New York Clipper (Oct 1883)

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SR 6. THE NEW YOKK CJLTPPER. 479 :JOHNSON „o.GT ntT or THE FIBSI-PABT AND OLIO WITH iATHEcomp, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. OPEN ALL THE TEAR ROUND rH WEEK AND STIU 8WIMMIN0 N HIBH TIDE OF SUCCESS. , SSSwoTSSto ihe .bllltf of the Art iW jnd whM w. cicjf- S'^lJlBB S(D COLLINS, h»Tln« pUr.»<l » »«I7 inoMUtal JISSi&fMr»e.k«. ntlre for»iihort Uiii«, bot £or«l«ra. ■VSJmS. 10 b«»r ffon LEONARD AND FlVn, HISS ANNIE WAIV"3E"3E330 MDOUBLE "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" CO. AND BRASS BAND, rOURTH ANNUAL TOCB, ul Female Dramatle Artists. Cunot be IM goti i Colored Hale JabUee-qurtet, Tea HnsldanB. Also a few irho ean take • null uit in drama and plaj brass ; Two Property-men, one to play uure^rom, the other play brass, and three BUI* posters. SEASON COMMSM'CES NOV. 1. Ittm L W. WA8UBDRN, No. 1 Bpniw ilmt, Mtw Toik. f. t-W. iMTer Witt M w« pm by. g-lf TO MINSTREL MANAGERS. ft Frtniler Interlocntor, Basso Tocallst and Ckuuter Actor of tiie Minstrel Itefesslont' KETURNING HAST Att»r a T'our Around, tbe World, Un<lvAiitr.ll», Indit, Boath AMu, Cblsstad JtfaiL OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENT. I«»uwtnef.rr.<. Addrw em of OLIPPBB. U-It* WANTED, SFEOIALTTABTISTS WBOCr. 16, 22, 29, NOT. IB, 19 AHU 26 ILYCEUMTHEATKE CHICAGO. MUST BE ^1. THoe. Ij. GUJOimUt, Manager. LAUOS b CO., n WABHIMaTOX BTBER, OHIO^GI-O, HAVS IBSOXD A NEW 96-PAGE CATALOGUE 'SS^BBR-MBNAMDACOrnOHBUa. 8KNT rRBB. Don't Ml ta f«t ob*. They m the boiL n-Ul* NEW TOWN HALL ooft, B^^IRE M., MASS. •ThI iSS».??Ji.^it?"i" • PopnUtloo or S,a6lL ud I. ODO IB-iai*! 0. W. BUBTON, «••«"" FOSTER'S OPERft-HOUSE, A NEW HOUSE, MpXNBS, IOWA. S!'*iSliuS?"'SS''o;l''il'»elty. THE namONABLB |idtjj^P">lng NONE bot dri^oU.. Mtrutloni. Bnttna ill (U^t"^ ^.^ hereby notUIed that en and after m* h.. P'^"" oontraeted In ny nlerfrn!f''""''"'""«»w wlttiont a writtea ^5|S»^2LimFRANK BINNEY. i^2ffi??S AJID McINTlRE lit* itosun. nuoHiDmn. mnim ST'K Foster's Zoo, * GOLDSMITH I»roi>rletoMi ^ JOHN J. RILEY Proprietors A.musement-fllrootor LE^DVILLE GOLD MINE. HOUSES PACKED NIOHTI.Y. M ONLY FIRST-CW miM THEME IN LBIDVILLB, WRM Open all the Tear Rouni Seating Capacity, 1,600. ELECTRIC LIQHTS AND STEAM-HEATERS THROUOHOUT THE HOUSL W^TVTEO TIMES, SPEOIALiTT PEOPI.E. W. B.—T'loketa advanced, to flrat-olaaa Ferfttrmera to all part* or tli© TTnlted States. People oitn board nere aa reasonable ae yoiA oan In the East. Uonit ensaaro* mente sl-ven to sood people. A. circuit or sixteen weeks. ».lt* ORRIN BROS. .... Proprietors and ManaKors Winter Season of 1883-84 to Commence Beginning of November. WANTED. FIRST-CLASS GIRGUS SFEGIAITIES or any Itiorouirn novelty tlutt can be done In a Olroiui>rlnar not dopendlnic on the JESnBllsb lanKiUHCe tor auooeas. All must do more than one act, on account ol ohanii* lOK proorramme repeatedly. Would like to hear trom the Best "Tolont In America. Tumblers and Ijeapera ne^d not apply unless dolnar other specialties. ALSO WANTID, PERFORMING DOGS AND MONKEfS. Wl h'ra or buy theni. Good Winter engagemenis to Good Ait'sts ud b.irrue. to Unlt«l Bute, .t ir lolnioii eooDuiy. Road lawe.t Ml WepftjuUrle.lnH«ilundoUar((inooDt.tb.ce). , •Bd of .iiMeni.nt. Boud there, uren to tan dollui per week, Wepiy all trftfellog .xpeue. uUiy, bo V lone you wUh •ng.cement, you aot. ud ALL putiealu.. write ooly on .bore eondltlont. iBolOM BO it«nip. CoB.lder » ponth'e illenee t polite nenntlw. Writ. OBHIW BI on to eompeoy (b.ltnc. idTuioed), tod rue. to United Bute, at w _ .. {,4„iiog .xpeue. after' ' ^ly on aboTe eoDdltlons. P Writ. OBHIW B BOTUBBa^ar^^LIF FBH. New York r.t-cluK artlaU ONLY wanted. ff-lt-U The Stroii§^e§t Jng^gling-aet in the Business. 13 TEARS* EXPERIENCE. JOBN SLOTZ, TDBKI8H AGItOBATIG-JD66LEB AHD INVEHTOB. THE SECOND SEASON WITH JOHN ROBINSON'S CIRCUS, NOW TOURING THE PACIFIC COAST. John Klota.Jnigler, bandied hnie din and other artlele. a. tbonah the lav. of ■raTltatlon bad been nipended for the time being' or tbrew ahup inive. abont and eaoght them again with reoklei. IndllTerenee.— LBADTILLB DAILY UBRALD, Jnne U, ISB9, Wotild like to hear tteota a Flrat^lasa Combination. »-\t» PeraaBent aJdr«M, Ml NBBRABKA AVENUE. TOLEDO. O BOSTON DIME MUSEUM, NO. 4, TREMONT ROW. BOSXOIV, MAjSS. THE LABtiEST and MOST aAGNIFlCEST Ma«enm, Menamrle, Iqaarlnm and Theatorinm on KarUi, and all on the Oronnd-floor. 'WAZV'X'JBIB A-l" AXiti mBiEiS and A>r lonfc enBaacements, UvlnB Wonders, Ourl' ous f retkka omature, ITovel Meohanlcal Inventions, Male and Female Artists with ■peolaltlee suitable for refined lady audiences, A.<iuatlo Marvels, Educated 1>obs, PlC*. Blonkeys, Birds, eto.. Bnre Animals and Musical IToveltles. Writ*, telegrapb or apply perMnally to NOT OPBN Off BDRDAT. WM. AUSTIN and FRANK P. STONE, »gt Froprlotora. ' THE OBIOXITAU WIOKIJOW ECTTINTERS, MXJLLELLY ^rVI> MOREL AIV13. The flnett and moat llnl.bedlaet now before tbepoblie; and why? Beeaauthe perronner. and manefer. ujr .0. Onr naka-npand Ideal ai« an InMagementon Bene.' NOTIOB to mtiufet. and p.r- formeti, alM in reply to the two Jomp-OTU-the-fuioe perfocmen; We menUoB faeta. /.ba HoCartby, I wenid call your attantlon to tbe time whea yon worked for me at the Canterbory, yeniMlf and wtf., IB OlBOlBBatl, for the yery eitraordlnary ulary of on. dollar parnlfbt. Howl took pity on yon, nilna my Inlaenoe with tbe Sroprtetor In year behalf, and alio did a inmwlth yon, and by no olB« kept yon to work two weeka Ten aay yon did not adrertlM yooT act beoaue yoa were too well known. Well, we ban Inqnlrtd or mottenryone, and find bnt one perion that knowa roo, and he aayathattharala not a (boat of a cbaneeof yonreyerbeoomlni a perfbnner of onr .taadlog, wbloh we knew to be trae. Forftirther fTitllleatlen we pnbllata the following letter, reeelred by <a ftom two partlea wheae nanee yon need In roar flrat adnrUMment: INDlAMAFOLia Ind., Sept It. IttS, suit FBIKNOa—We read yoor apl.tle In THE OUrPBB, and agree with yoo. W* are glad yoa mod ao mnob Jadnntnt, a. the paitlea laferred to need onr nam.., aa w.ll u miny oth.r*. witbont onr aonaant. Tbey alM copied our .tyle of make-np aa w.ll aa yonr aal, bnt th.y ai* aot eapableordoln* It, and wlU not play flret-olua honaea. Beat wlahee. Tour. ren*etlally, _ . "ILLS, Zoo , Zoo Theatre, ladluupolU Whan yon fall tent along on Imlutedaola and oopled Biaiej;npa, " ■ iror . ^ J. t. MDlLENand KltrTllII .Than yon fall tent along on lE ODD* baek to youTormer plao* In Olnolonitl, and remember when yon aie talking to Barney Mallelly yon m addraaaing a performer and gentleman, with a tnonaasd Irlenda In thia bnainaaa to rear one. Ton apaak of mlatlng llnki, bat ahew tu a oloaer reaenblaoce to tbe monkey that la eacM In the Zoologloal Otrden in Olaclnnatl than yon axe. Why, little boy. .hould he eeoape, yon woold ba cap- tured and reeegea Henceforth, you will be known a. Joeko, tbe BraiUlan Ape. welL we don't care about making a repatalloa for Jon, bnt will Mtile all dUpntea when we mMtyon In peraon, and ope that fkta will faTor na with tbe opportunity before long. We, the noderalgned, cbeerfnUy recommend Heaan. Mollally and Moralaod and their apeeltlty. Tbe act la different fVom any we baye erer aeen. It la atrlotly Int'Olua In erery feature. The aoore ar* gentlemen and artl.ta. We would alio recommend Meaara. Hul- Idly and Moraland a. drawluoard. for any aratelaaa honae. Bltna- tnrea-UONNELLT AND DREW, LILLIE CARROLL, MALTILLE AND raANOIB, DUTCH ANDY AHANN. JORIB AMANN, WILEY HAMILTON aid HI88 LDLU WILEY, CONNORS and KELLT. N. B.—I know theae people aa gentleman en and off the atage, and aa artliU tbey are atrletlydrat'Claaa, and bla urda lor flrat-elau honaea only. UABRY FIBLDINO, Blage-manager J. 8. BATNOR, Haaager. Wahint-atreet Theatre We know who yon ar* now, and will anjwar no more cardi, ai we aonalder yon beneath oar noiloe. Uae no mere peraenaUtlu, or we will letthe pnbUo know aomethlnir yen would not like to bear. With regaraa to onr many (rianda, we remain reapeotftjllr, MDLLBLLT AND MORELAND. DAZIAN'S THEATRIOAI. EMPORIUBIp 26 UNION SQUARE, EAST SIDE, NEW YORK. FLESH COITON 8HIBTS, $1.00 EACH. FLESH COTTON Titiffm, 01.26 PRE PAIB. The Largest and Host Complete AsBortment of Sllkt, Sating, Brocades. Telreta, Cloths, Cash* meres, Sola and Sllrer Laoes, Fringes, Bpanrles, Armor CIoUu, Embroideries, Jewela, iewelrj, Armor. Clegs, Bong-and-dance Shoes, Wigs, SUrts, Tights, Leotards, SUk Boslerj, Faddlnn, et«. ErenrtnlnK nooessary In materials for Theatre, dross, (Kjmnaslnm, Choroh, Hllltaiy and Coetam* ers' nse. Catalognes and Samples sent on application. W-Ut" THE BEST BANJO IN THE WORLD. ^^^^^ 80 rBONOUNOBO BY MANY OP THK BEST ABTIBTB IN THB PBOPBSSION. THE CHAMPION BB BUBS AKB BBKD FOB DUB OOMPLBIZ ILLUSTRATED OIROULAD AND FRIOE-LIST BBPOBB PUBOHASIMa. FA.I»BA3VHJS &, COLE. BAMJO-MAUBS FOB BXPBBT8, TBAOHBBB OP THB BANJO AND HUBIO-FDBLIBHBI& lHat' III OOUBT BTBBBT. BOOTOM, 571. A HABBT WnilAHS' AGADEHT OF fflDSIC, H. We WILLIAJIS ----- Proprietor and Manacer WANTED. A FEW GOOD STRONG SPECIALTIES FOB HOT. ». N07. M, DXa Itb SBa M. DEO. U. FEB. 1 OTS'LTK BBISV. AddrHa a* abere. »it CALCIUM-LIGHT APPARATUS Alway* *■ hand. Pnmia for eonprualBg |«Ma If a»*eultp. O. BSMXUiBR. Ill Oantr* atrnct. New Terk. ai-Ut •BXO BIO*" AJfD XtEVEUtOAOfUlLEUf'X S<OXt OIVB WXIBK IX>ITQKm m.lEL. AJ^Ty W* J. COIVW^Y SHMlMLiR&CRANG, TirmATItlOAXi OOODS, NO. « If AIDBN LANE, NEW YORK. PXjSsh oottow 'tioh'X's, p*r pr, FX^SISU OOO'TOIV SHI»rr8,_ll.iaMaS. Oold and BUrer Laaee, Fringe*. Bpaoglei TIgbU, Bhlru, Padding.. Uata, Win, B TheatilcaLBqnaiUlao, HlUtary, AOiieti aoglea. Stare, Taaaela, Broeadaa ' Bhoea, Jewelry and Armor. Hj. aiiiw/, AMiHitu and Coatnmera* Oooda. Flag* and Eannera. The largeat auortment and hea,leat atock o( theae gooda to b* found anywhere. Armor manufactured I* order EatlmateeglTeB. Bend for circular, Ooeda aent 0. 0. D. l-4lf SECOND SEASON OF" Shook & Collier's O'L COMBINATIOIirS, Under the Auspices of Messrs. Shook & ColUer, 1JM10N.SQCARE THEATRE, NEW TORI. An UDqnallBml and an Aa.ured Bncceaa at the Union-aqnar* Thaa> tre and Whererer EUe Performed. Thlt thrilling drama will be perlermed with eapeclally-aelected eompanlea, and with all the acenery, propertlea and mechanical appllancea uaed at the abore theatre. Becehed Nightly with Thunders of Applause and Boars of Laughter, Tears of Sympathy, and replete with Pktureaque Shetchea, Tlvld Portraiture., BtrlklBc Bllnatlone, Kagolloent fllMe aelUng*. Orlalnal Light Bf. feet, and many other featurea af telling Interaat. Scenery by the werld-renowoed RICUARD MARSTON. Mechanlui Effect, by 0. Propertlea by HEaaiUJ R. WINNE. HUDSON and MoBRIDE. J. W. OOI.iI.lI an, Director. For ftirtber partleolara ace adTertlwemenU. am* BARRETT TUB OR.EA.T IVEW YORK The Cheapest and Most Fashionable In America, ha. the beat aelected atock for the Fall and Wlnur eeaaon. All lb* lateal aoyeltlea In Foreign and Domealic Clothe, Diagonal., Caal- mer*i, Corkacrewa. Doeaklne, Outor. and Fur BeaTcr. In all colera. All good, made up In strictly flrat-claaa atyla. Workmanthlp and It guaranteed. Bamplea and rulea for aalf-mewnrement, and Ihib. lon-plataa aent on appllcatloa. 8L Bl Bowery, cnroer Prlne* atreet. New York, Branchea: Paria, London and Berlin, M-Ht* MASONIC TEIHPLE, BALiTIMOBE, MD. TO BENT FOB LEdCBES, CONCEBTS AND FIB8TK;LASS ENTEBTAINHENTS, Or will sbare by special oontraet. Addrea... _J. UIKBS, B-Ut> Haaonlc Temple, BalUmere, MJ, la «M «(IMr wMlr ikaUhM latttM •'A Uvrw li SMNh ai«lih'« at ritt AtMNk ChlMf^ la ST. JAMES HOTEL, ST. liOUIS, AIO. The most central and best located Hotel In St. Lonls for Professional People. The Olympic Theatre, tirand Opera>honse, People's Theatre and New Standard are located wlthlu a radios ol Ato hundred feet from tiie St. James. Special Xjow Rates to Componle*. a-llt' TMOg. V. MIUUBB, Propkietor. AT mmm HUMAN WONDERS, MECHANICAL NOVELTIES, ILLUSIONS AND SPECIALTY ARTISTS. Addrtaa n-4t JI7DAH KTD, BtitJE OB BXjAOK , uuOOB, IS: It-lnohBong-and-danoaBhoea, U; Dntcb OlOHi •I.MTrnght Wig*, UU; Bant Cork, per bei, tfc; Fala* Mona- ^ tacheeJM.; Boaeweod Bonea goo.; fambo, M; Banjo, tS; Triangle, tl: deat1na,sl.(0; Ftr»-eatlag Preparation, per boa, 30c; Negro Wlge, SI each; Playa, Ue. Dancing Hade Baay, i9a Negro Mln- etrel'a anlda, ZBo. Bodmeo Wlge, SI,W each. Adah I. HenkenTXfra and Peema, So. Bend aUmp for Prioea ot Mlnetrel and Maale Oooda, Mnaleal lutmmente, etc. Remit by P. O. order •rrMrijtered letUr to BO. JAMEfl A CO., OLIPPBB BaiMlBg.«and « Oentre .tr..t, N.w York. ' 1. MANAOBB, ganea. Olty. Mo, 'X ORIENTAL HOTEL, LiINCOLiN, NEB. Best>kept Hotel In the city. Coorenlently located for Professional People. Speolal Ijow Rates to Companlea. »-n« J. IT. TOWJfliBY. Proprietor. . NEW OPERA-HOUSE, Du Bois, Pa. rant* to PltUbort, »l* . oidiedn a,allabt*. liberal aharlng Unne effved to good kttna- Uoa*. Th* SBdartlfBM will play eompanlea In nelfbboriag towai, iBtdndlngBlOgway, BeynoMaTlDe and Brook.lU*. Writ*lbrdalS' aadlbUiBatnatleato L. B0TLB~ " jEB. Maaaa«r, DaBelaroWaald 0*.. Ft, CUMMOGS MD McINTIBE, jwa^i^pwBATOBa or noa souihuui uri, mi^^ia