New York Clipper (Feb 1856)

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..piDmued • rat-to, between Scotty .and J^amee 'Har^ wliicb will be the wrad-np of ^e (port Will not onr friendji see that BrooUyn's repieuntatiTe luB s £Ood benefit t Old ToTM'a Benefit Wz expected to be able to announce the pro- gnmme of entertainmenta for the benefit of Old Bill Tovee^ whioh is to'take place at Franklin Hall, Szth stieet, below Areh, Philadelphia, oi? Monday erening next, bat we haVe received no bill or no- tice of it. There will be sparriog', singing, and oar old friend will do his best, we feel asBored. tonnder the entire entertainment attractiTa. We onoeieiy hope the exhibition may proye a benefit in reality to Mr. Tovee. PEOESTRIANISM. Foot BacM at the ITatieoal Iheatie, Bovtoa. DASH OF ONE MILE. Omt Htb hus Baee betvean OrindaU and Sioltb. '•TUem iTS" SpBtt«a. Tbk National Theatre,' Boston, was filled with in sppreciatite andience on Saturday evening, 9th hut, on the occasion of an entertainment of a va- nad desciipdoo, the principal attraction of which MDoited of two fpot races, viz: a daah of one mile between the ''Boston Ba(^" and the " Yonog Ammeaa Deer," and a fire mile contest between -Giindell, the C3iampion of America, and James Smith, of Albany, H. Y. He mile race, or forty circtnts of the nog, was firat decided, the.Back making the distance in 6 'minntes 1 second—the Deer ocoopying 6 minntes 30 seconds; the Buck proving the winner by 88 ': seconds. The event of the evening was next announced, -via.: the five mile contest, or 200 times ronnd the ' ring--OrindeU giving his opponent a start of three i CKCnits of the ring, he. Smith, making 197 circnita I to Grindell's 200. On tosung for choice of start, Giindell won, and Smith was therenpon bronght I to the score for the first triaL. As he appeared, I dressed in a very tasty manner, he waa greetei. I with lend applaose—hia appearance denoted that he was in good condition. On getting the word. Smith started off at a steady pace, i^oh he kept np thronghoot the Hiata-nna^ occasionally maUng a spnrt^ but again relapsiog into hia rcgnlar gai^ and finally completing the 197 circoita of the ring, or naarfy five miles^ in 28 minntes and 12 seconds. After a short recess, OrindeU made his appear- ance in the atepa, diMied in a neat ranning suit, trimmed with silver. . Hia appearance waa the s!g^ ' nal for a storm of applanse Uiat most have proved partienlaxlygratifying-tohim. At the word « Go," he darted off swiftly, gradnally settling down to his pecnliar and telling gait, now and again easing off a tdfle^ but striking ont again as his friends gsveWk the points regarding the time. In thu way he ac- complished the five miles, or 200 dicnits, in 27 minntes and 38 seconds, thus beating his adver- sary 34 seconds, besides three circnita. On finish- ing_ the distance, Orindell made a short speech, in which he stated that he was ready to nm any man in the TJnited States a foot race of 5,10, 15 or 20 miles, for any amonnt of money. This race was a capital one, being well contested by both men. Smith promises to make a capital pedestrian, as his time in the above race fiilly proves. By oare and attention in his training, he may yet giye the- Champion a more severe tiuale. A little incident took place at the Kational, on the above occarion, which it may not be ont of place to mention. It seems that J. EL Taylor waa standing at the entranoe to the ring, beside the time-keeper and several othera, when a wae in the lodyof the.honsa bbV ' '"^ ' " rf^dloo'tyoai '^ pFfOf unlool . ^ - ifi hid himself from view. It were worth a dozen times $75 to Taylor that "them $78" were paid. TREATISE on THE OABIE OF CHE8B, COMPILED FROM THE DEOT.AUTHORITIEa. CHAPTEB JULIV. ■ omoBiPnos or tbs omesa boabd, mcb, aia Aon Sk«DtfOT>« Chtu riaamf BmS-Bock. I' OTI THE BEU.TITE TALDE OT THX OBISS FOBOKS. Am attempt to establleh a aoale of powers wbereby the nUtlTs valoes of tbe several men ooold be estimated with mathenutlcsl exoeUtade, altboogh it has frequent- ly engaged the attention of saleatUle minds, sppean to be as expenditure of ingennltyond research npon an nnsttalnable object So ever varying, so msch depen- dent on the matattons otpoiitim which eveiy move oe- caalons, and on the augmented power which it acqoircs when combined with other foroea, la the proportionate worth of this with that particnlar man, that It woald seem to be beyond the reach of compatatlon to devise a fonnnia by wliloh It can be reckoned with freoialon. Bat BtlU an approzimaUon to correctaeas has been made, and the leinlt arrived at gives the following as the nltl- mato xeapectlve valaes: ' Pawn ••••••••••«•*••■.«..,■•.. 1.00- Knlghc 8J15 . Bishop SJiO Book. t 6.i8 Queen 9.94- , The 'King, from the natnre of the game, whicb doies not admit of bis Iwlog exobanged or cq>tnred. Is In^a- able, and he is not, therefore, incladed In the calcola- tlons. The Pawn, It is seen. Is the leaist valnsble of all t^e men, the Knl^t being worth at least three Pawns. The Bishops and Knights are practically considered of eqnal value, although there Is a difference in the es- timate hare given. A Book Is of the valna of five Pawns and a fraction, and m^ be exchanged for a minor piece and two Pawns. Two Books may be ezchaoged for three minorliiecea. The Qaeen Is nsoally reckoned eqoal, in af erage dt- natloDB, to two Books and a Pawn,' but towards the end of a game she is hardly so valuable as two Books. These compatatlve values may be of service to the student In genenl casoa of czohanglng men, but he will find In practice the relative worth of his soldlaisls modi- fled by io many olrcnmstances of time, oppoitonlty, and podtlon, that nothing bnt experience can ever teach him to determine accnrately In every ease "which Vo give np and which to keep." '. TO BE OOBTIHDKD. 1^ whl«h I wen the second game, I beg leave to lagbyont'Moiims:.!. .■-■■ ■ - ' dedroos to'lesm, and am wining to pay asiS»»H'*odoing,ud aS'Hr.'lLsaserts that the movetolto have been beaten In half the nomber of tnistlnfrB^* fohowlng forbis oonsldentlon, which I will wkSfrtlon was earnest, I hope ho will accept more he iS^be cannot win In haU the number; $26 SiS 'ho caHaitn In a leis number; and an oddttlonal SiilhatS^tt in anyother'way.«n>»»"tl«"T. lIkViitr"'''"'^Mdt to yon. and I wUl do a "fAJ^it,',?;h1?'^ve tastead Of yO^en by or another move. V\ Yonn,&o. ENGLlH SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. jfnmBtlPtLi/timJ.mJ<m,J<m:a>, ISM. / THE BINO.■ iHayos'and Johnny Walker.- BELLft''™ is BtUl an^ns to bring his adjonraed inlll wl Walker to a con'olnston, and cannot nnder- - '■■ffelkefs IHends should object to naming a thj'first nrtlcles. Hayes wiU either flght for /down, of add XlOOorXZOO aside, bnt only Ion that the referee is thos named In order to CiiU8|>i Brat)'ad BipsdiUniB.- 17 CS03BY OTMBTw-i-WH. THOMAS a T P. WILLIAM%v POWBB PRESS PBINTER, T-; t^T* ~*f:L'5?!ffii'JilwhTmr • oJf•"•ffte |>«bllolDf«neiBl, tSana'nUI coailma Uabuiawai se ,j« tu V" P"L"!?. t^illi oLIi S ltSiri«l»5j» all Am «Wc«, a ma FMT noUdll* wmra b« ba> PAOlUTIBa U,, ehaleail WlBca, Ll4i«i* aifai»,»<>. ■«•■ •mrww^-M- . fo,4,„„ pREaswORik.fto* #« uaaUan tareataitoUia laneat "vSaland I.«ra.«>«ail(..lo eroy ««nl«« ^^S^V<^U^^.»>a-t-dm^iMi«a,Ml.kM^ ??lr-V w. TM-^A MMMa At nntica. 161 * • .• - ■— - -« - - LoJllijaty.ihenightorweek: PriTBaWOMftrpartiea. "Tbe manly Art of EelfDefemoo." BAAB-v c^niBDur AT nbaiifl. ' AT THE SOLlCrif ATION OF MANY FRIENDS iba■cleniUeUABRV. 6RIBBIN baaeoaelodedlodsTOtoa HaTmaFotuS japariorl>oebleCilL.,„ , ,,, ... , ^ — I day ana alsbt;oM havlB^ baoD caf^ailln lha. bvvima rorika , ala CyUadar Pr>«>aa, asS OB* of Rae>a rau and I lapartor^oaUaojlhritT Freoa in oponUoo, wllh sncam fows paat twenty yeai^and^BTOUac hia wbola time in th« Pian Boom, BaMtabliaMU uathecaafiTat&tiraMiIitkailostaallwbamaT faaoThlmwitbthalrpattolljin. , Tha nadanlfnad tea alaapm adSa* to hia ax la aa l ve cdabUrb- fflint one ^ Hoa^ LTlaati Foa» p^r.trr Daw CTimnn n'<rli0Dor klatlma laaWras pilma Icawai In Cparrincal hla|pnnaaaa,wlllchla<alc■lalcdtodothefillmBook,Job,and^e«>- iilica of bnstnoa, Mo. 7t Badnn avonne, opiaal'.e Fnoiatteeklogpcrwcrk.and will prisitwieaailaAaaaBTbedandp)aienBa- nt«.kl>n; bibooiiwlilbeffooie Ull Wa.ETana lianHUUd'^ —' .».„ . .» TO OOBHKSFOaDBnTa. B. 8. Moaaiix.—Wa take It for giantad, whananr'a pnliltB as- paaia In a paitodlcil, pnbUahad ban. In SogUnd,aranrwliaia alui ihmt It baa and-— —■ —■ InMrtloa—and lliat It baa nadanrODa a cavafa aad ralnata "analjala piaTionj to Iti Inaartlo n a nd it la for thli laaaan that wa mhUahad,—n'nti. PnbUai Ne. 28, and nlatlaD, tj Otptaln Oo van. ' Wa f allr itxaa ^ ^ . .— r —. « .dllj asraa with jaathatapioblam lanot caUad good wbaa It baa a wry d^- firtns lolatlon from Iba one intaadad, bbI«m it ahonld ba both 1 daa aad compUeatad, (with dna dafanaca to Tonr on lUD), pltf«r,vfaaa eoneaetlog a pioMan; baa uaa uutJeolar Idaa, n vhlah ha dwalli, aad vnlch ba tliu to cany ant by pladag plaeaa la lhab piopar paialdoB. Ctraa bant opoB his Uaa, ba fta- qaaatly ovailoeha olhar Mlatlena whiak might ba obrlou to a&- othar. Wa may add rortbar, that, aaoeadlag to yanr nlatloo and TslatloB, Oaplain Oowu'a eampoiltte la aa iBnaaat oaa, balaa •aaoaptlhla ofa aoy difftmt •olaUan thaa the AMatL lot MinU log ODt which wa alva you fall oadit and onr tfiaaka. tat tha baaaatoroarnadaiBfWWlaaaztyintrowB aolaUon.- Wblta, Black Wblla. Black. I—BBS PKtdor (a)|S—BKdx SQS »-BKSt4 PQC (beat) li-BKt7B)ata. |S-B»'4x ' |4—SKtT mate. i-n B S P Q s- 3—RiP PKtd yonr aolitloo ot N. >L'a Ii J. n^Agaln eonaat la yonr iDlatloo of Waat Polatar'i problam. ALOalo.—Wa hara d la eov ai ad aaathar aolotloQ la thret moTW ofyowr bBpniad prablam, aa (Dllawa: Whita. BUck. l..KtQBS PoB s..Kans - p'„ 3.. Kt S 6 and mataa. Do not daipair, bat work at tha "hanowa" natn yon noeaad. Vorwaidualn yonr Slat qaaatlonmeatloned In your iMt Ualtia'a T^™^^oantajvi^\MA,v^TOM oaaor tha loaaiaa la waatad In tha dlagiam. Z. T. Z —We entertain ao doobt that anr coRanoodant aaw tha mIsmUitad man or N. M. (B K >) In onr lart Waik'a papari It ■hoDldhaTobacnptlatadBKaaailnB aad lalaadni. >^hap» that «ar Mum Mil ov.irto«k lbs lee flwlsganiw. . H. &0. aaiTi^in£nm na If yoorlaat ibot«w InMrtfd t uuavuiujM^ia. A^u uetu 1 WOmaiS, {hat 1 statement, kot to ezmise mydefeat^^ » " Who's to blame r'), bnt as a reason ikjl, other trial If " B." wiU ehow how hB ?*" The Cliampiosihip. Aaron Tonss and tbs Tipton J fourth deposit, of £10 a side, for this euItlDg /was madee- ' " •- v-t." r!o.«. Ion TnoBday P.M. T*rmB leijoaabla. .... * eiovu alwaTB OB head far than who wUh to hava a riiasffiy Itci lo. GrnUanua iaiuucted at Ihelr awn ittldoieea. 41 tr ItiiaqoalitycV aawotOdti Mew Caipet Warehoaaa liSV^rSat £i^gW^'c.inbrian, Castll I w &, T. LEWIS, NO. 623 BROADWAY, OP-1 J. P. J -noBday evenlnirfhe fifth doposlt, of £10 VV . P<»ite«l»a.Nld«.laaHoial.hanraia,wglto th^w i-to°^1SdraT^my WeWi's^ S^^^^^^^^ igstreat, FarringdonMarket, on the SOln inst, I*"" ^''•^J^r.'vrA.Tr-rr^Ut^MaBnini , Fisnosnd ChlnTj, ftom one u> cuhl yiidiwlde; tolr Uaulog alda betwoBB■ thoae iJdlSari? Plainud Bordered AdlSai4«,anlrich gold and orlm- Bide, Mtwoen .noao |jaa« a^ r BUken Wool ; »2«»'Jl5ffS!'tli ~ --• o —^. ■ 3ulr CarpeU, in Tarioiu wi41k»-aiid i fim ottaa Carpet Slorca. 7--26 23 lost me the Be,^ndX»'"T"niU thSt*gS?e as far aa the 11th move (28 2^^J?X!?;i„r^.fSe bMrd, and then, on atteUng^^? gJ^jt^thX' time, fMnd after etoborate ^EJ ^2 'Sf«t ™ unavoidable. Ai,d here I wooi5i5rth°t iniake this Ir.Hercereays, —111 V 1. . r-.demandlng an- the Hist game, I shall ba sincerely g«MbL as I shall always be for a conrteons correction. \' The game with " Uetollos," allnded to;">obablv oc- cupied In ootDsl play less than fifteen mlnnt& 'was sent as having points of Interest, and by no miuis wllh loiccnft are eapectfd. the Idea tb|t no flaw could be detected.. But wil" a" ] show tha laolt at ^he X6th move T I ^." L." must for a time excuse me from attending to I , ,^T^ "? T*^^?^ u » —, <v„ I aS^glrTW. 8MVTHB. «7 Broenie-afi N. hia variatlona:.aside of other engagements, I haveon B 1>ave received tha whole'of Hatton's money iqr I ^ a,^^ ^ ^argaIa,»llaalaBa» eanplatau hand a matoA across the boaid. I will soon eramBie match, and he requests nsto state that he Is now - - ■ ■ them with the'care to which he has a right. lared to Increase the stakes to £100, If the BlaaK I will play " Hony Holt" four games, taking thbWhlK Ieslt,BndwlU,irthe Black likes, stake the remam- plecesthronghont; and: moving In tha first game 22 IS £76 onthe day.of scalmg. and in the tUrd3318. ..Tours tmly, "HiBTm,' loao to uoe tmpiacdfiiB per hoar, acootdisg to . _ja wolb. . aapeeUUlyaaBeltika PohUahaia and rimleia w can hia Baom and Vc «a>»a , and aulafy tkamHlrca, and kalhliAalhay wUl affaawlUihlm. (a calllntltlle Sludal Freaa- BoomoflhaOUy. ' 'JOBN P. WILUAUB, ■i aAiiB«.,laihaRar. J. P. W. bags laamaa ntanlhanki tohlv praacni eiaumata jr tkalrpainuga,aad will aliU oaatioBeklB aCanaoplaaaaaa haralofora. 1<ZI-U H. F. mbbardia CELEBRATEQ .WIU) CUiBBRY BITTERS.— For Karaoaa Wcahneaa aadOeaaial Ooblllly.—^nuaprepaia- tlon of Wild Cheity 'l >n hivaloable puaaca In eiiae of Ckalani Morbaa. Obstan, Ciampa, Bpaana, '^yipspala, Coiglu, Cplda, FalQlncaa, Loaa ef Appelll«.oraaydiflunaiifaBaator lha Liver, Slonaob, orBowala, and auailaui for ehOdrm in ' oiToathuig. Bead the following; M». B. P. HmLas—Sir: I wW^^ CHBHL Seet Hm^oVuTs'occaiilOBr^^ master of the I nras aRUS AND GUNPOWDERS OP EVERY I SSJb«Sr uoabied wiS w?ni» Unae Uuea yia*"fh^ iria LieenfiareesDeCted. J mSoT domeaUe and ImBOrtoI, forw.rdrt ar j»aM BoieeTniBTB EiuCT-nu. SieJ &|ArtUhibaaappl51 e»orthitl)«na«dBu^ SSSiuSS IslilSrSlovSL Spo?&ga^P0yPli5UjJ)W Sbag-TamfebUd a<nB.,M^ Tha antl^B.w.ha P.dd.dt«.dH^B««-., - , second denoalt, of §10 a side, L 11 _ Qi.„.i oi.i.. .nii. lonr r ,lorthe asmpioVs heIt>to.l* maJe 3aant'a, Coach and Horses, St. Uartln's lane, on ^„ .muyitpt la _.esdsy next, the 23d lost. Ta 'have'already re- ; , 5dPaddook-B$10,bntwenndetBtaildhewlUattendl to apoaTiBa auen. .AXOTBBB. „ ' If agreeable, H. Curtis Will aecapt "Ifartln's" chalC^ing maToh'es 'wii^'ontslders. Should, however,. lenge In th^ Cupper of Junnaiy izih, choosing Black Athletto Fotboyat the Coaeh and Horses, whoobal- and making for his flnt move 11 to 15. ced Bob a fortnight baok, prove'to be Ben blmsel^ Pwm'in that case waive his objeoHoa^ and flgM ■Will onr correspondents send us duplicates ol — - — j — tbilr letters forwsrded last weekT They have bee: either mlalald or Stolen from us. of Woi Ifh to Inform yoa » h»i la Mcf mj ~ UBV BITTERS. H« . • yean- I havt) itlo LAsacwaad VT«na B;nip«t»iul fCnud D^tcUo nd«d t^rgvt ■ botU* of rovr Biiun for 'ALL'._ , . ./^-.alaaadforsloak.ataO* Waieratieai, ooroar of daiia. An Infalllblaeara for manga, wonoilihaerc^snpnoa ana dbeaMa of ika ekln in doge, aa., baaatlfylDg and lOKmig the k>B TRXvmis (NaTLMgVam'a Mack) I.«,t imMlious I hag. ^:^^^'S^,J,'!S^'i^ i^^^ A Shy Bt-Oannt iwalni." Ha waa Toy aiek aliha lime, «i«>^n«w Sporting. . / ^ r3sS^jT"^"WB?lSf,SffSJ^' LL THE CHOICE BB,Eig)8 OF DOGS FOR | NawTwk. aad by Pniggim genaially: »_ '^IXHSt '^Biiayy and..H niuur oiiB Reading M VOK TBJB JmiUON." A NT'WORK NAMED BELOW CAN BE FOR- A. ewrtadhT»BaUtoaayjp«no»ihaDalVi4 8«aaot t^n«la«, ^^:JS^?tM arlM Mwdlanaloaad la lha pabUakeia > aad par- ™—^^-----liitBjnofmallorciprem. ilawhatarareaaaeotadwlrh ear bnJnaaa, : " 8000 ^f " ff <'' g " Birds.'. ' " C CaABUQS VKLBUTQER, at 14fil BOWERY, riaar. •o.i"f!>™.h!..M« tta.^lio to^ Block oan always lie beaid of at Nat nbrlan Bloreo. ' . TO OORREaFOlrmURFB. Mas era.—Wo hSTe Ukai ap tha matiar from ihe itait, and . Bc^UatUa'apoaitloii, psbliakcd la lha Fieuilal, with you own and^Baff^Ball^aotatloDof ibo Bame,ao that oar rcadaia may lodge* Qnojnuial'railaia'mUlBld, baiwawiilprodaea aaothv. .'.vWiiiow,'imoic na'noioaux ar ''luarnf.** J"'/ " TVIilie'mea<mNaa.2S,10,S; ■ . vrhlle King on Na. tr. Tarmer aad.Piloe. 9 Ml^^a'hava no acconnt of the aflhlr, but wa | Antanala,Plah,andBap«llaa«»aMieda] J/SSivMaU'sipeT" Thomas Golbv^' SiJiSS^-^^^iSrSfe •..a 4..31 «..ia. S,.17 7.;14 : ' 9.. IS U..1S Black nun on Noa. SS, 13, S, 7; ' Blaak KInga on Noa. llTlt, U. White ta play and win. "UARCUS>» SOLUTION. dik the writer declares Be was referee, and that »»|'*mBSfl?S^ j,,p,i,datt»eahoitaatBOttss. vAl of " foul" was made to him on the part ol * arroar, | vshda Brae for eaiai ^ tatlio decided " fair,'.' whereupon^ned ' s ■31 13 17 . 14 ,10 15 19 IB 11 HABBT BOLT'S SOLUTION. While. 1.. 6U 9 a.. 3 9 3..97 31 4..31 13 S..I3 17 S..17 sa l.M 18 8..IB IS 9..1S 19 Tonr aalBiion of No 30 is contet. We nndeistand that yea (ad no fanit wllh Maitln'a paaliioa In the Pietorial, onir with iia lo'.oUon. Fleaae sind a dgpUsate of yonr laat peiiiioa, tWt wa Bay lay It before oar teadeia, year Ciit bavini bean nlf laid; H. Ctraii8.*Wa will cxamiaa yonr poaiUoBlnoarBaxt.' f' J. F. 8WXlV.~Toiir eolation of B[artbi*a laat original poelden la ooiTceL ' All A<< eompocltlosa pooeaa a ca<Jt<i of originality qoOa aharaaiarlftlc. Tear brother haa ear beat wiihes for Uie onder- taUng. ar.—Thnnhi for your Ian sontrlbides, whiab wa wDl «z- .We i^a ihle epportanlty to aekuowledge, amlao.laoarBa fbr yoa, the ~oiTaeilr " lyaifkadby.> r aoBBitlad lay r game No. 23^ aad whieh waa _ BIrdSa AnliMlBt- &Ce >aEU aiipearB tThavo hern'a fight .in Monday, at | y ^ joDB, TAXIDBRMlSr, Np;_16 NORTTB I lv«h«n^between two novices. _muned Faraar Ji.,WB^. "J"^^^ —jedaid Btalad InaTciyaBperloT I Uoanlad Bma in glaa eeaaa, «n4 jdng any mora, and he therefore awarded ^he battle T Ice. On the other hand, we are inforned, on the i inlhorlty, that the rafarea originally, a struck a foul blow, but that after Fa decided that I Boats and Taolits. XTEWMAN &. RANDALL. 845 FRON T STRE ET, I i» .T.-lJ^ a»adooraoaatofFe«kBllp,NewTolb,iaaaul*ot»«aofaj>»l feimer had left. t^Sbi^iH^lA^'^'^ 'i2r""^^',%i'KiSS; lUn'aPrice's'Sands intimidated the referee into al- ,i.uand wortij»nahlp. Ali^ baai qaalltycf .0»ia,tSw«ita, 2 ?gisdecirior If thS^ proved n.V"M'5,1 "A'SM^'S^^^ pssngsjjTfi ih ikeholder, he has bnt one oonnie, wbloh la to give I j,?|;^»M?SavlSgtheirboau bBUtbyt i»BtUalBoatBslMan.m th takes to Farmer, as a refor«« has no power to lec^ I— ; -—- , _ I Islon once given, whether it Is right or ^"J'?;,'^'* o^^, BweepS 4 SeuIlO, »t Bcdnced PrlCeSe r.ninrmation there.aDDearsno doulitthe I », Qugg'JjaiBER HAVING IN STQRE MQRE 1 than a mioa Feci. Of Oaivi ^A'Jilf Sf.'ILSS^SS tt liiSg toonrlntonnatlon there :appear8 no 01 nS2ecl8lonWBS."J'ooL'' . . timish ef tha Taaht BaeraL » Monday laat thla' calebiated yacht was ag^n aent a tt. having recently been liangtharied seven feet by S bows.. The alteration bos certainly mnch Improved h appei»nCe;<s It will, no doubt, her speed, which \ . pifortTthi alteration, of a high order, she having b 11 the \^jpner of 44 prizes. IB u^7 . t. .« ^gftaatling Ibtch.—Baacomb and Knight OB the match between these men, Mr. Wilson, of the S ittoa DoK.Strand, has received the whble ef 8 kS(£16 a side). The match excites conaiaeabls Bn: S sLt amongst the admlreniof the Cornish style of * \ Bstllng, andls to take phice on.Toesday evening neit «r rw-'tKI EL PAOK. ajl'd reoolTiag from hia »anoraol*rtaa at lha I rfoet. iBraadi'Se S io 10 feai; B. Page'; Bra 11 feel, 3 oania par foot la •■ 3U •• ■ 13 " « " . U' " 41 " 18 " » " " 17 It e •* 96foet.l9aentB|Mrfoot. _ . . ■ AJ«, tor .ale;RoagVoSHid.plK,JlhHanka.Bah7lng««, BpISiFoii^^l? ai?«l, and DBhavdbaadle !ookPolea,*o,»o. B.w.FA«i 43 • IS 30 31 93 93 34 1 <• 10 u , Boat- 30 Weal and 3J WaiUnglai|.Btnels. BflUardsi BUllards! Bflllarda rpHE OLDEST AND BEST ESTABLISHMENT PEDESTMAinSM. ;For this match we have received n l^ihar £10 a dde '^SCS'.riSlea'u'SLjrii'iinf^'. -"-•"•"'-—fie good^at ^,^^£^^^^'i\^VS»t o'f Trimalaga.aiwaya ground has l2;5SJP»SySJbTniu or aiMS» luoaipily aantad at lha ^ ""'J-IoHNOR « 001.1.»BDB|«, od the final depoat of X5 a side Is to be made _ office on thi 24«» InsU, on wjijoh. day the ground nedj _mDuiii. oideia by inall or aapreaa pjompOr i which.Is to be within 2S mUea otLon- RSiS^ piiaea. ^and «sj5tw riraElrf. .....nVjnrMOaXSBYrAVLDSKOOE. .^.[- .. . .L^^aai wouiaiLLOanann. lMla4taa>eaiia:. "lieaalaPoIlayDataalad.^. '.VAay Doeainr joUa King.... Tha Lamo'Dewil.. ' lbs lilih'Widow....'!.: ' . Beenta of'SBBmlcB.v bSS!\ Wll& , by hai aalf. Idadaline lha anngcr .' ' Paallho Pn*!gafa^^.j.. " jaABaraU,byen3naora,lS Ulobauoas... .. OnliSSa of a Lady WaWng Maid ■■ charallar D"Faablaa. Tarn Biown'e Jeaier.„..... jjWatleHCaniplala Worta TbaMpl^of'VenM.OTLejojaofLoTa.. ... ' The Adreniaica of a Maalaal Nadol. naAaoanafLadyAsgastaOlaTion , TboHlelorTOfaBaka......... The Secret Amonnof Napoleon- Dob Pedro U Beareb of a Wife.. 'ThoBarMaldofihaOldPotol Hoaaa Thslnnbnaof Tkiae Daja 5?aTb!i?2?{il5Sii^i^vi-i.yj.^.:^^^ jfiL. or Where la ihaTWoman ihal Wooldan.... STk d i ealai ea of a l^w wrh W e dalna i l , , teilhar Jimca,orlaeLiiialtane.... ............. Kit Habiiaif lha Female Ba«, pta&jlaija... do' do .do colored - Moiolii of an 014 Ban of Twaiity-Fiva..>.... ^uaraofSanftoldudBalaUa..... Th.M,*jri...fw«".jS!Sar:--:::::::: AsmodaiB, or ihe InlqnWes of New Tork.^». SS^i Temple, ot lha Amoaia of a Llraly C«m<»y anjwmltby addia^ i a,M..— .t,ae5{y£Sr.Naw?oifc- Hew Works bj Charles Panl de K«*i,„ rpm ireSTEREB OF VENDS. OH LESSONS me A*JSS« " ..SS i.LSD ....aa ,...M ..Lae ..'.SS ...SS ...iO ,..M l..BK6dl80. X 2..BQKsq S.,KKt2 • 4. .'K z F disc. mate. Kt Intern. QKtFz FKKtS I of yonr laA podiionT Womeitof.—Win he a linoBrn Fiitol Shootiiig OhaUeagae- SoiB con^derable discnarion having taken place latdy, here and elsewhere, regarding the-respeotr he abiUties of different gentlemen who are prot dents in pistol shooting, the nndersigned is induced to offer the foUowing series ef challenges for the purpose of bringing the matter to a P»ft'o4 taeL Sle^aUengcs are open to all, nnder the .lunitf- tiona and restrictions, and in accordance with the coaditions named. , ,, No. Omt—$600.—To be Aot at 16 yards, deU- barate aim, twenty-five iihoto each, string measnre- menf. vrith the aid of one hand only. No. Two—«500.—To be shot at 25 yards, deU- berate aim, twenty-five shota each, string meaanie- ment torn centre to centre; with the aid of one hand only. * * * Ko-Thbib— $600.—To be shot at 45 feet, at the word, twenty-five shota each, at the hne or •pot, and one second .of time to be given, ine measnrement fiom centre to centre, an* no ^de or snpports to the ahonlder or arm. No. FooB—$500.—To be ahot, at deliberate mm, a distance of 46 feet, at a bullet, placed on a cork, placed on the month of an ordinary wine botUe—the month of said botUe not exceeding three quarters of an inch in diameter, the cork to ^ be one inch and a h Jf high and three inches and ^ jj j • a quarter in larcnmference. Twenty-five shotor57.pK4 each. If either party, in shooting, breaks Uie bot- 2. -Kt KB 3 tie, snch bieakiDg shall deduct one shot fronihu ?-*|g|4 whole nnmber and stand as a miss. The party | g'/.p^BS Vroblem XTo. 31>—Troin M. 0. BBorrtlL BLACK. CoaatuT BBuaa, "iSbSS tha^iSSrV w^a f-«B the .ap»>Uy r'^:i^™-W?J-J!?'««'«*« yoalhtawoebfor,-; aoSXi ySISIy taow, if you wiU bat glanoe orer oar ealnnuia I of Ullaweeh'epaper. . ■OIiXmOH OF FOBinOir wo. 3 0. BLAOK. y™'^. Ho. From. To. From. to. 1 28 17 " I S 8 11 16 8 % W 'I E 4 8 FOBRIMf BOI Sl^BT -CODHTBTMAW." BLACK. ' ITHITE. 'White plays first and mates In Ibni raovet. Oam* Vo, 37. BETWBIW MBSBBB. K. AHD F. U, "oP IHB KBW TOBK | CHSS8 cLtm. SeOXOS OAUBTT. wmTB, (Mr.N.M.) BLACK, (Mr. K.) FK4 Kt QB3 PxP BQB4 FQ6 QKt4 BKt3 _QE4 PQE4(a) PQ-Et6 Kth«me(b) aK2 BLAOr, (Mr. K.) i2..PxP P»F 13..KtQ2(e)BK3 14. .RK PVi',) ie..BzP KtKBS 16..BQBS- <iB2 lT..BzB PxB 18..BzPz KQsq 19..BK7Z KQB 20..BQ6 QQsq 21..QB4Z BB2 a2..PQKt6 Black Wblte to play and via. shoulder straps or supports. , 110.".Castles PKES (o)' No.FivB--4l000ti».$2000.—Tobeshotback-hj pK6(d)PQ3 ^—- ^- . — w«fa^^the pistol being held between my X.;;bi4,lu.4toextricatehl»plcceswlth«.yho^ Wi^ig Wup/dedowti; the other haraK the privilege jofeven to^^ I 1..22tol8 of shooting as he pleases, vrith thewd of one hand (a) It Is a dangewns experiment to pnA this Pajra I JO sioares In tl3?^lnp the Btudentvrtll^read l^fsee | Chuae XTo. 38> BirWOTH MBSBRS. P. AND J. D, OT BOSTON, nwiei BLACK. (Mr.J.D.) 11 to 16 8 16 "15'«»'"l'"~~"»"~ . rj«i!K.i_!twbeonareslnthlBOpenlngitnostuoen»wiiiTOwiij only. Fi&en shots at the bne, or spot, at delibe- JwV^o B 3 Is pileiiabltf, tha Kt being able, tl ten, to rate mm, at a distance of twenty yards. remain at his post yrtjj^-Whlte's Kt. J Is pushed a nothor ^J^l'^f ^rSlfi^Cr hSS^gl«i.u. retreat; Black l.-alieady cramp.. *om one hmidred yards: twenty shots each, stnngl Dgjjagaiybad; PteQSwasthastiongestBiove— measurement, from centre to centre, men ac-1 ' • - • — ^ « -;i « —i «rw cepted, this challeoge roust be made play or pay. ^ ITo. Saviir—$1000.-That within sixty days from acceptance, I produce » m«n who will _be from acceptance, I prodai.. , , placed tUrty-nz feet from me, wiOi no ">«erv«oing Sbiect, an apple or an orange, six inches m circum- ference, shall be placed on his head, and one of like size in each hand- In six shots I stnke the When ao-1 bave released his Q B and Q Kt ahortly, e>Bd en- abled Black to'have castled on the <^s dde. (d) We never could wish a batter opened game than 'White's at this juncture, (a) A palpable slip; S to S z would have won (f) Thr'. '^g away a -valuable Pawn. ViLBIATIOlT OF OAUB XO. 7, Itetween Messrs. X. T. Z^^^^Zt. ioTnrLg the man. or 1- BeginB|g ia ih^dmove,h^^^ tha wao4r I lose in case no man can be found. I of Bristol, and «. M^ottnis mty. N B^f any genUeman wiiihes to take a part, BIj^O^ '^Jl'if/' bnt not the whole of the above wagws, he may se- if-.-.He . ^ WHITE. (Mr. P.) 16..26 to 17 IS..18 9 17..81. 26 18..19 19..23 20..II 21..18 IS .21 .28 ,26 BLACK. (Ur.J.D.) 8toia 6 14 .18 11 12 14 16 7 2 11 19 18 28 sa I of SOO'yaMa between'these celebrated ^ ..which takea plaee to-morrow (Monday), has been deposited In our ^■^n^a- Weatfaall haviajr -iron thb toea far the choice of ground, has named the Green Dragon, Sooth Mlmms, Baniet, and the Editor of Bell's Life hav- fae to name the referee. Tho laat 100 yards of the I nnnd aie to be roped and ataked, and the sidas and ' nd to lie decided by toss. Wa nndersland that 'West- all has forfeited tho money down for the proposed latch between him and John Howard. J Hantt^ay (tha TetaraiO and Oaorgs Brsdahav. ' : TuESB well-known pedestrians met laat Tuesday even- \f at Jem Ward's, and made a further deposit for their D miles walking match (Uonu^oy reeelvintr five mln- tts start), whiw Is io come off on the 2etb of Febmaiy, «tr seven and within twenty miles of Loudon. An ATiiniing Book- 9nB of tha most omnslDg books of the season. Is .that jK^ior Joneses Courtship, wllh engraylngs, by Sarley, pushed by T. B. Peterson, of Philadelphia, and for ei everywhere. If acy of our readers ever become ■feted 'with the blnea, a dose'of H^or Jones will bring ottheir rlsiblea, and cause them to " Ungh write oat ihiaotlng." Try It. r ^ AoUsTing Wonden. ,ils, readers, the many valuable cosmelics prepared l| Dr. Gootaud ore, and have been, for a longtime, living wonders, of a remarkable character. Take for tfficc, tbcDoctor'B"PondrcB Snblllaa," uid apply a ^on of the prepaistlon to those psrts where sniiaiflu- '^nlr most abounds, and yon will find It keener than a In eiadicstlng snch blemishes, leaving tha cuticle th and natural as an Infant's cheek. So mnch for ivlDg snperflnons hair. If you do not wish to remove wover, but prefer te have the color changed, 'tis _ a eame ; be yonrhalr«ed, light or grey, the Soc- lUqutd Hair Dye irill.transform it Into a beootlfnl 'or glossy black. U yonr skin is jotted 'with If es, blotches, or other Impeifectlons, Dr. Gonraud'a *i«ted Italian Medicated Soap will render it clear noft, and Impart thereto a blooming appearaaee. W) piepaiations may be had of Dr. Gounod, No; 67 Ihr atieet, first store from Broadway; also, of T.'B. ^dar. No. SSSonth Third street, Philadelphia; and ^s A Jordan, No. 129 'Washington street, Boston. JS;SSi^iofV>iy s-s— ...SI >■ yalTblllttril playaja. J „ ,4, Libertloe.. . „ „ what a ttble' ahonJd boTand he pledgea hia rapaiatioQ that ihesa exhibit advantuca peautaed by 00 olhcra, aad opaaa ap a new era ia bliilarda. Haviiiff opanad iho apaaona Hall No. 89 I^hanbcn aL (dp alairt), next loBarton'a Theatre, where laveral of them are ap for euiblUoo and^acUM,^he^ljivltcs geQIioman to five him a dpiacuoa, he lavltcs geQIioman to f 1 call and teat them, 'ncea Ti[blca era promplly luanaldelared to ad will b«i eold aa okeap aa Iba ordinaiy Tableo of Iho day. MICBABL rHBLAIt.No.atChambera at,(apelaira.) Tbe Great Core for Consnmptfon, DR. HAIGIfrS WONDBBFUL CURES ARB ON every tongne—hia Vegetabla Compoaad la oariag all who laftall. Let year ooogh be ever ao bad, it is qolokly eared, ir year Ikroat ia iniamed. it win allay tha InflanaUon aad ipaadlly care yoa. If yo^ hare any diiScaliy in breatluDf, likia Componod will qaiekly ramAro It. All btoiichltal ajTcetlona are duly cared by it. Io eaaca of ConaompiloD. the eongh ii at onca allayed, and the paUent revives. Ii ia die beat and aaraat mcdJaiiia ever Iniro- dioed to Ihe pabllo. t>IEceM3Bowary,N. T. 4* White rerSned, "BABBT," o»-inrr»Ai.o, ahd* OT BOsroH. BLACK. ("Harry.") bnt not tho whole of the above wageis, he m»y ae- lect the two he prefen, but mnst double the amonnt wagered. If any two, or all the above ■ waieiB are accepted on or before tho first of March nS. they shall be shot on the Metarie Couree, or dsewheri, in the dly of New Orleans. HaU for- feit is conditioned in each case of non-folfillment, after acceptance. . . ^ *i If the cTiallenges are not taken np by the firet of Uarch, I wiU leave them open to the lOlh of An-1 nst, to be shot in New York oity. Thirty days' notice shall bo glv«i mo, if any two <nt of tte seven challenges are excepted. . The money on bit part ia now leedy. Bid will hi put np with Mr. Jolm Daniela, Hope Hril, Wo. 9» SL Charies4treet, if aocepted here. If accepted in New York, the money ia ieady, and shall be staked with Mf. ^Tilliam Janeway, \Ci^ Hotel, ««iDo: of Biiiedimy en^ Howaid-et Hli? OBiaiaa. ' Joan Xttm BXrWXKir JAMBS ORAMFHOBV ABD B. ] BUCK, (J. O.) • ■WBUB.tB.Han.) IL.QPxKt QBKS HA.TOII QABBI; TAS OBDZL, OT OHIO AOO, ABD B. B. S. BWIB, OT BBW TO BC Blaoi. (Smith.') KtxB Whrb, rYan OadeL) 1S..BK3 OAIBE or CHEQUEB8 OS DH&nQBT& A CBAXOB FOB KB. FBii.iscLFHia, Fefc. 8,1^6. P. (}cBEB—XVor Sir.' Aeeudln.i to Mr. Mercer's dl^ recUons, I have written him oonoa mlng a mstoh. But aheUciiasdlyNm^IiibU pubUthed lettataa the ITE. ("Metellua,") filaektopl^. 31 Bpaning EzhfbiUon SFRANELIN HALL, PHILAISbLPHIA, FOR AE BENEFIT OF MATT. RVSE —& Bparrlag Bxblbi. MebeoeStofHATT. RDSKwill ba given at FRaNKUN ^PfaUadelphia, on TBDBSDAIT ETfiNlNS, Slat last., on wpcatflonaiarge nniaberar ihe Fancy will appear; the in WiU be baivecn Matt aad a yoang AmarieaD, i. B. B. Male voold bs pieajed to lat-to ia a fticndly nunner wllh oMIcman who woald >iko to pat tha gloves on with hint. Uelplila, Feb. U, lase. as^i ~R ' ;- -n Ford and nonagban'a Honae. ||NEY FORD AND JOHN MONAGHAN RE kJbtfally Inform their frlanda aad thejpnblle geaeiiilly that ht»a opened Iho U'VERPOOL HOUBB, <7 Stliman alreel, leaorleAovn etrcel, Boeios. where thoy wiU be happy to ace IhaMnda. There Ii a iaiga, eommodlona Boon adjobiag, for iheAaeergivbigLeasoDainlhaMaiilyArt. TbabiitarAle^ Wfflraadlca. Segara, Aa., alwmya oa haa-l. Can in and aea. {■Tom Crlbb'B Parlor*'—Boston. HART KESPEtrrPUfcLY INFORMS 'rtlag commaoltr, asd the pDhlio generally, that he haa ii Hoaae, TOM CRIBB'3 PAB1.UB, No. VIO North in. where ha will ba happy u aea thai at all " a. Where ha will ba happy u aea thai at all tinea, been arranged axpreaUy for Bparrlng, aad the giviiur ilba-MiiiiryAtt.>> ' ^ of Aiea, Wlnca, Liqaora, Begara, *o., alweye on 4S-4ia }a Sbadesi 19 Green Street LOPRIETQRS beg to INFORM their I taepabiie that tbey have opened tha above Hoaaa, ad to fanidi boald at ei per day. Chops, Siaaka, II K.— Beda as ala. per night. Laaah everyday aU hoois. I Hondny Dea. 10. WILSON * PRIOB. Spertlng—Sporting. -ALL KINDS OF FANCY FOWLS, tha baaatlrol aelaction of FaasyDoga: Klog aad lanacd txRlan,'pointaa, Bapaa,Mawftaa£ naaadPianahpoo dlaa. W lii baaolfeheaD. ataa fta. nmmmiT.aiiii * i^' aa Important to Females. DR. CHEESBUAM'S PILLS.—THE CX)MBINA- tlona of iagradlenu in thaae Pilla ia the naalt of a lODf aad ezlanatvapraoliaa; ihcyara mUdlnthairoper»iioa,aad oeitala of Testaringnaiara to 11aproper obanacL In every ioatanco have the pill*'ptoved eneeeianil. Thepilla invariably open Ihoao ob- airaetlons to wUch femalea are liable, and briog naiara lata tla prapcr ahannel, whereby health la raalorcd, and uo pale aad death, lyconntenanoa changed to a healihy one. No female can aaiay good health Bnlaaaenaiaragiilar; and whenever an obatmeUa;i lahca place, whelhar from axpoaare, oold, or aay o'Jier exnae, the geaeral Immediately bcglna lo daoUaes, aod lha want of aaah a ramadyhaab'eniheeaaaeofaoman] ' famalaa. Toladlaawhoaa ^—— their family, iheia plUa will lof ao many eonaampiioaa among yoBBjE I liaalih tnll not permit ao incraue of II prove a valaabia aeqobltlolf.aa lhay lathe aide,palpiuiion Id aleep. do meet alwaye ad whenever that la tea iha^vUa. Not are ihey B^eoBmanlyaallad lha nkan dniiag pragnanoy, lage. IVarraatad parely will prevent pregnancy. Headaaha, pain la lha aide, palpiuiion of the heart, leauilagoi'food, and dia ini had aleep. f '— arlaa from the latenapUon of natarej aad whanc caao, the plila will invarlihty remedy aU iha^vUa. do meet ^waya aad whenever that la tea , , , . Ulha^vUa. Not are ihey leM eincaoloae in Iho oareof Looeorrltaa ' ** Whitea" Theaa pilla ehooU never be ml aathaywoald haanratocanaeamlaearrlage. , vegaiable, aad Aee from aayilLing lajarloaa lo Uleor hasilli* >i s as A Toong Man<BTiavaiBThr«agh'Nsw York."!!! LadiM* flario-, by Greenhorn.,.., onteafrold and Eolalla. Memolraef a Wonaaof Pieamre. ..^ _ aerlaalla.onha AmoBiaor an Aclnaa ....fii « Saerel Habile of lha FamaJe Sex. Plain pUlaa9Sa.reol'd.J8 *« The JHyaterica or Woman. Plain platae 9a, oolorad 3B •* Momoln of an Old Han of Twenty-five go u Hamolr80falCBn_ofPlaeara.... gO ** ...SS . . as " New York Life, or Myateties of Upper TandomBarealeUS •< Aemodena. or the Inlqaillaa of Now York. TheGay Oriaettea..., **** sg u Mary Anne Temple A as « eaamvaa, lha Don Jaan of France ig « Melting Memolia; or Love AasoDg tha Roacs as « VeoBa>BAlbnm, orBoeehodaof Lova,4 plaica ookn«d.....0O « Henry, or L>(o or a Libertine. as ** Fany Orcaly; or, CoafcrBlon a of a Free Love SUter 9s <* ^draae,poet paid, HENRY & e.BHITH ft Oo, W Box aaiai Po<ioaee. N. Y. $500 Reward. GROSSMAN'S SPECIFIC MfXTdc, FOR THB earaofOoaorThca. Of all the remedlaa yet diaeoverad for tho eomplaial, this la tho n»oet eertala I itnakeaaffpeedyaDdper* nuneni onre wiihont the Icaat raatrletion In diet, drlok, expoeoe or ahaage io appUation lo baaincaa. Tha propfleior ohtllengM a fingle Inataace of recent Oonorrhma to be broaght whIeh IheMlx. tBrewlllBotenTe,nnderaforfcitaraofeaoO. Many era eared m twodaya. Bo'dat lbeDng3lore,373Btoadtny,eorDer«rt;haiB. boiebeali alao,at 10 AnorHoBM; at 110 Broadway, aad loa PoUon Btraat, oomer WUUam. gg ... . all and axpliait dlreeiionaaccooipaiiy each box. Said In New York by C, H. Blag, isa Broadway, and I. VftUm, ai7 Blaeekarttreeli In Pnlladelphia. by T. K a>Uaader;.e8 Soaih Taird etxael. The*a pllle ara pat ap ia aqoaia flat boia. Paraons residing wberameraareno ■-■i-i.-j ■. --j a lett«T,pnpaid, to M. etraei, new rork Oily, dreisaa by ratnm laaiL agcnaycatahilaliad. by eaaioWax One Dollar in DR. C. u CBEE8EM4N. No. aa? Blacaker ^l.l^Q can have them oeat 10 taeir rcapectiva ad- TMesemar. THE GREAT EUROPEAN DISCOVERY I—Pro- toetcd by Boran Lava ana PaTaitT ovEneijuin, an aaovnxn — EcoLM px FBAaLuriB SB Paaxa, aanaaB Ixnaixi. t^ixaaa oa Manimro. Vi»va. TairacwAH, No.L—la TBnremeily for GanaaLaan Loea^ BoonannouiAsa; indeed the .Yiriia powaa woald aotbaoomo impaired, aad In the decHw 5/LVii. if the Trieaemar were imivar. any adopted, all Phyaieal uapeaimenlB vaniah like maglo before iti loflaeaoe, thaa rendering ila aaa Invalnabla to theea cnlarlag lha maiTl^e Btaia. TRIBSEUAB, No. S^-Cnrea eomaanaa. heweaer afralM^ II {a alao adapicd for eLaat and Stbiotvbb, however long atandiag, likewlaa tiaavaL, Diaaaim Snnma, ana all dJaauaa of ihc Oan- *e Oaiauav Smaa^ in allher aex. TaiEBEMAR. Na 8—A l*a graal Smnrtam nrntiw far the Vaa aaiAA Draaaos, in ila dilferent aDga^ Sfrmua in all ua nrioaa forma, aad leeoodary eynptonui It'cadrely aaperiedaa tlia dan- geroaaaiul indiaerimaato aaa of Marony, which tqo often oaaaaa lha InevllaMe domieticn of the eonnltntiai^ and wUoh an iha Saiiaparilla ba lha world oinnol remove. TBlESEMAB, No. 1 a and S—are alika devoid of laalaor email, end all naaaeatiog qnnlitlca. Bold in iln aim at tSi or font caaes in one for M, which mvea eg, aadinea? eaaca, wherahr ihmiaa eavingofW; divided into aeparate doaaa aa admlnlalarcd by Valpean.Lallamand,BoB^ AO. To bo had wholeeala and retalLof Kr. H. A. BABROW, al II Oroene elreet, atar Oaaal, New York: apeeleUy appotnted by lha Proprietor and Paienlea, aa agen for tha United Blalaa, and evmy oihar pan of America. Immedialaly on laoaiviBg a tamitmao^ Hr.BarrowwtU fortnrdiha Trieaemar lo any aait of the world, iecorely packed, aad addreeaed eooording to lha InalrttotlanB of tha writer. _ ■ &r TheFatcnlceof IheTBIBSEHABhaaalaoappohitedHr. BahBOW to give advice to aU patienia In Aaeiloahe may be comalled rronlllotand fromdtoSia lha evcalag fSandaia excepted). nnleee by apcelal appolnlmenl. Conanlailonfce,lf bylelicr, aa. Fatlanta are ft^neatedlobe aamlnaleae poeaiblein dcaeriblag their caaa^atallag age, hahib^ eeeapatien. and poclilon In Boeiety. Parehaaeiaof theSareaaea of Trieanaararo entitled to receive advice arlthoal a fee, which advaniago eaa only be nacarcd by remlniac e?7 for a packet Addreaa H. A..BABBOW. B.D..SI UBBBNB STBBET.nar Canal, New York. Sold alio by W. B. saeher.Boofatfore, it eoaih Third ak, bdaw ChenBU rhtladalphla. Q^Tsrma UTi Balaa afaala rcqaiied. 17 ■ To tbe Uarrled and Single. PIENCH LETTERS OR BADRDCUEa Tbssb Invainahia anialeib aaw la aaoh gvaoral aaa, era of French invanlion, and are made of fine tranapareat akin, perfect al the lopt in faet, a natural ealdiaae made from lhalnteatiiuaof an animal, aadinahapa aeaaablae that which lha Bgypilana wonhlppcd aa the emblem ofLifa. Tolhoilahaadthopooragnaranmbogar. ad egalaat dlaeaaa, asd a avaa raxvaaraTiVB vo piixaiujicT. "neprlcware 75cia. paralaglooiie: eafoc Ihrea; Vlfurfix; or —'-lea. On the receipt of tbe money, or the amonnt In amM tho anlclo win be foiwaided by retam of mail to cyjwrt of Ineconntry. freeof peaUge. Addreea BSNRY B. G. BARKLEY, New York Clly. AUo Agent for the oelebraiad •S per'deien aosiaxeatamM of the I SY, N . French Female KUa; prtea»lperto,eentbymali. The J&paa Secret, OR FEMALE REGULATOR. DISCOVERED by Mona.' la Doel. If onterqnc^ of Paria. Thia Hcdioiaa pca- teaaea tha CondCtfnl power of eanpletaly eootiollag aad regela- ting lha Periadr,N and Monthly flowa of Woman; alao haa the ex- lhehaS?ji^7oaaam».7«.»fP'fV<?Unganfe . u laalio a valoabia remedy loT ^'{Ki^iSilSJiSiJ^'S. <ISS: ni=l or PaUhig of the Womb. ."arvooaaM^PleiuiUia lo Coif eamplioB. Ao. OAVTION.—Ladlea who are ar<«nea'.'' mu remaoiber that ihcy are exprcarly for bUdtn employing Ihia rC^^'Ti aa 11 will cer- talnlr bring OB a nlaaarriaKa. . , ..... ThaJAPANBBURETPGUALEBEen.ATOB.v'^X' I""<": reeliona. will.ho forwarded eflher by mail or cxpreK^'f*^^ oberge, to any addreaa in Ihe Vniud Blatea or Canada, en' l.^^ oeipt or a letter addraipod to me enoloelag ABBABAM E. CO]dlI.D.. Agent, <a IlTBowaiT. UpBlalra. Self-PreserratloiL DE LUSSACS PROPHYLACTIC LOTION, AN fafalUblo prevenlaliva waah egalaat eartain Infeeliona. la 100 well knowa 10 renin fSiiher eommant saeeata. Bn^g. ta, Solo Agcnu^ US Grand, haiwean beau ocatu ' A Ca.. f>ragallata^ aadBimatraeta, New York. 110 Ihe eonniry. PBIVATE DUKASBB. DK. DOYLES' FRENCH VBOETABLB ANTIDOTB la prepared by aj according 10 tho original redpe, and la greatly aaparlor ||t every reapeet 10 any other madieina reeomnanded for the tameparpoae. Itlaaiaothaehaapeatandaafeat—noncBdoaa draga entering into ila eompoaltlDn i It ieavaa no taint bahlod apoa tha aonatiaUoB. SO ceota only. Bridgoan St Co., Draggnla. Sola AgcBla, US Grand, between Oantia and Elm atreafNew Ycak. Sent 10 tha eoBBiry. Mif.lliavjK glBIDlllJUiJE. DB. LARimER>S LOTION AND FEMALE COBOIALara nownaed by all elamca of aociety,hlgh or low, in waekacaeaa poeAliarto tha female aaa:, with the grealaat aaaeaaa. It la the beat, aafaat and moil agfeeahle medicine known- Itearae^be vary worn eaaca. Both remediea, •!. Bridgmaa A Co., Drag. K'aa^ Bola *g-"**, lae Grand, batwcan Cenlre and Blm atreri^ ewYorfc. Bant w tha oaoniiy. Oi Bowery Fire InBoianoe Co^ BOWERT. COR. GRAND STREET.—CAPrTAL- eioa^.—The New Yolk Bowaiy Fuel Bedlcal DlBp«iSBi7» ESTABLISHED IN 1139, BY DR. GEORGE W. BOND, U Orehard aoeet, New York, for tha eare or.Vana» alDifcaaalaaDIwftorma. 'lfyimar«nnfonmmta,aiidwaatiobe eared and Idft In ee«nd hml t h, eome tom^andyaawBl rceeiva aaiaotHo traaineBi,B galakeaia aad mndaialaetaige; rtivau roomaforeaoh aereon. . . . _ eEOBSBB.BOND,H.D- gaOBBd gannimur ta Dr. Geo. W. Bond, OHca aomar of Giaad aad OnAaid amaSs Haw Teak. iu i.ii>.ai<wtoTiaaeai. opai apeaeiy ^ CqnpaBy eoolinaa to inaara againal loaa or damag wankotfae^and atoRa,ahipa in poit i hOBMboId ttaralraxa aad other pvivonal | vorahia tanaa. AJllniMaUbe>aUyadjaaiadandpraBD!Iypal|. . Commaxleationa ihnagh tha real Oflaa or Fanny roalwfll k „_pU,a««rf«lu„ BL^EcSukuLoa, atlaoaOanndar, Jonathan G.FIaat, t^^^.V^*. AahK B.Iaof|m S?°Sirtl|n,ikiiai iohnMaMeaoaty. f*^"-^?ffljBABDr^^ •-••«»»»«2sSr23Lk.A.Mlou!yE:*^?*''^ !• by ti% dmUlaghooiaB, and whlla baildiag i alao, 1 p«eipiri«a «>• "oai (k- vnillam HIbbard, PeUr GtmtAT. JofanD.Voiilel, Jwob Bdfhii. WlUkiB B«1L