New York Clipper (Feb 1869)

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Febriiajrv 1869. THE NEW XOKK CLIPPEB. " ■ ! Tbi »inpriMi. .klU IlM<«rt Mtruo; 1 I, |iacl> Hlolu. till ChuUi mill fiD" top In Sollcini. Th« lii>M« <• I"**'*! V """l St ipMi»oiil«r plow aa ba niiriwinied •lib pwd oBmL Th* StaiSSutli' tMMli ripKlmu iod Ul,0.1,11 !°"«mu. Iht »ll«iilloo of nuunn of Uiwlrial oompuloj, vTrttenfOtinuoUlwonlaniD. _ , Jina TiTloi, Ibe •■LindoD Cbunplm Comlt," w b» ll toon obiw*, Pobllihia «i.eeplDf cbilUnp lii ilita iMoe lo ur eomlo toe»(iit In Amcilc* ror 11,000 •nd ths cb«nploD- MrT Mr. TMlor b«iDt inilou' to gii« Mr. Uofird > irtol, onH Ift (ho Amonoan pgbllo m wbo poaiUMi Iho moot mtril, offeii to put up t>iOOO •nil the cbtnpMn mid mHltl he woo In London, conuloint onr bundrad ud tij)nt dlimondi, In Lis- nrd'< 11.000, ud comntla with bim m poblle. Ur. T>;lxr porTormi Uli wook sllb Air. BunitU In Toronto, Cnotdo, ond intrtlionM lo Uie Uo«*rd A'tennm, DotUin, torfuor wnki, tf; Jon Dmni left Kinwi CItr, Uo., on Fob. lit, *lib t ■ulleoBpnn'.tndnpoDiH tl nolden, Uu., on Uio Olb, ind nnilntd thin nlihtf. In Hit illoniooo of tbo thud 1v Kr. Dialer medo e ropo oicootloo. On the tth Uie rvtj oped nt Wirrpniborri Mo. Tho conipuj eoodoU ol Uinle WIIML Jennie Viiber, Junn nejei, Oioiio Fliher, U. A. U*r- rov and John D<nler, , „ .. Tu HixUM ConBiiTAno!! opOD a ill nIgliU' tU/ In a»Tann»ii, Qa., on the 22d IniL , c tiki.. iL A PUDUU uadtertlj^d for lala ebeip, bjr J. P. VV, anelkor eolonin. A L»DT Vociuit an4 a nmilcil P*''"""'JiJ'",'*' for a tnteUiK compinj. Boo S. A. Mnnioa'i ad»«rttan«nl B. A. N0.TB ,oll?l,a.n .ngv"""^ '.'l^'riid.; ,,A farM, rnoaded ipparraUr tefponilblo coopon/, IbnuCi colobina Ou'n Ome for drtt elau enieralonioiitf la wall lijlilad, airji ' nomi. noroi, lIuiMtinf, lira, '»,"'T"'"tf'fJt^l .teraloniMtii li • '■;'*»b«»loi.UiMMoil| •irjitd ud Tcniil. ..J, and bu two dtwilnj Bf an adtortUomenl riiewbero It will le aeon Ibal olber euiloal- Ai''5"J^";r'?-»rlb. of Job»-w„, in V^»S.!°?™°i«.'"<uin«, n..»lcl«... Who ba« b«n baroUnR Ihronih Illlooi. »•;''Vf'Si?'^ihi'Ts h f«; dlana- Tbor wtro to opon In li Porio on the J5lh, tot tbrro nipbi*. :n I WafawihobiUnca of Ibe week, theocoiu Tort Warnn ir'l InJi ioii»tlle. HnwooD'a I' n-iiasu or Kaw Ion la blllod abcad ai followt, inTellDi h.r n-agona ;—Eawi, Hua., Itlb; Ipiwlcb, nth; Rnrlh Andoror, Mlh; DoJIud Valle, Itlb, and Mathnen M'b. TaliAlD and mloa of lh< lit* Academj ofMneIc, Albanr, an adreitlrei) for aale, Mmouira or Aoiun are adnrtlacd for eleewbero b; OaornA.FlortDOf. . Fior. BucLiuna, the ptaeUdlgllatetir and mntlclan, wbo baa tbe lepota nf gMn^ a flrit olaaa eDturUtonent, bad*talibonw lowltneai hie peifonnance at Balilmorr, Kd., on Iba lltb mat Ha unmonead three olgblj at Read- ing, Vl, on tbalSib lotL Tn lUDi SniiT OraiA Hona, Johnitown, Pa., hu litolj been dadieatad by Meaare llendenen and Cannlor, of PtUa- bargh, who played to good honeea for a weak, and Umj reopen Ikera on the tld wl'h Kiila Dendeiwn. Tbe boiia le a brick "lea, eapable of fenilnf one thooaand ptnona, la well tan, haa 8Uae« dntalog looa and a (raen loom, alio a art »bl I if leaneiy painted bj Saarijk Co., of New York. Penone wlih- lag lo nal the abore kenie will find the ptoprietoi'e card hi asetber eolnmn. Oniw Hau, Bowling Onen, of mod aeaUnf captetlr and wall Sued np, mi; be leotal b; addieaelni Ueaiit. llack- ■ark Oenid,aaperadreidatment, Tn AOADBifT or Hvaio, Cleroiiad, 0., may be ranted, fioia Jnne to Beptember,furajUcclhiiieoaa entertainnenta. Seaad- : eattlienien). Paor. Bmarr, preai:dl^iator, wupeiroratfnglailwcek In Oorlogtnn end Newport, Er. Tni Pntuiuio^i'es orRocbeiter, N. T., aonoenca a con- atal at SL Janee BeU, nuTalo, oa th> ISlb, anlilcd bj Uenil Appj, TlolloUt, Jennie Uul I, oFNew Toik, and oihen. JouBaouadnnUeetbilon neelptafcaib ha will and written Icaione on banjo aad Jig and elog dancing. Banjof and athei muleal initraoeotj can abo be bad from blm. BiLU Don An llivsi St. Lur, wbo ere Inirlin^ Ihroogb Ibe inlh, gMog drametlc reeiiUnge, opeoad In Gal- ■ .vealon, Teiaa, on Jan, SiOin, lo a good boaie Tbe uno noi lapaaledao 30ib. A conrepoodtol tara:—■Tbeledlta Iben Tiaitod Narawla, and n'o a reading on Feb. 4lh, to rerr good boelnepe, end «eni thrnce to Bi^aa, oponlog Feb. Otb. Althoogb the weather W4i UiJ, anti the etratta wet and oiuO'It, baalnan wu aood. On tho Otb lb>f loft for Oalralon, and on Ike lOlh aall for New OcImui. Th*; will tbcn lake Ihe Sooib- ' em coaat, Mobile, CbarlaMoo, Sannntb, 4o., and *0n to lUchmond' and Baltlioore." Amateur. Ton DiTmonr DaiifiTio Clob of Cincinnati gara "Sil'l Walen Ron Deep" on Fnday erealng, Feb. 13'b, lo a large andtenea of Invited guraU Tbe two leading pane of Joba Hlldmar and Captain tlawkeVy were flnelj rendered by Weirrn Kennedy and Jance E. Sbereood, and tbe play waa pronounced aarvatracceu Fbe attempt of Ihe Sbakeepaaie Club at ••Bamlel" waa not rerv eueceaafel. Tbey prodoee "Kalbeiloe and Pelmchio" on t e lO'h, with A. Clark at Felrachlu, Fiacb aa Grunlo and Un, Huorr aa Kalberlne. Tn SnainraAai Aaaocunox of Pblladelabla performed "Who Sjpaibi Pint" and "Midnlgbt Valeb" on Ihe 4tb. Hewa. Slockuin, Jr., Comtam and BarVaa in tbe (oroior, wan good, Mr. Bnllih partknlailf aoln ue letter. Tbe Bootnenian piadaoed tne *'8erie«l Famfly" on Ibe lib, with Mr. Haybniat ae Cbarlaa Tcmna. .Tbalaoleaenqnlllad ibem- neliee eacaUaetly Tba Draaatio Uoloa D. A. bare re-. ■OTedlatbatrnawhall, NInlhaBdSprlngOudaaitmIe "A Party by ibe Naneol Johnaon" made bli liehai at tbe Wbaailey Aaeodatun on lb* ISUl Tbe bill eonalita ol lereral thitee. Lanoie TnAnicu&—Tbe theatrea of thanetnpolle coo- Maue to ba Urwely atlendei*, aad Ibe naoageri ai* eooataolly ModucUiK nOToTty. llore then at anr prarloua time, manigen ouplay an anilely to pmdoce ell Ibeu nonlllea on a :jaturday araniDg. "Cande da Tal" la the llile of a new borleeque by Mr. Bainand, piwaooted at Ibi New Royally on Jan, 3^. It u prononnced one ol ibal anihgr'l beat prndoetione "Red •Handt" la tba lltia of a oew drama annoonced for production •* Jan. 90lh at the SI. Jamra "Alter l>vk," alter a btll. Ilant ron, wal withdrawn from Ibe boaida of ine Pnneiee on Feb, 8tb fbe diuua of 'The Flying Dulcbmen" baa been larlred at Ibe rerlllon At Corcnt liardeo, Drary Len^, Tbe Uennirbe , l>rinceea', AdolphI, Lycaum, Olympic, Strand, Oalely, Queen'*, Prioee of Wtlea', Uolbom, Royal Alfnd, Sur- tay; vlcturia, standarl, Qltalan, Brllannla, Aleiendra and Baal LoDdon, and ateo at tho Qolbom Amphithealre, no change haa oecnned "Adrlenne Leeonnenr" baa been nrlTod •tSadler'affulla, efterbelog abelredOfuanyeara Anew drtna, called "Uane Aotolaeue," In which Mile. Bealrtc* -wlU appeer, wu to be prodnced at tbe Prlneea' on Feb. Uh. For oontbepait thia pl-ca haibaen plarad In nearly on ij town Enriend. The Lord Cbamberlaln ha*lag barn Inioimed of tbe Inipnpnely o' tbe dtwaeae lately worn In lie opeeiaealar plecea prodecad at ihe tbeatrra, bu aent Iba loUowUig eircalar (oall IbralricalmanageraUDdeiblaJnrtelKtlon:— Tbe Lord Obaaberialn pnaenia hie eoapllneau to lha mittt|er ^Iba , UeDuloirnee,wllhiaaral,fruraolMDrTaUooe iBlbo nreaa aad fron other eennMa, that loere la mneb rraaon lo multaAnoltbelmpnprteiyorcoelomeof Ibe lidieelotbe mm Bimri, barl*equei, ac, wbleh an now beloa parformed lo aome of Lha mcmpollUo Iheilrea Ue bal oollead, for eome lime paMi, ibal Ibia erll hubeensradaaUy oaIhe la«reaaa,bulhehu btenmoituo- wlUIni 101olerftfain a laauer wbloh beooulileraeu^dtmorc proper- ly lobe lea to Ibe dlicreitoo and rood ualeor maaaiare UMmiaiTea. Now, how*Ter,lbatlbo queen nliai beau labaa up by tbe prear, and pubtte optolon la betas eaprrafed upon II, he lecla hiniMli oom. polledtoeallIbeierloniaiieotlonoribeutnifera lo the eubjeel; forbeaiuolbulreuiiuklbedlicrtdlltbtl nowJuKlTralU on Iba alatcaud tbe obitcnooatrbkh arpoow betagniaeil igaloii ll by many who htrn bllbeno irvqaenl^ tbe ibealraa, bat wbo now profcaa themeolrr* uotTllllos te penult Ibe tullea of tbeir tamlllea to eaoc- Uon brlhdr prewnc^ eitcb queaUmahla aibtblUeua. the l.ord Cbamlieriatu, wlih cerr aoitoiy u pnmolo ibe lalereau of ibo alaie, Iruita lli^t lie iiuy eonOtkoUy appeal le tbe inaaacira lo aa. alil In abailoi taoerllcuuiiiUlofd uf, which Ibroileoe to bceeffloa publle enaiUI. Ileliupurpoedyaildrtaacdlbeio obiertatlani In the form or a drculir lu la* naoacen of all Ihealna aoder bu lur1idletl4n,wtlboultm|iuUog blame to anyone In paninlar, and will glidly raoelre (nm iben aoy obwrratloni oi infietUona whkb IheyraaywUfatoontroQlbeaul^ocL . Lord CbaDIbrri^ln'■ unice. Ju ttlW. The Original Rojal Chruty Uliulrtle ll tho name of n BOW niloainl ptfly anneunecd to open In Loiitliui'on Fob. 11th at St. Otorge a uill. In a bnrleique on OITriibHb'i *'Orando Ducbeeeo," entitled *^l'ho (Jnnd llutcb-ri of London," with acenery and cuctumet, end a hand end chorus or one hundred Eirfornei*. ThIa enneuntament will bo a great aurphie lo thyandLeoD, who luvo loreercral wceke been mebtng pru- fiaratloni tor Ibelr dopartura lor London tu produce their bur- ttoua operas Ucaaid Piul has wri'.lon a larco for Ur, Toolo, whicli la founded utuin a rtrr droll notion. It la eallel "Lore lo a Tronbouc" Ur. Toole u 1} pUy a fuaay old nual- olan named Ollfklna Ur, aod Mi^ Herman Vriln era flborlly to auiiosr In a traoilalion ol a fltiniui drama by tho aamo aulhor that Mr, llobertaon "coneullod" In bla new piece, •■goliooL" Lord Arthur Cllnlon, tbe ei-U, P., of Newark, *n>l who bu etruited hie brief hour en the elage at the Strand aod Tarlout piurlnclal ihcnlree, eonteoiplatca a profcaalooal Titit lo America to "alar" in llghl comedy Ulla Dorotia, oftlio San Carlo, Ne|il>i, will bo the noil Altainbrt alar ol iho balttt The Blamcio Twioa wcro anoounced to open at Bgyptlan Ualt ou F'bruiry Olb. mtU Fhllllpa inll bo reiy tborlly icnreienird eininltanoously at tbe Adeli^ In "Ibe Dead lloaii:" a. the Quecn'j, the new drama of "Nut OuUty,'' and tho Uolburn, aonlfaor new dmma, Iho name ot wblch hu nol Ixaoeplred The drama lo three aela, ai tba Adelplil, In preparation by \Tllkle Colllat and Ur. >'a:htor, a hi bo Likoo trian Ur. Colllea' tale of "tbe Uoons:ono," an adaiAatlon of wbloh has aliaady eppearad In America "Drown and Ibl Drahmlns or. Capuui Pop, and the Prlncau Itetiy Eyea" I* lha htia <,f a new tiuilo«)UO pro- duced at the 6lobe Tuealre, and which le pronounced a lue- ctaa. MiM Olyo (Mra. Ilall'i) Dnd* hemlf compelled, be the alaia of her hcallb, lo roHuqulab, for a time at leut, bulb theatrical engagemesla aud itraaatio rcadlngt. 3ba will in fnlnro melvo a limited nemVr of pnplle, .to whom she will glTe draBalic Initrucilun and Italnlna Jciaph Simpson, uoldaeior,dlcdon JanuitrMlh, InblaiamUelbxcar Tbe remains of Nelly Uooraaenlntarrad In Brompton Cem- oleiy on Ftbniarr lit Tbemai Lyon, Ibe original Jona- than Wild, In the drama of "JiekSheppard," died at Shore- dilob on Jenuary 2ed, aged tlly-aafan yaaia, Bla lait appear- uea OB the cage wu at Ibi Oily ol London Tbealre, Auaual 2>lh, IBDT, when he appaated aa Job Thomberry, In "John Ball," for Ihe henelll el Aaatbi Lee. Paiw TaBaTMOAta.—Tba dtima In Pula la aald te be In tmtber aa Immoral condition. At the Oimnaae Draraallqne, •'Herapklna," aAra ait comedy by M, Baideo, la holding ibe boaida. It waa oilalnaUy called Ue " Durola," but itwu thought Ihil title night woend Ibe laKeptlbllltlea of the n- Ugtoua werM Tbe PilneaaM lleu|o''laan aiUHagania bang played at tbo Amblan Meaei*. Cblrot and Datu bar* indueed -'LaCamafal d'oa Mttla Blane," at IbaPalala BayaL' ......The IhaaUe Fiwcaia haa pnaankd a eonady Id Ami Ifi^J^ "Faun ICenagaA?' fee Umdoa Oltmnm, of laMI** I>emala." .... n^SffniMir*. tare. —bdartol lha iMfBaneilo their' leaeleel at Iho Oada » ■••^yi, "i*?'" .".jr"'.':'"','. ■Su VatrwIuwI antamuliaTel'SheBee. U 11 by U, Vitm^r"" — T%ild> B hnnZiS^al*^ ef Ibe nrin daJS^ bad "bonia" of lid CfcAtr -lUanaL appeared aVihi tiaSlaitaTPAllea'Ikwl, I«d«o, «"Wr, jHh ••aanlUaf VNUaai Faido*, * «ab dnear. Ibcat oee o'clock on New Tjrv'a morning, delendnnt and ita rtbcia of h j pwty gob latoeomDlalout'eeabatSt. Jaata' HaU. ComnUloiat ei- mawd naat relueitnca to Uhe then, bat Ibe p 'lice Md him be waa bennd »o do ao, aod thai ihey woold pay him. He coo. ened them inald* and ontaide hi* cwnaga to dif. oilmfa re.|. denea. "Christy" Hoate, Cbeleea. On amelng l!ii :n,f,jni|i|,i(o. ant »l dawn, aipeetlng le recelee Mi fare, in.| on bHng niked •hel It waa, be aald be would lean It to Ibrrn. ai th„y «r,o r.11 nerformer*/ Upon Ibie tbe daiendant replitd. "Wo nor." n i. tormontof London," end lelllna Or at oimpUlnsDl aliU Ins llot,«*f»bnnablacbeye. For the defeoce, ll w.ii m'ed by Iho eVldeace of ureral wilncfsea thai when wniililoant llnl telniad to oanT lb- party ho n<ed ibuiln laegugi. lo them, dc- (eadiat'e name being mentioned. Remarba aboot defeniltnt waiamadsInhlahaarlngiothooulsldtraootbrlrweytoCheleei. On their arrlral then de'tndant elTered comp'alninl tt. 6,1., wbeieoiiM be taid he wouldharennneof bli ".Jmerinn havhy. pankr Irkke," and would pnncli bla brad. Comphlnani put hp bia laU and ruabed tuaaida d-fendant, when tbe bitlar, pat- ting bImIeK on Ihe dereniite, his tit cime lo contact wl<h Ihe eomplalninl'aeye. Mr. AmbroMAasliD.maniaerolBl Jamea' Hall, pmred that comnla'nanl uied ran ollVnaire language, and objected to Uha tho Chrbly Ulestrtle at DisL Ue waa eraasaaaDraed by Ur. SmiUi, agd stated that tbey end soma Monde 1 ad ennped nr lha ball en U» lui night ef Ihe old year, and gmwbg "larkUb,"broke oneaeotber'shalt, andlhat' eel of the pane were without eny, a mo haelog haodkeiablefa round their beads when Ihcr hind Ua cab. The Higlstrala aald ba iheiigbt |i clearly nrond that at ibe start complainant need rnoat ogeoiire enil Irapr.iper langniga; bathewiaiir ofinlojt tbatbe wu perfrtilt lober, aod iia wu Dot soiprleed at his rtlueianc, lo cairr bllaibui ginllero n preseailog the appearance Iho de'cndint and bla party were aald local. Ifit bad nol been fur tho proroMMon of the bad language, be ehonid have giten deTcodiDt tn opprnoDlir of reteeilnf upon bla e .a- duct In prison, Inslrad ot oimptalnlog In anr fntare entertain, meet that he ha,! labcn hie m-mor. Go the Ungll-iale'a r'- commenda Ion that Mr. Monro should make the cabman com. peniatloo, lo aaro hie ailjndlcallon, defendant gara the cabman XlandagalQoicnela, BAODiLtr, the Enffltih comedian, Bereaty.QTo year* ilaee, lejt funda for ake endwlDe to bu partaken of on "Twelfib Mghlbytho DruiyLioe the gieat green nom, forerer." The ennlrormry was duly honored this jeer, when Ifr. Chiitcrton lupplemeiileil an addnlonal cake and olhir good cheer, Ur, W. DcnnclL Ibo truslce ot tho fund, no l'4iitr eiTe—'The memory of oarlil Oernek," but Ibe proper and original lout—' Tbe memory of Robert MUt'-tj.' Tbie eclor wu the lul who need to go down lo Ibo theatre. In bla nniferm of (carlet sod gold, worn by tbe patented pliyera, u "Uentlemen of their Uejrfllei'HooHheld.'' WiOiiiBhai Bnlibed ihe third part of his gipntic opeia of ''Vebelungrn," which, complete, will teke sereral nighia lo act. Oob leene in ii requlrea en aquarium, ao that t .a ohandert— mermalda and Dcrmeo—may awtto abont and ekip from itKk to rock, end dira beneath Iba deplba, alawlDg all the time. We hope ho la a eulBclenily ibllUtil wagoner m dnre It through suo- cciatully. Coiaua Riam thinks of bolMIng anew tb>alra In London, Eng., lu wfalob oolr the Reade drama leto ba performed. latu sing drama, and dilnk dram, eh I to ba mied ent t Janu BoMona, ol WombweU'a Heaagetia, baa purcbaaed Bamel, the farorlte bona of the late Bmpenr Theodora* Ur. mo Hn*. CiuaLU Uannwi ban noneed. it la nld, from an American mana er, an otfrr of £6,000 ateilmg for a eeuon oi eight months hi New York and other piudpal elilec, Enn FOMfW, Ihe well known baa^ Is aald to be aboot to ap pear to England aa an actor of Bhakeapearaan obaraettra. Hi hu been rery soceoaetui la aoma of thexa preuntatlena tn Germany. Bbylook le to be the anbJe,lof hli Ont eiuy. Ran aaoa'a Opui TBovn an aull sUning in the Aorthem c«nnllea of England. lorabiT a» Bmiau' Omi Tioera, wilh Aynaley Cook in the party, wen In Coik, Jan, 35tb, Una Haaara, wife of the leasee o' the Tbealre RoyaL Boulh Sbleli a. Eng., died In that town on Jan. 21ib. Bam O'NDL, from Amrriea, made his dihwl In Aua'ralla, u a comic einger, on Nor. 281b, at Ihe Vattaile*, Uelbonrae. THE TURF. ^"iH?*'.'*^ ■•-'.'W awlamplaU tba tuta of Dianl aad tb* drama at tba nataat d*y, aad when tba moat aupar. flelalohaertercannot,oiltoiteafnlaaIn allelaaaeaof eeeleli la Fatia a • Ida apnAd, luuuaa hnmanllly, we moat eome to the cendnMen that at no panod bu tIoo become ee nnlrerwliy pnollead, and, w* may aay, appraetalad. That, In " holding lha mlnat np to nataia," a dmmatla sbonM oecaalonallrnlleci tbe Imidorallty tionnd bin, lb* rkae el his aga, la porha^ but * legitimate oceupatlon ; but ebeo wa lad tho whole dramallo IHaraluiaof Ibe.counliy dodleaUdIo Ihe doplcllDgof lodso* lion, adillaiy and tbe Inadents of proelltutioD, wa must «omc la tho eonelusien thtt Ibe lae:e af the day bia degeneiatad inlo a mo*t nanus olrele of human l^poraliiy. It •anottntaaeb la aay that then is seuctly toy tbealre In Paris lo which parcnil cao wllh pnpilety lakd allber their diogklsitorttaartons, aid lha dramatic autbtr appeaia to he wnllog for menirlcloni wrmen and roong man abo aop- l>ert efM." A new Ibulr* Is about l« la Vreeln) on a portion etJhe illenowocnpltd by the UsgaAMui>Hrnnlb.,k,,, . Iho nsoe of M, Ailelph'e Quedcc, lha director «r the Thcain V oeaNeucanles, appears la iheFnneh oBelel Vit ot^bath- ^Pla The mue at Ibe Tbailra Dejatel b br UU, Aleian- diedan, A, Lemiunle, end Okwald, Itii cAllUed "Uaolola- "nt." Anawdiuaa b; U.lItttBto'ZipaM;!!!, hu THE ENGLISH TURF. Tm CncSTi* Ccr AccirTiXcna—Tn DaaPT Wxnna, Blu* Oowa, Srarcii Out or ran Racx—Bemio o:r thb Crr, DzROT i!iD Two Taonino OnakAe— Diatq or a Sr. Ltou * imii—A LaruTBU Birnxa Uaa Con, Tbe appeanoca ol the Uat ef bones acccplina the wrighia Im- Gieduiionlbembylho hanL'lupp,r for the CbcalerCnp, end efui that amnop them tbe name o' Sir J, s*pb flaele>'e Ca- moua Deiby Victor, BloaCowo, was not Included, baa canaed a alde-apread feeling of consternation amoo^lnrfmenln Eagland Tb's bone had been hacked for thouundsuf pounds for i>,l* laceerenbefpre Ibeenirtee wera mide: andaflerlbewelgbla wera rnhilehed, and It waa known that lilfcbancewurotoni with iSOlbe ui,on t Im, Ibeavwu an unlTtiasl ntah among baok em to iDvrst tbetr moiN-y on hlm, thus rorpslalliog bla owner, 11 Ibe latter waa Incllued to beet him, In which erent be would hare to be latlalled with a ahort prie* ahoat blm. There IB no doubt that Blue Oown would bar* baen a meet dangerana horse for this racp, enn with the treineo'lous weight for a four year old whleh be carrlad, for lo tbe Cam- brldgerblrv, lut lall, ba bad ran a good second lo Seeuw, car- rTlDgl28 pounds, a perloimancawhlcb itanrad him u one«f ue beet horsestbat ever trod tb* EDglleb turf. With oily two pooodsmoie on him than be had Intbat nee, aod now a year o'der, bla wonderful eteraloa and tramoDdooe speed would ban been wa I sereed on tbeCbutarCnpt^nisa, and itwu nrir ptebabia be mlcbl bBTo rapealad Ibe elctory which Aiteleld aacampllahed In 18AS, carrying the same welgbr. It le nry piobaua Ibal Sir Jeuph Hawlay would ban run Blue Oown for ibe Cup, bnl for tbe Intarfarenca and nntimely meddling of olheraln no way connected wilb bin, wfacL ant^eipatin* tbe owner of the bona aod Ihe atable, bad lakoD all lha "long sho'a" about blm, leanog the former the option of accepting about one ouarter of tbe odds ther Ibemjelna had got It W's to punish lureo men, wbo bed thus foiutalled blm about his own bone, that Sir Joeepb alnck blm ont of ibla ran*, aad w:il trust bla intereaie to other npnaenlatlTfe of his staUr, Thb ant of n'rlbuUra Justlea win donblleae ban a ffond effect, u It will team betiora a tcaaoo not In haaa hnraea to wlo Immense slakes befer* iheb owner* bare laid ont a 'lotlar on thein lor ih«Tva«lrra Beii4e«BIoe Oown, Sir Joe'pb Bawl'r )iu atraek out Fero Cmta and Bealaruaan, laanng Tne i^bner and Vagabond ti repitaent bu alable. Tba atrlhing o*it of iltp lop weigh'. Blue Oown, has naceerluted tbr ratsina 0' lha highest w,1gbt anepUng .U2lt«) to Uliiii., and lha other* la praporlloo, the Linrpuol Cup winner, The Palmar, hiTiug noe iba top wtL|hl, Of t'je one-hundred and twcatj- six rntrlea, iriy.lour hare paid forfeit, leaving aarentj.lwo ninalolngln, aothal there la certain tobs'Alargallaldo'atar- eia, ao>l gMd balling. Tbe celebrated northern trainer, Joi n Scuit, appean lobebtghlydlsMilaSed wllh the welghia that lha WhItawaU hoiaes'Iarahan, TUcount and Tba Spy hare im- noaed on them by tba baodloapper, aa he nu eiraok them all oat or tba race. Tne witbditwal of lha Derby wbintr leant Panl Jnaea, wbo won lha Cup lut year, again at the bead of the belling quotauonr, a poeltlon wnleb bis Unlent weight for a lour year old, lOTIba.. and bla aeknoowledind radngmeilta Jually anlllled bhn to; hi* pieuot piles ia 1,1)00 lo l(n Hie owoer, Mr, Bodgoan, do- e'am that be bu net backed blm for a doltaj, and that he u for sale. The thie*year olda, Rebeanlerre, Mite, aad 8L Manm, 14 lbs liank neat In the betUag, the tumer being hanked at 10) toO,^ndlbalattaratDva jiolaiemnre. Amoog otheroc'eldrra aupported It prices ringmg Irom 2i lo 1 to 30 to 1, an bnlglit of the Outer, DIrdsoeler, Fair Wind, nomping Qlrl, King's Cross, aad aondoMer, Belhoi BlrJowph Bawby's pair, Iho Palmer, 6 yn^lMbs, and Vagabond, 3 yn, TP Iba., ban been Bupporl d to eome eiten'. In the nuike*. at 2iu>X re«h, and douoll'U Ihey Bill Qndholleor bickare before the day of the nee, for Ihe LirerjioolCupatniivri's a Vwn^erlully sound,hcnu*. hoi a., able lo carry welgblaad star the dlit^nre, and bla dwn, r niice tiled htm hisblv ennngb to take 7 :o 1 about him for Ihe n>rl7, Willie Ibo stable tbenghl ao hlglil/ of tba leather erighi. Vagabond, fur lha Udden Plate at Aicet, Ibal they trusted him BlUi a good dtal of moosrnnthaloeeulon, Iltslnehedi celvsd inom there, but wllo encb admbable tiylog Uekle u illr Joeepb hu got, It la banl^ pcaslbla that fiey were al ■ gether niaiaken in VkKaboad,andMmajmakeemendafortbntaiftai by rartyinw the cherry Jseket 19 rlotorr over tbn Roode*. The bettlp; on Ihe Lidculuhln Bsndieip hae not ollered much flinoo uar last issne. The ligb'.welgUted Byeee U Ihe fa. 'orite, at 100 lo 8; Uonaitb of Ibo Clan oeil, at 16101; Ladv Crcnuy ll uoaleady, at 9: lo 1; anl Ulam and Qeorge Oahal. deiti-n at lha aame price. Van Ambnrgh and Mr. Pitt luire hccn "knocked out," fiO to 1 belog Tsiol. utferel agalnal ih*tit. For the Miorpool Qrand >1a lou,>l Steeple Cbsso flie Colon*: bu sudduDly sprung froin on outaldo p slilon to the rank ot nrvt laviirile. At Ibsl K, and then 30 to 1 wu Ulien, end at I nccs dowu to 100 lo 0, ws", Uick^d for ull tho monov obliln- able; I'.ila horse, who ii hy Knight nf Kara out of Boailhiea, Is trained In priTaleijtnd bu not shown to great oilnotage In piibllo, except in Welter nccs. The secondfaTonta la Fan, a mare whom only recoroiuendallon la that she rsniecondlo Corio'.vln, in ISDT, for lliti race, nhtn ha gave her 21 lb^ and beat her oaslly; she bu been itoa'llly supported to am a large alake, at It to 1. Olohule and Bullan era lucked sloadlly at ',iO lo 1, while the LIncolnibIn horse, Talhwell, wu sunpotted lo Win IM.MO, at pnces ranging tram 3010 1 to U loL Clana- nen ll hacked at eucb onUido pricte at 1,(00 lo 3i, and Fairy- land, Dnhma, Dlihopton, Oipiala Cnulrte, Brick aad oUicis a rc occuionaily nibbled aUO lo L Tim Derby helllui haa auddeuly becogi* brisk, and tho throe farorites, Dailadrum, Pore Gomea and Wild Oats, are in no<t Belladrum eeemt to ba under Busplcl*n; allbougb Mto3 litbehlaheitoir;regalnslhlm, Itis aUais foithcum. log, and J'cro Qemea le decidedly dnl favorite. The rtcog- niied coramlnloner (or Sir Joitpfi atwiey recenllv took one bet of $30,000 to »i,000 nhonl Ibie Uller and would bare gone onoallhoHme price, but 11 lo ai* now tbe highest oHet Ilia owner is rtrr oonWonl about him, his fsi b being louudtd on ihe faolihatliahM tried blm wllh lha Patnitr, the e(nie bone ho Iriod DIuo Uo«n wlih, and il Is raid he found Pero qulio OS good SB Iho Derby winner. Wild Otia hu alaobein icMllv bsiJied at T lo 1, while thare hu been a nub upon his alable eomiunlonTenadoiet 1,00010 to. Elbua hu net with oenilJeroblenpportat ilO lol,and 100 toO woiihl banbicn taken at tbe dote of business. Lord 7<U*nd's colt Brennua UaiHibaoked In eome qnuten la win larweiy at 40 lo Land Byshwortb shows figna of eombig aiaia, u 1000 to W waa larnely Uken. In Ihe Two IhouaanI Qulnou belUng, Wild 0 us hu clearly dcprind Delladran of Ihe oramienhlp u tha loraer would S* btckod at Bio 4, while « to 1 mc(sT.efalM ahool tbe latter. In.ieed th* elaniag of Belladnm for tbla riea la reieided u doublfbl, for it is Ihogght Hr, Merry hi* »ner, will prefer reserting him for Ihe mora Important event on Epsom Ooens. Haiy patliw aaaeit that he Is not doing tloady work and cannot be got raady for tha Two Ttanaud raof, and ihey pijfbeey. Ibat tha una fata which atlaaded UddlDglon, lha Bludeat, Dnndea aad Lord of tho Islu wlU attend ooliadinm In the cenlest for tba "Bine Biband of lha Turf," From Pranei wa Uara that Imperisuae, Ua winner of tha QatTtaouaaad Ootneu and 81. Lagar In lUT (in both of wblah fteea aha kftatad that wooderlnTllly BlUih Bonny) bu died, allatdnnplDg a foilleDolur. She wu by Orlando, and aba buiol long tuvlved her sire, Hhe wu owned by John Boell, 'olHallen.wboaoMbvaadtbeaiioaliy celebrated Oaka win- ner Bongstnai to Bona Uda tnr a larie mita. AlKt lbs nnnwn otBeibinaii aa a dm bad bNaeatablUbed by tneh i;Jendld pablle pei'nrmen u Bint Oa**, ThelPalmer, lloalcrnelaa. Fan OoBca, Onen Blaev* and Motna, bla oweer, Sir JotepliBaaley, Inereatad bU leu la oia hnndiad gnlua is. nit sohHilplion ual tiled lonidlatair, and ha pramiaw lo hava a bnlliant aeaMD, lot among lha UAhnd ban* thtUiava bean aent lo vlrtl him an Ibe lenownia Aeblmment |«a*«;lo Lord lion and wlnnrr of tbe Bt UnrI Begalla, tba Oak< wlk ner; i'alm(lhtdam of Viobao): Tlrglola lUtler toRegaUa|| Ttouhleannie; and Oriselda (Ihe Jam of Anglo 8«od). -a . • >• •■_ *_>-_ (..L..... Mailt BsaaAHlls Ih Ugtr) thtt b« coain«D««d tbtl tuner mhltb Jut uiM. UmlUu vtUi. ul u««Ut«l «Uli nolBf th« BMt iliipnidnni tod ooUrpriiiDg ipfcalttor Uut ^IVJ'?'^* t'l'^^'H^wM ilMnft I'roDftnMrttf erthi M«dWttlD^lt*llle•,. ud HpreUtIf of Lord OUhow'il Lofd |bjM«rf^A'lMli<^Bif«oQn'«bnnfiL 0«»rMmt«A/(bv> *^'¥'5f-^.^^^tb>]S«M^titoor 1M0. he «0D imooa JtrltMOnm uuitA him ortrlr ti moeb. Wbon Lord aiufdw't Ota nl Pitet.won tbi TwoTbouModOotiiMi, b« won ft ytiJ lirfs itakv; inTbHiw kwktd Out bcrM and DlttrAtbol Tor id «q Hiaoaf moL-A^ lb* Dertiar, bo at ttngtb ^eeU«d"togo"rorlht UrucnVUbo did not m to »Uad Iwo hoi'oi for nieh • tunm imoint, 'A- fItonlMni wu ern* KqntDilrlbrAitQ Id'o Ibo iiift>u<t to b«4g«<bti Blilr Albol mou«7, but tbl» VM ri>und w Hifllciilt that be bad lo nud til ol ll oir, tod cnoieqixnllr voo 9100,000. ti Bltlr Albul won tod^hnml foel wu teeonds He ftriy b«am« ftn ownor of nro faoFf tDd tmnnc Ihom «eie SftaoUm, Tin Wbtffltr, BilAnd, Ltdi Tttioo, HepaW, Keplantt, Bl«eklheni tnd Htd* logloo. Witb tbn l«ii«r ho won tho Qntt IColnpoN lUB, and wllh Tim WblfDtr tbo CbrtUr. OHdeood, tadDoDCMlti Cupi. He lobtrqaontJj forme 11 firfo breedln* oiUblbbifloot, tnd ^to iSr. Union I3T.60U for Ultir Atbol, thf ItittNt priei OTtr known for a tullifing at wvll ti Ibe ehofe*it oitrvitbilaionej&toldbur* Bowu t warm ptlron or erieket* tnd the "Uiroe Cambridge meo," Dinr, Ht^Trard and Cinrnlcr, ■«!« cooitaatlf bli |n«aU at hliooonlryMti (faring ibt emfera Hd faftlib OntgaTo waj In t/)rdL^0Di* Derbjjeir, eooiotnptinn harlfli marked bloi forltaowo. for tllhough Dilurc hid (d'^n blm aflDecoosbloUoo, bt had ocf n ton prodfgil with It, and tht had htr reftnge at loiL Flodlog recovery bop«lc«i, bo dlipmed of ill hu aijck al a pobllo lalo ihn Sitnrd it afiet Ibe Dooeuttr Heo^Dg, which reiilud OTor $140,000, Dlair Albol bolog mM for |a),000. fTIlh bU breibrrnof thorlngbevu Tor7 popoUr, and bUobaHtvand klndoo't tndQiradbiin to all. Be loam a wir», a nn ornlne jean (In whoao name Ibe IVrby and BL Loger noolnaUoni of 180D trt madB), and fln diiigbtui. Tftomm oit Tea—A trot for $200 cine off it Plibkill, K. Y., AD Ihe nihinii., ind wan won bjr ibe mire, BHte. lime, 2:50 Sainoel Flik*i giej goldlQir, Flilr, lod Chirlei IIutchlngK' eheitnut folding, OUly, tniitcd lo ile(|bi, mile hflHfa best three la Arc, ai Spot Pond, noir Uo»!oo, on ibeOihinit. Blllj woo in Ihroe ilrmlght bead In 2:49;,3:M, and 3:48. A FOX STORY. waiTTCc TOB rai Mnr tori currMx. "SpeiKngof foiH, l^t mo toivor.Ton that tfao«e of the woit< cm pnlrin ire (he ino*t cunnlog ooO iDirt set of ereatnru I erer bed tbe ploieoio of meotlnr. When I wu In ibe Itocbr Uoonliini <*Wlutr t7freToaOTcriQ tbo JtocltjUonolaiut" uhed a chnruiof Tdcci. Dnde Tom wu lo good hnmor Ihu eronlog, and, u to al«ari theeue, rearl^torehtetothetUcnilTo Uit«ner« nirrounding bio no* ol bu "irve uj gc$piV* iiurfei, ti be called Ibera, ■'Whf, Indeed I wu ibcrr. Uito I nerer told jon f Tbe gieaior part of mj jouih I puied lli»r& Aik tbe red ihlai of tbe prafnei; aik ovtrr itDppfr'tebtld—lbej til ein toll jrou of heniorTom. Ah I wbrn Itbink of thtt bappf time when I ■raoktfd *Uh tnj jounriquair Uieplpeof peico—friendi, tboie wrre tbe happy momenii of 11 e. Bot, u tbe poet itji, *rnio lore nerer iini urnootb.' i\j botored Lllla, m; tweet wife, waa one day, while I wu on a trapnlog eipedliloDa tbdocted b/ one of ber (ormer lorcn, tbe dofllbh Inalan chief, Obilho, taken tobli vlffnm lod—calcn altro." Uncle Tom wiprd a tear ont of bli eye and lald:— "Merer mind tboee oainfal reniembraneei, bat to the fox ttory I promtacd jou Ist me aonn jen, a Ttnkee, u coo- nlog aod imirt u ht mj be aUndinoeoBpailion wlihaiox. Afleraperion bu hrcd elib them long jean, one oomee to know teen tboiofl|hl/. If \bvj wonld ware ibelr flig, or :wlich thelrear accrtaln wij, or lift one of Ibelr Uotten, I knew prednlj tbe neanlog of the noTommU Bat u thoronghlf aa I knew them, Joat ai tboroogblj thej hU etadled rar, and It wuTeryeeraom thai I eooldfet arhotat throL For ■hole *eoki. e*en monlhi, I wonld nol ■«« one of them: itll), onmUlihtble tracu wooM batraj to me the fict that tbej bod graotd the aolghborbood ol ni wigwan witb their prtuocr. Bat wbenerer tber knew that I bad mo oit of powder and lead, they woald make their appearance openly and not ibo» tbe leait fear, and whenenr my two do|a~for whom Ihej entertained tbe gnalett rupect—were atMeot, they would play aroond me, ud wbenerer I wie foolbh enough to atretch qnlebly my haod oat with id Idea of catching them, ibey wtnjd DlmblyJoBpuide lod itlnle me with eoe ef ibelr mocking barka. Bo, one tftemoon, belog tnUrely ont of lead and pow- der, I ntnroedg alter a few boon* promenade aeraa Ihe pal- rlei, to my wigwim, if irted a die, routed a aleab. tte it, and laid Djutf tcrou mj luiorlou conch of bean' and ot'er tkhUimon with the Idea of reatlng than aleeplng. My doge were out hauling, and, bavfog nothing to nau mj tiaie with, I looked Into the bamlog fire and thought of diyigosebj— when, lot a lui fiood bciore ma Think of my lurpneo when I became aware of tbe preeence of thU gentleman. I hive lA remark here that I bad cut a btile Into ny door, for my doge to DIM thmiigb, aod through tbli opening Ur. Foiy h«d aide hli nuanmonloue eninncc. Wllh the nonchilanca o( a ba'cber Aoj be walked up te tbe tn tfnd eat on bto hind legv, u If 10 weriD hlOMlf. Ob, how I wuhed for my doge I buttn tbe hope that tbey wmld retnm loon ted ctptare Ibo bol l In- imder, I mond nelihcr bandn(r foot, lo u to mike tho foi fctl u ncue u poulble. Bat tbto aelMmpoeed lamoblllij b««an>e toon a Tfr> hard tub, when I uw how the Impudent patron t«ok my pipe, lit U on the Are, and—'I'll cat my far cap iritalatM*—ciimDcneed to imuke It, u aaeoneemedlj le uue of tttv pnu Aono / Ob, boji, laeaun ;ud, tbete pndile foiee are up to any game 1 '**Rejiurd Bejnird,' Itboogbt, 'bad I only one abet hi my gun joo would eoonemell another quality of imoke, not half u good tofourtifteeimy t'lbaccjx* Icootlontd to keep u qtilet upottlble, and to did Ur. Fox, and whin he found hli pipe empty he beat tbe aiheeonji, iin to ny tohaeeo box, which iiood In a eomer of the rooo, and commenced lilnuelr to relU the pipe. Thu moment I bid betn waltiag lor; whb one leap X wuonlof bed and between him end the door. 'Aha, yon little vagabond, bow I have got jon,' I exclaimed, laughing; 'dj dogi will lemm before lung, aad the; will toon cut ihort )Our little tncka.* Wb)i« I wu Indolgiog In tbIe lilUe picee of Sleiuntry Hr. R^aid bad kI hlaii«U verr good naloiedly own, and, lookbg at me *llh one of hli bUDblag tjce, he Itemed to lay, 'Ton baren't got ne by larytL' But new I P*e one abarp whUUe, which mj io^ would uudoabiedly hear they were within a mile or two ot my lodge. Thitiudden minanireof mmachangen tbtupectoi affaln eonildenbly, but iMIl the Fox eeemed to think—'Von ean't ecare ma. Tug Iblnkyou barem^ botnlad, jon'UcntyoaneJf. my boy. I'll get jou away from the door.* And, without iDrloer parley, tbe rascal took my veet. wblcb I had laid on tbe table, ud threw Utolo the On. "•TllUiD, aroToucruyt' I exclaimed, and npoo the Bret Impulie I had nrarlj ino to tie Ojo tt^are my rcat, but ny mind regained ItiequUibnum lo due lime. '(VlCh rachirloka jeu cani fool u old tr«pper,* I eicialmed; 'your akin will giro me a belter rett tbu that old worn out ooe,'ud putting my Dngen to my mouth. I giro again ■■ ilirlll t whiitle u poeelbla. *°'Ah», thiBdoHoldo'twurfc,' Ur. Kuxy appeared to think. ■I'llteewhUa itrongerone can do.' Wlih thu be caught hold of mr bcaotlful lureepand hurled It, with a mocking grin, loio tbe damca Tbie wan too much, lly blood benn to boll and I hurled a whole ht of oxconilAoe open tbe bead of the mlichlsvoiu rucal; but my poe.tloo I kept—not a iiep I moved from tbe door. 1 had pal my miod upon It to catch bim, and 1 knew oUo that bli ebhi waa worth more tbu my ml ud cap, and agilo 1 put my flugert to mv Ilpa, wheu-Joit Iblnk of It— the doable milled Kalaweg ut dowa on hU bind lege ud put ble two fore trotteia Into nil mouth, Imlutlag me:ln imib, Biutfiwaviv uvvHiiw tHtiv uaa uavuHa, taassaHauig bu«|MA iiuut, beyi, I'll not get op from thu chair If there u the leut exag* gtiailon abontlt Allhoogh my blood wuupto fererhul, sti:i when I uw tbe comical grlraiceeof that fox. I had lo bnik ontlaagblngudwaa not aototo wbUtla. Thliwu whit tbe cunning Ihlel had been aiming it; but I uw throngh hu luau- gem. aad calleJ my dogi louder tuin befora. ** Thnoder,' thontbc Rcyoard, 'Ible to «etUog loo warm for wie; IbelloTelt would not be te the beotfltorniy health If the doge would arrlre now. Cap and tmi don't eeem te bother him but I'll get him away fitn the door ujbow.' "With tbfie verdi, or at leait ihlnklug eo^ he einght bold of a Qie brand with hit •b»rpt*elb,pulledlf- ' ^ - (IntfKod It towirdi 07 bed. " lliMi a^, bat yea will nop al that yoi lofameoi loonndrel; yntx will put uiy bed on Urc,' I holloicd, ud rin irer hlui. Ihit wii the lilt reeort Ike cwene* ol a cunnuig foi had bota It out of Ibe Ore and counllna on, ud when 1 wji cluio (o hlm £0 dropiecd (bo woaid, and, with one Jump, he bad r*ached tho ooUlde of my lodg9a But now, to climax ererjlhlag pnavlouii be puie hu bead thrrngh ILe upenlng, Inobi millclouilj at me, obowe bto wblte leeth, and, with a bran impudence narei before cf)ualed, Kicke out hh loogaol 1 bete te exigi^rrste, moch lees, to tell an unlruib; It mny be, that I was ralitaken at the tine, but It tppeand lo me at that moment oi ir ho wai uriog, *Ha, ha, ba,'^Tor7 iaccrlnt|lre" AMUSEMENTS. nOOTH'S TITEATIMS, Al etreel, helweeo iih and 0lh BTonuea. wlUgtrohla Int pcrformaoce of lha death of Ur. John Jatkson, oolil recenUj Ilia largaal boohnaker and hearWi belling man on the Roelllah turf, hu laleir oeon Ihe most ivronilnf nt lopto In racing eltc H, AI- U'oasb ooBiusra IrelJ a joung man, being oalr In bla forij. tret )asr, he bad lor aver UtBtryisfS been regarded aa lha lehalban bailor on tbo tntf. Ue «as Iba eon of a Torlabira farver.and Irom boihood ttloeed^a pecniisr aptUado I. rlaelog > - . .. ^,„|i, of iiio cenneelion nilb and It au nlib - nnnerba«onb;Moiinf laii nont^in all his aucenelul t»oaijiilrco;aa/enaet«m^t»'«-' 'ha Peib/and a, UR. BDWiN uoorn UATINEB nOUBO AND JUUBT OX SATURDAT, FEaitVARY Zhu, Conmeaelng al One o'eloek. ' In tbo oreulog, Ibe ropulir Tnacdlsu, MR. KDWIN ADaU', . „ . . . will apinir far the Oral Uno In New Vnri, lo Mr. Jaraos Fchon- hen's adaputloD of Braehecael'a roTi»nllo iragcil/, lu Ore ecu, ol ItAHClssK TnU VAOltlNT. Dooreopen at7)£ lo oomnence at a quarter log. liealaaecured In adraneaal IbaDoiOOeajf laoTbealn, "ral lie IIKANOU TIUKBrilFKICK al tb. Uusle Store otO. II. DlTbtl.t A 00., Ho 711 Urmdwar. tm FAJRCrOTTaU. TbUeelabrated Tragedian, baelng ralumed from Europe, la open riireogag>menta. MR. FAIROLOUOtl'llncontongagemceuallbe L^oium Tbeatn irera lira of Ihe resleal euceeiacs erer «ltncs<cd on Ibe London boarda. Tbe foUonlng are a faer ol Uie eaeomluma psued upon him dorlog his perforaancee at tba Lxocnm Tbealm, ht the LONDON rnB9S. TheTlmM,Dee.Mb,M«-"llr. Pairelooih'e tserforinanee vaa lalelleetual and efreetlre. Wo do nol know where toCndeogood sBlaioanonllhalsnallehacleia." Tko Tlmie.Bepultlh, U«g.-"lfr. Pslielomb le endowed wllh striking frstnres and pbjaleal grace. Da la earnest, nataral ana snooesaiar The lae loprnalon he nrodoeed U a dedslre prow of how rerr saallj ihsold poeUe oohoolef ael ng ml|hl be mured to all Its former eialnance,^rBOtsn onir would arise to luuslnle and "Th!!obi'rTer.8eol.Ulb,H«.-"In the n«»l''l»fjiita°tat?,'; ralrelouih oblalnei a ren deelded eaceaaa, aad was ailed Jelere the ourula al the doee ol'eaoh act le rtoelre flmn erer/ part of a enwded house a bianr reeognlUpn of his utoils." Dallr Teloiiaph. Aui Dial, IM4-"Hr. W,"^»«b''J55?W dcaerrlng ot Ihe faror with whiab ll wu iwalred b/ a crowded and "TtaoSlS!J!?aag.S<lb.-"Hr. PalrelonlVa H.mlel Isle allr* speeis the beet Ibal Las meentlr beenollsra to lha Lpodon pnbUo." The Undoa Hevlew, BeM. tlllh, lMl-"llr. Palieloaih was no Hr. falielough In Ule^artfUI'aelolbee; bowu Hiererliahlop; »l and King ol Hhakespeara'e niar. Jlr. ralrdeiilh hu eejuMUd hlinesli so u 10 demand ellenUon from all who care an;Uilng about tbe tone aod eluraour of onr modem suss." Tlie follewloi leller Iram B. r. Hmllb, E»|,, iSe "»ll kanan Mn. den nsnaaor e( the Lreeum Theatre, and Ibr naof jean ol Dritrj Une, Aauer'aaadUorliaMtr'e, publlsked wllh his pennlssloo, spaauior tiaelfi— . .„ , "Koril. Lroaea Taatraa, Ii0an05, Ner. Mlb, IWa. , 'Vr Data FiiaOLooou.-I lairei eour dalamlnalleu ol return- Ink to Ihe Uollcd klaiea, aa It pmroola rour plaiiof aialn al the Lreaam, al Iba eiplrallon of tho pulonlme aeaaou, and deprlree na of voui profliaVe eerrieea. 1 ihlea rou would be sening your bWDMiaiaai by remalnlngon Ibis elde Uia Atlaolk, as tnth tao en- Ihpalwmof the London puollo and tbe Jadtnent ol the aoondesl errileetolhlaeoentrTbare pronouneedyGu to be uneqitatcd as a Iragedlaaslncaibadara ot Bdffluttd Keen aad Nacready. yalib. lullrronra, i , . . B. I.nlliril." Allbnunau ooaaaa|eallone sbenld be addrassed In 'V.-i „„. „ LW.HAIIIBb . lllBll(arb'epboe,NswTor Apoaillon u KaoATitaaorer m Boolneee Uaiiagan ftrsomedr« rtsaa atar«elther ladf.or genUeman, or In a iboalra or minsinl haU: has had reer< tf eapenensa.. Wllb grw.aUaa rarenueea VUl —1 feera ft. _ . work loraioodaiWaaalar/. OoBinanleallona ebaldaot al 44-lt> Addraaa WIUJB, froraesur, Msas, WITH TBI BLI8B UOlr BORLBKQUB mODPS. eansUungof Ibeialtoatog ctiamioiaMSts-- VMS BUdB DULr, irijr, Mil. raOi w. baW.w . .BRO;COIIAAPS THEiVXKEL •-i, AN litran\i?J?f -- AN IRfRTtdrKW °"'?SB"2Mi^^K^W''■"'''°"*'•''''• RAVINO MADRlnAL^ 8IH0BBS, VIlL(>OII'HUlNB!(n«, Ufl.VABlLUlns'ATIOIl. CA.-lnASIIIAI.IMTW T»™i»™.,f "-i "i"!i'n-D6«iiTn)ioTiofl. BBfUenlaTl ael?™ ' Maralon, " QHAKD'l^iAKit'EAVuH RtnVAL, whleh WlU be pindiKod ta iba moat atupaodianalj elshoiala man- BRYANTS' MINOTREILe, TIrat time af the new tiortosigne Opera, BLtXCa OP LOTBi OoaworU, Bo|cd& Ho^oonr, BL olalr, Degan, Ooghea. —. . ''■*Ci.''5IfJ'''J-^ UIil o'lUlliNOB DAKOB. Wbofeepajlarjallart „, PLBUB DB THE, BRTANTR*, BRYAMS'. BiVANTd'. Klh RlireL 4«.|ie THEA.TrtE COMIQUE. _ ' .^..Irf'•lie SL NleholM Uillel ■WUITK * mscb'lt ,„."Li5eee end Proonelora. Muneger Ifr. WU. u. LIKOAIID. OP TIlta PAHIIUISARLB llSTARLiaaMRNT. ratrootaadbr un^iininlnl crewda, and nlihtljwelconod with tho moal htlailooa drmiMialralinna or aporaballon. TBIHO WaBKol Brroo'aUaininnenlBurla^ue, rLUKi, fLiiTii, PLirro. PLUTO, ^ , ,^ PLUTO, PLUTO. .>ie<ond anab of tbe reiT popular and Iknmto artist, MIt. OEO C. BONIPAOKaadaledb; • lull and ancbinleompaoT.ell In addition 10 Ibo jireal ntlaliul leolua aod mlmlo of the dar, MIL WM. II01IAOB UNOAIII), rnalaunnrallPd akauhea aad altlueaong. MIAB ALIOB DUNKlKd aad MleS BTBBL MORMAN, tha quaeoe ofBurleaiis „ . . ltotiea.-Tba Wedoaadaj KaUnsaa will ha dlseonllaied for tba ^MATINBH enry RATDBDAT APTERKOONat IX. OXj^aXPIO THBATIIE. _ DBGIN8 API DAN oTIIONH....-;. ^^^..Buaineaa Haoager mra TO Will TIME OP nuMprr Dvuriv. OKgAT roXONIAM RljVIVAIi. BBCOND ruLtmE. iBimPTY I The loU'MBtl-1 .ain r wn'w DUMPTVI Ue WIL OBO. t. POT. PAMTALOON ...^ APrlandandabrnther 0. K. POX TBU NEW OOMBI.NATIUN 18 OONdPIOl'OUII — .E"" Td BBAUTIPUL dOBNIBT, FOB m COHI-UCaTBOTRIOKS, _„ .„'"t T* ElABIIRATB 00STUIIB8, FOB ITS PBMIlr CARIDATUREa, ... .n.^.5,rA''""-bI*NT TBAKaPOBHAnON, FOB TBB OL 118I0AL HANOALLI, ..A"" "WOK C08TA'i NEW BALLEIB. BBAT8KB0VLD BBBEOURBD.IN ADTANCB. MATIMBBil IS, WBDHgeBATB AND SArUltllAYi. TOM7 PASTOIVS OPERA uoueE, m, SI BOWBRI, NI, Nl. TOU OANT BELIEVE If TILL TOU BEE ITI Anaatlnlparlgloaintbenilan Drama, rnllUed laiaU UEABTR AND IKISU BOHBI, AK IN-OIDBKTOP Br'ORN r. roULLeipreaalr ror Ibla bouae. T. 0. RiaOd raappeaia u HICIKT CuBTtU AN. Ptrat a^peanoce Id New Verb of lha aelabraled PROP. pns^OU, and bla imnderlbl Irslned dogs, 1 be Osnloe (Jamsdians, DIOK AND DAaU In Ikair aaloalaUng perfoimsecas A LA UNOARD'S pratean shalAaSk Hlacb Rope msis, Ao, Ihs most weaderfnl afldensas af BBloal aapeiip erar wtiorMe^ . BE.kKaAaEU NT OP BPn HORN. THB TRIPLR TBIIUrE IN A TRIPLE BILL. KATIHEBH WEDNEBDAT AND SATDROaT. wooiyd BrusECM. Bobstaoltal and aneiceriinoabie atlracilon lor tha HATiMEB PSHFuKMANOEB, KVtlir DAT AT I O'CIOOI. ObaarrelbeorltaiairhieharapU(adBlm'.u rtndrrlne'he TUB OREAT FAMiLY IIII'UIIT UP NLW YORK. Admlaslan 10 DreesClme aod I'arauil, H centsj Children, U eeau. Urchealn and Bsl« n; Chain reavrad, N eeala eslra, whleh iBOlude all Ihe depajimeoU of ibe Uuaeam. The Oreal Barltaooe hit ef lb* eeaaoo, IXIIIN, THE H.t.x AT niE WnSBl. followed br the noenailcd MORLaCUBl TROUPE, In ibefsnlastleal h IM eoilllnl TBB WltAPD, er mnillON. Brlh'Uia I'UHFUUUAKOlis alBe'doek. prvcal MR. AKD VR9 W. J. FLiJIlBNCEi andfbUeompsoT. lolwohiirleiqura—FRA OIAVOLO and FlIfLDUPTUBOLOTn OF GOLD, Ibe latter pleee Icetudna in lu cut 01 cbsraeten Mlas IIU9E klASBlST. PopnlT ETanleg Prleea. Besamaybeaecnredluadraner. If DoorrH'e THEA.X11E. Twuty.lhlrdalraet.betv.«D PI lhand 8111b arenaee. EDWiN BUOTB ererr erening In &hakrepeare*a KUUBO AND JUUET, BlSh UABY VonCKKH, Mia PAII!<T MORAKT, MR. MABK imin and MB. EDWIN ADAHR, powertaiMaA r onan ai 714, lecommaoca stTH o*eleBk. HoauaeeuredetsdJUBlnadTsneeattbe ifoi ufleaaf theTheatra, orailoeBKARCBTlOEBr OFFICE, at tha BnaleSioraoro u, Dirxu.v A 00., NO. 711 Broadwey. d«.|l SAN FBAJrCISCO MXNSniEriSk No. Hi BROADITAV. Olor1«ia aoeceaa of lAo New Bill. BIRCn, A'AHBOLO, BERNARD A BAOEOg* |)AN PBANOriOO HINBrRBLa SECOND 1VEBK OP THE BlfAEBHrEAHBAR PEBTIVAL, BAOBEril. HAMLET, BOOTU, ttlOUAHU, WALLAo£^ HEU UERHJLIES, ALL OK TIIE HAMB NIOUT. SBOuND «BBK OP TBE FORTY THIBVB81 UR, HTBIKINOILB Dl FAMILY JABB. Coalloued euoceea of tbe acreunlng ad of TUBEB STBI.V'OdTO ONE BOW. The trouble mnnaneu at &. Beata aia daja In adranea. - It* NEW scnxR. cmcvs, Fourlaaatbalnat,eppoalta Acsdam70fMusl& ' U a LENT ....Z : Dlraelar ' ' kgATINEBN AT 9K. WBDNB.1DAY ANU EATVROAT. OUKTINUKI) BDOOMd UP TUB SEW AND WONOBRPDL PBHPORHANCB, hKVER BBPOBB ATTKUPTED IN. AMBHKM, and nerer atleoapiad at any other mlahllehmant In tha worlL •i||i^ Ue elnUe eioepUon of Ibe Olr^ua Napoltcn, In PaHa, TBB DOUBLE PLnHd TBAFBZB, by tba irerld reaoimad Bpanlab Ablaliau. THB BROTRBIVI RiZABBLI, TUB BBOrUBRd RUARSU, MLLB. OAROUNB HOLLAND, NR. HUBERT BTICICMEY, . THB MBLVILIB PAktlLY, AND TUB ORBAT OIROUB TiloUPB IN BRItLIAAT ABBHIO BOBWBg. «C.I|« miIi:iO>S OARDEN. Third work of Iba trluaiihanl Bogaiemeal of Ihe LYDIA IHOHPtlON lltTltt.BBq!;K TBOUPB. ^ BOBDAYBVE.VUiO, FEB. It, end R.ITDRDAY AFTERKOON AT t: KVB>1N0 AT i, will be prraeotfd tha gorgeoua Urieniat Falrp bpeelaeHlar Bur. Ies<|ue bMrarsfania, vrllleii hy Urnrr B. Pamie, ontiUed the FUUIY rUlliVEdi srniKiKn oil in' FAuav jaeb. 7be Scenery, Coatumca, Uiule, Uc«bSBi>m, Appolaliasnis, Miska Anaon, Aa. ooUiely new. Tlllf BEaT BUItLEdliUE 'lAbl ..^..'VX' preeintcdtaAinenu,u folhiaa 1 LYDIA TIIOUI'SU.V. as...Tr. OANEM I.IHA WKItEII. aa Monlaaa EMUA UKATTAN,.^ aa Uehiibmod I-UI'III ClIAL^lJ.. „ Abdallab IIARUY HEOliETT aa Uasiaru J. \V. niLL ; BS AllHaba C. F. KtStCUUH as Uaalai GRAND OPERA IIOT7SE, fFomerlr rike'>L TUB FllE.NOU OI'linA. ADOLPII DIROFELD Dlrsitor ^ Brllltanlreceplleu ot iULLG. LVOILLG TOdfEE: Via BliiiVDICK,' AND u. DEuuE Ad clnnics. . jOBPHBE AVE ENPBRS.: ORAND''SpiofAbuLAirVri!BA'BnUPF«, IN PODB ACTS, ur J. OFFBSBACII. ULLB. DUUl7l>i, ULLB. AIIHPNB, H. LRDUC. M. DUOBBUNB. It. LAIIIIIFFilUIVH. OVIDON. Plltar AI'rISABANOK up ULLE HOiE, (8 CrifIA, TOo NISE KN UOKNK I'ttllNUUKOBD TUE MoaT coMrmrE bveii wknehbeo BROADWAY rTHEATRE. Mile. ZllB, Mile. /MM, Mile. ZOK, lo a new anil .nilnal chsraeuir In the aenutlooat roaunllc di«Ta uf elmQsmeIodramalloandaeinfl.lislnieml,tnrour seta, written eiureaajy far . er by Ohandoe Pillion, Hiij, t.nli'l.d NlTAl Oil, WOUAN'll C0V<TAN0Y. I'ndoetd wllh New ifcenary, Aoseesorlu^ Ooal imee, tlnslo, ienge and Danrta. Inlhiitlnl9ct,a|mnhla repreianlatton ef an ENnLlRH FAIR 80BNB, IDirudiKlitilbaodabralad PU:40II AND JUDY. Tin: rirmiLBHH, Tint jDoaLEiiH, THE UIV!<ritKL!l, 8A0K IIAOI.NQ, TAB ObEXBBP POLE, executed by aiutlee cnngdd eipreealy., Tho NtilV DANOEA, Iho nOLUH, MORRIB DAliOBt, the OoMlC aANCAN, uader lha dincllon ef Mr; B. TATB8. 1M1 NEW YORK TKEA'TRE. BUN. aad TUVa HB.MrFlT„ nP McKBAN BUCUINAN. THE OUAKUI.ia mAr vmaiNU. BUOUAMAN WILL AITBAR. TUB altBAf AOniH. MI.S8 VIROISIA, The ami Acier. UKB. OP TBNIOa HUB. UP VUnlOB. MBH. UP TkNIOR. HBB. UF TBNIO& aad UBBD UP, UBBD UP. VSBO UP, aa BHTLOOC. u PUHTIA. OOLDdrBbABT Tba poblle eoalloaa t» racaira Iheaa grmt arUaiB nightly, with ererr demanairallon el oellgbt and ap- proraL BeUiusUam la nohenaded. Tbey will anaaar en Ko dayandTaeeday Iwn 01 Ibelr best iraiedy and eemedy Bbaraolera TIIB TAMMANY. Tlild WdBIC NBW PROORAMMB. -'•""'"^"■teW&BmER. TOB MAbVBLLOUS O-HBABOOK, la bU weaderlol partorvawa enUUed . ■ . JUXBlBBOillOOH. "■•"*"*"'""'n'l{8"DBLI0ES, with uurtly ^'ZSj^-^^iSl^Si^^^ Pana Contlaued aucceea ot lha t^^^e oriental PaalaiMme, TIIE JAFANBaB PIDOLE' ON ONB BTBINO. tBSPOBSs ptAsnqna •• . . AMD TUB ...... , ONLmOUBlBBLtNDPtLD IBOAB^ITOBD'OOIIBAT, ^'KJSTll^by the Oreal FraaebArthrta, . iioNd. tbadobmont and MLLr lun tS rATBB, Tba Lof elleal Femed Lady In tu WoiM, .tE!!lf,'Hl''"'«.«»'"^''IH b) aniaga lhaabora WsoMir Itewill addraaa ihair ody saUnlieifAVent, . „ oib.tBALL, BtaieltanBgirHalinopallunHall, ^ wuhhigien, p. 0. XjINOENtS THBATBBl . . FOHr WAYNE, INDIANA. llBUKf LINDBN. Leaaea and Maaagar. CARD OP TMilNKS. Ij!i3^Wln°V'{.°'k'fjSj.'!°'"'''''"'''"'«>»'l«'»ybinlb.^ aaaeaiaiaa wno in ibe kuMaal nanaar rolaalArllv iaqiIumI ihMi. aarrlaea oe the oeiaaloa or my Ko5i on iif. Kih in^JS.! .1 IrnaU' Mlnalrel 11.11. I elaotooder my ihanks in Mr JttS!; n DoUn.oflheDobaon nrolbMs, "r ib?fialKma Siiw'crSIrelS meonlhatoecailon. Owloa loibo are»i .■^iZi*II.?J!.-^I^S.™ me al Uio Una ef :he prtMoWoo, .idwii SS?^^^ rteeliing ao oijalient an Inalroneel, I oej|« i-d to j7»7.f.S!i'i? pnblle'yra a I otherwise should boTo'doSi' NBUB bBYHOU|l I PANORAMA lop eALE CHEAP llBe<nee^BlaaleMh|Warti.h;eol. All oomplSilSillilE: runotig ordarijusi ibo thing lo go with a IMniKral orilSjSS TTonpe. ISHi'l ^ J. P. I.IBnY."Ji..'i'ffl!g"* CtyjDef OPERA HOUSE. MUBOATINB, lOffA. One ef tha heat Rs1ls la tbo s uia for OONOBKr, MINdtUBLand , / . . . _ • . _ TUEATRIOAl TR00PB3. Twoednrsnisnt Dresslnj Rseois. Bested with cbalra. wtiiae eoninodateonelbnuaanl neraaaia, Uall alsiy by saredty leal, wllh lallery en three aides. Foolllihla,aIlwaUllgbUd. Well warmed and renitlaiad. For r^nf toOrato;aiaeotertaloniealaon Ube/el leraa. .VorpartlcnUn itW Addnu L.iroi!Dit S'uvarr .Ajsvivxxt tour or the Blupendoua and lecamparmblo UAYBKLYiR kUNSTBELb AND BBA98 BAND. J. B. HAVBRLT.... ..Msnaier The irealF-lhloplan AnIlla, CHARLIE rETTINUILL and CntllUE RUVN0LD9, America's P.,Torlta Comedians, Tim ORLAT gUAHrtit. THE MATCHLRRB OROIIBSTRA, era now msblnsalrlampba] tour throngboal ihetinltcd Huih and Oanadaa M. L. Ti IWNHES D, 1 . smi' JAMBA IIAVBhLY, | taenia. JAMES TAYIXbR, nllAHPION O'lUIVUE OF ORBAT IRlrAIIf, UarIng o:ncluilod a moat aiKe«aaliil tour aillh llH. ALP. BUIIKBTf, rommenrea hta flrst Blarrinc Bneagomsnt al tha nOtTARO tTUBNiCUU, BliHfO.V P({b7jj. Maoaerraor Theatre.,eta.fled Mr.TAYLuHa great altracUon In ttn tale rDiortalnment oelwien ihe plerea. Tosaro line and liouble In arltlni—my loweai tanna are $100 per week, or will onnga en ahailns or bencfll Icnna. Bplcadid Llthogrmriba, Wood Outs, eta A OBALLENgE TO TMB U, 8. FOR (1,(00. JAMES rAVLOR will play In 11 eharatlan wllh aay arllsle la 10 Untied BlAlaafor Ihe boots earn, on ihefollowloa coadlUons. TUB MUKT OOHIOAL AND TIIUBHT TO NATURE. IsrlU depeallM.taOagalnslLIN'UARD'Btl,IMg and detyhlmlo ooupalafhrlbaiame^andwlll roalso poMesetonef Ihe Oaampton MHlel oronat Brtlalo, aloddad with 109 DlanMndSL 10 him, abonla he prore lha anitessfhl conpeutor. JAMBA TAYLOR. Address Howard aihenamm, Boston. dAll OAFD PHOTOGRAPHS. Lydia Thempeon, Ada Harland, Uaa Weber, Paullaa Harkhaos, AJ^US* ■ liiraisyiw Ii iS| nwv awmeaaMW, b^^v *>vwkb| a mwiiyv aBWIIVU, •ophle, Iraoe ud Joanle Womll, Ulla, Atlea Dnnalna, Bnaail Ualloa, ■ally High Bllloe, Boolsoll, Teeles, lRna,Uahelle,IMe. olaosas, Parapa SoUi HIsa Kellogg, Mra, Boon SIddoaa. U oenia eaahi It pardoaan. Impertat Pholtfrapke of the abore, alia, C>^ bFdKlnebes^ Stela aadi; $5 perdoxao. Nlaraoeooplel'ertraliTfawaofmeaief ihSBhore,aBd a nnmber af the Btuk t7rook and Wblia Pawn Daoces, BSpardotsa riewe. Baoi pastase paid on racelpt of prien by SAifa W. 0. WEmVbs, a AalerPlaea, W.T. JIO AND ClaOO BANOINO wrruouT a habter, A new ediltoo, enlarged, ud glvhig a belur esplansuon of slapa than any olbsrboobpubllihed. Beat lo uy eddreas on reealpl el Mcenla,by UBAR. BIBRMAN,I1(FranklinaTenao,BL LoutaMo. P. 8.-<noaSbeeaatgtapalr,sentloBUpar1aortheUnIladBUtee perespreae. 0. O. D. SA-I^ hnawiaaae-ef eaaueoallUea suae. Bar rets* la •aieaUy paweifal Mr* iaru aadiionasa, ma we only echo tha —a- pnhito suf'wj'JSr ■ aoancalltaaaLJatiK Riarofihearat nual nda" MaufstTS STu..'KABIME Agan, Fo. Id Mar •.^harteatown,M;it shanld sand to W. C WBMTBg, i Aalor Plaaa. B.T. ■ , BANJO, .no AND CTCOO X>AIT<V logianshl. OnroarlplotgilwIU send Ibraa wiillaa MaaaM v Ibe Bujo, Jlf,orOleg Oandag, wllh lall uplaaaao^ wblsli asa- T:7J^'7lR* nndesaioed . Addstaa JMuTioaAM, no Haasllon«lanalraeli N. Y. .. ,. v eMIPr BANJO. BOOAN'S ORZIA.^ S!2;S*J?.°'L''l!''?'J"? au OnMlaaa perrelmen on lba»,'l»- aunmnili wan«nlrd er auptrler lone aad tlalah, al ailtes'lMk bto npwardai alao,aTsrloiyoi Tleltau, nasiriliiii'n lliMiiailnM ri'sL'r"i5°t'^j"n"'S"?' *<i?aiipfic<.-^E3iHo35 "t"d't.';ik; .a,?; "itaf <;iRCrUB PROPERTY For Sal^. Pour pul boraes, named tkip, I'rlad. Kaseiipa and lUrana, irlck miifts,. no irick pony, on!|\audcbailoCooei>wr)T aneS. onellckol wagon aod clvreni^*^— -._r. Downlnr ^ " " sides, logn , ss,is,roprs, ckaloa, Inn gnlda ploa, die. madobylltllACo., Caatoid, N. ll. Tko Ittol wagon aad elCTSB haiage wasooa, alkbuiu by AbbaO> nlna A Co., Oonem), N. tl.; ISo«d leei lop eaoTU' aad , all aearly now, only uied lour w.*Kfc; one fonr lael dreea- oom, unras Ion and aidssi all cmke pelee, etta pelea i« ll^'Efl cSolha. aod . pelee, efda pel e^ tB Ponyeeu of bamaaB. pad saddlaa, Ian eaisy EitVTiiiNii coNRTrrcnNa a ciroos, eseopUngthoheggagoborsae. PorrurthflrpvUculara aptlyara* „. „ , AUOtftTISH OONm, . City neltl. M Braille slreel, Healoa< Mesa. pnla,Pa. MXJLaB. AXiBERTINA and Bosa bL Andley, daiaeuaes. Yonaiapanlenlarlytemealadl*. ferwanlrou without delay the ameaator money waadruead yam to Tl II VFasblngion, or pay lha aame te B. Bera, of tbe Ma n w u a l Itan Hall, la that cfty. Allead lo Ibla al onea and aara tmSm ■ Unable. ' THOMPeoB * BlOOa. Dramallo Again, dd-lf UIBmadway,Wewreet. ■ TO MANAOERS.—THB BTTR.- LBBQUBB OP FemaloU ibleTea, and Den Keynr Ba Ba aeoonlbraalq Addraaa TBuMPBON A BtOoCMI B-way.. I* WANTEB-aO Pint oloas Corp- pbeaa. Addrau TUOMPBON A RIoaB, »U Broadway. «W 500 MANUSCRIPTS aoil foreala. ForlbtaddreaaTBOMI'gOH k BI0OI,tUB'way. A NBW erUMP SPEECH. 'The Womu QneaUon." Maanaerlptaoplec 7(0. Addreaa ' dd-lt' H. P. NBTlLKIfiN, NewBarw, fUg, MXS8 aTENNZB BENSON. ChamplooOlodst, IrishCbaiacur Bloger ud I>anaer,snB ba • . 'I'f'llPli'fPiapwienla ITOBina Is» ef March. «Hl' TUOMPROtrnidag, Dimmalle Agents, tUB IBiaadway^' WANTED. A "poeleh'* in una Iret elau mieairal Ironpe, u pfeolo and flailai, wni play enare dram or laeoad B Oat eoraal In bnu tend. d«.U. Addma 0. W. HERBBBT, OllpnerOOca. WESTERN AIUSEUM OOHPANT. ALtBK 1 OARR Preprletora. Toadd 10 Ibe Btmcllonaorthlelntenetfniand popniar oolteetton otcurloailee, wosroprependlo nrgotlale for LIrlna OurloalUe., leb aa Burdad tPeman, Rkplelons. Dwsrfe, Ar. Aedreu eg-Sl. Maaara. ALLBN » OAKB, care W. Y. Clipper. NORTH ERS. TO CIRCUS MAN. wu. KKNNKO'., Oalehraled Olawa and Comic fltnier, ou be enaged for the earning trmTollBi seaaen by eddreaalng hlin at Hoedne, Coen. >Yr ACADEBCY OF BCUSICL ALBANY, K. Y. FOR lALB. Tba Und end Iberulneoflbe AOASBMT OF MD8I0, will be Hold at Pablle AueJfTn. al the Boaid or Tiade BoomsL At. haiiy, uo Fshroary J3d, al 11 o'dotk, M, Lot, n faet wide V US feet deep. Front and rear walls standing, and In good ooadltlea Terms cMy. SHI' MUSICI4I"e WANTED. ORB BFLAT OOBRBT.ooefllarlenet aad Iwo Preneb Hern Playera. MailbeoompelaolteplayclasalesJ mnale. Butalaweat ulary. Addiau OBO. A. PbORANOB, 40.11* Leader ef Oicbsstia, Opera Bonse, Bpiloglteld, 0. THE MASSEPPAu. BATE RA1HUND,wllbb.r Obampton Man, BLAOK BBII, togiilkrrw»bMa.O.B. OuLLIMB, aiwlatbelraaaoadwaek aliha OLYUPIO, BrtioklTB. Brooklyn laaV, Fab. •.-"Laalnlabl Ibera waa a aary fall be..., aUncladby Iba annDOBormm of Bala Raynwad, aa Maaaepa. Tba UA* w^au maqoalllcallens tor this Une of baalneeMn an asoruatre rsee, niu nuoded limbs sad a good Ogurc, wlib lalrble. tnooto ability. Uloe Rayaand does ool Uaneeead tbe limits af atrlet pnprlsly IB bereoetumr.uddid lb> psilleaaborwbackbis u well u we hare erer seen lldeoe. Bluk Beeeeoatsmed her part reiT creditably. lAlee Raymond wuadecUretyauppened by Mr. O S. Oellload Bnoktynlii|ilr,Feb. ld.-"Mue|ip>rhu prorrda great card bsra. Tbe IhMlrlal naBUa af Beakea eMms lo hare lallon on Eats Raj ^'■ "— — - ACADEMY OF MUSIC, RIOBHOND, VA., OPEN Vlin TUB REaBON. FinST CLASS PRnFOBMBRB, MALB AND FBHAU. ALWAVH WaNTISD. Addma J. 0. HEAD A CO., Pronrletora. OEO. H. MEHTLLE, Aellec and 6U a Maoager! «»J|. TO emeus MANAOERS_M. B, LEAVI rr, lha popular Clown and fierlo-Conlo VoeelliL an been geaed by responalbla msnagela fee tba cumlaa saaeon. Addreaa fell' OUei'BB OFPIOE. WANTED. Tbeaddnwef Ibe OUARIEY MUBItlB MINSTREL^ from Monday, tlieloib of February, to Monday, FebraarT ltd. by tbe Agent Oi LlllllARY BALL, dUl' Chicago. ACADEMV OF MUSIC, CLBTIILAND, (lUiO. THIS TBBATBB wUl ba raatad lorau Batartaiansala (eicept dramaiie) fran JUNBIRT TO BBPrBMBBB UTD. For psrUsulara, spply ta Ju UN A. EtULEB, JB., dMl' Msnaier, Olerelant Oblo. ODEON HAIJZ« BowIliiB Oreen, Ky. TblshaU buaUchatra In audllorliun andaealafbrtfo peiaoBS la sallrrlaa.. Tbo stage isBJ fsatbslweenpruecenlumasahu, O net between inoTaa,ds teat deep, flee eotrancee; fully aloeked wllb sconBry,gr«ettroom aod droaatog noma, eta Uaeagersand agents orcomjisolu wiablogto rem tbe abore bell will adurus em' HAOENBT A GBRABD. AgsnleaflldeonHsil SINOBSS JOi;RNAL,-8oioalhlDg H«w. 80 Bm» for two oinu. Rend > eania for ■anpiea. Ainu n3 TWO AMATEURS, a Ijaar Vo. coHsl and a Huslml IVr.oimor, wauled by o Trarullni Oomoaur aO'Hit Uie IslolApril, IMf. ' tiW |l. A. M UNSOH. Director, lUrerien, Coon. DO.DWOnTII nAUTj, SOO Brood. • ay, 11 IIKhT or LIIAHE for u Unu ot jeers. Apply oil tbcpregilaea IMl* SXOWE eSe NORTON'S WEiiToRN UIHOU;i < Will atari from Herrlen h'prlnga, NIch., onornhout MsyUulW. I'.nka wlililug locou niuDlasteaddrrta . ' ^ . JUUN BIOWE t 00,1 <(.|l> ,^ , Berrien dprlaas, BerrloB Oouaty, Mlebfgan. TO CIRCUS MANAGERS. OKuKUB UKIIIUUh, Equosirlan and Oanenl Peroraer, Isnew n-ady lo uoitlistu «tlb rui>.aslble parttea for tha season ol Idev. Adilrws UBOIlUE UEIIlOUil, WaihlasUn Ueuso, soil' UliealnBlsi, Phltsdalphls, Pa, TO MANA.OERS. N. ^ h'URTD, Ueoenl Agent, with ten Tasn* experlooce, can bo eoxaged. Oe. spooatble coDpanios can audreu "W ■ H.A.NORTU.QreenVillage,R.J. BUCKINOHAM STARS. Mutar BSNE3T DVOKISIIUAII, only S yoira of age nnd U techea hiih, tbe mm wondeifnt ehlldoomcdiao, comlo roesltal ud dancer In Ine werld. ' Master UDOAU nUOKIKQUAM.only 13 ytars of age, Iho 1 Ighly glned pisnlal. tlalhilel, ballad rooillil and asootr. ssabled by nMadjsmaANJiBTTA, tba beauuiul opera djuear: Bona. QUS. FBTUU, panlouilinlalnnd dancer, rilr. iVHU. BUUKINallAU. Iba Loodon comedhin and comlo mcal'al, wilt, al tha rcqucal of the genliy of Nnalirlllr, liTo Ibrlr SiQued anterlainmsnu al the UAduNII] HALL, on Wednesday, ob. irih. All ooaimuoloaUona to ba addreasod aa sbota uilii Inrlhor nolleo. ao.Il* THE aXtEAT JOHN HENRY OOOKE raiuins ihuks lo those msnaiers who kindly olThrad him and bis WIIOIEUILV llE.SUIErTAh eugsieustilo, sndboja to stale Ibal Ihnv are eeeurad or the lortbe.ailni Tonlhig " STONE, HUllHAYAUU. Sceean by Ifeasia. 4Ht« JUST A.'RRFVEO In tills oouutPy. Tbe Urest Lady Oymnaal, only 17 Yrsraokl, . , HENURIrA SEattlNll, In hsr slsrUlngperformanoe tn mld.slr ou the RIoela Rsr Trnpev, Atrial Drum Solo. Aa., ean ha oogeied, also UKItOtlLhS Uliuv, Ihu Ureal Oanaon Ball I'erlemcr and bla rutKb and Jodleo. <0.U* . Address U, LIBBY, Ullppsr Ollca. MAIN ST. OPERA TIOU«Ea ^ , Johnstown, I'fc Per rem by Ibe day or week ferorsielomlijsiileel enlerlalaments,aoaesr1SBnd twlorts. Ibla ueirbrlckwiildtegle now Bnlahedand BlUdnp In modem iiy'e. w lb piquet, dress ud family etiele, aiurprlnle bosu.aod will «ail,tWpanooo| haa a elanllslta, wHh earpel, suie larriltur.,<"l',',d,b".'d"IUhl nnirilrMelae noms, enoyiveniMiai"i" dw ejiulns ud bMI set 01 seeocrrea Bsul boioiM byb W. h**'T A Co., HI Broad. Sir. N. "Tf "nWwn'Solstiis fcAM InbsWunU. and Is e^^ed oaCberenasylTanls IUIlroad,7«mllii»slof rill.bur^^^ au., addreaa JUUN I'AltSel, ilea Ul. Joknilown, pa dO-ltl' UT MK. UAHRY RaVNUR. iBU WONDttllVg VIOrURELLIa. nOFElt'B URutfeA'l IJPBBA THtjUPB. NORA O'MIULiIOAN, Beat Irish end soegbsutd, la.being Inindaeed by eereral ff im besimlnelreluoupea Pnea SO oenis, Itae ofjposlsgn.. rablished ST J. u; wiIirrtfoRh A ooj ' ITOJeir. ere., Douolt, Mich. MR"* JVIARIE WiZJKINSa iai.oilValisck'aBodWtoteraar4ea,NowVort,lepreperedl rniershirieniiiaomonis wlui reaponsthto msoiiers, lor iruiii hiiilraorcniol'lwenMi. AddnuTlABleeoersT. n. Y. *w iperedlaaceepi - — Irsdiog nr.iir.m ^^^wmm iwu umv*^ _ snee anna r.zivx}RiNO m at llbcnyaoH lanbeaoeurad lorLBAPi.sO Buai.eEiiSby maneger « nraiol/.s Ihedtres, torldogor sMt agagamaata. ^■'iff,, lire 01C AraAoOea. ■ ■ f- CIRCUS WA430NS ^ aron BALE OUKAP. BollleapraHlylorlhe purpcae, .ni petnted. elided and Onlahod Muai to aorta Ihe builnsas; hero baw used but oae season and ire uoTrly u new. e/l In ordir and ready lor Iba road. Sla juiaea wasous, uar pels Itekclwacon, oaaadrantsloa waaoii.aeTeaaJaol SeuU. bsraess,and seals, jseU ud suing, eraiorahuodrei R»leaoroa, oil cpmplele aod oolir oa'doaeaea. aon, wttlheeoldeliHpror ciah. Apply to A. W, UOWB, Lowell, Ilua' or lo S!" TILLUMU.'I, IH Enwrns St., N. Y. «" THB PETER HONTZ FAMII.Y. Msnaaxra Inararekor nerellleecao engaee MB. P. 11. SCAMON, Iba VBTrnilUHJUO'T, aad I-KTEIt llllNIZ PBHFllUluTi, wbteb an out ilrairell I'UNOII AKU JURY HHtlWd. WlirtraTel wllb a reiponalblA oooeeni, or ooa.i|o wllb Oral risss Cuoert Ualle. MB, SK.IBii{< te piai«red 10 .flgsra as Ulown, Comlo VoosUal aad side Hbew, vllb a good, nspooslblo Olrcoseompaoy. Address P.Ii.BEAlIuN.Acilnfanddiegallaugar, upeim llouss, M. Joseph, Uo. HARRY CUL-^FORD AB "PBrElt VllN'BUHNSLk" BUWPBYTfltATHlf. anaimm ,<:n:jiFFORD A9 LUOT TUN VQUUUAlf, ., ^ - ■ BUWBHV TUkATUB.'- Wlj^i' AI^EXAiNDER FITZOB, LaidliigaudUbtrular Aelor, Uaoagara pieaia addieu > , <Mi* . ttJPAMLtiB, B'fay, or^lMFaiitfaiilWsitil.' ' ' '■ '■ •, . • .. ,V. - ,'0>v tlir METBOPOUTAN "^t.t. aan TABIBTT TBBATBB, f ABHIKOTON, D. 0. iPeta Finprlalac — — B.IIEKII5.. GEO. L. BALL TbaUnI; ' Popolar of ukno^ _ , Wuied imaedlaialT eliat gi<d dansansea MnetbaathraaUna good drtaaeia. Addreaa uabera. «.Ii« lly UolUmalo VerletyTntalntn tka Dtalrlal. fiaPaSplSk Haoil. Orowdcd nIgbUy by doUgblsd eudlueaa AmU* iwiidgad abilllycan atiraya fladiaanulTa enMomm^ SPORTINQ ADVERTISEMENTSi AI. Beaoli Has renoTsd Irom Obeslnnt Rtnet to Na < SOUTH BIBHI hTREBT, r BILAOBIPUU, and (i now arefand to aaiaiy olehe and tedlrldule wRb flaie Balls. Bala, and all anistu la that Una. ndlan Ctuba—Orwuel ImplemHI^-BesIng Olom;. Pom llalla aod Bporllng Coeds M sll kinds. ORDBRd l-UNCTUALLV A1TBP0E0 TO. Klno'a Brewers' SbadM, SdJWsatPoily.L.. Bhuflla Beard and oTcry erutoi till I ^ , Ao. MondayeTenlnp,aslealHana«nI«M«eUa(a' Ajoaotlos. ' ''^' VbeU, ehib. a 11, WhllabaD, saaU moa.r. Bl lha aMaauMlsbntnl of 4(.if " • WhllabaD, saalaUls Bfw •oatt'and'neea tm auMlabntnlof BTBPBBS BOUnH l(o.MBonibat.anAn(lbat.aEdBailamBlT«. ~ MISCELLANEOUS. >ICnA(fDIURBB0OS8l CARTES It DldH AMD RARE BOOKS, Osnai da TUts, Tn Iv ricb aaapb Oarle^ to omta. or eeren for IL if&nZZ .Charma, Knlrash BJnpeS Own Otwe!; suHciJSS^ISS Oaulagoa .0 tha eld '•»^>^,SgfiSjl^, n Baaaan aiiaet. Baw Tasfc'. ■ H dress . Jaoka) « "mlSfoilKlifNA,'™ 9.AS5?.. Brt^_BDipr mathodolWINNTNa al Carda. Dlea,AA,anl FBUL aZ. or call al oar WboWlaaadlUiZr BtanialnTua^ OBAWFORD A DiTlOjbfi: " MoL aJohnsueet. New Tmb CBr. A FOBTUKB OP 110,000 l-.'oBBleaetMfraa DAJlit A OOi, Aganta wanlsdarsrywhera. BoBioesB cu be dona Inloera or a Addieae ■ da.It* IW Fallen atrael, Ke» Tast. 1(»0JPr?*V"*^'' PHOTOORAPHB WWBllslrae1,lf.r. ■pAnO nEATEN I FABO UEATRN II C0«Ir!H¥Sl!S'<S7iifeSff,'fJ' Playtaj IbaFUBNOB cuHoinATjiiN OF NUHBEUd. Fjsty aoaseouUra whuuii aB« - i?!li";."r.'h"r»' ,br breaking WlSK"S^nTll« !»' ■nl, alirera le the pUyer'e fhrar. ^ Prtnud datnouoae At t^^lj^^^fjM by man, ca •« P.O. BoVBLObteaae, rt AUK FOWLS FOB SALE. STEnEOBOOFIO Piotorai aad CBrtsa da.Tlalle. „ lAleatireTOeutlona, Also, Haw BooU aad Sporiini / ernd lor Oinulu. JUUNBUN Vou., 17 A«asl.,KswTorl:.- (IMUAL CLOaiNU OUT bAL^ 0KLa1UIKU» |. Francb Imporud riieraoeeopla Boiae, neh,'gl ai Praaeb. .in and aobred elewe, per dnien, UMIcioaeople I'bis chatms, psr doaen, 13 and K; Ml Bnchiaa f.altlaocii with atamr ' '■W.'S*'' . . J. H. MORROW. U-Ul* MIcreacople Btodlo. Ola Broadway, New Tort p^ IN cula, prM o«au, Hailed'fiee or price of OBO er Bit, to '_poetefa oa i rA.lTsAD.-, OABuIll,*. r. raiUE WOKDEllKUl.CIIINJidi: JOKB WOKHS.-IW , X mostoenplole thiog ererl^rrnted forploytoa a piaaUealjebef tte. per boa, mat paid. II. J. CAMrBBLLAOt).,WtadaretdMa> DO.V'T HEAD THIS."« , fs^ spifloflld Fulio Measlscbcs that eaunot be loldftow :' natural ones, 70 conu: osim Ooe, $1. Olra eolor detfraC 0* BeeHUn}l"(lro>de Walebca'i only flO oseb. Bar AdTUbsa TlaylDgOanKSI Uperpeek. n-llegte Tnek Ouds, Masal^ Mch. A* Maaio f bel^sniplia, Js oeotc a pachaM.. aoK Besa Oroids Veil i;bat a, irom Bt to fi weh. ggi^raldaJewelfy ratrarltiy. AddresaU.roxACO.,MTarleksUeel,l(ew ' IT- dHlf JULIA, OR TDK MYBTGRIES OF A CONVBBT. ny msl), al cants. Address l«.|i< TAVLOR A CO., M North lib street, PblU, Ifc \riNUM ua L-ENOIlOB, tha OoBnUfal ABpial* .Il France, with BneauiirulBainTlngT,Ucauta. Addresa S O.ll* TAYLOR A 00., NoTVl Norlj Mb eliael, PhllaTffc HUNTBR'B GUIDE" AND TnAPPBRTS OCW- rANIUN.-New Edition, Rerlssd, Babnsd. m Bav. ('qtar bpanoled banner." hj urn of the Bplrodld EoirBTtar, "PAL. OIVEN AWAY arary week. A M BagraTlag and eotumn '*Lsd«sr'i sise peprr a waelo year lor ou ieoey refUBded toall notaatlaOed. Bngrastti eeni on Abas KHHkAa Aan^H tm aL* 110^ ' ^' """^ K^a.'>aL*^.'!P^'^J^ PoirtTlor. "PAST A3t9 F tTTOy ^v; DiiiBDnb#r nffaptr. Hon fi ibt k irk(^ yi STEBEOBCOFIO Tlctares tod CittAi d»*: UieeiImperuilana. Alao,HewBeohe twt - ■ ^' Bend fv Olnnlsr. JOBKBObT itl!! nABClfta(.'BawTai>. . HOW TO DBTBOTFTmHf .OIL OR FODOK InUiiaere. Oaa cany lt:nH nakat'hOMaaaiMt*'' miypenon wko ^ncbta. Iu» ti^oSutti^^JSltlSi iJeenfi AddnaaBoa 14,PagtDepoeiirMBStlanf JLa . Of-LONQ OP WHIBKITFOR*!." K« Jj!:Z.y.'"ai„ga,*^ »^ l«w «n» "»i* •»dd~ BjiJ*. ■ Pert Depoeii, '^W><^W'HlNlVaXP09En."-AitoandlD( Di*!- TT cloiyttba. .8a(d.l4D0uU loBoaUrortOepoalE'' ' ' niNO llBir.-ThaBploB efLiroi Fob)! l)iMe» '(7iJt9V>fj fleiaOaUlumaafBoekPhi J. BAWVMW, to Ann al..lto lha mim mm mm^ 'y. 10 iiii , nlam malt, Ibr oaltlB aMU I' , II' Aeo, a pewerital MIereaaope kflti mriirM Hal ol Jllesvoeeple u'raa. in>rM Hal ol Mtosneeaplc Ca'Taa . tr. Ae. Iroip Ohariu arntalniaf . aeausaeb. AddreMlk..a^^BTJ[B|rj|Iei