New York Clipper (Oct 1883)

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OBEB P. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 475 T Id dz Ut Don. at - tar- • ou«l»-"; oSiiiiii^i SSitDlifir-Oflldiniltb, nUrMulliuoilWww, rtipiKi rail tor «>>. twinu unaBnt.iSTaodUi«nb7Monnd MoondpiM*la th*no*tor S>> iMie duoploBililp. Hw honi»-tMiD,MpMil«UrBu^ Udnwd MolTe^fl•ld•dT•IypoorlrJlJUowlM ft•^ faMnfonrtm aoMraed rau. bnnwUliuaaeiiuid Jrttowd»two-Um«rby MnW.yla to •jooyd iBBlairan ikaPhUidtlpblii^elrtbTga rnaa. Ktflai'i fltldlBf wia the PiiuDiueii. t. ili.iy.1.1. <■ ^ltaaDlsf.r.1. . « S 1 * S S HuMdu.M b. rsiMll, L/■■•■• yUIlr,I•Jb..•• llB|«i • ntm, 1. i HIIW.P ToUlJ... nilKldpbU « S I « I • . 4 1 110 ,4114 4 0 0 4 , 4 0 • 1 , t S 0 0 0 I I 1 0 I 1 4 Oaioioo. T. & Dairynpte, Lf... • t I I S • (1oi*.«.T. I 1 « 1 1 t K*Uy,o 4 11111 « Inno, litb * S 114 0 a 0 WllUamMw, Id b. I I I 1 4 1 ' Bare*. I. • I S ( t 1 I mffaf.Jdb I 1 I 4 • fl OorMrma, p I 1 I 1 ■ ■ Bandar, r. 4 1 I 1 S I ...M t BM Ult IttUlf... ...0 B 0 0 0 ... B ' 0 « t a ,..44 ISISfr U - 0 B 0 0-S III- AlMm V « « V B m M 9 —U ttnta na-€blMco. L Two-btM blU-MuBlu, IIdIt*/. DSrrnptotBdBarDi. Thrm-bu« bit—Burai. nntbiiMoDbalu •TblttMlpbU, 1; Obiwvo. I. Unt bat* ea trron—rblUddpbIa, l Sbl<unSrMltonb*M«-rhUUtlpbli,l;OhlM|«,». Itimk «M7bTn«e,l: nilUelpbU,! Doabl^pltri-Pamr tod Kal- Ttr: WUUtDios, Fttffer ud Ibud. ruMd btlte—Hlan. 1; lAj, 1 Umpin, Bridlar. Tlmy, Ih. 40m. 3fc- FROVIOBIIOB Ti. BWFAI.O, Tba (bon-ouDed olabi net tor th* twtUtti Una tbli leason BiM. V in PiDTldano*, B. L, th* Boblo* balng than cndllad wtib tbair alith Tloloiy of tba aeile*. Blohmoad took Bad- boun'tpUoaaipltober, thaIatttrhaTln«alam*aTin. Hawia tarj vUi In bli dallraiy, but wia not baitad wllb anooau, ax- Mptby 03onrk*. 1 bad mlaa by Badbonra at oantfa-flald in tb« nraaih Inning gara two mn* and th* Tloteiy to tba BnCaloa. Boad'i unpihng antn eaoud oath dliiatlifkotlon. TUa da- fMt diprlTad th* norldanoa Olab of anyebanoa to tla tba Bo^oai for tba Laagns obamplonablp. Tba aoora Bmuo. T.>.i. 0'B«Brk«.Lf.,Sii I 1 • I 0 rk*. L !«*•,*.,L( IlcUrdion,ldb. Inatbtn, litb,, wk\u,U b.,0... UOKr. f. Am t. oifiin', p.fl'.ii!'.! « 4 1 ( 1II S I 0 0 0 I 1 0 I 0 Pbotiduob. Ola**, lit h. Pair«U.Mb ladbaora, a. t.. BlttaBond, p.... Imln. (. i Oarroll, L f DesDT. Mb Oaiildy.r. r. anilgin, a 0 BIS 1 1 • * ' « 9 I 1 I I 1 « B I 1 S I 7 I a 0 I 0 I g I I ToUli S8 4 IV U 7 Total*. 37 1 117 n » Biffil* I 0 0 0 0 0 1 I »-4 rrsTldMoa 01001.BOO 0-1 l*m*d nni—BnlTtlo, I; l*ioTld*BO«. I. Tiro-bu* bit*—lUcb- noBd, Cinoll. Tbr** p*** bit—O'Bourk*. FiJit ba** »a balU— BalTki*, 4; rroTidtact, 1. Flnt b*M od tmn—Butal*,!; PiotI- d«BO*, t Btmck ont—Baff*lo, I: Prorldanc*, 1. Donbl*.pI*jr— Irvln,' F*mU and UIOM. Wild pllcb—Rlcbmend. Unplt*, Boad. Tin*, a. Iba tablta w«r« tomad flept 38. tha PiOTldeDoe team than d*(*atlsRtb* BoSiklOB for tbe aeranth tlma. Haganpllotaad Ten wildly and waa poorly *npportad, wblle Badotin pitehad IB Ua old-Uma form, and, reealvlBg good anpport, a Tlctary waa tha leanlt Eiroia by Blobardion and thrae a*f* hit* htlMd tba honataam to four onaamed ran* In lha third and alxth Inning*. Hie BnAIo* loortd thalr thita mn* on fonr ■lnjd**aadpaii«db*Il(. Oairoll Injniad hi* leg and gata way to Kava In taa aaranlh Inning, and Ulnea bad a finger knoehed oat of joint In the ninth. Ssora: PlOTUBICa. Etaa*. IM b r*n«U,ld b.... BtdbouB, p BlehnoBd, c r.. )rwlB,i. • C*rnU, L f. NtT*.L r Duujr, 31 b Oi*Mj,r. f..... OUUfan, 0 T. B.lB,rO.A.B. 7 0 1 I BIO I 0 I S 1 I I I I I 1 0 • 1 BorriiiO. 0'RaBrk*,>db, 0 WblU, a 4 - Richardion, H b. 4 Braotban, ]*t b.. 4 Llllla, L r., p 4 Bb*flkr, 4 rorae, a. • S Baler, a. r 1 HafaB.p.,Lr....l T. 4 I I I s 1 II 0 I III 1 I 0 0 0 1 0 I 0 0 -Total*. 40 S rn 18 t Total* B 1 117 B 10 PiOTldnne O I 1 0 0 I 0 0 B^ B«<r*l»" 1 OOOOBtOB-S B*n*draD*-ProTld*Bea,l Tbr**-b*a* Utr-HIn**. IlntbeM £.1 ^'^i'*^'">J.'<'*P°*- ■• "'It >>*M on •noTa-ProTidaaee. I; Baf- !^SiJ^,.''*'^.'J!^'''J^^-'"'» •"d Dtnayj for**, BroaUei* and O'Rawte; UlUe. Whlla and Broaiber*. Btnek eat-rroTldaaoa, '■J[^'f<?l'- '****d b*ll*-Wblt«,B, Dnplra, Bond. Tim*, lb. The iMt pute batwean thaae olaba waa played SepU », when tbaBnflalo* aeoaiad their leTeBlh vlolory of tha *eri<i, and ttni* deprlTed the VroTldeooe team of a obanee of tlelng the tnieago* for *aooBd plaea. Tba hona-nlne were weakened by tkeabaanoaof Btartand Hbiei, 0*a*ldy and Blehmond, who plaTOd In their atead, both fielding badly. Bnperlor fielding eaibled theTlallom to win. Dennr w«* tha onlytone of the bome-taam who did any tatUng, wblle Bronttaera and Whlla alone wielded tbe aUok for the tUIIoib with any effeoL BsrriLO. - ' - -. O'lOBrke, Id b. B?"*,!. r. t RIebaidion.tdb. I BKHttben, lit b. I Willa, a I Bkiihr.r. f, 4 '•M*. ». * 4 Jlflff.e. f 4 OuflB, p 4 T. B,iB.rO.A.B. I I 0 0 I 0^ I I I 0 1111 I a 14 1 • 111^ 0 1 4 0 0) 0 0 11 18 0 0 0 0 110 ^ Total*.. BiSalo .... FteTld«Bae .41 710 n 11 I I 0 0 fnoTiauoB. nuugia, e rairaU, Mb BadbaoiB, p Rtchmond, e. f.., train, a. * Oan«U,L r. Daaar, Mb Cauldy,i*tb..... NaTa,r. I Total*.. 1 g 0 B.lB.r<».A.B. 0 0 I 1 0 0 I I B I 1 1 I B B I I I S I I I 0 « 0 0 B I I 1 1 4 1 B 0 0 Oil 1 I 0 0 10 0 .u 4 arB 0 I 0 1-7 CJW'M* 0000100II-4 JBVB*d nip*--Ba(ralo, 1; Pi0Tld*ne*, 4. Two-b*** hlU-Balar. A^Uitn (I), Daony (1). nr*t bail on b*)l*-Baffa1o, l.^lrat 3i**ODairor*-BaffalD, <; PioTldine*, t BIraak oat—ProTtdaaaa, ■i.k^"" l>**M-Bnir*lD,7: ProTld«nea,4. Soable-play-roiee, TlaMlL°» Broalban. WUd pItah-Badboun. Vaplra, Bond. BOBTOn Ol^BVDLAIID. .1 i!^*''''' 8*°>* between the aboTe-named dab* waa fk!^i?l?'>"- ?7 uBoaton, Haa., and leaallad In a Ttetoir for ueBp*ton*, thna deciding the qneatloaot the L«enaobampl- livond aU dUpnta. The oonteit waa narked by won- auTolpltohlngand ibarp fiddlng on both aldaa. lAllney •uookoattwelTamanand hdd hia opponat* down to fonr w, while Sawyer retlnd nine on atrike*, and only ate acat- wliig*BteblU wen made oflblm after tha ItBtlnalBg. Tha 5^°*t>uahedUiiaehlUandladoa wlthtwo«un*d ran*. OTon by IlilUlp* and DonUp gaTe the home-team two mora of^Ii l>7 Bvana and a mnS by HorrlU helped the » rfl^f"**.*? »nl7 ran. Wla* ont o4 at leatl two nn* by Bon^S^ doable-j^lay la the eighth Inning, B«tl«D.Sa b 4 B«rdook,Mb.." I "•ford. a. t".:. 4 T. B.lB.r0.i.B. 8 110 0 0 110 1 4 4 1 8 1 10 0 010 4 1 Oil 0 8 1 10 0 . Tot»l» Bo*lo».... Ulnaltnd. .« 4 im 4 ...1 0 0 0 Olbtburd, t. DaBl*p, Mb 4 BolallBt, e. r.... 4 OUaacoek,*. a... 4 Tork,Lf....... PblUtpa, litb., Etuii, r, r..... HaldcoB.Ub., BaihoBf, a Ba»y«r, p Total* 0 S 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 B 1 0 0 I ~ 0 1 I 0 1 I 0 0 1 1 I 0 0 1 I 0 on 0 1 10 ..81 I 417 IB 4 0 0 0 0-4 0 0 0 O-I Biraed niB*-Bo*tOB, I. • Tro-baae blU-HoranM. Battoa. Flnt -ittOB, 1. nrat ban* ob error*— Bm(ob, I; CI*Te. oat-Bo*toB, 0; Olereltad, It Doable-play— SiAA..5'™«k oat- WlMmi^SSr'" oac-Do*toB, »; oieTeitad, L iS.iiS'"*"- "raplre, Betaaii. Tlme.lh t«iir»rS?i??' defeated the aerelanda tWMe hUa In |£nw Inning* off Daly, and mx the Olerelanda Sept. 9B, bnnoblng - — —„ off Daly, and eoorlng alx nn*. fonr i>>«u>l Ann by HonrlU and WUtaeygaTa tha OleTelaDda !rilh nn*. Unlden being the only TUlor to' bat Bofllnton Ud iu£5?^^ . <}>»wook took DnnlkP'* place kt aeoond ban ud ^ baaawoik a&d the batting of Homong fc£S?'*'»«»''««'o»«OTthyf«atni*e. Thaeeoni B»ttS!.% h'"—5 ? * » » O HotaUo«,o.l 4 - brdMkMk"--! ! > * ' OQlt**aoek,Mb... 4 ^^liSS'! 1 « B 0 I Tork.Lf 4 KmUL^'i'K' " " S Olio I Oniw)*y W27 •» 5 8 1 B 0 1 FbUllpi lit b Imimc.' 1 ? 1 0 14 OllaM«oB,Ub fSSltt i 1 i 1 O Buhaor. e . 8 0 0 _«_0 0 0 I HDaly.p... 8 0 0 SliiriiT twai*,.. Clliifll •WW nPI«Bo«ioB, 4 Two-Um Wtf-RaiWng, Ittttoa. 1 0 0 TbTM-baMblta-BaakattiHaldoop. Pint ban en BaIIa-la*taa, 4. n*t-ba*e ea erran-OI«T*l(nd, X Btnek oat-Beatoa. 8; OarelaBd^. _,I>OBMa-play*-BT*aii, aiai*eeek aad Phinia*: fiU**. aadi*adlPkimp*. rawed baO-BBiboag, I. Wild pltakw-Baf. BBtaa, 1; Ddy, 4. IJmpIre, KeUaa. ISoi. The eonelndlng ahanplouhlpeonlaai between thaaaelnb* took plaoa BepL », the Boalon* b*lng with thalr tenth Tletory of the aariea. A aim by BotallDg, a two-baa*r by Baidoek and a threa-bagger by Smith In the flratldaing yielded two on- eanadroDatoihaBottona, Tbe lead tbp* *eaared waa hald throaghont, tba Boaton*. althonah oatUttad, kaaplog thalr oppoaanta' aeon down by ihaip iaidlag, Inolodlsg thiaa bifl- llaat donble-playa. WhlUiay and Sawyer aaoh waa vary afBiot- ln._Theaoon: T. Botnv. 4 0 110 I HoraBBg.Lf. .41111 0 BattOB.U b.. ,4 0 0 1 1 0 Bnrdoak, Id b, ,40110 MMorrllliU'.b., ,4 0 1 0 0, .41114 OlWbltaay, p... ,110 0 1 I Wl**, *. *, , 8 .0 " ' Ouni-AiiB. Botallac,*.r...., QUaMook, M b. Tork.Lf. Crowley, r. f.... Pbllllp*,lit b... BTaaa, *, • MaMaoB.Mb... Briodr, * Bawyir, p 17 0 flH*ck*tt,e 8 0 0 0 1 e|B*drord, r. t.. T. B.laro.a.& 4 B' S 0 B 0 4 8 0 1 " 4 8 I S 4 I 1 B 4 B 1 1 4 111 4 0 0 8 4 0 0 8 B 0 a 1 Total* S 1 8M I 11 Total* M 0 11718 4 mtTtlaad 00011001 1— « Boatoa t 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 -I ■araad nn*—Boataa, I; Otortlaad, t Twa-b*** blta-Botdoek, Orowlajr, FblUlpa. Tbrae-bai* Utn-Bmitb, Morrill. nr*lb*M,0B bana-BoatoB, I; OI*TilaBd, 1. Pirat b*** od ener*-B«*t«a 1; ni<T*laad, t Btrack out—RoauB, 1: ClaTaUnd, X. Doabla-elaya- Rattaa, Bardoek aad Morrill; Morrill aad Wbltaer; MorrlfL Bar- doakaoaWla*. Pa***d balU-Brtedy, 1 wild pIleoea-WhltBar, *. Unpin, lleL**a. Time, lb. Dm. COLVnBUB ▼*. BAIVnHORB. Th* twelfth obamplonablp fame between the abonnamed elnbi took plaoe BapL 96 In Oolambna, O. Tbe weather waa oblUy, aad lha attendanee eonaaqnently Tary naall. A wild throw l>y Bandenon and a fnmbia by Bowe gan lha home- taam one ran in the firat lanlng, and aafa hit* by Ktmalar, Mountain and Blohmond In tha llilrd earned their other two rana. Vonnlaln pltohed effeotlTely, only fonr aafa hlla balng madeoff him, and bnl two man reaching third ban. ThaTi*- Iton toled bard to Mwn In the fifth and dzlh Innlnp, bntthay wen neatly ntlred. with the bean fnll in both eaaai. ^ fielding of Blohmond and Smith waa the oblef feature. Boon: Bitmoaa. r. ooLoaaoa. OlInUD, I. r. 4 0 0 1 0 0 Brawn, r. 1 4 I I I f 0 Blean*, l*t b.... 4 0 0 IS 0 Mltlehmond, a.*... 401181 Row*, *. * 4 0 1 I 1 1 Wb**l4r. I. r 4 0 0 I B 0 lfaOormiek,Ub. 4 0 0 0 1 1 Baittb, Mb 4 0 14 8 0 aardaer, 0. r..... 4 O l 8 0 a'MuiB,a.r. 4 0 10)0 Baeaay, r. f 4 Head«T(OB, p.... 4 lf*nBlBf,Mb.... 8 Broofbton, e.. WW 4 0 10 4 0 114 4 0 11 ,..8118 ..Bill ..Mllwii 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 , 0 8 0 \\ 1 0 0 0 8 0 til l|Wbe*l4r... 0 0 1 1 Baittb, Mb 18 0 a:MuiB,a. r.... 1 1 I O.rald*, l*tb., 10 8 1 ■■ebBe,U b, -.010 OlbmBler, a.. B 8 0 8 B MHeontala, p. Tatala mUmuII Total*,... Baltlmora O 0 0 0 0 Oolaabo* 10 10 0. . . llao**an*d-CaIiiBbB*, t. Left on b****—Baltlmora, 7; Oolam- ba*, 7. Btnek ent-Oolamba*, I. Be*** ea called belli—Belli. BNre, 4; Colamba*, I. D*abI*-plaf*-Blebm«nd aad Field*,, I; MooBtalB, Smith aad Ftold*. Paa**d ball*—Broaibtoa,!; I*Bal*r, 1. Vmplia, X*llj. nne, lb. Mm. Tbe table* wan toned Sept. 97, the Balttmoraa than baatlag tha Oolnmbni for Ika alzth Uma. IfoitntalB pitched a^rin, bnt waa lenefCHttra than In the piaoediag eoateat. BDilla waa wild In dallTary and poorly inpportedL yet the hoBa4*am raOad to bat him with any raeocea. In the eerenth IttBlag, aftca tha home-taam had aooiad a nn: the baae* w*M filled with no one out, bat by aeellent pltchlog and aharp fielding the dde waa nUred. Bowe led In batting, whlla Smith a^ axodled in fielding. The eoon T. 8 B 1 1 0 0 B I OU 0 I 8 0 4 0 9 0 8 0 0 1 I 0 I 1 I 1 0 0 4 0 0 4 1 1 4 10 14 0 4 1 1 1 4 0 Broa(h{aD,r. f.. 4 0 1 1 0 0 Bitnaoaa. OUntOD, L t Btaaraa, lit b.... Row*, L * MeCormIck, U b. Oirdaer, a. f..... Bweaay, e BBulle, p MtBslac.Mb... OoLiniBOa. Browa, r. f BiebmoDd, *. *., Wba*I*r,l. r.... Bmltb, Mb M*BB, c r FlaM*, lat b.... iBChoe, Mb... lemmlar, 0.... MoBBtaiB, p.... T. a. Ii.n.4.1. I 0 0 110 I i 1 8 8 1 iil 8 I 1 1 1 0 Tatala 41 0 0 n IS I Total* 40 4 117 U I B*ltlmor* 0 I 0 I I 0 1 0 1-8 Colnabo* I 1 0 0 0 0 I 0 0-4 Bbb* earaed-BaUlmora, S. Tao-baM blie-BnvB, Oardaer, VualDc L«rt oD batee-^lombv*, 0: B*ltlmor*, 1 Btnek eat —Baltlmora, I; Oolamboi, 4. B***i oa b*U*-B*lUmera, 4: Oeltm- bo*. 4. Wild pIleliei-BoaatalB, 1; Bmtlle, 1. Pa*ied balla- Kamnler, 1; BweoDy. L Umpire, Jobs Kelly. nme,Ib.Un. PBOVIDBIBOB wa. OLBTBliABD. The oonolndlag ohamploBeblp ooaleal between tha abqw nan«d elnba to^ pl*oa Bvt 91 In Pnvldcnoa, B. I., and re- anllad In tha OleTelanda aaaarlng thelralghth Tloteiy of \iM aeitea. The game waa eloeely aonleated throagboat, tha hom^ team ontbattlng the Tlialton, bnt loalng by ooatly amn la the ■OTaath Inning. Bond'* smplrlag tailed to flTO aatUtaotlsa, eTary oloae deolalon. being ffrea In baat of the Olenlaild*. BwaeBT and Badbonn eiohangad poaltlona Is the eighth IbB' Ing. The aeon: P«0' T, a.lB.rotA.a 4 0 SI4 0 1 I I a 1 Tinaiioa. Bln**.l*t b.... FOmD, Mb 4 8weeBy,e.r.,p.... 4 Redboara, p., a.C 4 Irwu.*. *... Carroll, Lf.. . . DtnBT.U b 4 0 0 1 0**ridy,r. 1 4 111 aUlUan, e 4 0 0 8 a 0 0 0 f 1 01000 4 0 0 0 8 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 'II 0 0 0 I CLiTiLiaa. HotallB(,& r.... OI***eoek, Mb.. York, I. f ItawUy,r. I.... PhUUp*, l*t b... Er*Bi, *. * MBldooo.Ub... Ba*hoof, e B*wy*r, p: T. 400100 4 0(410 4 11 8 0 1 a I I 8 1 1 sot SOI SOI ■ ( > 0 0 0 8 0 1 4 10 1 1 1 0 8 1 B » Total* as S • M B 0 Total* B 8 I V 18 7 ProTldaoe* 001000010-4 CloTiIaad 0 0 0 0 I 0 10 -S Earned nnii-rraTldenoe, 1 Two-bt** blt-FarrelL Flnt hate onb*ll*-Gl*T*I*ad,IjPnTldeaoe,*. nr*tba*aon*rran-014n- laod, 4; PnTldtBO*, & Btnek ont-OlaTalaad, 10; PrortdaMt, 1 Doable-pU7*-ai**woek and Phillip*: IralD, ramll aad Hlaai^ WUd pitch—Bawyer. Dmplra, Bond. Time, lb. «Oai. TBB RBBBBTM-UffT. Tba foUowiag la a eomplete aad oflolal ll*t of pbim n- eemdbytheeloba of the Ameilean Aaeoditlon aad^ for next year: • . AHZBIOAN AB8O0UTIOM. AruoBXRi-Oraamer, U. Manaell, Ikylor, Swartwood, Bal- tln, BaiT, Hayea, Dlokeieon, Drlaooll, Hait^. Aimuno-Blaklaton, Iftthewi, Bowea, Bradley,] . Corey, Sbrloker. CBHen, BIrchall, Knight, fltoToy. BiMriHOBB—Say, Uaanlng, Btaane,7. IfeOormlok, Bmalla, BenleiooB. Sweeor. BnnghMn, Clinton, Oardaer, OnonnuTi—B. HoOormlok. Jonea, OorkhiU, OarpeBter, He- Phea, Bellly, Snyder, White, Konntjoy, Dcagla, Fnlmar. OoLimin-Flelda, Blohmond, Moontaln, Kemmlar, Smith, Knebne, Btnnb, Whtelar, I>andon, Bnwn, Hann, Eouies—Haiiny, Wolf, Browning, Qerbardt, Booker, WbitlDg, J. Oleaaon, WeaTor, a. Ulham, BQlilna. HmoroLiTAii—Belpeeblager, Lynob, Eaterbrook. Cmn^ Brady. Keefe, Heleon, Bolberi, Orr, Kennedy, Boaemaa. Sr. Lome—Daaaley, W. Oleeaoa, W. lathan, If alUBO. Oom- Ukay, Qneat, Hoainnla, Dolan, Hlool, Stilef, Lewie. HATIOMAL LBAOUB. Bonoa-Bnrdook, Bnttoa, Morrill, Haokett, Whitney, Bnfln- ton Badf ord, Wlaa, Boratua, M. Blnea. BvrPAU)—OalTiB, t. 0. Bowe, Voley, Eoler, Ulli«, J. L. While. Blobardion, Bbafllor, Fore*, E*0d, Braathen. Oauuoo—Anaon, Delrympl*, WIIUamaoD, Oon, Kelly, Btuna, nint, Oomoian. Ooldimlth, rrelTer, Bandar., mrrai iim I MeOormloh, DnnJap, York, aiaaaeeek, Boah- lag. If aldooD, Braaa, Briody, Botallng, PhUlipa, Daly. Dnaorr-Bennett, Weldnun, PoweU, Boaok, lot rariell. Banlon, Wood. Shaw, B. B. Bniaa, Tntt, NawTou-BwlBR, Oonaor, ailla*pl*. Weleh, Ward, <h*. klna, Dornn, Troy, Banklnaon, O'Mell, Hnmphrie*. Pbilibrubu — J. Maaning, Paroelt UeOlallan, Blago, Colaman, Barbldge. BoKinnon, Oroe*. Bwmr, Waiaer. PaoTiDBioa—Badbonn, OUllgan, BIkit, Dtoay, Oamll, Bweaay, Han, John rarrall. Irwin, P. A. Blnea, BlohBOBd. A COlliTTOT OF OBMBS. . Oa Thonday, Sept. 10, the Brooklyn Olab oompletad Ita int laaaoB'i reoord of playing 'one hiindied gamea, of whloh they wofi SI aad lo«t St. or thdr riotorlee, 41 wan aohiereA on their hom^gntinda and 29 on ont«f-iowa field*. Of t^alr defatia, 10 wen anitalned on ont-of-town flelda aad IB oa their home-gnonda. The monthly reoord of thdr TietoHn and deteata, together with Iheir total eooibe, la aa followai April, 1 Tielory, Mora. 14 to I li*y,UTlotorle*, eeon 101 to U Jan*,llTletorlaa,acera nto ■ jBly,llTletorla*,*eort Mto 18 ABg.,17TletorlM,*oon Mio 41 SepL,I0Ttator1e*,*con IBta M Total, OS; oeoraa. 810 to la ^ Dirain. April, no defeat, aeon. Oto 0 Hay,7daHeta,aaore... Bto II jBDa.SdaAat*, •oera., 08 to a Jaly, 10d*AaU, •core.. Mt« M ADgo*t,s defeat*, *c«r* 88 to 9 E*pL,ld*lb*U, aoon.. I7la B THEAT RICAL R ECORD. Jfooomenti, Ai«<n«M and IneUlenU ot ths ^uatrieal, OiriM», Jfufiool end Miiutrel Profmioia, OUPFBB P0ST<OFFICH. 81^ A OTAarao UTBi.ori, plaloly addreiMd, muit be mtloeed Ibr **u aad *T*ry l«tt*r, aad tba lis* of bnain*** rollowad by lb* party addna*ad iboDld bapTao, In order to pr«T*nt mliuke*. MoTa,—ProiaulaB*l*«Dd oth*ri*bomdl>**r tnmlod tl)*t,by* l*t* abaaga In tba poalal-lawa, *U letura, etc., la tnoalt baiween tb* Ualtad Stat** and Caaada* aiuict* prtjpoM; otbani** tbey an aot Ibrwarded. LADIES' LIST. ArllBgtOB Allca (or,IIowa,.DaUla B. Oatai' Co.) Almond, ArMoa Arnold, Haul* Oalo of Bnltb'a U. T. 0. C«.) Alpkoaalaa, Mil*. BlaBda, Edith (Bof- Utb litur; Blla^ MatUe (ofDorU' BbawJ B*k*r,llr*. Anole Ba74,Jaula BalBoat, Aaala Cooper, Bra. Bttlla Oali, MadallBa(BDr liib latter) Dnw, B*Mll*(d*no*r) Draw, Clllla Fon*«l, Lillian (IrtHall, Ualtit Orakan, Blila (Kor Uih latter) Hollywood, IIri.F*o- Howall, Mr*, blower) (glui IPIIIlog, Br*. Prank IPhoanii. Ida Porrjr, lladg* Hawking Br*. (W*l-|Rnini*y, Taianoa tariA Biwklna; •Raymond, Roa* O'ta Adama' Hompty Dempty Co. AraoM, W. U. BnwB, J. A. (a((aol) Anbar,— (manutr) Armalratf, wi fdrammarl AUaa A Bnui BareUy, Pnd B**cb, Bobby Bans, William Borke, Major J, B. Baaaat, Fnak HUU, nineola R, Blabop, Fraak Balilay, — (rymoait) BUkop, Obarlei Barhnr, WIlnoA Co., •Araat Bryogaa, W. Cutell* Braso, aoa BnwB, David UlDdIa, ADDla IlardlDX, Boaa JohDwo,' VIrgle (of RaotiSinUeyCo.) Jaal, Linda (late of Ht*Teoa' Circa*) Loproll, PiullB* LaRaa, Era. (of O'- Brlan'a Kbowa) LiDiiard, llllla (Mail can latter) Lliile Rowbua" Lfat«r, Bia .MiU*, kliila Hay, Paoole Horrli. Uunala HelTllle, Krmlatcara, Cbu. Howard) Eolreotte, Jeanattc Oiford, Nillla rboeoli, Llllla (Ut» orPbllad., Pa.) aBHTLKHBN'S L1BT. "Oreat B^galoa" (Orrlo Brothera, Tbe Ony, Sr., 0. (of Ouy O'HaragJaine* Family) of iDilianapuUii) Bctallferl, LlnlalBBg llih latter) RWrr, Opballa Rwaatoaio.Hra. W.F, Bt. Olair, Aona Sherwood, Allca Taanehlll, Mre. F. A. Tulor, Louie (of PeerteM Dram. Oo.) VlTlio, Brollln (of VI- TiiD Slatara) ValeDLIiia, Bdllh (of HackAVal.> Waatoo, Flora Whvia, EtUeCBagllati Irtier) Walla, Hadle (lata of BInnaapolla) Walker, Maude YarrlngtOD, Mra.J.A Brljga, W. (of Brlg|e< MinttnW BeiedlttI, 0*rla(wltb Total tame*, ion Total ran*, sa to 111. Total, 17; *eoi*a.. 9t«U8 Taa vaaoDaiiT of m Vwiat Attoounam ot Biaaa)iTJ, Oma, writing from Waahiagton nnder date Bent. 90, layi: "Ike t7aioa AaeoolaUon of Banhall OlnHa, lanaebed on ;the tnobled baaebaU watan at Filtebnn, h., Sept 11, IM, hUl UTe*L aetwlthelandlBg Ita oMtnaij, ao klBdly fuaiahad ^tha Sitalla by eeitaln Yblfadalpfata papen of reeant dale. W*|an Uothopefora *Dce**araI aaoaoa In 1BB4, Then an fin goedolnbaalmdrlalha aweatiHim, wllhgo«dba^lhf,ud applloailona on flb from three otbaiB, Vpoffllatton.tooMTad, ttMowglJba go tniBl4o (o put tinlTt.olBtiBlattBaoIf U OMB*dy Poor) Bertram lK.B. Barbv, Wm. (of 0' Bnea'* Bbowi) BlBa*,J. (of B. W. A Oa.'iMlB*t) Ball, Jerry (PerUlao l«IUrt Bathoaa, — (Blind Tern'* maaager) Buih, Irwin T. Butoaa, Tb* (late of MInar'e) Bean, Walur Oayaa, J. uoBf.and due*) Cnadall A Baatwood (I) Oeaa, O. (of B. W. A Oa.'t MIntt.) Olinatle Btotbera, Tha OurtI, Carlo (ol Bom BB atadenui Ooepar. Jaekion A Co.'a Clrcua Obeatar, Anbar <;ooka, J. P. (01 Pora- paoih'a CIreaa) Oaoke, B. (of Cole'a CIreaa) Ooaka, F. (of Pore- paagb'a Qrona) (I) Oaaey, J. (of Bllrar RlBfOa.) Oaak, BaaaatKaUBa- B^r) Cooka,0. B OaiaaUl, JohalSc, Ohrlatla, Prank (late of LoBlaTlUai Oooka. L. B. (W. W. Col*'* *g*Bt) Oampbal], 0.<ol For*- paagb'* Olr.l Orallaa, OL B. (ran, trlloqalit) Cartar, A. (of Wag- aar'a Hmit.) Gamer, J. W. Campbell, Joe. P. Obtl&nt, B. A Onig, ChaileaJ. Olark, Barry CarrolLOlarar Olark, W. h. Ohadalak, T.<or Fore- paagb'a Show) Oowlaa^ B. (talta, W. U. OaLeoa,L*on Dor la, j.(olOrlmmlna A Soy la) Dam, P. W,| Dyer, J. D. DMkaoB, F. W Darla, r. (of TbeDa- Tlaaa*) Darare, BanUdataof Blaar'a) Dalaaty, J. (of Brin'a (^Im*) Dnpraa, Cbu. Daltoa A Watt* Daalala, JohB firaaaanr) Oarar, Oaom Blbworth, Q. E. (of Evaaa, Fnak Bonaa, M*at«r Bannm'aBbow) Eweraola, William (maa* i*r) FaitaaoB A Mach(9) FOi, Joha 0. (maaa- Pnuird, (Tharlea E. yauoB, T. (or Moui *«B A Joboaoa'a MlaiL) Foatalna,— (eaator- Uealit) Flaeiy, Ftraaado FlIBB,Tbo*, (ofPark Tbaa,, Obleago) Pre*l*r, B. (orCalleB- dn^kiaat.) F»S,«. OaW, Waller OlbboB*, P. (of Olb- ban* A Rai**ll) "Great B*crme*'>a) Oardaar, P. W. arlfla. O. (ol Black Swai40o.i OrUnalLB. ailb*rt7B. (4f T. P, A W.>* Mlaatral*) Okia,aa*T. "reaa, Daa (dde- ahaw-aaa) Oeeaar, Jas.CoTN.O. MlB*tnI*) ^rtoa'a KlBittal*. Qrover, H. 11. Orlffln, Pref. C. K. OordOD, Mr. (of T.|P. AW.'* HiDiit.) Ooy Pamlly, Tbe Oaie, aeorge,(Too*l- letj Oardnar, W.(orBaTn- am'aBfaow) • Onlden A Drartoa - Olbaon, Prank Oalrin, Thomaa HalblloK, Louis UarTlBgton, ArthurR. Harding, John Uenderaon. Walter Uaaaan, Nubar (of Cola'* Show) Barrla, W. P. (of Forapaugb'a Bbowi Hantlnr, Robert Hugo, w. (of Tenoes- aaa Jobllaa Slonra) Holdiworih, R. B. Howard, BIlW C. Hodion, P. 0. Uont, C. (nl Pbolta'a Troupe) nart, Dan Howard, Loiter Uarbart Broe. (aero bau) Holmei. W. (of Pore- pangb'a CIr.) Bandenon, Loo Henry, Jaa. (ol 0'- BrIan'aBhowa) Hawklna, W. (ofUar- arly'a M. Hlnat.) Hart, Bannle Hnlmei, William Hlnai A Remington lagandorfer, Uaorga JohnaoD, U. U. Jerome, Victor Johoion, M. (of U. B, Mlnat.) JclTaraon, Barrr Jackley, Natbau H. Kemble, J. R. Kalley, A. B. Kennedy, O. J. Kennedy A Uagoe Kidder, 0. W. Kalo, nao. (maeanm "bla") Kayne, B. (ol Barlow A Wdaoo'B Mlnat.) Long, Prad J. Lamben, Cbarlea B. Low*nd^ Signer Long, Fred J. Lambert, Obarlea B. Lowande, Rlgoor Lea A R|*n Lanilng, Uarry 0. LaonatI, — (of Pore, paogh s Show) Lodrr, Ohailea Lndwlg, Organ, Vlll (ofCnla'a Show) Onolrl Brother*, The OrTlll, 0. (gjtmneit) Putrer, Cm* Pantor, Tony Pratt, B. H. ratteraon, Johnnie (clown) Power*, Jen Price, Kail Pbllllpi, Cbarlea Powell, A. (of Pora- paugn'a Show) rilling, William Phllllo. O. Plarl, J. (ol HBTorly'a Mlnat.) Pike. - (Ute of Chi- cago) Parker, John H.(ban- Jolit) Quilen, BIrt (luean, (Tbarlla Hlchmood, Bob RIcharda, Jobn(harp- lit) RiM, J. (ofOrlfllB A Rica) Rcynolda. Baney Raynor, Harry Rivera, Luke (of O'- Brlea'e Bhow> Rohan, Arthur Richmond, J.(ofRlch- Blond A Olaaroy) Reader, J. (of Tan Aroburab'a Show) Raymond, J. T, Hlcbmond, J. (care, Tlllottion A Pall) Roberu, Nad Raynor, Joe RoblnionA McAllleur Hully, Dan Steele, llarry(ik*ter) BeitoB, Harry Speed, Billy (com^- dlan) Rcott, AInaley Hamnel, C. Poi Huotlen, Gerald Amitb. Prof, hell SberldaB, J. P. rtcboolcralt, Luke BIpple, Fred (muel- ofao) Bambler, Oeorge W. Rage, daorae A. Sweet, J. D. Slfley,H. Hlieeban A Coyne Stanley, Brnaat Smith, Matthew(oare, J. Hantone) Bmltb, Cbaa. (rarlety "bla'') BulllTan, Mark Sllbon, 0. (gymnaat) Lawrence, W. (otO' Brien'e Show) Leonard, John Cof Leonard A Jooei) Lore, Arthur Leoul, n. icare. Bid- nay Leon) Leroy, WalMr Lawrence A Leran tine Leonard A Plynn Lorella, T. A. Lea, Robert LaRoaa, Harry Leotar A Maude Walker, Prank Lloyd, J. (or Pore paugh'i Show) L*<h)nDn, Pror. O, LeaTitt, Michael B. Mack A Orace Mara- ton, Walter HoKlDBay, John W. Mora, Pror. Oaorga HcCirtby, Jack McDonald, Fella Hyera, Barry J. MoBlton.E. W. aglnd,P.A. MaJllton, Frank McCaba, Mike (with tbaTwoMaca) Morria, Andy (clown) Hagae, John J. MoABdrewa, J.(olNew York L. Biki) MoAdowAUa Hack, John Narka, Ed. (late Orir- fln A Marhi) Managar, The Oreat Am. Mlaat.) Manrloe, W. O. May, Thomai (olDnp. A Ben. Mlait.) Mac*, Tba Two MelTllla.J. B. (come- dian) McCartny, Cbarlea Murphy, Hogh (g|. ant) Mllla, am McMnrray, J. B. Mack, Walter Miller, 0. F. Merlin, Dr. Albert Murpby.CIark MerllB, Dr. Morria, Ed MIcbola, Robert Nagle, 0. D. NaTtro, BUf. (ofOlrcoa Royal) Helton, -(Juggler) Ordey, aaroly (ot New Tork L. Elk*) indwIg, J. B- (lata of Sharptay, Jama* W. liOalaTllla, Ky.) allboo. John (oIBUbon lylea, C[it». lot 0'- A Burn*) Brlen'a hbnw) Sanderaon, Barry (managar) SonwalL Bob Hmltb, Jama* Slomao, Bernard Boeley, ObarleaiclrcBa ••hla») Selblol, Mou.J.(bl- eycllet) SplU, A. A. Seiton, P. (oflBter ocean Clrcua) BulllTao, 0. (ofUdd ASnUlrao) BllTo, Prank (wire- walker) Trautmao, B.O. Talbot, Ed U. TItua, Prank Till, John (marton- eltee; Tliaot^ulea Todd, William (come- dian) Tha National Four Taylor, William Tepler, W. W. TIghe, Janea Tha Pour Bradaa Talbott, Uarry TIbbatlB.OwenD. UlTner, Praok Vogt, Oeorge . . Warner, OliarleaJ. Wallace.nattle Wood, Wait, Field A L«elle Wylie. William (of Alack DwarrCo.) Webit«r, B. O. Wernara, The Weit, Prank (banjo- lai) Waller, Freak Welroa, Wllllam(eon- lortloolat) Wallace, Bart W. WalnratU. W. Waybnry, William A. Wantwoitb, Waller Wllllami, J. (oTWIl- Uami A Law) WaUace, P. K. WInnatt A Pagao(ma- Bigara) Walib.J. (lataElwood A Walih) Wray. O. W. Waiellog, Pur. Waihbarn, Ceon Wallace, P. K. WaldroB, Dan (of Big 4) WlaamaOtJobB Water* A waat Toong, iDiarleiW. Per letten laealrad on Tneeday eee aaotber page. ABBirBBfl TO OOBaBSFOWDBWrS. Qraonon taAt no >o* uioa raia omoa oartL nwfotr ■oiBUHi wiij, lot aa Aaawaiao oitil tib nuowiaa waia. Ols Paiinv.-It I* onr role not to give the agai or profaaalonali. e*p4al*Ily ladi**. It I* not *a dllSenlt to g«t *t *n aokoowiadaad Maaaltla to gat at tha real en In many eaaea. »a do Bot bellare tEatUetadybQaaatloBlaqolleaoold a* rorty, bat we woold not fialjBiUIatfIB deciding a bat oo thatballer. frit la or any oaa to yn, wa will add that whan abewaa yoongar by algbtaan yaara tkaa (ha BOW la It wa* pnbll*hed that ah* waa kon To 1M7. That caaaot well be mora than a year or two at moat mm tbe correct "bo' lioiATina, IL Lonli.-1, We eaimot tell yoa how mnch _joaay It wobM take. It woald dapaad npon the aaton of tbe ea- tartalammt, npoa tbe ronu prcpoaed to. be taken, npon tba ityla aadaitaat«(lMprlBUBf,and opoB maByotbarthlagaa* towhlab Ki ban not aaUghleaad a*. 1. A barl«*l|ne oompaay woald draw larta *ome pucealbana *p*olaliy eompiny, and viae reraa. A It woaU be better to bin a flnt4l*«* manager, and better etilt Wglrablmaa iBi*r**tlnll*aoraIli*l*ir,lf b*e(nild bopnnlM , Bom* Bay • BOmloal lalaiTi Bad otbon pafBoiiiif. t TwiatyeoDUaua*, TT. ^. I., auierTa.-1. Toera u no aupniaiaa aijia 01 oounma tor >mlc opera. A toga maybe won, or tranka, or tbe eharaatari ay driM la *llk had tad Peine* Albtrt eoau 1 It U qnlla Ukoly lat yoorltlood bu aaea elxtyromala artUU la tiabuataome W. J. T., MlBarra.-1. Tban la bo atlpnlatad atyle ot ooitama Ibr comic opera. " — " ■— ma;^ driaa li time rn~'~*Aioaid the WorTd 7a'firghtyDara^'^'A banind or more bate ao apptared In that epactade, and probably at other tlmn, in minor towni, the number haa dwindled ta flAaaa or tveoty, poaal. blv draued la *oma other way. ABiDin.—Wa Barer make knowB tha aalary aay ladhrldaal par- former racelrea or aar nunaaar paya- It la a matter that I* too oft«n eiagiarated. Than an three klnda of lalarlaa— ob* that the artist actually nta, one that tha public la told he gat*. *nd on* that other *rtl*u In tb* sam* line or company in told that be gata, Ib other worda, many artltis of emlnoDe* gat wbat an pre- rasalonally known *e "drawback **lartee,"ore*lan**wltba ttrlBg tied to them. W. B.,Oolumbo*.—1. Lotta 1* not nearer "flfty-llTe y*ara of ag* thaa twenty-eight or tblrti." 1 She haa fraqnently played Topty, bat not darlag the past tblrtaeu or fourtean years. Perhaps yoa bare oonfoanded bar with Lottie, who haa played tha aamepart, and poaslbly with Anthony A Ellis' Comblnallon. But even tns Is not nearar Slty-flTe than twenty-eight J. J. P.—I. It waa on the night of Nor. B. \tU, that an locan-' diary in w*a *taned In Barnum's Masaum, *a wall as la two or thrte botala In thia city. 1 The laadlog-man at the Dnlon-s^uan Theatre when "The Light* o' London" was flnt produoad there waa the late (Tharlea R. Tborea Jr. ft., Charlotte.-1. "Ollrett*" waa first plajHl In Amerlet oa Dao. B, IRSO, In this olty. t It la qnlta poaslbia lliat she haa appeared In a torsion of It Bbe hu flaured In harrlsdiy prapared Toralons of one or two rorelgn operas whom other parlies wan alone antbor- Ised to prodnoe In Ihle country. L. R. 8.-A*yoadonolknow what line hei* In, weeonid not aid Son, eranweraltnnt our rale nottoglralo this oolumn tha ad. raaaea or whereabaal* orprnresalonals or tlie nutea of Iroapaa. Voo had belter Inaerta line or two In our bualnaaa oolumna call- log for Infnnnatlon aa to hira. Maa. B. Il„ Rocheaur.-l. Ho answers by mall. 1 In onr elrens columns a few Issnea ago wa gare the root* ofCole's (^rons up to Beptn Itaadera should watch those colanua for roatea. That clrcua was then In MIssonrl. COKSTAKT RBADiR.-1. "Toung Mr*. Wlnthtop" U ealled aeom- edy. X Tlie Aral production of "Tha BlickPlsg" In thiseountry waa not at tba Unlon-sauare Theatrr, this city. It wa* at the Eiahth-atreet Theatre, Phlladrlpbla. 0. B B.-Our way of ascertaining whether then la sach a qoar. let trarellng would be to raid our rarlely and moalea] oolamna tnm week to week. This snggesta how yoa can sara at that tronhla. 0«*TiLio, BprlogSeld.—1. There an men who claim to ban aeen a triple BOtnersault turned in publla 3. We hare nerer seen one turned. S. It la linposalble for anyone to say whether or not there is anyone liring who can turn li. MFSiva, 81. Louis.-At present we cannot nmanber that Hugher DoDghariy haa erar. aren ror a night, done Dotoh boal- ness. It Is quite likely llist In thla caae be hu been conroundad wlt*t Hughay llagiptrly, Dutch comlana. RBADIR, Portland I. They pay all the way from flftean to forty dollar* a week, 1 Thrre Is no demand for them. S. Ordinarily, they are required to pay their own expenses. a W., WasblDgtnn —It was In the Spring *f Iffll that Bleanor Calhoun want to Bngland. 1 She appeared at the Cryital Faltea, Sydenham. AHXioua, Philadelphia.-Address the gantleman blmaelf through TBI Ciipria Post-olBce. HIa domestic sITsIrs do not conocra as. T. B. A., Rochester-ir you went to tell OS her lloe ofbatlneas, real or snppowd. we nlghl-haTa aomethlng to beglo aa Inqaeat on. iNquiRiR, Plilladelphla.—You can addreas Lain Laoal In can of this otic*. L. B., Ban Francisco —We hiTC not hsard of the arrlral of tbe Four Bceanlrloalram Eurape, aa pramlaad. H. B. O., Jeraey City.—8*e reply to "L. R. B > ** to oar nl*. J. A. A., Troy-Bee raply to "L R. R." O. O. Ann J. a., IndlanapollB-MlsB Nellie HcIIenrT la married, P.M. R.-"R«rtha" waa flnt produced Aug. 7,1171. Matwoop.- He baa been In Australia lor seraral yeara paat IRTBODOOTORY. Tdudat, Oot 1. Cambridge aawell u other part* o( the rim. of "Tbe Bnb." yolept Boston, are aitlr over the bold etand taken by inndry mlntaten of the goepel agalnat the tnnetal opera. Itappeara that "Tbe Uoekcleen'* I* to be pnformed aa a part ot a oonm ot entertatameota nowglTlng In Union Hall. Onenrerend called npon the managera of the coarse and aought to pnnU npon them to forego their erll Intentloa of bringing oot that barmlaaa opera. Bucceaa not nwardlng hi* efforta, ho eenyed to tonoh the haarta of bla oongregatlon by adylilng Ibeo from tbe pulpit "not to patronlta an entertainment tlnolnred with the leaal odor of the theatre." One of tbe deaoona of another obnnh 1* tlcket-aallerfortbeconne, aadhlepaatortoldblm that he and the tloket-aollor oould not remain In tha eama chuTOta. NeTcrtbele**, Ur. Fuller 1* trying tbe beet he knowa bow to remalQ In tbe ohiiroh, at tbe same time that be la ahnlBlns paateboard to the beat of bla deft and bent Another Cambridge dlrlne threatened nerer to reoognlie loolally a pariabloncr who went to the open. But It nmalned for tba Rot. Oeorge P, Laarltt of the Pilgrim Obnrch to pot on the flnlabing toaob, wblob be did In a aermon wberelo he deolired th*i tbo*e who went to eee the opera woald be "caet Into that *U-ooD*nmlDg pit In whloh an who do not bellere will be burned to a orlap, there not being lafflolent left aa food for worms." This la horrible, 1( trae. There la, howenr, aoma doabt aa to wbether or not tbe OTeix«alous clergyman baa got It down right; and, eren If he hai, there I* lome donbt, tnr- tbermore, a* to whether or not be la the party who li empow- ered to give the final deolalon. Oooa npon a lime, tbe right of appeal waa not denied to a Inoklea* follow wbo found bimseir atretcbed on a oroes. Tbe Oambridge peo- Ete are perplexed to determine whether they aball go > the theatre or their peaton aball go from Cambridge. Some of tbe latter wen maDlfestly not out ont to oe "guide, philosopher aad frieud" to tbe people. Ihe Rer. Oeorge ta no credit to tbe pulpit of the Pilgrim. He bad belter Learltt The public cannot weU do^ttarwltb Ita money than so and aee ranoy Davenport tbli week. Bbe ta a aldeataow In heraelf, bealdee being "Ihertgalarenlartalnment," A little wblle agoahe waafataDd torta(not forty), and oowehe la fair aad fairy. From the fat woman *be pnmleed eoon to be ahe haa In a abort Interval ohanged to a llvlogakelaton, "all for tbe eum of flf^ canta, reaerved aeata one dollar." For Fedora, ahe hia trained down from lOOlb to about twoand a baUtlmea nothing. And yet the rrea* and the public will everand anon Join in tbe wall that the pro(ea*lon*ta of the preeent *g* do not lore tbelr art, and are not prepared to make any eacrinioea for It I Let the "Divine Finny'*" abnegation In tbe mattar of fat pot Ibaaa waUera and whlnera and puen to the blnah The terrible dlaaalar of the burning of tbe lUng Theatn, Vienna, would not bave been half ao appalling bad not aoma of the eitt-doonbeen found looked. BlriDsent lawa were paaaed to keep enehdoon open tbereef tor. At Ibe Oarlebad Tbeatn, In th* *am* olty, there wu a pinio recently, and then It wu discovered that tbe doon of all the emergenoy- eilta were looked, whloh la another lUnitnUon that a power greater tb*n man rata* the unlvene, and that abaolata pre- vention In any caae la no mora po**lbla than'po*ltlve oan In all caaee Some of tbe Englleb newapapen an "giving It" to thedr leaden by telling them that Henry Irving will oooapy a lalt ot apartmenta In the Tanderbllt manalon daring bb aUy here. Bla alltlng-room will front on Fifth avanna; a large mirror hu been expreealy made In order that he may atndy, atrat and po*e bafora It; and, basldn a apeclal room for poae, be will have a room for repoae, and another for bta toothbrnah and oomo, Tbe Bngllih people have no Idea ot half the oomtoita that have been planned here for Henry. The Vanderbilla have arranged for the conilraoUan of ao ele- vated railway from their manilon down to the Star Theatre, and Irving wlU have a palace-car all to hlmialf aad Terry. In the daytime he need sot go to the tbaitre, ■peolal neaattatloni having been entered Into to lecan tum the Cathedral on Firth avenue for nheanal* Dion Bondoaolt, according to one of opr EogUih ex- ch*ngea, hai a great icbeme on hi* mind for tha comfort ot hli dnmatlc company. Uel* bavlnganalace-oarbollt "notfor hlmaelf alone" ** tba "*lar," bnt*lia lorthe ladlee and gentle- men who an to oluiter aronnd blm profeaalonally. "lha whole company an to be honted In It Then an to be aleep- Ing-bertb* for eighteen people; a klloben. with two Frenoh oooke, and eccommodaliona for dining ino wining the antin party, Ur.'Boucioault'* intention la lo obarge eaoh number of bl* tnupa )3S a week for board and lodgtng, tablaKilanI Included, obampigne, dgan and wiablng extra. Ot ceiine ha will payealailta aufflolently liberal loJaiUfytha hombleet ntlUty-m*n In eipoDdlna tit a week for board and lodging. He haa olpbered' the whole bnalhaai up, and oalonlilea that, by Importing bl* wisaa and baying hta flab, meat* and grooerfea wholeeale, ha ean dear enough eaoh week to defmy all the extn eijenan ot the oar and leave blm a oonaldanble pioflt Tha great aoler- dmmallat will thiu be Independent, not only ot the looal holeta. bat *I*o of the looal theatre*, for In caae bnxlneea ahould be bad at the tbeatn he oan looreaie tU* pnflla from tbe oar by cattlDg a' few dlihea ont of the blll*-of-fare and ■erring ordinary table-olant".... Hexlooappean to be the only olty on thla oontlneut, axoapt New York, with opera all tha year noad. Daring moat of the time it ta Bpanleh, but In tha wlntartbenan one or two long *etaoD*of Italian open ot theflnt-cIia*,aDd atao of Vnaoh open, the Uttar being br the eame companlaa that entertain New Orlean*. The Spaalih open of the lighter type 1* a mndcal drama In the tna lenae, being geaeially lerion*, with a tandency to tha apeotMnlar, and nlbved by a oomlc tenor. The action ta nanally azoltlag. and the ballet ptay* a oonoplonoui part, Tbe mnalo, both or- oheatnl and vooal, hu often a tendoney to extreme elab. oration. A peonllar featan of the Bpanlih miudoal itaga ta lha arllflolal and conventional mttnod of aoUog eoptad fMm Italian preoedeni*. Tbay ut the ataga magnUoantly in the apeotacnlar pleoea, white tha ballet ta oxontlan- ally good In the daalb ot Un. Uarto WUUna lha Amaneaa •lag* aailm Uw to« ot uolhar valoabla attlit, and one who probably bad no gnpailot in oetttog ilmnly boloM BqdlenooiUw oeeontriolttM or pooiUtiiltloo o( awuMOa «8