New York Clipper (Sep 1894)

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September 8. *r±±iii ITEW YORK OUPPEB. 433 mo^WTNT to tue JkxttTaov of KLUER aRlMDIN, R89 -DB*Il BIB I wllk to f.. Ii«tlra I UUnk It M cat o( Oia but oocitracud n^kSrnmu 01 Uw pl««">« aw, »ikI on« that will pro" AMbo oomlM uw<°. Wbcn I loU joa Ibu I Uld Dot .un mrMttamll thociiittladnppeiloDlbe lut tct, , poworfsl..wnutp l>iil»l«n>lo>d,wlT<iT UJclom ill Uinoib itrM UU Qmuthr or STi^raoT It 01 U7pl.r.anl Ireqnontl; Iuto Mm A iMolld ul wboCTVoViia or tonvmi It IE wrItieD eullr. ud wlih |Ti«tt eomeuauud aloBiDranf dkuoo. It li foil or iol«n«,tbotiiK]i wllh •xeollaatMallmoal, MT«nl neeoMral ' tb« plot nilly oBiitu ibo . . cmltlDBmUltr fnoBib rbr« --. .ioDoorroniumkodpoMtT- lb* iDlorvfl or th« BMlodnmB cootiM opoD Uep«, Iho hf«d)#m, Rood btamd diAitottr. lllam^jiaoorooltri bli oDbudbrmnrr.aiid bli paoctlUoai HOMol hoDor vbMtho nmtlonol rlRbt aodwioBg comta tttrly bo- ron him, olvui aoontoi ibi *tnp4ulu ol ihtiodlaacoi ToUulo, ImpuialTo, nd,Uo In otoit «ord tad moTO- MBt, mtreatlBi to lit* U*t dBKiMk It IB o <hoitot*r ihot looBlnB % oBldi BBd dfflinu ponoptloa or what th« actor haa to do. It la vlihoBt (laaillon Iho baat vork I bBTO oior ao*B rou dOt BDd I do DOt roriiBt jour iiaat Allbuilnew eoinmuiilcilloiii to WILLIAM T. FENNE68Y, Soto Owwr ■»< Wmnr. ii wu^^ of Tl(e R>HDUL rorrinntoM or "tbo Mld«l|b« B«»" Von h}r« asr. rosDiM jomaair «lib • TUT elanr 00Bl«nr or Klora, wbodoluatlcMtn aarh bh tTair part,bod Iboru* all w«UopaBiloaarlolboIrnarocllTo roM, Uaro ooroar r : 1^,, ^ ,i,Btr wlili- Bbopnt IB anvfliit LUTON BROnM. ror jnor aawoaa tbia aoaaoa, Ibrvoo baro a wlanar with' out doobt, BAd aa altiactloa ibal ran ba OUaBnaati*. Tolll^ CDL.T.Jkr ADVHTISINQ CO., t,22T Broidny, N. Y, The ClTOUB and Theatre Manager, well Imown as the "Samum' of Cuba, has Leased for Bereral Years, the only KNOWN HKRBTOFUnB AS THB ITRIJOA THEATRE, Ub hurefltud iliob«uMeonpt»l«lr, adoptlDirEanpMO nid Aaeticko noTcUlw id doeontloD, in^htDi ftbftnl- Moi*Tlitau«ktii] Roof a&Td«a, tote kDOWD hereafleru "rUBILLO.NES' JIIBATHR" Miios(«r Kubltlonuhu tr- nved In NkwYork lor ttitt piirpOB« ol oogMiog artliu lor hU t«iabUi*)tni«ni, lJo(leiilniiio|t«tNoTalUe*i,ao(l pialM Ut«7 will nnt bare to dei>«iKl upon iheir lusokg* lor lucctP*. lie In iIko pnptrtd to oegotlAto wltb may Itailloiuo caplialiit u KDArtDsr or r«prcMDl«llTo. It U hlilDt«ollOD lokoop ilie TbCAUo kdiI Ruot Otnlonoptn lhs«Iiolejear around. Tlio loaujural uiieatair nrlll U^a p>c« during tlie flntireak in Oclob«r._PJciBa aTD^t tHanco fti»Deff*ilT«. — _ _ _ _^ ^ _. n>„ „ Add ram uml) Bapt. 3D. H. PUBTLLOHEd, 116 Weat UUi Street; ftfUr that data TlTu RUANb Uaraon atldraiu. Ttairo Pablllooca, llnTaoa, Cul>a. ^'IKIy Sweetheart^ Irene^'*' ^'Be Kind to Papa/' ^'As She Kissed Him at the Door/' ''America's Banner^ Old Glory." QREATE8T PATRIOTIC BONO KVER WRITTKN. 10 centi a copy, llielniling ar> choatnUon. ILSEN St CO., 107 tVott Sixth Slr«el, Clncluntill, Olilo. WM. Amerioa's Representative Comedy Duoa COQM and SACOU ROSE Introduolng Singing, Sanolog, Tumbling, Funny Sayings and Funny Falls, finishing with their Burlesquo and Bolentlflo Boxing Act This Act is a ITovelty. Iffanagers of first class combinations desiring a top line attrao- Hon, address our agent. J. J. A31MBTR0NQ, 10 Union Square, New York. OF^^XjXj hits. LABT WEEK AT KKITH'S BIJOU THEATRE, Pill LA., PA. HXJOHES and F^ItROIX, IN THEIR ORKiiNAL AMD UP TO DATECOUEDV SKETOH. tabloR rooraod tro bowaaner <ach and erriT par- /oniiaoco. llletily compllmenlad by Uta maoaaamoDt and proaa. Uara fair woaba lo Seplambar and Octobar opao loraogtiioinooi. rirat claaa Hoaliaaonlr. Addroaa HUHIIEH' COTTAUIi. Hod Sanlt. N. J. FROJI THE I^EADIIfO ESTABUBIUIBNTS OH* EUROPE. Hil^h Class Sensational Foot EJciullibrlst. A piomlnani faauiro In BPECTACULaB PRODUOTIOMi KINHrEBLCOMI-ANIB-l, VARIETV COUBINATIOKe, HOOK OAllDISNa,FAIBS,BUailBB 0ABDEN8 AXDBIFOSmoNM. „ rofmaaeoiaddr»a,l,Oi>WASUI)inroSSTRBET,Bailon,Ma<<. DOLPH AND SUSIE lEVlNO AX KOSTER AND BIAL'S. OXT AT LIBERTY, BIX YBlARe WITH H. C. MINKR, PAST THRKK YEARS BOWERY A^D EIUUTH AVENUE THEATRES, Rtllable, Capable tnd Eneraello Business or Stage Manager or Advance. Addreu LOU F. SHAW, 10 Union Squars, J. J. ARMSTRONQ, N«w York. "The Dear Old Songs" &. J. Jose's Latest and Sreatest Success. Ouaatlfal Ballad, lattwtaolng ".Ungate fllay" and >*flw«e( Bi»lte Mahon*.*' (t«n< urosramineor canl aiiA lOOt for copy ovorchiMtratton by Dox Cruir«r« CRUGEn OROS., 30 Weat Tw«a(>'-fllghtti btroet, lV«w York. The Onginal ITmatiilla Indian Hei Co., 01 Not. 9, It and 13 Mlant Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Ttie Largest Medicine Co. In Ilia World. WANTED, Compelont Leolurers and Salesmen that can manage their co.'s luoeesslully. ALSO rERrORHKRO »K ALL KINDH THAT CAN CRANOE THhIR SPECIALTIES UPTEN. SUCH AS BANjn pLATKHa NEORO, DUD^H AND IRISH COHEOIANEI, TEKTHILOQUIbTB. ll/IOICIANB. PUKCII AND JUDY, 6BETC11 TEAMB, BONO AND DANCE AET1S1B, Efc., EtA, that aro wiUlDfr U> maka lliomrolraa Qiafbl Id t with Htd. Co *r. Kobowntor mulion need write. Ubto for aala, SEO nood Opara Chain' tbawaroradTarllBlDVwIthHtd. Co'r. uaod only Ihroo moDtlia AddnaaallcomiiiDDlcaUODaUi OR. U. OASrdBLL, aa abOTB. ELLINWOOD'S REPERTOIRE PLAYERS WANTED, A For«1ronBlln« of parlri. Moat iliifrantl Hancr, and b«vttraatllo. (Eucloae iihoto, irponlblf>, -which wllll>« r«tarB«d.) Alao L.KADINO LADY, JliVBNILK WOMAN, COHt:DXAN\VITIItlPBGIALTlE9,CllILD AUTl!3T WITH SPECIAL riES. Vaeful P<iopl(», wrllBa tSeaionof 40 YT«eki. Good warUrobo Indlapenanble* Htat* loweal aalary, hvlght, .wHslit. Enoloau pro- araiufnaa* Foil parlicnlan flnt leil«r. PeoplD who wrote m«wrU« OEaln. Ad- drea« TIIOH. BKMN WOOD, tr«ek of Sept. 3, Chatham, S, Y.| week of Sept. 10» Hodaon, W. Y. WANTED, FOR }} ACTORS AND ACTRESSES OfablUlj, also a First CIssa SUgo Man- ager and MostolBDB for band and or- chestra. Address L. VT. WASUDURN, care CAHERON'S PBINTrNG CO., 67 Ann St, New York Cltj. P. 1,—Mr. Unghar wtIIo, CHANGE OF MMiOEMENT. NOTICE TO MANAeEBS. „i!! >Soklon baralorora mada ror BOOUBB'B OPERA 7^.1? rMiawa)' bf the prtaaot nunagamoDL Band eoa. "«««fjr"»P*'""«'o OEO. T. .HAffTORD. Solo Lo«Bta aad llaBa« or. Perfonnars In all BranclMs of the Circus and Side Show Biz. J*"^ "■••flwria. WtlBOB ah.w—Blay* >»»-t«r. M.larr ,mn. fall PWIeaUraiaanalaHor. Addnia JWS BBOWa, Watt l^lk. Afk. "Maker of Songs, Creator of Artists." J. ALDRIGH LIBBEY. EN TOUR, KEITH'S CIRCUIT, Now SiDgIng to 8 and 4 Encores NlghUr at Keith's RUou Theatre, Phils delplila, the Grand EmotloDoi Balladi "Take Him To Your Heart Again." (Companion riec« to MOXROK H, RO- S£NF£LD*H Beanttna Hona ''With All Her fBulU I Lore Her S 111." The Bloat'ICualalto MInatrel aod Flnt Part Ballad Ever Written. KExtract imm lha BOitTOS ULOBB. "Tbat J. RICH LIBBEY >■ an Aniai ol tha Fint WatflFROfa wKhoBl Mylai. but more Imprauira arao Q)aiiihiB«a*llie capaiila ciioteeor ih<B •xcallootBan- (ooa lo HlecllDir lor hit orailna a a<arUuK nav btlU4, *TAKB Hia TO VOirn HBABT AGAI!!,* wiiicti, wltli Inn inimiubie iQt«rpt«taUon, arokrd ao vp- roirloua appUaaa Irom oTarr perroo Id tba largaaodl- ance." ' advance coplea to lha FrotciiiloD od re CllA§. W. H BLP, 310 yulton Kt. Broohlf p. .V. Y. WANTED AT ONCE, STRONG MEDICINE TALKER. Hnst b» taoparmta and of looil appaarancaL HaalloD aicariaoee ud laUrr- OPEN SEPT. s Address OUAB AU.EK, Katura'i Ramrdr Co., No. & Taiawell 0. II., Va WILL BUY aMACL TEWr, IF OUBAP Notice, to Professionals. THE BEST AND CHE&PXST HOTIX IN N£W TOBK OITT. SoecUl raiaa lo tha profaMloo. Trr me oooaud joa will ceme a<alo. Va&la avrrad at all houra at 979 Bigbth ' LE fBOTOar.FroprUwr. POWER'S OPERA HOUSE, L&MBINOBDBO.H. T. NOW BOOKIKU BEiSON USm Oood opan lima In Sopumbar, 0<U>bor and lalar ror Urn cUaa atlractlHia: eompanlaa canrlDabaod aod ertlw.tfapraranad. ifoar TorrKpprw«ta«i"a, W. A. UtfOHlftLL Amarloaa Tboatneal Buhaaia, 1,UD Iroadwax, or diiMt te r, IBTUS oaain, Kiwa«ar. or Your Mother, Jaok, Bled Here Tf^day." By HARRY Sa MILLER, Vot wlahlnK to ar^a*. ivUlt anjrono, win Bay, 1 AU A LIAR, conaciaanli)^ doit*( ezpMt yoii (n bollevo my cardat au ploaao laqulrv, what aonK tke Iradius alBaoro are aaina aa thvlr **atraii([ aoPB,'* aiirt In aacli caara aa IIBLE.NK MUllA, ItlOGENB COMBII. NEkLIB IIAKL.BV, Ab, BBLLHAN, MAQOIE LBB CI.AIIK, aitd many oth.ra—that 1 woairt lllao to bear ftv.a—yon'll find the BO.Ba la '*A CHVEL HISH," lU ceuta a copy. IN PRESS: "Hiss Dunn," "Love One Another,** "The Tattoo On the Arm," "A Picture of My Dnddy When a Boy," My Irene," "LltUo Dora Dell," "Olil Hannah Drown." THE SONS BOOK PUBUSNER, WILL ROSSITER, Chicago. OUR ROHTBR. Dr. Frank GranVs BIO juinjy. oo.» HAIiDLIlf Q OREOOff IK Of AN nEMBDIES 1.NDBPHN0E.VT. Dr. ORANT. H'R'r. Dr. )I. L. Aflll, Tooib Ritnour. Lfetirrar. Mm r. ORANT, lIAnnV RTArFORD. Vocalilt Irlali Onmadlao Mra. danr Orrllla, lldj ma|lcian: Nra. Praok I.opup, trapataartlit; llanT Orrllle, 7 npeclaltlaii: Prank L^.u- ten, aarlal and blaok (am; ll»« booolaaa woodar, Maitar Ajai, coDiortioolat; 0. Paol; A. Wallace, mitalcal artitt. lodlaoa—Chiaf RaoDlnK Elk, Moantala Piniher, I.litle Dear. fipl\l Uooo, Palllor Crop. A car load ol bama for aala cheap. rrlaDdn write to oa. Addrau 1.ANKAB0R0, UlSS. IC ALL ARTISTS EKOAOED FOR iHE mm nosEBUD to, REPORT AT OPERA UOVSE, Catnllll, K T., SATURDAY, SEPT. 19, ISM, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. H. ALSO WANTED, Good Sketch Team and Sonbrette. Addrraa OEOROE KOBERTB, aiT 8«atla Tealli tit., PHIIadelpbl., Fa. MANASERS, DON'T LOBE VALUABLE TIME Monkojinrwithotiah&raa oocanu. We are'dolor tiie KiNESr TIIINO IS OElSORlPXIVfl: SX^VNON Id the Muolry. Papor attd ararrwhare. Boita lltln or block vork. B<R plaotl Blf capacity I Prompt »»>ii>- iitaolal Noblgdapoaiu. Oar paper haa baan e niatcot to all «ho li«r« Qaad It Pricta aod rrada of vork which 00 lioBH rao compata vlih. TIma (■ »lutrt. Wrlio for raU putlcutara. THE IIENTHICII CO. I.tllio Tiot Piuc*«a. UltevK, ||L THOROUGHLY EXPEfllEMCED iUUIilK UNII m. BBVBIfT&Elf VEARH' EXPERIEilCE IN BUUKLHO AND ROUTINO, AdJrelt ABE arir/, CUrb'a llolal, BoaloD. WANTKO. FOR, "JOSHUA SIMPmS" CO., A. hbst ol&ss double babb AHD TUBA P1.AYER Adtlieas HENO A FORD, Sept, fl, 7, H, Lewlaton, We, WANTED TO PURCHASE, M QUELS on DiMHilES. L. W. WAHUBUBK. «r Aaa BL, Kaw Yolt CM/. A First Class PiaDO Player, UP IN VARIETY BUSINESS. ANIWBR qUIOK II. B. Tl'OKBH, ParlorTbaalra, BprloaOald, Maaa Tke 6rut TEEL, Old, Eiperiewtil and VKBrCLBVBHlUaiOlaH. Awholaaldaahow. A loio wloBoi ttanu a aolld MAXAnEK UR rABTIIEB wiia Bid). Addraaa T. TEEL, 411 Paatb Btiaat, Bria, fa. NEW MUSIC WANTED. WE Mhxnr HSfl. or hew woflic vocal .a.vo w- BTRDMBirrAL. I'uTallableMfiH raiursed. W. K 8WBIT * 00- rob1lihar». n Raada Ht. Ka* Tork HMIAeERS,iAVEMOIIEY. Sndlifof Simla JI.SBEET 8PF.CIAL IiBTTEIt BTAND, IK • rnl/OW). BaatwoitloD.a ^. . E. HOWABtt t,W WaahlsfloB fluaal. Boatoo. Mtm. PrepirtT Ha, il Ubiiti, Strktlj Tiuinli 3^otice To ^arLSLgrexs. CHAMPION LADY SLEIGH BELl PLAYER. ^ , . Bla Rateeaa Tarrsre Oatdea Laat Week. RepeallBR tbe aame at Kotler « Dial'. Ihlaweek. Taoy Paator'a «a follow. Waatrt arre|it wnvaKeuenta laNew Yerkand Tielnlty only, Addraaa QBO. MMAiT, tO« B. I«lli 81., Near York, or lOa Wllloaghby Bt,, Oraobly.t, n. Y. JXJSiiT li^ROM THE WEST. ..LLiE ST. CLA1RS. IX THEIR ICDICROUS SKETCH, ENTITLED The Bachelor and the Maid. Mnnngors nro Invltod to see Ihts act nt Keith's Union Square Theatro. Would Ilko to amin|(e irith first clnH,s vaudeville, ku^le^Mluo or farce roniody. tVEEK OF SEPT. 17 OPEN. Addreaa l*i Baal Kinraiilh Street, or rare Llmait'a TbraUlcal Agrnoy, N., V, City. SWEETER THAN "SWEET MARIE." Half a Million People Have Already Played and Snnff BAYMON MOORE'S "DEAR LOUISE." Published In NEW YORK WORLD, Sunday, S«jiL 2, Coplei le (he proleulon tO oinli. THE LYRA PUBLIBHINQ C0„ Broidwiy Thiitre Building, t,44l Breidwiy, Niw York, l.XOa BH.O-A.ID"W.A.Y, Pff. "ST. OAIIL.IC AUnnKHM. VAl.JUVIL.t.l.JH. in iRTIO Ac «EA.IVIOIV, JVIfMinffei-N. Arllala who oroMol bookait with na will pleaae len.l Iheir pvrtnaneataildreeaaail nppii lliitt,. Mnlingvra dealrotia of proriirlHg ti.e Ipadlilg vanrievlllp atara will dia writ l.y rn.umuttlratlna witll ua. Eirlaalve booking agent. Iter IH Irading vaadr- vllle tlirnlreaaiitl iitaalc Italia of Karopo aud America, llrpreaenled In all perl, of I lie, Arllat. dealrlna BiiropeoH rngogellaeDt. romrannlcale with ua at once, Wanleil at Ouie, NoreUy Aela lor tlto Imperial Ulaalo Hall, N, Y, All commiBBl- cntlnna fur the abiire hoiiae arfdreiB UAVIO KRAVS, llaalneaa Manager, la eareof IinilTIU « HKAMUN, I.IO;! Broadway, New Vork, Liudics uiid Ociitlcmcn Engaged for the PETER MAHER Athletic and Specialty Company PLEASE REPORT FOR REHEARSAL, OLYMPIC THEATRE, I29t:i St..liid 3rd All., Niw York, HNdii, Sept. 17,10 A. V. JAnHM F, WlltID, Maaago'. 3cl cio-t OnG€ FOR DR. BLUE MOUNTAIN JOE'S INDIAN MEDICINE CO., Dirk Rkmnail I<onK Halrad Intllaoa, Rtiuawi Md Pepoora« with eettairtan; Rpaoltllv Paopla «bo era ertlaU aad varratlla; URASri HAND of HIX PINK) who donblelo orcheaira. HaUry mual ba id kaetrlna villi tha tlmac lioC TOO gat It. Waotad for To. Ifo. 6, Plaqo and iirvao Playar vhu can do airelabiM lo abalohah work all riar 'louod, Wouid Ilka to iiaar frum Daadvon^ uiek at ooca rra<|uaniaTa ni Jaa Hauaia Miav *hare jrou ar«. Addrtaaell LAHRV 0. KORINKON. rropTlBtor aod MaoMor, an RrsadWrfM. Aaiuat*. tia. SEND FOR OUB LATEST SUCCESSFUL SONU, "THE LAST MESSAGE TO HIS MOTHER" Sent frne lo ProreiDloiialH, enoloalnir HUnipgnd card orpregrinme. »E0. M. KLENK* CO., I'ahllnhera, W-Raaerod lo S41 E»t S4<h 8t, Haw York. OIS lOAUXH TO MAICE YOtJ LAUGH. Tliat GS-irl, •<«EX A.OQUAINXI01>," THE DHIOIITEHT, naEKZIBUT, MVBLIBMT C'OBIBOV BXTANT. WAKTKO, fllDRlDBeod I>aDotniHoubraite,iiloalaK uid ItancloH HIack Paoe Mao, OharecurCuaiailrnM Han. Laadar «bo can erruie (pluo plarar). Rtele Mtarr, ava, balgbt, ''*i||bt_ani1al{^>art^iiiUra^ i pty board. Ill' _ . km McOliTOnHOW. Ilarlan, lnva, Hapt. 19. OPEN TIME FOR COMBINATIONS. r»OIXTt.ANr>, MH. Hapt. «,A,n, IH, lU. 'AO, M. MtX. I, %, :l, «, A, 0, H, V, ll>, ■«, 17, IH, Sill, •M, 44, M. %\t, 311, ,11. Nov. I, n. A, «, u, 10, lu, sio, Ml, Hit, •»■», !«n, -JT, HH, ao. Dee. 3, 4, 5. A, T, N, II, 14,13,14, in, 17, IN, IV, UU, 41, 44, UOOD TINE OPEN KIIH HTBdMri ATrRAlITIIIKil. KUIt TIHK AT INT ABOVK API'I.Y TO O, K. LUTIIAOP, Dewer and Wathlnglon glreela, noalon,1Haat, ^ ^ BROCUTONT. IMAMtt, Hrpt, 4, n, B, 7, N, 13,14.17, IB, IW, «7,llll, BV. ao^'ai' *"' ' ' 'T, IB, IV, 4U, Nov. k, 4,':i, B, O, 7, N, V, 10,14, in, IB, IT, 3U. Dee. I, 3, 4, S, 0, H, 10, II, 14, 13, 14, ll>, IN, IV, 40, 41, 44, ' ' • > THE NEW WHITE PALACE, MUMKK ANUH'A.MIt.Y 'I'HHAU'RH;. (THE Olrl.V OBlt M THB W<IHI,U,I KAMTON, r»A. _ OR. Wll.l. DAl.R AND HII.LV AgCliCBQTII KailAL, OWNHIIM. WANTED. FOIl UEPT. 17 AND LmR DATCd, ClftlOHITl^^^ AN At PUNCH WOUKEK. AddrcBS all comnunlcaUoiB to JOHN HKOCK. FOR SALE, A BAR6AIN. DEXTER'S COARC TATIOK ACT COHPLETF^Boi. b>lt, cellar, l>ef, loekr, elc. price in. OltblaMtKolil AMlddlatoo vrl(a:"na baat act ol lla claw wa bare arar plaitd or (aao aDroo* •Ua (.laj." Ai«vtnod IIiDdno Hai. 17: rMrltLeekMI, eu. "i>EXTER.''^Woodarlacd Mutaa. Recbaa'ar, H. Y. AMATI^IIIIM Xli"^ LAROR IK)UK BENT fOH ADA I EiLfnf7 10 caair, wiUi parilcuUia l*w to Biartia iba aho* boflnvia atid lairo all blwla of aci«, toialliaf wllb lUoitreird look ux ■i|lr al|ht oav t^x\%. K JddraH JOh.s 0. B 'HEIfil.BR. riatalanj. Olilo WANrKU-A UKkcrf ir lha ■imoiritplar *T*r »nttar» 'Trontieb life." Htoaaara frla«i* aaod Tt^oi varr baat ilai*. Addrrta rttAHK OlLMUBE. Nn. II P.. ftjloinlla Are. Phlla., 'a. WANTED. A Fei Mwa 6iMfil PiffHRen ABO HUalUAl, NEB. Mm wolb lor aalar, 1. mtti- MISCELLANEOUS. ^ CDCE *«Ml4>raaUplfr .||S rnEE **uala t'MT t™* rf»4«alikepipw. ,H)|C«I Ut»Mi mm* II l« M>llb 1*^ vMf r«ll MW »b4 \Htm, •■4 «■ d<klrJ«««lf4.goU«bM»ri»iT<b«a bj %tfitm im mnluilM, m4 If yMiklabll||afU)U arPMraar^w ■■F|tl.WjHB«ai<li Mt nr MstU rk^|iuM;aa4llUyftftr W«Hai fttiriWMiub aar guiMM ikrt fMMartiaraH MaarUaw allkla I aM y«w II atfi atiMwlMi, wd II I yoa all m ruM U« m\» af tU *• vrll |Ui Oea PteaB Wffta ri w, H v« akin arai mK MBfUa im u Uyt Mir. AMt«a