New York Clipper (Sep 1894)

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September 8. THE NEW YORK OLIPPER. 429 THE TURF. BHEBPMHEAP BAY RA.CE8. Clifford Wlni th«'FI«ili BUk«i In Kecord Time. The fields wero Urge ud the taoIdk of a moat cz- ceUtnt cbuACttr at the Cooey laiaod Jookoj Clob timok OD AQg. 27. The inck was la floe condition and tbo aUeodAQce good. Tbe results were evenly dlrlded between ravorltee and non farorllM, hnt nevertbeleea tho ring bad a nhadt tbe best of ibe BpecoUtloD. Domino made bis first appearance since the Morris Purk meeting, and be onca more made hlouelt popular bj winning tbe Fljlag Stakes overttie fuiuriij eourac, aUhnngb bo carrlod 1301b, and conceded from sib lo S2lb to all tbe otbcr crack tbree joar old colte. Tbo onlj otber stake ovont was tbo Antnmn Hnlden Stakes, (or two year olds, won bj Tbo Bagc. eummary: FIrtt rac*.—A iKMpiultoi, t\,<X>X til ic«i, flro IoT' loon. 0. E.SiDlib'1 c>i.tD. Parrtmllla, S, OooDilMa-Elil- oora, 113; STAH itnil 3 to 5 Dor»u 1 MftDbftUno Bllblo't b. r. Flirt, S, 109; U to 6 tn&A to 6 ■• RliDH 2 Dukt Brother*' b. r. PloroDc«, S, lOS; l&utdSH • •••RallT 3 Tlin«.l:0<9A. WoQ br a noi«,ah««d iMtveco Mcood udtblrd. Uiittul«pftli]: D«TlarglltL}9fiO: pUc«.aSTS* ulri. SACfl. Flirt, pl4C*, UM: thliO, t66L Florooca. tblnl,99 41 ^ B«ooiKl rmc«.—Tbo AatanD UaldeoBtAkoiiSI.COOtddod fArtvn7Mroli]H.ilT0 furloun. BrookdAle DtAhle i cli. c. TlivBftn, br StonebtDRo Nsll. IIS: 4Uud8to& ..(Ininn 1 J. R A r. P. Eeeao'icti. r. Irltb n««).llQ: J3ftDas.Tkn| 3 J. RDppcit Jr.'s b. c UtDcbcitor, IIS; 6 to S and 9 to . flmVi:6K"Won*by»^ ODd ud tblrd. Huliiati paid: Thtt S^o. 117.40: olae*. a'4.C5: tlilnJ. W to. IrlMi fitel. plac«, fSJ 35; third, f ImS Mancbutor. tbin), fCO. Tblnl lac*.—A lueApualias. Qi.fOO added, for tbre« Tear okia aod apwarJ, oaa mlloaod a furlong. W. Dooabua'ob. Ii. Ro«]i«,4, br faDloua-RatMCca R^v- 6tt.ll3: i tofrand I to 4 Blmi 1 U. II. AUeo'i b. h. BaiietlaT, loi; 16 to S aoii 3 to ft naiiillioD 3 HarcuiDalr'Bb. li.Tbol'ep|>flr,10C; 4aodttolO.UIO|talr 3 HiDD.3:MM. yioa hy a liMd.a nack botwooa mcoihI aod third. MatuatRPahl: Hoche,^jj,atraleIit,aD0aa7P pUea. BauaUaw. S7.3J, plac*. ^ ' I.^?S''^'^^-~TJ"' Btakaa, a awsipsUkaa, »itb I,e00aildo0, tor thrtejear olda. raiurlty courae. . H. £ J. r. KacnA'a. br. Domino, bj ulmTarMaoDle Our, ISO; 1 to 3aDd out Ttni 1 OousliacrM Bublo'i b. g. I'otuuiakor, 119; D and 4 OrllUD 2 W. Dooohoa'a ch. g. IlarrlORtoo. US; 9 nod I flmu 3 Ttme, 1:10. Won bj a laoiitb. nro faDRtbi beiwcsD mc* ond aod tlilrd. llmuaU paid: Domino, S7.i\ atnlaht* aim pUce. MQil 9Sfi. third. r«ac«inak*r, •7liO,ptac« and |I0», third. UarrlnetoD, ilM. iblrd. Plitli rac«.—Puree tl,a», tor |]ir«« rear oltli aod dp- warda, Hllln^ one mile. J. Hoppart Jr.'a b li. ChaU«nooBa,4, br liuke Blaek- baru-Man)l»0.,lC>l: litoeandStoe a Clarion 1 J. Shioldi A Co.'Bbr.b. Tout Hkldmore, lOO; II to Sand out Orima 3 W. B. JeoDinn' c>i. m.Hhado*-. 91: 30 aod3....UcClala 3 71x10,1:4^ WoD br a lanRlh. tbrea laniibK b«t««en iacond and ulrd. Uutuala paid: nbaiuaooaa. 910.23: place. $3 90 Tom Rkldmnre, place, aJJV Siitli raco -Pun<4 $1,090, for three rur oldi and op- vard, aalMoff, one milo on the turf. Doke firoi.' b. «. Waiienon, aged, bj Groat Tom- Docheu. 130: 3>j and 9 to 10 BeliT 1 J. Bnppert'i b.r. vlemoatlna, IQS: 10and 3...A. CUrton 3 U. B. Bmith'a b. g. Tbuiiton, 107; 11 to U) aod 3 to 0 Doggatt 3 Time, 1 :4I.''a. Won hy a laogih and a b^lf. tJiree leoatha b«t«tan Mcund and third, llutaala paid: Waitare^o, aisei: place, ililrd. tCS}. Cloiiieatloa, placo, $ILIQ; iLird, $7.21 Tburaton, third, $3 W. Tbe cblcC reatur^fl or tbe day's sport, 28, were tbe record brenllDg mllo and tlto fresb opporianltj Riven the poblic to &lzc np tbe two jear olds. Dacat, carry iisib, or Olb ondcr scale weight, won tbe mllo bandkup, pulled up. In 1:33, which bMte till the othor records ever made on a circular coDrse, either In races or against timo. Tbo Uaab Stakes, or Qve rarlonfri*, on the eiralght course, was won by Brandy wlDc, wiio Dntiiheti second In the great Fu- turity Stakes. Uuoh lulercat was taken from tbe event or tho attcrnoon, the Twin (JIty Handicap, by the withdrawal or Uenry or N'avdrrc, Sir Walter, Karadtf aod llasseUaw. The race was won br Do- rian, bnmniarj: FIrat nc« —Pataa II.tD), for tvo rear okli and opwitd, aalling nTofarloDpa. BlamtoQ Gtablo'ab. c UurltDabani,3 brElns UalloD. PlajiDB Flaklf. 1U6; 7 to lu and 1 to 4 "..arimn 1 A. F. V7aTcotl'acb in. !i(olt>a,9S; 10 aod 1 Farkloi 3 R Bnullar'l ch. ID. raonar, S7: 100 and 30 Bbecdr 3 Time, 1 -.01. Woo by a leocUi, tvo leoRiba batweeo >««■ nnd and third. Muiutlapald: lluTliDEuaoi.t7.40: p|u«. $3.U,: third, UeIba.pUc«,$7.IU; tbitdr$!l.9&. ru. war, third, $2CU. Btcond nc« -Funo 11,000, for Ibrae yoar oMs and up- ward. Hallloff, Are InrlontiL SdeCafTertr & IVIthard'a b. tf. Hugh Fanor, 4, by Luke Blackburo Uaad WanI, 19J\ 9 to 3D aod out HellT 1 W. U. Young'a blk c. Black Hawk, 9i; 30 and 3 R. Dogeelt Z Janes IJnderwood'ibr. g. Frank R. Ilarf,g0; 10) aod '0 T. Sloaoe S Time. 1:01. \^on bralonHiii.a bead belvcen tacond aodthlid. HntoaU paid: lluKbPeoDr,$7.13; plaea.$7; third, SS.OOL Black iiawk. pFace, $ir.U; Uiird, $14 33. Frank R. UarC tliird, $18.75. Third rac«.-A aweepitakea, $1,000 added, lor three rear oMijODO mils. Jd Jordan X Oo.'ii b. a Dr. Garoett, br The III l7iod- Fea Fallal, 112; 'Jut 10 A.clarton 1 Ramapo Siable'a cIl r. Anilpode, li;7; 7 to 3 and 9 to to Olake 2 Q. B.SmUh'fi b. c Iiitdra. 113; 3 and 3 toft Dohrou 3 Time, 1:4}V£. WoD br a oacW. dneao lanKtha bei«e«n fooood aod third. UuiGala paid: Dr. Uiroeic, $7.tO: place, $3 60. ADtlpode Place, (l» Konrib race.—A handicap an-tepiukea, $1,030 added, for three ;aar old^ and uun-ard, ooe niilai Lelsh A Hoae'a ■>. h. Ducat, 4, by Dacairrr-Jennle Flood. 113; 4 to 6 and 1 ti>3 Bloit 1 J. A., A. II. A I). II. Morrli' b. o. Trig, 90; 10 aod 4 A. niajton 3 Dlemton l)tab!e a b. c. Jack ot Kcadea, lOJ; 7 and 3 Oritlln 3 Time, 1:39 Won by throe IbOHih". a )*r«d betneeo aacond aad third. Uutualapatd: Dacar, $930; place.$r; thlrO, $».flO. Frii:. pIac^ $\9.(A; thin). $9jJ. Jack o^ Hpade^ thlid,U.Ri. Klilb rac«.—Tha Hath SUkea, tor two r«ar oldr, a RwaepNUka^ $l.frW a'idwl. Are lurtong*. O. II P. Ualraont'a th. c. B^aDdrwla^ by BL Blalaa- Bucinehanoa, 101: 3 to A and 1 to 4 A. Clayton 1 a. mraaH' hr. h. McK'o.lDl; Uand ft Keirr 3 Lalah A Hoao'a ch. (. Uandtpon, 112; 3M aod 7 to 10 aHttlD 3 Ttme, I Woo by a laueth, a Deck baitraan aeceod and Utinl. afiitun'R paid: DiAnilywlDe, $760 alralght; $S.GS. pUca,aod $A9J, third. UoKea, $&3J, place, and . $ll.0&, Uilrd. IlKodapuD, $7.31, third. SIxtli rac« —Tho Tain City Handicap, a baodicap swaapa'akei, $l.&JJnddod, one mile and aquarier. J. W. Bogsr«' b. c. DorJao, by Sir JJodrod Uleoder*. lQS;8toAandlio2 llanlluo 1 J. B. Baagrani'N b. b. BaraaotM, lOJ: 0 and 3.. .J, Ileau 3 Maohattao BUbla'a di. c. Dobiifna, liO;7andSto &8lmi 3 Time iMK WonbyalaoRth,balf a laoRtb batweoo Monod and third. Mntu^Iapald: Dorian, $9eS,Rt'aiBht; $7ea, place, aod $2.60 third. Baratoaaa, $l).eo, place, andia.13. third. Uobblna.$7AS.ihli3. Harantb race.—Pume $1,00), for three year o)da and op- warii, BollioK, ore oilte, on tha turi. U. W. N«i*ion'« Uar«hBll,4, by VolUgeur-Zomaetr, 131; Cand3 J Keaian 1 UcOalTetty A Witbitd'a b. g. Karo, UO; V to ft aod 3 to 6 .7. HcCaffirtyS r. J. Dw] er'a b g. Laonrllla, I07; 10 and 4 Gloia 3 Timo.i:il WoDbyanoM, a length betaaan aaoood aod third. Uuiuili paid: Uamhall. $2183; Uace, $ll-9Di third, $10 CO. Nero, place, $11.10; tblrd. $9 61 LeoDTllle; third, $18.33. Tbe Bpott was wllncsficd by a big crowd, 90, and as tbe racing was good they had a very eojojublo day. The weather was fAvomble and tbe tnck fast, Tbo chlcr event was the Fla.sU Stakes, at seven turloneSi lb whloU tlio crsck Bprlnters, Domino and Cllfrord, wero lo have met, but tbo former was withdrawn at itie last moment, OlIiTard then becamo ou odde on favorite, nt o to 'A, bat ho did not have a Bott snap, as Lady Violet set sacb a lively pacotbAthc broke the seven furluog record on a olroular track by Dnlshlog In l:2S?i. Tbe Belles' BUkea roll to tbo lot or Irish lleel. Sunimair: Plrat race.—Purso $1,000, lor two jMr oldf, aalflog, flre l^p'.lRyer'i b. g. Uarry'RftCd, by IIImyar-VIoleLB}; 1 toftand out Ferlloa 1 B. HeOlalland'a b, I. Uay Day, OJ; 8 aod 9 to 10 A. ClAjton 3 J. B. A F. P. Ke<D«'i ch. r. Roundelay, 9j: SO aod 4 Bicbardun 3 Tlm»,l:OIK- Won by lour lenDtb^ hall a length be- tweaa Mcond aod :hlrd. MutuaTa paM: Harry H««d, USD; place, $340; third. $U0. May Dar Oily, place. iS.7S; lhlrl,$T33 Koundalay, Uilrd, $ll.lMl Becond raco.-PurM $1,011, for two re^r.olds, Mlllng, flvelarlongt. „ H. A. Colamao A Co.'i b. o. Tloio, by Falcnnar.TtDc- tore, UO; ft aod 8 to3 R. Dogtntt 1 Brookdaleeuble'BtloMao Hod: tatolOaodrtofl.aniDD 3 J. B UcDAoaM ff b. c MaraiU, lO): IS and 4.. A. Clayton 3 Time, 1:01. Won by a leDfttb.ihrae lantthi between a«c9Bd and third. Hntualapald: Tinge, 13X33: r'M*. 8930; third, $8 4a Oolden Rod. placa, fcb; thlid, $&»■ [aT«Ul.thlrr$U- Third rac« —A handicap aweepilakea, $1,000 added, for three year oldi aod upward, one mlla and a lorloog. M. F. Dwrer'a b. h. Don Alouo, 4, by LonaTaw.Koood Daac«,Ul: 1 lo3 and out Ulna *1 a. R. Horrli^ cb. e.lBlrathmeath. a., by Ktiathmora- ^ Flower ol Usath, I jl: 3J aod 8 to ft RalT •! Ramapo fiiabta's cb. h, Rodiiklo. 9J; 0 to ft and I to4 R-Dogfatt 3 Tima,i:Aa. Peid heaL Redakin waa tMlan a neck. The Riree waa dlrlda^. Hutoala paid: Don Alouo. 13.73. ■iralRbL and $SLlft, plaeo. Btrathmealb. •ja2ai, uraigbt. and $14 8\ Plato. ^Foarth raea—The BelUa Btakeo, a aweepatakw for nuiei two raan old. $t,flOO added, rotnrlty touif, abool all farlonga. J.B.Ar.f.KMne'sch.tIrUb B*«l by HiUs-Boaod Daata, WD: 8 and 6 to 5 orKOn I aoi iU LtiuaOeWi "7E?fflt*'=5i KolSSS RmI, I24n •tnlihl; fan, .Um, uhI USik UilTil mlittw^ ii'AptSrudiiiu,umrfidi; .Z'J^UIi-r"" "i'l! Sif^Ji i •»»P«l»»M. 'or two ■!?• ! '■'tciiiroiii, «, br BniDbi»i>uch.ii, 117; •ua>odoiit unODi BUmUD Subl.'t b. o.UOr Tlol.1, 117; 9>,'>o« 1 Ui 3 OIUIOU I aniitburaiRubla'ich f Uiu^97: a«oiU..l^rllM 1 Tlm«, IsHt. Woo b7 A bou. foor IoobUii b«lwoM Siith Rua-Piiru VM, for tbiM jur oMa ud op- J. 1*. torn £ C0'«. b. ■. Hl Ulchwl, «, bf UocuW. MIchulmu, IK; IloSuin 1 tol .7..' T»r«l 1 OoaFoiboi'b. I. Anb.M: lloludl lol Urifflol aw. XtwM'tVt. HponUiloo, 101: a tad 1 Tnn . Tlmt, 1:4% Woo If • Kntib tod sbalt, l«o Iraillii MI'MQFKond tod llilid. Malum Mid: HL Mlchiil, ?K.'Jf'..''Jj=V •*«; ihlid. laio. Alb, plice, K3I; Iblid.Ulil). SOTioili IKO.-TI10 Tlirr UudTcop, • htodlnp nrMp- ■Itkw, •I.UJiddod, for tbrM jwr okliuid up»nl, ooo mile aod a qaanar. oo larl. 111: laad ll 10 s. .7:..Ralll I Halcol Slablo't b. m. Oloaulni, 111; T to ig lod I to S Klaii I w. B. Jonolafl' br.aLIra Oat,lCT; 14 ui5ai<d7>o 10 UrllQa S TJmo, Won br a btail. a Itogib btlraaD MCODd and Uilcd. Malua:i paid:. Illumt, lOaca, III; Iblrd. «7. Oloimlng, pUca, laS; Uild, t»4U. LIvt Oak, tbIrO, %i.n. Owing to nnmeroiu unuhes tticre wen Uirte ud four tont ttUs In todr oC tba cvtQia w. Tba raclDf, bowsTer, wu o( tbe llaeat order. Tbt wmtber wu not Terr InTlUng, bni Ibo auendance wu np to tbe eTeruo. Tbaie were tbito elMe erenta decided, tbo featoro ot Uie dar being tbe Ocean Uandlcap, won bj Domino. Tbe Respera' Siakea wu won bj Dorian, wblle UoUbn cepinied tbeSappblteSiakea. Snoinurr: Flrvt rata.—A awaapatakca, $1/1.0 addad, for two rear olda. Fotorllroodria. 0. B. RmlUi'a cb. C Ipolaiiit, brTbo 111 UMd Encore, 115; 2>iand 4 US Doggatl 1 J. A. U. 1 D. II. Slonlt'b. I. Oilot. 115: llaad e LIlUtDald 1 Coopor A Sharldao'a b. c Farora coll, IID; 4 andSto • A.ciartss 9 TIma, l:ll>^. Won br tbrce lanaUia,a langlb and a ball baiwaaoaacond aod Iblrd. MnluaWpald: Applauia. 13401, lUallbclllOn, nlace, aod tTW. Ibltd. Owlal, •21.1 ^ pUca, and eiuu iblnl. Farora nit, llOa. tlilnl. Kaooud imc«.-ltaapar«* Slabaa, a avavpatakai. II.UD added, lor tliraa raar olda, oaa mlla aod ibraa alilaaoilia, J. W. Aorara' b. o. Dorlao, br BIr.Uodrad lllaadnra, 112: 31o5andoat Hlma 1 W. J. Rocba'a cb. & BIr KoighL im; and 2 to S llrllllo2 B. T. lloUoaar'a b. t. Foooboolaa, 97; 7aad 7 to » J.FaiklaaS tYima,3:01K. Won br two laojtllia, Ibraa laogllia ba- Iweon atcoadaod third. Moinala paid: Doilan, |d.40, alralgbl, and tt 10.jiltca. BIr KoUric, 15.35, placa. Tblid raea.—Ttia Sappblra etakaa, a aaaapaiakaa, 11,60 added, far two raar olda, are aod a hall lurlooga. F. Lorlllard'a b. e. Doltbra, br Emperer-Dolloha, IIS; BaodllUt Uainlll/'O 1 Lalgb A Roaa'a ch. r Uraola, lU; ai aal e OrtOo 1 OuaStraua'br. g.lfcKaa, llo; 7and 7toli; Taral 5 Time, l:03?i. woo bjrllireoqoartaraol a laoatb. half a laogih botwaao aecond aod third. Matoalapatd: Do la. bra, t4S.35; placa. ai5.IB: third, Uraola, place, •I6tl; thlid,(l7l». MoKea, third, «7.I5. Foorth race.—Tba Dandlcap,fniaisotaed cub ralaa 11,000, baadleap lor three rear one and opward, ooe ulla. J. R A F. P. Eeeoa'R br. c Domloo, i, br Ulmrar. Haanlaarar,ll8;9to5aodout Taral 1 Lalgb A Koae'a b. h. Dacat, 111; 15lo loaod oul...8inia l J. K.Seagram'ab. b. Sarmgo-ea, 100; 13aod 2..J. Regan 3 Tlma,l:IO>j. Woo br a nock, a length and a lialf be- tween aeoond aod third. Mutuala paid: Doaiino, $a; place. aSJS Docal, place, $5.43. FlIUi race —A awaepatahea, 11,330 addid, for three'jear olda and npwaid, oaa mile and a lurlong. B. T. llollowar'a gr. b. Faradar, 5. br UliiiTar.Ulu Aaallne. lOB: erea and ont J. Ferkloa 1 y. U. Allan'e br. b. Basaetlaw, 11:4; 9 lo 10 and 001 A. t'larton 1 Bleojtoo Sleble'a b. |. Boot end Daoca, 85; eu and £4 Orino 3 * Time, 1 -MH- Won br eight leoitha, a leneth between aacoodaod third. 51atoalapaid:Faradar,$.0.&5,aualgbt, aod $5 05, place. Baaietlaw, |5 05. place. Bialh race.—A high weight baadleap. tl.OM added,'for three rear olda anl opwanl, one mile and aqoartar, oo turf. Freaboeat BUIile'e ch. I. LIgbtfoot, 3, br Llodea.Elk- hom Lafa, 127: 9 to 10aod out Rima 1 Ooeckauble'acb. g. Jedao, 115: 4 aod 5to5...1)oggelt I J. E. McDooaM'B C. h. Oblel Juallce, IS; 2 aad 3 to 10 MIdgelj 3 Time, t-MJi, Won br a lenglh and a liair, aam. Jla- tanea belweeo aecood and thlid. Uuloalapaid: Light. root. 910.54. atralgbt, aod $5.15, placa. Jodao, $7.35, place. FOB OTOSR TUBF ITBHa 8BI PAOK dU. WANTED, A Ff B8T CLASS TROUPE. TO FI.AY FAIK WBEIChOT. Uto ITIDClaalre.. A. KI.SNH. BREW, Maoagor, Opera lloaae. Homer ' - MANAOBH WANTED, WITH UAFITAL, FOR OLKrER OUILD. NawpUr. Addreaa,"LIITLE FEU," care B. Btoelalr, Oeo. PeUveir, Toroolo, Canada. WANT TO MAKU nOItKYH BUVB a Com-LErE FA.fOHAUA OF "FhlBOK LIFI ORISYEAnilBBIIlNDTIlEBAIUI. tha oolr work oclu bind lo the vorld. It haa oarer been ahown lo muaenma or ranetr boojea: 47 oil palntlo". loo pictorea. All packa In 8 Iroo bouod caaea pa'Dtad, It'a a anap for aoma oaa. Addiaea . il. J. HUAW, 191 Aoguna aireal, Chicago, III CALL,—'KHFORilBIB. WIIBH IK NUf VORH atop at lu aod 145 Etat Fifteenth Stnat. TUEATRIOAL DEAl>QUARTEaB, two blocka from allUiaatroi aod mu. aaomA FanlabadroomalorllgbthouiekeeplDg. Board irdeairad. MKR. J. BAgROwa VLABIONb'rl'lHT WISIIEB , MENTAFTHKBIiinillBER. NOTHAVELlNn. P. a. OAMBRO.v.Bdhmer Park, Mooueal. Caoada. SKETCHES. aoKUil, UOMEOIBS, BURI.KSOUKB WIIITTEN TO OHOEll. Band ilamp. JCIBFU KEII. BUAW, 126 Falrmount Arenue, FhllaJelplila. WANTED, For "Wtlaloaon'e Flarero," a good, general aetor to doobla Irombooe lo band; alM, a good propertr nian, who cao act aod plar teoor elarlooot or alto In band. Opera hooae maoageri lu Arkaoaaa or Taiaa book tola attraction. Addreea BAILBY WlLkIKBOX. aa per routt WANTitU, BKUOND-UANO UFEHA UIIAIKB OIIEAF: elao apeclaltr iiaocle, doublloa braaa preferred. A good Adraaca Agent. Olreaalarrand panlculaia ,No knockaia. Addreaa IIAIIRY U. IIBIIOELRUTll, Man- ager Opera llouae. MlddlalowD, Daophia Couoir, Fa. WHO Want* VAN I kfATi'iuiiFiAjviar,. lIUtllOAL ANU HFECIaLTY AKriKt'. HUaiguu, cltaT actere aod all round work, I make elagantataod work in «Der, leradrertltlng. Medicine or diamatla You all lioW ma. Addreaa. N. W. VAN DYKF, Downlna, Mo. ANIMAU) FUIl HAL.E A»TEU HICPT. lU, Black Bear, Tiger Cat. Anl Eater, AnoUlllo, Fureuplne, Foaea, I'raltle Doge, White Rata, Faro^uela, Uwla, ale, all lo good o^odltloo. aad will be aold cheap. Addreaa " URBliNWOOD OABDEV, PMka laland. Me. A TBOVPE OF MOOniHH UEUOUIN* . ROM saTiaRA, Hen, Women and oblldran, Daocera, PIreEataia andWhlrtlog DerrJahea,aeeke amplorment Inmaaeumorlaraoahow. Forparllculaia,addrtaaliADJ AIIBEDMOIIAMED. IMiOih mieet, Breotlrn. H. Y. IOWA. OPEN DATEll l-HIIl KAIll H'KK.K, BBFT. 10, II, 12,13and II; onlr hall In lown; will either lent ball or pUr on percenlaja. flood tanna to good Kopfc Addreaa I. BKhVINOTOS, Manager Op.ra llouaa., Iowa. K4tR SALBi WAX FIllUHKH, TE.ST. OBIIAN, It.- I.USIIWf MA.~ll_BUc:K8glN C1)1t, gOBBRKRO. AU. Tn«ATl9 FlUURR "Sltllog Boll," AKBIAL BUSFBN. BIONS and other BliowQooda. Addreaa W. II. J. BUAW, III Augu ila stra et, ChicagoJll. l.tAh'H LlUBNVK. ANCIBNT. KECKLKDH A.SO IWDEFKNUKSTOIIUEROFI'UHVAIIII.'ATOHB. Bend lie. rorCeruQcata o^Memberahl^ with rlalil to lie for I rear. A buahel or lua. I,E HOY HOllOol. OP UAOIlf, m Court mreat, Boalon, Mate. WANI'BU, IIIIIIU I'DNF.t.VV, TUHEK MUllTM, BElYlSaiXll.':i)l'RT WtKK A.Nll FAlll WBKK. J. a. MuLAt 'OULlN. Manag e r Opera Uoure. Adel, Iowa 'Full BALB CIIBAP, FOUR I-IIAIIIIE WUI.rE.4, riTlI OA^IE,AT YOUR OWK PRICK. J. nOFB. m Wertli N inth atmt. Flillaila, Pa. J. llurUa liorwi n iiiui nuwi. riiiiaJi^ r ». ' liRCTUKttllS WANTED,—Waot at once Flial Claia Lectnraralorour UedlcloaCo. Melt ha tip Inraedt. cine baalnete, good waidrnba and appearaoca; alao moner gellan. lleaae atata lowau lalarr and oiperleoce In Orn letur. Alao Bona and Raolo aod HualcalKpacl. allrMen. Nof.rea. Addreaa NorUi Weatero I'barniacr, Rlereo'a I'olat, Wla AT ristolUTV. HINUINU H(>IlliltB'PTK, VOUK0.0OOdTCw)KIKU. Willi aPECIALTIfcl. Addtcu UU.VDA U OFFMAN, a Bald Arenue, Biooklin.W. "W/iSTBb iMiSaBlXTiirY, to aupwt Mlae natlla Palnam, Oral cUaa repertorr people In all lloea ol bualneaa, aloglog aod danciog comediao, aly p aalaL llafd lima aalafrea. No laiea ailvaoeed. B. P. NIchoU, wMla. Addrele MILUBER MERRY MAKEm, Keohok, Inwa. N. B.- I'ailn» r wanted, II cood aJraocaagent TSTiioC'So'^T'vkNTY .srvLi>j),iii cent bacu. 8KN0 »t fOb flAMFLEH. .\lao UneTe torn Paper. HARRY i.' haMK, eailipruceH li eet Flillad elplila, Pa. "WSST6D. to bear frow ainall fair giounj abow. The onlr riiieg earioallrof Ita bind. Ilaiir Joner, llie KfnJSeUoS Ag.,3lrear.; weightI3»: haUbtfft I n. Keedanoaalaunlatogetarouod .tgood l.lngtylhe liSiit partV: AJJtM. Sit BUle fltreel. tililcag o. III -A"CtARl6i«lCT"PLA¥TtlVo>™/'''"''f*'" BXI'BBIeSuK, would like a poMllon nllh aoma troupe. Addrwa W. 11. TFI.VOBO. aiOBJIullenT. Tror._<l._ ^ANTKi>. to'jItiVbnutiIxn „ifAIIl OMuA BlloV rttEArt will. ,Pr!"««^i''^"'l^.V TOHTIONiarall klndi of oaefal peoele. Ho faree ad. 5^iJl»^uUlowa«y^i,^;m^^^^ j^-^-'iSKS.-'"'* -' w'. fi^.'Hl'iC other gsooa. Aooraia ,^ ^,,^n,cuago, III {il"Wlf.VSTWE,\*lf'AHV»J5pF^I?'« THB WORLD. IBARXONKJ A BRKAATIOII. AMD FIRBT OLAVFORMUBBUlaORTBEATRHS. Addreaa W. B. J. BBAW. m Angom 81. calcago. 111 Uwralon,MaIna,oneoaBeptlr. WANTRD, a-all unea; huoog FaatoiM, Cufloalllaa and KorelUea for Laetar* llalla; alao HighClaaa Yandaeille Acu for Tbaatiaa; alio riaalat All prlTllegaa lo raat tllaia Blower, asd olhera wrila. Addiaaa Manager LrcaumTheattw and Mnaaum WAKTBD. M. B. BBRIIT, Proprietor and Maoacer. SB^.a, ^uire uA cor'o'mopla wiiu (or iataa.' CM MllBRUm. ILALTIHOHS, BBOrBKB OBNTBCf^b^NDCHAllJlCTRR OLD MKN. PaTaoth'ATaBua. Aabgry Tatb, W. J. WARTKIX UUlUK, KUR llALL'd HKDICINK IXI. SpaclaUjPaiwle to all line*, Ladr Artlaia that can alai and dano*, Pkirt l>ancer, Piaso I'larer, eta; alao Irl*h, Oermaa and Bluk Fao* Comedlana, Uotitcal AHIita, Baalolata. 8lD|«rm Danc4r«OHitonleDliia.etc: uulba able to oiaore actM olihtlr. aa we plaj week aapfe- meata. Siauloweatialtrr in Bnt latter AddroM WILUAH HALL, KonRpMoiw, Iowa . ~bB9TPAHODItCB VktFO.\""PAT\L WBB"- DlNd • AND "MWKBr UAHIK" U caoU mcK. WM » lllLLTKtl.Aothor. BrooklmaW.Y. WAnTJCU, lu hear Irom all Riacirlo Palt Manlpuia- ton 00 earth tuiof ftill panlcalinL with lowaet wb prim, and to the riaht paitj- weoffer a larfaoaah aala. We caa alio placa a few mora parrorniaT* U. T.Morao.enal- llbrUL write. KITTBLLU A LVrTWIVlI. Klaoirlc Halt Co.. Aldao, Mian. "WANTftO q,UlC:K, riANIRT. URNTLR- HAN PRBI-'BRRhD, UlOnV ItKADKH, ilOUD DBUatf- BR. atrtcllr ubar. flute tAwa«t aalarv. whicli laauie. Addraw JULK P. BWinElt, Kooirllla, ML, RapL 3-tt, Woodhall 10-lt. WANTKD Ftm UHtOO.N INDIAN MHD. CUHPANT. Ralirr nara; moat be lot. PRRrORMBH-1 IN ALL BKANCUEi Oritanand viollnlit to do lurna. tUaady work lor lober people. MaatlAO ailarr. Write or tale- araphgnlch: no lafra. CLOUHTBH. ATIIBXB CO., OHIO. WANTEDS PlHST VIOLIN TO ^ BAHITONK. BECONO VIOI.fN TD DOUBXb ALTU, aoobratto who can aleir and daoca. Other uaesul tk«orle, write. Addreaa BBPKRTOIRK, rare o( John P. llonii 61 tlnton Bnuar* tKatt>. N. Y. gMMTWItat HK<:URF. A.N-INTKHKHF IN A HUiVHUH POL Ut'SICAL V'Ant^B COV^DV. Tlmet>»ok«l. Bpa'^lal pictorial prIotiOf. 8malle<f*L l.4iwfipaD4o npUndid rtpportonlir to make mnntj. Addreu 'MANAdKII," Bifn 7. 47 WaatTarwntT-wlchth StreeL h>w York r.itf. TUB CMAUIION I'LAYBRAND DANOCR of tbin coun- try, asd the onlr taaeher to Chlcafo thai can proparlr At ladira or Ream for the ttu« in acrobauoor ■aoieel TCDft aod dance: lurolnc back aiid front MMnarnnlu, back aod front baodHprfnita. nachiprlDsa, baadaprlnia, ahouMer aprloga. fllollapa aad altlewneoui. Prof Koadi aod wife ttach tlieclareioic anil moat illffli colt acrobaue aonw and daoco lo Uila codout, tncladlus alaaplag liandiprlnit on a lorel orer arachiin, while bla wife tuma a backward aooianault, drerud In her aklrta, OTcr (he head ol tha ProfetMr. All tin* lataat Ull room daocea. atati and fknor danc«a, hiah klchloR Jorop. loi;. bending aDdtonhllofttaoghL Trick plaTloxoo tha Tlolln In lereo dllTerant war*. He perrorna on 31 dllTar- •otiDitnimaota, and howltl oodtIoc* ibo publio of hla abllltr br challenRloit anrtearher In Uili coontfy for $1 on to tft.OJ0 thai can equal htm id hia Una of baainav, and bo odota any teacher to Ohicaao tXD who can do one half or what lie does; ondarataod, UilalaoobluflT. I mean buiiDaw. PROP. ROAL'II'U acalemy. 17« 17eil Uadlwn Bi.; open day and aronlng; re>ldeoce HHIamllii Are, tihlcato. ZA3 Encores BTishtly. BEVERLEY, IN THE OHARD IIBIIOIO BONO, "The Ship I Love." EN ROUTE WITH ";IEL0S AND HANiON'S DRkWINQ CARDS." THESE WIN ! •TIIBaniPILOVB." Onol Her'ilo ftoaa vlUi Drft. malic ItooltailTe. inc fwiiL orclipitia paria) "AND IIKIt aoLpeS lIAiri war MAMtl.SO DDVN IIBK BACK." Kunlce Vanr:o and MaJge Ifllla' iin- ilviled hlL 3Dc Iwllh nreliaatra parla). "BAOKTO THE OLD UOMIS AOAIS." MIdrUoI ballad aod Oral pari aonr lOe (wiili orrheaira iiaiiii). •TIIBmltUOnB.N WOItlf: (IK,Wil.VT U VOU CALL ITl" Great comic ruoR; not kukioiHto, bul-awrully fuoar. lOe (oo orcheiira occfisaryj. "THE KAMB RWKBT OELLH AltB ni.MM.Vf 1." De- acrtptUe and dramatic itoog. 109 (wltli vrcheitra paruj. TliohitorLoodoD. aa-8oD||iUavlit toUie pror»ri«|cja KIIP.BOPCIIARaB between 3 aod ftp H. TUB P.NDLIflll BO.Vd I'UB. 0», 31 Niinli Moore Hlr«nl, New rt>rh. M*TakflBlitli .\TeDiieKlaTaled llallrnadawfl RntnrTat PnokliL KitaaU North Uoere Blreat la one binck aboro Praohlin TOTHEVlUDEVILLEPIIOFn I want first clans Specialties of all doscrlpllODH. Send me jour open dates at once, lino or act and salary. H. BRUNELLE, Yandevlllo Exchange, 14!) 4th At. N. Y. I aiRO want Hcrenty-flvo actA ilur- ing month of Dcc«nil)or, Hultable for a large audience composed of clilldren. AT LIBERTY AFTER SEPT. 9.1894, FIRST CLASS TRAP DRUMMER. EiKrleneed In allbraorhra Pall Una of tnpa. Tltiatn ortimTellnf. Addr**i PRANK L. IIOVARI), care Ken- da rwn A Hon'* Tbaaira, t'tnef laUnd, Kww York. WANTED. PBUh iQd Jgdf. Fruli. CkIoi, iiLtaa Bi.owitnB, and all oriiEH atthactid.-m for Carlo Hall, to write for opaalngdau and later. LTOEUM tIiEATBI ABD MtlBF.UM, Lewlatoa, Maine. FOB SALE-SIOESHOW PJUNTINOS (TUCKER MAKE), ALL KIIID6; alai Blot. M a tMn a a , bgllab TONY PASTOR'Si D«(wM*adwt'4u ATB. ' lU^KS iBostoi Hnd tilieisun TUESDAY III I „, - FHIOAY.I StarSpeciaHjGoiii|ttny. ■ - ^* 1 CivaMBilo** BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST, AT AWBRORE TAHIC. ROUTII BBIWILTM. TWICKDAILT ALL BUMMBB. B. F. Keith's Amusenent Enterprises. E.r. ALBEE - • • Ota.Mt'r. a F. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, BoilOtI, HUI.) THE BIlOU, Ptillilalphti, Pa.; B. F. KEITH'S OPERA HOUSE, Pro«ld«Mi, R.I., ° AMD B, F. KEITH'S NEW UNION SQUARL uon or HI. Kinu'B obioihaii OontinuouB Performanoa. XOOH TO lao. NO BTOr. STAR PEHFORHERS VffllTE FOB DATES. MRACE OARDM MUSIC HALL. SBtk SL,b«L84.ind.Ui.A»t. mas GLASS VAUDEVILLE Erery Evening. SIICIIAHI. IIHUMANIf, VnCTCD ft DIAIIC Moai« Hall Bnil lloor MJOiCnttDlllLOUanlen, AUnilHlOD.Mo. MLIK. MAnaUKRITR, TRIUA, FIALKOWBKV, LAH8 LAMBS' FAMILY. SEOOND SERIES OF LIVING PICTURES. TAUniiVlLI.F., Bl'BOIAl.TlliB, WDVBLTIWl. CENTRAL OPERA HOUSE Um lii ITttLftL^bjjKUMland 3d Awa., HIGH CLASS VAWtPfil-" .„ HOOP oARparr now opbn. All oonniaoioatloDa in refaraBoa to tot Dooilng ol aitlM at the above hoaae ahoukl ba addiaiaad to I.«)POLDFJ.g5ICfJ|;j-^^I|fj, H. lU JACOnS* THEATRE, Cor. 3lBl BIreal and U Areoae. MATINKEH, RIUNUAV, TIIUnSDAY KHd lATUUUAV JOHN L. SULLIVAN, III "A TIIUK AMICniCA?^.' NoBi weak, 'TlIK LIFK (lUAHO " PVOPI.V'M TIIKATItlC. L lAfl ijEi 9 liUMIIV c. MINKR, Froprletnr. "THE LIMITED MAIL." '^HS- IIUBER'S »'OlUSEirH: Upeaall tiiarear. WAKTED, mn TUR OURIO IIALUI, Llrlof Uurloalllea, Preaka or Hature. Rare and Ourloui Aolioall of evarj deacrltitloo for our Be* Uaoaferle Dai>«rtniant,and at all tltiita ihe tott beat Vaodavllla Hurarortbeiheaire. No aalair too hlxh for Pirat Uliaa NoTelUaa. Eoitaiieioenta fruto 4 u> 13 weaka durlog tlie DORIS' 8th AY£e MUSEUM. 391 dlh AVB., N. r. OITV, For gsaann 'M and 'V3, Carlo llsll aad Htjage Attracllona addr«aa JOIIW U. I>0UH. 3ltt Nth \r». HABLUM MVSEUJII, llSlh Sine) ind Third Ay*., N. Y. City. TBUNTON MUSEUM, Ntrth Broid SItmI, Trtnlon, N. J. JOHN IIANHON Pnprlatar BD.V. MMITII UBBa|» WANTED AT ALL TIMKH, Biraoi Featuiae, llorl. oaltlea anil NoTelllee for Lecture llalla: alee lltib Olaaa Vauderllle Acia for TIteatraa. All appllcatlena for eoaagoBienu (boUi boeaaal uio.l ba addreaaed lo "* BU. 0. HBITU, llarlem Mn.enm OLYMPI^i 130 St, and 3d At*. HIghCliiiViudavlllei. OHAROl JA8. H. CUHTIN, . . . ttmm logari THE WILMOT DUO, W. D. WILHOT—V. U. BillDEB. TUB MOBT BVnCEBBFUL DOUBLR -IIVIILlNa ACT BVBH FBODUUEO-BAIt NUNK. Toronto RapoBllion HepL .•IS. Week ol Hapl. 17 open. Oorrea poodenea Inrllad from reeponalble ma nagera. it UNTHAN, It WITH ALBINI'S LONDON EHPWE ENTERTAIIIERS. Parlor n^Iiouti'c, Hr'RINa K'lElL.U. MAHM. WANTED, A FIRST CLASS PIANIST, up lu Yarlely lIuNlueiM. Addr aaa II. U. TtlUKBH, »a altov. NCUNIO ARXIM'l', l,4U-4 tiKXinUTON AVE., N. V, C'lTV, ALI. KI.S'DB OF HS KHEIIV AND HtAOE HUl'FLIEH. flereral aoftd aeoond band Drop, and Hal Pleeae for aala. WHO WANTS AN EXPERIENCED, RE. MABIK. ADVAKCE AdENT. "HUB. MABAOKB" 01 tllBAHURRH. Teraiaeaar. OR Wllu WILLlnreatHa In a Bore wlnnlna aliow—Ladr or llant. Addreaa ■ AIIBIIT," W. F..cor.llalaeail ATe.,H, T.flltf. WiitilQulcii,3or4Flfil ClusFuii Vi. BIKTT PEHrilllMKIlH. Bletk Face l^onadlan lAat Blnfa aod UaDcea. aod la Funnr, Falrtlrouno aoik. Anawar unlck. ■ DAD " HAHBBlC Waat Bed lloul,^.loilra, h. ». Esgigeaiit Wute(l..»Y«iiaK Lidi Diilrii F.NIIAUF.MENT FOll JUVBNILR OB INIIKNUR BULBH. Maaaoaalila aalarr: qnlck atodf. MIBI NKLLKITA BUBI. UO Kaat Klalilf nlnili Blient. New Toil. Uii>. WANTED, A SCENIC ARTIST THAT IS A VRBT BTIIIRT BTAUK MANaUEB. OKK THAT OAN IHJ LEITBHI.S'U I'HKFBBHED. UIIAK J. UUNMAN, _ (l(irfn_tB'aTlieatra,_Maacliener, H. 11. Wanted, to HearFroii Some Maker of MUrilUAL NOVELTIFA WasI aoma InHmnianu na- lahed. Addreaa I IAWBY FAMHELI.. Maf beur/. W. Va. WANTKD, A Leader, Pianist and Arranger.»M "A BHBmf TIBS'' i:o ,»apar ruiiia. THE HOT POTATO OP JUUaLBHV. IIKfTIKO HlOU, BUT HTILl. I AM HOT IIAFFF. Wanted, Theatre Comlque, Rlchiiiond, VA.. BOmi AMD MBUe TBABK.FB1IAI,E BmciAU TIBB,BTC..AT OBUB. CaPT. W. W FUTBAM. SOPB.AN0 SOLOIST, JUVENILE AND PIANIST ATLUUnr, BUT.*. BO BKFEBTUIU. AMraai ■AMLXIir," BXe HITII 1(1 uniEci BY C. M. ROSENBERG. The Greatest Welti Soeg el tki De|. Which la beloa aoof with atraat aaeceu hj the Laadlajt Taleot Id the Pioieulon. Kau Hoooay. aow aloglQi l| vltb bin auccaaa in "Tha Derhi Haicot," nya: Jaala LafontAiDi>,now ainRliiR It lo "lIotTamalac" aaji "ITIHTIIROHKATBHTMlHd BIIR IIAH RVKRHOKOy JohQ P.CuiTao. laoorof tha Ullri»arljuuuttbuiaada It hliprlDolpal aoDR. Bend 10 caota vltii I^rof raniiia for Ororeatnlloo, or eall ueraonallr. TUB WIDMBR-RTIOLBR MU8I0 PUR. CO.. Ul W. <M HiraaU Naw York. OY WARMAM, AUTHOR Of 'DWBBT MAR1K." aod Joe Nevmao, the popular ttalla«l ainRarnf tha Waat, aad compoeerur "HhooiiDg Urtv^" bare writtoo and i l>t>t«l nereral Da« sAOKa, and u llahed by Ilia abuTa oompaoy. ft will ahortly ba pob> JXJST OXJT, A NOVELTY, "uniE PAPOOSE" AUTHOR OV "SWEET MARIE" An Indian Lullaby, very pratty anil orlglnaL Send 10 oenU and pro- gramme, or oaU personally. WIDMER.STIGLER MUSIC PUB. CO., 131 We8t42dSt.. N. Y. City. Tbere Are Several Topical Song, Dj J. FRAN<!I8. Oei* oflhe rei(cihl«it •onga eviir wrllt». aiitl boaiid to b« |iD|»ulttr* MmnA lOt, mud iimariimmit, orrmll neraonmlly. WIUMRIUHTIOI.HH MUNIU PUH. €0., 131 West 4'AA HI., N. Y. City* SURE HITS. TWO GREAT CilARACTKK HONUH, mi m mi m'MM YDV,IU1IIH1IIDVH7 Hend 10 Mat* gnd programme to WIDMER.STI6LER MUSIC PUB. CO., 131 W. 4 2d St., N . Y. City. FOUR SUCCESSFUL SONQS. Dear Little Home RoseMyMothorWore O. UUWARUH. TboBanksoftlieNera IT. LiYHTICU. DORA LBS, nOIIKIlT KL.M. To proraaalonala, lUa and nrnBratnma. TUIWIDMlil<.«Tllll,KR MUHIII FUB. 00., 111 Wa it «W HI., W. Y. giir. GAIETY THEATRE, {Vormmrly P«ople*a) OPENS SEPT. 23. Vendeillli vA Bailieqoe CtflbloitlNi ud SpeelilllitWaitel Addreaa J^AAIAA uduyhlDdofinuaieamafadaatt WBpoaad. Itaoall aooia at taueo* oUWuo ClARIONET PUYER AT UlElin-Strletlf riBBTOLABH. riPKBIBBUBD IK ALL ■BANOHb!