New York Clipper (Sep 1856)

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NEW YORK CLIPPER. 161^ CBICEBt* In Bbtn u4 8plTe7 to the wloketa} tta former Sed J.lnoludlog two I'a, after being the wloketl ZttaiZi mlnalei. Tlie batting on the part of New rat ma Terr Inferior, with bat two or three exoeptloMi ^'t 9 were made brilliantly to two Wte, the flrrt a Lififal drive to the off for 5, the eeoond a line hit to the Zktii he went oat throogh oareleady knocking the Dl Into hta wloket after ha»lng pla/ed It C07P and ffiAam pUyed weU for 6 each, the former'; oonalsting Jtwo 2'e end 2 alnglM, the. latter one 3 and 3 dnglea; u othera all went out for bnt few rana, thaa concladlpir hftUon nude the Urge aoore of 60, the hlgbeat on the lotoben groond tbla eeason; hla oata and drlvea were Intilol—hU two leg blta for 6 each oalltd forth the ad- ^tlon of the whole field, as did also hla two drlrea Jlthe off for 6'b ; In all probabllltjr he wonld have brought jkbat out had ho not We occldently fallen down, and eat ran oat 8. Wright made the next higheat aoore, II. ta hla nsaal eteady a^le of batting, bat waa made to ^ by a eplendld ball ball from Wllby. Vyte added 7 h tte Bcore, bat waa nnfortanately caoght by Wllby. Wi loolnge, which lasted 4 boora and 10 mlnatea, waa. at uggtk broDgbt to a cloee with the tremandooa aoore of UTitlaohed, thaa leaving 68 rana to be mede by the New Token to tie the SLOeorge'aflratlnnton. At Si P.M. Kk Tork again went to the wlcketa, and in eplte of the gill ualnat them, exerted thenuekea right aanfnlly to lire toe St. George aomethlog to do in their tecoad in- Jbia Byron and Bloomfleld oonunenolng, the former jpib hla ecore of 20 qatte brilliantly, condstlng of one 6, (to i't, torn 2'e, and a elngle; bat, tiiroagh givtog a sky fjua, gave a ohanee for a oatob, whloh TUt Jaccepted, lid tbna pnt a atop to hla career. BloomSeld wis onfor- loately ran ont, thaa maklDg room for Sharp and Splvey, tko were atlU at the wloketa when the atompa were drawn, fby waa oommenced Uie next day at 11 A< H., all banda iMDog Toy determined. Splvey aoon loet hla plaoe by iDowlagaball from Tlnaon to take hla wicket WUby naihe next to take the bat, when he and Sharp together (loaed the field to move abont pretty lively for a abort Uoaf 'the game at thia Janctore waa getting Intereating, ikan Qlbbea took Sharp'a wloket after he bad made U, Jidadlng two 3'a, one 2i the reet alnglea Wllby aoon ^owod with a aoore of 13 attached to hla name, com- ■Ung two 2'a, the reat alnglea. Hlghan was the only «e WBO made a atand afterwatdi; hla 7 oonabtlng of (tree 2'a and a elngle. The New Yorken were soon ilieed hon du eombal far 88 rana, thaa giving an tajsf vlc- lUy to St George by 2 mns and one Inntoge. It rivea n great pleasnre to record It, aa It Is the flnt they have nlsed over the New Tork In three yeare. The bowling lad Seldlog waa goed on both aldea, bnt not really so ncd as In the last match between these two Clnba. In tut, this match waa qnlte Insipid compared to the last, for which we were very sorry, as there were a great nnm- bar of gpeotatora on the ground. However, they will hire a groat opportanltr of iritneaalsg this beaatlfol giae, on Thursday and Friday, the 11th-and 12th inst. when the grand match of the seaeon between Canada and the'United States will be played at Hoboken, on whtob ooctalon aome moet beautitul play may be expeoled. , ,Tbe fcllowing la the ecore: , . . - ~ NIV TOBK. IlntlonlDii. ^ t ..It.. - j4 S l.lBkwpb Wriiht, ■ TTtlUr. Ststnil loalan. .. fl baibbti 1..8>tr*TbW>n<r 0 bTlDWD 8_towaneW»Uubatbb«. S bCHbbM 1 4..B4rkubWrlclit » bWtlbr. .....4 t..wabjb Tlnnn.... S bWtUtt...; IB e.-OlT^eVitititbTlBifa.. e oTOt bWiUfc... 1 -r^rlfbt « a Lkthiep b aibbtt. 7 S..BlMnttM bTlucB 0 tan oat 1 «..llet«h«rbTri|ht 3 bOIbb* 3 10..riMtOBsTji*b Wri|ht, 3 notout... > U.'. Irion not oat O aXlltbTlBMn 30 BntUilVkT**!) *><>•' Bju8,wUm14 17 Totil.. Totil 'lint lanlniOi 7..B.Vri|htbTrUbr... 8..LtthRiiran oat O..TrH 0 WUb/bOajp. 10..wiUernu oat Il..mb0a;p.... BjM II, llg iju t, wldu .84 10 8 7 4 0 use .147 ,.. e» 8T. OBOBai' 1. .WkllM 0 Bbtrp b Btrktr.. 4 3,.Bfoafh*moOa7|>bBuk«r 8 8..TlatanbOa7p..'. 3 4..Bls|hiBnaoal 0 4,. Iiniluir !•( b*(or« wloktt bBuk«r....i. 8 «..9lbbHranont... (4 Tot4l AiTAiViii or BowLina, BT, OIOBOB-Jnrtt iimufi.-aibboi, 41 btU«, I rana, 8 mall 4BI, 1 vltkot, I vMi: WtUar, 81 balli, 8 raai, 4 BiMfsa, I wIS' ktlSwIdu; Wrlgbt, SI balli, 8 nmo, II mnMn*,! wlek«ti,0 •UMrTlonn, 40 btlli,31 raai, t DuMui, 8 wiektt*, 4 wldoi. Atnd /M««ri.—Ilaua, 73 balli, SO rooi, I mkUtni, 8 wlakttt, 7 vUm; Wrlfbt,U bkUf.lS real, 8 ullui, 0 wliktt*,8 wMm; aibbti, 100l)4lla,24 rim, 18Btlitni, 4wlokiti,4wUei; WiUar, 48 balli, 18 ton*, 4 ottMtu, 8 wlokoti, 0 wIlM. RIV TOBK-nrK haAif f-Birkn, lU bdU, 44 rniu, S4 oaMtBi, 8 wiekau, S wldak: Uarp, IW balli, 87 raai, 17 BtMtoi, 8 vlakata, I wMi-rWllbr, si balli, IS raai, 3 maldani, 1 wlokat, I wl(|ai; Bj(OD,30 bilU, 14 rooi, 1 mildao, 0.*lakaU, 0 wldai. when tbey had to get 7S, whloh Is at least twice what they ever got against oar fielding and bowling. Now we will let all Hr. Soott's nntmlhs pas^ If the Greenfieldets really ore ao confidant, and play oat the Kse Jnat aa It left oS, and go to the Uancheater and well Cricket groand, for (^O a side; or, we will make a ft«eh match for $500 a side; with yoa, Ur. Editor, for stakeholder. At the same time, I wonld advise all yoang olobs in Hasaaohosetts to avoid them. - Thos. Boston, President of the Boxtmry (Moket Olab. , '*>.^ Sr. Gbobok ra. Tohikbs.— The retarn matoh between the aeoond eleven of St George, and the Tonkers Clab, waa played at Tonkera on Saturday the 6th Ins& There waa veiT little done at tiie bat on either side, Hia chief scores for Bt George iMlng TUt'a 8, Tenson's 8,, and Yanx's 6, in the first Inntogs; aod Brown and Tllt'a 6 each, being the highest In the second Innings. On tltv part of Tonkers, Stedwell's 13, and Hallea'a 18, were th« prlnoloal aoorea In the flnt lanlnga, and Smith'a 6 in the seoooo. The fielding and bowling was exoeOent on both sidea, which to a measure acooaau (or the small scorea The Tonkers gentlemenj however, were vlotorloas with five wickets to spare, altbongh the Bt George's were get- ting wickets verv nit with bnt few rons attached to them. The weather waa beaatlfbl, and we are sore none coald help bat enjoy tbnnselves, for ti>.ere la no plaoe where the city Clan meet with a more bonoteona recep- tion, in their away-fron-home matohes, as at Tonkera. Mr. Brown, of the St Qeorge, made a neat speech on rendering np the ball, which waa as neatly responded to by Mr. Bashford, of Tonkers; after whloh the two Clubs sainted one another with three oheera Another matoh was talked of, to coma off aome time to October. The followtog Is tne score : 8T. OIOBOI. lint loalagc Baaood Inalan- l.,.lUthaw oHowotthbPll- klDftoB 8 bPUUniUB., ■ idCaofh b 1 8..TUtbHalIai. 3..HUd 0 a Howorth b PlUdnftaa 3 8 bHtUa* 77717 8 4. .Tou b Ballai 8 1 b w, b HoUm 0 S .BnirBbPllklDgtoa 8 raaoat.... S 5. .TIoMB b Halla 8 a Htllaa b PUklajte 0 7..WUtBaNbHallaa 4 e BuUoid b HiUaa I 8.. Valla a Shoaaiid b PUk- lB(taa 0 ran oat B t.,Bn/notoat 0 bPllUa(tsB 0 10..LneabPUklniton 8 notoBt. 9 U..aodwlabHtUe( 1 bPUklngto I Bjai7; irldai3 8 Bfai • OiBD.—RoxBOBT, Mass., Aagnet 30, 1866.— Mr. Edi- tob:— I wasmnch enrprlaed at seeing a.letter to your valaable paper of thie week, parwoitlng to have been written by J. Scott, of Greenfield, Haas., Inaamnoh as there is not a pa;rtlole of truth to any part of It, except where It refers to our challenge, etc., which waa taken up by wbait they called the Greenfield Olab, but which torned out to be aix of the Greenfield aod five Of the Sherburne Falla <}labj that Is to say, the best men of the two clubs. This, however, we did not wlah to oppoM, on acooant of oiir regard for the manly game of orloket i' Mr. Soott eaya that one of our men was given out by leg. before wloket Thetrathle, thatwhen thelrnmplre gave the warrant;'the game proceeded nntU Iwent to, when Hlbbard pretended to etump me out; bnt, as I had never left my arease.tb'elr umpire oonld not give me out The amplres then agreed to draw oats fob It, and even thli chance gave me lo. Hlbbud's rage wis dreadful Mr. Soott then aavB that I would not take my bat. The inth la, that I did take my bat when play was called. Hlbbard then got so enraged at their own amplre as to -order him off the groand with awfol curses and oaths. Some of our parly po'suaded their amplre to go to agato, bat I would not play afterwarda, as I saw tnat nothtog bnt wianglluE w6a1d ^t Hlbbard. Their own umpire said that Hlbbard behaved to a similar war abent a year srevioiialr, to a match between the Greenfield and Bher Djiriie Falls olnba. Mr. Scott sajs that our man was bowled ont when Hlb bard was wloket keepqr. I solemnly declare that both of Hlbbard'shalids were'before Uie wicket, and .one of the balls off before the ball got to the wloket (See Art. ZXXT. of the Manlebone Olnb. Bnles.) Our nmplie saw' this as well as I did, and therefore wonld not opunt onr-man oat ' Mr. Scott also says that we agreed to pky the n4xt day, but did not The truth Is, that the next day, when we were ready, they w6ald not play unlets onr man went oat Of coarse wo thould not agree to that. Mir. Scott says that we did not bring our own aembera. The truth Is, inat the whole eleven were members of onr club, except Mr. Standlo, who Is npt a member of any L ctdb, bat came to pliiy for J. Klmberly, one of dar' beat f fflajers. Mr. Eraos Joined oar oldb last Mar, fend never fiad a bat Id bla band half a dozen times In nls life. As / ^regards oar umpire, ho la a man peri^tly honest and di Irlght. healdes having boeuT^ntket player-from earl l0iW Aa ngitia t^aatment,%e'would ttot.'agald be 7wUli4d to encounter such' bad behavior' ah mh received J f^oiB some of their moilibM for tbe sake bT'wtoatog iwea- r iy gaDie& Why Ihey'ihonld feel so coofldenl; is • piiaile, Total... 44 PllttlBBlB|l.. Total.. Totalc(both iBBlaii.... TONUBS. niftlBBlnp. 8a««B4Iaalap. 1..0*nlfOB oTIaaoa bTlB- aoo 1 S..8t4dwall » lUthiw b Taaz 18 I b w, b TIbiob 8..H*tlaa o HlBlhaaih b Taos 18 not oat 4..HowoithbBrowa 0 bTloaoB t..BhOBitud 0 Taaz b Taoz. 0 b Brows e..PllUBtt«abBioini 2 7..Baihf6rdbBto«B 8 atTUtbBtawn 8..H«BpaOB bBtowa 4 bBrowa 8..IaraaiabBrown 4 ie..PaanaeTaai.bTlB<oB .. I U..BmlthBotost. 0 notoat B/aa<,-lagb^ail...... e By««l^wW«i 3, ....80 ...^74 .... 1 .... 0 .... 1 .. 1 .. 0 fldai. ■ ToW.,.. I. 8 iiobtfliii:iif bjaii.'.'.S Total. : eo Vint Iui1b|i. Total of both iBBlBft . .74 United Suteb m Oinada.— The grand matoh between Canada and United Statea will be pined at Hoboken on Thobsdat and FsiOAr, the 11th ana 12th toat The tre- mendoui^ strength of tbe oppoeing parties warrants us to predicting a great treat fer the lovers of Orlcketand we hope to B«« aiarge attendance on the ground. The- fol- lowing Is the list of thoM who wo topia/ on the part of the Uaited States: from the New Tork Olab, Messrs. Barker, Oayp, Hlgbam, Sharp, and Wllby; Irom the St George, Messrs. Glbbes, Waller, Btogbam, and Wright; from Philadelphia, Ueaars. Barlow, and Senior. Look for a full and detailed ecoount of the matoh In tiie "Cuttib" of next week. Oamaoa vb. Unitbd Statbs.— Philadelphia, Sept 8,1886. Deab CuFrait—^The oomtog match between Canada and the United States, to be played at Hoboken on. Thursday and Friday next is caaung no little exoltement to the " Orloket world." A Uttle bttttog has been done to tiiese ■arts, but which tends to be •lightly to fiivor of the United States. We have not heard yet who are to play on the side of the Canadians, but we oan leet assared that how* ever strong they nuy be, tbey will have their work pretty well cnt ont for theoL Everybody kiowa the men who are to play'on the side of Uncle Sam to this great contest Senior (ef the Phila- delphia Olab) and Hatsh of (New Tork,) areondonbtedly the Dest bowlers to this country, and I can poasitlvely as- sert, withoat fear of contradiction, that Senior was never to sdoh excellent order and pracUoe as he is at the present moment and If he does not level the timbers of some of the Northerners with aa sood bowltog aa ever they stood against then we wU confess that Orloket it 'an ueertaln game.' As to Barlow, I can with equally as nuoh confidence assqrfyoahe.Isto exoellent practice, having seen him 'aytog constantly for the last two weeks, agatostSeiddr's iwUng.. As to..the bowltog of Manh, Onppage and Wllby (as an auxiliary) every one le too well aoqnatoted with them to need furtner comment Now the batttog of the United Statea side could not be better chosen then it will be on this occasion. What with Bingham, Qlbbs, Senior, and Wright WUby and Barlow, I thtok thf Oanadlang will reqalre the very best bowltog to jpat these men oat wlthont nig soorea. 6t the fielding we think we can speak as flatteringly as we oan of either the bowltog or baiting. What can ex- ceed Htriiam's wiehfl tepiry—Sharp's poM-or Senior's thort tUfT It will be a teaztog field for the Canadians, I f^oy, not Buoh an one as they play agatost every dar. Taktog all these matteie Into consideration, dear Olif- rsB, I thuk we may rest very contented with ^nMpeeti, and I have pot thef eUghtest donbt that ere this week oloaes OmMiiiU'-Ulaiai, Tours, Jmioatm: LoNo IBLADD Oldb.— six of the 1st eleven of this clab will Alay a matoh with the 2nd eleven of the olab on Tuisday, 16th tost The retniil tnatch with the Brooklyn Olob wUl be played oh Thorsday, 26tb Inst BiLL PLAY. QoTBAii: vi3. KtnoKBBBOom.—The aatoh between these two Oinbs took plaoe on Friday, 0th init, at the Bed House Graundi, Harlem, to the preaenoe of one of the moet nomerous aaaemblages that ever wHoesied a game of base ball The Gothams, to this Instueej'seeffl to lave oompletely outdone all their previous efibrts, and ta de- Ajatlng tiielr opponents have maoh to boait ot The fol- lowtog Is the score sjiiiokbbboosbm. Baal Adami ■.11. 3 Wadtirorlk 1 S»l 0 Buraaa 1 Klnam....^ I. »• B«<t , 0 fatal..'•• ItJ , t' Oe^orar. .'.'.'..;„ g WfUlBf........ ; ; 0 r' l^tal. ooituitt. T.TaaOott Bona.,..,. fflBitow........ Plaakaaj Taad . OldMra ■beftMaB;,,',i., 0BBmarrn4..>. OuBt—flriaid Qum: In the Sanday Herooir of Aog. Ut Ibu^ appeared some renarks in referenoe to the reeent matoKbetween the Altontlos and Empires, stating that the Atlantis and Harmony Olubs, to their matohes, aeleot men from both clnba to play. Now we know nothing but what wo have heard on our ground and at our meetton, oonosming tbete matches. In the match between the Harmonies and Oontlnentala, Mr. Bergin, Preddent of the Harmonies, placed a member of the Atlantlo on the Har- mony Me, much against the wlahea of moat of the mem- bers of the Harmony Olab; that la the only match to which any bat members of tbe Olnb have playel In regard to the letter of Bergto, Phelpa,Boenun and Price, we have to aay we know It la tooorrect, as we have attended the meetings of the club thIa seaaon, and alwava found a qnornm present and bustoess done to order. As regards the playtog, It was a matual nnderatandtog from the oommencement of the seaaon that we ahonld not play daring tho month of Anrnat, on aocoant of the heat, bnt fome out on tbo first oi September to a new ball ault, and commeHoe onr game In good earnest Aa this propo. aitlon 6ame from Boeram, and was voted fer by Bergto, Phelps and Price, we were much aurprlaed to fliid the let- ter declaring the Harmony Baee Ball Olnb disbanded, and declared by them oat of exlatence, and themselves ex.members. Now wt^ihould like to know when and where they became a-tmAert of the Harmony Olnb, as the olnb has never received from them any letter of reiig- natlon. If theae men wish to'b^ome ex-members of our olab, all they have to do Is to send to their resignation,- and flank up, or they mav become dpdUi members. To all friends of tho Harmonies we would say that our regu- lar play days are Tuesdays and Saturdavs oC^ach week, and altptMens dealrons of seetog a soctosle gaio^.played In good ralrite we Invite to give us a call at oar grotudi East Bro^lyn, near Holder's Three MUe House. EoBBBt JosnsoN, Jb., Edwabo Van Voobuib, John EL Obahan, William Jdlun, Jon., Ohablbs B. Wtub, And several others. EKFiBi vb. Baltib.— The retom matoh between these olnbs wOl be played at Hoboken on the lOlh toat, the last ganis being anflnUdied. ATLAilnio vs. QoTBAH.—On the 18th Init, on the grouad of the foimer, at Holder's Three Mile Home, a match will be^yed by tbe above olobs. Play to oommenoe at three o^leok..' A OH«ii#(iii—We nnderstand that the Atlantlos have ohaUsnnS Uis Knlokeii>ocker, Gotham and Eagle Clubs. We have not heard their answer as yet. PBDE8TBIA1VI8H. Gmnxu'fl Gbxat Twbbtt Milb Matoe.— This raoa for |500, (Grlndell, to ran twenty miles InsUe of two hours,) will come off on the Lynn Trotttog Park, Friday, Sept 19. the day before the great boat race between the St John men and New Tcrkers. The five mile raoe, whloh U. to come off the same after- noon, for a Ohabjplon five mile belt, valaed at 160, open to all rnnners, wul be an exciting affair, as we learn that Suite a nofflber of the fast rnnners have already entered ielrname& Gbwskll at Banqob, Mb.— This celebrated pedestrian runs a five mile foot race, with two Indians, over the Bah- ~>r (Mi() Trotting Park, some day this week, giving eaob _idlan lOO yards the start The match Is for 9100 a aide. We shall probably give the result to our next paper. A Good Idba.— We learn that the SuperintendenU of the AMooltural-mr Groandg In Boston, totend this fall to glTO two pofses to pedestrians—one pi t20Q to the best ion mils ronoar, and ana at eso tn «Ka toKmi Imil, opei to all pedestrisna In the United States. This will be gOM chance for all the fast runnem to ahow themselves, Totma SroBT, of the Dry Dock, havtog heard that Gil ten Is anxloos to run him, will made a match to ran said Gillea five mlle& for $26 a side—the raoe to take plaoe on the 16th lost Toung Sport will meet him at the OuFFBB office on Friday, between 2 and 3 P. M. We have received $10 from Sport >8 an earnest of bnslnesa Nor Aboond.— The Greyhound, of Boston, In response to Mardook's okallenge, publlahed to the OurrsB a week or two atooe, called upon the challenger bat wai^ naab^e to Induce him to fork np, and Bonseiinehtly, the Grey- hound considers him a braggart, dockt Is It a back down? this Mr. Hot- OABsmTAND TBB Nbwabk Obiokd).— We nnderttand that a matoh to ran ten miles has been made between these two pedestriani, and that the raoe will take place on tbe 6th of October. Bablow AMD OASSffiT.T-Mr. Oassldy Infonns us that he called at the places mentioned by Barlow, for the pnr- poee of naktog a match to run one mlle,bat that Barlow was not to be fcond. . Bou. ...... 8 i 1 •••••• % 4 .8 ...... 3 B ...... 1 ^......7 ' ff«lal....'.....;...;,'.'..ll When all exetlei theinaelvei sci aealomly, it i«aiA8^ «f plaoe to go tolo dslaUa - Qbbat BnxiABD Match dt Ohio.—a oerreipondent ia Zanesrllle, Ohio, andor date of Sept 6tli, aenda na tite following report of an exolttog BUllaid match Jast oon- clnded to that eltv. The maton was made and played to GolTs Billiard Saloon, ZanesvlUe, between Jerrv Dare, tbe'Great Western player, and .laak Bogers, or Zanes- vlUe, Ohio. The nutcn was for $300 a side; 1200 points to be the game. In stringing for the lead, Dare got the first shot and ran 83; Bogera'flrat run waa 226, followed by Dare roontog 161. . Betting 6 to 4 on Jack, who, by a BklUiil shot, got a spot and ran 232, Here the game be- gan to turn, for Jerry, taking a streak, ran 484. Bets about even—slight odds on Dare. Rogers, getttog a apot, ran 384—Dare next ran 392. Now the game com- menced to get exolilng. Bets ran high, with the most absurd odds on Dm, Jack having 368 to ran, while Dare had bat 76. Jaok then run 300. Here all hopes of win- ntog the game bv Jack's friends were given op, for hla opponent had ooly. 77 to run, aod had the next abot Dare, after' rnnntog 62, made a mls-oue, and lost the WW. Vi., lUWa B lUUrwug. BUU AUDI. UlC game—It being Bosera' next ehot, he ran 68, and went out Dare la not satlsfled with the result, and another match for $600 w6a made ap between the aame parties, to come off on the Sd of October at the same place, (GofPs Bil- liard Saloon, Zanesvllle, 0.) Sogers la a young nan, abont 20 years of age, and bids fklr to become one of tbe beat playera ta the oountiy. "Nov vaa aBat, iOT v«B AUTma."—TrBl7BA7U bo Mid that a "Ihlaf of bMSlr U a Jaj fat arar." With this bat otaitsf Oi In tba baa, li It asj «eB4ar that Dr. OaBnal'i aiaalliat ao« matlN maat with oaah tnij aal rapid aala I Hara roa a low for*- haad r It nu/ ba aad* bl|h, alaplf bj nalst Iba Daatoi'i Isrol- oabla Poadra^ BabUiai far apreetlof Hf nlao'aa hair, la tha co- lor of jMt hair etjaatlaubla. th t Doatot'a Lltald Bair' D/a will ahanfo It to aalt jao, withoat tha laaat IsaoBTaaMaat. Ba 'jaa vlih'jBit tha illthlaat btaih to tlo|a roaiuail^ialaahaak—tha Daatar'a Tlaigie Baagawlll dothathlog loaaharm. byoBr jkaa 140 rod—Br. Oairaad'a Wj Whlta iiakaa ttii aoapfttloD Air tb look spaa. Oi ptmyla*, (laakUs, tan,ko.,dtitfBi* jaar faa*or haBij-th4 Saatet's 0«l4bnt«d Iiallan lladleat«d Boap, wlU aeat- Uf than ts.tba ilodi. AU of thaaa aoimatlai naj ba had of Dr. a«araad,M'|| WatfcaratraatBrii atora frooi Breadv«)r-ro< ^.B Oall«DlH,MB«alh th>r4- atraat, fhllaijalpMa, sail of Kr. MtN, U* WaaUaftaa slieat, Baslaa. Lire AHO Bamn of tanub raLUTAjL EiuBAOms niA AID AOODBiTB BBtoan OP aa - libta with Baaaar Liaa, Toa Baaer, Hsnj Ball, nabOaa^ Taa Dr*r, Jaha Karrlaar. Tonlhar vltha arBap^bafhWiSS batUaa turn hlaflrtl vpoansoo Is lha Prlia Biat lattlklaiaS? Bait Alaa.thaHIUaabatwaanTaBBr«'*BdOo«ak*iroi«» tar, OhrUUll/a*fi Tarn U'Oar. OaoifoKaBMUaMHiABaa. Boad,AU.W8lkaraBd;o«Ballaa,tha''^0pldar." 11 aaOBSB BAOKIB, 84 Haaaaa atiMt, Taafe. OKOBOB BBIIBBTr H48 OPBNBB A POPniB BBO^BT BOB TBB IMVIM . InUroltr aad Ua pabUa la laoamU at f oidhaa, W a it B b li tarooiBt7,anlabaatlTaiUaarreB Raw Tork. BaftakkoMalieC aUhladaeabaad.orprnaiadtoordar. Tha h4a« haa thrbail arao<«aBodaUoaB,haTlai baaa anatod aadai tha lapifvUsaaf Hr.KtaaatL BrnrthlnflideBataaBiaratha••■fUterMlsa, and baardata. la-dt. . 0 BILLIABDB. 10OMHOB a OOLURDBB'S BILLUBD TABU UAHV- 4totoi7,IIo.UAaaitraat,HawTeriL. U • OXIHQ WltTHOOT A *A$TB)ft. , oB,ioisntirieAataMDrBAOTiraat' '' ~ ATIAOK AND BBLI BBflRI?!,' ■ '', Biplaloai In ao aan a mansar that aa/ parMB Bif VoatpltkMi' this oaalU Art OontalninidwoilptlDaaor'v OOBBBOI PUSniSTIO ATTRtrDBB, - - ' aa piaatiaad br tha aaat aalabialad Bezira of lha laaMatjIil i BT OWBH airiR, PBOPBaaoB ot tbb i»t. T^; , i PriiaUMoaata, Ballad faM of poatan. ' ' IMb p. BBABrTPaMlthar. U Ana at, B.» ■ OOLOBBO PBIIfT HTES AND SULLIVAN FIOHT. Baaead adlUon, aoir taady, aoBtainlag Llha n itij< - ' :' i,- TOH HTBB ABD TANKBB BDLUHaB, -. : fohaarlrac, Ooaatrv MoQadv, >oa Marphy. TtaB latiia^' Jaha Way, Oaatao, SUka WaUiAvrBl Soidaai, Oao, BesiMkai. BhaPfcToB BarB%, MaaabaaUrPat, loaWlBTav, aadathacai A. eerSH L to B faa, t<B«thar,wm tha aaht-a Blomphror M» TAB, a IlaWhilbB«Uaa,hU^amt<iHMalaath tad barUitha wkalt (aralat a ooaplala i«ooy< eHMd^aiaaf tha Oeatosm orBaa^ r Laaa. OEIPPBB OBoa, Ut Uaaiaa itiaat Prka MeaatS. LOBOOII HOI'BE. 1. YODRO BB. P1IOB,OP LOHDOIf, BBaPBOTPVLLTmOBMI hla fHaada that ha U now localad In tha abora hooaa, Ba. 8M(^ Rnn SI BBst, Bosroi, vhara kawlUbahapp/toBaathit ftMta Branrthtarla tha driaUag lint, of tha bail taallt;, alears •■ haal /<rhai«iialio attaehad to lha hoita, a room hrapairlBb •baiajlhaaa who dsalia It eaa try thaBualraa vllh tha bIU " DOOSI DOOai DOSBI AU, TBB OEOIOB BBBBDB 01 BOOB BOB BAU Am Btook. AalBUllbUOBr«forllAB|«,WoaBda,aDA BitlMaa of thaBhlala Doga. Jiitpabllibad, a Book ob Dot-bolalaf, pilaa II aaals. ' IBAHOn BUTUB, » talt«aaV,Ma«Tetk. THB BSD ummm. No. IM Paarl abaat (batwMa Oeaoard aad TUlaiy al«4 BreeUpa; AUB, wans, UQU0B8, saaABS, ko., Ofthabafthraada. B. fi. Qaolt and BkltUa Ofooai. U-8a I,.BABBan,Pfepritt«t. TO RBSAT^A TLCBB AMD OARaBRR OP TBB BRRBD BTATBB ABBB MAOK AT, BUntlBB OT , tha lbar.«4ra«BSaa Boat ••BXPBBIliBHr,"(UabatMl»eaB ' laAmwiaaJ laBOWBWparaateoeafaaottortliaAalldlBgofBaifH. ' Baos,BhaU;aa4aUotharelaaaaaof boata. Ba U alao sMpanilB . fBTBlah Uaaavatylaof Oar*,upnUadb7tha Oafutaad Om* brldgaCBlTanltlaa,aadthaOhafflpleB0rawof Bnglud. BawB. ba happp to lira forthir puUoaltra lo any pirllaa wliUag aay thtaa dawtlBttoa of BoAta, br thair aapIrlBr to ]>-tai JAlI>SUAOKAT,lSHarearat,RawTeik. OUPPBB" BHADBB. ANBWJ|Ajn> PINB B8TABLIBD1IBNT, OALLBD TBI ' *<CtirraaBaA9sa,"huJiutbataoHaadb7thaBadaiai|Bal. i atBo. Ut Boaaraltaliaat, whara tha Ittaat Bpoitlag btalUjaaaa . BMfalwBTibalaantd. ThtbaatofAlai,Wlnaa,BrABdba,(X|«ak . aa,alwaTaoBhaBd. ^ « Bozlaaa," S Tola; " PliUais," and " Plthta (or Iba Ohatiplea- ' ■Up," to ba aaaa at tka bar. JABBB BBOAN, Propitatai. OBIOBBVI OBIOBBTII OBIOBWIti CBieaTADDABOBBBTOlPUlfBRTS. O^P.A^BWBiaBi; lie Bzoadwar, haa Jait ratalrad, and kaaoa for aala aoaaluttr, ■ - of(M4katB4ta,DekaV V*rh'a,aad'VlA> BPOBTSniBN'B DBPOT. AtPBBb WOODBAH, 180 PDLTOM BTBBBT, (OPPOBITB Jf. Paala Ohoreh, Na*Tork. Oona and Plihlir TaaUa. Bote Baala, BoilBf Qlorai. Panalni Poll(,Ooak Bpara,aad aratytalacB tha Bpoitlacllaa. Wholaaala and rataU. ' WITTT AND BOHOaOIIB BBASIIfO . FIB TBB lfaUOK.-OaLBB k 0O.,-BO0KaBUiBBfl. tOB. Uahan, and Oanaiol Hall Ponrardin of Ohaap Books tut M nallad BUtaa aad Oaaadaa, at* atUI at Ihalr «Id Bttad, 10* BaiM atrsat Haw Tork, and aaB,aa oaoal, brwiad aar baok,prlal,w aarutlol* eonaoetad vlth tha iiada, pibUahad la tha UaliM Malaa ; oiXarapa,allharbjHallorBipraia,toan7partofthavetU,wlib ■ tba atmon aafaty, proaptaaif, aad dlipatah, Panona raaldlBi la tha ooaatrr aaa raoalrs aar lafematiea tkay Barwlah laragudtoaa7Baoka nbUihad oltkatlath* BavSf ' Old World, oa aar aSMsoi, br addraaring OIUBB k 00,| . - . BaokaaOtn, 100 Naaua itraat. Haw Tack, , F. B.<^tatonaa of aU oar PatflloaUoaa aant rata. We Bsi*' ao'>"agoats|" tkaiafora ba aarafal, In aaadlag aoaay or or4ais,ta ' dlrtetoBlytoaa. iBformatloa gtraataragud toaajrarltaiaiO* : HrtalBlBitoaporUof mAttara,aaghuOhaaa,aioTaa,PoIl% Va0«k ■ Boraaa, ko., ko.' ^ lUPBOTBD BILLIABD TABLBB . ' . ANB ODBBIOHB-PATBHTBD PBBBUiilT IB, IIH.»III> \ OEABI, PBBLAN'B Hodarn TaUaa'and OoaUaitloa Oi*> , laaa—oorratt la prlsalpla aad pirfaet la afliaa-«o aoaataaalad OS'. ta iDfar* matkaauUtal oorraetaati of anzIaawbaspUrad apa^ ' airfvanaDtad topoaaia tha raoalalU alastlaltp ia aQ aaaibasb 'i harlag. baaa taalad b7 tha baat plaitta lo thla oeUti7,aaAI#,i thaa proBoangad tba Boat parfoot of 007 hltbarte eoBSttaa t al ., ai« oBiad to lha pablls aa obaap ai tha ordinary lahlaa ot tha'Mr., OidanproapllyatUBdadt*. galooa and ariaawon,ir». BBOa^sa;' banatataatapataba. M > STATB OP NBW VOBK, BBOBBTABrB OPHOB, ALBAIT. ^ Aagut 19.1868.—To tba BharlS of tha olt7 aad aoailr of BiW; j Tork :-Blr-HoUeA la harab7gtraa, that at Iba gaaaral aUattaa., to bahald In IhliBlaU oathaToaidaraaoaaadlagRiaanlllpabv ' of Naraobar aoi^ tho rollovtag oflaai* are to ba alaeiad to «181 AQmrnor, Jo ibaplaoaofH/ronll. Olark. vr'''."> A Llaataoaat Ooraiaor, lo tha plaao of Baorr J. RarBoad..' .. . A OoTil OooDlulonir, In lha puoa ofOamauBi Oaidlaar. ' As Inipaotar of Blata Prlaona, la tha plaaa of Tkeaila Vk*' patrlak. ■; 1;. ' : I A Olark of tha Oooit of Appaala, la tha plsaa«( Isalamlsy.;/ Harwood, daeauad. , . ^ •■. AUwhoaatoraBOfofloavlll arplra on tha.tait difOf tlill l a '• barnazt. ' ' ■'••.'.'> ThUtr-flra Blaotoia of Prealdant Md Vla^Piaaidsal ef ^1 nnltadBtaUa. 1 ■ ■■ ■: A BapraMBtatlra la lha Thlriy-lflh Oaniraaa of tha (ratlM , Btataa for tha'Thfid Ooagraariooal dliblst, ooapoaad if tha lliA SaaoB), Third, PUIh u4 BIghlh wards la iha ally dad asaa^ el ■■ MairTork ' ■ ■ i [: Alao, a Saara«aotatlT« In lha aald Ooogtaaa for tha Paarth 0«a- 1 rrauloBiI dUtriet, aoapoiad of tba Poarth; llith, Taath' aad , Pogrlaantb warda of tba aaU dly Aad eooaty. Alao, a BaaraaaotatlTa la tha add Ooagtoa (or tha PHIb 0»s* < gtaialoail dlitrlet, aompoaad of tha SaraBth aak ^Irlaaath wards t ofthaatld ally aad eognt7,aod tba Thlrtaanlfa, Poirtaanib, PU Uanlh and BIztaaalh warda In tha ally of BrooUyo, la lha oos^. ofKloga. ■ _ " ' Alao, a BapraaaBtatlra In tha aald OOBgrav for tha ilath Qaat^'. Kadonal dUtrlal,ooapoaid of tha Blaraalh, Plfiaaalh aadBersw, nlh wardaof tha ally of Now Tork. Alao, a BapiaaaalaUT* la tha aald Ooogiaaa for tha fartstt,, Oongratdoaa diatrlel, oompoaad of tba l(lalh, UitMlrtblaal', TaaatlaUiwMdaortha ally of Naw rait. -jj^ Alio, a Baaraaaataltra la tha otld Ooanaaa far tha Blfhlh O*^: KfiiOMl dlatilot, eoapoMd of tha Tvainh, BlghUanU, Btog nth,**aatiaUi, Tmnly-lnt aad Twnly-aaeosd warda oflM otWawTorh. ' .(HtraDdooaatyeflloaraaraalaatobaalaaMi—. 'f ' AliarerJBthap1iaoerro»»doWood. . - A Ollr f alga, la Ibo plaoa of BlUba 8, OipiOf- . , . ^ .^i, u TwoOonnoraof (ha Alnihooaa, la tho 'pUtai of I^|«>/^ ''iSo?'San'momNira of AMaabtr for aald ally Bp4 aejptf Allwboaataraiiof oOoaWill arpliO oa lha lul dAy^ ff lS M j ^ i aazt T<~""'^rpfiTAKrOir, /r.D'P BM«W^BIi^;.<.l floaiif r'a Of rioi, Baw To»b, Aoioat», im, n nV) u. - TaaaMralapabllihadperiButta tha boUm -tbaf ofSwJ, «d tbaraflaltaiiaau of Ih •-«-