New York Clipper (Feb 1856)

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TO CAKBIB M. P - ' • ay JowiY. OiBaSi the boon I'd uk for «h*e, Woald bs s IU> fi<x» Bonow Orae, TAat morainff nm fihonld du. To elotlie In blim thy yoothftal sUea; ' And all thy hqnn be oiowned with joy, nojnlUed.paie.'Wltboat alloy. Tet wfalla I wlih this joy (or tbee, (Jtnit, I know It cannot be; Tbis Ufa's a stormy sea at best, And those who toss npon Us bHlows Kost often wear an aobing Imast; - Host often weave the mooroAil willows. Bat there's a heaTen for the good, Ftr, far beyond the atormy flood; iloie peaeeAil than the mnny lake, Where nothing doth Its nu&oe break; llore calm than sanimer evenuigB are. Uore glorlons than the eTening star, And.theUest 'Bon]B'whb enter there, Who breathe that pore and heavenly air,' Are more Menre fiom all alanu. Than inbnts In their mothers* anna Hay this blest plaoe of rest be thine. And this I know oan be; , Hay'st thoo Inherit joys divine, 'TUaU I'd ask for thee. Auiht, Janoary, 1866. LUOT COLEUAN; OB, THE UPS AND DOWNS OFi^in., ■ . .CHAPTER L Bar Bltiv*UDd,hov dath« good aad«tM , ■ Thy h«pp7 otlaw and goBolIc W iM lnff pilia! In <me of thoae old stieels in Soathwark that look as if thay had seen better days, and instead oCthe ill smell ftom nndnined honses, reeked with the nvoi of good men's feasts, who never hesid the Sabbath bells of SL Saviour's tollSrithoat oh^^lns the atcied sammons and hastening to ohnroh-p-ln one of those old * sfaeets, many of the honses of whioh now contain half a score ol lodgers, a eonntiy wagon laden with ficmltare drew;Dp^ .a few years ago, one beantilU snmmer momlhg abont • the dose of Jane. There was a real rnstlo look abont the wagoner and his toam, which eauicd ttia eye of the Intalleotoal' be- holder lajc away from the busy atreetsof the oidborongfa, In hla real village-made smock-frock, his niaaet-colorej leteings, heavy ankle-boots, the tnnipike tickets, with a sprig or wild roses fastened In Us hat-band, and the wayslSe flowers with which, he had decorated (he heads of Ilia woU-fed hones, to e»y nothing of his '* gee-tiovC] come hither," when spealdng to them.' ! ■' Tonder abe be'e,yohn: 1 tolled she wonU," said the driver, addrsadog'a grey-headed, freah-colorad oldjman who eat at the front of the wagon. "Heaven bless her I it does one as mnoh good as the sight of a plentlM har- vest only , to look at her sweet face. Ay, Hiss Lnoy 1 we've oome at last thoa sees; and I hope have bnuight everything right and straight. Bvsiybody I know sends their req)eets and love to thee bom sUlfmd Spring, and deeires to be remembered to thy mother, and Uaster Alfred; and ons or two o' the old neighliois sent their vetT beat wishes to Nanny, the old nnraa. Bnt JTohn wHI ten her all abont It when he's lighted down. I fear thonlt feel a little stifflsh, John, alter so long a'llds. We started as UUfonlChnrah clock stmok the midhlaht honriJOsa" The beantifhl gid to whom he spoke was dressed in deep moomlng; she hsd bnl jnst completed her aevan- teenth'smnmer; andthonghher fine eyes lighted np, J't^.^'*^ wasacheerfol expression In her sweeloval .mce.aaahejetomed the l^d greetings of tiiewBTm< hnrted wagoner, yet there were traces of cue and anx- iety on' the smooth yonthfhl brow, la the thonghtlhl looking eye and compreesed lips, when the festoies fall back into their nataral repose. -Lney stepped forward as if to assist the old man In getting down, bnt the hnrly driver, with a " Nay, nay, that'll aever do; lean on me, John," stepped between; and when be alighted, she took hold of iMKh tisliands, shook them heartily, said how glad she was he had come: and as the old man stammered forth his thanks and bleaslnga, be almoet Unshed, so sshsmed did be feel of LacypIeUng off the loose stnwthat had adhered t^bls coat, and wiping off the clean, wliite-looklng Cliimtjy dlMt fmm Mm ^11^ , The nnna wsk liy this time at the doer, sad as old J«bn shook bands with her be said: ... " TellM-geglM. jm Innk «imn«t as yonnir as wlian the affaeUons at times to be cheeked and held b abey- ance, than a two years old cUld. Her fond and Indol- sent h'nshand had unwisely graUfled her every whim and wiib, and now her Inoresslng weaknsss enacted the ■ame saarUce from her affectionate danghter. Alfred,' ■who was a year yonnger than Lnoy, aeemed to Inherit a,great deal of his mother's weakness of oharao- ter, thoagh In him It appeared Ic another form. Ha posMisaed the same indecision, negligence, tbooghUei nets of the fatore, dlsregardTolneas of the morrow In yielding to the present; l>ut all these, and many other Iiuilts,'were In some measoie coontetfaalanced by a fiery energy, when onoe aronsed, bnt which it was dlffloolt to kindle np; and id this he resembled not his mother. OHAFTEBU. Peoliar thenfoi* In her nj, Wlietbar bj ostare taogbt 1 ihaU not oadcrtak* to ,«r. Or hj aKparieiice bODght. NuiMT. the nurse, had seen many npa and downs alnoe she left Ullford Rectory, with the regrets and good widies of'all who knew her; for She bad a kind, feeling heart, an nnassnming motherly way of endearing heiseu to everybody, wlthont appearing to try to do so. In .tnth. It natmiUly came to ner, she conld not be other- ways Ulan Und, no mote than the snmmer snn can be otherways than warm. She wcnld not have left Jliiford had not her poor, bed- ridden deter, a widow, reqnired her attendance, for she was no longer able to wore; so Nanny came np to Lon- don—the poor to help the poor, like God's good apostles ofold. The sister died In the very room which the old noise had still oocopled, and which she had rentSd for many years before Nanny came there to oloes her eyes. Then the landlad v, or tbe lodging-letter of the hoasOi died also—for she lived by letting it off into lodgings— and so the house was to let; but at the landlord's re- qnest Nanny remained in It, letting off now a room, tben a floor, for no one could be found to lake the whole of It. Some .paid rent, some nm away, and carried off even a portion of the flxtnres. When she took any money ehe gave it to the landlord^ when he called, and the had got none," why, he gnua- bled and went without," as Nanny said, thoagh he still allowed her to remain rent free; far, as he said," she was honest, like her sister, and they were about the only two tenants he coald say as much of, -and apeak the truth, out of the scores he had bad In his honses; for one had even chopped np the closet-door- for firewood, an<^' other had cut all the glass out ol the windows, and a third had not only sold the giate ont of the room for old Iron, but was bargaining with a man for tbe marble mantel-piece, when he went np stalra with a polleeman." He had, however, spent some pounds in repairing the old boose which the rectoVs widow now made " her tem- porary abode," as die said; and it was Its clean condi- tion that induced Nanny to prevail npon her to remain a fs^ weeks iajt, until she coald find something that really wopM-^mt her. Ajttnfogh the days passed not away so pleasantly In the close and confined streets of the old Borcngh, as they had before-time done among the broad green breeiy places that opened ont every way aronnd Uilfbid Spring, yet time same even there with his last handlnl of snm- mer flowers, at the call of" sweet lavender;" and then Iherd was a smell of new hops about th^ narrow cooita ol ancient Soathwark—tbe last that wafted away the memory to "jPloia and the cegntiy green;" and after that'the antumn fogs came creeping over and settling down irpen lU-dialned London to the great dismay of His. Ooleman, who, until convinced by looking ont Into the clouded and curtained street, believed that she had got Into one of the smokiest honses la the metropolis. VhIIe4he weather was fine. Lacy, In her gentle and Ihoaghtlul way, ao oontrived to oianage matters, that she Icond her mother amusement, and indnced her to take modemta azerciae, by taldpg her ont to look at the cottages irtilch were to let near uiimbarweU. StocKwell, Bilxton and Olapham, and so wiled away the day imtll Alfred retained bom the banking bouse, when his pre- ssnee seemed to shorten the long and increasing even- ings. ♦ ■ ■ ' . At length the event/hi day was near on idUch the youth would be entitled to draw his flist qoariet's sala- iy—the flnt money, he hsd ever eamefl In his Die —and manyanhoni's talk bad'tt fumlsfaiS material . for, and many a change had his fickle mind UBdergooe ss to what woA, SO that she mlnht piovlde for.the pa wllb th'e prooeeds. Many an aitlols'of ocE dinner jon'sinaD- n&otnilng was puiohassd by less Indastriu ladles^ and dlspUyea In tlieli apaitanents—not, perhf, parposely as their own, thoagh their vidtors piald, and gave them credit for the beauty of tbe pattetmid the neat- ness of the work; never dreaming of thoretty laliy with her wondei-working loom la tbe bldynae in the Borough. Uany a lazy Phillis won a aia from her ever-tmstfol Damon which ahe had not^ted, as he gave her credit for industry she never poejed, fondly believing that the hoars she had spent inland Idle- neis bod been devoted to making the arss he had bee^ called upon to admire—tbe Ihilte of ley's toil* lor womeg, pretty to look at as angels, wilf deceive' their lovere at times, to show that they are^ daogb- tera of fair and fallen Eve. And we forgUhem all the blame for the iweet smUea with which thoay back our too eaatly won pialsa. V The next morning ushered in abnsyday,eald John was ever going ont and in on endless irm. The price or things faiil^astonlshed him; and habored under the Idea, that because he was a connnn the Playing .Poker. Bathnr Bluip Fiistlee. Tbk poker plbyeis on t£e"MissiiBappI river are, I 'OB'SflBllMdi AMP m rsBHATins dbcume.—iwbv, ii.ii«i .miia.ihaSDih ihoaaaads («w wotda oBUaK thm wa>i wliaoat madWsa, of «p«iM»n>it bM « 'r-it—"^*—. mroiiMi aad nauuss «J<^»- by all accounts,, bad customers, and many are the IKSit, '^r<»aa^^i i^^^^}^'<>g*^f^ ganoBUr.. dreadful stories Uiat are told about themu A party I The impomni fan uiat ihk muy >'«rmiiis eempiaisn, alsi-. he enould paiohase with the five guineas, which all bad consented was to be bis own, while the remaining fifteen guineas was to be given up to his mother, as his contri- batlon towards the noaseholdexpensee; for, through the kind Sqalre's poweifol interest. Master Alfred was en- gaged at elgh^ gnlneas a year, with a farther promise of aa annnal advance of twenty mote. If hlS senai^ was "iproved .ot But, tme It is, that.ik!fr'^^eater portion, not mote than the whole of tEe five guineas, Was al- ready owing to- Ills alslsr Lucy, ihroaab an woeapml»r car way, qnlte agieea with thee I AjidT how-a yoi tart bat, deary met I forgot; the missus told ma yea wrote her word that she -was dead. Pravety sony, , Nanny, I named her; my memory IsaH what it -waa. azty yeaia, Nanny, man and boy, have I been in this ftmlh. and to think I'lbonld bava to come to this great ndsy dty at last Wdl, well, I did hope t^t I ahoold lay my aid bones b«aIdahIaBavenii0e'a and hla blher'aL I bave aerved thorn both, Nanny; and Ood'a bleaaed ann never shone npon two Under masters." TeaiB stood in the eld man's ayes as he raised them towards heaven, and In spite of the effort he made to -bheek them, by-winking his eyes, and observing that - -the sunwBS very poweifUl, they would appear, like hon- - Mf witnesses, to tealitj to tbe sincerity ofbistribata to this memoiy of the dead, thoagh they seemed at a loss to find their way among the many haidy fbiraws which Mtihi had ploughed In his bale and weather-beaten ecun- lenance. Meantime Lncy had hhiriedindoctstotell her mother that old John and the goods had airivcd tram JUIton ^'^^vl^Jl. child, don't bother me," said the mother, who satin the old noise's easy chair; " yon'll get them In somehow. The noise in these streets quite dlstiacts my poor hod; I'm sore I don't know whatever possessed metocomehere,whenlbeglnlothlnkorit. And now. hoe's old John, aa if we ahonldnt have boaUe eooagh without him. Shut the door, Lucy, and don't disturb me again imtll all the things are in, and I can be seated qnleuy in my own room." Ln^ said," Yeiy well, ma. we'n not disturb yon;' olosed the door gently, sighed, and putting on a pair of old gloves, helped to amnge the ftamltoie, as it was bnn^t in from the wygon. "Or coone it waa not her Intention to atay there a day longer than she was fciced," as Mrs. Coleman Bid: bat as they ware compelled to leave the rectory, and had stayed much longer than the time asked Ibr of the new Incumbent, why, she was forced to get Into the first pbiee that offered, eapeetally as Alfred had promiseof a dtoatlon at a bankere, which rendered it neceasaiy that die shoold he in London by the end of Jane. Bat she should soon be able to find some nice Uttle cottage, shs dan say, a few miles oat, t^m and to which Allied could dde morning and night, IT he contlnned to like his new pcofeadon—for his lalhar's death had landeied it quite lmp<.3alble fot herto send him to either of the ITmvenltles.'* ' And BO the poorladyranon,foigeltlngthat herwhole Income was a Ufe annuity, -which bnnght la exactly one hundred pounds a year, paid quarterly; for thouj^ the reotoishlp of Mllfoid brought in her late husband a pietty annual amonnt, yet owlns to hlS lady's lather extimvagant haWta, and which he—kind, fond, good, easy man—allowed her to indolge in-wlthoat a mannnr, nothing was saved, or pot by " for a laloy day," beyond an Insuanee on his Ufe for two thouaand pounds. Kven that was lost daring tbe lUneis that preceded his death, tbzoogfa -her neglecting to pay np the Insofance when due, although he had glvea her the money for the pur^ pose. And when Laoy—who had often hnid her wher name the amotmt of the policy aa the only providon he waa able to xnake for his children—apoke to her moUier OB the matter one day, after the ftanetal, while ahe was complaining of the sum of mooey it wonld cost to re- move to London, ahe heaid with amazement and regiet that the policy was forfeited throngh her mother's negfect. Well, child, It'e lost, and there's an end of It How could yoa think of my parting with the money when your &tfier needed so maay little «omfort8 durins his Illness I If yon had a proper affectlon,foi him, aal al- ways have had, you would feel that I Save done eveiy- thing for the best" Lncy tnnied adde to conceal her tean. Affection ooold her dear heart's Ueod, taken fStom her dnp b drop,nntiI It neither beat nor flowed, Imve saved hL life, and aha had bcien allewcd to Bacrifiee her own to leaeae him from the jaws of death, and leave him to sap- part and comfort her poor, dear, weak, thoaghtleas mother, she would as cheeiflilly have laid It down, and prepared for her long night's rest in tbe giave, ss ever, after a weary day's lambte around the beantlfU scenery of Milfoid, she laid down to deep In her bed bedde the jaamine<oveied windows. . '<. B4t lAen die heard her mother weeping, sobbing, and complaining of her poor head. Lacy tamed loand and kissed her, spoke words of comlbrt as she Ihiew her gaeeCol anas aioiind her, and after that day never again ■Uided to the policy of Inraianea, or mentioned the two thoasand pounds, which her dear COher had fondly dreamed would Mng them In an additional hundred a year, and that this som, together with hla wiftfs lUh an- milty, would provide them with modenta conlbrts wUIs die Iived,and sUn leave a thoaaad eaohforLasy and her teoBter-when their mother waa ao more. ■ lba.GoIemaBwaaafond,aSi9eUoiiBtawifisaDdiDoths, -in her way—As could not be-otherwise wllk her wsak, tendv, loving heart—bot 'BO aim lit togimlai-"" the stem duties of hoasdoM Iliii, vUA xeq^ub* • CHAPTEB m. BacemlDff iOROwa, and a virtaou mind Hon loialy Is a baaotaou (ocm aa^hila'd. And bow It was tbe last evening 1 On tbe monow be would be In possesdon of tbe money. " He would," be aid," oome noma to dinnei"—a mo event; for the eas- tomaiy ohop or steak—called lanoheon by city cle^, thungh their daily dinner, except on the Sabbath—had for thm long montha ■* f\unlahcd forth" thCtavem-Uble at which he dined. .... , , " Dinner must be late. Five -woold be too early; for bs shcnld like to purchase something as presents lor Ms mother and sister Lncy. They must make it six. and tben be should have plenty of time to look In some of the shop windows at the west End: be would be sore to bo home at six." And so he sat talking away, asking his mother and dsterwhat they would like to have, and naming one thing after another, which would have swallowed up double the amonnt of his whole salary to have ppiohaseo. And his ftnd mother held bis hand, looked into bis be% and smiled as ahe listened to him. And aa she toyed fondly with the hand ol her darling bov, and twined the fingers around her own, she pictured him in fntnre yesis a great banket negotiating 'government loans, Inflaenc- ing the money market of £unpe, while his name became a " household woid" on eveiy Bonne wheie " merchanta most do congiegate." And Lacy had andartaken to provide a nice little dinner, to be ready at the appointed honr. " No; aha Should not tdl him what it woold consist of: but would promise that it should be something he wonld like, and which her mother wonld approve ot, and be sbonld not have to wait five mlnntes after he knocked at the deor before it was on the table. Hungry, ahe hoped, and ex- tected he would btlng a good appetite.' Tea; it should ahopkeepeis charged him b great deal morefai they otherwise would have done. : "They ought to be ashamed of themselves so i told them,'^ said he to Nanny," to charge fivWUlngs for a couple of snob little fowls as those, ai0o for that morsel of pickled potk, which, when 1 w roang man with a hearty appetite, I could have eati ii dn- 6la meaL I even had to pay for the bit of par t Oh, anay, I do so wish wo were at UIlTotd agali 'Ji the garden, tbe store honse, the sppis bin, potai Tend oatiy. They ought to be made of money wl Ve to live, in a place like this. Sixpence a dozen foplcs! Why, when I werea.lfd, old gardener Bantini|d to fill my hat for a penny: he's been dead fift- ' come next plum aaaao'n. And that bit of 1 f>t to roast cost nlnepenoe a pouad. Lawa wonder those Itntcheis can rest in their bedi has to pay for every manner of tUng In this And as to make neighbors, why I only bid th( tbe next wall a civir* good morning,' and he to give him a lot of cntlings off Miss Lucy's „ I never saw such a place as this London is life. They would think nothing of borrowing Iron with the steak on it; then coming back yon to stand a pint of beer to wash it down, pose It's a. way they have bereabont He. have amused our good, kind master to have U- Borough I But I must see abont cleaning t and forks; and Til give them on extra polish that Master Alfred may aee bis bee In tbem whi down to dlnnet. And what a dinner, Nanny I me in mind of the good old times, and the ha we spent at Ulirord Spring. I wonder wheth< Alfred will be pnnotnal to Uie time r This Loi BO alter young genllemeD, Nanny; and yonth Usonn led away. I wanted him to allow me to wa ( tbe door of tbe banUng house, and bxlng him' U with me—then I should know ha woold be aafa; ha only langhed at me, called me a good old fellow, an Id he was too big now to take hold of my hand, as b lew I dionld want to buy him a sugar stick, and ronld hardly be tbe thing to be seen sacking it, at fat [e, In a Loadoo ttaoroogbAie. Solami aolami la d old fellow now, Nanny, bat if he breaks his wotd to- with Miss Lnoy, I feel ss If—" and the gatinlous man paused aa If for Iweath, as if his tongue -was nlng away -with his kinder feelinge; and he wondeieEw It was that he had 'lost all control over so nnnilmem- ber. A ssrvltude of threescore wintere under tttkind masters, who had looked up to him as a hnias bat ftlthlhi IHend. had oaased him to take a tenderKnost a fatherly Inteiest, in Alfred; the mote ao dnci [eath hsd severed one psrental tie, for in his mind I boy seemed to have been left to Um as something i ratch over and goatd In sacred trust for the dead. Six o'clock stinck, add though Lnoy bad bnd her- self Iq aaalsting Nanny to ptepate dinner, tbeteie *as neatly attired, looUng as Ifehe bed but arisen Kn the SS.t"?^''£"'*^8»^ •ndltoTfortteir"'* wWob Joba.Bescomb, Ju. Bll«ht W TS^anma John Knight contend'ed. ThXrt Jr-^« " "I WMOie celehmted John BeJcomb, v iaoter,*he'S«ifi^^,SSl^']S?^^ I dreadfol stones tnai are tola aoout mem. a pany ■ rbt impomu —, i - t— »Ti.-i.^k- -.iiT worM'nndttu5.rf5?«?o^lMl,"'3B Wrd ohe of U.e Mississippi boaU, while earn- ?;^„»i«i}i'^i-»;»jSi£Vii'.-" gan with Bescomh and Bliffht whMROod and John estlv encased in this faih'das irame, were'very much I outiaud. and ih* autireiy new and. biaU) ''•■■^'^SS^iHSl iSr/h?'ih?I.^Sf''*2L»r gontlemanf who, with a'sancU- S^P'^^J^'JjJJJfi^'JS^-^.a E?i* kf.^* importjeonddered soffl- „--;^„ -fj™ ^Jid hoUow tone, preached against XS." 5SSm t^JSJ .ii il. Jvin-rf .fib. d.r. - End, his prettlge by his friendaWaown** Bescomh, monions viasge ana nouow Hma, P™~^ \S\„A pKntto1!£;«idn»iiimU. mai po<t fraa. la "JM^ oleotly good to contend aeaSstTtaoU between them, wickedness of their ways, aa be vralked to ana ^-,.«luu|g(pc,^p,M)twc^o^ls«a•laapau>l^R.fl.DEL*Ill^v• several matches having been^oiytenninaUon. In firo bedde them. • I rf. 17 Vors cut. «fi nSft kL!!. I??,to a a* men the betting was 6 Eygj gaov, in the eamestneae of hia discourse 1 - we atstbont between lhea« a considerable sum wask^ a \^wJa «f«k» .„A «« if to I -PRACTICAL PRIVATB ''^u^-\mi!:no^^id:'\hlt this last aotiS was attended I Haj^r of money N^th a peculiarity, inasmuch as the preacher some- tbem, bebubcoagbtui.if irtaiawmi and ante to "VfgfJrJSI were-peadln,; iad^/t*,i^'„??^Pr£^^g?^^^^ on^someUmos three, and ?ometim» jTo-a'^SflST.irof^Wi^^^ ^^^:^J^^t?OB^'S^STiS,^^. Knight', fonr fingers on the table. Without saying a word d«^^«^ " .... -. ,^ — r. —J _i J .» 1 ibo caio l» otoausia*! menlioa that, btaldM baW dUrue«, b. baa realded a«T»- ihla a«bl««.'*« {J- wllb tbo rejolMloaaof iba the rf„»-ygl>t o'cloik precisely. .After the above had I as a nasn, he onoppea on mree.uugore m » buik« 1 ^,Si^iiiri£a,.'^iCtmi\riA, l^»f^;*St^ heL, ,i!iM. BcBcomb again-jiatended for a diver blow. The pretended clergyman started back with br«/ one; * ^ watch V"^' ""B"' ^' P'»y' panio and affright "^nSS?ivilSSTrLTmrmmu.M,.'ji^ ^^^^i^Sf&l edin^rofBescomb. | « Sir," said fiiebaclwood sman, coolly wiping WaU^^^^ knife, " ydii may c6nsidBr' yontself dyhsh lucky. |p^, tr»i and tear.«ia»pau> Box ess run oqo». ilie Volcanic Repeating Flie-Arm. | that-I did .not hold .fours, or you'would ,have loetj Twenty-five Cents a Copy. T\K, M. B.LA CROIX'S PHYSIOIXJGICAL VIEW U or Haniage. A new aid levhcd Edhlon of 290 rH'SS' UD .lattti; A pcpoUr and MnprebeudTO traib. on "k* anM>,teoda of 8«eaifn« than, left loitona anj inffr.lle on* olMailfia and raaoTal,1nipenant blsta to ibma mmiemplniaf na- uimoDT. Ihntwillor.tcoaia"bJ«Uon»lo It; nan., l>ew.T.jjt»Min bike tUa imnorunl itepwitfaout SntcoaaalUiig In l"*'^ *!5?!S' iarie.oBUiadl>ta.v>uid nwdkaJ iioMnwni of ftmalaa ftomm-• Itiny 10 old i-g«, Mcb erM cnphldUy |:liuml.d by Thkbe has lately been oommenced in New-Ha- aU your fingers. ven, OQ an extensive scale, the'manufacture of a I .;• rifled arm, the claims of which to coidplete snperi- : .:: Bow to Open Bivalves, only may best be realized from a description. _ I «if QfQpgQjQgoygtg,^" old Hurricane— As the novelty consists more in the ball than in M^iiy^,iiot])i]|g'g easier, iCyou only know how." the gun itself tliis may-fiist be describod. It u n . And how's how I?' inquired Starlight complete cartridge, cased wiiW tight in metaL The •'Scotch snuff," answorod old Hurricane, t**? „^ „„ boll is iu the cyliudro-conoidal or Minis form, with gententlously. "Scotch snnff. .Bring a little "'^j* "'i«*™>''j°J|;';J j'.'^f^i'.^J^Si a deep cavity in the backside in which is inserted <)ver so near their noeea, and they'll sneeze their I fJIJi^OT toS/'nunaseineni: m <-™y' on iDcnnauinb^ wttii bolh tLe^wderandthepercu^ioncap. A coa^^^ . V ,1 " who ^"rpiJiSISS;^^^. r/'^^^^ ine of cork lutervenes between the cap and the tbin «I know, a ceniua." observed Meister Karl, V who | -• ■> ^< ■—. .-j»«~ii...-rtib mital which forms the outer covering, the so'fcness has a better and elasticity of which material removes all poasi- » circle, seats himself in •^.«"»*'«'»"J'^""P*-^ |;-SarfS3,Ti.M.-.b;7naaW«iid,o..«nt.m,l.iin, bility of exploding the powder by any ordinary nioir a yarn. Sometimes it's an aavenlnre In Moxi- "J^^J"}, ,„ p,^B- violence. c<H^"oietimea a.legend of his love,^melimes^a L^^ The rifle or pistol is provided with a thin case niarvelons stock operation m Wall sLreot Aa be ^inf i> emhiei. '"«»'«",P;"S»XJfL'?2f extending the whole length under the barrel. Thia, proceeds, the ' natives' get inUrested-«ne by one "■-•'g-^Ml'^ STo^rCT^-Siiror?'!!'CRo"?,?««hr by a simple movement, is filled with balls whioh they gape with astonishment at the tremendous and ,ie diKaMs npon whleb bl« tmt <™''. "S^fSjI; S SI ate pressed backw.ird by a coiled spring. The bar- direful whoppers which ate poured forth, and a* SSin."2w^!K«d'wJKS/««^^^ rel is open at each end and b chambered soniewhat they gape, my friend whips them out, peppers 'em I Add» nr. h. b. la CBtiUt tfo. ax'tiMm Las., .rToatcmea larger at the breech to receive a ball easily. By a and swallowa them.". • v t forward movement of a suitable lever just front of « That'll do," said Starlight, with a long sigh I the trigger, the breech-pin ia drawn <firecUy_ back- -wish wo h^d.^ bushel, of'millponds' here now— ward, and a ball is carried up and placed in line they'd open easy.** -with tbe bore. Next, by drawing-the same lelrer I ' "HoW idid he Knowlt'^" Mo.*ttBnwlwsv. I FsrMl.brT.k. Fhlladalobb. CAIjI.BNPER, eoni«r T and WalDU fta, | back to its original position, the bteech-pin is forced to its place, driving the ball into the barrel, and at the Bsme time puncturing by a point on its end quite Tarr«Bt'9 PreifaraUens. A TKAYKUB once arrived at a viUage inn, after L—iq THE UEDICAL PBOFESSION AND THE a hard day's travel, and being very tired, requested XpnbUa. Ji^f»}i'Si<^^^*'S^}'**^''^'' through botb-the metallic coveting and tl»e cork, L J^. j^"- ,,^4 the landlord said ih^7^'>f\''^]^^i"^^^SSSi^s^TiKR akiub«£| and pressing fairiy upon the petcussion portion of ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^jetly impossible to •"{'''J^^ the enclosed carttidge. The gun is now loaded, ^^^^^t^ him-that his-wife had to sleep on ^^^^f::^^J^pS&^.iii>^^ ^^'^S' and on pnlline the trigger theTiammer strAea fair ^ . himself on the floor; hut he would see 2d im win b. (onnrnua.i..itr to in<«.« lu am- upontheWndferemdof the..breeoh-pin and L,tat hie wife conld do fot him. The good woman, .'^•i. «u.h «u«n. Jiarnnl of a book, oivjefl her modc-stooI a moSt be- bie, instead of mixing paraley and melted tater for tbe boiled Inwls, as she bad been doing only ten rinutes before she dressed. Tbe table was set ont so tcnting- ly, that It would have given a bongsiless man s^pe- Ute only to have looked at It; and there were fiwOTS, too—the last spoils of Summer—which hsd beStrea- suied somewhete to obtain a largo .price when ptdaeed, and Lncy had p»Id that price to honor her broth^ :The proceeds of many'a weaiy hour of toll had gon. tb fill those two little vases. Sevea o'clock, and Nunvcomes np to say the dinner is spoiling. Eight o'cloa,' and still no Alfred. Mine o'clock, and old John wUlaot re- main In-doois a moment longer, (or he says," soBslhtng has happened to his dear yonng master." Ten ,</olook, and Un, Ooleman has retired to rest veiy IIL Eleven o'clock, and poor old Nanny, after a good oty, bv lUlen I'y.*!',* ^ M*«''?n -^ ,'..°°t,a monthfbl of 5e dln- ^iTe rt Mta a fcmily j ^^S;3»'diM i' W U' S& —she hsd eaten the melted-butter In mlstakil}br her usual •npner ot thickened miUL which old Nanw some- times mane her, as " a fine thug for a gTowia| girL" Twelve o'clock, and Lncy stands -with her sw^t &ce haU-bnrled la the palm of bor band, sad ber elbfv rest- ing on the mantel-piece, the dlnneF-table selsoat ss when die awaited the coming of her brother ax long bonisage. NothingBeemsaItered,onlythathMlaeeu : laler, and the dark rim beneath her beantiihl e^ tells - hat she has been weeping; nothing beddes aesis d- tered, excepting that her mother's cssy-chair is,vscant. Iblxhlj valnal>U pitnaiallimwUl ntd dnpepiia or iDdlKCsUini, bUlou affaa| I, asidny o( tka Monaab, enativ*aBB| cnmamtd and b ibil 10 elecnnllr rcmova d] mils a suffiWt shock to discharge the piece. ^ ^.^^ ,^ ^ ^ ^on, ^Uch The movement of the lever described in charp- ^ . ^^j^d ho would agree to the, '"■"r<»vr*,Tii''K"iS: ing the nfle also pushes back Uie hammer, or in 5^^^ ,i/Uoator the room in the dark, and n'°«."'"«''™<>'«>'«"»"'*^ other words coots the gun, ^u* the smal Mt ^ ^^^^ '^^^^^ Woi-. CorduiEii3?o^\'SSS;'i{f«'iib,.k..u. pistols It is found esjaer to place the thumb on the occupied by a^lady. This he agreed aJbST'Sn^ytl^^^r i&-^^^^^^ *gj tammer and draw It b«!k whileaomeof work the lever beneath The meohanisin by which _ ^ f^^^^ the iSffi'Jn?iS^inuU«.«d;wU^^^^^^ It reuaac. canb. plaMd ob3 hlfhlj caisUve qnaliUea. action produces little strain. . The bteech-pin; fits very tightly, and it has been proved by .tnal that ** Oh, lAtd, that woman's dead P and tbe floweis in the china vases ste dtoopiig;: the honse is silent, and Alfred has not airived. Ths tbtlll- Ing stoty will be contlnned In seveial namhea of tbe New Tobk. Lxdokb, In which popniat fSmilypaiiat it can be obtained complete. ' The Lxooot is a hsiasome weekly published In New Tork, la baaotlftallT Utstrated every week, andeeld at the vety low price of Font Gents. It employs the most popolar aatiiai8,lnd mo- nopolizes the Uteraiy services of Fanny Fi a—that ;ed lady having contracted to write fot ) othet paper. -Agali^ we would recommend our read* to pro- cure the Leooeb of Feb. Ifith, which is now sdy for sale at all tbe stores where newspspeta aie soli lioagh- out the city and coontty. The writer of thli laiming story will demonstrate, in the words ofCoIeo — >*Obmn! obaxesUaat! if yoa malntnlali! Bnt If JOQ trj. and canH go tbrongb with ip and Sndlne 70a can^ bear Jt. vnlaTHad, Toot paaa umada, all of yoor own aceoid, Toa com. And nrttu yom lot., and can't uid it,' Goodnlahi! oll'aoTn! rnln'd! udnsdone Bball Jilt ion, wbao aha Mi joa In her poi " . n like what they used to'dtdowh and eqjoy 'ln happier day*, in the snag parlor of the Beotoiy at Mllfoid Spnng, And ahe Shook her pretty taper finger at hlmaa ehe gave him a sweet dstere Uss; and bade Um " good night," and playfUly threatened to be veiy angry Indeed -with him If he were more than a quarter of an honr behind the appointed ttme. And thenT— . Ay, tben I -when all saving heiself had retired, and ahe promised ber mother that she woold go to bed " as soon as she had done," she sat down In the large easy-ohalr which her queialoua mother had quitted, and had, as She used to tell the old none," a good think," as was ber custom every night, when all the household was at rest, and her long day'a work -was done; for, excepting when adeeprlt-waa seldom that her busy flngeia were stUL It waa her bead that thought ror all her heart that felt, her Judgment that guided, ber hands tbat acted; for upon her alone tell all the management of that little atato, all the fotethoaght, economy and letienchment, the providon of thla little liuairy for faer mother, the depriving herself of some neceamry comfort to obtain It for heiv the sapplying of Allied with money for his every- day enenses and those little extmvagandes whldi, in Site oibq-gentle hlntsand earnest entreaties, be would, 10 the genaiality of thoughtless yonth, indolge In. All these thinge, and many other almllar matters, en- grossed her mind, and kept her awake home aftef the rest of tbe'lhmlly bad lain down to dumber In the land of forgetfUness; giving to her smooth brow a grave look beyond Ite years, and to her sweet Ihce a soleom and tbonghtfal expresdon, and seeming to sadden for awhile the smile of its beauty, as the grey passing clood desdens the bright look of the flowers when it sweeps op the eanshlae that gave to them such a cheerfol and golden look. And how had those shillings and half-crowns been ob- tained which her brother had too often so foolishly squsndeted In bad dgaia tbst made him Ul, and glasses of Sheny which he cared not to drink when in company with his brother detksT Had be stolen ont of his bed in the BtlU midnight be might have known; for then be would have found Lney dttlng alone and nisy with her crotchet, netting, ot knlttlng-woik, wotking some bean- tlftal collar ikom one of ber own dedgns, or some toilet, mndo-atool, or table-cower; -while the aotctaet^oofc passed so lapidly in snd out of the woik, that an eye onaecastomed to witness such lalKir could no more have oaght the stroke and loop that foimed the ohaln-work, than it could the forms of the everehifting rays of n pnie diamond. Far through the night, and sometimes on towards the gtey dawning, did that beaatifnl girl labor, Improving some cheap pattern, or weaving some tastefbl scroll tha; ■he thought wonld meet with a readier sale, and obtain a Jew extra dillllngs tbeieby, without touching the amount of her mother's dividends, lAlcb she religlonsly apprapilated only to the stem neoessadea of housekeep- ing; lot ber mother's Iiumriss, and ber brother's waste- fnlaaaa, ware aappUed oat ofher own haid catolngs, and they knew not at what a faoriflse of deep and oomfint thn were panhased. - Udy thai van day she bad been oat, aoeomaaled by oU Nanny, to dIvoM ol herbeaotUd and Ufiaia-fiK ENQLISK ITEMS. Aon BtWM W <■ laadah Jaanaiit 13, «. Hi* Bagelsy FoisonlBg Osse.-^e Ctsa of W Thb inqoJry Into the case ot Uia. Falmei'sifb wss dosed on the 12th last, and the joiy retnmdjeidlct of wilful murder against millam Palmer. ' { Paldar is Prlsoa. The following partleulan of the pilson bsUif Pal- mar may be relied upon: Palmer is watched (t and and day, one turnkey being always vritti him Us is to prevent any attempt on his life. The toon) > con- fined In Is matted, and there Is a flnplscs th( > At flnt he waa very stubborn, and teflised taking bing bat soda water; but in consequence of thieal • out that an instrument would be applied to convej ■ Into his stomach, be now takes ms meals rego and- seems to ei|joy them. All tbat be has la mad a the premises, so as to prevent any foul play. He now reserved, bat convetses freely, and is jocuh > the tmkeya. He aees hie brother (who la a sell ^"d- iog at Sagaley) most days. In the presence o |fP"* ty-govemor, bat at present nothing has tta d b^ tween tlAm relative to Cook. The convetssti lated to their family alfaiit, whioh are In soras con • «o other peiaons have seen him, except soUdt< to*>r clerks, who have oalled to serve him with w ""^^ ofwhichhehashaddaee hie Ineaiceiatlopl^*''* dally In tbe yard, accompanied by one of and atlenda chapel every morning, and I daya, accompanied by his companfoa, ^nd _ knew who he was. It would be thought that dtor, or conneeted with the gaoL Be con' going to and returning from chapel, and' his countenance. He le dressed In black, L ries a Bible and Pnyo^book in bis hanil ■ - . and the turnkey use the pew apprepriaiedp'"''",'"" at the end of which there Is a table Uke *""'">'™- table, whereat both dt tha pressure and inertia of the haminer alone iwill i keep the breech-pin in place even if the toggle jomt » and all the other parte aw removed. The peaetia-1 tion of the balla (hue oonatrncted and projected ^| pears about equal to those of the fiinie rifle, or that need be desired. The balls •>« pr«>^d?^ ■uuluftAdiCiiaaipisiblr^ balls and the arm are the joint invention of Messrs. Horace Smith and Daniel B. Wesson, of New-Ha- ven, and were patented in 1864, About 70 men ore now employed at the manuCictoty. VARIIANI'S INDELfBLB INK. suaerloraniaia, wananiod bj Ae propttaior, .nd aekonM "fkiW that," replied thO landlord, "b^t. howl jl^Sy-lWb6 have ...Udl..U>b. ifaben alllOaof .b.1.4 ITASRANT>8 OOMPOOND KXTRAO* of CUBEB3 AJV COPABIA. M KaiKtloned bv pcpslar odiiloa and tha Ugh aaiboritv of ■ moil dUUiignWiofof the mdteaj ftunltr. U mm l» ibe affli ct^ Fishing ^th a Steel Trap. Sharp's Rifle. Tbis recently invented weapon, if it possesses one-half of the power and capacity daimen for it by its proprietor, is destined soon to supercede every other weapon for warlike purposesnowin existence. It is the most efficacious) and terrible fire-arm in ex- istence. Tho small carbine now used bv the United States mounted men, .throws a ball with a deadly accuracy one-quarter of . a mile, and can be fired ton times per minute. It is not complicated in structure^ is eadly 'cleaned, and suOera no injury from wet weather. . Mr. Sharpe is now preparing models for four new species of bis weapon, namely: A small pocket pistol, calculated to throw a roiimie ball one- hun- dred yards; a rifle anitable for footmen, with a range of one mile; and a large giin to throw a two- onnce ball, or a small shell, one mile-and a half or as far as a man and horse can be seen to adrantsge. With this latter weapon, Mr. S. declares he can set on fire a house or a ship at a distance of nearly two miles, and prevent the nse of field artilleiy by kill- ing the hones before the guns are brought within good range. This rifle in the hands of a good markaman, is equal to ten muskets, bayonets and all; for, place a man six rods distant vnth a musket and bayone^ ^ and before he can bring the hayonet into use, the rifle can be loaded and dischaiged ten times. They cany balls with gteat ptecimon and fotce. Mr, Sharpe intends these rifles to become a national weapon, and should-Congress, by using a little lib-, erality, purchase the patent, the coantty would he possessed of a means of warfare unequidled in the world.—[Alton Courier. Curious Faots. If a tallow candle be placed in a gun, and shot at a door, it will go throngh without sustaining any iojniy; and if a musket-ball be fired into -water, it will not only rebound, but be flattened as if fired against a solid substance. A musket-ball may be Bred through a pane of glass, making the hole the size of the ball, vrithout cracking; the glass; if tbe glass be suspended by a thread, it will make no difference, ^nd the thread ^ ^ .will not even vibrate. freely! the-Arctic regions, when the thermometer is onl °|ow zero peisons can converse more than a mile sst eu- dilmt. Dr. Jamieson asserts that ha heard every ■woi. of a sermon at the distence of two miles. A nunion- ^Jj^-''" distinctly heard talking to her ■aanh After XvUease. Tas following notices were posted rooms of London on the 7th: " Any santleman who saw William on Saturuy, the S4lh of November, L. ed to eommonlcato'wlth J. H. Batten, County Constabulaiy, Staffoid; or wli phens. No. 11 Csmbden Grove, Kenslni ths deceased." " Any gentleman wbt pdd tbe late at Shrewalniy Baeea, or-who had, i money tnasactlona with him at that reqoested to •ommanleato 'with J. Chief of the Ooonty Constabularv. Ur. W. v. Stephens, Jtc" ,f he betting in London, .lly request- Chief of the r.W.V.Ste- exeentor to Oook money ..tuessed, any e, la earnestly Batten, Esq., fold; or with -VieatUag ia ths (tanlA aM . Oir Konday last a tolenUy good of the fine old English paadme of nidi and Devon style) attended a_ Old St FSneias Bead, to -wluhas prises gtvsB by awalUmowns BttnpMli. Tbe flnt pilce | ■tyla. . of the loven (In the Cor-. i„ and Eve, leMinpetitlon for g^nUiman In the "tie meitle^ for - "at still day across a water a mile wide. '\ Happlcwt Man Alive. ^Prit man in this world is said to be . "ft*^,^ %«•" In OUT opinion this rule is TK«.i» not only happy ata.danca, K^lf fi-T^aS^*^'"- ^ <l«keymaybe poo^ \l ^J^^^S^^^' Givo'him a dSlar i"h:Jet«me^5t^-^-'^^^ ble as a duck wiiri^.^f" th^sheds trou- tartaftr arsanio. ^bS'dl by b^ff ^nst a «»"l?tto,^nt ^^d reli^ for^ deapau'. as white foUm ^o.^K^Toharcoal rsi:<;^pS?M^«^«r«^ One of our merchants, who has ai eye to tha i ;S['^jriLC»nv\iMiS^ interest of tbe trade, has invented-a new mod^ -of ku pioved tbst Uietains la even climate iu d»inbi. and ui -' W'.;<lto b.Wgg£g!*^J!»t'n.tiy.. .T^ifcJaSrgsJ trap, our fislunermen are pr6vidirig'*tliem8elv^ eleel traps; and tha demand for the article \B\'Sad!6,u^ii;i^Mi^,SS£i^biatt:'^IS!!S'^ greater than the supply. Tha instrument used is S'2^?£5?L'}2JS?,"2Kl?Jr?!S^.S'l^ tk.a—TilaSia of the old fuahioneifiind, with i«>n toeth closing P.^SS.I?' «"P<*1« U wholly awoMedSa together. The TTtorftfjfipwanrfi is decidedly unique, i^"""" """«>'''■ wk"'—'••"■<"■■"'--' - ■ Ttae trap is tet and^Uaited, .properly prAWded wit'' a sinker, and let. into the water. An ominous I , ■ 1—aioteabBan.NoifoIki W. 8.Reeu.BaUlaora-Joaai<ii'isl.d chck below denotes the amasement at hand the 'lif'i!°!S'^*o.,NcnrorOTi JXuSiiS^^ fl|>hattemjte to steal the bait, but immediately the | S!li?„;Sii-Ei2L2?2!iln^!S^^ ** trap steels the fish, when he is drawn up ti the I vhurn-s compound^i^oi oV tree at a time, and at the rate of • bapabilla „ The returns for one A^y'i«90A\j:'^.V^l^^:S^^'^SiS:J^^V!^^ are reported at above a hundred I This is cer- |P''"'<^ V aaandiv bigbir popoiafrwiui a SSSS^ toinly an age of progress and sleel trap8.-[New JSS.'STiSrtiSrpteSSf.S^^^^ tr Ti—!-.-^ I faai«Tcn, and caniean* e—* . — "muto Haven Begister. Dr. HngbeB* Medical Uagnet; EVEEY ONE HIS OWN PHYSIC \J l^tothaodT worklreatlDgon Prhnla Olwaaa, wmnoa !?7?!f !^ femala, that ooniabii raelpe. for Iba eaia of iba mna. n»k.EVEEY ONE HIS OWN PHYSlCIAN._.|a°'«SS^^!|ife{'^«J«ff^„;t->-M-..V«u..l^ —— nnplamntaanauonlaSapalltin. i 1.1' <«« eoaoired Iba nnqoai fame in alnuat mtj run orsaroJ '*.'^'!^''«™«la«4 approved<>r,'andauioilouirbTihabadS of mpUouu, and reoommadid by Ua mon cmlneal of tba wStmL Oali 47 Dr. Bbgnin'8 Lnolna Cordial, , , . . ELIXER OP tOVB.—THIS DELieHTFTII MB, take a jHmell, make ont ibs pnpei prcaeripUoD, (wUab and p<|altin iaTl(orant of the hunan iniam U fbii mH^ ba praened at any dncnore.) and by fotlowing the diraelloae "*at aU olber ranoUea; la faal, when Ua lutoaa bea^ liS be onrad, MM »Ta eapoinr.. TbeaiedleuieiaieaopR|iaiadlhat ^ownltwIllbalbsenljnmcdTlBBu. Ilsaolloaoa Iba noma Iher are iinplok aonapt. and -'ri"TT\ Tmriaj b tfci orulnrbosn. S -cretdJ^eueicnnlidenllTireaiednT bar. ffvauelMliia SI, a cop; of "tba book will be leni, cr by an- elodnsas, andaaiair^nof Iba diaetaa, a book and medklBa will be MBI, free of eh«r(., if on an aaprea ioou. All lalutf own ba poai-pald end addKned in T. R. CALLENDBR, 10 68 SoMb Tblrd rt., rbjladelpbla aieln uid repinlaeUT. .nana !• num aiino^^ ovajX«t«B<nl_.and_inrjuSi(Inl. iba nenrone .rjulaaUoa^a dcfTCB of lendon wh ich la re ^alilte to flra' the hminlniam ib£ » of lu faU powoi, Mh masallv and ahisicallw ^.tS It te eqn^rr^ acmrfcable} -Trimllitlng with Uui' nKdd CBlojnent of Ita faU i appctixM It Is aqnallj , Jouea of tba etomieb, II aa lnath em In nora readily i nntrtolona nbetaaeaa,and cvuTaiUug tbem Into pure aod w&iul ■omebkudi Ibaa tba dl(«tloala imprarad and Uievkola truSl work of man taoTca on In a note Tlcerou and bumoalou ^un>3 :S£?Ki. ffSSiS.e..'"'*'"««"•-^'» »- fSgg iMal 'anoaa wlablnf ibeLaeina Caidial,bTundlB«anoltBiiM„ — - ...... ._ . nea The Eye. THE PARIS BYE WATBR IS A VERY SO- . ^^Peilor prapeialion far late, weak end liiSamed Rjt*. baldaathanfan and ehrapest nr-tnj—iS ecnia. Prepaid BfUiman 4: Co., Sole Agenu, 1S8 Snnd, belweea Centia and BIb aineu, N. V. Beat to ibe cuoairr- •3 pa boiile^r two bonlea for Suld by £.PLInT, eomer Stb Ayanna. DB. BATEMAn>8 LONDON KEHEDT for tba etnala re- $600 SeWHTdi moyalof Plnple^ Frtalilea,Blolelle>,areny olber diiimreaaal' TEPFRIES'ANTIDOTE A SPRCnrrn Mn of ibo banan ibeo. eonataf ol a lollon beaida aa laiaul lonedy »I ^ .!>. _ .^1/ v hi IA. lareaoT«lboealaparille>ortbebloodlbalprodaoealbeai. 'Ite^ ■oribe«Breoreon<>rTb»a,aiail,8t™clarea,and etallard .1 i .™-^JV_?."-'r'^' .idsre. Iimakeaaap ibo laait n>tiiat^ UlTJUMFKRAIfOB. DUNLB3B> TASTKLES3 DROP3 for Iba core of loteoper- jceeaBbB alandeatlnaly Sdmlnuured to-tba lnieBpaat«,idi^ [BttUig bun tbarebf thorouskly alcb the ue of atron. drlnka. Ic • amoatyalnable medldnc, and baa aayed .many a DuillT ftom J—;- It-la perfeollybannlea SOeenu. Brldgman oonOBOted If a doae of Iba Mlztnie ia laban when eineacd. pealed esperimenia and '—-"-—= -■ radieaDy cue aay eaae peated esperimeBla and iona eaperienea baye prored' cbat li ■■' " wbieh can ba prodoecdj Tbis deair mlfoy and ni A Ua , Drofi ' iDaau,New la firand ■Ireet, betwew Centre end Elm Don) to ihe eoeniry. is Bedding's RoBala Salve Is A BOSTON HEMEDY OF THIRTY YEARS H and i n g, and la reeonmenried -by pbyalauna. It la a mra and e a aed y eni. fw Barn^ PUe^BoUa, Ceroe, r ' -— raaall la obtained la from two or t«i daya, and aa II ncitbar elUH aanaaa nor ogenda the palai^ aad readai nnnninMij any daw doaladleiorlB1«inpnontoBaaalpinali8,aov]idalanorba' dlgotloDriba DBlanea la thna taasTEd as spodlly aaia e(mil_ W'lb lb. prodnetien ol a tboroagb and peiMnanloora. tf ipgj ..I .... ... . (ijgrtoBa ar«et, altboraol — — sd by lu nao. Price ai ,3 boiUa. Sola ageBt for ibia dty. O. H. BINS, No. tsi Drraa^ eoniat of Jobn iOaal. t: R. CAU.EMUAB, earatr Tblnl^9 Walnai auvia, Agaal for Fklladel-bia. jn ^. ^ , ..■K!S;,cbSb*u5S!2d I Dr. Peirye old Established Bledloal OfioeJ S^f'S^JiVS7*^.):^^V!l?„^^'°}^ViS^i\oK FRANKLIN STREET, NEW Y(»^ DR. t. N. FBBB'V'B InpioTed and mcaeDlU i In tha ally of Boaloa and ylelnlty for the laat thirty yean. In ab Inataace will tbia Saly. do aay ifiiary, or lalarfeYe with a pbyal* dan'apreMilpikiiia. Itiaoadoof the pareet matarlili,from a raolpa oroagbi fVom anala, of anloln growing in that eoantry, an4 tbe prnprtatoia bare lettan from ell elaaie^ clergymaa, pby. eklana, aea aapialna, aories, and oUicra wbo baye oaed It tkeA- ■alvca.and rcooounended II lo oibti*. Ra<lillog*a Raala eaiyeb — In large tin buea, stamped on the' wrnt with e plamre of a wanda^laablad aoldlar,wlUah p^rs la alio ugrayed on Iba fwlfeie care ef all deUeata itineairii menailal a&] d aa anal.ceajUMi/'hii HaS] aauNow'Toikiwbleh baabeaoaiS] , „ Bi Mi wr oryaan Fanona laberlu andartti t;f a nrlyala Batarai or taoee prodaeed by tba aSoaa €Ca«] eary, will be ama to ba lalisved and naored to kialib. by a iieail meni at onoa ajrrMable. expaditloaa and ffflrTfllrm, oy epplyS^ at ble Bladleal Oflee. 6/ PiaBkUa at. N.& Dr. P.^Odeeaaiaao arranged that psUentaaia not tf. noaadlocacb oihenebsamiion. InalloaMamoaibonoraUaaid inriolata aeoeey la eb a ai t ul . . ....„,». Penona at a dbtanea oan haya Medicines, wilh fan dli^ ibewrapper. FiloeSSeeniaa box. ISold at all the alora In town 11°°'>f°'**'^'°''''''"""V (art of iba Union. Lcitaii^iai orooaairy. armaybeorda'ed of anywbolamla dmgaUt. Red- I eonlalaiag a iiaa m ia M e fee, wfllba attended ta ding A Od.,> pfoprlaioti, e Bttle •treat, Boilon: Every moibu I "Silzbt Fann." a yalaabla Unle traitiia on tbeaadkl .w....... V ^ . 'aaiwiiaBdomnleweakntacswaltiigffomyouUiMIpdliamiiJ Ii forwardea at lbs nominBl niioa of one abUUng, lo pay umu J ofpoAaga. Org i5;eeOcoplaabaTe bean forwarded by tba ^al J of Indivldaalalnibaaonatiy. Tke amoant of yalaabla utfonaatbd eoDialnad In Ibla tnaiisa u Inoredlble^ and all who era abouid B »rTT . mala or femelo, sbeold It at one.. nrr- to feaialea wbo are laboring nnder obetnmlOBs, or Iim lanuea, by obtaining tba eeiebrated Medieaud InitnuBanl, ^ MOXA, prepared by Darallc Cos Partly for vblab I am ihafflM tVrna, Ae., &a. la aenllimed "TPl Ofltoe,No.a7 liibed In Ibis elly a ni Pl^fiT ^ pot loraa •boaid hare e boa In tbe boaae baody In esse of sealdtnti to Iba eblldren. SaSm Charles Heidsleck Cbanpagne. THE ONDEIRSIGNliD RESPECTFULLY RE- qieat tba ttTenlluc. f dealers, aid lhapablla ganaia]ly,to tba narluof tbia saparinr >Mi •. AlUtoagh if baa been lately inlro., _„„ ^ud, ander Ua presaal designation, yet k diacriinlnaUiig pabUe I T^if ly. djaeored iB It en old suuidard and blgbly approved wlaa. I U pfasent proprlalon, HJBSaRS. CBASLES h£iD9IBCK k with BB booorabla delhaoy, not wishiog to eneronch npon hay. Tba CO. Ike , forwaidrfloanyii lilliaa. onre^lpsof as. !anioa.-^iiia uiprlnelpladand aodieloaa qucfaliaya.)* prirllegea of enotbcr bem«e, ba^ t eaoeeeitfylly en- deavored to establlab for it a —— .1 - • •rtnar, Cbarlae Mdatoek, . "^1 ™ a poitlon In tb. andw wblab braiMl it will condna. t. I ■ of lb. aanlor palming npon tbe pobllo, medical campoands^ pnrponlng tohSM emeiatad from eite^'l■hlWTll*l and In a large nambv or osM wUhaBceacL IbaiabygivenoUcaibailbavenoAgcniavSgal . _ .jjj—j Wa wimld bwa imta, tbaS tha MmparaHv. eonanmptloa of this Wla% rinaa ua Istradaatlon, baa azoaedad that of any oibar brand ' 9W In ma^ vUh a eonatamly Ipareaalog demand. N. B.—ImFoaTAIVT.—Oomioinara ef Cbampagna Wlaa an iB M ata lkl ly noUbd ikat tka geqalB* Vmae all otbar wiaea amaming tba nma nama are not geaaine. Iha j tenda baskets of oar tlharlae Heldaleek hava also a dlMlnst mark, aa fob jawBt ."ClB.H.>> wUhTear tad'slt^ at willow on iba eovar. olaa, aal iboaa at a diaaoeo eaa only obtain a sapply of «y ji -'~ ——laddremloB PEBBT.B. D., St PrankUn sii N. -J^ elno. by remitting ^ and addrt TlMiiBiaui auuu^ btfwaaa — — „ PeBBMB tbmBah ibalr ooi baskets of oarOharlae Heldaleek bava also a dlstlnst msik, aa fol- j pf^allsr to bar •aaTceavaniaat'] "oar lad'stilpaa of —"' — Vhla t^aag* from "OH." oaghl lo Da aspa Maanoaof.lbeuparana. of b UailBgtaltlalt iwiililliig tkelr-ewai ^wm pnvmaBwlnatfi 9.wiBA7ani*«aiai A Card to the Ladtos. "tUrSB. BYRNES, FEUALB PHYSICIAN.No. ill idUjail iU-ThoBpaoD-atrao^bwrnasBIaeckarandHaanaastiMie-' tenda PemaiiM tbniagh ibalr oonSnamaas, end freaiaaii < pesallar to bar ■nir«BvanIaal fooBs pnvidad dirli^tiB Alao,a patent apparKtaa to aarist FMalaa 1b *™«ivnist -—'-^tialnSirAbdamlaair ighito6aasaaaiaUycbaarvad,Ineoa.I«a |ia u J^ aabrolTAbdomlsalBappoilaiB. MadWaaanaivad of bukeii.h tba ametlaan;«aAatIgaiibl*. AvalaabiaPomleFIDeaotto anyunmiAaSM bdrewar A auaW e t ee naiM e af I btbaa.'waaddraa. Alla<nninnnlcatlDBalpoa>p^wllltaeM