New York Clipper (Feb 1856)

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I - ""-""s*.?!* «j, leqaultlon of tbe Keonaa j^ooaed dudl op«n bU baods for tbt. / aa. Tl^^rii^SlS^'i»'»M»«».*^"'^r' lo tSe power of the lefene to dlieet the aeoonds to take their man ewBj, end thnB condode the round, and that the nnn-or hU aaf onda wlhiJngio .obey the dlreoUon ol the lefeiee, ahell be deemed the loaer. 29. Tbet In any eaae where men on meetuiE In-, tne P. r1 or at any aabeeqoent period dmiog the tpii, ahall retln ftom the aoatoh, or retrain from all- attempta to fight for the apace of five minntea, the referee eball give thaok an additional fire mlnotea, and if at the expira- tion of that time no blow has been atmak, or no attempt has been made .to itdkejie ahaU have the power of awaiding the lattle-mooey, or one moiety thereof,'t6 thaiimdsoftha AnooIaUon.^ .... , SO. That an stage fights be aaneatly'aapoiialble Jin confonnlty irtUi the fttegoing nles. * This nde Is only bind^ on tiemben of the London F. B. A., or penona dgning ariiclea to fight onder their ralea, asd waa made to meet caaes where man finding thanuelTea eqoally matched ahenld attempt, by atandtng and looUng at one anetiber, as has been aometlmes the ease, for Iiut an boor at a time, to protract the battle till ' dark^ and thos Iiave an opportunity of making a draw. NEW FORK CLIPPBR, rUS BBCOQHIZED SFOBTIlla iODRIIiL OF UUBICil ■iMSla OopT 3 Ota. I rSmttar.. «I«00| With a weeUy olronlatlon of over 39.000, extend- fffg not oid^ over onr whole oonnt^,bnt also to Knglanfl, th0 great ^lortlng Arena of the world. TERMS OF THE CLIPI'CR: ' 119 montba ...•<iSQ 116 mosflu 9.00 Or Fanr Copies -will be sent one Tear for •SiOO This favorite Amaiiean Sporting Newspaper la nib- lUied every Thnndsy monuDg, and may m had or an NewaDealerathrongJioat the united Slatea. It contains repcTts of ' Ae Msa Bisf , Xhe Tat, Veati of Btnaith< raaeacilBniiB, TaihOaff, Ooek lighting, Orickat. Bowing, Flgeon Shooting^ eameefBall, Bifls flhootiBg, And, In abort. Sports of every desoifptloii. Hraestly believing that by eneonmging Innocent, healthful, and manly foorts, we era doing a real eervioe to our oomitry: we wlm tobdngthe "OLirraB''within the leaAofeV'try man In the united States; we thete- foro^DbUA U at toe lowest jpoaihle rates at jrhldi a go ooTan d thorongh -Sporttng Pafper can be aflbided. ' .^V nyItosce,andwaaie^tesareyoawlUntfver ' afterwards do without It. ' TXBMB or ASVXBTIEIBa: • TussiDT AuvaaTiaEMEBis, 8 cents p«r Une fot tne niertloii—t cente per line for each sabaeqaent InseitloiL' Boamas Varum, 121 c«nta per Una; vrittMi veeUy by the editor, If dsslied. . . . To'thoee advertising by the qaarter, or yeat, a reubn- able dednotion from tne above pzieea will be made. ; FRANK QUEEN, FBOFBBroB, . Ko. lOa Nassan-etreet. ITew-Tork - With a food work on beok-kaopbr iri|n.»liiTT'T"L"" v*^ bET*-ll>I*A ■Bb«t«l»Bioid« m i Jfc * «tt «. . ' . . i " X Bnr ToiMnLUWo'<Wt tmaw utr ot.thoBraoUTn X. jt,'T.—wm fin T<w tte ^ of tha o^lBOl la onr n*xt, ast l^ilis tko nestib hn«r •> MUnc.' PirBoeuB.—1. Iu(u wn pi Iriih Utib. 2.. Wo h»tr bst Uttlt'oT fvui™ bi InUal ^;inuliit .SJtu Dotaianr tatatoA OUwIntba lofllihilof. Bnsn, Utl&—1. NOM or th* Oollbia lUmon aru malo th* uago acm Univooi to N» toii'la 9 dfji i£i3 tSin. 'iTWii teUan Bju'ip««nti wa^bonila t^Ia ooBotej. ^ Jodf* CsT jouMir vMob Ii tba 1>wt Jig d>a£tr, u Wuna ud (i'NaU duaaarnKtchdaDCoonthtt OToolsff. J. H. B., WiiblDstOD, D. 0.—TVa hiTO no iwoid Of tha aTcnti JOB nfar to, or kaovMi* of the Doctor. D.& Tiaoa.'PeitJarrla.—AolBUTMtlDsaiUoUen Iha nariog, tv, at gama fowl will ba s)nn In am naxL J, w. T.—WUl aaMCh oar neofda, and Inbnn joa at an aarlf d*7- S. CP., Ibnid'a.—1. Hjar wu bom In thil dtr, wo biTO baan Infoinad. z. Ma ehaltanga Of tha Uod haa aT«T appaaiad la oar papar—vrlta ant tba ehaUanga aa 70a wljh It to appaar, and It vUl pnbUihad In anr naxt. B. H, Vbnad'a.—Oan aaad tha Ourran to yonr addia« la Call- fiiiiila m toad a Ufgo nanbat of papaii tbace bj OTTxy itoimar. J. P. BL a, Boit«i»-l. Than li afiaat dUltnnee of opinion u to who la tha Uat partmatoc ofllacbalh.' 2. Wo do notknowHr. ronat'a hOght and wal^t. ' . ' ' e. r.—U JOB win n-wiU* poor qaaaUoaih aalng aa Itw watda aa pOMlhla, aad making joar quadaa plalaar thaa thay an la tha latts iMtbia na, wa map ba ahla to ghra asjraa to ttaam. Amaoan.—Wni anavar 70a In oar next; ParrATOB.—^Tonr akatcb, althoogb wall pat togalba', la not iplop aaoagh for oar oolonuia. Wk. fltl anU J Fa j—Vba mala balUIngaidaada Aam arth to asih, balaaaddltloaalwlaf baa baan ballt aatandlng fbitbar tbvaida SBth ibaat. It ftaata Vlat Avaaaa, and alao looka eat oa tha Eaat Blrar. Wa Aaiaa nothing iar a n a a a i lag e uuaiiw nJant^ bat hara pat pan doVB for 8 monthi* nbaatfptloo £ar poor dollar. B1.10K H&wa, l[a^abaatar.^Wa aarar haaid of Tom Hpac** "fc** . laogo to tha worl4 appaatlng la Ball'a Llfa—a ahallaaga waa aaat, tabolaaarlad lnthatpapar, ayaarortwo aInon.bat thaoEdarfor Ita latartlftn w*f laaaoaa auattoaad la the OmaM attha tlffla. - urnxunaeaoa.—1-'aokaoB,tbeAniei1eaai)ear,hMefttnbaan baatan. 3, Tba itaamar BalUc, wa ballara, mada tha qnlckait trip aooM tha Allantla^ bar tlma balag 9 dajs, 13 hnaia aad 30 mlaataa. Oubl, Phllad'*.—TTp to the time of golag to pian^ wa htra la. caind aotUag from 70a; aaw* baia foliUIad oar datj tewndi JOB, wa, hara a right to axpa^ fklr tiaatmant aad attaotloa to oar Intaiaati ai It la, wa wlU oaD It" qalta." Tob will plaaaa, than lOxa, eoB^ar oar aagagaaimit at aa aad.; ■ ~ Orasliing Oat Oir>^it» A IMal mi Anang ear BapiMaataUjis. . OuB ainti-^Ktrtuig Senatora, at Albany, hiiv^ ready " put tlirough" two bills having for object the " onahing ont" of oar pastimes amiuaiients; .'t)ie firet being ihe bill agamsf m mlj wTot tlie digits in self-defence, and other an sot for the BuppreEsion of hone-Taoingl Qaeen'e.Ck)niitj.. J^t, Erastoa Bipoks is the fatta Hayu ud Walker. A1.THOUOH an agreement haa been made between these parties ia. lesome their batde;<tii,the..90th oj April, yet there seems to'be s diDcnl^jllt.ttie tar of selecting or naming a; li^eree, Hajree posing to have a'referee named in-the' Agreement, i^liile Waket objeots to'this.v ^ , tion. Itcerteinlyeeema a little strange ' Hayes ia ao persistent in having a refa;*f soTdfig-Befo^ the fight takee-plac*"*" F knew his not feel so ticular,) deny their "little responsibilitios." Ifi' much BUTi pri^e< Rider's MU created obniiderable debate in the si*" dispute abont.a referee a by a large majority-^tf.f** ^ of the first, while Mr. Rider claims the patemii] - j — -o— •"""^a of the latter.. J.We venture to predict that .boi"^''*'""i^ proceeding, but ganUemen wUI, sooner or later, (Mr. Brooks in pi'^-""' therefor,' perhapa We bIk^' J - ^ '-ed. It would be a/»°e* *^ ^d be the means nate, -bnt-finally passed by a large majotity-^tf' onnpng tne match to aB^'"PV was then sent to the HouBe, where it was referred^*' ^''^ " reA nlt is not impi»»i"^ ' - to a Cominitiee, and ibat prbbably Is the eai of i^. ■ \ ^na. We are sorry for this, because there is some rej- This magiJiBcent va*^" 'y*''8 *° d°** form needed in the matter of racing on Long'^raey City, and is t«r'>^ thrown open for pnUic Island, and until such reform is made we have noiapeclion, on Mon<>'7 next. It is said that beta hopes that our races will ever become very popa:^> the amount of ^20,000 were made in this city lar. The Honse Committee to whom this bill wohat she woujd diake the passage from Liverpool referred would be doing a real service to turf ii^ New Ywkjin eight days, whereas it took her 14 tweets by revising it, and making such alteratioSlayB.. Tha ihct of her even making that time with WftftUns. Katak between Tngloan aad Boyle. _ Wreatlinff Match between Wm. Tregloan Vames Boy^.Mn the'Devonshirev^Ie, eatpb' 'oaich'eap,. for'tlOO a side, came 'd^at Kerri; bran's Hall| W^>te-e&«et, .on the evening of thq 6th inst. Ibve waa a'' vlny respectable attendance to witness, thi^'match, the first of the kind in s num- ber of y'^ars, and much interest was manifbated by the apectators. Shortly after eight o'clock,' the considerable diapanty in the size'of~Uie'men Wtts' apparent, ..Tr^loan being nuich the heavier man. Oh^lime- hisinj^.-calledi -the wtesUen placed'fliim- selves iu position to catuU the hold, which they were not long in doing, and it did not seem mora than a moment from the time of clinching nntil Boyle was laid ont fairly on the biosd of his back. The seoond bout resnhed'almost in't nmilsr'matl-' ner, Tregloan. manoenveiing very, cleverly until he THE RING; >lyBBfiiieply teB..r. . Wb think our readan will agree with us that we have allowagl^e iB^geet latitnde to Busk, Brad- ley nnd their'fiieiids, in their controveny regard- wrestlers, in appropriate costume, appeared, and imr the proposed match between the two former. We also endeavored to have the matoh " qnashed," forTMKfflaini|a»known at the time, but our efforts, though promising to ba efi°ective, were overruled, and we were induced to| open our columns again on the renewal t>f the wartua. Wei puUiah below a.Card firom-Rnak, a*"i ^i ^^ fiom Mr. flynny ia An- swer y>^»opaifUBioafi<^, in .onr laiU' -Tliese-we NEW TORE CLIPPER. aATDBDAT, FEBRUARY 16, 1866. nasx QUKU, Xonea.asiD Paonoiea. Wlulesalo Agents. Boss, 7<an t TooBar, lOS NaBBn-<iieei,'and 26 OliA ',CU«aga. ifJIKAaa-staeet. -f<" * **»^ WBeekman-etreetj A. Wnn^ IW OhestiiBt-gtreafc FbOadelpMk - g«"gAfa >UZi ^nitatwat. -.„. ..... . "~" ™U™ '*. OB>»Bo. ft a^u flmiTt ahaal. BMta OOsa of the New YoiK Ouma, Ho-lOl Kaa^m, oenaraf Asa atieetv thliA Boor, tkont laam. Entraaoe, flnt door In NaaBO, below Ann. To CanrespoMdtintsi Ws would {aka_ it ,aB an^ espeoUl fkvor,if. oor- respondentB would forward their coounimicatipns by Monday or Tneaday, as we' are unable to/give attention to those airivlng on'Wednesday, from the fact that we'are compelled-to go to press at an early honr, in older to. forward supplies to Bos- ton, Philadelphia, Baltimore^ &&, dro;, by Wednes- day evening's trainsu '. ■ . i • We have still on hand a large number of communicationa wnloh we have been .unable^ from a press of bumness, to attend to. Our fiiends will please have patience. Cantlon. Wa have been.informed, that an individual has bean tmp^aSng upon onrfiiends in Boston and thie dty, by repieienting himself to be connected with thia p^>er, and obtaining favora from proprietoni of public houses,' theatres, Ac, on the strength of }L. _ TTw.js a^ ..Impostor. All connected with ihe AUBWEBS TO COBBiffiPOIIDEIITB. P.Btan, ALoTHnorSraBTa^^la laadlng poar timatp aad enanaat aztlda on He Biooka* bfll ogaisat Ptiza Plghbs aa., pon nnita an Isddant of an atmp itopplit to wll»a a eock Sgbt— wmpeadaUghtanmnaporjoBrnadantpglTlaf ailiaa datallad -acoovntarihaarantT" Wbaa Thamfitfldai, aa Athaain ganml, ^raa laadlag aa anap of hla aona ti j m tu agalagt thalr barbarlm aalghbotn, ha bah aid two aoeha angagad In fpriona aombat! Tha ' apaataalawaaaolloatapoahlm; ba oidaiad hla fonaa to halt aad iritoaaa th* Sght, and thaa addiaand tham: "Ihoaa oocki, DJgal' nor do thap odaia thIa for th* moanmaata of thalr aaeaatonb tot thait otttgHn^M or for tho aUt* ofgloiy la tha eaaaa oTUftrl^. OILT noma n, Unx lAa oaa b JbrounlTy raafocd naa fo puU to Oa atitr.™ Xhlalmpiaaainhaiangaiakladlad^nloroftha All»- nliBi, and lad than CB to eoaiaaat, and aAar thalr dadahaalcta- rlaa OT*r tha Panltoa^ th* Athanlaaa daoaad bp law that ona dv •hoBldboaat apart In *t*iTT*arIgt tha pahlla azlOiriaa </coat figitlmt, at Oa.azpiau of Uba Biau. X.J. B., Bait Boatoa^.^ Having hadn argnmaat wbalhar BO- Ilaid Pl^ptaicIaorlaBotgaabllig, Ibag to hara pout oplaka on tha aahjaet. I aootoad that It <s, oa tha groBBd that anj whar* mnaap b at ataka, la gambling—mp oppoaaat aoataoda that . UIanot,b*oni*th*wlnnari«alTadBomoaap(nmth*lnaar,aBd ftithar ops that aeaoidlDg to eip podtioa. If wa ahoald taha a Bom to plsp a gam* of WUat for plaaaan, ant that tha loaar ahoald paj for th* Bio of th* iDom, It voald be gambUog—I lapUad that It woBlf^aa than lamottop at itak* which on* of tha pUpan moat loaa. WhUhiadgtatr* Thaalmplaplaplnf ofagafflafarplaaiBielaBot gubUng ; bat wbaia mooajr la paadlag th* Ima o r a gama^ oar leva look apoa^ aa gambling foaar^aaatlp, la tha '"«*«'m raftnad ta, alihsngh aaltbar plapar pockata th* wlmilsgi^ jBt aa IhSia Via Biooap at ataka, asd on* partj maat loa*, It la cooogBlnd as gam. bllo& la tha ap* of tha law. 7oa> U. Tib Osdh, Chleaga—Up *tt«BtIon haa .b**n callad to a match gama of Cham^ la piu^iaai la tha Now Totk OLIpm, b a t aa au J- Van Oadal, of Chicago, aad a Mr. Sailth, of Raw ToTh, Ton win plaua aotlc* Ia poor papar, that tha J. Vaa Oadal tafaziad tolasotJ.BLVanOadal,acchltaet,ahIcago. lam tha morapai- tleolar to havo thIa ootlea mada, aa J.- Vaa Oadal la aot known hai*." Wo hara obapad th* laiteBctloaa of Jelm M. Vaa Oadal, In glrlag pablldkp to bio lattar. Wa wonld atel*, howarar, that Ohl- eago la aotaaman coantiT towB, bnt a dtp of noazlp lOfl^OOO In- biMtanti^ aad oar cosaapoodaat'a aoaitloB that J. Van Oadal la aot kaowa thai*, la lathv bcoad, aad iidmlta ofa dhwot '^***M n- tlaa,tbrth* gaa**f Oham la qoaatloawaa biDoght ahoatbja chaHaag* fiam J. Vaa OidaU of Chicago, aad thoagh h* map ba BBkBOWB to Ur. Joha H. Van Oidal, aichllac^ pat la h* a^MaaUal flaah aad blood. Aa It la annridaiad a math of ;aflaamaat aad adn cation to Badacataad tha baaaUtal gaao* of Cha^ will OBr btenda iBOhlcqpplaaaagtratba oadlt whan It Ii do*. r 8. J.—I. Tha nghtatwih«Cbtnplaoihlp,aapaEwffl panaha bjaaaitld*blBaothitCo1anin,wIUb*eommancalBaatw«ak. 3. Bpar (ought bat two bitUaa, and thou wan wlUi MaOlaMlar, dnca daeaaaad, aad Taaka* SalllTin. anno Ti. Boons.—I. Th*(IIatkorth*Bop*rlarCoBitnealna anlairof^W parsnnnm. 2. Bhailg gMa what ha aa maka, vhichbmsch battarlhanangnlarnlarT. a AW«maa goTpap focpommlttaa badaam. « Jlalirlog oanrfooghtaprtiaashta 6. Wa doat kaaw tha BnoUpa gpldar. 6. Bhaahaa Bator foaght apilaa agbt,Uatw*annmof-h* hadamomwlih BaUlna. bat ao piln Sgbt. T. Haplawaabaalaa. . W. M, Otenlaad^Hc Cambadaad, of Vamp rinat, aa nmlr rm wlUi gama lirt, aad Mr. BoUaii Of Wat.r alnat, «a doohU.. taalahpoawUh agood dog. Wonld ha plaamd to bare aoma Uama bom psor aaetlaa or eoantip. Ai W. B, Poitag* Oa,OhIo.-JPh* p^poB ralirtohia aot baaa -"■-"—-=-«*»» ipdag of IMS. •aaaoioaaa and sale oomcem," which all ffdrmealiifgmeii should ftbwn down. Look npon all persons representing themselves as reporteiB of the Clifpeb, who ask fikTors in onr name^ as impostors. as would obviate or remove the real objiictions onr Racing Fizturea. Mr. Brooke'" anti-self-defence biU," has been to the House, where, we trust, it will meet the it and its author deserves, viz: a place ander table. We see by a letter from a friend in All that so far from onr Representativee being opj to the " Manly Art," a number of them have tnally been engaged in a" Mill," which, if not ducted predsely as the " rules of the ring" was owing, we .have no doubt, to an ignorani those mlee, to'obviate whioh, in futura, we pub] said mles on onr first page this weak. But t« fight, and its lessons: According to our correspondent's statamei seems that Mr. Woods, of this dtyi and the e of an Albany paper, had been on rather bad t*^ for a short time, in consequence of the latter ^ifr- ting loose" on the-former in language altogdir too strong. Woods insisted on the editor " leftg op"_the hilior, of Conise, refused to ralinqfcli the position he had assumed unless "things ^e fixed"—Woods scorned the idea of buying the e obstacles she had to encounter, speaks well for speed as well aa substantial oonstruction. We ava no doubt'that in regolar seasons, the Peisia show excellent time; the first trip is no crite^ ion, ie haidly. iiur theiefore, to condemn lO Peima, as many lutve done, mnce her amvaL BteuniUp Fulton. The new steamship Fulton suled from this port on the 0th insU, for .Southampton and Havre, on her first trip. The dimensions of the Fulton and her machinery are: Extreme length on deck..•*« 800 Length ofkeel, feet 278 Breath of beam, feet « Depth ol hold, feet.... Sit Tonnage, (Ooatom Home,) tons. 2807 ' Power of engines (two oscillating,) horses. ^ Diameter of oyllndera, inehea Length of stroke, feet................... Pressure of steam (per Inch,) pounds Diameter of wheel, Teet.. ................ Length of paddle, feet, Berthefor paaaengen Capacity lor ftelgnt, tone. The Way of the World- A week or two eince a yonng man named Pierce, aaw he had his man as he wanted him, when.he I intend JshaU_M'the 1^^ match is.made, gave him another handsome fall, thus hr{ngingl:!Mr tti.'bMdIe7iasKe» to'-anawer Mr. Ros^'final the match to a tenni nation in about; four minutes.Lropoeition. If Mr. Rusk iadetenmned to flehtno Bovle gave:hiBopppn«mttwo orttaea severe kidD.I but in Peiinsylyimia; and Mr. Bradley ia before getting .to work, yet as theahinaof each . . \,, . , ,.v: Jtr?.™ , onamj a were well padded, they had bnt little efieoL The determined to-fight any where ezeeptm match was an tmequal one, and we were not sui-p^ennsylvaii)^' then It seems' to ns 'that further prised at the reanlt. Tbia being the first match! words are useless,"for, in such a case, of course of the hini witnessed here in a long time, and b^ 41,9,, can be no meeting. Let the parties dose up inf decided in an honorable and. straightforward ... _..;■' „' .v u . c mfnner solely on the indiridual merita of the rten, ^» T^f ?* "L"?."*^*' it is hoped that it may be the means of giving a ■» Flynn'a reply to B. F. ■ stimulus to this kind of athletic sport.- I Beply to B. F.'s Letter. . Mr. Tregloan is open to wrestle any man in the! '_ ' ' New Tobk, Feb! 11, IffiJ. Cornish or Devonshire style, for from $100 up-1 Va. Faunc Qirxnr—Str.- Having observed a letter In waida. Mr. Boyle wUl wreeUe any 10 etone man, '"^S ^ ^J?^^" "nyaeircalled upon to aama alvW aami amonntL ' I T ' "'•^^ That gentleman WlrteatO taOW whether I am a mnn or a myth—he alao wiahes to know the reason for my ehallcngfog Ur. Bnak, andaaaetts that GliaUenge to Billiard PlaTeil. 11 am a eowaid, and liot worthy the name of pogUiat, BosTOH, Feb, 8,1866. I **<^> *'*' ""t place, I sboold be extremely The snbaoriber. desirous of making a match at P}*^ i* 'O""? **^'>JP «J« 8?"4f' hS ™ vl/Titi »V r* .!r I plaaaed to term It, come forward and point the dimes, the beautifiil Game of Bilharda, will play with W thus see whether I om a man or a myth; that Is, If any man in the Umted States. Tbe same I he I* a yodng man, beconae an old man has no right to - - - • - - * 1.-^.— . uf,, 1200 66 10 30 84 9 300 300 tor's good will, and forthwith consulted a frienij—I ^j^^^jQgfgijant downtown,** tumed.up missing this fiiend saw no escape but by a fight—the ediar I jusztj have been the surmises and speculations aa waa ^igreeable^ but, tmfortnnately, he had nejer I ^ f^^^ his absence has been food for publio taken a sparring lesson in his life, while, on he other hand, Arth. Woods was "up" in "the ^• ence," and knew how to stop, counter and get amy, gosrip since his disappearance. Hew many "poor devils" are continually " turning up missing," but how little we hear of Mm. Whyl Becansethey iu). Ooosequill, however, had a fiiead, Frfik I ]„^yg lioh friends to ofier a reward for them. Ha the " almighty dollar" that msikea mankind " crook the pregnant hingea of the knee, that Splnola, one of our Brooklyn Representatives, vho knows the points in " the art," and Frank agrjed to see that Goose<iuill should have a £>ir sh^e. I thiift may follow fawning.' In fact, Frank offered to assume his fried's quarrel and "go in," himself bnt our editorial brother thought he would prefer to see what con- , HetropoUtan Regatta OInli. In expectation of a briak seaion for aqnatio dition his opponent was in,"before allowing FrinkIsporta, a''Clnb haa laUly been organized in the .1 i- ijiv <r w I. Eastern District of Brooklyn, of which the follow- the honor of finishing him offi Woods waa «ni- ^ ^ . p^^j^j^ ionstohavethemns8Bettled^atonce,and apriT8te|pOj^^^,^^_ Socretarjr, J. Arrocrafl; Treasurer, Xaau Eta, Phllad'a.-7amaallait waa born lalialaad.aadbaa <• goo* down to th* aaa la ahlpa" a good part of bla Ufa—aa do aot thiak h* orar Und In Vnnkfoid, or waikad at dpalng. OOiaUlTRalOIB,LjBehbaig.—Uthan waaaadbpateu tan hxilac, thnagh mlatda, plaod th* pack tai Ua ainwda, thaa ha hiB a light tD tak* th* cuda (nm th* bottaa^ thar balag hla caida B. O. JoBSla.—no Wood riat, at tha Park Ibaatn, took nbaa SttthaSTIhor IIa7,lBS,aadwBabnBgbt aboatthraagbih* n. ta^ on th* part of Mn. Wood, to alag gataiitaadp, for Hn. Ooa. dalt'i baaaSL Taoxiaia.—TUa oomapoa d ant ava that aonapoadaali^ ia ■BdIagBai*poitsofng*ttaB,ihoa]dglTa(ha anaaaffha band- am of boat*—hla aMnUoB waa caDad to thIa ^ th* omladoa or th* aamaaor bnOdaaln oaraaooBBtof tha zaoaat flodda itanHa . WsaoIackUwIthTaAtman. , B.P.Bnffiai.s,Oalado^BpaaBdIng a .dflpoalt,thioagh poar badina, who, pea atate, naid* la Haw Toik, pear diallaagawm ba Idactcd, mA onr •adoaaamaat appaadod thanto—aa pOB jmbi ta b* b. aaaii^ tUa ntaaat wffl deabtlas W aOBiUad With, Fights for tbe Cbampionslilpp And Other Celshratsd Battles In tha VUOa Arena. Flnt Contest to Appou In tbe Ollpport Feb. as, The "Flgh^for the Championship," advertised in tbe (jUfper for some time past, will be com- menced in oiir next number. Onr readers have already been made acqqunted, through our col umns, with the doings of the Ohampiona of earlier years, such as the fights of Figg, Bronghton, Gnlly, Slack, Oibb, Spiring, dec, &c, so that it is unne- cessary to repeat them, more particularly as we have been unable to coUect any fuller detMls. We therefore will give the Contests of Championa of Later Days, and will give in onr next a full "report of the batUa between Jem Ward and Simon Byrne, the then Iriah CJhampion. The following contests will appear in the ..order herein set forth, and will form an imuaaally inter- esting work, which those fond of the art should not fail to preserve: Fight between Deaf Burke and Simon Byrne—fatal to Byrne. " " Ben Caunt and Bandigo. " " Bendigo and Deaf Burke. " " Ni<i Ward and Deaf Burke. " " Ben Caunt and Brassey. . " ." Ben Cannt and Nick Ward—twice. " " Ben Caont and Bendigo—^laet iime. " " Tipton Slasher and Tass Parker. " " Bendigo and Paddock. " " Tipton Slasher and Paddock. " " Harry Broome and Tipton Slasher, » " Harry Broome and Harry .Orme. These will be followed up by a record of some of the most noted battles that have been fought ontside of the Championship, and will comprise, among others, the following: Fight between Johnny Broome and Jack Hannan. " " Owen Swift and Hammer Lane. " " Bill Hayesand Mike Madden—long- est on record, u " Jack Hannan and Dan Dismore. " ." V Hammer Lane and Young Moli- ^ neanz. " ** Owen Swift and Txzy Lazarus. « " Dick Cmn and Ked Adams. " " Alec Eeene and Jack Qrant. " " Harry Orme and Kat Langham. " " Jemmy Massey and .T^mmy Welsh, Ac, de c, &C. Agents win please endeavor to give their orders in time, for, once the form distributed, no mote papers of that week can be worked off, We intend to print an extra edition of next week'a paper; bnt still, our estimate, like that w« formed of our " Pictorial," may be fiu abort of the real demand. It ia for Uiia reason, therefore, that we advise our readeia to secure their papers early, and thuB " make aasurance doubly snre." ' Don't forget—"Fights for the Champlmuhip" wiU be oommenoed in next week'a Oijppx»-^riee 3 oeata. * meeting was arranged for Wednesday, the Mi;atK p (Jongreas Hall. Some of our New York .City got wind of the afilair, and qmte a number t>f the " hittere out" were 01 hand. . Although it was deagned to have the afigii come off in a private manner, yet, when tha tima arrived for the men to put in an appearance^ t|te room was " chock full," there being scarce room for a 24'feet roped ring, so dense was the throng of spectators. Among those present we noticed Johnny Doane, Conncilmen MeLanghlin, Bromi, and Alderman Feeks, of this dty, and a nnmbw Of othen, whose' names have unfortunately escaped our memory. - Everything being ready, the men commenced to " peel," when P^nk Spinola ad- vised our editorial brother how-to draw his adrer- aaiy on so as to give him the " upper cut, cron buttock," dec, points on which "goosequill'' was extremely ignorant. Woods, hearing bis ntme mentioned, "put in his oar," telling Franklto "dry up," " bag his head," and bo forth, of wMch no one hereaway knows the meaning. Sjiiela got ezasperdted, and seeing a good opening, Imfsd ont with his right, getting in a terrific bloatm Wood's xafrmtit, giving him a dean knock-d*<h), and rendering him insensible to all aronind lun. Onr editorial fnend toed the scratch for the^t round, but "Woods being "in the hands dhis friends," and unable to respond to the call of fitie, the fight was awarded to "goosequill." Oujlpi- nola laying out Woods, the ontdders " wenloi" pell-mdl, and a regnlar plug moss fbllowediin which no one was seriously hurt. We have g^n this account of the fight, because erroneous rMit have crept into othefjoumala. | Now, how much bettor to eetUe difilculties |th the fist than with the knife. Here was a ref|ar meeting of our pugilistic legislative friend8,ind although all hands participated in the battl^et po one was seriously injured. Had theai Pen been,'like Brooks, of the Senate, opponents cfbe "manly art," and advocates of the "knife an lis- tol," we shudder to think what a different >alt might have followed. Lot Messrs. Spinol tnd Woods act together in tbe good work of del iog Brother Brooka' bill This Club hss adopted the name "Metropolitan Besatta Clnb." 'We wish them eytff^ success and hope to hear from them ofton. —^''■a .-waa in Ir im a ■» «» have been i^r formed that a meeting -wu held on"HcMSayneven^ of the Clifpbb, any aspirant will be promptly at-1 lenged Mr. Bnak. I wUl tell him: It Is becanse I cooal- tended to. . Stakes to be from |260 to $600. I ^er myself hla anperior in a 24-foot roped ring, and ftir- B1LUASD8. I ' pinion that he, Uat Rnak. did not I mean fighting at any time or at any place. Thla was w.a.v -rL.i._.— . . i™y "otlvo InchaiDenglng Ur. Bosk; and aa toblsre- Bkanng Baton on tha Delaware. | aaaAs with regaid to religions oplnlcnu^ that la a thing AiroTOSB- exciting: akating matohi came off on l-tbat does not belong to oor.profaaalon as pnglllsta. the Delaware, about 100 yarda east of Point Airy, JL^^?" "k" that the pubUo ehonld have a coinot ap- on the the 41h in^. The compelito» we~ Jo?n S^^^ 8. Cropley and William Matthews, both reiidentsi I wonld Uke very mncb to mske aa mnoh money aa of " down town," and the matoh was fw a atake of | ^ oatoh would afford.' This B. F. would like to Im- %tO a side, the men to skato romid a ring twenty "P*" the pnbUo mind the idea tbu I keep a pub- timee (.h:.irde Wng 400 feet)j^^^^^ Matthews started first, and accomplished hia task neither own a honse, nor do I intend to. I cutainly in *l min. 40 sec Mr. Cropley then tried it, and on I might have been the proprietor of a honse some time the 14th circuit, was ahead of Matthews' time, but SS.f'.^f?**?!? ■» InoBne** I preferwj woik, and - - - • - -- _ T> I the latter course I have punned. I condder myself a gentleman, a pngUtst, a repobUcan, a aoldler and a sportsman. " Who Is wbo, and what Is what t*'. Tonn, I J. A. Fltsb. before completing the distance he fell on his head, and had to relinquish the contort, , the stakes there- upon being handed over to Matthews. Another match will probably take place between Messrs. Matthews and Cropley as soon as the latter gets welL a deposit of $20 a'side being now up. The above match was witoessed by the friends of. the men, and created much intereat among them. Joseph Barton and John H. Holmee acted as judges, and Mr. Wm. Livesey as referee. Quiok Passages. Pne clipper ship Syren, of Salem, Oapt. Charlee I Sfd/snSw ^ Allen, from 'Whampoa, arrived at New York, any man In the \S\ meeting wan iield vi'TK'daStfV' ing last, when quite a number of loven of aqnatica ' ;ned 'the Articles of Association. ' A. nninl>6r of [es were adopted which, if carried out, cannot (ail to make the " Metropolitan" one of the best or^anizatioqs of the kind in existence. We fur^ ther learn that the proprietor of the Baths, at Williamaburgh, has concluded to so alter his es- tablishment as to Almiah a meeting room for the Club, and accommodations for their boats, of which tiiey will soon have a good supply. Excelsior, The Haw York Yacht Olnb. Tna Annual Election of officers of this Clnb, held a few daya since, resulted in re-instating those of last year. A resolution was passed that there should be three prizes of 12S0 each, to be sailed for in June next. This is double the amount of Isst year's prizes. There was also a rule at that time that no boat should enter under fifteen tout. This year no boat will be allowed to scul under twenty-five tons. Sunday Bporti. The Fhiladdphia Ledger of Tuesday saya: Quite a number of sportsmen and curions inHivi- dnals iossembled at Broad and Franklin streets, on Sunday morning, to witness a trotting race between the mare " Fanny" and a celebrated padng horse for $260 A aide. The pacer fvled to appear at thei hour appointed, and the mare trotted over the Sonnd, hitched to a sleigb, from Franlilin street, to qrulroad. "Where were the police) Attondicg to matters, doubtless, that were more- deserving of their notice. Trotting en the lee. A TRIAL of speed for $100, between the horses Colnmbns, of Eiingston, and Manbrino, of Pough- keepaie, took place on the ice of the Rondout Creek on uie 6th insL Two heats—one mile each—set- tied the matter, the Poughkeepae horse winning the purse with ease. The race was witnessed by about one thousand people. Oatiom'a horae Prospect was matched agmnst time on the Oth, for $360 ; to go one mile on the turnpike east of Poughkeepsie. The distance was performed in 3:2, and the owner took the pniee. Prospect is over thirty years of age. on Saturday night, the 9 th inst, after a very short passage of 108 days, for the last ten of whioh she experienced heavy galea from west to north-west. . The steamship Orisaba, Capt. Lawlees, front New Orleana.on Sunday the Sd,'arrived at New York, on Saturday eveiuBf..th4. Otlu.after a re- marka girf^ T ' —ir » a fir y J 1 - •i.-i-.^. St . John Teraiu WalifaT Boatmen. Br. a letter from a friend in Halifax, Nova Soo- tia, we understand that the boatmen of that place are making arrangements for a matoh with the §L John Club, to come off in the spring, for $100<> a nde. IhAwing Out Cowa Sous one in the neighborhood of Cleveland tells an almost incredible atoty in relation to the cold weather of the Oth inst. He says, "it was so cold that the cows4iad to be driven into the honse to thaw their bags before milking." Cnrllng. Tbs old and new Cnrllng Clubs of New York met on the lltli inst^ to play a friendly game on the ice, and alter a well contested trial, the New Club proved victorious. Card Piaylng. Ma. Gallow.^t, in hia treatiaa on Probability, saya that if 1,000,000,000 persons, about the entire population of the earth, were to deal the carda in- cessantiy, night and day, for one hundred million years, at the rate of a deal by each person a minute, and even if each of these deals were essentially different, they would'not have exhausted one one- hnndred-thonsandth part of the nnmber of essen- tially different ways in whioh the fiify-two cards can be distributed between four players. Preparing for Aqnatio Sporta. Mbssbs. Fish & Mobton, at their estabh's Qeut at Salterville, N. J., have just completed a fi sail | boat, SO feet long, for a gontieman of thscity; ^so one 26 feet in length, for aom6 gentiefen in Jersey City^ to belong to the Jersey Ciralodel Yacht Club, now forming there. They hie also under way a 37-feet sail boat, for some gajlemen of Bergen Point, N« J., besides several otUr craft for different parties. The coming season ^mises to be iAd season for "life upon the wa«*" and sporte generally; and thought the frodfinay be ohetructed, the coast will be «lear, so thatiporting men can go "their pile" on lioata insteadpf horse flash. ■ Steamer Paeiflo. , Up to the time of going to press notiing had been heard of the Collins steamer Pa^o whioh left Liverpool fo r New York on the 23d ilt Bdng a etaonoh boat, well officered, we df n4it have any feare that ah e is lost, but surmise that ire may iooa bear of her baying pnf baok to UveiptMl. Oame. Thb St, Louis market is fiiU of game, which is salliDg at Jow prices. The same may be said of Vincennes, Indiana. At the latter place, a few days since, b man arrived from Illinois, bringing with him the fallowing assortment of game; mak- ing, >n all, five.wagon loads: 2400 rabbits, 0 bar- reb of qn^ls, 14whole deer, 25 saddles of venison, 14'4 prairie chickttis, and wild geese^ ducks, tur. keys, squirrela, &o.,to almost any extent Peat oltn Blephut Ths Charleston EveringNews understands that the elephant which was^t overboard from a ves- sel bound to that port ita way safely into Mount Pleaaant Harbor. The vesael wat thirty miles ont at sea, and a heoy gale was blowing when the dephant went oraboard. Ita feat of riding out the storm ia, we sni^ose, the most re- markable instance of animal ttangth and endur- ance on record. Qreat Xxoitement Xtlal Sanoa. X GwAT Triai Dahcb will come oflrt "White's Opera Houses 49 Bowery, on Thnradaj evening, Fob7 ai, for a purse of $100 and a Chanpiotfs 3elt—the winner to be decided by a coitoittee appointed. Open to all competitors. Thence of Qmiidon will be tbe hum aa uraaL PIGEON SHOOTING. Hatob on tbe SiVer Delaware. A piOBOH shooting match came off on Monday, Feb. 4, 1860, at John Stierley's, Point House, for a splendid gunning .akif^ vdned at $45. The con- ditions of uie match were as follows: To shoot at 6 birds each, from a ground tnp, 21 yarda lise^ 80 yards bounds, naing 1 1-2 oz, (hot The match waa shot on the ice on the Delaware river, diiecUy in front of the Point Honse, that spot being sdeet- ed as the most comfortable, it being out of uie wind somewhat, which made it a great object, aa the day was intensdy cold. The rollowing is Uie sum- maty : ' Cud from Hat Buk. PmLAnBLTHiA, Feb. 9, ItSS. "BaiXK QmtBl—Dear Sir: I feel It my da^ to the coontiy which gave me birth—aa an American, nncon- tamlnated wUh foreign pr^adlce—to give pnbUo ex- pression to my thoDghts as relatea to this wonld-be ehampiBn of the world, Bradley—not that I am daairoas of popnlailty; but as an Insult has been offered onr BATioiui. viae'by one not to tbe " manor bom," I can- not paaa It hj withoat notioing IL An IttahniBa, Dcnl- ^ ' ~ " name, recently otTeied a challenge to 'nited States, other than Au own cnm- Irjfman, to whioh I responded with all the ptlde of an American oitIsen,bat wbiohhe, Bradley, oonlnmadons- ly. endeavored to avoid by Instating that the combat enonld takej)lace to Canua, and afterwarda In New Tork, In both of which *place8, I am satisfied, there wonld await me a horde or ruffians aa depraved as his own despicable self, ready at any moment to deprive me -mawlodsa. tha pdvUegsa of the ., -. — deoaqce to Uateetk and.dare blm to meet me anywfaaia upon the aolTof ^Snaprrula for from 93000 to $25,000, according to tha regnlaUona h«iej>iesorIbed. He wlU be entitled to seleat one «en£ and I select another, and these two trill be r»- aolred to select a third, which three shall appoint the day to fight, giving one week'snotloe to the parties to that eflkot; and ftirther, that ItehaU net beMoa than lAirtp daj/t not more than Im nuiKAa from Ihe date of the deposit of the money. This le the last card I ahall present, as I sm heartily dck of snch cowardly tdflbiK as heretofore has been oairied on bj my enemies. I wonld like Bradley to take this Into constdeiaHon, nady/irr toark aa soon as possible, that the prowess and aUll of which be boasts may be pnt to tlia ^ . * Uatthus Boai. F.'S.—I have bat little to aay with regard to that in- terloper,' James Aagnatto Fl;^—he Is imwortby tha attention ofa Hiir, he being game entirely too «ni«ii for me. TTpon the gibbet of pululo soom has he snspended himself; it is not for me to ont him down. I leave hhn to the tender meiclss of the bcnlty and the olBoIal du- ties of the coroner. u. B. Ba>ne7 Verd on the Leok-ovt fbr s Hatob. If Maekey and Price cannot come to terms, I will fight Price on his own conditions, for from $100 to $000. I think it will look more manly in him to accept this, than to persevere in 'wanting to fight a man at least twenty pounds lighter toan himsdC If Ed. does iiot take this np, I wiU ac- commodate any 138 Iba. man in the Ignited Stato, for the aame amount—bar none, ndther country nor color. BAnmr Foao. Boston, Feb. 0,1856. Bometbing abent the Leioettar Wonder. Diea Solomon, in answer to Frank 'Vincent's Challenge, says that he, Solomon^ ia 8 years old- er, 2 inches shorter, and 14 Iba. lighter than Vin- cent, Ac, but says that he will fight the "Won- der^ for $600, he, Vincent, to be 1*4 lbs., which is giving him 10 Ibe. If he accepts this, a matdi can be made at the house of Mr. J. H. Larve, 2d street bdow Columbia, Philaddphia—the ^ht to come off three months after the first deposit If Vincent don't accept this, he is requested to use Mr. Solomon's name no mora. Wm.Deal :0 F, CoOTier. 0 J.C £..,•...••...0 P.Boovler 1110 P.Doyle. 0 A. B.'Vance 110 Wm.Uonnt... 0 Oeorge Sebinder. ..110 James Smllh.l 110 Dsn. WUIS...11110 WuL-Terger..! Ill 1110 Wm.Hoont..l 0 J.Kamerly...111110 P. Bonvier.. .0 I>. Sharp 110 A.Davlaon...ll 11 0 Wm. Alexander (for Wm. Cooper) lllllllllll William John Tonng 111 11 11 111.0 Won by Alexander for Wm. Cooper. WOODBUW. CANINIS SPORTS. SPARRING. Great Sat Sillingt 'Xatar Yonr Soga. Or Friday, Feb. IS, 1856, a Silver Watch will be given to Terriers under 18 Iba, the dog making the best time to win the Watoh—rate for pounds. Also a handsome Sporting Picture in frame will be given to the Dog under 30 Ibe., who shall make the best time on rats. Tbe sport 'will commence at 8 o'dock, on Friday evening, at the London Pleasure House, 600 Eighth avenue, comer of 42d street, New York. Challenge. . 1 WILL bet $60 that my dog T^gser, 24 lbs. weight, will kill . 100 rate in 7 minutes, Ar $50 that he can beat any dog of bis wdght in the United Stalw, at 100 rata. -A matoh can be made at the London Pleasure House, 690 Eighth avenoe^ cor- ner of 42d street Hat. Busk'a SzblbitioB. Br an advertiaement in another, column, it will be seen that Mat Bask, whose propoaed match with Dominiok Bradley haa created such an ez- dtement in Philadelphia, New York and elsewhere, announces a Sparring Ezhibitioi:, to come off ia Franklin Hall, Sixth street bdow Arch, on Thurs- day evening, February 21st, on which occasion some well Imowo boxers will appear, and delineate the Art of Self Defence in a masterly manner. Mat will appear in a set-to 'with a Mr. J. B. B.— who J. B. B. is, outriders are left tooonjeotnie, bnt we bdieve his appearance will eanse some stir among the andience. Mat also offers to set-to in a friendly maimer 'with any geiileman who nay t^sh to pnt on the gloves 'wi£ him. Were Ftaik- lin Hall three timea the die it ii, we qiine that it wonld still be too small to hold ill who 'will pre- sent themselvea on the 21at, for adnittwce, Beetty, in Boitoa—Benefit at tto Tariatles. SooTTV, of Brooklyn, s verv deverboxer, and a good fellow, who baa been aojonmiig with onr Boston friends for some time, ib aboit giving a Sparring Exhibition, which is appointed, to take place at tbe National Varietiea, Boston, »n Tuesday evening next, Feb. 10th, on whidi occaaon an at- tractive entertainment will be given. In addition to other apuring, there will be a -Olove Fight for $26 a dde, between Mnrrav, of Binniighuii, and Smith, of Troy. His will be worth witoeasiiig. as dtowing how fistio contesta are oonducted, la a quiet a^d manly way. Bedde* this du^i^, we ar«