New York Clipper (Sep 1894)

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Seftembbb 8. THE ISIEW YORK CLIPPIilR. 427 BASEBALL. OIAJIOIID pmLD 008B1P. LmUftt S»r<Bf* DolBffs of (be Bbu. 1»bU Pimtaraltj-. J VatU Wsfntr, tnwanr of ttat Wwhlottoo Clab, ntd Id a newt Iptftrrtov: **No ou eoDMolad with lhl« olobbMnff«»^ If"« btd «ut«d CO MUMeiMrweooaMtuTaraalTad 10.000 cub rorblra from ih«ri«T«Iv)d« od Ad|. 14. I wu esIM to PhllAdtlpbU on Uut daj br • taleitnnt. ud vbMl vtItmI ai«r«,loaodTRinrtrB«blMDudMu- MMr Ttbwn. ot tbt nUTtUadit, In mf brotb*T*i oflke. TMr v«oc to ba«lMi ftt one*, uhI mid* « flu ofr«r of MiXOO tor lb« 7oanf pllcbar. I U>ld tbtajoii u flkllj thit lULOO woDld not bar Htrc«r—ihtt no Mrt of • propoalUoa voald b« oooildervd for ftay uan mvlcrcoD- [net to tb« WublDfTtOD t«UD, ud I meut ttrerr wonl of IL If tbo Now Ton, CIOTtUnd. or tnj other mtnagtrt coatlaa* (o tunpor with Moreer or ur oUior ol oor pitren ftiur thl*,tDd by lukiaic Ihom dlanfcltiia^d with tii«lr inmuidion bero, ud onliM to oi, wa will loako lb* piftytn tAftt toow tba dlMatiifactloD niAloMto any ^ttMrtaUL AH tb« IDOQ OQ tllO WaablDICtOD t«Ml till! yMrwiilbowitb Of noitTe&r. Ifthor do ootpUr tfao bMtball tbor know bow ui»7 wlllraUm from toe butt- nM, rortbaywlllbeiajptodod vltboul p«7 aotil the/ ■IfOiiy their loteniloD to set Into tho ftuns ud xlre u tbelr beet elTorta. Mercer came (o me pome dtye eco, end eeld that be thought be *ae aeUtled to more pi7 than he ii lettlnR. Ulnd yon. be wu gled to il^ a cootnot ai the Defloolnc of the aeeeon to come bere aod ret Id Cut eomptnr. ilaoagerScbmeUbBBtaaibtbIm tnor«aboniina|or leeiae weje than be coold haTo learned illefttobiBeeirinaoamberofrura. I told Hereerthet theeeaaoQwunearly OToraodtbtt ItwouMootbeJuat to the other player* to nlie one man'a aaUrr. partlea* larif after be nan elirned to play dortog the eeaiuta for a CMlalo ■nm. I aUo toM btm thee be wonid be worth moeh more to ne neil year than be U nowjtettlar and that I would ralee hie pay coulditrablr. Thle did not raltblm, eepeolallyaa tli* Tebeao brtitbere andotheri biTeworkM on hio lately aod Ullcd hu bead with all ■ortiorideaa. Notwlthuudlnii tlila uoderbaoded work, HercerwIU pitch for Waabington next year or not play bill, and he will iietaimoch money fn>m naai be li en- uiledto. There are no pUjere on the WtablDston loetn for aale at any price, when Maoaiter HehmeUdeddea (hktemanon thii team la ootdolog the work be li eapa^ A apMlal mvetlORof tbe BaetenLaerne waaheld A,d|. A In thle olty. All the olobe were reprenented at tbe meeuof eicept the Wllkeebarraa for wbleh Preildeat Powers held a proxy. Tbe 'eaaoo of tbe leane wai hfi«t«fore teranfoat^d Id tbe middle of Spptemoer, hot rNsntly tvothlrdiofthadube petitioned iheeiecaiiTe committee to extend the eeuoa till the end ol tbe month. TbU wmi found impracticable el tbe neetlDw, betwiilprobablybeeoarraoKed oaitraer. Aaltli,the ecbednlewM rearranfrd to rIto tbe YoDken Clab (for- merly tbe Allentown) a chance to pUy the New Yorke on tbe Folo Uroond^ thli city, on Sept. 7. Tbe followlog day tbe Yooken VlobwIU play two rameaat BuRkio, and eoDtlone tu ewlBg areond the olrcle.pUrlDg lornrl- deace Bepb 17 and 18, and wlndlDc op tba eaeeon on ao aad 2U U BpriDfffleld. All bnt arty feet of the naod stand ol the Cbieego Olab,atFolk and Lincoln Btreet4. Cbicefo. IlL, wee de- aioyed by Hreeliorfly after one o'clock oo Aug. 29. Th- iiud bed been praeilcally recooMmctad afterIhe Ore of Bevaial weabe a|o. The f^ame work wu In place, and carpeoter* warn noorlng paru of the ftrnctura. Tbe flamuitaiiad under the etasd wber* carpenten where at work. TbeyepretdtmpMly, aDdbadaimoeteorekipad the wbole etmctnro when the lira department reeponded totbeatarm. The eotlrw work wu dattroyed. About belf the eland wee deetroyed by the Bnt Are, and tbe re- oonelrucied partandeome ot the old etnictora veotnp laQaoieBthUUDie. Tbe Oamee ipreed rmpldly In boto direouooi from the itartlDff point, and tha itand, frame work and atored materleU ueed In the recooetmeUoD, were aoon in aabti. The origin ol the fire le tteliered to belneODdlary. The touliaetlmated at 119,000. Manaier Dainle, of the LoalivUle Olub, le quoted ai ■aylav: "There ■■ not a eingle word of troth In aoy atatementthatLonleTiUe iDteada to aell onL I know wbatieitolDi OD,and y»n can ear fnronceatid all that the Looiirlile Chib will be riolDc banioeu at the old aiaod next eeaioa. We will come ont alt cJibc thle yrar, at leaet froui a Unanolel eiendpolot We an not Rolnf to let rid of our kooO pla> era. 8uc)i a deal u wae pobliebea that FlelTer, Qnm and Brown would be ei- changed for Tlemao, Wlleon asd Si^lTonl wea nerer eren gireo a thought by oL Wa have too lew tine bell piayeri to get rid o! them. Oo the oontfary we are out after znnie good onee. and wbeneTor I eee a chance to cngadeagood pliyer I will cariAloly do eo. We are in tbe major league to itay." Tbi reoent burning of the Chicago Clut>*e gnad «taod win probably caoee tbe iraotrerof a number of cham- plonihip gamee from tbe Waeiera to the Baauro grounda Freeident Uaolon.of the Baltimore Clab.bu recalred mm Praiident Bart, ol tlie Cbloago Club, a telearam aiblagtheoooeaotol tha managemaDt to play tbeOnlca- |o-Boeton nmee in B^ton InAuad of Cbieago BalU- ■wre and uonlaTllle bare already arranged and iaonrad permlMloD lo play three gamee In BalUmore luiead ot at LouleTllle. It li aaid ihat New Yoit will eonaeat to thle arrangement, prorlOed the three gamee between the OleTelanda and New Yorke, at CleTelaod,be traDiferred tothleeliy. Ibenlnenaiei are Kb»dued tobeplated on Sept. e, fl; 10 and 11, the only Seader game^Loalavllle udBaltimore-lo be played on the7(a—«noffd*y. Ba). timore baa alreadr completed arraneementa lor the tiaiuferol the gamu icbeduled eC LonUrllle. A neatlng wu held Aog. 2& at Newark, N. J.. for;tbe pnrpoM of urganlaing a new league, lo ba known u the Atlantlo League. Tbe league will ambrBceJene/Oity, Newark, Paurwo, Trenton and Wllmlogtoo, Del. The three addltlOBal olUee will be Hieoied from tbefollow- iDg: Atlantic 'Hty, Elltabeih, New Bnmiwldi, Aebuiy Perk, Camden, Orange aod rlaiodeld. Tbe aeeoclaUoo wlUeurtont withbamuel N. Orue u preeldent, eacre- tary and treaenrer, and Helrln D.Compton, of RomtiIio, u vice preudeot, Tbe eieeuuve oomnlttee and Oiian- elal aaenegere we Bemsel N. Crane, cbelrmaa; O. U. Oenallnger and T. P. BulUran. Tbe flnt geme wlU be Kbedaled for play early next Hey, and each olob will play 140 regular league gamee. Tha Synooio team made only fbnr lafe blu ofrUcOln. nlp,ln tbeeecond ol the two gamu played^ et Byracnie, N. Y.. the Briee then winning by 5 to 0. Belli prarenied the Onahu fh>m meklog more Iban twoaafebite olTblm Aug. 27, at Lincoln, Neb, Ibe LID- coles then w Inning by S to 0. Ten Innlnge wet* reqatred to decide the contut be- tween the Cuban Olanu and Cbamlenbarg team Auk U, at Obambereborg, Pa., the former then winning by l2 toll Piepldent JamuA. Hart, ol the Cbic««» Olob, li quoted unylng: "Somany flreelnTarloueolUee,aUol a etml- lar oature, ol ooone lead to the ■nsplclon that they are lacandlarjr, and after a lltUe Inrutlgallon I bare con- etndad thata conaplraoy eilau to iiyet«o«UoallT dutroy tbe ball parta fiot the motlree ot the people IotoItoa, tad who thoae people are, I hareoot yal been able to d la- cover. Tba St, Lonia team vlelted Orange, N. J.. Aug. SI, and there played an exhibition game with the Orange Ath- letle Olnb'i taan, the former wIuiIdr by S tol Tbe Tloton made only foor aafe bite olT Priut, while tbe ktaen nude ala offOIarkeon. PItober Hemming, of tba Loulirille CInb, hai been ex* ebannd for Pitcher iBbi and a mooetary oontldersUoo hoax tbe Baltlmorea. In a ban* mnolng cootaet, Aug. 27. at Boeton, Haaa, between Ban Don and Ttnney, orthe Boeton team, the former won In H9i eecondb TbaLonliTillee played an eiblbltloo game with tbe AtlanlloOIty, Aog. 31, at AUantloOlly, nTJ , the former Ui* winning by 7 to 2. Tha LonliTillee went to FoUarllla, Pa, Aug. 27, and played an exhibition game with the Fotterllle team, of (ha PenDeyUanla Stem League, the tetur winning by It to 1. Tbe Bererlya were defeated by the Rlrarildu by 3 lo 1. Ang. a, at HlTenlde. Pe The loura made only three »te blu off Coleman, while tbe rlctora made Bve off Btaeber. Tbe Olendalee defwted the Weet Bode br S to 2, Aug. 39, at Maaatawsy, Pa. Tbe Tlctore made only three aaie blu off Clearer, while the loeen made foor off W. Baker. Beech beM the AlbartU laam down to three lalM blu Aug. A at Ailiurtne. Pl, tba Natlonala, ol Allentown, then wlanlng • to 1. TblrtaenluilngewerenecMaary to decide the eoateit between tbn flerrleon and New York Attaletio leena Aug. a, at Taeony, Pa., the former then wlnoing by ll to 9. Tba OleTelanil team rleted Herlden, CL, Aug. 27. aod then defealad tbe Merideoe by 12 U) 1. 'Am Boetone defeated a etnng picked team by 17 to 12, Aug. 27, at Boeton. Maaa. It wu a beneOi geme and tbe prooeedj went to Charley BeDnatt,wbo loathlilegalatt wiDUr, by baing run over bj a rmllroed train while trafeUnglnttaeWut. The St Louie Browne played an ofbiblUon game with tbe AtltnUo Oltya Aug. 27. at Atlaotto Cltr, N. J., the fomer then wlnnlDg by 5 to X in Mven Innlngi Tbe Sphogfleld and Wllkeebarre taame ol the Butem L«egae,eoateBded rorelxteen lanlnge without reacblog a ^nult, Aog. as, at G^rlBgfleld.lfaaL, the game wuthen called on aeconntoloarkneu with the eoore a tie, each dob banng wren rune to lU credlL Preaidant Soden, ol the Boeton Cleb, bu writuo to Pnaldent Tonog, of the NatloaU Leagn* atHl American Aaeoelailon, pntutlng oneorthe Nav York-LonlBTille ■aoM Played, Aug. 3i. lo thle dty. Prwident Soden aAko:>*By what authority wu one of the gaaiuacbtdaled at LooltTlUe for SepL 21. t», W uanaf;»rrad to New York and played there on Aug. U, and wu tbe writun cooeut of nine ol the league elube obtalaedt** Fraeident Young, in rvply to Fruldent Boden. admlu that be allowed the Chang* to b* made at the reqieit of tbe New York and LonUtUloOlnta. A dlipaiiJi fron Lima, 0.. deiad Aog.aa »*J»: **Tble momlnjr, aboot un o'eloek, tbe lug* nand etand at the oauball part wu ut on fli* aad entlrsl* coniomed. to- aeiberwltb thebleachera,neketoIDeaasdalargeaeaion uf faneiL Tber* la qoMe a rMllog ealiilnghere orer Sunday baaehaU, and it le thooibt Uut eympatbia^Ti ol the anU^eodar movement badumethlng to do with the ohgtn^ihebhaeL" ..^neman, of tbe HaTerhllla, In a game between tba llaverbllle and Pawtnekeu, Aug.«, at HarerbilL Maaa., miideaaalbblt,loc1edlnga bonotu and doable bag- nr. each oftbeflre tlaev be went to bnt. QaptalnOoalikey ear; that wb«a be loet Boblaeen be eet tbe bait Uentediaal ba erw had. LBAGUB-ASSOCIATIOlf. The We«tflm Clubs Finishing Up Thsir Striss In the East Row York t«. ClawrUnd. Tbe New Vorta defentod tbb ClevelADdg for (be aizUi time, Aog. 28, nt tbe Polo Oroondi, Id tbU oli7> Uie aerentli gtme ot tbe aeries belog then ptsyed. An error bj Cbllds lad four auccesaire wfe Mia. laclQdioff a triple burger br Ward belped the Neir Yorta to three nna after 'woTSSI; weieout Id tbe flrat iDDlog. Touogiben seuied dowQ, sod vaa odI/ batted agmlo in tbe aevenib inniDg, wben Tlemao bit safelr to centre ajid Davla • ™^ "> «n»rt- Hoaie beld tbe Tlsiion down lo two acsuorlog fiS'l? flrBtnre InDlDga, but was baited freely dorlog tbe remsloder ia tbe coDtesL Tbe flaltora. buwever, isiled to make ?**5?uHI?° one ran, wtaich wo tbe retail o( BlngW>a bj ObUde and Bnrkeu and an error by Ward in the eiilb Inning, l)oj\t nude n great rdnoiog catcb ot a foul ID tbla InnlDg, followed by tbe c*tob ot * □srd liner, on wblcb be nude n doable plar, anas- slated. A remarkable roDDlngcalcb by MoAIeer atarted snoiher floe donble plaj. Oufaiano. r. a. e. o. a.i Nn Yoaa. Cblldi, 2b Burtett, If.. B McEean, u. a Tebau, lb.. 4 McOerr. Sb.. 4 UoAleer, cf. 4 Blake, rL... 4 Zimmer, a.. 4 Yonog, p.... 4 Totab...a9 3 4 4 1 0 a I 0 0 0 0 1 a 0 0 U 12 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 a s 0 0 2 0 2 1 10 21 le 2 "00 Barke,U. rieraan, rf. 4 Davie, Sb.... 4 Doyle, lb... 4 ffanl, Sb.... 4 VanUalt'n,ftl4 ^ller. ee... 4 ParTeU.0.... 4 Soele p 3 Tobfeb...S 0 0 1 . a a. 0. A.M. 0 0 0 u a 1 2 2 0 0 12 2 110 1 1 13 1 I 0 0 2 0 0 13 0 0 a 0 2 2 0 a 10 n 10 Olereland o o 0 o 0 10 0 (Ul New Tort 3 OOOOOtO -S Barnedruoj-CleTelaod,!: NewYerk.2. Ba*a on er '^■^^i'b"'.^ *,!- 9B»»"»-0-.t;N. Y..S. Struck ont -G,l;N V..1. Umpire, Huret TiBe.ll«. Tbe New Yorka won again Aog. 9, and tbos forced ibeO eTclaoda down to aUttt place In tbe pennant race. Ueeklnwaawlldstibesurt, glrlng two bases on balls, wblob, wltbtwoalnglefl, brougbt In two rona. He kept the bits well dlatrlbnted at- terwarda, eicept In tbe alitb Inning, wbeoaloglea bjOonnor and cbllds and a donble bj Barkeu gave two mna. Tbe bone team batted Cappy freelj, but tbelr bits were alao aoattering, except lo two Inn- ings, wben tber bnnobed alx sloglea. wblcb, wltb two bases on nalla and errors, yielded alx moa. errors bj HoAleerand Burkett gave tbe boine team a good atart. The acore atood a tie In tbe etgbtb Innlog, wben. wltb two men ont and tbe basea filled, Bnrke popped opa fonl, which McOarr badij mlaacd. Bnrke tben made a safe bit to uft tbat brougbt boDM tbe two wloQing rana. Burke led in batting, getting tour alngles. Double baggem by Burkett and Faller were tbe only long bits. Bplendld play a by Doyle, Dayu aod Ward kept down tbe score of Ibe fisitora and left twelve men on bases. UoKean flelded aoelj Cor tbe vlaitora. OLiraLAHD. T. a. a o, a.m. Cblid>.2b.... 6 2 Bunett,1f.. 0 0 M«Sean.ea. 8 1 TebeanTlb.. a o HcOarr.Sb.. a 0 McAlear, of. 5 0 Blake, Tf S 0 O'Connor, a 4 2 1 3 0 2 1 1 1 8 2 0 4 0 2 0 I 0 2 0 2 3 0 BnrtA. If... 6 14 111 Ooppy, p.... 4 0 0 3 3 0 Clevilaod.. New York.. Niw Yoke. t. a. a. o. a m. rirmao, rf.. a 0 2 i 0 « Davii, Sk... 4 1 0 8 3 0 Doyle, lb.... 4 1 1 II 0 0 Wud. lb.... 4 1 3 3 4 2 VeaHalt'n,cl4 1 0 3 0 0 roller, ae... 4 1 3 i a l ParrelXe.... 4 0 0 6 U 2 Meekln, p... 4 0 1 u 0 0 ,CS 4 10 21 S 4 Total*.. .38 S 12 27 13 7 20000SOOO-4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 J -a Earned ruDa-^lereland.a. BeMonerrore-O.S: New York, I. Oo ball»-C., a:}f Y.,3. Htruck ooi-C.. 3; W. Y.jl. Umpire. UunL Time, 3 17. Tbe Clevebinds deteared tbe New Yorks for tbe aecoDd time tbls season Aog. 30, and tben regained flfib place In tbe pennant race. Oerman, wbo eUrled In to pitcb, was wild and lueObotlTv and gave way to mark after tbe second loolog, tbe Tlsltors having tben acored six mna off three bases on balls and alx safe bits. Clark was batted freely In tbe fonrlhand dftb innings, being bit, bowever, In tbe latter Inning only atier tbe first three men bad offered easy cbancea tor outs. The New Yorka made fonrteen safe bits oiT Sullivan, but were un- able to bst bim wbon blta meant runs, no fewer tban thirteen men being left on bases. A triple bagger by Wllaon and a aingle by Qerman in tbe second Innlog game tbe bome team Ibelr first run. In lbs ninth Inning two bases od ballaandalDgirs b/Dorko aod Doyle brougbt In three more runs. HcKean and WUaon led tbelr respeaive teams In batting. ObUds made a bome mn off Olark after tbe aids aboold bare been out In tbe flttb lonlng. Burkeu made a triple bagger, and Blake and Zim- mer each got a double. UcKean accepted sU of elgbtdlfflonltobaoces at abort etop.and MoAleer and Blake made elgbt olevtrr catobee la tbe outfield. Naw Yoai. T. a. a o. a.*, Burba, If.... 3 19 3 10 Tlerean, rf.. a 1 o 1 0 u DarUtSb.... 3 12 13 0 Doyle, lb.... ft 0 1 7 Ward. ~ " — ■ CtJITBLAHD. T. H. B. 0. A-M. Chlhle,2b... Burkett, If.. rebuMi Ward. 2b.... a 0 0 13 llVcOarr, Sb. Yen Hali>n,6i A 0 13 0 1 UoAleer. of, Fuller. WilMn,o.. Oermu, p. Olara, p... Totala.. Neu York... Olarelud... Blake, n.. Simmer, e ft 0 a a I 1 0 1 u d 0UolUru; p 3 0 1110 44 4 14 24 1ft ft 0 1 0 2 3 1 3 a a a 1 ft 1 4 2 a 0 110 s u 1 1 ft 1 0 4 4 12 4 4 2 12 4 2 2 0 Total*...43 13 H sr IS 0 0 0 0 0 3- 4 0 0 0 -13 Earned rone-New Yort, 3: Clerelaod. 3. Bau oo or ror*-0.. 3. On ball*-N Y.. 4; 0., 1 tunick out—N. Y.. 1; 0^1- umpire, HoriL Tine, 1.48. Brooklyn we. Plttabarg. Tbe alxth game of tbe aerlea betwesn tbese clubs waa played Aog. 28, at Esatem Park, Brooklyn, N. Y., tbe bome team tben winning for ibe fifth time. Kennedy kept tbe Pitisborgs down to fire alogles, tbreeof wblcb were made In tbe fifth Inning, and broogbt In tbelr flrat ruiL Monefee pitobedlnfloe form np to tbe fuurtb lonlug, wbeo an 'rror by Weaver and three safe blta belped tbe Brooklrna to tbree mna. Five safe blis, inclndlng two double baggteSt were bnncbed in tbe next two Innings. jleldlDgtlie home team flre nuts aod Uievlotorj. Oorcoian'a abortslopplog was the fleldingfeatore, be aoceptlDg all of eleveo chances Id tbat potlilon. several being seDsatlonal plays, fiarna, Bboeb and DaUey eacb made a double bagger. PiTTBsoao. T. a. a. o. a.m. Doooran. rl 4 Smith, II.... 4 Beet ley, lb. 4 HiaouCoC,. 4 Baaer, 3b... 4 Wurer.u.. 4 Hack, 0 4 ll.o«rM, p.. 4 PitUborg 1 0 I 1 II 0 I 1 a II I I a D U- 3 BBOOKLTjr T. B. 1. OnlOo, or... 5 0 2 . llllOdM,lb.. 4 I 0 0 Corcormn, .1. 4 0 0 0 Bunil, rl.... 4 2 i • iiiii>iiii,ni.... 4 1 0 Tnilw>7, U. 4 I 1 LullUC lb 4 1 I Dill.y, 0.... 4 1 1 ICMBM7, P.J 1 0 13(1 KUDMr, . > iHu 3 Tou3i...jr SUIT IS 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 0 O-I 0 ooltaoo -» lUned nn.—Pitt4barK. 1: Bnwktfo, a Bu. OD.r. lor-a Oo boui-p., 4; B, I, amok ou-r., >: i. Uiiipln.KMb. Tlm..ia>. Toe Bmoklju bot tte PltUbargi mfta Aog. 9, when Uiei guned attb plK« Id the penaut nee. Buen, late o( Uie Brown Dnlfenlv <«ud, nude hit nnt tpptuuce with tbe Pltuborg Dine, pUrut short atop. Tlie PlUebargs pounded sulnonlrtn lUe Coutb tnd ieTebth Inolnge, wben uej bnnobed their bite, bowever, end ooored uvea mna. Tbe Brookljne belted Bbret beid end led Ibiongbont ibo conteak Votb pitcbers were wild, bnt abirp leldlog prafented rnnik Unrne led In batting, get- Ungfonreate blta, Inclndlng a home run. Hmlih did the txat balling Cor the Tlslion, making a doa- ble bagger aod two eloglea. Triple baggera bf Corcoran and BUIn, aod donblee br Bhlsdle and SUDiel were tbe other long hlla. Oorcoian again dliUngnUhed bimaeir at ebon atop, where he ao- oepteTall oC ten ohancea, Indndlog ieretal dinicnlt plaja. PirfSiURO. r. a. a o. A.a.) Bboobltp. t. a. i. o. A.a Doaovan, rf. ft 13 3 1 olarinD,cl.... . gmiUl,U....e 13 3 1 M8lll.dl«,3b.. > —"iJoreoiaD, tt. 6 Bomf, rl.... ft - ^ - ..Aocb, Sb.... ft ft 0 1 3 1 alrrwiwsr, it. ft 4 0 0 9 1 liUohiae*,lbi .4 0 0 1 1 MD.ll«/,e.... 4 4 0 0 0 0 OBUIO.P. 4 4t 7 II 14 10 ll Total....49 . .. 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 8«ekl.r. lb. Buai«Lol.. Bu.r,ib... WMT«r,9b. BugdM, 0.. Hu.r«,u... EOral,p.... Toula.. Pittsboni... Brookl/D ft I I a 0 11> ft 1 1 3 0 MB ft 1 I 1 a Mil 1 1 3 a ft ft 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 114 0 e 0 1 0 0 1 I 13 1 0 113 11 1 I I 0 0 11 lanis I ' 7 „_ 0 8 1 0 1 9 0 —11 Earood ruo.—PlUabarf, 3: BrooalfD, 8. Bu. oa .rrera —r. Un balU—P., 4: R.. 7. Struck oat—P.. 1; B. 1 Urn. plra, iMfc T1m.,ll& Two game* for one admlaelon were plajed Ang. 30, wben eaoh leam acortd a rlciorr. The trat game waa won br the Brookljni, but It waa plajed uDder proteat br the Pluebarn, who look eioep. tlon 10 a inllng br Dmpira Keeie. lo the tblid Inn- log Bnma popped op a ball Ihat fall on fair gronnd, bol rolled (onl. The ball not baring been balled dl- re^r to the ground, waa ccnectlj decided 'air br the unplre, but tbe PlUabnrgi called It foul and Eiotaaied tbe game, altbongb the bit bad no poaal- le eiecton the reanIL The Bmokljns balled Onm- bert all over the Held, making no (ewer than twenir one lare bile, and acortog aevenuen moa In tbrta Innlnia. Tbe bome uam had a long lead np to Ihe dlh inolng, wben the Pltubarga poonded Locld aeven Umea otelr.and acored elghl moa. Keniedv pitched during tbe remainder of tbe eon- teat, keeping the vUlon from naUng more tbu two additional mna. Urlffln and BoUlh lad their reancUre tana In halting, tba former, getung Urn dosbia haggan. Tha other long hlla waia William U. Itoblnaoo, who for ecvinl acxaoii, played lecoud baeo for tbe onco famous St. Loula Browne, four Umea obamplona of Iho old American Aaeoolailou, died of conaumpllon Aug a, at BL U>uli, Ho. Roblneon bad been sick lor aeveral jeari. He was bom about iblrtj Ave jrara agost Philadelphia, Pa., where be learned 10 play ball with amaleor and aeml proreaakinal leaina. lie also plajed with minor lo*aue leiuna In Ihe Now liogUnd Stalea, hia Orsi engagement ot Importance beloKsbrWooe InlStl, wiui the Uclroli Ulub, or the Nallooal League In 1813 Roblnjun plajed abort aiop for Ibe Saginaw team, wblnb made a Uaril light for the ohaoiplonsblp of Ihe Northwestern League, dnallj llnlsblog aecond. While plajing with tbe Bailnaws agalnat the liajtoo team, Ang. 31,1883, Roblnaon waa crtdlied wlUi a big balling feat In one lonlug, when he went three Umea to tha bat and made two trlplea and a double bagger. Robluaon, however, flrvt aUiacted aticndon aa a great all around plajer In 18H4. whoo lio waa con- necled with Ihe UalUmore Cluii, of the Union Atso. elation, allemsUng at third bsae and aa plicher. It was his skcellent work tbat jesr which at. iiaoted the attention ol President Von der Abo, of the SL Louis Browns, and be waa engaged as thoch.niic i-aiflier anil gcuoral uilllijijiauor Ibe St. l/)uls Browns (or tba season of 18*6, but did oot have man J obancea of ahowleg bla aklll liohind Ihe bat. An lu)urj to O'Nell, howovor, created a va- raoojatlelt Held, which llobloaon oiled most ao- cepiablj during a greater pariol ihoaeaaon of lest. In 1888 RoblnMn aucoeeded liarfclej at aeoond baae and aoon diallugulahod hluiself hj dne fleldlog In lliat position, llolilnaon remilocd with tbe Bt, I.oula Olub UDUl the oloae of the aeaaon of ino. During the following Winter Ihe Pbijen' league waa organlied and Robluaon waa eniaaad to plaj second base for tbe PIttabnrg Olub, of inat lesgoe. In 1801 noblnson waa wlUi the Ulnclnnall Ulnli.of t*'e American Association. In I89*i he wai with Iho Wuhlngton Club, of tbe Nalloual League aod American Aaaoclailon, laklns part that jcar lu sixijr (our championship couieais, In aitr.Qve of which he plajed Ihlid tese. Ills hoalth began lo fall hID Ibai a^ason, and couUnueil to grow worse, although he made a trip to Taiaa 10 Improve 11, unlll It flnallj raaulled In bla doatli. Tbe funeral senlcea were held on Ang. U. at the houto of Man- ager Tebeau, of the Olereland Uain, at UL toula, and hlaremalna were Interred lo u.lrarrUemeterT, that cltj. home raoB o* Lachance and Beokler, triple bag- gen bj Shoch and steniel,and doubles bj Tred- waj, Eeonedjand Donovan. . BiOOkLTJI. V. a. a. 0. A.I. OfidiD, ti.... a 4 1 ft ~ p.iiitwau. .. Do I >a. If. 8 I 1 I 0 0 Binilli.ll a 1 9 ft 0 0 Hblailla.Sb. BKki-t, lb. ft 1 1 11 I ' norr^raOji 9UoisCor...t 3110 0Boiili,rr. Bso.r.fb. .. a 1114 WMver 3b.. --■*-■-*- Muk, e. BIMre....... aamb«tt, p. a I 1, II. I 3 1 OLuhUH.IUft 3 3 8 0 0 Kln.hiw, 0.. ft Lucid, p 3 EwDMr, p. 3 3 8 0 0 0 ToUOl.. .M II 18 31 11 a fouU.' .39 10 31 17 10 3 Pittabu'f 1 0 0 0 8 1 0 1 0-lt Srookirn t ft 3 n 0 7 0 0 -19 Bamad rua.—PitUbunr, 7: Brnohlro. '3. Bu« on or- ro'>-r., I: B.,3 Oali<UI.-l'..3: B, 3. Hlruea oui-r., 0;B,l. Umplr*. Kmi.. Tlm..]Sa Darkneaa limited ibe aecood game to alx Innlnga, and the Broohljna belngde(e»ied, (ell back to aliih place In the cbaoplonalilp race. Daub pitched poorlj for are luDloge, and then lavo waj to Un. derwood, who waa also bit hard. Bauer made two Umelj triple btggera. A double bagger bj Uursa wu the other long hit, and It helped tbe Brooklroa to their onlj ran. The umpire called the coniest before the drat hairof the aeventh Inning waa flu- lahed,tbe PlUahnrga havlnitheo acored are mna off ft like number of Bfe hits, and tbe game went back to the aUlh Inning. PiTvaloao. T. a. a. 0. A a| ItHOoaLva. v. a. a. o. a.b. Oooon van, rl 4 0 RnlUi. If.... 4 I Bwklw, lb. 4 I SUDMlcl... 4 1 BoDaVilb.. Wuv.r,ab. Borl.B,... RI4«fii,aa... MaoofM, p. Toub. Pituti.ra. Bnohlrn. o^diiffla cr... a I 0 I abindi.. 3b. 9 0 I 8 1 llCoroorui, u a 0 0 1 0 HBiraa. rl... a 1 I 4 4 orahodi.tb.... 9 0 1 0 1 OfTrvlwar. ir. 9 0 I I 1 1 nuebanea,lb9 0 0 7 9 I O Diil.r.e.... loot 1 MDinb. p 3 0 10 Und.rv'd, p u 0 0 0 a 0 II 18 10 3 ToUI,...t9 I 7 18 119 0 3 • I 0 U . 4 I . a 1 . a 0 .911 .901 0 1 0 1 I 19 0 1 0 0 1 1 I 1 0 0 7 0 0 Sanwd moa—PIllabuiK, a. Baa. no orrora-P, 3; Broohljo. 1. Oo balla-1'.. 1 Buack out—P., Unipln.KMr.. TliD.,IJ3 1; a.. WaahlDgton va, Clacinnatl. The aeveutb game of the aerlea between ilieae clubs iraa plajed Aug. 28, at Waahlnglon, D. U., tbe homo laam then winnlog for tbe third time. Maul was batted treeljr aad poorlj aupporled, but lha twelve alnilea made off bin were well acatlered afler tbe aeoond inning. Dwjer waa batted hard, eapeclall/ when men wen on the baaea. Selbacli and McOuire each made three aafe hlla aod led In batting, the former'a hits Inclodioga home run and a donble bagger, while Ihe latlera embraced two double baggen. Jojce waa also credited with two timelj inpTe baggeii. The lead the bome team secured In the dnt Inning proved 10 be a winnlog one. Smith deldcd lloelj at abort atop, having no fewer Iban elgbt aaslsla. WASHiaovor.v. a. s. o. ..a Bbl.bKb,aa.s 1 I 4 ' ~ Joru.3b...t 1 ~ llwam««r,rf ft 1 Abbar,ol....4 t lleOulra,e.. 4 I Stlbach. II.. 4 1 rutw'ibLlba - I 0 4 0 If,rear,p.. .40... Toiali. . 30 9 tl a II UiaciLVAVl. r H. .. o. A.a. I«Uiuo,3b.. 8 9 1110 4 3 oluor, cf ft 0 1 ft 0 u I 0 I ft 1 a I I t a a I MePliw, lb.. 8 1 1 4 3 0 9 0 I H.rrltl. 0... 4 0 1 9 0 U 3 0 0 OuAVao. rf. 4 0 0 8 0 0 a 3 0 n.iniak.r,ib 401901 8 0 OitniUi, a..... 4 0 I 0 8 0 0 3 0 Dwr.r, p.. ..411030 ft ToUJa...« 7 1137 14 3 0 1 0 0 1 1 l-D 0 a 0 0 I 0 1-7 WaataiORUe ft u Clociaaatl 3 1-. .Mernit out lor lol.rr.raDC Bareod rao.—W.ahlDffl«o, 1; RInclonatl. 3- Bua dd .rror>-W.,l; CI. Oo bAllA-W .t: 1)^8. Bir-ict out —W.. 1:0.. 3 Unplr*. Emill.. Tim., 3n. The Waahlnglons won sgaln bj a somewhat simi- lar soon, Ang. 9, when iSej evened np the victor- ies In tbe eerlea. Mener held the raodnoalls dowBtosli sareblls,and was eOecUve at critical points. The home team balled the vUtlura' new pitcher, Poonler, (reelj. In the Ont Ore lonlnta, wben bite meant ran*. A triple bagger br Hble- beck, and double baggen bj Oonriwrmht, Mercer and Merriu, were tiieonlj long bits of ue coniesL Abbej made four good catcbea at centre fleld, one of wblcb atarted a neat donble plaj. WAaaiaovoa.v. a. a. o. A.a Bbl.bHk, M. 8 3 3 1 1 I J.rea,Sb.... s • 0 I 1 I Haaaaiau-.rfa I 1 1 0 0 Ibbaj.a.... 8 114 1 OjlleniM, ileOoln,e.. ft BalbacbTlr... a 8 Radloid, lb. 4 ■.rear.p.... 4 Totilb...49 WaahlostoB.. CIocI.dUI.. . Mf.. B . I U O 1 8 0 1 4 0 0 HoUMAr, U.. ft 0 0 1 0 0 llerhM,lb.. ft 0 0 1 3 1 ttorrtti, a... 8 I I 1 I 1 1 4 0 o«.rrtti,a.... 1100 CAJOAVAa, rf. a ' ' 1 1 0 11 0 0 - . Ballb.B..... 4 0 1 1 8 I 10 10 foaralar, p. 4 0 0 0 9 I 9 1017 10 t TeU11...4S a 817 U 7 190480080-0 I 0 I 0 1 I 0 0 0-1 Eanod noj-Waihloftoa, 1; CIDelaoatl, I. Raia oa «n>n-w., S; 0,4 Oo bAlb-w,4: c,a Huaek oai -W..lia.l Umplr.. Raulla. Tlmt, 1.48. The WaablBgtoila won bj nnettor deldlog, Ai blagtona won bj snpettor OeMlog, Aag. b lEar were thsg onlbaUatf. Wockadale Jirealf,bnt kepi Ibakllawtdauail,ei- cept la Uis Int aad ninth unlan wkea Mm rlalora ao.altbongl waa haUad hatted ODt four earned mna. Hircer pitched after tha vlalton had made two earned ruua In the nlotb Inolug, exchauglog poalUona wllh Blookadale. Plaher held the home team down to elgbt acattering aloglea, but waa wild, giving nine baaea on balla- Coinlakev and Mercer led their roapeetlvo teama In baiilog, the latter belog reapooalblo for (uur of tbe ruoa acored bj Ibe home nine, lu the foorlk Inn- ing Bmlth ran to third baae where Comlakej had rammed to, and UcQnlre ran op aod touched both baao ruuneia. Bmlth, ol course, waa the onir one out, butOomlakej thought otherwlae, and, walking 10 the bench, waa touched out br Jojce, completing apeoullardoubleplav. Triple baggera were made bj Latham, lloj, HoPbee and Klsner and doutlea br lloj, Memu aod witirock WABBIROmifT. H. abKbMh. aa. 8 I JorcSb.... ft I llAAauia«r,lb ft L AblMJ.Of.... 8 0 llMulr..o.. 8 1«sbj7... 8 t t:mw'gliLib ft 1 H.rcr, rl; p ft I Ht'kdAl.,p,rCft 0 Tolala..48 8 WAatiiDslon— 3 OiaeiniiAU. OixoisaAvi. T. 1 ft llor, el ft lloIlW. It. ft HloPliM, lb. ft } ll.rrltt,o... ft I i Hmllh.M.... 4 0 Wlurock, ll. 4 0 riili.r, p.... 4 Toula...n 0 1 0 u 0 u 1 I 1 I u u a 3 II 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 I a 0 u I 1 0 1 I a IS 17 II 9 3 0 1-8 0 ■ " ~ ifin Karevl luoa—WaalilogtoD, 3: i^idoIogaU, 1. otTora-W.,9: u. 1. Onb.lU-w.,0; 0,8. BUoatoot— W., I. Umplr., Koiill.. Tim., lb. PhllndalphiK va. Washlogloia, Theae leama plajed twu gamee fur one adnlaalon Aog. 31, at Philadelphia, Pa., tbe Pblladelphlaa IM- Ing credlied wllh two violorles. lo the Ont game both pluhera were freelj baited, but the home tram were more fortunate in bunching tbelr blu, and ran Ibe baaea wllh more vim and oaah Iban did the vlalton. T^rlor aod Belbaob led their respective teama In batting. Tba long hlla were home rana bj Thompson and Uorle, mple baggen br Uamll- Ion aod llallmao, and duubles bv (iiadj, BulllTan llaaamaear, Abbej, Helbaoh, Oailwrlgfai aod Her. cer. WAsaiaoroav. a. a. o A.a AliiabMk,aa. 8 3 I 1 1 u lorclb.... 8 114 11 tlaaanaar.US 0 8 I I I aUmj- ot.. 8 1 1 8 a u KeOalra, a.. 8 I I 1 0 u MbKb, ir.. 8 1 4 1 0 U Cartn'lit.lba 1 910 0 1 ll.rt.r,rl... ft 0 I 1 I 0 Maul, p a 0 10 4 0 ToUla. .18 8 18 c 10 4 0 8 0 0 1 8-tU rait... V. a. a. 0. a.a llAinlltoB. el 8 I 8 1 1 u Bojla, lb ft 1 3 7 I I oit»A.ab.... ft 0 u 1 I 0 Daiahaoir, 11 ft 0 3 8 u 0 rbnaipMB,ii ft 1 1 0 I u tlallmaa,lb > 1 1 8 8 b oiadr.a.... 8 a I ft 0 0 BulliTsa M. 8 r a 8 1 3 Tarlor, p... 0 1 4 1 a 0 Tolsla.. .48 10 II17 11 8 PhlUd.lptaia... 0 8 0 WAAbioiloo. .. 1 0 10 118 10-8 Earow luoA-Pbllad.lphla, 7; Waihlosloa, 8. Baa. 1.0 •rrara-P., 1: W., 4 Oa bAlU-P.. 1: W., 1 auocl out— W.I. Uoiplr.. Lrocta. Tltoa, tj». The aeoond game waaatarlal a few minutaa after Ibe Oral waa dolshed. Umpira Ljnob waa atruok bj a swiftlj pitched ball In Ino Ont game, aod waa aoable to umpira In tlie second. McUoIra, of Ibe Washlngiona, and Itellj, of Iba home team, were aelecteir to oniclata, lu buiar acting uolll the fourth loning, when he went lo left Oeld In plaoe of Delehantjr, who had to retire, being hll or a pIKhed ball. Uaraer took flalllj a place aa umpire. The vlaltora ootbaued the bome Uam, bat loei through Wjnne'a wlldoess. lie gave eight men Ibelr Gaae on balla. andhit two olher balaoen with pllobed halla, Ibe Pblladelphlaa Invarlablr making their hlU when men bad thus reached their baae. Pilii.A. V. a. a o. A.a iWAMlsuroa.v. a. a. o. A.a. 8Aailllra,c(a 9 8 4 0 olUialbKh, aa a 1114 3 Bofia,ib.... 8 114 1 0 Jorcab.... I 0 1 0 > I Oisa. 9b.... 8 1 1 0 3 0 •li>ctAdal..9b4 0 0 « 0 0 D.l.baalr,ir9 tool 0 llaaaisaar,lbft 01881 Raiiir, ifT... a 1 1 0 I olAbbw.ei.... a a t s 0 0 Tbonp«>a,rfs 1 I 8 U OiDuaAI.,... ft U I I 0 I ft 1 I 8 I a|8.ltaah,ir... 4 I I 0 I 0 ci.m.oia,o. 8 0 1 8 0 MCAnrihilbi i 3 is n 0 aollKan, aa. 8 0 0 1 1 iHM' 4 I I I 0 0 w.thioff.p.. 8 u 0 I 1 nWroD., p... 4 0 u 0 I 0 Tolij....4r It lUM 10 ol TolaU . 41 8 IIV U 8 miad.ipiiia 4 a I 1 I a I 3-11 wvjiiostoo 0 1 0 1 0 t 0 0-a .fl.lltrw out. hllbr balbod ball Eare*] rao.—Phllad.IplilA, 5; Waahlastoa, 4. Baa. oa .rror.-P., 8. On baJIa-P, 8; vr„ I. Btrnek oot— P. I; IT., 8. UDpina, BJlllr, OaiMj aad MoUulre. (law York va. Baatoo. Tbe New Yorks scored Ibelr sliUivlclarT of Ihe atason over Ibe Boatoos, Aog. ai, at tbe Polo Qrounda, this cltj, Oitr thareb/ erenlog op tbe gamee In Ihe aerlea. The coaleat was nwloabiedl/ one of Ibe beat axhibiuona wlloesaed In tbla cllj Ibis aeftson. Both pitctaen warn on Ibelr Bsula, and both did eioelfeot work. lUale waa bailed aafelj onlj flre Umea, but gave aeran men their baae on balla: oooe or the laiter, howerer, acored, NIcbola waa balled ofieoer than waa Roale. but he waa alaadler, not givlog a baae on halls. The New Yorka eonld bnnch their hlla off NIcbola in two loo- inga OBlj, tbe Ont aad elghib, wben Uiej earned all of Ibelr mna. Tbe onlj kmg blla were a triple bacgar bj TIenfto, aad • dMDie It Ucvle. ns abomtopplag br Fnller, wlUi Ihe onMeld -vork ot Dully, Vaa Hainn and Tleman, ud tbe ^t>ur'8 batiuii, wen taawn*. HcCanb j made a bniUani (aiob. Da alao pit ont Uojie at Ont base, after the latter had made a safe bit, oa a One ibrow 10 Tnoker (rom left Oeld. Nav Toaa v. a. a a. o.a Burba, It.... 4 1 3 0 0 0 nareaa, rl.. 4 8 8 4 0 0 Da>la,9b.... 4 0 10 11 Oojla, lb.... 4 I 113 1 0 WuSTlb.... 4 110 10 rasHall'B,a(4 0 0 8 0 0 PuU.r,a.... 4 0 118 0 Pamll, 0.... 4 0 1 8 0 0 Uwa,8b - . Ona'intDB,Mft 0 0 Moi.'aiuu.ll. 8 TnakarTlb.. t )(aab,ab. Baaaoo. rf.. 4 Blobol., p. Tolala. BoetoB Bow' V. a. a. 0. A. a 8 111 1 0 1 ' 0 I 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 I I 1 1 I 0 0 10 1 8 II 10 OlBoila, p a I 0 0 0 0 I Totala ..40 8 13 n II 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 »-l 0 0 0 0 0 4 .w Yolk 1 0 - - - Raiaea laoa—Naw Vork, ft. Baa. 00 arior—Boatao. (to Kalla-B, 7. Rtnick ool-N. Y, 1; B,, 9. Umpliaa, lluiataadlfc^ealif, TliM, l.ea ■■lllaaora tb. LoalaTllle, The Baltlmorea beat Ibe touterlllea tor Ihe 0(lh time Aog. IB, at llalUDore,Md.,lt being Ihe aeventh game of tbe sonea between theae oiobs. TbeDaltl- niorea batted Uemmlng hard when Ibe baaea were Kocnplad, and earned Ore of tbelr eight runs. The tonlsvlllee failed to make more Uian eight acatter- ing singles off McHahon, who wisjnrfectlj sup- ported In the Oeld. Keeler and lleounlng eaoh made Uiiae ainaloa, and led Ibelr napectlva teama In batting. Ollbett, tele of tbe nitMkljo Olnh, Rlajed Ihrnl baae for Ihe toulavllle lean tor Iho nt time. A gnat oalob ot a fool bj MoQnw wu the Oelding (eaton. A trlople bagger br Rell^ and doublea bj Kellej and HoOraw, were Uie onlj long blla ol the couteal. l.ueiaviLU T. ^ ^ - - Biovo, of... 8 ■■laibrlt 4 pr.oar, u... 4 iirim. 4 iiilban, lb.. 4 4 l,ul.oh*rs,lb 4 NIeoll, rrr... 4 0(K.ll.r, If.... 4 I I 1 KMl.r, rr... 4 1 I Broulbar«,lb 4 1 1110 19 0 1) it.mulea.p. 4 . _ _ Tolala...S7 1 8 31 Looiavllle. 0 0 Baluaora. 0 1 RALTiaoHa V. a. a 0. A.a. . 4 8 . 4 1 0 McUnw, Sb. 0 andla,e(... 1 lUltalb.... 4 u u JaoDlaia, n. 4 I 0 Robloaon. 0. 4 0 0 Mdialioo, p. 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8 3 0 110 7 3 0 1 I 0 Total,.. 0 0 I 0 0 D l^-j 301100-8 Karaad luaa-LoulaTlll., I; BalUmoio, 8. Haaa on balla-L, 3: B., 9. Rlrook out-1,., 4; B., I. Umpira, H.tta Tim.. IJL The Baltlmorae baited Wsdsworib freeir In tho Bnt Inalng, and the lead thus gained enabled them bi win Ibe game plajrd Aug, 90. lie illd good work, however, In the pitcher's position during the ramainder of the conleat The Loulavllioa bll llawkehaidlnuiiee tnnlnp, hnoeking himontof the box In ihealith. Kaper, wno took hie place, pitched In One form. NIooland Hranihan led ihoir nspeollvo teama In balling. Triple baggen iij Kelloj, Ulaik and Pfolier, and doublea bj liioiro ami Keeler, were the long hlta, Jenolngi excelled In neldlog, aooepilng all ot ten chaocea at abort atop, Inclndlng seveni senaailonal auipa. I.octaviLLa. V. a. a. o. a. a UiLTiHoaa v. a. a. o. a.a - ■ - - 0 Keller, It.. - - - HnaD, ot... 8 0 iiiAit, ir.... 8 I prtr.r,'Aa...8 1 llrim, lb 4 0 ililb.n, 8b.. 4 0 Nieol, rf 4 3 Luuok' 4 u Zahn.r, 0.... 4 Wadaw'lL, p 4 e 0 1 1 0 3 * I a 10 u u I 0 0 9 1 3 I 7 8 I I 0 Kael.r, rf... 1 0 Braatb«iatb 4 1 4 0 MMrav, ab. a I a I Biodie. el... a 1 0 0 Ktita, 9b.... 4 ~ Jaooiaaa, aa 4 1 RobloMB, a. 4 0 . tlaak.,p.... 1 u II Rmki, p 1 0 u 0 0 0 Iota I u 0 0 0 0 TolAU...a9]e UH 11 4 Totala...81 8 10 17 11 0 LoalaTiUa, 0 0 0 1 1 a g 1 0-a BalUnor.. 8 0 U 1 0 1 0 8 -8 BaraMl moa—Loalaillla, 8; Ballloiora, 4. Baa. ooar- ron-&, 8. llo balla-B, 1. BInaok out-I,, 8; H., 1. Tlmelj hilling enabled the llaiumorea to win arier a cloae and exciting oonieit Aug. so, when Uiej again took the lead In the penoanl race. The vlalt- iirs started off with tho lead and bold It uuui tho fourth Inning, when the home team tied the score, A streak of bcavj bluing help the home ledm to Ova run In the aevenih louing, and proved enougli to win, Uleaaon and Knell were both bailed hard and often. McOnw and NIroll led thoir reapeollvo leama In tmitlng, the fornier getting a dnnble bag- ger and threeslnglee, end the Mtlera triple aud Iwo singles. Triple oaigen br Jennings and Pfoitor, aundnublebaggennjllrodle, Keller, Olark,Luteii- liorg and llerainlog. wore Ue other long hits. Jen- nioga again Oeldedilneljr at short stop, when beao- cepwd all of ten chances. lAIUISVILI-a. T. B. B. o. A. Rron. of... 8 1 I 8 0 i:iarh,lf..... 8 114 0 Planar,lb... 8 1 1 1 a oiim, a. 8 1118 uilbart, 8b.. 8 0 I 1 0 NIeoll.ri 8 8 3 1 0 4 119 1 lt.mmlD(,tb4 0 18 0 Koall, p 4 0 10 1 TalAlt....43 8 It K 13 LouiaTllla.. UaIU BALTiHoaa T. a. b. 0. a. a. (allar.ll ... 8 13 10 0 kaolar. rf.... 8 1 I I 0 u BroutaanLlb ft I I 18 11 t BaUrav,*.. 8 3 4 0 8 0 8rodla,ct... 4 3 3 1 0 1 Kalla, lb..... 4 0 1 0 4 0 faeDiaaa,u. 4 1 1 8 7 U Boblowo. 0. 4 1 3 8 0 0 Uloa<oB,p... 4 0 10 1 r... ..... 0 Tolala...40 e 18 77 II 8 3 3 U 0 0 1 0 0 s-a 03010080 -» Karnad ruoa-LoulBvlll., 7; BalUnora. a BaMnn.r. roi-H. oa balla-L., 1; H, I. HUuot uut-1,.,8; 1:., 1. Doalon va. Ml. Laata. Theae oluba met for Ihe seventh time Aug. 38, at Boston, Maas., the 81. Loula team Ihon scoring their second sucoesslve vlotorx of the series. Tho game waa oloaelj contested at ihe nutaet, both olntie lie- log blanked In the Oral four Innlnn. The vlallnre iiaUed out Ova runa In Iho flfth Inning, hut tlie home team tied the aeon In tho bIiUi. Aonlhor aireak of balling In Ihe Ont half nt the followlog Innlog helped the HL Ixiula to four mna and ibo vletorj. NIobols aod llawie/ were bath baited freelj, but Iho blta made off the latter were mora scattatlog. Hhugartled In balling, making a dnulilo tiagger and two aloglea. Millar and llogan each got a triple bagger, while llawlor and Kaab eaoh made a double. Henaatlonal pbtja bj Klj and Millar helped Uie vlsliom tn win. quion adcepled eleven chaocea at aecoiid baae, and figured In Iwo akarp double plaja Uonuaughloo bad Urea coaUj errora at short slop. nr. Looia. V, Ooad, 11., Millar, o.'.'.V. flooDor. lb.. »ilne, 3b... osart.eL. noor.r,ui... Ilavlar, p... Uofaa, n... Tou' • 1 I t 1 0 8 11 1 1 10 0 8 i 1 0 I 111 I . A.a Boaros. V. a. a. o. a.b. Uia., tb.... 8 0 118 0 l>lB'ibt<IB,HS 0 3 8 9 8 liugp,.! a 0 u 1 0 0 Baoaithr, If ft t 1 1 0 0 ruakarlb... 4 0 I 11 u u Baah, n 4 1 1 1 1 1 Saeooa, rf . 4 t 1 I 0 0 UaoaaLa.... 4 I I 8 I 0 KIcbola, p... 4 I 1 0 8 u 'OUU...'43 9 18 17 18 8 TolalJ...40 ft 1117 14 4 Ht.1.0111, 0 6008040U-8 Homo 0 OOOOtOUO-8 ftantd ruaa-Ht. I^Hiia, 8: Battoo, I. Baaoon .rroro— ML L.,8; H.. 3. Oo balli-lll b, 1; B:,g Mniok out- HL U, I. I/Diplra. McUoald. TlDa, 143. Tha Bostons beatthe M. l.aols, Ang. 30, relaluilng (Or tbe deteat on Ihe pncedlng afieraonn. HtiraUa pllobed rerj effsotlrelj atier the third Inolng, pn- renUng tbe vlalton from making more than tho four rois then scored. The Uostoos liaiud Ulsrkson bard, cspeclallj In ue flnt four lnnlogs,and acored ueaaj VI0I017. lioonaoghton. Nub and Miller eaoh made a home ran, ana Banoon a irlple bagger. Double baggon were made lij Doffj, Uonnor, uolnn and I'elts wen the other loDg hits. Qulnu and Mil. ler accepted a total of sevenlaen chancea wllhnutan error. HcOarthj made elk clerer calobea at left Oeld. Dowd; l>.... ft MlUor,a,.... 4 Talaabaai.e. 4 lloaaor. 16.. 4 Uolp».3b.... 4 dbogtrt, tt.. 4 rail.. 8b 4 olArkaooiP.. 4 tloaaa. rf,... 4 Totala...n BL Loela Boataa. a. 0. A.B. 0 10 0 1 ft I 0 1 U 0 0 1 10 1 1 Boaros. r. a s. ai.... ft 8 I l^oo'shtao.u 8 8 Duoy, d 8 I MoOartbr. II 8 I - ^ - ''6 0 arthr. 1 111 f{!2,'r • ft I a 0 8 II I 8 4 8 4 I 3 1 U ISO 8 1 0 1 I I Olio .0100 48 It It 17 13 8 0 0 0-4 0 1 -14 lot OiBaooon, h.. 1 0 0 I Bras, a 0 1 0 n«(liaus,p... BU II q TolaU.. 1 18 0 0 . 4 1 4 0 0 . _ Baraad raaa-HL Loula, I; B0U0D8. Baa., eo ball.— HL L, I; B., 8. Buoek onl-4U. L, I: B., I. Unpli., Mettoada, Tina,lb. ne BL Louis defeated tbe Uoeums tor the Iblrd lima Ihia aeaaon Aog. ao, tbe latter ibeo (ailing back to aeoond plaoe In the peooaot nee. The vlsllon batted llodsoo bard la the latter portion of the oonlaat aod were aided br a coatlj moff bj Teooej at Ibe plate In theaerenui Inning that let In foor noeamed rana. The HostoBS were unalila lo bat llawlej, except In Ihe fourth Innlog, when Uior bnnobed four hlla, Including a bome nn bj McCartbj and a Irlple bagger bj Naah, aod earned three runs, lie struck ool six men, loclnding Heo- non, Teoaej aod Osoiel lo soceesalOD In the lut Inolng, the last oaioed theo balllog lo llodioo'a Kce, Klj aod Miller each made a home ran, and latter alao got a Irlple larger, ne oUier long hlla wen di.niiies bjr Uulno ana Unfff and a triple bj Hash. Klj'a abort slopping waa tbe fleldug fealsre. •r. Loeia v. a a. o. A.a Boaroa. v. a, a. o. j.a. Dead, ll.... ft 1 1 0 0 0 Lowe lb.... 4 0 111,» ftiiifti Mnlar, a 4 117 0 0 ooaaor,lb.. 4 0 0 8 1 0 aalea. a>... 4 0 0 8 ''' laaaft, t P.ltjTsb...«r,p. Ilogu, rf. Total....■ 7 wn II 1 BL Loaia 0 0 0 Boauw U 0 0 ...... . kaiaad roaa-SL ttfala. 1; Boataa,!. Baaaoa MTora -iroabaIlA-M.(i., 8il',>' Mnah oet-«tL..l: B., 8. llBiplra,Ma«aade. Kika,t.Kl . 4 1 u 3 .4118 .4010 .4 0 0 0 0 0 1 i t I 1 0 iioa'ibiaa,as a 00340 Doff,of.... 4 I I 1 0 0 MeUaMir, H 4 1 I 8 0 0 raakar,lb... a I 110 0 t aaab.ib. ' 10 I I 1 BuBoe.rr.. a 0 s I i 0 raaaar, a... 8 0 0 8 I I llodaoa, p... B 0 S 0 8 0 naaaal...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Tsiala...ll 8 a nil 1 0 0 14V 1-7 8 V 0 0 0 0-1