New York Clipper (May 1856)

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NEW YORK CLIPPER. 15 ■MklMS8Rtiul«iu«atFreTtdnM,B.L ^'MrnTrntt wu kt Ut KttnpeliUs, Btt InMlMo- fl.UtMid'OllT>Ia«*inli»rtlyrtMtf»rO«uri»iBU.. Th«lUM>7ThMtn,inl*T lb* nuiftBMt of ■■■■'■■J' « SolUi twt D, BuvH, WM enwM doriag tM p*n wmk. . OH* MVW Mm WMwa* -i' . WLjJi — Sfwliif. »b«n Mn. Ttmn »UI flf* »>«» •»''"^ ««Ml»t»' ^Jl! Ui. th. tow» »y Thilr h.U I. •ThJ^h!!5ii"5i.ii.iu T.rt«ii hi. /•*"^'?^^'» dth h« brolh.r, ft«di MtiiMb, Md la thtftiU Umid of ImmIj. ■tJ'&d t!i'«r.tSMi;«b..».ut th,»Mdi,of •>£^L thaaiMrOlrli or Mom Amonf tb* Oouplntcn." mT^iS, Sijinrf Ik* llobU.Thia» on th« Hit, with Hlu 'iM^^^'tlwt'lb. BnrioB tau pwcbaMd thiM loti, wmwbtr* U Uw uigtaboihood of Ouul itntt ud Bro»dv>r, tad wfll (not • '$:^,Ut'!im^'v^f. Lnt«. Mr. I«n,U T««, ud UU. BonU* ronod open the Bojil QaibM TbMtn In Optra, u priao CZeTnliBoUDOcoud prlmtdoniu. Th* awlj buntr of tbiM MBtFtan. ctmblnsd with tbt fMolullig ohtnu •a4 lnt0iluUB( nnmtWM of tbi Mr, oofbt to m«k< a WBttUoB unong T«ui| Otaidk Bfr. Htu7 Vttnn, (t ptMfnt lioUt«d, b to let H ma- *SnBird wUI opio thi Bottoi Ritlontl nut logut, with Jibm iBdnwD, It In nid, •■ itii* Btnigot. H* hu ODgigtd Billla Bi Qitii ind Hn. NlehoU. Hlw Bnllr Ibonit bu bMn plijlsg PioUn* to UaDgwtU'i OUidi Holnollo, It UllwiiiUi. A Mr. D. B. AUto, 1 ntiabtr of tb* thoitrlul oompuT it 81. tntaiVMODtlrHDt i IitUr to i Udy of thit citf, ilgnod "K>U HgOM," bMgdg for tbe muu to Ktuni boon, ud protoadlog to t* tht draiDtn of Ool. HrOot, of Smraib, WDO bid olopod with tJoT«r,iiid bMa left peDiIlMi. TbiOhlof of lollcotmcod Uu llttor to AUoo, ud h« Tinoxd thi olty, Mljt HitUdi Iloroii U idipllDf to tbo Amttlcin itig* tho Iniuh plij foudid on tho itorj of Modoi, thi InchiBtiw, tho wlto of JUOIL Hn BitMj WlUlini li dolDg tha Widow Bodolt, it thi Broid- >i?«nuadn, tho woidirfol etaoftrtiB ptrfomtr, U oniiigtd to tatolwithJooPontliad'a 01niu,ud ippoindfortheflnttlino la BrooUn on ToMdij lilt. J. V.wiUiok,Br.,I«Ia hlj lUlh woik—tho indliaoot in u fiMtijaror. Tbo DOW pU7 of tht Uaiblt Hoirt, it Linn Etono'i,'li writ il- A M* ooDOdr, " Tbt Xf II OoalBt," wai produtd it Barlaa'i, tottboSrattJmt, oa Mondij OTonlag lut ttwiiaot moth id- alrtd. Picodl hu beta dtllihtlBg tht elttitai of PbUidelpUi, bj flag- lagthtSttrBptngltdfiuiBti. Bbt oiMttd a " fuon." BSatdteiduabljOptntninpt uo tnittagtbtlhllidtlihliBi ' to 1 borltftii on the BohemUa Olrl, ittilalsg tho goiu of tit orl- ' giail opon. la tu Uittai Ooart, oa the Uth of April, in letloa for blM la- primmest wu tried, growlag ont of roeeat dUSeiltIti In tht Buatgtmiat of tht Boworr Tbtitn. O. H, QtUllhi wu tht ittgt Butger of tht Bowtiy Tbtittt «p to tht Mth of Dtetatbtr lut, trtthsdt qatitloo, hiTlog bttn appolatod bj Iiiu P. Wildroa it • tlmtwhta ha wuthe tolt ptoprlttor of tht titibUihatat. Oo tht SItli of Beetmber, Oipt. Smjlt^, tht daftadint, oUlmlog to btoasM 1 pirlatr of Vildroa, fonaiUr dltohaigtd (hUBtbt ud tppolated 1 nbitltate. OrlBthi. howtTtr, oontlaatd to hnat ttt gittn-nom Inatter dlntgudof Otpt.Bm/loj'i ordon. On thtf Ztlb, he went iato tbe ledlet' wiidrobt, and, rttailag to IiiTt It, wu looked np it tbe eiggoatlon of Bmrltj. He wu In tht vudrbbt for ibont la hoar, ind tn tble deltntloo brlsgi tht pteieit totloa, olilmlng $>00 dimigoa. It aoam'd to be pretty well proTtd tbit Snjlej wu In putatnUp with ITildion it Iho tlBt li qatatlon. Indttd, i Jadgatot wu In tTldeoee wbtoh hu bttn rwadettd igilnat them Jolntlrtn thU ooortontbt bulaof jsoh paitninhlp. Tbe otbti qutatloni it Utnt art: 1. Whtther JBmfler bid, >a ptrtoer, » right to dlubirgo QrUllhir 1. If ^MSIna WM 1 tr<rpiaur, tin he, nadtr tht elNnuttneti, brlag Aa mUoo for taUo Inprlionmeat t Tht Oonrt hu the out oadec idTltamtnt A. A. PhUllpi for plilntlff; H. B. Lipiagh for dt- ilBdul Hd'llt Multtti PleoollnlDl hu bttn tagigtd bj Lsnler. She 1* the nloM o( the oudloil of that aime. A riTil to /eBD7 Llod bu ipptittd. She U1 Swtdlih lidj, with aiqaliltt roloe, ind bu bttn tloglog in vi>t north of Otraian/ wllktolit 8htliihortlTtospptuitthtOptnlnBerlla,utho ^uea or Mlgbc, la the " ZinbetfloU." Olurlottt Ooahnu It Blijlag it Bidltn' TtlU. Sht bu Jut Mtruned from • nManfal engigtntst it BImlngbin. Mr. Or* la oat with i cud, with nftttnoe to tht dtatraetlen of Ooirtat Oirdea Thiitre. Hi uje thit fkom the titraoidloin tir- .oaaoitiatu, be It aitlifltd tbit It wu not tht reialt of leeUtat; bnt tbit hutupleloninaTtr for eae aomiat llgbttd apoa Ur, AndanoB. Of bu oomplttod hit imagenentt for the open UUOB It the iTcenn, ind wu to open ei the Uth Init. Bo u- ., aeaiDeMOrU,/eBnTNe/,Boilo, Hiral, DMlee, Mirio, Ltblube, Tiabeilit, Boaoonl, Ae. Otrlto b to bt tht preaairre tfauwM,' Tbt KMieje, It la aild, will tike tht LToanm ifltr tht ateun of open b OTtr. Tbt florld-Tlugtd/oba FoTtf b atlll Inlhetni- nrj dtptrtnent there. la hli goealp, tbe Pull eomipondont of the Boitoa Atlu gtrea OaroUowlBg pletaieoflbeatroigluorimueffenlu: "Tba.Thattre Iiyilqnt hu i Mlllint tacaaa with i new open bf H. OUpbaon, ud tta new priaii donna, Hidame Hlolin. Ibej jappir to U. Oliplaaca (who hu not long been i nember of the AeUtDj of Plat Attn) wbit aomt ont lud of BnltldltB, u bi giTt • Lt Petit Obaptroa Bongt,' lomtdlittlr ifltr bb tlteUon u of tbn UDO Aoutinj: 'It b a mtgnlletnt diieeart da ruepHn.' Ea la fiaona now—bat don't inrr bim. Ah'. If ;ea knew the «rlte ho bu paid to aman hit lodltBO^tbt long igon/ aattot- dent to fame —Toa'd ' none ff it* A twiUemonth igo tht neva- ■aptn had It thit U. OUpluon hid fallen heir to tn or tli mll- Uou of dolUn, Wbllt the rnmor wu rife, ont of bb fHendt uk- td bIm,'Vhit la the world will yoadowlth noh a fartanet' •'Mj deu fHtndi' aatd be,' mj Srat eirt ihill bt to balU u Im- manet hotti, whart two hondrtd mulobu ihtll bt dilly ledgtd •ad ftd gntatloulj. I raaolliot thit I nnulned enoe three dije wlthoit tuttng a morael; and I wcnld trr to iTOId that tortort from tboee .who uiat after nt.* Poor Obptaeon! Bt left no . ittne nntnratd thit ht might got bread to pat In hb meath. He tepled Biaalc, bt giTt Itu >ni, bt andtrwaat ill tht dradiery of the meobutcil put of bb proftealon; lad ifter ttn|gtIog for more thu Ian peaii In thb wt7, when tht dooia of tho Acidinf of Vbo Arb wire opened to bUn, ht wu obllgtd to npreu the bi- toral lentlmtnt ofprldt at biTlni rtuhid thit higb hoeor to Brat •Igh—* Think Qod I WItb a>7 IMO ftanu uliiy, u a mombtr, I BUT' giro thret bnndrad mulo liuou leat i jtix, and oompT "^attnf eue.'" oraaiitia oy jiaot ta OoMraniit.—We m Indebted ta the Btrell for tbo folTSWISg utlolt rtgitdlog tht neTtminta of our -** roTlog fklanda^' of ** uwdaat lad rlsg" notvrbty: . Wtbh ud teat'a Nitlonil Olrtni, PbUadelMli, ituttdapon HuU tonr oa tht SUt Tbt/ will pua through Deliwue ud Mi- nlaad. Blrera aid Dirlorai bm been oat for i wuk, perfonnlag taroigb Uurlind. The/ and Webh k Lentehow" on tbt uns dbf In WllmloitoB.'Dal., In tbt eonntof a few wuka. Meun. BpaUtag A Bogera hiTa two uttbllahmenti, Tht Drat It qnttt no- . val la Ibobmebr—Iberiog, nitrqnM,ecitt,parfortBani,hoiit>, atiMu, lod ill tbo ippurttnasoti btlog oiirltd In rtllwip eui ' Mil for tht parptu, end ao oeutrnettd tbit the; cm be nidil oa up roid,. lob nu bten opentl In Wublogtonicd Biltluore, vheie it dnw erowdt or people. Un Uondty lut It wu to eihlblt ' at York, Fa. Thiethti ilfeb elirti fkom Blogbtmpton, N. T., ud ^rtn tiiTel tiitwud. Bin BIm ttirtt from Qlrird, Pa., with a doable ftirot, hiring uaorltd lU tbt loUrt Ingredlantt of tbo Oratoent Oltj Olnni. BoUnaon & BIdred'e CIrena end manuiarte ire In Oeorgii, bat are adrerllaed to aboitlr open tn Bilal|b, N. 0. MaMa'i combleed «lreM,mtnigerleind Indian BxblblUon It naik- tag money In Tesaaaae^. A new olrou. coating BdO,f00, bu r«. -otaUr bten Sited npbyMeam. PliggA Aymar. It ttirtj ftoa Oaabrldge, U lu ,enlhelitluL H.P. Utdlgin ft Oo.'a nil road -tlniu bubttneibibltad at tht Pront-atratt Tbtatn, Biltlmore, loraoBM UffloBut. It utorted from tbit city on tho bt, atopplag •tBUfoett'i Ullb,Predarlokabarg, lad other plieeti Inillyoptn' ' In Blohmond, Horfolk md other TIrglnli towu and olUu a Boae Uidlgin, a telentod tronpe of riden, a theitzloil ooni' FOBEIGRSPORTIITe IHTELLIflEHCB. rrm MTt L(f^ Afril t, UM. THE RING. PXOHT8 TO OOHK. Av»» 3».-TyUi aa« BiMoek-lM a tide, toadoa. Mat e^BreefctaaadBbka-fSaildirioBdea. U.—«*oitt Ctetkttt aad Bob Trarera-AOa rU«.loado^ n.—Hanr Broeoe asA Ton Piddoek—£H0 a Me,IieBdoa, tn* H-lliai ftmwcadi lag BtttUe—HOO a iMt. Untta. IT'-BaktT aid Bttt«o-XN to ±0, Uagtn. ir^HajM aid lluMy—£10* a dlt, Loodea. bg ln Blohmond, Horfolk and other Tirglnli toWu an^ ol'Uu. Hba Boae Uidlgui, a telentod tronpe of rIden, a theitzloil ooni' paor.and aboit of little ohildrtn who appeu In OInderelll, will render thia oonoers ilgnlficant imong the muy. Hetara. NIzon ft Kyan hiTt alao got np a rary dnt orgulutlon. Thar eptned at Brooklnmnd alter elilUngiomt of tbt Immadlita plactt ta Jar- uy, will wind their way amongtt tho lud of Tankea notion*. Jot ftittind'i olroit eihlblttd it Bnrllngton, N. J., on Monday. wtahbBm'i Indian ol ran* b pliuing tbt good people who Urt on tfai biaka or (b< Hlwltitliipl, btlow Oilro. Biymonl't oolltctlon of aniniala bubeendlridad, ud ueh portbn Joined toielieui. Both ue ont Weit. ander thireapeotlTO titlea of Tali Ambnrg ft Oa'ameoigerleandiliona.indHeR Drleabiob'a Zoologloil luU- tole ind Eqaaatrlu Oompuy, Tia Ambirg hu rtototly ratarotd fttm Baropt with a rianoh tronpt. Hiata Bandi, Nithua A Oo. tijte gotap araoat rickarckt oonotrp, la wblohthi twotnlnid ^abuta, ijbtrt ud Victoria, an to apptir, Tbty tihlblbd In DitioH on tht laih, after which tbbywirtUken throsgh Ulebl (U, Iowa, and Ibt prlnolpil towna In Upptr Illlnob.' Oftn'a Bad- Br Ohtoa la la Mliaonrl. LitI j. Hortb, who hu done well with •^*5'''J.""^!" circnj In Ohioago, b bow tnTelllng In ■ Duttrlr dirtellon. Bcwt ft Bmllb'i Plonur Olrcoi, for wh'ob ko Biny AmirlciD rqaaitrbnii nlUd for Oillfornla i few noalbe ainet, raotntly speoed In BuPrueboo, udwuTarTnieoMifnl, Btaaa. Blalty It Pall raotntly tmbuked for tht umo teetlon of oonnt>7, but bare not yet oomneneed opiiiUona UoPuland'a niht batvm Bib Kenrtg bbA aaa Bml* CdpCM. Thub novlMi net, Moordlng to tgfMaealt oil Tneg* daj, to Kttle their difftrenoei. By the trttelea the/ were oonlned to Sat 4Ib In weight, And on going to ooam tt Net LiaghaiB'g the prevloui dgy, both were fonnd to bo well tinder the BtaiidiTd,Smlth,how«Ter,h»TlMthe edvutege by abont three qaut«ta of » ponnd. "Aere w«a Uttle betting, and Horrig wm the bTorlte. It wu the llrat tppeirftnoe of either men in the P. B., to thtt beyond their perforaeiieee In theipurlBgeobocla, th^lr Monde htd f«w oppoittinltleg of Jadglng of their owe- bllltlee. If orris waa known to b« extrenely olerer with the gloTci, and a hard hitter. HU friends, too, had no mean oplBlon of Us ^naUtlH ea a gintton—qnallties which on Tuesday he was la no way called upon to die* )Iay. Smith, who la better known as Spooner'i Norloe, s a pedestrian by profession, and with Us legs Is no mean profloIenL It remained for Tncsdty to tat hia qoallties with his other extremities. He had shown much talent in oanial tan nps with men far heaTier than himself, and his friends entertained an opinion that he was a tarrlfig hitter. In .the aosdemieg he was almoat totallr anknown; those who baoked him Judged entirely by pilTtte trials, and all along had tht greatest oonft- denoe in his powers. In age he had greatly the adran- tags of Morris, he being Jost 25. while Dan wu barely 20. Tbe Ixtnra wu not U* from home, and at an early hoar a tonsiderable number of the Fanoy wended their way to the ssene of notion, wherebyhalf-paittenor thereaboata, a good ring wu pltohad. Thegronndwu hard and slightly roagh. hot It wu the only available apot In the neighborhood. Smith, uoompaued by his friendB, wu early on the spot, bat Morris did not put In an appearanoe nntU half-put eleven. Onoe on the jronndno tine wu eat to wute. Morris entered the lata attended by BUI Hayca and Jemmy Welsh, and wu aalokly followed by Smith, who wu eraalred by Jaek mith (the Begent-street Pet) and Nat Laagham. Tho ohoioe of nnpure and refmehavlng been oompleted. and tht men having been dennded of their Bapttflaotis oulngi. at three mlnntes to twelve " Time V' wu oilled and they were dellrered at the eeratoh. THB PIOHT. Booad X. The attltadM of both mea took the iptotaton by nr- ptlu. Then wen all the polnia and lU tbe lolf-poeaeialOB of n- (•ran prtfeaitn. Both itood nnuktbly well on tbtli Itgi, aad the way la which ouh ftlattd and dtdgtd far an optalag wu tbt thimi of gtntnl idffllratlaa. lor tight minntta did thty feint and trr ont inothtr*! BMttle, lach la ton adnncing aad ntnit- Ing. Ifanythbg, tht tdrutagu Inulenetud nadlneu ippair- ed tonal with Horrb, whoM atlfpoueaalonwu aomewbit re- Bitkablo. The eondlUoa of tbe ladi, too, wu tnch u tt leare no- thing to bedeelrtd; ud bin again tht adrintige, If my, wu with Horria, wboH oltir akin ud greet naecnlu denlopmeat tpoke TOlamea In fiTor of hb tnlnar (Bliokwell, tbt ptduirlia.) At length, it tht tiplntlon of tight ninntat, thay got oloM. Bmlth trltd to lud, ud la u lulaat ill hb ippuentolmmtu Mtmtd to iMTt him jble ittempt wu open-hudtd, ud bid no urt «t deeil la tt. He did not get home, bat Morrii, with gnit qilakaeu md pnoUon, popped In i bUTy uorttr, with hb lift, on tht baik, drawing Bnt blood. Ht atippid tully buk, amUtd. eiaa igaCn, aad, fainting with hb left, popped la the tamt hud Siln "eruk" on tht lift ildt of tbt dimagtd anont, latnulog t tnpplr of rnby. Bmlth ntarned allghtly on tht tifl obuk, bat wlthent font, Uonb ntnited, witenlng bb nia, who followed bin, ud wu niUed a nttler orer tht n|ht tyt, a bomp btlog Immediately pereeptlble, ttlllog ibtngly tf Bu'a powtn tf kit- ting. Thb Indoetd Sim to rsah wildly In, wlUi no tort of pnolaloB, and bt vu for tht third timt pinked on tht imtlltr, tht birk bt- log now nmOTtd, end men of tht Plltrlu btleg bututly " oa bud." Dta now duhtd In, lad Bmlth dtllreied aa apper-eat oa the Jaw wllh hb right. Borat npld In-Igbtlag toned, tad la the tndbotbrtlL r -e 3. Ban hid act a Tlalble muk, wbUeSam'imngwuaatadyof aewbuapeforaphnnologtat (tto3onndoBHonla,Botikanl gam, who trltd to tmlle, rubed la, lint agiln upped iflartler en tbe nof-bta, from wbloh, onoe more, did tbe AmontlUido trieklt. Sam pertenred, ud la a wild, open-handed war, eomneneed Sea- ibhlag hb miwleyt la the a|r. Ht mlaatd both hiada nnnl tlmit,andat Itngth got home bb right enthtjiw. MtrTlt,wha fonght on tbt rttrut, pinktd htm htiTlIy on tbt left ehtiK aad moult, again turning en tbe mill; ht nait paid i Bring Ttalt to hb opponut'i dtittr pttptr ud moatb, tbt blowi beug (tialghi lad hiaty, and at lut Bmlth dropped, biarUy panlihid. t. Hoirb ippaind to biTi a itight muk on bU Jaw and ont oa hb rl|bt obuk, bat tht/ win eiert tonebtt; he amiled oonUent- ly, meaaatd bb mu, lad itood rudy fbr a prop with hb dugn- ou left, tern trbd bit lift, bat wu tully atoppid. He tr ed It twiet men, bat wu ibort. Din then ftloled. ind lit ia bb left en tbt Biail irgia. Thli hi did twiu la Hoctalon, bat not hu- elly. Bb next cf ort wu oat of dbtuot. ud Smith tauycd a re- tnrn, bnt Inunaah u It did not go with i will. It did no hum. Honlt now went In, liftud right, end Bmlth rttrtittd, taming hb htid iwiy. Mo 'tb fallovtd him np, pat In bb left on tht ohttt, ud u thty wan golog down togetbtr, Smith taooetdtd In plutlag 1 Uttlt OKytr-out with hb rlgbu 4. Bmlth itttnp'ttd to nuke i laid, bnt It wu onir in ittempt,' md 1 fellin. He hit optnbuded, end did no mlMhief, wbUe Du ntanied wllh etTict on the fonheid. Bmlth iRiln led ol^ bnt wu allied on tbe right cheek. A eloN ud itrnggit, whea both wtn down. Smith ander. t Bmlth dubed In, ind anecttdtd In fitting htmt twice, with hit right catbtildeoflht ant, md Morrb illpptd down. Smith go- lot to bb corner Uighlng. 5. IfonliatlU abowedao obaimbit muki tfBalth'abudlwork, Bt went la ud Itl go bb left, bat Bam connterad bIm htiTlly on ' t thrnit md iliigtnd him. Bu qnlckly oimt igiln« lit go hb qnlckly and htully on the inorer, taratng on the tap yet I mon, ud then let go bb ont, two, etry neitly on the dlaL OM follewod, aad both wen down. [Orto) wort now alttred to like Builh iwiy, u ht had ao chuce ] 7. Bimoimeapall oolon; he tried bb left at the noM, bat Mor- rit eiogbl him la ntare a tnmtndooi bit oa the. right rqnlater. Inflicting a ent, ud tfftotoally doalng thtorgu:' Aueond tap fill oa Bim'a amilllBg botUe with iSeot, and a third on hb kbur. Sam mabtd In wildly to onu, and afttr i ihitp itraiglt, thty fill togttbu, Sim'a dial pliltploDgUsg np Ibt bud groand. Hb bro- thtr /uk wlahid him to glTO In, hat thb ht wonld not ignt to, ud aiM ha eonld Ight uctbu nand. 6. Bmlth emu ap ilovly, amidat eilM of " Tikt him away." Ht went la wildly, and wu met haully on tbt damaged'peeper, ud then on the aiont; and /aok Bmlth laelng thit kewuamen ebopplng block, it onu gare la for him, and took him oat of tht ring, ifler BghtlBg ecMUy 18 mlhatei. nCKABKt. Those who plaoed their oenddenoe in Sioith'e atreagth and powers orUtting, were sadly ont In their rcokon- Ing. He may be a hard hitter when pitted agabutn yokel, bnt we are laellDed to think will pmn shine if matched agaioat a boxer of far inferior atandlng to that likely to be taken by hit aeoempUahed little adrerury. Bam wu oompletely catfongbt at every point, and never onoe had a ohanoe of tarnlng the aoalo He bad no Idea ofleadingoffwlth his left, that hand balog inrarlablw open whea be etruck out, and, u for his right, he made 80 nuy flonrlsbea with It ere he lei it go, that his op- ponent almoat always had time to aToTl Ite delivery, Smith is a olvll. steady little fallow, and we wonld ad- vise htm to give np all Ideu of flgnrlng agaln'In the P. B., wbloh Is evidently not his vocation. JDao Uorrls is' the moat promliing pngUlst we have seen for yurs, and la deatlned to take- a flrst-elass la tbe pnglllatlo school. He is well built fot a fighting man, a hard bit- ter with both bands, exoeedlngly good on his legs, oan atop well, and hu that nnmlatakcable ooolness at in- Gghtlng wbloh is the teat of an looompUshed muter of the art. Any one who did not know the fact would never have believed that Tuesday wu his fint appearance in Uie niog. % ami \ «nt •i*The K laiaa Bm —Hr. Tfaomu V. Haigbir'a weiUr^ Uab Kewf," lapnvu apoa tcqiilatwao,iBi hu tinidyieannd tetlHU;atltlrBponlbmariti,an(ptatabU«lNilatlea jKiylt itopioiptr. ' ' i r<fr«t that JatMS Wharton (aliu Tonag MoUntni. bet- ter known 1^ theoognomiB of Jamny the Blaok)lIwia a very dangerooa tad praearlons state, having been oen- Baed to his room for the last twelvtmonthi ;ialltet, lit- tle or BO hopu aia now entertained of his raeovery. Tom Satkbs to tub Tipton Bi.AtBaB.—Ton BayeTt, fladlog that he oinnot make a matoh wllh Harry Otme, and being still in want of employment, offers to make a natah with the Tipton Sluher, if the latter wlU stake £1W to £100. Tom trasU that this liberal offer, oon- sldering the great dlfferenoe In weight and experlenoe, will lead to a sneeeuful rualt. Artioles s<nt to Bell's Life ofloe, or to Nat Langham's. wlU be signed and a fliBt deposit eovered. PEDESTRI ANI8M. OooKE AMD THE Uabb.— Tho loDg talksdof matoh between Charles Oooke. the tfarylebone pedutrian, and Ur. Armfleld's mare, to ran two nilea and Jnmp 60 hardies, 8ft. 6ln. high, for £» a tIde-Oooks getUaa a start of one mlnote—oarae off at Oarratt Lane. Wands- worth, on Monday lut. in the preienoe of abont a thou- sand speotators. The day wu a dellghtfal one, and gave to all prexeut an anteptat of the approuhiag sam- mer. In addition to the minate stert. Oooke got 260 yards, be running outside the ropu. The mare, who is 28 years old, andlilind of one eye. wu nevertheleis the ^voilte at 2 to 1, the sole hope of Oooke aad hla bukeiB resting on the ohanoes of the mare " ahylDa" tha hurdles, or knoekiag.thb'm down. No snelt.inuhap, however, oooorred, and we never saw • better-trained animal, or one who took her' leaps more kindly, and ahesHmed to understand every word her rider (Mr. Armfleld) aald to her, and at the word " up" she went without the elight- ut hesitation or banlUng; the oonseqaenoe vru, that Oooke wu overtaken anajtaated In the seoond lap, and Ironi that to the end hadn't the ahadow of a ohanoe. Xhemsre performed her tukln9i-2mln. Oooke hu slnoe oallea on at, and wishet its to state that he b not qaite satMtd h«t that, with a alight alkeratltn in the eonditlons. he may yet hare a ohanoe with, the mare, and that he Is ready to ran her again, one mile, over 80 hurdles, with ons lap start, on Ae same g^nnd, for £10 a side. Hamoock AMD HonBOOK&-^Th« eelel(rated Jsaes Haneoek of Balford and Jcaeph jEorroeka of Boxy, have atgned artlelu to ran 440 yards', far'jOO a side, at Bellevae. on theSd of Hay'. . Walkiwo Matcb.—a seven mllu handicap walking matoh, first prise £6, second £1, oaae off at Faloon Lans, Battema, on Hondaylut. for whiob the follow- ing man started:—0. Wcithall at toratoh, W. Newman Imln start, Bnxton 1 l-2mln, Jeau 2inln, and H. Wood- Btoek 8mln. At the fsnrth mile tbe three last tailed off, and the race lay between WesthaU and Newman, who kept olose together for the next two mllu and a half, when Newman gave In, andWeathall flnlsbed at his leisure. Foot Eacc at LouD'a.—A strops muster of the officers and non-oommlssloned ofieers of the Orentdlar Oaards met at Lord's Orioket Oround, on Tneaday Ust, to wit ncM the sprint raoe of lOOya^ds, between Ur. Hayter of Bruenoae College, Oxford (son of the Bight Hon. W. O. Hayter) and Sergeant Rewtoa, of the Grenadier Qnatda. Both the oompetltors otme to the soratob In first rate condition, the tergeant having aoonslderable advantage over hia opponeat in height and weight. A Sodatartwu effected, Ur Hayter slightly leading; at varda the sergeant, ohured on by ku oomrades, who baa buked their man f^aly, pnt on a tramandoua spurt, but too late. Mm Hayter wlBniog an exoellent laoe by a bare quarter of a yard. A Paoiuaric PsDiirrBiAir.—Jyk Grant (of the P. B.) will walk any pugilist who hu not (ought for less than £S0, seven milas, for £96 or £60 a side. A9UATI08. Death or Bobebt Oooini, Latb Ohamvion or the TBAUEa.—All thus who hare ever hauled an oar. all who have la any waj beeo oonnteted with the river Thames, or taken the aipallut interest in rowing, the waterman and the amateur, fkom the north to the soiith, will leain with unfeigned regret that Bobert Ooombes, the most aeeompllshed oaranan and scalier of his time, hu been taken from among them almoat In the prime of life. Since the time that he retired from pabllo lUb u a rower of matches be had been itlll constantly oocapled Inthebntlneeeoftigbterbg, and continued In tha en- joyment of excellent health till within a few da^s of bis deoeue, when he wu attuked with a fit while at his dally employment, tnm which he never rallied He died on Thursday lut, aged 48, We shall shortly give aoao- couDt of the pabllo performames of this eelebn^ted wateriaaa. Bor AL LomMii Yaoht Oli>b.— The opeolng trip Is to take pltoe on^turday, the 8d of Mav, when theyuht* will proceed to the dab- house at Erltn. In ocnitauenee o( the 28th of Uay falling between the Derby and Oaks Days, It hu been fonnd necessary to postpone tbe first matoh until Friday, the 18th of June, and the teobnd Bstoh nntil tbe I2th of July. The flret ud aeoond olau yuhie will ullcn the 18th of June, starting from Brith, aod proceeding roaod the Nora Light and'baok to Brlth. The prites are—First olau. £40 and £10; aeoond olass, £90 and £6. The third-olus yaohte will aaU on the Ifltb of July from Brlth to Coal Hoase Point, and back to Qreenwloh. Prises £20, and £6 to secood yuht. j TBK OBAliPI0B8BIP. - DML BnmaUo indOyBBullo Oompuy WlU afan'SmDeliiroBtt^ »XoM Padbocx AMD HAaaT BaOOKE.—This Batch udi JSnu *° ' ' ''••*^««««<»'««»»«'J|»iogresees most favorably; both men are In severe try- ing, and a noa( exalting encounter la eipteted. tweUtb de^iesit of £10 a side wss made. juuav TKB Bluik,— The Menda add patrons pt the P. B.. and the sporting world gentralljr, will lean with 1 : BoYAL WBtTEBW Taoht Olob ov Ibelahv.— Ths meetings of this olob take place u uual (weekly)^ at their olob faooae, 118, Qrafton-stroet, Dublin. The fol- lowing vesNls have been added to the list of yacbta du- ring thiseprlng; The Bsietva, 68tons i Oyeflne ouster. 40tons;,TMper eutter. 17 tou; Zouave aehoonahM tons; Oumerant cutter, ITtons; Fly lugger,0 tbhs; Harriett oattar, 20 tens; Sollpu cutter. 60 tou; Albat- row eatter, lO teas; Wild Daok cutter, 28 tou; Mary cutter, 10 tone; OdaUiue schooner, 90 tons; Oambaeutt* or, 68 tonaj Fowu eotter. 86 tou i Wave outter, 20 tons; the Water Lilly (late Sea Serpent), 26 toBS| aadaKlioon- or of 40 tons; and a cutter of 10 tone are on tbe etotks. The annual general meeting of the club will be held.0D Saturday, tha 8d of May. THE TURP. LATBBT BTATB or THB OODB. TWO THOVBAND ODtini& nybyalght .J SaeU Ito l,[off] TellowJuk W,Ooater,.. Sto Bird la Bind.. Hilton.....,.)" BnchmUr....... Torkthin On;, nonpiuiit/,... Bcytbba Oipaelne BtvoRitago.... Wtotwoith.... tWt)nil|ht BUbutea AituBry..../.. OoiMMr*««**'« BMIaBaad.,, Sto .B, out.. . ..g.Dty.,,. ..».»ir. 0BB8TBB OOP. ..J.«abcrai..l00to e [tai ..T Siwun.. Stto 1 Ilh| ,,.Vr.aMtar.. . ! . DawMn.. — .J.Boolt..... Mto I [Ik] ' to 1 (oil ato }(tki to 1 {ikf .... loto l(offi to 1 H —i- Uto l(tt] EmAoaDm^BT OiacoitaTABoa.—A eerrea^oBi* eat eoflunanicates the fooUonlag aitraordloaiy esao, la oonneeiloB with a horu tbe property of Sir I^ers Mm- tyn, Barout, of SBlargemeni of the splunWd the loa of the left Udnty:—Un being opened, a large oolerad BUSH Breunted itself, which wu ftand to he oie spleen, grutiy esbuged. and of the extrurdlnary weight of 40 * On fnrther examination, tha I At WdnoT \ Mto llik] IMarWUUaa, «.«ayl«f, - • ■ 1. Bay IKyinateri ponniu. large oallou auhatanee fomad 21 pounds. Aa to the prevleng etatoef the horu's health, he had been able to do hb work until within a month of hla death, and had bfaa run in harnceB for 18yMra; and the only pKallarity •ver olstoved in him wu that he used to breathe aulA- ly. AU the visoera wu cansldtrably dlsplseed, bnt uemlagly in a hulthv state. The bora* wu 14| hands high, and IB yean oli Sale or Bloobid Oattlb.— We netlee by the Uwk Lane Ezprese of the 7th of April, a sale of superior ehort horn breed of ooirs and bulla raised and b'ron^t to grut perfeotlon by Sir Ohulu Knightly. There were leventy-alght anlaals In the oataloaae. forty-eight of the oowa and htlfers Bold, realjaed £8,079 lOa. The twenty-nine bulls prodaced £6,189 lOs. Anoagat the pnrobaMra wu Mr. Thome, ol thir elty, whoboaght Amaranth, seven years old, for ISOgufaeu. lot No. 10, for eighty gniBeas. fonr yeara old ;lot No. 81. for oa» hundred gulneH, two years old: lot No. 86, Uia. Flath- er, two yeara old, Bold for 160 gulneu. Bulla—the Duke of Cambridge, four yeara old, aeld for 880 gnlneu. Messrs. Marshall ft Smoot, of tbe United SUtw, booght one fline bull for ninety-five guineu, only twoytart ud. ttk] .... Bto lltti — .... Uto llisl Nivr BoROiTBa.—We hare recilved from tht pablbhtf,IIi, V. B. 0. BnthtrtoB,orPblhdtIphIa,tht Int«Bdwai4Bei9% PepalarMdOomteBong Book." Many of theaoagi have oAia bun Uittaed to, bat Ihtlr adminn bivt hentofbn bteaoaiMe to ptooon tham la print Thb dlScDlty U nmovod by Ih* (liUI- eatloB of the work in qaaitloa. IAIPR9TED BILLIABO TABUS AND OOBHIOlfS-PATBNtID IBBBBABT », lBH.-ria- OaABfi PBBtAM'B Uodtra TiblOi lad OomMatttoa Oa ~ lona—oorreot la prliolpli ud perfect la utlta—to eouweled tnuief lagluwheaplur* — naiblto aTuUelty la SI t ptiyin la thb eoaalt) to buan mitbemiUcal comctnui of laglu whea played <••■, aadwamattd topootia tht naiblto eTuUeltylaaa teMdM^ having bun tettod by the but ptiyan In thb ooaaKy, aad tf them aroaoucid tht meat pttfatt of any hitherto MUtrwted— in offind to tht pibllo u cheap u tht oidlairy toUu of tha day- Ordin promptly itttndid to, BtlooaudtaIurooa,He. WOaam- bt^atnat,apataIll. (-0 GOUIf tUT sfortbubh CAN OBTAINOBIOKBTBATS, BALU, fco„ BOXIMO OlrOTM, rtnelogrolb, BIBti and Berolnn, SportUg Degtaad BMis BpoitlagPrtnta and Book!, ud tbtebtlout lapeittd Oj iaia b f iddntalng T. H. BUTTHB, 127 Broome Bllee^ N. T. . I-« F0RNI8i)lNO DEPOT lOB TBB flPO&TINa COMHVNITY TBBOUaHOXIT DaltidBtatu. Tht Sabuilber b aiw wtpmd te taial iladeu, uy attlda prooanklo la thb ooaatoy at ■crIptloB of Printing, fOmbhtU to pirtlu tn aad oat of thb afty oa tht moat nuonible toimi, by iddrtulng a onto to tin of tiiaa Qoaan, Era., Bdtlor of the Naw ToBi OLirria, or to the nOas of L. 0, QEIldgB, BOt Broidw*y, oor. of Snue Btntt, (Sdfloer, Boom 8.) 1-0 MD8I0 FOB THE TUOVBANDf FBBB OOKOBBT AND JUDDB AND JUBT BOOK-WABa- INOTON BALL, 84 Oathulne etmt, corner Benry, white tha loTtntf Total TileatBiyMpeettobaToatnat emyMudur andBitstdayevenlu. Vednttdiya,tbeJndpiadferyOlakwiB hold thiIrmtttlBgrtotiyiUeuu that miy oomt within Ihtlr jarbdbUon. l.a.lOVMB begctolnfomhbfrltBdi ml tbt pabllo.ihU ha hu ea kaad tht but Imported U^BCia, Wtntt^ Alia, aU Oliti^ aad fltlltn hlmed/ bylhit maUod thit ht wUl eoattut to la- MlTt bvon which ban bun lo UbenUy bettowed W-8t-> ■AIL BOATS lOR BALB. TWO SAO' BOATS, ONB it fBBT, AID ONI 98 IHT 01 length. Bald BoiU an la toad etdir, aad will btiold low. Apply to NBWHAB A BABDAUi, . _ IMt-0 StBInotatne^HewTaafc. OP yiHST PDBLIBUBS, PRIOB 88 0SNT8, DOOO-OBAPBIl OB,TEB IiVB AND ADTlVTnUS tbt ctlebiattd Dog TiaBBi ccmprlilng a vu:tty of ami _ aadlutnotln tumplu Uloitntlre of tht hafpv tCattt of the approprlaU tnlnlog ud tdaeatloa of Dogi. By Iraatb - Batltr, aiPallOB atiut, New Tork, (nmortd from IWWalarsl.) Tha Tradt lappUtd on tht oaaal ttrmi. p. B. husonatutlr on band all tht thobe bntd of Dogt, beu for ult ud atoek. Ptoprlttor of Bntltr'i LInlmtnt, lafblllbla Mai^ Unlmaot, aai fItaBKbnnbatoi, Prlw, BO otob per bottle. ■FoannAN'B uaUi, ds uadmon bTh hbw yobk. CBABLBB OIDDINOB AHNOQNOBS TO TBI IPO&TIB* World that be hu taken the tbove well-bnown Boaat, btoly ooesplid by Hr. Uurlott, to wbloh ht lavttu the atloiUoa of tha luoy, aiairlog them alwiye a btitty weleomt, Int-nM Iflfasii^ ud BpOrU uaqialltd by uy other boau la tht Btalet. Biu coBttuily oa hud and for ule. I H n-> BOAT* ABD TAOBTB, NEWMAN & RANDALL, 245 FEONT STREET, tva doon eul of Peek Slip, Maw Tork, aaoalhatusit of aid dailen In Bosto aad Yaabb of aUd«a«tlp|loaa,of Ike bsM r'" ir.B0tkl1a.i4g* 1010— I li»W;ifU| , MBt* Iftk] MONBVi BIOBEY, HOBET. Tna NBW TOBX MAN AND BBAA ISTATl AOBROT, D now la fill optntloB at Bo. tOd Broadway, aorthvett epnas of ud talnoot In Boau ttiut, whin partltt ou at all tlmu fee Aunbhtd with Ouh npon ill dtterlptlcu of Ptrwaal Fieaertir, Watohu, DbBonda, Jewelry, Boieea, Oinbgei, Bstoau, OIoUhl Bllka, Luet, Birdwin, Pilntlnge, and BelintlBo Appatatu, all ot whbh wUl bt kaaed npon or aoagfatat alght tor ouh. tifUm tnnaastlngbnilntiaat thla offloe nay ntt aunnd that the miMt rldd ooBldtnet will be obeentd. Mvato OfloM for tht neiptlon of LadUt, or It ntaind, MiteM ion at thilr renIdiDcu. Omu boon trcmB AIL wlU be waited soon MIP.IL JOBM COBBtSAH, iVoprfHtr. BOOKHI BOOKBII HOBK DOOB:Blil IF YOU WANT ANY BOOK ADVERTISED 01 thli or any other New Tork paper, tiod at tht advanbed pilee of the Book yna wuvand tot ralara mall wlil brlag yea tha Book wanted,/Vue/putoft. If yoo want uy Ntwtpa^ercr lAgislDt. aenif ni tht iioearlptloD prise aod yoa wUI gel It rtga- lu. Btfer to the Editor ol Ihb pajior. _ BOMTioNBS » lOUBOTr 44,4m U8Na«Bal>eet,AftWToifc. riabaod workmamhlp. Aloe,ibt beA qnaUtyoT Oaii,l andSoBllfinall Bpart, feo.. aa, N.Br—BcauboiightBOdtoldoDtoirinWan. Baymiaoalwaia derienJ open bavlnr their boaU baOt by pnetlnl Bmt Balldew. M BlUXABMI BlUilABIMi BAiUAHMI THE OLDEST AND BEST ESTABLIStOIENr lo New Tork. O'OOBBOB dk OOIiIiBlBOaBI, ufutuani Inpedan and daalat lu svaiythliif eouteiad wllhBIUbtdi, JlUUatd Tablet lo rviry ttyti, of the beat wmtr naoahlp aod ffliUtiala, with a largt aioek of TiInalaga aiwna cobaa£ Oidaraby mallor eiprui uooptlr uueiid at Oa bwTitcaihprleu. dlaadOAVN imBft^^ ■ TBB OBBFBS BOTBL, 0. IT CROSBY STEE£T.^MR. THOU^S & STEWART reiMolfally InforaiB hb rybidfttiidthO^ JOlepntaitdtoftjfnhh allwho.Bayiiti hliiia;vMi lha eholottlWlnaa, LKiaon. Olgiri.Bo. fctals,^^,rt aU VMal aod ipatiOMBtal Mute srarr avanl«B:b| ttt Int artlala '"uljlu'lii the Nolle Ail of Silf DefMOO, wl^U »• glvsaatiiT uSSij and Tbsnday trenbgt, from T to It e>elta, by Johaay 'toStotf tj tta tighter wttk. Pj^^Beomaferfaitltt. ' BPOBTPfO^agOtWHBB. ■■■'•'i r '.