New York Clipper (Apr 1856)

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NEW YORK CLIPPER. i<llf iTiC S. Om*b StMmm CO BAIL. tit H»Ti« tU Otwf." if M. .AiH«."II»r3. pUUiIphU, r«r UMil»»l,:!'alirorByIUmo»,» Htr ». ||««T*Hiror<MlAi 23. 'fliABB Nauokal Beoatta.— At a mtetiog of th» UiM Clt7.B«g*<t*^'<'^> ''*^<' ^^^^7 eTenioglut, [^TMohed (0 mtkt the neoeasMX wrangenents for fdnittd Natlpnsl Begatts, to be glren on the waters of far^Tork, OB Mondir. the 2Sl6f May. With the llf of aeoarlng the co-eperatloD of the oltlceu gesei- ]y to tUi movement, It is oontemplateil to give a grand ^t> at the Broadiraj Taberaaole, on the 10th of [tf.j In this, way, the Neir York pabUo, who shonll ^ allvoly lotereat In the Regatta In qaestlon, will pn iu> opportunity ofoontrlbnttng tbelr mite towards ^BOiiMsary ezpenaes of said National Begatta. It is nnamed that Clabs ttom tha prinolpal oities la the jglfa.wlU take part la thefrlendl/ contest, for wbloh, findentand. seTeral. boats are now being ezpreaely Hilt Ihesaooeibfal Issue of the great Btgatta, glren fj the " Empire^ last fall, In ilia rlolnlty, is anffident ,urintee that something grand may be ezpeoted In a Irid^'ic^ affairs'nnder their direction. In order to giro ^ greater «ef(<< to the propoaad Aqnatio Carniral, it J^Lrtif. to be hoped that the au thorities^«4rjKew York i|it|^4t their oonntenanae and soppofti^^at say tvlHttidC) In the " Two Boards r ' Vftii'tUf assist in BiUog this Regatta ereditabl(^tot'j|he great Empire {^"i ■ We hope onr ootemporaReCwill also take the BiMt In hand, and lend their: might/ inflaenoe in •rtffliiftonthebaU." '- r a. BoBERT L, Stevens.— Mr. ^, L. Bte- raiii weU'known as the modeller of the oelebrated nsht Harla, end other ressela, dlM-a|,his reaidenee In Hobeken, on Sunday last, the 20(b4i:In,ft||.68th year of . 'FBOonigs or Tacht Atm ^Air Bpiz.Dmo.—Bnilders eirally are pretty bnsy thrftoig&CRit the different oi- , and we may natarally ezpecCw see some beautlfal neeln'enB of workmanship. It Oreenpoint, Mr. Geo. f. Friend, who hM tu|sted in the laying down of the Steamers' Vandtgrbllt, Niagara.;and Adrlatio, for Mr. Blaers, Is balldlng a yaeht of the foUowlDg dimensions, til: length on deok, Sfift. 61n.; lieam, lOft. din.; depth, ifeet. The model of this yaobt, wbioh is now In onr c£oe, is Indeed beantlfnl, and. lf followed oat, the yaoht BnutVpfoTO a skimmer of the waters. So confident b Hr. I\ of her sailing qaalltles, that be gnaranttes to forfeit $200 if she does not beat any yaoht of her ton- DMe. This yaoht will be for lale as soon as oompleted, ud those in want of euoh a veesel may learn all parti- colars hr applying to Mr. F., at the foot of F.itreet, Oreenpoint. In Buffalo, Messrs. Beok& Johns hsTO built for Ur. J. d. Lake, of that place, a yeeht of 26 feet la length, 10 feet beam, 2 feet 6 Inohes deep, sloop rigged, &o,, and Thich will be ready for sailing In a week or two. The iane^firm baTo also bnllt for Mr. lake a 10-foot boat. This gentleman takes a neat Interest in aqaatlo sports, ,anl fla boats are generally of a " fait" oharr. jter. Id Chicago, slaoe the pnrchaae of the Lady Patman byaOlnb or that olty, another Clnb has been formed, and they JiaTO made a oontraot with Mr. Patohell, of East Boston, to balld them a 8&-feet race boat, In no re- 2let inferior to the I. P. She is to be flolsbed about I ISth of May, and as there are these in both Clnbs who will spare no expeose on their boats, we may look Ibr some fast rowing ey the " ()hieB2o boys" before the ssison is over. Who will carry the broom on Lake Michigan 1 Mais or Eairr ron Balk.— We understand that the well-known raoe boat, " Maid of Erin," of Boston, Is offered for sale by her present owners. This Is the boat that oontested in a match raoe with the St. John boatt'Snperlor, In September last. Terms, &o., oan be iMToed of Mr. James Hart, 210 North-street, or En- gtne.O'Nell, 5 Wendell-street. Boston, Mass. A^TTATica AT South . BosToir.—A correspondent Mia .us the . following respeoting operations In the boating world of South'Boston: "Some eight or ten new boats have been built the piet winter, and it is expected that a general contest vill take plaoe some time in Jnly. There Is a part of this place oalled 'Bay Ylew,* and a Clnb is about or- erg&nixiDg, to be called the <Bay Ylew Yacht Olnb;' tm have a beantlfnl yacht nearlv ready for lanncblng, tcM called the ' Bay Ylew Belleshe was modelled and . bnllt by J. W, Florae, and reflects credit on his skill. If good looks and a good model have anything to do with sullng, she will be a hard one to beat. We are all gettloB ready, and expect a fine time the eoming sanmer. The yaohts Nettle, Macduff and Banthee have changed owners since lost year, and we.expect to see thtseboata do something, as uelr owMia are'determlned to keep np the reputation they baverwon. It la hoped, dfo, tnat the Beomit will figure some among the ten-ton beau."- FinsT iw TBI Field.— Our friends et the " Omaoatl Olab" were out on the Ifilh, In their old boat, "Wave." They were la fUl anirorm. and took a row np the North River as &r u <• Strykar*! Bay," retnrnlag abont nine o'clock the same evenlDg. TUs, we bellcTe, Is the flrat ezonrklpn of the season, and right well was it enjoyed. The " Offltoail's" have a besutUU uniform, and in their barge made n handiome appearance. PEDEllTBI&llISH. Orriowow Airs LoaiH.—Thise Ohteago men have not yet come any arrangeuent for a second race that we are aware of. The followlDg correspondence has passed be- tween them on the subject: To PaoriMoa Orrianoir.—Having understood yon are dlaaatlsfled with tbe result of onr late eonteat, I beg leave to say I will mn yon within two weeks the same raoe of fifteen times around the circle—or lees or more, at your option, for (Se or 910O; yon to choose one judge, myself one, and they the third. Should you think proper ition I will deposit the stakes with to accept this pro L. J. North & Co., of North's Amphitheatre. Tours truly, Jamis Looan. To Ma. Jahks Loqaw.— On perusing the Democratic Press of this morning I observed your challenge di- reeted to me—vlt: to mn round theclrcle of the Amphi- theatre fifteen times or more or less, at my option, for a wager of $60 or $100. Being an expsrlecoed runner, I presume y;n are aware of the disadvantage a runner of my gait has In going ronnd a small circle, and as the only correct war to decide on superiority is to run upon level ground In a straight line; in this way I will aooept your offer, for two hundred dollars, to run a quarter of a mile. The time, as ahio the plaoe, to be selected as you have aaggested. Yours reapeotftilly, H. G. OrrioNON. To PaorBSson Oma>oir,—I see by voar card you do not see proper to aooept of my proposition to run me again around the circle of the Amphitheater, but offer to run me a straight quarter of a mile for 9200, which I beg respectfully to decline at present, but will meet yon half way. That la, I will run yon one third of a mile, say fourteen times around the olrole of the Amphithea- tre, for 9100 a sld^ and cne-tbitd of a mile on a straight road for $100 a side, both play or pay. Ohdoslng of judges and time as In my first propoiiUon. ' Youra truly, James Loqaw. P. S.—Should a quarter mile race suit yon better I win accommodate yon. We have not received OtUgnon's roplv to this lest commnnloation, but prceume that he will not agree to run In the Circus a^aln, as his opponent has an ad- vantage over him, he, Oltlgnon, making long strides, while Logan takes abort steps, by whioh he is enabled to turn to better advantage. Thomas Wood, of East Cambridge, will -run Joe Travis, 8 or 3 miles, for $260 a aide.. Man and money ready at Adams Billiard Hall, Cambridge street. J. 0. Gllliway, of Boston, having understood that Jim Graham is anxious for a spin of a quarter of a mile, wlU run him tbat dlstanoe for from $0 to $26 a side. An answer tbrcngh the Cufpeb will be attended to. 'T'WoitACCB AT JSiBf'OAMBBiDOB.-On Thursdoy af- ternoon, 24th, a large orowd assembled at the Lechmere House, to witness the pedestrian natohes previously noticed. The day was rainy and the road la a very bad oouditicn. The entries for the first race—8>j miles- were the Boston Buck, John HntohelWn, Qeo. 4lrown, and Joseph Murch; bat owing to some cause, only Buck and Hntcnerson toed the soratoh. [We here wish to state that if Brown and Muroh desire to be supported by tbe public they ahonld run when they allow their names to be pat upon the bills, nnlesr they show soms good exonie.] At the word "go" the Competitors went away at a slashing pace, and were soon out of sight to all the speatators who were on foot. The Buck took the lead ana kept galniog on his opponent, and at the finish Hutcherson waa nearly a quarter of a mile behind. The time occupied was eighteen minutes and thirty seconds. We learn that after this race the Buck was presented with a beautiful set of glass ware, by the Uiuon Glass House Boys, of Bomernlle, for which he returned his thanks. The second race was a half mile dash between James Fcgarty, of East Cambridge, and Bamuel Mo Eeever. the " Reindeer." It was won by tbe former in 2:12. Both of these men are firemen. Orallxroi to Oio, Broww.— As George Brown bos been <• talking" raUnyibua'lhat he could beat me In a running matoo, this Is to Inforh him that I am ready .to make a match with him to run f^om I to 4 miles, for $26 a side. Man and money ready at No. 4 Water street, Wm. Bhbehaiv, Boston, April le. 18S6. The Boston Buck." HALrMii.1 nAcn AT PoETSKovTH, N. H.—A foot race took place onP«t{Snojij4>'Brldge.jOn Jr(day after- noon, lllh Inst^btiwMtttWDyMngiitea'nimel'Bnniiels (a typo) and Bhaimbit—dtitanoeihalf a mile—wUoh was won by the former in 2:11. A urge number of speeta- ^is werepreaent, and every thing passed off satlsttetory. For THcBcMEnTor GaiitsBLU—Some of the Mends of Mr. John Orbdell. In view of the foot that he has ust come forth f^om a bed of stckoess, have tendered ilm a Ball, which will take pUoe at Hermitage' Hall, on Friday evening, 26th Inst, we hope it will be liberally patronised. Scott Ain> trx Bhootiho Stae.—T. A. Scott, who competed a week or two since with Bbootlns Star, in Boston, soys he won the raoe fkirly, and he wlU mn the same race over any time the Star .wlshaf, for $100 ^ aide. r' BroaT ON THxSamrTLKiui—Some lively sport is ex,- peetedon tbe river Schuylkill the ocmLuf seai<bb,'ln tb» way of nleasure barge races. The following are the f. Bimes aM lengths of the barges, together with the ■umber oloara polled by eaeh'one, to wit: )} ■■ L.Uiida, polllag B can..UftsteaSack. 9..Ah)Mitt, 8 oan.,8SfMtond6ok. :m.:Jmf^- ■< e •u*,.40f«stODd<ok. ...4..Illrt - -<i a oani.BtrsttOBdMk. E. .Atrial, . •< Bdan. Strsttondtok. -.C.„a*mllla, " Soan..8<ri«t*Ddiok. T. .fluh, \ - " e ean. ,8e htt on dtsk. 8..Irli, " eoara..40f«*tondiok. ;^ . These boats all belong oa the Schuylkill, nearly every i «ne having a four-cared tender, whlob is used prlnof- ; . :Pally ;n regattas. A new Vender is now being built by ; '.Albertson,.foot of SbaokouaxoB-street, for the .Srlal Boat Clnb, which, we uaderatand. Is to be a handso aSUr; her length to 86 feet, pulling 4 oars. ( A new barge, called tbe Iris, six-oared, 40 feet long, ' and bnllt In new York, la to be added to the list, and is expected to arrive In Philadelphia on Wednesday af- ternoon, whea all the boats were to be cut to receive the atraoger. May sweet success attend them all, say We, Taa AtlantaS" are geUing their fonr-oarad club boat ht readlncM, and the <■ Naisans" of Brooklyn are also <• fixing up" In s^le. These Clubs will soon be cn w waters, to take part In onr aqnatlo spctti. THE BINfl. BuQia that Johnny Maokvy wants to fight me for |B00,1 wIU flgbt UiQ^onthe eondltlons of the first chol- nnge, that la, dz iMPitbs from that time, as I have bad my Dand. sprained, and do not know how soon It will ist welL Any time Johnny Hackey wants to put his n,ODey up I am ready at the hoase he mentioned, vIe., R^pbsSaloon,Ktngstreet, Homlltou. ~ Potter, DandaSfO.w. Jambs Bbown, OiovB Fioht nr Boston-.— On Wednesday evening, (h Inst., at Plymouth Hall, Boston, a Glove Fight icokjlece between John Roberta and James Laverty. Tbe nght occupied some 40 minutes, during which time there was some hard hitting, of which, in cur opinion, Roberts aeemed to have a leetle the beat of It, Lavarty bebg rather slow in his movements, although he is a toogn bit of staff. The conteet would no donbt have continued fbr aome time longer, but the " Chief" and his aids, who were present, would not suffer it tocontlnuei although everything wu conducted In a qnlet and or- derly manner. The set-to gave great satlslactlon to the lovers of tbe " Manly Art," and coDvlnced all present (that this style of Belf-Defenoe should be more extensively 'taught onr young men, loasmnch as It wonldiooado away with the ass of deadly weapcas. Tbat Bbadhto Fiokt.— An old Reading trlead. In whom we have the most implicit conSdeneei doubts tbe truth of the report in our last, from a eorrespoadeat, tbat apriss flght latelr took place In that vidnlty, be- tween u. Wooamfl and Bob flcctt, for MO. and requests names of referee, stakeholders, fto. The said corres- pondent vrlll please see to tUi. ISH by yonr last paper, I am ohaUeond by Mathew Perkins to fight him for $100. AU I litre to say is thii—I am ready to fight this " would-be OhamploD," for $260, and not loss. Man and money ready at the " Brown Jog," ocrner Hudson end Obarltcn street. Jambs D. Gnson. JoHW A, JoBivsoiT,of Bast Abingdon, spya, as Martin Shehan Bcena anxious for a fight, he will give him a chance for $100 or SMO, eny Ume he thloke proper, Man and money ready at the Jack the Barber's salooB, East Abingdon, Mass. PaicB Ans Foas.-Mr. Price writes as follows: " I noticed in your last week's paper a conmunlcatlon firom Barney Ford. whIoh I tbinic a Utile severe; bnt In or- der to oonvliue the pnbUo that It has been no fault of mine that a match has not been mode, I shall have to ex- plain the state of things since the match was first pro- posed. When 1 was first challenged by Mr. Ford, 1 was In Conneotlont. Some, whom •! took for flrienda there, offered to back me for $26 aod $30 each, which would hare been more than the sum reonlrcd; upoa tbeir'-pronlses, I answered Barney's onallenge, out when fmnt to get themoney, those who aeemed so wil- ling toMck me offered to go $6 and $10 only, and, moreover, wanted me to go $60 in the first deposit my- self.. When I saw their Intention, I deterinlnea to go to Boston and state the ease frankly to Baroey; I did aoi and some gentlemen present offered to back me for $100 and the room money. Barney declined, aa he was sick at the tine. Since then, I went to make s match with Barney, and told him that to show I meant fighting, I would fijght him for a new hat, or for $S0, In an boar's notice, or for $200 in six weeks, and was willing to put up $26 forfeit; but he would not fiyht for less than $800 In 8 weeks. Finally, I agreed to It. and we met that night to draw up articles and put up $26 forfeit; but when theartioles were ready, Barney said his back- ers would not make a match'unless I put op $160 for- feit. Ab I could not raise that sum. being a stranger la Boston, I have been obliged to let the metier drop. I think there is as much honor In winning a small stake as a large one. As I have not $S00 to Ight with, I should llbe to have a brnah with tiie gloves with Bar- nev for the amusement of a few prhate friends. My respects to Mr. J. Maokey, and an glad to hear be Is hlnaelf again, hoping he will forbear oballeoging me, ea I have no money; no donbt people will thiak 1 am worth nothing, or somebody would baok me. I don't blame them; I beghi to think so myself." SPiRBINQ. Obvillb Giboncb's Exbibition,— OrvlUe Gardner, better known as " Awful Gardner," la about to make bis appearance In sparring circles again, and will give an Einlbltlon at tbe Shakespeare Hotel, corner of Da- ane and William street, on Monday evening next, April 28th, when bj will appear In sets-to, with some well hnvmrWX&B, As Ur, Gardner Ino Mi -rr" al an. ezhlbltlon for a long time, we have no doubt tbat his friends will crowd the Shakespsare, and give bin an en- thusiastic welcome. Tickets 60 cents. Ws learn also, that Mr. Gardner Intends vlsttlng Fhlladejgbia, Boston, and other cities, oterj saccess. EzBiBinoM BT BoBERTS AND Latebtt,— John Roberts, of CUoago, and James Laverty, of St. Loals, will take a jobt benefit, on Saturday evening, 2Stb Inst;, at Eer- rlgan'a Hall, 22 White street. Ueaars. Robsrts and La- verty, It will be seen elsewhere, had a glove fight In Boston, lately, which .was witnessed by eome of the most respectable cltUena of Boston. We presume they will" flght their battle o'er again," on Saturday evening. EiHiBiTiON or Ncwutx,—Sam Seymour wlU give a Sparring Ezhlbltlon at the Shadee, 172 Broad street, Newark, on the Sth of Hay, when he hopes to aee ble Newark and New York fMenda present, and promises them a treat la the bozlng Une. FinRBKL's Bxirzrir,—Patsy Farrell Intends giving a Sparring Exhibition at Bportsman's Hall, 49 Madison street, on Wednesday nezt, April 80, when he wUl be asslated by the fancy generdly. Tlcketa 26 cents. CRICKET. Tbi epproaohtng season in Orioketing olroles bids fair to be anosnally animated—the New York and St, George's Clubs, of this olty, will open the ball at an early day. Onr filends in Albany are also In the field—the Alba- ny Olab have again selected Ur. W. Looey as their President, and to him all oommnntcatlons for the Olub shonld be addressed. The Matob Committee of (his Club have invited the Utlca Olnb to play tbe conqncN Ing gone between the Olubs, at Albany, In June next. It la also determined tbat tbe reton match with the Pougbkeepsle Clnb. shall be played daring the month of Jane. In Jsly, It is nnderstood tbat matohea will be played at Albany with the Newark Olub, and at Amstsr- dam or Albany with the Amsterdam Olub. With all this work before them, tbe Albany Clnb certainly will not "let the grass grow beneath theb feet." They bava dready conmenoed pntUng their grounds in order. First Matoo or m Suboh.— The first Cricket Match of the season, came off In Bcnth Camden, opposlle Fhiladslphia, on Saturday, April I0Ui, between the Germontown and Delphian Clubs, which resulted la the former Clab being vlctoricuB in one lonlnga Aathla was the first match of the season, and a. good deal of eioltenent on the occasion. It was the meana of bring- ing together a goodly number of playera from all partB offhlladelphla. We alsonotioedaomaofthefidrsez^ who, we Boppose, were anzlons to witness the sport, and who aeemed to CDjoy It very mnob. The following la the score t PBUHIAR CLOa. ilDia. l..Bt«ini et t. wliter b. Iltit IuId| Hwn '. 10 9,.1IaDMab. }onuWlft«r. 0 3, .Ilowla b. fooM Wlit«T.. 0 4, .7of. VUhn etJolusoDb. JoDifWlstsr. 0 {..Oamsb.JoaesWIstn... 0 C.BalaNb.W.B. Wlit«r.. 0 T..KalinoiW.B.WIft«rb. . Hun 0 t. K«ll7b.W.B.WIiUr,.. S t..I>aNib*iTT.b.Hatn.... C ICMIlmrd kUtsn C 11. .Pslnsr, not aal 1 Bna 1 WUaSi ....**..,**..... * e ir« balls 0 SMODd Innligf. Brawn b.Hevball 1 Hanioi, aot *al 1 BaliM,raaoat i Eovi* b. Hsaii B KalIr«t.Oalvat!adirb. 40iatWli(«r. 0 DUludat.b.f. Wlitw. 0 OolUa«t.W. a WIstar b.lban.., S DoNBtoiiT et W, &. WUtwb, Wlit<r... t KabB.i«aoat. ,..1.1.. 0 Jes. nhir b, Umm. •., 1 FaUbMb.U«an I ^^M* ee*ees«.*ie«*e WHi# a s » f I • Si* se < 0 ■ > irekaiii • \ OBBIUIItO^.. i..u;w*.to.ui. ..^a'-i"« 9..JoM«WlBt*rh.0olUt..., 1 8..IUanb.flrowa 31 d. .lf«CaUb.Oolltt 0 I..VevliaIletKahBb.O«llli 10 e. .Potter b. Bran 0 T..W.L.rtihMb. DUliid... S a..r.WIitar,ru oat....... t ntlghUa Olab—fiftt Innlass Do. dOi BtsoDd IbbIii(i. ,,, Total...: 0«nBaat«iro Oleb-IInt faalafi., Dadaot ...11. ...71-.^ Umpire for MfVltaOlBb fir. Bradley. So. ro^a«nu«t<i«s01sb....Br.T««ina<Baelif' Hatch ior SATOBDAr.^i^ orioket match wlU tak« place on Saturday nezt, belvtea-tha Tonng Amsrieui Clubs, OlympUwitlia KenK,, on thelt groondi,, near Mantua Tillage, PhlladelpbS^^- ~ . CAmiTE, OBArpiBS dog Lift, and Buokly's Crlbb, fongkt^ 18tb, at the Chelsea Manor House, for $lob a Lift, refused to scratch, after fighting tS mlnutAspii CriEb waa declared tbe winner. '.■' <.)/,»-' On Saturday evening, 26lh, at HoLanghUn'j,; ISS First Avenae, Molholland's Newcastle dog Bo^nde,^(utl''^ UoUahon's slut Lilly, will have a go for $60 a aide.' ■ James Godley, of Fall River, reqaestaos t» state tfaht,.-. for bis dog Crlbb be will accept of no mem ohMlenaepL bat that he base 231 Iba dog that he edftmotch agauurt any dog of tbe same weight, In AmeriOi; for from $200 to $300 a side. A matoh can be made by addreolBjr James Godley, No. 90, foot of Anavu itteet, FiQ Blver, Mass. I will flght my 27 lb. dog, against the Foil Btver i6g, ■ 27 lbs. for $100 a side—or I will give a poond to th« same dog, ilf the owner will slake $160 to. say $109. This is a chance for the winner of the late n^hlb .t^ KcI^AiroHLni' Ul^lrst Avenae, New Tork. A Great-Att^ttitoh will take plaoe at the hoi James HcIaflighUli, 160 First Avenne, on the 3d pf Uar, between the two oelebrated blMk aiu'^taB ifift, Mr. Horrla'a Jerry, and Mr. UoKeon'B dog iQmiod'r^h to kill 60 rats, for $28 a side. ■ ( v A Match at Rat killing, for a Sliver'Ocl1ar,''eaBis off at James UcLangbllns, on the 17tb, each dog nliing 8 rata. The followlag is the reaalt: Fan, 21 Ibi., 45 seo.; Ball, 36 lbs,, CO sec; Spring, 20 Iba, 30 sect Blackjack, 24 lbs., 66 sec; Snap, 26 Iba, 62 sec; Sed Jack, 23 IbB., 69 sec; Sport, 19 Iba, 83 seo.; Tutoh, 23 lbs, 29 sso.{ Nallor, 26 Iba, 20 seo, Besnltlng In favor of NalloPi who received the collar. Gbamd Rattino Match.— A match for $100 a stdt will take place at" Canine Hall," 146 North street. Bob- too, on Friday evening, 26th of April, between Mr. J. D. Roberts' slut "Jenny" ai)d Mr. Ladda dog " Plncher." Sport to commence at 8 o'clock. Other matches for dogaof oil weights will take place daring the above evening. ' A contest Is to come off at Bportsnaa's Hall, 49 Midi- son street, on the 29tb, for%100 a aide, between Uo- Maon's dog Frank, and Sheer's Jack, S3 lbs, Orp.—In cooscquenoe of the IlheM of the owner of tbe dog Blllv, tbe rat matob noticed In onr last, to take Blaoe on Friday evening, 36th, at the London FlWHOl* laae«,-')i*B be«B.]M«toiMA Cor-th* {ireient. '' A Rat Worry come off at the houie of Ur. Wm.' Leech, 24lh Ward, Philadelphia, on Saturday, Ittb, when there was qolte a lively time, It being something sew In that part of tbe country,-the boys went Into it with a gooA will; entrees were made for six dogs, eaoh luvlag e rata to kill—the prize, a SUver Mounted Collar. The fol- lowing Is a snmmarv: Slot Fanny, 32 seoj HoDemot Dog, 88 sec: Dog Captain, 26 sec; Dog Ike, 1 mln., 16 sec; Dog iJtraoger, 1 min., 30 seo.; Dog Jack, 20 ie«.; and winner of the collar. A Match came off at tbe same plaoe on Saturday lOtt, to teat the soperforlty of dogs. No prise being op, when Jim waa matched aiedaet t!i9 dog Has ( (neither of these dogs have front teeth,) at S rnueaoli. Sommaiy: Dog Jim, 60 aec; DjgUao, S4 see. As- other match resulted as follows: Dog Jack, 32 aeO.| McDermot Dog, 34 sec; Blat Llze, 56 seo, A Good Shot.— The Concord (N. H.) Patriot Infbrmi ns ibat as Mr. yi lUard Colby of Henaeier, was paaalog towards his honse bwa work, he saw two large hawn Bearing near him. Having a shot gna with Urn, he fired aa they grappled each other, and both fell so crip- pled that they were captured, and are now In the pee- session of Hr. Colby, alive. They measored eaoh roar feet, f^om point to point of their winga. Tht foMrol of 0.0. foittr took pitoo on BstnidaraRareaoa rcom bij Ut« iMldtnoe, No. 609 Boatb Nlntb itrttl, Pblladtlphla ud WM attandtd bj a Itip oanbic of ths dims, and hia personal (Hands. His ismalu wsra laid la Ui* Uout UorUh.OtBiitsiy. . Wrebtlwo.— Mr. Tregloan, havlBg got thtongh with bis match with Hr. Thomas Hartln, as noticed last -week, requests us to state that he inow ready to nuke a matob with Levi Martin, ellp holdrbeat 2 out of S (klr back fiklls, for whatever sum may be agreed upon; Naval.— A draft of seamen, intended for the sloop-cf-. war FortsnnM, ^glved he^e oo Tbanday, In tha steamship Roanokl^toNjl^'cfc. At his own requeat, uom7M|niy hu been pennitted' ^ to leave, and Com. E. A. F. La'valielCe has been oxmmA - to sncosed him In command of tha Goaport Navy Tan. ^ 1 [Norfolk HenOd, April 19. '■■ ■ A RIOn SERMON. Tub following rich extract flrom a sermon loM* flnek of its honor, becanaa we cannot pot In pilnt the penll* i ar sing-song (tyle and appropriate gestares that mma* ■'. pany it: "My flrlends, sin makes the partiest ycugnunipr . woman in the world look ugly-ah. And I'll tell yea how-th. As I was eoming ap to ohnifbk to-day', I sftv., some yfnng men In the roid-ab. And aa I ;d(eir ' unto thei^ disoovered that they werc^pltplngnMrel^ - ah. ,And^'ttilf. vu^. yonng man was the lut obi'.II'', marvel-ahi^ Ai^Mp mBrveled, he Janped ap aail flapped hlfl bai^Kl&e a rooatar dow Us wisp, and says he, • I wIs^Tm'ay be cussed If I han't flit-ah.' And/ oh, my.^Mds, th^2 I thonght that was ths n|lW» yonng^ffiiu^ lever saw la mylire-ah. And loglitl', ray mcntH'and spake unt^^im man, this Is not the ,way to ialvi • Old horse, If ycvfiifbeen saUi" you ihldn'l.^fAM»ar any " And nciirfqtnni|>> vl>f he was fat he wld a lls-ah, for^bi, , hungry looking sliler over thar .tljki soplonfjfirhea tbecobtribntloa hat aroaod-ah. Via^ now my M«idi» If tbat ar* ^onng man bin blinded by tin he never «onId ha' nlslaok ta» aacll beiie." • * ■m ••iiwieitwi*iji' la beipg