New York Clipper (Mar 1857)

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li;!----.)' CURLING MATCH AT MONTREAL. HdiRiAkii. hu long been noted for Its curlets, and as we have devoted conaldcrable space to ft deacWption of the g«m», with n view of Ita IntrodniHon Into the Stst«B (In which we hmvo been aa60<itf^,.«|]ilaf i . '.;t»^ecoH)per8tIon and Mstatanoe of our old couitiy ftiendu,) wo have had engraved a repreaentitlon of a CnrUng'Match-In Montreal, In order that thOetf not dearly ppet^d In. tiio gam?,..may:;hav«.« ^l^^tn^^^»,;^ '.-'ipf;ih»'-flpwli lAloh' • men dewriptlM'nlgbt M'.to ciky^. '■ ^ r ' ■■ -"• ', '' yl- ' '. -m. ' .1 i'^-TEE.' fox-c:h.a:^,1!;'' ■■ •n'AND ITS OONBB9UEirdE8. rT.'' . ■ .IIWIIM yOB IHB JlW.Tflir. flirm, (T BT T.' BAlilLTON tltiilNDA. ' CHARER I.—TBE CHASK '"'A^BiSHT morning In Jane. 'A: jone .nlo'nUhg on 'the Sooth 'Mbolltaln—ft branbh of the Bine BIdg»^ln the good tid State iof Maryland; wheta the breitfa of jane le noft ud balmy aa a flitting moon-beam, the' ivealhge-calm |^^p<^byry, and the grovea maaloal with sweet-voiced ' The shadowy niat from the Catoctln woa rklpg slowly ^jpltrard, l|f^ by,the Ban's raye, veiling the moontain ,lif^:ita„tran^)arent vapors, and.blrcUng the trce-tbpe |wllh,aihi4o of pnrple glory.. The matin of the birds [oaded, the morning air with moslo, and the ilalng son, .piftylpg ftgalnst the monntaln'a dde, lit op the . scene In ail lla varied colon. , A traveller along the National Bead may have noticed ft iaine Mok mansion, separated by a deep lawn from the j,T0ii4rdde. It Is a calm, peacefol .retreat, eltaato at t^e .Tei/ baae of the Booth Honntaln, embowie^ In its. shade and woodland beauty. This Is flie resldiinae of !.Col. Bi|t- ler, who still ocoaples It—a reliot of the old timed " Lords lofthi Manors" whose youth cbiiitacnoed-'In the days wheni lltldH^ortln^ was considered a healtUbl aulisement, and tamlag rctoeaUons no ortme. The Coloiiol, os he la called, 'hit ooonpled'tiils mansion for many years^' and has kept iVf, untU a Tsry'rebent date, In his comitianlty, something Of the old^Utiib qililt of sporting. - ' TJilo'n the momlng we have described, a number of fine ^ettied'hbises, "perfebt in point and 'Blne^,7 were pran- ibg lbeifbrb'the wicket of th^ lawii,.b^ (haifoad-elde, While Wverai inen'of rado exterior, wltli ell veir horns Bwbbg over their ehoulder«| and hnntlngcaps covering their'antralncd loghK were boHjjng nomerous braces of honnls near by. -: ''I>awi>i:XepIert qoleti y«n enilV aald one of. them, to A grey hoandt.who.was Ht^^pg against'the fence, In dls- i«oiMepted:nood> "yo^inidnivtnnlafthlef| yoa<bettia^ ibwp qal«t, for.yoa wUi bftT» (noa|h,t«t do.beforeviilii^t, 44M<« 0^os^>iftrorlt(i'p«bLt iTh» f Boanwagei' ed him, lest nlgbt, a basket of wlnol yon would distance them to-day, but I fear. In spite of all my ttalnlog, yon will 'give In, for Charley end Aggy can beat the dev|l olearlnlofastile. . AUt tliBt .ro,Hbdge8onr' ; , The; man called- Hodgeson nodded assent, and,- then' looking t6ward thb manslbo,. said: "Abvttey'rec'Amlng;" .; CoL Butler, with half a dozen of his sporting neighbors, BTdeKgei'ftopi the' honiei npon the lawn, when h'e blew a; blast upon a small horn hanging by Us Mde; Hewlua, hatei pbrtly gi^tie'man'.'of perliaps idf^ yews, and find- ing erect, with the rays of thembrnIog 'san: ;glintlJfg h^s! brow^ and tite inonntaln breeze llfUog bis-short browli looks, he presented, all'the iqaiily^and soiilfbl benevolence so peculiar to the old-tlmdd gentry. - i ' ' In 'answcr to the signal of the horn, several grooms and keepenl emerged from beUhd tUb hpose,'end stood await- ing hla orders. - '. « James, lead. Nelly.and Gray Beard to the stllfc. Be qn|ok, I feel Impatient for the cbhse. Johnson, brlni ovt the honnds, and hold Charlea and Agnes tight, f^th^ are out of practice and may run wlldt'V J 'T A few moments after, the keeper apffeftrcd on thb la#n, surrounded bya.gronp bf hoandJ^ahd holding hf Oa chain two of extraordinary points and color. Agnes was a light fawn color, with a few dark browii spots along.hcr fiaiiks, and a whito spoHntho centre'.ofherfiuie. Charles ina a dark brown, with heavier limbs and foo^jg, than his mate, but bearlnig.'a sprl^tly asid iniielliiei^t look, wMoh rendered bim more attractive than the rest,'. There Tits'roinbnae la the appearai^be and mm^ of the lionnds. At the VlndoW a'boye the parilcb,'.appeared, as the keeper led them forlh, the!brlght shining lace of a fiilr girl of Bixtben,.pMrlng tluoagh her yell, bf flooring auburn tfeasc^ like the moon from beiwcen'two silver blonds. It was OoL Butler's only daughter, Agnes, after whom the fairest hound had been named' And at that fkee appear- ed aithe wIndow,;ayoiiDg man, who- stbod'bjr the Oblb^ pel's side, lifted his dftrk syei, andi threw, iflUt hbiflhigeit- tlps, a kits to the lovely gfrl ;Itwai Chariei Vt^twortV, )i«r .betrothed;lexer. Ohatlei waa. tber only Ka'oT ft ima^:i^l^,iai ,iHeU'jor;heir'$g^A''l>^ he], finding him to possess thb itjaoly'qaallttes which' he most.valned aitd 'admltcllii charaetir|'n6 sooner dlscbv- ;ered thblmutual bttAehtacniof 'thb'HWo IpVe^'th'ii^ Immediately browned their' happlncn bjr consentlil(;'toj ithelr unlbh, at aa speedy a period is'oeiirv<{nIeni' 'In'iits' entUuslastlc loveYor whaVhe now deemed' botII,hId'bhn-| dren, ha hod billed 'bI»^fbVoHtb\hdnodB by thelr'fi^bi), and loved them twice ali inbchfof thViftitae;'■ ' " ' . 'fipo careM, Charles, IW7obr riao," «ld Agies, ;ih' a voloe'of touohlngm'uslo, " Nclllolssorestlye sndftiotlbuS, :I-fear to seojoa mount hfer." ■ • • '''' ' . ''' ' '' : "Fear no'vAssyi I shall take exeelleibt ooi'el'if bnly; 'for your-sake,'-' whispered the yoling man, aside frotti the party. .." Come, leave off your cooli)g no^," said the .Qol, oiildliigl^; /'getready for the chase, Chpxlos; and yoq, A^g^, .see that .^ia, have a good rapper, on our retori^ Johnspn, take can of tt^ose hbniidB,, A moment af^ifrju^ the ^bole party w^momted bn'a- '^pzcn V^il, Rallied qtceds, an4 went careening up tiie rf>fi."{\AI^^ up the ascei&t, they, diverged into ft'mow^ttlii -pitjij 'and .br%nohs]lipff >ow|rds.,tbe " l^ao%:>'',| Having ftiily^cntered the fnoun^Ujili tlie tettlfDf of some of ihe hounds were dipped, ■<>4 ^V. Immediately struck out Into the forest, snufflng thp air with ft -Iweo scent, and ever and anon waking the echoes of the moun- tain,' with tlielr deep; peculiar bay. The hontorri folIoWed at a reasonable ointcr,.uitll tha pack suddenly broke out In a tremendous VoUoy of bays, when the other honnds were sllpt, .aDd the'company started tbe'ebaoe In earnest, the spirited nUre,-NelIle,:sprIagtng, wltti Its rider, fhim tho start. Into tha van of the hunters. '■ 'Over the rough mbuntalo rvad, dodging tho trees, and loaplETg t]}o rooks and stumps, swept the gay bend Of hunten, their gaze ^alng In thedl^ctlon of tlidbayliij; honnds, and their excited blood flndilng their facet) and tlngUnp In their veins.. From Ihg (iv dlstanp^ oa|aa the voleo of il)6 dnjdpns'dogs, folldwl^g sWuiy upra fli^^ bf Wedbnnbg fbz.' Fd^bet 16'ti|e ctuiiw/nDi^^^ ihv(Mt4'iiollI^dt^nltfiM'an^^g^^ exciting hoars, tho chose kept np, «|n^nivpg,ft<ffi|d<.ftt*' tip'a of.coua(ry,'and clro|[lng rpni)d|Ju.!,'Kiify',qjiM)'i|M ilrbd foXf almost ran.dowa, bad well nlgl) reftdied 111 itw^ Iflgpolot, Then every nerve was stralnea>tob4" Ui'ftt<lkb death/' and horse and boimdtrere'^t'otit tb'<hMr;|i(tgiiSlk iofe^i tl^ih'tiibjr;- tbolW'eN^^ oyjiUb exertion. I: T - - V. .••'■mi^'l' It;. . . caapici n.<-Titf HomftiM mciiiunfi. ., ' Eulyon tiib'mbrnln^bf thbday, W Amti! B^^ blabkamltb, whokcpt'.a shop on,^p.'.'j)^wefVMjiiint^|j Bpad," was beating bts Iron on _tbe anyll, bt jjiia^ tte baying bf the hounds'on tlie nppcr Wdfe, aod-ltU.di)ini Ills'hammer, Approaching the long window, la'iriiltbiM was Wont to hang hlilhorse^libes, he rested Us 'tUwiin oa the sill, and gaaed ottt upon the mbdntalni ' ■ " Oat for a hunt,; again I" he muttered, 'In hil 'w4[|b voice, and with a' tone of envy. He w'sjitoiffSfi^w^ without tho aid of the cold and,dast att^ding bb yooft- tloD, a dark, brawny man, with, repulilvv ^^|ijiMii|od glgantlp ffmLVQI* age was perbtpi tw«a^-4wu or thirty, and hit hair, dark and crisped, hAaglilf'^arelesily about hlthagebnnrs) gave UraaaomuullyferodoiiAod nnprepotaesring appearance; < ' \ A fbw yards from the smithy- stood an old dIh>)pUi^ oaUn, In the front of whleb,Wjtlil'hag of a' WpUiM^ihf gatheringchipsi 'V-,- . " I say, pam, the Cplpnbl and hit erow.are OQ'ts^ttet gnndbnnl.t»dayx4<>l>'i^7^ hear the dogiH.tald .tfw imlth', to ilie bid woman. - ' "Sftre aa'< ftlat'I got etrsi What's it to the IUmo' yonl. dUok to yonr work/'said tbeold Woman laaetaUM. manner; " \', '. .• "TheUketofnol the likes of me I" muttered the f(i|rilgli blacksmith, la a tooe of bitter reoollectlon,' "thitt'lwhi^ Aggy Butler said, whenI v^edber to love,me t ,,|l[bs Ukck'of mo I Death and h—il 1 wbo |s IwUer tl^!ii^ifoo Blxlcy, the monntain sihllh I inio't ai s^g mu- culer, as bandy and read^ la a time^ I ] , WWif pore >>nest tob,.r«lfe^ u liwas,an.bld,bag'(ill.'a nptb^.l ^ey can't aay anything agalnit ma, anlesi unlsai ■ that I-ioaa,tlarp t«lu;k/]lltla. toft.mfih. Bail would