New York Clipper (Oct 1883)

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OCTOBEB 6. LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH TO THE CLIPPER, FhOM RfOULAR C0lllinMNDMT«. B««oit« Of MODdar sMf • MifoimUMM la lb* roDowlBf plKM Mafioi br ouU. aBd wDl t* Rrand Id ow nnlar u)aMm*nt eol- SiSzU^^f: t^Ti Bndfoid. nk, fbSwltfplila, Btltlmon. Md., WwUBftoo, D. a BOSIKEBS OOMTIiniES BAD-UABBIAOE OF PAUUNE LEB-TBE BU8H-STBKET TBEATBB OLOBKD NTBED KACCABE's nunas. Six Taisoiaoo, Cal., BapL SO. TbeihMlnt bare been rannliig to light bniliieM ttio put week. Batlntu ttmei good at the Bntli-f treat Theatn and tb* Oiuid Open-booae, owlog to the lavlab dlitrlbatloD of panel PNd Haccabe la to oontliiae at lb* Boab- (traet until Oct 8 At tba Onnd Open-booae CaUandar'i Ulnitnla ftep down and ont to make loom lor "Tbe Llghta o' London," wblcb la to be prodnoed Oct 1, nnder tbe inanigemant of Pnd H. Bert The Itallan-opeia Oo. at tbe OalUoinla Tbaatre baa not made tbe anccaaa hoped for, tbe attendance baTlng been poor. Vbalaver anacea bia been achieved can be ascribed to Ume. Otgll. Ume. aUbert baa become a taTorito with tbe •adlenoea, ber exeentlon being cbanoterlzed b; Intelligence tnd eaw Baaloeai at tbe Standard Tbeatie waj good tbe paat week. B. W. FrlUman acted u inlailocntor and made qnlto a anceeo. Charier Beed'i apeelalUea proved bigblj amnilng At tbe Bella Union a atrong Tarlety blU la being pieaented, tbe (r<ab«at featoiea being Frank Horoeco and m»» Dt Bock, and Tommy and Leonora Uorrla, who opened to-nlgtat... .Paollne Lee, eqneitrlenne.and Bndd Oorman were married Sept 36... .Ur. F*gan, manager of the Adelphl Theatre, la to go ^t In eearcb of noTelllea....At tbaTlToIl aTairlarge aadlaoe wai preaent to-nlgbt when (Cipher word omitted— Ed. Oliprb] wai prodaced and made a hit. Btnj Oatea and Battle Uoore bare been engaged for leading bnilneaa Tbe Bpanlah Stodenta and Ethel Ljnton at the Vienna Oardeni, baTlsg made a anoceaa, are greeted bT large andlencea nlgbUy. y/.e. Sheridan la eipected here from Anitialla in a few There wta no performance at the Bnih-etreet Thea- tre to-nlgbt In conieqnence of the lUoeM of Fred Uaceabo. Theandlenoewaadlamlaiedandthemone/rafandad. Ltna, Oot. 1-Tbe 0Dl7 legitimate theatre open laet night wai tbe Grand Opera-honae. Boalneai at the Tarlooitheatiealaat night waa bad In conaeqnence of laok of publlo appreciation The CUlfomla Tbektre bai been closed and will eontinne ao nnlfl Oct e W. E. Sheridan and Lonlie Davenport arrived from Aoatralla Sept 80 The Bnah-alreet Theatre wai itlll oloaed laat night Ur. Wbelan, Dion Bondeanlt'a agent, airlTtd Oot 1. Boerov, Uaaa,, Oct 3. "Jalm*" drew a very large andlenca lait night to the Boiton Theatre "Warranted" at tbe Hnaenmwaa contlnned to verr good bnilneM "Virginia''at the Bljon Theatre had a fair honie. The attendance here la falling off aome- ^iiMi, Virginia Evana made ber fiiat appearanco aa a member of thb BlloQ company aa Mia. CowaUp. She baa a good con- tralto voice, and made a nij favorable Impreielon. Blanche Corelll la to appear Tbnraday At tbe Park Theatre Haggle Ultobell In "Mlgnon" opened to a good home, and tbe Indlca- tiona are that abe wlU have a succeaatul engagement Ed- win F. Thome and bti "Black Flag" Company opened at tbe Boward Albenisam to a big booie, repeating their lait year'a nieceaa In thla city. Tbe play waa Unely staged and tbe andlence waa very entbnslaatio John Stat- ion opened bla regular icaion at tbe Globe Theatre, pieaanilng bli "Uonte Orlito" Company to a large lioaae. /amea OKell ratber monopolized tbe bonon, ai waa tbe caae Jait Miaon when tbe company played here Uanager XiOthiop alw opened bli rvgnlar leaaon at tbe Windsor The- atre, a large andlenoe enjoying performinoei of Balrd's Uln- itnla. Lew Benedict and loe Hart made hlta Bnslnetaat the Boylaton Unsenm waa very good, and the beat work in the olio was tbat of Tony WllUama and the Bnrtons Tbe Boa- ton Oratorio Boolely, nnder J. O, Lennon, is to ilng choral nnmben of Oe Xontakl'i lymphony "Tbe Soldier's Dream" at llgalo Hall Oct 10, nnder tbe composer's direction. A mW FLAY UAEE8 A FAILURE—"THE VEILED PRO- PHET' OELEBBATIOM. St. Lodu, Uo., Oct 3. Tbe city wai crowded yeiterday with p*ople drawn here to ■ee the flieworki, the lllnmlnatlon and the Veiled Prophet and Tiadea' Frooeaaloni. Tbs tbeatrea are doing an Immense bnalnesaand tbe managers and performers are all happy "A Frltnd" was presented for the Ant time on any atage at tbe Plokwlok Theatre Sept 39 to an audience of abont two hondnd people. Tbe caat waa: Uonsienr Unravieff, Uarlande Olark; Oeotge Oakham, Hugh Elyok; Anguet Little, D. Unet Owenai James Bathborn, John Saandem; Antonio, W.Cbad- ' vrlok: Veronica,Florence Oerald; Lilian, Evelyn Lewla; Letl- tla, Nellie Billings. The company aeemed to be made np of ■malaon with tbe eiceptlon of Uarlande OLtrk and Hngh Elyok, and if the play possesses any Intorast or merit they failed to bring It ont, Aa repreeented by them It aeemed like the bad reading of an unintereetlng book. The plot la trasaparent and the climaxes are awk- yitzi Ida Slddona* BnrIosq[iie Company opened at the Standard Theatre Bandsy night to' standing-room only. Oonatantlne and Lansing, the Bberldana, Ked West, and Orlffen and Uarka made tbe hits of the evening. Donman Thompson draw a fnll andlence to the Olympic Theatre -.Hundreds were tnmed away from tbe People's Theatre, the rash waa so great to aoe tbe "Jesse James" Oombliiatlon "The Black Crook" drew a fnll house to Pope's Theatre Moblee had only a fair attendance at tbe Orand Optra-house. He Is to prodnoe a new play entitled "Love and Law" Oct B The olty waa brilUautly Illumin- ated last night, but a heavy ahower drove people to the thea- tres, UoWADE'S MEW PLAT-ITS SUCCESS DOUDTFUL-UQt- Nl£ UADDEBN TO PRODUCE A MEW PIECE. OiKOINNlTI, 0., Oct. 3, Ulnnle Uaddem gave "Jnsntta" Its flrat presentation in thla oily Sunday night at Havlln'i Theatre, She received a kindly welcome from a large audience, aa did George Uorlou aind othera of her .company. She is to produce a new play— "The Puritan Maid"-Thursday Bol>ert UoWade opened •t BoblDson's Opera-house Uonday night, and preaented for the flrat time on any stage hla new drama "Franz Beraobelle. ' Tbe attendance vraa only fair, and the play can hardly be aald to be a loocess At tbe Grand Opervhoaae T. W. Keene ' opened Sunday night in "Blobard in," and gave "Uacbeth" Uonday night to large and appreciative audiencea "Een- taok," with Annie Ward TllTany and Harry Oolton as the lead- ing attractions, wsa preeented Sunday night to a large andl- onco In Houck's Opera-bonsa U. B. Curtis at the New Colleeum, which la hardly yel oomplolad, drew largely Bun- day night At the Vlnc-Btmet Opera-house a fresh variety till drew tbe naual large Uondny-night's attondanoe. New OBLxauB, I^, Oot 3. Uany people were tnmed away from all parta of the house ■t tbe opening of Barlow, Wilson A Oo.'a Ulnstrela at the Aoademy of Uualo Sunday night and there waa a fall bonse laat i^gbt Billy Carter, who made his debut at the Aoadsmy thirteen yean ago, was enthualastloally received nightly There Is a boom here among varioty hall a not before known (or years. The Lyceum, Wenger's Garden and the Park Thea- tre Inangurated their respeotlve seaaona Sept, 39 David Uldwell has appointed B. 3. Brown atage-manager of the Orand Opera-bonae. Brown has been connected with tbat theatre thirteen yean, eight aa atage-manager, but left when tbe Grand waa pooled with Bidwell'i Theatre. This appoint- ment surprised many, but It ihowa BIdweU'a wladom Uanager Eugene F. Gorman, who has ntumed from Ohicago, |i ngrgasUlog hli teqt-ibow, Hd It wl4 leoa opMi SanoiT, Ulsh., Cot, 1 Janansobek opened ber laaaon at the Detroit Opina-honia Uat night, pmentlDg "ZlUah" for the Brat Uma in Ihia dty before an apprcolatlve tbongh not v«7 nnmanma aodlence. She waa warmly received, being three Umaa lacallad at the end of the thirdaot Salsbnry'a Tronbadonra opened to a fnll bonse at Whitney's Opara-boase At Whlto'a a very lat«s andleoee greetad tbe UajUtona Tba Park Theatra waa well dlled, a good varied bill being the attneUon. Uannlng and Dnw making blta Tbe Beventli (NewTork) Begtment Band Concert iraa well patioBlied at WUtner'a Sunday night Olivsuiq, 0., Oot. X Bairy and Fay opened at the EncUd-avaane Opera-honaa to good bnslneulut night......Bolaad Boed, who opened at tba Academy, made a decided hit, Judging fiem the traqnsnt en- cores he received. BianKO, Pa., Oot 3. The Academy of Uoale waa opened laat night by Thatcher, Primrose k West's Uinsliels to an overflowing andienee, ■landing-room being at a pramltun. The psrformanse gave onboundsd satlaCaetloa. P irmaua a. Pa., Oct L AU of the tbeatrea laat night did a good bniinta. "A Bnneh of Keys" drew in all the Opera-boosa would bold Ford'a Opera Co. inttoduoed "Blnel>eaTd"toa]ajge andianoe at Li- brary Ball Pat Booney played to all the Academy of Unslo would hold Levy harmonized an Immense crowd with hla comet at the Eipoaltion. Coaioo, Oet 9. "The Romany Bye" attracted a large radlenee to Haverly'i Theatre lait evening J. 0. Duffi Opera Company enlored upon Ita lecond week at the Giud Opem-honae, to a good bouse, presenUog "Heart and Band," in which tba company appean to much tbe beat advantage, The Ant production In America of Leo Dellbe's opera, "lakme," Is announced (or Thniaday evening, t. Meit week Ballabory'a Tronbadonra. "Tbe Whlto Slave" at Booley's Tbeatie waa well patron- ized, BolMon and Crane'a "Boarding-hoase" opens T John UcOnllough rspeata "Vlrglnlaa" at HoVlcker'a The- atre thla week. The auditorium waa fairly flllad last night "Tbe Gladiator" la to Im prodaced t Tbe Academy of Uuslo waa well filled, Hr. Scanlan appearing in "Friend and Foe." Davene's Combination attracted an andianoe wblcb crowded tbe Olympic Theatre Byde k Behman'e Specialty Company, aftor two weeka of good buat- ness at the Olympic and Criterion Tbeatrea, opened Isat night at tbe Lyceum Theatre to good patronage Harry Willlami' Uanchealer and Jennlnga Combination appeared at IheOrlla- rlon Theatre to a fair attendance "Under the OaiUght" was tbe dramatic attraction at tbsNationil Tbeatie, and bnai- nsu wai prosperous "The Ueiry War" was brought ont in German by Isenetoln's company at UeVlcker's Theatre, 90, and attracted a good-eized audience. Bnvrau), M, T., Oot 3. Baverly's "Silver King" Company opened In tbs Academy of Unslo last night for a week, to good attendance Wel- leeley k Sterllng'e "Danltes" Co. Iiegan a four nigbia' aaaaon at Wable'a Opera-bonse to a fair attendance A large audi- ence was present at lang's Adelphl when tbe Blohmond Com- edy Company opened. DEATHS IN THE PBO FESSIOW. GSmKiiuedJVvsi foge 190, UBS. UABIE WILKIN8 died at her home. Mo. flO West Twenly-flflh street ibis slty, Sept. 37. She was a native of England, and in her youth was noted for ber I>eauty, She waa married to Sergeant Wllkins, a barrister of repute in London, and be died some twenty-flvs yean ago, leaving her In a poor oondiUon financially. As she had won some celebrity in amateur tbtatricals, shs dsoldcd to go on tbs stage to make a living. She played for a time at tba Hsymarket Theatn, London, and In many of the provincial theatres, winning mnch popularity. In the meantime she bad married Obarlea Davia, and with hint came to Ibis conutry in 1B78 to visit a sister realdlng in Canada, On arriving In tola ol'y with tbe view of returning to Eng- land, they met Edwin Jamea, an Engllah lawyer then re- Biding ben, who bad a pauion for the butrlonlo art, wblcb he gratified by appearing on the stage of a local Be urged Un, Wllklos to remain here, and in- ■ - - - theatre. _ _ , troduced her to J. W. Wallack, who eonged her, made ber American debnit tn Wallaok'a Theatre Deo. IT, 1863, acting tbe Widow Green In "The Love Chase," and met with an extremely cordial Tecejtlon, Bubacanently abe played In Boston and other oiUes, and ntumed here In the Hammer of 1873, and played Un. Fairfax in "Jane Byre," rap- —"— Oharlolto Thompson, In the Union-square Theatre, e arald pUyed In thla theatre in the Snmnaer of 1874, aoting Urs. Tinsel In "Peril, or Love at Long Branch," oommenctng June 31. At tbe openiag of tbe regular atason of lB7i-S aha became a member of tbe etock company at this house. Whsn "The Two Orubana" waa flnt produced, Deo, 31, Un. Wllkins played La Froohard, and made the greatest sncceu of uer nrofeaslonal career. She bad since played the part In all of the principal clUea and towns from New fork to San Francisco, and It la la that rele that she will be best remembered. Her other most Import- ant racofssei while at tbe Unlon-sinan Theatre were Un. Fairfax in "Jane Eyre," which was revived during tbe regular aeason of 167i-5 and ran from Nov, U to Deo. S, and UFss AnbellaOaborn In "UIss Unlton," which was prodnced Nov. 'JO, 1876. Her laat appearanoe on the atage waa in Booth'a Theatre, aoting Uother Snlpton In "The Romany Bye," which ran from Sept 16 to Nov. 26,1883. She had grown very atout of late yean, and It la aald that her fatal Illness was brought on by ue too free use of a medical preparation which abe took to rednoe ber obeaity. She waa very domeatlo in her babita, and, being an eioielient oook, waa fond of entertaining ber frlanda with lepssts whlob demonstrated her culinary ekUL Her husband survives beri but shs had no ohildren. Borne yean ago she adopted a dangbtar of ber youngest sister, and tbenleoe Is now Un. Usrtin of Chicago. Her funeral, which was private, tookplace from her late reaidenoe 80, the Bev. Dr. Houghton of "The Little Church Around the Comer" ofiBolallng. The remains, which were Inclosed in a oaaket covered with blaok ololh, upon which • few floral trlbataa rested, wen Interred tn Greenwood Oemstary. Wauui LoBLiT died Aug. 36 in Uveipool, Eng., aged (6 yean. He had been known tor npwarda of forb yeanln the mechanical departmente in the principal IheaUea in Great Britain. Aa Amertean papen an tequsated to «opy bla death- nouoe, w» (iMtine ^ bu nlattTit or Mandi la (Ui ootia- *»7' Bowun. one of the Bowlaad Blstan, disd whlleglv- lag birth to a SOD. Sept 96, a lbs home of her mother. [Plsoe notfivsa—B».OunBB.] ShewaalhevrlfeotBd. Foyof Foy and Theapeoa, and was wall known in the variety nrofeaaion throngbont the country. Bsr infant waa buried with her.. Joami A. Uou dlsd at bis mother's resldace, in Pittebnrg, P&, Sent 93. aged .89 yean, 10 moniha and 3 daya. His foninl took plaoe 96. Be waa before tbe pabUe sometime aa a Doteh eomedlaa.aod after hla retirement he kept a aaloon at Mo. 194 West Uadiion alreel. Chicago, lU. Ai> EMDaoa died of typhoid fevar after an illness of three weeks at bis home In Dtnbniy, Ot. Sept 80, aged 33 yean, 6 montha and 39 days. Bla fonsnl took place Oot 1. He claimed to have bees "the champion boneaololat," and bla real name waa Alvah A. Elmendoif, LiVAnm BiisroBS died of pulmonary hemorrhage in tn Philadalphla, Pa.. Bept 91, aged 68 yean, and hla remains wsn burled 99 In OddloUowa'Cemete^. He waa for many yean eonneeted with the theatrical profession aa an aotor, liiislnsss niansflfi and advaoca^igent reapeotlvely. OLIPPHB POB1VOFFIOK. OommB fioa Paoa m. L.ttennoa».dapto6r^^.g»5.0ct X Abaeeo, Joale Arlington, Alice (late 0lN.0rlaBaa.I,a.) Abbott Emma (of Abbott'sOMraOo.) Breanaa, Mrs. K A (Bngllata letter) Ballsy, Mrs. M. Dnabar, Badla Ourr, Prankle (vocal- ''rLas, Un. W. Haw! 0. Jataa, Emmadqais- trlsnns) Leosard. Urs. Walla OBHTLBIIBM'8 LUT. AmstroBf Brothsn, aormau, Jasiei Ooodrear, CbarlssW Tba Adams, WlUiam B. AJdrlcb A Paraloe Allen, Dr. J. O. E. Blahos, William B. Bllia, Waller A. (ma- fldaa) aflu, ~ , Praieois B. Bar lew, Wilson A Co. (3) Bryant A 8avllls Bennett A Osrdneifl) Barfoot, Hacry (of Cheek Co.) Bcniard. J. H. Bernard, T. (of Wla- nett Comb.) Boyls. John B. OampDell, Joa. f. Coolie, J. rraduqnes- triaa)(ll CatselU, John 7e, CoFTella, Frank Clancy, J. (property- man) Rnoke, Brneat Davla, Cbarlss L (manager) Devoy, John Downer, Denner A. Daly, WllUam (1) "Del Futfo" (fin- king) Dolan Brothers, Tbs Perguion I Mack Tnw, Obarlea nrnge, Norman nUhngb,fflllK. nanrr. remando (1) Oloas, Ona J. Guy, Oeorcs (of Qny /anllr) (41 Olenfleld, (leo.fmagl- CltB) Ongory, C. J.(mana- fer) OardaarjW.H (aaent) "Oreat Sacriace" Ollt>ert, Bamaal Uodga, Harry Bart, Jee Hortoa. nsny 0. Hans, Bollln Harrington, John 0. Uaoer, Maaur llalsy, Tbomulf, lafsndorfer, (hwige m Cent, Frank KsmiD, Janes Kenntdr,C. J. Keating, John Kennedy, V. H, Keougb, Wd, (oI Olymnle (]iiartelte) Kelly./. J. («<nl) Kovsldl, J. H. (lead- er) Keen, John(blcr:!lit) Unch, P. U. Lennio, Tie Lo»lla.T. A. Uoyd, Jamea Lentbecher, Cliarlaa Leonatl, — (of Pora- paugb'iiShow) Ludwlg, J, (late of 8t Lonis, Moj (ei Lawrence, Walter l.aag, Edwin R. it) Lawrance, J.(orwil- llana A Lawrtnoe) Lorella,T. A. Manater. Oreat Am. UloitwU) (10) Kelvllle, Billy rofXlcb A Melville) Moore A Vivian Mills, Barry (late or CorlnneCo.) McKay, Andr ycMnrrsy, Nr. Mack, Jann (clown) MeMorray, J. B. {li HeAulAj. baraay Melville, J. Henry Mills, Mrs. Jos (Oar. nan letter) Knireotta, Jeanette Rharp, Mra.RBtbarloe Dirutr,Hra.FraoelaM. Wyoan, Mra. All. Wataon, Mrs. Irene Wood, Mr*. J. M. HBgee,J. HoAdow A Lee McDonald, TbomaaU. Miwre, Charlie Nelton, — (Jsggler) Ordey, Karoly Pratt, U. H. Powell, A. Paturaon, Jobn (Clown) Plillllpa, Gas ("Oolty Oooft") Prindle, Johnny Pnnter, William B, Pendy, Jobn Sneen, Charles IcbaidaoD, Bart Rarnor. J. 8llnon, — (of Fora- psugh'B Hbow) (t), Bteuon, Harry R iieeley, Cbarlea Sipple, Fred J. Seboolenft Lake Straight. D, a Steels, Uarry .Sommona, deorge ainolair, Brneat Smith, A. C. Sesnion.C. V. i^ttlly, W. J. Sutton, Oeorge The <)asker Quartette Tbe Four Comete Turaer, Oeorge H. The Electilo <)aar- tette Taylor, William (3) Tlaaot, Jalea Vernon, Stenley Worland, John Warner, Harry Whippier, Trill Webater, Ed. (ol 4 Shamreoka) Webater, B. C. Winter, Banks (can, Armatrong Broa.) City AQUATIC. COSnilO BVENTH. Oct, 6-Senlllna-natcta. Wm. EUlottvs. Bd. Claytor, 3 miles, KOO, Wellabnrr, 0. Oct*—Mateb yacht-race, aloopa Grade and Fannte, 40 miles,off Sandy Hook. Oct II—MaUh yacht-race, eloop Onele va. cntter Bedouin, 40 milea, olf Sandy Hook. Oct 16—Amatenr rowing regatta, LItlla Rock, Ark. THU PITTSBVnO BEGATTA. [SftetalJltpQrtfrom OarCfrmpondtnt.) This has been tbe most interestiog event ot tbe seaaon In aqnatlo circles, all the noted oanmen of tbe country, with two ezoeptlona, having taken part The exceptions were Han- Ian and Courtney, who bad In the beginning poeltlvely promiaed to be present but failed to come to time. Every Indnoement wu ofTered them, but for reasons best known to themselvea tbey declined to make good their promises. The money prizes wen large, and In addition to them Tht PiUt- tmrg Tima preeented'a gold medal to each of the wlnnere of flntpriaea. Tbe regattewaa under the direction et Uessn. H. O. Price k Co., and all agree that It waa one of the most fairly conducted allaln ever witoeased. There were some signa of Jobbery among the prefeaslonal oanmsn, but they were summarily aat down upon, and no second eflort was made in that lloe. Tbe noes were rowed over the Hulten oonne in the Allegheny Elver. It Is full three miles, and one of the fastest courses in the.eonntry. Tbe rvgatlaoommenoed on Bept 35, and waa Intended to laat four daya, but, owing to tba number of atarten and tbs unpropltious weather, elx daya wen reqnired to flniab. Hept 36, weather gloomy and cold. The local race waa called fint. with Ex-Uayor Bobt Liddell tbe referee, and Uessn. Wsltor Beaumont and Captain Tom Beeae in tba judges' atand. Tbe other judges wen Ucaan, B. H. Jobnaon and Henry Uyen, formerly memban of Yale onws. Ur. Johnson was stetloned at the tumlng-bnoy and Ur. Uyen at tbe three- quartor-mlle buoy. There being 30 entries, tbe race was ruwed In heate of four each, aa foUowa: .Fi'rif Heat—r. PrMdy, W. Snyder, U. Foley and 0. Gross. At the word "Oo 1" Foley want to the front and bold the lead for about halt a mll^ but was being closely followed by Prlddy, who wsa pulUug steadily with a determination to win. At tbe thne.quarter buoy Prlddy had paiaed him and waa a length ahead uf Foley, Snyder 10 lengtha tiebind and Gross away in tbs rear. At the tumlng-buoy Prlddy had increased bis lead to five lengths, and on the retura-stretob passed the tbrae-quar- ter buoy twelve lengths ahead, which lead he kept to the flnlah, winntog eaally in llm. 40s, Sttcnd Heat—3, Brennan, P. P. Connelly, G. Gang and Geo. Wlimott atarten. For about forty rods thla atemed any- bodrs race; then (3onnellr took the lead, with Brennan aeo- ond. Gang tbltd. When toey bad passed the half-mile point (hng wasin the lead, wlthConneUy second and Brennan third. At the three-quarter buoy Uiennin bad oome to the front and paased flnt, a full length ahead of Gang. From ihe torn- ing-bnoy to the thne-qnarler buoy there waa a aeries of fouls between Gang and Brennan, but jaat before oroaaing tbe line Gang broke away and came lu fint with Connelly about an eighth of a mile in the rear. After oonsnltotlon, the Judges ~ve the heat te OonoeUy, but allowed Gang to atari in the lal heat All poola and bete declared oS. Time, 3Sm. 46s. f*<rd hot—Ed. Uonlger, J. Curry, P. Snyder and J. W. Prlddy itarten. Snyder want to tbe front with Uonlger eeo- ond, Prlddy third, and Curry In the rear. Uonlger soon pssssd Prlddy, and at the tbree-qnarter buoy led bim by alx lengthe, and Increased the lead and paased the tam ten lengitis ahead, but turned tbe wrong baoy, and was called baok by the Judge. Blondering again, he tiuned from lelt to right In violation of Ihe reguIaUons, and wu again called baok. Daring thla tima Snyder bad forged shnul and crossed tbe line four lengths ahead. Time, 33m. 60a, Uonlger protested tbat his buoy waa out of poettlon, and an iDveatlgaUun proved tbat by tbe care- lassnesa ot ao employe tbla waa the case, and in consequence the Judges allowed him to start in the final heat and declared all poola and bets oft. Aurtk heat—r. Luther, T. Blchards and H. A. Uartln start- en. A. Venon failed to appear. Richards took the lead at the atart and had a walk-over to ihe flniab. At the tumlng buoy he waa ten lengtha ahead, at tbe half-way bnoy twelve lengths, and at tbe llnlsh only halt a length, L.iJior having laid himaalf down to the work. Thla waa the oloaoet flnlah of the day. Time, 34m. rS/A heat—v. O'Uanlon, R. Rorlion and J. Powon atarten. Powen went to Ihe front fint, but did not bold the lead long. O'Hanlon led at the thiee-quarter buoy, but before reaching tba turn he and Borlaon fonled and Powen again took the lead and held it to tbe finish, winning by six lengtbs; Borlson second, O'Bsnlon third. Time, 33m. 80a. At the oonoluslon of this heat it bad grown so late tbat it was thought beat by the Judgea to postpone farther races tutil Ihe morrow. Sept 36, weather clear and mild. Tbe fint raoe called wu the veteran race, for a pniae of $400, divided. Fint Acot^os. Kaye, Ju. Taylor and C. Zirbnt atarten, Jobn BIglln having been toretobed. Zlrbut took tbe lead at the atart and held ft for half amlle, when be waa overtaken by Tkylor, with Xaya olose alongside. At the half-way buoy Tay- lor waa ahead, with Kan a length behind and ZIrhut two lengths In the rear of both. At Ihe turn Taylor waa three lengtha ahead and Zirhtit virtually ont ot the raoe. At the three-quarter buoy Taylor bad increased the gap a length, and kept about the same dlsteaoe ahead ootll near the flniab, when he made • ipsit, oroaaing Ihs 11ns aU lengths ahead in MiQ* 90l* O. Fanlkiur ataitot. Fanlknec took the lead ami ^tT quarter of a mile from the atart took Oonlter'a watel^T.v other three pulling weU together. The raea waiTv^ to tbe tani,l)nt attertnmlng the buoy Fanlknsr had ik?!?''^ by about two lengtha. with Oonlter seoond7D«mu.h1kfi? and Powell fonrtfi, with only about half aleoath£t?»i'"t' of tbe three laat named. At ihe tlXqTuutSrbJ»*SSi?f* hadleaaenedhte dlsteocetnm FanlknsrKi lenrtb -kh' tbe olhem had fkUen back. Tbs race was hotly oontaM?,^ this point, but Faulkner held bte place and win ita V3m 2? with PoweU third aodOenmanb balling In the im ' nird fieat—1. UcCaflrey. Pat Luther, James Slebertah,! t Bcolt sUrten. Slebert shot ahead, and got a hS'wS'?J; in the flnt ten strokes. At the thri-qu Aer buoy siefSi^ the prooaton bi half a length; Lnthir second, aid HcSt^ a length behind him. These potlUons were held wlSi^? sUght cbauKes unUl ths thiw-qoartar buoy — riaar? it ' tbe finish Lather ahnoat closed tbe gap betweentMmadr Slebert, and UcCaflrey aru making a grand effort for ^1 supremacy. Slebert took la the slluttlon, and. nntUni fnSi, aU his enersy, onased the line baU a length ahu3 Luther and UcCaflrey exaoUy even. Time, 26m. sSS' ril Judgea decided Ita dead-beat between Lather and HcOflm, enter for the final beat, the wlnnen of fint and aecond slJ^ being entitled, under the rales, to row In the final bml. The final keat o/ Uu heat rau wu the next event on Ihe nm. gramme. The atarten wen P. Priddy. P. p. (JonneUv p Snyder. T. Eloharda, J. Powen, G. Gang and Ed. Monlin' i good start wu made, with Uonlger in the lead, but nmr'oi. half-mils point Priddy and Gang went to the front Oiniiil^ ing Prlddy at the three-quarter buoy by about one-ouJS length, Uonlger third and the reat well toRetber about tonr lengtha In tbs rear. The fight waxed warm to ths tnrn and attar getting around, Oang spurted about a length ahud of Priddy. wIlE Uonlger third, Blcbarda fourth. Oiydu uih Powen aixlh and Connelly, who did not tnm, lut Connellr fouled Oang at this point, it is claimed, and the result showed tbat be did interfere to some extent at least At the lhi» quarter bnoy Priddy wu three lengths ahead. Gang and Monl. ger being close together, During tbe remainder of tbe race Priddy bad it bte own way, winning eaally in 3lm. lOs.; Oini seoond. Urn. 16s.; Uonlger third, 31m. 18s.; Richards fouru 31m, 34a. Prlddy mads the best time on record In this vldn' Ity. Be la a youth 18 yean old, and oOen to row anyoue of same s«e for tl,000 a side. The purse wudlvlded u toUon- $260, $100, $60 and $40. Pnvloaa to tbe final beat of the local nee an extn race *w rowed by Fred PUlstcd and Nick Layberger for s pnneof $200, one-half mile, sttalghUway. Itwuwon by Lsiberrar in 3m. fits. ° Sept 37. weather fair, with a stiff breeze blowing up tha river, making tbe water rough and choppy; in conacqutiice ot which it wu Imposalble to call any race until 8.10 p7m at which Ume Pat Lather and Ju. UcCaflrey were called out to row off their dead-heat to dedde wblcb should enter for the final heat of the veteran-race. When the start wu made UcCallnywu leading, and bs held the pnmler position for about a quarter of a mile, whan Luther forged ahead, gtlnlui at every stroke. At tbe three-quarter buoy be had Incnased hla lead to twelve lengtbs, ana after rowing a short distance further UcCaflrey gave up the contest and Luther rowed lelenrely around the tumlng-bnoy back to bis qnarlen and wu adjudoed the winner and entitled to a place hi the'flnal heat No time taken. The event ot tbe day wu the profeailonal singlescnll race with twenty slartere, u follows: Heat Mo. 1—Bricelsnd, RUey, Bamm and Orlfiln, Heat No. 3-Bymea, Bltz, Uonlger and Conley. Heat No, 3—Qaliel C*t»j, Lee and Teemer. Heat Mo, 4—Ten Eyck, Prlddy Hoemarand Elliott Heat No, 6—Olstor, PUlated, Roea and layberger. Fint Aco(—Started at 4,30, Bamm and Grlfiln in the l«d, Riley third and Biicaland not far behind. After rowlngabout forty roda Uamm went to tbe front BUey paased Orlffln and made it interaatlng for the leader for a while. At ths three- quarter buoy Uamm wu two lengtha ahead and gaining, with Uriceland In third place, GrltSn traveling fifteen It-ngthe In ihe rear. AtthetumUammbadlncreaaedbteleadtofivelengtha, and OrilBn bad gained eight lengths. After turning biley spurted ahead, and at tbe three-quarter buoy bad reduced Hamm'a lead to one length, and these poslUons were kept te the flnteh. Hamm eroeslng the line In 33m,. Biley 32m, 4a, Secmd htat—Tbt start wu made at five o'clock, with Hon- Igerand Conley leading. Both kept well together for half a mile, when Uonlger feu away, and at the tu«e-quarler bnoy wu ten lengtha back, Conley rowed npldlr from this point, and turned twenty lengths in advauce ot Hon Uier, with Ihe other two utterly lost At the three-quarter buoy on the llom^ stntch he had Increued bla lead to thirty lengths, and wu rowing forall he wu worth. Between this point and ths flnlah Uonlger spurted and reduced the distance between them ten lengtha, and In tbU order tbey orosied the line. In 21m, and 31m. 31s, respectively. nird heat—At the word "Go" Teemer took tbe lead, with Lee second and Qalael third. They kept closely together to the quarter>mlle point. Teemer then Increaied bte atnke, and at ihe tbree-qnarter buoy had a lead of three lengths, Carey bad taken third place and Oalsel wu la tbe rear. At the turn Teemer led Lee by ton lengths. Lee gained on him In the tum, and at tbe three-quarter buoy bad regalnsd six lengtha, end wu making a gnnd effort for fint place. Teenier flnlabed a length ahead in 20m. OOs.; Lee, 30m. 63s. At this point It bad grown so dark tbat the remainder of the prognmme wu held over untU the 98th. Sept 28, weather cold and damp. Rain fell at intervals da^ ing the forenoon, and the indications wen disconrsghig. After noon tbe sky cleared aomewbal, and It wu decided te start the nmaining beato of the pnfeulonal race. At l.M p. H. tbe word wu given, and the fourth beat began, wlib all tbe rowere on about even terme. Twenty lengtha from the atart Hoenisr took Priddy'a water, and Priddy did the same with Elliott At the thrie-qnarter buoy EUlctt who wra leading, dellbantely ran Into Uosmer, knocklug a hole In bis boat, and both men turned baok to the Judges' stand, where quite a lively scene ensued. Elliott claims that he wu fouled and did nol receive fair tnatuent at the bands of tbejudgee, who deolared It "no best" and dlsqualiflsd ElUott fnmi takiug any further part in the regatta. Ten Eyck came over the line ln31m. 4Ja. tyUi keat—At lis the word wu given for tbe atart and Plaiated and Layberger took the lead and kepi It for about half a mUa. Rosa then palled up and Flalsted dropped back. At the three-quarter buoy Ross wu one and a half lengtha ahead, with Layberger aecond, PUlated and Olator on even toms, three lengths furlher baok. After the turn Ross led by a length, with PUlated and Clater seven lengtbs In tbe rear of Uyberner. At the three-quarter bnoy on the bomestielch Robs wu two lengths ahead. After piaslng the buoy Uy- barger spurted and kept on almost even tonns with Boss for a third of a mile, but could not bold the poalUon, and Boas came in a winner by a length In 3lm. I17e., Uyberger 31m. The trial keaUfir Iheftmr oartd eretu were oaUed next For tbe flnt heat tbe following onwa entered: Ooultoi^Taylor onw-Bow, Ju, Taylor; 3. Pat. Luther; 3, Henry Coultsr; stroke, Jos. Kaye. Uutuals. Buffalo-Bow, J.^ Bhort; 3. T. Noonan; 3, D, Daly; atroke, B. Stanton. Columbia, Pittsburg -Bow, P. P. Connelly; 3. Jobn Zelwo; 5, Robert Brown, stroke, Ed. PoweU. (Jueon Olty, Buffalo-Bow, Chas. Both, 3. David Orlmmlnga; 3, John Itoth; stroke, Jerry CilmnilnjB, For the eeoond beat the following were the onws enleita: CaUo, Buffalo—Bow, Tim. Desmond; 3, Jenmteb Hnlllvan; 3, James Crian; stroke, Wm. Usnlon. Blukmore, PIlteburK- Bow, Wm. Bnyder; 3, John Wbalen; 3, Peter Prlddy; alroke, P. Snyder. Boston crew—Bow, Geo, Faulknsr; 3, Jerry Caaey; 3, Bllvey Oookln; atroke, Richard Gookin. Elllott-Roea crew- Bow, Wallace Boss; 3, Geo. W, Lee; 3, G. Welsgerber; stroke, G. H. Hosmer. Welsgerber iru sabsUtated In place of EllloU on account of bte dUqualifioallon by tha Judgea for fouling Boemer. Fint heat-\t the word "Got" the Qaeen City four took Uis lead, pulling 37 strokes to the minuto, and kept It te the fln- iab, winning by alx lengths Id 10m. 4Is,; Uutual second. Second Aral—The OelUos took the lead with a gnnd flca^ Ish, but ware paued by the Boatons before reaching th> three- auarter buoy. At the tum the Boeton crew wu two lengus head, with Blackburn two lengths In rear of CelUc. ne Boss-Elllott onw did not turn. Oo the homeetreteh the lace wu a spirited one between the Boston and Celtlo, the former winning by a length in 10m. 40a. ^ Between tbe two heats of the fou^oared onwa tbe fliit heai of the oonsolaUon.race wu rowed, tha starton being Oauu, RUey. I^berger and BrloeUud. Briceland went te Uie "cni at the start, but ma puaed by Riley before reaching Ike tbrtf- quarter bnoy. At the tum Brloeland wu again In the lew, but did not hold it Rlleywionlng byjfonrlengths In 31n,m. At 4,80 p. H. Hosmer. Prlddy and 'fen Eyok were ciU«<l to row over tbe foatth heat of the profenlonal nee, luej made the start at 6 o'clock with Hosmer to tbe (on. bntnii advantage wu very slight for tbe flnt quarter of a mile- » the three-quarter buoy he led by a lehglh, Prlddy and Ten Eyck together. At tbe tarn Bosmerwu two lengths aDeao. and Prlddy gone a glimmering. Tbe raoewu s;, tbe retnm atretob. and thqebwho bad endured the chJiv atmospban np to this .UmcT forgot It in tbeir entbnalaaD, which wu now worked, pp to the highest pilch. Co,'''/ cams, with Hosmer straining every mnsole to keep blsj(°"' and Ten Eyok making hte ahell fairly Jump in ■>«.'^*!Si effort to beat bim. Hoamer passed the flag one »<> IfT lengths ahead, in the announced time ot 90m. 8s.i Tsn ejft *fcilt*a»,w«»*wWipn»fc6»a,lmtw»t«wnel». Tbttt^