New York Clipper (Apr 1870)

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jiptu le, 187G. TStE iSlESW IrOR GLIl>PEtl. If: on -Ttall»«nrUier.progfa«. In tb* lot Uire* Inning - - - ■- -"J4 iTO r 6?^ made a bwi\m t^iimKm^ n» JS&f?2u2 in JuSo n«t tio SUn vrlll t4«k« » tonr o WiSlMSnfor » wntk'e pl»j,»nd irUI enter Ui« Hold K"5Si«Tho eiperti or IntrcpW. of Mulidelphlo, tho tat- JSof MUBon, «nd ib» KnUooaa anJOljniplca of WuSfiitoS Below we giro tie mil Bcoro of ihe game, Ttoreoortof tie batUng Indndcs onU, rone, »nt Oai» u4 loUl bua on bli«, buo bjr errors, and loft on basea StarSeao blta. The record or tlio lleldlog abowa iba Bambar ofopponcnta pat oni bjr oacb pUoror on (he baaea, Sr u^tobea—fair and foul-bj foul-bound catcbea, the totafeaabDntoDl, Iba Umea eaata aaaUted and the toul {tiding arrofi ofeaclL Tbla la ibe regulation record for -fooiva of mitoh gtmoa adopted bj the aaaoclatlon:— - - —niiitg. —. r, u. T. 1. M. 1 a a I « - - - - 0 a U)Hi BTid «. IfeiBUUL—ntM elobi plarad k nme, Uia aame Mf.m aa IMIaahaUs groaada, New Otioana, Heaia. Soon, CoiMoii ud Sottwaru canrlng oir tbt bon- on. TIiefoUawiiiggiraaUioranaliaaslilonlDga:— r' lu W U M Mb Mh 7|h lU LoMgiar... .:4 f * a II ^ T ts-s FmriM 0 iiiio>o-e TIM of HIM IhiiK twin. Tui noBoiim auMTiomnr.—Wa hara rccelrcd the fallowing lelter In loganl to tba tbora cbainplon^p UUo:- . ^ Editob N. T. Ourm—Diii Bia.—1 bet lun to loform jm that ibo Biialo B Jli n. hu DO <Mm whatonr la lb« wblo Ptaanl or ibe BIjoUd ruidai doriii Um hudi oT IM Um OoQiuu ud EmIm pU>^ bsl two pmao, luBaalM wlsnloa ibe antud Miif jlheni br aiming amdca, and InoreaiUnglSie amount of llio guo«niii«i,To^ ;ufS?li'J'dSS'if'S!S£i,£iS"hS&,l?IS,''25!15iSnt'K LeB«wnla.ol<Iie naeiOTtrinilbeaeUftfTOtUie ?L hntfn' thf?^fJ» nSt STlTnt^rSESSd ittoS lor (t« !»• balinuii, wlilcb an to b« oGaenad tbla aaaaoB, iKSilon^M^ iltioTai5^d'o ^^^^ inglhcmlollibtatcaich' " —"■ noxt, Iftr Billoa from Uia I to bo In Iho ring between dopoalt waa looreaaiil" " npi the aecond dr— ~>aid'a, II Grown ihln). of like amount, AprtlUlb, and iliofo..„., _ .. . . tutilr agreeable), at Oougtailn'a, tba Adima Iloueo, ta Dnion Binct, on kar lltb—each dapoalttobeatakod not Utor than ten o'clock P. U., or a forroll onauca. Tua money to bo tbernner forwarded to tbla onice, and aub- aoouentljInnatarred to the final atakeholdor,wbomn«t, li.-.■•ii _h.> . m beohoaen at tba last depoalt, when toaa for cbolM of JImj^ JJ^wen. J^'"Jf;i«5?°j "{jL'Jg^^^^ ground wUl lake place, Uialoiar tooalTlDg ton daji noUoa ftJ to S'^.^^.to wlialjhajaa to a? when ho lakea of tbepUeeaelacuid. Joi Coaoui wu up Ibr ■ fhiawell beneSt on Rondar evonins, April id, at Hagolro'a Opera llouao, San Inio- olaco, Oal. TDmuijObandlomdDliUDwTer were to act- to for tha list time alnca they ippcarod logetber In the roped anna. Jamea Doughsnjr and Edward Helarnor were to aot-to togolhtr, and Joa Oobum waa to wind up with Dan luce, a pugilist fonnorlT of New York. There were to be ma^r rolanieera, fadtiding Jig ana clog dsncera, Add ~ ' ~ tlonlgt. Joa takea thia benallt „ .— _._ .- - - -,. Joe waa to leara ban Francisco on Hondar, April 4ln, alopping at Virginia Citr.Nerada, for (wo daja, Ohicmo ooe orlwo da;a, and eipecta to reach tUa city on or about tha lith Inat. " ■"" ""' looDmpula iiaii^inUn . . . u 8 zr B . lib eih gib Tib 81b tib ■ 0 0 18 1-8 ' 8 »-V Ku.:.::...:. a a a o o 8 a 8 t-ir "apiro-Wr. Joom, of tbt Alpha Oluh. toiM-Ilr. BUri^ OaUbH 00 •Irfkw-Jawall, I. OuU 00 fouU-Flold, 8; 8Ur, B. Rue ^aUbH 00 •trfkea-^owalL . — - - ouj^IIall br Boilu. Tlmooraaoo—One boor uuttblnjlDUiuui. tALL TOSSINQ IN THE MODERN ATHENS. TheaeaaOD opened In Doslonaa Fait Day, Apill tIb, hi • Terr Ural; manner, sevcnl of the prominent daba par- tjalpatlng in their InlUal game of Ihe year. The Trl-Houi. gain dab engaged a picked nine opon Boaton Common, Ahdr opponimts being mombcra or the Bloueham, DptoD, Savsra And Sheridan Clubn, the three letter bclnjg Junior onnlzatlona. Ttio ball ground waa In toit poor con- diuon, the ont deld pudculnrly so, and small hlUocka or oi^giaTellolcifercd grcntlj with floldlog. The picked ■dne pnred a very atrong toim In this, their flist game figcthar, and both nines exhibited strong bsKJng. Ouljr. aaTan inninga were played, ud ihe game rtnltedln faror of tha Ttl'lloantalna by a score of B( to 2L Sotdolncd la a •gQpn ot (ha gamo>— ' Tat-NoojniiM. ill a. a rlibi 10 dUffl tha Whip romiant uoin (h« Srd fiaio u vhjtL Ouuai A. llnia,a«lbiBOIoti BtBi Bau n INDUNI.—The annual neetlag of tha Fianklln Base Ball Olab or Franklin, lnd„ waa hold iUnh Both, when (he following offlocrs for thoenaning year were eleoted:—Frcsidoot, aeoio Lambcrtaon; Vioo-FroaltaDt, 0. Rdwarda: Secretary. Baninei HcOIollan;Treaaurtr, ColUa UUier: Dlractois--). Bamott, Geo. HoOaalin, nanr llenl- ken. Tbla olnb Is ready looomeaeo tha season as soon u ball playing boglna. The nine wlU ha tbont theaaBteaa hist year. TBI Union Olob of UoBaisiMU.—Thla dob wlU open play on Wcdneaday, I8th Inst., on thdr groondi a( Hoiru- anlA, on which occaalon an ezperlmental contest wUI bo played In order (o «s( the nerlia of (be soToml appUoanta for poaluons on (he new nine of (be C\\a>. All playom do- slnnsofentetlngthollsta will ploase nport to Hr. Ford, on (ha grounda al Tramoot, by • P. IL, on wodncaday. OiKoiNNATi Initt-loe DoylMha l»«t<>no left the prorcaaional Duokeye nlno of 1888, and r oaplial lint bast- man. oarUcnlarly on gronndcn, haa Joined tho Poran city Olub^ of tookforS, III. Joe la a good hat aa woU fs fcldor bnl la rather a alow runner The Bed Btocklnga have their opening on Bitarday of (Ms wook, ISth Inat, They bare aomo thoughts of a BouUiem (rip aoon after. OBION OtDB.-The offleera of tlUs Mow York elnb for the ensnlns year are as followa:—President, Uan'l W. retanon; imp- _ 'oler CtplalD first nine, Peter Downey. BtOBOANnATioN—Tha^toaOlub, lanlor, or'WUlchall, N. Y„ rfrorgaulzcd on the lat, by (he election or the follow- Ing i]mura:-Presldent, J. MulhollRnd; Vico-Pretldcnt, ajo.DeUBoi "" ■■ " ■■ Kodd; Captain, Vice-President, Ohaa, U. Fcoble; HeconllngflacrelaiT, Vd' Tld 11. Van Banr; Corresponding Bocrolaiy, Thou. J, to:— kins; Trflasurcr, Chas.A,l!«lor. Board opHrectorirn Downey, Edward Jooning and Bdwanl QoodaU. BnirrABD ABB fKOUBH ttATOHio.-Aeodrdlng to "P-1 ;i;'ln'ffh''it5iWif?tf,,7*I'i polnlment, Fataoy fiheppard and Uiko KnglUli mot a« oor | ila'Sffii,)17,'l?lWtS!"'J'jt offlce, acoomnanied by a nanibar offrteads, on tbeaiur not nriM In Toi^la iVlll AnoK noon Of the lllh Inst, to dloch tbearnmoot between E,g,u. ^ _ ititr maflbrob ftiMl will ihcM fti ■ rorinlclii'i nMkc.. Hy ainnji nr wrtllniu rMmfu - ..—^.j k M*ii«boldrrui4 pnlUDU ui* ■ farfHl'ln any im|aiii4lblAi«nll<Miun'i ' ft tf%icii«nb« niiuiltiiy-ilaie ftiUonJunlH Ulochella*^ E^S^Uf for MM fHldM m?n Kt iTwlU not be out of pUc* to allQdo to thit ityle qt Sfl Sy^o rM T.S JliloaUwishinb«etaU wUdiietluconsUtotMgood mil aeTUupmcufcui »u wo umuij Kunouivaui u uva, ortDoe, nerve, aetlrlty aod coongs Is the pratilca or game, that It la Umo that rules ahonid be laid down r also to derolope (ha mental powen minlalla to r excel in (he game, as hare boen la regard to tha SAx-,imANci«oo u-merrnsaciB, "CUIiAM-OE.t^.CnBAlt''or MIHinUMT. fnanr roiDnieera, laciaaing jw duu ciun 1 Woaver, and Forreatolla (ho female coutor- Iiaa been niher unlbKonat* of la(o, and mailt (0 s(art him and his wifo for New York, from (he' He Informs us that be roiunu iBO! BMrotSfT, A. H. Dohcrty; Trcoanrar, J. H. -^,taln, W. HUtStl?; UUectom-J. E. SonMTord, D. a. Murray and U, ThomU. , . 'BaBlTaa, o, f«ll«r.of J ^oMi, r r a Bani>w>,adb 8 — MB,at i,iub 1 Ai,8<lb 1 a a « s „ 8 i I a PiCUD KlKB. a. Wlaa, M b BqoU, r r Ciiirfer, I o Col^.o Blerona, If r. Wlaa, 1Mb Twe«1,er.., IIabuilab,Ub.... lliJlliiea,p 0 s ] .....I Tblal UJ TkHal 31 Iinsiia. lit Id in 4ih Mb lib 7ih tlt-VounUlo .....3 8 < 1 B a 8-^ HdsaNloa 1 8 0 1 0 8 8-S ns picked nine bays since organized as s senior dub, under the noma of the Rerere Cmb, end Its proapects are bTorabla. In ttie abora game the Trl-MonnUtns played without their pitcher, O'Drlco, and 1st baseman, Record: tto Fntt brothen being substituted for the abtenleea. BASE BALL IN OsAerUilb aoma l.eoo n»k of the Louisiana Slate NEW ORLEANS. .... assembled at tha new le Ball Park Association, at bualhvUis, towitneaa the opening contest between the CoBthcma aud It. E. Lees. Both presen(ed strong nines, althongb the Bouthema wera two short of their rtgnlar iiBl nine playen. The fleldlng ofMeaais. Lerl, Laudon and Lansr waa good, aa waa lit. Bertel'a play behind the fcaL In(baSouthemnlne, lles8n.Brandenberg, Budden- Horf and Boltzman carried off (be honors of the day. Be- (ween the foanh and Uib Innings both oluba found It naooaoary to Changs tlielr catchers. Wa subjoin (he n- ioUof (he gama>- . BOCTHSU. BoUnao, 8db Obaadlcr, of Baddaadorf. !db.., DouTaa, If. JJJ^ BimDdfBbcrg, lit b. 4 8 1 0 8 R B. La. B«ul,al Ddqotbo, p "3lnL" Mb PnliUlcr, Sdb Bood. 0 Pcuoa, Ulb Laiiftr, r r Laudon, of LOTT, ir ::! . .a ,...8 ....1 ....a ....d ....I ....3 u ^ TOIal ... , ,. M <ih aih <ik lib aa I S ! t l .-^ SWtnuh, .TQaoorci'BS—Tw4 oi ihe 8d uitTit the same gromds, • matoh took place between (he 8ooiherD,Jr,, and Oamm, Jr., doha, which the former won by 48 to ix. THE ACADEMIES IN THE FIELD, The nembere of the Initiatory and practtal department played a gamo-of base bill on the Star's grounds, April fib, the former winning by a score of 2B to 18. Wo sppend the soon «)DoeIIOB, laib 2 obfr, e. 7bamaa,af. ... 'Gftflbiy, Id b... AUeo, p lirlosaloo,ai... Jahaaon, rf..-.. Valab, 9d b 'flolof, ir .....3 1 Toul iHninoa. PaaonoAL. ill a. O'RmTv, aa 4 I Uanfch, e i 8 9 JnnciL or 4 0 Dobob. Id b 1 1 Cabn, rf J I Rua,3db 4 1 DtmM, If 8 I McOuIn, D 4 1 II 1 8 ...ii UlUe, lul lalUalory Tola! , IM Id id 41b mb eUl llh ilb Bib .18 10 4 4 10 7-S J 0 0 8 0 0 0 J 6-14 Bcorrr—Ur. 0. Wlnr. of the rnetlol DornrtneoL UnplR—Sir. ■ J. H. Cliapmao, or IbolnlUBlor/CoraniacaL ; EoTAW Oldb.— This Pasaalo club held ihelr first annual imaionenido ball on Ibo evooing of Thiinday, llh Inat, whlcu proved a rery enjoyable and iwAerc/ia oOhlr. Tha csatnmea were numoroua and railed, and, aa a genoral thing, the wearera well enslalncd tho charactcra reprc- . itntod, especially Ur. Iloblnfon, who waa attired aa a Ilighland chieftain, and entertained the company with .Btreral Soottisb dances Inclnding hla Damons bnud- awcnl dauce, which has so often gamed bim laurcla at tho . nearly fcadvals of tho atolwart Chifcdonlans. A very pleas- ing feature of (ho occasion was tho prasenlallon to (ho clab of an clogaut sllrer ball, Ihe gift of Ur. Jacob Forlctt- bach, cn honoraiy menilicr, which was received by tho Vice Frtddent with an appropriate speech. Tho ball la of .ngolutlon alz^ and Is nn cxao( model, In frosted allvor, of those manufaeturcd by reck A Snyder. It bean the fol- lowing loscilpllon:—''Presented (o the Eutaw Base Ball 'Club aa a mark of frlcndahlp, by Jacob P. FortOBbach, April T, ISIO." The worknitnanip la ezcaedlngl; fine and ' la • crodU to tho artisllo aUli of the engnrer, llr. Joacph A. Iiowls, or the American Watch Couprny, The club nay well bo proud of auch a gin. The organization Is DOW In a prooparouB oouditlou and la oOlctred as follows: —Prealdont, L. L. arcar; Vice l>r«ali1en(, 0, H. Coraiack; Beoielary, Chas. Uotlie; Treasurer, John U. Biiggclon. BALL llATrsRS IN ViHOisiA.—At 0 nicollDg Of the Old Point Club, held Anrll 8tb, tlie followlog oOlcem wera elected (0 acrra for (no eDBuIng nix montha, y1z.:-4o1. 0, w. Thomas, PxeaUenti Vf. B. Preacoit, Vlce-Pnaident; Bobt. W. Uughoa, Seciottry; W. J. Bodell, Opireapondlng 8ecn(ary; J. A. walkins, treasurer. Board of DInofon, John Baolch, eholiman; 8am Bacon, Geo. B, Bllioit and W. F. Wlune. John Z. lierlner, acorer. John J. Banlch, Oapioin lat nine. Tho 0, P'a hare been considerably atreogtbened this year by (ha addition of sorciol prominent biiUsu, among them, w. 6. Beche, a noted EngUab crtok- eler. Se«be,MsldesbelDg a lightning pitcher, la said (o be aa(roEgba(amaii, and nrciuarkably awUland accurato thrower. Banlch, (no capinlu, nnka as a pnifcational. Tho Aolires have not bodi liliolnDrfltniiing, and will pre. ■eot a much stronger playing nlno (hla season than utt. They have aecare<f Ihe sorrlcca of Iirlakwater, fotmorly of the I'Heiry nine." Albert u. Van Donaos, Prealdont, and Drlnkwa(erosCaplalnlB(nino. The Aotlves ololm lo be tho atroDiest batling club in (ho Bia(e, and (heir nconl o> last ycar'a games abowa each to bo (be ease. A Novel Base Ball Ouib.— It bos been proposed to ln> Induce a iltllo fhn into llio pmctico games of (ho Chicago OInb, and, with this viow a novel gome la belogtalkad of, which, iri( (akea place, la liable to rcanit in (bo dofte( OI the nrofcaslonal dub by a bevy of (ho poorca( players to be picked no anywhere. The plan Is (o match a oino, 4iompoa<d or people who have never played ball, against the proficaalonahi, wKb (ho oondiiinns Qui (he latter shall throw and ca(eh wit the loft homt, with (he exception of FhUham, who, being lon-liandc<l, must pitch with bis right band; ihey roust strike wUh (no small end of (ho bat, irhlla (he mnlUiia are to bo allowed a "bnm-door bat" it thoypiooso, and are (o throw, catch, ran, cla. In dollanoo Of all aouied ruloo. WUli (hc«o slight tdTan(agea It la con- fidently hoped (ha( the proreaalonals will bo sorely beatoo. The muniu nlno baa not yet been aelaelcd, Tdb JnnoR National association.— We havo racolred the following communication from tho Preddeut of tho Junior National Asaodatioo, w. n^Kel^, Jr.:— Poraual 10 nollOD adopltd al Ibo Ulo nmllni bfhl^u Nair Vofk, BtTammaoy Ball, III. berrlirnnlriiNl lhatibo drifaatMlntbo Mil- annual ooaranlloa of Iba NaiIomI Aiwclalloii or Junior Sue Dall FUjora, meet al Itio "Etniilni Hooni,'' Nrwark avonuf, Janpy Cllr. a.t.,m Wadnuday, April 3Ilb, at tJ,', r, U. » . • •"'■J viij, , WiiuiM. II. Knur, Jr., PruldeoL All loDlor oluba ofiood aUodlns Ibreiiahoal iba UDllod 8t.lfa an aiUlbla to mrcMnUIIOD, and 41* IntIM In ooopmu In er«TaUi>s -^0 oatlonariama" byjolnlnf ibUiucicLiUvn oriniroloreja or baio Ball and non-profootliuial pUrna. Ulflanl dubf,wuo (mnnoluiid Im dolosala^ mav bo adoilllfd upon wrliun apptkaUon and rnnll- (aaoeor on. jroar'a duaa and Inlihllon n», anwunlina lo lbr«odol- Bn .Ooiomunlalloaa ehaerrullir aniworcd IV Iho coimpondlog aatnlaiT, wunam T. Walah, w dnnd aiieol, Xonoy Cliy, Bbnwa B. B. 0. Jns.—Tho BenAcas have eloctod the lollowlng omcen for the ensaing^yt^r:—Prasldeati^Uar- ahall Freeborn; Vice PresideiitrBonJaniin Lyons; Seoro- tWT, John Boolt; Ulrocton, J. Cudllpp. W. Myers aud A. A. Bonner. In regard (o A. A. Bonner belonging to (he '.NtUonals(as stated In last week's Oupm by (liom), (ha Benoeaa say (hat he played with them all iut aeason, la a .ntmber or their dub, aud haa opened play with them (tho Benaoasj thlaoeason. r- r / Taa JoipttOLbBBBASON.—The Joniora of (his city ap PUf!« MMlUog ready for (lie Held. Tho Union Star Boao i"y.A*^9{^i'*n navo iiluccd tho followlui nine in (ha field 'to do battle for the Junior ohanipionalilpThis season:—Sto- Phepsoa, .«atoheT| Byrnes, 1st bosej Connolly, 2d base; falienob. Bd base: tfcUeo, pitclior; Lonnlnn, abort atop; BteUi, left field) HoKonny, centre field; fioDowoll, right '«t lEa bULu"'^^ "Oerrtspondlng Beonuiy .v?f?'(*'!-~^ Seneca Olob, of this dly. laoantly aleotad Jhsfojlowlng offlceni-Prealdent, II. tneCorn; Vlce- nmdent, B, Snica; Traaturer, W. IlamUltni Rseordlng Hndderi (Mnetpondlng'Seiffstan, f. IIABTABD TB. LowiLL.-The LowcIl ofil ItarTert] Olabs played (heir opening march of (bo season upon Jarvle' Field, Cambridge, on the 1(h insU Tlie gome was quite in- toresUog, allhoiigh a good deal of mufllug took place, and $e acoro al the ilnlsb stood In favor of the ooUoge boya by O to 20. Junior Plat in UASSAonDSBrre—Tho Excelsior Club, of Ooslon(lauior),TlBltod LyunouThureday, 1th Inst., and vanquishcO the Osceola Club of that city with groat case, the Bcore being S3 (o 8. WASniMoioii TS. PiuoAH.—neae oiaek dnbs played a Erne on (he grounds of the former, New Orleans, on the Uist, when (he Pelicans proved tho viclots by a aeora of 8«t0S3. TDK FiSR, Jr., Is the tldo (o bo adopted by a club now Incouiaeof orgiuiuatlonat (ho Orand Opom Uousc, (hla cKy. THE RINSa THE AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP. The only fresh piece of Information which we have to communicate to oar leoilera (hu week, aneot (ho DBtoh between Tom Allen and Jem Usee, Is that (be former has commenced real work, having gouo Into training ooartsn bear (he Crcacen( City on Ihe 7lh Inst, to remain there up (0 the day ofba((le,punulng that rlgoroua course of ex- orcise and dltf ge^j^ar/ to tpt^Ielilfa to cope wldi a SU of focn vast enaurlog power as our piosant eham- on. lie will lake bis brea(hlngB under (he watchful urea of that eneilenced tutor, Jim Ousick, who tnincd Ueenan Bhd oohnm, and his conaln Pooley, wbo nn- oenlAAds pteclaely wliat Jem's reqnlrtmeaia are. Al- len Is a willing worker, and under the care of Jack Ooniding, be la doing honl work and plenty of it, and repldlT dlmlntohuig the amount of nnneoeasary Beah now ologglng the machlneiy of his oignnlzailon. lila trainer Informa ua lhn( he wclghed 2M pounds on tho 2d but, having reduced himself ten pouniuslqce ho waa Ui- stalled at waah Home, which proves that he la not ollow- Ing the gross (o grow nnder bis feet We are mqutally osxed ir wo think they will fight s( all by (hose whom pre- Tlous fizzles have rendered skepUcal, especially in (heoase of ma(chea for so largo a sum, (o which iniiulry we have Invariably replied anrmatlvely. We are convhiaed (hat both men mean fighting (our reasons for so beUtvliig were given some woeka ago), and if anything outside of maglaterial Ihlerfeitnca oocun to bring the match to an unsallafaetory JInalt, we shsU feel dispoaed to a(((lbule (be same to tha .Instrumen- (alliy of one or other of those who find'Iha money for them. However, we do not anticipate any sacn result as this, and we cannot perceive any grounds fortheenteitslnmentofeach conjectura by any one. Aa time rolls on, and evoirthlng perdilning (o (he mated is seen to progress ao smoothly, tho nnbeUoveis, who were so plontlAii at first, arc npldly becoming fewer and fewer, and consequently (ho intereat exhibited In (he aOklr Is belghtcned In a corresponding degree. As is slwan the case, opinions upon the Issue ore totally at Totunce, thongb there appean to be a growing belief that tbe ed- vaoiagea poeaeased by Allen will oointorbalanoe these of the accompllahed man from Norwich; atUl Uaos la the greater fitvonta at alight odda, and ihat atockaof green- Gaoka wUl be wsgored upon tbe result Is an aasondraet. Tbe nazt and final depoalt, one Ihonsasd dollan • aide, u due at this ofllce on Filday, the sad al ApHl. Th* banbBratAfon ''l^ilaAAflT" being ^l4eD npiby tha IHenda of Allen la St. LonSTror presentation to mm sa a mark of esteem for his manly, stralghUorward conduct and gallant bearing in past conteataoo our soil, wlllt we loan, ahoitly be finished and presented to Tom. HesBis. Jaccaird, lewelen,aro (ho manufacfnrer*, and that It will be a splendid afflalr may be Inferred ftomthoetatementtliatit win coet Allen Informa os that be will not scale lesstbon iTtlba. on (ho day of the battle, as he haa grown audi larger since bis lost fight. THE FIGHT FOR TUESDAY, 12th INST. KEftRiaAN TB. TOBBET. As we pen (his prepnnilons an being quietly mads by the apons of the metropolis and vicinity to Journey to the Etiund selected for tho milling encounter between Jim errigan, of (he Fourth Ward, and Ed. Touhey, of the Dry Dock, which Is to toko place on the morolog or Tues- day, iith Inst, about three acore miles ftem this city. Thoae deslrlDg to attend will bo cenveyod to tho gnnad by two steamore chartered for the purpoao, the tarlif impoeed being five dollare per head. TOohoy had an o-ihlbltlon at Oontlnentol Hall, V.litbth avenue, on Saturday evenliu, Mb lust., and bis appearance stripped, togsthor with his clever displsy, Unnreeaed all favorably and caused his badcere to bcconio entnualasHc in bis supporr, odda being repeoiedly offered (ha( he carries (he day. We have no( seen EerrT- gon or late, but we learn that he hss been brooglitlnto very dearly as good comllllon as his opponcnl nnder the eye of "Skinny Bill." and hu adborenla speak veiy conO- denUy of hU proapecls, while (hoy are ready to back up (heir opinion with gnen paper. Wo undentnud that Tou- hey will bo waited upon by Owney aeogboghau and Bill Clark, while his brother Dan and Johnny Uonaihan WlU eaqnlro Kerrigan. The gentleman chosen final bui1<o- holdcr, a pniiilnont Brooklyn Bpert, received the al^ea last week, / "Paolfio Slope" eiprcsiily to witness the coming right bctweea Usee andtlcOoole, andaathethMlclllI' iMjathjir^M,- r-M": ' ^ AUONO TUB TBOJAXa-The i«8ldenUi within the walla of Troy were favored with a more than ordinary fine display of sparring and athlollos on tlie evaning of the eih Intl., when PioL O^Ndil, of the Troy aymnsalnm, gave an e.v hlblUon at a prominent halL Tbo entertalomontcoiulstcd of suarnog, dub awlnglug, dnmb bell exentse and sing- ing lijt the ProCnsor's pupils, Ur. Iioc putllng up a dunib bdl weighing IM lbs, with great apparent esse. The clo- sing display was the feature of tho ereaing, bringing into vvvO:!!!"!! wjlh tbe siyyw yvUIIgm rjjyt, of New Vj:'; (whobadgoilj up'Cy ^u(il'eq^oUlly UsoUo], 81111 Hr. U'Nelll, Which waa one of (he fineat llluttratlons of the manly art which (ho people of (hatoectlon ever wllncsaeil. and drew forth loud applause. The atteudanoe was large. Prof. Clark expresses blmsclf well pleased with hhi vlsil, and desires (0 return, throngti ua, nis sinoero thanks to OoL O'Brien, Ur. O'Ndli, and Ida aoholais, for the kind' ncaacs extended to him while thore.^ Bnooii Kbllt^ Nionr.—Thla feather-weight boxer gave sn exidbitlon at Dnlon Hull, Dnlon Avenue, Oreenpolut, U I., on the 8th insk, (he house being ftill anil the conirony orderly, Tliosets-lo were between RouseandTunniii, Steve Allen and Shcnny, Bill Fox and VoungOmcalla, JackJoyca and Young Oarr, (a tremendous glove fight, hot aud boavr all (ho (Imo) Teddy NeaiT and Uan Kerrigan. Young Ed- wards and Bowoni, Teddy Neary and Enoch Kelly—wlnd- up-iho lauerbelog a very predy seMo. Fez andOmealla llkewUe made a very sdentlUc display. Tovco was master, as nsnal, and wishes ns to express his thanks to Kelly for hU llbcrellty, which, though nothing more than the hard-working okl gentleman deserves, shows well by contnat, Ed. RtnSBLL, tbe champion dnb twhiger, called upon us oue dor last week respecting the cballenao Issued by John Cotter, and whioh particularly alluded to bin. Uo dcslree ua to say, In answer thereto, that he Is not a profeadonal awinger and will nut en- gage In a match for money: but ir Ur. Cotter wishes to test his abillUea, ha will meet him alouy time that may bo agreed upon at the New York Atbletio Ulub Booms, Holro's Oymnaslnm, BL Mark's place, and give him tho desired opportunity. SirrrLB Hatob.— Oo Eaa(er Uonday, isth lost, a match at akittles for $W, 21 ehalks up, stand fair, will be played between (hoae oxperta, W. Hoon and T. Price, of Cock- ney Lane, at the quoit and akKtle groonds of Hobert Cal- vin, oUos "Uanchealer Bob " Eagle Uotel, CarrdI street, near Third avenue. South Brooklyn. Hoora hi opon to play any man In (he oouo(ry for a alake, atsnd fair, with a twelve pound boll. Theoe gnouda have been put In good Older for the soaaon and two new aklttle tueys added. Off fob tub wist.— Duly Edworda end Dooncy llarria wen to leave this dty for a weslem trip on (his (Tuesday) morning, (ntending to vtstt and give exhibitions in nil Ihe principal dtles (here and In the aouth west. They will make their first atand at lYoy, and &om thence proceed to Albany, Byraouse, Rochester, BnllkIo,(neTeland, Chicago, Detroit, dnclnnad, Indianapolis, St. Looia, and down the "Father of Watera," making their caioDlsUons to wbid op (he (our at New Orieans In aeason for (ho Uace and Allen ohamplonahlp battle. DxAin or Bill Lass.— Weiegretio find noorded Ui our San Francisco exchangee (he decase of Ihe well known spordngmsn and fireman, wbloh took place In that city on Unrch 23d, of apoplexy, lie was fonnoriy foreman of Eu- gtneSS, ofNowYork, before tbe paid department oaino Into existence, but for six ysan past hod realded In Ooli- foroia. Ills many friends In Ibis olty ftlU hear with sor- row of hb unexpeetod demise. IlARBv IIioiiN Is now Installed at No. 84 East Beuston street, this dty, where ho will be prepared to give tessous in sparring to gentlemen desiring such Inslniotlon, u alao attend to their requir<UBenta Inwardly, See bla advertlae- meat In another oolamn Bo. WiuoK haa disposed of hla saloon. No. 100 Blcecker atreet, and u at present oaaUng hla optica about with a view to finding an eligible sue np tows whenat to le- embark In tin bodBcas. - - Jul TUBNBi, ittM whanahonta wen leeanUy Inr tBtred for by a eodeapondoiliia at present m^ leana, having ntdnied ftom s aojonrn of nearly three yean u Oentnl Anieilea. In hand to assnme the ofifenslve In a contest for tha nof toperiority. Of course hla main objeot Is to soon in, hot (hero Is something (o be considered betides Iho M bet of obtaining therun,andthatisto aeeure It with least tBilgoe. If the batsman hits tho ball over the da of tha ont-Oelden he geta hU run at once, but at It cost? Why, at the exponae of runnfnff one hundred I liMnfv innli a< ht> ulmosi apeed, the rcantt being that irrlvea home out of breath and entirely nnfit f or ftinher r without real. If this wen contlnned by each player •ch Inolnga the result would be that tho atrongest nine Ud be broken down beforo they had got through half game. Now, if thla atyle of batting u correct in one AltUlnall; butltlsnot aklllul batting at all, for It U Ually charasteriaUc of (he lca8( aklirul elass erplayen he whole fniemlty, viz., the "Uufflna;" for this claaa atsmen can hit balla for "home rans" Juat as well as I nine playen can. Again, too, given a party of muacu- nien,,wlili long, h^yy_ bal8. ^d a lively, etatlfo h al^ LODisiANA vs. kBNTubt?,—^iie groal main iMlwoeit tho above alatea, whlcli came olT In Now Orieans ou the 4lh, eih and eih Inst., wea iiMldud in Atvor of Louisiana by aacoroof fourteen'fighu to six. Tho victorious auie woe roprosenled by tho well kuown aportliig man, Ur. John Frankbn, romierly of Ibis city, and Kentucky ihe voteron fooelor, Tom O'Neill, of Loulavllle. Tho comllUous wen to nhow Iblrty-ooo birds on each aide and ilitht all that wclKhcd In Ibr wa each liattleaiid S-SOCO on tho main. It proved B ytyow rictery for the Loulilaua divUloo. THE TRflSQER. 8EDD0NS vs. COBURN. RORanllng tbo proposed mill between tUcso Ilght-welaTita wo riBvo received tlio followlog cofflmaDlcatlon in rcpif lo that of Ulko Coboni^B, wlUcb ippoared lo oar Iut:— flr^ Loots, April 8,1170. FnuiK Qtmr.—DiiH BiL—Prom Iba Curnit Jtui ncolrod I tnni ihiii Cobum bai euTFml mv dopotli rorvrftrdcdl BtlHibcrortbfl ' •- » - ho CDTTnOB of _ . rUWer, wb* •rrr mnnl <o flibt dm, or no would b&TO uoepled U» wiuant illloD oonuln«riD tbo communlttUon. rtfemd to«lKTO,MB0 ti crtd mv dopotli forwAnlcd Imi wwk, byl dcolucimrtilof metlHibcrortboplHoi ■ilpuUicdIo Mr. RAcb's eomnuDlatlon. -Tho CDTTnog of Qio 910Du mfnlf «"makaDe- UCTtf'ODUio|«rtorlJlckeri wbo^ lamMtUOcd, doctnoiwUli CcAnira, imlly irlditi 10 Ootl, I vlll >lla» him tloojor oipepari to accl me Id diMr of ilio loalldn nirnlloiud by r. RoKb. ]riSlid«catioliDllCotrttrB,bliri1CD<UmiiitUilDhhliii hAid lo plrftM, ind my challanso irlU Tu.jb 10 muilQ open rtir lome (If rittlilloua llaol-iTotAliL nc«pc«(rully jxun, Oiopoc Bidwiq. Jim Cobnrd called in since the above was In type, and slates thattho baoken of UlckoywUiaotagree to bugoing woaU Ue oObraSeddona (hocholcoof ground iUOhillcs from New York d(y, and as different men have already gone west from thla city to fight (notably, Joe CVibnm and Dick UolUwood) ho thinks Qeotge has no plauaiMo excuse for not accepting thhi, as ho bos no danger to fear. Ulckey leaves his |loolnourhanda,andif Seddons don't accept he'll fight any man In the country, at llBlba., upon the samo toims he last week offered him. Fatal SeoonKo aftbat in PoiLADBLrnii.— Padst WiLLiAMSTnaViom.—Tho city of Brotherly Love was, during the past week, the scono or another desperate affnr. In whIoh oroel lead performod a murdoroua part, depriving of lUb one well known to the sporting ta- lernlty. Tho dreumatanoca of the affair are aa rollowa:— On the evening of Wednesday, 8th Insl., Paddy M'illians (formerly of PlusburRh, where, daring tha war, a mtteh waa proposed between him and Johnny I(aokoy,bntitnav- er came to anythUiD) and Frank UoDonald, alias UcOoy, ados "Dig Frank,''metal an early hour In tha bsr-room of (he Continental Hotel and becamo Involved in a diapate concerning a lots sustained hy ona of them at faro, buck- ing tho Uger being the method adopMrt by them to gala a livelihood. Tha altercation waxed warn and they were about dlnchlDg, when mutual flleuda Interfered and sepa- rated them. About nlno o'clock the aame evening tssy met again at a uloon located on tho B. H. corner of Eleventh and Sanson aueeta, when (no quarrel was renewed. From words (hey speedily oame to blows, and MoDonsId received a severe cu( on (he head. The la(ter now drow a revolver, fired upon WUUams, (he ball taking enecl in (ho groin sikI causing tho victim to sink to his knees. Anothorshol was fired while he was In that position, tho missile penolmling tho Ion breast, doss to tho nipple, passing obllqnoly through the lung and lodging In the btdi, having severed In Its coune one of the prlndpalarierics.oanslngacoploas hemoVrhage. Two more shots followed In rsnld succes- sion, but neither touched Williams. HoDonold then left the saloon, pistol lu hand, but was anhseqnently arrested about a dozen blocks oir, having been followed by a police- man, who, not possessing sumelent courege to allonipt bit arrest hlmteir. wsitcd until be met a brother olllcer vbo wss not arroid to nerfhnn bis duly. The wounded nan waa conveyed lo the Fonnsyivanfa Hospital, where tba phyddan In diarge probed his wounds, expreaslng tba opinion that thoy were fatal. BhorUy afterwards Aldoman Horrowwas aent for (o lake his anle-mortem sta(en]en(, hut upon lellhig WllUsms the object of his visit, tbe utter said;—"1 Eavo no charge to moke against any eaei If you ore here. Alderman, to ask me who did (he ahoot- Ing, I will not tell you. Ifoiglve tho man who abet me, and 1 hope that be may prosper and live a thouaand yean; to punlah him would do me no good, and If 1 ahould illa It would only be Inllldlng on hhn a poulshmonl of wlileh ho may not be deserving. Ue may have been right hi Iba naUcrand I nay have boon wrong; anyway ifuntlve him, and will not under any dicunislancea divulge anything that would lujun him.'' no (hen said (bat bo bad boi ono nqneal to make, which was that his body be sent to his ftuior, Jamaa Williams, No. e> Elghtecnih stitet, Fittshnrgh, A Oathollo priest was sent lor end admhiis- tered tho saoroment to hlia during tbo night, end Alder- nah William VcMallln, William Whilnoy and several other frlenda called lo see him. Uo lingered onlll alx e'dook on the evening of tho 7th, when ho expired, per- alalenUy rotaslng to giro auy Ififoiraallon relodve (0 ihe aOhlr. On (he momlug of tho llh UoUonald's oonoiel, Mr. L. 0. Cossldy, allempted lo secure a honring in Ibe ease, bnt no witnesses of the oocurenoe being present, the Aldeman eommlttod the prlaoner and ordered a beai- Bt two e'dook on the eih. Wa Hati Umsgfoc Aim HUet Hd Falser Sb«- pud. THE CHAMPION PIGEON SHOOT. in LBS JOHNSON TQE WINNER. The pigeon ehooiUig contest for the obtmplonahlpof the Dnitcd Slates aud an elegant badge, besides tIMtothe winner, tloo to the second man, and lilo to the thurd, took place on Tbnraday, >th InsL, at Hark Rock, near mvl deuce. It-1., on the groonds occupied by Ed. W. Tinker, Tho trophy was oObred by tha Rhode Island Sportsmen's Club, uuiler whcee aisplcestheshoollog took plaoe, nod about dx hundred penous paid their passage money oa board the ateaner What Uheer, which had been chartered to convey the contestants and spectaun to the grounds. The entrance fee was fixed at |to. and the entries were six lu number, viz.: Ira A. Paine, New York: E. W, Tin- ker, I>rovidence; Ulles Johnson, New Jersey: JohuTsylor, Jersey City; Percy Aldrioh, Erovldenoe, and J. IL Brown, Dufiluo. On the way to tho ground pools wen add by Ur. Uarahall, an old hand at the hnahieaa, Tinker being the favorite and Belling In all but one pool, as luat oholco, Taylor being landed next and John, ton third. Dinner wu partaken of after the arrival of (ho parly a( Murk Rook, and at one o'doek the sport 00m- monced, etoh man shooting at 88 aingle blrda, 91 yards rise and 80 yards boundary, ftom U and T ground traps. Al the beglnnlug Taylor mlaaod hla bird, and ontbe (hird abet Johnson mlased a bird, (he othen shcothig easily and surely. At (he end of (he fint ten birds, Taylor had lost throe, Paine three, TUker and AJdrleh two, and Johnson and Brown one each. Fool soUlng waa resumed, Johoaon and Brown aelllng about ttvanly, and Tinker atlll ahead, By tho time tho filteeuth bird bad been ahot at Brown had gono to the lead, and money was put very freely upon "the stiunger," as he waa called. Those who had bought him very low before In the field looked cheerful, and those who hadn't soRowfUlly wished they hsd. ErenTlnker'sbscken "hedged" on Brown. His star was In the ascendant, and BiilnUig brightly. At the twenlloth shot everybody thought that "tho BtiBnger" was certainly walking away with tho "cbamplooa." Johnson wss stcond, and tho othen wen bunched together, Tinker htvhig leat three birds, Paine five, Taylor five and Aldrioh five. Berowas a turn—the longest lano must have one—snd Brown miss- ing ihreo birds In suocesslon leat him tho matoh, and mado Jolmson'a chances very favorable. From this point to tho close of tho shooting Johnaon kept bi the load, and easily won the conteat, loshig but three birds oat of the thirty-five. No ono would buy a pool against him, for none were so foolish aa to aend "good money after bad." Taylor, who had been shooting very badly at Sis(, rallied, and (0 auoh good purpose (balho was awarded (he second money. Tinker (aklng (he (hlrd money. The unlucky ahooling of Aldrlch at (ho mlddlo of the match nther dia- ceuraged him, but be alfo made better acorlng toward the dose. Falne waa very nnlorlonate with his birds, and hardly did himself JnsUce; while bad luck seemed to stare Tinker oontinually In the Dace. The dotpest Interest was taken in tho affair by tho apectaten, And wbllo at times then was much exdtemen^ (ho beat of order pro- vailed. Tho beat eonaeeutlve shooting waa done by John- sen and Aldrich. We append Ibo acore:— luimiuieiiuiiiieiiiiii oiKoiiiinioiiiiiioliiiiilliiiuii lllll0III0lllllllOIIIHO|llIllllllll-S) 111111DI10110111101UI1II1101111111-S8 liioiitiiiiiioiiiiiiiHHiiniiiiviii-rr _ iiiiioiuiiiouDiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiio-ir The birds were, in sporting parlance, "heavy," nearly every ono on being nleaacd requiring Ihs nerautslon of a itone to Induce him to take wing. Boms of them abtelately re- fused to start. On his fourth ahot Tinker had two of tbla character, and both being barred, a third, a lively fellow, was trapped and killed. At tho dose of (he matth I'aino oballanged tha winner, Johnaon, to make a match any- where, at any time, for 1100 a shlo and Ihe badge, escn Dsn to Bhoot al one hundred birds, the time aud place to bo at tho option of the challenged party. Under the rales by which the badge Is governed, the winner is not obliged to accept ohsUeiiges oKener than once In four months, though he may accept for a less time if he chooses, New- ton Uexier, Proddent of tho R. I. S- 0,, wss nferee. THE DOMINION CHAMPIONSHIP, TAYLOR DEFEATS 1VARD AO A IK. On tho 3IHb nit. Joseph Taylor and James Want, both of Toronto, not for the fourih (baa la b (rial of skill with lha trigger, the match reaaliing from a ehalloiige leaned by Ward, who wu dlssatiaacd with Ihe defcau previously ausialned and dealred 10 tost hla powen once mora against the champion. The contest took place at Lesllo. vnio, 0. W„ and wu for gto a ddo, II and T ground tra|is, M single birds cooh, Zl yards rise snd 80 ysiils boundary, with Dfoz. shot. Itlehsnl Vareoe offldated u luilgo (or Ward and Itobort llodgoon did liktwlM for Taylor, while Alex. Uulr filled the noeltlon of relSiee. The weather wu favorable and eveiythlug gavo promln of an exdtingcon- teat. However, nelthsr man made u good a display u (hey have previously dene undor leas adranlagccns dr- cumslaucea, u (be score below auesta:— TlvuiB-lW>IOIIlItIIUIIO*llUllll0101llllllO*llllO>lllllUllU)>- ''w"iiDUiiiioioiiiiinitoiiiiooiouio<uuiiioiuiiiuniiii(u-8; QUI Of BOl •Felldead out oflmBdj. Ur. Taylor having kdd the chamnlon enp lha required Kriod, one year. It now beeomu bIb personal properly, hla five eonlealj (or the ehanplonahlp, he hu snot at 318 birds, scoring 1831 aolnally klillnglBB, and only mitiing 18, making an avenge ahooUng of B 8.10 out of every it birds shot ab Wa have racelvcd the followlog ehallenge from the loaer, which ahows that Ihe retail of the put hu not caused him (0 lose oonfldenee:— _ Toaono, aw., April llh, 1870, Fusi Qsiai.—Dais lia—I mil nuka • luidi lo iIimI bi any i1o|le pi|«oi)j eieh i^nil Mr, Jo««pb Tiylor, or Tonnio, n>r obb haaOlM dollAn.of BDrUB«nBlup loBUOa tidai or I will pol up 'm ••UoBi CuUD IDS ibool al & doBHa blida twb| wli |irtr Is aeiuir Ib«^rd«,wbl9h BralobBmludoo IhBmoraliif oraboel- SSH'U'ASiS!!^ "I'-t-f «><"""•» XOOBRTUoSrriBBL J'i'.PBt.HhWCONB'a MKW BONO ABD OANUBs! «iMu;;8itWAnD"^iJi"nAbKuS"iVW^ " '..ATALmE'S QBEAT OBCUgSIBA. tl Habrib AND Pbrrt.-J. Walker, Incker or the "boy nerzog," narrls, says he will match him agalnol Poke Fer- ry, of Trenton, N. J.. lo his own race, 'l yards, flir (too or tl.OOOondtho championalilp or tbe East. Harris is es- pecially desirous of running Pony. Tlio race lo come off at Fateraon, where Perry will be oeriain or a rolr show. ' Jack OouLoiNif, at iircaont training Tom Allen, will per form lUs feats at tho latlet's qunrien, tho Washington Uousc, near St, Louis, on Suuday next, iTtli lust. An ATiTLina Olits wu organised at Uonireal, 0. R., on tho id lust., the purpose of which Is to eneourego and nro- Diote athletle sports. About foriy names were enrolled on the membereiuji list that evening, and a committee ap- pointed 10 dralta cousiitutlon. TOR OnioM Club, of PlUladelpkhi, give an Invitation ball In (ha( d(y on tha lllh Inst. AMUSEMENTS. uippodhomx] paiitsiisn. (IRAMU AIUSNIO BIPUSITIUN. niE gilE.VT BUBOrKAN CIR0D8 Will luunirolo Umi Mn*iB ot 1870 bypteMHUIlua QOBOBOUS IlirPODRAHATlO TAOEANT IN TIIB MAMKOTn EklriRB SKATIKO BINIT, COBNBU OF Tllino AVKNUR AND Mill 8IBBBT, FOR A HllOnT KEA80M ONLT, COSINBNCINn MONOAT. APBIL IL ARENIO MATINRBB HAOB DAt AT SkLO'OlQOg, BqUESTBLlM FEA11I EVERY HVENINU AT 8 COLOdK. (Doon OPAO QBO bottrpntlMB.) ,ADUISSION 80 ceola. SuiLOREII DNDEB TBN dO) TBABS Tbe muuienirat tDnoaoaoi Ihs preianUUcD or oal oaly THB LARaRST UIROUS, DOT TUB BUST OOMPANT BTEB OROANIZBO IN TDB WORLD, Inflndlng Hla jMooauo WaUoo aiiil MII& Zerllas LofcUs, EQUESTRIENNEa PlntBii|Kai«iu«lDleor«noribe OBBAT fTAUAN BABB BAOK BqUEBTBIAN, 8BN0R BiBASTIANT ud IhBt epllami or Uenl sad beanlr, UIB SON nOUBQ, MB. FRANK rASTOR, OIIAmPIOK BOIf. ERSAULT EQUIUTBIAtr, from Obaua NapilMa, Vw\m, Bnl ap- Eanum la clihlyoan. LA JEUNE UUKT. Iba loln ahl UuiiUa dir. MB. OIIARLKS OONBADandTALEKTRD BOIia TUB DBNZRn FAHILY OF AOROUATS. OKABLBB RIVEHB, FOUB IIORSK RIOP.B, BotBrl JehBjoD, FnahUa, Laulla, Sbfrwood, Uonalis losclhorwllh adoubtacomr '— Bwaj or Oynouu, AfnlauL TnuaxUli, Aa. ID Wtl.LIAM ATHAR, OLOW BAM LONO AND WK.LIAM ATHAR, OLOWNB. TIIB RENOWNED UON PBHFOnHRII, MB. PIBBOB WILL ENTER THB DEN OF U0N8 BI each perfonBaoea and aaaaola _ _ MARVBLODS fBAT*^ .TRR WATEUNAN, BOUBBTRUN DIREOTOB. TUB riBST OBAND HTRBBT PAOEANT, WALTRR wllblha OoldeaObarloUBOdlhaUTaUaB laoto In tbaalneli^ wU ^ ON HONDAT, APRIL 11, (iralhar ptnollUas; If uoIaTaraUa. Iral dalr davl, laTlai Iba HammoUi RIakal 10 A. H., and pam davD llare. IsNlhiL, utnaa lo 3d ur&, dans 3d BTb. la fiowarr, lo Oiiial, lo Bn«d*aT, upBiaod. war M Sdlb il, la 8d ava, iheaao lo 8<lb at; Iba plica at atblMlbn. No BnaraoaD parfomaiKa vlu ba ilTea as die day of mndo. Tba flmparfanBaaaBwlUbetlmionHaBdayeTeqUia. t-ll • BB'NSAT!PNAI.bltAMA, BaUUetf JAQB SnRPPARCS LAST DBBAH. JAOK BUEPPABD'S LAST DIUfAIL BuuamcBlwIlhtha OBBAT OOHIO OAN0HB8, LEOgST AND ALLBN. LEUOET AMD ALLEN. Re4npMBnca of TUB IHIIIITABIjE, NBLHH 6BVH0PR, NBLSE BBYHOUK TONY PAnOB TON ONI' PAETOB AodUie STAR TROUPB. KATlNBEa WBDNBSDAT AND BiTPBBAT. Ml AHUSEMBNT CUMPANIT, _ tit BlIOAUWAT. BI7TLED AND QfliHORK Itiaann and Fraarllloit, A KRW ATrBAfitlON AND BKIBSHlNlNa D™ TBBBATILE, 8BN8ATI0NAU FAHIOinUB, BALLET, AND DDHOBODR nllB HOXSTEB raSOfB oTTiiE^WORlJB EMTIBB OOANOE'lilP FBOOBAMUB. NO TnLQARlTy, NOBUOKINO, HODBINRINO, PurhI'Itbu iR'niT HATINEEB WEDNB8DAT AND 8ATCR0AY AT 3U P. U. ' N. 0.—PflTfamera or ickaawlrd(cd lAlaalloaU lirlncbra or Iba Tarlrtf builaeaa cao obula iteaOy eontafflaala by amtlylni lo 3-U ^ W. BDTLBB; llaBBur. 1111111-81 1-Jo JobBMD. IXylor. TWbw. Paloo.. Bnwo. Aldrtcb Insi la trap, haadla and piill lha trap a«aiBil eacb^aiBef, or Sad a penoBlo doll. Thla onailaaaati loft open f« Hr. Tailor for (va w>Bba,BBd, IfBolaooaplad, IMlilioMB BoaichaalutisyiDta la -^—-^ iatarmB,raraayamauolupla oaauouaaoa Oaoada, uodar 1I doUaraasldei BntpiwbsVlsBoalloae/SuUoluUaaiiLlba'naloh uieeMtM^tySitwndtaeCOtpdklMpiit^^ Uihe 730 BHOAUWAV. Lul week oI CDINd OUOU III, UABT AKD BTOAN IN jvDioiAL ODBiosrrna ud TUB WBONO MANI In bla ireal Sou aad Act, FASmONABLB EATEV)F BBOAOWAT. JDDIOIAL cURioBrriEa TUB WRONO MAN. rABIlIONiBLB KATE. oiiiNo onoo BL liomaa cnwded nlabUr la lao ihl^ TUE dHBATEBT DOHBINAflON IN TDB WORLD. OlflNQ CDOU UI WlU paalilrtir be nmoved afier ihli uttk, u oB Uegday, April IS, ve produoa Uio mat Miuallonal burWiiiio 3-Il» FIIOW-FIIOW. OXiTTITPIO TfTFlATIUa. LeaUMaadHaBapr. JAUBB B. nATCS, Diulaen Hiaaicr DAM BYHONS. OK OEO. L. FOX'S IIAHLBT, LAST UATINIiKR WBDNKBDAT AND 8ATDBDAT, Hr. FOX'B f raal uarronnaace or I1ANLST nuilbewllbdiawn foran nnUirir NEW VKhSION OF NAUBBTU, KblchnlUbepndaoedan H0.1DAY, Urn INei,, WnO ENTIRELY NBW SOlijlKllV, ^ „0O3TUHE8AND APPOINTBENTB, tad wlUi ill Uia orifbal Voal Uuiki HAODETn ........Mr, OBO. L. FOX, 6(ali Kcorol TIVO WEEKR IN ADVANUB at lb Boa oOcx, and ^t ua Thcaua TIckol oflcc. Ill Droadway. t-li* Twenlr.thlnl alrwl, balwa^a Kinb anil Slllh araaoaa. LXET week OP TIIB KNOAOBHEMT OF RDWIN nOOTU, •Who will ap«aron HONDA Y.TUESUAT Bad WBDNBSDAT ETE- NIKOB and SATURDAY HATINRE,aa HAUBETir, laHbakfopeara'aiubllnoTrwdy or ibat name, aad on TBDBS- DAVrrBtDAYliidMATUBOAy UVENIN(IB,ai •""•o- CLAUDE UELNUTTC Id Laid LvlUHl'a bcauUrul nkir or ' TIIB f,Al)Y OF LTONa ON MONDAY. APRIL I8lb, HR. JOHN B. ULAHKB Will make bla Bnl appmi«nen in Naw York In Bto yrara. In Ibe chinclnaoIHAJOIIWBI.LlNnTIIN DE B0OI8 andTOODLES, irrrorncd by blmSD titnraIn Ihlldly. 'BnlliKURdlVrO WEEKS IN ADVANCE, al lha boi ancaof lboTbf«ln,oratltabnnoli llckat offloe, at tba HuiloilanorO. II. Dillon A Ca, 711 Bn>adwiy. 3-11 -WAX'XjAOK'S. FnprlclorindHiBager MR. LEBTBR WALLAOK. DOORS OPBN AT 7k(. TO COMUBNOR AT ) P. H. nvVRY KVENINII will be praaaaifvi Tom Taylor'a laii saw romodr, KEN AND AURKS. vnduool wllb nawandappnifiriala mnrir, nair piaalo and aairap- ulBloipnla. and a mil or chinirion ItKfudlai Mr. J. W. Wallael:, fir J II.eloUanl.Hr. n. T. RIonnM.Mr. f.b. Wllllireion, Mr Cbiiirlriltncbiioll,Ur. union Holland, Mr. Ptct, Hr. guliley. Hr. Oornn, Hl>a HidtllCo llrnrlauaa, Mlu Emily HaalayBr, Hri. Jobo 8irioo, Hll. UiimPbllU|a,.MIia Ro»L ' Inrahnaml, TWO OF TUE FINKHT OLD COHBDIBB, whkb will t)f Biran FOR TUE FIRliT TIUB IN HANY TEARB In pTBnai«lh,n RETEHAL NOVKLTIRa A HATIKBK WILL BIIOIITLT BE OIVBN. 8-l(^jusnr. DOWEHV TLtRATIlE. REWfeifevr"""-:;;" TIIK OBBAT OLODOCBB TBOUPB. DORST oixinoaiiB, _ WIBLET NORUAND, JOUN J. ENaLSn, WALIIllOir. BBHRLR n<AOF.OLBT, BASSOHRTI, ^rUBD. OOIIDON, OOLUNB, BoW NBWDRAKA, JEW OP BOUTIIWAIIK. U BoBSB and.Daoeei dOBUy DALT. flARBNTB. MEW PANTONlllE, LA JQOBlnsB. QLQDOOilB TBOUPB. llATINBB. BATPHDAT, fC'OLOUB. 3-1 AOAi>xiMrr OP MrNSTiuaiisrs' 310 OBAND HTRBBr NBW YOBB, IHuagen ...JABiaiT A rAUlB. WONDERFUL BUOOEBB. . BitUlanl ao«l uoouaailOBed ulunipb at tba LTDIA TOOHrSOR BURUIBQUB TBOOrB, APD QBNEROng APFRBOfATION np TBBIB TALENT, OBMIUB AND BBAUTT av VBB MEW TOBK rtmuo. MONDAY, 7p~RiL II, m wUl be piwanud Uia buiUaqis PlPPINl TnS KINO OP Tllfc OOLD MDlEa Tha nlKaDTotlucpd vrllb NEW AND OOROKOUB HOKNRRT BY TOBOTLIN. BU iinvAi«rr« MiNBrrniiXia. FnURTPRNTII RTRRKT. OVER laem MIUIIT OF SHOO FLTI flIoriouaSatcaaaor 0. W. II. llrlaln'aBuf1a*ieaor _ HAMLET. IIAHLKT. BAMLBT, DAN URTANTAHIIAHLET, THESAR.DANB. DNBWORTItaaUiiOIIOm'. VX O. W. II. nRirPfHiallia Lrrri.E uaoi BUOU FLY I THBMVBl'- DAN BR' «»uf.Tl"°'Ln7.«*}J|[J' MDBIO >T WAt THE LEOPObirS. lb..k«B,tal.,8.»..SfS"'« LADY GYMNAST OF THB -WORLD. BlunAltAfh Milk nnnn/iB •«au.V.T '"wr^teWi gnOO FLY I L£SSiES AND MANAGERS IMPBOTB TODB TUEATBES. Theraara Teiy few lenllemcn wbo, at ioa»UffleoroUiar,bare Bol bad Ibelr llATB BOII.RD. OB PBRRAPa RtnHRD, ^ „^ HY IIIIIT OR TORAOnO JDIOB, ON TUB Fl,00na OF CUUIUIIEK, TURATHRA, , or an; olhar cnmlad iiUa, rram Uia vary fbcl Ibat Ibare la bb plaoB lopullloiorrlon - ^l|p_ PKUP — will Hod li gfaslV ioirieir i^lnnuco'in'laok'i^ u II wUl (IRHATI.Y ADD TO TUB COMFORT (IK THEIR PATnONa ^ , By Ibli almplo nmDsauionI raamad undn- lha aaal, lha hat la aatlly puloul or tba way and aaouraly baki In lu plaie oalor daager aiidnolnHiblalsUisownor. • t-ll*cow For cimilara, larva, addieaa B. M. DEDAN, PalBBtaa, . ff BouUi Blilh aliaal, PbllaJalpbta, fa. allAHLBllTUWN,JBrrBBBONOO.,W. TA; OB tha WIncboalerand rouuao BaUicqO, bluu of Balllaof* aod Ohio. HRlnnT OF ROOH, 11 FEBTi DIHKNBinNll ei BY >l FBCTl 8BATBDWITH BETTRRB, AKD WELL UOITITD. WILL BKATTUReTiIUNDRBD PEOrLR.„ POPULATION OF TOWN, lOOl IIAU, NBW, 3lt» JAB. LAW. IIOOFF, Proprlelor. TUBATRlOAI. BOOTB, BIIORft t-m BlIANNUN, MILLER h URANl SLIPPERS. Aa LISHildanUaa, h;t. WAR TO THE KNIFE. DnoBTisTi mpoirrANTi ihfobtant{ The United States Confeotlon Ooitipany, 73 WARREN RTREKT, NEW TORI, ABB NOW MAimn OONTBAOre FOR TDB OOMINO' ^TBNTINO BKABON" _ w nil 0IR0UH8II AND HBNAaBRIM FOR TDEra UEIAiDBATED PftUB PAOtUOKB OP TDRB OANDIED. ... and all BarllM wbo liaraBOl aliaadv ' , MAOETHBin AMANOEHRNm AJB..RBQtrBCTBD TO OAtX AMD BEE TUB flDODS AND RXAHIMB TUB BTOO^ OF JEWELRY UBBb. _ _ . , , Ml' BAM'L BLOOD, OoBtiael A|enl, ON XUH UCDSON XUTXIIIb. *****"'°"'* PRFmiFpOTANDAintlB,, ..* ^ ooBsandducai TIIIRTY.FITB OENTB EACH. Beat IS Bay ad- drcM, pool paid, onrtcelplorprlco. „ _ ^ll• . FKAWgLINWlHNS,WBieaawBy. A I^AXt-S* fine eoMBUoDll Dl*m ■WHO wilitoBtoBcnvIr ror oor, W14-. rIOBMdastal. AddloM ELLA A. EilW, FMIa. fr. 0. 3W HAS HAS A bar, wiabaian Skpe. ■ - Til' PROS'. noDunxs nuMovjiio Is Tea Broadway. Pkluicioua Drpami oT UluilaD, PoaUal and Baileiqaa, SeaiaUoBal DaraoDa, Pbanlona, Bkelalma and etbar Ttiloaa For OBjaawBOnU or ptttikaalni of appaplBa BvBd ilamf for tenaa, pnisiamma or oalaloauA * LaiHPB.niiiiaBa. «< B A OBAlfe,« MiBae SPAJNarjES. TINBEL LACK jJ-Ut BnANN OM. MILLL i^St"^ edstya*!? opiaitA nABT A BAYNK... BANESTBBI.B... QAUBMBNTS ABB ALWATB OPBN FOR OOOD TARIBTV PBBFORHBBflL Addnia f R.U(K BTRBLB, BlanaManaiar, t.3t' ^^o^(8<oKO|lelalloBa^ " nnss MCA'sr onrponD, PRKHIURE DAN8EU8B, and MK. JOHNNIE WBATBR, aocan- ulo ODOodlan, cbaraclar nanlqua aod itnerml arUil, are opcB for oo. paamanlB hi Brat claaa DalU. Addmaa JOBN WRATBR, 8.1ia IfSCeBlralarcona, OInolnnall, 0, mOTTJiTlOTT. MANUBORIPT COPIRB OF Tllia OREAT BUUCEBBrUL DKAHA FOR SAL& Thla copy la rciT liko iba ono NOWOBINU PEIIPORHBD IN NBW TOBE, and Ma all ihn OOOD POINTS OK THAT EOmON. Alaoof IbevaialoBpirpBrodrorHUa. UoairloeIn l.oodoB. Ml* Adliwa W. IIKPBUItNB, . llBNaiiaaali«al,N.T. ni fo uxoiazisioii nAN joist, IBD ORIGINAL OLD UNCLB DEN, LEW HARDY, IIAB NBW erEoiALma NEW BANJO SONaB AND Borxia 311' AddUM NEW YORK 01.1f PER. sroxMSiio'w iron saxib oit DRNT.~Hiiao.ii.m maugeiB, doB'^yon wanljli^ ^.'ei' 1°**, Addroa L A. MONBON, BlterUiD, CoBB. MR. TKNOn TRIE J am 8guro7n^^li«l<i|ii ITRANOIS VIOIjA, THE IIBRAT BOI'RANO 'Oirra<I0B A-WDDRLKBOUBPniHA DONNA, liaiB Bin cnn be oopfod by reiponil. bla maiuMrai boat IVaaala *TnOIA ID Iba B Uiloplap aiige. Add naa eire Oflppcr Oflle oiiARXiiias AJUiorrrr. auorws. WHAT TUB OUIOAOO FBEBBBATa Abboll'a Olowii Uatuocfaa. Uia paBlonlroa la food and blaaym. naatk) nerronnancoB am aicallenL and the fmiaaiiua maBoar |a wblob IBoy are dODe roitlbly reoiloA uaoT Ibe BlanUU.—OopubU* OBD, Haici Slh. AlitMUwaapartkularlyoictlleat. Uia Bietoqanla eoold nptba bouorad, wblla hla symnaallo rMU are parreolly Buvaloua.—Joiu^ DBl, Haltb 3Wj. Ml X. entore.— Fmi, Uutb 39lh. iir. Abboll, lh6 down, U T017 fuiiDra tnd wIlbtL tcit ulla In bU Ttaa Olqinit jMdstjrick U a woodorfut tel, ud rectlred u Ourm Orrvm. MR. JOHN DENIER, OTUNABT, nODT DOPE ARTIST AND OOUIO FAHTOUIMUT, MISS MAQGI°E WILLETT, B«rio Oomla Voaillri, uU DnrUinua iod Pretain Aelnn, mo m oi- mwlfcTlM April Ifl. AddrauJOllMDHNIBn. iJllppWofBw. jll* CirAUPION LADY OVUMaBT. HROKOB UiOPOLD. ORAUPIOK MALR OVMHAflT. TlisahOTeutUtai. iMTlncwIliiNMd and dulj antredatad erarr UdrandfenilafBaauoufalo Tthimo perfunnara Id AmarlrN, haf* roHlTOd.inarconaldeniloo. loiljloUiomwIrciTUB CUAMriOANB ortb«DnnMaTnip«xr,lac1iic1lRKBi«r1cJ of leap*,indmean(o up* ItoldibeilileagBlDilalltoDMn. Anjnulaand fomalt doubta Ira* pqia narfoniian objetling tu Ihti od do to thrauih thaOllppar, wban we win al min nuika amrqnmenia ind dcrlda 11 In publla S.U OLOItUK tUOVOhU, FrvuiUimiTh«aiia,UaltJniora. . OAIlI>.—EmTOTl NEW 'S'OIiK OLIPPEIL-DKAR HIIL—After liia|«c(tiiiT Ui* noltei from iba BInIm preu, Uwailirr wllb ■ ktlcr rnrm Ibe prnprialor of-iba OpemllouMlo laslollrt ffr" f*|ll •dmil Ibrra bu Imcu mb* ml*- npnaeuUilonponewbera On ibo Oni olabl or our perfonnaDm, apar»o_praMaiod blmialfai (hedomi rorfrtoadniuloot ■laUni oa wai Iho Rimin rrpurif r for U10 New Vork OLirraa, ud whan aded lo glra a pnoT of bli balnR lO, nf uaad, and, aa a natuiBlconaaquonoe, ma decllDad lo pau ihe donrkaapen Tbil aeoouola for hla lauar lo lbs UurraM of Uta 2d of April Voura irulj, WiUJiH Ilouci liuaiui OLWioTouTRai SL Loula, alo., April SiL IIIR FIHHT ArT'BAItANOfc IN EI.HIRA. Only on raro andunaaual oocurona li ao Urfe anaadbmeaal- lraolikllQ.thoOpermlloHMiaatfliiiraMd Iba Qniappmranoioriha LlmardTroiiro lo ihUdij, laii eTealnjL If lionfr Ibaanoonooa* mrDioraleciurobjUougii, KitStf or OkhlnaoD. or a aarnwaby Bccrhar ibai nn oall wii aiicb an auillanca, iind II li onir a lootura Inr Oonah, Niihror DIoklnnni or a aannoo or B«ecber thai oao alDinl to much MiUracilon u an ind(«Dcn, did lha enlcrtalnmani oriut orMiloii. Tba fMt thai Iba peoptoof HlmlmrooofDliaaad ap)>rectalalbeiilflbnucnboiifaeu n rirat udt«cDDdcUuaDlar*alo< mrniUauillclcali7appuTutli7 Iba «|JOtrTncalo ttaoaudlonoa, both In cbanictaraDd DUinurr*,be(wc«a lulof lailoTcnInfaodibaarc- ntni proocdloff ll> If poHUl*. bowarer,lha dlUbiroca waa mora marl*) In IbocDlorUlnmrnl Iban lu Ibaaudlenra. lobtaipeeul. llB« Mr. Un^inl hiinoeniMl«,biiUbaaie«llenc>Qiorthaaoiaruio< tnotii nra b/ iw mcana conilnrj to bloi, bl« ln>upa beuf compotad of OftHtlaiu aolora In ororr dr partoicoi. _ niB LART APPeARANOB IN BDHBA. Anolhrr torn and nnicbuHiiillcooa amtad ibaUniirdlroiipa ■I ibalr Kconi) aod Uai npptaimoM In tbu dir. al Iba Op«n Uouaa, UMlavcnlna,aod iba wbolvooinDiDj opprnmllo ballaradraoUfa Ihaoon lbapr«vloui0T4Alnf, wlicn Ifaalr aDlerUlouanl nre tba SiONlonmplabiKQd prrfrci uU«rKi1oo. Tba Ininductorr tana of ffboHp«akaFlriiit'< fira Mr*. Alka Diioolof LInpnL Hr. Babart, Hr. Ullllna*, Mr. DArmiiaml HIM Wood aiioicallcnlopportuiiUr.lo riUntar Ibalr ■uuorforntlllllM ri nclora, whkb opporlnnllr waa fultf a ' - m<_ A il« lii.n>.lB>a t.lnHt^laa anlMBitlil wnmntiaUl ImraOTld. Mm Alloo Uiionloi Llnpltflaa aplanlU woroaB-U look unon-BoO a caplul acliraa lo aca and Imr. Mr. LiBfaid pail BavaliliioDsaaodcUncu>r.keloboa, wblch omlM a world or dft- lu ' — w.. Iihlaodamaicnienlwllb LliaDdltora—drll|hl bMaaiablaDilnlcry r..nmnilnsindr.lih(itl, and amuarniriil bcraiinor Iho repldlly .filbwblebboalapptdrroin ono chandrr loanoiher, (oainme ana all. Ilia illlno ImprraonlUmaare aiconlinalycnloyal'laaBd dlapUy Ibe iklll ol an arlUl IB makaup Tba oietUciicloa of Ua OBlarlaln. nonlwoiauullnurd, an.l Ilio .unrloilly or lha mnMy allll fur- Ihtr BiaoirMlrO, In lha doling plKo, wllb which Iba audlaiMS wu more Iban wril iilm«<d. Inland ellln an laldoia tlilud by aacb aopailoraad worldnnownnlaolora,and, iBbrbaireroorBrilelau oluuna wbo era able la rtoofoUa and ippnoliu |o«d iailB& ws la. TlIB Mr.aBdMiB.LIasanl aod Ibtir liOooled oompipy u rbll our Tlio I diyociloalaa Ibaa Of uiga i.Lbiflanl and Ibelr lalooled oompapy to TUll our early a day aa wlB auH ibalr eoaraalattOBL Biauruf and ipprtalallf a BBdlaooaB wbaBarar luyauUap. SASC. SIMONS _ will p^ ijg^b^,Ud>MB IB UABBT onimiaBAlle 881 Brait. Pat Ilea wialiias to Boof pi Ibis wlBplMaa BOBTBr ibroBSh U«( nii.orlo nNOBTll OATCrrSilT, Vll* BaJUMB^Bt XSDT^lUr BOOitfil • ■ v ThaonlycorraaleopTOf IhUsraalklBBBr lllaildr. In till WOlMlaifti ImpenoBBiloB '™^*' A eopy of Ih lanaal kiK or'flAHLfn-' ^ rfoirrEB, u" - BB, u '<1Iiib].|." 0.1. F0I(DBn|4FDnnjijj^blitiaaipllMlati«)<af' ^ FilaB A. Mo:^ 'P'^.l^iSt lAaatai*^ '•"■«"""S-?A'K'ES'u!r^Bi LTDIA TuoMTsoN, uba- wjBBii ;:ui!;« «*5^!'yi nOBK MABHRY'LlNAE0WlXaLiriA%8lL*nim% andall nniBlnaBlicton BBdldnaae^ in or onloT otaiaeto Ik ajh./ror8l, poalpBM. IT?. RlCHAaDBoSlf^' * : floie,aw,Naw toitdlr. ■ r,A3:>1r „ . „^ COHIO BINgEaB AND VABIBfr TAUNT, WANTED FOBTHlU. ^■>'>"i hs^^iR^^Jj^ ■noi PADDINI^ 8.111 BUANNON, BTHEnnU, AIX TABIBma. LEH A CBANB, IB Haldea Hal, It T. r _TO SCDXieiio'W MEBf' ' AMto* iSlMrfwHS,"?"'.''* OWpiNAIi OlABB DLOWBB,A>S UTILITY HAN (lau al Bamum'l HuaeaD) la opao to luanaM guomaBl,orwllliiiikBaloakrorlb«5ndaorOlS8bowa DSSr. •■II* WBWTOW N;t«BsrilaBA, WawTotB. ' Addrtia W. T. nOELUR, taiaorCllpparoalai. t-lt* a. M. MORI , OOBK, DAAMATln AND-TAnil eiy r--- NO. Iir WALNUT BTREET, „ ^ PniLADBTj>HIA. HaiuteiSBlBba aoppllnl wllb Iba bealor UlaalOB akortaolllA r«rronBer« wIiblossooAcDsl«tiDaBU win ptaaaa aaad namaa, biaS* Dna and apiary lUI Immedlaldy. TTh. HOBTIMik S-ll* D'BBMII'AseBty.SirWalBulBliMl.KlladaliiiW NEW OOMIO SONO. WTTif onojtna ■■MAOIO OARTBB. Vajlad npoB laoBlpi or pito, Uoi^ L. P. OODLLAND, Tiaanopl aL, BoBlao, Maafc _ AonNT WAKmro. ALITB MAN, wllkarawbUBdraddsllan, lo aat u XIABDIBBft» a weUorjulud and popular TiileiycoDifuy. AddiBaiZ.^^C| KBSPONSmCiB SEANAOXIBa. * POPULAR * OOHTQUB! (TBOH BUBOraj • Oia ba aanml by (ibI clasa bbbmiuoI^ roifrAll MaAOBHBNTS^ of l»o (0 •roBlia or hnfir, la appear In bla oriital'. cnABAinry.UBTnL — " HUUOAL ADDBBB8 LOUIS SHUBER, FBOTEAN OomedUn. Oan bo rnjafnl Innibar or aaouablT on £^InSS ' A pAirrxY 01R1:., ■ or nnillllalun and quick ofurcaplloB, a profllaMoilloalloBwia boil«B 10 ABBIBI i FIBBtBtASll PABsfioioffATEUBSi w! Ulualona. Hull nol bo under li or oyer M yean or a«i AddiiaLE8TBB,CBnof IMeoOoe, aulloi wbera an Idlnrla* may ba baa. Ml^ DILI, POBIEH, QniBd Bapld., Hlob. P. O. Dahlia OF iMiiaAxnmsa iTm/i lanlry.' - -IIboo I •l>o»iu^,Blwsyiidy~ladaBl^^ AOI3NT1S MINHTHBL COMPANIES, Aa., alilllBf Bpiioi (be EVEHKTT IIOUBE OBO of Ibe Inl In'i DOWE knowiwhilprort ' ' loolloo. J. 11. dfiiA ffTj ihowmiB(B' — Ibem a call. WBNTZ BROTtlBBB BIB 4ba renkr Oily BID Poilart. ud all wati antiuf M10 Uhd wlU iw ralllluir^iinSiyi!i ^ 8.IP BualnaaBMaBSfB'rorMoKMj^^uclwBThaUTleUCft lald,''Dl.,'wtll |a«A^' „ J eoanlry.'.OAFT?'^- lOWE knowiwhilprerualonilanoulraindBbowilbaa BfaRab" VlCJUSnTTRO CONOBRT IXAXX* «mK»T''pir» tS'.SWTI?**" Wilhloilon and Hulbern. .. • Now «p«D BB(1 In lbs roU lido or auooeaa wlUiBtaUBIadaS^ pBoy or , - ; TALErnr.WASTBftATA.I.LjgMEa - Mia Addnaa OPEN TIIB VKAjt HQUN.. UEO. g THOifPBUN.aiaiaMaaaiar. PARXMIDn. "WAnTTJO , IN A FIllBT ODABS BIlOW UUSIHESa 'Urlhlot Kady Ui |0 f Isbl oE . Addirai or call In Uia Bear BImL . "I* 87* MynlaaTaBoa, RrooklyB. MISS APTNTEl CORNFO: BOW UHcllna wllb lha LISA WEBER I FOB WTURE BNaAOEHKNtB INFORm, - . _ , ADunSeiiiBB ■ «B Badrord alwat, BMUiB,Haaa ■WANTTED, ,^ .ABID^BnOWDOOBXEBPHRl Boil ho B (ood laltor ami a lempmio nan. Addma JOBIYX ASON, 81. OhaHra Uolal, 188 Bnidway. New VBrtT^ " fur*, aCAIISIX>RX"S VARXEIITEaSl IIEADINO, PA. ^ WAHTBD-Two |ood I^odas Udlea and'B'Blniloa lodr. wanted al all tine.. u. MAB^wUP. Pnailaior. rlilLL. DIBFtNBAOH, BU|a Hl»a|or*^^ ' SPORTINQ ADVERTISEMENTS. irotloo to Oaso Rnll Doolon and Clutis. WabaTBlMoadlwoabeialiriil ralored aoanvlnaB or 1 Belu,Oapi,BhoraaBd DatisoTcr Bny(IO)dlffennl.lyla.,belBf aa ouclfao-aliDllaornodL Dmlaia and OInba akoiild aaoaand pf» eurelhem. PricoLlalagdI!nsia*ln|.wntrroohvaiilL IVa Bia matins Iho Aabk BALL BTOOKUO, wblch wawB. , runllh to dull at Whataalo Pilcai. CUNMIKOIIAM A DILL. ■" ■ ySa Nanuracwrar% n Okunh at, Tbih, PARERBOATS. For aiaialaa, plaaiurak raclof, Inrallu and haB(lB|L.. Bearfil- Dodelaror youns lidlaa, ladi, lourliu aod^apoiuoiaa, D aa ril pl l f olreullrBlBdDrloellaleMloRappllalllon, — ..V|' 8-81 WATEIwrSALOIl A OO.,l08 BiTtr ll, n«y, R, %. . ',1 XtKooIalop Sanajplo Ro(nn« OnOIOE ALFA W^N^^Iutui^uTteaAUU Iks •» i FBltAIB LBBHOilfl IN 'l^^'^<'^^f^S!SELS;^St!B& 0«BllaBiaBall«ld«lB(lbelrBWBt«iMBBoeirmB|'»l. .' MISOELLANEOUS. rro UqUOB DEALERa-ror 8018, Bt • bifgalo, d JL MapirratoBaolpugrawcUbBowBU4o6rllaBnlkatan^wE% (au Ir ■'— nalnt wliiaa," Bwaaa, alrneUona for dialllll&f, rcdirj. Uo.«n, Ultem amipa, wrdl^j i,«to. For puwuliia iddriai LIQI JVBt EBOU aipBBBO, BBd amni and Blimp. Add w " PAWa-A Bodpe ftt.Kaalo WttDJ nnwoaairornraniaadoldi oalladnrHSgB , ■ iraadT.,BlallOBA.Bome, Ma» Mf THB UAOIO WATClH0HAnlL-ET«O)iedriaMlt| •UTOMDEBI ' Iks bear* Is ■d, .lhl>t awl