New York Clipper (Apr 1856)

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'ifiS^^ i^i <owaidB the mld^e. >^^(^%ht)Mr, tt7A ufleot foeman ab- . <n|tijr<n°o'>'>tere<i. Thejeyedcna ' r tiia^er for a moment, withont mov- .iiig';t-/4Uis, when the j[oiingeBt, a jwi^i)iltffioaDtalneei,ljiaIong . 'j^niti'iBTloe hU shirt opened i;:cb^:Mi^,i<i''ttx, :i\tth7iag, on -^^(itlM ie^ moTement, a brawny cheat, Iff^iWt'Thuhalij enoDgh fora tronk, ^ giowliif iafiier Inpatient,-said In a : ^^^^pl(\j|Dider-tone,'that~a listener ] \; .ji(Snia-las4: Jat Ldcwn for the- ex-^ ttinie'of pollteneBB., ^ ; ^'You'll lave the wan, Johnny Evinat'' _^ '■ To whIoh olVil request oame reply. In a tone einally : V,' " Not at your blddln', If you stand where you are till i^^/iext fair day, Mat-Dolan." i ?f;j,-, ,.','Tou,knpw well I aoaI4 fling J9U,n«)K.andheeb7Jn' ;) l','to'^tt.gptta^ jn onVmlnute, Jphn^^ isi Is'l.TpJinpigilil^^ call^djj(,U«<tity.^-i|i« V!f{^'^wiie, b^ntli t^e ivfo empty hands (onld do all that, :^,«aV|per Bz help, 'atAr," retorted Dolan, thra|tlii| two huge paws from under blflooat. ■• ■•v.' In the name o'heayen, tbln, thij It," said ,1 I't^Dg the alpeent he had np to this time, been" l.dtQg onrlooily, roof of the oottage ij^^A'tiitj ):.|/>qt96d; adding,,"here's ayalr of fiata, with Wilittlfl In j^'ijlthpn^aa your,own r' ■ . M e">i?^'.''..'Mi' *i'^**r»8 ''y own ban, jlj^pny Etani Lrnob, wt.lj*IU. ltott«WB,lT81b(. dp^W bF,.THE RA.OE BOAT a«btfti,i8eibi. wd,Do|^, pointing with a sneer ionie,' on the opposite side of thr ollae [UDdied yd ' look ^ i^^ijinlUed, lot «ai Dolani li:al ;^^' l6weT down i" the peelers wbalj_ itr.M/^ s^a black orangeman/^llkf .^ii .i^^owQ town, nn^er their noi^s, by ohi ^t..j^^^piltho,.wayl" .. " tms^sralBonln that, any way, Hatty," replied V glan(^'in the direction Indicated. " It's noji :ll|Mii; p I ihba VaVs paid by «iii^i{iif«it to keep tlb^eace^onli' Miv'ltand by and see lt)nfa(^f:,by papist.oti'd|| ■" ^>»tt»\n ■^jm 5 U your'iiiiwWer hot for bj^whloh I think, to scf troth, 11' has long been ionst to Hell-kettle wld me, and In tbi llgit ^ lltidom3'llflghtUont'wIdyon,toetotoe; J Wntwth'be the *l«let «ifter, which over's ])ate." ii;^?,-.:jy.Tl(p'B my,^^ that, at a.yojdf Johnny,"i crUJ >{,jj,i^Iu,,enlt^ action to th^ wQiSr^and the hands of ; j.,^tp]lof 8 ciasp»yreely ud fra^ ''Bui are we ft be only ourselves, do ye mane f" in- ;-.^iniM^yatlhew... ;ii'?Vu,(^AJiA.tnnir,ytDO," answered Evans;." we conldi^tplok )ik * frlsnl.catof.any tint above, withont raisin a^olaba- V\loo the.dli>j|l wouldn't quiet wlthont blows, Serj, apw, u*! ■ J"™' <be.hed(^e^^^to :;-5^^^r/lao«ti?eimcBdo.w, and-.cnt ietOHthel|lU|.^ >aitlj«ai'W ttllUutt*. Hoiy-well, Into the road, when'yp^'lltf eet ne; dIvIU Sonl:eIs^iflU yon meet lh|t [o-nlgbt'; an^ I want to oall at homVfor the tool'' ' "'' " Keep the wall," cried i)oliB, as Enn; stepped aside, springing himself at thejteme^fM^i|d|t^e road, ankle deep Inmu*.| f'I'll waK^r y>tt' at !tteT»rldge, on the ffoly-wo^.'gUn wad/^ • L auUiwjl^jtiftVr, leading ^ ^^'ibf^g&utletttrodj^M^^ jvuwiM of the^falr, amidst cnwd^ ed the ill-u(ooidIng sonndi of tfi^ bagpipe and fl Ai^Kld the lond %hoo I of the jij;^d«ncen> as they b^a|i,Wl( tlve feel) the tempfrary floor, that rattled with tMli tread. 6obnny made short greeting with then oft^ls' she enconntered, and on entering bis hoa|e) plnck-' oonple.of black, bnilness-litte' looking illoka from the chimney, hefted them csTcftilly,' and i^ediRired them together with on eye as plrlct as ever.galltnt ^ibillM- pier with, tut, satisfied of their equally, he putW^wp- ooat over his shoulders, and departing bj th^bapnlflbr, rapidly cleared tWo or thresltiiull gatidiidfl, ni^^t onoe for thsields. .As bolanl'^ppe^-lrcmthe hlj^ talt Into the lane near the bridgaon^ B'<l<t^eil| ((jKp'^d.the ga(e oppoalb^,^* ', Tou've loit no tlme.jftgs,'' obnmS Uatthew, as thiAr di«w together, shdttjln to sbonMer, stalking tap J on. ^-v."'] - •■rd bin vexed to keep yon wsltln'thistlnie/si^y Hif," replied Johnny—and few dtber woidi passfed. Jnlfbeyondthebridgcthey left the ttfad togeiihei'^ i4 moontlng the oonree of the ttttle^stream, In a f«w lutei were shut' but tbbm the poesIUUtj of observance a%ltdnanow glen, at whia^head ifua water-iiill of ' e eighteen feel. Tbe pool.whlob received this little ie wuMBftedlng deep, and hBvliigbiit'one narroif et, betw^Bxwo huge stones, the peat waterp were dronnd and'ronnd, boiling and chaflng for nletsej -.ei^ce tl)p not nnitoelld name of ffeli-kbttlS,' given is spot. The ground Immediately aboiit'ltw^.wild, of and stony, end In no wsiy derogated'from tblffMl^ Al«Vle..' ■ - J uSimt the fall If > little plafond ctlevelef some twenty dare, th.e place deslgnel by Eratia for the battler Arrlr^ here, the ptitlei halted; and u Dolan a little of the pnre stream In bis bsnd to bis llp(, Bvans east bis oMi ud visst on the gro^stonei close hf, and pulllpg,£lB^shlrt o ver bis h^ad, stood arm' ed ;rpr the flght,^Ayy or to tall.a man ois hta an- tagonist Dolan, bat wUy^.as a terrier, and bavlDg, In' aglllty and training, advantages that more than.talanced the dl{rers«t$t;(if weight and age. •' ' - i ; 'I'vebeeiftifnkln* Jobnoy Evans," cried D.olsn, as he leisurely stripped in'tum, " ^e mukt have tv^o! th'rys after aU,to.shbw who's the bs^t man;'yba*|re'gpi your alpeene, wld you, I see, and I'm not the boy lb say no to' thli^1>nt I expect you'll ba' the best.ind o' the stick, for Its w«^ known, there^'s pot y^ur match In WicUow if there Is In Weilord ItielCt' ' That day's past, l|atty Dolan," replied Evade 'I It's five years since yon and me flrsthad words, at the Fat-' tem o' the Seven-obiDcheS, and that was the last strokel I strnck with a stick. Thert's eight years betbne btliv 'Irltb the bwoier, on« wlObw Ddfloirisa, or• "iiUn-^ age^nd you're the heavier man by two stone or n'Sir it, what more'ad yez bave, man a1Iv|| P' bb, never fear nej Johnny, we'll heVer s|)11t, about trlOes," quietly replied Dolan; ".but, see'he'te, let's dress one. anotI)er, OS ijiey. do potatbe's) both ways..' Btand fiaIrljr i)p to,me, for bal/a dozen rounds, fist to flst, and I'll honldlhe^alpeen till you're tired, afterld." ' " Why, look ye here, Hatty, yon worked over long on George's Qoay, and were over friendly with the great boxer, lOste^ Donolaa, for me to be able (oif jtt wld the flsi^" cried E^w.. '|!,Bnt We'tl sptlt.'the illfrerence; I'U j^ye you a qn^r of.on hou. oqt o^. pie w|d the fists, and ybn'U give ms the saDB^tlme, If I'm able, with the at- pean after; and we'|11^^0|s head or.harp, wUoh comes flist." Evans tnrned'd copiler flat on the back of bis hand, u he ended hii prppcssl^aild in' the Bam««momint polan cried, ■- "Harp7or ever." '" Harp It le," eehbed Evans; holding (lie ^o^ln^ np in the fflopn's.,i:ay, l^b.toh shone .cut but' fl'tfaliyiisdark clo9dlp.|(ifpt slowly passing over her opld litoe. . ^ In the next moment they wefe toe to totflo the cen- teriftttlib^llttVe plalnj both looking 'dstemined andcon' Mttt i thougb ad ioitlear wonll hivt kt bnoe detdded ik-.fcvotoftiolan'*^. . '" f ' m To deiwilbe the AififlibatllUdly wbald be 'iioo jaif on olEiIi, infBoo it, that §1 iStagh Jehnny's aglllty gird hlmtl falle, yi hitting am the thing .hollo rodii|i|te(ti'Evant (uepKai swa!' wine liistei Doloa cai the pool and by tho batfuL '' Look at my watch,!' wal Joho- ny's first word, on gttolog breath. " I can't (ell. the.Ui^ byJ|Fat«h," cried Dftltn, a UfUe sh^pldi " Give it her«i oaii," cHe^ Joha> ny, adding, ai he^ robbtd his left eye, the other being 'Alt ]C|h«4; " by the Boyne».thIi if thi.loB|Mk qaorterpf on houft^ ever kn«tr-^k wan|B three minniss y« V'^lid u hft Bpoke, again be:rbM.o^:bBfcrehIa man, • -iST "Sit still, Johhny,'^ exelalati three minutes, any.hoi^ "Well, tbask yKfo^tfu|lt" layi Johnny i V I- wJd»I"^"""^' retotn tbe.'oonpl bat,byfikiOoDagh{ .tie oonoalt>l(ft In. Wllhlta five'nidai the well-seasoned; brought with bUif, tHoM lioiiest til lowijigala atoAir.front tofibst, anA Blthodgb'Eviuis had-lost ttx^ «(tli« elasticity cfcarriagej wUeVkad sTtt' been hli'ch'araoteriitl9 Wh«itked> pe»n was lii bU hand uS-tte sh^d* rock under b)f«)*« tlblTpul j jUhe^ih-'lii^ lelt-'eye'vu'ieloMdi and the wBble of thM ild^ of Vi ^hyil«gtto1ny wu!<|lifll«a1ii^ dli- figured tUttngh MflMllng^ htd I " ' —— received it the hands tfTlVlAnfi^ ': opposed him, to all appeatanoe,lteBh'u at flnt/^et ww blscoafldei^oeli^blmselfui;yit|ik>n,. aa In the twlnkll of his Hght eye; a close bWnet'ihigbthave read ain^ anticipation'of the victory a ooatekt of Ore mliiuteB gave to him; for It was ftitl thsif time before Jobnnj^Jlrook ft geitl-WIll bW, and when 11 took'eff()ot,ascoondw«iim* called-fbr. The point of the'itlok M 'esiiiOiDolia fairly on the right temple, uid liil^it opiitt thriAols.of the fitee down to the chlb, as \tim by a^1>re"«trak«t fblleia him senseless. ' ' ' "' '• " After some Btiempts at recalling hIi %ntii|talst to perception by tbd b^ook'Slde witlfctet ta<Mess,'Etans b«r gan to feel a Uttle°^allumed for ble^Ufe, and hoiitlaglilji' onbli back,'reltfued Us steps to ike .'vlUig^^^Mtt^ ; evier halting t^ the way, an'dbore his InsedtfbMdwa ■ )nto the first house he came tb, where, ii^iM4 ArvU.woaU btVeit, a risltr of Dolui's was d:tlni;;^til;'i^^ goiUc Vtay.'' ■ ■ ' 1;'^ ' ■ ' V'.' " ' '' God save sU here,'' kald Johnby, orosslttg the floor wlthbnt cerembnjri and depbilitng Hat oil thi Mdpw't Md.'" Wid'y, by your Uve.'Iet Hat Dolan lie 4U'«t ktft a blti'tlU I run down town for thb doetoi'.'' ■ • " {' , "Dolant" screamed the sister and the wldov/la'R breath, "Hat, Is'lt HatD'biufthai'i'ly^niiloctpieljii^^ and I bis own sister, not to know he'wasin tnabltl" . Lcud and long-were the lafflentaUonithatioUowli tills nnlnoky dlsooveiy. The sUter nillM IMiatlcly ofk to the middle of the toad, bcmmlbk aiid'OBUlBk ontU frleildsofDolao,tokeveagehti'matder'on Evans the oTongemen'that'bad decoyed «h'd slalo hlAt' words pasted Iran Up to Up, Booti rekoUng dot's < heart oftbe fhir, where ffloft'of the pottles w«f^ this time coln'd for ony tblogi'< "JohnnyEvans," criedUbs widow : made In'fltw words the story knowti to bet^ this Is no place fbr you now I the wb^K wjll be op here Inrilnnte, *ndyoa'ljl*fflUsd : dog; on ttie j^anj^^EBnrld yon, bbA d^ra to the honle wUlilHhecoMVs blear,'', ■,'-;1:,^^^^^^^ -, ■• . ' .'ri)lbeit,maybe,''oried5y»BSfra9d PU »en« th|9 docte; op,fe qBloker-bittalnd, -fMov/- If^ ^t boj, ■ 'fpa.e«:li*>ii;!ii«»