New York Clipper (Jun 1878)

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.222* w-^^css »u.-o:.ii<i» B<^^y±'J5lB»»»Uj*«.""onthe 23d th« a Qaln- u to 10: 3jl^jS" ?5«S» rtl'Tw"". ^ILf'^iS' »*l"iSj8«n»: (- John It«uiu: L f., id«t> ' •SS*«"'fSl^/.i CM H»rtfoi3i they lo« I JIaUf • IVi, Eric, Erie Ts. Geoev^ -•—((1 a very sood earn* »t ' ■■'4£Si teSo Impodenl to the tun- •M^'iSSTtoMdlB each. Tb« game TO ^ '''Sl°'-!j?l£>uU In avictorr lor tlie ^'.y I r 3. Tbtfe wan a Urge «p»a ,.,:,»-c..i.." w -^y.- ebe*cwl load MWIong they cheettd lood M«'"ne TTde i e.itia play.^-....Tlie OB or nodMB. N. T., would I'lOae routea aiw op aad uovn ■i ■ fmm Ne> Tork and Btnok- .. : to 7 PhUa- ■ .la,SO to le J8lh, at ■ qlnniMe.lO to 16...... ■e St. Iionia Bafeball ;>.-d A laine nnmberor ttw balance doe on Te been ordered to &w>«iV "j;, '; Mij Te beenortMcdto I fcor.rJ-T, , <„-,n the Intena- j«a«i"i>«*''"i' -...'-ii« "t tb"} "ir Mnd u the SrfiDd)*f«ot>.»5;^ —fVp n;o v'.th Tnternatlon* fVrtll*"'™'* . ' .? r .-I'lerwiv. BlarkinE tboM f^jBoehtla*'*' diU-.>l:lc'j came * ■ir,t^l«»'''"--.''',,;,.-.J..t»-.vheT tli:-..p?OSlP5 intxxi f f^'- •,.j:':i.-:.i.r:.!o- :!iiii.l75- !?,1S«rM« or to send Th« P««acK I>is«T^—On ennday, Jnna J; the cratt ncaeUhe aonam Ftance-th« PMi da Jocker SuST orFnncb Dobr, for thneTcar-olda, £«) each, aeeaiid to nccin fieo, oUa and a bair-vu nm at the ChantlllT SpHoE meadDB. Itvu won br Coonl La«nnsa>a Inn- Uli«|M..I>. Delaln'aQocher aceond, M. FooldT SUthon. dcrthlnL' Tenotberaatatted. TblabtbeflniitlmeCoant Lacrange'a enor baa won the Pnnch Dobjr. T*i T*Msca Oxa.-^^h» ulnelpal enot of the Cbaotmr Sprlnc meetlntc la the rnx de Dlam (French Oakafwhlch waa run on Sondar, Har 25. The winner waa Bann'Roiba- chlld'a Brie, M Lnpln[s PifAIne aecood. Prince D'Aren^ benrt aoaMsjff third. BettloR: 6 to 4 on Brie, 4 to I against Fristtne, and 10 to 1 acalnat BoncoE TBI WWLI saowx trottlnit taotaa Jenej Bor. raUed In *'JS.'T?¥^ fcfen aold to John kcPadden ofPbUadelpbla. Hols aboatsU yearaold. and the price paid for blm waa n.800. ° FOLiYXECmHO KAHRATXAlr. On iredosfda}-. May » a yetr tnterestloa and enlorable Emaol cricket waa had at l4t5l)«ct Park, thc^SSion Insaonelnnlia'a match between aerenteen baaebal" Ijavera, •■coach^' by Mr Ctadwlck. and an elwo of the ilanhattan Cricket Clnb. The ball plirera all hut one. membOT or the roiT^^i/^i^^c'Z^i,^'- It Traa tb* flrjt time that t£ey had aTer played In a ericlat mutcb. and It wu only In ttie Held. In taiclilnff fly-baSi and plcMnR np snrandera, they were at all at Tiome. It no raM- tuk to plaw a field at norlcn In a cricket match ifn^^T*'"'>f«P*'»'° m position anetwarda li »U1I Tiardcr. A sood nan waa ^ccted In thb re- Bpect, bQt the flmt "orer" got the boya terribly mix. '^fS^ for pttTenuig nina which a well-placed field of el^teen oifcr* were loa. The day wns lovely, and Mr. Unnt pitched the prettl- ** '''f"iJ''l the match yet geen on the Park cricket gronnd. The ball-playen won the tom and went to tlic bat tothe twwllogof Scott and Jacknon. Biot£TO«lI ori *"? «b« mAlorlty of wlckata bowled. K2in2''iS^S!?5S-"l'?' ™°",'yfoLcataie!i,a*vetal chancel belnB mtaed orf big good bowing. Uic bora lout iLcir wickcta quite Radily nnill Cbauo w sot In, aod while bo and I,awler were at the bat together nomelhlng of a atand waa made. The Manhaltami did the llbemTtblne with the boya by not putting on the swUl bowling " ,.'?'9B»P"'- Moreover, they courteously allowed Mr. Coadwlek to act aa "coach" while um- piring. In ftet, the game waa almply one atraug. td to Biro tfaa Wl.nlaTen Mmo IniUsht lota the eame SLfVK?Li o"'? '■y arranging matches ot thia kind that cricket can be made popalar amuog Amertcu yoatha, and thoabrthe Manhattan Club KiauiGi alone thb •eaaon In getting np tlila cla.«a of conteyta. After 43 runs hail been acoted, Mr. Cbadwick took the bata.i last man with yonngChaoBcer, who liad a dinen mna to hU etedlu and. oner getting a alngte for t,*hauoc«y, he hit a hot ball to square-leg, where Lane happeocd to tM) Ktandln;;. aod. bm the ball wu well held, that ended tlio lonlne, Chnuncey c&riTlnghlabat outforliLavler having prevlooDly cou. tribuledn good lOt. Ten ofthe boya lalddnck-egm; rtiom. beriain anil MUes aeoring Itiur each, and Buckley and Black cooplea. Good catches were made by Makln andlUley, Scott taking nine wicketa. TheManhatunatlicn went In, their eleven lnc]ndln;r but are oftliclr flrbt cloven. ScDR waa thefiratto retire, which he did from a high ball to allp, which waa beautifully held by Ely with one hand. Tucker wan aL40 t>eantlAjlly caught out by Black, and Ames waa neatly bowled by Lawler. T1.i.n ft waa tliat Makin Joined TUley, the old man showing the boyii liow lu play f^tialgbt balls log manner which eveiitunliy tirmnraiited the Imneball bowlera. Maklo cnuiir up to the wlclict, tiwk a survey of the field Just to see where to place the hall, r:ia h ainglewlth Tllley, and waa Just about tu be^n to run up a More of twenty or ao when a bill I fmni Cliatnherlalii ^ot under hla bat onto the wicket, and IliUritrtin^; liaL-onan rc- tlreildisputed (ora duck-cKg. Ne.^tcanie KA>;;ao, a diicall- rouml hitter, and again waa a Uote H.-ore cxpecti.d: but, after hehad placed9 to bUcredit, lie iras irvll cuuglit by Buckley near tbe wicket, and thu? were the two liard.hlt- ter? iif the eleven easily cot rid of. JackMin now Joined old Tllley, and the onlvrlTom tlie lli^ld wa^: "Let'K net rid of tlila old butfer," "He U a D:l='ier.'* etc. the nliubionn made being to theveteran Tllley. wlm wn» del^ndlng liis wicket In old Satellite Ktyle, and >huwlug the IxjyA how lo "block.*' Ball alter ball would i;,> to liiiu dcnd on the middle ottnnp, only to be bluckcU di>\ni. until tlio bi>wliTti began todcitpalr. Kow and then lie woul.l !ilt a ball snU'W between fieideie. but he nvnliled i:IvIdz cltauces for catches. Uc had ruu up rj nlth .I;icks4>u, who li.-td contributed a good 12. wlien a bill IViiin LawkT put In on the old man's ntiuiipji, niul th»r boy;* did vimt* gronnd and lofty tnmblUi;; In liuuur .rf the event, TllK*y having been at the wicketa lor over an Iitinr, This pmctlcalty ended the jBMine, fur liltf wlchel fell f,i[ (^d. tlirit the dnal Kcnre. Several of the hoys piri' pnuiils;: of - -log ... I exceNlng In cricket, while others did out lake to It nt hII. I ttj.oeewoo tailed tu play n-cU growlintr nt tliegniou. L I On aveiL on T.*l:.cli occaalDO the Polytechnic tiint* niii i^ikv the ueM I ^f.*Uneaday, June 12, the return matcli i^to benlaveiL ftfSil wne tele?raplied to i! SrmiUT. who are owners of t:- ■ n. a s™^ - t .'i;ri!iii<tnine of the Manlmllan <riul», Iho hovii siviui toJ«henl*edsn<"'"'"' tli* No- U^-'-r^ -. vr.,^ | c.;-:-K?'crariiouta«tba«««ll. j^ttxvenl wetk'. ao.l are In col-;,.:j i' •• ■ -n i POLTTICa.VIC. rfSrttL Hid it not been for o irmngi-- H ;1l<.':>v, rnnouc „-^iii Harms, the inounils coni l!:-^-- .«r | ... Vakln b. Scott.. IS^Ictiienib ill dii.v. The action o> 'ti'- M-f ,>.,.-.a.::o-.rl»ln b. Scott..., ■ (jceo-ldeird lepivhenslble In all resi-fv | ^■(..3,-.:ii..vcr. rtm out iia rs. Crtriy>ATi.-Tbe Beda wet - ..c:: i> ; vcKi'"---".^run oot....... mllto thenonsleiitat Cloclnnati.t;. . • - I wi:« i* t .Va..ln b. Jackso l5e not barlnrerime to luind, weca:; • i > ; ■•. iwri^"'-k- -n Imms until our next Lisue: « , I KMcH..'. Scot:. iT 0 » 0 0 1 0 0 1--; I E'T fie":!.- Q^; 022100 U'-:' ] Chiun.:ey..t wiooi liAMK at Central Pork on June Jwaj Hs'rj-t tun ,ol • tteFIri Cl-vw an.l the .«e«cDd CTaa of Wart Jen" =»^; "".n rrf :;hT b. Sco'..- ■ ChT't .ic»cc. i^^"- J5aSkh m iaWy enjoyed hy a large auJIenw. ^V-... 0 0 0 1 0 1-2 Ti BCTTALO.-By better fielding and batting | ■ • gutfalo Clnb on the tatter'a ^ scooped the lanjn5S.score: .7.0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 mmiaOinmi"-—Tbe*e nine* met at Concordia Col- KViT>e,Ind..JlaySI,and phiyed with the result 2 U IS I' 0 k .... 0 .-• -..10 0 0—■» l)-2 the MAyiUTTAX. W. Scoit c. Ely It. LHu-ler.. 6 Tllley b. Lawlcr 19 II. Tucker c. Black U Law ler 4 Amea c. Uarris b. Laurler.. 3 MakIn b. Chamberlidn 0 Rogan c. Buckley b. Law- lcr 9 Love c. Camiueyer b. Law- ler 0 Jackfion b. Cliamborialn..l2 (>. 1>. Scott c. Buckley b. CbamberlalQ 0 McKenzle, not out 1 tiowdy b. Latrler 0 Byes, 2; wldm, 10; n. b.,2.I4 0 , 1 1 0 0 4 X 0 0 0-« ,. ._ WArsaLT.—A game at Baltimore, Lnaaltedui under: . , _ « , ...".0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 L DaaAOXAriiHT.—Thefla Chicago, IlL, dabs ieM«y2?.wllhthbire»Qlt: . „ . , - Q llOlOOO 4—7 ■"■.0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 2-6 ci vs>. MitwAriEE.—The Rhode Wandera • Milnnkevs at Prorldence June 1, OS followa: t..,.0 0 0 U 4 6 2 SS 0-14 Z.'.. IISIOOOOO—7 L Brani.—A gome at Rossell, Kaiuai, May St Bye*. 0; i*ld-. i Total..' lA:.f. ■ ' Total.. SFlylo'lc. i j 11 It 11 OF <\ :CKETi anhatuin i» 17 i: IS IS 19 19 19 29 40 43-0 Umpires, V-:--r.-. ^Wti -• 1^ > 21 39 39 66 W M « " OS and C-.. -wick. \TTSTItAI.IA.NS. DEFEAT t«V Tf-rT" Between algaoi" -"len t iot«- ^ _„i.._a on Iho Tient Bridge Croo- dx.' " -s' perwns wero gathered to witneca the match betw m : ■■ •• 'ogham, Eng., star a>, hamshiie and the Aupr^»i ■ = c-;v • • '•"r,'"" day before, and i<h:.i>:r,w(.v«i;r«- U had rained the m^ch. tendering .i.rv.hl- «■ • 'ho day of the vUltora. The game *. '.u CAY. • one Inning,wlthl4 rno> ' Ai-r.-ir. ; Ing, ahowing the playei'.i.< ACOTBAIja. A. Bannermanb. Morley.. T'R 73^^ C. Banaennan e. Flowcra ■ ilC; ...» 2-U ■7 r^STAjL-The SyvaenaeStasmettbe Lowell Ml the latter'a^grouuda MayfD, bnt rain Vm- ■enslon ofplay after Ibur/wmlo^ had open £e teacr then ftmndlng 1 to L J ixnaeTthe finn of Peck t Snyder sailed forEa- legtaSdanby, June 1. and will letura In Angust.' I tnlLUU B. B. CLim are notified of a letter addressed IblbmlaoDrcare. b. Shaw 9 T. Horan e. and b. Sbaw... 2 P. E. Spoflbrth b. Shaw— 7 W. Midwinter c. Tollry b. Moriey u D. Gregory b. Moriey 0 W. Murdoch nm oot.-. 0 T. Oamtt c Daftb. Bhaw JD J. Blackham'b. Moriey I a. H. Bailey b. Shaw S P. Allan not out 0 Bye 1 THE TyUF. JEJtoaiE PAltK AA.CE8. iBpwto^ the opeoioz day's racen may be found on the llfi BUt.....\]lliouEh the driving nonhead rainstorm |*ttvoll<dlbenclo;on M.iy 3U. and which had eoD- I Mvil^t iotenuijuir.n dunng the following dav and |qll,nSStlUat in* lielulit, and the track wm a.lh|nld law«(aad.cun.«t<lenibly more than fetlock deep, tbe 1 termu airaB^«d ri>r decUion on the secitod day ofthe lianaoJoekey CluN meeting were broucbt off on Sat- I ItollkTllooo. June 1. In tbe face of such Uiaoouraglog- l^msedicQQUcaoceri It was no wonder that tbe gen- led^bSe fhoold prefer to remain at home and gain tticlr ■ bi&d^cor the rr^ull of the rac«M ftom poolroom tele- I^WDev^porrei-orbi, Instead of lollon-ina theexam- I ftMttew haodreil venturesome patronj* ol the sport who I BdM uinlifr Dodvr tuc i.lieltcr of tlic grand stand ana I tetiab-bcnje reraD( o:' dlsnLlMooklng Jerome Park. Inl ttnoA the mist nnd Kisi ralUas rain watched the I te^bbmb Aruz^llnz throosh the slush, anil sym. I iiAa4vidilhvir mud-be«pnttered rideia.. The opening IfflcvasUieJnTeoiJe Siakrm a half-mile dash, for t«-o- I IB:< SICU aCdcd. .second saving his stake; 1 <<iirstate. iCTua Tlie stuners were: l"iirye«r .t Co.'f I bKAi<it;,c:eon.-«L. Lurillard's br. t Idler and c. r. lEEriJ.J. E Brea>ter ACo.'shr. f. by Leominfnon oat eiMc;« Rmihen' h. c. Peter Charies I e. t <;nnd Master, Pierre Lorillanrs two bay I Ca IlhiiDdVi^rn: J. A. Smith'shr. t Ullbin. A- Bel- J aja-iti. Uicky lilt ao.l c. '. nddle^trlng. D. D. With- I •> c t MliKli. F. Jlorm' h. e. by tVarminatrr nut of I taiillea Wi'.Idiii'' )i. r. Hulroooey and r. f. Luia, and [ a J. Ctw's c. c. hy Revolver oot ol Skyli{:ht. The L lAndA* eotrie-t vera the favorltea, tbougfa the state ol I ^IDtk on Tbicti the voungstent were to travel caused i niwBltlobelookeJ nisjo as an open nne^lon. The lot I vnoArij thrrajt a.^ thoy eame np the hill to the tiuancr- I yl^Giud Kister haviu; Just a little the best of It; hot. I wptMaplhis puliit. the Warminster colt aawmed the c ad,«Udb rhe retained, eolnc under the string a winner tWtialMjths; Brllnila Moind. Lillian tblnl, Harold F.lBa,Giud)lastrr tilth. T1me,it>A>ec -Tlieaeeond i *^ Maiylaatl Slakes, a mile dash, for thi«e-ycar- l waDta IU» eotruce. tlM added, of which can to see- t k: jslae, tSilia -SLittera: Pierre Lorillanl'a Judith ■<iniQe,Wm. Anor'sPrldeoftheTUIage-.O. B. Biyaon'a . S5*««, Ihoi W. Dosa ell's Algeria. Cbas. S. Lloyd's e. r. ■ JjUasEroeitool of Jersey Belle, Geo. L. LorlUanl'a Uin- - Wr lad Maiiiaaa. und Oden Bowie's Belle. Jndllb a OB Iheranola;, aadat thennatter pde bekl a lead of ■eWnjUn; Pinu(;.<«rond atfiTlhe ilkely looklog Lloyd ^au, acnapleorien;:lhslBaontafFride of the %U. t tleiJioof. who wxs ver}' tlow in getting on, far *oa. 'As tbfy reappeared on the lower mna, after i»a*a- 2n°°°dtiiehiUs, Jnlltliwaa sail giving the rest her 51 IModl Hoaeaod the Lloyd Blly had clase<l up some- Hf-udBelleliiiOsot in fiont of Pride of tlie AHIage. A» g?>ntoehedibiM|nartcrpole Haywatd oigeU Lloyd's Wia, uhl as tbey c.-imc Into the homestretch she gained i?."?'-.?"* "a ejcliing htmcgle ended In her victory •M blir leocth, Judith having ISllen back to eUdith 5™,. •nd'Bene .i.lvancing to second and Marl- atttohUag lhlBl.PI<me fourth. Ttaie.lin.J0K9".;jL: «wtertot wss a mile and thtee-qnatter dajh, tor «<5 lad3100 and enrntnee-money to second. Ithad "JSjtMi-Bobert Craliam's Shylock, 126«i; T. W. Dos- ap Jbo Straoser, llllb; J. G. !(lehu>n A Ca'e tlceniy, ™jD.J. CrrMse's Joe. IIM>; and P. Lorillanl'B Boy- Tbe fact iliat the latter waa orerwoightoa by I?f*JM cinsed Viceroy lo be looked nponwith tnost 2t.Slanhig on the rtactlonal track, tbe lavotjto •lonj slicl.-.iy abead, but as they passed nnder »Mjik.boaie lull jnc picked him up, the Bomnger Stftek likewise going by, and remaining there go tSe kmv turn was reached, when ^1^eroT^re• J™.Ms sicnal. and renionded with a burst which Mbtolothelore. Bayardcomlngnpand taking second 5^ Bocod the turn, pa-st the ooarter-pole, and out or JgTTOidUieblutrUiey raced aloozin tbhi otijee, Md 2«il»7«reae>hi seenVleerey atlll led Bayanl by a | «55.J<i<el|!liti;BstK< behind, the other* being In cfcso 1 •tn. Bataidckrwl on the leader as they came to the z!2!''i"e' P0le,and, alterahol race along tbehome- S^vlwrniy bf-an to falter and go back, and; going ^«OMly. with plenty Mill In him. Bayard won by 'tPItlis. the Sirancer having oatmn Joe for third ^■(^•eoie Of lengths iiw»y>. jSe waa ftmettooa belOre M .^n;">J Htol once in the race, after having cover- •y^*:^ COul'Jin". A':lxrt. ■ ."^v^^'»- ••'♦IS" 'omole for the nnty team Ui '■e first lim- ... 3 •S.^^FP*^ OAMKS AT BAI.TXHORB:. nMi/:73 ,^"1Sf J""™'" »"* of the Baltimore ff .ini'fi'"^ " Dariey Park on Mw ?h'.*Sl,!2?' * snc«««* The notewoRhy liature o7 the sports waa the ->-~1'nr blgta.Jnmp. Inwhlch E^jL i?^"?»'or Conada SiSrt^ML^iTt&ul iSSuiil Si welnchblsprerloasbeat-on-ivconljampln PhUfdelphbL We are aasnred that the take-otf waa fidr gtonnd. and ttiat affords evidence that Johnson Ubeglnnbig thecampilgn itSSfJS^-V^'"^'*^!^ «<> ""ar ftom him mm creditably In futare field meeUnga, as be la an excellent all- round aUileto Tbe results of tfiecompoUOon^^S shown below: Beat costume-Pirst prlie. ez-«hl>:r WntTKellow- •«jn«jJjmcs A.C. Dlaon of p5ladelph£ imd ea'chUf fSlfil?!,"?^"'^^^- ■'''■nnon of namllton, On- tario, 44)ift- ; Win. Robertaonof New York, 41ft. Ba.. and James Connelly, 331t, respcctlrely. . ' g,J*'S'^'ft*«*<™I"er-John^Bennle, New York, «L ^i'£:7^- •''>'"» McTaggart, e9tt. Jknn. nSSSiS? Ji'i, W. Johnston. W^an.; Vf m- Bohertson, »fL 6ln-; Jsmes Falrley, 4ft. ein. AVI* nice (ions of members, under fourteen yearaW It JoliMton, <Oft. llln.; TCU- lUm Robertton, Sm. 3Iil ; John Connell?, UTL IbOn. TTirvwlnff Meow hammer—JohQ Rennle, 79ft. wn.: wu> lUm ItobemoD. 74fL Iln. - John Mnipbr.AMt. «n. «i??^'%'™?T^»^E^*>^°^«°- Sin.: John Con- nelly. 9tt. Zln.; John MCTanarf, Sft. 6>£Ul Sack raa-Jjat bopi-Enut Ucianney. flret; Hurry Cllf- tOQ. second: Wm. Rvia, third. Dlxo?*'^ coBiom©—Bobert IreUnd, J. A. C. PiuOng heawtUme-Z. W. Jobnrton, 31ft ffln-t -Wm. Ro1^rtaon.aSft.4>tfln.iJobnMurphy.25^910. ■ ' flfteA-antf-Jtlct-E. W. Johnaioo. fet ffln.: Wm. Robert- HOD, 8fr. SLn.; Jamn Falrley. tUt. 2tn. A7andlna Ai«A-jeap—E. w. Joborton, Wt 3ln.;. John Connelly. 4ft. 7m.; Jamen Fairley, 4tl. Gin." litgtaana Jilng—\7TD. RobvrlMni, Robert Irdand. viou^^ohn McTanart. John Rennle. l auUfAff vlU jwre—Wm. iti^rtdon,ait. lilu.: Jamm Falrley and John Connelly. Ue. Sir. 9in. iZurd/e-roee-E. W. Johnston flrat. Wm. Boberuon kc- onU, Jamn Falrley third. llroadnoAnI dance—Wm. Robertson. J. A. 0. DlxoD. Ttmina tkt ca6«r—E. W. Johnston. 390. Mn.; Wm. Bob; ertnon.lTIt Uta. Xontr race-one mlle~E.W. Johnston flnrt, John McTas- sait second. Tlme.Smln- Quoftf—Alex. JUiKan. Ales. Frazer and W. II. Taylor. Ibo tuc-or-war betirevn u*u men fbim tbe Athletic Club and lun tromtlic Caledonian waa n-ou by tha Aililetlcxln two tusn. ADElePUI C1.VB SPORTS. The wcood MDuunl cnmcriuf tlio Adelnbl Athletic Club of Brooklyn were held at tlie Capliulino Urcunds on Decvra- tJon-day. The flr« ervotwan the lU) ynrd racu. which wua ranlnlnurheat?. A. HooperwAttheviDnerortbcntHt heat Id 12rt. G. lllllyur won tlioKCond.nnd E. Flync the third. K. Klynt wait the wlnttrr or the linniincr-ilimwlnir. dSn. Mn.: II. J. Stukum bcinc fccond. Gtlt. 5ln.: G. lllllyiT. Tin. Tbe htanillo}; hm;: jump \rai won by <l. Illllyer. who lamped 4/t.8ln.; A. Ilooiwr KccdnU, wIUi rin. vin.: r. \\i*i(niifi third. Rit. 21o. Ne.>:t WAR the tlual livnt or tlic lUO-yard run. which wai* won by E. FI>Dt. In the hltrh-nml kick E. Klynt eirrltsl oir iho hunnn«. with 7rt. Im.; Q. lllllyvr r>jllo\\Ins with (^i). llln.; C. WVIffrnd, wlthcn.Oln. The pole-vaiiUTiit; WOK wuii by A. IIuopiT, who vaulted 7ft. 6in.; O. IllllviT, ift. :t!n.; D West. fiii. ain. In the 'I4U yards run II. J. Stocuin waasucC(*!(SMil. If. .1. Stncum vroK uIm> rucceiisrul In piittlmc the fhot, the dU* tnncebelni;21ft. Tlic laureU for the '•Tuudiui: high Juuip wi'rc conictl otriiy A. lloot>cr. who cleared -liL bin. The bair.mllc run was wnti by II. J. Stocum. Wm. Lnlrd won the handicap ruonlng high Jump, the helcht at- lalnctl belnfrfld-Aln.: Jnbn Wera wcond. with At. -Jin. Juliii Ll. Kamny dL>ianced hU opponent la the one mile walk, in 8ui. 3d. After cooMderable KtrujtcHnff Andrew Kri/xt cnu^ht the RTcaKed hog. The gold unKlal for prneral excellence wa.t won by A_ IIf>oper. who received 18 point:*; O. Illllyer second, with 17 polntA. Although the wcitlior was ver>* had. there wan a very fair gnthenng of admlrcTx oi athletic i>poitit. Jugde* and tlme-keep«r9— Jameit L. Bahner and Jolm Ma1tlim:iD, uf B. C C Sianer ->Jaine4 Grant FHrouhur. Gamn committee—a. B. Illll. yer. |»rL?ldeot: A. S. iIo<i|<^r, 5vcrelnr}*; II. Stokum. dCCiC- tnr> : D. Wot, 1*. Smith. II. McAdum, E. FlynL A. aHreP4i\^ "^i/ii I I 6 b. Ho.-nn. J'- . :■: ^'Ir B. TidierliiiV , MldwiffUir. M i-Cftfj F. \nuX4i^;^ I- • ' -' an A- W. Conhani. tU-buC^:, nermanb. RomifT.;' ,. , W. Barnes not out i I •j*"^*" W. Flowers b. noran u | uuu.- Sbaw Moriey.... Allan Sporforth.. Midwinter. Garrett... Horan A- Shaw b. Spotforth ^ I P. Morley c Midwinter b, Ifonn 3 Byrt,4; leg by«i.5 a a Total BOWUN'G ANALYSIS. AtrSTRALlASS—First Inning. Orm. j/afdcRs. Runs. Wick I 36.3 2S ai 5 36 17 « * yom.\«HAJr3RiB«—First Inning. -11 21 43 3 2S 12 39 1 '. 16 9 17 1 17 10 . 15 17.2 5 3U ' IlARni.NQ .\Nn ENNia.—A meeting of thisc men. now mnrc!:vd tu wn:k one huadntl mile:*, fur $220 a side, wan h«*M ut TiiK <"> ii'pKN itttlcv on Sntunluy Hl)em(»on. June 1. when, attrr conHultntlim. It was ngreeil, as Barding Wiis averse to having the walk iiikv place during xhv prof(.-:^-^it>ital tuiimey ut the lUnk, to iHwipune tliu diito uf wulklnff unl:l Stitunlay. June H. If the Klok twlien: It U to be IikUI) c-.m Ik.* ^-cun-d fur that dnt4<: If not, tlirn uiK>n nii«-h tlivr date kx may uiutu:il- ly lumml ui»»in. i:nnls p:iyit Ihinllac twenty-Ave dtil.' larv fur cuiwultn;: lu the |Ni.M|i«mi>inei)t, Jnim Jo- rlres t«t c<im)rvtc In tbu prMic^!i>niil runy-i-iirlit-liourV walk, which tukv-;* pluce at tlii.* Kiiik .lune ii. 7. 0. £ni*h i^hh* po.M»l the rcmalulng niaklug the fUll nmuuiit ui»w In our hunOs and agreed upitu The spirit tu bi* dual stake- holder and WllM>n Reed fur referee. Amx-HiLC cHiMPioNsuiPSWEErflrAKBa race took place at Glaj^w, Scullnnd, May 13, iherunner,n Ircing MrLtuvy, Smith and Hazel. Tlic two Intter ran uvarly levcl.lor twent>'yaidn. when Snilih fell back, but In unutherhnlf mile he went up secimd aznin. At the end of a mile (run In -Itu. 41*i».) McLcavy led Smith by ten yawU. Hazel b»^log out of It and stop|*lng entirely nit«^r jr-*lui£ three iiill»>. Smith ran McL««\->- down In the fourth mile, which he flGlAhedflftyynnlA ahead. McL«avy gaveup at Ave miles and a half, and Smith joined home In Sim. 33}^^. Ro:<i vrt. Lv:«CH.—Inclement wirather rendered neces iar>' a pa'ttponcment of tbe one-tliouMnd-dulkir match between Tbumas l«ynch oftblit city and Duncan 4.'. BosaoI Canada, wbicb will tako place at WoAhlngtun l*ark, nd- Joining Jones Woodd. thU iTiiedd.iy) aRemoun at 2 o'chick. They are lo compete In putting tbe 1Ie>ii and heavy stone, throwing Che Ikht and heavy hatiimer, throwing ibeUIb weight ftum the side and putting It (torn the r'huuldvr. running high and sUndlot; broad Jumping, and the 1U>* yards ran. A rooT RACR of luO yardM. for tSO a Plde. came oiT at Toronto, OoL. May 21. between J, W. Barnes and A. <^r- riilber?. After taking up net^rly an nuur lu Htanlng, they were Mot orT, C»mitit«n< Mttliic a ullpht lead, which, how. ever, BaracrtfipeedUr took and kept for W yards, when he Kt0p)>ed, his leg giving way and Carrathent cnuje in tbe wlnoor. Time, but aboot ll.^ec Bamen Is anxious to c«t another match with Carnithem. ibr^MO a ^tde. as he has been sofTerins wltb a sprained for some time pant. Bo«i8 Lyncb.— The one-thousaod. dollar match bo- tweea Duncan Ross of Canada and Thomas Lynch of thhi city, who are to contend In a nerles of nine athletic feats (tlie winner of five to take the money), was postponed frum DecorationHlny on account of nlo. and In now d\ed forde- cblon at Washington I'Ark. atljnlnlng Jones Wood. ibu (Tuesday) afternoon. June 4. at 3 o'clock. The reputation . r the principals caasej\.tbU match Ao lie rrgopded with a f. • "Kt deal of iDterost. 1 - - • .. TOCKimiKST at tbe Rink, Tliiid avennc and Sixty- , * h i .; -wt, IhU city. May fl, 7. ^ pr^mlM woll. iwth the 2;: I fi.'r>-^-'-:.'-boor prpHsihmsl walks (rttjtai >330 and belt to I im. 5?»J i»> second.$10) to tliird)i.v.1 ^^^^^ST^kII^- I oic..^. f «ik fa BSD Rold watch to nrrt. SiAgoia illTS?bs'dRe to Iblnl) liar)»f • , .. Th» amateurs will be started at 0 p.». -.^J"" conUnntato be soccenful lngnln«lt Bnffi£rt^S5!?-vAJ Byraense. N. V., ta tbe Opeiabouae Jk.ISS'??™?' sn "audience" ornmr bnndnd. On Jf*I''<' >B Canandalcna, on tbe SOlh In Batavla. SlSi K^ii* > In&rlntblan Uall. Roeliester, Tuenee be mrnm to.Jiate sone to :Bnltala A note ttom W. £ihitiSmilL"'»,fi'- Jiunes HoUUBaUTis, pa;sbUex- rJnVMj-'^ » ""W" compllmeni? Adams' wouderftil cErdISf*iSi£"* sojthing In Ibstllne erer done bete by SThi?JjJ.Jl??"- •*». »«Sr bbuaeir would, hwe akt: •Tbe two tricks ate dlllitieBt-eKh to eittUent-" oiiJin^kiVi?^'^***-"'! F*SLnW«eer were atrated lor p sjlnsbllllnnlson 8onds/,^(!*-S, In CInannatI, O., ss TkS^Z^ Uiram nnuloser and Henir Lotx for keeplnic s£hh.7K.?^i!f.1"-_.«'»^ or "perfoiminc labolr on the ' hSTtof proved eOectiTe In former cues of a™«,anewcompIiIntbaa been made out, tU, ■■playlnc ai a sportlnpftame.'* a.^^^'* ■''"^"''■-'■■ •''e'MTse of tbe present week, a^i^ fi't'''*?? » CWcaao oorxenioodanC Sexton will h5?!f5 ii-H''"','''vT''™ '""Ul probsblf open a room If i-il5S??*'^!"'"<>"<'<>n. Hebasbeenjwiableioand any In Cblcago that nits blm. ■ riSlSiiX'iSS"'^-f"""""' yM" editor of Fhelaa t S21S''Km^'"°"? "H of eipertenoeln to- "'"'Xi'"^" and oilier sportlDp erenulbr TU CUP- IB and eontemporaneons Jontnnl.% was borieSln Kew orkfiayCemelcr), M. J., onMoya Llw BoXATi, well kaown to bllllatd-playera of - llif olden clSJit^ ' at I.U ia»ldenoe.!i.vond*le.n«irCln. Siilru BtsiUia bas leased a sftiall room bi Voakcra, ».r.. and expects to open It dnrloe the cnrrent sitek. THE mm. 01«0VE-FIGHT IIV EIVODANO* A flf^t with amall gloves, for £10 a ^Ide, came olT at the Clay Hall GroomK London. Eoi;., May 13, the prlncIpaLi thoreto being c. Cliambers and Patsy Allen. reapeeUrelr 3 and 24 ybanof age. Allen was tfrstto enter the ring, hamg for his attendants Denny BBrrlogton and Mickey Rjc». whUtt Punch Callow and T. Purdiy looked after * Chamb»rsMnterei!t > Bound 1. ChamberB led ofTat the mark, chin and rit»M. A rally enancd. and In tbe breakaway Ouunben cross- cnuntercd Allen on the Jaw. This led to a ftirinos •trwle on Uie ropes. .Ulen planting well on the montb andehln. Purday. with bad ludgmenr. now odled t«bU man to keep away, and Charabera. looking round, got bopiered, and ere he could recover bad received a hot one on tbe nose» tbe round ending with n rally. I After lomr sparring. ChamberaM ofl and readied bla man's chin, fiplilted loQghiloc TwilUn]; bot ttao^Bmm bmke away and Isnded on the J^w And mi^ as be did so. Allen being awfully nut of dhoonce In an-attempted re- turn. Chamheiv now planted - ogallf and aeam, and Allen MwmedofVald.bft l>cln*.r Terr lame. Towards the round's end the flgbting became very fast, and things looked up for Allen. . •■ - 3. Allen, Tcry •low. not a stinger on the mouUi to begin ^',t' * *«'i».handed counters followed, and ended In a ftirloos rally. Chambers as he hroke awny'doalilng bU left three times 111 successinn In hlK nningonUt'n stomacli. the flgbt- Ing again becoming ver>' fast. 4.5. 6 and 7 were vor>- tam**, ns Chamben got weak, and Allen repeatedly hit uuiofdLiUnco tlironch bis lamenens. a ObambeTVpWhohad recovered ablt.ledolf \icluu5ly At the mark, and crorsed Allen on tbe ear. A desperate rally ensued, gWc und lako l>eiug the onlcr ofthe day. and at thennmli nftliernnnd Allen vat decidedly grtmgy. 9. Allen led oif at the rlbA. bot long sparrtng ensned, butl) being fttrfiucntlv out of distance In tbelr (fellrerleM. ChaiiitHrrM nnir went t» work In a moKt extTaordlnar>- man. ner. andcross-coanlered bla antagnobit noftwer than three tlmei* on ibc Jaw, and twice on ilie ears, and when time was called the contest !<cemed all over but shoatliig. IUl Chambere led oir at the noe«. and followed this op with a cmm-counter on the car. and Allen waji Tery nn- steady on his IcpL Strange to say. Chamhera. just as vic- tory appeared In his grmsp, wentwett/aod the bout Iln- iHhed tamely. In this round blood was ftvely flowing ftom Allen^s month, and Tommy llackett. who waji tlie Bninrs principal adviser, screamed all tUfotagU for blm to go In and flnUh hbi foe olT. II and last. Tlie men led off together, bnt Cbamhcrs got a cross In on the Jaw. A rally at the ropes was lodulgnl In, and each tried to throw the u her. TheJiiilge ordered them to sepantte. and the n'St of thU round U not worth chronlcllne. A onnwltatlon now took place In Allen's comer, which raulted lu Denny narrlogton tlirowlnr op the sponge. > 4»> 4— •■ TIEE CHAAIPIOKSHIP MATCH. On Saiunlay, June I. the second drpoi^lt. two htindre«1 and fifty dnilnrs a fIJe. In the match l>etwcen Joliimy Dwvcr i4 BnHik'yn anil Putrick Ovaii of Tniy, wa.t duly frlnketl, making lUiiihlr that sinnuiii frnin each side nnvr In the hands of tin* tuini»ornn* Ktakelielder. Kvnn hos i-otitlnued at work at Aaodlakt*. uhtre he ha^ Iwen jiiinril Ity Joe (iiws who will ttnlii und second him, .md "I'addy*' Is rvnnlnlv fortunate In ;«eciirlnir the \-nluahle scniccn of iut o.-cpcricneed and capable a uiBn, who may i>« Uet'*-nOril unnn to l>rltig hint to the mark in su)>erb phy.'-lcul coniiiilou, mid who rertnlniy cnu lnip:irt to htm much ufcrktl knu» the art Itviin w!ll botherecl)>ient of a C'iraplimenrarv iK'neHtnt Martin Opera-house. Albaii>', Juno 10. whvii JacK Turner. Tim DrUeoll. Prof. F. Corbin, James Kllloran. John Ualton, PoHter RroK, and a number of other volunteers will np- Kar. The event of tlio entertainment willlw tho wlnd-up tween Rynn aod Oost^ The proprietor of this establLili- nient may e:«pecca packnl audltor>'upon this occasion. l>wyer*s fnend!* and admirers showed what theythousht of nim by crammlop Mozart Garden. Brooklyn, on Mon. day evening. May S7, that night being devoted to his b«ni-ilL Among tbe more prominent of Ihe sparren who appeared were Mike nnnnvnn and Dooney iJottIi^ the latter of vhom -wms the quicker and eleverer boxer, bur couldn't be with tlte yotmg fellow In mWd bu5lne;>\ which Is Tvherv Ulk<« cxoet*: ArthurC)iaudH-rM and Jack Klntf. who made a mttling, sloping W. C. MvClellan and Pete Lawler, the former, wlif> bi the l>lgger, heavier man, havlnfc il>« better of the mi-et, of courve; Stei-f Tavlor and another; and the wind-up between the benedd.iry and Wm. Miller, which was very lively, but not of a damaging nature. Blchard^fennell put up some of bis larce-slzed dunih1>elli>. tupping oft with a lUVpound- er. On thpevenlngnftbeSd Dwyer was to have taken a l»eneAt In rhilsdolphla. and dnnog the current we<'k b« will alter Ills conru) of living, prepsmtory to cimimenclng a systematic course of txalnlnff. under Oie nieniorshlp of Dooney llarrltf.^ McCr.EI«I^AN -we. McDERMOTT* Wo have received the rullovlng commnnlcatlon ftnm Prof. W. C, McClellan: ^ Nev Vong. June 1, IdTK EniTon or TBR Ci.iPFgR-/VizriS/r: I *fe in yiturlaHt Isxue that Pat McDcrroott Is not Mtlsdcd with tho re- rtult ofthe match he had with me, and would like another trial. Mr. McDermott can haveanother trial next Kail, not before, as I liave faiigbt four flohts the pa.-a Winter, and COnslJerthat Ihavedonotoo much for my own cnod. I am u«iw tmiferiiuc horn the effeoU of overwork, and have been for tbe last two months, as bealdesmy flflhtlnc I have averaged ten And fifteen boxlQbl|»«aia»day. and hav» been ten pound:* below my reguia^welgbl for three years. I am cnbipletelj^wom out. and when I get back where I be- long, which I tivtwiD bo next Fa]l.jl vill accommodAte i.*ni"eui ■ ef trr.f ..: The amateurs will be started ,-. <iilonalB at 12 r. u. same nigbL •i- ' I •■•• ■ ■•„. ...r.,-.<iilonalB at 12 r. u. same nijtui. :;s; .■.^'.!i^^.^iI.,>'.,^. Cltib Imld their I"*, ,?P'3?5 3 -. ..J V ..r-mnd-.- ElKbth .-ivenun, Flfty^sUlti and walk, throwli. ,\K and tbn*e miles, two mile ail 'tvit'o* .inmr^,. 'C^^rds. hiinlle nw, 717 Sixth a A POOT-lUC: ■ tween "Arizona ' Dayton. ISO yard^. id the race waa x • : same» n race i- "Arlwma Boy*' and Nc.^ • .v. was easily won by the lot.. JaMBi« R0L.«rTON AND Ja>. FAirr BiOTCUm—Tbe Inter-UnWeralt)- races between Oxford and Cambridge bicyclists took place at Cambridge, Eng.. afay 18. In tbe tventy-flve-mUe race A. A. n>Ir, Worceu«r College. Oxford, was flfst. wlnnb— mlleandaiionrtcrftnm tbe second man, rT' by about n McLcod. ^mbridire. It will be remembered that a short time pre- Ttonaly Weir rode the dlittauce In tbe tmprecedentedly Ikst time orlb. tTui, 43h., but be on thta oocaaloo ecllpaed that record, hia time beiiig ib. 24m. 3aa.--Sm. T^^siTk^u ti^ Keen's Ciatest profendonal time. Bla times fktmi eleven miles up were tbe t»eat recorded. Tb* two>mll« run waa won •-- — • -— . - ^ ^ - — - ten 'n by W. D*A. Cnfton. 0.-cford. In Om. and tbe 1 miles by tho nme rider in Sm. Sa.- A LACBoesK M.iTcn was playinl at BranUord. OnL, May 24, between tbe Brmnts of tnat city and the Slmcoea of SImooe, which was won by the Brants la three sttmlght gameA. T1i« time was—(Irst, IPm.: second. 23m. The third game was claJmrd by the Brants In 3£ra.. bat the referee. Joe Shenston (who gave general aatUUctlon), decided tbe ball had not been put throtigh tbe gttal. and the straslo recommenced, bnt only lasted seven minutes. This makes the second mntch won by them this season, tbey havloe beat tbe Coll Institute Clnb of Oalt ^lay d by a score or throe to OI1& r?-^ (yor Avuatie Mee pace ST.) AMUSEMENTS. 0'XVA.X«X>.AJtX> 'X'ECBLA.'X'XtJE:, ' BceadwayandTMrty-tblnl BtreeL WK HENDBBSOK. rtoprleior and Vsnager EIOHIU WEEK OF J. K. BlUIET, In tbe reooostraetedTei^lonof FBtTZ, FBm, -ntiTA Ffiira, FRITZ, Kiii-ra, FRITZ, FRITZ, FRITZ, pRrrz, FRITZ. FRITZ, FRITK, FRITZ, FRITZ, rniiz. FRITZ, FRITZ, EVCItr FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, UATINEES. 1.90 P. U. TILL FUIITIIEB NOTICE. Seata a ecored two weeka In adrmnce. PBnz, FRITZ, FRITZ. FlUTZ, FRm; VRrr£ FRITZ, PHIIZ, FRITC, ntiTz IMt ' ORAJMX* OPEIRik.-ZIOX;e»Xi:. POOLE A DON.NBLLY Lessees and Mananets. Bcaerred Seata (Orchestra Orcle and Balcony), (Oc FOB ONE OSLY, Leonard Orovcr'a fiaccei^ul American Comedy, Ol'R ROARDLMi-nnusl^ OUR HDAltDINt^-IIOUSB, OUH nOARDIN-n-HOL-ME, OUR BOARDIN'Q-IIOD.SR, with a east ot aterllns oxcellonec, embracmit many or the orlslnni ran. ilEitSRS. RARRT LtlTLE, W. H. LYTELL. H. A. ETUART, ALEX. FITZOERALD, JOUN W. CARROLL, BAKltV BABTLETT. J. MASON. L. B. RAK- RETT, H. 8EARLES, J. MO.NTGO^EltY, HISSES MROINIA BCCIIANAN, AF- • FIE WEAVER, ZELMA VALDEMIR, CARLOTTA EVELYW, SOL SMTTII, ST. LEDOER. BTTNT. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Il-lt MATINEES WEDNESDAY A.VD SATURDAY AT 2. SUCCESS OF HUIIPTV DUMITY. KEW KEATUKK.-5. MASONIC LODOE, FItA.SKR S l-IIONOCRArir. I'LYMOUTII IIOCK. IIUNC: IRIAN I'OLKA, C.VVLORU'.I Sl'HITE. (iKANll HAI.LET. ADMISSION, tu CEN'TS: RESERVED SEATS, (I; FAMILY CIRCLE, as OFJ» TS. U-lt I»A.X«lt TtrKA-TME. UNIiARD-S. DENKY E. ABBF.V LrMieeaiiil Manauer. SECOND WEEK OF rlli; I.I.N(;aHD.-\ l.IN'CARPS, LINCAHU.^, MNUARIVS, LIN'CARDS, I.INCAKDS, LINIIARDS, LT.VIIARDS, LISCARDS. LI.S'GAIIDS. ALICE DU.NMSO. WM. HORACE ANO DICKIE. lianCM's Comedy. Iq od* act. DKUCATE (iKOUNI), UELICATK tiKOUMI, DKLICATK (iRUI'ND. I>EI,Ii;ATE ORdUND, IIF.LICATK CHIIUM). MR. WM. HORACE l.l.MiARD IN IB tiKi-rrcnKs. To conclude iviih .'illt SIMO.N SIMI'LK. EVK RV KVF.XlXc; ATil. H.VTURIIAY MATIVEE . VT2. Il-I t Tyicc&.v'iii Tru-i.\.TiiiV. Manager. FRANK L. VERASCE (iRAND DRAMATIC l':\-KNT. one n-CT'k, coniiiifor.InT JU.VE 3. IMTH. Dubut of MliW AOELI.VA CA.SfARIM. Mipportird by a llrat claw eiillipnnj*. Monday, TiiciMliiy. Wi-imeiMliiv antl Riitunlay rvenlnsnii'lll lK>rim<eiiU'd IIOMKO AND .IL'LIEt. TliurMlny and Friday cvimintfH, LAllV OF LYONS. AdnjI.'.'ilon, :ftl.SU, $1, :iUC. M:tli:i;£cnof llrst-ctiu^ tlioa. trr.4 only, niHliliu; dulea with tlnn youni; nar lor odd wvek F. L. YEKANCE. Biii'lniw.uianai.'er, TONY THE LARfiESI AND HOST TMEnQ COIBRESS OF IIUDEVIUE STMS EVER BRilUlzk SUCCESS h" U -L, BEYONli PXCEOSDSISTT. A.n£E:Ric;A.*s x^A.xtoss'X' jkm> biost* Ez^o-A-irx* ttbzia.'X'kxis nni* BCost FaaliloilftMe onA Sel«c« ▲.vdleDO«* X>ro«eii« mt I>«rlbnuatrioe> and. tlie Pzwa No better Tarlet7 entertainment was ever upon the variety stage.—AaiCat Aa'ly Otobe. The peifonnance was exceedingly amusing, and the aldea ot some ot the andlton must have been ventablr son with laughter.—JVeio rorl: Stnld. The most' talented and varied that he has ever put upon the road CUrpa: Tbe andleDce was laigely mads up ot taahlon- alilo lodloo nnd itODUomon, who only turn out to . see opera or the very first drainaUo attiactloiu).— I Bnokljfa BitU. As presenting the best side ot the variety thea- tre performancee, this troupe stands No. 1. BMiia- lUlphia ybrik American. None ever gave better satlstactlon. — JToniuv iSear, Fnvidenee. Always the beet SmSan JHtpalcH, Frvrida%a. i XTialt In OonuiaieiadAUon, _ A variety entertainment at Its beet,—ne Rttmt, The best ever ssen In Balttmoie.—n< Bnl^ Baltimtn. Invariably the best.—J'acmaL Pnriiaict. As radiant as eTeT,-^Steiiu<ldil As ~~ One ot the beet Tony baa pat ob t Wcmter, Without OaunmL One of the beet variety anowe erer 'ffl^a lia Harttord.—i*pse. . The entertainment was an excellent OSA.—nf* ZodCom, Xcw Jform. The best that has been seen liiiiii nillitam CoaeUe. The tulOUment Is always oiiial tb the ptoailw.' — F^ughkaptie A'ewf, FAJS'X'OXt snecessttU rival to-day.—.Xfarfforf Wilt appear at eveiy perlbmianes an^Introduce hla latest aod beat mnaleal prodoctloaaonoealandtoplealnin TBB SbaBS and SnuNO BAMP wiU be a£der tbe dSectlon of ZX. "X*. S'XmiZTO.. TOirS' PASTOR, Sole Proprietor. H it HABRT S. SAITDEBSOir, Manager. Sf. D. B0BBBT9> Buslness-nuuiager. or more can luldread Il-Il' Care or CLIPI'ER oUlce. HARRY NEW MINER'S LONDON, J* tflniron coulifrcAiion. inn.thc rather of anyihlog out iC Tbe enter! aumeot 'piWBRiL. The fp&r. fiaunilen'' Ed. McOllncliy. M. I*9flln, An<};tl)e vrtnd-op between Dwver. all oy yblch *et-tn.5 wen? ■ yil ffi^^"sv^j?rS^'^l:^fn^» n».ci..though ra'?S.Jfraib?fbr« .Hcren «,'£'• »^';-^VS!r?!Ss\../ui?nS the , boum and tbirty-flre mlnuteA. Taisr w A t-irran In care of this office for the iiecre- taty or the St. George Cricket Club^ MERION TS. BAliXiaiOttE. Ibc Menon and Baltimore elereoa played May 2B. on ronner-aground, Ardmote. Pa. The TWtoni were ereally o«r.mal?hcd, tie Meriona winnlM In one Innins: and lao mns. Bailey of the Mcrlona carfTed hla bat niit f..r the mammoth score of 115, made up or one 6. four 4 n, 3 a, raurtc<.n 2'a, and fort.v aeren hblKles. ____„„ v.^- FIRST I.N-MNC. BAlTlHOBt SECOND I^^I^(. Perot b. Law S h. MorrU Wlnrluirb. Morrla.......^. J b. MorrU.... F. Caiey c Humon b. Morrla i o. WorrU CoalobrMorria u *• Tuofnaa b.. Ijiw. o 0 0 3 i 3 0 C Smith b. Morria. Crawtonl U. Morris. Bldgeley b. Law Jobn5>on ran out. Lee. C. Hnjton b. Morrla... M. Carey not oat llodceab. Law..... B.,S; w., 1; n.b., 2 12 1 12 b. MorrlJi 1 1>. MorrlK 0 c Ifaliicn b. Bailey. 0 b. Bailey. 0 abeent c. Brown, I) linJIey ^ c Aalibridne h. Bailey.... 0 b. MorrU f not out B.,S; w.,0; Lb.,3; n.b., 7. it Ol) 'tli>- -ttU. nt Ibi- ..:;ice b«»lweeo ■el;»':i'.. ilJOTwnl^, TVlilcli rj-l. "Time, lOK". ineuihrtaol the una mile. _ Park May 28. 'icaljiton" won by ten rarOs ili^n ihect.nic-tanl? shoni: hands and nllh tlicir frleuilH retiimnl duwu lonn and celebrated the event In social fiublon. Coxe!—A correspondent KTlIti na follows inmi Indlan- nnollii. Ind.: "C. w. siJnam, who had iK.-on ic^nnK 111* - .were In thl» cilr *incc M.iy 21. nuldc-nly viiiii- ' lilnil lo the aiiioiinr UI ita lieadi-d towanla Chi- cago.' A-xoREw J. F.1I.V ANO Oeo. Lose ate niaiohed to run one huudied yarda, fur »U« a nlde, «t ilie falrBmundii, near New Albany, lod., June lu. The iiiulch wai. made at the hoftteine of Tom Ilcillow. who backH Ealy, while Jimmy Tatleraall flnda money for Lon).-. Enwann Payxs ano W. WiiiTn.K, boili well known on the tnrf.bnt previously unknown ™ '"'e "alljlng-tracVi. decided their nl.x-inllc matcli for £100. nt Llllle Rndie OronuJa. London. Enc.. May M. Pnyne won with the u|. most ease by SSUyilH., nalklns the dUnnno; m 67m. sii. PROr. MlLLW — SatimlaTetenlnp. .'oncl. whl ably expect, considering the pel. out oMlie-way location, an d tin of the orJinary mn on the projrral gli-en waa nailsfactor)- <" rem Includnl Jiilinny fltevo Taylor and J Miller and Johnny - - ^ i- , ;-- excellciil CnM-o-lliiiiian »r*.rtnnaeTOlntlona were also (tone tliniuch wllli. hut Tli. Bauer dH not conii. r.irn'iinl to try for '-tint Immlroi.'' KuH-icncInf ww Indnlmd In by PnifK. ?mlll> :ind KpiiiI.V. tli» UHitII«i Bolllp tliriiuph thf indKn ciuh cxprrUe. anil iw. J3lJa;i»''"'.<;;J.»,i'<* ^-»i.eliiYCn tiinc ii^rpt-udi^sfiSC U^^d. At tlieirini<-f ri'ftl: .v.j..„; ■,:<•».■. StfftfontiKco, Cel., .Nov. 23, 1S73. Ii. M. Riililiisitii put up n 1U>•vonnder<.wrDCTtlue:^ he aWi eleratlnz a 60-|.oni»der aeTen^y-dyi* tlmei;. Maxacrr T. F. of 111!' N^'Ibtliinal Thpatre. ie& nnA lev THE PALACE VARIETY TIIEATRE OF AMERICA. AUo his popular Up-town theatre THE AMERICAN, -A-iu una -a-iec •x'zzxrx> .a.vjeiivt7x:. BOTH E.-n'ABLI.SIIME.STA OPEN THE YEAR ROUND. NO WINE-ItOOM: .\0 TEDIOU.S WArre: Flnt-clmw artUta and novfltles ol all deticrlptlomi can obtain two, four, six or ehiht wivks. IIABRV MINER, _II-tf Sole P roprietor. lei;al wailninc. A person nnincd V. D Taylor lalbu ^v. n. Schneider, a man wlin,!^ huORrr t le<l. and whose tin^ednrva I clothed. rewarded me by taking, among other thlPRS, n .MSS. ofnir dinma of "Tbo I'hieulx," which he rechrlstencd "Euchre,'' aud he has since rkcd out a prvcorlons exLstence by seUins copies of Ihe same for what anyone would ^re. and occa. sionnlly prodncloj;lt himself In some obecure Western tllve. Mr. F. G. White, a man fVom whom I would expect better thlniislsnovplaylnjrmydranu. It was aUio lecenUy pro. dncrd In LouUTlllebr a party named Ualploe. Tills b to Diittfy all theatre and nail owners that the productlnn^of '^Euehrc"ur'*Tli*Pbsiilx'-nnder ^yotberume, wlthla ^ ...-ii .,— --.rtjUnly Invulre ttaem In Ihe walbcor their tnilioinic, mil , expenslre litigation for dainaf:ea. ofmy drama are corered by cop] Every line and situation ■ - -—- I - ■■111 and I iMili. against ^atugen initamitra,^nitt^ms|<gglhgactota. IMt K0.8M BriJueitreet JrooVlyn. W. Y. rM^gICA?k,.-t£E.^t:%^^r!^re««.n.M ptleei^ ' Band Uela. for calalone. THOS. W. V«BT, ..ll-lt» ^ SNorthTlhatreet. Philadelphia. Pa. iKEW WOJSGiS.—"She'sulis Me'Rlghrbown <!fnund." "It's Nice," "Coaxlnjc with a KlM," "Would \ou If You Were Me;" Ten cents each. _ . IIARDINll'S,2£> Bowery. Pend for ealalojnie. IMt* A. Sa. GA.YL.OMX>, Leader of Orchestra, at Illwrly. AddrMi care Tony pasloc's Tliealrc. Broad way, N. \. N. B.—Would pl.iy liad« or second Tlolln,.' waterlny.pluce. 6BEATEST STTGGESS EVER KKOWK OF TBE CEIiEBfiATED COIIEDIAK ASD CHABACTEB*ACTOB CHj^Sa La Di^VISy THE GREATEST OLD-MAN IMPERSONATOR LlVINGi IN HIS GBEAT AXO OBIGINAL CHAR&CTEB OF ILEXINDBR HIVBLOSSOM,! NEW-ENGLMFlRMil, m mS NEW VERSION OF ON THE SLT, .VUPI>ORTED BV Tim TALENTED DE-SCBITnTE TOCALIST AND ACTRESS MISS EMMA VERN. Hundreds Turned Away for Twenty-four Performances, NOTWirnSTAXDINO THE BIO OPPOSTTION. THE ONLY PLAY EVER RUN THE SECOND WEEK Witnessed by 25,000 People, AITD PROCUklMED B7 AIX THE GREATEST OLD-MAJJ CHAKACTER EVER SEEN IN BOSTON. RE-ENGAGED Hi'ud T>'lint Ihe MaoaKer Says: Tlielnruost hll-^llU'S.s erer done In my tlitatre was during CHAS L. DAVIS' brilliant enCTKriiirni, t^vlnjr belter s.ltlsrdctii»n ilitiii any >.tjir playe.1 lo tuy liouse. lie keeps ihs nudk-ni'c In cnntlniuiuR roaril nf l.nuchler, and Is un- douhlcdlr the 1IE.<T OLV-MAN IMHEKSO.NATOR LIV- ING. I iim ptcusetl to n-cuiiimeod him u-h a strong dmw- Ins catd. |II-It.| n. L. LOTHROP. FOR JULY. Read T\liat the Boston Press Says; An actor or unUoabteU ablMty. afitl an ao oUl-man per- former cannot be excelletl.-BOSTOAN HERALD. . The best uld-man clmracterwe TiaToererMva; bbnuke- op U perfection.—BUi>TOK GLOBE. Tliu talk ofthe town, ami irell vorth ttie prlC* Of u)ml>> lilon.—BOSTON SUNDAY TIMES. AdilmtaThfatTv Comlqap, Profidcnoe, commencing JooeS. HAB.B.ICAIT <& HARTS GRAND COMBINATION, TEEE GAI.I.AIVT 63TB B07Sy UNDER THE DIREmoN OK TBE WELL-KNOWN' LEADER AND COMPOSER Now un an eaiendeil tour of the principal cities and California. TION ANO UELICIIT BV CKO>Vt>ED AUDIE.N'CE3. ETcrrwIiere they appear recclveil -.^Ith ACCliA3fA. OPERA-HOUSES iMI> THEATBES NOT LABGE ENOUGH TO HOLD THE PEOPLE WHO EAOERLV SEEK ADMISSION TO WrTNE.<S TUB ARTISnC PERFORMANCES OF aAZmiCAlT AITS BART HARRI6AN AND HART'S BRILLIANT RECEPTION AT PITTSBURO, PA. A PERFECT OVATION TENDERED TO THB ABtl^TS SUPREME, UARRIOAN AND 1IART. Uotuci C'rowdnl to tbe Do(»ra. The Qrandcst Socccas and BvnaatLon of tbe Dari Ite CenfraUof TiIbIi Pnn. Uumor and OrictoaUty. llARRIGAli AMD BART, the crcetont of all the most popularTaude- Tllle Sketchm nnO Songe of tbe dav. AU who bare seen tta« Imltatom now wltnen tbe OrtstfUUA.'' y II ALL.—FcUBi<itber^"''%r' tboTmHBSrS' TTHSproToSl^, bnt unexceptionable aa Ikr aa tbe concm- ft'A7!S5:A^^mSI'rMtat»^Sr7ra Oon or deUUa are concerned. Wlioerer dalreato tS LIBRARY th*n tbAl *>^^ ^ Tisl't riusbniw than Ed: Uarrlsan and Tony Hart, whose names are familiar aabonaehold woMaIn erery citj and townoftheoouDliy. TSejewcb lnt«rt»«t tour rolej, and are equallT Bnc In all. Tbe company 'npporl'nit themla a nearly all the Intereet of tbe pbiy centre* In thelcadloB cbaractera. Tbe pliant sbcty-nmtb laoneof the mt»apopular features ot the entenalninent. Oreat care haslSntaken In drllllns <hl*M"i2^^ir^ "Ji^^^ cute dltHclt military .^'"'^inTJ;^^ Till- notice «<mld be iTOmptetow^^^^^fp^^ iir,i„m. splendid orchestra, ^njler^^j Its selectlooswere ^ «;rimn was Riven with accora- e"'i,li?fPellns. The combination will remain all the week. —rOJIMERCIAL CAZETTE. May 0. IKJH HABBlOAMANDIIAltT.—••TheDo.vleBtt)tber«"Uoneof 1 PA. tlonofdetaUaare concemcdJ Wboerer dcaln beat actlne to befoond on-tbe etase In the -eoantrv fo-dltr hare only to see IlairlsaD taa Hart.—EVENIMI CBBON- lOLE. LIBRABT BALL.—Notwlthatandlnit the Ininiplrlnui weather, tbe attiactlona of Bairljian * Ra>t*B compniay weieanlbclentto draw a laifce aodlenee to this place oT amusement laA erenlns. The spedaltls of ttie two prlnclpala are deaereln; of extended eompltmentarr no- tice, which apace IbrbldiL Notblnir could be more pathetic than IlarTlgan*a Uncle Pete, mora natnnl than hb Italian Joe, or mora enjoyable than hla Irish charactulzatloiB, Tuny Hart, In blalemale peraonationa. la without an equal. The boys are well drilled, and the oieheetra, nnder tbe leMl- vnihlp of Dare Braham. la the be^ that baa ever be«a htanlhcrr.—TIIE DI:>PATCH, nttabntK, Jlay 9, ISK. C.A.IS. rroprletor I rhlladL'Iplila. oil Ihe occii.«lon cf lila beAeflt, June H. will | Pitti.l>urg. Irtrc solid *llvereuiis lollie l<«t 1 ' " ' ' "-' * wel;:1,t jimfi-i.'.lonQl sparrers. and' CEOH(.^,^j^, Co„j,rt lliill. Business h\g. Open erer)' month In the venr. Nothing but Oni-closs I talent enpaeed.' Tlie leading and htritCM concert hall In | el^lit and ll(cllt' T medial to the IMt* l»e:.t am'.itriir sparrer. rrore?«4loiiar;«aners from New York wi^hla:: lo coiilrnd for Ilut co|t9>-lUlK> fUmLihed—If ] neccssar)-—with excursluu-llckcta t(f yhlfpde'plilA and re. turn. Jack GALiAr.nKK of this city nniV'Tom Cunimli-Iiev of] Newark fi.ujiht In a rniim lint far from' Jersey City itn .Sun. dav ei-enlne. June 2. for a iHirse (if 8»». The New-Yorker showed himself much the rupcrlnr n|an.|Rllinii all over fTiinimlskev. wlumi he knocked wrofqtaend opwarns In the drst. seeonil and third rounds. whrnstHe Jerso>'nian had all the unicl lie was luokliiit fur, and crte* a;a PHur. Woons has opened a Im^lttt^cbool In London, Out., nnd already has a numlier of r\BU.\ He will clec nn e.xhlblfloo there slidTtlv, at which soma Di.llU Scliolarfl will cthiblt llielr prollclcncy, and the Krol»a«r,wUI wind up with a eood'on. lie requests us tn pobllcly e^piess hU thanks to Jim Killoi-an ol Troy, N. ViHi»F klndneu aliown him whilu en route to Cannd.-u i ^ UlRRDOXorANhas been tendered VBbmpllmentary ben- ent at the tlrnml Ceolml Tlieatr*. Vhlladslphla. June 7, .... . TTHUTf I npQiui,iuu.. •>. — ' . 1 pedeUTian m>wcrs In Ihli* cilr since M ll"! used May si, leavlnc obligation^ lielil itly ibont juu—board bllla, cic Ue wiu eoiK: M.r-A-'j'"-'* » "T": ■ , ,1. I ent at the tlrnnil cenlml Tlieatr*. i^iiaasiph THB PIEST great lacroese match of the season forthe ^^^^ |^ volunteers IncludeiilBUTt Hlcken, Mike lamplonalilp Jona I. at Montreal, was plaied between (jlearr Jerry Donovan, John Keenav rJIctlransgan and ... _ . Jack Kins, and ITof. Jlc<;lellan and Hike fkmovan in tbe vind.up. Shramroeks nnd "the Toronto Club. After msgnlS- play on both sidea, tbe Toronto* won the match. TBK RACE of lOO vards between John Tliomoa ami Jvhn I >i» ut Vrti^s Athletic sTounds. Newark, N. J., May 27, re- TolaL J.1 Total ■ MimOX.-FIRST INMNIi. ..71 Mnrrisb. Smith U Sayrea c. Lee b. Carey... 1 Ilo^ee e. Johnson b. F. Bal^y not out II O.Aslibrldgeb. Carey... s a Bailey b. OTnsIow ... " Law c. Uodgea b. Rldse ".. SI Ualnea a Perot b. Carey Huston b. WInslow—. .. Brown c. Johnson b. Smith Stroud b. Perot Ball b. Srollb a,3; L b.,7; w.,i.... . Touls.. ... »l ley CEIUIAn'rOWB BEUIOST. These Philadelphia eleveni commenced » match on pec- oiitEn r*y at Oeimantown, which waa left nnSnlsbed by ?SIon ofSl" Biewawr played a splendid not-oul Innlntf ifK without EtvloB the ghost ol a chance. Tlie acote. ErbTat"ErtiVnttileilc grounds. Newark, N. J., May 27, sultetl In a dead heat. Time, n seconds. Jack Godloinc'8 testimonial athletic entertalninent is no:.tponcd until Juno 17. when It will take place at Wash loRtonPark. Entries remain 0|K;n till June 12. PARTIES In Ohieaftn. 111., have, we learn, olTered ip Wt •2,011) to $1,00D that Dan O'Lear^- cannot walk a.SJ miles In SIX days. Clkco oantATKD lIoiiOR In a SILyards spin <*"■ «' I'lttsburK, Pa.. June L Won by Illteen yanls. GKORllBCTOYLKandC. A. Darrlman arc notified of letter* awalluiR them In care of this ortlce. BADWIt.lTniiRhas caused tlie lodeflnKe postponeiucnt of tho N. Y. A- C. stirlns Eanies. Tbb YoseRBJI LvrKUM CAMBs have been p.i^n>oned until Junes, atZ.3Ur " Fbank McLsttrk thanks Barney g5l}aade. Wary Ed. wards, Johnny Cash. Jack Oallncher, Mandert and Leary for their e jorts to make hU exhIbitloiMt-ncceea. M'R HATE LKlTBRa for Daniel Dwyetfand Mike Donovan. retjandil THE TmSlEB. I». T. 8. SPORTSMEN'S iS'OClATION Tlie t/>an>ament dosed at BulDslo <lay S. when tbe two TJHE XJEW OTTAWA. I10TE:i:i | (Euntiican plan). MO.NTIIEAL, CAN., Oiiened May J4. IK7a .Newly aod eleanntlv fiimlslied tbruughfiut. Hplendid passeniter eh-\-jtor irunnluft all niRht) anil all modem uiiprovemcntii. Best location In Near the theatres and places ot public amuse- ment. Ruoma, £0e. per day and upwards. C. S. HROW.SE. Proprietor. 11-11 HARRY AXDBEWt!. Manaaer. "WAKTflX)— with $-VU or $l,iui. to lulrmluce and A tmvel with a new sensalloiuil and rAHTWEIt society droma "f llirilllne Interest- never l>efore iiroduced—to net as t^ea^'^rer and huslneaa. raanscer. Liberal Indacemeiits will be odered to a iienton well recommended. Or a l ady to play the heroine. A pTOlL.ss1ona1 who Is younj. PETITE and pirposscflslDi;, and WHO CAN COMMAND E.SGAGKMENT^, will find It to her adratiLiva to send plinto and addresa to CEOEGE KREDERU^K, IM t* m Brook street. Louisville. Ky. SiE-W e9UM»I£:R TXXESATXtfX AT ROCKY POINT. RHODE ISLAND (Nnmutaiuett Bay.) Opens \rEDXEaDAY, jVxe 19, I87S. Elected at great expense. Will be one nf the chief ntttactlona tbLs Summer. Tiro perfonoances can be alven dally, 11 a. x. and 3 r. m. .MANAGEr.S OP OPERA. CONCERT. DRAMATIC AND MINi^FREL TBOCPES can learn all particulate by addreaslinr AGENT CONTI- NENTAL .STEA.MBOAT CO>fl'ANY, Providence, B. I. N. B —From z.un to lU.OU oxcurslonlsia visit Rocky Point dally irom Maasacliuselta, Connecticut, Vermont, I etc. The hotel Is n<iw open for t be S u mmer season. U-lt Tiif: cfjsxyr cojL.oxtKi> dramatic VARIETY AMD JUBILEE C0MB1NATI0:( lo their new NOW IN S.4ljV OFRA-NCISOO, JOHN CANNON, Agent. M. W. HANI.E7, Manaeer. All Buslnessforamnnlcallons. TO IXSmE ASisWEB, please address Hi lt] M. W. XXAMI^'S'. AIHERIGAnr FOtTR KRANKY KOONS Petrie, Fisb, Conners, and Kelly. Brooklyn, N. Y., Olyiuplc, fire iilehi«, connuendnf Jana9L lUn'forEnpla'ndonhtcanierBoMvIn JuneA Open In London June 24. , « P. S.—AodiVrtA It tbe ftfllDWiu;; bnlU: Suuth Xjon(!on Palace, Sun, or Oxford. Xonuoo, Ed?. Thonitof tlieSeaMndtCFnodCenlrol, PbUadelphla. - " ■ - ~ ~ vn In London June 24. U-lt: MBICI THE STRONGEST AND HOST COMPLETE OBGABIZATIGN NOW IN FXISTENCE. AI.I. FIRST-OI.ASS ARTISTS. MI!v<l ADAH RICHMOND. Mt!Ui JEN.<IE WINSTON. MISS JULIA SHELDON, MISS ROSE CHAPPEL LE. M IBg SADIE MAmriNOT. MISS JENNIE YEAMANa Mi.SS NELLIE LEWIS. MISS KriTV ROGERS. ML<tS LOTTIB GRANT MlfS KANNl- CLANPEY. MR. BARRY ALLEN, WM. P. SHELDON. A. II. BELU A. W. MOR- o\lI\ UEWIS MAXET. CHARLEY STL-ROES, LEE SOLOMAS, JAMES DILLON, ORFUEUB OUABTET. J. W. KENNBY. Musical Director; also male and Icmale chorns. "i, "* _™^!.^^i^^^Hnll5ofc^h«l the^^^ THIE orut.-*- CoCorKJ} dramatic Maoaccen. of flnt^aaa theatres wlshlnif to play this combUiatlon durlnBtheSummerSeason^Rmlartaaooe^ Tlie toamament closed at .no'ialo W =>. wnen toe two VARIETY AND JUBILEE COMBINATION lo their new IBTS nnd will addieaa as per route: New Park Tbeatir. Brooklyn. June S, one week; Atch strert Theatra; FbUaiM- prlDClpal trophlw were 5';>'SjJ,?iES*!5f„^«5D "^S and oriiliafdmna lin« KSriSuJrt ••CNDER TIIK Jun.'ib. on, wiet - ^ [li-U'l W. H. BOhST, Manag er; AXDY McKAY, BuaLi»..maBa«er., OBaaiA>TOWN. Bofnnan c GUchrut b. Tamall ■• - <> Klmber c. Flnleyb Var. nail o John nntgreavea <■. North b Yamall IS T. ilarsieaveo h. Yarnall. 0 Joe Harareavea, c. North, b. Gilchrist Brewster, not out Caldwell b. Newlln Brown b. North B. Baijtreavee run out-. Meade b. KewUn......... a. AYeleb C. North b. Yar. nail .— " - 1; w.,9 a, 3; L b., TOUI... IS9 ANALYSIS OF BBUtOXT. Newlln c. Brown b. B. Hargreaves Koipe b. B. nnr,renvCT.. (Illcbrlst, run out Woolman b. Brewster.... Finley L b. ir. b. BrewMer Yamall b Brcwettr North, not out West b. B-IIantreavea... Collina, not out Barehurat Green Bye j»ol(»"l{uiurjfa«dCT«. irictas. maa. . U2 . 67 0 s S TouI rHE BOWLING. Yamall.... Ollchnst.. West North 'Sewtbi..'.: SEXTON AND SCHAJE:F<ER. Since Ills Brrlv.-il In Chicago William Sexton lias been doing ererything In lib power, ahon of elvloghls pros. SSttR; opponent hb. own way In all efflentlal to bring about a inalcli between Jacob .Schnefer andhlmsell. lZ< week we published Schiefer s proposition, nouipdy nnon Sexton's return to fTlilMco from St. Lonbi. he made t<e mbjoloed response. In which, while not agreeing to iSaT all three eamu In Clilotcn. ho waives Cincinnati, one of the three clllea named by him In our issue of May II, and inbstltutes St. Loula. thus giving Schacfer hb o»ti home (Chlcaeo) for one game, and for anoihet <he cjty (St LouU>) In which Schaefer made hU flret record, ao UT as irtate- to long rum. and great "^gJ-V;^ ^ ,^ EsmR N»w TOBK Clttpbb: Permit me to reply to the card of Mr. M. Benslnger, In which he propoaes to back Mr. Jacob Schaefer agalnat me In a maldi-game of bllllarda lor the Btat event Conditions: Open to 111 prganiuHl clubs of the State Aaraciation, to be held Jr the winning club each year In tttist, to be acconnted.Owv the Assoclntlnn; to be shnt for hy two Tnem1*erJ resldefC.of the County In which Ihe chib la located: U double-rtw each iicconllng to the Association mica; entronce-fteflM Uie feoa to go to the club holding the cup. in l£7Sltwas^ by the Audubon Club In I»r7 by tbe Central Cltya, and thi year the Audu- bonswere asam successful. Scoies: -Jawbon aiib, Buf- falo. «: Forester Clnb, Buffilln. 4S; SiirarCIty. Syra- cuse, a'. Dean Rlchinood Club, BulavbU; FliuDlx Club, Seneca Falls. 40: Monroe County Otb, Rochester, <0. The Dean BIchinund Cap, value »1.1(), was next, con- tended for under the followlov condlams; Open to clubs belonging to the Slate AssoelilloQ: to oe keld br (he win- ning clab each year. In tmst; to be a^tranlcd for to the State Association: to be shnt for by tttoei'meinbeiv. res|. denU of tbe county In wbicta tbe club I IKated: 20 sSogla binls. 31 yards rtic. In aecurdanoe wlh Iho rules of the New York SUto Association; enlrmnceBSL^to go «» the club making the highest score: tbel cub making the next hielierf score fo receive Are Ibialred. potmds of • .. ■>■- .-. -.- —— —.--^FocTSter Club, Si: Seneci BuRkIn, .11; slavery. White ehancteia taken by Octoroons. Act I the kidnapped children jz. a Southern FlantatJon Scene; 3, the Parricide: 4, Hunted Down; 0, the Proclamation— "Free, Free." Wanted, a manager wllh capital. Addiess J. a. LA PrE, 18 Mlnetta alteet, Kew York. ii-it« WANTIOM-CURTOeiTlES, PAIST- INGS, Tents, Oigana, Wagons, aod Variety People- Ad- — f. -lark.N " dress WOOD'S Ml'SEUU. Newark, N. J. I uz . .... 84 40 ... 18 9 ... 41 20 ... 60 a) GnuiA:cTOWN. „ „ . .It. Hngreave*.... « 13 J mllr-and7n-e)sblb race, for »40l. I Br eWter i» . . lu «. The<wnoei«'wer»l>. itanHajtrs ] ^^SS^^S^^^^^^^^^rrJr^ - andT. I BICYCLE BACINB. Iiiipnited dilllea sliot. The scorea wtie:\r<Kj« Bolfalo. n; Monroe CooBtT Clob. RoCTSSTt^.u Rnn Oiib. Seneca Palla. &2: AaBolion;Cli<N Be aieenCltyClub,Buinilo, a) ~ " .„; Central City Club. Bynci Irondmuolt, 4o; Buffalo Gul £•^"(^7 ti'chtmtethe" table; and In cue each pUyer rt.on!diri«on.rftt«»,gam«i,-^ the flrat game wonTd be > great advantage to theono obtain. Inrlt andItblnkIongbttoliaTeane<iualchancerorlt. It i:rSnotbi!TcaodltIan tliu three gamn ahall be played In !*tliiVe more ih.m a iniie,"l(iringi»€Terafiengt)ffTheTeb^ SlSiA mllr-and-an..els! ' J«aalJj;»llo™c<n. Theranoei?' OT* Iplhj D. .1. Crouse's Mechule. IWH. . ^ __ ■SnSnC S!!?'''!'"'- ,""1? ^'^?^JiJ^im hSt I n.. a.« ...Miln^'held'br tbe Bicycle Union took place 1 5V;SSi"ThKlthlDk,wooTd'be"uihilrtothewlnieror^^^ 5Jikf nmniagwlihmhlmselCpassedaftercorolnglnto a ynrd and a half bj6m SO 14<l i",'—rtSntr for Keltn- C^.-Salaoathe W„ ,n™. wlo^STwlth ease by three I «^^»K tTwe°.?lS^™^^^ I rsxToffiTeTaTrbiKr ler »2W aslde.-o Rilconcr, tne ^mer competltora, making the Uecelpta for odmMon above emnse^ t^ .^s?«^lme fSrall the milea from eleven up. the three thousand pdnta flntM be tbe winner ofthe S^S? r"ff, SS.. Se iSlowllu aoconnt ol the ncloir: Stcb. I wonld maie It a condition that one thousand .?;'/^'.i,f^n/rf\iS mile? FaRoner was iwcond, McWti. Snts bo played In Chicago, and tho same lo Kew York 'Iwrf \Sd pL?efSll loorSrStb Weir atlll leading, ESd Bt. UiSla, reapectlvelTjIr. Schaefer and m>-.eirto toss lS?vS?mtSvitSS^topk^lntheneitihrecmll» forcholce oftableand city for the tlrst Uinusandpolnu, KAn^SiriuSif UielSl£;Pen:lv»l, coming wlibarush, theloserortbUcbuloctohnTCtheprlvl egeni narolngthe Ib tho timjap oi_ too ■ l^neca Falls,. C<iunlyClnb, Newell won iHngls to Geo. J. * and ten single as follows; Beat and 5: Foresters* ithtee men, lIx men, 371-I0- i'tro men. 3BK; Vmra, 25 2-1; six le- nisn, two ; nve men, 93. lan, 8i<: two n»n. fi«IS^,"? '""er tnm, winning wHh ease by three ll^ealc a like distance behind Mechanic Time, m Pnii.iDix™Tl.-A meeting waa held at | "« fcmo. PhiladelphUi. last week, commencing May SJ~."" trot "-as Inr horses that had never beaten three | SSS-k"^ h-id nine starters. Mollle winning In thiee iS. « fS"". Bli' second m each. Sorrel Tojt, «bW. ■ tSi^-:W;.2:ir'i. Aricefor2a0boia«n>llowed; K «S= BlackITankwlnnhig th».ahrt; IJiird ,and;««Jt SJ^'^'l'e vcond and fourth. nari^IetontoMma- waae J^>»»!fetlilrJm..nev. Ture.2S3!K.2rt»i2:=Oi.2S after Cji- TheieconJ day's trotting opened wfth a contest I theft SSS*:*) •">"». Pxr^e S.m Alcldca winn iM byajlj the "'J.^'f lla^c'' A'doDble-letm trot, pniw —. ^ ""»i>n t., , mJJr'sentrr, who took mc- J?}««llliyTirick-sentr-. A. muer ov....... -s-.-.^ jS£™.JW»nd. nod R. P. Stetson's third- Time, 2:48>a. ^rifS^.i-MJl. Tbe third race for gentJemen lie&ta, umoet acc- Raln prevent- ^StSl'iJllfc^iSe mora Earned, and ociinp^ted nor. at Noa. 84 and » State street, tbe mm of Jl.OBJas fi^SS^fi With anadeanlaS of two yaida. weir, fortill In enao a mauh U made on the terma I eighth ""«,™i,S,"JSTSinnliig tie lead In tho ' '" .^^ . • v.„ i.i_ vki.i .i*.,.A hU wllrement. Prom, here weir waa . Phi , icnse..4!>L , , ._, ;uu CMb, Tike Ftnxt Oflrt /Btream gold medal. Marsh's 14 In the sliootJ>ir at ll^ ^ rises. Tlic otflclal reconl of n average *of rinba lo contests K<^'1 Clnb of'Buffalo—one man, 40:' t — 39: fbur men, 3Htf; five men, ' ' BulTalo—one man four men, SSli; _ _ _ I CltT of B>Tacus. men. 37; three men, 36; four men, Senem Gun rrub of Seneca'FallS'.=on< 3s;j;'lhiee nien , 34^;. • ^ Tram TRAF-3HOOTfx&-^A pigeon iKr<ii4jetwee.i teams of six men each, helonglnc respeelleir to Ihe Salmon- rtvev Clab of Pulaski. N- V-. ana-4hG@gt>ieiiitocl>lnga'or OMCgo. tw* place M Oswego. H. v.^So- ■ m. Tbe ooodi: tlons wero flaeon single rues, losers tohay lor the Oiru& Following is the score: /,eatAtrtto«J«k—II, c. Tanner, 12; Geo. W. Lvmnn, 10; ncnty StewnsA. lOMJhsa. Coe, lo! M. z. MaliV. II: J. O. Skinner. 1 rial, 6D. .Salmon, rtoer CIB*—Wm Ooroell, 13: Wm. ll Ooitterson, Ti.A. s. Low, 4; U. M. El/ls, 10;.A. F.' B<ttT. U;>A. K. BeaJlo, IL ToUI. ST. Following tlie mnuh. the'members of the LeatliervtocklnfcClub entered on a shootfv the club prize, thirteen singia rises. Tbe score of tliot«am on the tint thirteen birds was allowed to stand as [he Kores In tha competition >bt the club prizes, and ath» nrmbns of the dub ahot ogahist them. ll. O. Tagner.-pr. McManus and N. A. Wrlglittled ODtetorenblnla. jKoMMlngoirtiietle, Wright won arst pnia.-J B. Poucherklled tenbirdaand won tlie second prize. 7^ > ,T Tag THiio XATCB dASE for tbe cham jkinWhlp In glass- . ■ ' Fairticld Clnhs Ill-If 1 TJOJB ILiARGEMT »IAXtEl TAJPXR | In the United Slates; will weigh ftnui 400 to SOO pounds. Price, S3Sa n. ROBINSON, ll-lt* 127 Bo osevelt s treet, Ke w York. OJjX-VXA," a drama adapted ftom "Tlic Ylcar of Wukeflelil'i ol Oolil. smith, by Robert Johnston. PeiMna wishing to produce tills drama may address the author. li lt* 2 82 WEST STH HTOEBT. "WJBT ■WA3»TJEa> *FOR TRAPEZE BISC Must be chea p. Addtem "NET." CLIPPER o lBre. IMt* BV KGSPON'illnLE PARTY. A LADV TO FLAV UCHT LEADING PARTS, on commiinwealtb with a iruveling company. All ex- pcnseapald. Address Immodlately IMt* care of NEW. A. U. VOL TXAr. TO^jCLZ^ SITAJSJES, R BALE. ™dm 10 TO 11 FB ET LO .SO, t3D «ACn. NOTICE TO HANAGEBS. MSS mm MET Ia plftylDfc the most sncceaKftil enjiagement at lleack^a Opera<bouM, CtndnnaU, of any lady-rocallat In iLe pro- feralon. Manegont^ pleaw addreu care orCLIPF£Bomce» NawVorlc Rrjld tlie followlOff notice ftom THE CXNCUn*ATI ETENINO TIMES: t MISSJULimENAULT This lady baa mine before Cincinnati aadltncee at Heack*A Opem-bousebnttwoerenlnss. but tbe remartt- ably Warm reception tendered ber lastnlfbt abowatbaC her TocallsQL, of ^e French acbool, bas mad« s line Im- prewlon. Iler repertoire lo raried; bnt whetber it tVTcale the kparkle'of operm-booilbor the nm» orhallad-alnstnff. the caltnrvd artist ifl niunUtAtiably reconnued In ber CJTortA Sbe poaseBnee tbat plqoancj oradiir«M and mac- netlnn of toIco tbnt captare and hold attention. She du- aaya the flnUh whichjan/jT^^**""*"'"^ by,careAilnw -»>• —- •ui*i iAnloroTa thorouRb muiilcat coltnre. Her •Qcxe** la B«auioe. and develops the power of belnc matar m\i. _ ^3^'* BfA.TT^OSItS X^nO^tltud ioen««ftnnenta who have lecenUr Bk^jiijat i am nt present emplore<l WAJXTEIf lor til* Coiaartll of JiUar some cutside aunctlona. Also wanted, some good rarle^ people Immediately, both Lidle.i and OentlemeiL Addres DAVI3 A CO., Tlieatrleal Agents. U.It ^IGD TIne siraet, P. O. Box U SB, CU ntonaH. O. Rosilin mojs'sr 'oje>e:ra^zi%>xj (=u3 to rent, by tbe night or week, at a reduced lent. One ot the finest Opera-hooses In the country. Apply to DAVIS A CO., Theatrical Agents. IMt Itovinestreet, P. O. Box atae, Clnelllliatl.O.- A FIBST-C. WT'C COIE'S GREAT SHOW. IsOUIS E. COOKE, BUSINESS-AGENT, _ . Care of National PHoilngCo.. Chicago. IiL Befet enee: Eitc yooe tbat knows mO; i^}^ OTUE VICAB OF WAKEFIELD" l«n> OTKER KBW PLATS, BY _ MARTHA UFITTE J0HM80H. YAUDEVILIE THEATRE. „.»T,^^'' '^^!^..-.PropH.I0.i 1 OI^N TBP.Y-EAR ROLND^^ „ bXIBYBESWECT. OUR FALL AND WTEglSXsON OF im-T> WILL I COUMBiCE ON OB ABOLT ^W»'^FTR^=™^|^U.^'«^'""" 1 opSlng and during the •eason.^.^jf* 4 IBBSON. 1 oar Anthoilied and Sole Agents U9 Eighth street. New Circuit. clieerfUlly Ktveu l« stamp. AdureA ll-lt» . tatiS rtiZi'' lae iniru mcc wm •IlVi!!,**-.'*^'™'" winning In two Iiei tJtt",™,'Mac lh:rj. Time. 1:36H. 2:01.'i anUb or the races on the Ihlrd day. ujl! pnBT.-Concerning the beltinir on the EngUah «oo:5,Vi'*,""> " Besom. June S. acahlegrain Dom Lon- SjSS"*j«IX:"' to lis offered against. Mr. 5 iwyj"; "''le 4 o I Ls gcnemlly accepted. For • IlBi^^sccepieJ agafimPrinceRoltykolTsTht Mr. Leigh's I iBi;^ tverieu against mnce RoltykolTs Thntlo^ to ■ Si ^f"' L.icrange'8 Insnlalie. with an aveiage « •«i^Y"«»lnn all otheni. Thnnobi being backed op the Si°ent^e,%fuji? i^TfSe%t,,.wo, ll.._lTm.^2St' ftS[ e!'.'''*"'""bK the Newmarket 11.™,!*., —^„ i3S'i!J'i" «the Newmarket Cimven mceUng, white 11 Itoik r^JP^^red that Inxniaira waa only ty PUgiimage Ibt the 10» gntneu.''^ leiS^Sl?,""-t-tn Moiun McCAitrm-.—Amm«Thaving . £S°R«lai«d Ut the eOeetthit Tea Broeck aailMnllls k ^|r">7 were to ha contnlled and nm by one wty, CoL .^SSf^"^ Jr.. bi a Old to The LeulnOU CMrio^ C2Sf:.'''"j" tttmi ■ -' " ' elng backed np the "SSK S^'iji. a£. MfcTSrenty-fonr, lh.24m. B«.Ba.; Ilibdicap and the nSSJrJST^h 4T«s. theiwlnner rode 17 mUea „meeun5, | aigS£-,VSvho£:w_4l!^f^^^ han'"bereln proposed., I have mstrnttedlilm tohbld K for one week, and. In case It shall be covered by a like aHoortlSi brtialf ef Mr. Schaefer, te tnin& over to a anal stakeholder, to be mutually agreed npon between Mr. Schaefer and myself, andln whoso bonds tho whole atake-monoy sbaU be denoslted' at least five daya prwvlona to tbe commeDcement of the same- To contradict certain mlsstntenenta which have been citcabttcd In this city, I will here w that I am not, mi Dcver have been, lo the emptor of any biniatd-Uble manufsctorer. I regret that Mr,. Schaefer Is not In the same noaltlon aa. If he wete, there would tie no difficulty In the way of a match, lieeanae he and I vronid then choose the same table and cnaMons, and agree to play when the wlnnerwould be likely to make the most monei'. Toora TCry lespectlblly, WiLUAM Sexton. A dispatch ftom Chicago nndcr date of Ma; 31, and sent tall shooting between tJle Mohawk - - came off May 27 at Falrfleld, Va., race-sptnle. In tho pres- ence of a lai^ niimtier of apcctators.' thT-tenna wcro to shoot at IS ballaeach. It teaolted bxavtcttty loa.the Fair, flelda by a score- of lU to 111 for tbe Uehawks. Scon: Mohawk' Club—Jarrta, N: Trlmmet schermerhom, 15; Pollard, 14; Howard, 10; Crosby.Torrarter. II; Flour. domblnlncMpcrlcnconnd abHl^ "'rTL'TJ'LiJS,,?;' der Skelcbeiand NovelUea, Negro and I>«'™_5Rf*SS' «'». looBa.word.toanyar,orword»andmoJc orlgl- High Ptitii. s. If. w=»^^™d,3S?tTc^company. • ""'^ WANTED. „ „ FOB SEASON OF 1878 A.M) •TO. aKnll DmmaUcCompany; also ^"if^nvv Addr«,, autlng••-"Jfi'lSS-..^^i^ci^^iiga. —i-ii ir.A K. u> amsiear In that Ume. McWIUIam'a 1 gittoStmbasllgbtmodiecaUonoftlwteriiiii^ mS'/^^o aimoiete S«aS« waa lb. Vm.a IS... 2?^* ittabellCTed,ScitonwlllpiompUy.ccedeto. • gv°?gfi'L. 1gn?Md Venat,!.'. U-. Mm; «»» -»^ !."tJ"cS°nisi'Sfth",?^^ RAC.«^^>'i«.o>S.?^l12P%S"cS2S;|S^^^ »issjs2;a^ji5r.y'^nb-s I ^sffife^^^^^ ^•^Tm^sSSs'L-^s.ise iJ^-^^S^s!lSfeH.ifc \^^^^^^^^^^^ gj^Wrhivtag j^toff to go to sTLoBlrwitli Tai |. delphl*. y'^j^^g^?*^ • * .-^V^ - Ae^tiani hea rt of IL "^■•ttWhttiC^ilile^ '^Srs:«l.«:<7.»:M- l-WheiitoD,who«dTectlae^ no'v. II: Woody. 13; Ornbhs.T: total. 111., Fglrdelil Club— Mtldielt, IS: Fnjaer. u: a Braner. liiTlanon. 14: W. Braner, 12; Holmes, 12; B. Braner^Il;.-^4tthier, 9; 3. Brancr, 8; V. Hechler, 6: total, II± Tn BETUTB idxtm ooKrenTiog'in tho •taot-g<m I match, St 800,900 tod L0DS.9rat4f..tDokplaecat the Walnut | Hin range, near Boston, Mass.,May sa. ThoNCorea foltq^: J. a. Somner, 203: C. a Hebbard, 200; 8. Wilder, 191: W. Arthor. 190; A. neytrood-, ISO; J, F, prawn, 184; A. Bur. nett, IJO; J. Smith, m _ _ TAii eHooTtxo —We are bifimned ftat at Canaatota, thrnnzfi the Amodsted Fre«^ states that on that day Mr. 1 N- Y., May 29. E. W.- Oilman of Detroit, Mich.. In a match ^nSsgerlnSdiaeW's behalf, "accepted Sexton's propo- I with John A. Nichols of Bynicnse, K 'r:v'lilUeda)bltdaaat. 10-2t» - ••■crNT>EXl Tiro ROSES J BtII> ^•^ »5£sszri'ys5fiRMa£k''5SXBiE,'' •"''"''■'"^•SS'li^fiLrNOrORiTTY. R tehMcIpowpald). Addres. '•"'^^{^.ggfe p.. •WAWT3BX>. GOOD CLABIONET w Davld^yt^ CTnelnn i tt- . DSS 6E0R6IE KA^ sud wanmtogayA" vS^Al" »Ple.cest,C blgg;^ IShicklinj's Uem^ #^^^^ CINCEfflATI, 0. Wtth a cool, open-air garden aa l«? «![,<5'•"H^^S htrbaTftbeboril^mer theatre ot the city, we -ani good talent at all ttmea. ■""■™joHN MORBiaaBY.- lUe* ■ MlSCEaANEOUS. MANIFOLD-BOOKS. ™^PESTand best manufactpred In thr United «.»». CBEAFKiiaiiu .o_^r„Kunple paper. ■ rtAYBB . Bend for sample paper. T. F. BEEBE.^^ n.2t« Palmer, Maaa. oflOOout ofllrealngletznpvdlstcnceao^ila. Ill«Kllg.i nx contended In the rabslbr tlie "Deeora- , Uon" badge of the Fountain Onn CInh, gt the Braoklyn eo-foot Bound' DllTing Park,. L. L, Mar-SD, -Mr. Jamwwon. UlUnghU I u-lc* seven blnlafitTilj^L. ■. /. ; / • ' TXUO tnm tbt'Otild and BtocKand Wcaiern VnlonTelo- na^'compatdiAhhota lOO-yard match'with Ranaldrlfleft' 'Jane 1 at the:C i e Mui oor Jr. range. :TbJi Korea were; GOM anr Steele, 141: Weatem Colon, aSL: ■ — ■ PnrsMi^peeBptadllTVUidkliaK —g to ft^v-iT.T.HS. mjm jij coed t>r flnama or br "I;;' ' I Eamedroi ^>IUtD. ghcny, " 'ST'oUls AJIeghenv Forest City lmii»-. 9; FORM DWAY THEATRE, mew TcoifcK-s T O I. E A S E to [U-lfl ■iisiai. Htm m siwp mm t .ttiiii miji i U^sn^eetorofA mnaggJ^^CLlFPEBofflCg, 1188 JEIIIK UPSAT. 30 Ye SOMETHINO TO SIAKB TOD LAUOK sent y. for «»np. 1^ x.«.e SPORTINQ, -i