New York Clipper (Apr 1870)

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w^ptil 16; 187G. n«Uiod or lautns Ui< iiow I itukai. MnanMiararur. On iniMfflcd togtl ulo Uiepraptr owtcociiinil bTKDMl UCs tfiOT [•d that Mi&diiir la, tV,*uoor elihtipiu, (nuon I inKiMt wu ilD lu fDrtber ^pnorcM. Held DM iddod 9v* r niiu to ttuit ton. hia DtMlDf bj s Bi>len4l4 «•»<* of.» hlfix as •Samae t bnoilfDl oitoh after ■ long rvD. TBe nrof DnTeiSoDil talent oppoaed to Mum, tbojnajwaU SSSIandwoSJdtHi Mppjto moottuo Uobokoo dobaat 2?oarlrd»K loJononixt mo Stan wlU taka »tour to ?f,ffi&S>D for a wKH'a plaj.and wUI oolerUio nold liSlSniie Exptrta or InlreplUa of FhUadtlpMo, ths Pal- BiMaof BtlUmon, and ttao Natlonata and Oljnipica of vruHUutton. Boloir wo KtTttbo nillacoroof Uiesune. nereooidof tb« batting inclodce oata,nina,flnt boao and total baa<a on Uta, baacs bj errora, and loft on baaea Star olaan hlla. Ttia record of tlio flaldU; ahowa tba nunber of opponcnu pot ont bjr oach pl^ar od tbe iMati, bT OT-calotiea-Iklr and foul-b; fonl-bonnd catctea, Uie totafMob pat ont, tb* tlmta aaob oaalated and tbo toul Satdlnganora of eaeb. Tbia la tbe rcRulaUon record for •ooiw of mitoli gimoa adopted b7 tbe aaaoditton^- FlBLD. TMlll _ lanaoa. fidd Ill ai u <Ui 5ib «ih nh ,.3 0 0 1 0 0 - ..,.* 9 a 0 0 > nh,|b Iih I-a >-27 Undn-Hr. Joora, of Uc Alpba OloK Seorar-lCr. BUrlliit QattiMOQitrlkw-^mll, 1. OuUoo roDlt-rttU, »; B(u,a Bua ont ■ llill ^ BoTlu Tlou or Oaibo— Ono taeur tod Ihlilr mlniltt. ttAU TOSSING IN THE MODERN ATHENS. neaeaaon opoued In Boetonaa Faat Day, April 7tb, la • Tai7 UraiT manner, aoTcnl of tbe prominent clabapar- tfelpatlng in tbeir InllUlgaoie oflbe year. Tbe Trl-lloiui- tain dob ODiitged a picked nine open Dostoa Common, (balr opponenta belngr membera of (bo Blouebam, Uploo, Qavare^dSbertdan Clubs, tbe tbree Utter being Jonlor onanlzaUoiia. Tbe ball groond waa lo mr poor con- diuon, tbe oot-fleld portleularly ao, and amall blUocka of -oMTOMiravel'lDlcrfercdiirtotljrwItbfleldlag. Tbeplcked BlM fcoredaTerratrongicani In tlila,tbelr flrat gtuo wgtlbar.and both nlnea exblbltod atroog boUlog. Only Mran Inninia were played, ood tbe guno reaoltcd la Ikvor «TlbeTil-lIoantaln8byaacoioofUto22. Bobjolocdls* ■•ooiaoribeRaine; '' Tu-MODBUUr. 'JqIUtu. 0 IMi«r,of ■JoaM, r f. BHnnn,llb ^Vv.v.v.".: nutiuis, II t. BduLlMb ViRmll,Mb t n.1. ... I' ....a :::J ..a ...A ...I ...I . Pican Nm 0. Trua, U b 8oeU,rr Ciimer, •■ Colgu.e Slertti, If. r. WIH, tub ll>biukb,Ub.... MUlUUjP 3 ...V...I IbUl 95 J Tula). binna. lit U u <(b Kb Ctb 7ib fMadNbM S a 0 S 0 ' a l-S n* picked Dine bave aince organized aa a aenlor dob, underUio name of tbe Rercre Cmb, aod Ita nrgapecta are bTorable. la tbe abOTO nma tbe Tri-Uoooiatna played irllboat tkelr pUcber, O'Drlco, and lat baiemaii, Record: tbe mit brolMia being lobitltated for tbe abtenlees. - BASE BALL IN NEW ORLEANS. Oa AptU 4Ui Boma l.aoo people •asambled at tta sew palk or Ibe Loolalana State Biue DaU Park AaioclaUon, at Biiiatb«Ule,towUo<aa tbe opening conteat betircea till eoatbema and n. E. Ltca. iloih preaented alroogDloea, anhongii tbe SonUierna were two abort of tbeIr regular ant olne ptayeia. Tbe Holding ofHeaBn, Lerl, laodon aotf Uoar waa good, u wia Mr. Bertel'a play bcblnd tbe bat In tbe Bootbem nine, Ifetaia. Bnndcnkcrg, Diddao- iloif and Holtznan ca med off tbe bonon of tbe day. Be- (weantbe foartb and onb loalnga botb dobe round It aaoeaaary tocbange Ibelrcaicbera. We BubJdn ttie te- ■lit of Iba game:— ~ B.I R B. Laa. ILL B. g Sntelii. 8 > 4 I DODOTU, p 8 5 "SluL" idb s - cll, - Bomnu. HoliniB, 8db... CbuOkr, of BoBdiDdorr, U b. DouTu, I r. Bnndcobcn, til b.., lMa> O'Snfe, 11 ILU < ....J ....J 0 ....J t i t 3 fVaTki ■*6l8Rliffii __, \ Ontbeadlnat,, atUieaaDeiroanda,ainatebtookplaee Frelclltr, Ub .8 fioEu], 0 a rellni^ lllb 3 Lau«r, r r 4 Laudoo, c f S Lny, If a TbW _ 401 aib aik 7ib M ii II I ? , between tbeSootbem, Jr., and Oomei, Jr, olabe, whlcb iby«toli . —, tbe fOimer won t THE ACADEMIES IN THE FIELOr - Tbe mcmbon of tbe Inlllalorr and practical depaitnent «f Bryant, Btimtton t Clarko'a Drooklyo Bualneaa College, played agtme-ofbaae ballon tbe Star'a groanda, April ltb,lliafOmierwInnlDgbyaacoreof3Stolt. Wc append tbe BOOT*:— liRunir. AmdcIIoo, Ulb. . wobrr, 0 TbOOUh^ of. •^8^, 3a b Alko, p Urlofiloii, II JahlUOD, rf trillb. Id b Tlnliil, I r B.L. ....i 1 4 8 3 4 I .....I I Puofioii. u'Reirr, It. ainlcfe, e.. JODCIL of. Dubob, 3a b Cibo, rf. Rou, ad b Dcnilll, if. HcUuIn, p UlUl, Ulll a.1. 4 a a I Ji 4 , 8 a I.' 1 TbUL 3 Imiiiaa. lit 3d InlUiUrr 4 3 'rncUoT 3 0 . . , _ . . . Scorer—Ur. 0. Wine, of (bo rncltsl Donutmeol. I7lDplre—M] • J. M. Clupmaii, of lfa« IDlUilory DcfKrtiDroL Total td 4lb eib eib Tib Sib 4 0 4 8 10 0 8 0 0 0 3 7-38 e-ii EoTiw Olobl— TbIa Faaaalo clob beld their flnt annnal inaaaoerado ball on ibo evening of Tliureday, 7tb Uut, wblcli proved a very enjoyable and revArrcK aflblr. Tbe coatomea were nomoroua and vairted, and, aa a general tblng, tbe wearere well Bnatalncd Ibo characlere reprc- iaent«il,e4pedally Ur. lloblneon, wbo was aitlrctl oi a HIgbland cbloflaJn, and cnicnalned tbe company wltb .aareml Booltlah iltnccii, Including bla Ibmoni braid- awopi douce, whlcb basao often caloed bim laorclaatlbo . Yearly rcauvals of tbe atalwart Caledonlaoa. A rciy plcaa- Ing feature of tlio occailon iros ttao praaenlailon lo Ibe dab of an elegant allrer ball, tbe gift of Ur. Jacob Forlcn- bacb^n boDoraiy neoibcr, which woa received by the TlooPrcBlilcot with an appropriate speech. Tho ball It of . legobtllon alie, and Is no cxaol model. In Mated Bllrer, of tboao Diaonriclnrcd by I'eck A Soyder. U boars tbe fol- lowing Inscription:—■'I'rcsontcd to tho Eouw Daie Ball 'Cliib aa a nark of itlcodeblp, by Jacob P. Fortogbach, ApiU 7, ISfO." The workmanship Is exceedingly lino >nd U a credit to tbe artlBilo eklll of tho engnTerTHr. Joaeph A. Lewla, of Ibo American Watch Coupaor, The club may well be proud of auch a gllL The onnnlcailon ts now In"""™"* — — - LONi Srid «. nua^-ntM dob* puyM a game, the same ilay, oo Oie DalaohalM grouide. Mew Orloaos, Heaan. Booti, CondOD and Bohiraria earning otr tbe hon- oia. nefoUowlngilTeajtoTanj^nnobl^ LooaBur..; -.4 • 3 S 8 II T' t lt-o K<iii»r:.;.: o a i i e o. o «-l Tliiio iif BiiBB Ibiiia honii TBI noBOiiN cnmioNKiir.—Va tm recelTod the following letter In regard to tb««aboTe championship Utlo:- BDiTOi H. T. OumB.-l>i<a Bio.-! txf l»n lo Inform rwi l^libiBiila B.B.abuaoelilmwhaliTtrK IbiWblpPoaoul or Ibo El;ibii rialdi: darUillM awiii of ua8Uio(Mhuu ind Biflei plajnl bal two nan, u« Biab* wlialot Ibe aralud IttdBf tbOMCQOO,Alld lbl«AHlQ|IIOOI«U7lil001Bpl«a 1 MflftI, «l blf* tri|biud>lmlb«Wblpraiuiitaiiinib«]id|u»Uiilij>d. Obibui A. llnB% aMUnOlBb, Dm Ball in Indumi The annnal meeting of the Franklin Oaae Ball Olob of Praokllo, lad,, woa keld Uareb Mlb, when the following oMccre for thoeaaolag year were eleeied^-Frealdont, QenloLanbertaaniVlco-Prosldent, 0. Rdwarda; Secretary, Bamnel HcOlollan; Treaaoicr, Collla UUIer: Dtxecton—I. Bamett, Qco, MoOailln, narry nenl- ken. Tblaeloblaready tooomenoetbe leasoa aa aoon oa boll playing begUa. The nine wUl be iboot tbe same as last year. THiUNioHOLiTBOPMouiiaiMU—This dob will open play on Wcdneaday, I8tb Inst, on their groonds at Uorrls- anla, on which occaalonan experimenul contCBt will be played In order to teat tho moriu of tbe aoTonI appUoanta fbr poaltlona on the new nine of tbe Club. All playon do- alrooa of entering the UaU will picaae report to Hr. Foid, OD tbe groonds al TremoDi, by s P. IL, on Wednesday. OiKCiKNin Iriiia.—loo Dorter the Iitt one loft of the prorcaalonal Dnckeye nine of IWI. and n capital flnt baae- mao, partlcDlariy on groondcn, baa Joined the Forest City Olob^ornookfonl, 111. Joelsagocd^taaweUaaflelder, but la rather a slow ninoer Tbe Red StockUiga haTo their opening on Sitorday of this week, itth Inat They have aomo lEoughta of a SoDthero trip aoon after. Obion Oldi.— The omcen of tlils Mew York dob for the ensolng year are asfollowe:—rresldcnt, lian'l W.reterspn; VIcc-I-resldent, Ohas. U. Pcoble; HecoidlngBacreWry, p«- Tld II, Van Baor; Correapondhig Becniarr, Tboo. J. torop- kins; Troaanrer, Chos. A. Eslor. DoaidoIUIrectOik-Fcltr Downey, Edward Jcnnlog and Bdw«i4 QoodtlJ. Captain flntnbie, I'etcr Downey. RBOROiNizinoN—The £tna Olob, lonlor, of Whitehall, N. Y., ro-orgaulzed on tho let, by tbe dcdlon of tbe follow- log oniccn:-Prealdonl, J. UulhollBOdi VIco-Prvalilcnl, aco.De l^o; BMlOlnry, A. M. Dohcrty; Treasurer, J. H. Hodd: Osptalo, Vr. Biuiub|ai Ulrootors—). G. Scrofford, D.O.MomyaDdn. TromU. - . • IliiiTAiiSTS. Lowell.— The Lowell and Harrard Cloba flared tholr opening match of tho acoaon upvn Jarvls' leld, CombriUgo. on iho 7Ui InaL Tlie game was quite In- torcaiing, allhoiigh a good dcol of malUuir took place, and the ooore at tbe unlah atood In taror of tbe college boya by 3] to 20. JuKion Flit in ILissioaosim.—The Eicolslor Club, ofOoalon (Juolor), vlsKod Lyun on Thursday, 7ih Inat., and Tanqoltlieil the Osceola Club of that dty with groat oi ~' tho score being 23 to 8. WisDUioio.x T& PsuciH.-Tbeao creek cinba played a game on the grounda of the former. New Orleans, on the 8d lust, when the Pelicans proved the Tlctora by a score of Mto23. Tna FiSK. Jr., la tho title to bo adopted by a club now In conno of orgaulzallon at the QreniJ Opcre Uouao, this city. THE RIN6. THE AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP. The only fresh pteoo of InfomatloD which wa hara to comnoulcata to oar reatlera tkla week, aneot tho match between Tom Alleu and Jem Uace, hi that the former has commenced reo. work, having gone Into trslnliigoiunen near Iho Crescent city on the tth Uwt., to remain Ihore op lotbedayofbauie, ponolngthst rlgorons coone of ez- ardseanddltdietQnjrr to {ga^lelilBi to cope with a tug of men vast enduring power as oiir pieaant cham- pion. He will take hIa Ircalhlngs under the watchful eyeaof that experienced tolor, Jim Cuakk, who trained UecDsn and Oobon, and hit coatin Fooley, who oo- deHiUflds Ueclaely what Jem'a reqniremeoia are. Al- len It a willing worker, and under tbe care of Jack nooldlng, ho Ui doing honl work and plenty of It, and repldiT dlmlulahlng the amount of uuneceasary aeahnowclomlngthemachlneiTorhltoignnliaUoiL Dla trainer Informa us that be weighed 204 pounds on the 2d Inst., hoThig reduced himself un pounds ilqce bo was In- Btalled at Woah Dome, which provct that he Is uot allow- Ini tbe gtasa to grow under his feet We are frequently asked IT wo think they wUl flght at all by tboee whom pre- Tloue flzzlea have rendered BkeptlcoLopeclallyla the eaae of maloheBforsolaigoaBum,U>whlcta Inquiry we have Invariably replied afflimallvely. We ore convinced that both men neon flgbthig (our reasons for ao believing were given aome wools age), and If anything oulalde of maglaterlal intaifORDce ocean to bring tbe match to an nnaatlafortnry firuia, we ahall feel ditpoasd to attribute tbe tame lo the .Inatromen- tallty of one or other of those who flnd'tha money for them. Uowever, we do not antldpate any auch result as this, and we cannot percclv- —-....•- ■ for the entertainment of aoch conlecture lime rolls on, and evorrthlog pcttalnhig to the match la seen to progrcas ao smoothly, the nobellovcn, who were so plentiful at llret, are rapidly beooming fewer and fewer, and conseuoently tho inleitst exhibucd In tbe oflhlr Is belghlcnea lu a correspondbig degree. As Is always the case, opinlona npoo ttao Issue are totally at variance, though there appean to be a growing belief that the ad- vantagea pcoseased by Allen will ooanteibalanoetboeeof the accomplished man from Korwiob; atUI Haoa la the greater mvorita at alight odda, aod ibat atocks of given- GaokawUlbewagoieiroponthe result Is oo assured fact na -nazt and final depoalt, one thonaaad doUan '•tfda,,la'dae at tbIa offloa on Friday, tbe3ldef Apilt nebttthmtofora """ilBiliif 1" being v>ttcn opt by the frienda of Allen In St LooUTlbr preaentallon to bIm as a mark of esteem for his manly, ttrolghtfCrward condnct and gallant bearing In past contcstaon our aoU, wUL we learn, ahoitly be finished and preiented to Tool Uenia. Jaccard, lewelers,are the mannfactureni, and that It wui be asplendldalllalrmaybolnfeiTed from the ttalcnient that It wlO coat tl.OOO. Alleo Infoma ot that be will not ecole less than I7tlba. on the day of the battle, as he has grown mach larger since bis last fight 1 SmrriRo ami RNOuaR iCAnmiD.—Aoebrdlng to ap- Ipolnunont Falsoy Sheppard and Mike Bngllsli mctatoor lolllce, acoomnanled by • number offrieodii, on the after- inoonof the llth Ion., to diaoh thearanmcot between them by signing srtlclea, aod Inoreaidiig tho amount of the depoalt for IheIr maloh. - Dosnall/, lanatohesof thia kind, jthereisadoaloraselessialk bonn on agreement hi or- ,rlrod at, bat In this case not a pobit prcseoted Itself for 'disciuslon, aod wllhoot any ado artlolcawen scaled, blml- Ing them to fight at calvh-weliht on tbe 27ih day of liny next. Any miles from the BImOlty, fbr tsoo aside, tlio inrii to bo In Ihe ring bclwoen e and 10 o'clock, A. H. Tlio deposit was Inoroaacil lo 878 tnm each, making llto miw op; Ike aecond deposit, tit a side. Is to be made at Shop- pard'a, 81 OrowD atrcet New llavtn, on April Uth, the third, of like amount, at Nr. Dorton^ 1« Onwn street on April 2ttb, and the foorth, t7t • side (or 8278 a aide If niu. tually agreeable), at Oooghlln's, the Aoama IIodbo, 80 DoloDBtncton May 17lh—each depoalt to be staked not later than ten o'clock P. H., or a forfeit enauea. Tho money to bo thereafter forwatdcd to tbla offloe, and Bub- aequeotly trauBferred to the dnal stakeholder, wbo niuat bechoseo at the lost depoalt *l>eo tota for choico or ground will take place, the loaer lacalvlng tea days notice , of tba place aeleofed. Joa OOBDiui wuop tbr • fhnwell benefit on Sunday evening, April Sd, at Hagnlro'a ODtra IIoubo, Baa Fran- cisco, OaL Tommy OhonOlor and Billy Dwyer were to pet- to fi>r the fint Urns amce they appeared logather In tho roped arena. Jamea Dougherty and Bdward Molarncy were to act-to together, aod Joe Oobum waa lo wind up with Dan lUoe, a pugilist formorly ef New York. Thi-ro were to be many velantesn, fodudlng Jig and clog danceia. Add Weaver, and Foirastolla tho female ccnlur- tloulst Joe haa been rather unrorlnnate of late, ouil takea Ihia benefit to start him aod tila wife for Mew York. Joe wu to leave boo Francisco on Uonday, April 4ih, alopplng at Virginia City, Nevada, (Or two days, CMcano oso or two daya, and expects to reach thla dty on or about the llth Inst He InTorma us that bo returns rrom the "Paolfio Blope" expressly lo wllnots tbe comlug flght between Maee and McVovIe, and that be sUaU obtr loBjathjirinatfr r-M -: ■ * iuoNOTOBTROJiMa.-Tbe resldenlswlthlD the walls of Troy were thvored with a more than oidUiary Kno display of sparring and alhlollce on the ovonlngoftbe eihlnst, when ProCOVelll, of the Tioy Oyinmiafum, gsvetne.v hlbltloo ot a prominent boll. The entcrtalamentconslttcd of sparring, club swinging, dumb bell exercise anil sing- ing by tho ProlMBor'B pupils, Mr. Uo putUng up a dunib bell weighing ISO Ilia, with groat apparcnt ease. Tho clo- alng display waa Iho feature or tbo evening, brinnlng Into (wCTarjonli up^ fequIR, eiSolKlly'a Mtlol, niiirMr. O'Neill, which woa one of the llneet llluMratlosa of ttao manly art wbicta tho people of thot section ever witnessed, and drew forlli loud applansc. The attondanco was large. Prof. Clark expreaacs himself well plesBtd with his visit 55? is?'']" to return, throogta ut, his sincere thanks to Col. O'Urion, Ur. O'Ndll.ond Ills soholaro, forthekhid' neascaexicudcd tohiu wldlcthore.^ Bkooii KiLLrs Nionr.-Thls fcathcr-irtlglit boxer gave on oxIillilUoD at Union Hall, Dolon Avcnuerarecapoiul, L. I., on the eth Inat., tbe hnuso being nill and the company oroerly. ThoBcls-towcrebotwecunooieandTnnnlii,Bleve Allen and ahcnuy. Bill Fox aud Y'oungOmcalla, Jack Joyce and Young Otnj (a tremendous glove light, hot and heavy oil Uio time) Teddy Near/ and Uan Kerrigan, Young Ed- worda and Bowera, Teddy Ncary aud Enoch Kelly—ivlnd- up-the latter being a very prelly acHo. Fox ondOmealla likewise made a very adenlUlo display. Torco was master, as usual, and wishes us to oxprcaa his thanks to KoUy for his llberalliv, which, thoogh notbing more than the baid-worklng oM lenUoman deserves, shows well by cootnst Ed. Bussill, tbo champion olab tnloger, called opon oa cue day laat week itapccting the aiallenge lisuul 5f ^"llP *>!'*'■• on* »hloh parUcularly alloded to him. Ho dcalres na to say. In anawer thereto, that ho la not a profeaalonal swinger and will nut en- gage In a match for moaer; but If Ur. Colter wishes to test his ablllUea, he will meet bIm at auy tine that may be agreed upon at tbe New York Atblello Club Reoms, Ualro's Oymnatlnm, St Mark's place, and give him tho desired opportunity. BuTTLi UiTOH.—On Eatter Uoadsy, I8lh Inat, a natch at BkltUee for $<0,21 ehalka up, aland fklr. wUI be played bolwoeu tboao experts, W.Moore and T. ^rtce, of Cock- ney Lan^ at the qaolt and akltUe gragnda of Robert Cal- vlo, altos "Uaochcster Bob/'Eagle Uotel, Carroll atreet near Third avenoe, South Brooklyo. Uoore la open to play any man In tho country for a stake, aland fklr, with a twelve pound balL Theuegronudt have been put In good order for the season and two new skittle alloys added? OFP FOR Tn« WasT.-DUly Edwards tod Doonoy Harris were to leave this city for a western trip on this (Tuesday) moraing, intending to visit and give exhibitions In all tho prindpal cities tliero and In the vouth went They will make ihslr flrat stood at Troy, and Itom thence proceed to Albany, Byracose, Rochester, BuOaio, Oleveland; Oblcoeo, DetroitOndnnatl,Indlannpolls, Bt LoulB,anddowntbo "Fattaer of Waten," maklog their caloolaUona to wind up the tour at New Orleans In season for tho Uoce and Alleu cbamplonablp battle. Dami OP Biix Lu)D.—Weregielto find leeorded In our Ban Francisco exchanges the decaae of tho well known Bporllngnian and fireman, which took place In that city on unrch 23d, of apoplexy, lie was fonuorly foroman of Eu obill«ii|in li tbetniir!! ismydiy ^iT^S^f !»i «<'hvi M Jmdiit, t wni ihMi r In oimt. ihf/ nkf Ihbik pitiprr ts mrnllon, SAW-imANCISCO TMl wH 'I' H .mTiiL "•K?i?T5SI;J4.K,.".''l.""<oTiY ^ ^9?R*T.i ""PI.' W -Bt JtUBBN aiidVmt Tffe!!55Sx?"SiKir?ev"K*s W MDLLIUAN°i>Tnil,Lr RHIIBn-S IKOKWn _jonnr nbwcom&'snhw bono and dInuu--- p. UAVALLBB'B OHliAT OaCUBgTRA. iu* ..JABBBIT A fALMBa. .BrfU|ul^^uojiu«llr>m4_' ' tTSu Taol . 1 trliifflph or Ih4 BUHLESqUB TROtfFB, OBNCROOa APPRBOIATIOII or TaiiB TAUNT, OBNIUB AND BBAUTT NBW TOBK rUBUO. MO.HDAT, TFriil II, WOl «hl bi pnuoMI Ibo bvtliiioe ripriNi THE KiKa or rYl^ft ooio MiNBa . ...^ . « Tb« P'rw pruducrd wllb- WBW AND OOROliotH HWNP.Hf BY TOK0n.lN. . mUBIKKKTIf RTRKKT. ^, ovea iMiH muiiT or biioo flti aiwfciuiBoMMiof 0. W. II. flriao'i Buriaqil of nAMLET. IIAHLKT. ^ UAMUT. _,„„'>»» BBTAST ASllAMLtT, TnP. BAR-DANK LrrrtEutci tueutki^- u.«i 81100 rtl I OL* »»:.flr"' BB00Kri'^ K/i?' 'ivew ^onds i Sine as, of'Nowrork,'before the ■pnhi'demlMut'auno re by aiv ooo. As Jnlo existence, hot for jLx yean past bad resided lo UoU' _,.„,,. „ ... . _. - - meollog of the Old Fobit Club, held April tlb, the following ofilcera wen elected to aetvo for the eoauing six mouths, vb.:-^l. O, y.Thomss, Proddeot; W. E. Pretcolt Vlce-Fresldent; Bobt W. Hughes, Secrctoiy; W. J. Bodell, Oprresponding Beontary: J. A. Walklns,'heosnrer. Board of DKotoi? John Daolch, chairman; Bam nacoo, Ooo. H. Elliott and w. F. Wlune. John Z. Uerhior, aooror. John J. Btnlcb, Oaptala 1st nine. The 0. P's luve been conildorebly strapgUiened thla year by ths addiucn of several prenlnent balUsu, omong them, \f. s. Pocbc, a noted EniUtb crtok- cter. Beebe, besides bolog a llghining pitcher, Is said to be a strong hataman, and a rcDiarkobly awlft and acconto thrower. Utulch, the caplelu, renka aa a profcaaloiaL Tbe AcUvea have not beou Mlo In oroanlilng, and will pre- ■entamnchatrengerplaybignlno tola season than last ?.?*f.J?" "orvlcea of Urlnkwater, formerly of the ^'Ucrry nlue." Albert a Tan Deoaoo, Frtsldoni, and Srinkwnter as Cantalo Ist nloo. The Aoilves claim to be tbo strongest batllngcliib 111 tho atote, and Iheir rocenl of last you'a games ehowa such to bo tbe oaae, A Novel Bibb Ball aiUB.—It boa been proposed to In- voduce a Utile hiil into tho practice gomes of (be Ohlctoo 2°£'i.?Il?*i,?.'f J*"*» '» helogtaltod SM'i'?'''.H'f'*V»,P'.?f*'" llaWoto result In the detiAt SJ.ri'frS'"*'"""' "J"'' 0'•o'J of tho pooroet playen to SS.SSS'.SJ'-!!!^,"""!"' J*^ P'*" ■» "> matcli a nine, composed of people who havo never played ball, anlaai Jh!l,H°.'??l°'l*^'r.''.'ithelottorshall mKIJ',5''£SST'.'hand, with the exception of £5,. if"'..'.^?' len-handci), must pilch wllh bis nght hand; they nintt strike with tho small end of the bat While tho mnniua are to bo allowed a "barn-door bat" U tharploaao, and are to throw, catch, ran, olo., Id doDaaoe Sd!L'i?f'il>1i'P'.^. .Wl'1'lhcaiBllghla.lviSSi^lt IseSs: 5J?jSJm2'^ '5"profoaelonalswillboiwrelybeaten. The mullln nmo baa not yet been selcotcd. tilVJSSiS! A?*""*™"—Wo have received the fol^wlng comrounlcailon irom tho Prealdontof Iho Junior National Aaaoolallon, W. n. Keljy, Jr.™ .1 tKSSIIIS'H"! "L"" '•i?""fe&M^n'liTn !5k, ■I Tuireiny Utll, li li borrbgt nrdrmi ibilibo dAcnlnlnlho iMnl UDial aBTlnllon of U» Nallouil AlwUllon or .Rolor Bm n2u ruTin, mM al lln "Eoiilro Himidi,-' Ntnrk •TuueTjim? otr. W. 1; OD Widowliy, ApAl I7lb, u Tk, r, M. ••"T wiy, .,f^i''P'<'"'<'^°f<°o'*l"<lla| Ibreiiiboul IhoUalbl Buin ira n«R«!niiiloii,oiid uilorluSui <o«imiXiKiiUiii Ibo li»UoiiirB«lni" by jSlnlni IbU •■ucUUon o( pura lof en of luS BUIiojl aoo-pnrenlviul |ik7m Iililuii duW. «bo aonolMiid wodolvloa, lusta admlilro unon nrllirn ippUaUoiiindrenll- S"<*%™iy>u•.'■"a loluilloii rbo,uiuunliu lo ibmdol- Slili.-SiVi9'*'Jf",l^''5«'"l'I •»"'«'»|' by ibourRipoadkii aiwiUry, WUIliD f. Wilib, 313 diud Uitcl, /ci».y Oliy. •~™"" J™?"* 2; ^ Jbb-- Tho Sonbooa have ele .ii?i?'!£L1''"»''„P" oniolnB ytor:-Pro8ldcntLlUr- ahall Freobom; Vice Prcsldeut DotUamln " , J. Ci - foRjSlf?*-S-HL":./??-—ITw .Sonboas hove elected lhe Hal _ „ _ „ Jtj; John Beott; blreciorir j"'l'udlipp!"w. Kyi • '"."Bard lo A. A. Donncr belonging to the £.iISS?I<".v*'?!?'"°'«W"'''<' OLirrBBbyiheml, Ibe 2fiiS?Si*Ki*.'* ^ '"•yo'' "th them all lut season, Is a SSSu) this •""""^ lonjamin Lyons; becro- "Tjere aud A. IS?i2ri£?i"'''"8iA80H.-The Jonlon of thlsclly sp M HSA.'*'"? the field. Tho Dulon Star Doao iSn'TfATSSffc'R,°'T° '!""'<«l follonloR nine In the Odd jSjJiSr'JJ'^ obamplonsliln VlilB season:-aio- BhgBoa, aicheri Drrnes, 1st base: Connolly, 2d bote; iJSj^ftM'i.Mo: iTotiee, pitchori iannlMoTehortttopj oiidL* vV^' Vo""""!' oonlre floldi AoUoweU, right of tie aSi^^ ' ^'""^ " Oonwpwxiln* Betnetarr naiMsht D, Braes; Treasurer, W? HamUWn: Reooidlsg ■JSl'^AJ? Rod'hr; Oorresfonding Blerettiy, t. ;5J^,jJjg^J^^^|raiiytiunCoX^ HarIWD()lal>. THE FIGHT FOR TUESDAY, 12th INST. KERRIGAN T& TOOBET. As we pen this propnratlons are being quietly made by the sports of Ibo melropolls and vidnlly to Journey to the Evund selected for the milling oncountor between Jim errigan, of tho Fourth Ward, and Ed. Toubey, of the Diy Dock, which Is to take place on tbe oorohig of Tues- day, uth Inat, about three eeore miles from this dty. Those deolrtog to attend woi bo conveyed to tho groond by two Bleamore chartered for tbe pnrpoeo, ths tailir Imposed beUig five dollsn per head. Toahey bad an exhibition at Oontlaenlal Hall, EiRhth avenoe, on Saturday ereolng, Mb lost., and his appoaraoce strippeil, together with bis dsver diaplay, Impressed sll favoniblyaodcaaacdhlabackento become enthusiastic In his support, odds being repeatedly ofitrcd Ibnt he carries the day. We haro not soon Korn- gnn of late, but ire learn that be has been brongbt Into very dearly as good condition as bis opponent under the eye of "Skinny BUI," and his oilheronis speak very confl- dentlyof bis prospects, while Ibey on ready to back up their opioloo with greoo paper, we anderatand that llou- hey will bo waited upon by Omey aeoghogban and Bill Clark, while his brother Dan and Johnny Uonoghan wlU eaqoiro Kerrigan. Tbe gcnUeman chosen Bnel etako- holdor, a prominent Brooklyo (port, received the at^iee laat week. / furula. Ills many friends Ui this dty imi bear wlitasor- row of bis unoxpeoted demise. nannv Uioxen la now Installed at No. 88 Bast nonston street this dty, where bo will be prepared to give lestous In sparring to gontlemeo desiring sooa loairactloa, aa alao attend to Ihdr requir^iaenla bowanuy. See bis aSvenlaa- ment In anolheroolomn Bo. WiuoN haa disposed of his saloon. No. lOO Blcecker atreet and la at present easting hia optics abootwlth a Tlewtoflodingon ellglble nt« np town whereat to le- embark In theboilness. jni Tdwob, it^nae whanatMota wen leoantly In-i qaked for by a oodaepondaMtibt U>n9ei|it ib new iM leans, having retijraed ftom a s«Joarnl^a<ariy Uuee yean In Central America. LODiBiANA va. KBBTUoKf-^ho gTOnt main botwocri tho above elatoB, whldi cane off In Now Orleans o« the 4lh, tlb and 8Ui lost, was ilocldod In fhvor of LoiUalona by a score of fourteen -flghU to six. Tho victorious aialo y«» foptOBeiitcd by tho well known sporting men, Ur. John Frankbn, formerly of this city, and Kentucky the veteran fonder, Tom O'Neill, of LouIhvIIIc. Tbo conillUous were to show tblrly ono birds on each ijilo ami ilulit all that welxbed lo ftir ftio eachlialtleaiid$.'>,000on the main. It proved a IitUow victory for tho Louisiana division. L^osiEft AND MANAGERS UmOrB TODB THEATEES, Erinnu AND raRRT.—I. Woikcr, backer of tbo "boy "orris, says be will match him niiulnat l-oke Fer- ry, of I'rentou, N. J., In his own rncc, 76 yuril^ fur $400 or ttooo and tho champloniblp of tbe Kost. ilnrria u es- pecially desirous of running Porry. Tho ruoo to come off at ratcrson, where Terry will bo oertalii of a fair show, Jack OouLDiNtf, at present Inlnlog Tom Allen, will per- form Ills rests at tho latlcr's quartcni, tho Washington House, near St Loult, on Sunday next, Dili Inst An ATBLmo CLUB was ot Montreal, 0. R., on tho 2d Inst, the purpesa of which Is to encourage anil pro- mote athletio sports. About forty names were cnrelled on the memborahiji Ihit that evening, and a committee ap- pointed to draft • couatltntlon. Tni: Orion Oldb, of Philadelphia, give an InvllaUon ball In that dty un tbo lllh Inst AMUSEMENTS. _<iiuNU AimNio BxrusmoM. TlIK UBL.IT EUBOrUAN CIRUD8 ooAaBooii uippoDBAiiATiapXaBAirr IN TUB MAUHOTII BliriRB BtATlXO RINg, COBNKU OK TlllllO AVKKORAND Stra bVeBBT, _ FOR A SHORT SEASON ONLT, COMMENUINO Mn.lDAT, APBIL IL _ AREN10 HATINKES BAOU £li AT IK O'OLOOg. BQUBSTiilAN PEATM BVKKY BVBNiSll ft 8 O^LOOB. (Ooon owQ 000 bourpnvloua.) ADMISSION n culu OUiLORBM tlNDBH TEN <UD TBABS 10 ccrtti. Tboniaiieoooiiiiooomai UoprwonUHonofootoaly TUB LAROESr UIROUS, . , J. KVEB OBOANIZBD IN TDB WORLD, IndodloiMlMjouMlloWHUoauu] MUa. ZorlUia L1MI0. _ EqOBBTHIllNNBa . Fj™i •ppeumart la In jmn or Ibi OBBAT UAUAN BABB UAOK BODBSTBIAV, ^ ^ BBNOR BIIBASTIaS; ' ,,..„„ „„aadlbilailU>iiiioriilNituidboiilr, BR3AULT EUUESnilAN, fmni Oniuo Napiino, Parla,ar«ap- Bfi!;°"JS''jlf.7S'J. }^J?!i?' "OHT.'lbo Inlrrpb; Uuidb Bider. MB. <llll:RIJ!g CONBAI>indTAllE.NTRD SONa - , JUABLEH BIVEHa fCuB HORIIK RIDER, BobirtJobOKW, Fnnklln,I^lo, Sbnooodibaiula, Unlbvwldi adoubia eomw— « —^ OWNa Buoy or O71DOAAIIL AcnbaljL Trauoilau, Aa **'!i.,V2'iS.4i!Riy''"^ AYMAR. owwi THE RBNOWNBD LION PERFohMFtB. MB. riBROU WILL ENTBR TUB DBlfoF lIlOMS at each perfonBauM lodououli ...... „.>*'WELODe rSATSt WALTRR WATEIUIAN, BIlUBSTBr' TUB FIBST ORAllD HTBEBT UN DIREOTOB. PAOl wlib Ibi (Mdra ObarloU aod ibi Un Uoa Imo la Uu'alreMii, win ^ ■ . . ON MONDAT, APRIL II, {.aACT nralUlDS; If uahvoiabto, tru doAr day), Imtloi Ub< UDIoolb ftlok al lb A. U., and paaa dowo Idm. Io^IuTSl, lEm ■rlo9tlbil.,lold aTr.,UionaUe4lb ill, Uiopteuot aiCuilUoa^ {loanaremiporrormaDawUlbaslTnoiit itdaT ol miadA ni ampgrofmapowUlbatlniionftoiUaroTvilns. |.k '^jaBiiiBBBrowl? exam as ohnts ■ j ■-..■y- ■ MPilOBT WA L THE mm. tb.d«.plo. aoditaiStS"" "OMLD, LADY GYMNAST OF THE WORLD taS"\^!:.°fiS; ""^ oMROBLBorouTsiISS;^ zoi^mcA aoraT CIROABSIAK LADY, ^ , qiiAMJBjvaE. I Tbornnra tery ttw gentlemeo wbo^ at lonitbDeoroUMr, have ihA bad Ibolr HATS BOILED. oil FUnnAPS BDINBD, nv iiiKT OR mnAono jinoB, ON TUB noons or UIIUltUllRH, turatrrd, oranr nlb«rcn}iri1e.l|>bm, fnni Ibe vary fbct Ibal ibort la oe pteci louul llni««nlon Ihe rtmr. , TUB PlinPHIETOIWOPTIIBaB BSTARI.ninilRNTa. WUI flad II gmlly lii itiolr mlranUeo ui bwk w«U lolo IbIA u It WIU (IRKATLY AlBd TO THB COUFOIIT (IK THEIR PATRONa By tbll almpio arraDiniiiout fulaoid uiidor Uio Hal, Uil bat la eunj pul oul or lb« way and iC«iiraly bold In Hi plan onlof dabger aod no txwiblo lo Ibi oirnir. Kor cittulan, lamtL On, addma B. H. OWAN, Falaola^ t-ll>nw 27 joulh Blilh iliiil, FbUadilpbIa, p». T.nn TIAT^^ILi, ouAULBirrowN.JBrFBngOKao., w. ta., oothi Wlacbeiiiriod rouoiacRaUna4,biu«b of Ballinors end Oblo. nRinni or koom,i«pebt: DIMKNHinWl SI BY II fBln': SBATRD WITH BKTTKRH, AND WELL IJOmED. WILL 8KATTURBK IIU.NUBBD rEOrLK. rorULATION OF town, UOU IIALL MEW, Ml' JaIi. LAW, lloorr, FiopHotor. TUBATUIOAr, BOOTB, BRpBS. I nil SHANNON, MILLBR A uhAHB, BLIFPRBB. Aa 4tHaldooUDl.H.-T. WAR TO THE KNIFE. mroBTAiiTi mpoin'AOTt mroitTANT { The United States Confeotlon Oompany, n WARRBN BTRRKT, NBW TORE, ABB KOW MAIINO flONTRAOIS FOR TDB OOHINa' ^TENTING BKARON" wrrn oihouheb and menaobribs , FOB TDBIB OBLEORATBD PIII2B FAOKAOKB OP POBB OANDIES, _ andillpartloawbolLavfOolal MADBTI1BIR aSr, ;"""r - TO OALL AMD SEE TUK noOD.S A t-ll» or JBWBLnr oa: BAlI'Lr lUBSTBD LHIMB TUB BTOOB^ OOP, ooitnetian. ON Tim iii7i>soN nrvxow. Krtoeoialo lou. ^■ PRKirr FOOT AND ANRLB, ■ODSiaddaoeai THIRTY-riTir OBNn BAOa Bait Is toy od. droM. poll paid, ou itrclpl of nric& •■t« . rliAjmLniwiNMB,8e8Bniidwr. A XxAD'T "WHO HAS 8nA SeoaUonal Diana wrillAafeipivaBlr for bar, wlsbuia lipe- rimad astnl. Addr(aa ELLA A. ElILIB, Fbtla. P. O. sTl' pitoc. Bomsnrre xix»iovm> 10 748 Broadway, ricliimou* Dr««Dta of llliialon, Poallal and Burleaqno, BooMllooal Doniooi, Fbanuiiaa, Bkilouna aid olbar vUloaa, For iDsaimMiiuorpuRhMlDiorappaiiUaaDdpleliiraa. BindalainprortoTBa, pffogrammioTaTaliipii. ■ t4P 0. I. rOZ (lIuDply 'Sf.^^} ||!* *"* >pUWn( nil If' rtoirfBiti IX (IIiiDpty Dunj for rrambf 11 >'j^p?<J([; LTTIA TIIOjmiON,"lISA- WtBI nORK MAaHRT. LINABDWII DUNNIN«.*.ttLn(SAW ^ AND bBtmKTnsi acb. i-tl* poalpald. .. ._ , " Bo«tmKiwtiikdlr . v<MJAtfdif«; < — P VABIRfr TAl . E9?L''.9l''qio«i ANi rTAUtHT, .... ..FADDiNne, srvBTaiEB, all rAniBnsa Mil SUANKON. giLLER a CiaiiKrM gldSBS^)): r." "j uSnTfy^'n"?*'.''*. OWOWAt OiSsMOWKbTaS BU^DUI, or will mail««» for lb. IJad, „ olll Bbowriaa^. . I^ONAnu QGEStJXSEa. AUdrtaa W. T. nOELLBB. aiaofqippfroOKa. OOBR, DAAMAnn ANDTARim . NO. fir WALNUT BTBEBtr rniLADBLPHIA. AOBNOr, NEW OOMIO BONO, wrm onoRUR, „„^ ''"AOIO OABTEB." Killld upon raolpl or prto^ as ola, L. P. aODLLAIfllL B8Tt«moDt«l.,B«»teo,M«» ACH3NT ■WAJmDD. A LITE MAN, wllh a fiw billdi»d doUaio. Is l«t>lA».ui.j |^TIIlk..CB' , POPULAR^ COlOQUll craoH BUBoraj THE TRt66£Ra SEDOONS VS. COBURN. negnrdlng tho proposed mill between these Ught-welghls wo have receiTCu tho following commnnlcatlon In reply to thai of Ulko Oobum'o, which appeared lo our lost;- ^ _ « „ , Br.Looia, Aprils, isra Fun QoiiiT.~DtiB 81a.—Fran Ibo Curnn lull imlTOd I iMrelbalCobumbaaeoTfrvdniTdopoaU rorwaidM Ian wnk, bul dee.'mei nrcllog no al f liber or Qio nacoa illMilalcd lo Br. Roacb'a oommuDkalloa. Tho oonrlog of (bo $100 u manly a "maho So- IIOTO"onlborarlorUlckoy, wbo, lam aallaflrd, doc«not wlab or •Tvr mciBl 10 Ojbl me, or ho would bare attepled Ihe aquan pruno. •Ilton eoDlaloM In Ibo ommunleallon itTentd loabore.aabo li wvll awan ibal It la almidy iDpoaalUo for mn 10 go «aal wl'Uioul for- felilDs my llbrrly. If Ukioy rtaUy wUhea 10 figbl, I will allow bin tlOQJor ojpenwa (o mrcl mo In dihor of ibo looUltlra montlonrd by r. Boacb. Irtbladoca noltolt(Mxiro, bla rrlcodi mual iblnk bin bald (0 piroM, and my cballeogo wUI Jbari to '--lldlouallabl-wclqhL ItcapMlhilly you juril called In since tho above was In type, stoles that tbo backere of Ulckey will not agree to fib g Jim Cobm ilo open for aome lOBOC BaSDORt. ■ ■ I, and west lie oOcniSeddona tho choice of groond 2SOTolles frem New York dty, and as diserent men have already gone west from this city to light (notably, Joe Cobnm and Dick Uolllwood) ho thinks acorge has no planslblo excuse for nol accepting thUi, os bo has nodnnier to fcsr. Ulckey lenvos bis tlOOIn our hoods, oud If Siiddcns doo't accopt ho'll dgbt any man In tho country, at llSlbs., upon tue same toims he last week ooered Urn. FATAL SEOOTIKO AITBAT IK FfllLlDBLPnil.— Padst WiLLUMBTnE ViiTmf.—Tho oily of Dreiherly Lore wss, dorlog the post week, the acono of another dctpcrate affray, in which oroel lead performed a murderous part dsprlvlog of llfl) 000 well known to tbe sporting tra- teinlly. Tbo clroumstanoea of tho aooir are as follows:- On tbe evening of Wednesday, eih last, Faddy WUUama (formorly of FlUsbuigh, whore, during the war, a match was proposed between him end JohnnyUaekey, bntltnev- orcametoanythbiii) and Frank UoDonald, alius if cOoy, alias "Dig Frank,''metal an early hour In the bar-room of Ihe Continental Hotel and became Involved In a dispute conceraing a loss sustained by ona of them at Ikro, buck* Ing tbe tiger being the method adopted by them to gain a livelihood. Tho aliorcatloo waxed wann and they were aboot ellochlng, wboo motoal fMendi Inlerforod and aopa- raled them. About nine o'clock Ihe name eveningUay met again at a aaloon located on the S. H. coroor of Eleventh aud Sanson atroots, when (he ouaml was renewed. From words they speedily came to bfovs, and McDonald received a severe cut on the head. The latter now draw a nvolver, flred open WllUama, the ball taking effect In tho groin ami causing tho victim to alnk to his knees. Anotborsbot was flred Willie he was In that position, tho nisalle peneireling tho left breast oloM to tho nipple, passing obliquely throogh the lung and lodging In ths badt, having severed In lis couree one of the prlnclpalBrterlee,oanslngacoplous bemolThage. Two more shols followed In rapid aucces- slon, hot neither touched Wllllama. McDonald then lolt thosRlooD, plalol In hsod, bnt was subsequently aircsKd about a (lozoo blocks oir, having been followed by • police- man, who, not posscsslog aamclent coongn to atlonipt his arrest himself, waited uutll he met a brother oOlcer who was not aireid to perform his duty. Tho wounded man waa oonvoyed to llie Fennsylvaofa noepllal, where Ihe ptoslclan In charge probed Ills wounds, ezpreasing tbe onlnlon that they werefatal. Shortly afterwards Alderman Uorrow waa sent for to take his ents-merteni statement hot upon tellhig WlllUms Ihe object of his visit the Islter soldi—"! hove no charge to mako agalnat any onot If you are here. Alderman, to ask me who did the ahoot- log.IwIUnottellyou. I forgive tho mtnwbo abot me, and I hope that he may prosper and llvo a thoosond yoan; to punlBb him would do me no good, and If I ahooid die It would only be InOlotlng on him a punlahmentof which ho may not be dcsorvlng, Uo may have been right In the mailer and I may havo been wrong; noyway Iforelve bIm, aod will not under any circumstances divulge anything that would Injure him.'' He thou said that no lud but one request to make;, which was that his body bo sent to his fhuier, Jsmes Wllllsnu, No, 88 Elghtecnih street Fltlsbnrgh. AOatholloprtestwas sent for and odmlois- tered tho saoromont to blni during tho night and Alder- mah Wllllom VcUulllo, William Whitney and several other Mends oollcd to see him. Uo lingered nnlU olx o'olook on the evening of tho 7th, when he expired, per- slttenttyreroBlogtoglvo any l.nfomatloa relative to Ihe affhlr. Oo the morning of the lib UoUonald's ooonsel, Mr. L- 0. OoBsldy, attempted to teouro s honring in Iho esse, bat no wlinoases of Ihe oceorence being present, the Aldoiman oommlltod the prtsonor and ordered • beor- tt two o'clock on the 8th. Wa Oatb umaifoi JunM Mllei Hd F»ti«r Bhep- THE CHAMPION PIGEON SHOOT. IDLES JODNSON tm WINNER The pigeon Bhootlog contest for the obamplonship of the Unltcif Stales and an elegant badge, besides glM to tho winner, $100 to the second man, and |iM) to the thlid, took Slaco on Tborsday, 7th Inst., at Hark Rook, near mvl- ence, IL I., on the grounds occopied by Kd. W. Tinker, The trophy was oOhied by lbs llbode Island. Bportsmen'a Club, uuiler whose auqilcea tbe ahootlng look place, and about alx hundred penoua paid Ibeir passage money on board the stoomor What Oheor, which bod been chartered to convey tho contcstanis and spectaion lo the Broiinds, Tho entrence foe was llxed at tee, and the entries were six lu number, viz.: InA-Falue, New York: U. W.Tla- ker. Providence; UUes Johnscn, New ioisey: Jobn Taylor, Jcrser City; Percy Aldrlota, Erovldenee, aud J. It Browu, Dullkio. Ou the way to tho grooud pools were sold by Ur. Uarehall, an old baod at the bualneaa, Tinker bebig the favorite and selUug In all but one pool, aa luat oholco, Taylor being lonolod next and John- son third. Dinner was partaken of after tbe arrival of the party at Mark Rook, and at one o'clock the aport oom- moDced, eaeb maoibooUngataislngleblrdt, 21 yanlatlse and 80 yarda bonndarr, IMia U and T ground trapa. At the begjuuibig Taylor mlasod his bird, anti oaths third thot Jobnaon mined a bird, the otheia abooUog oosUy and aurely. At the end of the flrat ten birds, Taylor bad lost three, Fslne three. Tinker and Aldrleh two, and Johnson and Brown ono each. I'ool selUag was resumed, Johnson and Drown selling about evenly, oud Tinker ttlll ahead. Dy tbo time the flitoeuthbird hod beenohotatDrowo had gone to tho lead, and money was put very freely upon "the stranger," as he wss called. Those who bad bought him voir low before In the fleld looked ohcarfh], and thoee who hadn't oorrowfuily wished they boil. BTenTUiker's bacten "hedged" on Drown. His star waa In the ascendant, andslilolog brightly. At the tweatleth shot everybody thought that "the stronger" was certainly waUliig away with tho "champlooa." Johnson wis second, aod the othen were bunched togoUier, Thiker having leal three birds, Palne five, T»lor Ave and AlOrlch Ave. Uere woa 0 turo-tbo longest lono must hove one—and Brown miss- log three birdi In suocestlon lost hhn the match, and made Johnson's chsneos vera fsvoiable. From Ibis point to tho close of the shoolUig Johnson kept lo the load, and eoBlly won tbe contest losbig but tliree birds out of the tbirty-flve. No Ooo would buy o pool sgalnit him, for none ware ao foolish as to seod "good mooey oiler bad." Taylor, who had been shooting very badly at flnt, rellled, and to Buob good purpose that ho was awarded the aecood mooey. Tinker taking tbe third money. The imlucky shooting of Aldrleh at the middle of tho match ntherdls- ocunigcd blm, but ha also made bettor scorliig toward tbo close. Palne waa viry nnlortnnate with bla birds, and hardly did blmtelf Joatlce; while bad luck saomcd to stare Tinker oooUnually In tho ftce. Ttie deepest Interest waa taken lo tho aflhir by Iho speoloton, Snd while at times there was much excitement the heal of order pre- vailed. Tho best ooaseoutlve shoolhigvraa done by John' son and Aldrleh. We append the aeon:- Joboaoo lUlllllllOIHIIIIIOIHIIIItlllHII-Sl Tkrior OlllOllHIItellllllOIIIIIlllllIIIII^ Tlokcr. lIllIOHIOinilllOIIOIO|lllllllllll-aO Paloo illHUIllOIIOIIIIOIIUIlllllOIIIIIIl-28 BiDWD nioiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiooeii(piiiiuiil-3r AMrlcb IIHIOIIUIOItUIIIIIIIIIIlTuHUIIO-ir The birds were. In sporting parlance, "haavy," nsailyevery one on being nieased requiting tbe pennsslon of a atone to induce blm to toke wing. Some or them abtolutely re- lOaed to atart On hiB fonrth abot Tinker had two of tbla oharaoter, and both balng barred, a third, o lively follow, was tnpped and killed. At tho olose or Ihe match Folno ohallsngcd the winner, Johnson, to make o match any- where, at ony time, for |800 a side snd the badge, etch man to aboot at one hundred birds, tbe time aud place to be ot tho option of the challenged party. Under the mica by which the badge Is govoned, the winner Is not obliged to occcnt challenges onener than once In foor menlha, though no may accopt for a leas time If he chooacs. New- ton Uezter, Froildent of tho R. I. B. 0„ waa referee. M#»-« THE DOMINION CHAMPIONSHIP. TAYLOR DEFEATS WARD AOAIN. On tbe 30th oltJoaapb Taylor aiul James Ward, both of Toronto, mot for the founh time In a trial of skill wllh Ihe trigger, the match resnlllng from a oliollenge bnned by Word, who wu dlesstlsllnl with the dcfoals provlously sustained ond desired lo test his powcn coco mora against the champion. The conteat look place at Leslie. vDlo, 0. W., and wu for |80 a aldo, 11 aodTgroond trope, 80 shigle birds each, 21 yards rise and 80 yoiiu boundary, wllh lj<oz. shot lllohord Varcoa oOdaled u luUgo for Ward aud Robert Uodgaon did llkewlae for Taylor, while Aloi. Uulr ailed the poallloo of rafOree. Theweathor wu fovonblo and eveiylhliig garo promise or ou oxolling con- test Uowovsr, nsllher man mode u good o display oa they hove provlooaly done under leas advantageona clr- enmstanccfl, u the acora below attosia:— TlTLOlt-l0i•IUIIIIIIISII«•ll0UllUI0IIIIUI0•lllU•llIIIIIIIU^. 88 OUInf to. Will>-orillOI01llllllllOIU100IOUIO*lll»UI01UlUIIIIIIU001-3r out of aft •Fall dead outofboanda. Mr. Taylor kavlng held Iba champion enp Itio reiialied Krlod, one year, It now becomes nis pemonal property, hla Ave oonleala brtheohamplonthlp, hehuanotat 318 blrda, sooTlDg 1821 actually kUllniits, udonly missing 18, making an ovonge ahooiing or • s-io out of every 10 iirdsBhol at We have roctlved tbe foUowlog challenge rrom the loser, which shows that the rasnll ot ths past hu not caoaed him to lose oonfldeoce:- ToBono, a W., April 4lb, UltL raiBK Qmv.— Dbib Sin,*l wiu mahaomalcb loihooUiany - • ^ '— - * iMr ..v-.— — V i Torrr \ _^-^XKBir. . dSHSATIONAL DBAJIA. BnUUad ■ IK SRBPPARDTLABr DBBAM. £ HUBPPABO'S LAST DIIEAM^ JuonmalwIUiUia OBEATCOMia DANOBBS, LEagBT AND allenT^ LEuaBT AMD ALLBN Runpaaimnor TllBlNlUrrABI.B. NBLUB EBVHODB, „HoJ^^» „.™.8TAB TRODFB. MATINBBB WBDWBBPAT AND SATffBDAT. ■xmLATni] ^ AMUiirHBNT COMpL bli OnoADWAV, »ll PAur, Bim.BB AND nnjfOIlR Haamnand Praarialn^ TBaSATiiS; BCTBBSBMfiCS:*'^ SENSATIONAL, FAMTOHItIB, BALLET, AND BDMOROtfa mis M0N8TBB TllJuPE OpTdB W0wl»°* NO TOLQAniTr, ENTIBE OUANoI'i^F FBOOBAUMB. NO SBOEfNO, NO DBINRINO, 5IN0, BRilrrrBD iiriib. ■ATTNIiES WEDNB8DAT AND BATURDAT AT IW P v ' N. O.-rcrfonamor acboowMipd lalwllaaa brlDcbnoflb* variH; bualoeia can obtala ileidy oi Btger. m BROADWAY. ' Lul waak of OniNQ ODOlf IIL OAST AM) BTHAN ' IN JUDIOIAL OUBIOSITIEa LBOM "-"M WRONG UAKJ In hla cml Sou and AcL TUB WBOKO HAN. rASIUONABLB KATE. JUDICIAL ( TUB OBEATE logla plgCdnieaeb aninti r-»-,^dol a^ntl Mr. Joaoph nylor, or Tprento, for ooe aoyanoiiBtup 10 88000 aldai or 1 will put op ) and abool al IS donblo blida each) «aeb rarty lo wblob antobemliidon Ibamotnlojortboot- laodpnll Ibo trap •galul atb olb<r,or Snd a ill <ba]l;li(»U Unopan ^ Mr,Tbjlor for Iwl laeki, tod, If nol loeapUd, 1 mil ■hiol ^—*- uDdorlbo MueUnna, foraoyamouol . BncplwbtluiaqtlndhitUai by ua otw niaseCCa^Ma nrpUato Mr.rajlor for (wl iialDM aoy nan In Ohio OBalhwiaano ohal]Mi|a,lhimallh BtttStaMoi. Ulks OIIINO CIIOD BL OK IN TUB WOBLO. Will poalUraly be imoTcdaiur (hia wnk, ii on Hondir. And IS. ■« prodi« iSogltll aeoallODal burltanna ""■"■ri Apni IB, 2-IP FIIOW-KIIUW. Ilonaai eiowded nIabUy lo aeo ibti, "~ Tdrrfc0MBINA9fO OIIINO cuoir UI SPANG] ' TINSEL LAOits. qmrs. rnitioL, ^Ut BnAitNO N, MILLaik OIUlfe.A Mai ]b-oivT sctyiA^ oramiA HART A BATNB 5RANK STRBLE NOAUBMBNTS ABB ALWAYS OFENFOR OOOD TARIBTY PBBFOSMBBS. AddlWB rSANK BTERLB, Rla|oMaiia|<r, Fori Broil Opeim Uouaa, Kanii ■nnl br Sni daa roitTABBRaAaB _ .OAaBMBNl!^*' of two A wiaki or loBcfr, 10 tppiar hi hla arf(h«B roAL _ OnABAOTBBIS; FBOTBAN ^g^B MBW SONOs'aND BUhUSQI SpHiMId ' Ml* _ BDSe MAT OIE<XH3RI>, FRBMIERB DAN8BU8B, and lUL JOUNNIB WBATBR, man. irlc cDmtdlaa, cbanckr comiqaa aod gaouii arttal, are open for ea. gagamaolalollnldaiallalla. Addraii i~ v. ... JODN WRAVEO, »■"* l7tC«omlaTeon^Oll»lnnall, 0. raotjjpnotj. „_.,. MANUSOBIPT COPIRS OF THIS ORBAT 8UU0IU18FUL ORAMA FOR BALB. ThIieopyllToiyUbolboono NOW DEINU rBIIPOnHED IN NBW YOBB, ami haaall Iba OOOD POINTS OF THAT BOrnO.V. Jao of Ibl viraloo ortpard for Mllo. Baalrks Iq LomlOB. AdiInH W. IIKI'BUllNlf, . l(BNaaiaiialj«al,N.y. Tiua xixoiszision HAMjoisrr. iWO ORIOINAL OLD UNOLB DSN, LEW HARD/, UAB NEW BFEOIALTIEB, NBW DANJO BONOS Addieaa NEW TOBK'oljp'rER. eroxitniaw iron bauh or "I'tn-"""'!"."." manage™, doa'J^yoo want lit Trma low. Ml' Addwaa 8. A. MPNBON, RlrerlM . Conn. MB. FRANCIS VIOLA, YNNOa TRIUd TUB OBP.AT BOPRANO AN2DDnLP.SI>UBrniUA OONKA, cao bo Mgiged bj remooal. Ui naugtra; baal (inula . T^llIA . H» laaoagwa; baal li<maia VtOI* 8gur«aaldn«a«i)»D IboBHtotliii ilagg AddimawUllpiicrOBIcii 'OMTBdOS IvaiBKp ISTHONS OXjYMPIO XJE£ElAmU3. Leaaoaad Haoacer. JAMES B. HATES Bolhiea Maaager nAH rii^'-^n TUB LAST NfOUTS OK nsa L FOX'S uaiilet. LAST MAnNBKJI WEDNE8DAT AND BATUBOAY . Mr. For8^r«iig^nnaue«(S ■ mutlbewllbdiawn for an asuitir NEW VliflSION OF lOCDra^PoaL Maivb SUl wbl«b will be prodQ«4 on UAOBEtll, MONDAY, Urn IMBT., WITH BXTIBELY NBW HofetlRltY, ' Wllh .l,raS#iS M^'S?'""^'™' UAODETH Hr. OBO. L. rOX 8fila««lrt<ITIV0 ITEEKS IN ADVANoS au[ilCi o(te.ail H liia Tttairo Tltkel onto, lit IlniaJwaT. g.'^a IWM VJ^'aHSV't.^Zt^X"''' ""lb iTenuo K.i;fM2?°M\uw ... MAOBKtll, loShakcapean'amibllmaTrwndyor lhal namr. lad on THURO. DAY, FRIDAY and BATUnlKif KVKNINIIB,u . ^ OLADUB NBLNOTTE, Ui Lord Lylloa'a brauUgil^^of TIIR LAbr or LTONR O.N^MONDAY, APRIL ifcb. MRJOIINfeuLABHE • Will mako hla Bntannoininco In New York In 8ri tran In lha tbawlol. or MAJOR J*BLLIK(1T0N OE BOOll IoJ TObllLMt pFrformidbrblmaOKmala IblloKr. .vu^/u.™, SmliiMuctdTWO^EKKH IN ANOYANCE, at Ibo boi i ~ OTTARTiTVjl AJlOOnrr, OljOWIf, ..v..., „ WUAI TUB OUIOAOO PI1E88 SAYS, AUoll'iOlowiiUaniocVM. llbipuibiBinu Ugoodand bllcm' naillo prrromianua are aicallaol, aid Uia gif>&ai|uo maonar Ir wbkb Ibey aro dooe fonlbly remlni uiof Iba lUuioUli.—Bopobll ..■iV'!51"^1.fV."™'"'rei«ll«l fill tniU9i|D«<i eooM not bi boluu«l,wbni blagyunBaUo feauan iwrMly'manihrao-jSoiC nal, Haica Ma. »lr.Abbot!.lhoelown,Ut;rr fanny, aitl wllbal,TefyagllobibU bllilnoaa.-Tril>linL March 9lii. ' /"a""""""" Tho Olowna laddor irtek la a vronderfiil real, aid ncelrtd as real, aid ncelrtd aa OuTFia Omoi. MR. JOHN DENIER, OYHNAST, TIOIIT BOFB ARnST AND OOHIO PANTOMIMIST, MISS MAQQIE WILLEH, Sarlo Oomla Tooallal, lad Dorlaanul and Proloan AcIiwl can boon g. g<»lanar April 107 AddwiaJ(<IIN DBMIBn. ullppar^lSi. - - CIIAMPKIN UDY OYMNaOT. UFOKQB LKOPOI.U, " OIIAMPKIN MALE ( ThaahonanUlM baTlngwIumaad and duly appndalod erarv lady and ganlbniao Double Tni|«£o mrftinnera In Amarlui, hara fiaolvod,an«rconildarallou, iDalylllliomulrnTIIB CUAMrlONB oftbo DoiiMoTrapair, lo^liidlnga aarlea or leapa, and mean lo up- hold Ibe llUoagaln*! all couera. Anrmaloaod faoula douUo ira^ Xlierfomian objeellng (o ibia mn do ao Ibrouih Ibe Clipper a wo will 11 onto make aminionienla and deride (I In pnblla 2-U OEORUB LkOKULU, Kivol HInol TbmUe, UalUmMm. IboTboalre, oral liebrmncb lloketo Dllaon a Co., 711 Brriadway. ', al Uie Uuak iiore or 0. u. >.ll WAXX.ACK'S. FnprKlor and Manager MB. LESTER WALLAOK, DOORS OPEN AT^,^_^^ MS"""" wlU be prnnDlnl TMa Tulor'a tail new conody, UENANDAURKH, produced wllb new and appreitrlAla acenitiy. new pinilo and now ap. polnlDixnIi, and a call of ckaradcri iDcTudlni Mr. J. W. WalUcL Jh-.J. Il.iloditard. Mr. n. T. Rlncsild.Mr. jfo. Wllllamlon, Charin lliKkwoll. V'. Mlllon Holland, Mr. I'crk, Hr. Quigler Oiinan, MIn MadrliCe IlrnriouM, M(a Emily Meilayir, irii. li Saf(01, Un. Uurm Pbllllpa, H laa Rowa. . CARD.—XmiTOIl Tixrw YORK OLII'1'ER.-DIiAR HIIL-Aflcr liu|«(lo( Ib* aoUm Itom Iba Elnlra pma. loanher wllk a Itilar rnm Ibo pnprlelor of Ibe Opera llouM In Ibal oily, joii wlu admit Ibne boa belD aome ml*. reprearnuilon aoroewbern. On Ibe Bral olghl or our perfomancau kperwonwaladblmmirallhedaorarorlKigadmlailoo,auUni^ wia Iho Blmlm rvporter for Ibe New York Ourm, aod when uied loil'oapmirorbli bolna ao,n>f aaad, and, aa a oalunl nuKiuenoa. waadoollned lo paia Ihedoorteoner, Tblaa«coonu rorblalollarin 2d or April Youn (roir. Ibo Uurraa or tbe i Toura (ruly, ^ _ „ . . .. WiLUAN IIOBIOB T.,»^.«|^ Oiviirio TatiTu, 81. LouliL Mo., April aih. mm U< Dnlly UdrirHBr. Kant OU. ItlR FMIHT AI'I'BAIIANljk IN BLMIBA. Only on mm andiinoiual ocraalona le ao larse an audience at- Iraeud Is Ihe Opeii llouie, aa wlineued Ibo Biilappaannnorihe LliifinjTniiinilndilacllr, bal ertaUijL II laonrylbeannouots. rarnl of a Iccliiro by Uoii|b, NAaby or Dlckloaon, or a a«rinoD br Borhor lhal mn nil oul aiitb an audlano^ and II la nnir a Icelure I, by Oongh, Nail,y or Lletlnwin, or n asmon bjr Bmber lhal nn '. alroni ao much aalhrocilon 10 anaudlenr^.aadfd uaenterlalnmenl of la>l oionlng. Tbo fail Ibat Ibe peopleiir KlDlnrengolMand --'iredal*llieiliacraucabo(weeD a Oral andwcnadclaaaenlarlalii. to rehr»ml, JNKBT OLD COUEDIBS, wbkhwinboftreQ FOR TUB FIRST TIME IN HANYVBARa In nnjMf«(lon SETERAL N0VKLTIR8L A KATINBB WIU. BIIUHTLY MB OITBN. Ml ROWJDRY TimATRlD. WM. D. KRELTnll NEW NOVELTIPJI _ SEW FAOI THE OREAT OLODOOUE TBOUFB. DOR r OLODOOUE, IMA; imil WALDHOl BI.ET NOHMAND. JOUN J. EN/H.^B, BBMELR rLAOROLBT, BASBOMRTI, rBSO. flORDOH, OOLUN& -iSz. KOI i^iii^inT, BOBDT I NBW DRAMA, JEW or Botn'ntrARK. IS SOBLga and Dan oca. MBW PANTOmAiB, LA JOORfBSK. OLODOOUi TBOUFR MATINBB, 8AT0BPAT| f O'OLOOK. »ll AOAJ>sMY ucNerrnxix^s' 910 OBAND 8TBEBT,NBW YORK. Lnlo,Oleg; Jlg,BM*ooe.SoBgaadD*oea Ungbtbyoaronaqulid -olbM, andpuplla 811*1 for tba lllga. Bonn Oeimi^ Fnlau Ada, Blemp Bpeacbii, Oan A&, Aa, vrluaii forlbi'proraaalon. OloptWlatanaCealginaa acat I»bU pwaia. Badaump(br ibta UIP I aump (br ibva DMni an by no Bictni oonAncl lo blm, faU iraupt beloa fftmmaij of Si^a_Ald*H BflalAM Baa mMMmm m%mm*MW*wwt^^t * ■ ni8 LART APPffAHAMUB IN ELfilRA. rnaDaflrtlclAURudknee ■mlad " It) tnd \ux RpiKMrino) Inibli dir, % anil lbs wboIecoinpiDj »ppeuTd _ jreTtouiwonlng, wbfn Uioir eol^r mMl annip)«w iDd Krrm MilirMikiD. ne InlroOuctorr nm ''vrhoBpmki nrall'' d** Mr*. AIkoOuonlog LInvinl, Mr. Bibei Mr. DIUIpii, Mr. Diirrciiantl mIu Wond anaintlfDlopmriunlir rttopUj Ihilr aupaiiorabtlliiriii* aelora, whkli oppnrliinllf^^— AitothrrbrnaDdflrtlclAaaaudknee aroelad Iba Uncart THidm itlbelra(«on<landltatap|KMrano)lnib(adl7,ai Iba Open Uouh, j«l«Tciiln(,aiiil Iba wboIecoinnDj appeurd la botUradraaUM Ibanun IheunTlouidvorilng, wbfn Uioir eDl«rUloneDl nrc Ua —-'siuind p^rrm MiurMikm. t^eInlrodaciMTTarca or jbart. foiir Imurored. Hix Alloa UiiDDlog LlDfanlUa iplandld wonuD—la look upon^Dd a eaplUl aclrtaa lo mo anil boar. Mr. LIb^hI nail nrehliaoDMandebaraeier A«lch«% wblch crraM a world of dm fHrebiiaoDManL . _, lUbland amiHmMiwllh bUaudliDn—dHI|hl beoiUM bit mlmlcrf tr«inmua)niand ulthfiil, and ainnarnivtit bcrauMor Ihe rapUUf TtlUi wblob uoatepped rreoi ono ch»metrrioinniit«r,miqmoaDa alL lilt aiaiuA Imprnonattonaan eieoAllnilrcnJnjaMeaod dlqiUj Iba ahUI of an artlii In nuko-upi Tba einOoBclof of Iba onlanaln* mailt woraoonlluurd. and IhH annerlorliror the umpan/tUllfur- tber DitDtreiird, fo Ina ctoilAf iiltct, wllh which tba aoolanoa waa mora than wellplMaed. Inland dika aniAUom vlillad br auch aaparlor^nd «orhlreno«ofdaciora.»nd, Inbebiirofoorflrlldaaa cldiana wbo an ablo lo rreofpiliA and appmiaia lood acting wa to* Ttlo Mr.aodMraaUufpitd and tbtir laieDUd eanpanr lo viui pur ehf a^iln alaaaarljadtT aawlll auli tbair cooTanlam^ aatqrug Ihoai or km and appmbtlro audJaooaa whtnarar Iba/ahall a^ paar. I-U SAAf. SIMONS ^SS9i MoBiart, Pfemrar DaDmm Brilo Mouvl rfeStteBWH^LT^S Ji anDtlor, ■ Ohanclct , Goanllan, Oubn larma. AdJma A PRirirrT omij, wbcra an Inlertlaw Uluflooa. Miial nal be nodar 11 or orar U mn ar m" Pay lie had. • OXXHSOU sr. USONARD, .... - IIILL POSTER, Omnd Paplda, Mich. F. O. Bn« IIS. AOXJPTTS MINSTREL oa Ibe EVEHBTT 3NTS OP "nxEiAXRras. itSPSW.SI?**' *••» T!f"l5« 8pitn«ield?5rrwin 8o4.' ■ 'S"?.* ^l!*ijf'2&H!'"'*'' x*"!™ ind ihewaTbun'aTanraC tenllon. J. IL a«iifiSTANLEY UlheObpl'e ngblbSwer ueM *-■>* BoitolaltaBagirforMoKlan Buobaoag TbmWmH^ vic«eiinnDM3 concert nAxXb inEELKB SrtniTSWj?'*" Wublnglon and Mnlbtn^. . ? w 0I._. _ ... Now open piny or TALEfffwil .^^OFENTII _ AMnM ^ (lEO. 0. THOlf Fj«iM.llUmU.»j.. tw Ibl ioli lidi'ir inocaa;Vriiiia'^^ r.RRIIFORMBRft , BD AT ALL TIMER YKAR HOUND - —-iifrii 3P.ARTBa3R ^AKmUO w..»il,i..i'!/.*'""!TP''*''*8IIOW BUBIMESR ' BTomlllogmdylugorlgblor Addiworeall IMbiscgirSloni- JLii. 378 MtrtleMuoa. Bnohlra. MISS now (laTolh APTNTia BynieavMoa. BmeBlra. ooRNPOirri _ 'HI''* 'J!!)L°l»?i'i'»'i*JU'* WBBKRYuRLRsquBreobrx,' FOB^^IIB BNaAOBMBNTtl ADDliSjtl UEB^ i!!! «B Bedtord alreil, Boi(ob.1Iii«, ■WAJimSD, ,A BIOB snow DOOO KBBPBBl a'^ixt ..1^ '.'"fr * Iraprnll man. AddlMJOIIR'Jt A80N, B(. Oharira HoOl, «a Rniadwar. Now Yort i^ -jLTf*; MAnsix>Rara varixitteesv WANTBD—Two good TlimS^'^^* winladalall umea. -—-rEi FUILL PIBrENBAOIf, Blago Mawger? maad'o'AlnjIoglAdr. lUeai. . U. MAESDiJlff, ProprtflorV. SPORTING ADVERTISEMENTS. Notloo to Ilaso IlnU I>oaloi« and. ClutM. Webavilmgedlwoenbeanliral cetornd loanrlnp of BaaaMI Della,Capa, Bhoraand Balisorrr SnrmdirrranlalfloAbaluia , liaci puMlollaoraoodii Dellaia and Oluba iliouU iiulaiifm ' ourelheni. rrlcollilaod KoBnilniaienllmh.mall ^ Wo arp inablns (ho flAUR BALL STOOKINO, wbllb wa w*;., fluntab 1* cluU al IVholawila Pilraai ^; OUNNIUnilAM A DILL, ' ' »UI HuuIacUiankMObanbsLiFbllb PAPER-BOATS, For eilKlaei plauun^ radng, Inrallrii and buBtln^ - feMllI modela for young ladim, lada, tourlad ancrapoimaDTMcaUni ""ivttlanandorkallilaeiiloDapplknllon. v,\ < g|l WATBKS, OALOa A CO., SM Blm ll, ItaT. M. T. . ■;• /' Xlzoolalor Bamnlo Room* 18 BART UIJUfrrON ST. ■ ^ f. ,ES, ViNBir Uvl'URS ud SBOAla ai Iba Ba» l»01IBlNgl'A»inNUIjOjnllr MjBtt ^lw[ny:..' ,J}^0IOB.AL! ATBLBBUOl Sparrloar OToualie 1>y Fvor. Oortoltl Tir maibbV oyhnasiuh AND MO ORANO OtBtbneoallandidattbllrewniiiidaiioBifiHnliwL ' "t-V v.i>. MISOELLANEOUSb rro LIQUOR DBALERa-Tor Biilo, U » 1 JL Iblmftal* Biolpci of a wrU knowo Uenor M ann fl MDil tnl Isuhielloiia Tor dtadllinf, ndirilog; mltlng ua ta . wIncB, Ufloora, btllafi^ lyrupi^ cordlala. eolorlois imibm Ban aniiiaa,eHi rorp«iilculare»iariiaU<UOBfDkiPaieii«8 UOT FBOM PARIB.-A BooIpe fllF . cinoMLaodamnfRBonlfornnngandoldi andalanpi AddicaaM. andT.|BUUooA.B«l(oo, ^ IBkllM mim lUOIO WATOHOHARIL-ErajtOdjIikMlH WOSDBBl' fT Mr Hagll tumpnai mUMt Ibo^or Sir <a ik« .f V/'