lul •tuh^tt ^thymr Dastnonyonrllia—their leia, Ibi .«adlbelrb!eaobad|oHen hilr;aad eaeol tbue I Nai^ lha ludrrortbo elan, baa, wilh a plellr pool, ( ■BUfoaaaaanai^aBa aamncDnaD^and otheraor that Ilk, aad all went vail fiat nor, banotdthoehanse, aad mark job wel] wtalWlowa Wohart theanaraletyle 0'pliy rorlhowwho a U Ml doUihl, and wlb It-wbatr Sara, pan of . Uia ■■aft rail la'wille, aad wrillae belt moat lioh la M i iii iiiu Ii b; ror lh<a« wbo la the lombre tinedr wwald'.tea Ihelr (U dcatrc, mnat ueda ftal Joy, for tare lhay set IbMr Beslhr And Ihea, rot thou wlio faTon att Ihaaa-atRrioddma-ikey'ra bid to coort lb> •■mbIbI B,'< ea Dob Joba Ualer-hcr bkmI raiored aoaa-aad lo I <h« kin thaa elL Than thou iba In Enlape'a doleat ainlni •adaolaeb forlhairaniTcaR, bare they not Qcao andflike ' wko'aaaitorklntoOiteioa. 'And'aa, Ihiaa rotulea of Ho- —^aInlh«yBnltbetalll«ldwllhalltha^aI derired from ' i,IBdlTokiluralieiiaelora'akni, aod, MrUur, Ibehahapea ■a fair bean- MaachodherkalraiMI: in'l tiuthVtei^~bu°aLid'iula ibe firall eent, layi:—"That I wu bom a bloade, and a bloode ■>Ddl&>^ The lorely lady aptaki but linlh, rorahe hu bonoa hlonda foil long, and iho—orwo are wroog—will dyo a blonde aame yean leeumo. *'Jlmmy, can abe aland tbe aiiiln of an. nlhe/wee without dlikKttli^ inyihlnct" "IThat'a It to bo anWi ■■Ibonlbiiltiqoeudlegi." "'Ifee, ihe can aUnd on lanawtaele<ay.>* "loin bar pnily, then, tor tioo nor tide mttaraewn.'^ uoa AMD BDBLBSqVE. ^ now lb« ladlea abow Iballomakai tuleaqeaio, nayraool; lobebeaotUnl ano^air: And for Tama thiT may bu, ir >ber>re note aptendM iSk .AedlbeUibltalortbe li|kt4)ed r>U<n balr. /«Lv,li'allii|h<mt, ' WoaaklD plly'a AkmL "* That wemao rmnberephere ahoold Ikut— bar,. Jlaay; we dan'l want any norelillne from a BW. dfw: wacaa da that ouieair. ir Il'a oeccMaiy, which II lan'L 'ilBealhapnMlaioUiah'bo torn dollar 00 IcBiandpbyilalchanu ^...OBcaihenmaayoantacUeu whoaowu>educctlonhad taBBOBewha«oe(lect«d,bat*ho,lnma dliptiy el oaiuak liaadlea-k, made kenelr an object or Inlerot loa rlrtanoa - caaatlmeney; ibe round Ihit liga and all thil lort of thini laek niy •etl.bulnetirtheleieehanadertoektoalodyarait '*<°'^S>*V>?''''*l'>'*^™ki hnllDlheendbiadldkln't TO. One nlgkL while pla;ln(tbl> hud piece, a well knon aalor, who wtahed Ibe ibl todowall.aod In anid the nanr • wBfTaBun\i'™ "'"'•'■i**'^B.* , with, aald JonB. trcDoxonmbuaoed Vanajer Frallab.of IhoDId Bowery Iheatie. to recoror $600, IneuriaJ In Ihe^'After Diik" cvala'ely faeaid m tbiaeliy. Son E. Owsra ulla tor CaUromla on Iho 16lb but., nnder eapyeraenl In Demit and lfcCuUou|b, of Ihe new fiuh Street Theatre, Ban Fraoclaco. AzioToaB tPMi or llillin Opera wu InanftanM at Ihe Academy ol Uaale on Ibunday erenlog, Feb. lllb. Tbe "eielllanVnpfn" «u ibe open cboaoa for Ihe lalllal cer- formancf, «ilh Had. Aulha Stalcaand Big. Brinnoll In'the principal nit*. The aoUrialDaie&t Old not meet with aueoeea, ellber peeonlarlly or olbcrwb^ aod Hu'a bol Ineu Id ataxllnjt at Ibe opcvlo^r of Lent fa oot 'liely to meet with publlo appnTaL hiad. Siatea. weaee, wlahea to aceedo Irom Ihe UnIM Stater, aaibe hu eominenccd aaull for dlrorca rrom her bubaod. PoumnB.^ SrnBET and Ha laiDedlate rlclnliy, from Third toBIatli Aeinne, la now the great centra of amuaementc At Blilh Arenne aod Fooileeath alrect la the Fmch Tbeatio; atTblneenlh itiTet and Broadeay, Wallack'a; onFottiteentb atieet, near Fooith Arenne, Etelnaay Hall; Irrlnf Place and Fllteenlh Street, Inlri Hall; Fooiteentb ilreet and Irrlog Place, Aeideoiy of IIu<le: adjolnlog that ti Biyanla' Ulnairel Hill; and Id the ume hoUding la tbegieat Tkmnany: and en Ibe ume itrcet, oppndte the Actdemy, la Lent'a New York CboBi. FoBTteenIb alieet pieaenta a l[ro|y appeaimoa wllh all theu pllcea Id ep nUoa Ma. TDsaoio.i, at pneent at the Worrell Sialen* Theatre, bu bceo eecnicd by air. Tkylcoie, for hla aeaioo el the Orand Open Howe. Mr. Tijaloglon u ooe of the heat orehoatnl ktden In the cky. tlABT SnmiL a Jnnnlle aclrm, anlnd In Ihia aty on the (lb Inai Tea Euai Hon Bnus^DiTiom make !helr Bnt appeu- aice In Ibla city thlaeTOoliil at Ibe Warerly Thutn, former- ly Kelly and Leon'a HlutnT Ball, In the barlenine of "Lucrella Boiila, H. D." wllh tbe lollowlng cut .--aennan, Ellu Holt; OiBinl, EollT Pitt; Uieollo, Faonr Pr-ltige M*elnicca, Ula- DlcJackMD; Vitetll, Uary put ; The Dook, Wall; Looella BoTgli, Jamea Liwla ; Ruellgbello, C. T. Pinloe, Jr.; Jobella, Belill Ryaa ; Fliil Page, Cinlo Wllllana; Eecoad tft, Aoula Campion, and Third Pa^ Cnrul Bel'. The baHeaqno will ierailiia*e "ilih the Cdn.Con. lolioduclo? Belt> and Emily Itl;;l and cor^ d< baVrt PrrriiAB lo tbn barlcaquo the com edldta or "A I'leVy lite* of llnilnne" will be preunled, with Owen Uarlowe, Edward Colrman and Ibe company in the cuL Tbe thMlre tua been bandiomel/ Altcd op, and praienta a neat appcaranco. A new drop cnrlaln boa been palnUd by Hareton. al>o net' aceoerr by J. S. Scliell. Una. W. U. SiDLiT Sum ulM fiv Sin Fruciuo, Callfonla, onlh'ia'hinit.. lor Birrelt and McCullough'a new thealn. "OBmiE AVI Enrcaa" wu produced at the Onnd Oiwra Uenae on the S:b Inil., on rbkh ocoaalon lllle. Toatce male hi-r roappcDnnce after alone abunce, havlno tnly recoiered Irom her late acddeot. Bhe appeared aa ElUTillcr, and the renpllxn tb>t nreeted bor wuTcry en. Ihasiutlc V. Ducre, Ibe OrphniB, w^ loudly appiauaea for bli aalo on Ihe vIoUd. Mr. IhiciieaDi wu ezcollest aa Jnpl'cr. Theionng lady fiat played Onpld did not appear to come op to the ri-qntromento of the re/r, for her allemptad dnging waa tewimed by a ronnd of hiaeee, wbloh ww Tuy waro), when a lot of doe^'n attempted to drown the dlaap- ptobatloD wilb applanoe. Tbe oboma at tba aad of the ieo- ond aot ("Stop Ibit Knackini") waa numd, when Ihe cnr- laln waa niMd and tbe proccaalOD countennarchtd and aaniT, Tbe allendance ma out great, and thmiifhon; the weak '■ Orpbeo" wu glren to light bualneaa. JOBI BiotraBAH pcodaccd, tt ha Iheatte, on the BIh liBt., two ant comedy called " An Irlih Blew; or, Ihe Uyalerlona Widow of Long Branch." It la a dramaluabon Iroin tbe French, and localized by Mr, Brougham. A dramallxatlOB of the eama piece haa prorlollaly been giTon In thie olty, andei ibe iltle of " ^ Dull In ■ China Bhup." It waa placed upon Ibe etage In excelltnt etyle, and uretully performed by the etork compsny. In. LMU,;bim parllcululy dlatln. gnlablBff bimaull by tbo iuan> iDuok'Cutblondera Ihat he wu coDitanilymaklDg. La jiU aad £21b Gcrmon, wbo In tba play are lecrellyuarilc-..n.'iduj cunAlJcrable amuaement 10 theandieiw. I'i:h.-n 1:. l.c whole, It la onoot tbe meet amualng irlflea «e li..\o utaicd fur aamo ilcno, and la conUnuttl on Iho billu 1 j- IMa week. In addition to the bur. leaqne or iba'*Drauiiiio Itetlew,". wliioh bu nodorgone lome aUeraUons alnro Ita flnt ptoouuiion, addiug con* alderahly lo lie popululiy. The attendance wu nut rery lane Iba pait weok. Waiuoa'a Toeitie la doing a good bulneu wl'h " Much Alo About NoUilng." HciiFiT SuHm," In epite of the coBntei allncUona of a uniiil dlBplay of legi ai other tboaliea, appun to bear np gncefnlly aad bolci bli own, for the attandance at the ulymplo conllnuea T017 largo oicb brenlng, a recant Kit being a curiooliy. That C. B. Fox eitni hla ulacy no one can doubt, for be cell knocked about with cODalderable looaeneu and frcedoo, IIli peitcruinco of VanlaloOB li dneiTtni olooualloiahlo ptalta. J. B. Biroui met elUi a heaily velcomo al the Old Bowery Theaito Ihe put week. uiu Eown Booxn did Iho eecoDd beat hBilneaa or any mana- Serin the city the past week, hla belullful temple or the rana being oiovded each eranlng, Iho itonny nlgbta baling so oDeet wbaloTir uinn the aiiendanco. kir. IlMth hai loncd down bla perforoiaDca or " Bomio" conalitenbly aloco the Brat vcek, and It le now one of tho moat In- telleolual and eitjoyeble perlormancea to Imi aeon In t'jia olty. Uary UoVloker growa In faror with bee audloncu: BdwiD Adama' Mercuilu la a groat fealuro of the perlorm- aooo; belj coUod boforo Iho ourlaJn each erenlDg tor hla thoroughly artiatlc oouceptioa and reproaoniatloa ol the reld baeday Mriueehare been diaooallnBed, but Ihe 8tla>day hflarBOon perfomiancu era contiDBeil. ' A roinoii of the Jape, Isclading tba ohief, left for hone Iwtweok. TbebelaoeeoflhemwesltorhllBdeiphi*. Tn Enani ADiaa' niabta at Booth'i Tbeaire ooo- menoe on the lOtb loal, and will b* contliiBad each erenlDg dnting tbe esgagaminl of Mr. Adaaa tl that eiubllih- Denk Kr, Adama la tba alar of Ihe eToUna, tit. Booth not appearing on thou erealsn. For Iba flnt nUht, Mr. Adama produoaa Ihi flre aal nafady of " Karcjaaa. FiRHi Hasana doablea op Ibla week,.Uial I', e^* *P' peara arerr aflanoon eicepUiiig Batoidty, In ihe borlMqae of "lalon,^' al Wood'a MnieaiB, and araiT aranlag at lha B0WI17 Tfaattr*, Ib tha aeuaUonal drama. Tu Old Bowui will piodnea a paalamlme on Uueh lat. thatbu beea ta preparation all [he waaon. So mnoh bu beea eipanded oa It, Ihat It may either make or bnik Ibe manager. HcKsiK BtKmiiA* U la the IhIrd week or hla engagemeBl at the Miw Tofk Theatre. Darlof the peal week heappaand raanoBdofhla Boat pepniar enansten, wall aopporlodhy bladaagblarTlrilBiB, who b a lady of eesaldarablo dramatic ability. Oo the 13th ■■Othello^'waa perfomed. TblianalBg Mr, Bb hanin takea a beneBt, whan he aspean ai Sbylock, In 'iHirehantof Teolee,"lo Ui daugeier^ Portia, ud u Sir ObarleaCflldatream, Ib "Died Uf." Oa lha Mh Noel WaiBir raid Is ke aa BnglUb tragedian, Baku hli American drtal u ■■Otbelle,** to Doehanan'a lagb B. A, Samna bu poaipened hla aniagement wllh Hr. Booth. Tra Barivia piedace thli erenlnt the hnrlrnno of "Ihe Kllilr «' Lore," alM a programme fnlT of laagbabli nhiltnl acta. Tber will abortir prodac* their new hoHoiqoeoeenol ■-Oipbei,'* written for tbea by John Brongbam, and which wu laleaded le be pndaeid early In the aeaaon, but drrnied la C0Da.qniD0a «r tha KaUy aad Leon party piodoclog ooe of the aama name, Tha pceaint leaae of Ibla hall by tba Biyonta eaplna Hay Ijl, when they wlU go onl on a tnieHDi lour, TOBT FanoB conllaiea te do, to the aba of hla booar, u big ahailocuu any plaolln the aty. On Saturday erealog, lllb Inat,, tbe ball wu ao deauly eiowded that It wu lopoa- Blhle for a late corner to obtain a eight of lha alaaa, Alloa Soldier, harlna eaoght Ihe bleade rarer, appeared in a'light wig, wDlch did net add le her appeanaee, ThIe week en Irllh dimma, eallid ■■Iillh DearlJ and Iriih HoBea" li l« be pro- deced. T, (1. RIni ruppeua alter a briar abaaoca, and a party otperromiiag 0^ potlnanappeannea Epb lion contla- BU bli enp^emeat. Tea WiTiBLTTBUTBidoca aol opeo thlaarealng In eon. aequonceofa break IB tbe leof, and Ihe lata rata etein of SaBday,thelltb, dilogiBrtbetheatre, and oempletair O'^ik- lDgDBByortheiul& TbeblUal perforaaaea af ihaEliie Holt Tnope la therefore pealpooed antll the Itlh lut TBOHmii an Riooi, ditmatle agoli, whoae haad.qeaiten li noil doerta tboTDeatn Coatqoe, ban a BBmhar of caidi la Ibla lone ol tha Oiirra lo which Ihe atlaBllon or ihowBiea Ud'iected. Haan urired In San Fiaaclace, Cal, on the 13lh laiL So we an Uferaed b y a telegraio,^ j>rfiiiiatlo. Una Aoaia Emi U aBnoonof d ta gin a perfonuece In New Haren, Conn., on Ihe Illh, aupported by a drainalie eon- paay nnder the nanigeaent of laaao C. Pny, The "Lady of LyoDa" will be preeented. Hutimi RxTn, nnder Ibe management of Dan Wotcetler, wdl appiar la Bridgeport, Ooan., the 19lh, IBth ant ITlb, aad NrwBaren, IllbandWh. Kin FiaaiB opened In Dontlrk. N. T., en the lllb, hi "Ha. aeppa,*' and wu to nnuin three nlgbla, aad go thenca tu Lock- port, N. T. C. W. ConoocE cloicd an enngemenl at the Academy or Hulc Duffilo, oil Ibe Kb. ProT. Bolloway'i bearllt on the 6tb, prored a auba'anUal one, the bonie being well ailed. Ed. EdJy and U'Drlella Imna opened on Ihe tlh, with -Tbe Rag- picker of Pane" and "Kitherineaod Petrachio" lo a rnllbonii'; oB the lOth "Ia Tour U« Nolle" and "Sackwoodiman" lllb i-Tbo Slnnger" and "Mah Lion;" 121b, "Colleen Dawn" and ■Inah Haymaker." Tbe ■■Wandering Jew'' wtll occupy tbe boaidi next ,thii| week, wilh Eddy u the Jew, Hadaoid Sen. yah, the rimole tnpeuii, aucteedi Eddy and Imng, So writcioor coniepondent, *'FnBk," MiiToa NoBLzaoleaed bla engagement bi Omahaon Feb. 7th, and bu Joined Lingilabe'a patty u Banrer City for the leading jDvenllebuohien. ■ Lnm liiB St. Joov, whoae nont debut In Boelon. Hu*., wu 10 aocceurui, aod who thereby buelldled the eneomiama or the Vodem Albenlana, may tie engaged by flnt elau mona- gen through her agent, C. H. Ifadwon. • Ix Cnaneri, laat week, theatrical bnalnem wu not rery eqnilahly dktilbuled. At the National "A Mldnmmor Nlgbt'i Dream" had hot a tolerable eeeood weak, the honici In the Ion pail being eery lUn, owing Is wet weather. Toward! IN eloee, both the weather and the bia, brightened bp. The pleu deeemd a belter nn than 11 neelred, being. In the way or icanrry and moantlogL the beat Bhakeapeareon drama erer prodaoed In CtucinBatl Sereial of tha leenei wen or an oilglnal BBtura, that at the end of Act IV, npiwn'log a fkliy lake, thronih Ibe medlom or a mamg panorama, with here and there ghmpaea of Pock aod Oberan In a fairy heal, wu ei- tiemely fine, and nioy pnierred It to thetnniformation icene attbacloMor thopl-ee. Ihi latter wu la manyreapecia dil- faivnt ftoiu thoaa hllherto pietenled. and wu about eqnal lo lla pradeoeflorL The flonl lableao, at the cloae or aot eeeood, and Iba aaceaslon or Rich at Ibe ead or act third, wen b lb eicelleni, WII|leYoQngptr(orma tbe action ol Puck with al- mo't perfect anue, but acoreelT a word of hla eloentlon can be Bodentood. Tho comk B«eBiB,vlth the ezcepUoaor the chirtctcr or Bottom (Do Omal). wen cnly poitably rendered. Bnt In lie plar rceoctbe moch acting or lie Groat aad lindloy wueapltil, ao j created loud ahouta or laugblor. The illm houiu nreTenieo tilepla;IrombeingconUnucd long.r. Thli week JoeJelfer- aon CAinmebeei an entigenieot, opening u^'Br. Panelnia^' nu playi lor Ihe week will L>, Uonday, '^Helr at law;" Tnn- day, ■'Rip Van WiBhli;» Wdneulay, i'RiTall;'> Thunday, 'rcgnltr Fli ;>■ FrMiy, and Balorday lufiaen, "Rip " ~ ' Sat- nynaleipitailiaaibehadramllUrlied her audlente , aald lo her, ■<be oaatlona lo-night bllai , (or I an ' "ri!!^ 9'Uw-M*!"', ken ; Jonca, or Ihe UiraU ; Brown, - af lha.JVnca,-aad Jlnkln, of lha ITorU." "And," put In ayollietaotoralandingbyat the Ume. "look oulfofLlndlo] VBcny, loo," "AhP' nra Ibo yoona ulreu,'■wbnl paoei'l Jeojr'? Vauynlh[Dg,yotwe era bifiy on tho think, mula naluf Inlheania of our euy cbilr Ihe other day 4b«ae atnoie and wurd Itaoogkta oocuned lo na :— — Iia;tUiOMWhit naarkabla, that while Edwia Booth w •hleeliUiraifhlBielf, haiboaldhaTeAforiuil thanercr la hit campaa/r •. .-. . . — Oaa ra aeeoBDl for Ibla qneer fteak In mulcal aelooce— ftat nahsn toaingaetilpA befenyoseao ilngaofar — And hara'i aaolaar thlif:—How oaa a plar be woU ipoJbiii ef wfaea Il'a Mind t . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ — anuie|a«piieiai«oruaTBea>ra coralqneBadMB tha Ihey alwayaieqolnX AuuCiiyr Orharalhey "mltVaaard' la their ptynanlif — When tbe Vaierley Thaatn opena to-nlght, will II haee l pedifaMoaUie pabllot. Andirao,lill tobeiuppoted that atharboile^uetrtlala will goto the IFoUf — And In rrncd lo Uou ATwny, now al-Wood'! Uimuiu, aaa ear haUtrd^TUig frlrnda larons ui wheUierihe lia ilrou -« wbelbir Iho can acaic, bcbg a I'if III" Jfaney r — Boca Henry Wud Beeeler ohieel K) the ratiitr-at dnmaf — Do oo]y jm/hae pecple go lo the Cn/e dei i)anci at Tam- ' aaayr .T, ***** n'ulog ol "An lumeue Socceiii" and • af "AnCapnoedenied TWumplt" Ind ia, wllb lhaae raw qiunia, IheioIuUon or which we lean ' •»,"»i"nl«bla and widely nlroolaled rudira,wo turn onr uAltntlonloa higher apheie, aad-let our Irlonda bear a few fnia Ueu . FIOH tai Ullf IV TaE FLIES, UlhaorH<lblepDhllola'mpKlof the monier hilo wllcb Ibi '221° *"^„'"'!r*» "luhiflWi whom 'u Men oalld thg 'tSff "* "*»»''' A*'"" be reodtrd, iUI a re» nmarhi wthaletaanlia aub|H- night hot be a alaa, wllcb we all & alli;S3?iLf*."''»li""'."';"*'- ' M«r bcllated ■SS?iSS{llS''-^f*''l ''•'«"• oBdenlablelhalumi; • aken of aaunT f2r,?i„*n*^ " fwtlilalhe grallOu. aaoel hy a mtoA.iSJ'JiTl,'''-;''* InpUorbuil I. aad Luttc Talllok «, T " ■ •"ibn^wllhthrUgSffiue^ "SJ*'"," 5ethiBk^B»Bo.MV7K ^W''"' .l-fl den'tproTo Un kon'Miae ap ton afi. BS£"„''{f.?;:" '» ^^''T. lad ialUaaaaai(»UaWcly ewun^.'^^if'l'«>•> <»■>■• audwAeb, aid lha«bku~&^SSJE2;d°J;''i'?°«''». " « teaiadmrtlotopeSwIth. Brt jTSJ'fJ.'.'r'.'''^'' S"!'" aaaBthatamteoll.pbUoKr; pertadia.Sl S.V."''.,'*'"''>* liraeaL Taha.forlultaOeYnleirWhOT'vU.lS.T'*!''''' • aei-lo D Until tha »uerui"-«lmllleB lha S^^,' H" deal, wilkoat tlUh Iher cwld bo no •rgjnuotnJw'iI.."'..; Mtarnthenlnd'eoreloiullirlhe 'ibiua' that "* «lrBgeeufeoBMlfDcA"-^enualluihn lo u(atiluw5SI.'i? vrtdeai, aad Ub rleu U furlhu ooBOimd In eel 1, loaSi 1 t Aapaaaldgewliehrbllon:- '•«»», la "moit-lb>iHa(ty_SaVall , "BoBi,—tetol ToubeM-r TEan we'll ohinge o«r """77"'"'"' loonwo iionange o«r greo nrtf' Itli puBMg. 1 ihlok. Bin plaU k, Uiefao Ihat Z anIaaiplaUa a ookn of lOBelhln ta eat riea a nalerani, like A^^^Orlmildy ar ta,-tc liatang, f.r im TStitir " »n\« Amiat Mn {lat m{ aaa ban le eit •em gpI" AklaveedBi* t* ga ta aaUla up leapln If thlsgi ur.Umflfi 0, raited 'i'BE T<cw Xoni CHann li one of the moat popnlar pitcea Of amuauneat In tbli clly, tcequonlod, u it la, by laiie and ddlghtod oudlencee, compouu of ■' many of the Bnt fanl- llu;^' The nizanU Bnihon continue tbe great rcainrea. and are called out eaob oTentng, Their performinie of the Double Flyinn 1-rapoEa la one ol the moat a ailUna erer witueucd. Itobert Bticknoy, baring reinmcd from TbiSt delphla, hat reappeared at Ibla catabllabment. UiBixZoK opena an engagement at the Droadwiy Thea. Iro ihle cTenlng, In a new pay, wiliien eipretalylSr her. and wbkib iho bu played Ibrougbont tbe counlry wllb con^ aloenble aocceaa.onlltltd ■'Nllaj or, Womjo'a tionatancy t^oue commence* In taming leuon.ia thIe, tho flnt week In AprU, on Ibe lot In Thitly.fouth aipcei ntar Uioadway, ' ™* i?'^"' " '"^ PaooaAiiKE U made Ibla week at Wood'a UuHUm. tho biiileeque or ■■Fim Dtavolo" belnj glTeu McL ojenlog and Saturday anemuon, In addition lo Ihe-Fiiadol tbe Cloth of Gold,''luttoducing Ur, andHre riorenw In both builuquea, Mr. Florenco'a Deppo In tho flral le«nquo4Uonao.y 01111 or the hoet perroruaucca of tho kind over wiuiceiod. Krory nflemoon, excepllng fiatnrdar the burioique ol •'Ulon"ia glren. The slorlicobl balii Iroupo li oue of the foituree at lUla ci'nblliuracDt, Motlic- ohl la B iloliKuir 01 ntilllly. Tha oaio and gnce of her alow noroucntaare eiceHonr, Iltr coaluming and actiona on not only modcat but brllllanL Tho cun<on, u iiinoed by bor, whllo doTOlil of all vulgarlly, la poaioiaN of rlonly of Bra and rim, Urr ballet Iroupo la compwcd of Bvo good pranilon^-AlbbrUiia Duchalneu, 0, Uiutrl, LouluUii. ten. La Peille AuguiU, and Z, Ponor, with Sig, Conilan. tiDo aa auilre de iailiL Betoil Nbw FaOEioiipar at the Thmuiany Ihia erin. log, InoIndUig Uarrr lloyuorwlib hla Japinoae FIddIo and Jamee Vudwonh, the Ethiopian comodleo and Dutch bur- leaqiio oolor, Unrl'g Ibe |«tiwcok iho old f>rco of tho ■I Irlih Uon"- called on (he bilb ■■ 1 ho Journoyniao Taylor" —wu iwomalad, and afforded Son, UoglDley on oppor tunlly lo •sraid bInseU In low comody, wlilou ho did lo Ibe orldoiil delight of all ptoaeut LllUo Whiting wu Ihe nra, Flxglg, Lillle lookoa Tory prolly, and ihowa algae of Improremeiil aa an aotreu, ber principal line of bualncu being thai of Bif<mM««^ Hr, and Mra, Vilenlloe Lore roappnred la abnrleaque ektloh called "Dlirolo." Thellunoulli Family, who appeared Ihe peat week, continue Ihoir ingigemenL Tbe comio pantomime of •■ Elu Ea"— Ibe beet yet of MalBtt'a pnductlona—trill be oonllaned thli week. Cbowoid Uonma hate beoil the rnle all Ihe put weok at Nlblo'i Qarden, with tbe Lydia Thompion troupe In the bnrloiqua of " Forly Tblerea." BInoe out lut Wu Thomp- ion bu been doing a clog danco In place of a walk around, Editb OhilU', who wu hronght to Ihia eoimliy for " After Dark," apneared all the week u Captain of Ibe "ThleTOB," bi place of Famine Uarkham, who bu oeen anSerlng wllb an ulceralad lore throat Tbia eitabllafament did the bait builncea of any la tbe clly Ihe pait week. Tna Fiiaco Mi.Hnnata ban produced a moat laughable ekelch on tbe burleaquo of Ibo "Forty Thlerei," whloh Ihey call "Too do ThliToi, Condenaod 10 Two," It li eom^ thing new, and coaTolaea tbe audience wllb liughlar for ioreral mlnutci. The hai))o eolo by Ullly Wcit woe well gWen, and ncetred an encore. Bobby Newcomh'i ionga and daooea recclTc Irom throe lo four encorci each erenlnff. InltaoOnt part Aynealr Bcott tang with anlrlL "Na aooTi QlTl a> Mine," and Hr, WaioDOld wu cncorei In ■'! wJar eTonloa, ■*Spltllre,"BDd ''Lendme Fire ShIlltnga,' At Wood'a Ibeairv, Mooa and Uadame Senyah, la their gym- aaatto faata, and Yaakn RobtnaoB In hla "Jown aaat" drlii- eallODO, bare been the atliacbona, aad the hull* oeia bu been iplmdrl. They ilaitod wllh a well Btled hoow, and towanli the diae of Ihe week Ihe bnlldlng wu lllanlly peeked, Ibe great atlncLlAB mmm -lha' IfaAaa^ She li, for a wonu,a nrr ikltlfol and doling performer, and thli, wllh a llbenl view uf ber bemtlful ronn and leatarei, ■eoniad lodnw the cn«di, f ooyah la a poworrol fellow and an excellent athlete, Tbe peif-irmoncee genanllr began wllh aptfi'ridnma by Ihe eeopaay, rdlowed by Ihe SeByaha,aad ooodudhig with a Taabee farce, Ibe wbela bainf natnlly over by aboQl ton o'eloeV. The Seoyafaa remained bat a week, aod are anereeded thu weekbyLolu, wboopeu la beripectalty, newioPorkopolli, the "Flntr." Thi little ecurn plaia one week only, aad will be ^ancceoed by John t. UcOonongb with "Alter Dark," rorwbieh Ihe Uutn la behigpnpand Tbe prevent leoae on Wood'a Thealnupiieaon toe Brai ol Hay, and will piebably net be noeweiL It woold be an eiceUint location lor a Biat clau miulnl orgaBliatloD. Tna BccmOBAW STiaa, muilclau, daacan aad comedlanl, alrutlu liiropp'>rtanltltaloappevuihinlngllihtA Aatbay an eateemid u flnt due atlnclloni managan ahoBld make a note ft thilr cord in aDotber column Maa SCHXU.EB flolabed ber engagement at tbe Salt Lake Theatn, im Frbnarr dJi, when "En>albia" and "BeantT and Ihe Beul" wen perrormed, ibe appoarlBg u EineaUneand the Beanty. On Feb. lit, ihe look a fuewe'lbanegi lo a cnided bonie, plajlng Zw In the "OctorooD," when Joo. T. Calne as- paaroduWabBote. On Feb.6lb, J,QuldoIlethu,inolcarUat took bb beooBI, and produced hla comedy of "VThea Women Woip" and-'Biiut; aad Ihe Beul," wllh new KOKry, lo an exrellenthAiue, ' HiuAiinBLocxiuBT(Un, narrr Jackieal, rrom Ihe Call- fnralaThnlree, wu to follow Had. Scheller at the Salt Uke Thratrr. Biooini ISO Firn'a Duuunc Coipitt doaed In Sema. ran 00 Dee 31i>, and wont Ibence lo tho EaU OouL eUilni four nljtbli In BerUce to good bualnaaa, tbrnca lo iheliandS Bridgilnwn, Bjibadoea. when Ihey opened Jan. Itlb In "Sbe Jtoope lo Conquer," One or the eonpany BilUog tt u on Fib lit uji:-"0urieiioB olthtc; moDlbt expired 00 lbo2ttb or Jlhoaiy, bot wt pl|y ene week longer, up to lha lime or tbe comptby'i ntlint, about Ihe <lh Icit, Ihe Bobimtin Troupe or Glau Blowera weia hen (Dildgelowii)Imaaek■ tber hate lea tor Demaiin. They originallyulM from Boilo'a fiir Bermoda, but were blown off thilr couno end nudi thli laland. Our coopini are all well aad eoJoflBglhebeator Iba tnpieiln Febrniry. I acnd Ihli by tho war iteamer Canialalna, which Eullpriircoal indniBln; iko learei to day, Uklnrlellento loSllte* A nuoiboror nauU horn homj'ar, ta'£rl*«d mi niboul bonllog oahea qnlle a dlipUy hrie In Culltle {'oLUBWiiium, with F.II1 A. Vincent aad 0, W DItke'i Dnraal 0 CoioDaoy, opened In Onnd H•Bl4^ Mkh., on IheSUL Tho^ltrcinilauof 0, W, Blake, 0. W. Ony, Cbu HcPhn. •on. W, t Bnnl. Felix VlnoeBt,Tlollle BIIIU.i, J^l BWe, <'ny,AnBa WllUuni, HInnIa Tkyli/,„'d a.S TnatrouooKPiiiTof Ibe Academy of Hulc Omah. tbe altiBdIoB foMhi wuk eadlng Jai Mlh,™oi;S;rFTS and idinnicrtle," "Romance nf 4 Poor Vonni kan" .A uiiSfil oflheWooda," Oa Fab, lat ''Hanlet" waip^Sl Oeo. Chaplin u H.mlrt, Irwin u the ifh,.'".SEfj^Ji' Mn Oinmon ai Ihe Q«eo, Ulei Ward u Ophelia. OnVAli •Money"wurireo. with Chaplin u Rnlyn, NoblJ. « Fredertck, and Hn Oermon u Clan. Mr, eblplln omb^ ti c-^iSrio;^j^u'i; ~ .te;?;LfaLz*^rK-fiKiS.r..'Ts\ib',';5' Ihropgh Ibeeadorumintof the Enghih weu ud «1m£ li '»i: '*i,"lS""'^°.*"","P" 'S- "tipoKtS ud oSuai nmarki of lome or our luTaluablo newipapvr criUm •ere nido on tha oecailou or hk appeaniS li thli Tl, „„. ^5 ITS? a? lh™ulna n p?l^n"^: endtohbperlocmincca,andba wu compelled lo wv\^ UiTSr^'Xi'tf 'r^f' "™rig"»"t wh^h a Lr* Uln cbu denied h m at hon», Tbia li a £anl ttrl !». n 1 nererlhrleia Some oHhei pnuV are XV^d lo •0010 iproallBg profeaalonil, when S iKi tel lnlart*r. .ifh Mr, F,'. "l-a'ci^ r„nTui>'i?a'c7p^^\'°,Xi^^^^^^ «u ao eeioron theEogllUi via whoii>uldi,\»S j . holuUea Mr,E,8. «S.lib. 0^ ",l IhTmi't jSLfi^';? .'k: Lindon raaniieii, paiitilma uil.odij .BH/.iiT^"' "" compllmenk In yi.wlt thJf'cT hSfh. rilU^^'r.'; V^Mtm, gagomenlwIlbUr.P,: •'Th.rh li' hog^fi^'r",'''? V graced tho ainge ilnce E'Imund Keen ,5d uii.j .'.'"U" aiwb praiio Ur? Kalraltugh, wbo hTa lbo™.w""'J afford to map hli flngeraal inylhlnVtC™,^?'*""' »*" aoodnalaieJciltclim, when eieraidr'h.'Skr.'?*' noferaotlothidolrin»nlol tho pror.iion' 2. Jt'"'' genluiei u lb010, lorlnatuce, wL m", tie'^Hi!: weekltlncethalTnteewu toUllr duOmri ^^5 .t' Uarhb.m would cirrylb. eTld«S or iT h?,i Si ""'"woid"""'""'"'"'"* itiy" IJt * Ue Again.'' The performance "Haiqnmile "-" " • — FnUial," Ob, Elta lorulnolod with tbe old UaU," called on Ibe bllli ■< Shaliupenin nS^,"""?™" *' *•"> P™eb Thealro compela manager "5S«r'^°',15°l''' ^' PniErarnme, lilt lut produoilon of .f baling f,lied loatTBotreuinneraUre audi. HrST'tnJf^"'"' "'""lU been on Ibe tick Ual for lomo da ?Pw??i?.'""'™<'» Cc«arlne,ln "Fleur mradSwa™' ' "OenorloTa dt Brabant" wlU be the pul'SIf' ISS^'i*'* ""icwlni of good bouet StrMtloB li :kI5*i'"'.'n"'»>"'' "Wuto" eonlJnned tho ^•i^'^n^ce^;s;ia"^''i:irH°r?T;'.^W£ celTtd, umgare, mo,» «iijo,lirjirfomance? TM Wed. Ihoir SkWhl^J'to W.n°'pM; wlUall -lli- sisi^oSirt'o^fi"^" bii'ttd-sTiS Wnaos AiD CuniB'a Covpur an In lh> ani, ,^ . thelrltayin SL John, N, II, Thu «,k ih?. ii,'"V buileiqueof "OInderefhi," Tho "nrand! DuS'W?'^; "» UnVi>P>nUon, Kale and U.ry S"fe b.'^'Sf^ 1' pany, tna com, a F, STonAHOAirrSni.eian itlll le Tokolii». i endanloharoabeaiBtglnn then by Iho owif-t. J?'' they ntura to Collforaa, ' uiiUon bcfon Uiu (inwAiiT, pearaoce on tha Uarfant Elmon, in -Lan t naenaer," lunnordd Vi m"' T Hainlllonultattbew Elmore, Bbi b ithf ioh.,;'/'"''° ntrkiblrwolL In Ihe raree or ....?-?*'.''.-'?..»"'done re- rABT, apiipllor Utillda Ueron, madahna.., the aOua at Palermm, N, J„^p.v';^«I^ nor.,la^'U.n'. Sa_eriai,,.. lunn^S-T.?,^'" mtrkablrwolL In Ihe raree or "Jenny Llod" ti.! pi T Hamlllon made arannbit loprriwMiby tlnilM *w. DownDroad.ay," Mbaaio.artan'l Ihoiime loBlay In PalinuB on the Uth, In "lloVgh WiSSV. "."J ■'MonieniooaQueilloa" !■> wunond" and R, Jorairoir, wllb a dnmalle company, Niltla n,».„, .. the itar, iiaila<l on a tnnllni loor up the llodaii on Vh^nih^ Thcyweroat Fort Edward,N. Y„ on the lllb, iij uuL.l Falli, lllb and Ulb, 0. ud Ulon'a A ''UoiinT CsanY" Hem appeared In the Ciima .r ih. loE, A, Looke A Co,'idbTOtlJor llSir ii.i.. . til •1,1.1, w »'"'?« "i^iiielr .. but a acllggindilage monigenanl wu le olliet ray monor'hot hii bed ninagement and itill wont tellng made 'numntT Dnmni;' a (allunii.thireron 'Humply Oumply'huia treeiot rail Ibin.he eipceled. Ur. Locke wu net tn the ntniicmeni when I Bold out to Mr, Sillier," • ""f"''" Mabaoiiii deiirloul ol enuring a leadmgae're<B, will find the addreti el Ulit Anna Ltieilog la anolher column. Bib IniL, Id nrerauoa li . ---,"-i«rni, InltrMll to John A, EHilir, Job., to which E. V, Pain., 1 eieepUon by writing to u that "ur, Locke wu nolbloi h Junior parlner and never Invuted a oeat Ib the eoaeorn : In CBioioo, lu., thi paal wtat, thowbiidBitaeBhlMled 'eonald'imble rlralry, ao wt are urirned by our oonetp-Midont. ■'Loiierir,^' who, under dale or PeD,.10lh,iayi:—"We bare been baring a rlralry bttweah lha Open Honee aad HeVlcber'a Tbeaire, wSlch, al eooitt, dallg'iu the public, but nay reault In BBylhlBa but fan lor tat uantgen. Both of them. han pnduerd the ■Field of ibe Cletb or Hold,' Uasaaer Him onnrit Feb. Bib, and HeTlcter foUowed mil on Iho Bih. The Open Oonaa being raalad <o tha Oenaanla Hanaareheir, en Monday ai^bt, bo perrorraiaee wei wIveB. which canted ihe Wornui la Bad a big aDdleaoe al Kevleberl b>rere ib>m ob their Bnt apptannce la Chltafa, Tbe can at Ihe rival bootu la u roUtwa, la wit:— . eWi^ll'a, jreFIdw>li ,J. a,BiralU O, MerloB. ,M. IT. Flake n. Uajard. .Hn, T, A. IMIaa BopbUT Worrell ,Vnatf Ptooqueler Irene WomlL ,llu> vrilmot Jenole W mil, ,Kalle Putnam K, B. Tula. .0, A. McHtnu H. A. Beadle, ,A, D, Bndltr Mra, Wrfahl, ,aeorgle TrIbiB Mlu Wallaaa, .J, w, Jennlop- F H, Ohapman. ThtnraalUgoriheptnaktCroibi'elamott alabonle, and la Ibla niptet It would tokeagnattlntch of Imaglaailea to eoneelrt the two prodootlona to be at all ilmilar. No richer di ' ' King Beery,, King Fnada, DarSi— Lady HnOolk.- noBolaay,... Blraoy, .„.. Uuaen Kale., Anna BolayB, nta OaVua. > wen er«r wera tn tbie city ihos thiwe now In nia at Crotby'a Thiy anin iirlct keeping with the age la which the tcnuan lalC The Womll company have no apprapriate eeenerT,andra IhtBliten aloaa deroivn ibt principal beat' Biu, and Uttlr dnma, wblli ftoHy, in ihe only onu worthy ol BCDllon. Al Cieaby'i, anry penon In the caat hu aome- tblai lo do, aad they do II welL Hn. Oat« u Daniley la draaud riehir, aad htr tiBiIng la one of tha lealuruol the picea, bar medley ncalving three ntorei, Hir recap'ion wu eieeedlntly flattarinr. Fenny Sleequeiar la a new race with Hi, but ihe aUpped Inla nnlveml favor en her Bnt nIgbL Her dietting and (Isging an alike commendable. Ktue Put- nam wu recelred trtlh miiki of ravonllaoi, tbe wng and dance, 'Frattr OM that Winked at Me,' Uklag Iht wbela hooae. Vtiy Wdmot qieaka well, bat cbbboi alng. Bumett'imate-npaad ulbigorBlaffElagHallitbool the beat thlog or tha pleee, aad pnvohea much merrlmeaL Flake lollewt eVae after, and rtngi ta Ihe delight of all Tbe beatBiake-npialbatorHr,Bladl'yaQBe*BEata Hr.McUanu doea Sir a» In Baa ityle, aad Ur. Jennlngt naku a charactor orTeloDeTeao. Theaonga, daneea and made an excelliaily randarad, a foil diemi bavint beta lecnmd. The moat nola- worihebiddeDlaor the play an Iht Bandit Secne, bi which thaydoabnileequaaonganildane*, tonaile or 'Fretiy Utile Dub Eyed Nell,MbB maetlBg of the EInga, thiToonay, ant tbe Prlit FIghL Hennnd>a'^ nltar iolo,lmlutlona by Ifono, Olnrd, foiinarly or the Carter Zooave fronpt, tht BrabanBwUa Ball RiBgen. BiraiDdn' Cowbello/iina, ^a cftAvbyUlle, Dillon and Here Von Hamine, the Nligon trap, by tht Leon Br«itbelT, end Ulle Teononr on the inpeae, an among tho In eldantalaeta The performance a' UUUaTUiuourooalrjpeu bar hanging from the preecenlum, elxty fnt above lha atoge, Lii created a regBlir>u«re, The bouHB an enwded to tba roilcet utent, and, Irom Ihi enthulaiiB maBlluiad. tha bar- leaque bida lalrloeeJoyaloDgrnn The Worrell Slilera, at HeViekir'a, pieetde the buileeque wllb a fane, aod lotroduoe no fwtuTva la the buritiqoe not itnclly conoecled with IL Jen- nie Womll ippeazed In eloge lor tba walk aiotmd, and wu 'aflerwaid Moed by Irene, when Ihey did a double dog, which «0D tho only mrare of tbe evening. Tba SUten alog bs a msn- Bcr wbleh takta with oomt people, but la fu rrom oil alic, aa-l In Ihli napeel thay rail rar below Hra. Oalea, Slacqvler and Putaam, Tbair 'bulBna' wu Bnt laUodnced bi Cblcaio by Ulle, Toalee, and Ihey copy her very lal'brally. Sophie, deaplte her llipmg, la very good, and ahe and Jennie dla- plar Bna rorma and pretty anvlao, Hortoa, Ungaid and Villa an rair, Hr, Rendle, while not a lozprlilng actor, la snod, aod bla make-up oolburiraquea both houaei at oace. Their chnnua weak and tbemoiie lltUe better, aupen on few, and Ihe BeM or -Cloth or Gold' wu not vlilble all lha ere- Dlog, For Ibe toumev Ibey nt an ampbltbeatn acene, and all Ihrooeb tbe piece ('Id lamlllaracenn wera utroducca A dogbroDght on ly the nieree wupood, bDOwlag bla eoe lo bark wllb a certainly that may have larprlied roma 01 the playara AtlbeDeubore Theatre, Fnak Alkou hu rv- vltTd the 'Laocaibln Lara,'aDd to-nlglit DlUon receive* a ben. eflt The ramahider of Ihe week tbry play 'Wooian of tho World,' Tho allendanca la qnlle llghL Hr, Otia haa aovend hlaoonnectlonvrllhkir, Alk.n^andgone cut Al Wood'a Uuaeum, Hany tiacazlhy mide hla appearmnce 00 the 8th, and wu warmly recelred, coandirinf the gnat atlnction at other placea. IM'le Eitello li dck at preaent, end anaUe to ap- pear. Jodge Foller, of Chieofe, bu booght an Inleeie* In Wood'a Uuieum, In that dty, and Hr. Jewell hu been plated Inehane. IIIb their Inteniton to Increuttht attnationaof tht Hnaenm pnrer, aod alter Shorpley leem to pat a Bnt etui company In Ihe thealr&" WBlTlflJi'i **WBiTa Faww" 'iBinpi wen lo ofwn lo Atlanta, Oa,, OB the lAlh, fortluea oighti, aad go theaee to Charleeton andSavaanah. UBi. QutDaraxi cinaed In Qalvetton. Texia, on the Otb, and wu lollowed CO the 8'b by ChanfVan for three wecki. A Ban HOT o thx Bit,iA—Acomipondent uyi;—"During the Bnt act or *Haieppa* at tbe No ■ UempbliTbeaIra, on the dth Intt, Leo Hodion nfued to lend honell to the clowning of the low comedian and elige manager, whoa he beoene lodlg. Bant, left Ihe atage, aad nn the cnitaln doan In the middle of tbe acL The audkBce wera completely onrprlaed at the abrapt termlnalion of Ibn act, and the exhibition of te i*per by the nvually cxtrcnely/anny eentleman. Tho miniger Imffledlalely appeared, and compelled tho angry comediaa lo npologico to tbe todlence, after which the puy conilo'ied. E 11. Daltoo wai engaged u heavy man, and plajed ibrougb the week onlll Morddj nlghl, appearing at tbe nolinre, bat ot night wu loiind to have mida himicir air, it, In other word^ icrt town without oaii^nlng any naton, or glvlog the management a momrnt'i no<lce lo prepare for the nigbt'a p -Tlnrmanca. For- luoaltly, Vr. Huny, who accompanlea Ulw lludion, w>a pre- pared to play Philip Dradle; in 'lloohaood,' and Ihe hill wu given aa •nnoonced. Tbia appeare lo be ckonctertatlo or tbia ieoileman. lalt night |Tth) tlin Hudiua appeared In tbe ■Cataract or the Oenae,:' Hr. Hamilton appuced u 'Hokura,' Our next atar la Fiank uaya " Fob LDtDKX'a Tiizatbx, Fort Wayne, Inl, tlan and other attncliona an wan-ed. Me advertlwment Tea DiiaroaTnuTBaCoMraiiT appeared al the Academy of Muilo, Providence, R, L, on the Bih, lOtb, 11th, U h and 13tb, bi the "Lancuhira Laia," ■■Vlcorina" and "Alur Dark." TBI CBinuil SiRxaa—Blanche and Ella—caomeoced an enguenent at the Uolilday StieetTheatn, Btlilmoro, Ud., on Ihe 8th, In the buileiqiio or "Cbidtiella" and the '-QuIit Family." Oor conMpondiEt, "Don Jaan"aaya:—"In the tur- mer pleoe 0. fi, Buhop aootalned tha nU et Clorlnda, aad prodaoed the happlut enol apon tha andleBce, The Hltiu Chapmu dliplaytd a plananor aad forca of hnparfoaatJon, to- gether wllh a patbot aad bnlUiaoy of extcolaon, Ihat oot oaly ellolled lepeabd ouorri, bnt alio gare crideaee or aa Iniuta talent which will, If they are ipared, elivale them to the hlghert plnnade of hlaliloDle and lyrlo Cima, On the 6th and lOlh, tha ume bill wu offeied. On the lllb, the barleaqna of ■Aladdin' wu given, lotrodadng DIanebe u Aladdin; Ella u Pekoe, aad Blihop u the Widow Twaakey. Ulilh and Jollity mkd the hour, and tha hoou wu crowded. On Fab. ISili, Blanche Chapmu bad ber But benefit In BalUmore, and ap- peared n Aladdin and u laddy Lanigan, In ibo farce of 'Family Jan.' 'Ixlon' la nuderilned lor the Iblh .... The Hachman Corabuallon at the Maryland laalltula, hara beea playmgin the 'Ootonon' and 'Onole Tora'a CabiD,' during the woek, Wllh Bucee a. In the fuimer piece, Jennie Andenoa aoa- lalned Ihe part of Zoe, aad In Ihe latter Eat* Panbiiron lhal of Topay, Tbli Inapa opto al Wall'i Open Houtt, Waahlng. ton, D, U, next (thIa) wuk, and a tour wall It alio oonltm* fiated. The nex' attnoltoB at the Initllnie will he the Peak amllvof BellRbgen" C. W OODLOOCK Aim DicogTBi commenced a two weekB' eoiigUBBDttl Uia Academy or Uoilc, Cleveland, 0,, on Ibe Sib loat,, pieMnuog to g.lM bMiu during Ibo week "Wluow Copie," ■■CtalmDay 0 ener," "Rlohtlletl," ■■Old Fhil'i Dlrib- day"and "llltky Wklia," "Dora" la annonnegd to be pro- dncad tbia week. B, H, Stcpbena, tba old man ur the company, hu be>n cononed to bit bed lor levenldayi by a lerioui aiUek ofblllouifenr Ajobbw GULBarOBD opened In Eeiloo, Pa-, on the 81b, and remained all tho week. Be wu lo open la rrlacelon, N, J., on the 13tb. Uia eompenv ceoiloli of Cbariet Koiter, 0, OlaaTord, A. a-auronl, Jr„ Katie Olaulorl, Ulia Ray, lira. A. Oltulord, (J. A. Wilcox, John Fervli and P. Eelley. AT TUB RocBSsraa (N. Y.) vaEiTBB bulneu la reported u hanog been light the put week, oolng portly lo nouiual al- tnolloDi In Ihe way of open, miotlreliy and Itelurei at Cor- inthian UolL "Nooody*a Son" and an allerplece wen glren on Ihe 8th u a henoBt for HUu Clifton; "Iran Cbral" 00 the Otb; "Uacbelh" on tbe 10th by the emiienn of Rocbeiter, fnr the beneQI of orphoni; **niebeUeir on the ll'h; on tlioI2lh, "HanigerlnOIilnit," "Luliea' Daltio" and "Jobn' Baby;'> 13di, "UoUecB Dawn'' and "Inib Auuroace," with Urx. Junta ai Nancy; alaoaoogv, doocet. &c, for IbtlieBeflt of Ur. and Hra, T. V. Jonoc "Blow ror Blow'' li nndcrilned for prodocllon tbli week, Eoim FouuT cootlnuei wllb Vanager J, C, Uyara' Atheneum tympany, "Jack Cade" wu prodoced In New Haven on Fob. 8-h. Ur, Forreat wu well received and bad good Bopport horn 0. R. Claikc. Hlu UUIe, Flon Hyera, J, C, Hyara, A, B, Pnnell, E. H. Hrlnb, C. S. Coon and Ihe com. pany. The Widow Cade of Nillie Notion, li uid lo have beea worthy of particular menlloa. On Ihe 7th ■■Vctomora" wu pot on thehuardi lo a fine bouio, Oo February S-b, Han- oger Hyen apoeired at the Academy of Unilc, Brookl> n, to a large huoae. The Atbcnsnm CompanyenppoitJng Flora Uyori played al Brldiaporl, Conn., Oanbon, UHin,, aad Norwalk, prodnclng "Lanaahlre Laaa," "Fool Play," "Don Caw Do Baian" end "Hlohiel Erie/ the velann manager aad eoior appetrlof u Ulcbaek Oa February I3th Edwin Forreat, aup. ported by Ur, Hjtn'Company, wu to opeo la Kewack,5, J,, foraaeaioB of flre nighta, IB PniLannnii, a portion or Rlaley'i JjpaniM tnape have been lecund by Uanager For, of th»Amer<oan Theatre, when ti er en now performing. Yet thli engagement doea not In- terfere with the tngagemint of other celtbrtllea, for n whole boat of dcimitlc, comic and leipilehoniui talent may con- ■tintly be fouDd at Ihli bonie, 6am. B. Sanrnrd, or ralnilnl fitme, U now llage oianogor or tbe Amerioau "Tamo CaU" waa the tnoouncid aliracllon at tbe Arab Street duriag the put wcuk, but It waa too tamo lo auit .Ibl tulel of )lia nie or thni clly, and II proved to be noyihing but a iucciu> .1 pratiably be kept on the botrda dunog tbe preuot weok. "Pocahontu" li to be prvaented on the 2id ... Ur, and Urt, Barney WllUama ore in Ihe teoond week or Iboir onjgagoment at tho Walnui, PblladolpMa Sunn Oailonand ber open troupe have atlll poetciilon or Iba Chcalnot Straol Tho-itre, where thoy an doing but a modorete huatoca U'llo Zuc* coll Joina Fox'a oompony al the Amerkan'nn the 22d. Dimi.ia Tin PmnRiuiiOBnr "Ailer Oirb." at tbe Olymnio, SI, Louli, on Ihe 81b, Harr Ullehell, who wia playing Elba, m I with a itTorn aceldeDt In making the leap, apreloing bor ankle to en eittnt which codBned ber to tbe bid ror rereni dayt, Ibe put wai given lo Ura, Harr L Bewell, who played It at a moment'i notice, and mot with tbe um^ accident wbkh befell Ulu Itllehall. She peraemred, hoaeror, and plajed in tht piecedDriogItirun, Una, UAiia wiLUiu, late of Wallaok'a Thealn, can he M- eoied for Icng or brief eogigmenU ror letdlng buvlu or flrtt oldwomtn. 8be It olio prepared to receive btgumen and ttacb Ibem to ilrut Ibe ittge, BiDwaiL Alio looii'iCoiirAiiT remained in Bidderord, He,, atecond week, and era tald to hart been even mora lucceurul tbtn Ibe ar>l, biolniaa being helped by Ihe advent ol "Pay Day," wblob li Iht neat dar or Ibe monlb tharo. The com- pany will 1 ctura la Uareb, Tbtr wera to go Ihtnee to I'oriwBd, ogeBlngonlheltthwIlh "UlUc Direfooi" and ''ITiri for a Day." 0, W, BiiiB'a CoHPixT wen to open In Dettell, Uloh., on the latb ror an nhtblB, under tbe management ol W, H, Uoogta and W, Bordodl, The opening play wu to be "Old Fhil'i Birth- day," to bo rollowed by Ibl rarct or ■■Tom Him Out." Tht following era In Ibt company :—Ftlli A, Thicent,U F. Royi, J, U. Fuller, 0, W, BUke, W U, Devli, W, 0, Pope, W, B, Gray and Un. 0. W. DIahe. Tbe raanagera have adopltd tht plan oralviog awM tloo In greenbaoha erory tvening, Hla Hollle Wllllania buboan unable lo appear wllli the comnaor ror two weeha pul, owlog to Ulnui, aod ebll Ilea dck at Ann Arbor, Ulcb, BBiai'a DuMino CovriiiTware to onea In BL Joitpb, Ho., Feb. IB, with Mri. Ilreilau at the tlir. The rolbwlng It a llil ol tht •vinpBiir:-W. W, luleigh, J, W WlUnn, F. Wlldmtn, A, A. Hill'n, It. a noydoll, n.X- Welti. II, Clark, A, I/iylon, W, Diiyd, Hlu Joiit Booth, Mrt, Wildman, Un. Uutugand Ulii Clark. 7 tlaa. JxAH I,A5nBR oloaed a week'e ongegemBBt at the Aoad*, emyorUaile, IndUnapobi, Iod„ on Uio I3tb loatl> . fUtltr Dark" la Ihe cuRonl uttnctlon. On the Md, lira, D. PI $bw.' era openi a two 4ecka ilny, "A Pluh ot Llgbtabig"-UU ac- tive preparation, Tho ncdpU of tbia liouie for tba Bofrnlh' or January were |t,110L . Una. D. P DowBia, annperted by J, 0, UiCoIIub, epebid at' Ibe Oura Houie, Tioy, N, T, on tbe tlb, In "Ijiif Andleyi Seoict." Oiir conetpnndeat "Uue",fay>i—Tht play «u capllaltr placed on Iho atage aB<1 the tan'iiu In many rupeota god tin, Dutirn, u Ibo bfroint, aelM'wlUl (OBilderable aiililt J, C, UtCnllofn wu aeaiewbal .Ico atately Tar Reberl Aodley, I^ke Uatka bad a cooipeleol itpttaantatlvn In Juliu Davli, Uletaael Aadl'y wai well eitibodied by J, P, Ddmer. N, a Lathe made a pltuhig 0««. Talboyi, Ida Lealte and ,„?"*J^* !?»*«Aiw CoanwT plaipd -'Lancuhira lFi''',9.P''l ""1 "•»»*«o After Dirk," lo WooaUr, 0 Alllinoi Ohio, on Fe Imivaoe Tracy niled Iheir oharaeleiB of Alicia and Pboebii wl b «ta;'aatlon, . Ihe unn bill wu npealed nn the S h. On the loth, "Inmnar" ww produced, wllh Un. Dowaia, uPartbaeU. On Iht 11th "Laab'waijntiealcd; ll'h, on tho oeoaaioaol her benedt, "Saare, or What Can't Honor Do," wntiea ei- pnaity ror Ura, Bowtri, h< Idmold Foleonir, wu pitacBlid tpahunaoerowledlneviiypaiL Thapleo waaa aBceata, aad Mix Bowin, ai Iht benlai, made a moiaUoB. Tbe plar waa well repreaenUd aad lha applante or a very nnmema aodltBM wu aieetdhiily denwaftntlre uthe curtain fell. For lb* ■oHiiee, OB the ISth, "Lady Andlev'a Secret" wai agala pn- i>nttd to a Itrgt andbnea, Hn Bowtm* engapmtnt wu a tnceeii, anIaJeally eooddired. Iraonnt Trtcr li np for a ">"•",<» Ibt Uth, and tbtn tht RIeblngt OptraTniipt 111 op IhebalaBceof ihewtek," . Srsboiw wu to open an tngaaoment at th» LnnUvlllr, Ky,, Open Houu, on Fah, It'h. She raeku bar am appearance u Raalbi<l, and on the letb u Juliet . ADBiunoCoWAirepeaalnSpringaeld, Dblo,on IheSd, Inat^for tho week, <• a > , Liit," Ohio, tn lethi IBlh aad ITih. ' """"' ''^^^ J, B. RoaiBTB, tamted by J, T. Fannin, R. IL Um, aad olbera,wuiocoinmeo»aB aa>tgemrntoralx nIghlaatHtr naboic. Pr., oa the IStb. "Rlabard Bed' wu le be the optnlii piece. Tib Hintoii Baoraiiu wera U Iht Hoblle. Alt.. Iboain, Iht weak ending thi Bib loai., bnt did not do a largo bnitnaia. On lb. Itb Dave Bawley and Thot. Mmcco Joined the paity, HIm Emilf Thorat. HUa Bnaaan anlXamn DIampbhifare illll In the party. ' Hi»«T Lapni annaBBow the epeainc of a dnreatle euaon m P^rt Wayae, Ind., m the Ifltb mit, wrth Ibo rmiowlng eon- '^V,'~^,?^ ^3'' S*^. Boberlaon, Jennie ffryant, ^atlle Whitney, HariinTbackrah, Bllia Tontauil, J. B. Tor- aer, J. K. 7eraon, R, 0, Oilenon, C. C Jordao, J. L. Rami, M, J Perrv, J. L. Sapkore, T, William and f. B. Callanan. 'Hidden Hand'' wu It bt tkt In'hal perfomanee HiBBT HstBibu Jdned A. Gloatord'e diamatle cenpanr u ogeu'. AitxuniB FmoniLB, leadug and ehiraetar aelar, ad- nrtliei that he can be engaged, TIB Dmu u Salt Lakb Orrr,—A eorreapne'lent writtng rnm Ibe Uomon oeoetry on Jon, BOib, nya;—'■Mme. Bcbil- ler'i lut engigrmiat hire la ana -wore ancreMfol than hir roiiaer onea Tbe 'Kaiod Qaoan' li now played to crowded honiaa nightly. Uml. Scheller appeara u Ihe Nllad Qaea, drelled bi apleadld atyle. The tpeclula ku been gotten np at coeildereble eipeue, and Ihe acenery bu btfn painted by J. Qolio Mtthoa, Sooh a crowding or mignlQeent acenery, pw- Inltaqat and novel toatBnoa, enonanling, faiiy.llke muile aid gncenil bolM dandag Into ene evening'i eDiarUlnmoat, wu never before experienced on the Salt Lake burda lo Hme. Schellir't dancing we bad anolher evidenot of her vertalltlly 0 talen^ Tbe'NatedQa'en'lathemoit anoceia/olipeclacular n1ay ever offered to the tbeatr»gcinr peMIcr ihlleity Jna 3, Langriihe end eonpaay an pi ivlog at Cheienae wllh lucceu Hme. Scheller will abettly commeoce an en- gapineat Ib Deorer, ea'l ILea nlnm lo Salt Lake. After havlDg pliTed then aeeln aha pmeodi ta Baa FroaolPeo." JtaaPB Jirpuioa eloiad aa angagement of two wecka at Ihe Open Uoote, LooUvlllo, Ky., Feb. 13iIl Oor eomspoBdenv uyi:—"Tbe Brat week ol Mr. Jefferion'a eogagement wu ceriilnlyoneofthomott brilliant of the aeaaon, alt eugh at- teoded by vary loclement weather. The box abaetwuoneof the laTg«at erer taken la oor (-pen houie; aeale wera lecnred which have nerer been reaerved berore. f ha waalber being ao bad the lecoad week it wai Impoepibte ror tho lidiea \n at- tend, and In cooeeqnenee ol tbia and the Lenten aeuoo, many wen deterred Iron aeeloK the Great comedian .,., Ur, J, C, Frjer, agent ror Dan Lonlie Kellogg, bal been In the clly for two or Ibreo days making amnaemcnii for that lady. Be hu engigtd Weliljter Ilali, whcie'iht glrca two coocerii on Feb. IB-Ji aad ITlh." TOB Elobst f men op enanr Cobbth died in San Fraaclice, Cal, on Doe. SBth, altera le^ diva aicknea*. OoHiDlBS continue 10 be the eltncllOB at Sel^n'a Tbiaire, B.-.aton. Tbia week Roblnion'a new play of "School" ia the featun. Tbb "SiLVBit BrooH" waa rerlred at Ibe Beaton UlU'nm the peal week. Thli week Brongbaa'a no^ ploy of **D«lter Lite than Never" ta to he prednced. "Oriaa Bourn" Introduced tatbi noalonlani tho putwnk al the Boiloa TbealTe, cenllnnet the preaent a'troclion. ETTnIlB.voiaaoxwuthe ilar >t ihe Up^a Hauip, PII'p. boiib. Pa., the oaat week. She apound on tha SIh. B-b, li»b aodllthu Rath EIrby In Ihe drama ol tbe"LiacuhlnLav," Onr correapondent uya:-■■She exhlblla a marked Iniprnrr- menl aince ber laat appnnnco here. On tba 12lb ahe had a benefit, when 'Tbe Hidden Hand' and 'Lola Hoatei' win pre- lenled. She renalna aaother week," bon nronbi an * featun In the onteruramini, wii^; It loebiw hit teoL Tht bet wu Uhen, and Iht market mea, lha nnmltr of one bnndnd tod forty, pBretaied ticketi, dalaed ptrmUalon for t trUI of their ravorila'a prawrti, and ' — — >rr tha ptrfotBianee of Fridiy evening, tht IJlb Intl., wlileb 00- eail'ined muoh metrimant traonithe eodlenep, Danaglhe ■lav a hit wai midein Faneull Hall nirkot that a e>ruin col- ored Individual, about dx fret In height and poMttalnggnat noacoltr auengtb, coald ride the nrr obituule mule, when nronbi ara<>_realura In the onlerlalamiDt, ^1^ ont lo I _ obtalaed, , _ _ . wen ta their aula al the appotailed boor, Tbe tpeetule af Ibaitragelabataeeamanand beut li prenoaacid the nut amndngtblngthathuoccamdlaathntnlor a long Ume. The darker wu repeatedly thrown, hut bli pinek endured la tbe and. Be naolali waa he Indeed, Ihit at ooe point, bolh male and rldn tamt wllbia aa Itch of mlllag ptil men lata Iht orebetlra, to tha lagalle dleeomttun of the rantleiaBB aod Ihe eirlltmanl of the aodkBoe, Thoae who wllieaid thUeeeoetDjoytd mi htarty a laagh tl hamaa aatan ita tUad, , CaiBBOin»,-lD ear laat. Ittua wo noticed the glelBg birth to a foal by a camel of John Roblnton't mtnigvle la ClndontlL oa Jmatry Itlti, tad aUtedUal It wai lappou* lo bt the Brat born on the Amrrioan Continent A oorrtl- mndeni Informi nt that a camel belonging lo the Eunpeoa Olrcni gtTo blith to a foal In Norwalk, Conn,, on Jan, lllb. OHAUat Noiia' Oiaoct epeni In Mtw Ocletna on lha ndlnet Wm, EBimiDT, down and oomlo abi<er, adriTtliet that be con be engiged for the oomlna wionn. Siowt k tOBioi't WBsmn Ciacm la oigaalalns la alart from BeFilen Spnnge, Ulcblgen, on or aboal Hay Itl. Ueoon. Stowt fc Co. may be oddrtaaed u par advarllaameaL. QiOBOB DviioITi, cqueitrlan and gentnl performer, ad- Tertlua that he can be engaged for ihe aearon ot '89. U. B, Idurm aialM In a card eliewhen that be li mt- parcd to engige aa down aad oomie vocallal lor the tanaag Nesro Mlnatrolsy. WiueVa HnBTBBLB played an eaiaceraenl loit week at Piki'i Uuiic Hill, CiDclDnail, to fair aodlancee. They mabi a very lengthy rwtnn or their pani^nrale '*Trip Aroand the WotM," Thelrllluvlntlonaol Ihedlirerenttcenulbeydeicribe era generally both correct ind good, which can hardly btuid of all or theie muitrel "voyogei." Tbe cnmpiav lo verv Boo In manv letpecla. They have .1 capital middlo mao In K<-m- ble, end pood end mea In Cal Wagner and tN'aller RrAv, The lindnc force la very lair, eonniting or J, J, K*llr, J, R, Kem- blc, C.'S, Frederlcka and Rn'lln Djni, Kelly li nol the aveel- eat cr tenon, but the barl'oni- and ba<ao are ,xce1leDl. Bny, the tamboorine, doea not Ind'ilge much In "yogi;" but be bia an origloal comical way or hla own ond •akea Bnelr, Tha wall kntiwn mock tngle ac','■Suhllinr and Rldlcnl'-uii," wia ranit upllallr ren^erH by Dray, Kenible nnd Fre<1enc''p. Tht great ranlt of the WUion troupe li ibal Ib-y have icarceir a new tbloff on their rrogrotome, and they made bnt one chaoieof bill while lo Porkopo'li, t nd that waa a ■■change*' hard lo dla- cern, ThoThavp a good "cloggMl" Ib Uaaler fleor^o Cool BurgeM barlnr denied that hla company buret In Cin- clnaali. aad atated that hn took all of them, bat tlaorge Rad- eUffi with, bim, our cocrupoedent givee tbe folloving nanea of hla cunpany, who «en left behind when Burreia went north:—Robeilo, hla partner, nnd Flteh, hla agent; RaddifTi, the middle man. and ,7, K. Campbell, the bonea, who la nnw with Hoolsy'a; Harry Uorllmer, bolladU': Joe Ptex, elofi; aod OfUL Oeberi, violin, Tbe latter are atlll In PorkopoIlK CIncionali bldl fair lo have a good draa of burnt eaik, Dupres and Benedict are to plar three nlghlt Ibla wuk, and re.appiar ror a week on Uarch let. The C. A, Horria Innpo openi fur a week Feb. 2Ii Havariey'a eompaor followa ,Dupna and BoBadlef, and Arlinglon'a la lo euoceed Hiverley'a. Tuy have all mngod Pike'i Hoile Ua'l, which la lao Urge, aad hu a po^ atage tf-r Ihe bnrateork boiln^aa, UoBBTB' UninB>i,B appear la Dayton, Otilo, 00 Ihe ITIli aad 18lh Init HiwooiiB'a Umiuu wlllpetfona la Olao'i raUi, N, r., anlhe>Olhla>t. HATXBLi'a UmaiBiLB an, aeoordbii lo the leoounta of oaroorretpondent, dolnga tbrirlng huelnou oa thdr Inr- ellog tonr. They wen at Bridgeport, Conn., on the 71b, and a coritapondent Informt ua that many people wera nntble to gain admlllanoa. At New Braotwlct, N, J,, oa Ibe 0th, they bad another large houae. A cor eapondant nya;—"Harerly'tUlnalrela abowed brre (NawBninnwIck), on the B'h, lo a crammed houu, Tbe grou raeelpta onoiuted lo 1339,33." Ohablxt Hoaaia' blmaraxza' wbeieaboBta la the enbjeok of InquliT In onr adTOrtliing colnmne, bj the agent of Li- brary Hill, Cbloago, HL C. W. Hebbbbt, piccolo player, odreriltu In tnolber tol. tunn (or an ciinieBant vUh a mlBilrel comiunT, AauMfi)!!'! UnUTiELB wert to open in Chtctgo, ni,, on Ibe ISlh biiL Doraxi iao BmiDin'a UnnnBU openeil IB ttMIond, Olilo, on tht lllb IniL, ftr Ihrte nighip, to a blir houie. Kbut aim Lxm'a MinaraiLa are billed In demand, Ohio, for the 18<b and lllb, lolhiwed by Dnebley'a en the lOlh anil 501b. NewooBB'a UlUUBU wera tl Rocbeeter. K. IT., on tho IStb and IS'h. opening lo a big houu thi* fint night Tub HiuamlT HcnrtBU an billed at Rochciter, N. T., for Ihe!1'lbandl8<b Inrt. NawcCMw'e UvmnA drew lane ladltacea to SI. Janea Hall, Buffalo, na tbei llihaad inh. Kbllt u<n Laoa'a Hubtbiu put lb ont appeannce tl Ibe Opera Hotiae, Anbura, N.Y., on the lllb, to a crowded houae. Tub Unoa Mmraiugan so eaterialnment at Horelitoao, Pa., 00 the IStb, for the beneBt ot a wounded loldier, Chnrlu Earli aad D. Ruoele, occupied the ondi, with Ota W. Tboop' ion Bi Inleriocntor. EuBKaoir, Allxx Asm Hiwimro'a Hnraraica wire al Rich miiod, Ind,. on the Uth nnd 13ib Inat Fnaa Wiiaox'a Uixbtbxlb an billed in Indlanapolli tor Ihe m, IBihandlBlh. DvrnxB JBD BBXBMCT'e Mnamnt win be In ladlinapolit, en or about the 21at Inat HooLBT preducea at bla Draokirn houu thIa week an enllr" ehaBgaor bill, Indodlng the burleanne or ''fhe Doctor of All C*nl Arrah," aeomiOBketeh entllled ■'Tht Teloclncde Hanlv and other aela. Hen Honllon nppeira at Ihe Wllltamlburgh eitablUimeal tbia week, and a general hill will be green. Taa Tannia Baiaoii li tut tpnioaobing, and maaagen uwdluadTirUilngBftBtiua dolly arriving bitbiaolly— IhtrtiuluMiuforairtBOh prior to |itrtlog—lo order tbelc inmmrr'a printhig, and oondnde ell tbeir engogtmenti, , Ihit being the nonih when all amogementa ar' compleleL Thpre wul lie u maay ibowt on tbe road tbli lummer u . latt and Baaigaii feel oaafldent of a more piuaiaima eaatOD than that of lut year. The old mani^era wtU ooa- Imne u btfoia, mnnlng either a olrciu or a mtntgerle^ atfi Ibe number of new avpironta for man igorlat honora will ba ToiTfow, the failure of aeToialuPwconurni lut eaaaon da. ■ tarriegothen from making thoTentura Wa bear Ilwhli- peredibatBetta Hoaehuaccnred IheenHnHenglerOlrqui, and InteadithlpplDg It to thUoonntry from Europe. Oaam'a Cuoot irrirad at aoalamala, Ceatrol AniTlet, OB Ihe tlb or JunaiT, and had given two performancta, up ta lut edrloet. In tho theatre. In ibe rbig on the olaga. Oar cnrrci londeni aoya Quotamala la a largo pli-e, with a lovebr rUmata, On ihe ITtb, Ihey wen to perform In Ibt Ball Ring, Plaza dt Torn. The ooocecn wii to elop In Oualtmala anooth Lettan -will retch Ur. Orrlo, li dtrecled la care at A. B. Boyd, Eaq. Star and lleraUl, Panimi. Ctxcci Wxoost and a large quantity of other uatfol aad anameoul pirapbemalla for tho teullnf leoioo, an odvertlnd ferule by A. W. Davit In anolher eolomn. lHualo TaiBX wieioT vera that waa new In the nriely boalnia In Cincinnati lul week. At Oxrord Unele Ball then were two new racei. M'llc Lcotla, a Teiy lair balhdlat, wu one, rloglBK each all* ai "LInier not Darling," "Dreaming ol Thee," ud ■■Oned-bre, Sweetheart," end olio apmmg In a Monble faaey daoco «llh RoOALee, l^ew Cavaona'aa-ingand daqce ll goto. Ho la thinking ol a Mew York trip aoon. tVllliara Kendall alaa mido a lint appeannce. In on Itlab eong Bb wu lair al tba Slsih ilnct p!ace. Tbev bare four very 40ad pocrorman here In Albeni, dulllvin, TBompion and Bella UiUer, but lha company ll rather dim «ilb which te fill out an evenlng'a en- to-tatn'nen'. Alberta and Delia UlHcrung Oaffir Qrcen and Hnbln Ruff together, tho lady appearlog In a enmplote lull ol male • ppaiel The ReoeEtreeUad, laiiiiial, laigeaadleacea, Hirrla conlloued hU new orlr nal act, "Itoiy Oniy, Ibe TTaiher- woraan," wnlcb la good enough to become pemaaeat Mlu Franl T Let, a pretli, mndeii girl, and a danreuic ot canddex- able epirit and grace, made her lint appeannce laat week, nicetiDi wllb a very cordlll reoepllon. In the nlterpleca or tbo"Wblle9lalut,"JohnnyBoeminwaaall nthoma u Fela, Bowman and Hanll will le at Pulor'o, New Tork, abenl March I. They are a very naarul couple. Ned Reed appeui tbli week taa new chanolerionr and dance, wrltien tor bim by Oni Otherl, entitled "Bnmply Duuiptv." lie received an oStr from the Newcombtcoape lutwpek, but waa nol at liberty ta Uke It UlonleHirawu added to tbe Race Bireat corapaar lut week Hlu Uuli JuhioB hu connected kemlf wittt tbe Winter QardcD, the "Oermantown" ball. Sbe la thaeoly female la the troupe. She ta out or ihe bet>, aelneaee and tlngerelntbi proTealoa when aha takei care of beraeir—which ahe nevir doea or Ule, Ned Reed and R<iwBian are wicked euoaih lo appear ben 00 Sondayi The Maw Talk Ball and Yale'i Hall are mnnlng tha lame companlee u lut ra- poried, la a mndenle buatneaa. Fob UBTBoreiTTiii But, Waahlng'on, D, C talent 11 wanted by HinageraHenie and Hall. See advertlMment ler adjreii. HoM. VxACDXBOWT i!>D M'lu Fatupci. lerptlcborcaB ertlrta. and attrac'ive In forei yforfifiiri, mar he eDga|ed throngh their agent Ooo. L. Hall, m per odrrMl*emeot. J, n. MARini, haling wttbdrawo Iron the Tirktlea, Uoblle, Ala., Wm. Taylor II now manager, Dnrlni the week ending p-'h. B'h, Ulia Emma Lloydi'ifaiueur', made bor bow, aad wu •ell received. Bbe b ppiniuneed a pleaiing vocatiit end gviea* fulrfomrrfir. The prognmme during the week coodiled af ■'Actore U TruDbli." "Intclllpnce OBIce," "In endoular Place," Intertneried wllb longi and dincea J. R- WelbL miniger nf the UiintaoDcry Varletlei, wu In that city and bad engiged the rulloelog people to oprn a new uaaon en tbe IS'b ; JnVinnr Eeeein, llage maniger, J. R. Cooimlnsl, Dllly Reihy. fleo. Uai'deo, I'ref. Brrsa, flaolit, Pnf. Dlia. vlollnai, Emma Llord, UiddIp Qrey, Carrie Weitern. Jennie Davli and JoH Cbnicb. Hr. WelUreporti tno rariily bumiu m Ifent- goraery u being good. Tea TlllTBB Coxiqn, Detrell, Mich., bad lo dou eiddenly on Ihe 6th lul. In eonH<|uance ol the nidden depariare or tho VoB Baramo Oonbinatlon, arior anpurlng only flvenUkIa, Ibey having beeo eafmgod for two weeha Tbe place wai to ra- open on the 13ih, nodir tka atage managemant or Qaorge R, E^eMB, rnieimiiox.—George R. Edeaoo, tho comlo vaeoHat, wu preaento*). In Plllalnrgh, Pa., lately, with a magoiBcant copy of the Lord'l Pnytr, eneaaed In Ivory. Ana RicaoiiB wu annonnud lo open at tht Tarietlea, De- troit, WIcb., on tha Itlb Inal, Niuii Rowjjr, vocallit and daauuie; Cleinentloo Bufy, TWll»tan4 tlaNCIHe; Hall MeCollom(wbe atylu himieirihe Lion BmJolal); Joe Barry, character actor and vocaObt aa* BIU^ Orey, eppeartd al the InlicnaUonal, Toledo, Ohio, Ike '^•ai Diiou openid Atllnglon Hall, Chlcigo. al a Taitety Flice, 00 tha tib, to aa oTerflowjng houae. He bu Billy AlloD, Jamea Roome, Uarnann, Sallie Uaaon. Faanle Deao, Annio Uladle and HUe. TOuanl, donmiic Every act waa tntortd. ^ WW M a tl t>jaTiiB RiCBBOiB AcmncTor Uinic,J. C. Head « Co, profrleloca, talent eaa alwayt Hcure engigemanii by applytaig u per advutltemeDt. "DiiMxt" ni tht tltrtetltn it the Aeadimr tt Uoalc, Nuh- ilUti TcBD., Ihe put week, A correipondent taya:—"fbe (ceaeiy It anong tbe beat 1 ban erer aeen ou any NubvOle lUgo, Tho mudcli olio nolsworthy, Ulit Mowbray uUadlna thawi tilenti Ola high onltr, Wm. Bdwarta reoden hla next well; Joe Wuodi peiatasei e fine bariloae nice, aadkiMwa aew to uioiL Fred, Duckjngbam and a>u have many aimlnra; theat boyiOntippearlaa riolluduct, then tboeldut playea eolo, nnd tho louogealdaneei ajig. Then Ibe eklctt planon taa (nitlltlq Thlsllti. Idloaed by the 'Nervca,' Iheyl«ve lor IfomplU aait (Jill) wee r. The burleanne of ■ Hotnply Damp- ty' hi In acllvl pieparalloa Kale Direnport, SL Uaitia, lira. Durham and a doll'f, aio In Ibc preaent piece." Un. JA«. riLORiii, the well known dnoMllal,«o-or,andaUfa maoager, wbo, tor aevon or eight ycoia, hu bdd Ibal uetlllon wila much citdlf, under Mr. Foi't managemonf, at tot Affltricaa Tl eatie, Pbl'adelpbli, wt regret b> bet r haa nllnd fr Oi thalei- tibllibmPDt. Uncit Jimn Pilgrim hu botu ol rrleada and vi- miren In Now York, who btvi not forgotten bli attar In the Old Bowery end Bioadwiy, aod hemlfbl do wtll hen. His famoui national dnma of ■■Hany lluinhBm, Ibe Yonag CooUnenid''—whiih ran ror to miny mnnflii, plelBrin|(tbe a^ citing ivcnti or tbe nvolntloa et 'IB—'-Yankee Jack," "Hoaa in Fiance," "Uabd, the Child or tho BtOleBeld," bo,, might all be caril egdn, Sah Dinn, bnojolit, appeared at Ibe Tanellei, Noifdk, Tl,, on the 8lh, FORT BuTonn, D, T,, wu vi«lled 00 Jen, 31 by a variety CtRcca Propibtt It advertlied ror nle—pad honet. triok muietand evcntbingconalltoUng a cireui, excepting tbe blg- gaio horaca. See A, Coaaot'a card ebawbare, Joiu Urhrt Coobi baa been acenred by Stone and Vumy'a CIrcoa, end. If we may Judge from the followloe no'lce which appeared in tbe Botlon Pott ot the I9lh mat,, he ti llholj lo boawlonlnrcord;— Bnna awn Moaoav'a Ciaooa,—Bddom bare the allrectlooa of Ihli popular and wdl oinduelod place or amoumenl, Iho niymilo Thealro, beenmon nnmaiouianddaaerriagor potico. UH&Joia- nelta 11 n inoeful and eaoeedlngty elover rqueatriean^ aad comaa to ror ber ibire or ptaqdlla, Tho riding of Lo Jaiino Burt ta e br1|. Uanl and daiblni ad, aod rcoelvei the ooprebitlon of vliitonL Tho admirjbl I lnlnln< and ivonderlul oatadlv of the bone Rpol UeaiHy dclUhlaererr ooo Tbe onalure evineea marTelwis Inlolllrjnre. neerpe II ilcbinioo'a nptd pedallan exercliea ivlib a nrolrlni bir. relareaiirprtatnily deitrnui, andonUtnpoompaltliMW In that pir- UsuIorMn'l oreolerlnlDmont Theeomie and oovcl eitrtro^nra Olllod the Ka-Elui.KUn oiakea oapllat fun for Iho young pooplo, andrepmlediror lreltbemo,tlHBllrtaur)iter, Timen.4iachlp,v- meatanrjohn Ihni7 OookolUKlHv Ihe laneuic^-orihn bttli In do- leril'Di Illm "the moataiirprlilnihonenian of Um ao,-," nnd node- nriptlon can convor ereo en Idu of ihe feata which tie (icrrornji Hew uonirpaaaM alike tor gnoelul pw, 'carlaai rIdlDl, woodenal lOaUor Ikill,aatlltyaod ilrrnllh. wnialt^oritiaud-fa^llonlir reaa dancen, Jobo Uenry iwiko li aa a rider. Uore abllltj and luyie, combined wllh tbe perftcilon ol honeminAhlp, have addom Ifnvcr beeo acen. ITi baa bmiiibt an degaooe ond a poetrr or motiou Into thmclonceoreqnlUtlniitbatevlncooounte and pillene« to tho ul- moal deireo, llli otllludra ara varied u they arebeililirni, and are worby the cbUol of tbi Onrai uulpior. In lorn ho mlebt aarvn aa a modd 'or an Apollo or 00 AnUnousond eaob mnvnncol la InillKt wllb arttallo ItPllnl, eihlblltng Ubtroui mm which I'hldtu mlvbt havi copied aod indent art have loved to pcrpeloaie. Ur.Cookola ope oriliemoatnarvoIouarqeaftrianperAmnenlobli pccutlir atvia, and bu been called Ihe "Napoleon of Ibo Arena." Ilewujuilly nwtnlnd tan nvning with kiid and ralteialpdapplaanfloma well fllledhuuia. The olhoroDleiUlnmanu were rartod, eieollent, aad tave InOolle ullifaetloe. Tan JiBBe Itomiraow Circub Ii uld lo bo making a aiicen«i rullour through Ueorgia, At Uaeon, uyt a eormpondenl, "Ihe builooit wu gotid. At, Savannah Feb. Bib, Otb, and lOlb, tbe orowih wera too great ror tho capaoily of the unvaia. Oot thing Ii certain, Jemet Nlioo, tho. manager, or Dr. Jonea, the writer, or lomibody, who ll tho man at ilia wheel, hai od- veribed Hr. Iloblnion moit Pkllirnlly. Ilnan. Bhappeand Wbt'nar, Ibt gTmnuli, met with a narrow eicapo froo) dralb at Cuthoert, Oo., on Ihf 3d Init Juil u they had omcludid tbe drop Ibt bale ring broke, and Ihoa Ibe whole tppanlM Idl to Ibe gronnd, tbe IIHb. bar wocDdiog both of the roung mea ioveraly. Hr, Vlillniy wu obliged to keep bit rtoinat wTtial dayi, Tbir both napptared et BannDU. laitlUe WataoB, one or Ihe belt or cqaeainvuner, la ont of Ibt ienullona In Ihliolnui, I underdaadlbtlUiltyoantlad7dabip<Mlli''lf travel willi Fnuch'tclieuiaiitM-Kn, aU nmori lo Ibt con- Imry notwilhtianding, PtIa Conklln la a trait rivorlta; In fact be bu got Into ItTtr wllh tht muata, aad cvanbody litn him and bit ityla, Hr. Oonhllo it to day one ol tht mut te- eeptableelownawhe taa be cITcnd to the tenlhira patpu. it U lumeiad that Hewn, OBibllc k Nlioa an to have a gnnd l» out next tUDmir, acnalUng ahud of inr pneedint u, i<. Poll U lo tnilaawit. *Bythe wiy, Pdlli ••«<«^''!l,r'" i tiper, itnblfg lb iba lenth u tt R, Oulie doea In tbn '•«''''"•'' we4,...T1iaBmae of BepreaonUllrea •n'tM'"ji«""'"''"^7't ban Urcwn thtmnlvn lo bt Iht potaetiui" of "fM J™'" »r eennos ume. The Heanio for the Bltlo alnicnl ainoi nled lo »i«blbmcn.BlllOperday. How tbev have redoci^ »to lU per diem, IM for "•'ll''™. •"'.♦l" cttln. The rain are loo high now, hut even Ibli reJoclion It andonily recdved by !h'«i.';t'' ''t'J. a r nElJT? il! [nnilallon. The bill wai lnhbled Ihroogh byR.a Dlageii. the nil known woileia olreua adreriUer|iWlie. for leieral weeka paalhuSp«i.nied Jamn H. Nlaon'ijkUreaHItAHaala. . •rTaa CoiSi* Fimi-T, having a good lepnlai u HrrnraMn In Ibelr varloni .pedaltlea aBequeHilua, elo.,_m»J """b* .•«- gaged for tbe coning tenting Boiaon, ai alllhanen hythelt card In ann-lior coIuaiD. . ' - ' Dr. TniTaa'iCiacra'i cpeia at tho Old nilab«i)|hTbeatn on. tbenihtnai. _ ( . . • Ptoir ard MoRRir'a CiKcntlliad abk «<et of It at the OliuHo. IIMinn, wliero they e^fnod on the Hit lut--^" ualuthlmavk, A eonmony nf|t In tbaJ>»4* ''> party, conitatlng of Uoltiti UcUaboo, <7nrtb, Harria, HaBbr, Keating, Napier, White, Waltn, Oamalt, Shonnoa, Para, Qeroeky and Reed, Sairoani Snano, ftmalt g}mnait,nid ta heenlylTyean old, who hubern perfoming the pul week at Teor Pulor'a Open Houe In tbii cllr, un be lecured by managen; dto the lorvlerl ofHirculel Ubby, eannoa bdl ptrformtr, Tbb TUBiTBi diOQiii, IndlBsapolli, la aald t < be dobig a floe bnlnett. Hn. Loslu Payne Wny, vooallat, cloiad then on Ibe 13lh bet. The Duponl Brotbera, gymnaita and acrobab), oommeooad 00 the lllb, and have lahen wall, Ulaa LIzde Uarhng and-Hbinle Lee, voeallita, wen to open on tbe lub C O. Quoding, tloge manager, hat gtrno up the Uilwauhee Snap. TSB IBiAni Oouana, Detroit, Xloh., wta to be r». opeacdon the l(th, with tae loUowlng company:—Ooo, R, Edeaoo, atage manager; H'Ua Auguito, daweuM,- Adah BlobDOBd, Tccallit; Flora Leooatia, Jode Horrta, H'lla. Cberlla, TIUlc Antonio and BmUle Slegel, ^auauu; Btm St Veie, D, Uorrli, Wni, Uarry, Loll Chapin and J, W. Uorton, ■■ Ethloplulila;" NbuloMoitoB, Juggldal andlted. BIrgel, dancer. P, D. SUHOiv, clown and comlo Tocdiil, wu lo Introdnee the Shadow Panlomlrae lo SL Jc„ Mo„ cu the IBIb luat, al theOiH-ra Houie. "Old Filer Houtz' Family" oonllnaea popular tberr, LIzzIo Limucux, lUinieiut, opened tbero on IbB nth, >lr, Scamon le dialroui of golug ou the ri«l thIa •iimmer Kith a olrcut couiiaDy, end con bo eniogea foi clown and tho aldotbow. Tni! OpzBi noma nt Harrlrburg, P.v, wu opened on the 13lh, by Mollte FlelJlDg, wllh a coiuirauy, M"Uo, Uarto ThcroiO le Ibo priadptl tiar, aClsoellaneouiB* ROBBBTB' Naw OPBRi lIootB, Unrttord, Onnn,, wu opened aa Jan, JOth by John E. Oeeni, wbo nppejrod for four nighta °o hi. beat pleit, followed by Ur. ou t Hn.. Uaraey Wllliima for three n gliiiTaho wore luocoodcd by Kniuia for threo nIgiT A5ew%dofdockaeonet hu been plinlod by Ur. D. A Strong, or Nlblo'i, N, Y. Tbe piniconlulj l> thirly.elght iMlbtah /rem tho iSo, ot Ibo tUgi, whidi 11 43i8p feet, ehow- ni thi Kcnei 41 r«l. Tbe parquet and parquii cire I on rnr- ulihedwlthAllon'iBalonl Iron dialii-uioo u DcoUi'iThaa- ire-and nphdaterad In crimion pluih. Tho droit droll tula andbacka are uphdalcred In cnmeon repi, and ore ummttd 000 from Ihe olber by Iron hare. The ramlly droit U cadilnnid with enameled cloth cuihlona, Blled with palenl tpoage, u ua aUotbocudjloniofthodreucireli;. Ihere ta aeiUog unocllp lor two Iheuund poiiona. Tho celling, dime and whole Inltr- nnl arrangement ll iller Iho itylo ol PIko'i Opera Htutc Ntw York Tht domi liSB rcttln dUmoter, iurrouadtd by a bcu- Uriil Uanipanneyi Ihe eentaa or which la Ct feel from Iho fleer CIthenaraoeb Oo Un adUar, aroand Iba^dctBlk ecireapood- buwlththidglitBllaaorthilbua,an'aliil Ufdia,'lB taebtf ^eh ll pdnled a faiila Igste, fbll tlti' A7I1M1 inna repre- Bent tbtfonriTli, and Iht foar tttfMIl njttaWraly 'li>ailt» palnfDK poeliy, tcdplBre, ipilag, tnoDtr,'nt«aik aad wln- ter-wbloli art'bilirBlBgltd and orntmtaled byhtWanBa Krolli; and around tboM pabitlait anbaantiral oAaaasb- Oun Loour dellreied ber leoluie, ■'Porta, Clly at IiiiUT," In iBdiontpolli. Ind,, Feb. Bib, lo a fOO hosM, we an told- OHntauM lotitve given bcUer utiafacllon then ahe did la "Stage Stnok," Shf aBuountod lhal tht would again eoaw weatond lecture on "Glrlfl." DoBT Slotb akd JugTirc'a anARDTROura wiUht la ladl- anipolta one week, eommeaclog Uajob Iil. Law lloir'a Aung FxxgtHrATIu UAWiirii la Ihe title <>r a new orgiolutloo alarled ctit thlaweek from Ihti oily, rnt IIuelnjByer, "ilh gifta, le tht, Btlraotioo, opeulog In Readlof, I'a., on the lith, tnr Ihne blihta, end go thencete Eultn rotr thoIbth,10lhaiidaMta, „, _.. FAaari llotA li advirilaid lo oonctrlln In LoalivlUt, KF en HiRb 9d end 3d, ■ ■ '. „ . ,„_|. "NoBA O'lIituaii.'iBaliUhibil'ioigli idveritatdfortale byJ, n.Whlhniiretl»«, ' . . ■ Taa lMi;y4urlel1« end/.•nontea Oloe,liSSuu lioat 0'*" . ...,----,» 'eiirop Tua 1 land lu Undiai varlti^ Morih n laau^urteHt and /.•nontia Oloe, two ilndag a»°d»; iorPlJ.delphli, bare ilgiiednrileinl tndagin pnbllaia ptlll|*,fortBliktnr|40t), iBi March nth, ua LUavlbt Tioara open IniMtrriunta, "•"•i I, on.|ft Ibl managiment tf ILmilcni «B* l*""'!,^ "01 "Hand) Andr?' I'Wdy MIW." ko., J , chiMo, t\Lt, w'anta. Pro'. WI"l«"h,'»°J"'riiS lanil: Livha, clef 4abo»bs and 0. P. Hlatan a) laia. Rusrip.v roWjiaiB,BBdtrthoi"«iiW«E"i.°'?"j'! t-re !iUc.< : pbt!Si, Mi«, Feb. 6lh; Flli4biil|, BU