New York Clipper (Sep 1894)

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Seftembeb 8 THE NEW YORK OLrPPEE. 481 Laid and Gfealest % Succiss, "WHILE TIE DANCE fiOES OH." It must be n hit, when telegrams of congmtula- tlons keep pouring In from such great singing artists as Kelth'8 Boston Theatre; Hanlons' Superba; AT.T.F.N Union Square Theatre, New York; DOLLZS BROOZSp Lilly Clay Big: Burlesque Co.; AMMOITS CLBHZSS TRIO, Frank Hall's Casino, Chicago; EDDIE GZCITEREp Police Patrol Co.: FAXT2T7 EVEBXTT, Nilaco's City Club Co.; Haverly's Mastodon Minstrels; BZSOIT CZT7 QTTAHTET, Hopkins' Trans'OceanIc Co.; The Prima Donna Co.; GEO. B. DZAMOITD, Buffalo, N. Y.; JOE HOWARD, Central Theatre, Denver, Col.; and a himdrad other artlsta who will be advertised next week. Thle gong will adTertloe Itself Only a few more proof oopiei will be ianed at 10 O ta, pe r oopy . Orohestrationa 10 ots. extra. Write plain to yonrs, ATTBB TEE BALL, CHAS. K. HARRIS, Music Pulili$liar,Milwaakta, Wit. | OLOWIT BAND AND SOLO ORCHB18TRA. SPEOIAL TO WANTING CO. A rN K«w Jermr, DflUwrn MArflAad. TirflDtv WMt Vlr> ■IdU, Nnnb ud toaih Carol i Da, Oftonrlft. Florida, Al*- tenuL, MlulilppI, Loalilnls, Texu ArkaDiaa, Kanaa*. Hluourl. Hebniiia. Iowa, Illlnoia. TenoawM, Dakota, WANTING CX>. B IN MIoblnD, lodlut (North of Iodluup«llJ), Ohio, P.dd, X.W York. Mm. Bho4* bUiid, Oodd.. VonDODt, Nov Hunpihll*. Mkloo, CuAd. ud Britllh PnTlDCM. ntUnm _ rasD D. snurriN, luuior, OsMt Bij, mul WlwotlD, MlDDOMtU ud lodliu (IpcladlDK ud Booth orindlutpolll.) Addrou FRAME V. NiaoN, MuiKor, UDCwInllUMI, RoiboiT, Mwi. WANTED^To oompUU bolh eompulM, SPEOIALTT ABTIsn. MOTBLTT AOIS AMD tSfTDBm n>«lh lodlM ud liQUomOD). who m work In r.iilomlii. (pf,r«r.oa lllTon thoio who doubl. is hud), 17.9_.1V?L^'SS AQOnS. PEOaRAMiiBRII, rROPBRTir MEK (whocuworhlo Putomlo.or pl*j Id bud), >1u HUBIOIAIIS OP ALL UNDB. "LEADKBS OF BAND AND 0R0BB8TRA " WriUfoll pmlooUn, IbU whjl joa ou doud fin lowottMUrrlDdrAtlottor. ADDBEB8 AB ABOTB. HOIIffi.-WAl«TPD, "Ihe bott Dot loo 1004" MUSICAL OOMBOIAM to work wilh Edaa LioIw Bnffln, roTVor)/ of the c.whTHo4LBClor fUilly. Addrft*. FRBD D. BTRArrirf. ehepire theatre "SATe&ls. of Oot. 1, Oi>e>rL FOR GOOD DRAMATIC OR VA UDEV ILLE ATTRACTION. Wire JAMES B. nonSlBBBT, Olnolnnatl, O. THK HIT UP UUa HILL'S SHOW FOR TWO BEAaUHB, Mc&VOT and MAT. BI|ht.nd.ln.rM>ll. with "TOUT PAJTOH'S" «hl. .od {••"-i^^^"!*'"' ftor BprlBB toor. Addru* a. per raato, TOWY PABTOR'S CO. FRANK HALL'S CASINO, CHICAGO, ILL, m LudlRg VirWi Thwtr. •( tha Wilt luti Bifitled irt RnmbH for the Fill inil WInler leuoR. ■«! i«e«ot»lol HiwtrB l» »• Wert. OOKTINUUOB UTAOB PBRPORMANCBA PtwWDllDf At OOtmtTT. WODldb*pl«AAAdU>hUlli«DIArll<UudnOT«IU01 WIllTiUIOUCUa,wbldiopoDiOat.e -——I - uTAni' PRRrnRMlNcni Fr«A»DllDr At .11 Uidm Ih. Ttr7 bMt ADUrtftlDDiMU flroD Id thil UTIMO nCrOBIB WAHTBIK BILLT BICB. Rt3« MADAHr. MAGIC THICK JUGGLING GOODS, rannuMDin amd todt noaan, nmoDra OLina *rt'»sr*,'?.5%.£l?Lr*** w..^^. GIBSON AND lijLBURN. CIRCUS CANVASES, ridwai«l8tekad,8KAT8,E1ii«>,BU. ^Ornat tor Bmn rAnn cma uma. WABNINIi. The llaoloa BroM. harabr ooucatbat ibiy tr« ulll ib«io)*o«oen of tb«lriucc«u^il pl^, "L«vojaca«D Bulna," aDd hold ttao »i«1utlTe rtihw to lu praduoUnn Id Aniirlca. Ihoir rlRbi u> thu puy umI TvnIoD or adapuUoQ of lL«lihlulDoManta,»liaailoDiud bnil- DMi, haatvlcobMO maiDUlotd br iii la Ui» c«uni ol N«w Tort and MainafthuMtU. Tbitrlghtthfy an pr»- partd loODfomlolhveTODt or any aUompl to loftlDi* itbrtbenoaaihorlivd nrromanco of U>« play or aoy Tonlon or adaptation Ai Itt or ol any Incldcoia or tu*i- DtM takoB Irom It aU Mraana are wanod at«loit any lotrioianiftat or thla riKht, alibar by p«T(onnant« or ih« pUj. orTantooioraJapiatloDB ot It, or or avparmta Id- cldiDta, or trlckH, or baploria taken Irom It; and all maoaiira ol theatresaie warned antonallAwlnRiach iDtnnitnjt perrormaccM to lake puoa at aoy tna ' under their eonirol- Any iDinDitemaBt will be mediataly naualited. and ailperMaa raapoBilble htlJ liable In damafea. 110WB 4 HUMMEL, AU'yi ror the llaolon Bnilhar*, and « Centre Bt. H. Y. Olty. Showmen & Streetmen We an now efftrlnt our O^tm Bbe*li and Socf Donka •I UiefoUowloff rmtre: 80N0 BIIRBT9, 34x36, 50 eenta per 100» or $4 per lUOO. 80NQ BOOKS, words an4 iBVAle, ■lMexlO|10pBa«%$l per 100. 80NQ BOOKS* sheet mnalo 16 pases, fapsr 100. 80NO BOOKS (words onlf), slM Theaboreeontalnallot ue latert mnand are tmt ate and wlablt. Oub vftti order, naillvely no •»oiao.D. Vowill MndouMiBple eC eaab for lants IniUrerorpcctaceitAmp^ M eU ofdento *lt^eroar HevTotkorOlklaifl* , wblobnw la om/om to yoo. •IHMM'S PUBUSHlia HOUSE. EDENMUSEE, PATERSON, N. J., HENRY LTOOVEY, Pmirletor mi Uiaagar. WILL REOPEN AUG, 27. WANTED-nnt Clau Spdclilty ktMt, Strang Dnwlng AttractlonB, European NovtHlBi. Tralnta Animals, tlo.. *lo. Forlone Teller, OliM Blower, Candy and olher privll»g«t le let FELIX McGLENNON, Tke Well Kdowr Author ol "Cemndet," "Thit It Lo«»," "He Never Ciret to Winder," etc, etc. hat written tor the coming uaion SIX NEW SONGS. Tber are to be iMued MlmvllaBMQilr id Eotland and America. It la •ipr'ted that they will be HMy for dla- tribadon aa toon aa lolemuJonal copjrlRbt can be raased, probably In Irom three to lour vnate. Prol tlonala deatrlOR coiriei ai mod aa iMved ihonld pli— thelrorderaa oirr The »ii lonn will bo aupplfed to pmreuloDaIi4 fDrolahlng card or pioarunroe. ror« oeota, poitpald. No order ooniidired nnlenaeoompuled by the elAUd amonot Firat come flrtt terred. AddroM all ordera lor America lo - P. H. WOLAIRrPBR, 7ft fliau Street, ChleaRO, 111. WILL SUPPLY ALL PLAYH tbat hare beOD printed In U.S. or Eotope, at 150. and 3ao. eaeb; fbolo- grepbit ol Theatrical or other celebrltlea, cabinet ali«, aSe. eaeb: panela, tl U each; Freocb and Eaillth ^hotofnpbB at epeolal Irmtoa Popular Sooga: Aof Printed Sodr (nven od ihoTVarlety BUn, beni or abroad, tfeieaoh All tmohi relatlog to Makfo and the Otitna, ■oppllml at publlabir't prlrea. Hend ca«h vlih order. No cMKli eicbaORCd. LAffRKNCB NOVKLTV AND SUPPLY CO.. fa and WCeuire Htreel. New Tork. LAWRENCE STEAM MERRY CO ROUNDS QalloplaK HoriM, nut Imported Or. vans, AttraetlTe oat> flu PrloMoaapfll' .eatloa. Terms easy, NOBXANA ETAM8, Lackport, R. T. BALDWIN BROS.. ttading Aaronauti e< the WofM. INVENTORS OF THE PARACHOTE, M ARB NOW OPEN rOB BBABON OF IM m AlW BUBlACturWI 0( All kllldA ol BaUOODI (Oa. or Bot Air). Btod for prieo IIM to BALDWIN HROH.. P O. fel IH QjlAor. ni.. O. R. A. ATTRACTIONS WANTED, FOR New Opera House, 8TETENH FOINT, WIH. PopolatloD. ir«,Qn. How boohlna Fateon IWI an4 '91 fllM or aU|[«.W>4ft; else nl oi>enlnr, lliTH: htlaht to firoofaa, Un.: hf'aht to iridlron, 45IL; lieiilit bi flr Kal- ■ry, wt LlRhM byeloctrieiiv: heal^l I) Klearo. BOflwoRTii A nvurr laaail Maoaien. "YOUR FACE IS FAMILIAR" TO TlIB "PROruil," and the CUt a«tda a Moot lleb to yoarehalD ol rane,iryon |taTe a fooj portrait evtor roniMir lor Aationerr and adrerUalDf. We make the rifht biDd for $1X0- iU kledi of eau (or ibow prlDtiBg fttAdlanant Write CHICABO PHOTO ENQRAVING CO.. in MadlaoD Hi. ililcaro. WANTED, ATTEACTI0N8, FOBTHB WAYNE COUNTY FAIR, Lvoaa, n. v.. bept, 13, i« and in, imtt. AddrcAA W. R. BIcCOLLUM. tUtntmrr. CIRCUS CANVASES ALMOflTNBV. ML and Wu Roood Tope AlaoaewlDIL looAdTop with tern. Middle Place and UDTL HoiiBd Top dtMp. O: J BAKBR. 1W W Thirrt . gae^aa rtty. Mo. LEHER HEADS, » UP. Bend t omt ctanp tor anmplea. ■MALL EmiHATIROol an/deaen^ tloD. Bend eopr for eotlnuta. gaodfOCeDtreSt, N. T. SHOW CANVAS. BolllloeidorOBAhorlBotlML For aaId, c*«»a. OM ODt. BUlMUDi Wrilofor pvUCDUn. lUostimtAdMlAiMDo mm BaacTiruL BOiio, with waltb rrphain. BT CHARLES FLOTB MoOLURE. Tli«w<>idiar«flawlB||>ndara('ef^l und tllo malodr •iqaUllvlF Awr«l. It la a Aona ol marll wllb b Alarr nft-aln, that will lorh hearli and Itwo, It waa airaaaad by J09BPH CLAVIIBH, lha man whs arranRad "Anor thaDall." VnrMAlaaali aaalaAlng 10 caat. In Atampo aad imgraama irlll rMalwa plaan oopw. AddxaAA FLAMNER'S MUSIC HOUSE, Ullwaukee, Wis. GREAT GOON SONGS for PROFESSIONALS "THE COONS ARE ALL A-DREAMINV> - - By Percy Gaunt. Song In No|('t "A Trip lo Cklulown" and by the NIoholi Slitora, In RIehirdt li Cinntld't New Comtdr. "The Clroui down." Priot, 40 oenli. "HONEY, DONISIQH," • - - • By D.L.White. Sung by Clin Rtodill, "Hviltof" Co. ind Ckit. U Prinoe, In "The CIreui Clown." Prioo, 40 oenlt. "HAVE YOU SEEN JOHNIEFRAZIER?" - - By Ed. Howlatt. 8uii| by Jull« Maohey tad miny oINn. Priot, 40 oantt* Lsteat snd Gi«Bt«it of All, "MAMIE, COME KISS YOUR HONEY BOY," • By May Irwin. Sing by May Irwla, In "A Country Spoft" Prioo, 40 oenlt. A llmllod Mimbor ol orehtttm fvH hivO been printed and will be tont le protetllonilt with Umm lengt, on locolpl ot oird or programmo aeoonpanled by ton oontt lor oiob. mtm-SMITH MUMC PUBLISHINQ CO., 62 tnd 64 SUnhopo It, Boilon. NEW ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEWHOUSR QROUND FLOOR SEATING CAPACITY, 1,000. ALL NEW SCENERY. STAGE, 40x48. PRICES, M, 86 and 60. NO HIGHER. Will book a IIbIM namber or flnit clam altraetlonn |tlajliig at tb« abovn nen- tlontd prlcft. Will op«n about Cot. IB. Who wantn tbe openins dalo t . OLEAH MPBIO OO.. Managora. SREIMQER HRLL, NEWARK, N. J., BEDA VOIGT, Proprietor. Entlrelr refltted, r«nied«l«d, llfhtM with «lMitrlffU)r, at • ooit uroratr iKiU.IHHI. MeMllBg c«p»«lt|r 1,H00. At stage, wpII M|ttlpp«d with acoBery, will n|i«B Ocl* !• Ila- slrabld opan tima for Aral elaaa combinations. Artriraaa all comrannlmtlans lo BHUA VOIOT, NaenKer llnll, Newark, N. J. THOY, isr. Vlll ISRlBtU Hllth MatlneaaTuMda^^d^rriday^ Jll_the , ..^jleUe and BpeclsHr neuMnie*. UU who have their own Mlud and Window Work Kept M, No?. A (tao. 10, Jan. 7-& r»b. 4->, Harth II. IAB,ior HurleMue. Vaitdemle, K Puli>talfne,AthleUean<IBpeclsltrneBMnie<. Wanl none but the batL Woold Ilka (n hear Irotn HmiaKir Art- ipen llDia: Keamn lin-A, Karca Toinedr. Mlnauel, elo., ror VaaderlDa Cos. now ued AfSOL 1. UM. belBK newly paiDted, papsrad and redeenntMl. Adnlaaioo U. & Bi), rto. *w akova prteeawillhoVlirsa I hate the inllowlnii ■ or HurleMue, Vaitdt'iile, tutthe barf. WoBid Ilka In __ , _ Ateo Irom Prinllowbouaea havlnt tiMupUta Hiand If«irh, lilihos led. Speelalty Arlliu wlBhiDs tlma addre«i TtlNY HHtlll, uiyonlr auUiur- JAMM HBARWB. Hole Proprfitor and Minaiar, Oalet; ThMire, Trny, N. Y. S. S. STEWARirS IN USE hi aH LEADINS PERFORMERS of tilt di| Inatrwsmta for tola PlBjara, OInbs aBd BbbJo OomblBBtloBa of all hladi. Ple« «oIb BmBjae, BujeaariBas, loltf Bai^oi, PoB|r Banjos, anltai^Baek Ub^Jh and Baas Baajoa* Boolu aad ■wla Im matvailatr. Omly Book pabllahad sb "Bamo Olabi," BVa. Band ibr laraallllaalraud Prtea Lilt aad'paaiBhlataai mil Innirmallea. Bant Praa. Hadal aad DIploBa awarded at Woild'e ValaBtblaii Mi|»AltloB. Addrata S. S. STEWART, 221 ami 223 Chyrch Street, Phlladelplila, Pi. SHANNON, MILLER & CRANE 10* BnoADWAV, If. Y., OIUO DOOR BRLOW NINTH NT, (Komiarlr M Hililn Une), MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS COODS. Oold ud SIlTcr Ucn, Fnoiat, Bpaniln, Bun, Tkaaeli, BrucMln, TIfhu, Hhlna, fMdIan, lliia, Wl(t, Blioei »Dd Jewelry, Tbeairlinl, EaDetulu tni Athletic Onoda, Viiaiunun' and llnlge Halien' Hiiupllai. Fltfi ud Bueen, MlllUn ud floclet; TttniralDga. Amnn ol all klnite lo order, tauil rnr allhiiilea. Tte largeatiMortmeDtud lieafKMBiook o( Kna« londilo be (ouodurwberr. Ulroulin. fraa. Omid* MBtgTi.D. DAZIAITS THEATRICAL EMPORIUM M UKION HQUj^RU, UAHTHII>K. NKW VOItlC. The LargMt and Host Oomplsle Aaaortmeat ol fllllia,la<lnsp Brwadas, VaWeta Olotka, Oaalimaras, Uold and Bllwar l*aees, irrlagsa. npanglae, Arutov Clotba, Mm- broldarles, JawaU, Jawalrr, Armor, tllogs, Ronji and Uanra flhoes, Wigs, Mklrta, TIghta, t«aotards, 811k lloalarr, PAddlngs, etr. EwerjrtblBg uareaaar|rlB malsriala for Tkaatros, Olreaa, ajrnDasfnm, Cbur«b, Mllltarj and Coslamera* ■»•, Oataladaaa •nd lamplaa seaten appllcbtloBe TICKETS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION * * liioiie ]m hm, leiTork PHILADELPBU Ctilcijo OREAXKMX AOROBAXIO ACT IIV XHCWORH.D PerformInK Different Somersaulta to the Shoulder. Jail cancladad a rarf laceaaAfal MaiBmar anaaarmrnt wllli Palna* apactaela '•l.alla Raahb," Bt Maatialiaa Baack. _Thl. waak, Worca.ti'r, Haia., Valri Maak aapt, IU, Oaataa, H. V., Fair. Addraaf all coromaBlcallona lo UltllC RICH AltDH. oarti (ircr^Il>X'1CIC. The Grove Street Theatre, This popalar placa of amaaamaat, wllb sealing raparllv fbr 'A^IHUi people, Is BOW rsadf to lease or rent to a goad respoaelble f enaal* Apply to HADIdOIT 4( BURK, AM Narkot lllreel, Hbb Fraaelaco, Cal. Oabe's Opera House, HENDEBBOH, KT., Seaaioia. of '04 AZAd 'GO. Thfe hoaae li wadar now BUBtseaieaL All panlee holdlnir eontiaeta with f. Haas wrlta loimedJatelr or loaa yvnrdal*. Waatad, rim VUas fares Conedisi, BarleaqaaaB'lllenMtleDAl Dramaa. iDdaOs ReipL. R. R. TRIBLK, Hfr, S7K PIni RtreeL WANTED, ONE OR MORE PLUSH CURTAINS. ITATB miB iRD OOLOB. MUtT m IK OOOD COKOmuX. MAKE LOWCTT Oilllll tRIca 0101 AbOlH, Aeadaar aOoala, ntukaii. r&, can lURnr MdHRIt' ItNrRRTllNIHH. B«aal/klWn4L ««ladl»ai Maela. HapalTItu ITIturu*. riDrMawaalai«li.u:enu. OrebtflnUai^ Mai