New York Clipper (Oct 1883)

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QClpBEB 6. THE ]srEW YORK CLIPPER. 481 PASTOR'S OWN COMPANY PRONOUNCED THE BEST nriie Opinion Endoned bjr Xll Patrons. ««M Blndor«o« the Verdlot. Kow on Tourla West and Sonthweat. TONY PASTOR __BqUTBni DBAHATIO OOLDNHTRIfl PAPEB H. S. SAWDERS opr. MANAOER. OF B. KNAPP*S LATEST IMPORTATIONS, TENNYSON AND O'GORMAN. T their own and. Orlnlnal Creations. JustoonoliidedlSnitaKomonts nt ♦io Howard ji.tliona>um, Boston, ond Tlieatre Comlq.uo, Providence. T?ow appoorlnB wltn Enormous Suooess at tlie ]LoiVl>OT^ THEATRE, IVEW YOItK. At*nt, W. B. KNAPP, 101 But PonnMBtk rtiMt, Ntw Twk. TREMBlffDOUS HITS OF PETRIE ANP FISH (THE ORIGINAL KRANKT KOONS) S^wmbliiVtloD All letttrt HowaM Athmiiiuiii. BoitoD. DIBEWnAOED OCT. It AMP »-lt mm mn mmx of mski, SHAY Sc THACKERAY Second Season. Lessees and Proprietors ffMLMrHPBCrA'LTVYoWHAT^^ INSTANTANEOUS SUCCESS. COSMOPOLITAN THEATRE, CORNER FORTY-FIRST ST. AND BROADWAY. HANAQBR JOUN D. MISIILEB HAS THK HONOR AND PLBASURB OF rRBSBIimra . PROF. GEORGE BARTHOLOMEW'S EQUINE PARADOX lO EDUCATED HORSES. . DO EVEKYTHINQ BUT TALK. Every Evening at 8 o'clock. Matinees Wednesday, Saturday 2.30. SPKCIAZj I»SlOEW.-R»»erT(Kl S«atiS9, M »nd 7* oenti. ooir on Hie it Boi-offl» from 10 A. M. to« T,u. op«rttT.Si;p«rferni»nM«ia Carriage. »t 10.H. Matlueo, door.oponail.B, perfoniianeo atlSl CanlagM atttf. miiMUil noi to purctaau ticket, from ipeculatora. . Doora Tue.'pnbllo are I M lt» GEO. W. CALLAHAN, VIENTRILOQUIST. TIME AliLi FII>1>EI>. PermtoeDt addreu, JMl* '■, m\ W.»t Portv-nriit «tre«t. New Vnrli r.ltr. Bit Silray Waves and Varutions. HANUSORIPrCOPIES, |l. Addreu FRED PARLAND, Moofiip. Ct. CLEVER CARROLL, TEMBILOqCIST AND ILLUSIONIST, IMl* P.rmaaeDtadJre.., cueofOUPFER. DOCS. DOCS. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A TROUPE OF DOGS. MjliiVh panlcaUii aad Falaiv at once to EKAIT'B AOENCr, mi Bait FuortWDib .treet New Yurk. B-lt MANAGERS, TAKE NOTICE. PBOr. 0.0. COLEMAN, the Prince of Mamo, will be AT LIBKRTV Wot. 1. AildteM, careo^CUfrER. U. O. RoLiSHAK. Matlclan. 1' HARRY LiSVINE, SlITCU OBARAOTEKtABTISTR. gpeclaltiu New and Original. AiMtauM^abot e,. . ia tt*J ■ Oaieot CUT I'Sa _ MANAQER8 OF SMALL MINSTRELS, VABIBn AMD DRAMATIC COHPANIES OR UA0ICIAN8,1 WIU put on ibarti a week at a time btre or on the road. AddreM JOHN HUDSON, Box iH, Wllllmantic, Ct. PROFESSIONALS euflul pLutat Boon, and flrat-elaiisBoard at MRS. HEIL'S, No. « Kut Poorih .treet, near Bowerr, New Vork City. Ilou.e newly rartuiiej. Contenlent u> all theatrea. Term, reaeonable. 1JB-It« Grand Central Theatre, TBENTON, N. J. .A'** open datea for October for good SonR.and Jincli;aril.i. and Oootl Rouiih Irlib Comedian.. . "ICT..B or JOHN N. HUSSIiLL. dance People, Addreia'JOIlN S-lt* WANTED IMMEDIATELY for the Boedle & Frindle's Pleasure Party, A SOBER, RELIABLE PERSON ^^|>r a itroDn G-Aat Cornet In bind and Becond-Tlolln or Doable- <w laortheilra. Apply at once, a. ner route in CLIPPER, to "J?* PH. UEO. W. lIUMTIiEY. BuelneM-maoan er. Ford's Dramatic Company, mmed silver band and orchestra. KiiVai tamedlalely for tbeabore company; AOood JOTonlle- J.isJf'*' S" Old-man. Ttaoae who play brae, prefetred. AI«o lriii;'.?'"^.J««nt. BtAtelowaet ealarr -—— SlUil'SLAddrwia.OLINTO. FORD. Orfe and ftill particular. In MASTER PRANK EVANS, »it> BOY MESMERIST. ADDRESS CARE OP CLIPPER. ^, JACK BINNS, lSJl?i,«'n llawe'e and BstUiw, Wllaon A Co.'. MIo.trela), o>n bo ^gHW. Al»«»...n.fci ,, ArtdrM. _ l40R«!on<l«Tenue,Ney York.' M^IC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED ««S«.r°t^ta?itr'""' "^'.^eS^^^^^^^^^ ' No. M ll»«vin i itroet. cionur Second arenue. New Yor k. !;ARTER AND ANDERSON, tl 'ia Bi.?.'',''*^,'''""'» tbfebu«lncM. The only wblttUn; dnrt- A r»r o?2» if." *•»"«""■. BoiloD, Oct. I. Brld»epott 8, Uartftjrd I.. —Ij* opeail.u. 11, ,i,,',t ff„ YorH. M It' B Lewi, atreet. New York. PROFESSIONALS "i«nl»il'i,^'''i'!,»*'' flnfToard and pleaeantroomi. kind treat. WANTED,A-Q00D,RESP0N8IBLE MAN ANDWOMAM dreuBnY'v2i!tlJ?."S>>**- 8>ai. InwcitaaUryInflntlatter. Ad. ntu iifthH w'foini. If«nH'.'«r Bierllrg Oomedy Co. Katie Plr- r."' "<"•»« Hancock. U. f., (10(1) 9cf J; then Honeidale, Pa. tl' Grut Ameriun EiiGMiiiRa UD Prirtiiig Co. Nos. 26 BEEKMIIN md 18 SPRUCE STREETS, NEW YORK* ETeir department ot tbla»t«ulTa eitaULbmest nodw one roof and one fOaaacement, oceoplac theali-itorT balldln«'extending tbronah SOUt. to IS Bpruoe atreet, one of tbe bktteiinlpp^ Engrar- lOK and Printing KiUbll.bmenti In thle eouBBy, baruwc been re- fitted with new material«lBnliif to eoA^not an old type In ^Toe'bnilneaa lidlrlded Into the foUowlBr departmenli^ all nnder the dlreoUona of tie owner. Each department. manaMd hy an «- pert, e.peolally fitted for the peeullar Une ot b*.iBau Immedlttely DBdethueiiuie: > 1 Drawing and Designing, 2 Engraving :and Picture Making, 3 Book and Newspaper, 4 Commercial and Job, 5 Poster and Programme, 6 Stereotyping, 7 Printing-press and Machineiy, . 8 Binding, Folding and Pasting. Under the eereral departmenU all klqd.'or BnmTlos aiid PrinUns la eieeuted lu the aboite.t poaiTUe time lo a aaperlor manner, and at prlcee eatlshwloiy to all onetomere. By the pro- ee.i 01 atereotypinf here uMd form, are dopUoated aa many time, an reoulred, without coat to the ou.tomer, and, lutead of prmtlnir one at a Uine, a whole dieet foil Is put to prui at once, aai many tiiourand. printed In a »hort «paoe of limOj; n-.-iii'-^.j ThI. eoDcern make. WO OHAHOB for DfSWiBB. awl- Bogratlna Pictorial Work, from one to aa many aheeta a* i^tnd, and In aa maay color, aa Jealrad, whan Urge qnuUtUa at* guaran. ""flotorlal and Poetical AdTottl.liig'P»raphl»t», a'new'Idea tar fllfowmen. with engraTlngeon erervpage,gottod np toorder.and New Illniitratlon. for the eame, ditwn and 'eDfraTed without oUarge. Bend .tamp for epeolmena. : T. R. PAWLEY, Proprlstor. N. B.-8lBca writing the aboTO I baye reoelTjd a letter from J. J. COLBHAN, Agent of "The Bdwaid. folly Co^" for whomi h.d Juit flnlihodand .hipped two twelTe.ehe« f*»eolor«how.blll« Wthout ohargofor emrraTlng), '>••■ -n«»ii.i«~i. anj tite quoutlon Mlov telle lu ' Aje ' ._ . . Thia letter waa onuollelted, and _ own .torr: "Ibe aund, look jrana. greatly admired, and ehow op well " » lt qiRTIIUM BROS. & REINHARV, ; Foot of East Twentf^slxth street, Kew York, MANUFACTURBRB OP FINE XYLOPHONES for profeMlonal Playera, In any key and •"'•}«'>J»JfVtKtuIn' Bo«ewood,ar»naJllle, eto.; alao American and German ZITHEIW. PtIce-lUt free to any addrena on applloatlon. ™ "' iTed Str&ight flas Hbved t« lo. U Seftnt]i;:SiRet, NBAX THIBO AVBNCB, OPrOSITB TOMPKIMB MABmV Sramaa, Bwteliii, Bonga, Poetry, Blnmp-apeeohei, Bte., vptten . LATEST BOIfOS, V' "OITB MB A mas AND OOD BLBSS VOO," I „ ^t. each by mall. "ONLY A WOHKINOMAN'B CHILD." J ' ,,. Indo.e .lamp for price-ll.t. Blag Bell Wo. 1. »-''* WANTED, THEATRE COMIQUE, RICMONDi VA., AT ALL TIMBH, MAIjB AND FEMAJOE TAJOEIVT. , Adireuatono* . OAPT. W. W. PDTNAM. Proprietor and MAniger Wanted InnedhUIy for KiUitJthoides' GiibiBBtioD, PiillMuon, a yonngman of aome egpetlenca to plar reapoul- blebuilntia. Addieta W. ILwARD, 'Jut-tf OoaneantTUle, Pa.. Pet. 1 to 8. BUM. P.. iTto 1^ tlUMMINGS MB McINTIRB. HABRT MINER'S ENTERPBISES. XIJLRRT MQfKRtS THinATO& Ml,JW and Ul BOTOT. XHW YOBt HAim-r MiiTBmm jaxoBTBS^AV^S^^nm, tw-t^-finh and r^tr-guik •wEm. —IP"'' •""^"d TBOMAB OANAST, Froprletai*. Tm MOPI^'a 3™y^Ej "OWHBY. »W YOBl HAERY MINER'S COMEDY 4 COMBINATION, MURPHY, MACK, MURPHY AND SHANNON. i w"B"V!!L'Si'2.'2.'''*'•'"'^J **• *?>•»«»• eomniMleata at oBoa to B.-The Theatre, are open all tbe year ronnd. [l-tfl HARRY MUnam, IB Bowaiy, Hew Tort. OREATEST HIT EVER MADE IN NEW TORE WITH Alir IRISH AFTERPIECH WAS MADEl BY MURRAY AND MURPHY UT TJHltliri TiHW OOMEDY EWTITLBD OXJR IRISH VISITORS, «,,.95J?Ir fi^' i.ii ^27Jlf^^i"'iwt£f'?li?,^5,'5"««HjL!''JJv'=<'°<=l'"''«''»' "d kept the audience In one eontlda- OttBroiroriHU hter. «0 ejupw HIT aVRn KWOWN. Pronoaneeil byoTery one that taw It tobe tbe fUn- "'"i/? fJIP''^? "J «»"""??• ALSO TIIEIH BHECIALTY, one of the blggen hit. erer made at the houie by »B Irl.h team. ROUTE: Waldmaon', Optra-houie 0«t. 8, Hyde A Behman'a l». Miner', Blghtb ayenue a. Addre.. all Liter, cure of OLIPPBB. »-ll' MURRAY AWr» MURPHY. WONDERFUL SUCCESS OF THE WORLD'S CHAMPIONS, T. F. GRANT AND CONWAY ffl. B. m OUT Elllfl l-BID SOHrHICi IIM D Til Ml. 8KJB WHAT MAIVAOSR WOOD SAYS I „ „, CLOB TRBATRB. PHILADBLPHtA, TOPT. M. TO MANAOERS.-T teke rrtat PLEARURE IN RECOHMENDIMO MBB8R8. ORANT AND CONWAV, Ont legged BONa-AND-DANOB ARTIHTH. They are SURE DRAWINit CARDS, and do the PINB6T ACT of ANY UNE-LEaOED BONO-AND-DANOR ABTIBT8 I UAVK EVER PLAYED. Thev are ARTISTIC. NKAT, and A(K;0HPLISH EACH and BVBRY 80HEHBAULT and HOVB WITH THE UTMOST EASE. Tlielr enterialnmeul la NEV, NOVEL and SURE loFLEARB ANY AUDIENCE. I hare booked then lor a BBTUHN DAT& N. B.-Partlcular attention I. called to MR. T. F. URANT'B CLOO-UANUB, A No. 1 and ARTISTICALLY PERFORMBT), YoararenpeotnillT, HABRY WOOD, Haouer. Only fir.t-cla.. managera addreaa our only aathorlaed agent,, MAQEE A LEONARD, I,OB Obeatnnt itreet, Fnlladelpbla, Pa. I>. a—Wnnld like tnjnln a sood combination, B.u A. N O T< H E R U E C O » I> E X> III 'J? . ED. GHRISSIE AND LILLIE A. PEASE in tha Most Succniiul Dramalie Comed} of tiis An DETECTED. AMERIOAir THEATRE, WKW HAVEN, TjAST WEEK. ' Addreie care Ton Y BMITHt Dramatic Agent, NR>ir UAVEN, tapt. 90. ManaiierH wuntlnor u dnvwlnig card, try tni*. 196 Huwery, New York to MA'NAOBRa—I Uke pleunre In certliying to the merit, of ED. CURlHfllE'B drama I»I£TEOTEI>. with wbleh he haa Jum deed a nccemftil week', engagement at my theatre, '"' " " ' ••• •■ ... wanted for Tarlety Theatres. _ i A GOODOHANREFORAMANWITn CAPITAL TO PUTTRBPIBnBONTi'BROAD. Itl.eially nouof i. .hurt ca.t.nil highly amu.lng. In fact, lu.twhat I, PRCH8 ELDRIDOB, Manager New AmerleaBThutre. ...It' WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Tboee tbat.wrote before, an.wer thii. 'Terau mnet A etrlctly Fir,t-cla', PIANIST for aeaioB of St WMka to lead apeclalty programme, be reaaon.ble. To towlth RENtoOWS JOLLY PATHPIUDERS, now on their ilxtb .ueo'aiftil aemnn. Tbe leading trayealy company on tbe road, playing to peeked hou.H erery where In their lateat _k. J»OI», anf the eTer popular mn.lcat iiiluit> MCHAP(>.. Anawer by telegraph. Pen- ilac, Mich,, Oct. 3, 4, (, Ann Arbor (, CbeUea 8. Haaoa t, Eaton Rapid, 10, II. Read the lullowJno: i great nuccea. \rniTB'8 ORANn tiibatrb, de/^oit, hior,, bept. », ini< J. RENTPROW, ESQ.—DEAR SIR: Allow n. throuab thi. cbaonel to eompllmeot yoa and your company for the aioellest peifotm- alicKK you bare glreo our audience, thla altetnoon and eyenlng. We take great pleaaare In xwlminit you a return date. . a».l t BaepeettBlty, WIIITB * FOflTER KBSTOR AND VENOA, The Greatest Aerial Symnasttc Performanee In the World. Snrcess nneqoaled In the HbtM7 of dymnasticB irith W. W, Cole's Colossal Hhows. Will oonolnde oar season Oot. 18, and glre one ifeek's performance at Hyde & Behman's Theatre, Brooklyn, preiions to salllntr for England to ftal- All oar Winter's engagement at the Boyal Aqnarlnm, London. Proprteton ond Managers wIsUng to secnre this attraction for next season, address care of CLIPPEB. mm m mm mm, 101 east fourteesth street, corner . :foubtu ayemde, union square. " •SOXjSI AOflKT FOR WINDSOR THEATRE, B08T0N, Q0YL8T0N MUSEUM, BOSTON, 1- AND THE FOLLOWINO EaSOPEAN AHTI8T8 : MliSS ST. OEOROS HUSSSY, TORBTTI, • HARRY VAUOHIf, i TEPTIVYSON AIfI> O'OOIfcMAIT, I WlJ^t. MS3TOHAM, i j>.\.VYe AKD uxjakje:, . I VASSAIilj, Abd dolrv builnou for all flrtt-eUM Variety Theatre, In the c iuntty. , "'t* ffllTON: [ NEW YOBi; Septt 1., US. ife WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: fAe thrra are .oToral organliatlon, now en roBl« nnder the tlMe ol ••FIFTH AYBNUB COMPANY FROM NEW YORK." I deem It DMeMary to Btate that theaboTe hare NOCONNEOTION WHAT- avEK with the KIKTll-AVENUE THEATRE, NEW YORK. The latt«rl. my TBADE-MARK, and I can.lderthl. notice uecea.ary li order to proteot my right., and that the pnbllc may not be do- (^Ired. JOHN eTUTMOW. in-it Proprietor and Man^erFllth.aTenue Theatre. Kew York. ' Wanted Immediately, AMAGICIAN fir one of our ADTERTIfllNO PARTIES, to work In hall,. One who doe, aome other apeclalty preferr.d. Call or addreaa at once, alating aalary (which mux be tni)|, ELECTRIC PAD M'F'G CO., B-it* W Atlant ic .Tenue. Brooklyn, N. Y. WANTED, TO COMPLCTE MY COMPANY, . w« I III. iHt.inan. a iDOd Hualcal T«an; alao a good Lady uTa'ho "I'Ml ldle-man, a good Hualcal Team; alaoa good Udy St1o.S.iilo" n°er Milt (are good etreet and .t*ge wardrobe S"bee?ber and reliable. BaUriM on.t be low, m they are.ore. iJolnirop.raM peraonaor alekar. need apply. Addteia, atatlog r.y. t.lerm.lnlf^;r.^to.>T^^^^^^^^^ BOUAN'a PRO- FPJWIONAL BILTBB- RIM AND ROHEWOOD BANJOS. ailTarrlmffom ^^^^^^^^ tl* up: BoMwood 18 op, ill kind, of liiiiileal loatrnmenla and atrtnge acBt 0.0, D, BogiD^, Bloinimad Banlo Manual, the nvteaallr acquiredm,tliodaT«rpnb- llah«, dnabUngaiiy peraon to nl^ at eight; eoDUIn. Htnsef, with All dlreet'nna, price tl. Battjo and ataoe^dandnc taqmt. Sod, Maop (br prlos-UiU JOHN jTBOOAN, ao BSwaty. KeiTTorL [It^ THE LATEST IKD BE^T STAGE SOKflS, Aaaunibyall the leading Dfmberi of tbe MInatrel andYarltty Profeulon, "LiniE DARLING, DREAM OF ME," A beantlOil FIr.t-part Bong, iuog-nightly by J, Adama with the San MIn.trei., New York. "THEY'RE ALL 6ETTINS MARRIED BUT ME," An Iremen.ely popular Serlo-oomlo Bong, ning ererywbere with great appleoae. "WHEN JAMIE COMES OVER THE SEA," Sung Bl^tlT by Channety dicott of Cirnornaa' MlB.lrala, Pblla- delpbla; Arlhnr Oook, wltn SkTerly'a Uln.trtla; and Mrron Callea. with Den ThnitopMn'a "JothbAWhItcomb" Company. "A BOY'S BEST FRIEND IS HIS MOTHER;' The flne.t Motto-uog pnbll,bed, SnBi by ell the leading motto- •lng,r,. ,, "A BRIGHT LinLE VALLEY," AehamlnarSong-and.chorna. Deatlned to become veir popniar. Any of the abore aoo.a >ent poatpaid on receipt afaoenti, or flTO for II. T. a, UARMM St CO., W-li* mo Brnadway, New To^k. AGICIANTERNS Rood ,Ump for ll«-page ILLUBTBATZD OATALOOUB of MiiaC* LANTERNS AND STERE0FTIC0N8, IB etery variety, adart<:d lor eililbltionaIn the amalleat looma and Urge.i ball., for PUBLIU EXHIBITIONS and IIONP, AMUBB- MENTB. Met ol ureral thouaaiid Tlewa. RBLIOKIUB, HUIEN. TIFIO, IlIRTORICAL, PLAOEfl OP INTF.HEATIN AMBUI^A AND AHHOAD, HIBOELLANKOUB. eto. Aluo MAHIC-LANTBRNB, Dig. flOLVINO-VIEW APFARATl'fl and HTEKBOI'TlCONl) for COL- LEOEB. CIlUHCnEH, BUNDAV-SUIIOdLB, eto. .PTOTB:.— loetery lucallty tliorelaaonpenlDCfnrtBianto do a plaa.ant and PROFITAHLB bnalneaa by glTlnit I'UHUO BNTBB- TAINMENTSwItha MACIO-LANTERNorl^TEREOPTICON and ft tood aaaortmentof loteraitlngTlewe. Send aianiDfur 118-pag* Uluf. rated eatalogue. MuAl.>I.>lSTJE]n, Manulaoinrleg Opllelaa, 914t« 4« NAHSAU BTBBET. NEW YORK. Hieb-Class Minstrel Performers and MUSICIANS In erery branch. Reaeun tbIrty-fiTe wwaa through United Btatei and Canada. Stale loweat term,. Bay If rnu bare pictorial print- ing and lithograph,. Addreaa 0, H. KINO, BreNUrr, Royal Court Nloatrela, eareofRo.aln llnaae, Toronto, Canada. A NUMBER l>N< APVANOE-AOBHT WANTBD-AlSo. l »ti HAMII.TOIV, OHIO.y SBPT. ae, iraa, I played EABT LTNHE to a crowded houae at the V. 0. B, BALI. At UamllloB. 0. I CAD rtoommend eald hail for lla eoDTeDleoM and MXtty, and the maoHement op to .11 expectation,, CHAS. A. WATKIN8, UANAOBB ADA OBAT. For dalw aa4 teMcg, ate,, Of abore ball, addre,, »-lt* PHILIP KBAfl, aamlHoB; 0. MISCELLANEOUS. mm CABDSI W^^^J^M