New York Clipper (Oct 1883)

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THE NEW YORE CLIPPER. $8. OUR NEW _ AKERICAN LEVER WATCHt ■ •■nnt of folff li «E« tonpwUleo t>ll« IM wMt* • aHinulns aotd •pvurun. IndMd ri cmnnot b* UI4 Ui.B«Uliual.lhoMld(MluwUJupsi«t<>«- V>*****! vo Oulj .DCnTKl or «D|lli> lor».4 aDil w niMllf* Mfl ftrai ud Tin b.idMiu. Bi>klBi lt)ail tb. wucb for lUll- ra.4 mw,MwDt^lo lai lU liSoiUg d.d wb. Main* eood strona watcb »«i u accurate tlma* n^Ur for lis ui<i Inricb, ud tisdMl M u la n.ili.d«bl* tbM.moiinU. PuTD.ii MweliM*f.DU cu>b.o4toihM» wstcbtt t».<liBaU*». >• U>«J ""ytr ^">* ^f*"P *fr itockorcooO W.MDdtb.wmbfw* >f i»gtjttt.i mU, onnc.lptorSB.O0. Or w. win Mod It Co DmrMlpt of$l.M<.n.-i«t;lb.t>.l««e.nb.».J4..IU».'JJ^ oflke blM b.T. Tarr lot UsBlnoD (.oil Chtlm* ■ I.OOMdi B..iiliralli«l.lllonCbuii>. SO nnll.-W« EaVVSaailndi of utllmooUi., bil bin room (o* «bv tv*. B.I Ark. JsnoM, Ifm, VoiiD Hirr'o Co. Omu :-Tl> i H.» AanUu Aiulan •oi l Wmuh I onI.rad of tookib. Ub. •■««•■ our ••■ SVVd. .Dd I .B w W.I1 »I.L«dw1ihlt»to-T« ri»«a. w» D Umn. P. O. ord.r. en wainL lor "bleh rl»" w;"} W (■i>reH C. O. D. lor b.luia, ibrw Bore of Jb. nao MfH WuhcbUu W BuUb. Bt.r«UBUj,CwMonTt|M. Umn worth, Kua., *«f • «K "fl vomts M Airra Co. "Si^"«^25 L.T.r Wiotb pnrcUMd rroa your *rm bM ProrM. fjoa cmib for two Bora, ua. ttjio. Toni^ O. P. EBtMKT. teodoUordoito WORLD MH^JfyL'fi SSj yi-^ It i« seldom that tve meet vHth an article tJiat to ftUlj/wrremonds With U8 advertised good quaHties as does the Neto American Watch. It hag the advantage of being made of th<U precious n»faf Aluminum Gold; its works are of the best make, and the general styte of the ease rank U with the best Watches made anywhere. We r^^^ mendit to our readers as a Watrh that will give entire satisfartto^ HOLIDAY or BIRTHDAY PRESENT Dine budMDi. MLID BINOS mn mtdt of 181 IKAKAT KOLLKU fiOLU, and .llb«r wlU Bnko mi IbEADTIFIH. >nd VALUAllLE M to . Udr or I lr)nll(in.n. In order to stcure MRW CUSTONEBHl Iror our old uid rrlUbl. firm. w. will forw.rd poot-pnjd. I |U» UT uldms Id tho Uoltvd St.K* or CnMt.. 00. of I lour IIkAVV 18 KAKAT IIOl.I.ED tlOLD UlNflS,! Imoiuiled with PHKCIOl'S 8TOE8 on rralpt of I luNI.V •I.eo cub. proTUInc YOU OUT TIII« I I »A l>V KK't IBEXTInT Ot'T, ud BAll It Co o. wlltaToilr ■ Iordu-O!f OB BEFORE JANUABY l.C 18S4. WewUleDgnTc uj I[<IT1aI, NAMK, JIOTTttarl I SENTIMENT on tho ln»ld« of ring without eilrm chaore. Wo mmb. th we rl nn In twodlffcmt RTla ud | Ihrnn Mined tbtoi OOOX> XjTTCK. ^irX3 ^TXI^V^XIXj OXjVBVjkim. I I XUnVG-S. Eub rlnfr Ij Mt with one tmch of the followlnff prccloui ftono., .et In tb. onjer n«nc<L I IIH, K UB Y, Yon will DOtlcp, thmt hj tmklnr tbo flirt Iett«r 10 ipcM rach of th« .bore otonn, joa I ltd. EMEUALD, make Ml A€lt«BllC,ip.lllJir tho word I«^<1-A.«.X>». Th. rtoDO. wo OMI I Jd. O AK>'ET, .n> lo perfMl that Ib.j will dn;«l>e ur on. but aiiri)wft and the; will pronounc* lh«B ■ I tth. A SdETUY BT> oonnlne In m.nj oun. Wo alio moiut the Oood Lack and Jewel Cluiter Hint* with I IviLllCBY, HT.n of ourluitljoelrbimtfd Biailllan Dliunonda,«blcta aro tlie bnt Inillallon oflbel lltb. DIAUOXD a t. x>X^2ia01V33S .Ter dlBcorciTd. We thnj offer Ton four oil iTtb. 8 ArPIIIKB. thehandiomMtrlrn ew muJetocliooMfroni. AtlheumoUiuowo md Tosr rlof,■ I we will mall TOO a bnndlo of our CataroKuea. Wo feel lun that jou wUl b« m hlghlT pleued with Ibe I I llni and that It will g\n mch enU>« aitUCactlon, that jou wUl heroine a rritular curtomer ol our hoVH I nd will obllire u. bj dlstrlbntlni the CataloRoei Mot you anoni jonr frlendi, at the bbo tlmol I tbowlnB Ihein the IpeanllCnl rlne tod hare recelTcd Iron Uf. Yon can In thla way asiiit n. In Mllln« I lotber nod. of BTANDABU QUALITY which we mannractoro from new and orljrtnal dc<brn^■ IIS gSni'tM tJV" «uiKctfc^^ Di li FV'CBE BALM WE HAKE Otft l>UOllT.I I Remember the tint w« tend jon wlU be HEAVY 18 K AKA'I' BULLED <|aLD, ud thla unpnodrnted ■ I offer U nindo only to Introduce our coodi and calalovnee In your nelKbliorhood. Our Rrm U OLWI lEBTAUI.lbllEU AM> ItKLIADLF. inaaoracturtnz PlllBT.CI.ABB CliOilB from the PUECIOD8I I METALS. Wo can only lend out a LIMITED NUJIBER of rlniti at price named, and to prjlfrt onrwlTe. I I froB jowelcnand dealet. ordering In Innte qoantltlea we will Iniert thli adTrrtleeroeDlbulONE TIIHS I I'lhti tnprr. hence rcqulnynu to cut It out and lend to an that wa may know »oo are ENTITU'.I) TO TIIE1 iDENEjrlYs OF TIIIHl>FFt.B. Under norlrrnmrtancr. will woMnd MOHK THAN TWO BINOBtol ■ any petHn KndlBZ ll,a> for each, WITH TIIIB AUTEUTIHKMKNT. and ihould you order Borel I than that nombcr. alfyour money will be rrtamed and wo will bold the adrortliement Bat after 70a I I order, and other rlnn are dealred, we will fnnilab 18 K A11 AT 80LIII <iULI> IIIN SB at prICM glTen In our ■ I lUnttialed Calmlociio, ranslno from Ii to 8U each. * It yoo wUb one ring ecnd thla adTcrtlaement ud Bl,**, I I If you wlah two rlnn Knd thla .dtertliement and I8.90. It mor« Ihu two ate dealred you muit pay ■ IfQlj Dricc To oBoertaIn the fire ring rou wear, cat a piece of paper ao It wllljnst Beetaronod yonrflogerl laSdScndtho .lirSJia whlifi rlw.ta; wut«l, the (uWw LlICK_OI( yEWEI.j:LvBTAf.| I and state I what you the allp to na Slate whk:h rln« U wuted, the liviilt LVVK UK VLUBia^ia.■ whetbrr you wlah the AM. ItlAMONIISor ASROKTEII HTONE.ettlng. Al» write plainly I wlahengrmTedonlnildeof ring, ud cut thla adT.rtlMnent out ud .end lo uaonorbefore JAN'T I t.1. YS84. Should'yoV'ta'TnNow''Krk%Lt any Umo "we wlll be pleaied io haTO you TtaiVoar mVtropoUtu I ^ 1, It U ule to lend amall anonnu tkrangb the malla, or yon can Mnd by Hooey Order or ■ Addreaa, C. P. TIFFANY A CO., Jewelers, IPB Fulton St., W«w YOfh.| I headqoariera, I Kegl^ml LelUr. ABB rB(»T08, OROIRR BOOKfl I'LAVINO CARDS, TB0T08.'' AMVTBINO YOO WANT. tScta., 57or *l. »lt« J. H. HARKS, Ctaua, Hlcb, R a %>BBraZIONB STBBNQTHBNB, 8MLARUE8 AND DEVBLOPS X uyportlonorthebody. Prioa81,poatpald. AddiwiM.S,Med. lMUlat«,l4Tr«moDtrow, Boaton. Maaa. (Copyrlgbtod.) IHB' rn'nr/'V Photoa of Female Boautlea, lOe., alx lorUe. niuatratod J. i'T_V/ Caialogn. ftee. Oem Aganeyi Box tt, IndltnapoUi, Isd. ILLDBTHATED BOOK Oin rSBB. UIKW.) t7-M.aoT B. NASOKACO.. IBPalton atfeet, Kew Teit. THE BIGGEST THING OUT. »Ht> ENLABOB AND DBTBLOP ANT POBTION OF THB BOOT BT DBIMO "PBRrBnONB." FtrtesSI, PoatpaliL BaUahlsaDdiai. Aadt«MH.K.Il«Lloit.,l4Tr«iaoptrow, Boitontllaaa. imi' D A Xitt U") Oorlotu Booka, PhotoBjietc Catalocnw isd S XvAllJa ampleiforlOeebti. C. D»FOT, Byr»cnae.».T g-Uf DITOR0B8.-A. aOODRICU, ATTOBNET-AT-LAW, 134 DBAB- BORN atiMt, Cbleif*. AdrlcoltM. lgyeara'exp«rl.BO*. Gob- Bdantlal baaloeM legml^ attended to wlthoot pobllcltr IK-Ut'.Bt IP Toa WAinr to bbcohb a tbleobajph opbratob. msi twentT-ATe e*nU to 0. B. JONBS A BBO., OlndDnatl, Ohla for t)«rt ulnattmted Inatroetlon-booli. l-aLeow TT V A "VC to oar Hand Babbsr Stampi. Bamplaa tTM. 11 X A I O.P-«t»ow FOUAMBB a otf., Cletetiiid.a OABTB OB TIBITB8, Aett«aaM Id TIgliK, Be. lOCablneU. tUa. fBotUbeW. MOOILL. SM Henry itiwt. New York. ItT.ltww' 10 C79 A VBBK.fUadayatboiiMeaallrinide. OoCUr ▼**OHiat(rw. Addre«»T«t>K*Co.. Aii«iii£ElB.l.«' We ore Hodqiurters on rATGHES, JEWELRY, NOTIONS ■Dd aU goodi •okl b7 STREETMEN, «UCTIONEERS OR PEOURS. IScful for our Special PHce List, Jast ou^ and wo will live yoo Modcj. A. QOVVl'^ ec 00., 46.48 AM)jMk«onftt..4;ntrAno t^ist* LOOl- TMvglat Inued ■ new lilt for Stnetnwii, Anc- HoQtcn aod CanTUMn, containing Jowtlry.Notiou, StBiiiKMTT, Culloiy and cTcryllunB you want [rem H to 9D pet cent, cheaper than othu boiitc, Ir yon man bunncn Kiid ■ thns cant (taop^Iquote a lew Bcloei the balance are la the aaae Mopoitioii. BaiderHandkeichleb,b«iwedpcTdoa.SSc Jainnae Sib W inch per dot 80c. Note Paper, per n*in «t. EonloBCf, per U. BOc. CUu Cntlen^pa C-H.OO. ■dFeodirpcr fTOU 88c Boxwood RuIclI ft. >M|B.Oa BiSUoodRnletSlLpergn^ « ita Buna, per O. sna 28c SIceTa JBaltou p« ^ ■ - H.'wOLr; lis and lU Fnnklin Stnet 8 gnalOc lib. High Ball Poker Bans, BotUea, Ete. A laise asMirtmeiit, and 0 pileae that deiy competlUoB. WASOH a, 0O„ Ohlo>^. CM • week Id year own town, Ternu and It ontlU ^"^tim. Addteaa H, IUllh t Co,, PPttlapd. Me. l-tt* EDMUND E. PEIOE, COUNSELOR-AT-LAW ■■W.TORK OLIPPBR BOIU>IIIG, SB aund BO Oantre atroet, ^ew "Xortt City Pnetleaa In an tb* Oonru, Olrll and Orlm.naL Bpeelal atteDtloa Itren to th»eoIlMUnn of elalma aDd debt* of all klndi, the prepar- lUen of igieamtBti and other lagal papen. I'ti JOHN e. BOTV, A< M., BL D., B. C. L., COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, HOBFHINE HABIT. » No pay tiU eared. Ten 8 years oitabllsbed, 1,000 v oared. State eaaa. or. * Marsh, Qnlncy, Mlah. a iWMMMTBs Warld Watch atatiaaery TMIvL Pacliaae la the fuuaiaalUng article I. ■ MBHr tbo naraaL—Coniaina llf abwta aou ■ Paper ■HEnnlop..,Peacll, P.a Bolder, Fn, and a hudHmo piece of Jewelry. Baiall price 25 eenu. Fonrdoien forBS'OO. A walch(«araatee« wllberery roDrdeioB yon order. PorSftCenia laoneortwoi aample nacki Oold Pbted. Watch Chain, Quid PlaiMl Ring aad elegani Reglatar larieamoonta. 49Fai.lllnitiaiedCaU]ogaeof Onna. 8elf<ocklDg EavolTere, Telawipea, Bpy OlaaaM. Walcnu, AceordMua, Tlollna, Or- frM. Wrileatoncolo world Maaanietnrlas Co., laanpea. Spy Olaaaea. NfltlCE 4>i« f n V9Aperday at hone. Samplee worth |lfna.~ 9310 V^fAddreii SruKa * Co., Poitlaod, lU I. FABO CHECKS Both In Ivory and Cempre M sd iToty. Wa keep the laisMt Btoek and the greatest variety to be fonnd. We make a speeialty of engrnTlnK private datliing on Cheeks, Send for piloes. MASON * 00.. Ohleago. SPORTING. THE GOLLENDER BILLIARD AIIO POOL TABLES Principal Warerooms, 768 Broadwaj, New York. BrsDeb Wsienomi; Bt. hOVm, USoetb tth ilnet. OHIOAOO. 8« and H BUU itit BOSTON, Ml Tienont abeet PHIIJUtUFBUrilS BonlhMk itiett. BAUnMOBa a^. BalUaers itreet. "JOHN CRBABAM of tbe OoDllDeDlal Ilolel. Fhlladel.hia, baj darlaed a maeh-aeedad appUane* for redudng the nolte Id rooma, ud a patent bae been gnated him for IL Almost erery player who hta oenaldanUaB far atbeis will recall how mocli be baa beenisade tarairarlBoona* October 6. THE "BOCAKDUS" DOUBLE-BARRELED SHOT-GUN BREECH-LOADING^K ReUI Price $20.00. OUR PRICE $12.60. kawaaalM. It t«.«ll {km ^mtmwmImr^ " Mi «b«B ilMil lai*.Irv.f a*^^ ■a?'**^f*>'- ika wm b. eM at Ikb kw pilaa. p a n Mbya.ya.w —J J l .WIW f ,t f ■««. e.«ud eu b.w.«ria«a M««l«kly ■.. aMta •rr«Hl.r««s« The " BoBsrdua" •>'r'J^'''J'^* ".T^t*^ ...1 •orklaf part. ar« «ae huem.4 ud blMe. II mm Sam .r baaaur.ll> aillibid *m4 ■aiaiii MM, mm* lu a." 'Otklai pai Pu«Sban.,ulUant1M wittu .MaUkak.ll «)Kt.r,ea.kUBf lb. .1 'agnnardua '* ta I* aa« H bar., w.nbl IH u S aiiili Lntlk oi B«nl IS U M U.bM brnii .kaSMn.. Ml .»TT m to bua-a..! u< wamaM nmolf u n>n ». l i< f m—ti n/mtdi*. Tuir u. f.nil 5aKU>r« ■■TOO. (K wk.w w.u. S.I. lf«M,aMIbufw.ciaDM b. pranndtacft(Amfbaa ■«.lMrel««toSi&ef, aaiautbiu. Ia.ul.klr duutedllutprtc.. bBll..r<«ruloln>aK.M..r law ■nalaar.rr tcwa iMt tOkc*.1 u a«1y w.auk.Ik. foll.wlac oSal to w .a.Mil.f m f^a.k >la.» » Mil tk. g»ll«wlwj .panlOT t.loM .titf en wllb cn.l n^lf. The ' B«nl IS U M U>bM BimiBtm't tbk ba<4 . Tbrj M* r.r«1a]Md H.lrwl froB Ovr1~'*rttU cub, r«at OOn Ur4ir .r BMk Pnll, «r GmM. m. ml •mi clabnlod u to ilkal .b..., '^AJtBAM OarmlplM I.UCo.p.BM. tU.OOcub, r ^VWr Vlwa airM to Mf t.uyput.flba jj.lud BliU. '■■oM^Brdua" doubt* ttsrrslsd Briteob-lpadliia B^ot Ounsu (to.n' ■UMdTewil. Ik. rM.tfWd .bmbi mtmmmmy on or tMrfOrelleO* lata tB««r MfwUr niHlloi U TUa Mr ilnra. wa la u CM. will w. . (brlMa Uk4SI. uIm. I M,M4ta..«u. win w. akl» la.r. tk-B BW. c.a U. I.wb WTl1Ug*f.rl.l. tkMSaa.SC 2 $7.60. .b.*., fvnimi lb. or.l«r to la wIl.Ul to pinkMB v. Uik Oa^a to kaM(b> w Hal I. liKB ralwrw aalM. OUR COHI'IDtNCE la<h.fMiaMHBr1toBf Iktoaaatoaafnu «<. toUliwaMd u .wwa V bMUc. It wuTb«U . a.M. «f tkarwakr pcle., tm4 w. Stab. I. wik. aaiSa.ilkiiii IVmi . Inwa 0Br'.n>t,VBVlr jcm eaa halp m' U UliwiM. Uto O.a I. raar fitoa* w.Mdl' artioa It a rwl brar. Annpn 4t niirr if ra.iM.Mikiai4ig.iMiit.«»MM.waji«« UnUCII HI Uni«t, •ittik.Oo.,w.wiiinru«ib.BM«r»Mc.. BPICIAL CATALOOUt. w. MM IkM ow r.11 Oaulatws WapMlal BaBsals. U lalMfli« pvckBaaiw ml Flra-na II (ttM aMcUl tm&a la tlirm, B.- ..iTBi., e.aa. Ac, wkkk w. aMk>r Butfaelu. mr aBalr.). SalM Sim. Ikill.. tScta paid M .. St.SS..r isei ■ a l aa.l.t Tsoto, MM^toi., ti.sefWHl. Brad mmmmj ky rrgtrntmrm* lottar,r.O. MS*, .r kua eaaft at owr rlab■ If r*. ..tb ..ic- D U aefdoat (ksl ■ targaitt U ^Arad i» Ftrt Amu m» the aitow aaad* »|f (M, CHIOAOO FIBE ABMS CO. Owr readers aKoiaU towaed<at«(v (ak. ada wn foge ofU, SGOnBRQCH UUDiffi SHOT 601 And BIFLB Combined. PATENTED 18T8.—^IHPBSTXD 1888. SHOOTS FIVE nUEs'wnH ONE LOADINB. A Special lAnUe* Offer to tha»n <)C a*ad«r» of tAta faper, Only, ^g.ZO i Bsamuui FBioE, •xe.oo. HI LT Cr W IN THX WOBLD WlilOB OAK BE MADED IMATANTLT On ALTER- kT EITHEK BMOT OU BAIXA. TBE aOOTT OOMBK^ED SHOT (BUN ANW ListbelnTenUoBotaneniertaod Biaatar meebaale. who baa mailaUiepeffectlanof fLn-armaa r bamli of thla ilO»T WON BEBipDL rtttE-ARM are ao BMEa^SSly ^^Sf^d^d that It can b. UFdaaBBBWTBlIM or lUELE BliilJLTANEODSLYri^ltbSrnD a ^^.^ , r- «S.*ft'NEI> lilFLC and BBOT J no lljperlor. To sum tlia matter np In a few woida. WE WARUANT IT TO BE HOT »l.l_PEBjrBC!^Bf_ALI._V.CT>a^ THB_cnlAPEBT AND BEST oc" EVER iCiZB BeroBBTiiE BraKTiNo p' th * — aida.WI CIIBAF i ertar to 8PBEBILT Introdoca thla WOKDEBFUL , " • iUa BFBdAL REDUCTION, and U MITEU OPi au'ifnRK?a{^%o!t£'Sat<!i\i%'&^l, Ve 'PER to the readen of thla ivaper. What vo will thla paper, u aboTod dcwrlbed with ft.1<G!L?%IJi£'S<>!ll>*'*fi■"■'•■iboz BBd ablp tbe kOOTT SDN _ ^uINO IKRRimBNTand a box BHOT OAKTRnOEB FBBK toany addreu'la'tha OMTED BTATB or C«Ar«^pwTldlMToaOi:T THIB ADTERTIBRVEN? OOTud ntnretoniwilliyonr «MMorbefor*JANl)AJlV tat. 18B4, Ornponrrcelptor (MtoahowgoodfallblnorderlngaodIo Jfr53i'S!SS^!S!i'i?''' '?'''..'?i??L' i?- ^ '°r V>h ^'"'^ to.eiamlie aamOi^KO lEAiW^SPf^^^V •">* 'rttb C. O. D, ordeiB nnleaapald for titra. wll^ EtCa AOVERneEHENT, hence require yoo to CUTIT OUT and neat to na a™ "Swwjnmaet omelTea frampeieoaa ordering la large Bonbeiw at thla IRXDUCXD raiCK. OKPER NOW and aecue ooa of tSm MARTELOOB OiniB before It la too late, after JAItUART iBt, price will bo tlS.O0 EAOII. Nothlngnlaed byoornepoB- dance aa erery point la tolly deanlDed. bealdn wowat^ L|0 rant each gen to bolaataj Tvpnaentad or BO ale. Ini R^onlerlBgatata BOBE yoo wtah Shot-Bairel, when not rwgl.en we aendMcdlnmalie. Moaey eaabeaeaitbylttc.' |t|uteTed Lettar, Foot Ofllco Honey Order, or by Draft or Check made payable to na. If yoo hare frlenda In Kew M. j-;^ pB n iV, X.W only and ONE «DN BO «rr IT OUT. Addreen or oaU on tlw IHAYDEW PIRE'ARWS CO., Ho.- 6ei Broadwy, Hew York Pit r tm FARO-gENO MASON A CO., 84 Dearborn St., Chloago, III. M BBttflmtnTBTB of a ftill lino of Club Boom Furnitiire, hnTs8l%0hs(k%lMMliB, Ia%r8sl,El«k BsU sal BflailsOsM Amd •vBrytkUc «B«d \f BpMtiBK Masnfiujtniliig onr own ooods wo are enabled to offer a BBTTTKB ABTIOLE, and at LOWKB FIODRES, than an7 honoe In the trade, M>ao aen Oun Pnea Uar. itr wa ISBB m wm n miARD BILUARD-TABIE COMPANY, MAzrO'A.onrvREixts of UITISTIC ULUARB AND POOL TABLES. BOLB owmiia or thb mw add woNDKirDL («impbriaij cushion," qrss BBOAi>WA.-r, Tuvrw xork. i»iit« HOW TO Wni IT CiBW, DICE, to. ■BmMofakaaaa.^ae.dratmymkm. bath^mlar. A44r«M,arealIlB>eK _ ▼ 8l,SewT«ak0lt» if giB wnUAM mDAM, A «i aa it la hii latter, bli Inrenllon, deaplte Ita amoilBg alapUelt/, la •ometbtBt we ntrer befoi* beard of or saw. Oreaban eoneelred tbe Idea beeana. be bad fblled lo get tbe thing Itaelf, or nbslltBU fori, from tbe billiard mannfletoren. He baa decided to Az tbe pries at onedoUar a doMn."-NEW TORE OUPFBR. »nesw COLUMBIA BICYCLES. nouands la dsllr us by destsa, lawrn mtnlitsn, editors, BwrebSBta, sts., sts. mm Is. (tunp for ilwaaUr lUsftistsd 81-MS estalcgne to THB POPE M'F'O CO., aUlTH, ITIEmTI AID MUSCIL ■7 Ball, fiepBld,BB, DUMIBEU AID OLVMWIMBK'a iiAin;AM mi sii.fctm OOBTUn BAIIDBOOK OP NliM TUATIII OR mOTICAl TRAINIMI ibr laulaB, Wslklsc lowlaB, BszlBdsts.i^^,ipB. HANnAL OP SPORtlNBflUUS to Is aad sat dssr systtSiF. MM. OARSMAN, r<w9krta. wlllieadtoaar addreua pamphlM SuaTlbatVlU eoahl. anyon.«» *»"'»f £2,"^ Ij and atraBgtbaB ereir inuade of tbeSody. Br U«»t aame nias I hare dereloped mjm In anSrVwaTtbat » rs»» "W.^JEEif!} hidglirbare pninoonoed mt tbabaal-dereUipjJ m« In tbi »BBttT. »2^'aL'';"j"|«g greateat baBd lUl reocrd Ib tb* UT DoandaoraoUdlron. Mr'S^li"* ""'"t^Irr S&'wjs-ijfwwis;- •^-'-^^'^t&r.mwa^ ».lt* OysaslsMi BpitBgStu. luia bar-room' PICTURES. JUST PVBUBHKD. I A •plandld cbnmo-UtkogTBpb ol ] JOHH Ib. BDULTVAH, Cbamploa of Anerlea, la Igbtlng attl- tad% IBU l«Bftb, wltb raeord. 8U* ITiIl iB. Fries fl eaeb, prepaid by malL Alio ipltBdll chrome-Utbogrspb of PADDT UVAMj Bi-ebamploB of AaierlA Sua* ilae aadityle. Fr<ee8L Alio the following renowned pagU- lata, flaae ilia, ttyls aad prl ee: J.O. BBBNAM, JOBNNTDWTZB, TOMBATBM, JAMBaBACK, NATLAMaBlll. TON FADDOCK, ABTB0ROHAinBiia,SBd BILLT KDWARDS, Oolaied Priala. alio KilA Se. aaeb. Flist Bleod, PIrat KaoeidowB and | ObamploaBlajigee. A HAIirOP 00014 Be. nQHTINQ FIO FAFBaadDOOOUB, irxn,ssa. TBXBDLT-TBBRIBB, MAJOR Bit-MillB< tesna. BIM, MiUln. Frt e MI.Bu WBBnilninB Fir. OU-lbsMoatd dof-Bgbtlng ieene.. Blu,UA FrleviL UFERIAL raOTOOBAFBA Jlauay Bniett, J, U SalUran, 1%g WUaea, Jee Oebara. Id. Friee, Mb MentSMT, BUI ISTee, Beitert Blade, Jim Haae, Heeaaa, Baysn aad Tsaket 1 ^ BalllraB. Prls»ISe.eaiberUfor8L ,,B.BBBibr aUBpslakas la eaaa aad twos. Bameanr^labosld be aaw ' r.akartsreriSflstersdlstMrreriaAtr. Addnss EDe JAHES * CO., PaMlAen, .s«w ■aadlOOismsM..>«rVsrt(W.