New York Clipper (Apr 1880)

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26 0I=^K: OI-.I I=> IB April 17, isso. SATUKDAT, APEIL 17, 1880. TO COKBESFOSpEKTS. A^QrBfT1053 THAT DO NOTJUJiai TBU .OVVCK UTTII. VOXDAT UOKXlSa WILL ^OT BB^ASHTZBSD'IWnL VOLLOVUCO WKXK. LrrsRAL, rhUadtlpIila.—To mske > plsjrer tliow hlii wbule hand lu JoMillcmtlon OC hATlni; opened a JjuJc-pvt thatbub«eo rrnlino^ to lilm I* aobvenlTeor uoker-Uw fur hair a CTOtmr. The new nilloe In with tbe>>oolc yoa qoote. and U Itjwir **lb« later decUlon." No one rmn de- uund to be altuvn 'cair«bt that lie hna not paid to have alion blm. ETeo'lxxly has beforeliand lald to nee itae cardj* on which ajaek-p<it haa been o|*encd—thai iK he lian paid to MC two Jackit or two acea, or eren two dencea and two tena, but not tbrve ace* and two Jacka. It la by »7rtne or Uila payment that tlie general law or noker that a hand Bot "callpd" cannot b« aeen la departed Irom. &uch de- pattore In ncceiewo' to the InleflTltT or the Jack-poL 1 onr arsiimeot that the opener ahuuld be made to nhi>\v but whole hand beeaiie* lie ujlslit liciUl Are deuceapr are Jarkj ■pplleo with no more fotrt to an uncalled •""'".f"" orenc«l a Jock-pot than tai an oncmlled hand In which then ia no lnck-p»L _ ^ . _ A.B,C jlXu D., Kew Orleana.—Toe hsTtnr made the truiuii, A ci>uld ni* CO alone—at leaat be could iiol f i ulouc and caln anything by It: and ir you can «now, wblcn doubt, that but makroE three trlc\« waa wholly ""e lo panner'a not havlnir played with blm. you are e""'!?*; «» Kore one point. InMeail of bla KorioK ■..?Vr™ But It will not do to a»uiue that A'e >»rtnn 'XMUl lu^Jt led a ceruin card. Ii la wiunder to aMume thai what • player eon nceumnlbili without lili" partner he ojiiiu na»e acciinplUlied wlt& hbo. A la wrooic in MiyloB that If yuur aide luul made three trIcLa you would luire been entitled to two pointH. It would hare counted you hut .jne. On the aaue principle. It would have counted hlin but two liad be maiie all Sve tricki—or no more and no leaa than IT hi* partner bad went aJooi: With him. K.VWarerlT.—It inahea uo difference to the loaer ol the Jour samoLur to the proprietor, whetlier the lour paya /oftv eeou out or bu pocket or thLrty cenu out or hla pocket alunic with but (our check*, which Ue propnetor la fioaiid to redeem at two and a lialf ccnu apiece. We can. not andenuaod why there ihouM be any dispute about tblr, nor why you ahould auk na II, alter the loaer bad paid In chrcka for one-fourtb or the ttauiea and auh lor the re- mainder, tlic nlayen are to "then get a check each lor lut Kwoe:" llarloK already not rour clieeka each, they luul already all that were due them. If but Tour vamea were jjlayetL The Act that the game waa plnpool cannot alter C. P..C«,B.—l. TIierewUliUw-yw be qalte a dlriidoB of opluluaup^itbatauliject. We never Rlye the cIrciiUtionii ornewauapera. nor any Idea ai* to wblch ban the lancrM. AstowbrAaUpaperahaTe llie laryext. the uuotlun la erldemly haacd upon the exmncoua Idd that the circula- tion* ofleadlnK papeni ir p«nnKnfnt,wlien:a»tlievare «xtfeau>Iy dDCtuatlne In the eoun* or* year. 2. fleajte nmta what kind or inmea. ir rule* uf muttgamu an meant, then "American Uoyle.*- . ^ , , , Watkuii'kt.-No matter wh«t bid been bl» right to It, A cvolU not return alter le»eln« the place and claim the money he bad allowed hU oppvioent to take. The lact that h* had allowed B to lake It nliuwa llmt he wooldl hsTe claimed It irbe had been lo B'a place. In utheif worda. U ahoved that be bellered B had won It. HU aub- aeuoeut claim foiseiilji that ■omeune oulalde bad told him that be bad won. Tbla will nui do. It waa playing A alone, not A and aomeone eUe. ., , J. D.. Chltam.—A left-handed blUlaTd-pUyemhoiiId play the ipotitioke mim the tiaht-hand aide or the white haira apot. and a t^ht-haoded player ahould take the opiHwIte Bkle. But If he never playa anytblnii butctuhlon-caromH, It make* nu iiItlniaKr UllTeittnce which aide be pliya it fiom. althonsfa for the l«ke of lamUUrity and eer- ulnty or accomplishment he ahouM alwaya puyltmim tile one aide. Kkhkr lIutruK, anclnnatL—I. If the atnhority eboMn dedlnea to decide It, and the bettora do nut agree to a new retcRilte, llie wacer win have to be dmwu. 2. Like any other book that u iHiblkilied, and even like tlie Clndnuall loumal that baa dedhicd to act. It la an authority only fur tboac who cbooae to accept 11 aa Buch. R. It. R. Erie.—B'a card harlnfr been ezpoacd In the disv by the dealer. B !• to be (rtTcn the top atrd on the deck. He U not to wale until the otheraarvaerred. He la entitled to llio Unit hve card fojlovlnc the laat one he gut. The ctpoeed card la nui apiinol tLe iiack fur that deal. It lA aa dead a* U It were an eleren-FpuL DEAT H'S D OINGS. TT^'okl:*- Mccord of tlie I><m;oii»o or -, . x>roinliieii)t JxxOlylaliutls* 'compiled KXPBMLT, fOtTHE 3W».T0ElfL CUWEH. •• ALDBIcn, Heraiin D*-A well-known re»ident nftWa citv ne waa. fhr thirty rw" tl* hnalneaa parlneror SSiit II. SS^&(miKi.SSii I" ^"rty" »«5,"?fl2t Bom In adjotnlacBtaua at about the'Bme.tlme, tbr;r nnt mi!tln tbUcltyaaboyii:,»mmenced gether.under the 'mi>'°y":\i!i'H?^t&Ai^^ pattneta In bnnlnwa, a*. weD aa 'p''""" '2™';. 'VS* ■dda by aide for many ycanaJler retlrinit from active lUe; Aldnch had long been knora m »''J*'f'JS'S5j""» "J cEiirltAble pniJectF, and 'liewaa one of the earliest and moSteon.u.nt-'conilbntoia to SL I-uke'a Hoaplial-here, •^'imJSl'wllllam-A veteran of the War of 1812-Clrde- ^l!:S''jobo'-i^'?o^tho oldeat M««in In the United SUUK UU MaH'Ole life covered a period of feventy-Mveu yearv—New Concord, o.. April 3. BARTIIOLOMMIM Elizabeth—A centenarian. She waji boni In Baden, flerrnnny, and came to tlila country when about el(;ht ycani old. Her huitband died about flitv year* aco, antl alie lell three chOdren, ten frrmnd- rhlldren and oue creat-i;iMndchlld. Rbe nsialaed all her liiciiltlefi up to within two or three weeka afio—Phlbulel' phla. April G, e<»!d 1U2. CARSON. Alfred-Well known for hla long connection with the Volunteer Fire Department of tlili dly, havinc held the post of ajutUtant-enmoeer for twelve yean*, and be 'ben appointed chld enKlncer. For the paat eight yeaXM he had been actine aji flre-surveyor lor a city Inaur- anoe company—Jenvy City. N. J., April 7. COLLIN'S, bwtuii—One of the leading and wealthleat tlseua of llartfurd, Ot., where he waa a direcmr of manv corporatloDK, both Hitnneui and phUanlhroplc—llanroru. April 7. CAMPBELL, Jamea—An old and well.laiown cltUen of Brooklyn. jTy., where he waa formerly a pollce-capialn- there, April 6. aood 7B. ,., . . DASIELR. Weiiley—An old aetUer of FayeltevUle, Ind.— there. Aunl 6. aced C , _ „ , . EIClIELRERIiER. T. W.—Editor of The (Iowa) Stole Jlrofirer-DesMolnra. la.. AprlM. apedSi. PHKBMaX. Dr.Warren-An old homfeopatlilc phyalctan Of tJihi city, where he had preciiced fur the lane iwent;- flre yenrit—here. April 6. aced 65. 'FISIIEK. R. S.—A prominent dllzen of irnlon City. Ind.. where he wait cadhler of the Cummerdal Bank—there, April*. tlOL'VERN'Erit, Baranet L.—A well-known citizen of WariilngfHi. D. C. He waa the gisndnun nrrrendent Mon- roe, aiid entered the I'nitml Stateu army In early life, and nerved aa an officer of Infantry In Mexico. In MM he re- algned and entered the Third Auditor'* otllce, and wan after- waidnapimlntedConiiid to one ofthe China porta, where he remalneo till Ifi&L On hla rettim to America he emablUhed 'e'-e .irarvfiRff H^rnlA at Frederick City, and reniove^l to Waahlngtonabont aeven yean ago.—Waalilnston, Apilis, agedSL^ UOL'LD, Jowph—.^n old merchant of Newark, N. J. He WMM formerly a reald4-ot <»r MlcblfPin, and bad flcrred ihrre lenna In Cunereiu—Newark, April 10. liimON. Rev. Manclua H.—A prominent preachcrofthe Refoniied (Dutch) Cliureh for nearly forty yean. Since tlie dIfOMjIurlon ofblH pajttorute In thia city he had devoted hlatlmetofliinillng hlnilutli-M a* a ttuinee uf fViIumbla College, aa a director of the Bible fiocloty. and aa president of the Board of Edueatluo of the Hefunued Chorcli—here, ril 11. aired 77. .lOWARD. Wll ton, D. C, April la IIELMCTII. Ur. WlUUm R—A prominent homceopathle pliyniclan of Flillodelnbla, Fa., who wu active lo the entahlliihmcnt of tlie llalincmann OillCKe or that city— Fhlladelphhi, April 8. aged TV. HYATT. <:«>n!e E. Ii—A retired merchant of tbla rily. who In antl-nlaveiy llmea waa a leading aboUtlonut—liere, April <. aged U. UAU.SER, Henry—A well-known lawyer of Brooklyn, K. y. He waa weretarr of the Brooklyn Law Llbtaiy lor tbe pant thirty years—Bityiklyn, April 4, aged W. H ATFIeLd, Gilbert—One of the oldest realdenta of Uo- boken, N. J.—ihetr>, April 8, aged tO. MATHER, Aaaiih D.—A protulnent citizen and banker of Dtlca. N. v.—there. April 8. aired ST. .VARSDALL, John C—A rellied Judge, wbo waa alao widely known throughout BritliibAmencnaiia voluminous writer on religion, temperance aud poUtloi—Halifax, N. a, April e. aged ti. MOORE, Ellzabcih—A ceulenarlan—Fhlladdphla, Pa., April 4. aiied 1U2. Mc'CURDY, Robert H.—A venerable and esteemed resi- dent and retired merehant of tbla city, where he wa* prominent In many cboriinble mnvemeotji, and connected with the management of mauy flnondal and benevolent I hLtiltutlnn*—liere, Apnl b, ai:ed ML 'cuIirS"i^ol:'iLiWi^J "vVwVlriLiSjt.—F b< richt In bet- I NEWTOX. Chauncey—One of tho editon-of Tht Clncln- .r . . ._ ^ ...1— ..I.-. — .1—I juLit tco yean oorrcaponticitt, political writer uid miui- '''i'.1'L^l'I?r~^^'*^''"'*^^'^-* April G, ftg«d 43, It: ff>. h&viDff Id bU UjH houni ol practice ladenteO the doth all vJonj tbe nlK be Ineuted tbat tbamMtcU iihoultl be played not only on ibe old dolh tbat had been uwil lo practice, bat aUo witu tbo old balu;, which wen oi courM oal of true; and tbe reftrec. a French profeuor* Mutalned Vlcnaox. TbusFexton neTer Kt tbe chance to pnbUclr Ahow toe "raJI.** tbeo In m u* In the Frandi capluL--Sariup the pame T1|cnaux made mdreahotalnthe crotditUan the inleB pennitted. nod Sexton cUlB«d foul- It wu a guf'i-tlon of arithmetical 1 ict Had tbe t^er mude two Abotfl In tbe crotcb. or thi«e? Tne de^oa of the nfenfc waa: **Mr. Vienaux ■aT* he bam't made as many fthota aa 3fr. Sexton aaya be hM." and VlgsauKOontlnaed playlDi:. TheM luddenta are reouled aa raAestinf; tliai Mr. Thomas' decision waA by nu meaoa' vmoff merely becauee U waa cnewd by hiia'-In bU omtta Inaing Sloooo f:9t tbe rail, but liMt eootnl of tbe balU at IOl ' aatli«riiur them again, be made tbe run 12L Two InnlDBH later, ylsnaux by the rail, aided by a few driTlnff-»hotii, alwaye his icreat excelleaco bervtofore, ran 114; and In the next Inning-, after U made by open play, the laU-route waa daId open to blm, and he kept tbe track ontU he bad addedSl poloie tohLaatrlnff. nukinff his total 1,01) to Slaaaoa*«79fil with the ballft In tbe praUtlon altln to tboM of the pawnbrDker. wherewith to start off on the ihirt night, wheo Plot will be th«rcrere«>. SlfWBJn Mur«d but 174. an avrtaceor U>^, wbUe Vlffnaux averred 61.7-13. Ills areraee oo &r ai tlie came liaa cone In 20.7-27. wlib an Incompleted Inniojc In bU IkTor SlosMo^a la 9.16-27 on compIet4^ Lnnlnfc*. bebannirwon tbe lead at tbe befrlDDlniT of the ftamc. It la cabled that "VIsoanx'ii Mioctm of the prcTlooa Dlaht oave blm an air of extreme confidence, and that the American party are nurprued atTlKnana'arail-pIaT." Tbla cnnfldence will enable VlsDaax tolieep on areraiclnK troiD 45to6&, onlcaa Sloaaon, by'a nopRme enort of de- apalr or reckleaBoeaa, or by a lacky tnm of a ban wbeo be la plaj-lnc oreniUy. can oreRorae Ir - lead, wbicb la now HUl. Ileally tbto la Eker-dicc," and F Ik richt In bcttlDc thai atf - - . -. ^ **flre UeuccA tfburMVV." Both ore l»ettlu{; on ^-trtuolly Uie nanie thinir. accurdiDff to Llie Ktaiement aubuitted, whlcU baa probably omliieU aomucblnjc. T. II. U.—Werefnet It, but In the limited time at com- mand we have betrn onabletijflnd oat the In^tlon of a iiieetliu-rDom In thiK city ur the Improrcd Onleraf Ked M«n. r<H>Nlblj Home one of ournnulerv will aend It t<> iiA In tlmefura^xLUaue. Mcaallmf you mlcbt Otll at tbe LmtP liall corner nf Centre aiid Uraod atrmit. E. K., Muntgomery.—The bet la m be determined by the lact ol llM ruiuintf ur not rolnlDp lu Montxuuiery, Abu. and reRardleaii or any othrr place. Tliat nu other place waa ■oentioDed In tbo Ktroogeai kind of praunipilon that Mont* Komery waa meant M. O. U., Noahoa.—Mcholaa Utirphr won tbe ftmt prize. SS,QUU and tbe O'Leaiy bclc. In the alx-day race at Madl* iHin-PviiuTV Garden. thUdty. Oct. 6 to 11. IK79. The pu«- money waanotdlrlded amone the contcstaoto, the coab- prtzva being $S,OUI. and Saux Bjaii:«OTuN CoNOAH. Fultoo.—L Under the drrum- Maneea the referee waa right in ao decldlntr. and In any aaaebladccUlon waa llaaL 2. In alUe-bold wrcittllnic no fkll cunnta tinleaa one of the cuntcatanta la thrown lairly Dpon but back. I. J. SaiTU, Columb!a.*W. E. Graham did not compete asaJorit J. B. Clark, wbo la an amatrur and doen not wiUk fur rnonc)'. at Modinon itfiuare aarden. thU city. Kept 29. rARRISU, Daniel—In former ycani a prominent mer- chunt ol ihia dty. He retired fTom bualnoita mauy yeara a-;o, and waa nuie<l fur hb liberality to public and private charllleii—here. April a. ajicd 84. PAKINOTON, John Someract^A member oftbe Britlali Parllamcoi. for over forty vcnni. In IK74 he wm* created LitTil Hamilton—Londou. Enu.. cable dUpaich dated April 10. aced 81. nEYNOLDfl, Oencral Jamea L.—A prominent dclzen of Lancaster, I'a. At the outbreak uf the late wMr he enter- ed the Union Arrny aa a prlToCe. He aerred aa Quartcr- ntMatv-aenenil of rcnoptyiranla. onder Governor Curtln. Uewoaa leadlni; member of the Penu«jlninla ConMltu- tkmal Convention of Itfn—PliUadelpbln, April 5. aced flO. f^PALDINO, G. IL—A wcll-kuown clrcua-manager iHeo elaewhere>—N'ew Orlaana. April G. a^cd C8. KAVRE. Dr. Cbaa. II. II.—A well-known yoimffpbyalclan of thlKdty-brre. April il.afRd SUOHBHIDGE, Samuel—One ol theoldcat and mort re- apected citlzenK uflaaiayutte. Ind. He had aerved a term In the State I.eel>lature In 1B7Z—I*afiiycae, April 7, aged BO. SAUNDERS Jamoa Mowtor—EnBlueer of the Gaall^ht Companvof Baltimore. Md., lor the paat thirty-one yearK. He waa for many yeara a director In the Maryland loatl- w . . v»,.<w.».,.«. "J J.VL'LJ'L^'^^** Horticultural Bocleij-Balti- lb7»: nur did Uuw Bertha ManhuU «T«r coutend In s race I ™^nV,^B.?.V* . ^- , ^^n. I wa^m'^N!^'^!.''* H —A well-known New Jersey Journallct. F. W. OOTOBVD a5D Toic MCALPixx. Graaa %'aney.—L Bach « blow AM jou dracrlbe ahould not be oooaldered a ibcd. 2. A relertw ahonld not jclve a tleeUlon autil app«al«0 to by one or tbe other uf the umnlrea appointed tu luok •Iter the Intereala of tbe prlndpau. Cafk.— 4:brUtlaQ Faber waa not a oonieatant In tbe aec- ond race fbr thn Aaileybelt la Madloun-aquare Garden, fiept. 2t to 27.1979, which waa won by BoweU, with Jf errltt oecond and Haxael third. a G. Brooklyn.—The f*««mb<wt J. B. Sehnyler laat week bejtao rannlmc between Baltimore and Rfchmond, ^■iii^g. h'urfolk In on the nmte. It la aoi mt all Ukely that abe will nm po Coney laland thIa Summer. J. J. II., Buauui.—If you mean tbe modem borae-car. It waa intradaoed In thla country atmut IMMO, In New Or* leana Paaaensera were drawn in cara by bonea twenty yean m- more before that. aRKK.TWOuo. BoAtun.—He had nothlnf lo do with the management of tbe 0*Leary-belt race laat week. He en- tered a man (br the oonteat and attended to him on the track. J. B. C. Baltimore.—1. Fee Clippxr Auustac for icc- orda. 2. Tbedepartmenta of the principal dtlea uaema- cblneaby tbeaamemaanfkctnrera, we oeUere, and aupe- vlutUy dependa npon alz« and power. Black Cat:*, Fort HreTeoauiL—1. Bnbacriptlon expliea vlth Nol 6. VoL 2L 2. The breadth of Bmadwmy. thla dty, oppoalte MrtivpnlHan Hotel, la ttvm cnrb tu cuit»4ait.: finballdlBit t^ buUdinA (Dlt 4ln. WATUBrRT.—A won the game. He conld not call the name on hla three tr1cka,ercn Ifcalllnir icamcUneoea- rary, Inaamnch aa puaaibly he cuold not know whether hla tramp waa hlirti or not. jAHKii Walton, Tomnto.— L Tbe Indy baa no anihentic record for aach a perfunnance. 2. Itlf-ctuitomary, butnot onmpulaory. tha£th« peric»rmer ahouJd atait at Uie com- mencement of each qoarter-hour. J. O. C, Tmy.—Jauiea EUloitwaa bora In Athlone. Ire- land. Sept. 11. UM4, atanda Ut. llln. In ncleht, and he uaed to flftht at 16Dlb. E. V. E.~Blower Brown did not, whlla In tfali coontrr. ■tart In any other alx-day twoo (Id honra) than that fbr the O'Leary belt. HuFTT.-Frank Hart made MO^ mllea when be won tbe noe for the Boae Belt at Madlavn-aquare Garden laat De- cemtm*. Ltoxh, Borton.—Tbe reletee Informa oa that Dufhr acted more utt tbe dnfenaiTe than hla opponent did. We were not present at the cunleet. PRKR WRir.iTT, Mublle.—It would be deddedly agaliiat the eode nilea tn piav nuch tenth man, but we have odr^ catedUaaanileol the game. T. W. H..Troy.—If ave la ooanted for the hlgbenl tramp He had been editor of aeveral weekly JuuraaU In llmt State, iDdoftli^ THc Ocean Cmmfy J>enu>craf, apon which ho waa eumvd at the time of hla death—Plemlnaion. N. J.iAprll .\ frrJOny> General laaae Hnnroe—Mini nfr-engineer of the Cheaapcake and Ohio Railroad, and conntltlnff-enpl* neer of other roada. Prior to tbe late war he waa connect- ed with rarloua railroada In the Routh, and he alterwarda Hcrred tn the Connrderate Army aa commb<KaiT-Benenil —Greenbrier, White Sulphur Sprloffa, W. Va., April 7. aged SZ. ^ TilATCUBR, Henry K.—Rear-admiral of tbe United SUtea Nan-on the retired lUt. Ue waa bora In Maine, asd crntered the navy Mareb 4,1823. During tlie Rcbellinn he did pKXI aerrlce while In command of tbe Weatera Gait Sonadrnn. He waa retired In 1W8—Boaton, Moaa., April S. ^wBILAOE, John G.—Sextuu of Zlon German Lutheran Church. Baltlmure, Md.. for the paat thirty-one yeara— Baltimore. April 9, afcrd 74. YOUNG, Captain John H.—^lhlppmfi-commlaaloner at the port of Philadelphia. He had fonuerty oummaoded aome ofthe largeat merchant ablpa aatling out of thai port —I'blladelpbla. April 5, affed 72. ZEU, David—One ol the oldest boalneaS'men of Albany, N. v.—there. April 61 aced orertmae hu opponent*a Jly tbto la not a much worae poaiiiou than tbat when TIgnanx ran 422 on Uie flnit nlpht, it the player who la behind can only be bruu«ht to look at It lo the proper ll^t. Then Vlgnanxwaa four to one ahead, and now be labntcwoto ono ahead, with the frame but three-tentha older. By the aameproceaa, whether It waa aUUnil play or itood fortune that aent Vlciuiux furward, Sloaaon can aa quickly brtdn the cap aa hla opixtnent made It. He baa now twice the margin that Vlfmaux luiatouet In lone nioa. Tlie Utter muNt Kiup, ar irftKt fur a tlm**. wh^n he niakea tn^ while SItBfion can keep on until be haa added 1,60L A fea* turaa 00 the "mil" wiU enable htm to uu It. It la v«- aeotlal only tbat be keep up liU courafra. Thua far be baa done no rall-playlne at all worthy ol him; and while "a atera chaae la a lone diaae." It la alao trae that "It bt ahtni; lane tliat haa no tura." Tbla la the longiria lane l>loaaon baa ever found hlmaell In, and after hla aurpriae at hla, queer predicament tn u%-er he Bliould make the Inmreat recunl" run of hla life. There U one hf nTy drawback. Witb referee* wbo have virtually been made partbuma ot, everr carum muat needa be ao aolldly made aa to tw audible aa wdl na yJalble. Tliere would be aumethlnp more than a glimmer of hope for SluaMn were both refereoa not realdenta of Paiio. lie re* turaa to America, hut they have tu atay there. UaTlng waited until 10.40 r. m . on April 12 fur a cable dla- fiatch ylvlsfr UHihereaultaol the third nlffbt^a play, we Infer rum lea non*aniT«I, Parla being Are hoora or au ahead of New Vork m time, that the enmod Ls twlagdlapoted Inch by loch throughout tlie third M) polnta, or else thatSloa- tuiD, With hla wide margin to operate upon, lanHUng In runa of aome Importance, and thua deiernng Vlgnaux^a arrival at the %4Ui-pf>lnt irnaL Yet It Uiiui etiuallr reaaona- ble theory that •« preaaof telegraphic bualneas Is keeping the tliapatch back. » l»> i STRAX SHOTS. Cable-dlapatcbea aa to the progrcaa ot the Parla game are received alichtly at Sloaaou'a ruum, Twenty-third atreet, near SLxtb avenue. Wednesday nignt, April 14, will aee the end Lon Morria Jr. arrived herefrom the Hut t^prinfaon thenlffhtof the lUth Herman P. Butlerliaa tJiu refuaal of a place In Hhepard'a room U. W. Collen- der liaareinored to Stamford. Cl, for the Buiumer Yank Adama la Id nonon. and thla week La to piTe a avrien ofexhlbftlona at Marshall'aroom.. Louis rihaw wna to havo Riven an exhibition In Sterling, IlL, on the9tb, lo Clinton, la., on the lOib, Omaha, Neb., on the 16ch and 17tb. and thence to Cheyenne and Denver. He la under cn- n«gement fbr two weeka In Leadrllle, Col., beginning April 7—On April 5 the following wi>re elected membera of ttie National Billiard-playera' Aaaodatlon: Jacob Aronaon. Jaa. Palmer. U. J. BerRman, P. J. Rogera, C. C. Bond, \Y. H. Barilett. and Sexton an^ Schaefcr E. Keefe of so Beach atreet. Bnaton, la doing an well that he haa Juirt put In a new pool-table. After tbla hbi place will be known aa *The Haunted Uouae.'* The pooUtable kevpcn of Philadelphia met on tbe 8tb IncL to take meaaurca towarda releaalng tbcm fhim tbe operation of the law requiring a tax of $30 on tlio flrat bllllard-tablo In every publle room, and 9IU on cr«t>' additional table, :It ia rcpurti'd that George Stone, noa* In lYovi* dence, R. T., La to be rtuperlnti-ndent of the St. Cloud room, Boston The exhibition receutly elven In aid uf the Philadelphia Billiard Apfiudation realized t57.47. Amand Dorlot la to plre exblblUona at Ittoer'a, Trcmont. April U, and at Kabbett'a Room. Jetacy City, 10 Theeatablubmentof a branch bouse la Rao Fran> cImco, auokcn of by ua some weeka ord aa ono of the pn^ Jectd ol the Brunawick & Balke Co., la now an accom- pllahed tact, according to a dlapatcfa to a Chicago paper. C. C. Ilond, announced aa intending to eatabuab lA l^arlaabnuch bouaeof tho U. W. Cullender Co.. aailed I torn PhUadelpltIa on tbe 7tb Inat The money la all np for the sdiBcf^r-Sexton match In a letter dated March 31, Sloaaon rrqueata The Cupteh to announce that It la not true that, as he seea an American Journal Itaa aiated. he la twln^repreaented In the detalla of the match by Murtlmer Humphaey. Slosaon had written on the Uih thai Mr. U. would not rcpreaent blm In any way, and at the done ol March he specially aeni a cabie*mett8age to that effect. In hlnlotterot March 81 Bloaaon anoounoei the arrival of AL flmltb, and tlut the latter and aev- eral other* thought ao well of hla (Sloaaon'a) play that they, bad made op a puree of lOU^OOO ftnnca, which they bad otfercd tlie Tlffnaux party for accent* ancc.ercn no, the French plaxer'a chief backera belaK ineml»eraortbe Jockey Club. Sloaaon aJao matea that for aevcml daya Vlgnaux rerUacd to proceed with tbe maklnir of the match unleaa hla opponent agreed to dlridc the iv- cclpta. Our Impreaaion ftom the tone of the letter Ih that tDoaaon would not ao agree. Ue apeaka with prudent and proper confidence of his ability to irin. atatCM that he would aoooer loae liU ri^ht arm than t>e deftoted, and adds tliat "Vlgnoiu la a proud man. who wuuld not l>e beaten for all the world." * • > \ Taawa le a Lrrraa in onrcare fbr Hany Cole. THE APPLETOS CRICKET CLUB.—Tlils ia the name of a new cricket club recently orpanlri-d In Brooklyn, » and which ^11 take thr Held In May. playing on the cricket cround In Troapect Pork on the daya when not enp»g«i by the .Mnnlinttan Club. Tbe membera and oftlceraof the new dub aie: A. Eckrtln. J. noldmq. P. Flaher, O. Hawp, J. Ki ller. 1^ Martin. J. O'ReUly, H. PulUn, W. Shepherd, E. Webber, w. WllUame. A. Wlac.^VT WotdBuofth and F. Henschel. Committee—O. ChnrchllL W. Hyde. J. Mc- Fadyen. C. II. Vr«In^ and R. ^ oolnumeh;- «»P™i-5- Swanson; »ub-capuln. J. U:8alll; ireaaurcr, ll. Btnke- man; aecri«ao'. G* WiUlamo. Tbe Puiladelphu cum irUlhoId ameettoe' at t| >elr baaduuiirten*, '."D Walnut atreet, on April 1^ to thobchedulfufthemalcheatd take i>laoe thla, ' ATHtETie. GO88 Aim R.TAS. TTie mntth for Mie beayy-wcljiiit chaiDplon>hIp between Paddy Rran and Jm Ooaa R«a on aa tb« "caTu what loreaiDlll"dealntpu«lt., Th« pttaelpaU hsr, Mttled dovD to ba«4.TOTk at ihclr tralnliurHinarura Ooaaat Port IfaiDUtoDand Ryan at Par Hockaway, L. L—and an gradually nlUng rid of owlctt weljcbt. The flnaldepoalt oftsuaalde unit be Maked at Billy Tiaer'a, S WMl Tventy-nlnib atnet, on Honday erenlDc AprU U, between 7 and 9 r. x., wben tbe flnal itakebolder baa to be chneen. and tbe men or their lepreeentatlyc* are lo teae for choice of mUIlnn sronnd. On Tueaday, April fluOo ~ ' • blK booK St Ma benettt [p Hmle UaU, BeMon/Ila flrHt^lM entefialnment waa Kl^en, In wblcb, Ut ad !aday, AprU (Udoaa I Hall, BoMon^aac A — - - , - „ - In whIcb.Uiaddltlon V^5^11^*^hJ^"^ i^S!^ BlUy and Warrykdww*!, ATtbnrChaiDben.PTaiilcWblt«and othera from thla and rbUadelptaIn participated, Oou met Siullrui. s young hea.7-wel|dit of tbe Hnb. In tbe wind-op. aadflrom allaooounta the luier prrfunncd In n mora uUalhetary mana'er than bU antanonlat. ' J?{;S;''*,"L,'"^}"2Iir"!.^«''* between therc men. BliOSSON -ra. TIONAUX. The Sarprlae ot tbe Teata*—VlsuAiax Afaesd 175 on AprU 10 and BOl on AprU 11. Whlcuever way tbe match enda that la now plavlng at CremomeHall, Parla, the American la a victim. It la not known to na bow the.mntch orijrlnated. It waa a anrpriae to almoat everybody «ben It waa annooneed. It U known to na, however, that Fluoann went abroad on lOBaffl- dent mformatlon. "EntertainInj; the hifcfaeet poaalble opinion of Vlgnaox aa a general player, induaive ot hla helng tbe beet norwr away Uom the "rail*' tbat thla country ever aaw, he yet twUeved blm com- paratively Inexpert aa a rail-player, and not capable of mnoiiur more than three or four hundred even in prac- tice. In thia iM-llef almoat ever>-body elao on thla aide of ttie Atlantic ohared. No one can comprehend the'*true Inwardneaa** of rail-play who doca not have Itahownto Mm In detail, and a man of Ylicnaux'a yewra would never pick It ap almplv by aeeing It played. Fancy- ing that he already knew all there la In bllllarda, be would conclude that It hi merely delicacy and aieodl- nras of touch ttut keepa the baits in poMtion. Vlittially, aa we have many tlmea before remarked, the **rali'' bi a trick. Aa a dUipatch tnm Porta ou the 6th Inat. demonatratcd, when liapnke of runa of fTnm eight tn eleven bnndred bavlu been made In practice by tbe French ex- iiert, Vlgiunx rw« maatered the trick. Juat two weeka bc^ lore, we bad been lufunned that a player ftom Ameri» Ikad lu the 8prin(z of 1079 gone Into Vlimaux'a room and taught it blm: but we did not believe it, becatue. It bdng the chief stock Id trade of American play- - OLD RuoKR, Jeraey City—Too wUl And Che popnlatlon | fl^ HI^mS *Th!^*S?r*.SStKS i^Ji «r FnnMa Antfi^M. AUtvi- mtin»riaaa In fruSTT^aauHB I Icau ID Rtvinic It away. Toere waa anottier reaioo jii?5?fo?l»r eountrt*. in the curnR ^ „^ beUerin* ll, and tliat waa that at tbe time ot helnir llotToVi— tS; nmc brine «nM>n b.u nnni wi,, .^.M I Inronned ol It wo had a letter Horn Parla, In which tbe p "h aSSil^oW«5£l^i^^^ at foity-flrea, be who playa the flve-Angeia at any time I thathe naa bat ten toeo can claim out. J. a Bartvn. tian Frandaco.—It tbe time waa offlctaUy taken and announced aa plven m the paper forwanlrd. ft cutiKtUutca a rvcntd; bat we do not believe It waa ao takeiL Old RaADKR. Wllmlniston.-L Plve-ponnd noteaan> the lowest deoorolnation Uaued bp the Bank of England. 2. Oood Friday u not a national holiday bete. A. AND C, Prvncott.-Repeat yunr onentlon. If yoa are rare It haa not been answered. Duplicate It aa nearly aa poMlble. latter into the pocket. JoicED. Hoc sprinjEo.—At whlflkej-poker aoyplayfrcan knock wbo haa not Jnat drawn. B coohl doae the gameat eoce. BwtMSB OiBxaa. Brookln.—Unleoa It U apcdally agreed to rlay atialaht-duahen, tho beat hand tbat can tw held at poker Is one containing four acea. R. Y., Norway.—We do not know of any. Ko one eoidd ■wta It, were any piixe offered for the true aolntlon of tbe Gem Pnxzle. GErfKTA Lmb.— The apllt la the half of the dlfm<eacehe tween five doUara and twenty-flre. A la tu pay B ten doV lata. IXDiCATOK.—L or the two men named, 0*Laary la Che better beel-aod-toe walker. X. Bceanawets In dramatic oolnmn. Wa. Mcaa. Rock laland.—1. Blower Brovn*a beat record for tour-daya* go-ao-yuu pleaoe ndoK (96 faomvj la «»mUeal0yanla: rTeo. Dox St. Loula.—A player who holda Jacka or better la not obliged te open a faek'Poi In moat cuterlea, althongh in some he la. He oont not to be In any. HtTntKATOUiL —Ue who makca the cramp and haa Che lead can lead whatever ha pleaoea XcX.. WalllnKfitid.—Gee thk Cuma Aucahac for U80 for fkatait tlmea. Auiwomc Bacoan, Tunmto.—See x«p^ to Jamea Wal- ton. Boz. BnMklya.—Tee; Uwaa pabllobed, tmt the papera are out ofprinL R. E. T., PbUaddpUa.—We bare none ao Ur back aa that. , P. H. B., Altoona.—Addreaa fimlth. 9 XenlU Coort, I^iwcU, SloMi. R C—It wwa pablUbed In THB Curm dated July 14, 1817. A RKAMS, Baltimore.—We do doc kaoar wbo makea beefakeweca. Excnstoa. Rochester.—The newcomer ahould have been InJbraied tlattbe party were playlD ~ ' »^-_5t jL* *»nnot TnfuraT you aa to the fcelshC <tf the teUMt man In tlw tiennan Army. ^-/-.P- if J?*^^** <3fy—W»»d la on the left- hand aUe ofthe Hndaoa Blver. gtilng un. W. It. P., Brcckenrldge.—Throe fbura and two Area beat three deocea and two auea at any khid ol poker. R. W. HAS, HnK8dale.*Apply to the Pope Manuloctnr. ing Company, 87itajmmer-atreef, Boctun, Maaa. CiiAii. LcB.—Ton can uet the dating otamp ot Scott k Co. 91 Broadway. New York. ' , Cbaklkt, CentrevlUfi.—We moat dedlske to adtle beta than 30D on bla lUtle 43txS taole, In tbe cuurae n( which he kept on playmc aeveral tlmea when It waa palpable ton practiced eye that be had not counted, and no fewer than alx tlmea he played on "fnnen** twlla. The cable-dJapatdt of laat week ahowed that. If Vlpnaux did thbt. faedid li fura pntpoaei, aa bo had nu need to du It In order to mn aa high aa 3ua It la now pretty erldeot tbat he haa twen praetldnc the "rail" ever iloce hla ejee were first opened to It; and with a French profearionai, and with Vlgnaux more eepedally, practldnvmeana playing 730 dayaln the year—beforw dlimer and alter dinner In a lone game, with SfiS abort muuea aa a nightcap every month In the year and every dar la tbe week, Bunday being aa Iraoy a day aa uy of the othera. It la by atlU making daya* work uf It that Tlgnaux la the atmng player that bo la at an ace ftr In advance of lliat at which American pro- fcealonala lapae into obocorlty, t>clog sncceeded by younger men. filuaann way win thla match, trat he can- not enter into Uie playing of It with that confidence he wonld bare poaac>aed hod he ne\'er heard ot thoae lonj; runa at Tignaax'a handa. Had he beard of tbem twfore he waa to otart ITum b«ffe. he ml^t not Itave ataned. The thne Ihr him and SchaeCer Co have goon In queatof Vlfm- aux WEI laat year. Had they been In the plaoaiof Oaraler and Daly, Tlgnana wonld moat likdv hav« been delbated in tbe Utile toomomenta held In Paria a twelvemonth aao. I aa Schaefkr'a and Sloaaon'a rail-play, ao vastly aapaiorto Daly'a orUamler'a, wonld have stripped tbe Ftencn expert I of confidence. Since tbe foregolncr waa written the cable haa fbrwoMed tbe aalienc polaw uf the flnt nigbt'a plar. and the balk of the rall-worV appeon to bare been dune by Vlgnaux, runa of 60. 432. ItO, 73 and 31 being made by blm In that way, tbe 31 brfngtng blm to the doae 175 nolnta ahead, with toe _ on the nil aa n beginning for tho aecnnd nkcbt'a aeoalon of 600 polnta. Tbeoe mna aggrecate 771 polnta, thoa learing him but 9 for hla remaining ten Innlnga. Each player had fltteen bmlnga, wbtch makea tbe averaaea for tlie nhlht a 1-3 for Vlgnanx, and 412-3 tor Soaaoo. The latter certainly did blm- adf credit, conalderlne tbat be la among a atiange peo- ple. Both of bla cblcf runa. 2Zrio tbe ttltn and 392 In the nfaitb inning; were made alter Vlpiaux had goa hla Iouk lead bv nmning 411 In the fourth inntn& endedoyatbuL " ' - * ' ^ Jhla mn waa fnowon alao claimed fnul on VlgoauK In bla mn of 60. bot It waa not aDowod. Tbe ooly tber refer to our private bculnefta. J. B. w.. Wddlelown.—We know nothing aboot CUeaio poolaellen. F. AXD N.» ararlbaro.~Tom Sayeia* nrai was not broken In Us flsbt with Hnnan. Vm\SK Martix— XTebAr. no reooctd of a mu of that Bime oMisc IB« tliS-llitk Jam uanaiun, Biuukl/ii.—Viiteto ne^ortlnaflft* Reet amat. Ixmdon. Ens. J. H., Bioaklyn.—Tbe SUten Idind Qouutue riot wcuii ed In Oepttmber, lfiff7. P. U. T., Waablngton.—It waa on Dec 3», UU, that Koa jQth axTlred In jonr dty. E- U. B.» CIOTelaJBd^Tbe London PidkA waa fonnded lnU4L y. O. flL. Beading—Hla name doea not appear aaioog tbe eaid-uealeiB In tbe bujilneaa dlrectocy. "Bene" ■ppcat* tu have been encunntered b.y.Sluaion, wbo connted off spotted balls at his SUCtb ahot, but made but one mure, lie neemn to bare never got the lead, as between bla 227 and 292 (tbe xmll oomlnc to blm In tho latter at 37) Vlj^nx put in 1» In the seventh Innlnc har- liVept tbe'*rmir*attt. Tbecontcfltdulnotbc(rinnntll8.4a. TlMrCoUtfoder table Mntitvrr In the saineetvaniw that bore Sloaaon was need. Bhwaon also took out with him a set of CoUender cusbloos for Vlgxiaux to praolcv wHb. The playera were to bare tosied as to wbeiber tbla set or that on tbe tabliMihould be u.ed In the inatoh, tbla bolnie artlpu- iHtlon msile by ViRiuax. Tbe onelDil proKramme nti been retumed to, and tbns tbe entire 4,000 polnta will be played In ttr»nlenta. Lnjd«ad olln foorof l,OU)polntaapl«c«, at was Intended a few weeks aaa Tbavantvutefetees— Uiden riot, named by Tipuux, and an American ama- teur wbo fbr tbe past docen yean baa reiilded In Farla. Nu one here knowa how It la designed to cany onl tbU nnim.1 fentore, mto tbat It wna iimpoMd tUat that player who ahonld be firet to reach 600 anould name the rvf- mt for iheUitteU). Accordlnily. Plot will be tlie referee „,„„„^ , at tbe doae, and he was tbo referee at tbe beslnmnif. Tlilii H. Ducos, Pblla.—Wa have not beaid tJaat a, terlsed !» a peculiar Mranwrnent bubaed upon by \'lRnaux, lltlonbaabeen Uxned. I I' undmtood. Aa In the nature of tlilnEa SlOMWC edition baa been liQoied- Ajxx, Cobom^—We haw no right to answer the qaea- tion wlihMt Mc Stephens^ petnUnoo. W. SVITU.—J. B. Clark baa walked twenty-ATC mile* in dli.Sm.3Sa. _ WamusuTOX—Tbe wording of tlie bet makes R. B wlaner. J. O'S., Fblladelpbla.—Domlnlck Bradley and 6am Ban- Un foogtal on Aojc I. US7. w. N. B.—Hbi ImprlMoraent while a minor ataooM not ■Ad his cWseBAlh we duold say. Old KTk, Halem.—Any player m a game In wblcb eat- ting Is permlaalble oanTnslst upon the carda being cut. M-mwl eneio.—B euold not um a cacd oa CbeDvanlf tba potpoae of building on A'a pile. Tawmn—See rraort or O^Lemiy belt race in this lame. Jann Uau. Krle.—See tables m Cupru Alkanao. Bckxabho. —lie unst deal to all tbe playera allkn. v. K. B.. LouUrOle.—See Tait Cuvna AuusAC H. H., Scbeneciady.—See Tna Cuppan auia:*a£. J. FORD.—L Out of print. Z Aboot alxty cents. T. J. 8., Colambla.—Ue Is the ttma buIiTblnaL F. T.T Le Seur.—We have not. J>IX1K.—It has bt«n sent fur. IP AMT West Foint cadet wen gnuty of sUttUig tne ean or Wblttaker, Ibmlllatlty with tliat son of work woold tbrow Bosplclon on one of the men- lieiB fto m Ohio. IF HouifON IMD AJfBBX dont weu anr moie ^.1«tK«« than most opeiMlngeis do, It seems to us that • dieaslng-ioom ml^ be dl9«ued wltb alto- Of tk> icAXT-who ten bj the wsyalda attheie>- ^ent go-M-jon-pIease mt Msdlson-eqaMo flrrUP. f nature of tlilnca SloMon sbould be at a dlMdrantage at the Mart, and therefore the nnllke- llerto reach HDD Srat, It la lo b. Infmrd tbat ho wonld not lure dren In his adbealon tn this nait of the pmsrHmme eonldbebaTegotamalchwIthoutdulngpo. JacuneaGlb^ln «asufflplrefurVignaux.6lossunbaiItoUiihlsown umpiring. Vbe attendance waa euellrnt, but not auffident to IIU thetanU. Among the specutor* was tlie Prince of Wur- umbnre. Al. Smith li betting on Blomon. and that alone oufdit to sndlce to clip tbe Winn of tbe American eagle. ' dlHOatdl to Tlie J/erald saya that Hmllb Uld>Sanc)L eren up, aa the game betain, and tbat at the end ol tbe third Innltw be bet 10,000 (Tanca with U. JaaouidtL It was I then tbat HloMHm nibuicd all.r nuklnir 24, and VIenatlX ran bis m In tbla dty tbe betting. mCu aap<mUwem concerned, waa two to ono on 81uKron twlbre the game be- gan, but then were no inresimenu worth ipcAkluB oC VIGNAUX DOEU AU, TBE PI^YIKO OH THE SEC. OND NIGHT. Tba amatenr, Hr. Thomas, waa ibe referee on Sun- day idgbt. April II. Tbe game did not begin until twelve mlnnta of nine. HotwUbstaiiding tbat Tlgnaux bad tbe -imU" to start with, tbe baUa baTing been placed In tbe poaltlon tber ocenpled at the close of the flm I nigbt'splay, be waa ao imlncky aa to make bot 11^ "freei- Ing" aiiid talllnB to malu .tba apot-a^ke. wblcb Slwaoa , had made twice, nerer mining It, tbe night befot*. Tbe AmeitaB did notblng to speak et, and In tbe aixtb Uknlng Vbcnanx, wbo meanwhile bad also been coaiparatlTUy Idle, ran M on tbe raU. A dpber ftmn Sloaaoo then finUowed, and Vlgnanx anln railed the balls. At ZU Sloeoon claimed "Ko count.'* \lgnaiuc Insisted tbat be had eounted. but the referee'a dc^Hlon was that tbetebidbeennoeaiom. It waa tceelTtd by Vigiuuz'a adbetenuwltb tbe strongest marks of dlaapprabauon. It may be explained bare tbat In France, where praftaalonala ean rarely nelndooed to oosscneo, eaishbeingaojealoiuor nrol , , tlaned. If he saya ha eonnled. 11 la taken nr granted tbat be tbooftat be did* and that aatuea It. iq. Btanees of 't*** oecnmd In tbe ScKton-Tlgnanx ni r trb Vie latt0 tboogbt It the proper thing, aa be eonld mt itewoik (M "nlli" to pitmt Bvtm't ntOUlBc THE RIN6. Ingappealmlb^ weareto^i declared a blow which waa caugfaton Kodda*aarm and glaaeed off onto hiaihlsfa a fiMif. and awarded tbe money to htm. HeAloiaedtalma that he waa im&lrly dealt with, aa be badthe3»tur of the dghtlng and had no rvaaon to commit a fouLwIdehhe aaya he did not da He baa depoalted aUD In the h««Ml > of Rpencer Hobby of Oraaa Valley, with a cballenoe to Bodda to llfftatagain with almUargloTei, in accordance vUhtfae (joeenabeiTy mlea, for a like anm. RooKK AVD DoHOTAX—Tbe champlofuhip match be> tween thoae middle-weight bozera George Booke and Hiko DonoTatu tor $lf(DO a aide, proneaKa catlalactorlly. Both men are la doae training, and ft«m tbe manner m which Uiey take their dally allowance of cKerclae. and bear the rlRiira of prepayaMon, it la erident that CTch baa hla heart In the work. The next depoalt offtaCD a aide muat be pouted April 21, on which date the pnndpala or their reprcaenta- Urea win meet between 2 and-3 o'clock P.JI, to Km for choice of flgfatlng-gnand. and aelect a dnal atakeholder. Prop. A. ACTSn.^ of Loiidon, ZtUL, where be la looked npon aa oneofthe moat acoompitooed exponenm ofthe art flatle, haa l*een a realdent of New York tor aereral mnntha, and propoaea to hold a boxlnc matinee at Barrr 11 lU'a on Thonday, April 10. oommendng at thre« o'clock. The entottaloraent promlaen to be drat-claaa, and we hone to nee our vUlior well treated by butb the public and brother profeaaionala. FKkVK WutTe and Bennle Grern are at laat likely to Oume tueether In that long-talked of vlove-contcat. Oa •niurada>-, April 8, they met In Providence, H. I., and algnedan aitrevmcnttii contend lor a purve of two hun- dred and llfly dolluni In FfXfvldence aome time In June. LlBDiaRoflB* BA^RR called on April 9, but there waa no rcpreaenutlre of Nettle Burt to meet blm. Iletlien withdrew hla depoalt. Mlaa Roea tblnka SflfB hurt la afraid to meet her m a glore-cunteat, for fun or money, at any time and place. BiiXT AND Wabry Edwards and Frank White In ibia way make their ackni>wlrdt;uiuntM to I'aUy Sheppard and J. A. Boutelle fur cuurteelea extended them while in Boa- ton recently. A BTARRING aud Btbletlc entertainment In annoimced to take Place on Raturday erenlog, April 17, at PnL Neu- nucr'aOymnaalnm, Grceopolni, L. I* Da5 DoconEHTT tokca a beneflt at Jersey City. S. J., oa Hatnrdav creninTi April 17. Ho wlU wlnQ.up with Uafi' ~i*roua Jack, dubbed the "colonsdchamplon.** Wm hatb LRTTBR3 fuT JoeOoaaaod ProC W. C. McClclIan. THE WROVG PICTCRSi Tn the hurry uf celling our ouulde pagea ready for tbe pr«<s on SaturdAv, AvrU 10, the printer bj uilarake In aerted the vroog pvrtni. over the r«ooi4 of \\m. H, l^irdy. th^ cliauploo amaieur walker, ««*,paee 6. rurdy'a picture will appear In uur next b»*sc* CHAMPIONSHIP OF AMERICA. FtanJa H»rt Wlna ttie 0*I«esK7 Belt The Greatest Score on Record. America again takea the lead in Inng-dlatance pedea- trlanlam. the lecent achleT'em^nt of "Blower** Brawn tn potting xosether a acore of U3 nillea liU rarda m llOh. ahn.p In £ondon, Enir., bavlnit been badly beaien by the^oung mulatto Frank Ilan, who pared the way for auen a performance when he covered MCH mllea In alx daya, laat December. In Introducing the acoount which appears on an oatalde page ofthe Ontt fl\-e daya^ racing for the O'Leatybtit, wo mentioned thosreai probabUlty of the record beioff beaten, but we acarcely anticipated tliat tbe winner wtHiid aire it auch a rutting down aa he did by cor- ering a total dlatance of over 3fifr mllea in lUh. 24m. SUm.. hanug equaled tJieCngllahman'a great durtance record in abuut an nnur and three-quarten Icsa time than the latter oceupltfd In aecouplUhlDfr a taak wblch aome attected to believe would never be excelled. Thla rvnJt baa conclu- al^trly pr\iven that the winner la in tba very foremost rank of loiig-dlnance pedeHtriaua, whUo hla achievemeuta place 1dm at the very tup of the tree. He appeared aatonUiiiug- ly freab—Ihr more no than any other man on the trp,ck. not excepliofr IlorT>' Unward—during the cIoi«lnR houia f>r the race, and the atyle lu which he did hia work waa more auj;- Etlve of tbe beslnnlng than the windlnc-up of a alx daya' mey,and wpedally a week of auch terribly aevere work aa ind othera were called upon to peribmi un thla incuaiun. Atone time during the content he waa rather "queer," from wantof aleep malnlv, but theaklUand knowledge of hla trainer, *'liappy Jack"Rmlth. proved auAcient topull him through thiacrutia In tbe Journey, and. thUi dune, Hart'a speed and atumlna ware more than equal to tlie toak ot com- ing ont winner. The competition Juat cluaed «'aa memnr- abie not only on account of tbe nnpreccdentedly larve More made bv the winner, but becauaeut the Ikct that of thoae who foUowed him one heat by three and three- quarter mllea the beat prevloua performance In thU coun- try, and one that had been but twic* excelled In England, while the three following each coverrd a greater number of mllea than had competitora wbo flnlBhod in the aame rela- tlre poaltlona In any former tuumamenu-and two othera roUeil up more than dve bundrvd mllea.: Thla made aeven men wbo rtaehcd tbe ttve-bandied-mQe mark—one leaa than arrived ai that now fiunlllar jailnt on tbe oecaalon of the lUwe belt race Itat Winter at the suae place, but In the O'Leary race the aggregate of mUca In excen of Are hun- dred, addluR toftmier the overplua of all the oompet^ itora, waa agalDst mk in the Roae eootcat-a dltference of IQS mllea. Like lia predeceaaor at tlie aame place, thla race was alao noticeable fur the cluee- neaa with -which it waa waged, and tlie cooneqoent aeverity of ^e test to which the eodurlug power aa well aa the^luek of tho paitlolpaniH waa Hubjrctcd. The pace which waa put on bytheiradcra durlo^r the flrat half of the week found out, more or leaa quickly, the weak placea m the anatomy of the elchieen men who ataned ao conddently oai-Monaay morning, April &, and thu result waa the driving from the track of aeveral fur oue or an- other reaaon, but rrwluly frvm the effecta of the uuuaually hard and bat work ilivy wera called upon to perform. The une thing which waa more regretted toaa any other In cnnn^tlon wllh tbla attalr waa the partial dlaabllne of Don 0*Lear7*a man, John Dobtvr, by a aevere cold which a«*ttled lu the lell knee and lon er part ol hla leg, at a time when he held a aplendid p^ialtlon, and waa bwanynnnd udgtM belleveil to have a^uod cbauce to win tbe balk ofthe aurela and mouey. If liv had continued aound in wlud and limb throushoul the weelc, he would have made the nee doae and exciting until thedoalng hour, and, whother be couldbave wun or not, public intereat would have been intenaided, and the croadi; ili>cklng to the Gulden would have been conalderablrlarcereven than they were. Ac- eompUahed aa It waa while flgniiog lierulcally agaluat con- tluual iiaJn aevere enuugb to have mduced mony men almllarly aituated to abandnn the liupeleM taak, Dob- ler^s perfonnance (Ul niUee) atampa blm aa a man of ability aa a pedestrian flu- abore the ordinary-; and nndcr audi clrcumaiancoa be abonid have no lack or backera in the future, lie had llrat-claaa attend- ance, being hKikcd alter by Dan O'Leary, George Gujnn. Jim timttb and W. E- llardlni;. When It waa conccdtrd that bla chance fbr gnlding «lilier flrat or aecoud plau» waa gone, Pcgram, wbo by nmnyiftl been looked upon u tbe >robabIe winner, waa »:cneiallyilBarded aa a man and a irotlier who waa capHblo of making Hart travel vny laat to win; bat Pesram waa adected by. the aoTvrlty 91 the uce at which he bad been carrlea along during the flr»t hreo daya, and he failed to do what wna expected of him In the last forty-elglit liuura. filling about atxteenmilea iMshfnd Ills prevluun record fur Friday, aud neatly eleven behind that for Boturdity. He worked In arhedule time at first,- hut tailed to keep up to the flgnrea agreed upon aaab<»ut the proper thing—a lact wblch caoaed his hacker. Tom Da^a (wlio woa altio concerned In the boal- neaa arrangement, together with Joaepb Doyle, wbo en- tered Nick jfurpiiyikevudlaappnintment and not a little chagrin, aa be had. profeaaed confidence In tho ablllly of hla men. Peffram'and llnvard. taking flrat and aeeond placTB, inatead ol second and third, wblcb tbey did sccnre. japt T. E. Halledc of lk>nton woji al^o hchmd Pegram, who was attended by Magee and otliem, while Jack Gould- Ing bad charge of If oward. whu covered &34^ mllea, and thereby aatonUlied all iMrhulUers; for, although conceded to be poaaeaaed of excellent staying power, he waa nwt tboogbt to tw apvedy cnuuffb to get well to the fore In auch eompun\*. Allen manaited to net Ofth place, with 529^ mUoa, and by trareUng the greatest dlatance during the laat twenty-two hours, 88 milca, won the handiome caay-chalr offered aa a prhte by a furniture manufkcturlng flrm. He waa trained fiu: the race and attended daring tbe oonteat by John Fraacr, the running and walklng-ahoe manufhcturer. Long-ctrldlng Fred Erohne waa In dilflealtlea with bla intemMl depart- ment dnrlng tbe early part of the race, which Interfered with tbe plana he had laid ont: atUL by Industry and per- aeveranoe he maiiaged, almost enUreijr by walking, tu reach a total ot Aid mllea, which waa nineteen mllea and a lap lets than hla aeore in the ctmtest for the Boae beU. The anrceaa of the toumauent floaaclally waa proportionate to Ita snoceaa fkom a rauftaalOnal atandpolnt, thooaanda of peraoiu paying admlaslonniiditly: while the greater throng waa preaent on tba first night (when cmudderable ^*paper" came In), the gtptcr numbcrof tlcketa were auld JO Friday, and thanexlAbaat 00 the doalng night, when complimentary tlcketa, ^■pptaoch aa were Issued to luo.n- bcra ofthe prvm and toiajh-a^ were not received. Then* w* rj more ladlea in attendance ca^ day than were preaent at the midorlly of almllar entcMalnmenta held here, while the general character of tbe #swmblagea waa unnaually good —ao much better. In COrc, than tboae gathered at many iiivTloua competltlona aa to frequently exdte remark. ' rbe arranffementa for aooriiur, etc:, were almply aa near perfect aa experience and InteUlgeutaystematizlnjc could make them, while the men employed on the ahccta and dials performed «h*lr Labata eunaolentloualy, and with I rreatcr abUitz4faB waa otaierrable upon lonncr oceaalona. ' heabeetavoecareAilly examined by men of large expe- rience In sneh matters, and ererr precaution waa taken to ■nanl ag*'rT*r^and aa capatrfe men were In cliaige. and tne track was a measured eighth-of-a^mile around, the recordairfven ate not likely to admit of qoca- tioiL The introduciton of the ayatem of telephoning tbe milMaaraadeto tbe man at tbe mammoth bUckboaxd. upon which the namce of all the oontestania appearod In huve white lettera, with the mllea tmrelcd aet op- poaUe. being put ap aa aoon aa made, waa a com- plete anccc0, glvlnc entire aatlafltctlon to the people, who could thereby aee. at any atace of the eonteat, ——m THE TUBF. RACIltfG AT BTKW ORUBAHSc Tuesday, April ft, waa the fourth dav of the Spring me«t- Inc ofthtr Loulalaoa Juckey Club. Tne weather woa plea^ sut and the track In pretty good shape. Fur theflrvt race, two mllea, over hurdlea, (ura purwe of SaOQ^ $80 to the aec- oud. G. B. Morris* Frank Short took tlie lead 00 tbe flrat turn, and, aa he woa nercr aquMirlv reached, be won eaally in iMt with Jim Fay second and Blackbum^a Haggle May ■ —ee waaa daah of a mile and a quarter, illinu allowanoea. tUO to tbe wluner . w. Lakeland*B Little Reb won by i;f Bumea A Wcat'e Le RoL was ae& third. The second race waa a daah of a mile and a quaner. fur all acea, with aellinu allowanoea. tUO to tbe wluner andtaototheaeoond. ' " ~ half a icnftth In 2:13;. _ „ _ ondL and Mike Walah'a'Shortllne third, the third noe the Uuward Stakes, lor all ages, at $50 each, phty ornay. with ean added by the dob and %*J0 by C. T. UowBrtlTof which combined amount the aeeond received Slfli). Cm- trill A Lakeland'a Bucktie waa the la\-orlte, and an mi winner. He took the Ontt heat in 3:41, with Caldwell 1 Crec'a Mary Walton aeoond, and the aeeond heatln3:A7, witb Brien 4 Cu.M Keene Richards aeeond. Tbe events arraoKed for decUlon at New Orleans. La., April & were, owlnK to Indemcnt weather, penponea till the 10th, when the track waa heavy, but the weather pica- aant and tbe attendance large, among thoae on ttaeacand t>elng General Grant. The first e\^At waa an extra race of lialr a mile for two-year-olda, lor a pnraa of glSSi, nf wblch tS to tlie second. Tbe race waa a good one, altbouab marred by a allsht aoddent to Bonny, who Ml In the turn Juat before entering the atretch. The reaolt, howevtf, was never In doubt, for Barkly A Huaglna* Hlaa Blanch won by ten lengths in ftia., with Jaa. 8urget*a La Perl cbote aeeond and Barldy A Ilnxglna^ Beaale Davla third. Tbe aeoond event waa a daah of a mile and _ ftirlonv. fbr a piuae of S200, of which $90 the second* feor-ycar-olda and npwnrda to carry 110 pounda. three-jear-olda to carry their proper weight, with tbe usoal allowAnom fur a«x. Barkly A Co.'a L'Argea' tine took Ihe Lead at tlie start and waa never headed, winning eaaily in 2:123>, with Brlde*a Gabriel aeeond am tValsb^a Mnllle ITart tfilrd. The next rmce waa a daah < three-quarters of a mile for all asea. at wrleht lor age, tor a pnnie ot $2)0, ol which the second received ttO. At the atart Hauls H. took the lead, and, keeping It. won by half a length in l:U*i. with Barhl>-± Buudns* Jack Haidy second and Br1de*a Gabriel third. The last race ol tbo day waa a dash of a mllu and three •quart era for all agea, tax) to the winner and 190 to the aeeond. Morria* Long Taw waa an eaay winner by half-a^osen lengtha In a:l(j, with Barkly A Uucgliu* Ella Kowett (aged) aMond and Lakeland'a Typhoon (aged) third. I^dand*a Jim Fay (aged) waa beaten olL CBICBCET. THE GRieStETRRS* ASSOCIATIOIV, The third annual meeting oftbe rrlcketem* Aaaodatlon ofthe United States was held at 9B Walnnt street, Phila- delphia. Pa., on AprU 9. when the delevBtm preaent were D. S. Newball, Youtijg America Club: Llndley Halnw. Merlon: C. H. Tamau, Belmont: II. w. Brown. Giitman- toBTi; A. A. Ootcrbrldge:, Philadelphia; N. P. TomUii.aod W. Vernon, Glrard; J.>. Ortwn. Pealnaolar of Detroit; J. A. Page, OxiOrd. The executive committee were Ib^ atmcted to arrange a match between the membera of the dnba forming the aaaodatlon for Its beneflt. Tbla game will moat likely be Philadelphia va. United tttatea, and will he played aoon aAer the opening of the aeaaoiL The re- port of the executive committee waa read and apptored, and the foUowlnfr <»dieeni were elected for the enauinfr year: President A. A. Ooterbrldge. Philadelphia; first Tloe-praldent, J. T. Sonter, Bx. Geurne ofh'ew York; sec- ond vice-president, J. Barry Lee* Baltimore; secretary and treajnirer, John P. Green, Belmont; c o r re apiiu dlng aeoctary, H. W. Brown, Oermanlown Club; execatlve fommliTco P a NewhalL Tooxur America; J. Bldgway Moore, Staten Island; ualnes. Merlon. Caican Kom.—George Wright in a recent letter to na saya: **I hare been oT«r to Harvard twice aweekfbrtha put month practicing cricket with tho atDdenci, and have Sotnp qalte an Interest amongthem—«>moch ao that they ave Corned a dnbof 7S membera They have Jnat a^ Iccted a grouud^and enntracted to have It laid out in the proper shape. Whilelmwiinf tothemi waaanrpriaedwlth the good form they ahowed at the baL** The tan Clnb will open the aeaaon on sainnlay, April 27« at Pfo s pect Fs^ with a praeclee^iamei, sides being ehaaa** at sr. 11 Thnw laapraapecttlitaaBaaonor seeing ft series of games played hecween eleren of Harvard and Oolnmbla CoUeBes.aDd betweu Colombia ud PttnBsrl- TUUUDlTenttri the lelaUve poaltiuns of the meiL general man- agement waa alao excellenc, proper oirangcmeota hav Injr been made to Candle a dIk crawd, and there Waa a noticeable abaence of anyth I n^ ^p|>roaeb ing rowdyion. while auch effective meararea had Dei>n aduptrd for the ;>rotection of the tlnandal Intereata of tbe men on the rack that there were, we think, Awer 'ieaksges" than in any other of the many almllar events, and conaeqnently the pedestrians were nut the sotfoers In cash that It la well known tbey uaually arc when auch aafrguarda _ peiiaed wlihu The arrangement by wblch the tenta of the men were placed toReuier at the caatendof the gaidcoi outside the rrack. worked well, barring that It waa a hit dranghty: and tho Interior of tite building waa made more nttractU'e and cheerniUua well OHcomrtirtable, by tuelndltforcnceahuwo by the mimagement In regard to the quantity of iiaa conauracd. The account Of Ihe eonteat wblch appears upon an out- aide paaacarricaua up to the doae nt the Dlln da}*, wlien the order of the competltura waa aa follows: Ilart, Peftram, Howard. Dobler, Kruhne. Alien. WlUlama and Hanwaker, theae being all whu remained of the eighteen whu atartcd. The leader waa nearly eleven mllea ahead of the beat record previously made, and from thla time furward he ountiuued tonvlon LKot-un-rrairda mile alter mile until time waa up. He looked au Oeah and went over ttM gruund with ao elastic a at4'p that It seemed an utter ImpitaalblUty for Hart to fall to win handdy; but In auch cnnte>>u there ia always a cliance lor aceldenta which uhrht transform a winner Into a loaer, and with thla ibr- lom hope 10 ding to Pcvraiii, whu hud given op the Idea of overtaking Hart by sbowlnK^ superior speed and endarance, kept up a uniform pace; and, althuufth hla hopcH werxi not realued, be easily kept Howard at a very respectable distance In the rear. Howard and Dublor werv within a few mllea of each oilier wbeu tJie day'a work waa henn by tbe latter, and, aa he waa looking liecter than be had shown up durlBfr tlie prrcedjng forty-vlclit h«>ura, and waa making ojod time over the aawduat, Uuward'n trainer cooslderetl It wise to bring bla man back to the track, which he did a Hew minutes bofore 1 A. M. Within an hour Fcgram, Allen. Uanwaker and WUllama returned to the path, and they were fol- lowed an hoar or ao later by Ilart and Krohne, ao that all were at It again. There were but a few hundred people In the Garden, and the prooeaaion around the tmd; \vaa any- thing but lively: bot the rivalry betweaa lluward aiid Dobler, and between AUen and Krohne. who were re- apectlvely atnvinfr for third and fourth placea, waa autU- cienttomake each put bla beat fout furward, and the* stmftKlebetweeu thcui eauaed the droway apecCators to woke up and occaalooallv enaiurage the contcarants with applauw. The fact that tbey bad entered upon tbe hut day of their prolonged tramp aerved to lo- fuae new lite mui all the cnmpetliora, and alter the ariiTnewt reaaltlnv from rrat worn oiT tbu oonadonaneaa that the end waa iluitapproachInK Lad the elftct of camilng them to step out more visitrously, and their countenancea to show fuwer traeea ofthe pbyaical aulterini; endured In a more or leaadlkiiw by all during tbe five preceding daya 1 did goo" —- - • - • .— came entitled by reaching tbe minimum standard will haruiy be auitlclent to mduce him ur bla frianda to waate another five hundred dollars in a vain attempt to win thousanda. Pegrnm waa the next withdrawal, Tscatlng tbe track at 9h. Im. Ua.. when he had tbe highly credltalde acore of AlSJi mllea, but wna yet nearly twen^ mllea b;;blDd Uan, whom at the aurt he e.xpresBed extreme confidence In hla aliUiiy to vannulah. Allen, after f^nrer- Ing the greatest dlKiancc done by any one of the men on ih? laat Jar. hade adleti to tbe pMih at Sh. 4m. l&a., hla rec- OTd being fi3A?tf miles, which, all thlnoacunsidfred, waa ex- oeedlnoly cood. and creditable to both lilra and hla coreAil. expcrlrnoed trainer, John h^aser. The next m »if whs Uovard at 0h. flm. 2S«., with the hie record of SSt^i mWe*. last MS tnllca more tnnn he made whenhetlnhihed next behlnnMurphy-^ performance which faithful and compe< tent Jack Oouldlng waa mlfbtily plcnanl with. Thai voung bot tough, gritty and amhUloua bit of stuff Dobler waa tho next man to withdraw, at 9h. 9m. flus.. havlngacored Ml mllea. a record, which, cumdderlna the dlahnutenlug dUadvantaaea and«X muxt be called aatonXhUig; and Krobne fbUowed him at 9)1. 11m.. with 616 mllea aa.hla flsnrea-not au goud by IS?i mllea aa he was credited whh oa the occaalot^ of Uie RoM-belt race, the fiUllng-off being atcrlbouble to the imnble he had with a rebeUioan atomach. This leR the winner «olltnr\'and alont*. and ho kept marchliw on until the beta made un IUh accumplUhlm; fMifl mllea hod t>e«ndcddjd. and then. aArrwaUOnK nearty a lap with the diamond, (cold aud idlrer cliainplun belt c1aR)»ed amund his wali^, he stepped Into his tent, and the gra^tMt race in the annala of hmK-dlatance i»edva- trianlam waa over. Of course uprnarloua applause followed Bart aa he aped anmnd the ellipse tlie laat time 'and dUwppeared In hla tenu The hand then stmck up thu ancsextlve and apnroprtate air "Home. Sweet Home," and the wcll-plensed aasemblage lea the hulldinc: Tliewinner^ exact time of departure wna 9h. 2im. aua, or lUh. 24m. SOa. fTom the start. He could have easily maile two mlh*a more bcfbre the expiration of tlmr. and It UpTi.hable tha'.hsd he been closely pressed during the laat two d^, he could have addnqtweoty miles or more to bla acore, ao good waa bis condition at the doae of ao punlahlng a race. The gathering of epectatonion the closing evening waa not auliirge ai( on Friday night, when the final remit waa not yet irentrmlly reEarded na certain, while the acore up to three o'clock In the alter- noon of aSaturdav, ax published In the evening papcm. fallowed iuKt what the order of flnlahluK whs (mhig to lie. and, of course. leaM-ned public Intercut and af- fected the attrodance. However, emridcriti;? thct t^o huuni were from 10 a. u. till B.a) k x.. tho prea- ence of over nine thousand pavlne people muKt be looked npon aa an excellent dayV buaine*^ Aa aoon aa pfMnlble alter tlie pedeatriona bad dreased tbey left the tralldlng and repaired ti* hoiela or private real- deneea. where quarters had been provided fur them, and where they were properly cared lor and put to bed. Ilart. Penram, Howard, Allen and othera were out for an alriuK next day, and none of them felt much tbe worae for the labor they had performed during the week. Underneath we present a table ahowing the poaltlona or the first four menandthedlatanceaaccampUabed by them at the end of every hotir dnrlng the race: AU the men dla good work, the leader continuing m lira ah.aO of Broira^a great acutv. Uait cnmpletcU live bun. drrdmUeiatlk. mn. 46a.a.iL,aDdat8h. llin.a)a.ri!)|Tam reachMl the aame polDt—nearly lour bouia* dltTervnce In time, and yet tbe latter waa iIoIdr a nerlormance uo- e.)ualml In Anmlea. At IZ o'clock M, U.rt )ia«* Mmml BlSfl mllea and Pettram BI7 mllea. and ItwaaJuaC Sh. lOmJIK r. K. when tL« dfcom oa tbe blackboani were aitercii tu SAOftNT the fbrmer. Tbe people came earlier than uitual on tbladar, and In Krcaternuntbcra. tbere beloir enoucb prcMntln Uieailrtnoon tn quite nil tbe arau; but Uiere v«i« Tewer depanurea tbAn cnAomary aa the time Ibr HBatronomlr itlreabment drew nlgb, thoM who had pood Mata prcferrlnR to keep them. The api-ctatora MIy recoR. nlHd the inrnt of the work bcliv dune ty the mnjorlty ot tbe men on tlie track, and applauae waa cuntlnuooa, f^- quenlly Incrcaalnic In volume antu It reached the pro- ponlonioradeaJpnlnKroar. Vlaral Irtbotec In abonitanc were nerlvnl by the apry leader, wbUe Dobler waa llkewiM the recipient of nnmeroua ainillar tokenn fh>m thuMf whu aduilred hU .plmdld pluck and .jmpatblzwl With lilm on account of the mllfoitunr which luul deitmyod whatever chance be mlirht liaVe bad of wlnnlOK nrat honora. Although atill cndunnir much pain. b« wa. cwn- Bhlpnbli-iH-tter than be had been, and ncltement and i:Tlt buoying blm up, be did Mme fant walktnff and ninnlDg durlne tne afternoon and evenlnit. At 0b. S3m. 2M. Hurt placed blmnelf even with Blower Brown'a acore of US mllcA,butthe latter t<»nk ItOli. 2Din. to du that and 170 Y^K additional, wbereaa the wonderful colored yuutb •'id necoplvd hut IMi. Sbn. Mi. tbnii. It will be Men, ..nvlaf about an hour anil fotty-tlve mlnnten to .pare. The Bcene wblcb followed tiie placlni; ut the*, eacerly.walted fnr tiptru. on the blaekbuard bvsKnn dfUcrlplTun; and an the champion ran around the track, cajrylng aloft an American flaffatCubed to tbe handle of anew hruum. a aturm iif applauw aruae rium the excited multitude, whu in a Ijody had rlMn l^m their aeata to iclve greater rurce tn the meamire of their enthaMaatlc demonHtrailnn, while Beot'K hand played appropriate muHlc witb more than cua- tomaiT aplrtt. It waa a nupnfme momentlntbellfe nf "Black Dan," and bla eounienance beamed forth the prevloualy Inexpaileaced |ilea.ure widch It alTonled him. We Dee<l not occopy valuable ntaoe by dcMrlblnjc the profcreiji of the competltfun, and the acenea wblch cbaracienied the clmlnK boon, aa no ctaanRe u fcaiied In the relative poal- tlona <»| the eoniAttaiiui. and tb. pmeeedloan were marked (probaDI)'lnalewer<leKree,ovMKto tbe fact tbat tfaebonora of am and wcnnd place were nut divided l>etwern tbe two racca, bot were Mooped by ireuUemen of tbe colored prr- inaaloo) by the excitement and enthnalaam rendered tkmll. tar to NaW'Vorkera at the aame place In tbe pan. Tbe uaual number of expenitve loiml pleoea were preaenled, chiefly byIadlea,iatbe]eaderandotherlavorltea, theIhnuerahw recalTUic a iuel\J preaent In tba abape ol a handaome pair or Bboe% tbe aame being tbe tbouRtat/ld and ■pproptUte gift of Bryan MiSwyny, ahoemaker la O'Leaiy, flan and of the pedeaertan world. WJien he com. pleled hla IdOlb mile, about ataht o'clock, a lady threw an dessnt niL white and Mne aUk eaab over Hut'a ahoul- den, and he made two drculla of tbe eoune with It S"??*-beel and-toe, aa If he bad Jnat atnrted In a Dlle.tnoe, whUe tbe •dnilrinir crawd yelled and yeu^ mfin. The Umlt of timelraa 10:IB r. x., but It la eeldom that In competltloni ol thU deacrlp- tlon any one u Hmnd on the crack wltbln a half an hour or mon or the llxed doalng itor, and tbla the public havn eoma to uderatand ao thoranirbly that thoae who want to bo to at the deatSmake It a point to go early; conaeoDent- iTihe admUalon money wlSeb maybe loat tbroturh Uie auore of the conteatonia u> nntln on tb* tnck until tbe unoonced time Ibr the no* to terminate amountato uwe, ■niIaeonie«w»anoexoepUontotb«rulelntlili«- apaet, the Orat tn leave beInsfniiSama,at Ok «gm. Sa. r. a., with aacoreofKMrnUee, and at 8h. tfm. 5«»»*«r ««lred, with i^U** oppoalte hla luffla. ThJa man la not --cnt ou" a Ion«l£unca nde«tru£ 0*I<EART WII/I^ MATCH HART AND. J>UBL.E:R against ant TtVO ENG- USHMKN. The Mar perrormauee macle-by Fmnk-Hiut In the re- cent contest for tbe 0*Leary belt ad J AinexieAa ehvuplon* rthip, Mnil. coutderlncthcdrcamMuaceftln wblch he wan pIaclhI. tliv nruerlr lue meritorious aclilereninit of John Dobler, lintt lmpiv«5ttd'the men who brought both Into nmiiilneuec. Denlel ■ O^Leary. w xery CtTorably that he now ptopova to' ba^ -.(hem aa & team amUnct the twu hcFt peileAtrUna En^nd cnn pnxluce. wltn that Suri«if In rlew he'callnl atTUK c'*LirpRa ofAce oB*Hon- ay, April 12, aiMldepcfelted five htiitilrfil tlollar* with thu fuliouiDF chaUeose. tu whtdi thr uttvntlon of ChorlM Rowell uud Blower Brawaiilnvltetl: Nkv VOBK. Aprn t2,Wl Fr.\nk QrKEN, Esq.— iiear6'<r: KvlogdeuroiuorBativ friDi; myiK-iru tothu of>nTCtnnui of lu^ better that I have th(>tvo1iextlonjt-c1lHtanco Ru-ajt-vun pleMet>ede*trianii tu tbe world. I hereby clialleoffe anjr two men in EnplanU to ninkeamatch whh Frank Hart and John Dnbirr, U|>on tbefie condlilonii: the niHtch to be fur any snm that may Iw ainretl upon from teo tbouMoU (lolbimailiienpnarUK. thi' durMiltin wftheconriKt t(» bo l-C conmrcuiire himr*. and tn take plaec in Kew York City three luituthH from diite of (UKnImcartlcletioradTeement The diBllcnci'will remain open Air two mcmthft ttom d:i;e oT li^nie. A Witvr of ac- Ci-ptance. accompanied by Ave huodretl dolLin* tn cnver tluit auionnt now plnced hy me in your tiamt^ n iU rwelrc my Immcdlnte attention. Tlii.-r« are •ercnU men in EDfHiiod whu are cvDendly mppoHed tit be duperior t4i any on thin continent, and 1 tlieri'iDre cxiiecttoHce tliUcbal- leniee'promptly accepted. Yours respectluUy, Djlnill 0*Liurt. chai«i«bnok froai fabkr. Cbriji. Pabtrr of Newark, N. J.*, wbo waa n oatortonate aato bedlMbled early In the race for the 0*Leai7 belt last week, ban br du meaim hint cnnfldonce In hUnwlt, and that he Htill hna tricndit in abown by the appended cbaltenve to all wRlKent—a defl which aliould not be allowed lo paita by nnnotlced by Cbhrley llarrlman, (leonte nnyun. Fred Krobne and othera who claim npeclal excellence In tbla Hue At nport, aadhaveat dltferenl times expreveed their readlueM to nuke a match with anybodv ft>r a Unce amount, or engHKe In a oweepnlakcji with other pood men. If tbey. or any noe of them. In ofthe name mind now, tbey arc Dotldcd that we bold 91UU on accntmt of thia challenge: Kew Yurk. April 12. ItttU FraNR QrBKic, Esq.—I>e«r 51r^ I will maich Ohrhitian Fnber Hpilntct any man In the wnrlU to walk a unnre lieei- and toe 75-hourii or alx-day mutch, for any »ium iVom $1,(U> upwardK; ur. he nhall enter Into a aneepntakea race, each man deponltloe t3UI. the winner to Uke alL I am alao prv- i«rrd to match Faber to wallr flen. (Inxrm for either tHe <ft-huur or alx-day Iwlt nnw held by bim (Gu}-od>, provided he will name Xew York City aa the place of cootesL Bald race t4^ take place ft-om forty to alxty daya from alfraatora ofarilcleiL I herewltJi place In your lianda one hundred dulUn, to be covercil by anyone willing to walk one or other of the matctaea here propoecd. Ucspcctftilly. Jam i» Bmitb. ROBINSON AND UeCARTHY. We now hold alt the money, one thoanand dnllara, for the Laneaahliv wreatllnjr match. bei4 of three backlklltt. Iwtween Frank RobioMn of Lawrence, Maiw,, and Owen McCarthy of Manayunk, Pa., the flnal depoalt. $230 from each. liaTlop* been^iada irond on Monday. April 12, Robin- nnn Mndin< hU ahare by exprewi and Xiwh Maklnnon com- Inir to New York with McCarthy'a. MakioHon alao lelt fifty dullftTA to pay Rnblonrn'M expennen, and, on provided for in tbe artlclea, wc will forwani that'amnuDt to the New- Eaclander by expretta on Tueaday. April IA The date ot wreatllDg haa been bruuRht fbrward tu Saturday, April 24. when the match will be decided at Induictrlal Alt Hell. Philadelphia, at H p. w. The men or their repreaeniatlTeii are to meet tlilH week and choose a final ktakehulder. to whom we will forward the atakea. McCarthy La eooflued to Iflnb, while RnblnM>n miiRt nnt exceed ISOb. Arthur ChambeTB wlU finlBh Roblniun^a trmlnloj;. The Cit\' Point t3lAS3.) Mosqitto Fleet h*i- t&elr annual Foster reg&tta April 8. Ten i5!lJ started, aud tbo prizes iverewon bv the foiint?!^ ^cratt: Flmt-claia. sport aAa-Roalya: secondnS?* Paui. Boytos caveaswlromtnrr exhibition ir. .k. Columbia (S. C.) tSnal April 5 lo a Uirre" roM^ Bpecta.torB. * ^^^^^ Of BASEBALL. OAMBB TP BE PIjATED. AprllUui<144. Dutakqa. <:blc.n;;n. .-it Dubuon. April 14, BonOQ \-K'J>8nmouih, ui Hn>ton AprU14, Unnil 17tClDelDnjilI w. XHili.iml. m rii>ri». . April 15, DDlvrnitTsrPeaa. tu, l^fnceinn, at rill April li. W «nd 17.}Chlcmm t«. Dobu.oi."nrtniiS^'''^ April 10,1.ara.vctl<^.Tll. PiUiaiton, at Eastno. ApcU17. BmluD VK. IUmnl,'atB<»lnii "roouju. April 17, WomftiT TU Bnwn Onlverxliv. at April 17, KnIckiTbock.r v.. Buy City. nl(i«klniij??i"- April 17. Troy vit L-nluu ColKc ai Twv April Id, Ban F ninclw) v.. Baj- City, at'Saa Fraodsca KATIOIVAI. PSOVCDE^CE The mnui gnme lietv«cn the aboveunilifci-i'_ plnynl it WartilDBton. D. C, on April 9. £?a iSJil?.?^ iieattlHiclnocorilietlithtlilDnlDK. Derbi-nuJllW AiotUine Uil> unuon witli ib. SiitliniK takingfc"* ptaMlltriitlit flfld. The Satloo»l<^ tuSr °,SJ^"« twn rInKin each by Baktrr and PuwrlL A tclM tk^L?''* flrrt bueby >leCli:lI.n In tho «v™tl, iDnln^ .teft bMWH wcr« nlled and two men wera out, aKuirKJ •lUfSJ'^ Idcnw G r>y< to tie tbf wore. Dnmn ran hit. IMnfn'?- ttw drat Innlnir. and wan ummjitiy di-ddod out l^'ifc!""* Elr«. TheXationala oulUunl their opponeiiS iSf.l"- cuchlDRwervtheehlttrcatuiTMi. """"^ Eoyilet-, National, t. h.iih.iv.a.e. " McClellan.aa 4 0 U 2 2 1 Bukrr. c L.. 4 1 3 U U 0 PjwvII. lb... 4 I 2 » U U Un-by, r. r... 4 O I 0 0 I I.yuc^, p.... 4 I 1 U 6 1 llnbardt,2b. 4 U I S 3 I UIgnon, 1. r. 4 0 1 0 U 0 «'umi'r, 3b.. S U U 2 3 1 rinyder, e... 3 I 2 t 2 0 l>.riroii.r.r 4 I TS^t Stan, lb 4 I I S ° • lllne^ c L.. 4 llnw, c 4 Panvll. 2b.. 4 York.l. f.... 4 Ward, p 4 .Mc4lFa>T,3b. 4 Bndley, a. a. 4 S > < 4 I 0 0 s 5 } 0 0 ] 0 0 ? f V •» Totall>...S4 4I1MU SI T0tllU...3S 4 gji.TT Providence 0 0 1 1 o 0 . „ ' S'atliinal 3 0 II 0 U 0 I ^ Earned niD>—SatlonaJ, 4; ProTldeoce. L iw.,r^ bit.—Umm, Baker and ISnyder. Total banaakk^T^ tionaL 13; Providence.». KliMbaw onmonlSSt^V 1: l^videnc*, t Paaied balla-Crow. 1: Sajd^^fSS; bawon.balla—XaUonal, I; I^rtdtnce.4.nSri5\Ii,,w* Ward.1. Koolultche—Lyncb, z. BolbicalW-SmLSJr IIB; onWardjS. Strikeii ealled-olT Li-ncra^lif^ lus; on warUtn. MnkmeaUMi—oiri,\-nch.n. v^vr",** 1& Umplrv, William McLean. Time. 2h. lOo.' < Dorcan ruled oul fur ubstmctlngflelder. Tbe third oainii betweea tho National an<IPm.u_.^ nuba wu pWd April lU on tbe same SSSSJ? traded over 2,01) apafcUtora. Tbo ProTldenceliuS^i- idJghtlyalterHl.lIlnMand Fan»ll excb^ilMSSIS The nme proved tob« one ofthe bci« pEJa aTi^SSi hotlr contwU!!] ever vltneiued In WaahlnitSrS!J!ff orxMbv onenin up tuihe ninth Inninc, whu>Ui?w iIonaLi tied the "core. Tho tmtli, clorent^ and tiieSl^ Innlnu-M retuilted in both nine, belut blaiik«l!b« l^^ thIrt««iUiOerhardtdtoTea liner to len^^ntitaiidw? ner. who had prevloariy mched woind. cau.« hol^ZSk the third aud vlnnin<r run for the National^ V ... _ - . . _ PnoVin'.NCM. T. lLll.»aA.t . _ at the SvK InlRiitry Hall, rrovldonce, R. I.. Apnl 12, and liuilH fur r\x day., the coinpctltom tmvcllDjr 12 ht»ora a day. Ohorlei: Price uT Lutulun jiive. dally tudilbltloii. of rUDDlUg. HiRVY VEi. Kli.i.i.— Tlie irrfctllnK-match between Edwin Blliby and Albert Ellla. Lancaaliire and Devonshire atylea, will take place at llarrr lllll'a on uuiday altemoon. April 17, commencing at three o*cloek. Sax H. Hillhk, Geo, CiMmberJaIn and Chaa. llarrlman are notlAcd of lettera avalUtur them In our care. DIRTAXCE CO\XRED EACH DAY. We herewith preaent the dlatance traveled every day by the men who flnUhed. Tbe track. It will be remembered, iiicanurvd one elurhth of a inllr, and wc will atatc here that Hart on tbe fhurth day covered lUyBJdllIuur« than 19*:' mllea, on the Ofth day M yarda mure tluin etJi mil.., ant. on the idxth day Ifliyartla luorv than 73 mllea. mak^iis bii total ICS mUealUyda. Daya. Firat.. Seconri Third Fnnrih Fittu.. Sixth.. BarL M L. 131 II IH 1 90 3 W 4 IB : 73 U Total..I3IO 0IIH.1 7ia34 Bi.wi n|.ia 31316 o;ao9 BI4B1 3 Hart .. Pegram.. .. Iloward Dobler Hart FeitTVn Howard.... Dobler TUTAL ACTUAL WALKI.SU TIME. lUU. Ul... Ml.. IM 4.1 02 108 43 U6 118 1st S3 Allen Krohne Wllllaina.. Hanwaker.. . 231k. 23ni. 094. . 32 18 13 . 31 Zl 19 ~ U7 17 TOTAL HESTISO TIME. IIWI. lis 42 116 41 113 34 39m. tat, Allen Krohne Winiama.. Uanwaker.. . SIA. 24a>. 4<l>. . 27 14 IS . 24 04 IA .27 11 4« The total amount of money receivedlat the boi.oince, from the aale or66,4;vtlcketa at dlty cenuejich, and 44S balcony aeata at one dollar each extra, wa. t£t.<»i One- hairor thla amount waa given to the rtakeholder In tnut for the canteatanta, and MU harlnj; been deducted tnerelrom for aalary of roprearntatrrea appointed by them, we And the total amount to he dMdrd waa Sl3,941.ia This leaves the amonnt due to each of thoae eatltlcd to a share In Ihe proceeds aa follows: Hart. Si!FS/*v„'''K'j;'5' l?-^-^' ""ward. •1.7aa9; Dobler, 1871.34; Allen, $433.67: Krohne, S2I7.H3: WlllUma, •iijH.91 • Uanwaker, »M.4&. Hart alK receives (9,UUD In aweep. stakea money and tl.tlD extim for beating the reconl, mmk- inir hlH cajih rvtum tl6,97U.7&. He .Im wtam I the lecond sIx-diT belt now In bla pnaaeaaion. Co which b. haa the belt won In a T^bour ra«e In PmTt< denoe laat year. D. the belt, belof; — In ajdltlon , l!»0ORR«CT.—A correspondent at Troy, K. Y., wntea: •^Homeone has been vniilnir you IncDrreet sportJnn newa from Troy. Jimmy KUIotan, a clever fellow. Is a Tolunteer spnrt.mana«er at ai>ma of the pleolcm bat la not renrded aa an expert boxer or club-awlnner; nor does he leach the AthletleClnboraclaworinstltntaiitudenta. GenrwaBnse la mle lostiucior at Ihe A. C. Rymnaalum. Asaln. the S- P*^T dreamed ol auch a thinit aa leaalmr eltlier of tbe two borM.tracka In Lanslnaburs, nor do the tides ever flow over Centre Island, although a freahet ttiM to do ao every Bpring." HOUKC ya. ABMRniOiro.—The Mcond depoalt of SRS a aide for the tweniy-dve mUe walking matcHbetween Ed. C. Holske and T. II. Armstnina haa to b. mad. m* Turn currsR omce on or berors Friday, AprU 16, not laler than th>«e,o'clock p. a., and tbe third ud flnaTof «290a ridS U oalltxt Or on AprU 24, on which dau a Inal nakeholder and referee are la be chosen, and the placewhere It 1^ be contested moat be decided upon. 60th menai« now engaged In flltlng thenselres physically for Ibe ensonnUr poiTiAitwWiiniARjioE.—A8»TentyflT»-hoiir Ko-iiyoD' pleaae race tor «agO In money and i m«ui tobkBlam ai Amstetdan.N. T.. doalng AprU IOl Tbe tiS^Stilto and the medal, was won by Oeom Dnbnna irlo erwUtjdjrilh » mUe. In Tlhf.. UiK J oSSis oToSnJS MeoQd,278 mUe*: Daniel Mahoney third, nsmUa^N CampmHiiMth,andAlUiMtoytgnfllUi. a^- O'liEARY IN THB FIELD. Daniel O'Leary la the promoter of a aerie* of pedestrian lournamentM or tlieHtyle now popular with toe pnbllc, which he Intends stvliut thmuRhnut tlie country durinjr tlie present year. Tbe fnltial event of the aeries will be held at tiie Rink lo BuiTalo, K. Y., cninmenclns; on Mon. dav, April 2ii, and cnnuludlnft on Saturday, May 1, and will bo a Mventy.cwo-hour ( contest, coiiipetitom to 'travel no more than twelvu hoorM dally, and the prixee will be aa follow: SOJO and O'Leanr championshlp meilnl to flrat, S3U) tn second, taoo to tblnl, $10010 Iburtb, and $30 to fllth. Thew prlzet^ added to the reputation of the donor, ouplii in produce a oood fleld of CfuitestAiila; and all who desire to onmpeto are nutifled to IncJoM twenty-flve dollars to Daniel O'Leaiy, Uansion Iloune, BulTalo, K. Y., noi later than Saturday, April 24. Eutrles Will be l imited. WESTOX'd ATTExra to beat tlie record nf sLt days in>.as- you-plenHu pedvstrlanijun In Ban Francisa^ Cat, caiiie to an end April 10. It was a fiillure In all rwpevte, the attendance belnff very llfchc nod the |M*rformance pm- pnrtluiwtely pour, the dlntance covered belnir but S6B iiillcs. Vertl^ ia said to have been the cause of tbla light score. J. If. IfAVKRLT'fl flrat pedestrian tournament l>ecai^ - •■ - - ■ 1 ft, and AQUATIC. Satioxal. t. Oerhardt, 2t>. t McC|-il'n.a.s. s Powell, littb. t Baker, c C. S Dlgnnn, L t. & Rnyder, c.... S Warner, 3d b B Lynch, p 3. Derb}-, r. C. ft II.1B.W>.A.S. 0 15 3 0 14 0 I 14 I 3 1 0 0 16 U 0 U 0 1 a Dorinn, r. c 6 Ktatt, iKt-b.. s Ulne«,2dbL. 6 Uros.% c 6 Farvell, c r. S York, If.... 6 Ward, p s MctieaiT,3b. s Bradley, a.a. 3 0 0 0 I 1 17 0 0 I 7 3 1 I I I 1 0 0 • 1 7 1 4 1 Total.....4d 3 9 39 20 7 Tetals. ..51 2 9 3111 T Providence.. 0 I 0000 1 OOOOU 0^ National 000010001000 'u Two.bajie liitH—Crosa,. Total b.-ues—National, 10: Pibv- Idence. 9. First base on errors—National, 3; PnvldeKt. Lett on baaea—National, 6; Pmvldcnre, 9. Doabls- plars—McClellan, Cerh.rdt, andPuveU: Bradley, llhua. anil Klait. Balh< called—on Lynch, K7; on Ward, t£ strikes culled—olf Lynch, 24; olf WaiiL 21 I'molle WilUam McLean. Tbue, 2li. Um. ^-r-^. ATllLinir. T. 34aMun, li«t b ft Wuilers, c r. 3 Myeni, >. i.. 5 Liir.3db ... 4 Waittr. r... 4 Kuliuer, 2b.. 4 Banker, p... 4 Carrull, c 4 ItlKhnni, L t 4 R. B.ra.A.c. u u 1 2 1 ft 0 II 4 « 4 4 2 11 0 7 Totals...39 4 4 27 12 441 „ First base by erroni—Athletic, H. Earned ran.—I*rla<w- PI.AI8TRD AND SUULIVAK. Nearly 13,000 people asaemble<l at tbe new Laka- enil. New Orleens, La., on April s. to witness the slngle-sctill nice between tbe well-known osniiDan Fred Plalsted of New York and James F. SnUlvan, tlie unknown. Tbe purse was |600, olSered by tbe N O. City R. R. Co.. and tbe pun was Ave rnUea, with a turn, to be rowed under ine mies of the National Amatear Association. Plalsted was greatly tbe (iivorlte, but there were a good many backers of BnUlvan. It waa suspected that BnUlvan was a lirolesslonal under an assumed name. He was lint heard ot tn endeavoring to oet np a match with one or the crack amatenr scniieni of New Or- leans, bat ttdsfell thiooab because of his own state- ment '.hat he wan a pro&asloiiaL Who he really Is la to this hour kept a profound secret there. There Is, however, no necessity Ibr farther concealment, as PlalBled beat him by nearly lOClyda. Tbe course waa down the lake-shore In a line to the llghthonse' and return. Tbe start was from tbe 8t John Boat Clnb bouse. The water was a trUe mined by a gooA breeze, which accounts for the poor time made. Plalsted rowed in Momford's tioat, tbe "Tootrle," while Sullivan sat In the "Jeanne," one of the BL John Clnb sheila. At 4.23 p. K. tI^e^ wora "Oo" sras Blveii, whlck aant the Bcoilen away. A lUr and even start wu had. Plalsted led off with a 33 stroke, which sent him ahead by a length; Sullivan dipped water with a stroke of 28, which he alterwards Increased to 30. Bis s^le was very poor, he polling a short, jerkey stroke, well calctuated to tire any oarsman, while Plalsted polled a long, sweeping stroke. The race was Plalsted'B from the start, for he walked right away from Solllvan. Spanish Fort was passed In ua minutes ttom tbe ontset. Plalsted nere put his oars down In a beantlfnl manner, and, mnnlng up bis stroke to 84, he led the unknown nearly an eighth of a mile, SolUvan still maintaining his stroke atao. Plalsted kept bis lead to tbe slakeboat, which he turned at 4.42, or in ITmliL 30sec from the start. Solllvan tamed one minute later. On the homestTeteh Plalsted dropped to 28, and rowed along at that speed to the fort Nearly opposite this point Sullivan ran his stroke np to 32, and endeavored to make a spart to close up tbe Mg gap. Tbe New-Yorker did not seem to notice this, for he kept on at the same pace. The Interest, wblcb had almost died out, sprang op again, bat soon died awny as SnUl- van, who seemed to wake np to tbe situation, was seen to unship bis oars and stop pulling. Alter rowing steadily for a bondred y anls or so, Plalsted also stopped and took a resL Alter this tbe race was virtually over, being anlnterestlng, excepting a spurt between O'Donnel). an amatenr sculler of the Hope Club (who had followed tbe men along), and Plalsted when within a half-mile ofthe flnlsn. Plalsted reached home, with a 20 stroke, at 6.07:30, or In 42in. and 7Ms., Sullivan one and a half mlnota tietilnd. The race was awarded 10 Fred amidst great cheering from the a&iembled people. C. h. Fnentes was the referee; J. N. WelstL Hope Clnh, llnlsh-Jadge for PUIsted; Pat aaUagher, Riverside Clnb, nnlsh-jadge for Solllvan; J. Kerri- gan, Perseverance Club, lodge at tnm for Plalsted; and H. Gallagher. Jadae at torn fbr Solllvan. Timer, J. CnniiTngtiam, Starter, J. HcNnlty, Hope Cltib. ^^-^^ ■ THK CANADIAH ABSOCIATIOIT. A meetlnc of delegates ibr tbe purpoM of orwanlatng a Canadian as^icistlun of amateur oanmen was neld AprU 9 at Toronto, OnL Representatives were present from tlie ArfEonaut IL C, Toronto K. C. aod Rayaide R. C of To- ronto, Leander and Nautilus of Uamlltoo, Beaver of Wlntlsor, Lachlne of Hootieal, Chatham R. C. of Chatham, I'eierboro of Peterboro, and Forest Cltr of London. A cunstitutton and bylawa similar to tnose of other associations were adopted, and it was de- cided to bold the first annual reKStta on Torontu Bay duly 31, The meetlnc was very enthusiastic, and the Aoodatlon promUe. to be a grand sueccaa. The baUot- liiir fur otflcera resulted aa fidlows: Prnddent, Henry O'Brien (ArgoDaau); first vtce-presldCDt, Harold Lambe (Leandvrs); second v1ce.pre«ldenl, John Hendeison (Tc rjntns); secivtary, C. T. Jelferls (Aiwunautsi; tieasorer H.Crewe iToronto); executive committee—A- J. Huge..I P. Heatb (LachlDes), T. Davidson, IL J. DugiBn INautUiui, W. B. Wells (Chsthama), w. WUun (Bayddea), B. B. Ed- wards, O. C. Rogers (PeterborDS), O. R. Latimer (Forest Cltvsl, U. F. Uali (Aigouauts), R. A. LacsB (Leandets), ad J. O'llarw CTonmui.). Tn Aroo.nact Rowiko Cldr nf Tomnto, Ont, held tlielr annual mcetiug Apnl 2; and the olBcera elected ISor the ensutiv year were: President, Henry O'Brien; \-loe- presldent, C. E. Ryerson; captain, 0. F. Rait; svcntaiy- tressurer, T. W. Fisher: coinnilttee—C, W. Armstrong, T. P. Gait, C. T. JetTerls. W. R. MoITstt, Philip Todd. K A. Roberts, and H. W. Waterworth. The club oiferetl, U given charge of thr life-boat, to provide a rrvw and man It 00 all ocmilon. when It was rv^qlreiL Tbe offer waa made In conse<4Uenee of sn accident on the bay recently by which two Urea were lust, although flity poopie and half-a-doaen boats were on hand TnK PAIR or the 8iM«r« of the IToly Cross dosed in Washington, D. 0., A|irll 10. The racing shell for the most popular member of any boat clnb waa won by J. R. White 01 the Anahaiun Club, receiving 781 Tote*. W. C. McKloney won the handsome boat-club badge for the most popular man in the Potiiraac Boat Club, receiving 2iW votes. Mr. Falco woa tbe Analostan badge, teodvlng 63 votes. ths LAfRBATS Boat Cltb of Troy, K. Y., contemplate adding a ynvUt chapter, t>uto to be under thesarae govern, ment, tlioufch with sepante otSeecm. Capt. Stile, aalird hla new yacht ap trom Kew York last week. There ar* Sltccn great and iiicdiom sidllMMta on tbe State dam. Tne new bridae at LaoMlnaburg wUl allow a 2£-feot stick to pass under it at hiw water. FRKD A. Plaihteo called to sce 01 on Honday, April 12. ftcsb frt>m the Crescent City, where, he aaya, he was most hoaplubly trested. Plahitnd Inlbrms us that be wUI be a s;aner In the big race 10 lake place on the Seekonk River, Rhode laland. In June, and he expects lo get a piece of tbat GsoROB Favikxsr, the widely.knnwn oaraman of Boa- ton. Mass., was In the metropvlla last week. In company witb Wallsce lUisa. They calculated to remain a few d.tys. and may be here now. Tui CoLriiRiAK Boat Clvb waa oisaalied hi Washing- ton, U. C. April la . —. A DOiTBLB-scL'LL RACK, for S300 aside. 3K mllea, with a tnm, will be rowed at Victoria, B. C, AprU 24, between Fred Smith and Tom Flanders of Han Francisco, CalM.and Wm. Cotsfurd and Wdl Clark Of victoria. 'They are to row In light pleasnre- Iraats 22ft. long. Should Victoria win, Cotafotd who Is champion sculler of Urttlsh Colombia, will again cballense Uan Leahy ot San Fnnclsco, to row three miles In May next, Ibr $1,000 a side. THE SOtTTH Camdkn (N. J.) Tacbt Club last wcck elected the following officers; Commodore, Wm. Harper; vice-commodore, Joseph Wroth; rear-com- modore, John R. Conktln; secreury, wm. Davis; treasurer, Jacob Ooang. The boats owned by the clnb number thirty-one and measure from flheen to twenty-su fbet In length. Tbe club's lint race this season will be held May IT. Tbb Ooukcil of tbe Virolnla Amateur Oarsmen's Association have fixed Jiuy sfor the second annual regatta, to be held on the Rappahannock, at Fred- ericksburg, Va. Crews from other States will be Invited to contest In the races. THB HiLLBDALBRowiNaCLimorHI]l8dale,iaah. have promised to send their four-oared crew to the coming SL John R. C iMatta at New Orleans, and the Cohoes (N. T.) Boat Club wUl lie represented In tbe fonr-oared and elngte-ecnll races, William Hobkat, the chBmpion Junior acnller, will be sent l>y the EUaabeth Boat Vlob of Ports- mouth, Vs., as their representative at the St. John Rowing Clnb regatta. New Orleano. thx soHirrLKiLL Navt have decided to tiold their nnnai ieg»t(a Joae U. ATULCTIU T. B. Mason, lb... ft 1 I IS U IS 4 4 4 4 WalU-n, c. r.. FnUiler, 2b.. Myers, p Lulf, s. s Barber, 3b... Walit,L C... rttiull, c... Cox, r. r. — 0 « 3 3 3 0 0 1 10 0 0 prixct.x u. - DutSeld, r. C ft Worrvn. a a. 3 Hammill,2b. S llurton. I. f.. 3 Cutu, 3b 8 McCnne, a 1 ft Hcbeoek. e.. a Wlntun, lb.. 5 Axcber, p.... 3 Totals...J7 4 9Z7 1RIC T. a. B.rD-t.c. BUOTU.t. Jones. 1. r. JasO'R'ke.rfS JnoO'R'ke,ct 6 p.t.rt »>-■. ' MonlU, 3b.. Brown, c,.. Bnrdoek, >b, Bond, pi — Button, as. T. B. 6 4 R. ro.A.c. 2 2 0 3 4 ft 1 0 1 3 12 0 3 1 }! S'« ft 2 7 010 2 s 3 2 7 1 S 1 8 » 2 2 113 ToUll.. Boston Harvard., dge.flpe 1 HaR' . Coolldge, Rhattnck, p. 6 Macollar, aa S NIcholiL c. r. ft Polaam,■ IUchBrds>n,e. ft Fearing, r. I. S Burt, lb ft Brlsuiade,Lt 3 0 11 2 2 WuRCiaiTER. T. Stnvcy, 1. f.. ft Knl(:ht,2db. ft Whitney, 3b. ft Irwin, as... 8 tsulllvan, lb. ft Bushong, c.. 3 Nichols, p... ft Mann, c f... 5 UattlI^^. r. ft B. PO.A.O. 2 12 0 2 3 13 3 6 0 0 U 4 4 I I 4 6 3 13 0 14 3 4 4 9 12 7 110 2 110 1 UROWM. . Mcader. r, f. 4 U Richmnno.l.f 4 tl White. I.t b. 4 u ar.r'ae,c.A4 0 WInsl'w, 2b,c 4 0 Ladd.3il b.. 4 u Rose, e. f.... 3 0 J. Greene, p. 3 0 PRIRCETON VBilV. wa. ATHI^ETIC. A stromr professions I nln« from PhlUdelpbla. Pa., plar. ■ Ing under tbe name of the Albletlcs, visited rrincttou, S J., on April rand lOL for the parpof«e of placing tho Prince, ton University nlue. lYom tbe score of the two garnet which we Hive will be seen ihatuich nine was credited with a victory. Our curTeapondeni bas ncclectcd-* tu give the runs made In each Inning. PRIXCKT'XU.T. R. B.PO.A.C Dutdeld, r. f. It I 3 0 0 I Warnrn. s.a.403124 llammlll.2b. 4 0 I 4 6 10 VanDyke.I.L 4 110 0 0 Rutts.3d b.. 4 0 1 2 2 T McCune, aC4032I3 Scbenck, c. 4 U 0 ft I 7 WIntuu. Istb4 0 013 I 14 Ait:ber, p.... 4 1 0 6 2 7 Totals...37 3 10 27 16 63 1, 2. Donble-plays—McCune and 8chenck. Two-ban JM—Dutlield. Wsrren. McCune. Threv-base hit—Vita Dyke. Umpire, Mr. Brown of IMnceton. Time, 2h. lOm. 3 4 S 3 6 0 1 1 7 3 C 2 U 0 g a 9 Tutals....4S II u V n S7 Btruck out—Athletic, C; Princeton. 1. Thtm-base-hlUk- Dndleid. lIsmmllL First base by enors—Athletic, 6; Pnncelon, 3. Earned rails—Prineton, '2: I^mplie, Hr. Blown uf the Princeton Chib. Time, Ih. Um. —; > 4»l I BOSTOH t: HAIfVAIU}. The Bostons easily defeated the Harvard University team on April 10 at Boston. Masa. The game was notable fur hard hitting and poor flHiiing, Home-runs were made by Jones, tihattuck and Matnllar. the latter professional being a substitute on tbe ouiuglaiw' side. Bnrdoek and ' James O'Rourke did by fiir the best batting of tbe eontert, the former making a safe hit eTefTtlmebewMtoihs baj. Sente: _ ▼ '. m B>a.A.c ~ u 3 ft 10 6 11 1 3 . 0 S 1 -O 1 1 o- 0 7 0 0 1 13 0 3 MZISZ714U TotalS...4SI0103tI4B .. 4ftl20SOS O-B ..10031301 1-10 Earned mrs Boston, 4; Harrard, 1. Two-base htta— Jones (2), James O'Rourke, Burdock, Mchola. Borne- runs—Bmwn. HaeuUar, BhaUnek. First base on balls— Brown. First base on errara-Boston. 9: Harrard, 9. Struck oat—Boston,2; Harrard, 4. Bails caned—on Mcai!. 87; on shattnck, IOl. Strikes called—off Bond, ftl: on Shattnck. 44. I>ouble.plays—Harvard. 3. Paiaed bslla— Brown, 2: FoUom. 2: Rlcbardsoii, L WUd pltch-Sbat- tnck, I. Umpire, Powera. Time, 2h. 3&m. WORCESTBK wa. BROWH 8ITT. The Worcesiers shut out the Brawn University nine hi a game played at Worc«»tar, Hass., on April 10, In the pres- ence or abuut 400 spectators. Rlchmnnd made three of ths four safe hits eiedlled to the cuUeglaos, and Dilta short. stopped brilllsotly. Th« professlunala weiv wttbont tbe services of Creamer and Bennett. Score: R. rl ra.ji.c. 0102 3 3 0 3 0 II 0 II 1 4 I 7 0 2 3 6 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 B Ditto, a. s.... 3 0 0 ft 6 12 TaUls...4» IS H 27 It 62 TolaU.. .3} 0 4 27 IS 92 . Worcoler 13700003 0-IS Brown 0 00O0OOOt>-» Earned ran—Woreester, I, Two-base hit—Knight. Fine base on balls—Knight, Irwio. First hnse on tii i u a W or- n-ster, ft; Brown. 2. Struck mit—Stovay, Irwin, Mana, . White. Lsdd (2). Rose, Dilts. Balla caUed-on Kkbola, SB; Ureene, HE. Strikes called—oR' Klehols. IS: Oreene. 17. Passed balls—BushonK. 1: nraene, 3; Wlnslow, 3. Wild pitctt—Oreene. Umpire, Henry Murphy. Time, 21i. ftm. 1 K> I BABEBAUs ROTB8. Morgan O. Btilkeley. who waa imanlmoosly elected pres- ident and director of tbe League when It was organlisd. on Feb. 2.1676. and wbo bad prerUxuly been (br aereial years tbe leading snpporter of baseball In HartCnd, Ct, ■ was Isst week elected Mayor of that ei^bya maloiirr that proved hlsdedded popularity. H.^nis, a nnee w^ known pnfessAnal player, has been engaged In Mr. ■ Bulkeley's olBoe Ibr MVerml years Faio-day CAprtt9 was cenerally observed throughout Massadiosetu, the Brookllnes defeating tbe Alert, at Brookllne by a score of 23 •..> 9, the Beacons of Boston heating Uie Cayennai of Dorcliester on the laltera' gvnoiMl by 36 to L and tbe Oca. ' Worths scoring 12 to a picked nine's 1 st-Slonebam Lapliam ol last year's Dubuimes wUl play Ont base lor tba Adrian (MIcb.) Clnb thla year KalisMny tbe plldMT deldes that he has retired from professional playing Tho Clndnnatls' sahirj'.llat Ibr IIMI amounts to 111,730 The Dubuqnes are bonked to ploy five ftamea with the Cbicmgns this week Rom Partice, who led the bai- ling kve ages of tbe country (nr four seasons, snd had tbe . liest fielding average at second base Oir six aeasooa Is iW rT^ldlng In Kansas City, Mn., where It is probable tbat ha will uianaae anloe this acason Crmnehaa been elected . captain of tbe BadUoa, who play three opening games this week sgalnst a picked nine. Poorman and EMer- hrook will pitch and Catch for tlie Buflslos In the flfit game, then MeOnnnlgte and Howe, and In tbe third gsn* hadboum and Cmwiry will be substituted aa the pltchcv snd catcher The Albanys ommeiKe' a trip on ApiU ax playing the Boston, Harvard, Tale, Providence and Wor- cester, and eiMllnw with tite Huuitns at Bpringfleld Leaiy ofthe Bay City Clnb ofRan Ftandseo, Cal., was ei- DelledMareh 21 <br "mdisi>o.ltu>n'> on thY l>aU.SWd.bax«s altenraida reinstated un the payment ofaflneoftua. Thit hi a rather eosUy lesaim .The Bsseball Xanoal PnbUsh. log Company of CleveUnd.O.. and Clayton A Co. ofChu- ao, IIL, baTelust Issuud schedules of the League ehsmploll- shlp games, the neatest works of tbe kind we have yet Mco. besides being In pocket-form A veiT singular ome was pUyed at hew Oricans, Ia, on April 4, five weU-known Kott' ■ - ■■ ■ ■ -■— utlbera proliwalonals then deleaung the colored ebsm- plonsoftbstcltyby a score of 1710 3. Keefe pitched, Be» nett caught. Siilllvan played first base, and Creamer sM Wood filled between them tbe other six positions Bo. - WUIiamsonot theChlcaguscDntemplaie* returning toSaa Praocisco at the dose ol the League champlonsblp masoi, with tbe Intention of making that city bis home. He bar been promlsMl the management of a club lo San Ftsn- clKo for next season The darks and Cmc^ Clnb. ofXew Orleans played a ten-Innings game 00 Aptft 4. tbe former winning by 12to 10 The ProvWeece Jr. Club Rcenily elected tbefollowlnitodlceia: PiesMent,*. L. Wood; Tice-preahleni. L. Rlchuidson: secnsarr.w-»- Perrtn; treasurer, O. P. Dean; captain, ClilT Seaeiart- Tbelr nine will be as Allows: Rkhsrdsun, cateb»r: Pefiu, Blleher; SeagrsTr, JetTen and Bagley on the bases; n- ngbast, sburt-stop; and Rliudes, Dean and Moore In th» outfield Tbe members of the Troy Atbleilc Clobcoa- tempUtcor^lxlngabaseballnUie Dave Egglcrisst present residing hi tlnlTalu, wberw he ulks of Incatlngpsr- manently Sumigate Alexander Uagner of <l"5«" County, wbodled at bis home In Jamaica, Long Islsnd, M April 7, waa about twenty yean aco well known as a pass^ ball-player, being a member 01 the nlue of the AUsndtau Ja m a ica , and in IMS he was president of tbst oganla^ tinn Dolan the catcher has been prsctldng *ua McOunnlgle In Bultklu during the past Winter, snd Is new lo line form The 31ayoror Kan FraneUeo has reonev wlthont hU approval thr order uf the Board ori3D|>errisol» of thai city teUllve 10 plajloff baseball im vacant lots, aa* thereby gives the youug tut1l-Tu,wrs a chance Troya have decided oa the fiillawlng uniform: Wbltasapr nel panu and abirt, with a blue curd running atoann the breast ol the shin, forming a ghlcid, in the cen- tre of which will be the wora "Troy" In blue letli»|a while cap Btirmounted with a blue button, and a bms belt and blue stockings. The opening game is as- uuunced for April 17, when tho TTuys will meet IB» nine of Union College of Schenectady. K. V..-—•• Dunlap waa recently married to a yoonc lady of Albanjv jr. v., and wllh hla wue baa gone to acveland, O.. wh«J he plays thla seaaon Jim VTblte, Oeorge Wright asa Boss Barnes have all ptactleally retired from bal]-pl*y»f ■ In the thlrteen-lnnbig game between tbe rn>n; dence and KaUonal ClutM, the former, havUig broken au thAr bats, borrowed one ttom their opponents siter tn. eighth Inuhig, and naed It In defeating them, bensur Bunislde waa among the apectatora, and bad the pleasoi*' of seeing bla borne clnb deleated Chlogo aM Beaton eontlnue to Indulge In mnd-thnwlng In reUluoD the Beala matter Powers, the estcher ofthe Bosl« nine, broke one of the flnger-jolnu of bis right hand oa Aprd a, and WUl be disabled tram actne duty Bw a wbSJ- Thla bi imlbrtanate, aa Bnwn lasaldtobennableto thte^ ......A keen Boalon reporter has discureted Ihetsetug tbe new League ralea ifo not pnride any penally for a on the part ot the pitcher. Fool balka are ptoridsd orr bnt none other s. Tbe UmoR Ball aaooTroa—The openug match of iM" season on the Union Onnnds, Brooklyn, will occnr* Satnrday, April 17. at 3 r. when a conte«t»'»3I picked proftaslonsi nines will take place. From most ot tbe new Brooklyn nine wlU besZlectad. and n* foUowing week tbe Utter will take the fleld la uslH"^ prepared to play aU loctt or vislUng nkif*.