New York Clipper (Feb 1869)

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XkUtoT and. Proprietor*) NEW YORE, BATURr)-A.Y, 27, 1869. OB, DerTeloelpedar. ■mm warn m *n iot« wrm, BT OCi PBILLIP3. ItTUHtwTau'iiUdtUiouiddgtan BfwT panoD, tboTd nni diU, ' Tu Mola ronnd f od bonjo do hoof 6 Wot do niXt dol New Tew't otll, Und ofendiig ni lifel/ fj Uad »ll m fmllo tat, ■ Vnd Hint ni In dot nT dot eomM joo dook ■ graa dwl Tine, Osd TOO den Tu dol ni oad dot di^ Hese ume Tee Uiker fireet, Vod beee Tolgtat TU e haoert ud dlrtj ponne Oct It In hw eleeUiife feeU- Id tin 01 halgbd lie tu not qwlta talgk. Be Toa onef bont dree foot deo, ' BnddetnioneouthtttMeiToibnte Uod ht hat dtr Crtolia Bend. Till Wktj TU ond dot New Tetr't iij tfekta tyTtrltl otUi, Tat of eouio Tit pnddln tTtj tome oiku Aloi( mitioma Cordlil Dellt— Ond be ni fatUn etaul at Boa Aa a (Itii bor mil a bnllT tie, Vod be klod ox dooght dot he tu den Bond elefen oi ilghd feet Ugh. Set Hiker be bit e Qennu frend. Dot leafed la dor Bowerr ibtread. He Tit BodiT-cIerk In a Berbtr't ihtaro Und ha owned aTarlonajpfde— So Mlkef hedloked nlHn baia mind Dot baM go atv beta rnnd. Cad %na ba Tant nil an Ui mighd Dnd ail baia Cretan Bond. He fonnd beu tieid hit ehott gone ond, Bod TOod be beek In a boor ordxae. So be alt hlB down gloeo bj der ttofa Lm will coma u dot can bt. Along bj d«r itofa. In dar nine nnd Tirm BofdotUUeTBiMl, Tib all ofa anddand he hippan do look Und bo tee dot Terlomipedt. Ton tea der Sbop na iidder thmtll. If lahthmtUei deader BenI, Uod da gtf dar Yailotitnada pltndr of room Dot antood it op on der end, Vtd llike doogbd U wm a Blaaore^grlnd Dnd ha layi to der Barbat'e tUo:— "Ofjnn bleate can I ate dol muheeni" "I Tood Uke to mike ahttp mj knife." Dnd der Birbar't bojbt laff«d ond Iond~ Hike TU der ctataeit be afer hit uad— . Did he eajt (and heat noieTntnUnltklnke): "Tt dou a Terlouneda." -AVerr ■ ■ - vertonin^e I on tit la dot t" Dot Hiker BreetnpUad— a Ttrlonijprdt dota a dwo-Teeled out" 'Tor a ptreon do dook arlda." *VoTa'panoo do doak a rllo-Tall, TiU," •Und bowdoaadotgo, mltahtaam?" "Vo, no, joa nak di4mlt jonr feet "Ohnet Uke a Bewlng aaibeen." *^ell, I aerv ate loaedlng like dol before," "Sj Otaihu I an a dnsoa," trait dook It and bj ds tent of dar ehtoia" "Und kladof ibpladolToaM.". Bo dey dook It ond on der Itrel Tilk Do dar bOT fol u dar tail, Uod bain a Terlonijpeder He Tent lalUn down der ihtKet; Uod Mlkejbeooodent mike dot ani Hovderboyeangoio ihmirt— Dan der boygotoOaad Hike ehunped on For do drf dot dwo-Tooled cart. Uad der boj he glf him a awful bnib, TTnd der Tcela Teat ihplnnln round, Uad Hiker dompad face eler head Und lanUd on der eronnd. He ebtaBMd hie noM on a big carbthlona Ai be reU ond of beat blioe, Und beta noea dotgreoked Ifte a leedle gnn Vnd ba brake In ul heae fica. Uod der Terloatntdt dot keeped ride on DUlUgoldoder OeidcalBark, Tela dwe boleeamiat dook 11 In for betn ond atder dark— Uid der Orowaar be aome nad aat on Hike Dnd derObarxder dit diolde' "Dot be didn'l tut go balinoa, eanea Beaa Hnmp dot Tia all Ton ilde." Uid der Berber he rant nnd etlled beaa leaae Uod der pUneie dot Tent do Titta, Uad now heae in Bj-mera1r ebiraet A naUn dot Ohew-ekaw bitta— Uad der big feet bej dot glf der bnib Bon of nit dar Birhar'a Tlfe. Deo oBt taiea droat from bit ear to beee eje Hit der Buber'a bait ehaTlag knife. THE GAMBLER'S ORPHAN; 01, THE HOPE OF TITENTT TEABS. By the Author of "Sho Would bean Aotreia." cniPTBR XTII. A BOiBOVID IKOet. "Ye'll no net ;et, ilr, wbtt I'm drlTlog at, miTbt," lald Danun, afltr spiusti "bat I'll eoon tell ]o?' "Indeed I don't, id; good Irlend, or what Interest 700 can uke In me or mj nork," "A great one,' air—lb« Interest tbat'i a' galbend reand the graft 0' soe dearer than a' the varld to me. Ye onl; heard the hleaei, ;o ibt; I with ye oould hae heard cor appliius, and teen the lean that fell frae mf wire'i eon, I have its boos her thed odj before for men; t long year," "IT I could baTe kooTrn that there was onl; oiu Id all Ihtt dreadful, dlaipproTlng orowd to wboee heart tbo glory I toll in the pliy wont homj, it would biTo taken offaouio of the bltlernest," lald Eageno, BpeaUng belf to blmaeir: "but I etood alone—a mark ror all their Jeen, all tnelr eooSaa diupprobatlon," "There wot Mlu Alice, Un. Stanley I ebonld aay, forbye na," Danoan retained, "Bbe waa with ye, ilr, heart and bouI, I didna lee her there, but I saw her after, and her bonnj eea were a' red wP the teart ahe bad abed." "Aye, tbo it always good, alvaya kind; but go on, Danoan, go on." "Weol,ilr, ye mini the aoene In the play where the deoln' balm aeadi in fallber to the garden to fotoh It a wee bit poey that It nay feel the amell 0' the roaea afore Itganga awa." "Romember. Aye, I thought that would hare touched them, it touched me to write it; but I was wrong, Dunoao, I woa wtodi, it was loo natoral; a horrible morder In a flilhy den, or a loene from the heathoa mythology, wbeie ahameleBa women oould hare ihown tbemBelT«a aa nearly naked as the police rgalatloni would peroiU, would baTS pleated tlie re- flned audlonco ruaoh bettor. Bab I It'a alokening to think of it." "You're wrong, Ur. Duboli, and time will show that yo arc, Weel, thatiotne touched oorTora hearts, for tbo aame words ea your pen put intao the boanlo mou 0' thit little player ohild wore snco spokoa to me by my ala deela' htrm." Duncan's face twHobod as he spoke, and he drew the aleoTo of bis ocat aoross bis eyes before be went pn. " Yo Boe me and my mbali growing aald oor lane," he said; "but there was a Ume when oor ailent hcuae echoed wl' the tonad o' a baim'a pattering feet and ilgblAcme Doloe, and at night by the ingle lenk there sat a bonniowoe erettoe wl'tolden bit and htlgbt blue con. She oor onl» ah*. ProTldeasatawfllto gio US noe nsir, andtt) o^y tbtdi (hat hu bnt afia thai onn tell how we bW dn Uttts Jeante. Ton'U ken aomolhing o» OOTJoTe, ,llr, Daboia, when yon look at your bonnio bo|> t" • • ■ Eugene sighed Hi he tliooght of llUle BUnley, Ths loTC that he eiw betmloi out of CTery liaeament of this poor nrieiier't foot whsa he spoke of ble diad ehlld lived bjl In Ua heart for hit only son. He wot proud ef btm, and In bis way ho lored bira, bnt not with a lore Uke tUi. Wild amhIUon flnt, and biller aid scenfaldUappointment aflsrwarde,had taken the place of (he natirtl affeotion which he'shoald bare Riyen to those dependent open bln.-aod Dunotn's words woke hJm to a seme of it. He did not speak, aid the gardener weal oa:— "Bit liwMna the wall o' HesTen (hat we thoald keep oor treatore. I'fe oftea thought sln' tbat tine that the wasia con at a'* hot list an* 0' a6d's kagels' that ko'd lent at for a wee .while to Brighteo oor htne and mak' oor path through life matr pleasant. EHiit wssnairllkt an aiget tbtn osytbl^ 'beloBglig to earth, aid the tins oanidl Ikit when Ee who gSTS oer wanted hia alD agalo, aud ahe.w.ent.. liwas a sair HBe for SB," Doaoan wtnt 00, diawlbf U* hand ODoe ■oreaerosahlssyts. "Wk hoped and beped on, Me- ns her ays see calm and mpr, for ahe dCjU edem to *™r. HwuJaatafsdbgSiio'thlswoTldUMghten / 1 ^ ii the tbe next, ose molr; and It was sae gradoal that we eonidna see the steps she made towards tbe grave. At length it oame. One einny aammei's day, when the rosei were Id foil bloom, and the tun was sblDlng 0DdlbebirdislDa1ng,and ererr breath 0' tbe sweet tirthat came in through tbe window wat losded wl' the soento'a'the flowers oatiilde,efl though tbe sum- mer brcetes wsre happy spirlle waltlofta bear her In- noocDt seal awa' to Its properhsme. We'dbeeo beside her a' the nioht—her mother and I, for we oonld fsel that the end was near; she'd been sleeping a guld bit, and In tbe mcning, about eleven o'clook or tbereahouts, sHe wsked up, bright aud dear. 'It's almost good-bye now,father,'aaya ahe,looking onto'tbe window at tboDgh the tsw afar olT the new oonntrr the waa going to. We could only 017 aid klat her. Wo were In tore Srlef; bnt abe wu happy. Then the lay tllll a long nt, andaflerabltuestarlBupallttle and looka at me:—'Fallber,' abe lays In her pretty voice, that I ahbnid to soon besr nae malr. 'what la It, my dar- ling t' 'Oas down to tbe garden and pa' me a flower.' ehe lays, Juit is ths bslrn in tbe play did, 'and bring it here for ne to tee; I thall never tee anllher 1' Ibli warld.' I went and pn'd the fliestandiweetestl conld flid, and took them to her wet with my tears. 8bo loohit at them, and tniell them, and savs—'Fallber, dear. Is tbe dew nsesff them yet t' Then she saw what tbe dew wat, and drew me down to kiss hrr, 'Kits me too, mllber,' says she, 'and perhaps Ood Almlgbty'II let ne come back again snd comfort you sometime; wbakens" "Naebody kegs, Mr. Dubois ; but oony a time when ws've felt comforted in oor loneilDess, it has seemed to n< u though the little angel spirit Ibsl we cse'd oor Jesnie for 10 short a time wai hovering near nt and potting comfortable tbooghle Into our hearts. Weel, abe died; those flowers were tbe litt she ever did tee, and thev lay on her pillow when this world's light died out 0' her eei in tbe ihadow 0' tbe vnlloy wblob ban the pattige to tbe next, and wo pat them In ber eolBa, Ye csn gnett end feel now what il was to my wife and me to alt and toe what ynnr play sbowed us, I tell yoi we cried like twa babies, and wben we went bame Elsie and me could dae nought bot speak o'l, 'Ifeol.'aaye she,'ss though yon man hid Just raited an everlatllag monument to oor dor- llig'i memory. I'd like to do eomelhing for him Id our doid ohlld's namo.' 'Wecl.' styi I, 'I'll think o't, Eltle, and If I can dae ony thing for blm, for bit pulr, ailing wife, or bis wee bit balm;' and ite I cam' here." "Bot yen can do nothing, my good fHends," Eugene broke In, thorongbly touched bv Duncan's ttcry. "I tbink you for what you bare said to me. If ever an hcneit man'e words coald wake up 0 slraggling iplrit Into freib energy, yonn will mine, Yoa have made mo feel that tbe world Ig not all heurtleat, since yon bsre shown me that true appreciation you have for my bomhte elTorts. Ton are very kind, and I tbank yoa bearlliy; but at lor helping ne.yon ctnootdo that, I must try ind extrlcite myeelf from tbe dlfflcul- tiei that have oome upon me the belt way I oan—God knowi how." I beg your pardon, sir; I tbink I bse done some- thing, and I hope In a wav that'll nae olftnd ye when ye come to think it ower. It wet my wire's plan; sho'e a wire held, has my Eltle; and tbe doctor toldber that reit 0' mind wad dae malr for yonr lady than even reat o' body, and wt baiUi thoobt that ahe donlda* bae mookle 0' that, wl' tradesmen coming oontinually splering for yon, and making their bnslisas pnblio property, and a aervant lass ganging here and there abool tne village boattlng 0' her fidelity tae ber mis- tress when the got nietbhig for It (ebe'll nae dae that again, I'm thinklu); and tae, sir, me and my wife re- tolved to try, for the take 0' our deed bilra, to mak' tblnn a wee bit amootb for ye." Bat I do not nnderetand,'' said Engene, In bewll- denneat. "I caunot accept help from you, Dnnoin : It would be a raeoally thing on my part under pretent ciroamatancei. What do yoa mean r" "I're eometblng here aa'll tell >°c, eir; yeneednabe feired 0' ony one keinlng aught aboot it. Tve dune a' la your name, ne ye'll And. Tak' tbit woe bundle 0' papers, and tbink they are a girt from tbe dead and gone balm, whole memory von reeilled lae pleaaantly, Ul tbe pnir wife up stous and tbe bonny boy out yonder. . « He thruil the roll of bills into Eageoe'i hands and wentoB ahraptly wltbout another word. Tbe door bad closed btblnd blm, eod be had reached Ue garden gate beloie the master of Fairi Tillt bad recovered fiom hit eirpriie tufflclentlv to look at what he held, aid wben he did hIa utonlsbment knew no bonods. Be- celpted bills IVom bis trsdeimen aid paid by Duncan VShee 1 Hit flrtt Impulta wat one of bitter mortlBoa- lloa and rsge; but when be came to oonslder calmlv, and to remember the old man's maiier wben speak- ln|, be oould not attribute tbe generous act to ooy bat the astuai motive which prompted it—a desire to terve biDi. "Ho shall be paid," be murmured, as be looked over the bills and fonnd no trace of Duncan's Interference among tbem—"paid, noble heart, if I work my life away to do lU" Every account wes endorsed "Ilecolvod of Mr. Dubois," and Eugene icon felt tbe fact that the help Ing hand and heart wbicb bad atepped In between him and the tmdospcoplo's tbreotsbad gone about their mlislon with tact and delicacy. The abopkeepers called for orders,|n many oasea with apologies lor hav- ing aent In their email acccnnte, and once more be held op bis held among bis fellows, at least before all bat Doncao M'Sbee. Uo could not meet tbe man who had helped him with the iplrit of one of Datura's noblemen wluiout ebame and bumillatlon, knowing that the re- atorsd osmfort of bta home, the attention of bit servant and tbe brigbler looks ofbltvrife and child were all due to the aid of this bumble gardener. He ftncled that every one could retd bit secret, and be took to writing ftarloaaly In tbe hope that be would nroduoe sometblDg whioh would bit tbe taste of (he punllo end repay him for the montbt of miicry he had gone through tlnce he had ciated to keep bit Pegaius In tufllolent hameit. But bis eirotls lacked snirit and hit eaccess was bat small. ' What seemed lively tketcbcs aid brilllaut aatiret In US. proved, when read, onlr bitter sarcasms and pointed personalities, snd more than ose reviewer advised blm to give up authorship, atleist for a time, and try whether resUog on his oars would not give hm Clergies for fresh work, "Rest on my oars," be uid bitterly, after reading one of these, ''while the gratsgrows, eto. How esiy it lie rstsed bis wbils drawn face, and answered neohanieoliy:—"Yei, my Lord. I—I—beg your par' don." "It le not my lord," the returned. In a pitylog tone; "It is I—Mrs. Btaaley—Alice. I oame to tell von how Sony we are, aud to ste If we could do aiyulng for yoa. Qlva ne yonr little boy, and let me keep him for a few days till yon sre setllod again." "Betlledl" he exolalmed.wilh a fierce laugh; "when f where t I beg yonr pardon, Un. BUnleT, yon asked fur the boy. Take Urn, snd welcome; take him, and welcome," "lam sorry (0 see yoa like this," she said, drawing tbe frightened obildlowards bsr; "very sorry." "Thank yon," he lald hastily, boforo ibe oould say any more. "Sorrow Is essliy expressed from the lips— more eatiiy, s great deal, than from tbe heart." "Bnt we feel It—we do not only speak It—believe ne, wedo." "Wei Who? Tou do, for you are an angel, and aogoli can pity eufleriiig hunanlly, bnt they cannot feel. Uy lord with bis pride, and the other—be who hii ever looked, of all men, the coldest en my'bsst olTartA—be who might have cheered, bnt only seamed; who, when one gaotle line of friendly aaj Jodlolons pralie would have neiped and Inspired me to fMah ex- ertlont, only bald me up to pnblio ridlcale, and made tbe anonymous pagea of a nswspaper lbs masked bat- tery from behind the hiendly hhelter of whieb he oould shoot bis snows to mj hssri In fonsled ssourlty. But / knew—I recognised the/r<endly band that aimed (be shaft, and Its point baa ranklsd here to drive me mad -madi" "What do you mean—of whom do you epeakT" cried Alloc, In honor at bit wild words and wilder loola. "I do not undirstaid you." "Ferbani not; bnt you shall. The man who did this WIS your nutband, my friend, (}erald Stanley-be who stole you from ne-OT love to all eternity—my wife tbatenoald havebeent" Terrified almost to fainting at hIa glaring looks and vehement actions, Alice looked round for toTit way to cuape, bat bs seiied ber hsnd ore she oonld make a step toward! the door, "Yoi ond I need never part now. Alios," be said. In a low.bltslng wbUper thst obilled ber verv blood, "We'll die, as evorytbrng does on earth. Bfa'i dead, Ihe laurel tree Is withering, snd we'll have our tum. You don't love Aim—yon can't; It was never meant you should. Bit we'll begin life sgain In another world—the otornity that parsoBS rave abont, and vcu sbtll be mlae, all nine, and the pain and the walliog nnd the losging shall be his forever and ever." He was drawing' ber iloiny but surely closer to him as he spoke thus wildly, and tbe felt botn ttreogtb and courage going. Bhe oared not scresm leit she should drive him to some deiperatt act, and she strove In Tain to still the treuibllng that shook every limb. He (kit her sbaking, and threw hla arm round liar waist, hold- ing her eoOgbtly that she could scarcely breathe, and went on speaking Ui the terribly nuDatural lone that wu 00 dreadful to bear. "Have no fear, my darling—It would lie only a moment—liut ODD little aeoond, and then bllia beyond SOXk SMJL'l'U, Vetonm Actor and Mnimger. For Biographical Sketch Bta another column. Is to talk when nothing la known." CHAPTER XTUI. na siOBiTiir. ,.„ _ _ FLoaanoi, Dceimber ii, IS—. ' puB DoBoia.—Aolboriud br my filbar, ud loill- IB edUubj AUee, leocamorawilletoyea. Wehtte baud —BO mSlUr how—or how affiln ira gotog with yoo, aod wo data ooemoiangieatloD to offer jo« to help to mead them. WlllnnMelhepealarUbisiUn aid eeeiatur to Uid BL AabynT Wa su eeltle tami whea wa latum, aad too can enter opoB tbedatlu or Ibe eiloilloo atoocr. I feaey It will ba work niltad t« |rou, aid Ibe llbian at BUdIct Hope ni\f wiatiahudllkeTooiatapBtlt In order. We OBl;a eouat opoB you Bceeptaaoa of Ihe offer, and tberafoie enetoie a r^l'n "'"V- Drop me a Ihieper ittara to Ifie PilU Hour and letot know bow Mario la Wa eioeot to laloro la Hartb. A lee U beglBolig to long (n get brni(,and w. may hare ntar atiih to ate to whan we aril^. My wife eat mother both dMlrelo be itmtmbaied to Uirie. and Sir Bireai, "•".'•lefo'eijoe Joit now nakei parlieiitir in- qulrlii altar the boy. I think bo would like to ulopt Um, and yoinkihtdowonatbulat blm'bive kUwbIm: beta riob ""Ti'^; '■aaaiLD eiTiHLiv." "E. Doboll, B«|., Fairy VlUe." ThIt loUer was pot Into Engeno'ihaid as be eat by thobodildeofblidving wife—for dying she undonbt> ediy wee now—and ho read it to her. '■What shall I do?" ho aiked. "Sol Oh, take !(; it will be bread for you and the boy, and I shall not mind—I will not mind, dear Engeie. * am df lag, and It will not matter to me," J'YoawTU notmlndl What do yon moan, Uatlel" ■■I will not mild yoir going there, to the houae where •At Uvea. Ton lovs bar, and yoi enlv pity nie." '"Hy dear Hails, what bit potsicha thing in yonr hiadi" "Tenrself. I heard yon tell ber that voir love was hers—only' beift aid/that I—ob, Gotf forglvemel I hated ber tbtt night, tfoodu As bos betn to me) she ooull not help it—pitfhaps yon coiid neU' I. am glad I im dying; yoiwIlOnct long be troabted wllb your tuloved wife." V ■ . ^ . i --l He oould lay oolhibi to aefUn her grief: tbe bad Been and boBril for hcrAelf, and tbo itiig was too dospljr plinled (0 be nprootedcstlly. lie oould only slrlve/o show his ronontanec by even altenllon to her wlAes-every little thing ttiat he thonibt would pleaaelbor; aid Uarlo would emile and thank him, but whkd ihe wis aloni ths wonid cltip ber boy, snd wasp ofirhlmpasdoiitoly, wlibing they ooold die together ' —i-i-— where sorrow soul took (he oirered poi Hope prepared to ■psdUoB, and evet "They were su loh," be gdld blr How sbsll I besr their palrooage-thelr losolsnt oon- deacenslon r I trust they'll give me tome time to ny- eelf—tome place where I oan now end then be alone." ■M' }V "Jnwbscks snd diuoraforls of bis posiUon existed In bbDself; kb mind was warned and anstrang, and he conld see good in nothing. When the faDlllei returned, and hs was Irested with the old cordiality, be wu cold and stlfi, snd (bey were hurt, and oeued to make any overUres. Oatalde the bouse II woe cor renUy reported that he was goiiit, what the vjl- logon called, "wrong In his bead." Lie demeanor obangad so much. Lord Bt. Anbvn had ne reaioi to And fault with the oaBBer iu which be performed his duties, and treated blm with proper ocurt«8y,thongb with a alight degree of hauteur, evoked by the new eeoretary'a own atlff aid abseat manner. Oersld nnly visited the library or met hie former friend, and wben be did only gave blm a passhig greeting. Alice was sb gentle snd ss Uaduerer. Her lovely, girlieb face snd manner bad taken tbe allghtlv ohuiened tinge which marks the change from a girl (0 a woman; bot she looked Inex- pressibly happy, and her very happiiess was a soarco of misery U the wretched, self-tortured Eugene. He went moodily backward and forward, day after day, till at length Lord St. Aubvo, who seldom neiloed blm ex- cept on mstten of Dusloess, remarked upon tbe change In him to Qerald. "I do believe be bus ridden ble PegoBris till it hss fslrly bolted with blm ; I shouldn't be surprised st bis going crazy. Poor fellow, he wis a fine lad, loo." "I haven't patience with bin," Qerald replied, ae lu- deed he bad not. "He has brought all bis troubles on blmaeir. Look at hIa neglected home; look at that fins boyutterly lost for want of proper care; at his wife, poor soul." "Ob, he won't be troubled wllb bsr long. Uaybe her death will rouse blm Into a aonte of duty to hit obiid and the reat of ths world; however, it's no busi- ness of ours as long u be dost bit work here." "But be doein't do It. I ctugbt blm scribbling poetry yesterday. Bab I itwumon like ths raring of a nanlao than anything else, tad he looked as be- wildered over It u a luiatlo, aud niondered outsome- thing about rav having broken the thread. What busl- neu nad be with any threads of rhyme or rohblsb when be ought to have been abont bis workt" "Yoo sre bsrd upon your old Irlend, my hoy." "Hard I Ob,lf you only knew. Bnt I don't want to do him harm. Only let blm keep to bis place; that's ell." r I • "Kiswwbstt" "SomothlngI ones saw and besrd. I don't want tb to aay or think III of Engene; but I can't forget It. Yoa don't undentand, father. Sometime I will explain all; tell yoa svsrythlog." Lord SL Anbyn wu pnzzlod, but be did not preu Qerald'a oonfidenoe. Ue left It to time. But the knowledge of bis eon's ooncoalsd enmity towards tbe man bs once regarded with such worm frieudshtn acted upon blm and made blm colder than ever towards Eu- gene. Ths teoretary mide no move towardi any re- newal of hit former rooting In the family. He seemed deilroni to ba entirely a lervtnt, tad nothing more. He attended to bit duties with sorupalcus rsgularltv, never mlising a moment or shirking any of his work. Yet, with all this, ht was not a ttlliractory secretary, bis temper wu unequal and anoertain and bit handwrl- tlig aomellmes clesranddiiUnet,iometlmetalmoitllle- glble. One morning bis employer took ooculon to tpoak lohlm shBrply,andwuanrpriied to find bis remarks received with a dull apathy very unlike tbo usual Aery The or ■ - temper of Eagone, ! evening of tbo same day they ad rest In the lane quiet grave/ fniver (ouch them more, Bogeno I, and found tbe lervinU of BUnley Ibnit the library to his care and In- tbelr readlncsi galled Mm, ■ of their servant, nty lord and bis riy, when he btd hm initallodln "l fancy I oan heir them diiout- loaraed from Duncan M'Shco that Mario wat dying— that ilie oonld not live (brough (lie nlgh(—and his iordsllp cxpreiaod hia regret that he had tpokeo to him at no bad done. "Poor fellow I" he aald to Qerald. "Ilis grief hss made blm stupid; I was selOsb not to think of (hat," "His grierf" was the reply. "Ho will lotgrlovo much for Marie, father." "Not grieve for bis wife I Why, what do yon mean, Qerald t Would you not grieve If Alice were to die." "I dOD't love another man's wilo; he doca," "Love another man's wife I" "Yes—mine; new yon bavo my secret, Eugeoe loves Alios end bad ths audacity to tell hsr so, I besrd It—poor Marie heard: it baa killed ber, for she lost all that mads llfs happv toher. It did not hurt me—I have atlli Alice and nspnlneisi bnt my frlind- ship for blm died ont from thsthour." day with more cordiality tban he bad felt towards blm for s long time. They were going to town shortly; Alice would have hsr round of dullss u a Isader or fublon, and Eugene would have his at Stanlsy Hope, and would go well, he frosted. Ho little thought that before foor-and-twenty bonn bad passed over tbelr beads there would oome a tenible siding to all bli self Inflicted fears. Engene was Iste the next monlng, very late, aid Lord Bt. Anbyn having Important letters to aiiwer, and an appolntmtnt besides, was propor tlonitely aggrieved. An boor after hit ntual time he went to lbs library, and wu inrprlsad to hear a voles tbroigb the open door before he entered. It wssso btrab and nauke Eugene's that he paosed before sD' taring and Itttened. "Take off year oap," hs bsard him uy. "This Is a lortti bonss. You stood bsrehesded Jntt now In the firestnos of dsofA, You nnitn't wesr yonrosp in the ibrary of a lord. Ua I ha I I oannat smirk nor flitter; ni teach yoi tbe art. Bo yoa thaU do well and proa- per, boy; so yoa shall thrive," "Who is he talking to, I wonder ?•' said tbe peer to himself, peering oaatloaily through the door, and seeing Eogeie seated In his customary chair, with bla little son Btaidhig on the floor before blm, and gazing at him vrlth woDderlng evet, U„ l««l,„J L. , _ \ Ho looked haggard anl worn, u (bough he had been Ight, and nla usually neat llnon was soiled and crumpleo. His eyes were bloodshot snd bis faosnu' ■'But why did you not speak of this before—why COD' to his being uken into the honte t" senti "Becauae I would not seem to doubt my wife; Alios behaved like an aagsl andhu ever since. I havens need to dread Eogene—t only bate blm." "Does Alice know that yon have beard aaythlig)" . ."Ko." ;i;''Tell hor, my boy. Have ne tsoreU from oor dar- Uufc,. There nay be leit Init thin we think." ;^Mtsand AsoM-ltwuno ronoy: but we wiU tell AII«eiryoBllk«,'\, " 80 ths JomMi* was told the sesret tbst wstwelgb- Ing down ber-lmbaDd wllb sicbalosd of care, and tbe told her ttajr In return—savb that onco Eugene bad never spoked ■ dlsrespoctful word to her, and she allilbuted avenrtltat to tbe obounitannes of the eve- ning and to tbelr milnalexoltemint, Bbs admitted that sbs had kspt away (roia tbs llbmrr as noob ae poa- sibis tinos hitiarrlval, mors for aeidd's uke than hor owd; butshe wat noreglad th^i she oould tell thst they knew sll about II, for Ihe ieoret bad been heavy to her as well u to her botbabd, Bomehow or oilier ber artless story lifted a great load from Gerald's the grand old roo« <'I fancy I oan besr (hem dlsous- ner artless story iiiteo » great losd from Oerald's Blag my folly /Wd ny waited life over their wine. | heart, aid he wu prepared to reosivs Eugene ths next shaven, while bis hands ibook, to tbit the little oap be held qaivcred Uke the leavei or a tree in the wind, "lie mutt have been drinking," wuLord BU Aubyn's first Ihonght as bs looked St blm, aid be enUred tbe room with a reproach on bis llpt which made his fint words sound banh and unfeeling. For ths moment he bad forgotten Uarlo, orbs might have spoken kindly to (be strlckeD man befare blm, "Yon are verv late, Mr, Dnbole," be uid. "I matt request you to be more attentive. If that la your child may I beg yon to ring and bare him scut home; wo bsvo Importantbaslneu to tnnuot," Eugene olutobed ths child closer |to blm snd glarod at bis employer, "Wild beuta Uks can of their children," be said, "I milt tsks care of mins, I will work out the hour; I sm late, my lord. I will be your moat bumble, tab- mlialve aervant now, Do yon with to know what baa made me late thia nomlng t You have a right, you koow; I oily waited to close my dead wife's oyeaj I did not oven stay to sss ber In ber sbrond before I cams hers to work. Ha I ha I to work," He burst into a fit of laughter so wild and unnatural tbst tbe terrified child vainly atrovo to shrink ont of hit arma and cried with (ear, aid Lord St. Anbyn started back agbuk "I did nut know—I had no idea," he began in ocn- (uilon, "Prey forgive oe, my boy, and go home at once. Leave the cnild here and go back and rest." "nutfornt.aaorvanti No, my lord, my work. If Soopleue, I'll do It; I'm ttrong, well, oleir hsadsd, to I" Hs teok up a pen and began to write hastily, but the worde aorewled olT into onreadahto sorlbbllngs and bit bead sank upon tbe table, CHAPTER XDC, UD. Lord fit, Aibyn waa aerlonily alarmed at tbo aapsot of bis aecrstarv and ths utter deipalr In which bs teemed to be pianged, "You are ill, Eogens," he sald-"vsry III; and I wu htrah. Yoo most go home immsdlately; bnt flnt yon mull take tomelhini, I have wine here," Uo roso to reiohit fhim a boflet near; but, u he did 10, a servant appetrsd at the door, sinounclog a gen- tleman on partloaUr bniluess, "I will be back la a nlinte," hs said, lonlDg to Eugene, who still set with his head upon bla bands, "Teke a glass of wins and try to compose yennstf while I am gone, James, set It on the table," The man did SB he waa bid, hIa heart Ml of pity for tbe forlorn husband and the prott}, motbsrlsst obiid; for the newt that Uarlo wat dead bad followsd ber bosband to the boots. Ho ventund to spuk a few worde, but Ihsrs wu no reply, and hs oloesd tbe door solUyandrsversntlvoBasorrow be could do nothing to soothe. Little did Ihe peer fonBee the oonteqnencoi of bis leaving his aeoreUry alone only for the short lime his absence laated. What ooourTsd after hs rttened made a regret for bin wblob be oarrlid to bit anvo, and lild a welgbt of sonow and rsmons on Oenld which sbsdowsd bis happiisia for many a long year. Borne of tbe lenantt oarrled (be tidings to AiKe that Uirls Wit dead and Engene la (he library, and, tUok- iDg only of bow ehe might console aid help blm, ehs borried Ihither. Bht had no Idea that her falber-ln-law WIS not there, and It wu onlr when she rtsohed (he door that tht peroelved that Bagene wu tloie, ttve the child, Bbs paused a nomenlln the doorway. The thought of the put flaahsd Into hsr. mind; bot hs wu in grist lonow, and no Ihonght of htrm or wrong aror entered ber pore heart Oraat aonow, traly. Ills own ov«r-wTontht brain mt trembling In Ibe balance be- tween saalty and laadoois aid needed oaiy a feather weight to tun the scale. She oaly taw the grief, the drooping head, the nervelsu atUtndt,aod like a niolt- taring angel tbt drew aloss to bla tide. Very lovely tbe looked In ber toft, wblta aoraiag drees, staiMIng amid tbo old oak fornllara of ths antique room, a Ihhig of light and llfs and lovslliesa, whose verv pnsedce would bring hope and confort with II. Boo came np (0 where be sat, laid bar soft bond—(ko one whore glittered her wedding nng—upon bis shoulder. "Eugene," she tald. "Mr, Dibois, will ye* lot sposktoac t" will fret, hat we shall be happy, and all ivn—CsLke back all Una. vrlllbewell, fori etasll only teke my oni tbe Jewel be stele from me," She conld feel that hepnl bla hand In hit picket, aid in a moment sbs taw the fluhlng gleam of eometblng bright ae he raited bis band to itrike at kar. She conld not toresm, bsr tenor wu too great—hsr voice died In ber throat la a gargling gaip, and sbe shut ber eysi (bat lbs might not tes lbs descending blow, Bnt hs made a pause, and that moment uved her lire, "One moment more, ay darling," be wblepsrsd; "one last klas upon earth bofora we go," He bsnt bla head to hsr oeld face, and pretted pas- sionate kisses on her lips, lust u Lord Ht, Aubjn en- tered tbe llbniy, Alice Jast uw hsr hatbsnd'i face, whlls with fuiT, fell hentif loughly whirled away, ttrttehed her nanda ont to uvsnenelf from falling, atruok her forehead thirply agalnat aomethlDg hard, aad knew no more, Waen bit lordtblp left Eugent alone In tbt library hedlipatehcd hia vlallor u qolokty u be oould, and IncD toight bis son, . "I wllb you would come with me to poor Dobqls," be uid, "I am ntUy coiosrasd aboot bin. He came itralgbt from that poor girl's death-bed here, and I do bslleve be Is going cat of bla ssnsss," "Yoo had belter send blm home, sir," "I told him to go snd msde James set oit some wine for blm: be looks really pitiable and I wu very baish with blm, net knowing or his trouble," "Well, I'll oome, thcngh I don't see wbst I can do for him beyond persuadlag him to go home quietly, Wlero'a Alice t I hope lbs won't teKo any romantic noUoui inteher bead about comforting blm and to for(h. Women do mob loanie tblogs tomellmet," "Bbe couldn't do tny harm If tbo did say a word to him now; hot I think yon nay make vourtelf easy on that score; I don't suppose sbe knows oe's here," They went to tbelibrary with no feeling but kind- ness and pity Id tbelr besrts towards EngsDO, so that the eOect ol what they taw upon them both can be bet- ter imaglnid than deeorlbco. To spring upon what they deemed the gulltr pair was tbe work of a mo' nent. With no gentle nsnd Oersld seised bis terrlflsd wife, and tearing ber from the arms of Ibe man whom one moment bad made blm believe her lover, be threw ber from blm, soarco csnng where abe fell. HIa father, with a grip of Iron, and all tbo wild energy of ble Tootb retorolng, held the collar of Eogcis, and, abBKlng him u though he had been a child, thraw him on the floor at bla feet. "Bcoundrol 1" he cried, "Ungntelol, taeartleas wretch 1 Is this the retarn for all our klndneu and oarc t Out of my house this Inttent, and never let me look upon your face again. Yen are beoeatb tbs puolshmont of a gentleman, and only At to receive (be poualty of amidilgbt thief or aasastii," Tbs saddeinest of tht shook seemed In somo msunra to restore tbs foonltlss of Eugsns, Jut u an linsx- peoted incident will lobor a dmnken man, and hs rois feebly and pnt his band to bla beaduthongh sndsav- otlng to nnsmber. Lord 8t, Aubyn watehed blm with a taidonio tmlls.on bis face.' Hs ihonght It wu all a piece of aoUng, Ibis bewilderment, and it wu only when ths mlaerable man mads a sten towards the In- aenslbls Alice, whom ber husband nod made no at- tempt to raise from (he ground, (hat he laterpoied, "Hot sgaln, sir," be said, stemlv sUying Eugene with his stick, "Yoi have ontrageans qiite snougb. We earns to this room In pity and lympatby for yoir sonow; we thought voa crazed by miaiortuas, bat In atsad of ths fool we find the knave, who atsarasa mad' ntsi to bide bis own wicked purposes—tbo false ser pent thai aUo|is tbs band that fad bim." Bull no word Iroia Eigons—be stood tiaring at Alice, and apparently not beanng anght that they said to bim of too little boy,who cling belp' After a pause, Gerald sooke. THE lATE 801 SHITH, THE VETERAN ACTOR AND MANACtR. Solomon F. Smith died In St Lonis, Mo., after • short lllneis, Bthlsnsldsnee, at half-past ten e'eleok, Sunday morning, Feb. Ilth, In the 68lh year of his age., Mr. Smllb wu bom at Norwich, Obeoanga Cotmly, N. T., Apiil 201b, 1801. Bis falbsr, Lsrlftnllb, was » pipsr in a volunteer oompaoy Ui (he BeveiuUsMry War in bis sarlr days. At ths aloes of Iks war be learasd (bs trads of a goldsmith, married and fettled on a mlllUry (not of forty aeres of land. In BeUn, . Cour(IsDdOonn(y,N'.T. Bol. Smith, at nlaejesnsf ago, want to work on a nslghboring farm, when bs re- mained for four yeara. From thencs bswent to Boa- ton, where bswu taken Into bla brother SOu'atoit, hot hJs itey tbsn wu brisf, for he wu of a nittg dliposlUeg. In 18U be visited Albany, S. T„ when be becane clerk In anslher broUier's ston. Per three 6eara he contented himself with this plaoe, sta^yta* . bakespean sll tbe time, aodflnally became a "snpn'* at ths Albany Tbsatrt. 0ns night, having bsdaabsd bit ftcs with burnt oork for ths play of "Tkrie Fin- gered Jack," he forgot tewaah bit ries, and la that condition wsnt boms and want to bed, blaek u We wu, and In tbs moralug wu so dlscovsrsd by tbe family, which stoipsd bis play aoUng at once { be then ran away, bnoging ng la Troy, hot fUllag la bis design be ooiUiaeiT hu Joamey. on foot, to Sehe- - neotedy, OInoiniaU and Lonlivillc, In all of wklsli plicee he failed to oblaln a btirlng. In Ihe lad named piece he engaged enthe JTeraUueBappm- Uce (0 ihe ptlitiog bitUiett, working at tbe eats .nd carrylngthe psptrs, Ulinsxtmove wutoTInssanee, Ind., where, for a week, bs worksd on a farm, keelig oora for tweity-flve cents a day, wblob ba gave np with bllitend bands, arms and back, and once mere engegod ts a typo on the Wulem Am, u an appran- tlce. He had not been there long before be wu made foranan of the estebUsbment Here It wu that he ioined a TheipUn aoclety, msking bis dsbiif bi UII. tit fint prominent parte wtrs Dan, In "John BaU," sod Nompo, lu " 'TIs AH a Faros." Tbs dsslrnetteB of tbe priotlng efflee, by fln, censed Bol to move "en to Nsshvllle," where be coatlsned tbe printing bnd- nsa, hot lOon rslnosd his stspa to Clnohmatl, walking tbe entire dietence of three hundred miles. la Ibe "Qoosn City" he /eiasd a Tbespisn society, aid his gresteat sSort was Young Korvaf. Ths foiiewlng year no rstorasd to Tlnosnnei, Ind., and Joined Alsnndsr Drake's dnmsllo eompany at six dollan a week. As there were but four men, two ladles and two obldnn In the company, a performance of a Ave aot tragtdjr mnit have bssn very iiteretting, u the following otn of "PIzano" will ahow:—"Plsono, Atellba, B. DtiU; Bella, La« Ooaaaa, Palmer Pltber; Alonzo, Oroaembo, Alex. Drake; High Friott, Almagro, Blind Man, Beatt- nel, Talverde, Ouards, Sol Spilui; Peravlaa Boy, Ulas Flsier: GIvIn, Priestess of the Bun, Mrs. Flshsri Com, Mra. Moaginf Child, Ulea FIsber. Thus Ham Drake (is Pizino), after plaining aa at- teok on the Peravlais while sngsged In worihip, and usIgnUig bU generals tbelr severs] poste, la Jh^-aut. set Is seen (u Atellba) leading (ha UdlAB wnrMi* to batUe. Helsvlotorloas, aadgosstooBsraplhankato , tbe gods thsrefor—when presto, on camo (be ume man again (u Fliano) omartlng fMm defeat Bom Drake, after being killed la the ]ux aoene, wu obUged to fall far enongh ol the atage to play alow mule aa tbe ourtein deicended. At the expiration of eight weoka Bol, Smith revisited ClooiinatI and ecmmenosd to ttady law, tiao sngMbg at the theatre u prompter for tbs sessoi of 1811, At the eloss of tbe Huon bs wllbdrsw bo^ the sonpoay end wu mtrrlid, with four doUa<e and eixty-twe oente In his pocket, which be gave tbt minister. He then slartea a ainging school, and on Ihe dth of Jily, 1811, Issatd a paper called the Adlcpendnif iVsu, and was one Of the fint tiyo editon that nised the tiandardor' OsBsnl Jaoksott In Ohio, Dnrlog this' ssuoa Bdwla Forrest appeared at the theatie, and Bol. wrote apleee ' eoiltd'"Tailor in Dlttrsu,"ln which Fprrsit pl*yed a negro. At Ibe explraUon of a year he eold oat kla paper and weal inio tbe oounlry on a ooUsstIng (oor. AtLexhigton bsffletDnks,wbo wished to dispose of hit dnmatio cemnsny, ond Bol. concludsd to become amaa- ager, Edwin Forfest,who wu engaged to go with OaM- weU, was dtsirons of going with Bol., bntnaTlnc more honor than is always fonidamongmaiiagsnBew-a-daya Id that leipsot, he rsfassd to taks him. In an aagry mind Fonsit engaged with a circis oompuy u ndkr andlumfilar, at twelve dollan a wash, and wbeaBol. Smllb osllcd to see bim be fonnd Urn tuning flip-flaps. Sol. pennadsd blm from going wllb tbs elrens.aad ww him o(r to Now Orliais. Bel. preossded. to Olasbmati in IBll, and opened la tbe Globs Thestrs wl(h (bs M- lowlotf company >-Hendenon, L. Smllb, Davl*, Bwsensy, Rowa, Eberle. Joey WUUams, Btudevant, Uts. Ridille, Mlu Feitoo, UluBlddle and Ulas E. Bid- die. Tbeteuon wu a faUnre, snd with a loss ef IIIJD be prooesdsd to Wheeling, Ve, He (raveled with his companv- giving dramallo performances aad concirti In the Ohio river towns, and places ef nB- oIen( Importence In tbe interior, with varying aneoeaa, Flntappeand In PbUadelpbla at the Tlvoll oarden, at very short notice, pttylnr Bbeepface In Ihe "Tillage Lawver," tbe Mock Doctor and one other ebaruter. At tie explntlon of the fliat week,, on going for hte salary, he was told that he oould not play all Ihe best parte and sipeot to be paid for It Be then went to tbe vaaxhall Qardeus, la the ume olty, at eight doUan " a week, and on salary day received two bnidred andilxtj'tlxtiokeUfordriDlEsat thefbar, this bslog ' the only payment made by the manager, to anyof Iba mole ntmbin of his eompany. In ISU be ruldtd lb NewBmiawick,N:J., wheroheplaysl the organ In the Epbicopol ohnroh, and bad a tinging ichool, after which he itarted on a trtvsllng toir throngb ths wsst with a dromatlo oompasy, danag wblob tour his wife mads hsr itM on ths stags as Norab In tbs "Poor Boldlsr." Ur. Bmlib mods tils bow In Nsw Orlesia In the fall of IBIT, at the Amsrloas Tbsatrs, Camp street, as Billy Laokodayli "Bweelhearte snd Wives," and bis wifs u Diana Yemon la "Rob Boy." At the dcee of (be season hs(ravsnsd (be waten of the.Missis- sippi and Ohio, appearing at the prlnolpal towns sea- son after leaioi nitll ths iprlng of IDSo, wben be bent bis steps towsrds Ibe gay metropolis once men, an- . uMawworm In "The Hypocrite," at the Paik nor taking inyneUce 1 letsly Orylng 10 his legs. Aiwrn pauno, uoruiti oijuav, Itwisamlgntyslfort, snd ths words csne deadened and hearse from bla while lips, .bsitn, New York, In Bsptember, 18U. On lbs Utb of tbe ssme month bo opened In Philadelphia at the Welnnt Stnot Thostro ss Mawworm. In 18S3 be sbsndooed tbeatrlosi raanagemeol and aa coniscUon with tbe stege. snd turned Us attentlen to tbe prsctlcs of law In Bt, Lonls, In 1861 bs wU elected a member of Ibe Mlisoori Btete Oonrsatten, aa an unconditional Union man, and in that body here a gart In erecting a provisional govsnunant for lbs' late. As sn actor be eqjoyed a nputetlea seooid to none In Aniorloa, hla/orfs being lowoomedy. To wit- ness ble llluslrtUon «f tboie cbaracten for which he wat to deservedly cetebnted,waa aa evedt In Ibe Ufe 'Ts"iUrYnirindroaghl'tothootyou''b6Bild,''ond|of Then wit lomethlng so peenllorly re- take yonr vile life In ropsration of (ho honor jou hnvo markablo in the fonnaUon of bla featarsa—In ths er soiled and (he home you have forever made wretcticd; bat year punishment shall be worse tbsn dsalh, ir 1 bad the power to make you live forever, wllb llio re- membrance of your brnok ingrallluUe to weigh yon down, I would do Itl Coward l-poltrooo I-hound I "'WagonsI" momuredtbe »"••'''''",»?,'?.''''H!! looking at tbo inaiimaie to'™ °",ffs"',h.'';:JI'*! hini-by hU hand, not mine. W II that bo the same, I wonder t It would bo no honven » lliey name too, and there wire b"Sws and stripes snd rovllings.or aught ' "TO Jo'ijor-'shealed Oenld, springing at bin, bot hKscrby bis r.lh.r, wjiosawm^^^^^^ his son's qolvsrloi the Ibhi "'^rill^I'n °i°<^i'ri'g^^«"" lire 'end bappluess have disd o^t of lW'l3-««'l?'•'?'«■'§ T »•-»<>•'•. tbsrerbnt iS «»'<'•''''•'''*''"*•'''*'«''' ^^ililnii'l like »blindraan,andatumblligwsar)ly, u ttongb follewlog acme cue egaloBt bis wUl, hs went alawlr ont of the room. ' TO na ooNTimnD. Jnns AS A Tbithib.— A man entered a resUmnt np town lost week aid oalljd for a number of vl»nd», tl.. ■.. kkJ Ammw^nrmA m\\ SKbI WU nllOad bofor* hlOi Uid lbs JartmyDlfdIsT, walklog oil befoie tbt yoing man coald collect hlmastf. ,, 1:1; . ■ I . ^^■4^> * ' •'' .1 a? KiiniioSiWDiT,-AisaeaplalB, trading: regabilf to tbt Afiioan ocul, wu hulled to meet • eoumlltee ofaioclety for (he evaikiUutlota of Afrlel. AMont nnmiroaa qastUoni tenoning (he religion of (he Afri- can nosi, he wuMked,''l)o the eubleote of Slug Dahomey keep Sindayr "Keep SondaTi" be re- plied: ;'yta, aid every other dansd thing the; eoa lay I thtirbaadt on." ' > > pnsalon of bla laughter—lovlBg eye, aid in the ourve of bis nootb, that arrested tbs attention and riveted upon hlmseir the gate of etmott every bidlvldaal be met It It Slid tha(he neverptdded or Itced, altkengV bo might have been enipeetad of doing both, for be was , extremely pirUoular about bla peieonil appearoass OB or oir lbs stage; proud of his hair and his nalli, aad, whsn bs Itnghed, you conld count svsrr toota' ' be hod la bis bead. At a social eompanloa bla'' tampenmcDl wu gealal, and hs possessed a Best,'' ■[ kindly dIspasltloB. As a bamerlsthewaaefDe biein ,','. pntanu'.ons, u ble oontrlbutlons to Ibe piets are wUolT known and greatly relished. In IBdfi, uareeiWttfB,' .', be preparea and pibllihsd a Tolume of antebtognuV-i ' cal cbancter, entltled "Sol Bmllh'a Thealrlctl Appna- tlceahipi" alto, oie entitled "Tbs TbsaMssl^ JeoBey Work and Anecdotal Rseollsotlons' of Bel- balth,'' which wen nphbHshsd In IBM. AbMt' tbrta laonlbs ago Birpsr and Brotben alas p nbUsbeS a Urge'ToltM eonteiolng anei)dotes .and teislttlNsnsta of 'Us. Sol hu two sons bt praitni oa Ike tti«e la tbla olt>^ Marcus, ,lb» atage BOnaisy iajt Booth's Theatre, a oorefol, ocdshleoucai actor, and Bol Battb, Jr., aa ecosntrit comedlaa of' Weod'i Uoienm. Befen Mag ■ be pnBaret on epUapk to be engraved spoa a plola stonsliBeUeronlalBeOemetery,Bt Lonls. IHtufel- lowi:— ''•".flotflinTH, , , , Batliad Aelot. , ',. ' "Ltfs's tal a walklog ibadew-a poor ployir. TkatstnlaaadhaG bis boar apMiluslBtt, '. .' , . I ,, " AadlhaB labeaidBaBoia." • . . .■ ,'.' , . ■-•< • "AU(iawwld«saslsteL • .Aodalllke ai|n»^eBaBmexa|y)liq)Bfkn 0 Tbsfiditnl tookplsbe oa 'lhs DorBlhgof ttfe'lto' -''. Inst, imoi bis late tesldsaee oe Ohootoa^ aT«MO, be> . twesnBtghth and Nlnlb stieete. Bt 'Lenity 'Ai turn eono'cnne of people wu aassnbisd at Ian o'elsek^ ler - lbs porpbse of tesUI>1hg'tlislr nspsst to the Maeqr ' . .r «•.... and elUasa. to Ibe rttee disdogaltbed (kealiloal manager and elUasa. ..Jtqniciwerectlebraled aeeoidTn* to Ibe rtlee and oanmoolei of (be Order of Odd Ftllowt, ofwUsh (bs deceased wu a oouploaoos iMBlber.'. Ber, Dr. l^lot, of tht Unlterlin Okanb, eflWated, iM -w-