New York Clipper (Apr 1870)

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April 16, 1870. THE ]srEW York: clipper. BEAUTY DESERTED, ika OoUM BUM U not ftM ftom cum olwdnoUo". oMbronitt ton of ttw criinj 2'*"»i,'51IS^^ wiour of 18« ihe S;5S!Kl.'iS;Srfi SliiSainilwent Intoth«funlij laft «««'*'«'<''''<?»LSS in the cipirttr of prt»Bl« Of the jonng m»t wiSolScw. tbo'^eMert '^^•Sii*I£/. fi^(?^ sSe Sie to b«r. tnd that SSSKuS' mm iSroonaiUon becaniB the nibjojt of SSSS" Sa nSLlT oS the noooiniondiUoD of her SSS? iho went to 8»nt» Olun, where eHe wu to ^e fo? » Aort tiSS: and where he wonld mjriT bS^M be ooulSnot do eo In tlile cltr, tn few of oppoer aOTftomfflpSnntt For.few weete wroteto]ior SSd Sa umwtni hie lelten: hat, eftjr s whUe, he cetMd initio, w ihe o*ma back here end foond him; hit he ISayBSepHoalbleoxonBO, and \" " "J"" ftnm wbenw ahe came, and pnmlicd In a ttaoft time M#oSd meet her and miai bla promiaeof mantaoe. TMiUna to his honor aho retomed, and In time hetane the ^otherof a female child. Cp to that Ume he had not come to her. and aha aaw henelf betnjed bj the oniT man ehe had erer lored, diagracod In tbt ejea of the world, and for • time her only thooght waato deatro; henelf and babe, aodthna leave this wicked world. Dut she bore hereof. ikiuun In alienee, and when well ononah, returned here to aoeiSefttherof her child. A letter brought him to her Bld^ and for the third Umodld ho^ PremI" «•'If* Jj^.^? tbe altar within a epeclllod Ume; hot bo herted not hto Droniln. and deaerted her for another, to whom be Is to be wedded In a few weeks, and now abe wished to have Um aiieatad for aedocUon. Bhe told ber atoij with tears In her eres. and aeemed anzloos that her betrejer ahonld be DoolMied for tbe great wrong bo had done her. When she had conclnded, ehe was Informed that eedootlon was not a otlme In caUfomla, and thai ber onlr nmedr wopld be to oommenoa a drll suit agalnat him. Bbe then left the omce, and in a few daje, nnlcsa tbe matter la cOTpromtacd there will piobabl; be brought. In oiie of the Dleolct Oooits, a eolt lOr breach of promise of marriage. MATRIMONIAL ADVERTISINa Several weeks ainoe an adreitlaement waa pnbUshed br a acapegraoa named James Stewart, lor a ladr corRepond- enthav&c matrimony In view, giving bhi address as at No. J AmllT a&eet, Oila cfty. Among the ackle air ones who reiDonded waa a Ulia Kate Busnelm, a dreasmaker, real- dlMwlth ber parents In Toledo, Ohio. Several letlere nasaed between them unknown to tbe yonng ladj'a friends, tnwhJoh Blawart pnreaaed to have great love ud anecUon re her. ending by making a propoelilon for marnage, which was oeoepted. Btewar^ pTeadIng hla boalnesB detained him from vlalUng ber for the purpoeo of having the mar- ilue ceremony perfonsod at Toledo, prevailed opon her to leSvo her friends and Jom him In this city, and upon her arrival ooanred ber he wonld taUll hla promlae. Undertne pretence of oomlng to this city to ODgage In her trade abe orocond her parenta' consent, and left home on the Wlh OIL She arrived la Ihla dty next day, and was met at the depot by her acddentol correspondent, who procnred a carnage, and, attending to her ooggoge, ordered the Jehu to drive to the Bplngler Uoase, wVcra he raglatered bla name as "James btewort and wife, Toledo, Ohio." A room was assigned the yoong lady, who, after making her toilet. Joined her companion In the reception room, and proceed- \n<t to the dining room enjoyed a aumptnoos repast. After ner Btsw>;t oalned permission to accompany ber to her □WvU W UJ kUQ I 1,111 III lU - onthe fouowlng day, abe anally c«ti»CDttd Ured. Btowart accompUahed her nUi Oq the following momlog Btowart, Inalead or keeping hla promise of marriage, oleared oot and left her with a hotel bUl of seven douan to pay. The nnfortnnate wo- man was In a quandary what to do, ea ehe had no money, nor any trlenda In the dty, and the proprietor ol the hotel refused to deliver op ber trnnk nnlll the board bill was THE PRIZE RING OF THE OLDEN TIME, JACK raTndaIjL, THE PRIME IRISH LAD o», THE -■NONVA.-RTIIXj.- Hls lUie* and Battles In tlio Prize lUnff. HIS BOIENTIFIO BATTLE WnH TODinn At OawLBT Uoasr, in Bosaxi, tt Hiua noif I<OM- DOM^^fOB lOO auiMUS X BIOB, ON BlTimsaT, DM. Ko'pnglllaUo contest tincotlie days of nnmi^a and Mendoia-Tttm Belcher and Dutch Ham--and Ctlbb and Hollneauz, It appears, io animatedly exolled tbe tatsMl of the aportlng world, as the battle pwweon Bandrtl and Turner: in fttot,mBnyof the oldest t^<i*n tatrt, that. In point or betting anil staking, there U nothing like It npou lecord. ^ « The ages orthe men dlier bnt Torn" was born Welch^rents In London, Kovember 4, l™. "J "JO'S:; also in^ndoa or Irlah parents, Noveinber a, IIM. The latter was In hd^it t feet« tochea, and Turner was also in height t feet rinches; thdr weight nearly alljs. For weeka prevlona to the flght the rortljy tonses we^ crowded evcrr evenUig, and upon the day belna anally K\Set\ht lnuiSlSS{aiita rnrtdly. The todaira hd To (Sancoto reach the place of aellon, and even spaie roalnsnto, hacks, and rsggeddmya, were not lo boaeen SSSlberoad,fSrltwaaaTuig-upMtontaltogeUicr. Oto^ nnmbets of the female sex viewed the "t"*'^/*''"S"! before one o'clock Randall appeared In ">» ft!J JSm^ op hla bat, attended by Us acconds, Tom Oliver and Whcio, gneteil with loud chcota, and In a 'ow mlnotea sfterweija Tlimer threw np hla hat In turn, and Owen and Rlchinond waited npon him, amidat the loodcat actlamatlona Itom the populace. Twelve to eight npon Randall. tb«suDUiiiiiaof HiMiim»l«ui»on Ihe oombtUBl ilutlMbwKlii. ThB wlllodMOf huhlht mtnwm lotereillos lo Ibo jjinlreri or puiUlan,Md nelilHjror ibtnuonwe wmnllni loconilliloii. Tun nalocboibtrwlUiHI UiiicuKprctUIODOtTeiKlUDUItr^ u>i Honnl ixalllvtlT u look Inlo nci oUier'i beiru. I[wudod|lD|, dodalu. aoil doiilos apl". "o mlmoa b*' <l'l*'<l ^''l* ' biowbU IMO nudt.lnicbliMilbo ittior oeb othtr >ll Unlink (Tiw cbBmplon of BoaUadbpn rou«4 ouLwbowu rmmnta io bmllDiouribartof, ''what, five nlnutcatod ooblow I") Atreoflh, ■fur Bme f cUla, TiinitrbuSnUwbtatbainlme Irlth bov Uii|1>c<l ud sotanr. The Uuer, bowevcr. waj Dot loei lo oealoi • re- lun, and bo |>Te Turwr • Jiwer aod a riHier, eul oot bnvllr Hora fctota aoj dodffloa Turntr bll ebofi wtib bUrlffatbaod, vfbeo RAOdall nuhcd loeod weot lowork. lie tried loOb bleopjMneat upoD bli old ferortlo •juen and a lann ilrunlo look pUoo for the Ibiow. Both dowo. but Turotr undcnnotl. llr~~- TDMrwaa Immedlitely canted tram itaegraoadlvBal- tea. In g Teiy dlsUesaed itaUt, to anelgfaborftglhim house, lit to bed, and every attantton and asalstane* admlnla- arad to hla wants that boDanltyoonldsugiMt. It la wan known tbatbsavT u the blows were, added to the exinm- Ityof palnhe mostbaveieit Dram theaevertivof pnnlali- ment hahadreodved, wen"UUes lUhtuair,"in oom> panaon to the aogulib of defeat He was vetr III, hot oomplalned mostoitbe body blowa Randall, lo the ooune of the Saturday evening, anlv^ In town, anxious to meet bis better-hau and eon, Ibo latter about two yean old. TO Bl COMnNlTBD, 0. W. Wmraul.—ne bcoki end eola aaTelr lo baad. Ibuibi for the nalob giiBta. Wni ibortlr wriuto U Ovia. Jl aiutas.—NaiodoljreotlTod; Umnllaaeoiuly wlih ihli wo npir br BaiL a w. r.iN. v.—AifOodalanjIhlDglo Bnfllik le "rrera'i Obea BaDdbo«k,"publUb«d br T. w. Elmf. Bumf roueaa rad Oer. man. far WHcTla Neaeoaiu'e "&AaeAtrM wti Mf«« ^torlm**—be* •IdMagrcal deal other ao« and Taluablo DBller, wbolber jou can nad nacb OemaQ or not II, Ilo«»a—Weleomoectlni the9iM ibillbare duo ill«niloo. Can, Ponaa,—Your inool ttabonU eObrt, fa r« Bolf. 7CS, bw bero "Inlmlowod" and fonarded Is Ldpilc Blil;,aro vtriailono indTMnovealaalll Tbo like oenr w«t before Kco lo Obtoa Oooa Boots,—To IboM wljbing to oorleb ibolr Ob««i Ilbrarira wo would oar wo bave now lo oar poueioloo a lot of foKlfii—moellr Fraodi and Ocrmaa—worti, of whkb wo will lead a Uel oa lo^ulry lodablbUogiapblaldcaertpUoaof laeh as capeeliUy altiaci iluo< llso, ^ Correotlons of Alexandre,—No. 30. tva La PBOBLBH Na lUL-fVORVILLB, Tho BIwkRooboD QRItbloerUeDllruilolrDden but afler Ito mnoval nato can be flrea la two morn, Tbe foUowlof li a nr- i«led»«™ioo,wlUnreaddltk>»Uon:- — '^,uccoolbcrBd; RookttE B 6; BUfaopa UmW, IHIUl WWB. UU. AWIUH UUUUUllMh wltat UlOUUnS fiVlU Ihe patllioni 00 bolli ildea. , ... X Tbo tamo eauiloD wao oianlfcol od both met oa cooiniefKiof ible rauDd, aad loog rpirrlog ialD oocumd, BandtH cue a bel- Her aod aol owaj.liewas DOIlong la repeallDl II aod eddloaa raeer, Loai learrlDS, Tuner endcarortdlo fire a ifeBcndoui bll wlib bto lefl biod, but Juk wu learr, aod Jumptd book two roida Ver> looi nanbu; In ficL II appeand eo ltdlouo lo iboet wbo wtn onlr foodoldowDriablmUllnt, ibil miD;nmonicalled out,"Wbra •hall wo Bl hooio I* Tomer, wlUi mucb deiUiJlr, P«iJo a nod bit belweto liandill-efilaid. (dnal o»lauie-"Oo II XtUf.y) Tbe UlUriaTe Iwo rwaro, end phioied ffiwar m wotiL ,Tbe fioUb of UiU round wa< inly oeten, Siblni ud MniiiUog lUI bolb west down, T<onlTinlouu;ibad eUpeed, „ . .v S. Tbo moutti of Toraer Itemed lo.ibow eOBO llo|e of the cuni. nor any trlenda In the dty, and the proprietor of the I refused to deliver np ber trunk nnlll the board bill paid. Almoet broken hearted she made ber war to the Jefflmon Market PoUoe Coort In the afternoon and related the story of her mlaTortones to Bergeant KUUtea, who con- veyed her to Justice Fowler, acting mtglslrete, wbo pa- tiently Uatened lo her plUlol story. As ahe knew nothing of tbe rascal who bad effected her nun, nor his where- abonta. tho Justice loformed her he could do nothing for her. 1 purse was flnaUy raised to porchase a ticket to sand her home to her menda, and retnra by the same train ahe had arrived hen on the »th. So, full of anlldpa- Uon for tbe fotoie, ahe left for her home a sadder If not a wiser woman. Tax Mioaoia Divobob Oasi.— The Notmegen of Brldge- Srt have recently bad ample food for Idle goealp elicited the divorce anlt by A. R. T. Nlcbola vs. Charlotte B. Kicbols, which doaed on the !Stb ult. Ur. Nichols was tnm one of tbe tust famUlee of FalrHeld, and the wife, whose maiden name waa Obarlotte B. Been, was a young helreaa of Newtown. The wedding took pUce In Uar, ises, wasooeor the most brllUaot that ever occorred In that aeodon, and waa the aenaatlon In sodal life for a long lime after. After a abort wedding tour the happy ffl couple went to New York to reside, stopping at the Bt. DeuU Hotel, where the respondent bccamo aoqualnled with Ed- ward Oebbard, with whom she eloped, going with bim to Bonpe, and with whom ahe la now living as bis wife. In lta» ahe obtained by freudoleut meana, thraogh the aid of Qehhard and othora, a divorce OomNuBola, In the Bnpreme " w Yort which divorce was aliarwiida aet sroond that It was ob- Tn the meantime, how- married, and ever ataice lived together oa man and wife. The petition on which thla loat decree la foonded waa brooghi to tho pteaent If arch term of the Superior Court, and allegea the adultery of theaaldCharlott4L herdeaertlon of tbe petitioner and elopemeoi with Oebnard, ber conspltaoy to obtain the bo- gua divorce, the ravenal of tbe asme by the same court, ior mud and Impoeltlon, and all the other eaeenilal tacts which make op this singular hlstoiT. The petition was personally served npon Hrs. NIchoM, alias Qehhard, but ahe made no appearance to defend. The facts claimed by the peilUonerwcre all aubstsntlstol hy oral teatlmooy and a nomber of depoaiuons and the judgment rolls of the 8o- preme Oooct or New York. . A IficHiaiN ooim^ who bod tired of each olhen' caresses, latdy agreed lo disagree connubially, Tho con- tract being doly aloned, the ex-husband forwarded it to the county dert with the following explanatory note:— "This agreement has been maid ana dnod up betwixt my Self sno Wife and I doant now wether It la cordon to law or knot and I want you Sod record II If It la lawltil aod If It Is knot drew won that la." but Ibero waa doubl about II, lie, bowerer, apparad lo breiUie refTaolcLandralherdlilRaMd, Tbe laclka of both ibenunwere roilly of lbeantocderefaclento,andllwai Tlewtd eautonUhlni by moel of Ibeold imalenra; In foci,IIwaa eipnaulu Jeaullful." Indeed, bolb of the meo wen ee well prepared, ibot If the ellsblul mlilakewai madellwu not oteilooked, and IbU out laoinl for IboclUemocaolloaoobolblMn. Beodall badnererudanjlblni Uke eucb • cuiUmrr lo deal wllb befon, and Tunar bad no borer.lo 10 bmloff band. Tbli nnnd UMk iblnecn mlnolei, and ihe pauiet wen 00 Douinellr loof Uiat ioino of ibe Jokcn idfloedTem Owen lo bare a pipa. Cribb wlibed for bu oI|bi cap ud talked of pepper. Old Caleb odvUed Uiem lo («lo work tod bit cacb olher*l nobo off I Afur oumerauo felQUk Ibe nuod wai Qnlebod well, Tuneruodcr. inMl,ood Randall fell orerbin nlber awkwardly npon bla neck, is 1011) wu offmd on Ibe latter, 4, Pretn ibeilTleof OthllOfdUplarodbr.boUi of lh« eombaluill llwaacTldent It mualpravealonf egbL BolbaotlouotBdoD Ibe wok out pot 10 flvo btu a cbaoee away, BaodaU pul la two boor blowa Tumer'a Irfl baodaleoloUoo bUoppoornl'e moutb. The bltUna end ilopplo| on both eldea waa mumr. Tuner^i nou wai now bltcdlns cnpiouslj, end BandaD'a face ' [Sboute of appUuee.) a Id Ihli round Rai wuplokel Both down. ... .u ..nUll look Ibe lead, he Ibbod bU omoeni ■mreir ond then fdt upon bIm bearU; In |oln| dow d. "W«I1 done, Jaet.tbat'elhewtrlowlalL" .^j _ a To allcopi to Jeanibo nlnulcly Ibe fetnli, the pauo, dodglifo, Sc. would fill a volume, lod Ihcrelore we muil oooSne ourvlvte to in eipllcll but abort epiuioo. RandiU ipll ume Mood out of bli mouth,whenTumtr'elefthindau(hlbliopponcot'lneM •ndthe daitliaA down iDIo bla mouth. (Owen Toclrcnud, "I'U hare Tur- ner for aai," end "Bian, Noddr.") 1 veiy Ions paiiionnotd,tnd II alami leenud that ntllber or Uia eombaiaata wUbcd to make a hit, ■« much caution wai uatd. Fifty mlnutei bad eUpMd. Turner made a trancndoiii bit wllb hli letl band, but Randall ilopoed in effecl wlUi SniUIIL Aneichuinof bb>wa Tuner timed lodo BmelbloiwlUi bunabtaod lefl haada, but Ibo blowi wen illtbl. Randall aot away, ■uaioi up bli Mood, wbkh appeared rather Iraubleame to bin, fnm bli noae. Trillns eichiofea. Turner uemedUitd ud puldowo bla hinda,Mtlberweraioonup aaln on AaadaU olferlni lo hIL Tomer threw two biowi away, when Randall pullna eerenbodyNow, Inotber lonipauie. Bandall now pul down bU bandi,luil for a momenl'o laM, wbenTunarraa lo, not to loaaaaopportunlljr, but Bindall lauibed ud wu PRfUtd for htm In an lottuL Loni nau, 8«enl felnit, but no bftUns, (Owen called oot (or • chair, that he Dlibl ill down, lo view Ibeie ■denlllo men.) Bindall rutm a hiary body Mow, but |0t • uarp bender lo mum. Tbe Konpittll leonad to bo ebaiiclni hfi oodi of tuack ud UTlls lU forlho body. ILood nlei of 'SOo to work," from 111 puu of Ibe rln|.) Tuner iloppod a bean bIL Tbo latter waintulF11 tbo rope^ when Uia iiKculon cried oul'Thil'l nol nlr, Jlck, 10IM bIm Into a coraer," Turner, bnwef er, bit Bandill on Ihe had, end ilM eodeiiored isllDIo uiehto left band wllb round, aad "Well doni bolb," rnm Jf paiU of tbo ilnf- 7. Tbia wia • mmeadoua nuBd, and Turner loaned much dla InM In nalnslo Iheaaaleb. ^r a few eicbuaca, Bondlll eloaed, aad weal ebarpl; u work on Iho weavlnf oyuem, UU they both went down. & Tbtawaialoa • nabllos mud, aad Tum^ ten hud iM lata hla oppoaul■•fac^bnl RudiU In tun pul In aihupbodler, Io cloilns, Turner wai Ibnwn. 9, When tune wia aUtd, Tamer wu oboullo commence play on Raadill'a etdoof Uioriof, when Iho latter bIJ, 'Kicp your own •Ida** TbIa wu a ^bol nund, tod bulb fibbed CKb other hi lom. Id lolof down, RandiU bul Uie beil of iho fell 111 TbU nund wu fuh at Kltneo, tbe bittinf end elopplnsonbotb ■Idea bdni of tbe tnni order of Uio ut. Toner complelned thil Baodallbid Ind beatlly upon bU toe, and uld, 'Do you call that fair, Juki" Bandall, lo reply, aotwrred, "I did noL" Inilrui- ■Una for the throw, Tomer Ihrew Budall onr bIm. "Bnro, Noddr, thil'o Ibo Ume of div. Thon'o a un-jiid for you, ud Ihe Bennoodioy bora wUl an II for rou," mya Owen. II, Thalieal ludpiwen itlll belwnn bona and fan uoon the lubJecL Bandill lecmcd lo haro Uie but of It, but Ibo loodneu of Turner wu ao will known Ibal ho did nol now even want for lacken Bandill fatToracrtotalboiunind putlnaucmendoui bll on hli left eye, ibat midehlm wink isilo. He, bowerer, R- cDvertd blmiclf, end aire bla opponent a aremoneanlhebrad, baakcL In aolos down. Tuner nalrcd a hit, wbkh Owen uld wu rOul,and oiled out to Iho umplire rtepccUns It, but-nonoUeo wae taken by the unplieaind II went off: a. TurnerhithliopjgocolrlshtaDdlefl,but Ibey^ldno^ CHALLENOE TO MUSCULAR CHRISTIANS. Offer to Back yfm, B. CiirllB Agaliut iaj Man UyIiik for 810,000. WHERE ARE THEJTRONC MEN? Borne weeks since an artlole appeared In onr colomos, givUig a akeloh of the New York AthleUo Club, lo conoec- 00 wllb which we preeooteil a tabular alalemeot ot feata of atreogth credited to certain memben of that organiza- tion, OSTlkewlso othere nooennected therewith. At the head of the list stood Wm, a Oarlta, who was recorded aa having elevated a dumb boll weighing iMiba, lined l,aoiha. with tbe bands alone, and aitOOlbe witb the old of harness, which Is Motba. more than any one else Is credited with, Ur. Wloship having. It li said, UAed iMOIba., aod Dr. Butts 9,7a71bs. with hsrncas. The nnbllcallon of said artl- de created Quite a breeze among tooae who lay claim lo superior muscular ability In this section (as It hasdonbUeas done elsewhere also), and we are Informed that the Brooklyn heavy-welgbt, Fat Kelly, coosldered that his powen had been underestimated tbereUi. At all events a ohallenge was published over his signature In ao eveolng paper ot thla dty, oDbilng lo make a "lest case<nbr money with Ur. Ouitia. to thla II. A. Buer- meyer, a member of aald club, responded on behair or Curtis (who was abecnt from tbe city), and deposited I7M10 make a match, leaving the money up tor a week. No notice having by that Ume been tokeo of Curtis' card of acceptance, the money waa withdrawn and Mr. Bner- meyer called npon Mr. Keller In person, when the latter ataled that he bad never aothorlzed any one to Issue a ohallooge, that It had been done by tho reporter oo hla own reaponslblUly, and that be did not wlah to make a match with Onttla. All thhi naturally hod the effect of Increasing Ihe irarmth or the dlocuaalon upon the aobject In athleilo drdea, and with a view to potting ao end, cnce and rorever, to the queatloo In dlapnle, Mr. Buermeyer walled npoD os od tbe 7th mat., and left tlisxhallenge which appeare below, at tho same time placing a depodt or one thonoand dollon In our handa to make everything tegular. In order that no one may have any plausible eiouse for deellnlng lo aocept this bold <l<n, or allowing It lo pass In sflence, Ihe challcDger leavaa tt open lor one month from tlie date of our pieaent Issue, which Is aumclent time to odmltof every one becoming cognizant of It; he Ukewlae expresses a wUUngneas to compete for a sulUble prize with any person wbo may be opposed to staking money opoo tho usoe, so that, If no 000 comes forward to plok up the gauntlet, oni^ OS wm be rully deserving or the ttUe of ■■Ohanplon Ath- lete," However, we trust that eome one aniong (hose who claim extroordlnaiT physical powers wUI see lit to back on their pretensions with sometblog more aubalantlal and eonvlndng than mere worda, ao Ibat the pnbllo may be af- forded an opportunity of witnessing a compelltloo which oannot hot prove highly Interestbig to all who advocate tboee exercises whiob condoce to the derelopment of Ihe human tnme, Read tbe challenge:- _ •• i«»w voM.Apruaib, wm „,'i"* Qonw.-Dua8iR.-AninldeonlhoNew York Alhlotio "'HV°. '!!'" ollllon of Ibo Ulb nil,, conlolnlnga llil of unos men anil ibelr feau of einisib, le creailoa coniulenble ulk ooons ilh. lowouuiwboralbebonorof"Ohlef*i belonti, Ao oo imouot of cbin" will ietllo Iho mauer.pleaielnien In rour paper Ibo ocoom- ponylna cballeofe. In Riuitn open one moolh from dale of vouroeil laiue, tail wul or Umo may be oo eicueo for nonaooenlinca t will maleb Wm, B, Curlll eaatnd any ma fn (Ai worfir foriIrillof •InnaUi ii ibo four follawing fata, forai,Wor«>,oaOailde:- ULTutllna upono dunbbelL Id, PulllDs up two dumb belli al tho umo time, one In ach bind. Sd. Llfllni with handa ilone. lib, lirtlnswlUibameu. ^^^jrtlu locepUi^jbe nboro will namo_ Ire or take ei< 10 four oiemeM Utnwllk I hand rou • forfeit of ILOOO. simedanriBUlirtaill iihletei, ronDlnaalmoilapfrfeatleitortbo itnosihof ibeeotln bodr, ihoua h If ooy other or better onaanbe '"mtodlheywUlboconildered. Sbouldinr one wUblni b> con- Loblocl lowaiormoner.aprlKOef al^eT■lu^ln fonnofa pleoo plalo or other appropriate meranrtil, will boisreeable. fwlll lit to ofa 1 •lintodlheywUlboconildered. SI iMToblecl lawacrmoner.aprlioof or plalo or other appropriate meran..., «„. wasor Ibeume inouot lut Hr, W, n. Curtli an perform all Ibo S"f,f "O.™*"' "> 1^0 itrooa mra In Iho artlole before allodod to, Hf^T. I' Dr. 0, B. mnibTp, Prof, A. B, Bulls, or my cOur Kan, WU; S*'£a mUh al hiratu llfUni, I will wunr lb« same imounl thai Mr. OurUiwIII lake bUoompelllor'ibullMpulhlffl (oru e^ulr. altnlUibliwelibUonlopof llindlinbolbloierber. Ilnull ihall bar from the "muMulir Cbr1illina"pnmpllr, Yonn mpeelf uUy, II. k Bvaaaani, M U unay IL ^^•T- ■ .r..«,».. »w Huiv alvo lla Sret i4uwh, • ... 'omindsdmsof aatory, never kelbre printed, U- inttrative or tbe nnOanlng loyalty or patriollBm of one of the iheatrloal nrofeealon. Tlie late N. T. Davenport, known among hla frlenda as 'Nick,' was ploying an on. gogeinent in Bt. John's, XB. Dis wile was Tn the condU ton Ibat those are who love their lords. UU brother ao- lors twitted him with the probabUlty of having a ohild bora bn Driiuh sou. This led to a beU But 'Nick' iru not to be outdone, lie sent to Bssiport, Mains, sixty muee dlatant, and reodved by etcamer a basket of Ameri- can Bdl, This ho placed between the maltrcsa of Uie bed oocnplcd br his wife, over which he sespsndod an Amarl- gBdag, In duo time the event arrived. Kick'won his net; the child was bom 'on Anertoan aoU aod under tho AjMiicaD nag.' This beats Mark Smith's perfonnance all _ ... vb ._j poeltkn of Bandill, orrtducehliiUrnftl - Uoworenli w»i muldetpenlc round,7to don RandaU, Both heavy enoufh to alter down ud binl milling, . li Randall pul lo a dnpente uoner, Ibat Knlbli nob back, (sd thoclanlfollowfedin tomntii ho repealed liand Tureerwentdowa Raodill hid now tot upon Iho had work, lod Itfi plohlna al the bodj, TbIa wu the Dm knock down blow, and treat abouOog fol- lowed IL K It wuiaillyulonlablog towllocu Ibo coolnea wllb which Turner came up to tho eoatcb after ibe iremeadoui punUhment he bad recelred In the Uit round, lie ilioblloul tigbland left, ood umo ocvere eichaogce occurred between Ibcm. Io doalos. Turner Obbed RandiU wllb lome elfccl, but Ihe former wcot down. Bindill forflOO. TboraUindcnalliniiiyiilfFiddiCoorlraarbid been playtns bliplpco lalheot. "By do powen, Juk an't loielti but jel Turner li a Doe fcUow," , . , , lA AvetTibirsnunl flood efbling on bolb ildea lodoilog, TurnvrgolBandalldownondalMundermoiL _ I& A oMilderaUe pauu before n blow wu made. Turner at leniiblei Or with bla Icftbindon the bodr, but Randall pul In lo bearr a blow on Turorr'i mouth neirly to dlilolgo hU Ivoiy, lod the duel Sowed pnfuKjy, In clMlo|, Turner Obbtd hU oppontnl, bui bo fell dowo rather weak. , _ ... 17. InlbUnuod.ln iliustllog for Ibo Uinw, Timer Ibrew Ru, dalloutoflhoringind iloodup,tanlog OTcrtnonpa, "Btarol" indgmtippbiuir, . . , _ lA Till nund wu Ibe mat nlllinlni during the billlc. Turner tried to UK bla left band dnpenulT, but wu tloppod. Rindall ruobed Into fiolabbli mania ilyle,hulbe mliocdblaottjoeL At length tbor bolb sot to work, lUI Turner went down eihauatcd. \l In tbli nund Turner —" *"— '^" " "— ' "Oood. mr boy, every lltuo out with m»h rocrcy- '~ THE GAME OF CHESS. To CorratpondanU. Mtsr Wuim-Klng al Q B B) Qu Duck.— Klof u bU 4; Quee QueentlEDa: Rookttq B 3) Bishop al ' k XliqiXoItbUilKT.ADdK K(6lb. wblta u> pU7 aod giro laaui In ihna mora. PBOBLBU No. 114. ror"IK)fTQ«c,*<nad D'Orrlllo. PBODLEU Na ll0.-U)Blf. Bee nola ob Ko. O. FBOBLBU Na 116.-I0Eir. Wm-KlDcalQRavQuMoaberB un Knlgbu alQ Rt^aod U. 6: nwot al QS, aad K B Sd. Buoa.—Kiog al Q 4tb. Wbli« mtn Id ibmnorei. Ms* be ncatir wired rvUnri:—l-.P io Q 4:S..QloEElt: 3..Q to KlB,BUl«. For "MilcaS,'' nad—"JTufnB, atm npfn.' FBOBLBH Ka lU.-IOBH. WoiTB.—RiBf al Q aq; QaecDalK B Kalfbtaal K 4, and K Kll; PawDilE iL BU0S.-Kli«at1)4lh. , ^ Wblla mal/i In ihrw moret Oommn tbe "Baoond PotlUon" of BlauDloa'i "OhuaPlajw'a Ilaodbook," bT an "Analaurof India":— Warn.—Klof alQB«4;QuMoaiberaiEBlcbUalQ B As and 4 Favu Kl Q B 2, andlC filh. BUOL-Kliu al Q El S; Pawo al E Bd. WbllAoululB Ibrea taoraa. . „ ^ (Wllb Ifo. 119 compan Ma 83; ind No. m I* (deaUttl wllb No. 9a) FBOBLBK No. 12L-DX)RnLLB. . ^ For "Ha «d S. nad "JTai *m S. amt U r-'** " ^1* ebaofl* la Iba eondiilouUnneMarTlopnreoliDatabelafglreDla aaraial njt In iwomoTu. PBOBLBH Na m-WH. BONB. 17vm.-KlofalbUfl;QuceaalbcrK3i FawoalQSd. BucL—KiDgai q Alb. whllo main to Ibm mowta, AalmplebalniDarkabteUIiulnUonorBuiolDibfl mUdla of Ibo ' 7ba Imliailons or ibli poslUoo an vcrr oufflcroui. boanL Eji la a tbirp boJIcr, wbca Owen tald, r)H;"wbeD lUiMUll'aoM fortobnUe ^ ^ Id chwlog, ho peppered ibe fioo of hla op- SODroi.lIko aroutmaD'ailylltbkDOdikiadoor—It wu ditto, dlilo, liio, duio, tUl Turner went Uoiru eovertd wHb blood. One hour aod thlnj-llTo minuter . S. Turner, boworer, ouDO lo bla lloie uadlimajed. aad bit nil »nd right, wbttb RaBdall ool oolr iiopped, but lain plaotcd a Hvcro raoer, Ibtt broughl forth iho cbnt lo torrcob. Io doitflg, bolbdoira. XL Turner bit wllb htalofi bind on RaDdaU'i now, and bo alto went down frvm tbe fora of bla ewn blo«r. Bandall aeemed a llllle CKbaualed Tioai tbe work be iMd tad topcrfom.ond a-aialao Mctdlof It Ibo mouth, la fici, thla How aceuied to bivobad noro cOtecT Iban any bo bad rcttlrnl during tbe llghL XL Haodall no Tumtr dcwn, tfitV ao cicbanio of a few blowa a FlbtMog, aad Turner a bod fall. Tbo laticr ippennd getiloa weakibQiotUI fulloTooumgr. 94. Turner, bowenr, aioo flnl lo tbo ocntcb whh undlmtoUbod eooildcDco oDdputIn aimaH, rlght-baoded bit on BandaH'imiir. 'Ttut*a It," uld Owco; "you koow bow to do It; foltagalnl" In Iho itrvBile, Turner alioaitiprlml iho•pociatora «Ub Ibe alitojith thai ho poaraaed, loibroalDg Randall wlibfrmt violence. C'Bm%-o, Tumrr—you ore not Wat rotl") Tho boun bad now ebtpoml. SO. Turner lautoUhcd Iho rlog by blaoomlogop ao cbevrru1ly,aod •omooftbo good Judra did oot anow what to think of II, thL7 uhl, aod that It waa nol aliofetbor to Mfo ao naoy mlgbl Unactoo, Ban< dall planted a al^bt bUaad alipptd down. aOb Tumerwu flnl at ibeacnicband bit IlAndaH tlgbtand loil, but Iberwen ooi heavy. Sparrlni—Randall garoaaetvnd hoock* downUoiT, [TumultuouiappUuM. Aiidoomeof thepaddlcailng. Iflg out for Joj. "*Tina oo a itrrel May nioralni," ic] BAOdui lookod atlilaTailto Toe and aloopetl down, wluklug to bli menda, u It were, Ibat be thouiht u all rigtt. — -i. fli.rouabi rooD Randall «-u u _ ig dapacd, It wu iruir dloaiy to wllneaa aucb eicrthoaoo Doib ald(> Turner bit Randall 37. Tola waa awcll-rouabi roood aod TuMtrpol lo lomo good lia. Iogologdowo, Randall wu UDdermooi. At thlaalage or Ibo wu truly Mlraor- .-gDloadow battle, upwiraa of iwobouri harloj rlfbt away mm bIm, but tbo lailer followed Turner up till a lerrlMo •trunlo u»kptac« Intlodog. Turner alio aiopnod aiereni blow aimed al bbn by Randall, and Id return ht plautM a abarp bit oo tbo NoDpanU'iJaw. sTror'nef acila nobbed bla optnoeol wlth^ bla lefl haod, bul be wu floored from a tnun^ndoua bal] oQlragtoua lo ^Ibolr ahouU^ and hit. The padilln wcra now , ^11 jour'own,Jack. Only one more luebiand ibe balllo la orer" Jho Tallet now loohcd >lT hit. it'a ■] lalhir Mue, and long facea were tbo onlcr of tbo day amoneat tbcDL 39. Nolwltbalaodlng tbe bcivyflooring bliTnracroi|Krlencc4 lo the lul round, bo ttmenp to the acratch u oool aao encumber. Tumor alao commeoccd Sgbilog, andendcaTored lo do lomo eiccu. iloawlth bla letl band, bul Randall iioppcdblm. tuacloBC,bolb dowo. Two boun and un mlnulea bad oiptrcd. 30. Turnerloflthekneeof hlaaroDndOni.and qgllouiUOed the liog that the Oihi wu ool oul of bin. Uo made aomo good ei- cbanfoa, till both weal down. 31. Tbo run of Tumor wu ditadful—ll wu one mau of claral— bol bla area wan open, and be fought aa cool u If ho had only oom* neoctd the OgbL ^Tuke bIm aw>y—bo'a too pme,*' wu the cry. "Ue'aan aocleot Brltoo,'* aaya Tom Owen; "wo won't leao It, be^a III wiiivui atiiwui anj* *< - , - — - - -- oaly got a eoratch upon hla face.'* "Ilo'a ao bonor lo bla oouniry," cieUrmedagallBQirrlah Colonel. "And bore*a Ibo tight lltUa Irlab boy,"obeerTed Tom Oliver. "Doth Noapanlle," from allpKrUof Iho riog. Turner wu agalo Oooradfrom a aeTerehli InlhoboOyi Jo ihli round a dreuinitaooo oooamd whtcb mlibt have proved tbe oToriaraw of Bandall, If II had not boon preTcoud. Bailor oSbrtd to bet CS upon Tumor, whoa Ollter warmly oboirrcd thai be would lay bIm £|Q lo £6 three (Into orer, aod waa iMvlog hla man to come aod aisht, but ha wu oailed upoo by HaodaH'a palno ool lo quit him for an laitaoL Jam Belcher loat the light with Oribb la oonie- quenoo of hU aomnd alaklDs Ihe money, tbua giving llnu for OrIbb lo rwTor hla wind. " " * . 31 TbobnTO Turner, aodlamared, agalo met hl«maD,bulweol down fnm a blow. WUleonbIa aooood'aka««,be wuidvlied to aire lo,bul hlamanlybMn woulduol anllbr hitnto lay NO; bif bnfue nfoMd lla uttonsea. U. Tbeitaloof Tomer dow appeared ao pfteoiia, n • ' Iibnrary ■0 much the pntte of Ibe tpeetawa, that aoveraln'nua* eriedoul— "Do ool let bim Bahl anr mon^**, <^l>oo'» aay thai, coollamaa," iv piled Oweni "bo w worth iwooly beatea aeol" tuner, bowartr, wral oowo fVom a fknr. ,. .. . M aad (a>r. The admlnlloo of all Ibe penooa vreaant wu ei* pnaaed lo Tlewlnt Tumoraaloeometo ttoaeralofii and,although loa alatooroihauatlon,riin>uchleool,oolloelad,aadugtine ua pebbla Alter m\e other hlU, a Mow oo the wi aide of Tumer'a bold doond bbn, that he eonld ool eome U lime. Two boun, olne- tetu mlnolra aod thirty aetonda had olapeed. . ^ Tbo flret act or luadaii, oa being proDooaad Ihd vlotor, waa to puih Uio orotrd awa/ from him BOd to cUn Uiq bond or hla fWlon braTo few, witb muoh seal and fneod* BtUpt Hbllo Turner, Dobljr dlsdalDlng oDltDveUri gentlj pBtud the priiuo IrlBh boj on hla back, In token that bo waa tbe bolter man and bad won ibe battle nobly aod In cnllanc aijlo. Tbo amaioura applaudod both of tbom, and proQonnccd them tbotvo beet Dltaoruinff,orthelrwalgbt, 10 tbo couDtrr. Tomer, on bolog rcpeatodlj nrgod to glTa H lo, Indlg- nantlr enamed ncti odvloe, aaafirtlnff toat ho oonld nt win tbo battle. Ilia brother (Ur. Baxter) atloogtli Inal^tsJ that bo BhoQidflgbt oo longer, wtilob put an end io tho oontcat. Oo TloTory bebig deotarcd In rhror of lUndaUi TO nt coirnHOEO. Enigma No. 719. "Anailerptcc« of CbfaaUmlegr."' ir I. LOTO. ■Dr,Bay<r ^ ^ ^ i QlliljRiil, bcrB4, EBB, KBTIta. ^ ± i 1 i tllillRu), QBS, EKI3, KEl^ KRftl' Wbllc U) pUy ind gira rail. In Ihito mofc Problem No. 719. w M 1 ^ y//////M BUck 10 plarl I mm. " rBodgiremif t*f Game No. 719. Tba elMlupordi orihttUlo "ChunDCoTbunay** In lh« Braok- IrnObeuCrab. AlUck, allbera. I. .Plo\4 Z..KKI-B3 9..KB-B4 4..P-QB3 ii..r-ai (..BKX >■ r..qK«-B3 S.-F-ERS B..Culln 10..UI1-K3 II. .P-Kt IL.KKIXi' l3..Ctbcr2 M..KB-()Sti) U..BF X Kl(t) II..ElXBr(() IB..EB y R-4- OtVOCO PIAMO. P-OE14 E-iCt 3 BUB a (III • - Kurt, am, after a few morea, Ur. 0libera rttlgoa, taking acoond booon, &Ia ao> tagoolil winning the ObUieoe gbeaamcn, the prime otjeel of oootiv* reny. J7ote«—by Ifr. Brtnilogor. (ft) ThlamoTOwu not well oouldartd;1iloaca al leaal a I^wo, and glrra Ibe Delenee the belter OLne. (M Obvloiitly be oould not lake Kt wllb Q. (') A^bi tbe Aiiach don not pUy cormuy. B lo B 7 4, and Ibco P X H, would liaTobfen fkrhclicr. dO Gocma enUrvly demonllced; thla loeea a 2d P. (0 H to K iq looha to be tbe only more to uto Q Si P a few moru longer. CHE(2UERS. BASE BALL. A CHAPTER ON BATTIN& TM new nU. «rths (ime lOTnnlnff tha daUrcir oftto bBll V» in. M'tirin. wtucb m to b« oEteired tbli Muon, necealUM . l«w waidi of tMat In nrennet to Uu itjl. or b«tuni tMj wUl call for, ud la oooneoUon wllb tlU. BoMMtuwlUnotiMout of pu«totlliuleloDi*tMjla<|f hiDdUog ilie ub In bu« ball wblcb ntliy couUidu. lood btttlag. Bua B.n U so tongtr ( men guns for fan tai eierdM ODiT, tboogb, of eoone. It la u muob avtlUbIa for tboM ■Implsobjccuu aver; battbanln baTtbetn m> ancb ImpcoTBtf, Uld n mocb bia been doBe to iflbtd a laM for tbtfnllilaTClapmentor tU Uie nasljattilbateaof pDOk, endartooa, nerve, acUvUr and ooonaa In tbe practlM ot Iba gam*. Ibat It U line Ibat nlea iboold ba laid <1owd falmiUtan alio to derelopo Ibe mental powai* nqoldla to talis excel In tba Rime, ai bave been In regard to Ibe pbjsloalpowen. Latia ace, then, wbat a plajerbaa to atndjlnblimind aa lo wbat be bu to do wben bo takes bet In band to aaaome tba oObnalTa In a costeit for Uia palm of anperloiltr. Of coona bla main object la lo aoore a mn, bnt tban li aomctblng to bo conaldired bctldcs tho metefkotofobtaJnlDgtbonin, and that laloaeoaio It with tbe laait tatlgna. U ttie baUman blu tha ball OTor the bcada of tbe oatoeldera ba gate bla ran al onco, bol at wbatocatt Wbf, etihoexpeDaaof runnfn<;oneAundmt and taaauvantal Mt titnuuc nerd, Iba reanlt being that ha airlTea home out of bnatb ana cnllrolr nnlll for hirlhor liar witboat raL If thla were conUnacd br each pUrcr o each iDnlnga tbe roault wonld be Ibat the atrengot nine would ba broien down before Okj bad lol tbrounb half tbe game. Now, If tbla atjria of balling u ooiiect In one eaaeltlainall; bntltlanot akUhil batting at aU. for It Is specially eharaeUrliUo of tba least ukUful data of plajora In Ibe whole ftatcmltr, tU., the "Uumna;" for thla class ofbalsmencanbltbolla for "bone rnna" Just as well aa llTBt nine plareta can. Agalo, too, given a pany of mnscn- far men, with long, heavy bals and a lively, eiasflo ball, and the game they play isalmply a contcatsa to which can make tbo moat home mna nom heavy bllUng, wblla In ancb gamea akUfui fielding—which la the aluacllva (ealoro of base ball—isof but UlUe aeconnt. The adence of bstilng, lnIact,Ueslnthalekll(Ulaaoof ibe bat which ylehlatbe batsmon bis flnt base witboat any silia aSbit m running. In order lo attain tbla icsult, however, be most bring lua bialna Into pla; ao aa lo outwil bla opponents, by sending tba ball 10 tbe field wllb la little expenditure of forte as neccaaaty, but la such a manner aa to render It nearly Im- Hnalblo for tbo flclden to Held It either on Uie ly or to re- nin II in time to put playcn oat on Ibo bases. 8up- poae each player of Ihe niao wore to accurc bla flnl base on bis bit ovary time ne went to Uie bat the result wonld be Ibat Sve nua would be acored, and thiao men would bo on the bases when the ninth man was at Iho bal; and Ibeae inas, moreover, woold have beoo obtained wllbout any fiOlgne, and each man at Ibo cloao of Ibe InnUiga woold be OS ready for leMIng aalfhobadnotnin a baao. Bnt anppoee, Inalead, that tbe drat Iva Dlaien bad Kored home inns from long hits to tbe outer field, no moto runs wonld bavo been scored Iban In tbe diat Inatance: but In. alead, Uieie wonld bave been flvo meo half uaod up by their Tlolant running, and ao fatigued as lo be unlit to go lo tbe field wlUionc a good reat. Dut It la nnncceaaaiy to aigne tbe qaeaUon funneri saoice It lo aay, that Ihefrator- nlty In general now recognize that alyle of batting which aeeaica the Bnt base by "clean" hits the greatest nomber ofUmea aatbeosly true ctllerlon of aklUnl and adenlUo play at the bat. And keie lot ua aay a few worda on tho anbjeot of aecuilng basea on hits, a bataman makes "a base on a blt'< wben be aeeucs Uie flnt base (rain a bit which sends tbe ball cither •■aafo" Item a catch, or It be hit ao Ibat It cannot be alopped and flelded lo tbe base In Ume to put Iho player out, or so oa to send It towards any oneofuiolnfleldenwlthoat tboli bcUig able lo rtaohli. Tbe batsman does nol makes a baae on a bll, however, wben be sends np a bigb ball and gives a cAnnoe for a Caleb—whether taken or not It does not matter so long as Uie cbance Is offered—nor wben a ball Is bll to any one ot the Inlleldcn, and It is palpably muffed; or If In each case It be flelded well but badly Uirowo to Iho Iiaae- man; or If It be both flelded and thrown well bul nol neld by Ibe baseman; or If two floldera bcsltale as to which man ahall Add the ball and tba atrlker in Ihe Interim makes bis bate, or U a ball be flelded to put a player out on aecond or third or borne baae, wno la "forced" oir, for In all ancb caeca the Oelder can as readi- ly put out a player atflreiboae aa at the base be may deem It a point of play lo throw to. In all Uieae Inalancea Ihe BlrUter mokes his base elUier by the errors of hla oppo- nents In the field, or at Ibo expense of the baas runner be fortea off, and in each Inaianco ba U to be charged wIUi obtaining a baae by an error. Neither ahonld a boso be credited to the batsman wbo gala hla base owing to the excesalve eleeUdty of tho ball In ro- bounolng over the bead of Uie Ui-flelder, for It la not Ilia balUng afcUI which cnablea blm lo make his base, but tho extra qaanUty of rubber hi tbo balL All balls hit "fUlr," and yet no doae to Ibe font ball Una and ao near home baae as lo be dioicolt lo get at In time, are lo bo credited as yielding a baae on tbe bit. A naid bit boll, aent direct to Uie pitaiber, and which be Hops but cannot fleld In time, alao glvea a baae on a bit. All theao Inslsnoes refer to the earning of tbo flnt beao by Bkllirul or poor batting, and In legard to judging ot Ibis class 01 "bases on hits," tbe scorer will save very lltUe difllculiylnjudghig correctly whether Ibo base baa been earned or given. In regard to Ihe total nomber of bases earned, however, It la tar more difficult to form a correct eaUmata. Theonancesforerrombywblchtheeecondand UUid baaes can be made on hlie an greatly malUpUed, and hence Uie dlfflcully of jodglog la greater. For laslance, me bataman may have earned hla Orel baae cleanly, and by a bit wblcb, with ahaip running, might also have Bjven blm hla aecond, but hy a mlifudged throw to the wrong qoanerha maybe oflordoa a chance to make bla tblrd on the aame ball, thereby apparenUy earning two baaes by bla hit, It not Uiree; wben, In reality, he bad earned hut one. In Judging of tbe total baaca on hlla, or wbether tbe bataman has earned mora than bla flnt baae, tbo aocrer ahonld take Into ooosldeiatlon Ihe character ol the bit, and only give tbejinmberofbaaea which Ihe bit oenauiiy yielded, and nol toe number It yielded from lack of efficient fielding. Certainly no bell aent to any U>-fleldor can yield more than the flnt baae, and very frequenUy ground balla sent lo Inielllgent and active oat-fielders onl allow a alngle base being earned, "around" or "bound hig>.> balls sent near Ills foul ball Ihie and to tho out-field, however, hivailably yield two basea and aomeumca three, Ifabarplybiu Mat the ngkt nsll ksd not been hit oa Uie beadTiunanii aatbe boll was capable of behigmadeu eSSb^Sf?^ owing to tbeia being no reatrtcltve ngnlaura lon^ Uw amaut of ribbcr which II ahonldconlaS "iSmTS Dodoabtof ihanicttbatlhe preaaot ball, u reaSfflu elMa; ttaefhct Is eqnally apparent, however, to all dUn^ !f".'*^*lSf Ponwaea or a mil develop meat of Iheheantleacf onr game, Ihe ball, In Us cooKh slilon, hi Ibe very reverse of the right iblng. The opsor. tsnlUea the ralo governing lis composlUonallbnlsfor min- ing It hanl and oxcecdlnaly elastic Is sncb as to ma- terially Interfere wlUi good fielding; tho present elasUe ball aflbrdlng poor bat Aeritv hlttere excellent chances te scon rnna by meana of men nnacular power, and to ren- der Irneaklllln balUng aomotblog almoet nnneoeaaarv In nm getimg. What bi wanted Is a ball bard and elaatlo enoogh to be hit well, bat not one so elssUo aa to bonnd over the heads of the In-fialden when hit to the ground la tbe Infield; end also a ball which cannot be sent from tbe bat with ouch force as to render broken fingers or split bands aim results of any efforts to atop them. To. PBOsrscre in WisniNoroN, D. 0.—Otueomcpon' dent, writing Irom Waahlngion on Ibe atb hiBt., aaya:— ■Tbe proapect now la that we ahall have three clnba about evenly matclied, dnilog tbo season, vlx., the Olyinpio, MaUonal and JeBbreon. The former clalma to bo a pro- fcaalonal—the other two amateoia. The Olymplca bave made alreniioaa cxetUona for the scasoa'a play. In the way ofgetllnanntclan players, hut bave mado oul noUilng yet. Ualoiio baa loft them weak, and now Finkbam taaa revolved Clilcago-ward, Indebted lo the club, HcLoan has alao lea tbem. Their only acqnlslUoo Ukcly to sUck Is Barroagha. The Hsilonsis are close mouUicd, but say Uiev bavo a good nine. Their gronnds are In condlUon, aod will be naed two daya in the week by tho Jeflfenon olub, Tbe Jefftrsona bave a long needed acqolalUon—a pitohcr—Tumbull, of Ibe PasHmcs, of DalUmore, Is the man, Tbcy have a good field and will give Ihe otberdoba some close praetlce. Kail UMSlog haa Men Indalged hi to aulU! an extent already, and practice games wUI bei' lla week on boUi groands. Tns Olympics have elecL„ tbe followlogofflcere to serve durlnatne next six nonUis:— President, C.1I. Alexander; Vice President, R O, UewlU; BocordlaiBecreUitT, 0. A, 0. Hmltb: CorreapondhuiScore- tsry, N. B. Young: Tressurer. J. B. HcCoy: Bconr, J. Mil. Icr, it.; Hoard oMllieolon, C. E. Coon, A. 0. UlUs, R. a llewlu and A. Leech, The address ol Ibe CorrespondUig Becretsrv Is N. E. Young, Id Auditor's Office, Waablngton, D. 0. Too club Is In a flonilsbing financial condition. Oco. Fox, of National fkme, baa Joined the Olympics. Then la a bitter feeling hero lowaid rovolven, and a da- umlnatlon lo abun dlsrepulahla men andoigasuauou In the Iblare." ELionoK.—At tho annual elecUon of tha Unoaa Olnb, of tbla city, tbo followlog oftlcers wore chosen lo aerve one yoar:-«aplaln, J. II. llume; Beerelaiy, 0. Ilaaa; Tteaxi' rer, C. Uagnera. THE Tai AMERICAN lihiPi'' Tb«re ^ Our Trettm-Huf«m iittiib irpoaofe proolCMBt dgn of ttTpra THE FOREST CITY CLUB, OF CLEVELAND. A eomspoDdent, writing ftom Oteveland, sends as tho foUowlDg intereeilDg goaalp about tba cmck club of Olovo- laod:— Tba ForalCllyClttb'aafmjumxeala for IbffaMaooorUTTDan al pnaeatlnanuDBCtUeUaute; bowcTrr, 1 ean alveyouenoulllno of baae ball pro^Kcia In Ibla rlrloity. TUo Forval ClUea wlU prrarnl a airongernlae lhao ever bcretororr, and one tbai will tnako It Inter- caUu for any club Ibat oihy happen thU way. I ootkoJ In yourbl- ognpoleaorihelcadlacduboorihoeouotn thai tbo Forcol Oltlea wtnitnatd^pie/tuiimalttuk. Toaecnaln eiicnt they wcra laat araaoD, baring had ikru paid moa lo Uw nine, the reroalader or Bie nlno being aHufnir Tbla acatoa It li ue lotaniloa (o hare more of a piofeaalooal oine, retaloinc, howorer, aomo homo taU eot Jamea L. WhlU>,our old oalcbcr, haj iaou|hl better of tbe "roTolvlofl bualntaa,** Inving decided to rcinatn inio tohlaeolori. UobaarefuDdednoneyedfmneod blm by tbe "Chkago" dob, and will bo beard rnm Id ibo Von»i City Dine Uio oonlog maoo. Wblta baa aet a gDOdeiampIo for rnofcer/, and It la lobe hoped otben wllirol)owauliroiUodlngbyihclr«nirud/. Whtie will probably reiDilo bcbtnd tbe hai, wLue bo la ptir nttUmet with tha eicenllon of hie Ibrowlng, although tben la uUk or E. WbtleLOoualo of Jim, _. 1.1-^ _ ..i_ .1 Ybli would bean COCKING. age lhaa ttia marked Innrovstasal hi onr and there M no place on world, wbate iO man? »wm mMKu^ ^ seenu on Harlam Lane. RaeUig bu sTtfbaas*! work In ihls conitry, Uie Immnn onUay auanS ■ ;>B('^t the utter woiUilasosa of tta tunaar- thUiTPfi.^S?.'" ?MihIy alias ftom tbo nSSi SS£]£?''S!l.S"«• •olllbejimsdSiA rSSl5i!2I?f*• prominent faalnres of UefiL keo Paradise and ibe ptopla, itch and DOor.Toansa^^ aeein to have an InbornlMeWJito geniSe 1^^ E'l'Ja.'^C'f" """! «4n>l»aHon fortbe>oldho™eSI brought about marvalon* resnlUi. patent to ibemort onS 2>««""-_ThoprIcea which liiit^aiiuiSimMn tbronihont the conniy, aad offer ample Indo^enlate S« "»fJ'xpcnii in bone cnn to aconrlbc lana fnfjnnmtom, ii ^ whieh promise well, aaUafled they have a rea^ retJfftS nattataed colt proveaawoqder. Bome olthMTtaiiMS wonden have been Jogged over nanem Une dai^Jtt! I«»''Uiter,bataltlraeawbcn not oven a calwu I!^?M.£l'ni*'E?.''','r' fi.^^"" '"o <""«•• that ima ■■chlelUHngnotM"might peaalMybe bidden bchhiaS fcnco and apol tbo colt oa be was opened for a aly biub. Though the winds ore sllll chilly and Uie dost at tines a£ noyhig, the carnival for 1870 has begun, aid Iho old tnu Mia are one aner another pawng Ui an appeannooS ttckle their former nppoaenU hi a frlcndly^niah; h« Uielr driven ke«p a sharp eye an the new recrnlls, mittty esiefiil before tboy nak ihclr Iannis of tbe Dosltfor the a& of Uarlom lane la Uilck wllb rumomlbat one or twoeseclal nnknowna an laying In wait for a obance to pick Ibem on. They may doBo, and we alaccrely hope ihey wiu; pragrcai la the OurriK'a moUo, and we aide wllb the colla, thoniS tbe odda agafaut thaD aeemed fsaifhl, aa ws lately feaatea onr eyea on tbo throng wblcb laiily tew np and down tba lane, For an boar ws watched a scene worth hnndnda of miles of tnvel to wllneaa, If for no other pnrposo th.n te nolo the marvelous dexlerlty of tho genilemra wba fmlde tbeso flyen, which. wlUi bat tow excepUons, aio Uioronghbreds, blghnncuied and pampered, but evince ■ sagacity and docility which ipeaks well for Ihe American aysum of training. Dexter, KtngofOit Tur/, whowaSL not long since, pronoanced nafii for the roid, vicious and unrellaole, swong Ibroogb Uie crowd gtnile as a lamb. Donnor looking theplcton ofoonfldeace and complacenay. Dnll Una, another wiry specimen of the 3:20 typo, mabed bytmder perlect contnL Honntaln Doy, Bateber Boy. nrkwoed. Idol, Wasp, Shark, Rockelt and a host of oihen whom w« ahall noUco aa the aeason opens, ipan post, all behaving with propriety, demonatralbg that blood wilt tell In bonea as well as tn man—In nuilty aa well as In abow. Ilomhient la Ihe crowd we nouced Queen Dido. It Is nol considered eUqnetlo lo mention ags^ and we might possibly offbod tbe gay queen ahonld wa re. mhid our readen bow long Ibe lady baa displayed bar at^ tractions on tbo road. Sbo alone Is lo blame U, after ont^ GREAT MAIN BETWEEN N. YORK AND N. JER< SEY UNITED AGAINST PENNSYLVANIA. TUE FOItUER BDOOESBFUL, Tho lonicxpceted main between Pat Carroll, ot Fhlladel' pbla, and if. Oarney, of Jersey City, (wlUi a confedeiate of Now York): the former representing tbe Biato of Pennsyl vanla, and the latter New York and New Joiaey com blned, came off at tbe favoilla resort at Union IIIU, N. ' on Tuesday afternoon and ovoning, tbe tlb Inst. For eome Ume peat ihla mala had created quite a aonaaUou among tbe loven of oockfightlng, and there was a numerous gath- eilng of tbe aports fromFhlladolphla, Doalon, Providence^ Troy, Albany and other dllca, aa well oa WlUlamsbargb, Brooklyn, Jersey City and Now York, to witness (he IntcrtsUog contest. Tho terms of Uie mahi wore W show fifteen cocks on each aide, at weights from Ub, Uov to Mb. «oi., and fight all thai foil hi for |100 each bat- tle, and liooo the main. The Fcnnaylvanla blida were bred by Bailey of Honlgomery County, and Wood of BchnylkUl Conntyi two breodera noted for tbe oxoellence of their stock In ibatstelo. The Now York end Kow Jer- sey birds were bred In part by Csruey blmsell, and partly hy olbcn lo New York and odlolnlng ataio. Bill OFackcr handled and heeled tor tho combhicd alates, and Ed. Uaok- ey for Pennsylvania. Tbo BgbtUigcommenced at 8 o'clock P. H., and laatcd six boun. DolUng on the main was about even: Now York aud Now Jcney having lUghUy Uia call before (he finl tilrda wore nltlod :— rtril Ba0t.—Vtn York pradiKad a tfni looklos tpiDaltjaad Peouitr>Dli i brown nuir, cacbUte. lot. Th« bclUos na IS l4» Sa OD New York ud Jency. II m a Ions mS moM etolUlu nshi, etpansLfiiUlnssbadUirail cut in«l lining in ly^ bul Meon- llaonl UwcDolMt wdh unfllafblnjameneM, inasnilll tildoulbit PeoQijlTUl* rival, wbo ^wa. pouowd lod oouoMout. Tba., S Blnalc Srmil HoBIr.—TbeConredenlaBuuu pnduud ibtiokanrvid PainiTlnnUbluliral;weIshuSII>. Uobouh. Ballliif, iSoufU on PmnijlTiDli. but lb. Uf.n looked Moo when In Ibo flnl By Iba fiTorllaiollbiil Ibronl cul, lod In Iho flflb inolhcr, whloh kM blm low. He VI. pounded and eouDU^ out Tin, Onlaulw nfrd Jbtfi.—Two nabU rorMiw York ud Jan>y,*nd tlOOlo gTOwucuntntanlhioonrederBlea wInnlDf ibenufo. . ...... _J —^ . , . mlnuuik'7fwo wlQs for Ibe Oonfademcy ud od« for Fenaayli fbwiA SatUf.—Tbe Coorederaica pitted a Alb. Sol pyleaaloata Ptanaylrania blach rtd, aune welghL Betting, 9l)lo lldoolho KkiJ>utaaInwm Iho r^Jda nooreJ, for In the third Dy e black Hid aeol bla apuMu'rotigh Ibo ravOrU?'* bad, and OaUbad tba flabl without furtber delay. Time, 1 minute.'^ #VU Baiiif.—Anolbar pylo ror UMOoDrederalM,an4 a PeoojijlTanla; welgbi, 410. Uai. aaoh. Odda war* Uld o amUOlolUandtbfn t2Uto il& Acapllal Ogblwblle bolannlablow Dniabed the Peuoaylraiila ropieuQiatlre. nlnulct. £{ca Baidr.—The nranowalood ihree Ogbla for Tofki r»dte> aaod iworerlhe QiukerBUla. Tha latter ■aotln a blaokgfn Itoa., and the OoBredcralea abraaa bach, eamo wvlihli ibeWUr Ihe raroflteal faioSlO. Ilprorad a deaporatelyoootetled atbtr aod laated U mlnulea, ondlog In U"- * ' -' ' winning Ibe DtbL fimiiu Jbttir,—1 _ __ _ Innia ablack, red,ftUiaSot._Boi'Uog |7oo tkepyla.' tbe rlaylng la that poaltloo, with Jim oo accood oicellcnt anaDgrmroi.rorJIm pMseaaea oL _ cood artood baHnun, he borog very llfely, covering aa tnudi 11,,,, oicellcnt anaDgrmroi.rorJIm pMseaaea all tbeqoallfltatlona for a . . ^. ' very llfely, i ' *■ iirong b 3lleber»i, - -, - , - rrgularltr knowledge or bow iho poaltlon abould bo Dlled.phKoIilmlntbe ground la any In Ibo pnrculon. lleiaaairongbatlor aa wdl aa a aareonc. AloertT. I'ratl will remain In plleber*a poaltlon. Pntl la a Tcry iwiri piicbtr, which, combined witb hla rrgularlty and bla Solution of Poeltlon No. l.~Vol. XVIII. BIwk. 1..2I Is IS 2..S! 37 8..U It BT R. B. BUBO. Wbtie. I nutck. IVhlia. a Ui 14 4..II lo 3 28 lo 34 ,31 14 a.. 8 II 34 IS 31 11 Is., 2 7, nndwlnt. Position No. 3, Vol. 18. ar B. B. ana. BLACK. Position No. 4, Vol, 16. ar D, BOUB. BLACK. WIIITR Wblto lo more and win. wiirTE. White lo move and win. Aaccdote of Sol Sniith on Ub Trarols. * * Wo next proccct](>d to ParlD, Ky., uid opened nUh Uiq "lloDejroooni*' I obsorvctl a countryman enter (ho tboairo bcforo ttK candles wero lit, and placo himaoiron tho front bcDcb near tbo centre. l*rcflontly. aa tbo audlODCQ ticgan to coDgrcsalo ho bocamo Burroundcd br ladlCB, who fluatod ibemfKivea each eldo of hinii Ho (Jill not torn bla eyes to tbo rUbl or tbe left, but kept tUcm Oxcdon ibcporformer*. Wben I camo on aa tbo Hock Dote, I obacrved him sitting In tbo manner described, with Ills race leaning od both hla hands. Wben I seated myself to hear tho t^mnlalnt of Juliana against borbos* band, bo and I wero ootmoro tban tbrco fool apart, facing each other, lie leaned hirtber forward tbaii aaoal, strain- .k-i log bis eyes to take a still closer vlow of my teatarca; all of jBr a sudden, aa ir he bad become convinced of somo very Im* portont net, Jumped up. and strlklDft hbi bands togoth* THE QUESTION er with great force, oxclalmod aload~"l>ll bo d-d If It's wax I" Tho uproar tbla occasioned among tbe audience causcU mr genlloman to look round—bo seemed to be son< eible for tbo flrat Umo whore he wan; hbi Indlorous appear- anco on making tbla dlacovcrr made the people laugb still tbe moro, till ItlacrcanoJ Info a real JTontuofci/i/eU, and tbo uproar did not subelde tlU tbo caoso of tbla uUtb made ft retreat. WhUe performing tbo same play at Port aiboon, In IStt. wben tbe Duke, la answer to a knook attlio doof, bids his wlflB to "see wbo It U that knocks," a geatlemao who hap- penod to be standing near tbe atage fioor. very compoaedly opening It and peepug out. turned round to toe Dtue ana answered.'—"nts tiobbdi/ bia otid tAtf ao(ors." Id NiQholsonvlllo, a Tow wceka an«rwardji, wo were por- forming the fkrco of "Jjover's Qaarrols." Tbo theatre waa In tbe ball-room, and ttio landlord waa in the habit of going bdAfnd IA« soirut (o wlinoes Uie perform* anca: oo ocoount of Afs Monging to th$ oAuroA, ?u dt4 not vitih to be iten in frouU In tbe Hret Bcsne, when Oarloa waa makiag a prtaonlof his watch, porae, Ao., to Jaolnta, for bar uood nowa, I (as Banobo) ad- TisodblmtosavosoDidthlng 10 pay his board. At this monent onr rollrUiua landlord popped bli bead on the stage and lall "ilr. BmlUi, don't muid your board-go on wiin the ptaj lust aa yoa wouldt if-you bavooa tbe money at Ibe ^nd of [he week, t will wait." Ue was honored wlitaatbuoderlDgrauadof BbplaoM and bo backed out, OTonvbelmed with hla rcceptloo. HOd aoeuiata itroDg; Ir HOd I) bo U bo li a «wrfl AitfA, bavinc mliMd out two Bjr bolU lo 23 gtmca lul tcaaon: hn lo plucky In riclon hoi batted btlla, Elcko up gnundcn wiih caw, aod la a iicadr " inmcr; it tho bat fitiough bvlng a amall 'ub; blailyloUllkoDkkejrl'earcc, bclni HiltOed with aaifoOnibaM fttfokc. Pnli la ii good a (rrarnir pUycr ai there ijlotboDlnf, and Id 18^ pitched fur Iho ''AllcfihaDbiu" of PllUOunth, brlnff a PlttAburah boy; InlS&tbo Dlkd the lama pokltlon for Uio Rlrcr- ■tdnof Portimouib,0. At Ural two will be found Arthur JlllUan, formerlror Iho aoary Club ori'hIUdclpbli, bo tUTloa Joloal tho K. 0.*a ID tbo wlntProT IBOl AlHion la a «un atcb, wt— Kluiblo to nd nol itand and tako in 11 heavy throwing aa any of Umob, aod _ _ _ KtlculiT that tbe baU iboutd como ''Juilao,'* havlDgjKOved Uiat bo btu lolakotfatm tnywbrro tlnl ilia Uw illowa. On a tir bo li lure death. Aa an ouldtlder ho li luperlor to anyoDo In thli ficlnlty. Tbltlawh«roAlliioB «Am'J ho bolog m pQictf/tJu well io an accurato Ibronrer, but ol pmcnt no cmoooi on iijarnTrrem OnibaM. llela afcarleupUyer, rtclog witb Impunity aorlblng ibatoomfahtiwar. AiibetMiholi lAi moNOf lboDln«,beroflibe heaTleiiboiler. Our third bo*o li, BiTcL mnL Than li, now. OTor, a proUbllllr thai It will bo nilcd by £b T. Hoilib, ourlail teara thhri ttop. Eb li Tonnerly or tbo "NolloniU" of Waohlngton, 0 having moTcdloClereUodbti ipriof, lo go InlobuilontEere. Knowing or bliramoniabilllit be wai proralled opoo lojcrfniho P. 0, olno, glTlngiuch tlmaaa ho bad lo tbe Intartatioriiieclub. Ub wKigm«raJf«ffMoof the ntoo tut louon. aod prorrd hinicir lo be iborouably compclcot lo nil iliat rtaponiiuo poiltloo. Ai a Italrd baamanua would ifOgood If ha bai thi Um 10 dovolo lo kcopbia bmnd in. Ilo la a good otop, a aukk, iwlfi, aud ttty aocuiate Ibnivrr. lie ilwayadlcplaye good Judgment, bclog vary tvi htadtJ, aa well n» qukk 10 aco nolnii. Ao a bailer he lo geoerally good, bul nol heavy. John Warn will uctuuy lAort «(i)b'« pooUloa. Juklian old BcklMil boy. Jo 18tt, we nnd him with Iho Nttlooala or Waib> lOAtoo. InlhoaprioiorlStS lie ilopcd outwt«luponinurR>>nlln< vluUon rron tho K. C.'a IaoI aaion Ward Oiled tbo poetUi catcher vci oad' WardaikdlbopaeTUonof cry crtdltaUyuntil Wlilto nUolnod.wben bewrnlloice* uini wr. where bo ako did rf/|/ well. Jack li a thorough balllai, bflognbttloOUanv poalilon (eitfptpllctarr}wltberGdlL Upon hit "plu"be fa oiothlncd Uio KroTfrHiny Intbaolne, roverloiwltb elroelagreat amouol of gnuod. He plofct up rroundeia wllb a .— _ ___ . up rroundeia facllllyatlnnlahtniiugrouiidbitlera, and {i ohraM tobttftntnJtr j«tf,orwblcbapmatoraaiy"hcao>tnlihaU' Jocklaagoodbulool a bravy tbrawer: ha laaptiiilotoellbaUmea; hedoraallhtaballing with bla wriiij; fili no more of an eienlon Tor Ward to make a third tsacatrokolhan foronenrourlleldanto eat a "nunlIrffv.i* If Jack Win! don not bniuy the rwutallonor belntonoorour beat abort BtopN al the cloto of Ibo mmo of 18701 Ibero wlltbe a great nany dla- appointed frlrnda, of whom tbo "tlivt cwf" baa a jtreaiabun&nca. In left field wlllbcrounil Kimball, ronnrriy or (be Alerta, orRochea* trr. Klmbdllvanodnraltei^fflao. oftfo Ollina thai poaltlon In thoAlrrij; aaaacldcrhelafuod, bolog a long ihrewer andaauro CMUb: bcwaaiho Alcira at/nnfRat baW, aa w«n aa one of Iheir bcfltpUyrra; bo laa now acqiilAiloD lo Iho oloo and a vary rahiaUo 000. Cirnire fleld lavaoinl; Ihli |ilaco will be flllod br aomo of our bomo talent, bul It U not deckled vol by whom. John Hilar will May Id rifhi Drill, whvrc ti« hu preved bimaoir an eiTlctoni nvtn. Rllor ta a tolerable cbnnge i>ltchcr aod due a well on (Iral and aroond haara; ho Io good on nira, and la porfedly willing lo have them kai, aa John la kovwntobavo aralllog for "•nirniAuva*" At the bal bo dopa aa well aa tbo avcrago. HUey fonncrly pUytd with tbe Railway UbIodi, of Ihla place, bul for Ibo pail two acaaona bo baa bcona mcniberof tbo P. 0. nine. Aa far aiibaUUitra, wo are abundantly iiippllcd wllb moil uni>a Our annual olectlou Uikca placo lu April, Von will un< doubtrdlr havein opportunity tbo oomlng aaaun in Judgo oflfao mcrlia or the F. C.*a youncir, aa they will froinUy vUll Hw Vork ihlaaeaion. Wo ahall alao rUltUhlmaaltackrurd, Cliicttmalland l*MtAbun:b. Wo liopo tbat all raitem duM Tialtlnfi the weal will nol ralltoglvc uanimll. ChiveltrKlla (huruughly liilDn-auii In bane ball, nod iiim DiitMr uivoour gatDro. We are annilrlcntwo canmako any ami all vlnltluf duba' aiay ptniaaul, aa well aa ruDiUDorallvr, and win tnr aod give tnem a gxad Kamc. Tbn K. Co, Die piai atvwn, played tMeoty-dTOptnea, winning olnclc^n and loalna alf.mikloa In total VID ruoi lo opponenta* AiM. Uaan tall amna tu bnvc died oul In Ihla vidully, MpccUlly lu Iho cuuniry, lo «c harn to depend upon tialilogcliibf rornll our ganu-a. It la our liiknilon tu fonnnf/e^J aecond nine tlio coming acaaon. Wo bavo pltniy ofaioek, indvcry OF ELASTIC BALLS. V0. "DEAD" During tbo early years of base ball. In tlio days when tbo Kntckorbockcr oad Uolbam Olutw wore tho craokornn* Izallons of Uio motropolla, iho leading ball makorof New York only used an ounce and a Ao^of rubber In tbe oom> position of the balls be man u fact ured. At that period tbe old rule of tho bound catch was la vogue, and U was do- sirttblo that the ball sbould not be so elaaUo as to bound OTer tho heads of tho llQiden.oepeclatly of tboee occopy- Ing poslUons In tlie Uifloldi Afterwards, aa heavy batting grow to bo popular, and large scoresneemed to bo regarded aa a criterion of good baUiug, more lively and olutlo baits wore deroandcdi and wbeu Uio bound cutch wba dono away wlih tbo era of very elssU^ balls set In, and scores of a hundred and odd runs to a match, lu placo of thirty or forty, iMJcamo fk'cqucnt ocourrencea In loaloh games. Tbo result of this waa that aeason after aeason saw tbe olub avoragcflof individual playere Incroaso (Vom 3K and 8 m 1B0O, up to Sand ein 1807, and danag 1808 and'COthe avongo won sUII furtbor advanced. Vfiih tbis loorcnso of runs, consequent upon Uio gouomlusoof ovcrelustlotmlls, camo a proporllonato Increose of ssTon IqluriCH to fleldors arlelDg from broken fliigem and split bands; besides whifdi thoro woa Uio tolloui prolongation of niiocs caused hy large scores and home ttioa, and nlaotbo otTior noccsiary■ bonsoqueocei uf errors lo tbe Hold causotl by tbo diriioaUy anddangor of alonpliig and Oeldlng Iho over welghtod - and exceedingly clasdg balls which wero Ibo favorites of aaoh batUo aud |000 Uie odd. 1 tbo fkTorlta bylac oul Uu gimy and TbeOonredenUa pilled a pyIe,Blba los, and Penn- avlnnla a black rtd, alba Sot. BoiUna $10 W f7 00 iLo pyle. Tbe black red hadlhebcalor IboflgbUngTrom IbealanaBdwoD In 7 mloutra, kUllog bla rival Tbo aoore waa now four wloa Tor York and Janayaad ibree Tor PennaylTanla. agkik StU/c—Tbe bettlnx oo die main at tbla tlagowu llODto UDoB Ihe Oonredeiaoy, wbo, for Uila ndit,abowadaniblnredbroaBt, llbaUoi; PeooBylvanlaa4lballoibkuknd. TbobetUogwaae\-eD aod Ihe bghl a capital «oe, uotll tbo black red icolrol a taoadout and went uader. Time 13 mluutaL Arta(A Ajiir.—The ooore nowalood Ore wloi for tho Conroderalca and three for Fcnoavlvanla. ThoUilerabowcdadlho Uoiblackred, and Uie foraer a41ualloillghiRd, wbo wai tbe faroritoat 130 lo •IL It waa aaeicltbgllghr, buitbe renoayWaoU fowl woo ooa pooQd and oouni. Tim**, 4 minatea. Tbo bandlrr of the loaer etrenuooalyoppooed Ihejudgca' declalon, bultbaloBlclal waa Brm La malDtaloiog bU oplnloa. nnih ifaiwr.—Tbo UonredeiilM had now woo flvo out of nlno flgbia; Ibny pitted a 4lbi2ot brown rod agalooi t'oBnajlvanla'allba Soi black red. Tito latlrr waa the ravorite al gao to %U, and be did nol looB learo hla backrre Id auaponae, for ba culdowo hla bnwn red rlral lo 8 mloutea EUnmtS 3iUU.—Tbo ooort* bow itood oreo, for racb bad won Hto aifala,aod Ihla waa the decldlag one or llio nula Peonijlvanla alMwcd a dtba. lAox. blaok red and Itte Cunrodeiaoy a tlba. 14ob. pyla Tbo bflUof waa even aod Iboeidtomenilnleoaa It waaa longaod uDcertalooontrtl and Iho betting varied freru aide to aide ult pro* graacd, acoonllaa aa one or tho nihergot tbe advaDUgo. Bolb wen a«TwalynuDlBbed,buiatlaai tho Peonaylraola bird aDranechculand loat hla alghi, wblcb ulieriy drmomlUad blm and ba no. Uo waa pnuuded, oottotedoul and New York and Hew Janer dedand Iho wlnnrre of the main and mtincy. Time, 19 mloulca. thii Bal. YarkkJrriru. l..HmDgle. a..U1ieiL Urof.. 8..t^ht Red... e..Pyle. a.iBreaa Back.. 7..Blaok Pyle.. 8..Robin Hirau.. Pma. ...Brewo had., ...Dark Red,., ...UUck Rod.,, ,..Uark Ibsd... .„Black Rod.. WtiaU. Kom bu ...NbaT <ot If. Y. A N.J. ..SIba. 130L N. Y,AN.J. ...Ilba. Ooi Pood. ...Uba. 2ui Fonn. ..(Iba.UoL N. Y.AH.J. .rer..., _ _ Black Red. Uba. loi. l^enn. niack Red Ilbe. ISoi H. Y. A N. J. ll..Llght Ital Bliok lied Obi. Itox. Peno. lO..BiuwQBod Black Rod 4lba. 2oa Peno. II..Pylo UUck RrJ...,..4lba. Itot N. Y.AM. J. New York and Mow Jmoy wonO; Pcouylraola wonflc LONG ISLAND AGAINST NEW JERSEY. UAIN FOR $«00-LOSa ISLAND VlOTOUlODSa Ono of tbe beat oontwted and most oidllng naina of tho season oame oir at Union illll, M. J,, on Uonday afternoon and ovening, the 4Ui hisL, bolween Long Island and New Jersey. Tbo former waa loprosentcd by WllUsm Walton of Bast Now York, and the latter by Ulohool Doyle of I'ao* Balo|. N. J.; both welt known breedciB and feeders of game fowia, Tho conditions of tbo main wen as follows:—Kaoh side to show 15 cocks and oblckons, at wolghts ranging ftom ilba. to 41ba. l4oz. forchlckons, and from diba. boz. to Mbo. for oocka; and to Ogbt all that fbll In for Uo eoob light, and lUMtasldoonlbo odd flgbt deciding too rasln. On the day appointed thoro waa a lorgo auendunce of the oiutomary pairona of tbo sport, aim botUng was brisk, Long island bavlog tbo call at iloo tu $00 fur Ibo main. Thotwo veterans, Ed. Uaokoy aod Dili Otacker, liandlod aod boeled tho birds; tbo tbnnor for Long island and Uio latter for Now Jorvcy. Tho parties showed firtcetj birds etiob, nvs cooks and Ion ohlckens, of which olovou un oaoli aldo nil in on weighing. JYrai itaU/r.—lioag Idand pitted a btaok red co^ aod Hew Joney allfbtrcd,eadiwolghlngAlba.2oi. Tbo belUng vaaettn. llwaa a afiarp ooU aavero Oght lur 7 mlouUta, wben iho Long taland rrproa* CBlailve, having received a deep body blow, autcuiabcd aod waa pounded and eounlod ouL Hitmi Uaiilf,—Uow Jeraar ahowcd a gingor red, ami Loof TaloDd a black itd, both oookai welglil, 4lba. Cot. uch. UelUoi, W to #14 OD Now Jaraor, and Ibe odda wore afely landed, furaneradmln. ulta oimo Ogai, tho daik rod went under aod waa oouoUd oaL Two wluaTor Now Jcreoy. TAtni AiftEr.—Karh aldo produced black rcdf, cocbik wolgbl,4lba, Toi. BeltlDgeraoaiihealarl, but ibu Now Jerooy bird ntiltua neck cut In Iho Oral Oy, tbo odda became 10 to aaulnatbloi. tho laviu «uk III iiiD iirsa uji uiw wiwa vtm, iium av >u * PifaiiB, laiaaa. iita glorlouaunitnaliityerUieBpuri waa now atrlklnglr Itluitratad, for al Ibo fourth ny the l^g falanUcr rccolrod a brain oat and fell down dad on UMOoor. Tlmo,) nioutca ThrwinghiarorJeraay. fbarfA /fcitt!/.—Loofl faUnd aoni In a hraaa back, (lla. Tea., and New Jerw^r a black rod, 4lba. lOui.: both oocka. TboadraBtagela wel|bt cauaod Hie belMng to be li) lo •SonlboJanoyUrd.bul arier flabtlna 16 mlnulea hn aliowftl iho wblle featber and no. KIrat wlD Tor Long lalaad a^ln»l throe Tor Jwoav. IVU» lUiU.—TtuhrUloMon Ibo main waanuwflOOlo 180 on Now Jrn^. Hulbalil^BihowL-d blaok irda, chlckona, wolght 4lba 14vt. UoiiIofl|2u toilAoti NotrJonoy, bnl bu proved a dunghill, forarier a robiutea aharp lighting bo beoame a imvolcraod waa coudUkI oul. Two wUio for liODfi labiod. HUifi JJattU.-A Cluo red cblehon waa a«nl In by laong laland, and a Idaok a-d mur for Now Jetitiy—bolb 4 pouitdera. The odda wero now rovened; $30 to 910 being laid ttu tho Locig lalander, (i waaa reaping hard flgbt TorB mlnulea, when tho Jeracymaa received alhraalcutand fell dead In bla tracka Tbo aoun waa now oven, oaob having woo three fljihta. &nn.'A Jia/il'.—Ixini laUnO waa now Ihe favorite Tor Ihn main, tho bcltloji belnfi giw lo |W un Waliou'o wloiilna. Hnih aldra loa Hlna „ , „ ahowcd black fRUi, ehlekon*, woIkIiI 411m 801. AtiMiblrdfly the Jeney bird gave hla rival a lalal brain blow, aod bo dntppod doad In bla ttacka: umo 1 Tolnute. aBifhtA Ai/i/r.—The nioln beUIng waa now even, Joranj having onn [bt tho beat of It, Itaving wiao four (o Loua Uland'a-Ibrco. Two ack lada again, chlckenji, 4 Iba Soil A harn Oglit for 11 tnlnutra, when a Ihroal cut laid oul the Jciaryroan and pre tbo Ogbt lo Long lataod, making the aoore ngain erau. NMh Aittff.—Long laUod onco mora fkvoTllaforllH*irulnat flOO lofW, with loUor hedtliiRaolnson. Loor laland ahowod a pylo chicken and Jciaey a bhch rod, ^*'|||||t| 4 Iba 1 ot. Tlir beiUo^ waa ibaL even, and In the Prai thmier four , — - , -ha iijIb i*nl hti fllT. Ihraiub 1^0 bnio or Ih. if enwy Unl, biylng blm ouC 4tt<L TIniCi I mintib, Od wilahlog iba pj). wi. round ov«r wtlgbl, aod Iba rartfo. il.* dind uo duil btnl Ibo winaer or tbo _ _ nmA AiUfe.-Eron bcllliit on lb« miua, iMhouah Jtrttr ono fighuhmd. A blue red ror f/ina Iilind and m bliok red lorjeriovi boUiehlckrn.ilbaof. AHor a ihini OibMulloa Stalnula., iBo JerMjr bin] rmn awor and wu counIM ouL Tb« KoraijBln or.n. HUtmlS AiWr.-Tbla wu Ibo docMInf aibl, ind tWU tO wu Uld Ml Long likod Tor Itio main. Jeriof ibowod a pri., 4lba 3oi, .nd Ijoai libod • blaok rod, <IU aoi, cbfebcaa Oollbig ,91» «l;l on lb« buck rod, ind ho (inkklj decldod Iho taiKlo ind milu, (ur la liDloulA boivjit bliauar Ujniuiih Iho JoflOf blid'i bud. billing bin loiununwUAlr. TMi Mvo un iDilo u> Luna ItlutL Tbo Jer- M7 binl. wen or ibo UIU Ilum itrjlo, wbllo lb. Long Iikadeii wvn or Uio Wlltoo lunl, aod wero ralMd by Ur. Wrigbl, of HoiTU. loWD, N. J. Kumuirri— Jimlm. loiiil likml. t/o0 Juin. iri/ykL ' .1.14)11 rod lirnlol.., .Ulngrr red 4lbfl5of,.. .Ulns red iVmltl... .DUok m\ .Bkok ml 4lbi 1401.. NUck red Diuir..llbiOoi.., Blick rtd IIImBoi... HIick ral 4lbi3m... Bbckrod 41b«lot,.. tD..Bluon<l BiHk rod 4lbl^ II..r ■ ■ I..IIUcknid... 9..IIUckml,.. 8..lllwkrtd... 4..UimbKb... e. .Blub rod... e..Bluo ni ... 7..Blukrc<l.. 8. Hlaokred.. •..Prli aiuo Iran by ...Now JorMjr. ...Now Jrroo/. ...Now Jemr. ■ - ilioi. ..Uong iliod. ..Lbntf Uliad. 4lb«t LbiL New . tone , ^ iliDd; ,Loos IllAOd. AUAmotohlokanaanacoolil uto bo fiiaalil at BtUla Oceck, Uluti., on Uio Xrth liiat, botiroon BitlTe Crock anil Uoxlar ninclen^ to abow u blrda oacb tod Bglil Ibr |M .■»VI1UU0 wu .UU IVHU. OUU BIVUIJ » HJ UIBIUO U, SIMir UIU^ IlvlDi til Uia comptnlooa of bar f oatb, aba auil coDUnnaa to mlnglo In tbocomDanf of raoog Amartca, an4 coDtood Inctt br Incli Uio dgbt or waj; bar das lall canlnl blub In Ibe tIr, alter Uio borao faaliloa of tbe paal, uvlillr rtcalli Tblrd trenao, tbo aoeno of bar eanr Irlampba, oc 1 time vbcn Harlem lane woa llttia more (ban a cow patb tia Oldo'a Umo, i-M. woa Ujibtolin; tbo pride or Tblra tTcnna, when drlvon br llatbom, theiomrorsttlcn laland, wbtn owned tj Dank Heed, tho old mart atlll wavaa berflag In doflanix at the /onnK llamblolonltna, wbobtra bard acralcblngtoboidtbclT ownwban Uldo, olil enor^ ' ' grett (nuid.dani to tbo crowd, gralM tbe bit and ( win. lob* lnl« A Om nuKORiD HiLB Raob.— Wo ait InTormad Itait Kn Cbaa. French of FannUuton, H. H., baa matobed Ui blood mtra BaTal, brought Ron Richmond, Ta., lo go on*' bnndrod muea from tun to ton, toniotlma doiug the mentbofjuna. UeaUkaa tftlntl a like tain tbu abo can tccompllah tbli wtit to bmoaa In a trotUif auU^i weighing M poonds, A Joctar Clvb baa boon baea orgmlzodatcoloaa, Ot)., ot which John Bogga la Freallenl, Uarrr FOTton, Trea- gnrer, and a D. Bellowt, Sooiotuj, TbaT- are lo bira a now nca oourao. A BAOi. ono DiUe and repeat, for HiOOO, took plaostt HooaloD, Texaa, on Ibe lat mat., betwetn Ptt ChitatUnt ■, ScoUAndenootnd John Greer'tKeta BlcIiard«,tlM>Ut- tor winning Id 1:47^, dlaiaaolng hit eompeUtor. rHE ENGLISH TURF. The Warwiek fiprinc M«*tlnK. Tai BimNo ooxnoTiasT iitwibi aduibal Ron Art BIB Joeira IIawlbt— TBI Bali or Blub Oown ntra OIBBANT—LATBSr BBrTHfO ON DIBgT AMD TWO TEOV. BAND aUINBAB—Tna NORnAMTTON RAOB HUmfQ. The rtdng leaaon la now Ibirlf under weigh, aod on*. - meeting aooceedtanoUier In rapid anoeataloo. The Wuv wlek apiing rtcca commenoed on Minb iM, ind iHlta three dtra. TUe mealing will long be rememtiered by btcken of fbrorlloa for ine nnpreoedentad anoeeaalon 01 - dereala wblch U107 mot with, (Or, oot of twonlTMino ncm, two onl J wero won bj the Urorlio, Theaportoommeneed with the Racing Plate, tor which Ftrma, who bad won tt LInrpool, waa made tbo tkvorllo, bat btd to aaocnDbto Venice br t hetd onlj. The Trltl BtakM wia looked for- ward to with great Intoreat, ta Kr. Menr'a Two Thonatnd tmplon, annllght, wai to be atilpped for II, he- ' saranco III hu three jetr old (brm, Totbe ilntmeot there wia nolblng found cooia- Btarttgaloat him, and be Ihereloiewu-. _ walk orer. Hit Menda wore cntbniltaUo '..LI'■y'i appearance and improved moKular i»ftl]ji^"/£l bnt bll ene mlet^t taer t thtl he g "'**™ nee last teoaon, and mtj aenonalf aObot bU'cbiQCta noceat at Nowmarkot and Epaom tbla rear. WIlA x-' iii^il! tbe odda oft to 1 agalnat Um, Ventnor, Iho high brea^-'-^i'^ aon or Dnoctaeer and Uald of Derweni, won too WU- tonghbj OuB clorerlr from Obimpigne Obarlle br a neoK, opaetUng a great pot on Brambrldge,' who waa backed at oven agalnat t Hold of four niDnen. Tba Hooae waa made tho fkvorlto for tha principal event of the meellng, tbe Corentrr Steeple Ohue, while 4 to 1 waa (Tool/offered agalnat The Doolor, who waa aecond In Iba Uvoipool Orand National, bal who had loal caato after bla anba«(|uent defeat at Ootienham h^Prlmroaa. Uo, how- ever, camo twar bj blmtelf at tbe and of two miloa and won br ton lODiAha Itom Flo, who beat tbo favorite fOt aecond place, the owner of the winner thought 10 little of bla bono'a ohanco, afier bla repeated defeata, that be, aetuollr loat uioner over tbe race. BUr honea atartedfor. tbo gioal Warwickahiro Uandloap, for whkh tbo WU- loughhr Cup winner, Ventnor, wu made tbe favorite at T to 4, wllb 8101 agtliiatHldablpnito,4101 Curio and > to. 1 lioarle. Tbe race waa won bj tn ogtildor, Ur. Pivne't Threatener, about whom be took 1 row 10 to, 10 Mia WhUe tbe race waa being no, the malorllr of- Ibo bookmakera never lajlog abel aoiiliut blm, anil conoeqaentlr "aklnnlns tbe lamb" on uo race. Sixteen horaea alaned ror tbe union Ilunt Cup, ror which Pluogar - woa ao bighlj Ibougbt of that 00170 to t waa laid agalnit hla winning, Tbe race, however, waa won bv one of tbe 10 to 1 onliwlora, Pnrlbrook, a aon of Enlgbt of Kara, wbo dirocur hla Jockey, Oapt. Tempeal, let him oni. ebot away to tbo front, and defeauxl the bvorlle with Ibe grtateat oaaob/tlxlengtha. All tbo aloek or Enlgbt orKtntp- pear to tako nalurallj to Jumping, ror be liueeire or mors oroat coantrj winnen than an/ other alalUon, tbo Urar- pool Orand National winner, tbo Colonel, being one of Ilia tont. Tbe onljr olhor ercot worth noting waa tba Orand Annual Bleople Ohaae, Ibr whloh aoven attrted and wUlob wit won br Toiotltniun ror tbo aecond jear In auceeaeloo, tbe limoaled bonemtn, Ur.,, Ed- warda, having altered blm on Ibe Brat ocogalooi Sir ' Joaepb llawlor baa publlthed t repU to Admiral Bona< atrlciotea on tho Xonllab borooet'a propoalUona for turf reform. He ralU completeir, however. In hla allenft to controvert the argumenia of Ine neitor artbelurfui favor or pUr nr par betilng, tnd bit tateitlon that "after a loogtbened racing eiperience be haa arrived tbe eon- olualoa that earlj two roor old ncea, abort nuea and ban- . dlcapa, are Incoullvoa to gambling and mnil bfput down," cornea with a verr bad grace ftom one who bnt tbla epilDg Juat cnleiod hla homea In the Oltr and BnbarlMn, tho ureal Hetropolltan, the Bt. Uz llindloap, the Nortluioptonahlie Btakoaaodthe Cheater Cop, all bandlcapa, and two of tbem abort dUianco racea. Sir Joaepb menuona a cnrtona Inaianco to diaprovo tho Admlral'a aaaortlon that tho Jookor Club never lake cognizanoa o( or inlerfero with belt or belling. Ilo ntra tbat In Iho rear 1M4 the colobratcd beitbi^ man, Ur. Orookfonl, died, after tbo Derbr bid been run and won br Orlando (al- though Ituonlng llcin oamo In Oral), but bcroreihe eeltUng - dor atTnitoraaTl'H. Uanr penooa having beta wKh Ur- Crookrord, nlmei :g par them lo bla exoculnn. A meet> IngoriUoJockorOluliwaaheldatUoodwood llouae thot' aame roar, Admiral lUiua being prtaeot, and It wot de- cided uial oiir penon who did oot par hla dlanulol beta to Hr. Orocklbrd'a exooiilonon thai raco ahould he do- chirsd a riortulier. Bilil Iho bolt were not paldj and in ' the Houghton HcoUng at Newmarket In the aame rear aontonco woa pronounced br tho Jooker Clnb that avoir ono ahonld nay lhcaii,biilalH(Oro tho lal of December, pr'. bo at once ilecUrcd a denuKor, and at a natural conae- 3uoDce be warned off ovorr race oonree ondcr Ihe lurlg- IcUon of tho club. "Uvon at the preaent time," Sir JOKOph aorn, "Mie practice of the Jockey Clnb la to declare ta ilomultoia, anil to warn off Ihe Newroarkoi Uealh, all peraona nbnae namca are aent op U> Ihom br Ibo Com- iolUeo at Tauoraall'a ta nut having paid ihoir belt," Tho conlrorcnr betwoon the two dlatlngnlahcd taifmen la creating grout Intcrcat In racing cirelta In England, bat Die general feeling appean to bo inot Sit Joaepb Ilawiort aticuipt to refonn Iho turf la hlgblr QuUolIo and uncalled for. The Pnualao racing coofedoraor, wbo have (Or aomo Umo pant bceo Irrliig to purobuao Ine Derbr winner, Bine down, liavo at liHtsecnred blm ror >,000 oulnoaa, Ibo price Sir Joacph llawler flntputopon him. Uia nowpoaacaaora bavo bought bin wllb the prinarr objeol of winning the Knot racct at DeonvlMe, Baden-uadou and olhor nlteea. - Tlio price that Sir Jmeph llawlor obialncd for hun 11 a practical roiutollon o( hit charge that Ihe preeent aralem ur racing la calculated lo deterlorale Ihe breed o( hento, lie Mn alx tlniea na a two rear old, winning ibiico; eleven timet aa a three roar old, nliining eight racea, including tho "llluo Itlbanil," anil alao ran aecond lo Seeiaw la Ihe Ctinbrlilgealiire, the aomo rear, wllb iheononnoua weight or lioiba on hira; and laat year ran eleven racea, or whIob ho won elgtil, aa ho hail done the preceding reor. Thougb ho hat boi'U on iho turf ao manr rotn, Sir Joaenh sever boforo had n bono Hint lie coulil nave aold forbiir aomnali - monoy, wblch le 2,000 ouliicoa uioro than waa nallzcd for . Ihe colobratcil Weet Aualralloo, and 1,000 galnoat mora Iban Block well lolil for. Tbe Two Thouaand Uiilnoua belUng hla not been tMt aotlvo rocentir. Klngcrad woven between 11 lo 4 and 8 to I, at llio latter price olwava flndlng menda. AitoUb. la atallonary at a lo 1. Sunlight (alnceWarwlch) haa been In cooalJemblo iloiuind, and 0 to 1 It taken about hlnu Stanley la aupimrtcd Ormlr, ror, aflerlll to 1 had been lakea ror all that could bo got on, 100 to I waa ftecly accepted.' undgowaler haa been undor a cloud, and now to IS. It oaercd tgalnat tUm. For the Derbr Klogaeraft mala< lAlna tabipMillon at Ihe head oflhe boning, t to I being taken; Bnnablne la at 0 lol, ono bet orflS,«O0 to |i,hB htvlugboentakon at Warwick Ui one band, ller atabia oompanluu, UacUrogor, baa advanced (torn a) to 1 lo 30 to 1. Camel la aletdr at s to 1, and Blarney at 100 te a. Drtdgewoter hnagone to 1,00010 so. It being rumored that Uo eanuot aland a Derby prepantton. All tho Dilbetr family have been dinioult to Iralo, for St. Albana oould not atari on accoiinl of lainonoaa ror tho Dotby, when Tho^ inanbr woa, aud Aloe Taylor had Ihogtealoai dimcaltTln bringing Bavoraako all right lo the poal (Or the IMiby and St. Loger. .c* Ur cable itiegiaph wo learn that Earl Spencer'a Platti at the Northamptoiiahlre Ueouog, a Ave (nriong daah (bt di aget, wu won br Ur. J. Aailey't br 0 Dotworlb, ihc Aitu' ranth colt aecond. The Rtdnf Plate, half 1 nllo dtu, , wit won by Ur. DrlDkrowfblhTljilliorpe, lyn., by Vi Ugenr, beailng Ur. Alexindart ohTFIubi 8 r»i' wor' tnd Lord Colihoipe'i b f Fompano, 4 yn^ IblM." _^ Bell'ib(Fazec, B m, by Uaiayia, won iier UaIciBi Plata, 1 miles, Freo naiMi tyii., leoond.-nndOompiDaM tyra-.thlrd. .TT- •. . '